1 00:01:02,150 --> 00:01:03,151 Mary! 2 00:01:04,190 --> 00:01:05,555 Mary! Mary! 3 00:01:09,710 --> 00:01:13,190 Was it you who arranged for the bells, Miss Smith? 4 00:01:13,230 --> 00:01:14,390 Perhaps. 5 00:01:14,430 --> 00:01:16,610 We knew you'd settled on a quiet wedding, 6 00:01:16,650 --> 00:01:19,317 but still thought a little celebration warranted! 7 00:01:28,290 --> 00:01:30,390 What next then, Mrs Hearne? 8 00:01:30,430 --> 00:01:34,235 I'm gonna cook us our wedding breakfast. Eggs and ham. 9 00:01:35,250 --> 00:01:39,150 You can sit beside the range in your new chair, and watch me. 10 00:01:39,190 --> 00:01:42,330 But I'll want you to eat up sharp and get out from under me feet. 11 00:01:42,370 --> 00:01:45,590 Poor Miss Matty's not had her pudding these past three weeks. 12 00:01:45,630 --> 00:01:49,330 She's going to fade away! I don't understand why she's putting up this front. 13 00:01:49,370 --> 00:01:53,789 Everybody knows that bank went down. They don't know she had everything she owned in it! 14 00:01:53,790 --> 00:01:58,130 Anyway, I'm not sure it's any of our business, Jem. You made it our business. 15 00:01:58,170 --> 00:02:00,280 You moved us in here to lodge! 16 00:02:07,790 --> 00:02:12,033 I'm sorry it has come to this. My mother's glad of the money. 17 00:02:14,370 --> 00:02:16,235 I've brought you a book of verse. 18 00:02:20,090 --> 00:02:22,957 It has that poem you like so much by Mr Gray. 19 00:03:00,570 --> 00:03:01,594 Miss Smith? 20 00:03:09,090 --> 00:03:13,370 I was aware Mrs Rose is staying at Miss Pole's. 21 00:03:13,410 --> 00:03:16,050 But I didn't know she had taken all her furniture! 22 00:03:16,090 --> 00:03:19,370 Dr Morgan sent a wagon for it. 23 00:03:19,410 --> 00:03:21,975 Have you seen Sophie? 24 00:03:24,110 --> 00:03:28,376 She's gone away, to an aunt in Shropshire. 25 00:03:30,010 --> 00:03:32,478 I just don't know how this trouble came about. 26 00:03:34,010 --> 00:03:37,696 I swear to you, I sent no valentine other than to Sophie! 27 00:03:42,650 --> 00:03:44,490 Mary! 28 00:03:44,530 --> 00:03:46,290 I must speak with you. 29 00:03:46,330 --> 00:03:48,417 I cannot invite you to take tea. 30 00:03:49,450 --> 00:03:52,810 Mrs Rose is in the parlour and in the grip of melancholy! 31 00:03:52,850 --> 00:03:55,370 I said to her, "The tragedy of your situation, my dear, 32 00:03:55,410 --> 00:03:57,290 "is that you've been so very credulous, 33 00:03:57,330 --> 00:04:00,290 "not only could you perceive no harm in that vile man's actions, 34 00:04:00,330 --> 00:04:03,090 "but you actually believed he had your interests at heart!" 35 00:04:03,130 --> 00:04:06,530 Married people are all the same, they leave their judgement at the altar. 36 00:04:06,570 --> 00:04:09,738 Do you know she'll not let me reapply the blacking to her hair? 37 00:04:10,770 --> 00:04:14,058 There's a great grey streak right down her centre parting! 38 00:04:18,590 --> 00:04:20,250 Is it true about Miss Matty? 39 00:04:20,290 --> 00:04:23,139 That she's lost all her money, and is destitute? 40 00:04:25,350 --> 00:04:28,820 I never thought I would see the day when I would part with these. 41 00:04:30,510 --> 00:04:32,614 They were our father's. 42 00:04:34,450 --> 00:04:37,730 I cannot recall ever seeing him without a book in his hand, 43 00:04:37,770 --> 00:04:39,220 or on the desk before him. 44 00:04:40,770 --> 00:04:44,171 They are so very fine, and they have been little used. 45 00:04:45,530 --> 00:04:48,610 Perhaps it is right that you should let the Rector buy them. 46 00:04:48,650 --> 00:04:50,910 I think it is absolutely right. 47 00:04:50,950 --> 00:04:53,750 It will add much to the sum of his knowledge, 48 00:04:53,790 --> 00:04:56,210 and something to the contents of your purse. 49 00:04:56,250 --> 00:04:59,179 I thought they would always remain in the family. 50 00:05:01,070 --> 00:05:02,850 But after our father died, 51 00:05:02,890 --> 00:05:07,219 Deborah and I discovered that he had willed them to our brother, Peter. 52 00:05:09,550 --> 00:05:11,790 Mary knows all about Peter. 53 00:05:11,830 --> 00:05:16,056 He was a scapegrace. He would have thumbed his nose at them. 54 00:05:17,310 --> 00:05:20,780 But father always hoped that he would come home again. 55 00:05:22,150 --> 00:05:24,750 If you'll pass me another sheet of paper, Jessie, 56 00:05:24,790 --> 00:05:26,900 we can get these parcelled up. 57 00:05:27,430 --> 00:05:29,739 I shall see about some tea. 58 00:05:40,230 --> 00:05:42,733 We have a deal in common, you and I. 59 00:05:45,430 --> 00:05:48,070 We have both seen a sister buried, 60 00:05:48,110 --> 00:05:51,350 and had someone dear to us go off to India. 61 00:05:51,390 --> 00:05:53,033 Did Peter go to India? 62 00:05:54,590 --> 00:05:56,530 He wrote me a letter from there. 63 00:05:56,570 --> 00:05:58,020 Just once. 64 00:05:59,030 --> 00:06:01,351 He spoke of sending me some muslin for a gown. 65 00:06:03,030 --> 00:06:04,418 But it never arrived. 66 00:06:06,470 --> 00:06:08,995 It is such a distant place. 67 00:06:10,550 --> 00:06:13,394 So many things must get lost on the journey. 68 00:06:19,790 --> 00:06:23,910 Do you ever listen for footsteps in the street? 69 00:06:23,950 --> 00:06:26,990 At night, when you're sitting alone? 70 00:06:27,030 --> 00:06:30,357 Major Gordon mostly called on horseback. 71 00:06:32,430 --> 00:06:34,770 But I cannot deny that sometimes, 72 00:06:34,810 --> 00:06:37,350 when I hear the clip of hooves, 73 00:06:37,390 --> 00:06:40,160 something inside me leaps up for a moment. 74 00:06:42,370 --> 00:06:44,870 And I wish it did not. 75 00:06:44,910 --> 00:06:48,490 For I think it is not the despair that hurts one, 76 00:06:48,530 --> 00:06:50,435 but the hope. 77 00:06:54,910 --> 00:06:57,071 Would you pass me the string? 78 00:07:05,630 --> 00:07:08,474 Good afternoon, Mr Carter. Good afternoon. 79 00:07:10,810 --> 00:07:13,270 I walked up through the woods today. 80 00:07:13,310 --> 00:07:15,890 There was a wild bee orchid, right beside the path! 81 00:07:15,930 --> 00:07:18,970 That is a rare thing. I should like to see it myself. 82 00:07:19,010 --> 00:07:21,870 I had hoped to return there with my sketchbook. 83 00:07:21,910 --> 00:07:24,680 Tomorrow, if I can, before it has a chance to fade. 84 00:07:29,150 --> 00:07:32,470 Miss Galindo, do you, by any chance, know 85 00:07:32,510 --> 00:07:35,630 how the deeds to Hanbury Court came to be in the possession 86 00:07:35,670 --> 00:07:37,040 of Lady Ludlow's bank? 87 00:07:38,550 --> 00:07:42,950 Her ladyship expressed a desire to see them, perhaps three weeks ago... 88 00:07:42,990 --> 00:07:45,270 Her talk had turned to reminiscence, 89 00:07:45,310 --> 00:07:48,950 and to her family's importance in the history of England. 