1 00:01:12,699 --> 00:01:16,119 Listen, I'm from the Bronx, so you need to keep it simple. 2 00:01:16,286 --> 00:01:20,498 Why is the bank buying all this missile-guidance stuff from Calvini? 3 00:01:22,333 --> 00:01:23,585 I don't get it. 4 00:01:54,199 --> 00:01:55,867 The window will stay closed. 5 00:01:59,370 --> 00:02:00,705 You need to relax. 6 00:02:01,247 --> 00:02:04,083 I'm more comfortable tense. 7 00:02:05,251 --> 00:02:07,337 You came to us, remember? 8 00:02:07,504 --> 00:02:09,714 You wanted a way out and I'm offering you one. 9 00:02:09,881 --> 00:02:12,675 I only met you 30 minutes ago... 10 00:02:12,842 --> 00:02:17,388 ...and now you expect me just to walk away from everything I know... 11 00:02:17,639 --> 00:02:19,724 ...put my life in your hands. 12 00:02:21,351 --> 00:02:24,896 You want a little more time to think things through, I get it... 13 00:02:25,271 --> 00:02:27,148 ...but we're gonna need another meet... 14 00:02:28,066 --> 00:02:30,235 ...and I'm gonna need to see some paper. 15 00:02:32,654 --> 00:02:35,865 Yes. Now get out of the car. 16 00:02:58,596 --> 00:02:59,681 - Hey. - Ella? 17 00:02:59,848 --> 00:03:01,683 - You done? - Yeah, I just met with him. 18 00:03:01,850 --> 00:03:04,185 - And? - Oh, he's real. 19 00:03:04,394 --> 00:03:06,604 He's real enough to blow this thing wide open. 20 00:03:06,771 --> 00:03:09,107 He told me the bank's buying $200 million worth... 21 00:03:09,274 --> 00:03:11,192 ...of missile-guidance systems. 22 00:03:11,401 --> 00:03:13,736 - What do they need those for? - I don't know. 23 00:03:13,903 --> 00:03:15,363 You gonna see him a second time? 24 00:03:15,530 --> 00:03:19,784 Yeah, yeah. Listen, we're gonna meet again. He's agreed to bring me paper. 25 00:03:19,951 --> 00:03:21,786 Right, I'll call you later. 26 00:03:22,161 --> 00:03:23,997 Thanks, Elle. 27 00:03:47,478 --> 00:03:48,813 H9)'- 28 00:04:16,007 --> 00:04:19,552 Are you experiencing any blurred or double vision? 29 00:04:20,219 --> 00:04:22,013 No. 30 00:04:23,097 --> 00:04:24,140 Nothing. 31 00:04:24,515 --> 00:04:25,934 Just follow the light, please. 32 00:04:31,898 --> 00:04:35,318 It's been noted that you were experiencing ringing in your ears. 33 00:04:35,693 --> 00:04:36,736 Yes. 34 00:04:36,903 --> 00:04:39,781 Well, I would like to keep you here overnight for observation. 35 00:04:39,948 --> 00:04:42,200 That won't be necessary. 36 00:04:45,870 --> 00:04:47,747 Where's my colleague? 37 00:04:51,876 --> 00:04:53,044 Thomas Schumer. 38 00:05:05,974 --> 00:05:07,558 It was definitely a heart attack? 39 00:05:09,602 --> 00:05:12,522 "Acute myocardial infarction." Yes. 40 00:05:26,953 --> 00:05:29,080 Your penlight, can I use it? 41 00:05:42,260 --> 00:05:43,261 What are you doing? 42 00:05:43,970 --> 00:05:45,555 Can you help me turn him over? 43 00:05:45,722 --> 00:05:48,599 - I'm afraid I can't allow you to-- - Just help me. 44 00:06:08,244 --> 00:06:11,706 We need to contact the Berlin police and request an immediate autopsy. 45 00:06:11,873 --> 00:06:13,291 Why? 46 00:06:13,708 --> 00:06:16,753 Because I don't think this man died of natural causes. 47 00:06:17,420 --> 00:06:18,629 Come on, Ella. 48 00:06:18,796 --> 00:06:21,924 If Schumer met this insider in Berlin... 49 00:06:22,091 --> 00:06:24,802 ...odds are this guy's a foreign national. So it's federal. 50 00:06:24,969 --> 00:06:27,346 But you're not listening to me. Let them meet again. 51 00:06:27,513 --> 00:06:30,016 The guy's gonna bring paper and Tommy will close him. 52 00:06:30,183 --> 00:06:34,145 You still have to coordinate with Justice if you want witness protection. 53 00:06:34,312 --> 00:06:37,106 I just tried both their cells again. Straight to voice mail. 54 00:06:37,273 --> 00:06:38,483 Shit. 55 00:06:38,649 --> 00:06:41,986 I'm gonna try Tommy's wife at work If I have to bring DOJ into this... 56 00:06:42,153 --> 00:06:45,073 ...they're gonna do what they've always done with this. 57 00:06:45,239 --> 00:06:48,159 They're gonna stall us with red tape, informant's gonna bolt... 58 00:06:48,326 --> 00:06:50,745 ...and I'm telling you, he could be the bombshell... 59 00:06:50,912 --> 00:06:53,498 ...we've spent the last two years looking for. 60 00:06:54,165 --> 00:06:56,000 Voice mail. 61 00:06:57,168 --> 00:06:59,587 What's going on? Why aren't they calling us back? 62 00:06:59,754 --> 00:07:02,673 What do you want me to do? I can't afford another turf war. 63 00:07:02,840 --> 00:07:06,844 - It's Salinger. - Finally. Put him on speaker. 64 00:07:08,971 --> 00:07:12,433 Jesus,Lou. What took you guys so long? 65 00:07:14,018 --> 00:07:16,479 Hello? You there? 66 00:07:16,646 --> 00:07:18,147 Yeah. 67 00:07:18,314 --> 00:07:20,274 So, what's up? 68 00:07:21,609 --> 00:07:23,653 Tommy's dead. 69 00:07:25,279 --> 00:07:26,531 What? 70 00:07:30,326 --> 00:07:32,036 He's dead, Ella. 71 00:07:32,203 --> 00:07:34,956 I need you to get over here as soon as you can. 72 00:07:36,874 --> 00:07:40,545 Unnaturally red blood, lambent membranes. 73 00:07:40,711 --> 00:07:43,005 Two key indicators of hydrocyanic poisoning. 74 00:07:43,214 --> 00:07:44,715 This lesion on the neck... 75 00:07:44,882 --> 00:07:48,427 ...is how the poison was introduced into the bloodstream, percutaneously. 76 00:07:48,594 --> 00:07:50,680 The lesion tested negative for any poison. 77 00:07:50,847 --> 00:07:54,350 There are any number of reasons for this discolouration of the blood... 78 00:07:54,517 --> 00:07:56,519 ...least likely of which is hydrocyanic-- 79 00:07:56,686 --> 00:07:58,729 I'm telling you, he was murdered. 80 00:08:05,528 --> 00:08:08,531 Well, I'm assuming you suspect a combination... 81 00:08:08,698 --> 00:08:10,741 ...of prussic acid and DMSO... 82 00:08:11,576 --> 00:08:14,162 ...but then the reaction time would have been immediate. 83 00:08:14,328 --> 00:08:16,164 Within one minute. 84 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:19,125 Which means the killer would have had to deliver the toxin... 85 00:08:19,292 --> 00:08:21,586 ...after Schumer exited the car. 86 00:08:27,383 --> 00:08:30,595 So did you see anything unusual? 87 00:08:30,761 --> 00:08:33,347 Anybody approaching Schumer? 88 00:08:36,350 --> 00:08:38,603 No. I mean... 89 00:08:40,938 --> 00:08:42,732 I don't know. 90 00:08:43,107 --> 00:08:46,444 What is it that makes you so certain he was assassinated? 91 00:08:53,451 --> 00:08:56,662 Agent Salinger and I have reason to believe this might be connected... 92 00:08:56,829 --> 00:08:59,123 ...to an ongoing investigation being conducted... 93 00:08:59,290 --> 00:09:02,460 ...by both my team at the Manhattan DA's office and Interpol. 94 00:09:02,877 --> 00:09:05,296 - What investigation? - I run a group at Interpol... 95 00:09:05,463 --> 00:09:08,966 ...that focuses on financial operations associated with organised crime. 96 00:09:09,467 --> 00:09:12,511 About two years ago, we began receiving correlated intelligence... 97 00:09:12,678 --> 00:09:16,307 ...regarding the illicit activities of a bank based out of Luxembourg... 98 00:09:16,474 --> 00:09:18,809 ...the International Bank of Business and Credit. 99 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:21,854 Under the direction of its chairman, Jonas Skarssen... 100 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:24,982 ...we believe the IBBC has quietly become the bank of choice... 101 00:09:25,149 --> 00:09:28,027 ...for monies associated with organised crime, capital flight-- 102 00:09:28,194 --> 00:09:32,073 How is any of this related to Schumer and the New York DA's office? 103 00:09:32,240 --> 00:09:33,658 The lBBC's Manhattan branch... 104 00:09:33,824 --> 00:09:36,827 ...is the epicentre of its U.S. money-laundering operation. 105 00:09:36,994 --> 00:09:39,497 Schumer and I were working this case together. 106 00:09:39,664 --> 00:09:42,333 Agent Salinger and his department have been assisting us. 107 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:45,920 Why weren't we informed of these details prior to this briefing? 108 00:10:06,482 --> 00:10:08,859 What was Schumer doing here in Berlin? 109 00:10:09,193 --> 00:10:11,821 I set him up on a blind date with an IBBC executive... 110 00:10:11,988 --> 00:10:15,032 ...who was aware of our investigation and looking to make a deal. 111 00:10:15,199 --> 00:10:17,368 And the identity of this informant? 112 00:10:17,535 --> 00:10:21,122 We don't know. He took precautions to keep his identity anonymous. 113 00:10:21,580 --> 00:10:24,208 For the past 12 hours, I've been trying hard to find him. 114 00:10:24,375 --> 00:10:27,545 I believe that if this man isn't already dead, he soon will be. 115 00:10:27,920 --> 00:10:29,130 Why? 116 00:10:29,547 --> 00:10:31,882 Because, just like Schumer... 117 00:10:32,216 --> 00:10:34,885 ...anyone that's in a position to move against this bank... 118 00:10:35,052 --> 00:10:37,054 ...has either ended up dead or disappeared. 119 00:10:37,847 --> 00:10:42,018 Agent Salinger, given your history with this matter... 120 00:10:42,184 --> 00:10:44,395 ...I should think you would be more careful... 121 00:10:44,562 --> 00:10:47,023 ...before making such extreme accusations. 122 00:10:47,189 --> 00:10:49,442 My history? What are you talking about? 123 00:10:49,608 --> 00:10:51,652 We've reviewed your dossier. 124 00:10:52,486 --> 00:10:54,155 Have you? 125 00:10:55,448 --> 00:10:58,075 Well, that means you know just about shit. 126 00:11:01,037 --> 00:11:06,250 I realise this is a trying time for you both, but until I'm provided... 127 00:11:06,417 --> 00:11:09,670 ...with something more compelling than unsubstantiated theories... 128 00:11:10,421 --> 00:11:14,800 ...pursuing the IBBC is simply not going to happen here in Germany. 129 00:11:22,725 --> 00:11:25,227 Concorde Hotel, please. 130 00:11:30,733 --> 00:11:34,195 What was that back there? What history was Diemer talking about? 131 00:11:34,362 --> 00:11:36,113 - Don't worry. - Don't give me that shit. 132 00:11:36,280 --> 00:11:39,075 - What do they know that I don't? - They don't know anything. 