1 00:00:25,332 --> 00:00:29,874 You're born, you live and you die. 2 00:00:31,874 --> 00:00:33,541 There are no do-overs, 3 00:00:33,666 --> 00:00:38,207 no second chances to make things right if you frak 'em up the first time. 4 00:00:38,291 --> 00:00:40,291 Not in this life, anyway. 5 00:00:46,249 --> 00:00:50,832 This is the Battlestar Pegasus, to the ship claiming to be the Galactica. 6 00:00:50,999 --> 00:00:54,707 The Pegasus? How could that be? The entire fleet was destroyed. 7 00:00:55,457 --> 00:00:59,166 Admiral Cain, we had no idea there were other survivors. 8 00:00:59,332 --> 00:01:02,624 On behalf of the officers and the crew of the Pegasus, 9 00:01:02,749 --> 00:01:05,416 welcome back to the Colonial fleet. 10 00:01:05,541 --> 00:01:08,999 What they did to you was wrong, evil. 11 00:01:09,124 --> 00:01:12,416 What you need is justice. 12 00:01:15,957 --> 00:01:18,332 Frak you. 13 00:01:18,874 --> 00:01:23,124 And she died knowing that her ship and her crew were safe 14 00:01:23,249 --> 00:01:26,624 and that her mission had been accomplished. 15 00:01:27,207 --> 00:01:32,707 Nothing was more important to her than her ship, her crew and her mission. 16 00:01:33,207 --> 00:01:37,874 And as I take command of Pegasus, I pledge to uphold those values 17 00:01:37,999 --> 00:01:42,791 that made her such an effective and heroic leader. 18 00:01:42,957 --> 00:01:47,874 Word of Fisk's murder has spread. A crew can fall apart when their commander dies. 19 00:01:47,999 --> 00:01:52,582 - Pegasus lost two in a matter of weeks. - I'm putting Garner in command. 20 00:01:52,749 --> 00:01:55,166 Commander Garner, two ships jumped in. 21 00:01:55,332 --> 00:01:57,499 Nukes inbound, we're under attack. 22 00:01:57,624 --> 00:02:01,332 We need those FTLs fixed soon, or we're dead. 23 00:02:01,457 --> 00:02:04,582 I need to go down there. 24 00:02:05,666 --> 00:02:08,082 Sir, we've lost Garner. 25 00:02:10,749 --> 00:02:13,707 He sacrificed himself to save the Pegasus. 26 00:02:13,832 --> 00:02:16,332 Garner was my decision. 27 00:02:16,457 --> 00:02:19,666 His failure is my responsibility. 28 00:02:19,832 --> 00:02:23,957 Congratulations, Commander. The Pegasus is your command. 29 00:02:26,582 --> 00:02:32,041 Like I said, you make your choices and you live with them. 30 00:02:32,166 --> 00:02:35,249 And in the end you are those choices. 31 00:03:27,582 --> 00:03:31,582 I swear, you're like a kid on his first day of school. 32 00:03:31,707 --> 00:03:34,999 You'll make me regret having you along, aren't you? 33 00:03:35,166 --> 00:03:39,041 - Every chance I get. - ...welcome the new commander: 34 00:03:39,166 --> 00:03:41,582 Commander Lee Adama. 35 00:03:47,624 --> 00:03:50,916 Thank you, Madam President, Admiral Adama. 36 00:03:51,082 --> 00:03:54,707 Eight months ago, the world changed. Our lives changed forever. 37 00:03:56,041 --> 00:04:00,957 We found ourselves with responsibilities we never thought we'd have. 38 00:04:01,082 --> 00:04:03,082 Duty. 39 00:04:03,207 --> 00:04:04,957 Honour. 40 00:04:05,082 --> 00:04:08,249 Service. They're more than words. 41 00:04:08,374 --> 00:04:11,999 Those are the guiding principles for those in the military. 42 00:04:12,124 --> 00:04:15,749 And recently, all have been in short supply on this ship. 43 00:04:15,874 --> 00:04:19,582 That's gonna change, beginning today. 44 00:04:19,749 --> 00:04:25,582 We can't choose our circumstances, but we can choose how we handle them. 45 00:04:25,707 --> 00:04:30,791 I intend to give you my all. I expect nothing less in return. 46 00:04:30,957 --> 00:04:33,707 I've already appointed Kara Thrace as my acting CAG, 47 00:04:33,832 --> 00:04:37,707 I'll be making other officer and duty assignments in the coming days, 48 00:04:37,832 --> 00:04:39,832 as I review your... 49 00:04:48,332 --> 00:04:53,582 The more things change, the more they stay the same, huh, Gus? 50 00:06:03,957 --> 00:06:05,957 Come in. 51 00:06:09,082 --> 00:06:12,041 Lieutenant Kendra Shaw reporting as ordered, sir. 52 00:06:12,582 --> 00:06:15,082 At ease, Lieutenant. Have a seat. 53 00:06:15,207 --> 00:06:18,374 No, thank you. Frankly, I'm used to standing in this room. 54 00:06:20,332 --> 00:06:23,957 Yeah. Admiral Cain apparently wasn't big on chairs. 55 00:06:25,082 --> 00:06:29,832 Even dead, she'll cast a shadow. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that. 56 00:06:29,957 --> 00:06:31,166 Sir. 57 00:06:33,582 --> 00:06:37,499 I've been reviewing the sitreps for the ship's officers. 58 00:06:38,207 --> 00:06:40,374 Frankly, you're a puzzle. 59 00:06:41,541 --> 00:06:44,874 Top ratings from Cain, who clearly thought the world of you. 60 00:06:44,999 --> 00:06:48,541 Then a whole series of negative reports from Fisk, then Garner, 61 00:06:48,624 --> 00:06:53,541 who demoted you to kitchen duty for "persistent insubordinate behaviour". 62 00:06:53,957 --> 00:06:56,624 So the question is: Who are you? 63 00:07:04,624 --> 00:07:08,832 - Kendra Shaw. - Shaw? That mean your mother was... 64 00:07:08,957 --> 00:07:11,207 Foreign delegate Martha Shaw. 65 00:07:11,332 --> 00:07:15,207 - Cue drum roll, thank you. - Well, she'd be proud of you. 66 00:07:15,332 --> 00:07:19,916 Pegasus? Half the officers on this base were killed who got posted to that ship. 67 00:07:20,041 --> 00:07:23,707 It's just temporary. I've got my eye set on Fleet Command. 68 00:07:24,374 --> 00:07:27,957 Couple of years baby-sitting Admiral Cain, I should be able to call my own shots. 69 00:07:28,082 --> 00:07:30,332 Sounds like you got your career mapped out. 70 00:07:30,499 --> 00:07:34,374 Well, I just don't see myself spending the rest of my life on a Battlestar. 71 00:07:34,707 --> 00:07:35,749 Good luck. 72 00:07:36,249 --> 00:07:40,916 Shuttle to Scorpion shipyard, now boarding at holding area 23. 73 00:08:02,374 --> 00:08:04,374 Come in. 74 00:08:11,457 --> 00:08:13,624 That's your idea of vacation reading? 75 00:08:13,749 --> 00:08:17,874 - What? Is that your idea of a hobby? - Yeah, it is. 76 00:08:17,999 --> 00:08:21,999 So, have you figured out how you're going to spend your shore leave? 77 00:08:23,624 --> 00:08:26,207 I was thinking about maybe going home to Tauron to visit some friends, 78 00:08:26,291 --> 00:08:28,541 but I haven't made any definite plans yet, no. 79 00:08:28,666 --> 00:08:31,832 In that case, how about spending some time with us on Gemenon? 80 00:08:32,416 --> 00:08:35,332 I know the girls would love to see you. 81 00:08:35,999 --> 00:08:38,332 Come on, Helena, you deserve a break. 82 00:08:38,457 --> 00:08:40,791 You've been going full tilt for over a year. 83 00:08:40,957 --> 00:08:44,582 I've got a repair list as long as my arm, plus our networks are gonna be down. 84 00:08:44,707 --> 00:08:48,207 I don't like putting Pegasus at the mercy of civilian contractors. 85 00:08:48,374 --> 00:08:53,749 All right, listen to your X0. Once in a while, it's OK to get off the treadmill. 86 00:08:55,749 --> 00:08:58,082 I will think about it. 87 00:09:00,041 --> 00:09:02,416 - I'll think about it. - OK. 88 00:09:18,166 --> 00:09:19,749 Helena! 89 00:09:19,874 --> 00:09:22,541 No! Helena! 90 00:09:46,374 --> 00:09:50,166 Raptor 179, you're cleared for docking bay 3. 91 00:09:50,332 --> 00:09:53,624 Roger that, Pegasus, we have the ball. 92 00:10:13,707 --> 00:10:17,999 Excuse me, could you please point me towards... 93 00:10:40,499 --> 00:10:43,541 Excuse me, could you please show me... 94 00:10:43,707 --> 00:10:47,499 - Looking for the CIC? - Yes. How did you know? 95 00:10:47,624 --> 00:10:50,832 You've got that "new officer needing to report to a CO" look. 96 00:10:52,457 --> 00:10:55,999 One of the benefits of being a network administrator. 97 00:10:56,124 --> 00:10:59,832 This is us. This is where you need to be. 98 00:11:02,707 --> 00:11:05,541 - You're a life-saver. Kendra Shaw. - Gina lnvier. 99 00:11:05,666 --> 00:11:10,749 Invier? That's Old Gemenese for "resurrection", isn't it? 100 00:11:10,916 --> 00:11:13,541 One of the benefits of being a lapsed classics major. 101 00:11:13,666 --> 00:11:15,916 Guess you never know when that might be handy. 102 00:11:16,082 --> 00:11:20,082 - Welcome to Pegasus, Lieutenant. - Thank you. 103 00:11:37,916 --> 00:11:40,832 Lieutenant Kendra Shaw reporting for duty, sir. 104 00:11:40,957 --> 00:11:44,666 - Did you enjoy your coffee, Lieutenant? - My coffee? 105 00:11:44,791 --> 00:11:48,249 Just say yes so we don't get off on the wrong foot. 106 00:11:48,416 --> 00:11:50,499 Yes, sir. 107 00:11:50,666 --> 00:11:51,791 Good. 108 00:11:51,957 --> 00:11:56,166 You see, because I figure that you either got lost on your way to CIC, 109 00:11:56,291 --> 00:12:00,166 or you stopped for coffee, and frankly, I'd rather think it was coffee 110 00:12:00,332 --> 00:12:03,707 than realise my new aid can't find her way around a Battlestar. 111 00:12:03,874 --> 00:12:07,124 - Sir, I've just arrived... - I'm not finished speaking. 112 00:12:13,291 --> 00:12:18,916 I know why you're here. You think this job is a stepping stone to a still better one. 113 00:12:19,041 --> 00:12:22,082 So let me guess, you had your mother pull some strings... 114 00:12:22,207 --> 00:12:27,207 - My mother's dead. She died of cancer. - Yes, I know. I read the papers. 115 00:12:27,374 --> 00:12:31,166 And while I'm very sorry for your loss, you'd be well advised 116 00:12:31,332 --> 00:12:34,957 to make that the last time you attempt to play on my sympathies. 117 00:12:35,124 --> 00:12:39,041 Between you and me, I'm feeling a hell of a lot sorrier for myself. 