90 00:07:48,990 --> 00:07:51,550 It was after that that she said... 91 00:07:51,590 --> 00:07:53,190 she would like to see the deeds, 92 00:07:53,230 --> 00:07:56,430 for some of the dates had escaped her memory. 93 00:07:56,470 --> 00:07:59,950 And so, to please Lady Ludlow, you came into my office, 94 00:07:59,990 --> 00:08:03,317 and you unlocked the drawer, and you took these documents away? 95 00:08:05,290 --> 00:08:06,996 Yes, I did. 96 00:08:09,110 --> 00:08:10,430 Miss Galindo, 97 00:08:10,470 --> 00:08:12,450 Lady Ludlow has mortgaged the estate, 98 00:08:12,490 --> 00:08:14,870 against my advice, without my knowledge, 99 00:08:14,910 --> 00:08:17,555 and as a direct consequence of your assistance! 100 00:08:32,150 --> 00:08:35,370 You left me with no choice, Mr Carter. 101 00:08:35,410 --> 00:08:40,490 I knew you wouldn't sanction it, and so I dealt directly with the bank. 102 00:08:40,530 --> 00:08:43,810 The power to make that decision was entirely yours, my lady. 103 00:08:43,850 --> 00:08:45,870 I thank you for that acknowledgement. 104 00:08:45,910 --> 00:08:48,690 I hope you see I do this out of concern for my estate, 105 00:08:48,730 --> 00:08:50,090 and not the lack of it. 106 00:08:50,130 --> 00:08:55,490 My lady, money could have been raised in other ways. 107 00:08:55,530 --> 00:08:59,690 Do not even speak to me of the railway! 108 00:08:59,730 --> 00:09:04,530 I saw for myself the path it would slice across my land. 109 00:09:04,570 --> 00:09:09,170 I saw which fields would be devoured, which buildings tumbled! 110 00:09:09,210 --> 00:09:12,010 And the damage to Hanbury would be irreversible. 111 00:09:12,050 --> 00:09:13,810 Domestic economies are possible. 112 00:09:13,850 --> 00:09:16,490 If you close the main house and move into the eastern wing, 113 00:09:16,530 --> 00:09:19,250 we could reduce your staff by 40 or more. 114 00:09:19,290 --> 00:09:22,330 And what will become of those whom I dismiss? 115 00:09:22,370 --> 00:09:25,618 House for their livelihood. 116 00:09:26,650 --> 00:09:28,910 My lady, you house and wage one man 117 00:09:28,950 --> 00:09:31,652 whose sole occupation is the winding of your clocks! 118 00:09:32,850 --> 00:09:38,490 I have a great many clocks, Mr Carter, and Will Jones is mute. 119 00:09:38,530 --> 00:09:42,110 Were it not for his position here, he would be in the workhouse, 120 00:09:42,150 --> 00:09:44,772 an institution I've heard you say that you abhor. 121 00:09:46,730 --> 00:09:49,390 My duty is sacred. 122 00:09:49,430 --> 00:09:54,170 When I die I will hand my son his inheritance intact. 123 00:09:54,210 --> 00:09:55,610 With a mortgage on it. 124 00:09:55,650 --> 00:09:58,110 Mortgages are there 125 00:09:58,150 --> 00:09:59,929 to be paid off. 126 00:09:59,930 --> 00:10:02,490 With what, my lady? You have no money! 127 00:10:02,530 --> 00:10:06,110 Your funds cannot support this. 128 00:10:06,150 --> 00:10:08,890 I'm sorry I must speak so plainly. 129 00:10:08,930 --> 00:10:10,310 Are you, Mr Carter? 130 00:10:10,350 --> 00:10:11,810 Yes. 131 00:10:11,850 --> 00:10:13,653 Because it grieves you. 132 00:10:28,390 --> 00:10:29,618 What is it, Mary, dear? 133 00:10:31,270 --> 00:10:33,135 Nothing. 134 00:10:50,430 --> 00:10:54,590 We, the ladies of Cranford, are assembled in Mrs Forester's parlour 135 00:10:54,630 --> 00:10:59,430 today, in order that we might resolve upon something. 136 00:10:59,470 --> 00:11:01,750 Miss Smith, 137 00:11:01,790 --> 00:11:07,270 yesterday afternoon I conversed with all the ladies present here today, 138 00:11:07,310 --> 00:11:11,710 on the subject of the misfortune which has befallen our dear friend, 139 00:11:11,750 --> 00:11:14,550 Miss Matilda Jenkyns. 140 00:11:14,590 --> 00:11:17,950 I imagine none of us is what may be called... 141 00:11:17,990 --> 00:11:18,990 "rich", 142 00:11:19,030 --> 00:11:24,350 though we all possess a genteel competency, sufficient for tastes 143 00:11:24,390 --> 00:11:26,910 that are elegant and refined, 144 00:11:26,950 --> 00:11:32,337 and would not, even if they could, be vulgarly ostentatious. 145 00:11:34,410 --> 00:11:38,050 And every last one of us has agreed... 146 00:11:40,270 --> 00:11:41,830 ...has agreed... 147 00:11:41,870 --> 00:11:45,469 that whilst we have a penny to spare, 148 00:11:45,470 --> 00:11:47,930 it would not only be our duty, 149 00:11:47,970 --> 00:11:50,717 but a pleasure... A real pleasure! 150 00:11:51,750 --> 00:11:55,459 ...for each of us to give what we can to assist her. 151 00:11:56,370 --> 00:11:59,954 Mrs Forester, please, you're betraying your emotions! I'm sorry. 152 00:12:06,230 --> 00:12:09,369 I can hardly think of what to say, 153 00:12:09,370 --> 00:12:13,270 in the face of such generosity. 154 00:12:13,310 --> 00:12:15,250 You need say nothing. 155 00:12:15,290 --> 00:12:17,729 We all know that if the position was reversed, 156 00:12:17,730 --> 00:12:22,170 Miss Matty would be the first to offer help to others. 157 00:12:22,210 --> 00:12:26,230 Even now she worries most about ten shillings owing to the butcher, 158 00:12:26,270 --> 00:12:28,709 because he is a widower with twins! 159 00:12:28,710 --> 00:12:30,770 I'm sure that we can deal with that. 160 00:12:30,810 --> 00:12:33,730 My sister and I are customers of Mr Goddard. 161 00:12:33,770 --> 00:12:36,270 And... and of course we're also agreed, 162 00:12:36,310 --> 00:12:40,750 that we wish to contribute our aid in a secret and concealed manner, 163 00:12:40,790 --> 00:12:43,450 so as not to hurt Miss Matty's feelings. 164 00:12:43,490 --> 00:12:44,950 That was my suggestion. 165 00:12:44,990 --> 00:12:46,990 I understand better than anyone 166 00:12:47,030 --> 00:12:50,950 that sense of delicate independence, 167 00:12:50,990 --> 00:12:53,316 which exists in the refined female. 168 00:12:54,870 --> 00:12:58,470 So, we will each write down in a sealed paper, 169 00:12:58,510 --> 00:13:00,390 what we can afford to give, 170 00:13:00,430 --> 00:13:04,070 after which, Miss Smith, we hope you will confer with Captain Brown, 171 00:13:04,110 --> 00:13:07,550 and devise some scheme by which the money can be passed to Miss Matty 172 00:13:07,590 --> 00:13:10,810 without her knowing it is really from her friends. 173 00:13:10,850 --> 00:13:13,230 The most important thing 174 00:13:13,270 --> 00:13:16,916 is that it should somehow seem to be her proper due. 175 00:13:18,770 --> 00:13:23,030 Perhaps as a result of miscalculation. 176 00:13:23,070 --> 00:13:24,070 By the bank. 177 00:13:24,110 --> 00:13:25,930 Yes! 178 00:13:25,970 --> 00:13:27,230 By the Town and... 179 00:13:27,270 --> 00:13:28,990 Mrs Forrester! 180 00:13:29,030 --> 00:13:33,916 There's no need to mention the establishment by name. 181 00:13:34,950 --> 00:13:35,951 Mary! 182 00:13:37,190 --> 00:13:38,810 Mary! 183 00:13:38,850 --> 00:13:42,190 Mary! 184 00:13:42,230 --> 00:13:44,030 The truth is, Mary, dear, 185 00:13:44,070 --> 00:13:46,730 I really have very, very little to live upon. 186 00:13:46,770 --> 00:13:48,250 Less than £100 a year! 187 00:13:48,290 --> 00:13:51,830 You have no need to make any such confession to me, Mrs Forester. 