133 00:11:39,241 --> 00:11:40,701 Enough to get a rise out of you. 134 00:11:40,868 --> 00:11:44,580 I'm not getting into it. You're so curious, read my file. 135 00:11:48,876 --> 00:11:51,921 I should never have let Tommy walk into this. 136 00:11:52,630 --> 00:11:54,465 You didn't. I approved the meet. 137 00:11:54,632 --> 00:11:57,134 I was across the fucking street, Ella. 138 00:11:58,969 --> 00:12:01,138 I was right there. 139 00:12:04,100 --> 00:12:06,352 I saw him go down. 140 00:12:07,603 --> 00:12:09,230 I didn't see a thing. 141 00:12:14,527 --> 00:12:17,321 We won't let them bury this, Lou. 142 00:14:12,770 --> 00:14:15,356 This canvas appeals to you? 143 00:14:16,398 --> 00:14:18,901 I like the look of agony. 144 00:14:20,611 --> 00:14:22,279 Why? 145 00:14:23,239 --> 00:14:25,741 Because I know it's true. 146 00:14:34,542 --> 00:14:35,626 What am I doing here? 147 00:14:36,669 --> 00:14:39,463 Umberto Calvini is disengaging from the deal. 148 00:14:39,964 --> 00:14:44,385 Your principle would like to bring you in to troubleshoot the situation. 149 00:14:45,469 --> 00:14:49,473 If Calvini refuses to move forward, my involvement won't make a difference. 150 00:14:49,640 --> 00:14:52,977 Your involvement would allow them to appeal to Calvini's two sons... 151 00:14:53,143 --> 00:14:55,229 ...who are much more open-minded. 152 00:14:56,605 --> 00:14:59,483 You'll find all the details in the file. 153 00:15:08,534 --> 00:15:11,620 I'll contact you once negotiations are underway. 154 00:15:32,683 --> 00:15:34,852 IBBC executive dies in freak road accident 155 00:15:49,074 --> 00:15:51,869 Luxembourg high society in shock at death of André Clément 156 00:16:09,094 --> 00:16:10,512 Rene? 157 00:16:11,680 --> 00:16:13,724 What are you doing here so early? 158 00:16:13,891 --> 00:16:15,225 Salinger. 159 00:16:28,447 --> 00:16:29,698 I found the insider. 160 00:16:30,491 --> 00:16:31,700 What? 161 00:16:32,743 --> 00:16:35,704 I found the guy that Schumer met with in Berlin. 162 00:16:36,830 --> 00:16:37,915 André Clément? 163 00:16:38,082 --> 00:16:41,210 The lBBC's senior vice president of acquisitions. 164 00:16:46,548 --> 00:16:49,259 He was killed in a road accident just outside Luxembourg... 165 00:16:49,426 --> 00:16:51,679 ...approximately nine hours after Schumer's death. 166 00:16:51,845 --> 00:16:54,598 And this is the gendarmerie's preliminary accident report. 167 00:16:55,766 --> 00:16:58,018 He arrived in Berlin at 8 a.m... 168 00:16:58,936 --> 00:17:01,772 ...on Luxair, Flight 9871 from Luxembourg. 169 00:17:02,272 --> 00:17:05,776 What doesn't track is in his statement, the IBBC chairman, Jonas Skarssen... 170 00:17:05,943 --> 00:17:09,405 ...claims that Clement had been with him in Luxembourg since 10 a.m... 171 00:17:09,571 --> 00:17:13,283 ...which is obviously impossible if Clément arrived in Berlin at 8 a.m. 172 00:17:13,701 --> 00:17:16,620 Did the gendarmerie say anything about this inconsistency? 173 00:17:17,329 --> 00:17:18,747 Nothing. 174 00:17:18,914 --> 00:17:20,708 - I haven't told them. - What? 175 00:17:20,874 --> 00:17:23,544 I wanna go to Luxembourg and question Skarssen myself. 176 00:17:23,711 --> 00:17:25,671 - No. Absolutely no. - Viktor, listen to me. 177 00:17:25,838 --> 00:17:28,716 I go to Luxembourg, Skarssen confirms that statement... 178 00:17:28,882 --> 00:17:30,884 ...I catch him in that lie, I can build-- 179 00:17:31,051 --> 00:17:33,721 For chrissake, Lou, you're not at the Yard any more. 180 00:17:33,887 --> 00:17:36,598 Interpol is not in the law-enforcement business. 181 00:17:37,433 --> 00:17:39,768 We deal in intelligence and facilitation. 182 00:17:40,269 --> 00:17:44,440 Focus on that, work that and pass your take onto the appropriate authorities. 183 00:17:44,606 --> 00:17:45,733 And then what? 184 00:17:46,900 --> 00:17:50,237 You know we've been circulating our take since the very beginning. 185 00:17:50,404 --> 00:17:52,614 No one ever does anything, no one ever can. 186 00:17:52,781 --> 00:17:56,493 Whatever case we have gets lost in the complexities of international law. 187 00:17:57,619 --> 00:18:01,331 Schumer, Clément... 188 00:18:01,498 --> 00:18:04,168 ...this entire fucking wall. 189 00:18:04,752 --> 00:18:08,005 There's nothing that complex about cold-blooded murder. 190 00:18:27,858 --> 00:18:29,985 Hi. I've got an appointment with Mr. Skarssen. 191 00:18:30,152 --> 00:18:34,323 - Your name, please? - Mr. Salinger? Please follow me. 192 00:19:16,740 --> 00:19:17,741 Mr. Skarssen. 193 00:19:23,205 --> 00:19:24,915 Mr. Skarssen. 194 00:19:31,547 --> 00:19:33,715 Agent Salinger? Please follow me. 195 00:19:51,275 --> 00:19:53,193 Mr. White. 196 00:19:53,443 --> 00:19:56,697 Agent Salinger. I apologise for the wait. 197 00:19:56,864 --> 00:19:59,867 I'm Martin White, the lBBC's legal counsel. 198 00:20:00,033 --> 00:20:02,369 This is Commissioner Villon of the gendarmerie. 199 00:20:02,536 --> 00:20:06,290 I thought it useful for him to join us, considering the nature of your query. 200 00:20:06,456 --> 00:20:08,083 Please, have a seat. 201 00:20:09,710 --> 00:20:11,962 I think there's some misunderstanding. 202 00:20:12,129 --> 00:20:14,965 I'm here to speak with Mr. Skarssen. 203 00:20:15,132 --> 00:20:19,469 Yes, but as Mr. Skarssen's attorney, I insisted that I speak with you first. 204 00:20:19,845 --> 00:20:23,307 Mr. White, I had a confirmed meeting with Mr. Skarssen at 11:00. 205 00:20:23,640 --> 00:20:26,560 If I was gonna meet with you first, why didn't anybody tell me? 206 00:20:26,727 --> 00:20:29,354 I understand, and I'm sorry for the confusion... 207 00:20:29,521 --> 00:20:32,649 ...but I'm sure I can help answer your questions. 208 00:20:32,816 --> 00:20:35,611 Now, please, have a seat. 209 00:20:56,256 --> 00:20:57,507 As I'm sure you're aware... 210 00:20:57,674 --> 00:20:59,968 ...I have some questions regarding André Clément. 211 00:21:00,761 --> 00:21:02,179 Yes. 212 00:21:03,430 --> 00:21:05,849 It's my understanding that Mr. Clément was working... 213 00:21:06,016 --> 00:21:09,019 ...at Mr. Skarssen's residence the night he was killed. 214 00:21:09,186 --> 00:21:11,688 The night of the accident, yes. 215 00:21:12,773 --> 00:21:15,192 What time did he arrive at Skarssen's home that day? 216 00:21:15,359 --> 00:21:18,737 If I recall correctly, around 6 p.m. 217 00:21:21,782 --> 00:21:24,159 - You were there? - Yes. 218 00:21:25,744 --> 00:21:27,412 And you're certain about this time? 219 00:21:28,372 --> 00:21:29,915 Quite. 220 00:21:30,457 --> 00:21:32,209 I'm confused. 221 00:21:33,669 --> 00:21:36,463 What you're telling me conflicts with Skarssen's statement... 222 00:21:36,630 --> 00:21:38,840 ...in the gendarmerie's accident report... 223 00:21:39,007 --> 00:21:42,135 ...which was that Clement had been working with him since 10 a.m. 224 00:21:43,136 --> 00:21:45,472 I was present when Mr. Skarssen gave his statement. 225 00:21:45,639 --> 00:21:48,725 - That is not what he said. - It is according to this report. 226 00:21:50,519 --> 00:21:52,187 May I? 227 00:22:10,914 --> 00:22:13,041 There is an error in the preliminary draft. 228 00:22:13,208 --> 00:22:14,251 The time is wrong. 229 00:22:15,919 --> 00:22:19,756 The finalised report here says Clement arrived at 6 p.m. 230 00:22:20,382 --> 00:22:23,385 Clerical errors like this can happen from time to time. 231 00:22:23,552 --> 00:22:26,054 This is why the gendarmerie discourages the release... 232 00:22:26,221 --> 00:22:29,433 ...of any preliminary documentation pertaining to open cases. 233 00:22:31,476 --> 00:22:35,105 So is there anything else we can do for you, Agent Salinger? 234 00:22:45,615 --> 00:22:46,616 - Yeah. - It's me. 235 00:22:46,783 --> 00:22:49,661 I just got the results from the tox analysis I ran on Schumer. 236 00:22:49,828 --> 00:22:52,873 - And? - It's inconclusive. 237 00:22:53,040 --> 00:22:55,500 Inconclusive? What the hell is that supposed to mean? 238 00:22:55,667 --> 00:22:58,295 They found trace elements of cyanide in his blood... 239 00:22:58,462 --> 00:23:00,589 ...but the levels are not nearly high enough... 240 00:23:00,756 --> 00:23:03,216 ...to meet their criteria for poisoning. 241 00:23:05,052 --> 00:23:06,303 Are you there? 242 00:23:25,322 --> 00:23:26,948 Sorry. 243 00:23:29,284 --> 00:23:31,286 I'm sorry. 244 00:23:34,456 --> 00:23:36,583 Are you crazy? 245 00:23:59,856 --> 00:24:01,149 Madame Clément? 246 00:24:04,194 --> 00:24:07,364 It's Eleanor Whitman from the New York District Attorney's office. 247 00:24:08,115 --> 00:24:10,534 I already left a couple messages just-- 248 00:24:29,719 --> 00:24:31,888 Mrs. Clément, I'm sorry to keep calling you. 249 00:24:32,055 --> 00:24:35,559 I can only imagine what a difficult time this must be for you. 250 00:24:36,476 --> 00:24:40,313 But I'm not convinced your husband's death was an accident. 251 00:24:42,357 --> 00:24:44,067 Look, here's my cell number. 252 00:24:44,234 --> 00:24:49,489 O01-917-135-6565. 253 00:24:49,656 --> 00:24:51,074 You can call any time-- 254 00:24:51,241 --> 00:24:55,745 Stop calling me. I have nothing to say to you. Just leave me alone. 255 00:24:55,912 --> 00:24:58,748 Please. I just need to ask you a few questions. 256 00:24:58,915 --> 00:25:01,585 I have two children. They've already lost their father. 257 00:25:01,751 --> 00:25:05,755 - I understand. - No, you don't. 258 00:25:08,049 --> 00:25:10,594 Are you aware your husband met with our investigators... 259 00:25:10,760 --> 00:25:12,554 ...the day he was killed? 260 00:25:20,520 --> 00:25:22,397 You ever planning to come to bed? 261 00:25:23,148 --> 00:25:25,775 - I heard your voice. - I'm sorry. 262 00:25:25,942 --> 00:25:28,403 - When'd he come in here? - An hour ago. 263 00:25:29,070 --> 00:25:30,864 T. rex was in the closet again. 264 00:25:32,282 --> 00:25:34,201 Let me take him back. 265 00:25:34,951 --> 00:25:36,870 Come on, buddy. 