1 00:00:01,705 --> 00:00:04,121 Okay, are you ready to roll, mr. Hagen? 2 00:00:04,451 --> 00:00:07,596 I think god's kind of pissed off at me. 3 00:00:07,620 --> 00:00:10,352 I crashed the car. Well, let's not worry about the car. 4 00:00:10,376 --> 00:00:11,985 Let's just worry about getting you put back together 5 00:00:12,009 --> 00:00:14,671 In one piece. Yeah, but... It's notju. 6 00:00:15,952 --> 00:00:18,062 I... I screwed up. 7 00:00:18,086 --> 00:00:20,356 Well, everybody screws up. God knows that. 8 00:00:20,380 --> 00:00:23,415 You're gonna be fine. He put you on my table, didn't he? 9 00:00:23,439 --> 00:00:25,859 He must have some idea what he's doing. 10 00:00:31,894 --> 00:00:33,077 (siren wails) they page you a lot? 11 00:00:33,101 --> 00:00:35,864 They page me when a helicopter lands at my hospital. 12 00:00:35,888 --> 00:00:37,477 Yeah, but if a helicopter hadn't landed at your hospital, 13 00:00:37,501 --> 00:00:39,336 You wouldn't have found some other reason 14 00:00:39,360 --> 00:00:42,693 To call it a night, you know? You think I faked a helicopter landing 15 00:00:42,717 --> 00:00:44,280 To bail on our date? No, no, but-- 16 00:00:44,304 --> 00:00:46,518 You want to bail on a date, you fake a headache 17 00:00:46,542 --> 00:00:48,528 Not a 2-ton flying machine that can be seen 18 00:00:48,552 --> 00:00:51,977 From miles away. Right, right. I just wanted to make sure. 19 00:00:52,001 --> 00:00:54,295 Sheldon, the insecurity thing? 20 00:00:54,319 --> 00:00:56,144 You want me to stop thinking about cooper, 21 00:00:56,168 --> 00:00:59,396 Stop acting like him. I'll wait. 22 00:00:59,420 --> 00:01:01,447 Maybe you'll be done in a few minutes and, uh... Okay. 23 00:01:01,471 --> 00:01:03,768 I need hand and wrist film, please. 24 00:01:03,792 --> 00:01:06,529 What have we got? Maya? 25 00:01:06,553 --> 00:01:08,843 And dell. M.V.A. She's in labor. Uh, we were on our way here, 26 00:01:08,867 --> 00:01:10,671 And some guy blew through a red light. Good lord. 27 00:01:10,695 --> 00:01:12,315 Her contractions are two minutes apart, 28 00:01:12,339 --> 00:01:14,276 Pain at a seven, maybe eight. Sir, you need to sit down. 29 00:01:14,300 --> 00:01:16,758 I'm fine, okay? Maya's--ow. Sit down. He okay? 30 00:01:16,782 --> 00:01:18,639 So far, some lacerations, probably a fractured wrist. 31 00:01:18,663 --> 00:01:23,051 We need a fetal doppler, and where is radiology? How you feeling, sweetheart? 32 00:01:23,075 --> 00:01:25,489 I'm okay. The contractions were pretty bad, 33 00:01:25,513 --> 00:01:29,239 But it's much better now with the epidural. 34 00:01:29,263 --> 00:01:32,092 What epidural? Dell? 35 00:01:37,755 --> 00:01:39,789 Maya... How's that feel? 36 00:01:39,813 --> 00:01:42,945 What? 37 00:01:43,705 --> 00:01:45,661 I'll page neuro surg. 38 00:01:45,685 --> 00:01:47,841 Call amelia. She doesn't work here. 39 00:01:47,865 --> 00:01:49,941 Call amelia. Sam's in the o.R. Nai's on her way. 40 00:01:49,965 --> 00:01:53,215 She knows about the labor, but nothing else. Addison, did she break-- 41 00:01:53,239 --> 00:01:56,753 Dell, sit down. I need a c.T. Of her spine. Now, please. 42 00:02:03,093 --> 00:02:06,438 www.addic7ed.com 43 00:02:07,088 --> 00:02:08,207 (charlotte) we don't have films yet. 44 00:02:08,231 --> 00:02:09,920 But she's got some distal sensory loss. What? 45 00:02:09,944 --> 00:02:11,957 She can't feel her legs. She fractured her spine? 46 00:02:11,981 --> 00:02:14,225 We don't know what it means yet. It means she fractured her spine. 47 00:02:14,249 --> 00:02:15,842 Pete-- charlotte, you are sweating a. 48 00:02:15,866 --> 00:02:19,211 Is maya gonna be all right? Naomi's gonna blow in any minute 49 00:02:19,235 --> 00:02:22,240 Expecting contractions and heavy breathing. Can we focus on that? 50 00:02:22,264 --> 00:02:25,359 Now go. Sam's got a body open in o.R. Two. 51 00:02:25,383 --> 00:02:27,638 I got another cardiac surgeon on his way, but it's gonna take him 52 00:02:27,662 --> 00:02:29,312 About a half an hour to get here. I got it. 53 00:02:30,019 --> 00:02:30,634 Hi. Not now. 54 00:02:30,658 --> 00:02:33,245 What do you mean, "not now"? I called you, I texted you. 55 00:02:33,269 --> 00:02:34,755 I tracked you down. Jan in reception said 56 00:02:34,779 --> 00:02:36,810 There was a helicopter here, which I can't believe I missed. 57 00:02:36,834 --> 00:02:38,918 But I just need a moment of your time. 58 00:02:38,942 --> 00:02:40,600 I think we should have dinner tomorrow night-- uh, no. 59 00:02:40,624 --> 00:02:42,937 Sheldon. Excuse me. 60 00:02:42,961 --> 00:02:45,048 Cooper--can you just tell him what's going on? 61 00:02:45,072 --> 00:02:49,026 I'd rather not, frankly. What the hell? 62 00:02:49,050 --> 00:02:51,666 Hey, nai, naomi. Hey. Maya's in labor. 63 00:02:51,690 --> 00:02:53,461 Yeah. Oh, she's in labor. 64 00:02:49,930 --> 00:02:51,474 Oh, and I'm-- I'm hyperventilating. 65 00:02:51,498 --> 00:02:55,164 I think I'm a little bit of a hypocrite, 66 00:02:55,188 --> 00:02:58,829 Because I've been against this from the get-go, 67 00:02:58,853 --> 00:03:00,234 But now all of a sudden, I am just sieged 68 00:03:00,258 --> 00:03:02,374 With the urge to just, like, knit booties and coo. 69 00:03:02,398 --> 00:03:04,478 I mean, I don't even knit. So maybe I'm more sieged 70 00:03:04,502 --> 00:03:06,252 With the urge to just go out and by a bunch of booties. Nai, naomi-- 71 00:03:06,276 --> 00:03:07,972 I thinthe universe is actually giving me 72 00:03:07,996 --> 00:03:09,240 A little bit of a-a break today. 73 00:03:09,264 --> 00:03:11,880 You know, gabriel is giving william the a.L.S. Treatment. 74 00:03:11,904 --> 00:03:13,722 William is taking the a.L.S. Treatment. 75 00:03:13,746 --> 00:03:15,656 I j--I just feel like it's my day. 76 00:03:15,680 --> 00:03:17,770 The universe is gonna tolerate just a little bit of hypocrisy 77 00:03:17,794 --> 00:03:23,830 From me and let me-- naomi, naomi. Something has happened to maya. 78 00:03:29,172 --> 00:03:30,887 She's got peripheral anesthesia, 79 00:03:30,911 --> 00:03:32,713 Possible fracture at l-2 or 3. 