188 00:13:51,870 --> 00:13:55,370 I could not bear you to think that the smallness of my contribution 189 00:13:55,410 --> 00:13:58,130 in any way reflected the affection and regard 190 00:13:58,170 --> 00:14:00,710 I have for dear Miss Matty. 191 00:14:00,750 --> 00:14:03,350 I do not doubt you have given all you can. 192 00:14:03,390 --> 00:14:06,590 When we were both quite young, 193 00:14:06,630 --> 00:14:10,070 I was 20, and she a year or two above, 194 00:14:10,110 --> 00:14:11,750 my mother lay dying. 195 00:14:11,790 --> 00:14:14,590 I had had to go to market, with some plover's eggs, 196 00:14:14,630 --> 00:14:18,350 and as I drew near to Cranford, 197 00:14:18,390 --> 00:14:20,450 I saw Miss Matty with a man. 198 00:14:20,490 --> 00:14:21,997 Mr Holbrook? 199 00:14:28,150 --> 00:14:31,790 Holding a posy of primroses. 200 00:14:33,470 --> 00:14:36,670 Mr Holbrook was talking to her in a low voice. 201 00:14:36,710 --> 00:14:41,709 And I heard the words, "Please think again, I beg you." 202 00:14:41,710 --> 00:14:47,270 Kept picking at the primroses. 203 00:14:47,310 --> 00:14:52,230 I remember... the petals, in the mud. 204 00:14:55,450 --> 00:14:58,410 I... I tried to creep past unseen. 205 00:14:58,450 --> 00:15:04,190 It seemed such a very private interview. 206 00:15:04,230 --> 00:15:08,479 She put her hand on my arm, and asked how my mother was! 207 00:15:10,010 --> 00:15:13,150 And when I cried, she comforted me. 208 00:15:15,550 --> 00:15:19,839 Even though her own heart must have been so very full. 209 00:15:20,710 --> 00:15:23,210 I have loved her ever since. 210 00:15:23,250 --> 00:15:27,613 And that is why I am sorry I cannot give more. 211 00:15:54,290 --> 00:15:56,330 When I invited you to Cranford, Frank, 212 00:15:56,370 --> 00:15:59,210 I thought we would be of help to one another. 213 00:15:59,250 --> 00:16:03,476 You could build a reputation, and I begin to retire from my practice. 214 00:16:05,210 --> 00:16:08,570 But no-one will see you since this scandal! 215 00:16:08,610 --> 00:16:12,570 I work harder than I did before, and your good name is in tatters. 216 00:16:12,610 --> 00:16:16,170 But Dr Morgan, I never courted Mrs Rose! 217 00:16:16,210 --> 00:16:19,210 Or Caroline Tomkinson! 218 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:20,450 I fear you must move on. 219 00:16:21,570 --> 00:16:26,650 I must seek a new assistant, and you must start afresh. 220 00:16:26,690 --> 00:16:28,754 Somewhere where you are not known. 221 00:16:40,170 --> 00:16:43,770 It seems to me, Miss Matty, that the miscalculation by the bank 222 00:16:43,810 --> 00:16:47,170 has been your greatest good fortune to date. 223 00:16:47,210 --> 00:16:49,850 You will be in receipt of £50 pounds per year 224 00:16:49,890 --> 00:16:52,970 in addition to the £13 and 16 shillings 225 00:16:53,010 --> 00:16:55,575 you originally thought you were left with. 226 00:16:56,770 --> 00:17:00,290 And with Martha and Jem paying me rent, and the sale of the books, 227 00:17:00,330 --> 00:17:02,050 will I have enough to live on? 228 00:17:02,090 --> 00:17:07,150 You will still be living on half the income you previously enjoyed. 229 00:17:07,190 --> 00:17:10,250 You will have to add to it, 230 00:17:10,290 --> 00:17:13,572 or else give up this house. 231 00:17:16,890 --> 00:17:20,894 Miss Matty, we wondered if you might consider setting up a school. 232 00:17:22,870 --> 00:17:24,609 Well... 233 00:17:24,610 --> 00:17:28,430 If I was not expected to teach mathematics, 234 00:17:28,470 --> 00:17:30,010 or French, 235 00:17:30,050 --> 00:17:32,690 or accomplishments. 236 00:17:32,730 --> 00:17:35,410 And I would not care to teach the globes, 237 00:17:35,450 --> 00:17:39,450 for I never did like the notion that the world is round. 238 00:17:39,490 --> 00:17:40,815 It makes me feel so giddy. 239 00:17:43,670 --> 00:17:46,218 I suggest you open up a shop. 240 00:17:47,430 --> 00:17:48,710 A shop? 241 00:17:48,750 --> 00:17:50,610 In this dining parlour. 242 00:17:52,990 --> 00:17:54,139 What kind of a shop? 243 00:17:54,610 --> 00:17:57,390 I would advise you to sell some sort of commodity 244 00:17:57,430 --> 00:18:00,110 called for on a daily basis. 245 00:18:00,150 --> 00:18:03,011 Tea would be ideal. 246 00:18:04,630 --> 00:18:06,830 I couldn't. I couldn't! 247 00:18:06,870 --> 00:18:08,150 To go into trade... 248 00:18:08,190 --> 00:18:12,270 I'm sure your friends will accept it, and admire your common sense. 249 00:18:12,310 --> 00:18:15,150 Tea really is a very genteel form of trade, Miss Matty. 250 00:18:15,190 --> 00:18:19,701 It is purchased by people of every class. Including the most superior. 251 00:18:22,230 --> 00:18:27,370 At least it is not a sticky form of merchandise. 252 00:18:27,410 --> 00:18:30,658 For I could never bear to handle things that leave a residue. 253 00:18:32,190 --> 00:18:35,670 I'm not sure that I could possibly consider it. 254 00:18:35,710 --> 00:18:39,190 I might offend Mr Johnson, by going into competition... 255 00:18:39,230 --> 00:18:40,612 Would you like me to ask him? 256 00:18:42,030 --> 00:18:44,214 ...without consulting him. 257 00:19:05,630 --> 00:19:08,590 Good morning, Mrs Johnson. Good morning, Miss Jenkyns. 258 00:19:08,630 --> 00:19:10,820 Last time you were looking at the silks. 259 00:19:11,830 --> 00:19:13,069 I was. 260 00:19:13,070 --> 00:19:15,950 But today I should like to confer with Mr Johnson. 261 00:19:15,990 --> 00:19:17,633 What is it regarding? 262 00:19:20,910 --> 00:19:22,195 Tea. 263 00:19:24,430 --> 00:19:28,430 And if you would be so kind as to tell Miss Matilda 264 00:19:28,470 --> 00:19:31,110 there has been an error in your butchery accounts, 265 00:19:31,150 --> 00:19:32,849 we would be sincerely grateful. 266 00:19:32,850 --> 00:19:35,890 It would be my pleasure, Miss Tomkinson. 267 00:19:35,930 --> 00:19:39,590 She was compassion itself when the good Lord took my wife. 268 00:19:39,630 --> 00:19:43,389 And Mr Goddard, how are those dear little twins? 269 00:19:43,390 --> 00:19:44,910 Oh, they're weaned already, 270 00:19:44,950 --> 00:19:47,450 and the boy has begun to take pork. 271 00:19:47,490 --> 00:19:50,570 Did you hear that, sister? Pork! 272 00:19:50,610 --> 00:19:52,037 Pork. 273 00:19:53,810 --> 00:19:57,974 It is testament to your talent as a parent. 274 00:20:01,370 --> 00:20:06,390 There was less noise when the walls of Jericho were tumbled! 275 00:20:06,430 --> 00:20:07,880 And less dust! 276 00:20:11,590 --> 00:20:16,330 Dear Mr Johnson said my dining room would make a very fine shop! 277 00:20:16,370 --> 00:20:20,230 By the by, Mary, do not stint upon the Assam. 