266 00:27:15,719 --> 00:27:16,720 Lou? 267 00:27:17,304 --> 00:27:19,389 They knew about the discrepancy in the report. 268 00:27:19,556 --> 00:27:22,100 They had Skarssen's statement changed. 269 00:27:22,267 --> 00:27:23,685 How did they know, Viktor? 270 00:27:24,853 --> 00:27:25,895 - Come inside. - No. 271 00:27:28,440 --> 00:27:31,067 Are you insane? It's freezing out. 272 00:27:31,359 --> 00:27:32,736 Come outside. 273 00:27:32,902 --> 00:27:34,487 Stop it! 274 00:27:41,828 --> 00:27:43,621 Lou, wait. 275 00:27:45,165 --> 00:27:46,249 Lou. 276 00:27:49,085 --> 00:27:51,254 Have you lost your mind? 277 00:28:05,268 --> 00:28:07,687 I think we take the dog for a walk. 278 00:28:08,021 --> 00:28:10,065 Get some fresh air. 279 00:28:21,826 --> 00:28:23,453 Who did this? 280 00:28:23,620 --> 00:28:24,954 Who do you think? 281 00:28:26,081 --> 00:28:27,248 From my apartment. 282 00:28:27,916 --> 00:28:30,085 Whitman's got them too. 283 00:28:30,585 --> 00:28:33,004 We need to inform the secretary general immediately. 284 00:28:33,171 --> 00:28:34,381 You gotta be kidding. 285 00:28:34,547 --> 00:28:37,217 We start setting off alarms, the opportunity will be lost. 286 00:28:37,384 --> 00:28:38,468 0PPortunity'? 287 00:28:38,635 --> 00:28:40,261 The last thing Schumer told Ella... 288 00:28:40,428 --> 00:28:44,808 ...was that Clément was giving him information on an IBBC arms deal. 289 00:28:47,060 --> 00:28:48,269 Umberto Calvini. 290 00:28:48,436 --> 00:28:51,731 Chairman of Calvini Defense, one of the largest defence contractors. 291 00:28:51,898 --> 00:28:54,317 And probably Italy's next prime minister. 292 00:28:54,484 --> 00:28:57,237 This guy standing next to him, that's our insider. 293 00:28:58,113 --> 00:28:59,322 André Clément. 294 00:29:00,115 --> 00:29:01,658 And? 295 00:29:01,825 --> 00:29:04,702 Whitman found out that Clément was negotiating for the IBBC... 296 00:29:04,869 --> 00:29:07,288 ...to purchase a large number of missile-guidance... 297 00:29:07,455 --> 00:29:09,666 ...and control systems from Calvini Defense. 298 00:29:09,833 --> 00:29:12,252 But at the very last minute, the deal collapsed. 299 00:29:12,419 --> 00:29:13,461 What happened? 300 00:29:13,628 --> 00:29:16,798 We don't know. Whitman's meeting me in Milan tomorrow. 301 00:29:16,965 --> 00:29:18,925 We're gonna talk to Calvini and find out. 302 00:31:02,278 --> 00:31:04,113 _H6Y- _H6Y- 303 00:31:04,989 --> 00:31:07,325 Eleanor Whitman, this is Inspector Alberto Cerutti. 304 00:31:07,492 --> 00:31:09,577 - Charmed. - Nice to meet you. 305 00:31:09,744 --> 00:31:11,120 Please, there's not much time. 306 00:31:11,287 --> 00:31:13,957 Calvini leaves for Turin immediately after this engagement. 307 00:31:14,123 --> 00:31:16,668 I didn't realise we were meeting at a political rally. 308 00:31:16,834 --> 00:31:19,462 Best we could do on such short notice. 309 00:31:23,758 --> 00:31:26,678 Thirtieth floor. I'll be waiting outside. 310 00:31:35,353 --> 00:31:36,771 You need to press the button. 311 00:31:43,611 --> 00:31:45,655 You look awful. 312 00:31:45,822 --> 00:31:47,824 Thanks. 313 00:31:49,534 --> 00:31:51,744 When was the last time you got any sleep? 314 00:31:52,120 --> 00:31:53,830 Don't know. 315 00:31:56,791 --> 00:31:59,002 When was the last time you had a healthy meal? 316 00:31:59,460 --> 00:32:01,170 Can't remember. 317 00:32:02,547 --> 00:32:06,509 - How about the last time you got laid? - Why, are you offering? 318 00:32:07,719 --> 00:32:10,805 You need to take better care of yourself, Lou. 319 00:32:10,972 --> 00:32:14,809 I can't have you crash and burn like you did two years ago. 320 00:32:17,395 --> 00:32:19,188 Please follow me. 321 00:32:20,064 --> 00:32:21,941 This meeting is strictly off the record. 322 00:32:22,108 --> 00:32:25,445 Mr. Calvini cannot be entangled in your investigation... 323 00:32:25,612 --> 00:32:29,616 ...nor can his participation in this discussion find its way to the press. 324 00:32:29,782 --> 00:32:30,825 We understand. 325 00:32:31,409 --> 00:32:33,870 Wait here for a moment. 326 00:32:35,580 --> 00:32:37,874 So you read my file. 327 00:32:38,374 --> 00:32:40,543 I made a few calls to London. 328 00:32:41,002 --> 00:32:42,629 You should've told me everything... 329 00:32:42,795 --> 00:32:46,716 ...with your IBBC case at the Yard. You should've told me it's why you left. 330 00:32:47,342 --> 00:32:49,218 What did they tell you? 331 00:32:50,094 --> 00:32:53,181 That you screwed up because the witness you brought in was a joke. 332 00:32:53,348 --> 00:32:56,225 And when you were forced to drop him, the case fell apart. 333 00:32:56,392 --> 00:32:59,729 You flipped out, attacked the assistant commissioner and broke his nose. 334 00:32:59,896 --> 00:33:03,524 My case did not fall apart, it was shut down, and my witness was rock-solid. 335 00:33:04,233 --> 00:33:06,653 He gave us everything we needed against the bank... 336 00:33:06,819 --> 00:33:10,156 ...and then suddenly, out of nowhere, my AC forced me to out him loose. 337 00:33:10,323 --> 00:33:13,076 Three days later, they all died in a car crash. 338 00:33:15,119 --> 00:33:17,705 -"They"? - He had a wife and two kids. 339 00:33:20,166 --> 00:33:23,836 Mr. Calvini, we'd like to know why the IBBC, a bank... 340 00:33:24,003 --> 00:33:27,298 ...would be purchasing millions of dollars worth of missile-guidance... 341 00:33:27,465 --> 00:33:29,342 ...and control systems from your company. 342 00:33:32,011 --> 00:33:35,264 The IBBC has purchased billions of dollars worth... 343 00:33:35,431 --> 00:33:39,352 ...of Silkworm missiles from the People's Republic of China... 344 00:33:39,519 --> 00:33:42,689 ...which they have presold to clients in the Middle East... 345 00:33:42,855 --> 00:33:44,440 ...contingent upon the missiles... 346 00:33:44,607 --> 00:33:47,276 ...being equipped with VOLCON guidance systems. 347 00:33:47,860 --> 00:33:52,281 My company's one of only two in the world which produce the VOLCON. 348 00:33:52,448 --> 00:33:56,786 - Who's the other? - Sunay. Ahmet Sunay. 349 00:33:56,953 --> 00:33:58,579 Of Turkish Aerotech? 350 00:34:00,206 --> 00:34:03,126 But why is the bank committing so much capital and resources... 351 00:34:03,292 --> 00:34:05,545 ...to the sale of these missiles? 352 00:34:09,841 --> 00:34:10,883 It's a test. 353 00:34:12,969 --> 00:34:14,762 Small arms are the only weapons used... 354 00:34:14,929 --> 00:34:18,266 ...in 99 percent of the world's conflicts... 355 00:34:18,891 --> 00:34:21,394 ...and no one has the capacity to manufacture them... 356 00:34:21,561 --> 00:34:24,397 ...faster and cheaper than China. 357 00:34:24,939 --> 00:34:27,275 What Skarssen is attempting to do... 358 00:34:27,692 --> 00:34:30,820 ...is to make the IBBC the exclusive broker... 359 00:34:31,195 --> 00:34:34,657 ...of Chinese small arms to the Third World. 360 00:34:35,241 --> 00:34:38,494 And the missile deal is the gateway transaction. 361 00:34:38,870 --> 00:34:42,665 Yeah, but billions of dollars invested simply to be a broker? 362 00:34:42,832 --> 00:34:44,500 There can't be much profit for them. 363 00:34:44,667 --> 00:34:48,421 No. This is not about making profit from weapon sales. 364 00:34:50,173 --> 00:34:52,258 It's about control. 365 00:34:53,509 --> 00:34:57,430 Control the flow of weapons, control the conflict. 366 00:34:57,597 --> 00:34:59,015 No. 367 00:34:59,974 --> 00:35:02,810 No, no. The IBBC is a bank. 368 00:35:03,269 --> 00:35:06,731 Their objective isn't to control the conflict... 369 00:35:06,898 --> 00:35:10,318 ...it's to control the debt that the conflict produces. 370 00:35:10,860 --> 00:35:14,280 You see, the real value of a conflict... 371 00:35:14,447 --> 00:35:15,782 ...the true value... 372 00:35:16,199 --> 00:35:19,035 ...is in the debt that it creates. 373 00:35:19,202 --> 00:35:21,454 You control the debt... 374 00:35:22,246 --> 00:35:24,373 ...you control everything. 375 00:35:26,584 --> 00:35:28,878 You find this upsetting, yes? 376 00:35:29,545 --> 00:35:33,257 But this is the very essence of the banking industry... 377 00:35:33,466 --> 00:35:38,679 ...to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals... 378 00:35:38,846 --> 00:35:41,182 ...slaves to debt. 379 00:35:42,141 --> 00:35:44,852 You sound like you're not very fond of the IBBC. 380 00:35:46,020 --> 00:35:47,897 What happened? 381 00:35:49,524 --> 00:35:51,651 I was fond of André Clément. 382 00:35:52,401 --> 00:35:54,320 I trusted him... 383 00:35:54,487 --> 00:35:56,197 ...and he was a good friend. 384 00:36:04,121 --> 00:36:07,416 Then help us make sure he didn't die in vain. 385 00:36:09,252 --> 00:36:11,212 Find me after the speech. 386 00:36:11,379 --> 00:36:13,840 We can talk in the car on my way to the airport. 387 00:36:29,063 --> 00:36:31,482 Umberto Calvini. 388 00:38:06,035 --> 00:38:07,870 Definitely connected to any-- 389 00:38:20,800 --> 00:38:22,468 What the hell is going on? 390 00:38:22,677 --> 00:38:24,220 They shot him! 391 00:39:24,030 --> 00:39:26,240 Secure this area and block all exits, now. 392 00:39:26,407 --> 00:39:28,034 Go! 393 00:41:03,712 --> 00:41:06,132 Oh, my God. Are you all right? 394 00:41:06,298 --> 00:41:07,341 I think so. 395 00:41:07,508 --> 00:41:09,802 Take that left. Maybe you can cut him off. 396 00:41:09,969 --> 00:41:11,470 Go. 397 00:41:12,138 --> 00:41:13,222 Go! 398 00:42:21,707 --> 00:42:22,750 Turn off the engine... 399 00:42:22,917 --> 00:42:25,294 ...and stick your hands out of the window! 400 00:42:26,212 --> 00:42:27,463 Turn off the engine... 401 00:42:27,630 --> 00:42:30,716 ...and stick your hands out of the window! Now! 402 00:42:47,983 --> 00:42:52,655 Our relationship with the Swiss has become impossible over the past year. 403 00:42:52,821 --> 00:42:54,823 They are discounting our dollar deposits... 404 00:42:54,990 --> 00:42:57,368 ...by 160 basis points below par. 405 00:42:57,534 --> 00:42:59,828 They have doubled the cost of moving our money. 