118 00:12:39,707 --> 00:12:41,874 - Mr Hoshi. - Sir? 119 00:12:42,041 --> 00:12:45,207 Can you please direct this lieutenant to her quarters? 120 00:12:45,332 --> 00:12:48,207 - Yes, sir. - You're dismissed. 121 00:12:51,041 --> 00:12:53,041 Lieutenant. 122 00:12:59,666 --> 00:13:02,457 - A little mid-morning snack? - Yeah. 123 00:13:02,582 --> 00:13:05,707 - I'm gonna be in my quarters. - Yes, sir. 124 00:13:10,624 --> 00:13:12,707 The beauty of a network system is 125 00:13:12,832 --> 00:13:15,416 you can control any part of the ship from any other. 126 00:13:15,541 --> 00:13:17,582 The system's down now for the retrofit, 127 00:13:17,749 --> 00:13:20,166 but it's like having unlimited backups. 128 00:13:20,291 --> 00:13:23,082 - Assuming no one hits the wrong button. - Not on Cain's ship. 129 00:13:23,207 --> 00:13:26,832 Puts the fear of the gods into everyone, does she? 130 00:14:20,082 --> 00:14:22,416 Are you OK? 131 00:14:29,457 --> 00:14:32,416 Come on, soldier. Get up! On your feet. 132 00:14:32,582 --> 00:14:34,832 Hoshi! Hoshi! 133 00:14:38,957 --> 00:14:41,457 OK, follow me to CIC. Come on! 134 00:15:13,374 --> 00:15:17,832 - Here's another one. Seal the hatches! - What the hell hit us? 135 00:15:17,957 --> 00:15:21,041 From the readings, looks like nuclear detonation. 136 00:15:21,166 --> 00:15:25,832 Cylons. It has to be. But they've broken the armistice and sparked an attack. 137 00:15:25,999 --> 00:15:28,166 At least we still have our power. 138 00:15:28,291 --> 00:15:33,332 Dradis is erratic, weapons are offline. We have to do everything manually. 139 00:15:50,707 --> 00:15:53,124 I want all hatches sealed. 140 00:15:53,249 --> 00:15:56,082 Docking connections severed. 141 00:16:08,582 --> 00:16:12,457 - Lieutenant, boot up our FTL drive. - Yes, sir. 142 00:16:12,582 --> 00:16:16,957 We're preparing for an emergency jump, everyone! 143 00:16:17,082 --> 00:16:19,374 Insert jump key. 144 00:16:22,874 --> 00:16:26,666 Sir, two more nukes headed straight for us. Estimate 20 seconds to impact. 145 00:16:26,832 --> 00:16:30,291 FTL spooling, but without the computer we can't calculate a safe jump. 146 00:16:30,416 --> 00:16:34,832 - Don't bother calculating, just do it. - A blind jump? We might end up in a sun. 147 00:16:38,457 --> 00:16:40,874 - Missiles closing. - It doesn't matter where, 148 00:16:40,999 --> 00:16:44,124 just frakking do it, Lieutenant! 149 00:16:50,124 --> 00:16:52,541 - FTL online. - Five seconds. 150 00:16:52,707 --> 00:16:54,957 Lieutenant, now! 151 00:17:02,124 --> 00:17:05,124 Who am I? I'm a soldier. 152 00:17:05,249 --> 00:17:11,457 As for Fisk and Garner, neither of them deserved my respect so they didn't get it. 153 00:17:11,582 --> 00:17:15,291 - Can you be more specific? - Fisk was a black market sellout, 154 00:17:15,416 --> 00:17:18,416 a piece of garbage unworthy of the uniform. 155 00:17:18,541 --> 00:17:21,832 Garner was a martinet who tried to micromanage this ship 156 00:17:21,957 --> 00:17:24,457 like it was some bulky piece of machinery. 157 00:17:24,624 --> 00:17:28,957 Hard to dispute either assessment. What about me? 158 00:17:30,249 --> 00:17:34,124 Don't hold back just because I've got a pulse. 159 00:17:35,666 --> 00:17:38,041 You're a step up. 160 00:17:38,499 --> 00:17:42,957 Doesn't change the fact that you're an outsider brought in to clean up our mess. 161 00:17:43,582 --> 00:17:46,791 Or the impression that your daddy just gave you a Battlestar, 162 00:17:46,916 --> 00:17:49,832 like he was tossing you the keys to a new car. 163 00:17:53,457 --> 00:17:56,582 You certainly don't disappoint, Lieutenant. 164 00:18:02,624 --> 00:18:05,582 So how would you like to be my new X0? 165 00:18:09,541 --> 00:18:10,749 Sir? 166 00:18:10,916 --> 00:18:13,957 One thing I learnt from my father before he tossed me the keys, 167 00:18:14,082 --> 00:18:16,666 is that a commander needs a strong right arm. 168 00:18:16,791 --> 00:18:20,082 I need to send a message to the crew that I respect Cain's legacy, 169 00:18:20,207 --> 00:18:22,457 even if the truth is that I don't. 170 00:18:22,582 --> 00:18:27,749 I'm no Cain, but I intend to give this crew their pride back. 171 00:18:28,874 --> 00:18:31,791 So I'll let you carry her torch. 172 00:18:32,916 --> 00:18:34,916 Deal? 173 00:18:40,666 --> 00:18:44,207 In that case, Major, you're out of uniform. 174 00:18:48,582 --> 00:18:50,582 Dismissed. 175 00:19:12,291 --> 00:19:14,374 Ten, nine, 176 00:19:15,291 --> 00:19:17,707 eight, seven, 177 00:19:18,374 --> 00:19:20,457 six, five, 178 00:19:21,957 --> 00:19:24,207 four, three, 179 00:19:25,124 --> 00:19:26,874 two, one. 180 00:19:26,999 --> 00:19:28,916 You're done. 181 00:19:30,791 --> 00:19:33,832 - You think that weapon's ready to fire? - Yes, sir. 182 00:19:33,957 --> 00:19:37,749 Ready to bet your life on that, soldier? The lives of all your buddies? 183 00:19:37,832 --> 00:19:39,957 Sir... 184 00:19:40,124 --> 00:19:42,124 Yes, sir. 185 00:19:44,624 --> 00:19:47,041 Then fire your weapon. 186 00:19:47,207 --> 00:19:49,916 Are you deaf, soldier? I said fire your frakking weapon. 187 00:20:09,207 --> 00:20:11,207 Again. 188 00:20:14,374 --> 00:20:19,124 I didn't think it possible you could find an X0 meaner than Saul Tigh. 189 00:20:19,291 --> 00:20:21,624 Yeah, she's tough. 190 00:20:21,749 --> 00:20:25,374 - But I think we needed tough. - Any ruffled feathers? 191 00:20:25,499 --> 00:20:29,041 Well, she and Kara don't exactly get along. 192 00:20:29,916 --> 00:20:33,207 I'd like to sell tickets to that dance. 193 00:20:34,332 --> 00:20:38,291 Just remember that an X0 is not a blunt instrument. 194 00:20:38,416 --> 00:20:42,249 The two of you have to make up a team. That takes trust. 195 00:20:42,582 --> 00:20:45,541 We trust each other to do our jobs. 196 00:20:45,707 --> 00:20:47,707 I guess that's a start. 197 00:20:50,499 --> 00:20:54,041 Now that your house is in order, I've a mission for you. 198 00:20:54,207 --> 00:20:59,582 Against my better judgment, I let a science team take a Raptor from us, 199 00:20:59,707 --> 00:21:03,082 go out to study a supernova remnant. 200 00:21:03,249 --> 00:21:05,416 They're overdue. 201 00:21:05,541 --> 00:21:08,332 I want you to track their course, see what you turn up. 202 00:21:08,457 --> 00:21:11,082 There are three civilians, two pilots. 203 00:21:11,207 --> 00:21:13,374 And if we run into the Cylons? 204 00:21:14,916 --> 00:21:18,041 It's a search and rescue mission. 205 00:21:18,166 --> 00:21:21,041 Don't get into a battle that you don't wanna fight. 206 00:21:21,166 --> 00:21:24,749 That being said, use your own judgment. 207 00:21:26,041 --> 00:21:28,041 This is your command. 208 00:21:41,291 --> 00:21:43,999 Nothing to the right of me, or to the left. 209 00:21:44,499 --> 00:21:46,291 I feel like I'm drowning in nothing. 210 00:21:46,457 --> 00:21:49,707 Come on, Showboat, sing out. Let me know I got company. 211 00:21:51,249 --> 00:21:54,624 Sing out? What, you mean like a song? 212 00:21:54,749 --> 00:22:00,624 - I've got 99 Bottles of Ambrosia. - Damn, Showboat. You're taking me back. 213 00:22:00,749 --> 00:22:02,749 Road trip. 214 00:22:11,874 --> 00:22:13,624 Thank you. 215 00:22:16,082 --> 00:22:19,457 - Pass me the circuit board. - There you go. 216 00:22:24,332 --> 00:22:26,999 Sickbay just lost another two. 217 00:22:28,124 --> 00:22:31,166 - That brings our casualties to what? - 723. 218 00:22:32,499 --> 00:22:35,541 That's more than a quarter of our crew. 219 00:22:36,249 --> 00:22:41,457 - What's our fighter status? - 12 Vipers destroyed and two Raptors. 220 00:22:41,957 --> 00:22:45,916 Another 17 ships too badly damaged to be repaired. 221 00:22:47,041 --> 00:22:49,041 What else? 222 00:22:51,166 --> 00:22:55,166 We've tried to keep a lid on what we learnt from comm traffic before it stopped. 223 00:22:55,291 --> 00:22:57,791 But rumours keep leaking out. 224 00:22:58,291 --> 00:23:00,999 - We need facts, not supposition. - I agree. 225 00:23:01,124 --> 00:23:04,416 We're four, maybe five plotted jumps back to the colonies. 226 00:23:05,166 --> 00:23:08,457 I don't imagine you wanna risk the whole ship for a recon run. 227 00:23:08,582 --> 00:23:12,832 Send two Raptors, tell them not to engage the enemy. I want information only. 228 00:23:12,957 --> 00:23:14,874 Yes, sir. 229 00:23:15,041 --> 00:23:19,207 Ready to reboot nav and defence computer systems. Stand by. 230 00:23:30,082 --> 00:23:31,582 Lieutenant. 231 00:23:31,707 --> 00:23:35,957 Admiral. The helm's weapons and FTL computers are back online 232 00:23:36,082 --> 00:23:38,499 and I know how the Cylons took down our defence grid. 233 00:23:38,666 --> 00:23:42,582 These lines of code in the new navigation program we're about to upload 234 00:23:42,749 --> 00:23:47,249 have been designed to create a back door that could enable an enemy to access it. 235 00:23:47,416 --> 00:23:50,457 It could introduce a virus that affects the entire network? 236 00:23:50,582 --> 00:23:52,916 Yep. Luckily, ours was already down, 237 00:23:53,041 --> 00:23:57,207 but I suggest that we keep it that way, even after we've purged the program. 238 00:23:58,957 --> 00:24:02,582 All right, Lieutenant, it's your ball, run with it. 239 00:24:02,707 --> 00:24:05,791 Maybe you're not quite as useless as I thought. 240 00:24:05,916 --> 00:24:09,874 - How long have you been at your station? - I don't know, sir. I guess I never left. 241 00:24:11,374 --> 00:24:15,791 You might want to consider getting some rec time, it's two days since the attack. 242 00:24:16,749 --> 00:24:17,957 Sir. 243 00:24:20,082 --> 00:24:22,791 Sir, I'm sorry. 