278 00:20:20,270 --> 00:20:23,170 I stood by his counter for an hour yesterday, 279 00:20:23,210 --> 00:20:25,510 and they were selling it hand over fist! 280 00:20:25,550 --> 00:20:29,010 I will stock any sort of tea except the green kind. 281 00:20:29,050 --> 00:20:30,930 So fearfully bad for the digestion. 282 00:20:30,970 --> 00:20:34,270 I must say it will be bolstering to Cranford's reputation, 283 00:20:34,310 --> 00:20:37,512 having a second place to purchase tea. 284 00:20:38,570 --> 00:20:41,950 We will lose such face when we're left with just one doctor! 285 00:20:41,990 --> 00:20:43,230 Is Dr Harrison leaving? 286 00:20:43,270 --> 00:20:46,910 The man cannot remain! There has been such vicious gossip! 287 00:20:46,950 --> 00:20:49,110 And Caroline Tomkinson has been made ill, 288 00:20:49,150 --> 00:20:50,990 clutching at that wretched valentine 289 00:20:51,030 --> 00:20:54,270 and weeping over it till it's more smeared and blotted 290 00:20:54,310 --> 00:20:56,190 than it was when it arrived. 291 00:20:56,230 --> 00:20:58,570 He is doubtless waiting for a moonless night, 292 00:20:58,610 --> 00:21:02,250 so he might slink away without having stones thrown. 293 00:21:02,290 --> 00:21:04,950 There's a letter come. I think it's for Miss Smith, 294 00:21:04,990 --> 00:21:08,295 but the hand's so blotched and scratchy I can scarcely make it out. 295 00:21:09,570 --> 00:21:11,630 Who is it from, Mary, dear? 296 00:21:11,670 --> 00:21:13,154 It's from Dr Marshland. 297 00:21:16,590 --> 00:21:20,950 I am aware that this is a matter of the utmost delicacy. 298 00:21:20,990 --> 00:21:23,830 But if we can prove the valentine was in another's hand, 299 00:21:23,870 --> 00:21:26,151 don't you agree everyone would benefit? 300 00:21:28,890 --> 00:21:30,830 Oh, get it out of the drawer. 301 00:21:30,870 --> 00:21:32,274 What care I about it now? 302 00:21:44,350 --> 00:21:47,370 I think we have found our culprit. 303 00:21:47,410 --> 00:21:49,810 It is the same hand. Unquestionably. 304 00:21:49,850 --> 00:21:51,459 Dr Marshland's hand. 305 00:21:53,250 --> 00:21:55,950 You're in correspondence with Dr Marshland? 306 00:21:55,990 --> 00:21:59,630 Yes. He prescribes my spectacles. 307 00:21:59,670 --> 00:22:03,790 These were sent to Lizzie and Helen Hutton. 308 00:22:03,830 --> 00:22:06,510 I show them not to increase your embarrassment, 309 00:22:06,550 --> 00:22:09,790 but rather to diminish your distress. 310 00:22:09,830 --> 00:22:12,310 You were not singled out for mockery. 311 00:22:12,350 --> 00:22:14,550 Are you seeking to defend that Irishman? 312 00:22:14,590 --> 00:22:16,390 No. 313 00:22:16,430 --> 00:22:18,972 I am not. 314 00:22:20,530 --> 00:22:22,530 I do not pretend to understand 315 00:22:22,570 --> 00:22:26,150 the nature of friendship between men, Dr Marshland, 316 00:22:26,190 --> 00:22:30,310 but surely in its better points it resembles that between women? 317 00:22:30,350 --> 00:22:33,710 Where, then, was your loyalty to Dr Harrison? 318 00:22:33,750 --> 00:22:35,670 Where was your kindness and respect? 319 00:22:35,710 --> 00:22:39,710 And where now is your compassion? 320 00:22:39,750 --> 00:22:42,790 His career is ruined, his reputation savaged, 321 00:22:42,830 --> 00:22:45,150 and his courtship annihilated, 322 00:22:45,190 --> 00:22:47,812 all by your wilfully mischievous hand. 323 00:22:49,310 --> 00:22:54,090 I urge you, sir, to apply your wits to the resolution of this disaster, 324 00:22:54,130 --> 00:22:56,850 as greatly as you did the manufacture of it. 325 00:22:56,890 --> 00:22:59,829 You may yet salvage your connection with Dr Harrison, 326 00:22:59,830 --> 00:23:03,830 but I fear my regard for you will not recover. 327 00:23:03,870 --> 00:23:05,320 Right you are, ma'am. 328 00:23:08,350 --> 00:23:09,351 Sophie? 329 00:23:11,190 --> 00:23:12,839 Sophie! 330 00:23:14,910 --> 00:23:16,150 Sophie! 331 00:23:19,990 --> 00:23:22,254 Sophie, are you ill? 332 00:23:23,350 --> 00:23:26,350 Seeming more yourself. 333 00:23:26,390 --> 00:23:28,193 So did I, Miss Smith. So did I. 334 00:23:29,870 --> 00:23:31,314 Walk on. 335 00:23:36,850 --> 00:23:41,430 I should say that apart from the infamous springs of that coach, 336 00:23:41,470 --> 00:23:43,970 the only disorder 337 00:23:44,010 --> 00:23:46,110 is in her heart. 338 00:23:46,150 --> 00:23:47,710 Is it diseased? 339 00:23:47,750 --> 00:23:50,769 Well, not in any way I can help. 340 00:23:50,770 --> 00:23:53,909 It has been woken up to love, 341 00:23:53,910 --> 00:23:56,870 and found love wanting. 342 00:23:56,910 --> 00:23:59,050 I warned him not to hurt her! 343 00:23:59,090 --> 00:24:02,670 I sat with him, l-I spoke to him, quite seriously, 344 00:24:02,710 --> 00:24:06,170 and respectfully, as though he were a gentleman! 345 00:24:06,210 --> 00:24:09,170 Mm. I thought only to advise him on his medical manner. 346 00:24:09,210 --> 00:24:12,229 Much good that did. Caroline Tomkinson was his patient! 347 00:24:12,230 --> 00:24:16,337 And as for Mrs Rose! I've had to prescribe a tonic for her spleen. 348 00:24:20,310 --> 00:24:24,970 Lavish your daughter with eggs and affection. 349 00:24:25,010 --> 00:24:28,394 A girl's heart is a stouter organ than is realised. 350 00:24:32,170 --> 00:24:33,690 Dr Harrison. 351 00:24:33,730 --> 00:24:36,930 I came to enquire after Miss Hutton. Miss Hutton's not to be distressed. 352 00:24:36,970 --> 00:24:38,669 And I'm under orders. 353 00:24:38,670 --> 00:24:41,330 If you come anywhere near I'm to go straight to the Rector. 354 00:24:41,370 --> 00:24:43,594 Good afternoon, Dr Harrison. 355 00:25:00,290 --> 00:25:03,010 I assure you, Mr Carter, I had not the least notion 356 00:25:03,050 --> 00:25:06,530 what Lady Ludlow intended to do with the deeds! I am quite sure of that. 357 00:25:06,570 --> 00:25:08,210 Just as I am quite sure that no... 358 00:25:08,250 --> 00:25:11,839 no-one on this earth, man or woman, could have stopped her. 359 00:25:17,930 --> 00:25:23,090 I think perhaps the stems of those flowers are still a little moist. 360 00:25:23,130 --> 00:25:25,399 I should not like you to stain your cuff. 361 00:25:31,690 --> 00:25:35,930 Lady Ludlow was brought up in a different century, Mr Carter. 362 00:25:35,970 --> 00:25:38,770 She's had but two tasks in her lifetime - 363 00:25:38,810 --> 00:25:41,933 to bear her children, and preserve her land. 364 00:25:42,970 --> 00:25:44,850 The very thought of that mortgage 365 00:25:44,890 --> 00:25:46,930 must pierce her like a shard of glass. 366 00:25:46,970 --> 00:25:48,169 It pierces me. 367 00:25:48,170 --> 00:25:51,050 I've worked beside her these last ten years. 