406 00:42:59,995 --> 00:43:02,790 Well, general, what do you expect? 407 00:43:02,998 --> 00:43:04,833 You've been in the jungle long enough... 408 00:43:05,000 --> 00:43:08,045 ...to know that when the lion kills, it's the jackal that profits. 409 00:43:08,212 --> 00:43:09,713 Yes. 410 00:43:10,339 --> 00:43:12,216 The IBBC is specifically structured... 411 00:43:12,383 --> 00:43:15,302 ...to handle the particular needs of your type of organisation. 412 00:43:15,803 --> 00:43:18,847 We can give you better rates and terms than other competitors... 413 00:43:19,848 --> 00:43:21,475 ...but we can offer you much more: 414 00:43:22,309 --> 00:43:23,352 Weapons... 415 00:43:23,811 --> 00:43:26,272 ...intelligence, logistical support... 416 00:43:26,438 --> 00:43:28,857 ...everything that the Revolutionary Freedom Front... 417 00:43:29,024 --> 00:43:31,068 ...would need to revive itself. 418 00:43:31,277 --> 00:43:33,487 But in exchange for what? 419 00:43:33,654 --> 00:43:37,199 You must understand, the RFF has no money. 420 00:43:40,035 --> 00:43:45,165 Money is not this institution's primary medium of exchange. 421 00:43:48,585 --> 00:43:51,130 What are you proposing exactly? 422 00:43:51,797 --> 00:43:54,717 We believe that, with the right kind of direction and support... 423 00:43:54,883 --> 00:43:58,053 ...the RFF could become a very influential force in your country. 424 00:43:58,595 --> 00:43:59,888 Perhaps potent enough... 425 00:44:00,055 --> 00:44:03,267 ...to stage a successful coup in the coming months. 426 00:44:05,394 --> 00:44:07,604 And if this were possible... 427 00:44:08,022 --> 00:44:10,941 ...what does your bank hope to gain from it? 428 00:44:13,360 --> 00:44:18,073 The gratitude and consideration of a very influential friend. 429 00:44:19,742 --> 00:44:21,535 Excuse me. 430 00:44:22,077 --> 00:44:24,747 Mr. White and Mr. Ehames asked me to interrupt. 431 00:44:26,540 --> 00:44:29,293 Would you excuse me, general? I'll be right back. 432 00:44:42,431 --> 00:44:43,766 What is it? 433 00:44:49,146 --> 00:44:52,524 Approximately 30 minutes ago, Umberto Calvini was assassinated... 434 00:44:52,691 --> 00:44:55,944 ...while giving a speech at a political rally in Milan. 435 00:44:59,365 --> 00:45:00,949 We've been discussing it. 436 00:45:01,325 --> 00:45:04,787 I think we should wait until the authorities resolve the matter... 437 00:45:04,953 --> 00:45:08,415 ...and then approach the sons to revive negotiations. 438 00:45:09,041 --> 00:45:10,125 How long will this take? 439 00:45:10,292 --> 00:45:14,254 I've been assured the investigation will move swiftly... 440 00:45:15,214 --> 00:45:19,551 ...but unexpected fallout of an event like this can always complicate things. 441 00:45:19,718 --> 00:45:22,179 We only have 60 days left to deliver the worms. 442 00:45:22,346 --> 00:45:23,972 There's no time for complications. 443 00:45:24,139 --> 00:45:27,267 That's a risk you take with such an ambitious agenda. 444 00:45:27,851 --> 00:45:30,854 I don't foresee any problems. Had it not been for their father... 445 00:45:31,021 --> 00:45:34,066 ...Mario and Enzo Calvini would have made our deal long ago. 446 00:45:34,233 --> 00:45:36,652 Now there's no reason for them not to move forward. 447 00:45:37,820 --> 00:45:41,115 An important man and devoted father has just been killed. 448 00:45:43,242 --> 00:45:45,744 I suggest that we send a letter to Calvini's family... 449 00:45:45,911 --> 00:45:49,915 ...extending our heartfelt prayers and condolences for their terrible loss. 450 00:45:51,166 --> 00:45:52,751 I don't know, but I'm okay. 451 00:45:52,918 --> 00:45:55,337 The doctors checked me out thoroughly. 452 00:45:56,004 --> 00:45:57,965 Kiss Jake for me, will you? 453 00:46:05,389 --> 00:46:08,642 So the shooter was identified as a member of the Red Brigade. 454 00:46:08,809 --> 00:46:10,519 What about the guy in the car? 455 00:46:10,686 --> 00:46:13,939 Car was stolen. They were unable to lift prints, fibres or residue... 456 00:46:14,106 --> 00:46:17,359 ...or locate any witnesses who saw him exiting the vehicle. 457 00:46:17,526 --> 00:46:19,653 - So? - So the carabinieri are announcing... 458 00:46:19,820 --> 00:46:21,697 ...that the Red Brigade was responsible... 459 00:46:21,864 --> 00:46:24,533 ...for the assassination at the press conference tonight. 460 00:46:24,700 --> 00:46:26,952 We're not convinced the Red Brigade's behind this. 461 00:46:27,119 --> 00:46:29,872 Someone could simply be making it appear as though they are. 462 00:46:31,206 --> 00:46:32,624 This isn't my case... 463 00:46:32,791 --> 00:46:35,794 ...and the man in charge of the investigation is very powerful... 464 00:46:35,961 --> 00:46:37,212 ...and a real bastard. 465 00:46:37,379 --> 00:46:40,674 All we wanna do is just look around a little. 466 00:47:03,739 --> 00:47:05,407 - Antonio. - Alberto. 467 00:47:05,908 --> 00:47:07,242 Just a moment. 468 00:47:35,062 --> 00:47:37,022 They done the trajectory analysis yet? 469 00:47:38,106 --> 00:47:40,275 Cerutti said no. 470 00:49:00,272 --> 00:49:03,525 If there was a second shooter, he could've positioned himself here. 471 00:49:05,277 --> 00:49:07,029 The stopwatch they found in the room... 472 00:49:07,195 --> 00:49:09,281 ...it was set on a one-minute countdown, yes? 473 00:49:09,448 --> 00:49:12,951 Right. Calvini was killed a little over one minute into his speech. 474 00:49:13,702 --> 00:49:16,204 What if this was all synchronized? 475 00:49:19,958 --> 00:49:21,668 OKEY 476 00:49:23,378 --> 00:49:25,172 ...let's say I'm the second shooter. 477 00:49:26,590 --> 00:49:28,342 The guy below doesn't know I'm here... 478 00:49:28,508 --> 00:49:31,178 ...but I'm positioned right above his room. 479 00:49:32,429 --> 00:49:36,141 I'm armed with a Sauer 200 rifle, just like he is. 480 00:49:37,017 --> 00:49:39,478 I have a stopwatch set on a one-minute countdown... 481 00:49:39,645 --> 00:49:42,064 ...which I start when Calvini begins his speech. 482 00:49:42,230 --> 00:49:44,733 The sniper below has been instructed to do the same... 483 00:49:44,900 --> 00:49:47,569 ...because that's when he's gonna fire his first bullet. 484 00:49:47,736 --> 00:49:52,074 If he misses, I'm ready to follow through with one of my own. 485 00:49:52,908 --> 00:49:54,993 The sniper fires, misses. 486 00:49:55,327 --> 00:49:56,745 Seconds later... 487 00:49:58,038 --> 00:49:59,831 ...I take Calvini out with a headshot. 488 00:50:01,458 --> 00:50:04,127 It's a good theory, but there's one problem. 489 00:50:04,294 --> 00:50:06,004 Why? 490 00:50:08,548 --> 00:50:11,051 Two shots were fired from the window... 491 00:50:11,218 --> 00:50:13,011 ...two slugs were recovered... 492 00:50:13,178 --> 00:50:15,514 ...and two casings were found next to the gun... 493 00:50:15,681 --> 00:50:19,267 ...ballistics confirming that the casings came from the gun in the hotel room. 494 00:50:19,434 --> 00:50:22,562 So if the kill shot came from a second shooter here on the roof... 495 00:50:22,729 --> 00:50:25,440 ...that'd be a total of three bullets fired. 496 00:50:25,607 --> 00:50:27,943 How do you explain the absence of the third bullet? 497 00:50:30,529 --> 00:50:32,322 I can't. 498 00:51:00,559 --> 00:51:02,978 I think I've seen this print before. 499 00:51:03,645 --> 00:51:05,230 Where? 500 00:51:05,397 --> 00:51:07,149 Hanging on the wall of my office. 501 00:51:22,622 --> 00:51:26,418 So this was lifted from the scene of the Stefan Heuss hit in Brussels last year. 502 00:51:26,585 --> 00:51:28,712 A former IMF executive director. 503 00:51:28,879 --> 00:51:31,173 Has he ever seen a tread pattern like this before? 504 00:51:39,806 --> 00:51:43,518 He believes it came from a custom shoe made for a leg brace. 505 00:51:43,685 --> 00:51:45,771 The braces are typically made out of steel... 506 00:51:45,937 --> 00:51:47,939 ...or alloy, but the condition of the leg... 507 00:51:48,106 --> 00:51:50,525 ...would determine the specific type of device used. 508 00:51:52,694 --> 00:51:54,946 He says that the prints are a probable match. 509 00:51:57,616 --> 00:52:01,077 Please get these over to Alan Kovacs at FBI Impressions right away... 510 00:52:01,244 --> 00:52:03,997 ...and make sure he has my contact numbers. 511 00:52:04,956 --> 00:52:06,625 Thanks. 512 00:52:07,626 --> 00:52:10,378 Ella, if the FBI confirms that these prints are a match... 513 00:52:10,545 --> 00:52:12,964 ...it means the bank's used the same assassin twice. 514 00:52:13,882 --> 00:52:17,844 Which means if we can get him, we can get the bank. 515 00:52:52,379 --> 00:52:53,672 What was that? 516 00:52:58,343 --> 00:53:01,930 That was Capitano Barillo, the man in charge of the Calvini investigation. 517 00:53:02,097 --> 00:53:05,350 - What did he want? - My ass on a platter... 518 00:53:05,517 --> 00:53:07,853 ...and both of you on the next flight out of Milan. 519 00:53:08,228 --> 00:53:10,230 Didn't you tell him what we just found? 520 00:53:10,397 --> 00:53:11,898 I tried. 521 00:53:12,065 --> 00:53:15,110 Fuck him. He can't force us to leave. 522 00:53:15,277 --> 00:53:17,904 He has already spoken to your superiors. 523 00:53:18,071 --> 00:53:20,240 You have both been ordered home. 524 00:53:21,116 --> 00:53:22,951 Arnie, you can't just sit there... 525 00:53:23,118 --> 00:53:25,245 ...and lecture me about protocol and procedure. 526 00:53:25,412 --> 00:53:27,205 You know what's happening here. 527 00:53:27,372 --> 00:53:29,916 Well, who gives a shit about jurisdictional provenance? 528 00:53:30,083 --> 00:53:32,294 We just had a major breakthrough. 529 00:53:33,503 --> 00:53:36,381 That's great, Arnie. You're a real stand-up guy. 530 00:53:36,548 --> 00:53:38,717 This is total bullshit. 531 00:53:39,301 --> 00:53:41,219 I wish I could have been more helpful. 532 00:53:41,386 --> 00:53:43,346 Oh, no, you've been great, Alberto. 533 00:53:43,513 --> 00:53:46,474 I'm gonna do everything I can to take the heat off you. 534 00:53:46,975 --> 00:53:48,351 Thanks. 