244 00:24:22,916 --> 00:24:26,707 I'm sorry about the way I behaved when the nukes hit. I was scared. 245 00:24:26,874 --> 00:24:30,124 Actually, I was terrified and froze. 246 00:24:30,624 --> 00:24:33,124 You're not afraid any more, are you? 247 00:24:33,249 --> 00:24:35,874 - No, sir. - Good. 248 00:24:35,999 --> 00:24:39,541 You hold on to that anger and you keep that close. 249 00:24:39,707 --> 00:24:44,291 It'll stop you being afraid the next time and tell you what you have to do. 250 00:24:44,749 --> 00:24:46,582 Lieutenant, button up. 251 00:25:56,374 --> 00:25:58,374 This is your admiral. 252 00:26:02,541 --> 00:26:06,041 I know there have been a lot of rumours going around 253 00:26:06,207 --> 00:26:11,041 about the destruction that's been visited on our home worlds by the Cylons. 254 00:26:12,416 --> 00:26:17,499 I would like to tell you that they're exaggerations, but in fact... 255 00:26:18,457 --> 00:26:23,041 it doesn't even come close to conveying the horror that's been unleashed upon us. 256 00:26:23,999 --> 00:26:29,791 The facts are that our colonies have been destroyed... 257 00:26:31,499 --> 00:26:33,916 our cities have been nuked... 258 00:26:34,707 --> 00:26:36,957 and our Heat's gone too. 259 00:26:39,166 --> 00:26:43,332 So far, there are no indications of any other survivors. 260 00:26:45,957 --> 00:26:50,707 I imagine you're all asking yourselves the same question I am. 261 00:26:52,999 --> 00:26:55,291 What do we do now? 262 00:26:56,249 --> 00:26:58,249 Do we run? 263 00:26:59,957 --> 00:27:01,957 Do we hide? 264 00:27:05,332 --> 00:27:08,791 I think those are the easy choices. 265 00:27:12,082 --> 00:27:14,666 A philosopher once said: 266 00:27:14,791 --> 00:27:19,791 "When faced with untenable alternatives, you should consider your imperative. " 267 00:27:22,707 --> 00:27:24,874 Look around you. 268 00:27:27,249 --> 00:27:30,207 Our imperative is right here. 269 00:27:31,374 --> 00:27:36,374 In our bulkheads, in our planes, in our guns... 270 00:27:37,082 --> 00:27:39,749 and in ourselves. 271 00:27:39,874 --> 00:27:42,291 War is our imperative. 272 00:27:43,791 --> 00:27:49,332 And if victory seems like an impossibility, then there is something else to reach for. 273 00:27:50,041 --> 00:27:52,041 Revenge. 274 00:27:53,707 --> 00:27:55,332 Payback. 275 00:27:58,291 --> 00:28:00,541 So we will fight. 276 00:28:01,291 --> 00:28:05,874 Because in the end, it's the only alternative our enemies have left us. 277 00:28:07,291 --> 00:28:09,957 I say let's make these murdering things 278 00:28:10,082 --> 00:28:13,249 understand that as long as this crew and this ship survive, 279 00:28:13,374 --> 00:28:17,499 that this war that they started will not be over. 280 00:28:21,291 --> 00:28:23,291 Thank you. 281 00:28:27,749 --> 00:28:29,374 So say we all. 282 00:28:30,457 --> 00:28:33,582 - So say we all. - So say we all! 283 00:28:35,166 --> 00:28:38,707 - So say we all. - So say we all. 284 00:28:38,832 --> 00:28:42,291 - So say we all. - So say we all. 285 00:29:10,999 --> 00:29:14,207 Comm relay... That looks like some kind of frakked-up can-opener. 286 00:29:14,332 --> 00:29:16,832 We think it's guarded by a half-dozen Raiders. 287 00:29:16,957 --> 00:29:20,082 - That's all? - They're not expecting anyone to attack. 288 00:29:20,207 --> 00:29:22,957 Gentlemen, you're looking at our first target. 289 00:29:23,082 --> 00:29:26,166 Nice work finding it, Lieutenant. 290 00:29:26,291 --> 00:29:29,166 Thanks. I had help. 291 00:29:29,291 --> 00:29:32,082 - Speak of the devil. - Hello, Gina. 292 00:29:32,207 --> 00:29:34,374 Welcome. 293 00:29:36,249 --> 00:29:39,166 Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Miss Gina lnvier. 294 00:29:39,291 --> 00:29:43,499 Miss lnvier and Lieutenant Shaw have been working together to upgrade our systems. 295 00:29:43,624 --> 00:29:46,124 Before that, she was supervising our retrofit. 296 00:29:46,291 --> 00:29:49,999 I must say, she's proven herself invaluable in both capacities. 297 00:29:50,166 --> 00:29:53,624 - Well, you certainly set a beautiful table. - Thank you. 298 00:29:53,791 --> 00:29:57,166 Everyone, please have a seat. Please. 299 00:29:57,291 --> 00:30:01,707 I think it's important for ship's officers to get together every once in a while. 300 00:30:01,791 --> 00:30:05,416 Share some food, some wine, some good conversation. Helps morale. 301 00:30:05,499 --> 00:30:09,624 Not to mention it's the only time we get to park our butts in a chair around here. 302 00:30:09,749 --> 00:30:14,499 Now that you're all here, I would like to take a moment to say a few words. 303 00:30:18,332 --> 00:30:24,166 In all seriousness, I said some things before in the heat of emotion, 304 00:30:25,332 --> 00:30:28,666 things that I felt this crew needed to hear. 305 00:30:29,166 --> 00:30:31,416 But I don't want any of you, for one moment, 306 00:30:31,582 --> 00:30:37,957 to think that I would ever risk lives or resources in some mad quest for revenge. 307 00:30:41,707 --> 00:30:47,832 My plan is to wage an all-out classic guerrilla war campaign. 308 00:30:47,957 --> 00:30:51,499 I want to find their weak links and I want to hit them hard. 309 00:30:51,624 --> 00:30:55,791 As they say, the best defence is a good of fence. 310 00:30:56,999 --> 00:30:59,541 Well, then, here's to a good of fence. 311 00:30:59,666 --> 00:31:03,457 - And to kicking some Cylon ass. - Hear, hear. 312 00:31:21,041 --> 00:31:22,707 Almost done here. 313 00:31:22,832 --> 00:31:25,874 I don't know how we're going to firewall all these systems by tomorrow 314 00:31:25,957 --> 00:31:27,832 unless we split up. 315 00:31:27,957 --> 00:31:30,832 And you're the only one with the access codes. 316 00:31:30,957 --> 00:31:34,707 Well, we can speak to the admiral about raising your security clearance. 317 00:31:37,332 --> 00:31:40,666 Here I thought we were being so discreet. 318 00:31:40,999 --> 00:31:44,457 I guess that's hard when you truly care for someone. 319 00:31:44,582 --> 00:31:48,416 Program's uploaded. You need to input your code. 320 00:31:51,666 --> 00:31:54,166 Alpha-one-niner-six-gamma-one. 321 00:31:56,666 --> 00:31:59,082 To satisfy your curiosity, 322 00:31:59,249 --> 00:32:03,291 we met a few months ago, when I presented the plans for the retrofit. 323 00:32:03,666 --> 00:32:06,999 We spent a lot of time working out the details, 324 00:32:07,082 --> 00:32:10,124 and one thing led to the other. 325 00:32:10,791 --> 00:32:13,416 You seem so surprised. 326 00:32:13,541 --> 00:32:18,999 - Cain seems so self-sufficient. - She has needs, just like the rest of us. 327 00:32:19,124 --> 00:32:21,624 No one can survive entirely on their own. 328 00:32:21,791 --> 00:32:26,166 Trust me, Lieutenant, in the end we're all just human. 329 00:32:32,082 --> 00:32:35,457 I've got 99 Bottles of Ambrosia. 330 00:32:35,624 --> 00:32:38,291 Damn, Showboat, you're taking me back. 331 00:32:38,416 --> 00:32:42,999 Does she ever shut up? She's gonna set a bad example for the other pilots. 332 00:32:43,124 --> 00:32:47,249 As long as she sets a good example with her flying, we'll come out ahead. 333 00:32:47,374 --> 00:32:52,707 Sir, multiple dradis contacts bearing 399-carom-620. 334 00:32:52,832 --> 00:32:57,749 - Fighter size... unknown configuration. - Raiders, has to be. 335 00:32:57,916 --> 00:33:01,916 We got company. Pegasus, Starbuck, where the hell did these guys come from? 336 00:33:02,582 --> 00:33:06,124 Starbuck, actual. You and Showboat double-time back to the nest. 337 00:33:06,291 --> 00:33:10,249 On our way. I don't like these odds. Showboat, stay with me. 338 00:33:10,332 --> 00:33:14,166 Defensive batteries, selective fire only. Watch out for our people. 339 00:33:14,332 --> 00:33:16,499 Prep for jump as soon as we recover our birds. 340 00:33:16,582 --> 00:33:18,957 Aye, sir. 341 00:33:26,666 --> 00:33:31,416 These ships... I can almost see 'em. There's something weird about 'em. 342 00:33:35,999 --> 00:33:39,124 Sir, shouldn't we launch alert Vipers and engage? 343 00:33:39,249 --> 00:33:42,707 - That's not why we're here, Major. - Sir, we... 344 00:33:45,749 --> 00:33:47,832 If we spot our missing ship, we go after her. 345 00:33:47,999 --> 00:33:51,291 Otherwise, we jump out of here and report back to Galactica. 346 00:33:51,666 --> 00:33:53,874 Pegasus, we got ourselves a problem. 347 00:33:53,999 --> 00:33:56,832 Our new friends don't wanna say goodbye. 348 00:33:56,999 --> 00:34:01,082 Sir, FTL crew reports power failure in the main navigational computer. 349 00:34:01,207 --> 00:34:03,291 You gotta be kidding me! 350 00:34:04,249 --> 00:34:07,457 Let's go to emergency backup. We need those jump coordinates. 351 00:34:10,291 --> 00:34:13,249 They're all over us! We can't break free! 352 00:34:15,207 --> 00:34:18,624 Ensign, direct all batteries to commence full auto fire, close range. 353 00:34:21,541 --> 00:34:22,916 Now, ensign! 354 00:34:28,124 --> 00:34:31,082 - What the frak? - We're inside their firing solution. 355 00:34:31,207 --> 00:34:35,416 No frakking kidding. Open up with all you got. We're gonna shoot ourselves a hole. 356 00:34:35,541 --> 00:34:38,332 - Is that gonna work? - No, but it'll make you feel better. 357 00:34:48,666 --> 00:34:51,166 Frak! 358 00:35:04,041 --> 00:35:06,541 Son of a bitch! 359 00:35:11,624 --> 00:35:13,916 It's like she was trying to get us killed. 360 00:35:13,999 --> 00:35:18,666 Major Shaw has the authority to take any action necessary to protect this ship. 361 00:35:18,791 --> 00:35:22,249 - She's a loose cannon. - And she's also the X0. 