80 00:03:32,737 --> 00:03:35,110 Okay. Well, is the cord transected? I don't know. 81 00:03:35,134 --> 00:03:37,464 What about the baby? I'm gonna do a c-section. We're going in now. 82 00:03:37,488 --> 00:03:39,989 The o.R.'s ready. Naomi, I am so sorry. 83 00:03:40,827 --> 00:03:42,330 Dell, you didn't do this. 84 00:03:42,354 --> 00:03:45,748 Mom, I can't feel my legs. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. 85 00:03:45,772 --> 00:03:47,503 Mommy's here. Where's daddy? 86 00:03:47,527 --> 00:03:49,858 Hang in there, maya, okay? We're gonna go have your baby now. 87 00:03:49,882 --> 00:03:51,256 Let's go. Now. Let's go. 88 00:04:01,730 --> 00:04:04,447 Hey. You got nothing better to do on a Friday night? 89 00:04:04,471 --> 00:04:06,632 I need you for a quick consult. Can you step out for a sec? It could be a while. 90 00:04:06,656 --> 00:04:09,128 This guy avulsed his pulmonary artery, 91 00:04:09,152 --> 00:04:12,808 Smashed his beemer, smashed his rib cage. 92 00:04:12,832 --> 00:04:15,374 He thinks god's pissed off at him. 93 00:04:20,376 --> 00:04:22,253 That's the guy that hit maya and dell-- 94 00:04:22,277 --> 00:04:24,588 On sam's table under sam's knife. I know that. 95 00:04:24,612 --> 00:04:27,179 Does sam? What am I supposed to do? 96 00:04:27,203 --> 00:04:28,733 We can't duct tape the guy closed. 97 00:04:28,757 --> 00:04:30,973 Sam's gotta keep operating till mason gets here. 98 00:04:30,997 --> 00:04:33,284 Well, you got a better idea? 99 00:04:40,027 --> 00:04:41,634 C-sections are bad. 100 00:04:41,658 --> 00:04:43,757 I wanted to have him the regular way. 101 00:04:43,781 --> 00:04:45,082 Oh, c-sections are not bad. 102 00:04:45,106 --> 00:04:46,946 They are fast and they're safe. 103 00:04:46,970 --> 00:04:48,885 Addison has done a gajillion of these. 104 00:04:48,909 --> 00:04:50,965 She could do this in her sleep. You just focus on the fact 105 00:04:50,989 --> 00:04:53,079 That you're gonna see your baby, maya. 106 00:04:55,358 --> 00:04:57,376 Okay. There we go. 107 00:04:58,195 --> 00:05:00,005 You got a nice-looking uterus, kid. 108 00:05:00,029 --> 00:05:02,041 Ew. All right. Lap pad. 109 00:05:09,981 --> 00:05:10,715 What happened? 110 00:05:10,739 --> 00:05:12,447 Her pressure's dropping. Open up her I.V. 111 00:05:12,471 --> 00:05:15,247 Wh-why is her pressure dropping? I don't know. Run the fluids wide open. 112 00:05:15,271 --> 00:05:19,376 Maya. Maya! B.P.'s down to 80 over 30. 113 00:05:19,400 --> 00:05:22,679 What--what-- what did you? I tilted her uterus. I was checking the baby's position. 114 00:05:22,703 --> 00:05:24,851 Well, is she bleeding out? I don't kn--naomi, you need to get out of here. 115 00:05:24,875 --> 00:05:26,163 Dell, get her out of here. Naomi-- 116 00:05:26,187 --> 00:05:27,981 Do not touch me. Uterus must have been tamponading 117 00:05:28,005 --> 00:05:30,172 The radicular artery. I can't move the baby 118 00:05:30,196 --> 00:05:32,962 Or she'll bottom out. Addison, her pressure dropping. You're losing her. 119 00:05:32,986 --> 00:05:34,504 Naomi, you need to get out of here or you shu. 120 00:05:34,528 --> 00:05:38,536 The baby stays in. We need to pack the wound. (dell) tachy at 140.E're not picking up her pressure. 121 00:05:38,560 --> 00:05:41,638 Okay, full pressors. Pull the crash cart. Maya, stay with me. 122 00:05:41,662 --> 00:05:44,916 Baby, stay with me. Okay? You stay with me. 123 00:05:51,069 --> 00:05:54,264 How long can the baby stay in once-- not very long. 124 00:05:55,613 --> 00:05:58,953 Let's just wait and see what amelia has to say, okay? 125 00:06:02,422 --> 00:06:03,780 I almost lost her. 126 00:06:04,487 --> 00:06:05,687 I know. 127 00:06:06,585 --> 00:06:08,064 I'm here. I'm late. I'm late. I'm sorry. 128 00:06:08,088 --> 00:06:10,686 But I got the camera, so she can start pushing. 129 00:06:12,705 --> 00:06:15,070 What? Was it a false alarm? 130 00:06:15,094 --> 00:06:16,622 What? 131 00:06:24,160 --> 00:06:25,488 I was just gonna come find you. 132 00:06:25,512 --> 00:06:27,538 I, uh, set up the drip in pete's office. 133 00:06:27,562 --> 00:06:29,863 You can lie there and stare at all those jars, 134 00:06:29,887 --> 00:06:32,001 Wonder what the hell he does with 'em. We're not going to do the treatment. 135 00:06:32,025 --> 00:06:36,269 You're gonna go to the hospital, and I'm going to sun valley. 136 00:06:38,053 --> 00:06:40,508 Naomi's daughter was in a car accident. 137 00:06:40,532 --> 00:06:43,012 She may have broken her back. What? 138 00:06:43,036 --> 00:06:45,491 You mocked me for having three assistants, 139 00:06:45,515 --> 00:06:46,770 But when you have three assistants, 140 00:06:46,794 --> 00:06:48,157 You know what's going on. 141 00:06:48,181 --> 00:06:49,608 Valerie's the best one of the lot. 142 00:06:49,632 --> 00:06:52,843 You should use her when I'm gone. What are you-- what are you talking about? 143 00:06:54,122 --> 00:06:55,992 The treatment won't work. You know that. 144 00:06:57,763 --> 00:06:59,331 It's too late. 145 00:07:00,123 --> 00:07:02,091 You couldn't tell that to naomi? 146 00:07:03,206 --> 00:07:05,503 She needed something to hope for. 147 00:07:06,853 --> 00:07:08,456 What's in sun valley? 148 00:07:08,480 --> 00:07:10,786 A daughter who doesn't like me 149 00:07:11,383 --> 00:07:13,742 And who I don't understand. 150 00:07:15,613 --> 00:07:18,179 And what, you're just gonna go there to die? 151 00:07:21,257 --> 00:07:23,940 You're not even gonna say good-bye to her? 152 00:07:25,585 --> 00:07:28,509 Tell her the--the drugs are helping. 153 00:07:28,533 --> 00:07:31,908 Tell her I'm resting, that she shouldn't bother me. 154 00:07:31,932 --> 00:07:34,572 And when maya's out of the woods, 155 00:07:34,596 --> 00:07:37,172 Tell her I left... 156 00:07:37,196 --> 00:07:39,851 And I loveer. 157 00:07:47,558 --> 00:07:49,975 You love her, to d? 158 00:07:56,151 --> 00:07:58,676 Be aetter man than you have been. 159 00:08:10,916 --> 00:08:12,397 (sheldon) it's gonna be a long night. 160 00:08:12,421 --> 00:08:14,136 I could stop by your house and pick up some clothes. 161 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:16,024 Nah, I got some clothes back in my office. 