1 00:00:15,319 --> 00:00:18,323 Tweaked by Krieghoff 2 00:00:29,337 --> 00:00:32,341 [North Africa, in 1600] 3 00:00:33,342 --> 00:00:44,356 In ancient times the world was immersed into darkness and chaos The time of witchcraft and sorcery The time when no one stood against evil 4 00:02:28,487 --> 00:02:30,489 Where is the throne room? 5 00:02:41,503 --> 00:02:42,505 Shhh! 6 00:02:43,506 --> 00:03:03,532 [Now, tell me where is the throne room...speak!!! Out there!] 7 00:03:04,532 --> 00:03:06,535 Good enough, good enough 8 00:03:07,536 --> 00:03:18,550 Now, let no one of the impure heathen stand...farewell!!! 9 00:04:02,606 --> 00:04:05,609 There's something in here with us No treasure's worth this 10 00:04:06,611 --> 00:04:08,613 Silent, you dogs!!! 11 00:04:42,656 --> 00:04:44,658 Hold state! 12 00:04:48,664 --> 00:04:51,667 Captain, there's the devil here, I knew it 13 00:04:52,669 --> 00:04:54,671 I said...hold state!!! 14 00:04:59,678 --> 00:05:01,680 I am the only devil here! 15 00:05:07,688 --> 00:05:11,693 Now...follow me!!! 16 00:05:22,707 --> 00:05:26,712 Hear this voice? I've found it! 17 00:05:32,719 --> 00:05:33,721 Hey!!! 18 00:07:30,869 --> 00:07:34,874 What...are you! 19 00:07:40,881 --> 00:07:43,885 I am the Devil's Reaper 20 00:07:45,887 --> 00:07:49,892 I am here to claim you, Solomon Kane! 21 00:07:51,895 --> 00:07:55,900 Your deal is done! 22 00:07:56,901 --> 00:07:58,904 What! You have made no deal! 23 00:07:59,905 --> 00:08:04,912 There was a deal! And your soul is the price... 24 00:08:05,912 --> 00:08:11,921 ...your life of murder and greed is over! 25 00:08:12,921 --> 00:08:14,924 You can not take my soul! 26 00:08:15,925 --> 00:08:23,935 Bend to knees before me...the Devil will have you! 27 00:08:35,950 --> 00:08:40,957 You can tell your Master that I am not yet ready for Hell 28 00:08:41,958 --> 00:08:43,961 God protects me! 29 00:08:44,962 --> 00:08:47,966 Fool! He has abandoned you! 30 00:08:51,971 --> 00:08:53,973 On your knees! 31 00:08:54,975 --> 00:08:57,978 Never! You'll never take my soul!!! 32 00:09:03,986 --> 00:09:06,989 You can not escape Us! 33 00:09:07,991 --> 00:09:12,997 Your soul is damned! 34 00:09:23,009 --> 00:09:27,015 ENGLAND ONE YEAR LATER 35 00:09:40,031 --> 00:09:41,032 Solomon? 36 00:09:59,056 --> 00:10:00,056 Who is the novice? 37 00:10:01,058 --> 00:10:05,063 This is brother Thomas, he joined us here a few days ago 38 00:10:06,065 --> 00:10:13,073 These marks divine...really protect you from Satan? Why do you name this in a holy place! 39 00:10:15,076 --> 00:10:17,078 I would like to speak with Solomon alone 40 00:10:20,081 --> 00:10:29,093 Once again we heard your cries at matins No, my dreams...my dreams do hold me still 41 00:10:30,094 --> 00:10:35,101 You would do well to listen to what your dreams tell you Ain't you? 42 00:10:36,102 --> 00:10:40,107 My dreams only tell me that I am damned 43 00:10:41,108 --> 00:10:50,119 God protects his own But I am not one of his own...am I? 44 00:10:51,121 --> 00:11:06,140 My enemies are ever watching over me But this place...this place, with prayers, symbols... 45 00:11:07,141 --> 00:11:10,144 They are all what hide me from its gaze 46 00:11:13,149 --> 00:11:21,159 Solomon, all these months you have been here I felt a shadow covering us 47 00:11:22,160 --> 00:11:29,169 In these dark times I prayed for guides and I was answered 48 00:11:31,171 --> 00:11:34,175 Solomon, you must leave us 49 00:11:35,176 --> 00:11:50,196 Why that? I live here in solitude, never caused harm I have renounced my evil ways, my power...I am learning, learning to be a man of peace 50 00:11:51,196 --> 00:11:59,207 I know you are, but your future is not here with us How could tell this to me... 51 00:12:00,209 --> 00:12:06,216 I have given all my wealths the church! No, I am grateful for generosity of course but... 52 00:12:07,216 --> 00:12:07,518 you must understand... 53 00:12:08,218 --> 00:12:23,237 Father! Father! Father!Do not...do not leave me back This place is a sanctuary to me 54 00:12:26,241 --> 00:12:30,246 Where should I have to go But to your home! 55 00:12:32,248 --> 00:12:39,257 Home? No more than that because you've lands, come back in their possession! 56 00:12:40,259 --> 00:12:45,265 Solomon... No!!! I can not return home! 57 00:12:47,268 --> 00:12:49,270 Nor can you remain! 