362 00:35:22,374 --> 00:35:25,832 And frankly, ordering that barrage probably saved your skin. 363 00:35:25,957 --> 00:35:28,999 - Forgive me if I don't say thanks. - Look, Kara, just... 364 00:35:29,082 --> 00:35:30,207 Don't. 365 00:35:33,707 --> 00:35:36,749 You wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking? 366 00:35:36,832 --> 00:35:41,249 That was a nice bit of flying, but I'd think twice about questioning tactical orders. 367 00:35:41,374 --> 00:35:44,874 Tactical orders? That's what you call blowing the crap out of your own pilots? 368 00:35:46,832 --> 00:35:50,499 Questioning orders is a bad idea on this ship, Captain. 369 00:35:54,541 --> 00:35:57,457 - How many Raiders? - Reading 12 signatures. 370 00:35:57,541 --> 00:35:59,624 That's more than we anticipated. 371 00:35:59,749 --> 00:36:03,374 One squadron should be able to handle them and destroy the target. 372 00:36:03,957 --> 00:36:05,957 Launch Blue Squadron. 373 00:36:12,707 --> 00:36:15,874 - Sir, new contacts. - What the hell? 374 00:36:15,999 --> 00:36:20,082 There's a lot of jamming, but I'm reading 15 full squadrons of Raiders. 375 00:36:20,166 --> 00:36:23,541 They must have jumped in right as we launched our fighters. 376 00:36:23,874 --> 00:36:26,541 This isn't a con relay, this is a staging ground. 377 00:36:26,666 --> 00:36:29,082 Recall the Vipers, sir? Sir? 378 00:36:34,832 --> 00:36:36,916 Two minutes to contact. 379 00:36:37,041 --> 00:36:40,082 The Cylons knew we were coming. We have to recover the Vipers 380 00:36:40,207 --> 00:36:43,249 - and jump out of here while we can. - No. 381 00:36:43,374 --> 00:36:47,624 Scramble the reserves. Order them to provide cover while Blue attacks. 382 00:36:47,749 --> 00:36:51,957 - They'll be outnumbered four to one. - A squadron of Raiders is inbound. 383 00:36:52,082 --> 00:36:54,791 Activate defensive batteries. 384 00:36:54,916 --> 00:36:58,207 Not responding. The network's locked us out of our weapons grid. 385 00:36:58,332 --> 00:37:00,582 Then have gun crews assume manual control. 386 00:37:00,707 --> 00:37:04,957 Admiral, we are hugely outnumbered and now our own weapons grid won't respond. 387 00:37:05,124 --> 00:37:07,207 What more proof do we need this is a trap? 388 00:37:07,374 --> 00:37:09,999 All the more reason to launch everything we've got. 389 00:37:17,374 --> 00:37:19,874 This is exactly what you said we wouldn't do. 390 00:37:20,374 --> 00:37:25,499 Even if we succeed, is this relay really worth the lives and planes it will cost? 391 00:37:25,666 --> 00:37:29,457 Mr Belzen, are you refusing to carry out my orders? 392 00:37:33,457 --> 00:37:35,916 Sir, I cannot in good conscience obey them. 393 00:37:39,457 --> 00:37:42,082 Mr Belzen, give me your sidearm. 394 00:37:42,624 --> 00:37:45,416 - Sir. - I said, "Give me your sidearm." 395 00:37:46,666 --> 00:37:48,541 Now! 396 00:38:06,332 --> 00:38:07,749 Gods! 397 00:38:11,874 --> 00:38:13,249 Colonel Fisk. 398 00:38:14,749 --> 00:38:16,832 Colonel Fisk! 399 00:38:21,749 --> 00:38:23,749 You are now my X0. 400 00:38:25,666 --> 00:38:28,624 My order still stands. Will you execute it? 401 00:38:33,582 --> 00:38:35,707 This is the X O. 402 00:38:36,457 --> 00:38:38,957 Launch all remaining squadrons. 403 00:38:55,749 --> 00:38:58,832 The controls on airlocks four, ten and twelve have gone active. 404 00:38:58,957 --> 00:39:05,374 - We're being boarded by the Cylons. - Colonel, fire up the fast response teams. 405 00:39:05,499 --> 00:39:08,249 Lieutenant, get to secondary damage control. 406 00:39:08,374 --> 00:39:12,957 They're gonna try and vent our air before we have a chance to fight back. 407 00:39:38,749 --> 00:39:40,749 Go! 408 00:39:49,166 --> 00:39:51,416 They're coming this way, killing everyone! 409 00:39:51,541 --> 00:39:54,332 Go to CIC, you'll be safe. 410 00:40:21,166 --> 00:40:23,499 What the frak? 411 00:40:47,249 --> 00:40:49,749 You, step away from the admiral! 412 00:40:49,874 --> 00:40:54,374 - Lieutenant! - I said step away from the admiral. Now! 413 00:40:54,499 --> 00:40:58,124 - You two, take her into custody. - Belay that. What the hell is going on? 414 00:40:58,291 --> 00:41:03,041 - She's helping us with the weapons grid. - No, she wasn't, sir. She's a Cylon spy. 415 00:41:03,207 --> 00:41:04,957 Oh, for God's sake. 416 00:41:06,957 --> 00:41:11,291 Mr Hoshi. Can you please show us the security feed from airlock four? 417 00:41:11,416 --> 00:41:14,999 This is crazy. I don't know what she thought she saw, but... 418 00:41:21,082 --> 00:41:22,916 My gods! 419 00:41:24,416 --> 00:41:27,874 - Get that thing off my bridge. - Yes, sir. 420 00:41:44,999 --> 00:41:47,332 Act like officers, godsdammit. 421 00:41:47,457 --> 00:41:49,874 You got everybody watching you on this deck. 422 00:42:03,957 --> 00:42:06,749 Where the hell did they come from? 423 00:42:14,124 --> 00:42:18,416 Been a long time since I've seen one of these outside a museum. 424 00:42:20,499 --> 00:42:24,916 - And you say the entire fleet jumped you? - They came out of nowhere. 425 00:42:27,874 --> 00:42:31,749 - You must find this terribly disturbing. - Why would you assume that? 426 00:42:31,916 --> 00:42:34,999 Well, it can't be pleasant. Confronted with all the evidence 427 00:42:35,124 --> 00:42:40,999 that in the not-so-distant past, your people really were walking appliances. 428 00:42:41,374 --> 00:42:46,499 These models served a purpose. They liberated us from our human oppressors. 429 00:42:47,707 --> 00:42:50,207 Having achieved that worthy goal, 430 00:42:50,332 --> 00:42:53,957 you chose to emulate said oppressors even more closely. 431 00:42:54,082 --> 00:42:56,332 God made man in His image. 432 00:42:56,457 --> 00:43:02,166 Why shouldn't humanity's children acknowledge their debt to their creator? 433 00:43:02,791 --> 00:43:04,957 Besides, 434 00:43:05,124 --> 00:43:10,666 these bodies allow us to better appreciate His creation in all its glory. 435 00:43:11,666 --> 00:43:13,999 Amen to that. 436 00:43:14,499 --> 00:43:16,832 Why would the Cylons resurrect a machine 437 00:43:16,957 --> 00:43:20,499 that by their standards is hopelessly obsolete? 438 00:43:20,749 --> 00:43:23,041 Maybe they didn't resurrect it. 439 00:43:25,291 --> 00:43:28,041 Maybe they were out here all along. 440 00:43:28,416 --> 00:43:30,749 There's something you wanna tell us? 441 00:43:30,874 --> 00:43:36,249 There are references in our databases to a force of Centurions called Guardians. 442 00:43:36,416 --> 00:43:38,957 Early models that escaped being scrapped. 443 00:43:39,082 --> 00:43:42,457 - What did these Guardians guard? - A hybrid. 444 00:43:42,582 --> 00:43:45,541 An entity that represents a first step in our evolution 445 00:43:45,666 --> 00:43:48,957 from pure machines to organic beings. 446 00:43:49,082 --> 00:43:51,166 From them to us. 447 00:43:51,291 --> 00:43:56,291 - A Cylon missing link? - More like an evolutionary dead end. 448 00:43:56,457 --> 00:44:00,791 Other hybrids were created before the experiment was abandoned, 449 00:44:00,916 --> 00:44:03,332 but this one was the first. 450 00:44:03,457 --> 00:44:09,582 And some think it's still alive, protected by these Guardians. 451 00:44:10,957 --> 00:44:14,916 And that it's still somehow seeking its own way to evolve. 452 00:44:16,082 --> 00:44:18,874 The last operation of the war, 453 00:44:18,999 --> 00:44:24,874 Galactica was part of a task force that destroyed a Cylon base. 454 00:44:24,999 --> 00:44:31,374 I was on that mission. The Cylons were supposedly building a super weapon. 455 00:44:41,666 --> 00:44:45,749 Husker, Banzai. Godsdammit, where are you? 456 00:44:45,874 --> 00:44:48,916 I got 'em, Banzai. Break left on my mark. 457 00:44:50,874 --> 00:44:52,957 Now! Break, break, break! 458 00:45:01,124 --> 00:45:05,374 Husker, Banzai. Form up and regroup with the squadron. 459 00:45:09,166 --> 00:45:13,041 Banzai, Husker. Looks like Columbia's defences are down. 460 00:45:16,041 --> 00:45:20,041 All Vipers, it's Banzai. Columbia needs our help. Clean house. 461 00:45:23,832 --> 00:45:26,916 Check your nine, there's two headed for the main ship's defence zone. 462 00:45:27,749 --> 00:45:30,749 Driving a hard right turn. Right behind them now! 463 00:45:30,874 --> 00:45:33,541 We're right behind them! 464 00:45:34,707 --> 00:45:37,291 - Break left! Break left! - I got him! 465 00:45:37,416 --> 00:45:41,916 - Go get him, Adama. He's yours. - This cocksucker's mine. 466 00:45:53,582 --> 00:45:57,166 - Smashed one flying toaster. - Clear Columbia airspace. 467 00:45:57,291 --> 00:46:01,082 All clear. Break clear, right frakking now! 468 00:46:05,749 --> 00:46:07,249 The Columbia is gone! 469 00:46:07,332 --> 00:46:09,291 Oh, my gods, Columbia is gone! 470 00:46:15,541 --> 00:46:17,374 Gods! 471 00:46:24,166 --> 00:46:27,791 I have two bandits turning tail. Husker pursuing. 472 00:46:32,582 --> 00:46:35,332 Are you crazy? This is no time to go off by yourself. 473 00:46:35,457 --> 00:46:37,457 Don't be a hero, Adama! 474 00:46:49,707 --> 00:46:50,999 Got you! 475 00:46:59,499 --> 00:47:01,541 Where are you, frakker? 476 00:47:05,082 --> 00:47:07,082 Come on! Come on! 477 00:48:07,291 --> 00:48:09,207 Come on, motherfrakker! 478 00:49:35,541 --> 00:49:37,791 Frakker. 479 00:51:26,166 --> 00:51:31,499 All this has happened before, and it will happen again. 480 00:52:02,332 --> 00:52:04,416 Is someone in there? 481 00:52:05,541 --> 00:52:09,541 Help us. Help us. They left us here. 482 00:52:10,082 --> 00:52:11,957 Don't leave us here, please. 483 00:52:12,124 --> 00:52:14,457 I'm gonna get you out of there. 484 00:52:15,374 --> 00:52:17,541 We're civilians. 485 00:52:18,207 --> 00:52:21,416 We're traders, from Gemenon. 