162 00:08:16,048 --> 00:08:18,304 I just haven't had a second to put 'em on yet. 163 00:08:18,328 --> 00:08:21,497 Thanks, though. You're sweet. I'm not. 164 00:08:21,521 --> 00:08:25,089 But under the circumstances, I'm willing to fake it. 165 00:08:25,113 --> 00:08:26,986 I gotta-- yeah. 166 00:08:30,833 --> 00:08:31,755 Hi, guys. Hey. 167 00:08:31,779 --> 00:08:32,753 Hey. 168 00:08:33,740 --> 00:08:35,976 Hey, uh, lucas is with danielle, 169 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:38,895 The sitter from up the street I told you about with the hair. 170 00:08:38,919 --> 00:08:40,354 Anyway, she's at the house. 171 00:08:40,378 --> 00:08:41,707 She knows it's gonnae a long night. Okay. 172 00:08:41,731 --> 00:08:44,104 I would've td you earlier, but with all the confusion-- 173 00:08:44,128 --> 00:08:47,129 I'm sorry. You don't have to explain anything to me, pete. 174 00:08:47,153 --> 00:08:48,750 I kinda do. 175 00:08:49,983 --> 00:08:51,163 It's co-parenting. 176 00:08:51,187 --> 00:08:54,009 That's what we're doing. I tell you where the kid is. 177 00:08:54,033 --> 00:08:55,334 It's not a hardship. 178 00:08:56,136 --> 00:08:58,694 Well, thank you. 179 00:08:58,718 --> 00:09:00,753 I'm goa go wait for sam. 180 00:09:03,572 --> 00:09:05,520 See right there? Fracture at l-2 181 00:09:05,544 --> 00:09:07,564 And then another chard of bone here at l-3. 182 00:09:07,588 --> 00:09:09,155 The baby was stabilizing the whole area, 183 00:09:09,179 --> 00:09:12,839 So when you shifted the uterus, all hell broke loose. So what are our options? 184 00:09:14,589 --> 00:09:16,149 Well, nai, how about you grab a cup of coffee, 185 00:09:16,173 --> 00:09:18,651 And we can talk about it a little-- just answer the question. 186 00:09:18,675 --> 00:09:21,267 Nai, I think that amelia wants to brainstorm a little. 187 00:09:21,291 --> 00:09:25,216 So it's--it's easier when the mother's not here-- well, I-I'm sorry if this is difficult for her. 188 00:09:25,240 --> 00:09:28,221 Just stop managing me. Spit it out. 189 00:09:28,245 --> 00:09:29,746 Okay. 190 00:09:31,245 --> 00:09:32,784 If we take out the baby, the cord strokes out. 191 00:09:32,808 --> 00:09:34,748 She's paralyzed from the waist down for life. 192 00:09:34,772 --> 00:09:36,739 If I decompress the cord anteriorly, 193 00:09:36,763 --> 00:09:37,758 We could lose the baby. 194 00:09:37,782 --> 00:09:40,237 I do a posterior approach, we could lose the baby. 195 00:09:40,261 --> 00:09:42,338 If I try to repair the artery first, she could 196 00:09:42,362 --> 00:09:44,882 Bleed out on the tab, and I kill them both. 197 00:09:44,906 --> 00:09:47,183 Does anybody have a preference? 198 00:09:54,967 --> 00:09:56,945 That guy's blood won't ct for love or money. 199 00:09:56,969 --> 00:09:59,246 Thank you. Walk with me. 200 00:09:59,270 --> 00:10:00,736 Five minutes while they put him on the pump, 201 00:10:00,760 --> 00:10:02,148 Then I want to get out of here, 202 00:10:02,172 --> 00:10:04,866 See how maya's labor's progressing. Come on. Juswalk. 203 00:10:04,890 --> 00:10:07,016 Okay. Thank you. Drink this. 204 00:10:07,040 --> 00:10:08,730 I'good. You know there's too much sugar in that stuff. 205 00:10:08,754 --> 00:10:11,642 It's late at night, you've been operating, just-- what is this? You sound li my aunt. 206 00:10:11,666 --> 00:10:14,924 Just drink the crappy drink, sam. Okayi'm gonna drink it. Why e you being so weird? 207 00:10:12,613 --> 00:10:15,675 On their way gonna drink it. To the hospital.Eing so weird? 208 00:10:17,508 --> 00:10:20,253 Maya and dell were in a car accident 209 00:10:20,277 --> 00:10:22,581 Maya broke her l-2, possibly l-3. 210 00:10:22,605 --> 00:10:24,328 They're in the I.C.U. 211 00:10:33,098 --> 00:10:36,394 (sam) hypothermia? You lower the body temperature, you decrease metabolic demands 212 00:10:36,418 --> 00:10:38,308 And you limit damage to the spinal cord. 213 00:10:38,332 --> 00:10:39,903 Gives dr. Shepherd a lot more time to work 214 00:10:39,927 --> 00:10:44,642 And maybe she's got a shot at avoiding paralysis. Yeah, but there's a baby inside of her. Hypothermia? 215 00:10:44,666 --> 00:10:46,925 It would kill the baby. It may kill the baby. 216 00:10:46,949 --> 00:10:48,452 It'll save the spinal cord. It may save the spinal cord. 217 00:10:48,476 --> 00:10:51,462 So--so if-- if we save her child, 218 00:10:51,486 --> 00:10:53,947 Then we ensure that-- that she's paralyzed for life, 219 00:10:53,971 --> 00:10:57,839 But if we kill the baby, then--then she will walk again? 220 00:10:57,863 --> 00:11:00,097 Is that what we're saying? 221 00:11:00,121 --> 00:11:02,427 Is that what we're saying? 222 00:11:02,451 --> 00:11:04,173 Look, I'm not usually the glass- half-full guy in the room, 223 00:11:04,197 --> 00:11:06,080 But she's not gonna die. 224 00:11:06,104 --> 00:11:08,481 I understand that's progress from the initial diagnosis. 225 00:11:08,505 --> 00:11:11,689 But she may never walk again. (gabriel) a chair is n a death sentence. 226 00:11:11,713 --> 00:11:14,240 I mean, people told me that every day, and as much as it 227 00:11:14,264 --> 00:11:17,786 Made me want to smack 'em in the face, they were right. Save her legs. I-I want her to walk again. 228 00:11:17,810 --> 00:11:19,989 (sam) wait. Wait. What about the baby? 229 00:11:20,013 --> 00:11:23,047 That's a full-term child that she's carrying. I'm aware of that. 230 00:11:23,071 --> 00:11:26,110 She wanted that child. That child is hers. I-I am aware of that, sam. 231 00:11:26,134 --> 00:11:28,122 You have wanted this child gone since the moment 232 00:11:28,146 --> 00:11:29,300 It's been conceived-- don't you--don't you dare. 233 00:11:29,324 --> 00:11:32,352 This is your daughter in this bed! The moment it's been conceived! What's the deal, naomi? 234 00:11:32,376 --> 00:11:35,248 It's been conceived-- okay, stop it. Stop it. Don't youboth of you.Dare. 235 00:11:35,272 --> 00:11:37,025 Just take a breath. Everyone, just... 236 00:11:47,022 --> 00:11:49,219 Dink. 237 00:11:50,236 --> 00:11:52,013 You're her husband... 238 00:11:52,037 --> 00:11:54,527 The father of her child. 239 00:11:55,306 --> 00:11:57,843 (sighs) I don't, um... 240 00:11:58,506 --> 00:11:59,860 I don't know how to... 241 00:12:02,450 --> 00:12:04,448 (exhales) I mean, can't you save them both? 242 00:12:05,579 --> 00:12:06,770 (lowered voice) why didn't I think of that? 243 00:12:06,794 --> 00:12:08,377 Amelia. 