58 00:13:17,306 --> 00:13:22,312 I was told in my dreams he was to be sent from here And he listened to what I told 59 00:13:22,312 --> 00:13:24,314 But it was not his purpose 60 00:13:26,317 --> 00:13:37,331 Every man must discover his own destiny Kane must find it to have his There are many paths to redemption, not all of them peaceful 61 00:15:03,439 --> 00:15:09,447 Pilgrim! Offer you a ride? Thanks you Sir but no 62 00:15:09,747 --> 00:15:14,453 Along this edge it's better not to travel alone No I thank you for your offer, but I'll be walking 63 00:15:14,754 --> 00:15:19,459 As you wish, God be with you And with you two, too 64 00:16:04,817 --> 00:16:06,519 Move and you die 65 00:16:14,529 --> 00:16:18,534 Don't wanna need trouble! Well that's too bad because you will!!! 66 00:16:22,840 --> 00:16:26,544 Let's have a look! Nothing worth's here... 67 00:16:28,547 --> 00:16:29,848 Just take what you want! 68 00:16:30,249 --> 00:16:31,551 Don't you worry pilgrim, we will! 69 00:16:33,853 --> 00:16:45,567 Don't move! Look at this! These are magical symbols! I say he's a sorcerer! What should we do with you? We burn...as a witch!!! 70 00:16:47,571 --> 00:16:49,573 Burn him! Burn him! 71 00:16:54,580 --> 00:17:06,594 There's murder in your eyes, strangler! Would you kill me? Eh? Eh? Would you? 72 00:17:07,596 --> 00:17:13,603 No... What? You won't kill the man who stole you? 73 00:17:17,608 --> 00:17:22,614 I will not fight another man, I have renounced to violence... 74 00:17:23,616 --> 00:17:26,619 Well that's a shame, because we haven't! 75 00:17:28,623 --> 00:17:30,625 You will do as I say Solomon! 76 00:17:31,626 --> 00:17:37,634 Don't forget your place! You're the second son on Marcus is my heir 77 00:17:38,635 --> 00:17:40,637 He will be master of this land after my death, you... 78 00:17:40,937 --> 00:17:42,639 Father, Marcus is no more than a bully! 79 00:17:42,639 --> 00:17:46,645 You will take only orders and join the Church, as I command! 80 00:17:46,945 --> 00:17:48,648 I don't want to be a priest! 81 00:17:48,648 --> 00:17:55,657 What you...it's not important, Holy Father is here to take you to the Abbey 82 00:17:56,657 --> 00:17:57,659 I won't go! 83 00:17:58,660 --> 00:18:01,664 If you defy me you will have nothing! 84 00:18:07,671 --> 00:18:24,693 I won't catch you back, you'll be banned from the State You'll get what you want! Walk out now and you will never return! Do not dishonour me! 85 00:18:30,700 --> 00:18:35,006 Be calm, be calm sir! Be calm you're safe! 86 00:18:38,711 --> 00:18:41,715 He's awake! Father! 87 00:18:43,717 --> 00:18:47,722 Here, take a drink of water if you can 88 00:18:51,727 --> 00:18:52,729 Calm down, calm down 89 00:18:53,729 --> 00:18:58,035 Meredith! His fever has broken, father Thanks the Lord Son! He will feel better! 90 00:18:58,736 --> 00:19:03,042 My name is Krotorn, William Krotorn! My daughter Meredith will attend at you! 91 00:19:03,742 --> 00:19:07,747 Good Lord must be watching over you, sir He guided us here to rescue you 92 00:19:08,348 --> 00:19:11,752 Edward Krotorn, we'll find a place to lay the camp in the night! 93 00:19:17,760 --> 00:19:21,765 Should I place it right here, mother? Yes, thank you Meredith 94 00:19:22,767 --> 00:19:23,767 Better life here, Meredith? 95 00:19:35,783 --> 00:19:39,788 Samuel, water the horses! Why me? 96 00:19:40,789 --> 00:19:42,792 When your brother give you a tag just accept and do it! 97 00:19:48,799 --> 00:19:51,101 Mr Kane, you should be resting! 98 00:19:51,803 --> 00:20:04,819 I'm grate for your hospitality I think it's the moment to clean up, come and help you as I can 99 00:20:45,871 --> 00:20:54,882 You regained your appetite, Mr! It's...it's fine on me Mrs Krotorn 100 00:20:54,882 --> 00:21:00,890 [joking] 101 00:21:02,893 --> 00:21:09,902 William tells that you were captain of a ship Yeah! That I was! 102 00:21:10,902 --> 00:21:12,905 Did you fought the Spanish? I did 103 00:21:13,906 --> 00:21:14,307 Who else? 104 00:21:16,911 --> 00:21:19,914 With all managed to war, it seems 105 00:21:22,217 --> 00:21:26,923 There were many masters... Once I fought with Admiral Drake 106 00:21:27,924 --> 00:21:28,925 Admiral Drake? 107 00:21:30,927 --> 00:21:31,929 But it don't ended well... 108 00:21:34,933 --> 00:21:38,938 Must be so exciting...see the world and learning new things... 109 00:21:39,438 --> 00:21:42,943 Why you'd think a life of violence and bloodshed is so happy for a man? 110 00:21:43,243 --> 00:21:46,948 That was not what I meant you know it... Edward, why do you misunderstand everything I say? 111 00:21:47,949 --> 00:21:58,963 I fought in the Queen's army! Once, then I found my fate And take another's man life, that's... That's not an easy thing to do, do you agree? 