368 00:25:51,090 --> 00:25:53,291 Oh, pray! Don't think I disregard that. 369 00:25:54,570 --> 00:25:57,778 Hanbury has been such a large part of my life. 370 00:25:59,090 --> 00:26:01,530 I was not yet 30 when I applied to Mr Boatman, 371 00:26:01,570 --> 00:26:03,020 who managed the estate then. 372 00:26:04,810 --> 00:26:08,291 He trained me in his ways, he even let me get married to his daughter. 373 00:26:09,630 --> 00:26:12,133 My wife had a little money of her own. 374 00:26:13,210 --> 00:26:14,270 And when she died, 375 00:26:14,310 --> 00:26:17,230 it was put to me that I could buy myself a small farm, 376 00:26:17,270 --> 00:26:19,733 start afresh away from her memory. 377 00:26:22,010 --> 00:26:27,619 But I could not part with the past, 378 00:26:30,950 --> 00:26:36,350 I was persuaded by a friend to invest in his mill, up in Halifax. 379 00:26:36,390 --> 00:26:37,830 And without further effort, 380 00:26:37,870 --> 00:26:40,930 I made more money than I could earn in 30 years at Hanbury. 381 00:26:40,970 --> 00:26:44,150 But when I went to see the place that made me rich, 382 00:26:44,190 --> 00:26:45,350 it sickened me. 383 00:26:45,390 --> 00:26:49,370 There were children there, dragging great sacks of wool, 384 00:26:49,410 --> 00:26:52,692 sleeping under looms in exhaustion - so pitiful it tore my soul. 385 00:26:53,710 --> 00:26:57,130 I pulled my thousands out of there, and just put them in the bank, 386 00:26:57,170 --> 00:26:58,893 where they grow still. 387 00:27:00,630 --> 00:27:03,110 And I cannot bear to touch them. 388 00:27:05,070 --> 00:27:07,378 I sometimes wonder if 389 00:27:07,418 --> 00:27:11,182 the presence of money isn't more unsettling than the lack of it. 390 00:27:11,222 --> 00:27:14,866 If only Lady Ludlow had come to see me about the mortgage! 391 00:27:14,906 --> 00:27:16,948 I might have been able to dissuade her. 392 00:27:16,988 --> 00:27:19,234 She has made her choice, Mr Carter. 393 00:27:20,272 --> 00:27:21,714 Septimus came first. 394 00:27:21,754 --> 00:27:24,637 All other things were rendered secondary. 395 00:27:24,677 --> 00:27:27,970 And the tragedy of it is, that he'll never return to Hanbury. 396 00:27:29,402 --> 00:27:32,998 And as soon as he inherits, he will sell the whole estate. 397 00:27:33,038 --> 00:27:35,158 No, Mr Carter. 398 00:27:35,198 --> 00:27:37,678 The tragedy is 399 00:27:37,718 --> 00:27:39,680 that Lady Ludlow knows it. 400 00:27:53,538 --> 00:27:55,927 I'd like a pound, please. 401 00:27:57,958 --> 00:27:59,368 Thank you. 402 00:28:02,018 --> 00:28:03,018 I have tried. 403 00:28:03,058 --> 00:28:07,658 But I can't reconcile myself to this new... venture. 404 00:28:07,698 --> 00:28:10,658 She's hardly hawking buttons from a tray about her neck! 405 00:28:10,698 --> 00:28:13,878 And Mrs Jamieson, she's still our friend. 406 00:28:13,918 --> 00:28:15,178 I know she's our friend. 407 00:28:15,218 --> 00:28:18,598 And whilst I'm here in this room, I am her friend, too! 408 00:28:18,638 --> 00:28:22,045 Force me across that threshold, and I become her... 409 00:28:23,418 --> 00:28:24,464 ...customer. 410 00:28:27,298 --> 00:28:29,978 You rank so very highly in our town. 411 00:28:30,018 --> 00:28:34,460 Your approval would mean much. 412 00:28:36,818 --> 00:28:40,098 I will suggest a compromise. 413 00:28:40,138 --> 00:28:43,098 Mrs Jamieson will take a pound of Pouchong! 414 00:28:43,138 --> 00:28:44,818 A very good choice! 415 00:28:44,858 --> 00:28:46,262 If you'll just wait in line. 416 00:28:52,658 --> 00:28:55,498 What a delightful establishment this is! 417 00:28:55,538 --> 00:28:59,658 It surpasses every description of its charms. 418 00:28:59,698 --> 00:29:03,038 We expect a visitor, and require some tea. 419 00:29:03,078 --> 00:29:04,898 Have you any of the green kind? 420 00:29:04,938 --> 00:29:07,418 I stock it out of deference to demand, 421 00:29:07,458 --> 00:29:10,178 but I always advise against its purchase. 422 00:29:10,218 --> 00:29:12,498 Perhaps you would prefer some Assam? 423 00:29:12,538 --> 00:29:16,698 Or Lapsang makes a very robust cup. 424 00:29:16,738 --> 00:29:19,177 Sister, which do you think would suit? 425 00:29:19,178 --> 00:29:21,618 Perhaps a pound of each? 426 00:29:21,658 --> 00:29:27,147 I'm entirely adept with scales, if you require another pair of hands. 427 00:29:29,258 --> 00:29:32,785 Sophie! I'm so glad you're home. 428 00:29:34,858 --> 00:29:37,058 But you must listen to me. 429 00:29:37,098 --> 00:29:39,778 Not everything was as it seemed! 430 00:29:39,818 --> 00:29:42,618 Dr Harrison is innocent. 431 00:29:42,658 --> 00:29:44,609 You're intolerably hot! 432 00:29:47,978 --> 00:29:50,538 If he was innocent, he'd have called by now. 433 00:29:50,578 --> 00:29:51,697 He would have come. 434 00:29:51,698 --> 00:29:53,538 You must try to calm yourself. 435 00:29:53,578 --> 00:29:55,665 He cannot be ignorant of my pain! 436 00:29:57,098 --> 00:29:59,146 You need the doctor. 437 00:30:10,458 --> 00:30:12,338 It is the typhoid fever. 438 00:30:12,378 --> 00:30:15,178 There can be no mistaking it now. You mistook it before. 439 00:30:15,218 --> 00:30:17,418 Sometimes it follows the ambulatory pattern, 440 00:30:17,458 --> 00:30:21,938 and the patient displays no more than a general malaise for the first two weeks. 441 00:30:21,978 --> 00:30:25,538 After that, the disease can take a very severe course. 442 00:30:25,578 --> 00:30:27,187 What can be done for her? 443 00:30:28,718 --> 00:30:32,218 If you do not object, I might confer with Mrs Rose. 444 00:30:32,258 --> 00:30:35,538 Her husband was known for his fomentations and his poultices. 445 00:30:35,578 --> 00:30:38,382 Dr Morgan, will my daughter die? 446 00:30:47,458 --> 00:30:49,878 Miss Smith! 447 00:30:49,918 --> 00:30:51,758 Dr Marshland. 448 00:30:51,798 --> 00:30:54,258 I wondered if we'd be seeing you. 449 00:30:54,298 --> 00:30:55,748 RAPPING AT DOOR 450 00:30:56,758 --> 00:30:59,261 For pity's sake, Frank, will you open the door? 451 00:31:00,538 --> 00:31:02,758 I'm really sorry about the valentines. 452 00:31:02,798 --> 00:31:03,941 I only did it for a joke. 453 00:31:06,998 --> 00:31:08,278 I know you're in there. 454 00:31:08,318 --> 00:31:11,078 Listen, Frank, I'm with Miss Smith. 455 00:31:11,118 --> 00:31:15,278 She says Sophie Hutton has the typhoid fever. Typhoid?! 456 00:31:15,318 --> 00:31:19,038 Are you sure? Am I sent for? Dr Morgan is attending her. 457 00:31:19,078 --> 00:31:21,498 I'm going to The George, to hire myself a bed. 458 00:31:21,538 --> 00:31:24,838 If you want to speak to me, that's where we'll be. 459 00:31:24,878 --> 00:31:27,518 I'll raise a blister to draw her out of her delirium. 460 00:31:27,558 --> 00:31:30,558 There must be no natural light allowed into the room, 461 00:31:30,598 --> 00:31:31,878 and no cold draughts. 462 00:31:31,918 --> 00:31:34,598 Now Bessie, build up the fire. 463 00:31:34,638 --> 00:31:37,758 We must provoke a crisis of fever. 