244 00:12:09,109 --> 00:12:11,195 I'm a kid. They don't teach you how to choose between 245 00:12:11,219 --> 00:12:13,098 Your paralyzed wife and your dying baby 246 00:12:13,122 --> 00:12:14,967 In--in mathletes. 247 00:12:14,991 --> 00:12:17,440 I mean... (pete) it's okay. 248 00:12:20,496 --> 00:12:22,688 (sam) you heard the man. 249 00:12:22,712 --> 00:12:25,430 You're gonna have to save 'em both. How fast are you? 250 00:12:25,454 --> 00:12:27,139 I'm fast, but... 251 00:12:27,761 --> 00:12:29,372 This is a long shot. 252 00:12:29,396 --> 00:12:31,377 If the baby's temp's not down for too long... 253 00:12:31,401 --> 00:12:33,530 (stammers) it's not ideal, but... 254 00:12:33,554 --> 00:12:35,657 You'd have to be pretty damn fast. 255 00:12:35,681 --> 00:12:38,201 Sam. I'm sorry. I need you. 256 00:12:38,225 --> 00:12:40,272 Patient's ready for bypass. 257 00:12:50,451 --> 00:12:51,503 Sam. 258 00:12:51,527 --> 00:12:52,405 Yeah. 259 00:12:52,429 --> 00:12:54,325 Hey, I, uh... 260 00:12:54,349 --> 00:12:57,053 I-I just wanted to see if you were okay. 261 00:12:57,077 --> 00:12:58,399 I mean, obviously, you're not okay, 262 00:12:58,423 --> 00:13:00,136 But I... 263 00:13:01,307 --> 00:13:03,416 I don't know what I-- what I wanted. I... Yeah. 264 00:13:05,092 --> 00:13:06,010 I oughta head back inside. 265 00:13:06,034 --> 00:13:07,391 Wait. 266 00:13:08,283 --> 00:13:10,755 Could you just, uh, stand here with me 267 00:13:10,779 --> 00:13:12,934 For a minute? 268 00:13:30,088 --> 00:13:31,539 Okay. 269 00:13:31,563 --> 00:13:33,039 All right. I gotta... 270 00:13:33,063 --> 00:13:34,319 Yeah. 271 00:13:45,685 --> 00:13:47,583 Sam, they're waiting till maya's contractions stop 272 00:13:47,607 --> 00:13:49,640 Before they start the hypothermia. 273 00:13:51,622 --> 00:13:53,709 Part of me can't believe I'm stuck in here. 274 00:13:56,023 --> 00:13:58,683 Part of me is lieved that I got something to do with melf. 275 00:13:58,707 --> 00:13:59,673 Yeah. 276 00:14:04,799 --> 00:14:06,516 Hey, sam, I-- 277 00:14:06,540 --> 00:14:07,979 Is his hand moving? 278 00:14:08,003 --> 00:14:09,596 What? His h--his hand is moving. 279 00:14:09,620 --> 00:14:12,033 What are you talking-- whoa. Whoa. He's waking up. (man) holy-- 280 00:14:12,057 --> 00:14:13,271 Get the hand awayrom the wound. (sam) get me a lap. 281 00:14:13,295 --> 00:14:15,701 Get it away from the wnd. Push anoth .3 of etomidate. 282 00:14:15,725 --> 00:14:17,040 That's what I'm doing. Up the sux infusion. 283 00:14:18,446 --> 00:14:20,855 (man) there. What the hell is going on here? What washat? 284 00:14:20,879 --> 00:14:24,330 Were you falling asleep? Back off. The guy's a drunk. 285 00:14:24,354 --> 00:14:25,942 He's going through the anesthesia 286 00:14:25,966 --> 00:14:27,884 Like it's iced tea. So then... Are you saying that... 287 00:14:27,908 --> 00:14:31,221 He's plaster out of his mind. 288 00:14:31,245 --> 00:14:33,608 How do you think he crashed his car? 289 00:14:36,663 --> 00:14:38,013 Is this the guy that hit may sam... 290 00:14:38,037 --> 00:14:41,332 Of course it is. (monitor beeng erratically) 291 00:14:43,125 --> 00:14:46,369 I should've figured it out myself. Dr. Bennett, he's dropping his cardiac output. 292 00:14:46,393 --> 00:14:47,888 You've gotta get back in there. 293 00:14:47,912 --> 00:14:49,718 Sam! 294 00:14:50,990 --> 00:14:54,695 He almost killed my daughter and her baby. 295 00:14:54,719 --> 00:14:57,143 Pete, she may never walk again. 296 00:14:57,167 --> 00:15:00,283 (man) he's gonna crash, bennett. Sam, it's not the same guy. 297 00:15:00,307 --> 00:15:01,607 The guy that hit maya didn make it. 298 00:15:01,631 --> 00:15:03,170 Charlotte was talking about it in the waiting room. 299 00:15:03,194 --> 00:15:06,792 It's l.A., right? Car accident every four nutes. 300 00:15:08,286 --> 00:15:11,979 Charlottpete, talking about it look ame in my face.Room. 301 00:15:12,362 --> 00:15:13,619 Are you lying? 302 00:15:13,643 --> 00:15:16,965 No. I swear it. It not the same guy. 303 00:15:19,873 --> 00:15:21,649 Bennett. Shake it off. 304 00:15:31,930 --> 00:15:33,331 Uh... Satinsky. 305 00:15:40,389 --> 00:15:42,709 You're damn right, god's pissed off at you. 306 00:15:49,352 --> 00:15:51,070 She called dell. 307 00:15:52,412 --> 00:15:54,195 Dell. 308 00:15:56,351 --> 00:15:58,191 If I hadn't turned my back on her when she was pregnant, 309 00:15:58,215 --> 00:16:00,620 Then she would've called me when she went into labor. 310 00:16:01,230 --> 00:16:03,318 She would've called me to drive her to the hospital, 311 00:16:03,342 --> 00:16:05,370 And we wouldn't be standing here discussing whether 312 00:16:05,394 --> 00:16:08,231 She might die of hypothermia or merely never walk again. 313 00:16:18,319 --> 00:16:21,094 I know you didn't crash the car, dell. 314 00:16:21,118 --> 00:16:23,332 All right? I know you didn't crash the car. 315 00:16:23,356 --> 00:16:25,407 I'm gonna go get some water. Do you--do you want anything? 316 00:16:25,431 --> 00:16:27,935 No. I'm fine. Thanks. 317 00:16:37,336 --> 00:16:39,867 Stop beating yourself up... 318 00:16:39,891 --> 00:16:42,634 Just for five minutes. Can you do that? 319 00:16:45,181 --> 00:16:47,129 Oh, god. William. 320 00:16:47,153 --> 00:16:49,489 Well, he's fine. Don't worry about him. Uh, did you start the treatment? 321 00:16:49,513 --> 00:16:52,490 Yep, all good. Yeah, and are you checking in? How's he tolerating it? 322 00:16:52,514 --> 00:16:55,125 Uh, no nausea, nothing. He's off to a good start. 323 00:16:55,149 --> 00:16:57,888 Okay. Good. I should, um, I should call him. 324 00:16:57,912 --> 00:17:00,056 He's sleeping. Let him rest. 325 00:17:00,080 --> 00:17:02,538 Well, then they'll call you I-if he wakes up? 326 00:17:02,562 --> 00:17:03,828 Yeah. 327 00:17:21,421 --> 00:17:23,043 Hey. What are you doing? 328 00:17:23,067 --> 00:17:24,355 Waiting for damn mason to get here 329 00:17:24,379 --> 00:17:25,966 And take over for sam. 330 00:17:25,990 --> 00:17:27,140 (sighs) the guy can operate, 331 00:17:27,164 --> 00:17:29,868 But, boy, he drives about as fast as a dead cat. 332 00:17:30,716 --> 00:17:33,978 They didn't start on maya yet, did they? No, they're transfusing platelets. 