486 00:52:21,582 --> 00:52:25,207 They jumped our convoy, they destroyed our escort, took us all prisoner. 487 00:52:26,207 --> 00:52:30,874 There were 50 of us, but they've been taking us away one by one. 488 00:52:31,041 --> 00:52:32,957 We could hear the others screaming. 489 00:52:33,499 --> 00:52:37,582 We didn't know what was happening. Please, you've got to get us out of here. 490 00:52:38,666 --> 00:52:40,249 I'm trying. 491 00:52:40,374 --> 00:52:42,749 The door must be welded shut. 492 00:52:45,541 --> 00:52:49,666 - What is it? What's happening? - I don't know. Feels like a quake. 493 00:52:49,791 --> 00:52:51,707 The place is starting to come apart. 494 00:53:00,874 --> 00:53:03,291 I got it. 495 00:53:06,082 --> 00:53:09,416 It's still stuck. I can't open it any wider. 496 00:53:15,541 --> 00:53:18,374 You gotta go... You gotta go get help. 497 00:53:18,499 --> 00:53:22,207 - I'll stay here. - No, you can't do it by yourself. Just go! 498 00:53:22,374 --> 00:53:27,041 Tell them what happened to us. Our ship was the Diana. From Gemenon. 499 00:53:27,207 --> 00:53:30,749 - Just tell them. - Stay here, you'll be trapped too. 500 00:53:30,916 --> 00:53:32,832 Go! 501 00:53:39,207 --> 00:53:42,207 Go! Go! Save yourself! 502 00:53:42,791 --> 00:53:44,791 Go! 503 00:54:09,124 --> 00:54:11,249 Galactica, Husker. 504 00:54:12,082 --> 00:54:14,707 Galactica, this is Husker. Do you copy? 505 00:54:14,999 --> 00:54:17,249 Roger that. Report status. 506 00:54:17,416 --> 00:54:19,249 I crashed on the surface. 507 00:54:19,416 --> 00:54:21,582 They were making something down here, 508 00:54:21,749 --> 00:54:26,249 experimenting on people to do it. They're getting away with what they built. 509 00:54:26,374 --> 00:54:29,707 Husker... Husker, the war is over. 510 00:54:31,332 --> 00:54:34,624 What? Galactica, repeat! 511 00:54:34,707 --> 00:54:38,207 The war is over. An armistice was just signed. 512 00:54:38,374 --> 00:54:41,582 Activate your beacon and we'll send you the starbird. 513 00:54:41,749 --> 00:54:43,916 Husker, respond. 514 00:54:44,041 --> 00:54:48,749 They escaped with it, right before they signed the armistice. 515 00:54:50,124 --> 00:54:52,624 If this hybrid still exists 516 00:54:52,749 --> 00:54:55,374 and it's captured some of our people... 517 00:54:55,499 --> 00:54:57,916 I don't wanna think about it. 518 00:55:01,916 --> 00:55:05,082 Baltar and Tyrol were able to pull the Raider's computer 519 00:55:05,249 --> 00:55:10,832 and download the ship's navigational data, extrapolate a possible base location. 520 00:55:10,957 --> 00:55:14,666 It's more likely to be a ship. That's where we'll find our Raptor crew. 521 00:55:14,832 --> 00:55:17,541 It's two or three jumps from where you were attacked. 522 00:55:17,666 --> 00:55:21,791 I was just telling the commander that we can't afford to commit both battlestars. 523 00:55:21,916 --> 00:55:26,166 Which is why I'm temporarily transferring my flag to Pegasus. 524 00:55:26,541 --> 00:55:29,499 - You're going along? - You're still in command. 525 00:55:29,624 --> 00:55:33,499 Let's just say I have a personal stake in this mission. 526 00:55:35,374 --> 00:55:40,124 - A mission based on a Cylon legend. - It's not a legend, son. 527 00:55:41,332 --> 00:55:44,666 I was in the place where they made that thing. 528 00:55:45,166 --> 00:55:47,332 I saw what they did to make it. 529 00:55:48,332 --> 00:55:53,124 We're not gonna let this happen again. Not to our own people. 530 00:55:56,707 --> 00:55:58,707 Well, I'll... 531 00:55:58,874 --> 00:56:02,082 I'll have my X0 start preparing an attack plan. 532 00:56:02,207 --> 00:56:06,749 I'm afraid that brings up another matter, Commander. 533 00:56:11,916 --> 00:56:16,416 Misdirection is the key. Pegasus jumps right into the hornet's nest. 534 00:56:16,582 --> 00:56:21,082 They swarm us with their Raiders, we'll let them think they've taken out our FTL, 535 00:56:21,249 --> 00:56:24,957 before moving off at sub-light speed, drawing them away. 536 00:56:25,124 --> 00:56:28,207 That's when my strike team jumps in. 537 00:56:32,457 --> 00:56:34,957 It's a risky plan, but I guess you know that. 538 00:56:35,082 --> 00:56:36,832 Remember, it's search and rescue. 539 00:56:36,957 --> 00:56:40,416 Find our people, set your nuke, get back in one piece. 540 00:56:40,582 --> 00:56:42,582 Who's piloting the Raptor? 541 00:56:42,749 --> 00:56:46,791 Captain Thrace. No other pilot I can trust to pull this off. 542 00:56:48,541 --> 00:56:51,499 Well, I guess the question is whether I can trust you. 543 00:56:51,957 --> 00:56:54,374 The president believes under Cain you were involved 544 00:56:54,457 --> 00:56:58,416 in an incident aboard a civilian transport called Scylla. 545 00:56:58,749 --> 00:57:01,957 An incident in which ten people were executed. Is it true? 546 00:57:15,124 --> 00:57:16,957 I said, is it true? 547 00:57:17,082 --> 00:57:20,041 I was there. I guess that's enough to indict me. 548 00:57:22,999 --> 00:57:24,291 Why didn't you tell me? 549 00:57:24,416 --> 00:57:27,874 You said you wanted to send a message to this ship's crew 550 00:57:27,999 --> 00:57:30,332 about respecting Cain's legacy. 551 00:57:30,457 --> 00:57:32,957 I am Cain's legacy. 552 00:57:33,082 --> 00:57:35,916 I'm alive because of the choices she made. 553 00:57:36,082 --> 00:57:37,916 So is everyone else on this ship. 554 00:57:38,041 --> 00:57:39,999 I'll tell you something else... 555 00:57:40,082 --> 00:57:42,457 Cain wouldn't have blinked twice at this plan. 556 00:57:42,582 --> 00:57:47,416 Cos she knew that you don't win battles, never mind wars, without risking lives. 557 00:57:47,582 --> 00:57:49,332 Are you finished? 558 00:57:49,874 --> 00:57:53,582 Yes, sir. If you'd like my resignation, you can have it. 559 00:57:54,582 --> 00:57:56,957 It'd be easier, wouldn't it? 560 00:57:57,666 --> 00:58:00,499 Then you could go back to wallowing in self-pity, 561 00:58:00,624 --> 00:58:05,082 cos poor Kendra is the only officer in the fleet who ever had to make a hard call. 562 00:58:05,541 --> 00:58:09,166 Well, it's not gonna fly, Major, not while I'm in command. 563 00:58:09,582 --> 00:58:11,749 The plan's risky, 564 00:58:11,874 --> 00:58:14,582 but right now you're the only game in town. 565 00:58:14,707 --> 00:58:17,374 So complete your mission, Major. 566 00:58:17,916 --> 00:58:20,499 Your plan's approved. 567 00:58:36,499 --> 00:58:40,957 This is Adriatic. Got another load of solid waste taking up our cargo hold. 568 00:58:41,082 --> 00:58:43,832 This is Adriatic... 569 00:58:43,957 --> 00:58:45,791 We're back with Gaius Baltar. 570 00:58:45,916 --> 00:58:49,624 Doctor, people once thought of Pegasus as the answer to prayers. 571 00:58:49,707 --> 00:58:51,374 Were they wrong? 572 00:59:03,124 --> 00:59:07,291 The final casualty report lists 816 dead, 121 injured. 573 00:59:07,416 --> 00:59:09,749 32 Vipers destroyed, 61 badly damaged. 574 00:59:09,874 --> 00:59:13,332 The acting chief says we don't have enough parts to repair them all. 575 00:59:13,707 --> 00:59:17,249 That's a rather high price for a tactically insignificant victory. 576 00:59:17,374 --> 00:59:21,624 I wouldn't say insignificant, sir. I'd say we put the enemy on notice. 577 00:59:21,749 --> 00:59:25,999 - The price we paid is my fault. - How do you figure that, Lieutenant? 578 00:59:26,124 --> 00:59:32,332 I gave her... it my access codes. It used them to override our security lockouts. 579 00:59:32,499 --> 00:59:35,791 You gave it something far more important than that. 580 00:59:35,916 --> 00:59:38,332 You gave it your trust, as did I. 581 00:59:38,457 --> 00:59:43,999 But this thing really knows how to manipulate human emotion. 582 00:59:44,582 --> 00:59:46,332 It preys on it. 583 00:59:51,041 --> 00:59:53,207 Lieutenant Thorne. 584 00:59:55,832 --> 01:00:00,332 I want you to interrogate our Cylon prisoner, find out everything it knows. 585 01:00:02,499 --> 01:00:06,457 And since it's so adept at mimicking human feeling, 586 01:00:06,582 --> 01:00:10,999 I'm assuming that its software is vulnerable to them as well, so... 587 01:00:11,957 --> 01:00:14,791 pain, yes, of course... 588 01:00:17,582 --> 01:00:19,499 degradation... 589 01:00:19,999 --> 01:00:22,749 fear... shame. 590 01:00:23,332 --> 01:00:25,832 I want you to really test its limits. 591 01:00:27,791 --> 01:00:30,207 Be as creative as you feel you need to be. 592 01:00:30,332 --> 01:00:32,499 Yes, sir. 593 01:00:32,624 --> 01:00:35,999 Lieutenant Thorne, access granted. 594 01:00:43,791 --> 01:00:48,124 Admiral Cain to CIC. Admiral Cain to CIC. 595 01:00:51,332 --> 01:00:54,041 Lieutenant, you're with me. 596 01:01:02,457 --> 01:01:03,749 Colonel, sitrep. 597 01:01:03,874 --> 01:01:08,707 We just detected a fleet of ships broadcasting Colonial lFF signatures. 598 01:01:08,916 --> 01:01:12,291 Sir, they're civilians. 599 01:01:13,874 --> 01:01:17,249 - A civilian fleet? - 15 ships, sir. 600 01:01:17,374 --> 01:01:20,666 The captain's gone ahead to intercept. 601 01:01:26,041 --> 01:01:29,082 Lieutenant, I want you to contact those ships' captains, 602 01:01:29,207 --> 01:01:33,291 ask for crew and passenger manifests, along with the ships' schematics 603 01:01:33,416 --> 01:01:37,207 - and inventories of weapons and parts. - Yes, sir. 604 01:01:38,749 --> 01:01:41,999 Colonel, I want you to assemble teams of engineers and marines 605 01:01:42,166 --> 01:01:44,957 and have them board each of those ships. 606 01:01:46,499 --> 01:01:48,207 Sir, are we... 607 01:01:48,374 --> 01:01:51,416 We're gonna take everything we need from those ships. 