464 00:31:37,798 --> 00:31:41,557 Unto God's gracious mercy and protection we commit thee. 465 00:31:41,558 --> 00:31:43,438 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. 466 00:31:43,478 --> 00:31:47,718 The Lord make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. 467 00:31:47,758 --> 00:31:50,318 Lighten our darkness, we beseech Thee, oh, Lord, 468 00:31:50,358 --> 00:31:53,358 and by great mercy, send us through the perils 469 00:31:53,398 --> 00:31:57,478 and dangers of this night, with the love of Thine only son, 470 00:31:57,518 --> 00:31:59,957 our saviour, Jesus Christ. 471 00:32:24,318 --> 00:32:28,558 Lady Ludlow will not sell one single acre in her lifetime. 472 00:32:28,598 --> 00:32:30,938 Railway money has a way of talking. 473 00:32:30,978 --> 00:32:34,558 She may be deaf to it, but there are those that listen. 474 00:32:34,598 --> 00:32:37,918 There will be a line to Cranford yet. 475 00:32:37,958 --> 00:32:40,878 It may take longer, it may 476 00:32:40,918 --> 00:32:43,098 but it will get there. 477 00:32:43,138 --> 00:32:45,238 And I will be glad, 478 00:32:45,278 --> 00:32:49,218 Captain Brown, is there no other way for Hanbury to profit from the railway? 479 00:32:49,258 --> 00:32:53,658 Can we not sell you timber, or fodder, or tools? 480 00:32:53,698 --> 00:32:56,598 Could you supply us with the quantities we need? 481 00:32:56,638 --> 00:32:58,238 I don't know. 482 00:32:58,278 --> 00:33:05,383 I'm afraid you do, Mr Carter. You cannot. 483 00:33:10,838 --> 00:33:14,418 I have been to the Miss Tomkinsons, about the valentine. 484 00:33:14,458 --> 00:33:16,658 I said I was sorry, and they forgave me. 485 00:33:16,698 --> 00:33:18,338 Did you go to the rectory? Yes. 486 00:33:18,378 --> 00:33:21,698 I left a letter of confession, addressed to the Reverend Hutton. 487 00:33:21,738 --> 00:33:24,458 Was Dr Morgan there? I believe he was. 488 00:33:24,498 --> 00:33:26,998 He always advocates a purge. 489 00:33:27,038 --> 00:33:29,578 If her symptoms are gastric, rather than pulmonary, 490 00:33:29,618 --> 00:33:32,438 then the effects of the fever will not be beneficial, 491 00:33:32,478 --> 00:33:33,718 but acutely dangerous. 492 00:33:33,758 --> 00:33:38,498 If she vomits up all fluids, and continues to perspire, 493 00:33:38,538 --> 00:33:42,558 then the effects on her constitution will be the same as cholera! 494 00:33:42,598 --> 00:33:44,598 She will die, Jack. 495 00:33:44,638 --> 00:33:47,863 Of desiccation and exhaustion! 496 00:33:48,878 --> 00:33:50,220 What would you do? 497 00:33:51,358 --> 00:33:54,318 Eradicate the fever, not nurture it. 498 00:33:54,358 --> 00:33:56,366 Cool her temperature right down. 499 00:33:57,418 --> 00:33:58,918 They won't let you near her. 500 00:33:58,958 --> 00:34:01,682 I am near her. 501 00:34:02,818 --> 00:34:05,082 I'm in that room. 502 00:34:21,158 --> 00:34:23,738 There's been an explosion, at the railway works. 503 00:34:23,778 --> 00:34:25,838 Two men are dead. 504 00:34:25,878 --> 00:34:27,726 I've brought you Mr Carter. 505 00:34:30,378 --> 00:34:31,879 This way. 506 00:34:39,898 --> 00:34:41,918 This is not your blood, I think. 507 00:34:41,958 --> 00:34:45,618 I was nearby a horse when the gunpowder went off. 508 00:34:45,658 --> 00:34:47,398 You will need an operation. 509 00:34:47,438 --> 00:34:48,998 Soon. 510 00:34:49,038 --> 00:34:51,338 Do you consent to that? 511 00:34:51,378 --> 00:34:52,778 If you do it. 512 00:34:52,818 --> 00:34:56,038 Miss Galindo, can you send to Hanbury Court for a quantity of ice? 513 00:34:56,078 --> 00:34:59,418 Of course. And see if a message can be sent to Miss Mary Smith. 514 00:34:59,458 --> 00:35:02,058 She has assisted me before and showed great common sense. 515 00:35:02,098 --> 00:35:04,118 Miss Galindo... Yes? 516 00:35:04,158 --> 00:35:06,218 When you are done running his errands, 517 00:35:06,258 --> 00:35:08,338 come back to me 518 00:35:08,378 --> 00:35:10,329 with a pen and ink. 519 00:35:20,758 --> 00:35:23,204 And it's... out. 520 00:35:25,018 --> 00:35:27,378 Next, I'll stitch back the corner of the lid. 521 00:35:27,418 --> 00:35:28,481 Jack. 522 00:35:34,538 --> 00:35:35,658 What about the leg? 523 00:35:35,698 --> 00:35:37,858 The loss of vitality is total. 524 00:35:37,898 --> 00:35:41,258 No circulation, no reflex, no choice. 525 00:35:41,298 --> 00:35:42,898 It's coming off above the knee. 526 00:35:42,938 --> 00:35:44,698 Come to me when you're done. 527 00:35:44,738 --> 00:35:46,586 We need to prepare the tools. 528 00:35:48,138 --> 00:35:50,537 And that is it. 529 00:35:50,538 --> 00:35:52,187 Everything accounted for. 530 00:35:54,338 --> 00:35:56,098 It must be signed and witnessed. 531 00:35:56,138 --> 00:35:57,858 Mr Carter, I would be a fine clerk, 532 00:35:57,898 --> 00:36:00,042 if I did not know the form for such a thing! 533 00:36:01,618 --> 00:36:03,108 Shall I ask Dr Harrison? 534 00:36:04,138 --> 00:36:05,377 No. 535 00:36:05,378 --> 00:36:09,578 I don't want him to know I saw the likely end of this. 536 00:36:09,618 --> 00:36:11,739 You sign it. 537 00:36:14,538 --> 00:36:17,458 I'm a fool for indulging you, Mr Carter. 538 00:36:17,498 --> 00:36:19,978 There is no likely end. 539 00:36:20,018 --> 00:36:23,298 You have injured your leg, it will be righted. 540 00:36:23,338 --> 00:36:25,858 That is all. 541 00:36:25,898 --> 00:36:27,940 Now... 542 00:36:31,018 --> 00:36:34,181 Put your name here, above mine. 543 00:37:05,598 --> 00:37:08,538 I brought brandy, too, and a quantity of linen. 544 00:37:08,578 --> 00:37:10,108 Thank you. 545 00:37:12,918 --> 00:37:14,978 You know as well as I, 546 00:37:15,018 --> 00:37:17,867 that these are gestures made in place of an apology. 547 00:37:25,178 --> 00:37:28,659 We spoke in anger to each other, the other day. 548 00:37:30,258 --> 00:37:31,668 I am sorry. 549 00:37:41,478 --> 00:37:45,699 You must conserve your energy, Mr Carter. 550 00:37:47,238 --> 00:37:50,758 I will speak with Dr Harrison after the procedure, 551 00:37:50,798 --> 00:37:55,104 and arrange for your return to Hanbury as soon as he permits. 552 00:38:11,218 --> 00:38:12,822 Miss Smith. 553 00:38:31,438 --> 00:38:33,638 Help! Somebody, help! 554 00:38:33,678 --> 00:38:36,106 Quickly! 555 00:38:40,998 --> 00:38:42,442 His breath has stopped. 556 00:38:46,398 --> 00:38:47,438 It is his heart. 557 00:38:47,478 --> 00:38:48,998 It has given out. 558 00:38:49,038 --> 00:38:50,340 His heart? 559 00:39:05,198 --> 00:39:09,760 The doctors think there must have been an unseen injury. 560 00:39:11,338 --> 00:39:13,238 Possibly within the chest. 561 00:39:16,878 --> 00:39:20,478 In a few moments you may see him, 562 00:39:20,518 --> 00:39:22,082 if you wish. 563 00:39:38,678 --> 00:39:40,238 Lizzie! What will father say? 564 00:39:40,278 --> 00:39:42,138 I don't care! 565 00:39:48,718 --> 00:39:51,338 Frank, you did your utmost. 