333 00:17:38,257 --> 00:17:40,768 You know, she came to see me once when she was like 8, 334 00:17:40,792 --> 00:17:43,067 And sam and naomi had given her the birds and the bees talk, 335 00:17:43,091 --> 00:17:44,759 And she didn't believe them. 336 00:17:44,783 --> 00:17:47,412 She wanted to check with a medical expert. 337 00:17:49,637 --> 00:17:51,604 You think she walks again? 338 00:17:52,953 --> 00:17:55,878 I'm focused on, does she survive the procedure? 339 00:18:06,975 --> 00:18:09,090 You need to may me. 340 00:18:09,114 --> 00:18:10,241 What? 341 00:18:10,265 --> 00:18:12,119 I want you to marry me. 342 00:18:12,143 --> 00:18:14,893 Cooper, don't by hysterical. I'm not. I was gonna do it tomorrow 343 00:18:14,917 --> 00:18:16,808 With dinner and flowers and etta james, but I-- 344 00:18:16,832 --> 00:18:19,160 Yeah, I'm sure you were. If you could just--if you would not talk for 30 seconds, 345 00:18:19,184 --> 00:18:20,372 Then I'm gonna-- the fact that we're all strg out 346 00:18:20,396 --> 00:18:21,892 And everybody's heart's beating a little too fast 347 00:18:21,916 --> 00:18:23,697 Does not mean you get to start throwing around words... 348 00:18:28,620 --> 00:18:30,977 I was gonna do it tomorrow. 349 00:18:31,001 --> 00:18:32,035 But, god. 350 00:18:32,059 --> 00:18:35,237 I mean... A year ago, violet almost died. 351 00:18:35,261 --> 00:18:37,533 And now maya... 352 00:18:37,557 --> 00:18:40,834 Life is scary and short. 353 00:18:41,861 --> 00:18:44,194 And I love you. 354 00:18:44,218 --> 00:18:46,804 And I've been stupid, and I can't be stupid anymore. 355 00:18:46,828 --> 00:18:48,145 And I can't carry this ring around anymore. 356 00:18:48,169 --> 00:18:51,558 And I have to be with you. We have to be together. 357 00:18:51,582 --> 00:18:53,461 And something good has to happen tonight 358 00:18:53,485 --> 00:18:55,827 With all this horror everywhere. 359 00:18:57,739 --> 00:18:59,423 Please. 360 00:19:02,330 --> 00:19:03,033 Charlotte king, 361 00:19:03,057 --> 00:19:05,822 I want to spend my whole damn life with you. 362 00:19:05,846 --> 00:19:07,276 Marry me? 363 00:19:13,836 --> 00:19:15,578 Okay. Now you can speak. 364 00:19:18,915 --> 00:19:21,209 Seriously. Now you have to say something. 365 00:19:27,491 --> 00:19:28,847 Hey. 366 00:19:28,871 --> 00:19:31,938 We're just... Circling the wagons. 367 00:19:31,962 --> 00:19:33,660 Do you want to come? 368 00:19:33,684 --> 00:19:35,447 Addie, I've been horrible to you. 369 00:19:35,471 --> 00:19:37,440 Nai-- I've been horrible to maya... 370 00:19:37,464 --> 00:19:38,641 Nai, no-- to everyone. 371 00:19:38,665 --> 00:19:40,289 Don't do this now. We've all been horrible. 372 00:19:40,313 --> 00:19:43,228 No, please... Let me do this, okay? 373 00:19:43,252 --> 00:19:44,624 You're about to operate on my baby. 374 00:19:44,648 --> 00:19:46,487 You have to let me do this. 375 00:19:47,644 --> 00:19:49,453 (voice breaking) please forgive me. 376 00:19:50,050 --> 00:19:51,672 I forgive you. 377 00:19:51,696 --> 00:19:54,552 God, there's nothing to forgive. 378 00:19:54,576 --> 00:19:56,092 U didn't do anything. 379 00:19:56,116 --> 00:19:58,027 You didn't sleep with my husband. 380 00:19:58,433 --> 00:19:59,752 He's not my husband... 381 00:19:59,776 --> 00:20:02,371 And you didn't sleep with him. 382 00:20:02,395 --> 00:20:04,000 You were thinking about me 383 00:20:04,024 --> 00:20:05,491 And you were trying to protect me. 384 00:20:06,770 --> 00:20:08,642 I don't know why I couldn't see that. 385 00:20:08,666 --> 00:20:10,836 I don't know what the hell I was doing. Nai-- 386 00:20:10,860 --> 00:20:12,059 Please forgive me. I do. 387 00:20:14,418 --> 00:20:15,890 Do you hear me? 388 00:20:15,914 --> 00:20:17,755 I do. Okay. 389 00:20:17,779 --> 00:20:19,298 I love you and I love your daughter. 390 00:20:19,322 --> 00:20:21,300 I delivered that kid. 391 00:20:21,324 --> 00:20:23,878 I was there when she cut her first tooth. 392 00:20:23,902 --> 00:20:26,703 I recorded her singing "wudolph the wed-nose weindeer" 393 00:20:26,727 --> 00:20:28,931 Before she could pronounce her r's... (laughs) 394 00:20:28,955 --> 00:20:30,350 And I listened to it on my tape deck 395 00:20:30,374 --> 00:20:31,991 Every night for a month. 396 00:20:32,015 --> 00:20:35,371 I will take care of that girl. 397 00:20:36,039 --> 00:20:37,745 Okay? 398 00:20:39,993 --> 00:20:41,130 Okay. 399 00:20:41,154 --> 00:20:42,661 (inhales deeply) come on. Let's go. 400 00:20:50,904 --> 00:20:53,615 Oh, thank you. I'm so sorry that took so long. 401 00:20:53,639 --> 00:20:55,635 He got stuck in traffic. Charlotte, my daughter's in I.C.U. 402 00:20:55,659 --> 00:20:58,125 I really don't want to hear about traffic. How far'd you get? 403 00:20:58,149 --> 00:21:01,567 Uh, vessel's done. You just need to get him off bypass. All right, well, thanks for hanging in there 404 00:21:01,591 --> 00:21:03,216 And operating under these circumstances, 405 00:21:03,240 --> 00:21:05,471 And on this guy, no less. You're a good man. 406 00:21:16,444 --> 00:21:17,872 That's the driver. 407 00:21:19,922 --> 00:21:21,434 She lied to you. 408 00:21:21,458 --> 00:21:22,857 You lied. 409 00:21:29,811 --> 00:21:31,051 You knew? 410 00:21:34,700 --> 00:21:36,241 We save lives, sam. 411 00:21:36,265 --> 00:21:37,085 No matter who it is, 412 00:21:37,109 --> 00:21:39,158 No matter what they've done, we save lives. 413 00:21:39,182 --> 00:21:40,585 I'm sorry. If I thought there was any-- (grunts) 414 00:21:44,805 --> 00:21:47,015 What else are you gonna take away from me?! 415 00:21:47,039 --> 00:21:48,672 What else?! 416 00:22:04,645 --> 00:22:06,746 (woman) dr. Lang, call extension 2-2-7-3. 417 00:22:07,267 --> 00:22:10,130 Dr. Lang, extension 2-2-7-3. 418 00:22:11,411 --> 00:22:12,593 Here. Yeah. 419 00:22:13,988 --> 00:22:16,510 You want one? No, I'm okay. 420 00:22:16,534 --> 00:22:17,410 You sure? 421 00:22:17,434 --> 00:22:18,802 (dell) I'll take one. 422 00:22:19,529 --> 00:22:21,072 Thanks. 423 00:22:26,763 --> 00:22:29,491 Are we all just waiting for me to have a p.T.S.D. Freak-out? (chuckles) no. 424 00:22:29,515 --> 00:22:31,738 (cooper) what? Ofourse not. Why would... 