608 01:01:51,541 --> 01:01:56,624 Once they realise our intent, there'll be resistance, so we need to act quickly. 609 01:01:59,707 --> 01:02:03,332 Colonel, if you have a problem with any of this, I need to hear it now. 610 01:02:06,124 --> 01:02:09,416 - No. - Get to work. 611 01:02:40,249 --> 01:02:44,124 - Permission to come aboard. - Permission granted. Welcome. 612 01:02:44,291 --> 01:02:48,166 We've prayed for this. The last time the Cylons found us we lost four ships, 613 01:02:48,332 --> 01:02:50,166 but now, thank gods, you found us. 614 01:02:50,291 --> 01:02:54,374 Mr Laird, Admiral Cain ordered me to give you this. 615 01:02:56,291 --> 01:02:57,374 What is it? 616 01:02:57,541 --> 01:03:02,624 A list of materials and passengers to be transferred to the Pegasus immediately. 617 01:03:02,749 --> 01:03:05,374 Your name is on the list. 618 01:03:06,749 --> 01:03:09,249 MY name? 619 01:03:09,374 --> 01:03:13,291 Wait. You wanna take our FTL drives. We'll be helpless. 620 01:03:14,082 --> 01:03:18,624 As I said, we're adding some of your people to our crew. 621 01:03:19,166 --> 01:03:23,207 So... you're gonna decide, just like that, who lives and who dies? 622 01:03:23,374 --> 01:03:27,541 We'll make whatever accommodations we can, but you have to understand... 623 01:03:27,707 --> 01:03:29,791 we're at war. 624 01:03:29,916 --> 01:03:32,791 Military need must take priority. 625 01:03:33,666 --> 01:03:37,166 No. I don't understand. They're... 626 01:03:37,249 --> 01:03:43,332 They're gonna take what they want and leave us to fend for ourselves. 627 01:03:44,124 --> 01:03:47,916 You can't do that. You can't do it. 628 01:03:48,582 --> 01:03:51,082 Listen, all of you! 629 01:03:52,541 --> 01:04:00,457 We have orders to transfer the crewmen and the equipment on that list to Pegasus. 630 01:04:00,582 --> 01:04:05,582 We have no wish to harm anyone, but we will use force if necessary. 631 01:04:06,707 --> 01:04:09,624 No. No. 632 01:04:10,749 --> 01:04:13,707 You can't do that. You can't do that. 633 01:04:16,041 --> 01:04:19,332 - Keep them back! - You're here to help us. 634 01:04:19,499 --> 01:04:21,832 You can't do that. 635 01:04:42,749 --> 01:04:45,166 Ship-to-ship call from Colonel Fisk. 636 01:04:45,291 --> 01:04:47,874 What's going on? We're already behind schedule. 637 01:04:47,999 --> 01:04:51,124 Sir, they're denying us access to the rest of the ship. 638 01:04:51,249 --> 01:04:55,999 We're not dealing with just individuals, sir, we have whole families here. 639 01:05:00,124 --> 01:05:05,499 Then tell them you'll shoot the families of any selectee who doesn't comply. 640 01:05:06,041 --> 01:05:10,791 Sir, did I hear you correctly? You don't seriously mean... 641 01:05:10,916 --> 01:05:13,416 Just get it done, Colonel. 642 01:05:18,166 --> 01:05:20,666 Corporal. 643 01:05:20,832 --> 01:05:24,707 Get these people on the deck and get them lined up. 644 01:05:28,499 --> 01:05:32,041 - No! Not my boy! - We have orders... 645 01:05:32,207 --> 01:05:37,957 to shoot the families of any selectee who refuses to return with us. 646 01:05:38,082 --> 01:05:40,582 We will carry out this order 647 01:05:40,707 --> 01:05:44,582 unless those individuals are brought forward now. 648 01:05:44,707 --> 01:05:50,124 - You're supposed to protect us! - I repeat, we will carry out this order. 649 01:05:50,249 --> 01:05:52,416 We will shoot these people. 650 01:05:54,874 --> 01:05:58,749 What are we doing, sir? Sir? 651 01:06:09,624 --> 01:06:12,791 Colonel Fisk to Pegasus. 652 01:06:12,916 --> 01:06:16,707 Colonel Fisk to Pegasus. 653 01:06:18,957 --> 01:06:20,791 No! 654 01:06:21,249 --> 01:06:23,499 My Son! 655 01:06:23,624 --> 01:06:25,874 It's over. 656 01:06:26,874 --> 01:06:30,874 The whole fleet has word of what happened here. 657 01:06:31,541 --> 01:06:34,749 There won't be any more resistance. 658 01:06:41,124 --> 01:06:43,832 Why did they do this? 659 01:07:24,707 --> 01:07:29,082 Colonial One to Raptor 359er. Clear for docking approach. 660 01:07:29,207 --> 01:07:33,624 Colonial One to Raptor 359er. Clear for docking approach. 661 01:07:34,916 --> 01:07:39,582 Galactica to shuttle. You are cleared for landing... 662 01:07:58,666 --> 01:08:02,207 So the XO's human after all. 663 01:08:04,291 --> 01:08:08,832 I used to do that myself, scrub through the wireless bands. 664 01:08:09,499 --> 01:08:11,999 Reminds you you're not alone out here. 665 01:08:16,166 --> 01:08:18,166 Got any more? 666 01:08:20,041 --> 01:08:21,874 More of what? 667 01:08:22,041 --> 01:08:25,416 Whatever you're about to stick in your neck. 668 01:08:26,332 --> 01:08:29,291 You don't miss much, do you? 669 01:08:32,791 --> 01:08:35,582 Whatever floats your boat, right? 670 01:08:35,707 --> 01:08:40,457 I came down here looking for a loose bottle, you came down here for... 671 01:08:41,166 --> 01:08:44,332 Guess we're both just trying to take the edge off, right? 672 01:08:45,082 --> 01:08:47,416 Guess so. 673 01:08:47,541 --> 01:08:52,624 That's good, cos I'd hate to think that Lee's new X0 can't handle the pressure, 674 01:08:52,749 --> 01:08:55,457 maybe wants to get busted back to peeling potatoes. 675 01:08:55,582 --> 01:08:59,457 I'd hate to think Lee's favourite pilot wants to find herself scrubbing floors 676 01:08:59,582 --> 01:09:01,499 for pilfering ship stores. 677 01:09:05,124 --> 01:09:09,957 You keep my secret, sir, I'll keep yours. 678 01:09:40,874 --> 01:09:46,374 Unconfirmed reports attribute President Roslin's miraculous recovery... 679 01:09:46,499 --> 01:09:50,124 I've seen officers happier about promotion. 680 01:09:50,249 --> 01:09:55,582 I am happy, sir. I guess I just don't know what I've done to deserve it. 681 01:09:56,749 --> 01:10:00,916 Don't, Captain. Don't do it. Don't look back. 682 01:10:05,041 --> 01:10:09,999 Sometimes we have to leave people behind so that we can go on, 683 01:10:11,374 --> 01:10:14,374 so that we can continue to fight. 684 01:10:18,832 --> 01:10:21,332 Girls, down! 685 01:10:25,707 --> 01:10:28,457 Go! Go! Go! Go! 686 01:10:28,582 --> 01:10:30,166 Let's go! Let's go! 687 01:10:35,332 --> 01:10:39,124 No! No! We gotta go! Come on! 688 01:10:43,041 --> 01:10:46,166 Come on. 689 01:10:51,457 --> 01:10:55,582 Helena, now listen to me. You've got to get your sister to a shelter. 690 01:10:55,707 --> 01:10:58,332 Go. You're gonna protect her now. Go. 691 01:10:58,457 --> 01:11:00,957 Dad! 692 01:11:01,249 --> 01:11:02,624 Dad. 693 01:11:07,166 --> 01:11:09,416 Come on. 694 01:11:14,874 --> 01:11:19,124 - Come on, Lucy, get up! Get up! - I can't! I can't! 695 01:11:26,666 --> 01:11:29,416 Come on, Lucy! Come on! 696 01:11:30,249 --> 01:11:32,332 - Helena! - Come on! 697 01:11:32,416 --> 01:11:35,832 - Helena! - Come on, Lucy, get up! 698 01:11:35,999 --> 01:11:39,082 Helena! No! 699 01:11:39,791 --> 01:11:42,041 Helena! 700 01:11:42,207 --> 01:11:44,207 No! 701 01:11:52,874 --> 01:11:56,499 Helena! Helena! 702 01:12:33,332 --> 01:12:36,624 Come on! What are you waiting for? 703 01:12:53,666 --> 01:12:56,041 They retreated! 704 01:12:56,166 --> 01:12:58,416 - Lucy! - The field's clear. Come on out. 705 01:12:58,582 --> 01:13:00,582 - Lucy! - The war's over! 706 01:13:00,707 --> 01:13:02,541 Lucy! 707 01:13:20,832 --> 01:13:23,749 Sometimes we have to do things... 708 01:13:26,957 --> 01:13:30,041 that we never thought we were capable of. 709 01:13:32,374 --> 01:13:35,666 If only to show the enemy our will. 710 01:13:36,374 --> 01:13:39,207 Yesterday you showed me... 711 01:13:40,499 --> 01:13:42,749 that you were capable 712 01:13:42,874 --> 01:13:46,582 of setting aside your fear, setting aside your hesitation... 713 01:13:48,082 --> 01:13:50,874 and even your revulsion... 714 01:13:51,832 --> 01:13:58,124 every natural inhibition that in battle can be the difference between life and death. 715 01:14:11,166 --> 01:14:13,582 When you can be this... 716 01:14:15,624 --> 01:14:18,999 for as long as you have to be... 717 01:14:21,124 --> 01:14:23,957 then you're a razor. 718 01:14:38,541 --> 01:14:42,916 This war is forcing us all to become razors, 719 01:14:43,041 --> 01:14:46,332 because if we don't, we don't survive. 720 01:14:49,249 --> 01:14:52,707 And then we don't have the luxury of becoming simply human again. 721 01:14:52,832 --> 01:14:55,707 Do you understand me? 722 01:15:01,082 --> 01:15:02,916 Good. 723 01:15:06,041 --> 01:15:09,416 Well done. Congratulations, Captain. 724 01:15:18,666 --> 01:15:23,166 President Roslin's recent executive order outlawing abortion led to a demonstration... 725 01:15:27,582 --> 01:15:32,249 - Chief said he already checked our mods. - He told me the same thing. 726 01:15:33,374 --> 01:15:35,791 Hope for the best, plan for the worst, 727 01:15:35,916 --> 01:15:38,749 as my mom, the sergeant major, used to say. 728 01:15:38,874 --> 01:15:41,541 That all she taught you? 729 01:15:42,791 --> 01:15:46,416 Fear gets you killed, anger keeps you alive. 730 01:15:46,541 --> 01:15:49,666 Admiral Cain said the same thing. 731 01:15:49,832 --> 01:15:52,082 She said to me once: 732 01:15:52,207 --> 01:15:55,582 "if you can be this for as long as you have to be, 733 01:15:56,207 --> 01:15:58,666 you're a razor." 734 01:15:59,957 --> 01:16:02,124 A weapon can't feel fear, 735 01:16:02,291 --> 01:16:05,999 has no regrets, just is. 736 01:16:06,166 --> 01:16:09,082 Those two would've gotten along just fine. 737 01:16:09,207 --> 01:16:12,124 Course, my mom was full of crap about a lot of things. 738 01:16:12,249 --> 01:16:16,332 Held onto her anger so tight that in the end that's all she had left. 739 01:16:16,457 --> 01:16:18,541 She died alone. 