535 00:53:49,311 --> 00:53:52,731 Thanks for everything. Sorry for all the trouble we caused. 536 00:54:05,035 --> 00:54:06,077 What? 537 00:54:06,244 --> 00:54:08,663 His leg brace would be made of metal, right? 538 00:54:09,497 --> 00:54:12,250 - So? - So if he left through an airport... 539 00:54:12,417 --> 00:54:14,669 ...security would have made him show it to them. 540 00:54:33,855 --> 00:54:35,523 That's definitely him. 541 00:54:35,690 --> 00:54:39,361 - He doesn't look like much. - I think that's the idea. 542 00:54:40,111 --> 00:54:41,780 Seems to know where the cameras are. 543 00:54:41,947 --> 00:54:44,950 Look how he always angles his face just out of our line of sight. 544 00:54:45,116 --> 00:54:46,534 Even if you do find him... 545 00:54:46,701 --> 00:54:49,955 ...that's not enough evidence to convict the man without a confession. 546 00:54:50,121 --> 00:54:53,375 If we find him, prosecution will be irrelevant. He'll be a marked man. 547 00:54:53,541 --> 00:54:56,336 He can either die for the bank or flip for us. 548 00:54:57,212 --> 00:55:01,716 I got him. He is travelling under the name Sherwood, Timothy M. 549 00:55:01,883 --> 00:55:06,054 He boarded Flight Alitalia 422, departing Milan at 6 p.m. yesterday... 550 00:55:06,221 --> 00:55:08,682 ...and arriving in New York at JFK at 10 p.m. 551 00:55:11,059 --> 00:55:13,061 What time's the next flight to New York? 552 00:55:53,685 --> 00:55:57,063 Detectives Hubbard, Ward, Ornelas, this is Agent Lou Salinger. 553 00:55:57,230 --> 00:55:58,314 - Finally. - How you doing? 554 00:55:58,481 --> 00:56:01,067 - Let me take that. - Thanks. So, what do we have? 555 00:56:01,234 --> 00:56:02,402 Well, we got lucky. 556 00:56:03,236 --> 00:56:06,197 Some clip shots of him moving through customs. 557 00:56:06,364 --> 00:56:08,241 That's a good one. 558 00:56:09,701 --> 00:56:13,705 The Sherwood ID he used? It's clean. All of it attached to a dead address. 559 00:56:13,872 --> 00:56:15,707 Where'd he go after he cleared customs? 560 00:56:15,874 --> 00:56:18,752 Don't know. CCTV footage lost him at the kerb. 561 00:56:18,918 --> 00:56:21,963 We canvassed all the limousine and taxicab companies in the city. 562 00:56:22,130 --> 00:56:26,051 Airport parking, rental agencies. Didn't come up with shit. 563 00:56:26,217 --> 00:56:28,303 There's a chance he might live in the city. 564 00:56:28,470 --> 00:56:29,637 Why is that? 565 00:56:30,305 --> 00:56:32,724 Kovacs from FBI Impressions called. 566 00:56:33,349 --> 00:56:37,979 "The footprint was left by a shoe used for knee-ankle-foot orthosis. 567 00:56:38,354 --> 00:56:41,149 The tread pattern is exclusive to shoes produced... 568 00:56:41,316 --> 00:56:44,652 ...at the lsaacson Orthopedic Institute here in the city." 569 00:56:44,819 --> 00:56:46,780 The shoe could have only come from there. 570 00:56:46,946 --> 00:56:49,157 Do you have a contact person to run down? 571 00:56:49,324 --> 00:56:50,950 We got Dr. lsaacson. 572 00:56:52,410 --> 00:56:55,747 All right. You guys go check it out. I'm expected at the office. 573 00:56:55,914 --> 00:56:56,956 Hubb? 574 00:56:57,123 --> 00:57:00,293 Get ready for the smackdown. He's gonna come at you hard. 575 00:57:43,837 --> 00:57:46,548 - Who is it? - N.Y.P.D. 576 00:57:49,300 --> 00:57:50,927 - Dr. lsaacson? - Yeah. 577 00:57:51,094 --> 00:57:54,222 Detective Ornelas, N.Y.P.D. This is my partner, Detective Ward. 578 00:57:54,389 --> 00:57:56,683 - We'd like to ask a couple questions. - Why? 579 00:57:57,016 --> 00:57:58,601 What do you want? Why are you here? 580 00:57:58,768 --> 00:58:02,438 Calm down. We just wanna ask you a few questions about a patient. 581 00:58:02,605 --> 00:58:05,233 Patient? What patient? Come on, you know what time it is? 582 00:58:06,234 --> 00:58:09,070 Listen, I'm sorry. I must go. I really didn't do anything. 583 00:58:09,237 --> 00:58:11,656 - I'm sorry. Good night. - Doctor, if we could- 584 00:58:13,908 --> 00:58:17,579 Douche bag's pinned out of his mind. He thinks we're here to bust him. 585 00:58:20,039 --> 00:58:21,875 Dr. lsaacson, please. 586 00:58:22,041 --> 00:58:25,336 We have reason to believe your life is in danger, grave danger. 587 00:58:26,379 --> 00:58:29,257 We think one of your patients is trying to kill you. 588 00:58:34,512 --> 00:58:35,555 Kill me? 589 00:58:35,722 --> 00:58:39,100 I'm Agent Salinger with Interpol. We're assisting in this manhunt. 590 00:58:39,267 --> 00:58:42,729 Why would a patient wanna kill me? I'm an orthopaedist. 591 00:58:42,896 --> 00:58:46,232 This man's a psychotic. He's already butchered seven doctors in Europe. 592 00:58:46,399 --> 00:58:49,277 We got some serious evidence to suggest you may be next. 593 00:58:49,444 --> 00:58:50,778 Have you ever seen this man? 594 00:58:53,114 --> 00:58:55,909 No, no. I don't think so. 595 00:58:56,075 --> 00:58:59,662 Does the name Timothy Sherwood mean anything to you, doctor? 596 00:58:59,829 --> 00:59:02,624 No. How do you know he's a patient of mine? 597 00:59:02,790 --> 00:59:03,875 We have his footprint. 598 00:59:04,042 --> 00:59:06,628 Yeah, the shoe was manufactured by AGM Biomechanics... 599 00:59:06,794 --> 00:59:11,132 ...exclusively for the lsaacson Institute, model K-A-F-O 1-2-1. 600 00:59:11,299 --> 00:59:13,134 K-A-F-O 1-2-1? 601 00:59:13,301 --> 00:59:15,428 We started prescribing that three years ago. 602 00:59:15,762 --> 00:59:17,639 We've used it on hundreds of our patients. 603 00:59:17,805 --> 00:59:20,934 Well, then we're gonna need to review all of your files. 604 00:59:21,476 --> 00:59:22,644 Right now? 605 00:59:22,810 --> 00:59:26,856 Doctor, we need to find this man before he finds you. 606 00:59:28,483 --> 00:59:32,153 - What are you trying to do here, Ella? - I'm doing my job. 607 00:59:32,320 --> 00:59:34,948 You have any idea of the shitstorm you've gotten me into? 608 00:59:35,114 --> 00:59:37,742 - We're just trying to get to the truth. - I get it. 609 00:59:38,326 --> 00:59:42,247 You need to remember there's what people wanna hear, wanna believe... 610 00:59:42,413 --> 00:59:44,874 ...there's everything else, then there's the truth. 611 00:59:45,041 --> 00:59:48,378 And since when is that okay? I can't believe you're saying this to me. 612 00:59:48,544 --> 00:59:50,672 The truth means responsibility, Arnie. 613 00:59:50,838 --> 00:59:53,841 Exactly, which is why everyone dreads it. 614 00:59:58,888 --> 01:00:00,556 Look 615 01:00:04,519 --> 01:00:09,232 The IBBC is using one assassin for all their hits... 616 01:00:09,649 --> 01:00:12,485 ...and we've tracked him here to New York. 617 01:00:14,070 --> 01:00:16,781 This guy can bury them. 618 01:00:19,784 --> 01:00:22,996 They want me to put a gun to your head. 619 01:00:23,371 --> 01:00:26,207 You don't find this guy, and I mean quick... 620 01:00:26,374 --> 01:00:28,626 ...they're gonna make me pull the trigger. 621 01:00:33,881 --> 01:00:35,842 - Do you want dessert? - No, thank you. 622 01:00:36,342 --> 01:00:38,011 I'd like one. 623 01:00:38,303 --> 01:00:40,930 This is a game that rewards patience and balance. 624 01:00:41,097 --> 01:00:44,642 You must think like a man of action and act like a man of thought. 625 01:00:56,571 --> 01:00:57,864 Gentlemen. 626 01:00:58,031 --> 01:01:00,825 Sorry to disturb you at home. I'm afraid this couldn't wait. 627 01:01:01,576 --> 01:01:02,827 Yes? 628 01:01:02,994 --> 01:01:05,246 Salinger was in Milan 629 01:01:05,413 --> 01:01:06,956 Whitman too. 630 01:01:07,123 --> 01:01:08,416 They have the scent. 631 01:01:08,583 --> 01:01:12,503 It's only a matter of time before they find our consultant. 632 01:01:19,552 --> 01:01:21,095 Any recommendations? 633 01:01:21,262 --> 01:01:23,348 I strongly advise against doing anything... 634 01:01:23,514 --> 01:01:25,933 ...that would heighten your exposure right now. 635 01:01:26,100 --> 01:01:28,436 Wilhelm, we've leveraged ourselves over the edge. 636 01:01:28,603 --> 01:01:31,606 If we don't meet the delivery date, buyers will cancel orders... 637 01:01:31,773 --> 01:01:33,107 our plans will implode 638 01:01:33,274 --> 01:01:35,693 and this bank will be left a bill it cannot pay. 639 01:01:35,860 --> 01:01:38,112 Heightening exposure is the least of our problems 640 01:01:38,279 --> 01:01:40,615 I agree. We're about to engage Calvini's sons. 641 01:01:40,782 --> 01:01:42,950 We can't allow anyone to put our agenda at risk. 642 01:01:43,117 --> 01:01:45,453 We must sever all ties with the consultant. 643 01:01:45,620 --> 01:01:47,830 Consider the mark, gentlemen. 644 01:01:47,997 --> 01:01:52,960 Doing this could be a very messy affair. 645 01:01:53,127 --> 01:01:55,421 Well, then make it one. 646 01:01:55,588 --> 01:01:58,216 I don't know why you pay me to advise on these matters. 647 01:01:58,383 --> 01:02:02,303 It is clear that you don't want my counsel, only my corroboration. 648 01:02:02,470 --> 01:02:06,099 Really, Wilhelm. We've had just about all we can take of you. 649 01:02:06,265 --> 01:02:11,270 Yes. I've had about all I can take of myself. 650 01:02:12,146 --> 01:02:14,482 How would you like us to proceed? 651 01:02:19,237 --> 01:02:22,990 Cassian, what does one do when there's no way out of a situation? 652 01:02:23,366 --> 01:02:25,284 If there's no way out... 653 01:02:26,452 --> 01:02:29,831 ...the best thing is to find a way further in. 654 01:02:49,725 --> 01:02:52,520 - Fucking disgusting, you know that? - What are you, my mother? 655 01:02:52,687 --> 01:02:55,648 No, but I could be your old man for all you know, asshole. 656 01:03:06,701 --> 01:03:08,327 Hey, doc. 657 01:03:10,705 --> 01:03:12,123 Gabriel Hansen? 658 01:03:12,832 --> 01:03:16,419 I don't know. My associate handled this. 659 01:03:17,295 --> 01:03:20,047 Well, the address is a post-office box... 660 01:03:20,882 --> 01:03:23,468 ...and he paid cash for all of his medical bills. 661 01:03:24,886 --> 01:03:28,556 There are no diagnostic photos. Why? 662 01:03:30,516 --> 01:03:32,310 - I don't know. -ls there a number? 663 01:03:32,477 --> 01:03:38,274 Yeah, 212-157-6421. 