425 00:22:35,493 --> 00:22:36,675 Oh, who am I kidding? 426 00:22:37,415 --> 00:22:38,842 I am freaking out. 427 00:22:38,866 --> 00:22:40,632 We should all be freaking out. 428 00:22:40,656 --> 00:22:44,305 I mean, a year ago... A year ago, I was dying. 429 00:22:44,329 --> 00:22:47,770 And we got through that. We got another year under our belts. 430 00:22:47,794 --> 00:22:49,455 And... Once again, here we are 431 00:22:49,479 --> 00:22:52,118 In the same place... With somebody else... 432 00:22:53,495 --> 00:22:56,529 I just want to scream to whoever keeps doing this 433 00:22:56,553 --> 00:22:58,161 To just stop... 434 00:22:58,185 --> 00:23:02,191 Stop bringing us here with another one of our own dying. 435 00:23:02,215 --> 00:23:04,693 She's not dying. 436 00:23:04,717 --> 00:23:06,427 She's not. 437 00:23:06,451 --> 00:23:14,684 Almost worse being the ones out here 438 00:23:14,708 --> 00:23:16,727 Waiting for the news, right? 439 00:23:20,254 --> 00:23:21,742 You know, I-I-I gotta be honest. 440 00:23:21,766 --> 00:23:24,259 It's actually worse being the one sliced open 441 00:23:24,283 --> 00:23:25,543 And bleeding on the table. 442 00:23:25,567 --> 00:23:26,736 It's-- (laughs) 443 00:23:30,995 --> 00:23:34,732 I'm sorry. I know it was a bad day for you, too. 444 00:23:37,765 --> 00:23:39,925 It was a really bad day. 445 00:23:46,352 --> 00:23:47,903 Anyway, uh... 446 00:23:47,927 --> 00:23:50,053 Let's not talk about anything so morbid. 447 00:23:50,077 --> 00:23:51,770 Okay? I-I have something. 448 00:23:51,794 --> 00:23:54,720 This was supposed to be... For, uh... 449 00:23:54,744 --> 00:23:55,624 Lucas' birthday, 450 00:23:55,648 --> 00:23:57,991 Because I-I wanted to do something... 451 00:23:58,015 --> 00:24:01,309 Of course, yeah. Okay, well, this might be blowing the surprise, 452 00:24:01,333 --> 00:24:05,542 But, um... I wanted to get a picture of you and lucas. 453 00:24:05,566 --> 00:24:08,754 So I swiped your camera because I was gonna download one. 454 00:24:08,778 --> 00:24:10,096 But you're a single dad, 455 00:24:10,120 --> 00:24:11,665 So all the pictures are just of lucas. 456 00:24:11,689 --> 00:24:13,659 There's none of you two together. 457 00:24:13,683 --> 00:24:17,206 So I looked at all your phones, 458 00:24:17,230 --> 00:24:20,587 And everybody has at least one picture of pete and lucas. 459 00:24:20,611 --> 00:24:22,258 But... (paper rustles) 460 00:24:22,282 --> 00:24:25,171 If this isn't the crappiest collection 461 00:24:25,195 --> 00:24:27,420 Of out-of-focus cell phone pictures. 462 00:24:27,444 --> 00:24:29,024 I mean, look. 463 00:24:29,048 --> 00:24:30,412 Look at this. Oh, wow. 464 00:24:30,436 --> 00:24:32,110 Right? Yeah, that's bad. 465 00:24:32,134 --> 00:24:35,161 I mean, I can't put any of these in a frame. 466 00:24:35,185 --> 00:24:36,474 It's just embarrassing. 467 00:24:36,498 --> 00:24:38,037 Oh, wow. You're good-looking, 468 00:24:38,061 --> 00:24:40,373 But you do not photograph well. 469 00:24:40,397 --> 00:24:43,281 Oh, I took this one. It's not bad. 470 00:24:43,305 --> 00:24:46,925 It's lucas and my nostrils. Yeah, well, it's in focus. 471 00:24:48,050 --> 00:24:49,296 I kinda like this one. 472 00:24:49,320 --> 00:24:52,311 It looks like he's gonna eat your face. Or swab me. 473 00:24:52,335 --> 00:24:55,013 That kid can drool. I'm telling you. Look at that. (laughs) 474 00:24:55,037 --> 00:24:57,501 (speaks indistinctly) what's happening? 475 00:24:57,525 --> 00:24:59,421 So far, so good. 476 00:24:59,445 --> 00:25:01,434 Maya's temp is down. Her pressure's holding. 477 00:25:01,458 --> 00:25:03,664 Baby looks good on the monitor. 478 00:25:03,688 --> 00:25:05,602 Amelia's about to get started, so, uh... 479 00:25:05,626 --> 00:25:07,775 I'll keep you posted. 480 00:25:07,799 --> 00:25:09,585 Thank you. 481 00:25:28,016 --> 00:25:30,572 (inhales deeply) well, if we're looking 482 00:25:30,596 --> 00:25:32,179 For a cheerier topic of conversation... 483 00:25:32,203 --> 00:25:32,884 Yes. Y, we are. 484 00:25:32,908 --> 00:25:34,009 I'm, um... 485 00:25:34,033 --> 00:25:36,101 Getting married. 486 00:25:36,125 --> 00:25:37,618 What? 487 00:25:37,642 --> 00:25:38,685 To whom? 488 00:25:38,709 --> 00:25:40,184 To charlotte. What? 489 00:25:40,208 --> 00:25:42,039 Are you serious? Yeah, got a ring, popped the question. 490 00:25:42,063 --> 00:25:43,939 You got a ring? Yeah, you said, "go get your girl." 491 00:25:43,963 --> 00:25:45,064 I went ring shopping. You said "go get your girl"? 492 00:25:45,088 --> 00:25:48,347 Well, I-I meant take her out to dinner, not marry her. 493 00:25:48,371 --> 00:25:51,227 I was taking her to dinner. Well, I-I-- I'm sorry, sheldon. 494 00:25:51,251 --> 00:25:52,682 But they are sort of made for each other 495 00:25:52,706 --> 00:25:55,674 In a twisted kind of way, but--but for dating-- you are not marrying her. 496 00:25:55,698 --> 00:25:57,417 I kind of am. Cooper-- 497 00:25:57,441 --> 00:26:00,952 I think "congratulations" is what we're trying to say, right? 498 00:26:00,976 --> 00:26:02,839 Congratulations? (naomi) it's fantastic, cooper. 499 00:26:02,863 --> 00:26:04,143 (sam) congratulations. (violet) wow. Wow. 500 00:26:04,167 --> 00:26:06,021 Just say it. Say the word. Congratulations. 501 00:26:06,045 --> 00:26:08,239 Dell. Sheldon. Even you, man. Come on. Sorry. 502 00:26:08,263 --> 00:26:09,494 Just... 503 00:26:14,097 --> 00:26:15,385 (violet whispers) pete. 504 00:26:15,409 --> 00:26:18,204 Okay. Maybe that was a little too much to ask. 505 00:26:18,228 --> 00:26:19,990 Dell, come on. Give the man a hug. 506 00:26:20,014 --> 00:26:22,014 He's getting hitched to a... Difficult woman. 507 00:26:22,038 --> 00:26:23,155 Hey. 508 00:26:23,179 --> 00:26:24,832 (naomi) dell. 509 00:26:24,856 --> 00:26:26,029 Dell? 510 00:26:27,137 --> 00:26:29,357 Dell, wake up, sweetie. Wake up. (taps leg) 511 00:26:29,381 --> 00:26:31,930 (pete) dell. Dell. (naomi) dell? Guys, he's unresponsive. 512 00:26:34,610 --> 00:26:36,183 We have a patient down in the o.R. Waiting room. 513 00:26:36,207 --> 00:26:37,372 Send a crash cart. 514 00:26:37,396 --> 00:26:38,962 We are not catching a break today. 