566 00:39:51,378 --> 00:39:54,444 KNOCKING Dr Harrison, open the door! 567 00:39:55,718 --> 00:39:56,738 Please come! 568 00:39:56,778 --> 00:39:58,758 Who asks for me? 569 00:39:58,798 --> 00:40:00,919 We do. 570 00:40:02,198 --> 00:40:04,678 Fetch the ice. Now. All of it. 571 00:40:09,238 --> 00:40:10,477 In there. Now. 572 00:40:10,478 --> 00:40:12,158 Wait for me. 573 00:40:12,198 --> 00:40:13,918 Not you. 574 00:40:13,958 --> 00:40:14,919 Let him come in. 575 00:40:16,998 --> 00:40:19,958 Dr Harrison and I have had our misunderstandings, 576 00:40:19,998 --> 00:40:23,338 but I've watched him work for nigh on a twelvemonth, 577 00:40:23,378 --> 00:40:25,886 and if anyone can save her now... 578 00:40:27,518 --> 00:40:28,849 ...it is he. 579 00:40:38,778 --> 00:40:41,144 Go to her. 580 00:40:42,758 --> 00:40:44,601 Thank you. 581 00:40:53,418 --> 00:40:55,045 We need to cool her down now. 582 00:41:00,418 --> 00:41:04,238 Walter died, when he was crossing the equator. 583 00:41:04,278 --> 00:41:05,397 I know, my love. 584 00:41:05,398 --> 00:41:07,525 But I'm going to bring you home. 585 00:41:11,598 --> 00:41:13,600 It's jammed! 586 00:41:16,258 --> 00:41:18,249 The other Macintosh. 587 00:41:41,898 --> 00:41:43,458 Belladonna? 588 00:41:43,498 --> 00:41:45,338 Two minims. 589 00:41:45,378 --> 00:41:46,898 Two? 590 00:41:46,938 --> 00:41:48,547 Are you certain? 591 00:41:59,498 --> 00:42:01,944 She hasn't responded. 592 00:42:06,218 --> 00:42:07,640 Trust me. 593 00:42:18,858 --> 00:42:20,098 Yes! 594 00:42:30,978 --> 00:42:32,218 Building to a pitch. 595 00:42:33,258 --> 00:42:34,486 Building... 596 00:42:36,378 --> 00:42:38,418 And slowing! 597 00:42:38,458 --> 00:42:40,658 Slowing... 598 00:42:40,698 --> 00:42:42,603 Slowing... 599 00:42:59,378 --> 00:43:01,323 You can sleep now. 600 00:43:02,658 --> 00:43:06,901 "Graved on the stone beneath yon aged thorn 601 00:43:08,458 --> 00:43:12,097 "Here rests his head upon the lap of earth 602 00:43:12,098 --> 00:43:16,258 "A youth to Fortune and to Fame unknown 603 00:43:16,298 --> 00:43:19,977 "Fair Science frowned not on his humble birth 604 00:43:19,978 --> 00:43:23,266 "And Melancholy marked him for her own 605 00:43:24,938 --> 00:43:26,978 "Large was his bounty 606 00:43:27,018 --> 00:43:28,661 "And his soul sincere 607 00:43:31,378 --> 00:43:34,541 "Heaven did a recompense as largely send 608 00:43:37,058 --> 00:43:40,778 "He gave to Misery all he had, 609 00:43:41,798 --> 00:43:43,504 "A tear 610 00:43:44,538 --> 00:43:46,108 "He gained from Heaven 611 00:43:47,798 --> 00:43:49,638 "Twas all he wished 612 00:43:49,678 --> 00:43:51,708 "A friend." 613 00:43:54,798 --> 00:43:56,982 There'll be a funeral, lad. 614 00:43:58,858 --> 00:44:00,348 I might not be allowed to go. 615 00:44:09,878 --> 00:44:11,379 You can put the lid on now. 616 00:44:40,518 --> 00:44:41,542 It is you. 617 00:44:43,438 --> 00:44:44,462 Yes. 618 00:44:47,058 --> 00:44:48,718 I dreamed about a boat. 619 00:44:48,758 --> 00:44:50,718 Dragged out of the water, 620 00:44:50,758 --> 00:44:52,663 put upside down on the sand. 621 00:44:54,318 --> 00:44:56,358 Why should I dream that? 622 00:44:56,398 --> 00:44:58,406 Because you are not going anywhere. 623 00:45:10,558 --> 00:45:12,598 Clove rock for the children, 624 00:45:12,638 --> 00:45:15,878 and peppermints for those who scour their livers with green tea. 625 00:45:15,918 --> 00:45:18,258 It's the only way I can square my conscience! 626 00:45:18,298 --> 00:45:21,198 Miss Matty, I had a talk with Martha today. 627 00:45:21,238 --> 00:45:23,058 Did you? Yes. 628 00:45:23,098 --> 00:45:24,923 And there is a change afoot. 629 00:45:26,798 --> 00:45:29,598 Well, my dear. You must tell me what it is. 630 00:45:29,638 --> 00:45:31,798 Poor Martha came to me in some distress, 631 00:45:31,838 --> 00:45:37,278 because she rather hoped you might have guessed at what will come to pass. 632 00:45:37,318 --> 00:45:43,638 But you have not, and she fears that soon her appearance will cause comment in the town. 633 00:45:45,758 --> 00:45:47,798 Mary! 634 00:45:47,838 --> 00:45:49,258 My dear... 635 00:45:49,298 --> 00:45:50,278 Is... 636 00:45:50,318 --> 00:45:53,658 There to be a child? 637 00:45:53,698 --> 00:45:55,698 A baby? 638 00:45:55,738 --> 00:45:56,699 In this house? 639 00:46:05,098 --> 00:46:06,638 I promise you, Miss Matty, 640 00:46:06,678 --> 00:46:11,438 I'll make sure my lying-in doesn't go one day over the fortnight! 641 00:46:11,478 --> 00:46:13,258 God bless you! 642 00:46:28,338 --> 00:46:30,338 Harry, please sit down. 643 00:46:30,378 --> 00:46:31,798 I'm dirty from the cowsheds. 644 00:46:31,838 --> 00:46:33,800 It is no matter. 645 00:46:41,058 --> 00:46:45,258 Mr Carter, 646 00:46:45,298 --> 00:46:49,478 who was a friend to you and me, 647 00:46:49,518 --> 00:46:53,187 made a most detailed last will and testament. 648 00:46:56,118 --> 00:46:59,558 You are to have, with immediate effect, 649 00:46:59,598 --> 00:47:01,367 the sum of £1, 000. 650 00:47:02,918 --> 00:47:07,258 You may take from it an amount with which to help your family, 651 00:47:07,298 --> 00:47:11,661 but the bulk of it must be used to fund your education. 652 00:47:12,678 --> 00:47:14,798 £1, 000? 653 00:47:14,838 --> 00:47:16,798 Just for my education? 654 00:47:16,838 --> 00:47:19,318 Yes. It's too much! 655 00:47:19,358 --> 00:47:22,708 You could build a whole school with that. Everybody could go! 656 00:47:23,958 --> 00:47:28,118 Mr Carter left 657 00:47:28,158 --> 00:47:33,806 In total, he left more than £20, 000. 658 00:47:35,598 --> 00:47:39,682 I have borrowed almost £20, 000 from the bank. 659 00:47:41,678 --> 00:47:45,317 It is a vast amount, 660 00:47:45,318 --> 00:47:49,368 and I concede that it has robbed me of my sleep and peace of mind. 661 00:47:53,418 --> 00:47:57,418 Mr Carter has willed you the whole of his fortune, 662 00:47:57,458 --> 00:48:00,258 when you come of age. 663 00:48:00,298 --> 00:48:02,838 On one condition. 664 00:48:02,878 --> 00:48:06,858 That you must lend the greater part of it to me 665 00:48:06,898 --> 00:48:09,281 for the duration of my lifetime. 666 00:48:12,758 --> 00:48:15,682 So that I may pay back my mortgage to the bank. 667 00:48:18,278 --> 00:48:23,237 And then, when I die, and my son inherits Hanbury, 668 00:48:23,238 --> 00:48:26,218 he must pay you back with the interest accrued. 669 00:48:30,678 --> 00:48:32,680 Mr Carter knew you well. 670 00:48:33,718 --> 00:48:35,978 When that day comes, 671 00:48:36,018 --> 00:48:41,638 he wants you to use as much of the money as you wish 672 00:48:41,678 --> 00:48:43,640 to found a school. 673 00:48:46,898 --> 00:48:48,878 In Cranford. 674 00:48:48,918 --> 00:48:52,223 But... he always said you didn't want that! 675 00:48:53,218 --> 00:48:54,879 I didn't. 676 00:48:56,638 --> 00:48:59,178 That doesn't mean that I was correct. 