664 01:03:44,113 --> 01:03:45,156 It's a dead line. 665 01:03:51,287 --> 01:03:53,581 I'll put a call in to Hubby, have her run it down. 666 01:03:53,748 --> 01:03:56,584 See if we can't get a crack warrant for the P.O. Box in Jersey. 667 01:04:01,130 --> 01:04:04,675 What do all these G-T's next to the appointment entries mean? 668 01:04:05,259 --> 01:04:07,929 We have a kickback account with Go Taxi... 669 01:04:08,429 --> 01:04:11,224 ...and they indicate when we use their service for a patient. 670 01:04:13,976 --> 01:04:15,728 Hey. Hubb says you caught a lead. 671 01:04:15,895 --> 01:04:17,855 Yeah, we've got an address. We're en route. 672 01:04:18,022 --> 01:04:19,649 - What is it? - Well, it could be him. 673 01:04:19,815 --> 01:04:21,108 - Really? - Yeah. 674 01:04:21,275 --> 01:04:24,111 Well, they gotta bring him in now. This is our last shot. 675 01:04:24,278 --> 01:04:25,905 What do you mean, "our last shot"? 676 01:04:26,072 --> 01:04:28,950 Arnie and I had it out last night, and our clock's run out. 677 01:04:29,450 --> 01:04:33,246 If we don't get this guy right now, it's over. 678 01:04:34,997 --> 01:04:37,291 Well, it better be him, then. 679 01:04:49,220 --> 01:04:51,597 I'm here. Yeah. 680 01:04:54,892 --> 01:04:55,935 I know that. 681 01:04:56,102 --> 01:04:57,937 This is definitely the right address? 682 01:04:58,104 --> 01:05:02,149 Checked the log myself. This is where they dropped him off every time. 683 01:05:03,317 --> 01:05:05,361 Well, he could be anywhere. 684 01:05:08,281 --> 01:05:10,992 - What do you think he was doing? - Beats the shit out of me. 685 01:05:11,158 --> 01:05:12,243 It's a big, empty lot. 686 01:05:12,410 --> 01:05:15,329 Well, I'm starving. I'm gonna get something. You want anything? 687 01:05:15,496 --> 01:05:16,497 Yeah, a coffee, black. 688 01:05:16,664 --> 01:05:19,083 I'm going back down to headquarters after this. 689 01:05:19,250 --> 01:05:21,127 Okay, all right. 690 01:05:28,718 --> 01:05:29,719 Right, bye. 691 01:05:29,885 --> 01:05:32,013 How long do you think this has been like this? 692 01:05:32,179 --> 01:05:34,015 I don't know, but we need to find out. 693 01:05:34,181 --> 01:05:36,058 The doctor's records say the last time... 694 01:05:36,225 --> 01:05:39,145 ...somebody got dropped off here was five weeks ago. 695 01:05:39,687 --> 01:05:42,607 I mean, there's not even a temporary office or anything. 696 01:05:43,232 --> 01:05:45,276 - How you doing? - How you doing? 697 01:06:02,043 --> 01:06:04,795 Son of a bitch. 698 01:06:10,217 --> 01:06:11,302 What's the matter? 699 01:06:11,469 --> 01:06:14,180 I just made our perp. Eleven o'clock, blue overcoat. 700 01:06:16,807 --> 01:06:19,393 - You sure that's him? - A hundred percent. 701 01:06:20,061 --> 01:06:21,896 - Where did he come from? - Shit if I know. 702 01:06:22,063 --> 01:06:24,857 I'm at the counter and I see him rolling past the window. 703 01:06:25,024 --> 01:06:26,400 - Wanna go for the collar? - No. 704 01:06:26,567 --> 01:06:29,236 We tail him, find out where he sleeps, then take him down. 705 01:06:29,403 --> 01:06:32,406 A, B, C. Keep the box tight. 706 01:07:50,401 --> 01:07:55,197 - Five-oh-two-six. Designator? - Samuel Koppler. 707 01:07:56,991 --> 01:07:58,242 Message: 708 01:07:58,909 --> 01:08:01,829 Your uncle wishes to see you immediately. 709 01:08:01,996 --> 01:08:03,414 Response? 710 01:08:03,581 --> 01:08:08,335 The Guggenheim, fifth floor of the rotunda, 40 minutes. 711 01:08:53,964 --> 01:08:55,549 - Hi, how you doing? - Hello. 712 01:08:55,716 --> 01:08:57,968 N.Y.P.D. I need to speak to your security chief. 713 01:08:58,135 --> 01:08:59,553 Okay, one moment. 714 01:09:00,638 --> 01:09:02,223 Rick? 715 01:09:02,848 --> 01:09:06,227 How you doing? Detective Ornelas. I need to be able to clear security. 716 01:09:06,393 --> 01:09:07,853 - Okay. - Thanks. 717 01:09:13,025 --> 01:09:14,735 We're clear. 718 01:09:46,183 --> 01:09:48,561 Directly behind me. 719 01:09:56,318 --> 01:09:58,195 There you go. Thank you. 720 01:10:49,079 --> 01:10:51,248 Who's the old scag sitting next to him? 721 01:10:51,415 --> 01:10:54,668 I don't know, but I saw him at the bank's headquarters in Luxembourg. 722 01:10:55,252 --> 01:10:57,963 You don't look well today. 723 01:10:58,339 --> 01:11:00,841 We all begin better than we end. 724 01:11:01,634 --> 01:11:04,011 What would you prefer your ending to be like? 725 01:11:04,178 --> 01:11:09,141 Oh, more purposeful, and certainly more climactic. 726 01:11:09,600 --> 01:11:11,226 A finale. 727 01:11:11,852 --> 01:11:13,479 A finale. 728 01:11:13,646 --> 01:11:17,191 Circumstances can always be arranged. 729 01:11:18,192 --> 01:11:20,069 As much as the thought appeals to me... 730 01:11:20,235 --> 01:11:23,948 ...I'm afraid your consideration is needed elsewhere. 731 01:11:24,782 --> 01:11:27,368 - What is this? - Salinger. 732 01:11:27,868 --> 01:11:30,746 The method and manner is entirely up to you. 733 01:11:30,913 --> 01:11:36,168 Your principle would simply like him to vanish without a trace. 734 01:11:38,379 --> 01:11:41,715 - Any other provisions? - Yes. 735 01:11:41,882 --> 01:11:43,217 No mistakes. 736 01:11:46,553 --> 01:11:48,389 I'll follow. 737 01:11:53,560 --> 01:11:56,897 - Where's Iggy going? - Following a new lead. 738 01:12:25,634 --> 01:12:27,052 Shit. 739 01:12:27,219 --> 01:12:28,595 We gotta go. 740 01:12:30,222 --> 01:12:33,350 N.Y.P.D. Lock your hands behind your head. 741 01:12:37,354 --> 01:12:38,522 Do it now. 742 01:12:39,106 --> 01:12:40,858 They'll never let you bring me in. 743 01:12:41,025 --> 01:12:43,110 Do it, or I'll take you down. 744 01:12:46,280 --> 01:12:47,614 - Cuffs. - On the belt. 745 01:12:58,083 --> 01:12:59,460 There's a guy right up there. 746 01:13:27,154 --> 01:13:29,323 - Where'd he--? - Up there! Up there! 747 01:13:39,958 --> 01:13:41,001 Get down! 748 01:13:47,758 --> 01:13:49,676 - God! Oh, my God! - It's okay. 749 01:13:52,387 --> 01:13:53,430 Down there. 750 01:14:03,232 --> 01:14:05,109 Shit. 751 01:14:25,337 --> 01:14:26,380 Drop the gun. 752 01:14:27,631 --> 01:14:31,385 - If I drop the gun, we'll both die. - I said, drop the gun! 753 01:14:31,552 --> 01:14:35,556 They're here for me but they'll kill you too. Now help me get this off. 754 01:14:37,057 --> 01:14:38,308 I can't breathe. 755 01:15:01,248 --> 01:15:03,000 Stairs. 756 01:15:15,012 --> 01:15:16,930 - Fuck. - You okay? 757 01:15:20,058 --> 01:15:21,560 The ramp is the only way out. 758 01:17:36,778 --> 01:17:38,447 H9)'- 759 01:17:40,073 --> 01:17:42,701 Don't you fucking dare. 760 01:18:35,712 --> 01:18:37,964 I'm calling from the dark side. 761 01:18:38,131 --> 01:18:41,802 - Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. - I'm calling from the-- 762 01:19:19,631 --> 01:19:20,966 Get back. 763 01:19:41,361 --> 01:19:43,029 I told you. 764 01:19:45,031 --> 01:19:47,451 What? You told me what? 765 01:19:48,952 --> 01:19:51,872 They'd never let you bring me in. 766 01:20:18,023 --> 01:20:19,065 Fuck, fuck. 767 01:20:29,117 --> 01:20:31,411 Move away from the building. 768 01:20:31,578 --> 01:20:35,499 Can everybody please move away from the building? 769 01:20:54,059 --> 01:20:56,061 They know you're coming. We gotta hurry. 770 01:20:56,228 --> 01:20:59,606 - Where'd they find him? - Sitting on a bench near the reservoir. 771 01:21:00,190 --> 01:21:03,360 - Has he said anything yet? - Nothing. He's pretty shaken up. 772 01:21:03,527 --> 01:21:07,364 - Who else knows he's here? - Everyone. Nothing I could do. 773 01:21:07,531 --> 01:21:09,950 Heavies from the Bureau and Justice are on their way. 774 01:21:10,116 --> 01:21:11,868 --With an unidentified third man. 775 01:21:12,035 --> 01:21:14,788 - How long do I have? - Five, 10 minutes, max. 776 01:21:14,955 --> 01:21:17,541 --Wanted for questioning in an ongoing investigation. 777 01:21:17,791 --> 01:21:23,129 Now, a Guggenheim employee tells me that while they were in the museum-- 778 01:21:59,332 --> 01:22:01,543 This isn't over. 779 01:22:19,603 --> 01:22:21,271 Are you sure about this? 780 01:22:27,152 --> 01:22:28,194 Just read it. 781 01:22:43,585 --> 01:22:45,629 - They recognise you? - Don't think so. 782 01:22:50,050 --> 01:22:52,052 Back it up! 783 01:23:33,551 --> 01:23:35,720 -...Screens came crashing down. - How you doing? 784 01:23:35,887 --> 01:23:39,265 - There was glass everywhere. - As compared to what? 785 01:23:39,432 --> 01:23:41,267 And just on the ground. 786 01:23:41,434 --> 01:23:44,229 When you heard all of this commotion, did you think--? 787 01:23:44,437 --> 01:23:46,398 Anything you need, Ellie, just let me know. 788 01:23:46,564 --> 01:23:48,608 - Thanks. - I just heard gunshots. 789 01:23:48,775 --> 01:23:50,944 And people were hit and screaming... 790 01:23:51,111 --> 01:23:53,405 ...and people just started running out the door... 791 01:23:53,571 --> 01:23:55,323 ...and I didn't know what was going on. 792 01:23:55,490 --> 01:23:56,533 You okay? 793 01:23:57,283 --> 01:23:58,827 Yeah. 794 01:24:00,662 --> 01:24:02,789 You flip this guy. 795 01:24:03,248 --> 01:24:06,209 You make sure my partner wasn't killed for nothing. 796 01:24:06,376 --> 01:24:10,130 I know that-- I think random people were going down and-- 797 01:24:10,296 --> 01:24:14,884 I mean, there was police running up as other people were going down. 798 01:24:27,355 --> 01:24:28,940 You ready for this? 799 01:25:05,560 --> 01:25:08,104 Good evening, Colonel Wexler. 800 01:25:09,856 --> 01:25:12,525 I'm Agent Louis Salinger. 801 01:25:13,318 --> 01:25:15,528 I know who you are. 802 01:25:17,363 --> 01:25:19,491 Of course you do. 803 01:25:21,493 --> 01:25:23,870 I was at the Guggenheim this afternoon. 804 01:25:26,039 --> 01:25:27,707 The assassin you met with... 805 01:25:29,334 --> 01:25:31,461 ...I know you were his handler. 806 01:25:31,628 --> 01:25:34,839 I know you arranged for him to be killed at the behest of the bank... 807 01:25:35,006 --> 01:25:37,217 ...because I was obviously getting too close. 