112 00:22:02,968 --> 00:22:13,983 I must confess, Mr Krotorn, I was never more at home than when I was in battle Killing...came easy to me 113 00:22:26,999 --> 00:22:36,010 ...if you defy me...you'll have nothing... Walk out now and you will never return! Do not dishonor me!!!... 114 00:22:49,026 --> 00:22:53,031 Stop! Stop! 115 00:22:54,033 --> 00:23:03,044 Marcus, what are you doing? Solomon! I thought you got away not to act the part of holy man... Be quiet! You are not allowed to speak! 116 00:23:03,344 --> 00:23:07,049 Sarah, run!!! This is not your worry, brother! 117 00:23:10,053 --> 00:23:12,055 Since you're going away this will remember you're a vile! 118 00:23:14,058 --> 00:23:23,069 Come here! Look here, all of this will be mine and you are nothing! Take your bags and leave this land!!! 119 00:23:26,073 --> 00:23:29,077 Marcus!!! Marcus!!! 120 00:23:32,080 --> 00:23:33,082 I am! I am... 121 00:23:35,084 --> 00:23:38,088 Please, sit down and enjoy me! Thank you! 122 00:23:42,093 --> 00:23:48,101 How do you feel? Scars bruises...but your daughter, a Heaven's gift! 123 00:23:49,102 --> 00:24:03,120 I must admit...just like her mother! Two most beautiful women in this world Mr Kane, They're more than everything to me! And a blessing! 124 00:24:06,123 --> 00:24:12,131 Brothers Kane? I had a brother, but a lifetime has gone 125 00:24:14,134 --> 00:24:19,140 We all lost loved ones, the plagues, persecutions, we begged too... 126 00:24:20,141 --> 00:24:26,149 For Edward knows this, he had a wife and a child once, the Lord took them 127 00:24:31,456 --> 00:24:36,161 Now...now you are sailing to the New World? Yes, we leave, we'll do! 128 00:24:38,164 --> 00:24:45,172 Sometimes we all need to start again... You have considered joining us? 129 00:24:46,174 --> 00:25:08,202 No sir...it's a kind offering for me, But I can't, you're very kind, I should be honest with you If you'd know the kind of acts I was used to... I've done bad things, terrible things, cruel things! 130 00:25:10,204 --> 00:25:20,217 I am...no! I was...once an evil...evil man! 131 00:25:22,219 --> 00:25:25,524 But our Lord speaks of redemption and forgiveness 132 00:25:26,224 --> 00:25:33,233 No! My soul is damned Satan's creatures will take me if should I stray from the path of peace 133 00:25:34,535 --> 00:25:43,246 And you'll not stray, not again, you won't stray... 134 00:26:14,285 --> 00:26:21,294 Capitain Kane! Yes, Meredith? I've made these dresses...you deserve it... 135 00:26:23,296 --> 00:26:25,299 A little worn, miss... 136 00:26:25,299 --> 00:26:28,303 A little...worn! 137 00:26:32,308 --> 00:26:34,310 I'll keep them! 138 00:26:38,316 --> 00:26:39,316 Thank you! 139 00:26:48,328 --> 00:26:51,332 Now he looks a more suitable stately man! What do you think? 140 00:26:52,334 --> 00:26:54,336 Certainly!He's better than in his previous rags! 141 00:26:55,337 --> 00:26:56,338 I'm glad to win your approval! 142 00:26:57,339 --> 00:26:58,341 Right now you look respectful! 143 00:26:59,341 --> 00:27:05,350 Well, it's a long time since anybody could say this about me! (Thank you!) 144 00:27:17,365 --> 00:27:20,368 You are going to sail to America with us? I'm not so sure Samuel... 145 00:27:21,370 --> 00:27:29,380 Why? Well, you and your family are beginning a new life But I need to renew the old one 146 00:27:30,381 --> 00:27:34,386 Could I ask a question? Mhm Are you able to defend if someone attack you? 147 00:27:34,686 --> 00:27:40,393 There was a time when I...would have ripped their still beating heart out of their chest! 148 00:27:45,400 --> 00:27:49,706 Would you fight me? I will if you continue with your infernal questioning... 149 00:27:50,406 --> 00:27:53,410 Fight me! I have no reason to fight you good man! 150 00:27:54,411 --> 00:28:01,420 Samuel, stop this! Now you have a reason...to save a beautiful maiden from me! Oh, Solomon, save me, help! 151 00:28:02,422 --> 00:28:03,422 Come,sir! 152 00:28:10,431 --> 00:28:13,435 Samuel, go back to the carriage, go! 153 00:28:53,485 --> 00:28:54,487 Who could have done this? 154 00:28:55,489 --> 00:28:58,492 The Devil! The Devil was here! 155 00:29:10,507 --> 00:29:14,512 Mmm...there was no Devil...there was a witch burning in here! 156 00:29:16,515 --> 00:29:24,525 A creature must have escaped...we shall leave! 157 00:29:51,859 --> 00:29:56,566 Keep the firewood Edward, For it will keep out shadows from this place at night 158 00:29:58,568 --> 00:30:04,575 Child, could you tell us what happened? Oh, let the boy go, William... 