677 00:48:59,218 --> 00:49:04,478 When we've finished our talk, you may read the will for yourself, 678 00:49:04,518 --> 00:49:09,278 and I hope that you'll let me know what you think of it. 679 00:49:09,318 --> 00:49:12,018 I think it must make you sad. 680 00:49:12,058 --> 00:49:13,838 To be told what you must do. 681 00:49:14,858 --> 00:49:16,678 You're not used to that. 682 00:49:20,378 --> 00:49:22,687 Did Mr Carter want me to go away to school? 683 00:49:24,078 --> 00:49:28,358 He stipulated Shrewsbury, in the will, 684 00:49:28,398 --> 00:49:31,361 since it is not so very far from Cheshire. 685 00:49:34,018 --> 00:49:37,838 He also suggests at first you go to the Reverend Hutton, 686 00:49:37,878 --> 00:49:39,718 for instruction in the Classics, 687 00:49:39,758 --> 00:49:42,607 and in that way you won't be far behind the other boys. 688 00:49:43,638 --> 00:49:45,947 He thought of everything, didn't he? 689 00:49:48,938 --> 00:49:51,384 Yes. He did. 690 00:49:55,118 --> 00:49:57,058 I shall do it all, you know. 691 00:49:57,098 --> 00:49:59,140 Everything that Mr Carter asks. 692 00:50:05,918 --> 00:50:07,647 And so shall I. 693 00:50:10,298 --> 00:50:12,238 I don't know what to play! 694 00:50:12,278 --> 00:50:15,198 I've hardly had the lid up at home these past three weeks. 695 00:50:15,238 --> 00:50:19,538 Every time I start, poor Father says it pains his eye! 696 00:50:19,578 --> 00:50:23,318 I'm sure the frailty will pass when you get the bandage off! 697 00:50:23,358 --> 00:50:25,778 Dr Marshland advises a temporary patch. 698 00:50:25,818 --> 00:50:28,738 I shall look quite the buccaneer! 699 00:50:28,778 --> 00:50:30,000 Play this one. 700 00:50:59,238 --> 00:51:01,958 Did I hear somebody outside? 701 00:51:01,998 --> 00:51:03,220 I shall go and see. 702 00:51:07,458 --> 00:51:10,878 It's probably Jem Hearne coming home. 703 00:51:41,938 --> 00:51:43,978 Major Gordon? 704 00:51:44,018 --> 00:51:47,960 It has taken me three months to travel back from India. 705 00:51:49,498 --> 00:51:52,778 And I find I have not had time... 706 00:51:52,818 --> 00:51:53,984 to think of what to say! 707 00:51:56,818 --> 00:52:00,026 Well, I hope you plan to propose to her again. 708 00:52:11,618 --> 00:52:14,017 Miss Matty, 709 00:52:14,018 --> 00:52:18,500 Major Gordon's purpose in coming back from Chunderayabad was twofold. 710 00:52:20,058 --> 00:52:23,258 To ask for Jessie's hand. 711 00:52:23,298 --> 00:52:27,058 And to bring something for you. 712 00:52:53,098 --> 00:52:55,339 Tell me that you know me. 713 00:52:58,638 --> 00:53:00,537 You are my brother. 714 00:53:00,538 --> 00:53:01,698 Peter. 715 00:53:08,338 --> 00:53:13,358 I have brought you the muslin that I promised, 716 00:53:13,398 --> 00:53:15,622 for your wedding gown. 717 00:53:18,618 --> 00:53:20,825 Though I fear I am come a little late. 718 00:53:21,858 --> 00:53:23,962 Tis no matter. 719 00:53:26,538 --> 00:53:27,744 You have come home. 720 00:53:52,578 --> 00:53:55,258 I'm holding back the mutton puffs. 721 00:53:55,298 --> 00:53:57,737 Caroline Tomkinson! 722 00:53:57,738 --> 00:53:59,278 Engaged to a butcher! 723 00:53:59,318 --> 00:54:03,737 Well, that's the last we'll see of elegant economy in this house. 724 00:54:03,738 --> 00:54:05,238 Ham! 725 00:54:05,278 --> 00:54:06,626 At half-past three. 726 00:54:11,698 --> 00:54:14,677 He's arm in arm with Mrs Rose! 727 00:54:14,678 --> 00:54:17,021 Ah! You're there! 728 00:54:20,298 --> 00:54:22,498 An entirely predictable liaison. 729 00:54:22,538 --> 00:54:27,218 I've seen it looming for some time. 730 00:54:27,258 --> 00:54:29,778 Must be anticipated! 731 00:54:29,818 --> 00:54:31,298 It is most irregular. 732 00:54:31,338 --> 00:54:33,818 Why does the man not sit upon a chair? 733 00:54:33,858 --> 00:54:37,418 Perhaps the Orient has rubbed off on him. 734 00:54:37,458 --> 00:54:40,918 I hear tell that he's actually quite weather-beaten. 735 00:54:40,958 --> 00:54:42,657 Do not look to me to have it proved! 736 00:54:42,658 --> 00:54:44,938 Every time I call, he's in his room asleep! 737 00:54:44,978 --> 00:54:48,858 I do not know who he is, that he must be kept under a glass case! 738 00:54:48,898 --> 00:54:52,858 Well! This is a monumental day. 739 00:54:52,898 --> 00:54:56,018 Do try a little of the cold roast beef. 740 00:54:56,058 --> 00:54:59,138 Caroline will make a most memorable bride! 741 00:54:59,178 --> 00:55:01,026 She looks quite radiant. 742 00:55:02,578 --> 00:55:07,118 There are some girls who do not feel complete unless they marry. 743 00:55:07,158 --> 00:55:11,138 I was never one of those, but I think my sister is. 744 00:55:11,178 --> 00:55:12,698 You have to consider her health. 745 00:55:12,738 --> 00:55:16,018 What good is a husband to the constitution? 746 00:55:16,058 --> 00:55:18,178 I have spinster carved on my bones, 747 00:55:18,218 --> 00:55:20,658 and the doctor is a stranger to my door! 748 00:55:31,758 --> 00:55:34,864 Oh, my dear Miss Matty! This must be Mr Jenkyns! 749 00:55:42,998 --> 00:55:45,898 I am the lady who is... 750 00:55:45,938 --> 00:55:48,219 still Miss Pole. 751 00:56:03,418 --> 00:56:04,657 Miss Matty! 752 00:56:04,658 --> 00:56:07,918 I hope I do not intrude, 753 00:56:07,958 --> 00:56:08,938 or tire you. 754 00:56:08,978 --> 00:56:10,538 I grow stronger by the day! 755 00:56:10,578 --> 00:56:14,018 I could not keep from calling, 756 00:56:14,058 --> 00:56:15,667 once I had heard your news. 757 00:56:24,358 --> 00:56:28,258 It is a delight, to see the room so little changed. 758 00:56:28,298 --> 00:56:31,341 I sometimes forget, that this was the home of your youth. 759 00:56:33,578 --> 00:56:38,198 My brother brought me a bolt of cloth from Chunderayabad. 760 00:56:38,238 --> 00:56:40,718 It's the loveliest of muslins. 761 00:56:40,758 --> 00:56:42,379 I wonder... 762 00:56:44,538 --> 00:56:47,621 Would you take it, to be your wedding dress? 763 00:56:49,178 --> 00:56:50,668 Oh, Miss Matty! 764 00:56:53,038 --> 00:56:54,938 It is exquisite. 765 00:56:55,978 --> 00:56:58,219 It was meant for a rectory bride, my dear. 766 00:56:59,718 --> 00:57:02,926 And now a rectory bride will wear it. 767 00:57:25,318 --> 00:57:27,127 Ah! My dear friend! 768 00:57:29,078 --> 00:57:30,958 Congratulations! 769 00:57:30,998 --> 00:57:32,744 Don't they look happy? 770 00:57:39,118 --> 00:57:41,086 Congratulations! 771 00:57:57,518 --> 00:57:59,718 Oh, Harry! Well done! 772 00:57:59,758 --> 00:58:01,238 Good luck, Harry! 773 00:58:01,278 --> 00:58:03,047 Now that is a shame. 774 00:58:11,038 --> 00:58:13,878 That is the loveliest bridal gown! 775 00:58:13,918 --> 00:58:16,608 Such beautiful material. 776 00:58:19,398 --> 00:58:22,026 Such a fine, close weave. 777 00:58:23,854 --> 00:58:25,893 Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd 778 00:58:25,894 --> 00:58:28,014 E-mail subtitling@bbc.co.uk