808 01:25:40,512 --> 01:25:43,223 But if a hit team at the Guggenheim is what happens... 809 01:25:43,389 --> 01:25:46,226 ...because I was getting too close to him... 810 01:25:48,770 --> 01:25:52,524 ...what do you think the bank'll do when it realises how close I am to you? 811 01:25:52,690 --> 01:25:57,278 Death comes for us all, Agent Salinger. 812 01:25:57,987 --> 01:26:00,073 But based on everything I've read about you... 813 01:26:00,240 --> 01:26:01,991 ...you seem like the kind of man... 814 01:26:02,158 --> 01:26:05,078 ...who aspired to die for something more than this. 815 01:26:06,871 --> 01:26:11,417 Well, this is the difference between truth and fiction. 816 01:26:12,710 --> 01:26:15,004 Fiction has to make sense. 817 01:26:17,757 --> 01:26:19,676 I'm confused, colonel. 818 01:26:22,804 --> 01:26:25,056 Why would a tried and true communist... 819 01:26:26,099 --> 01:26:28,518 ...a hardliner that spent 30 years in the Stasi... 820 01:26:28,685 --> 01:26:30,895 ...fighting against the evils of capitalism... 821 01:26:31,563 --> 01:26:34,774 Why would this man waste his final days working for an institution... 822 01:26:34,941 --> 01:26:38,111 ...that was the very embodiment of everything he once despised? 823 01:26:41,114 --> 01:26:44,033 You dedicated your life to the communist ideal. 824 01:26:46,452 --> 01:26:49,831 You sacrificed everything for the good of the party. 825 01:26:51,332 --> 01:26:52,709 For what? 826 01:26:56,421 --> 01:26:59,090 You lost your wife to betrayal... 827 01:26:59,674 --> 01:27:02,218 ...your daughter to suicide... 828 01:27:03,553 --> 01:27:06,806 ...and when the Wall fell, your whole life fell apart with it. 829 01:27:07,098 --> 01:27:09,392 You know nothing about me. 830 01:27:09,934 --> 01:27:12,812 I was lost long before the Wall fell. 831 01:27:14,022 --> 01:27:18,776 I was once destined to become a man much like yourself. 832 01:27:19,152 --> 01:27:20,987 True-hearted... 833 01:27:21,321 --> 01:27:23,323 ...determined... 834 01:27:23,489 --> 01:27:25,491 ...full of purpose. 835 01:27:26,451 --> 01:27:28,369 But... 836 01:27:28,828 --> 01:27:31,581 ...character is easier kept than recovered. 837 01:27:32,790 --> 01:27:36,669 We cannot control the things life does to us. 838 01:27:37,337 --> 01:27:41,299 They are done before you know it, and once they are done... 839 01:27:42,675 --> 01:27:44,844 ...they make you do other things... 840 01:27:45,428 --> 01:27:48,681 ...until at last, everything comes between you... 841 01:27:49,682 --> 01:27:52,185 ...and the man you wanted to be. 842 01:27:54,103 --> 01:27:55,605 No. 843 01:27:57,523 --> 01:28:00,693 We all have choices in life. You made yours. 844 01:28:08,076 --> 01:28:09,911 Sometimes a man can meet his destiny... 845 01:28:10,078 --> 01:28:11,955 ...on the road he took to avoid it. 846 01:28:15,166 --> 01:28:17,919 Skarssen and that bank need to answer for what they've done. 847 01:28:18,086 --> 01:28:20,088 They have to be brought to justice. 848 01:28:20,254 --> 01:28:22,215 You can help me do that. 849 01:28:22,548 --> 01:28:24,384 Justice... 850 01:28:25,176 --> 01:28:27,136 ...is not possible. 851 01:28:27,762 --> 01:28:29,263 Why not? 852 01:28:29,722 --> 01:28:32,225 Because, Agent Salinger... 853 01:28:32,392 --> 01:28:36,396 ...your idea of justice is an illusion. 854 01:28:37,105 --> 01:28:39,691 Understand the very system that you serve and protect... 855 01:28:39,857 --> 01:28:43,403 will never allow anything to happen to Skarssen or the bank. 856 01:28:43,987 --> 01:28:45,571 On the contrary. 857 01:28:45,947 --> 01:28:50,076 The system guarantees the lBBC's safety... 858 01:28:50,451 --> 01:28:53,746 ...because everyone is involved. 859 01:28:54,497 --> 01:28:56,457 What do you mean, "everyone"? 860 01:28:59,252 --> 01:29:00,753 Hezbollah. 861 01:29:01,254 --> 01:29:03,214 CIA. 862 01:29:03,673 --> 01:29:05,425 The Colombian drug cartels. 863 01:29:05,758 --> 01:29:07,969 Russian organised crime. 864 01:29:08,136 --> 01:29:11,597 Governments of Iran, Germany, China, your government. 865 01:29:11,806 --> 01:29:14,934 Every multinational corporation, every one. 866 01:29:15,309 --> 01:29:19,647 They all need banks like the IBBC... 867 01:29:19,814 --> 01:29:24,736 ...so that they can operate within the black and grey latitudes. 868 01:29:25,111 --> 01:29:27,155 And this is why your investigative efforts... 869 01:29:27,321 --> 01:29:30,950 ...have either been ignored or undermined... 870 01:29:31,117 --> 01:29:34,287 ...and why you and I will be quietly disposed of... 871 01:29:35,246 --> 01:29:40,293 ...before any case against the bank ever reaches a court of law. 872 01:29:46,424 --> 01:29:48,468 So, what are we all supposed to do? 873 01:29:51,804 --> 01:29:54,098 We just supposed to give up... 874 01:29:54,348 --> 01:29:57,143 ...and accept that this is the way of the world? 875 01:30:01,606 --> 01:30:03,399 I'm not gonna do that. 876 01:30:04,817 --> 01:30:07,987 I still believe-- I know... 877 01:30:08,154 --> 01:30:11,616 ...that there has to be a way to bring down this bank... 878 01:30:12,200 --> 01:30:14,619 ...and you are gonna help me. 879 01:30:21,709 --> 01:30:23,920 You understand... 880 01:30:25,254 --> 01:30:29,008 ...if you really want to stop the IBBC... 881 01:30:29,717 --> 01:30:34,931 ...you won't be able to do it within the boundaries of your system of justice. 882 01:30:35,515 --> 01:30:37,934 You will have to go outside. 883 01:30:38,684 --> 01:30:40,269 Once you do... 884 01:30:41,896 --> 01:30:45,441 ...there will always be collateral damage. 885 01:30:50,154 --> 01:30:51,906 Yes. 886 01:30:52,949 --> 01:30:57,370 Should you sacrifice your own ideals for the greater good? 887 01:30:58,538 --> 01:31:02,375 That's a difficult choice, one I understand all too well... 888 01:31:03,251 --> 01:31:05,545 ...but as you so eloquently put it... 889 01:31:05,920 --> 01:31:09,298 ...sometimes a man can meet his destiny... 890 01:31:09,465 --> 01:31:12,885 ...on the road he took to avoid it. 891 01:31:24,772 --> 01:31:25,898 What? 892 01:31:26,065 --> 01:31:27,358 What are you doing? 893 01:31:27,942 --> 01:31:29,902 I think it's time for you to leave. 894 01:31:30,528 --> 01:31:35,241 - Leave? What are you talking about? - You know what I'm talking about. 895 01:31:38,744 --> 01:31:40,621 No way, Lou. 896 01:31:40,788 --> 01:31:43,708 No fucking way. You've already got him turned. 897 01:31:43,875 --> 01:31:47,295 Now go back in there and get him to come in on his own. 898 01:31:47,795 --> 01:31:50,882 We can use everything. We'll blow this whole thing wide open. 899 01:31:51,048 --> 01:31:53,384 - I don't think so. - Why not? 900 01:31:53,551 --> 01:31:55,595 I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice. 901 01:31:55,761 --> 01:31:59,348 - I can protect him, Lou. - No, you can't. They'll get to him. 902 01:31:59,515 --> 01:32:01,100 If they can't, they'll get to you. 903 01:32:01,267 --> 01:32:03,728 If they can't get to you, they'll get to your family. 904 01:32:16,407 --> 01:32:18,618 I can't just walk away from this. 905 01:32:19,869 --> 01:32:22,705 You're walking away so I don't have to. 906 01:32:31,631 --> 01:32:33,090 How can you trust him? 907 01:32:33,507 --> 01:32:36,677 That relic in there is looking for redemption. 908 01:32:36,844 --> 01:32:38,930 I'm the only one who can give it to him. 909 01:32:39,972 --> 01:32:42,808 Then who gives it to you when this is all over? 910 01:32:44,477 --> 01:32:46,604 You need to cut me loose. 911 01:32:49,148 --> 01:32:51,943 Tell them I escaped from custody, whatever you have to. 912 01:32:52,109 --> 01:32:54,153 Just use my history. They'll believe you. 913 01:32:54,320 --> 01:32:56,614 - I don't know. - Ella, listen to me. 914 01:32:58,449 --> 01:32:59,825 Sometimes the hardest thing... 915 01:32:59,992 --> 01:33:03,037 ...is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn. 916 01:33:07,416 --> 01:33:09,669 I'm the one you burn. 917 01:34:09,228 --> 01:34:11,314 We've been waiting here for an hour. 918 01:34:11,480 --> 01:34:15,318 I'm sorry, Martin, but none of us have been able to reach them. 919 01:34:15,860 --> 01:34:20,406 Unfortunately, Mario and Enzo Calvini are not known for their punctuality. 920 01:34:20,573 --> 01:34:22,408 They do realise this is the closing? 921 01:34:45,181 --> 01:34:46,557 Mr. White... 922 01:34:46,724 --> 01:34:50,227 ...I've been instructed to escort you and your associates from the building. 923 01:34:50,394 --> 01:34:52,480 Please gather your materials and come with me. 924 01:34:52,646 --> 01:34:56,233 - Instructed by whom? - Please, if you could just comply. 925 01:35:18,422 --> 01:35:21,092 Our father never trusted these people. 926 01:35:22,676 --> 01:35:25,846 Thank you for telling us the truth. 927 01:35:29,433 --> 01:35:31,310 Had you not come forward... 928 01:35:31,477 --> 01:35:33,896 ...we would have made a terrible mistake today. 929 01:35:34,063 --> 01:35:36,774 I'm just glad I could be of service 930 01:35:43,072 --> 01:35:46,784 I don't know, Jonas. I was told nothing. I was simply thrown out. 931 01:35:47,201 --> 01:35:48,994 They know. 932 01:35:55,459 --> 01:35:59,797 Look, I can't discuss this right now. I'll call you when I'm in the air. 933 01:36:25,364 --> 01:36:27,867 Welcome to World News. I'm Tristana Moore. 934 01:36:28,033 --> 01:36:31,495 We're live today in the Democratic Republic of Niberia. 935 01:36:31,662 --> 01:36:34,707 As we go on air, we're getting reports that thousands of troops... 936 01:36:34,874 --> 01:36:38,544 loyal to General Charles Motomba's Revolutionary Freedom Front. . . 937 01:36:38,711 --> 01:36:41,338 ...Are moving towards the capital of Dénué. 938 01:36:41,505 --> 01:36:44,467 According to eyewitnesses, several explosions have been heard... 939 01:36:44,633 --> 01:36:48,679 ...and there 've been heavy outbreaks of gunfire in many parts of the city. 940 01:36:48,846 --> 01:36:51,557 The people of Niberia have suffered greatly. 