159 00:30:04,575 --> 00:30:16,591 They tried to burn the witch, they turned on the fire but... The flames didn't hurt her 160 00:30:17,592 --> 00:30:27,604 She just laughed and...she said... ...she said that all the Devil's children were free towards now 161 00:30:30,909 --> 00:30:40,621 And then...she killed them all And she burnt their eyes because they came to watch 162 00:30:46,629 --> 00:30:51,935 We shall pray! I'm tired! Just a moment more...for our prayers! 163 00:30:52,636 --> 00:30:55,640 I don't want to pray! (It's allright, allright!) 164 00:30:57,642 --> 00:31:04,651 I'm so tired! Please? Of course you are, let's find a place for you to sleep! 165 00:31:06,654 --> 00:31:17,667 Edward, I think the child could wear your cross tonight, for protection! Of course, here! Thank you! 166 00:31:19,670 --> 00:31:20,672 For you child... 167 00:31:25,678 --> 00:31:30,685 Wear this, child, and you will be safe! Solomon... 168 00:31:34,689 --> 00:31:37,994 It's you we want... 169 00:31:41,698 --> 00:31:43,100 What did you do? Meredith! 170 00:31:43,701 --> 00:31:50,710 This child is...this is a witch! Solomon! 171 00:31:51,010 --> 00:31:54,014 The Devil is waiting for you, Kane!!! 172 00:32:26,755 --> 00:32:27,757 Move! 173 00:32:42,775 --> 00:32:44,777 More recruits for Malachi, my Lord! 174 00:32:53,088 --> 00:32:56,091 Are you ready to serve your Overlord? 175 00:32:56,793 --> 00:32:58,795 Why should we join you? 176 00:32:59,797 --> 00:33:03,802 Deserve us, you have to join us! 177 00:33:04,202 --> 00:33:07,807 Well...just tell us...tell us what to do! 178 00:33:20,823 --> 00:33:21,824 What is he doing? 179 00:33:43,852 --> 00:33:45,854 It's good! 180 00:33:58,871 --> 00:34:01,875 Father! I here's the firewood! Well done, Samuel! 181 00:34:02,876 --> 00:34:03,877 Take it up now! 182 00:34:04,879 --> 00:34:08,183 Let me help you! You need to pull, and here we are! Thank you! 183 00:34:09,284 --> 00:34:11,187 Here, let me see... 184 00:34:11,888 --> 00:34:15,292 Does it hurt? No, I don't feel anything 185 00:34:16,894 --> 00:34:26,906 What about the creature? Why did it? I don't know! He must have had his own reasons... 186 00:34:27,908 --> 00:34:37,921 Are we safe? Don't you worry, there is no evil in you, Meredith, trust me! 187 00:34:38,921 --> 00:34:39,923 I trust you! 188 00:34:41,926 --> 00:34:47,933 What's up with that, Samuel? Take branch more if we want more hot soup! William! 189 00:34:49,935 --> 00:34:55,943 We shall seed a smaller fire tonight Don't want to attract anyone's attention 190 00:35:29,986 --> 00:35:35,993 Solomon! What's the matter? There are hazards... Where? Over there, in the street! 191 00:35:36,995 --> 00:35:37,295 Wait here! 192 00:35:51,012 --> 00:35:55,018 Samuel! Samuel, keep down! Shhh! 193 00:35:56,018 --> 00:36:02,027 Keep down and silence! Who's there? Who are them? Who are? 194 00:36:03,027 --> 00:36:07,032 Listen to me, go back to your father, quickly go all out! 195 00:36:41,076 --> 00:36:41,476 Father! 196 00:36:48,084 --> 00:36:50,087 Solomon! Solomon! 197 00:36:52,090 --> 00:36:56,095 Samuel! Samuel! 198 00:37:15,119 --> 00:37:18,122 Solomon! She's her? 199 00:37:20,124 --> 00:37:25,131 No! Stop! Stop! Solomon, help us! 200 00:37:35,144 --> 00:37:44,155 No! Let him go! Listen to me! Don't you hurt him, I'm unarmed! 201 00:37:47,159 --> 00:37:48,160 Solomon, help him! 202 00:37:49,562 --> 00:37:50,664 Solomon, kill'em! 203 00:37:51,164 --> 00:37:52,365 Silence Samuel! 204 00:37:53,167 --> 00:37:53,667 Kill them all! 205 00:37:54,168 --> 00:37:54,669 Listen, Samuel, be calm! 206 00:37:55,569 --> 00:38:01,176 There's no need to do it, just let him go! Won't you? 207 00:38:03,180 --> 00:38:04,180 Kill them! 208 00:38:05,182 --> 00:38:06,684 Be quiet, Samuel! 209 00:38:07,685 --> 00:38:15,194 You!I'm here...what is that you want now? I'll do what you need! 210 00:38:31,214 --> 00:38:32,216 Kill me! 211 00:38:33,217 --> 00:38:35,220 Can you? 212 00:38:37,222 --> 00:38:49,738 No...I can not...I am...a man of peace! Don't you harm that boy! 213 00:38:51,239 --> 00:39:00,252 This boy...this child has more heart ahead of you, he is the only man here? 214 00:39:02,254 --> 00:39:11,265 No! No need to do...no!!! 215 00:39:13,768 --> 00:39:15,270 Samuel!!! 216 00:39:20,277 --> 00:39:21,277 Take them all! 217 00:39:24,281 --> 00:39:27,285 Solomon, do something! 218 00:39:34,294 --> 00:39:41,303 What is that you want from me? What is it? 219 00:39:46,309 --> 00:39:55,320 Is this all I am to you? Then so I'll be it! 220 00:39:59,326 --> 00:40:04,331 If I kill you, I am bound for hell! 221 00:40:08,337 --> 00:40:11,842 It is a price I shall gladly pay! 222 00:41:37,450 --> 00:41:38,450 Meredith! 