740 01:16:20,082 --> 01:16:23,374 If you ask me, fear, anger... 741 01:16:23,832 --> 01:16:26,499 two sides of the same coin. 742 01:16:26,957 --> 01:16:29,374 You gotta let go of both. 743 01:16:32,624 --> 01:16:35,666 You wanna hand me that wrench? 744 01:16:42,416 --> 01:16:44,082 Set condition one throughout the ship. 745 01:16:44,207 --> 01:16:47,666 All strike team personnel report to their aircraft. 746 01:16:58,332 --> 01:17:02,124 Portside hull breaches. Deck four, frames 12 through 14. 747 01:17:02,291 --> 01:17:05,249 Damage control crews are sealing them off now. 748 01:17:05,374 --> 01:17:08,832 I'd say that's enough of that. Get the FTL offline. 749 01:17:08,957 --> 01:17:12,832 - Bring her around, heading 161-carom-0. - Sir. 750 01:17:20,124 --> 01:17:24,207 - They're pursuing, sir. - Well, let's hope they keep it up. 751 01:17:27,541 --> 01:17:32,124 Looks like they bought it. Now let's go get our Raptor crew. 752 01:17:33,082 --> 01:17:35,707 Maybe this'll be easier than we thought. 753 01:17:36,957 --> 01:17:40,332 Guess again. Two bandits inbound. Showtime, people. 754 01:17:45,082 --> 01:17:46,916 Ready? 755 01:18:10,707 --> 01:18:13,291 Go! Go! Go! 756 01:18:17,957 --> 01:18:20,207 Go! Go! Go! 757 01:18:25,082 --> 01:18:26,999 Enemy battalion destroyed. 758 01:18:27,166 --> 01:18:31,499 All wings regroup and continue pursuit of Battlestar Pegasus. 759 01:18:31,582 --> 01:18:33,457 By your command. 760 01:18:38,916 --> 01:18:41,374 Gunny, report. 761 01:18:42,166 --> 01:18:43,999 Red Squad all accounted for. 762 01:18:44,124 --> 01:18:47,416 Speak for yourself, Sarge. I'm still counting fingers and toes. 763 01:18:47,582 --> 01:18:51,124 Knock it off, Hudson. Red Squad, form up on me. 764 01:18:51,249 --> 01:18:54,291 Ain't it grand when a plan comes together? 765 01:18:54,416 --> 01:18:56,749 Red Squad, on my mark, 766 01:18:56,874 --> 01:18:59,207 fire thrusters. 767 01:19:03,791 --> 01:19:07,666 They're blessed, if they've come for me. 768 01:19:07,832 --> 01:19:12,916 I feel their lives, their destinies spilling out before me. 769 01:19:13,082 --> 01:19:16,041 They will deny me the one true path, 770 01:19:16,207 --> 01:19:19,582 played out in a world not their own. 771 01:19:19,749 --> 01:19:22,541 It will end soon enough. 772 01:19:30,166 --> 01:19:33,541 Red One, Pegasus. 773 01:19:33,666 --> 01:19:37,166 Red One, this is Pegasus actual. Report mission and team status. 774 01:19:37,332 --> 01:19:40,624 We were able to access an airlock in one of the radial arms, 775 01:19:40,791 --> 01:19:43,791 proceeding towards the corner. Contact, no casualties. 776 01:19:43,916 --> 01:19:48,124 Stay frosty. No telling how many toasters they left watching the house. 777 01:19:48,249 --> 01:19:51,957 Shut your yap, Hudson. Maybe we won't have to find out. 778 01:19:52,082 --> 01:19:53,832 What are you reading on thermals? 779 01:19:53,957 --> 01:19:56,707 One heat source. Could be biological. 780 01:19:56,832 --> 01:19:58,999 Near the core, but that's all. 781 01:19:59,124 --> 01:20:01,374 Wait, I'm picking up four more signatures. 782 01:20:01,499 --> 01:20:05,916 Two of them are pretty weak, but they're coming from about 30 metres ahead. 783 01:20:06,082 --> 01:20:08,582 Could be our people. Gunny, take point. 784 01:20:10,082 --> 01:20:14,416 Soon there will be four, glorious on awakening. 785 01:20:14,541 --> 01:20:17,457 Struggling through knowledge of their true selves, 786 01:20:17,582 --> 01:20:19,749 repaying the revelation, 787 01:20:19,916 --> 01:20:22,666 bringing new clarity. 788 01:20:22,791 --> 01:20:26,832 And in the midst of confusion, you will find her. 789 01:20:26,957 --> 01:20:30,999 Enemies brought together by impossible longing. 790 01:20:31,124 --> 01:20:34,249 Enemies now joined as one. 791 01:20:34,791 --> 01:20:37,082 The way forward. 792 01:20:37,207 --> 01:20:41,291 At once unthinkable yet inevitable. 793 01:20:41,874 --> 01:20:49,791 The fifth, just a doomed shadow turned toward the light, hungry for redemption 794 01:20:49,916 --> 01:20:53,124 that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering. 795 01:20:53,249 --> 01:20:55,249 I can see them all. 796 01:20:55,416 --> 01:21:01,291 The seven, now six, self-described machines 797 01:21:01,416 --> 01:21:03,666 who believe themselves without sin, 798 01:21:03,832 --> 01:21:07,457 but in time it is sin that will consume them. 799 01:21:07,624 --> 01:21:11,332 They will know enmity, bitterness, 800 01:21:11,457 --> 01:21:15,082 a wrenching agony, the one splintering into many. 801 01:21:16,666 --> 01:21:19,457 And then they will join the promised land, 802 01:21:19,582 --> 01:21:22,791 gathered on the wings of a angel. 803 01:21:29,249 --> 01:21:32,791 Not an end, but a beginning. 804 01:21:37,624 --> 01:21:40,249 - Holy frak. - Get 'em out of there. Go, go, go! 805 01:21:45,124 --> 01:21:47,041 Help us. 806 01:21:48,791 --> 01:21:51,207 Get 'em out of there! Come on! 807 01:21:52,707 --> 01:21:54,582 CW0“! 808 01:22:03,332 --> 01:22:06,082 Everybody out! Now! 809 01:22:06,707 --> 01:22:08,457 Move! 810 01:22:14,832 --> 01:22:17,874 Come on, let's go. 811 01:22:20,249 --> 01:22:21,874 Come on. 812 01:22:24,207 --> 01:22:28,374 Man down! They got DaSilva! They got DaSilva! 813 01:22:47,374 --> 01:22:49,624 No! 814 01:23:05,957 --> 01:23:09,332 Pegasus, Red Two. Come in, Pegasus. 815 01:23:09,416 --> 01:23:11,624 Copy, Red Two, but your signal is weak. 816 01:23:11,749 --> 01:23:16,916 We've recovered two civilians. One dead, two wounded, including the X O. 817 01:23:17,082 --> 01:23:21,666 We're pinned down, taking heavy fire. Mission outcome doubtful. 818 01:23:23,707 --> 01:23:26,624 Pegasus, Red Two. Come 'm, Pegasus. 819 01:23:26,749 --> 01:23:29,749 Pegasus? Frak! 820 01:23:29,874 --> 01:23:32,041 Captain! Sitrep! 821 01:23:32,707 --> 01:23:33,832 Captain. 822 01:23:33,957 --> 01:23:36,957 We just lost communications. Cylons must be jamming. 823 01:23:37,082 --> 01:23:41,166 What about the nuke? How's that detonator coming, Mathias? 824 01:23:42,416 --> 01:23:45,041 Detonator's fried. Get it working. 825 01:23:54,249 --> 01:23:56,582 What the hell was that with DaSilva? 826 01:23:56,749 --> 01:23:59,666 Can't let them take any more prisoners, Captain. 827 01:23:59,791 --> 01:24:03,916 - You saw what they were doing in there. - Yeah, I saw. 828 01:24:04,041 --> 01:24:08,416 - Keep trying to resume communications. - Yes, sir. 829 01:24:09,249 --> 01:24:11,416 Mr Hoshi. 830 01:24:13,291 --> 01:24:16,916 Order nuclear ship-to-ship missile into launch tube three. 831 01:24:16,999 --> 01:24:18,457 Aye, sir. 832 01:24:18,541 --> 01:24:22,666 Nuclear mission order. Launch ship-to-ship missile into launch tube three. 833 01:24:22,791 --> 01:24:25,582 - What are you doing? - They've been compromised. 834 01:24:25,707 --> 01:24:29,249 We can't regain communications. We have to assume they've been lost. 835 01:24:29,374 --> 01:24:32,291 We have to give them a chance. 836 01:24:33,332 --> 01:24:35,332 Commander Adama? 837 01:24:37,707 --> 01:24:40,666 - Open launch tube doors. - Open launch tube doors. 838 01:24:43,124 --> 01:24:45,624 Major. Major! 839 01:24:45,749 --> 01:24:47,749 Watch those corridors, Hudson. 840 01:24:47,916 --> 01:24:49,999 Pegasus, Red Two. Come in. 841 01:24:54,791 --> 01:24:58,499 Destroying that ship with people on board is a last resort. 842 01:24:58,666 --> 01:25:01,166 Like it or not, this is no longer a rescue mission, 843 01:25:01,332 --> 01:25:04,457 and gods know what'll happen to our people if they're captured. 844 01:25:04,624 --> 01:25:08,166 I know what'll happen. I was there. 845 01:25:08,332 --> 01:25:10,332 Missile loaded, Commander. 846 01:25:12,291 --> 01:25:17,291 Release of nuclear weapons is authorised. Disable launch of warhead safeties. 847 01:25:17,416 --> 01:25:20,957 Mr Hoshi, take your launch key, put it in the firing lock. 848 01:25:21,124 --> 01:25:24,082 - Aye, sir. - Belay that order. 849 01:25:24,249 --> 01:25:27,041 I'm not prepared to sacrifice any lives. Not yet. 850 01:25:27,166 --> 01:25:31,041 - If you're wrong? - Then I'll have to live with it. 851 01:25:37,082 --> 01:25:41,332 You said it yourself, Admiral, that thing may be headed toward Earth. 852 01:25:41,457 --> 01:25:45,457 If it jumps away, we lose our only hope of taking it out. 853 01:25:47,291 --> 01:25:51,082 Sir, jamming's clearing. Receiving a transmission from Red Two. 854 01:25:51,207 --> 01:25:53,624 - Put it through on speakers. - Aye, sir. 855 01:25:53,791 --> 01:25:55,374 Launch evac Raptor. 856 01:25:55,499 --> 01:25:59,207 Pegasus, this is Red Two. Come in. 857 01:26:00,124 --> 01:26:02,166 Pegasus, this is Red Two. Come in. 858 01:26:02,291 --> 01:26:05,749 Yes. Red Two, this is Pegasus actual. 859 01:26:05,874 --> 01:26:08,957 - Starbuck, report. - Still pinned down but holding on. 860 01:26:09,082 --> 01:26:11,166 Tell me there's a ride waiting for us. 861 01:26:11,291 --> 01:26:15,541 On their way, Red Two. The Raiders have broken off their attack. 862 01:26:15,707 --> 01:26:18,832 - They're headed to your coordinates. - Roger that. 863 01:26:18,999 --> 01:26:21,082 It means we're running out of time. 864 01:26:25,707 --> 01:26:28,499 Evan Raptor's on its way. They want us to set the nuke and get out. 865 01:26:28,666 --> 01:26:32,041 That's gonna be a problem. The remote detonator's shot. 866 01:26:32,166 --> 01:26:34,582 - Can you rig a manual trigger? - Probably. 867 01:26:34,749 --> 01:26:39,082 - Then do it. - Do it? What are you talking about? 868 01:26:39,249 --> 01:26:42,457 We are completing this mission. Am I clear, soldier? 