515 00:26:38,986 --> 00:26:41,742 Hey, give me some mannitol. He's bradying down. He's got a bleed in his head. 516 00:26:41,766 --> 00:26:43,356 Think he's herniating? Yep. Get me a twist drill. 517 00:26:43,380 --> 00:26:46,090 Burr holes? I need to relieve the pressure. 518 00:26:46,114 --> 00:26:47,885 Um, is he good? Who are you? 519 00:26:47,909 --> 00:26:50,188 I'm marcel, his life partner. Is he good? 520 00:26:50,212 --> 00:26:52,299 He's done this plenty of times. Maybe we call over to the o.R., s-see if amelia can step out? 521 00:26:52,323 --> 00:26:56,059 (naomi) no, no, no, no, no, no. No stepping out. No. His brain is exploding. 522 00:26:56,083 --> 00:26:58,978 Yeah, and maya's spine is flapping in the breeze. Could we get the backseat drivers out of the room? 523 00:26:59,002 --> 00:27:00,760 Y'all, shut up or get out. (drill whirring) 524 00:27:05,405 --> 00:27:07,570 Nobody took a picture? No. 525 00:27:07,594 --> 00:27:09,879 Come on. There was a guy drilling a hole in my head 526 00:27:09,903 --> 00:27:13,811 With six of you watching. Nobody pulled out a cell phone? You gonna make me sedate you? 527 00:27:13,835 --> 00:27:15,666 Get some sleep. Hey. 528 00:27:17,041 --> 00:27:19,194 (lowered voice) cooper proposed to charlotte. 529 00:27:19,218 --> 00:27:21,012 (whispers) that's crazy. 530 00:27:21,036 --> 00:27:22,207 (whispers) I know. (normal voice) o-oh. 531 00:27:22,231 --> 00:27:23,370 Ow. What "ow"? 532 00:27:24,358 --> 00:27:27,000 Nothing, just a killer headache. 533 00:27:27,024 --> 00:27:28,942 Well, they drilled a hole in your head. 534 00:27:28,966 --> 00:27:30,451 Hands up... Okay. 535 00:27:31,107 --> 00:27:33,200 Like this. Don't move. Okay. 536 00:27:40,278 --> 00:27:41,908 Oh, damn it. What? 537 00:27:43,510 --> 00:27:45,872 It's dr. King. I need a ventriculostomy setup 538 00:27:45,896 --> 00:27:47,256 And a head c.T. 539 00:27:47,280 --> 00:27:48,614 No, right now. 540 00:27:49,844 --> 00:27:51,500 (receiver clatters) charlotte? 541 00:27:53,148 --> 00:27:55,183 Yeah, there's a bleed on the contralateral side. 542 00:27:55,207 --> 00:27:56,642 The epidural pressure was holding it back. 543 00:27:56,666 --> 00:27:58,866 Now it's all over the place. What does that mean? 544 00:27:58,890 --> 00:28:00,795 It means you gotta crack your patient open. 545 00:28:01,934 --> 00:28:03,525 How much longer you got in here? 546 00:28:03,549 --> 00:28:06,009 I don't know. Maybe an hour. Think you can do it after? 547 00:28:06,033 --> 00:28:07,849 She's had a long night, charlotte. Page steiner. 548 00:28:07,873 --> 00:28:11,424 Steiner's out of town. James is covering. James missed it. (amelia) well, it's an honest mistake. 549 00:28:11,448 --> 00:28:13,367 I mean, with a bleed like that-- it's dell. 550 00:28:14,894 --> 00:28:17,076 The patient's dell. 551 00:28:19,296 --> 00:28:21,353 I'll be out as soon as I can. 552 00:28:23,135 --> 00:28:25,166 This is a crap day. 553 00:28:28,123 --> 00:28:29,319 (charlotte) it's another bleed. 554 00:28:29,343 --> 00:28:31,711 And it's expanding. But we can get it. 555 00:28:31,735 --> 00:28:34,527 Just means we need to do some more damage to yourkull. 556 00:28:34,551 --> 00:28:35,993 And amelia's almost done with maya, 557 00:28:36,017 --> 00:28:37,354 So she can do the procedure. 558 00:28:37,378 --> 00:28:39,554 Says she'll get a kick out of seeing your brain. 559 00:28:39,578 --> 00:28:41,415 Meanwhile, I'm gonna get the most attractive 560 00:28:41,439 --> 00:28:43,275 Of our nurses to come and shave your head. 561 00:28:43,299 --> 00:28:44,633 And you can work that buzz cut 562 00:28:44,657 --> 00:28:46,770 For a few weeks until that mop grows back. 563 00:28:52,942 --> 00:28:56,494 Betsey's at home with a sitter named andrea. 564 00:28:56,518 --> 00:28:58,089 I want you to bring her here. 565 00:28:58,113 --> 00:28:59,823 Come on, dell-- violet. 566 00:28:59,847 --> 00:29:01,773 It's the middle of the night. (charlotte) violet... 567 00:29:01,797 --> 00:29:02,999 Get betsey. 568 00:29:04,164 --> 00:29:05,290 I'll go. 569 00:29:16,982 --> 00:29:19,354 So I got into medical school. 570 00:29:19,893 --> 00:29:21,078 You did? 571 00:29:21,102 --> 00:29:22,575 (chuckles) yeah. 572 00:29:22,599 --> 00:29:25,247 U.C.L.A. I got in. 573 00:29:29,706 --> 00:29:30,741 How are we doing, ladies? 574 00:29:30,765 --> 00:29:33,330 Cord's decompressed. I'm having trouble placing the last graft. 575 00:29:33,354 --> 00:29:35,325 What can we do to expedite matters? (addison) is it the baby? 576 00:29:35,349 --> 00:29:36,933 Yeah, bradycardic. How bad? 577 00:29:36,957 --> 00:29:39,321 Pretty bad. You gotta get out. 578 00:29:39,345 --> 00:29:42,308 Wow. You are just full of good ideas, aren't you? If the heart rate stays that low much longer, 579 00:29:42,332 --> 00:29:44,598 We're gonna have a dead baby. You move that baby before I finish, 580 00:29:44,622 --> 00:29:45,771 You slice her spine in half. Amelia-- 581 00:29:45,795 --> 00:29:47,916 Is this supposed to be helping? 'cause it's not. 582 00:29:52,725 --> 00:29:55,490 I know guinea pigs like carrots and--and cucumbers. 583 00:29:55,514 --> 00:29:56,904 They're definitely crazy about those. 584 00:29:56,928 --> 00:29:58,492 You can give 'em those, okay? 585 00:29:58,516 --> 00:30:00,638 But the pretzels just aren't so good for 'em. 586 00:30:01,578 --> 00:30:03,349 But that's nice that you wanted to share. 587 00:30:03,373 --> 00:30:04,713 It shows you were thinking about him. 588 00:30:04,737 --> 00:30:06,704 I bet that made him feel pretty good. 589 00:30:09,114 --> 00:30:11,707 You know, you're a super special person, betsey. 590 00:30:13,410 --> 00:30:15,339 A lot of people love you. 591 00:30:17,533 --> 00:30:19,905 A lot of people care about you. 592 00:30:21,923 --> 00:30:24,110 I love you more... 593 00:30:25,916 --> 00:30:27,589 (sighs) you know, there... 594 00:30:27,613 --> 00:30:28,360 I love you so much, 595 00:30:28,384 --> 00:30:30,236 There aren't even enough words to say it. 596 00:30:32,713 --> 00:30:34,567 A lot of people love you. (clears throat) 597 00:30:36,456 --> 00:30:39,010 And when your mom died, that was a really... 598 00:30:39,034 --> 00:30:40,657 Bad thing. 