223 00:42:34,522 --> 00:42:39,527 Solomon, take her back! Oh, very well! 224 00:42:40,529 --> 00:42:51,543 Take her back! Well, well... Surrender or not, take her back! Hear me, hear my last words, I know... 225 00:42:52,544 --> 00:43:09,565 I know that if you save our child, your soul too will be saved You can save yourself for I know this will be true 226 00:43:10,567 --> 00:43:16,974 Swear it! Swear... I'll swear, we'll swear William, I will find her! 227 00:43:49,616 --> 00:43:53,121 Find her...go! 228 00:46:27,815 --> 00:46:33,823 Please, have you seen this girl? Come on, look this... Please, have you seen this girl? 229 00:46:35,826 --> 00:46:47,841 Take a look at here, have you seen this girl? No, she could be everywhere... Look at this, have you seen this girl? Please don't hurt me, I just want to go... 230 00:46:48,842 --> 00:46:55,350 Forgive me, child, forgive me...go, go, go... 231 00:47:21,884 --> 00:47:24,887 Come on... Don't hurt us...what do you want? 232 00:47:26,890 --> 00:47:32,397 That's your only chance, there's no other choice...slavery or death... We have no other way out... 233 00:47:32,898 --> 00:47:39,907 Lord will not save us from this! We'll find a way out, take my hand, we'll find the strenght to survive at this! 234 00:47:40,407 --> 00:47:41,409 Quiet! 235 00:48:20,958 --> 00:48:21,959 Dear God! 236 00:50:12,098 --> 00:50:29,120 Dear God, hear my prayer, I have failed, I can not find her, I am lost and I need your light To help me find my way... 237 00:50:32,123 --> 00:50:37,130 Forgive me Father! In such times we are living! 238 00:50:38,131 --> 00:50:40,334 I was here only for some refuge and a home to pray... 239 00:50:44,139 --> 00:50:50,547 Praise God in his sanctuary, praise him in firmaments of his Power! 240 00:50:57,155 --> 00:51:01,261 I've seen such terrible things... 241 00:51:05,165 --> 00:51:10,372 So this is your home? I need no other house, I have no other house! 242 00:51:14,277 --> 00:51:18,682 You come from afar? Three days of hard ride bought me here 243 00:51:21,186 --> 00:51:23,188 But where "here"is I know not! 244 00:51:25,190 --> 00:51:28,195 It is the borderland of Somerset and Devonshire 245 00:51:29,195 --> 00:51:30,197 My home, too 246 00:51:31,198 --> 00:51:32,199 Sad homecoming for you 247 00:51:33,501 --> 00:51:35,203 Those raiders have been here? 248 00:51:36,204 --> 00:51:38,207 Those black-eyed dogs of Malachi... 249 00:51:39,208 --> 00:51:42,212 Oh yeah, they passed through there 250 00:51:43,513 --> 00:51:47,218 Now they all sway over all the lands from the west to here 251 00:51:49,221 --> 00:51:51,224 And I should arrive to the west, too 252 00:51:52,224 --> 00:51:54,227 And you should find your death, Mr! 253 00:51:55,429 --> 00:51:57,231 Who is this Malachi? 254 00:51:58,233 --> 00:52:13,251 He's a servant of the Devil, a sorcerer, no one ever sees him... He hides away in his castle and sends that death-masked warrior to do his will His army makes slaves of the weak and soldiers of the strong 255 00:52:14,253 --> 00:52:17,256 But God will save the faithful 256 00:52:24,265 --> 00:52:34,278 Here, I have read...I've...I've read... 257 00:52:38,283 --> 00:52:39,284 In the end of days... 258 00:52:41,287 --> 00:52:43,289 Truly believe that? 259 00:52:44,290 --> 00:52:50,498 We shall think that the light of Christ have been banished horny about to the pity of the cursed land 260 00:52:53,301 --> 00:52:58,308 I think Christ and all his angels have been asleep... Once we are left to suffer! 261 00:52:59,309 --> 00:53:05,317 I don't mind your blasphemy! Can only be if God would desire it 262 00:53:06,318 --> 00:53:17,332 Now can't it be right, that there is the evil left here... What...what only have to protect ourselves and why? Fight or faith? 263 00:53:19,334 --> 00:53:21,337 It's written in the Scriptures... 264 00:53:22,339 --> 00:53:34,353 Shhh! What's that? There is something outside... 265 00:53:36,356 --> 00:53:41,362 No one outside, there is no evil out there... 266 00:53:45,368 --> 00:53:47,370 The evil is already here... 267 00:53:48,371 --> 00:53:49,372 What do you mean? 268 00:54:07,395 --> 00:54:08,397 See here... 269 00:54:15,405 --> 00:54:20,711 Satan has dishearted all them, may you see through and wit... 270 00:54:42,440 --> 00:54:47,445 Oh God... What was I to do? 271 00:54:49,449 --> 00:55:11,776 Destroy all of them! I can not destroy, they were men and women once, people I knew! Malachi's curse and changes no falls to that, this is my flock, I keep them, care for them...and feed them... 272 00:55:12,578 --> 00:55:19,486 Feed them? And...what do you feed them? 273 00:55:20,487 --> 00:55:21,489 Flesh! 