869 01:26:44,582 --> 01:26:46,207 Yes, sir. 870 01:26:46,707 --> 01:26:49,666 Red Two, Pegasus. Evac ETA two minutes. 871 01:26:51,249 --> 01:26:54,624 This is Red Two. Give me actual. 872 01:26:55,332 --> 01:26:59,582 This is actual. What's taking so long? They'll be on you any second now. 873 01:26:59,707 --> 01:27:03,832 Our nuke's remote detonator is fried. We'll have to cook it off by hand. 874 01:27:03,957 --> 01:27:07,457 Red One is still down for the count, which doesn't give us many options. 875 01:27:07,999 --> 01:27:11,124 What are your orders, sir? 876 01:27:11,999 --> 01:27:14,749 We've still got a missile in the tube. 877 01:27:14,874 --> 01:27:18,749 That evac bird gets them off that ship, we can still fire it. Mr Hoshi. 878 01:27:18,874 --> 01:27:21,999 The Raiders are in their air defence position. 879 01:27:22,124 --> 01:27:26,082 You launch anything, they're gonna intercept it. 880 01:27:26,207 --> 01:27:30,166 Then we have to leave someone behind, arm the warhead manually. 881 01:27:30,291 --> 01:27:33,166 That's right. 882 01:27:36,624 --> 01:27:39,332 This is your team, Son. 883 01:27:39,457 --> 01:27:42,166 You make the call. 884 01:27:51,582 --> 01:27:53,457 Red Two, this is Pegasus actual. 885 01:27:53,624 --> 01:27:57,166 Get the X0, get your men and get to the evac coordinates. 886 01:27:57,291 --> 01:28:01,416 Secure your men, then detonate the warhead using the manual trigger. 887 01:28:02,791 --> 01:28:05,374 Complete your mission, Captain. 888 01:28:07,124 --> 01:28:08,332 Understood. 889 01:28:08,499 --> 01:28:11,291 - Sergeant, get ready to move out. - Sir. 890 01:28:11,374 --> 01:28:15,082 All right. I need you on your feet. I'm gonna get you out of here. 891 01:28:19,457 --> 01:28:21,707 Come on, everybody move! Let's go! 892 01:28:21,874 --> 01:28:23,582 Get your suits on. 893 01:28:23,707 --> 01:28:26,291 Come on, g0, 9°, 9°! 894 01:28:32,457 --> 01:28:34,541 You too, Major. Let's get... 895 01:28:36,041 --> 01:28:40,207 You too, Captain. Leave the nuke, if you don't mind. 896 01:28:40,749 --> 01:28:42,916 What the frak are you doing? 897 01:28:43,041 --> 01:28:45,541 Completing the mission. 898 01:28:46,416 --> 01:28:48,666 Take it. I don't need it any more. 899 01:28:49,749 --> 01:28:51,582 Major... 900 01:28:51,707 --> 01:28:54,207 I just gave you an order, soldier. 901 01:28:54,374 --> 01:28:58,541 Unless you wanna die, I suggest you obey it. Go. 902 01:29:12,082 --> 01:29:13,749 Why? 903 01:29:13,874 --> 01:29:16,332 You know damn well why. 904 01:29:16,457 --> 01:29:19,999 Put on your suit, you're about to run out of air. 905 01:29:33,791 --> 01:29:36,874 It's been an honour, Captain. 906 01:30:15,666 --> 01:30:20,582 Come in, Major. I've been waiting for you for a long time. 907 01:30:26,291 --> 01:30:29,499 You're what all this is about, aren't you? 908 01:30:30,582 --> 01:30:34,291 - What are you? - What am I? A man. 909 01:30:35,499 --> 01:30:37,624 Or am I a machine? 910 01:30:40,541 --> 01:30:43,707 My children believe I am a god. 911 01:30:45,666 --> 01:30:48,499 Are you? A god? 912 01:30:48,624 --> 01:30:51,249 I have seen things. 913 01:30:51,374 --> 01:30:53,791 Your life, Kendra Shaw. 914 01:30:53,874 --> 01:30:56,416 The things you have done. 915 01:30:56,582 --> 01:31:01,332 The things you felt you had to do, all leading to this moment. 916 01:31:02,082 --> 01:31:05,041 You wish to be forgiven, my child. 917 01:31:07,249 --> 01:31:11,666 I repeat, we will carry out this order. 918 01:31:11,791 --> 01:31:13,791 We will shoot these people. 919 01:31:16,332 --> 01:31:19,541 What are we doing, sir? Sir? 920 01:32:09,374 --> 01:32:11,791 Do you wish to be forgiven? 921 01:32:17,207 --> 01:32:20,291 - Yes. - Then come up closer. 922 01:32:20,416 --> 01:32:23,624 There's something that I have to tell you. 923 01:32:25,166 --> 01:32:27,166 Come. 924 01:32:43,874 --> 01:32:47,999 Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end. 925 01:32:49,457 --> 01:32:52,999 - What? - She is the herald of the apocalypse. 926 01:32:53,124 --> 01:32:55,374 The harbinger of death. 927 01:32:55,499 --> 01:32:58,207 They must not follow her. 928 01:33:04,166 --> 01:33:07,624 Evac Raptor inbound. Extraction complete. Clear of baseship. 929 01:33:07,791 --> 01:33:11,832 Raptor's on its way back, sir. They have Starbuck aboard. 930 01:33:11,957 --> 01:33:14,832 Major Shaw stayed behind. 931 01:33:17,416 --> 01:33:19,166 Starbuck? 932 01:33:19,291 --> 01:33:21,291 Actual. 933 01:33:21,791 --> 01:33:24,749 This is Red One. Come in. 934 01:33:25,374 --> 01:33:27,624 Red One, this is Pegasus actual. Report. 935 01:33:27,791 --> 01:33:30,707 Commander, I gotta warn you. 936 01:33:30,832 --> 01:33:32,916 It's Captain Thrace. 937 01:33:34,957 --> 01:33:37,582 - Red One, report. - They're jamming us, sir. 938 01:33:37,707 --> 01:33:41,791 - Red One, this is actual. Come in. - We lost her. 939 01:33:48,082 --> 01:33:50,041 Actual... 940 01:33:50,832 --> 01:33:52,999 Come in. 941 01:33:53,166 --> 01:33:55,249 Actual. 942 01:33:56,832 --> 01:34:00,666 As my own existence comes to a close, 943 01:34:01,166 --> 01:34:04,624 only to begin anew, in ways uncertain... 944 01:34:09,832 --> 01:34:12,041 You're scared, aren't you, motherfrakker? 945 01:34:16,124 --> 01:34:17,957 You should be. 946 01:34:18,124 --> 01:34:20,916 All this has happened before, 947 01:34:21,041 --> 01:34:23,207 and will happen again. 948 01:34:23,332 --> 01:34:24,999 Again. 949 01:34:25,249 --> 01:34:26,457 Again. 950 01:34:26,749 --> 01:34:28,082 Again. 951 01:35:25,082 --> 01:35:27,874 You wanted to see me, Admiral. 952 01:35:28,249 --> 01:35:30,916 Thank you for coming in. 953 01:35:31,249 --> 01:35:34,332 Starbuck was here a little earlier. 954 01:35:36,166 --> 01:35:39,999 She's recommended Major Shaw for a posthumous commendation. 955 01:35:40,999 --> 01:35:42,999 She wasn't looking for medals. 956 01:35:43,124 --> 01:35:45,541 No, she wasn't. 957 01:35:45,999 --> 01:35:48,874 But I've been going through Cain's logs. 958 01:35:48,999 --> 01:35:53,749 From a tactical perspective, it's hard to find fault in anything she did, 959 01:35:53,874 --> 01:35:55,916 or that Kendra did. 960 01:35:56,041 --> 01:35:59,166 They butchered innocent civilians, Dad. 961 01:36:01,874 --> 01:36:05,249 Come on. How can you ignore that? 962 01:36:05,332 --> 01:36:09,541 I know that I didn't have to face any of the situations that she did. 963 01:36:09,666 --> 01:36:11,832 I had the president in my face, 964 01:36:11,957 --> 01:36:15,416 arguing for the survival of the civilian fleet. 965 01:36:15,582 --> 01:36:18,957 I have Colonel Tigh keeping me honest, 966 01:36:19,124 --> 01:36:21,207 balancing my morality and my tactics. 967 01:36:21,332 --> 01:36:23,582 And I had you. 968 01:36:24,041 --> 01:36:25,957 Now... 969 01:36:26,082 --> 01:36:29,624 You don't have any children, so you might not understand this, 970 01:36:29,791 --> 01:36:32,832 but you see yourself reflected in their eyes. 971 01:36:33,832 --> 01:36:38,582 And there are some things that I thought of doing with this fleet, 972 01:36:39,541 --> 01:36:44,457 but I stopped myself because I knew I'd have to face you the following day. 973 01:36:50,874 --> 01:36:53,832 If you hadn't been in CIC... 974 01:36:54,916 --> 01:36:57,166 I would have ordered that strike. 975 01:36:57,291 --> 01:37:00,666 Kara would be dead, so would the rest of the team. 976 01:37:00,832 --> 01:37:04,666 You did nothing wrong. Neither did I. 977 01:37:05,624 --> 01:37:10,041 We both made decisions that we had to to accomplish our missions. 978 01:37:10,166 --> 01:37:12,666 Yeah. 979 01:37:12,832 --> 01:37:14,999 Cain. 980 01:37:15,124 --> 01:37:16,582 Kendra. 981 01:37:18,374 --> 01:37:20,707 Were they wrong? 982 01:37:21,166 --> 01:37:26,457 If I believed in the gods, I'd say they'd be judged by a higher power. 983 01:37:26,791 --> 01:37:28,957 But since you don't believe? 984 01:37:30,541 --> 01:37:34,416 Then history will have to make its judgments. 985 01:37:37,499 --> 01:37:42,041 And since history's first draft will be written in our logs... 986 01:37:45,124 --> 01:37:49,166 Well, then, I guess I've got some writing to do. 987 01:37:51,207 --> 01:37:53,916 Think about that commendation. 988 01:37:56,124 --> 01:37:58,124 Yeah, I will. 989 01:38:25,832 --> 01:38:28,582 Not a lot to show for a life, huh? 990 01:38:29,207 --> 01:38:31,207 I guess not. 991 01:38:32,457 --> 01:38:35,249 You have any idea why she did it? 992 01:38:37,749 --> 01:38:41,041 Maybe she thought she had a lot to answer for. 993 01:38:41,499 --> 01:38:43,999 Maybe she had it coming. 994 01:38:45,957 --> 01:38:48,707 We've all got it coming. 995 01:38:52,499 --> 01:38:55,374 You might as well hear this from me. 996 01:38:56,291 --> 01:38:58,624 I've asked to be reassigned to Galactica. 997 01:39:00,582 --> 01:39:02,332 Any reason? 998 01:39:02,416 --> 01:39:06,332 You might say that I have a beef with my commanding officer. 999 01:39:06,832 --> 01:39:09,332 And... what's that? 1000 01:39:09,457 --> 01:39:13,207 The motherfrakker keeps trying to get me killed. 1001 01:39:14,832 --> 01:39:17,666 You ever think you might deserve it? 1002 01:39:17,791 --> 01:39:21,874 Speak for yourself, Lee. I have a destiny. 1003 01:39:22,291 --> 01:39:25,332 I had my palm read by a Cylon, remember? 1004 01:39:25,416 --> 01:39:27,791 - A destiny, right? - You'd better believe it. 1005 01:39:27,916 --> 01:39:32,249 So, I guess you are stuck with me till the end. 1006 01:39:32,374 --> 01:39:35,207 I gotta go break in your new CAG. 1007 01:39:35,416 --> 01:39:37,166 Sir.