941 01:36:51,724 --> 01:36:55,186 It is time to begin a new chapter in our country's history. 942 01:36:55,352 --> 01:36:58,230 We will not stop until national liberation... 943 01:36:58,397 --> 01:37:00,900 ...and the restoration of nationhood-- 944 01:37:05,696 --> 01:37:06,739 News about Martin? 945 01:37:07,698 --> 01:37:10,242 He didn't show up at his hotel or at the airport. 946 01:37:10,409 --> 01:37:14,997 The Italian police have been unable to locate his car or driver. 947 01:37:15,164 --> 01:37:18,876 I think Enzo and Mario Calvini are sending us a message. 948 01:37:19,043 --> 01:37:21,420 How could they possibly have found out? 949 01:37:25,174 --> 01:37:27,760 This is precisely what we pay you to know. 950 01:37:27,927 --> 01:37:29,428 We're out of time and options. 951 01:37:29,803 --> 01:37:33,766 - We must make the deal with Sunay. - How can we trust this man? 952 01:37:33,933 --> 01:37:37,102 The Israeli government is his biggest customer. 953 01:37:37,269 --> 01:37:38,395 Why would he agree... 954 01:37:38,562 --> 01:37:42,149 ...to help us provide missiles to the Iranians and the Syrians... 955 01:37:42,316 --> 01:37:45,110 ...that have a first-strike capability against the Israelis? 956 01:37:45,277 --> 01:37:47,780 I know Sunay. I believe he has every intention... 957 01:37:47,947 --> 01:37:49,782 ...of selling you the guidance systems... 958 01:37:50,199 --> 01:37:52,409 ...because he's already provided the Israelis... 959 01:37:52,576 --> 01:37:55,454 ...with the countermeasures to defeat them. 960 01:37:57,289 --> 01:38:00,125 Would the Turk really play such a dangerous game? 961 01:38:01,627 --> 01:38:03,295 We are. 962 01:38:04,380 --> 01:38:06,674 The only way we can make this work... 963 01:38:06,840 --> 01:38:07,883 ...is to guarantee... 964 01:38:08,050 --> 01:38:10,803 ...that Sunay keeps this information in complete confidence. 965 01:38:10,970 --> 01:38:14,974 If our buyers find out the missiles are worthless, they'll pull all their orders... 966 01:38:15,140 --> 01:38:17,476 ...and this bank will be left insolvent. 967 01:38:17,977 --> 01:38:19,937 Have him here by tomorrow afternoon. 968 01:38:20,104 --> 01:38:23,357 Tomorrow he's going to a funeral service for his cousin. 969 01:38:23,524 --> 01:38:25,442 He'll be unavailable till Monday. 970 01:38:26,026 --> 01:38:29,154 Unless of course, you'd be willing to attend. 971 01:38:30,614 --> 01:38:32,449 Make the call. 972 01:38:34,868 --> 01:38:37,204 Get me Ahmet Sunay. 973 01:38:44,003 --> 01:38:46,005 It's tomorrow. 974 01:39:27,171 --> 01:39:29,757 It's right there. Do you want to be escorted? 975 01:39:29,923 --> 01:39:31,383 We'll be fine, thank you. 976 01:39:37,348 --> 01:39:38,807 The Sunay funeral, please. 977 01:39:38,974 --> 01:39:41,310 It will be over soon. You may wait here. 978 01:39:41,477 --> 01:39:45,522 - Is there a bathroom I could use? - Just over there. 979 01:39:45,689 --> 01:39:48,651 - I won't be a moment. - Right. 980 01:39:55,115 --> 01:39:57,326 - The signal? - Good. 981 01:39:57,493 --> 01:39:58,911 The Sunay funeral, please. 982 01:39:59,495 --> 01:40:03,082 - Where'd you put the spike? - Inside the lapel of his jacket. 983 01:40:04,249 --> 01:40:05,334 The lawyer? 984 01:40:06,502 --> 01:40:08,087 White? 985 01:40:08,295 --> 01:40:09,380 He's gone. 986 01:40:11,090 --> 01:40:14,968 I told you, there will always be collateral damage... 987 01:40:15,135 --> 01:40:17,429 ...when you take matters into your own hands. 988 01:40:19,848 --> 01:40:20,933 Your plan is working. 989 01:40:21,809 --> 01:40:24,103 It has left Skarssen with only one option. 990 01:40:24,269 --> 01:40:27,981 Record the conversation and you'll gain your end. 991 01:40:30,109 --> 01:40:33,696 Sure they'll talk about Sunay's deal with Israel and the countermeasures? 992 01:40:33,862 --> 01:40:35,239 It is the key issue. 993 01:40:35,406 --> 01:40:37,366 Once you let the Iranians and Syrians... 994 01:40:37,533 --> 01:40:42,121 ...hear that the missiles are completely useless against the Israelis... 995 01:40:42,621 --> 01:40:48,460 ...they will cancel their orders and the IBBC will collapse. 996 01:40:57,136 --> 01:40:59,263 - Wilhelm - Ah met. 997 01:40:59,722 --> 01:41:01,056 It's been a long time. 998 01:41:01,390 --> 01:41:02,433 Yes. 999 01:41:02,599 --> 01:41:04,476 My sympathies for the loss of your cousin. 1000 01:41:04,643 --> 01:41:05,936 Thank you. 1001 01:41:06,103 --> 01:41:08,731 Jonas Skarssen, Ahmet Sunay. 1002 01:41:08,897 --> 01:41:13,110 If you'd simply come to me in the beginning, it would have been better. 1003 01:41:15,904 --> 01:41:17,740 Midday prayers will begin soon. 1004 01:41:17,906 --> 01:41:20,492 Should take a short time to settle on the broad strokes. 1005 01:41:20,659 --> 01:41:22,536 The rest can be sorted out at your leisure. 1006 01:41:22,703 --> 01:41:23,746 We have 10 minutes. 1007 01:41:35,841 --> 01:41:39,178 Wilhelm, would you mind if I spoke to Mr. Sunay alone? 1008 01:41:44,391 --> 01:41:48,061 I believe I understand the particulars of your situation. 1009 01:41:48,228 --> 01:41:51,106 Perhaps we should discuss this in a more private place. 1010 01:41:51,273 --> 01:41:52,983 Yes, of course. 1011 01:41:53,358 --> 01:41:56,028 Allow me to show you something very special. 1012 01:41:56,195 --> 01:41:59,990 Something that very few outsiders know exists. 1013 01:42:01,450 --> 01:42:06,205 It's my understanding that the product you purchased are the X W-41 s. 1014 01:42:06,622 --> 01:42:07,706 After you. 1015 01:42:07,873 --> 01:42:10,209 Yes. Forty-two hundred units. 1016 01:42:12,461 --> 01:42:15,339 What kind of guidance are they currently equipped--? 1017 01:42:20,552 --> 01:42:23,555 They all need to be upgraded with VOLCON systems. 1018 01:42:24,348 --> 01:42:26,058 Launch platforms? 1019 01:42:26,225 --> 01:42:28,811 Ground-based vehicles and fixed-wing aircraft. 1020 01:42:39,238 --> 01:42:41,824 So you understand I have a terminal deadline. 1021 01:42:41,990 --> 01:42:43,826 First of February, yes. 1022 01:42:43,992 --> 01:42:45,911 - Can you meet it? - To be sure. 1023 01:42:46,078 --> 01:42:49,748 But you must arrange for the end-user certificates, transport. ... 1024 01:42:49,915 --> 01:42:51,458 We'll arrange for it all. 1025 01:42:51,625 --> 01:42:53,085 Where would the work be done? 1026 01:42:53,252 --> 01:42:56,171 Cyprus. I've a facility there. 1027 01:42:57,589 --> 01:43:01,176 We would start retrofitting the worms within a day of their arrival. 1028 01:43:01,343 --> 01:43:04,429 So if you deliver them to me within the next two weeks... 1029 01:43:04,596 --> 01:43:06,598 we'll meet your deadline 1030 01:43:19,111 --> 01:43:22,447 I'm concerned that we limit any and all knowledge of your involvement. 1031 01:43:23,115 --> 01:43:26,535 If we structure my involvement through a thick veil of shells... 1032 01:43:27,703 --> 01:43:29,705 ...I don't foresee any complications. 1033 01:43:31,123 --> 01:43:33,876 - Sorry? - You. Come here now. 1034 01:43:34,042 --> 01:43:37,129 Usually we would involve our import partners from Russia. 1035 01:43:37,504 --> 01:43:38,964 What? I'm just a tourist. 1036 01:43:39,131 --> 01:43:41,800 - Now, you must leave. - Could you get that light out of--? 1037 01:43:41,967 --> 01:43:44,636 Get your fucking- 1038 01:43:46,763 --> 01:43:50,309 So shall we discuss numbers? 1039 01:43:50,684 --> 01:43:52,436 There is a more salient deal point... 1040 01:43:52,603 --> 01:43:55,439 ...that needs to be resolved before we can do that. 1041 01:43:55,606 --> 01:43:57,441 And what point is that? 1042 01:43:58,400 --> 01:44:00,652 The point of fidelity. 1043 01:44:07,826 --> 01:44:09,870 I know you provided the Israeli government... 1044 01:44:10,037 --> 01:44:12,998 ...with the countermeasures to this guidance system. 1045 01:44:21,089 --> 01:44:23,175 Last year alone... 1046 01:44:23,342 --> 01:44:26,970 ...I did more than 300 million in business with the Israelis. 1047 01:44:30,641 --> 01:44:32,976 I would never put that at risk. 1048 01:44:33,143 --> 01:44:37,356 How can I trust you not to divulge this information to anyone else? 1049 01:44:38,315 --> 01:44:40,859 It's mutual interest, not trust... 1050 01:44:41,276 --> 01:44:43,946 ...that will be the bond of our relationship. 1051 01:44:47,699 --> 01:44:50,535 Your compensation will be held in an escrow account. 1052 01:44:51,745 --> 01:44:53,997 --Released until our clients pay in full. 1053 01:44:54,665 --> 01:44:56,041 And those are the terms. 1054 01:44:58,752 --> 01:45:00,420 The payout structure" 1055 01:45:02,798 --> 01:45:05,133 The transfers will be begun by tomorrow morning. 1056 01:45:05,300 --> 01:45:08,845 Ehames will contact you with the number for the escrow account. 1057 01:45:14,101 --> 01:45:17,145 So ends the bloody business of the day. 1058 01:45:29,950 --> 01:45:32,369 We're closed. I need you and Ehames here tomorrow... 1059 01:45:32,536 --> 01:45:35,122 ...to work out all the details with Sunay's people. 1060 01:45:35,497 --> 01:45:38,250 Yes. We're on our way home. 1061 01:45:46,091 --> 01:45:47,092 Wilhelm? 1062 01:45:50,095 --> 01:45:51,513 Wake up. 1063 01:48:52,527 --> 01:48:53,570 Who are you? 1064 01:48:55,780 --> 01:48:57,574 I'm Louis Salinger. 1065 01:49:07,500 --> 01:49:10,253 You don't have the authority to arrest me. 1066 01:49:12,464 --> 01:49:15,217 Who said anything about arresting you? 1067 01:49:19,512 --> 01:49:23,308 - What do you want? - I want some fucking justice. 1068 01:49:23,475 --> 01:49:27,187 Wait, wait. Wait. Executing me won't change anything. 1069 01:49:27,354 --> 01:49:29,898 There will be 100 other bankers to take my place. 1070 01:49:30,065 --> 01:49:33,109 Everything will continue. 1071 01:49:33,276 --> 01:49:39,241 The only thing you'll succeed in doing is to satisfy your own blood lust. 1072 01:49:44,162 --> 01:49:45,622 And you know it. 1073 01:50:40,218 --> 01:50:42,887 With compliments of Enzo and Mario Calvini. 1074 01:50:58,028 --> 01:50:59,529 Thank you.