274 00:55:23,491 --> 00:55:32,503 I delivery you to these satanic creatures For the destruction of your flesh... And your spirit to meet faith...God have mercy of your soul! 275 00:57:23,643 --> 00:57:25,645 Pray for thee also! 276 00:57:36,158 --> 00:57:40,664 I remember this one, mates, he's not a fighter! Remember? 277 00:57:42,667 --> 00:57:43,668 What are you doing here, puritan? 278 00:57:44,669 --> 00:57:50,677 Here's what...to clear all of this evil of you! You should try! 279 00:57:51,678 --> 00:58:03,693 Malachi's Will own all these lands now, it should be enough There's no point in your fighting! All that remains for you is fight! But you don't do that! Do it? 280 00:58:04,694 --> 00:58:10,702 Well, you'll know I may just have changed my mind about that! 281 00:58:47,248 --> 00:58:51,053 No! What are you doing? No! No! 282 00:58:55,759 --> 00:59:00,064 This is your last chance to live! Have you seen her? I don't know her! 283 00:59:01,766 --> 00:59:11,779 Take a last hard look! This is your last chance to save your pitiful life! What? I've seen her... 284 00:59:13,782 --> 00:59:15,784 Where have you seen her? ...dead! 285 00:59:20,791 --> 00:59:27,800 Liar! Don't lie to me! No! How would I lie? I want to live! 286 00:59:29,100 --> 00:59:36,109 Don't lie! Don't lie! Liar! I don't lie, she's dead, dead! She's not dead! 287 01:00:46,899 --> 01:00:51,905 Keep that, leave it all! Thank you, Sir! 288 01:01:08,426 --> 01:01:13,433 Are you sure? It is him, I knew him! 289 01:01:20,942 --> 01:01:21,944 Sir! 290 01:01:23,445 --> 01:01:29,953 Captain Kane! I'm Henry Telford. Do you remember me? 291 01:01:30,955 --> 01:01:31,956 Captain Kane! 292 01:01:34,960 --> 01:01:39,465 I was a member on the "Tersule" when you were captain! My name is Telford, do you remember? 293 01:01:39,966 --> 01:01:42,469 It's not him! It is him, it's Kane! 294 01:01:42,969 --> 01:01:47,976 He will lead us, believe me! Where to lead us, in another tavern? Look at him! 295 01:01:49,978 --> 01:01:56,987 My friend here says that you are the greatest warrior he ever saw! I don't believe it! 296 01:01:57,989 --> 01:01:58,989 You shouldn't! 297 01:02:00,992 --> 01:02:02,995 I know what you can do captain, I've seen it! 298 01:02:04,998 --> 01:02:15,010 Long and distant time, is that now all that I am! 299 01:02:17,012 --> 01:02:20,016 I lost my soul! 300 01:02:27,025 --> 01:02:36,036 He will not come with us, leave! No! Captain Kane, we need a leader, we have to fight back! 301 01:02:36,337 --> 01:02:37,038 ...and fight back! 302 01:02:41,043 --> 01:02:58,064 What it was...now I have lost!...and I... I have to pay...I can not come back again...I can not... 303 01:03:47,126 --> 01:03:51,131 Mercy...mercy, please! 304 01:03:58,140 --> 01:04:03,146 This is the fate of those who would fight Malachi! 305 01:04:04,147 --> 01:04:08,153 Please have mercy! There will be no Mercy! 306 01:05:21,746 --> 01:05:32,259 This man has not saved you! He is defeated! Crucify him, and bring fire to the town! 307 01:07:43,424 --> 01:07:52,636 No, no! Solomon! Captain Kane! Solomon! Do hear me? 308 01:08:00,446 --> 01:08:06,453 Solomon! Captain Kane! Solomon! Meredith! Can you hear me? 309 01:08:07,455 --> 01:08:10,659 Meredith! Solomon! Meredith! 310 01:08:14,464 --> 01:08:21,472 God, give me strength! 311 01:09:12,536 --> 01:09:13,538 Captain Kane! 312 01:09:23,550 --> 01:09:32,562 Another twenty in the Rhone Marche...they're becomin stronger! That's why we need Kane! 313 01:09:34,565 --> 01:09:40,572 What can we do with him? We need him, whatever in the past may have been his sins... To change one Devil with another? It's foolish! 314 01:09:42,574 --> 01:09:47,080 Earth, Fire, Stone and Water... 315 01:09:47,581 --> 01:09:50,585 Keep your filthy pagan magic away from me! 316 01:09:51,586 --> 01:09:59,596 This is my pagan magic that has healed you! There's more power here than in your Christian God! You'd better remember that! 317 01:10:11,611 --> 01:10:15,616 I have done what you asked, his body is healed! 318 01:10:18,620 --> 01:10:19,621 What do you see in our future? 319 01:10:20,622 --> 01:10:26,130 Your captain will lead you into blood and darkness! Prepare for that! 320 01:11:53,740 --> 01:11:55,743 What are you doing? You need to rest! 321 01:11:56,743 --> 01:12:01,249 I'm leaving! Why? To start over again, she's still alive! 