599 00:30:42,822 --> 00:30:45,403 And I got hurt today, and that's bad, too. 600 00:30:47,137 --> 00:30:49,406 And if anything ever happened to me... 601 00:30:53,659 --> 00:30:56,214 I want you to remember... 602 00:30:57,588 --> 00:30:58,684 That would just mean that 603 00:30:58,708 --> 00:31:00,113 All the bad stuff that's ever gonna happen to you 604 00:31:00,137 --> 00:31:01,802 Already happened. 605 00:31:05,543 --> 00:31:07,758 You shouldn't be a scared person... 606 00:31:09,614 --> 00:31:12,118 Or a sad person. 607 00:31:12,142 --> 00:31:13,200 You should just be happy, 608 00:31:13,224 --> 00:31:15,706 'cause all the bad stuff will all be over for you. 609 00:31:18,488 --> 00:31:21,895 You had it all at one time. It's kind of a good deal. 610 00:31:25,514 --> 00:31:27,517 Do you think he likes tomatoes? 611 00:31:27,541 --> 00:31:28,345 (laughs) yeah. 612 00:31:28,369 --> 00:31:30,881 Yeah, I think he probably does like tomatoes. 613 00:31:30,905 --> 00:31:33,859 Come here. (kisses) 614 00:33:30,125 --> 00:33:31,731 Who goes first? 615 00:33:37,400 --> 00:33:39,146 Me. (sniffles) 616 00:33:40,353 --> 00:33:42,273 (crying) I should go first. 617 00:34:06,247 --> 00:34:08,085 Maya's fine. 618 00:34:08,109 --> 00:34:09,736 Her b.P.'s up. Her vitals are good. 619 00:34:09,760 --> 00:34:11,869 She's out now, but she's doing great. 620 00:34:11,893 --> 00:34:14,502 And what about the-- she's strong and screaming. 621 00:34:14,526 --> 00:34:16,843 You have a beautiful baby girl. Oh. 622 00:34:18,649 --> 00:34:20,464 (cooper) that's what I'm talking about! Addison montgomery, ladies and gentlemen! 623 00:34:20,488 --> 00:34:21,633 Nice work. 624 00:34:25,748 --> 00:34:27,444 Amelia? 625 00:35:39,500 --> 00:35:41,163 What you doing? 626 00:35:44,028 --> 00:35:45,555 She's so strong. 627 00:35:48,837 --> 00:35:50,594 I don't know when that happened. 628 00:35:54,763 --> 00:35:57,410 Dell spent the whole day taking care of her. 629 00:35:58,618 --> 00:36:00,595 Nobody worried about him. 630 00:36:01,792 --> 00:36:03,526 No one even looked at him. 631 00:36:03,550 --> 00:36:04,323 You want me to explain 632 00:36:04,347 --> 00:36:06,423 Why you can't beat yourself up about this? 633 00:36:06,447 --> 00:36:07,735 (sighs deeply) no, not really. No. 634 00:36:07,759 --> 00:36:11,660 Um... I should call william. 635 00:36:12,334 --> 00:36:14,262 Can you sit down for a sec? Gabriel, no. I'm gonna call william, 636 00:36:14,286 --> 00:36:16,916 And then I want to get back in with maya. I want you to sit down for a sec. 637 00:36:16,940 --> 00:36:19,456 Gabriel-- you can't call william right now. 638 00:36:20,993 --> 00:36:23,116 Sit down. 639 00:36:41,072 --> 00:36:42,575 Betsey has an aunt in portland. 640 00:36:42,599 --> 00:36:43,842 She's flying down tonight. 641 00:36:43,866 --> 00:36:45,998 She should be here in a couple of hours. 642 00:36:50,621 --> 00:36:52,469 She's ready... 643 00:36:53,585 --> 00:36:55,093 Violet. 644 00:36:55,117 --> 00:36:57,021 Ye, I think so. 645 00:36:57,045 --> 00:36:58,460 If she made it through tonight, 646 00:36:58,484 --> 00:37:00,741 She can make it through a night with lucas. 647 00:37:00,765 --> 00:37:03,973 Not for lucas. For you. 648 00:37:06,324 --> 00:37:08,045 It's okay. 649 00:37:08,692 --> 00:37:10,526 You and I... 650 00:37:10,550 --> 00:37:12,314 We'll always be there for each other, always. 651 00:37:12,338 --> 00:37:15,209 We'll be friends. We will. 652 00:37:16,123 --> 00:37:19,196 But she loves you. And you love her. 653 00:37:19,220 --> 00:37:21,368 It's okay. 654 00:37:47,111 --> 00:37:48,261 There's a bunch more paperwork 655 00:37:48,285 --> 00:37:50,076 I gotta deal with before I c get outta here. 656 00:37:50,100 --> 00:37:51,605 That's okay. 657 00:37:51,629 --> 00:37:53,801 Can I just hang out while you, uh, while you do it? 658 00:37:58,067 --> 00:38:00,848 So it turned out it was kind of a crappy day... 659 00:38:00,872 --> 00:38:02,800 For proposing. 660 00:38:02,824 --> 00:38:04,353 Not really the story you want to tell 661 00:38:04,377 --> 00:38:06,343 About how we got engaged. 662 00:38:06,367 --> 00:38:08,202 I could take it back, un-propose. 663 00:38:08,226 --> 00:38:11,130 We could do the whole thing again tomorrow. 664 00:38:11,154 --> 00:38:12,174 Do it again, 665 00:38:12,198 --> 00:38:14,628 Or are you just trying to get yourself out of this mess? 666 00:38:16,084 --> 00:38:17,814 Woman, look at me. 667 00:38:19,980 --> 00:38:22,224 You... Are everything 668 00:38:22,248 --> 00:38:24,995 I never knew I wanted. 669 00:38:25,019 --> 00:38:27,444 I cannot live without you. 670 00:38:41,678 --> 00:38:43,715 If I propose again tomorrow, 671 00:38:43,739 --> 00:38:45,914 What are you gonna say? 672 00:38:45,938 --> 00:38:48,160 I'm gonna say yes. 673 00:39:31,107 --> 00:39:32,051 Is that, uh-- 674 00:39:32,075 --> 00:39:34,297 That is what is supposed to be. 675 00:39:34,321 --> 00:39:35,972 That's very levelheaded of you. 676 00:39:35,996 --> 00:39:38,000 Yeah. You buying it? 677 00:39:38,024 --> 00:39:39,234 No. (chuckles) 678 00:39:42,627 --> 00:39:44,325 Is there some glaringly obvious reason 679 00:39:44,349 --> 00:39:46,208 Why I'm everybody's second choice? 680 00:39:46,232 --> 00:39:47,673 Ugh. You and me both. Oh, no. 681 00:39:47,697 --> 00:39:49,858 Anybody that could choose you would. 682 00:39:49,882 --> 00:39:52,322 You just can't quite decide what you want. 683 00:39:52,346 --> 00:39:55,069 Yeah. Well, apparently, I want everything. 684 00:39:55,093 --> 00:39:57,210 Yeah, you do, and you should get everything. 685 00:39:57,234 --> 00:39:58,586 You're just scared of what it will mean. 686 00:39:58,610 --> 00:40:00,748 And being scared--I mean, no one lays on their death bed 687 00:40:00,772 --> 00:40:02,892 Wishing they had less-- less love--no one. 688 00:40:02,916 --> 00:40:05,701 So if you love the guy, addison, for god sake, 689 00:40:05,725 --> 00:40:08,319 Just... Don't let it get away. 690 00:40:37,912 --> 00:40:40,019 Do I make you happy? 691 00:40:41,075 --> 00:40:42,589 Yes. 692 00:40:42,613 --> 00:40:44,118 Yeah. 693 00:40:44,142 --> 00:40:47,108 You make me happy, too. 694 00:41:15,284 --> 00:41:19,546 www.addic7ted.com