322 01:12:02,751 --> 01:12:07,257 You're barely healed...and we'll come with you! Just wait! 323 01:12:09,760 --> 01:12:13,265 How could you ask you to come with me? Nor I told I wanted it! 324 01:12:13,465 --> 01:12:21,274 My lord, you may not want it, but we will! This man has promised us that you'll destroy this evil! And we all will fight with you! 325 01:12:27,783 --> 01:12:37,795 Promised, have you? So you want us with you? Then it is, let us help you! 326 01:12:39,797 --> 01:12:57,821 Malachi was priest and healer, But he sold his soul to the Devil for the power which now posesses...enslaves our people all accross the land... ...and the masked rider is the iron fist at command of his army... 327 01:12:58,822 --> 01:13:05,831 ...he hides his face behind his mask and possession in his touch... It's true, I've seen it! 328 01:13:07,833 --> 01:13:10,837 If we kill him, Malachi will be vulnerable! 329 01:13:11,838 --> 01:13:13,841 Easier to say than to do! 330 01:13:13,941 --> 01:13:18,847 No, he will fall! You know where this Malachi is? 331 01:13:19,348 --> 01:13:21,351 There is no secrecy, Aksmut castle! 332 01:13:22,853 --> 01:13:25,355 No, no it can not be! 333 01:13:26,357 --> 01:13:29,360 What is with that? You know it? 334 01:13:30,362 --> 01:13:34,867 My father was the Lord of Askmut castle, I grew up there! 335 01:13:35,869 --> 01:13:36,869 There's no Lord there now! 336 01:13:40,875 --> 01:13:45,882 And I did not even know he died...and now...this must end! 337 01:13:46,782 --> 01:13:50,887 All of you here, all of you here, take up your weapons! 338 01:13:52,890 --> 01:14:08,910 No, no, wait! Oh, come on, you waited ten years, wait more if you want! We'll never get through the front gates! You forget I was born here, for I have no intention to get through the front gates! 339 01:15:39,024 --> 01:15:46,033 Good God, my home! You lived here? Ahah... That's explains a lot! 340 01:16:06,658 --> 01:16:11,565 You... Welcome home, Solomon Kane! 341 01:17:10,139 --> 01:17:12,141 Telford! Keep their attention! 342 01:17:16,146 --> 01:17:19,150 Kane, go in! Follow me! 343 01:18:28,238 --> 01:18:29,238 Meredith! 344 01:18:32,242 --> 01:18:34,245 Help us! Save us! 345 01:18:38,250 --> 01:18:39,251 Hey! 346 01:18:53,269 --> 01:18:55,271 You are free! Thank God! 347 01:19:24,308 --> 01:19:29,815 Come on, old man, you are free! Well, I'll help you now... 348 01:19:32,318 --> 01:19:38,326 I should try to loose these chains! Even if you do it, I'll stay! 349 01:19:39,327 --> 01:19:42,330 What are you talking about, man, why? Because this once was my home! 350 01:19:49,339 --> 01:19:50,841 Father? 351 01:19:54,346 --> 01:19:55,348 Solomon? 352 01:20:06,361 --> 01:20:09,364 I thought I had lost you forever! 353 01:20:09,364 --> 01:20:12,869 No! You were still a boy when... 354 01:20:19,377 --> 01:20:24,384 You will never break them, they are bound with black magic... ...and forged with metal! 355 01:20:30,391 --> 01:20:34,397 How would I free you? No, you can't, Solomon, you can't! 356 01:20:40,404 --> 01:20:50,416 I have carried such...such care for what that I did... I did not mean for Marcus to fall... I did not mean that he had to die... 357 01:20:51,418 --> 01:20:59,428 He did not die, Solomon! If he had, this nightmare would never had began! 358 01:21:02,432 --> 01:21:07,438 Dear God, he's alive! It's not for God's will that he survived! 359 01:21:08,440 --> 01:21:10,442 What? I don't know what you mean... 360 01:21:12,445 --> 01:21:17,451 He was terribly injured by the fall but he didn't die! And nor did he wake, I searched for priests that could help him, then... I brought the sorcerer here! 361 01:21:28,465 --> 01:21:32,470 You? You brought Malachi here? 362 01:21:33,471 --> 01:21:55,499 I offered him everything I had just to have Marcus back to here! And it succeded, Solomon, he used his mirror and his magic... And he brought Marcus back, but he was changed! 363 01:21:56,500 --> 01:22:07,514 And his face so damaged by the fall he hid behind a mask... And he obeys only the will of the sorcerer! 364 01:22:09,517 --> 01:22:11,519 No, he can not be my brother! 365 01:22:12,019 --> 01:22:19,529 That creature is your brother, or what remains... And now Marcus infects all to follow him... 366 01:22:23,534 --> 01:22:26,537 One thing you must do for me... 367 01:22:27,039 --> 01:22:28,540 Father, just speak and it will be done! 368 01:22:39,555 --> 01:22:47,564 We both have our sins to answer for... ...and I'm ready to answer for mine...now! 369 01:22:49,567 --> 01:22:50,568 No! 370 01:22:51,069 --> 01:23:00,580 You have to, 'cause I brought the sorcerer here... ...and there's not istant I'll be alive, I'll not remember it! 371 01:23:01,582 --> 01:23:03,584 It will never let me breathe! 372 01:23:37,127 --> 01:23:40,131 Thank to God we have you with us! This is here...this is all that we are left? 373 01:23:40,231 --> 01:23:43,635 All here, one or two, a few there maybe, the rest I don't know! 374 01:23:43,736 --> 01:23:44,636 Just stay there back! 375 01:23:45,137 --> 01:23:48,641 Do hold steady now! This is you're foolin'! 376 01:23:49,643 --> 01:23:54,649 Just a few more moments, as I stop him with one single blow! 377 01:24:14,174 --> 01:24:18,679 Malachi! Malachi! 378 01:24:19,681 --> 01:24:23,686 I'm here for you, isn't this what you want? 379 01:24:48,717 --> 01:24:50,219 Come on! 380 01:25:25,764 --> 01:25:28,467 Solomon! Solomon, no...it's a trap! 381 01:25:33,774 --> 01:25:45,789 Longest road do the conqueror walks in the name of his devotion! Yet longest still is the journey home to the land of his fathers! 382 01:25:55,501 --> 01:25:56,803 I've been waiting for you! 383 01:25:57,804 --> 01:26:00,607 You are unworthy to sit upon my father's chair! 384 01:26:01,109 --> 01:26:05,814 Your father was a child, a pathetic fool who made a pact with the Devil! 385 01:26:06,516 --> 01:26:10,320 He betrayed you, your soul is damned! 386 01:26:11,321 --> 01:26:12,423 Get up! 387 01:26:12,823 --> 01:26:17,329 Are you still the coward loyal son? 388 01:26:19,832 --> 01:26:20,834 Beware! 389 01:26:31,347 --> 01:26:39,156 Malachi! Malachi! Malachi...you coward! 390 01:26:42,861 --> 01:26:44,363 Meredith, you are right? 391 01:26:45,364 --> 01:26:47,868 You came for me! I swore to William! 392 01:26:48,868 --> 01:26:52,373 Solomon, no it's a trap! They have marked me so you woud have come! 393 01:26:53,374 --> 01:26:56,379 Don't go! The Devil wants you! 394 01:26:56,879 --> 01:26:58,881 The Devil condemned me so it's enough! 395 01:27:12,899 --> 01:27:14,601 My God, Solomon! 396 01:27:19,908 --> 01:27:24,915 Listen to me! You hear me Marcus? You do not have to do this! 397 01:27:25,915 --> 01:27:26,917 No! 398 01:27:28,919 --> 01:27:29,920 Listen to me! 399 01:27:40,634 --> 01:27:42,036 Meredith, run! 400 01:27:56,955 --> 01:28:03,963 Where is your master? Eh? Where is he? Where are you Malachi? Hide you in the shadows? 401 01:28:04,064 --> 01:28:07,969 Why should I hide from you, I wanted you here! 402 01:28:08,969 --> 01:28:16,980 Every step you took led you to here, Every pain you suffered was punishment for your sins, My master do have your soul! 403 01:28:17,981 --> 01:28:27,994 See what the Devil have sent for you! This beast is here to drag you back to hell! Your soul is damned! 404 01:28:28,995 --> 01:28:29,996 Oh, dear God! 405 01:28:35,003 --> 01:28:44,014 Marcus! Our father is dead, you are Lord here now, Malachi has no control over you! 406 01:29:14,052 --> 01:29:15,053 Marcus! Brother! 407 01:29:32,075 --> 01:29:33,075 Solomon! 408 01:29:51,099 --> 01:29:53,602 Rest in peace, brother! 409 01:29:55,104 --> 01:29:59,109 It's time, only your innocent blood would release him! 410 01:30:07,119 --> 01:30:10,122 Now you are free! 411 01:30:32,151 --> 01:30:33,652 Kill him! 412 01:30:40,160 --> 01:30:43,164 My God, only you can help me now! 413 01:31:24,216 --> 01:31:26,719 Stop! Let her go! 414 01:31:28,921 --> 01:31:30,924 You can have my soul! 415 01:31:31,525 --> 01:31:38,734 Why would you risk everything, even your soul...to save her? 416 01:31:40,236 --> 01:31:41,738 I made a promise! 417 01:31:44,241 --> 01:31:45,443 I must keep it! 418 01:32:46,820 --> 01:32:47,922 Solomon! 419 01:33:05,343 --> 01:33:10,350 Thank God! It's gone! 420 01:33:12,352 --> 01:33:20,863 Your father told me that if I'd save you my soul would be redeemed! 421 01:33:22,365 --> 01:33:27,371 I have...and it is! 422 01:33:28,874 --> 01:33:31,676 And the Devil's curse on me is no more! 423 01:33:40,388 --> 01:33:41,389 The guards have fallen! 424 01:34:12,428 --> 01:34:16,934 Father, I have kept my promise and Meredith has returned to her mother... 425 01:34:17,435 --> 01:34:24,443 ...and the evil is gone, Banished to the shadows along with the sorcerer that had cursed as all... 426 01:34:25,444 --> 01:34:31,452 ...but the evil is not so easily defeated, And I know I will have to fight it again... 427 01:34:32,453 --> 01:34:43,467 I am a very different man now! Through all of my troubles, all the things I've seen And all the things I've done, I have found my propose! 428 01:34:44,468 --> 01:34:58,486 There was a time when the world was plunged into darkness, A time of witchcraft and sorcery when no one stood against evil, That time is over!