1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,162 WWW.MY-SUBS.COM 1 00:00:01,774 --> 00:00:04,023 TYRION LANNISTER: We have suffered at each other's hands. 2 00:00:04,690 --> 00:00:07,398 We have lost people we love at each other's hands. 3 00:00:07,690 --> 00:00:09,231 (DRAGON SCREECHING) 4 00:00:10,273 --> 00:00:12,065 JAIME LANNISTER: This isn't about noble houses, 5 00:00:12,440 --> 00:00:14,732 this is about the living and the dead. 6 00:00:14,815 --> 00:00:16,440 And I intend to stay amongst the living. 7 00:00:16,523 --> 00:00:18,106 ♪ (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ 8 00:00:18,190 --> 00:00:19,815 DAENERYS TARGARYEN: I offer you a choice. 9 00:00:20,023 --> 00:00:21,523 Bend the knee and join me, 10 00:00:21,815 --> 00:00:23,732 or refuse, and die. 11 00:00:24,981 --> 00:00:26,607 (MEN YELLING) 12 00:00:28,023 --> 00:00:30,273 She is here to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms. 13 00:00:30,482 --> 00:00:32,440 The North is one of those seven kingdoms. 14 00:00:34,523 --> 00:00:37,273 JON SHOW: The Night King's army grows larger by the day. 15 00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:40,398 (YELLING) 16 00:00:41,231 --> 00:00:43,482 We need allies. Powerful allies. 17 00:00:48,440 --> 00:00:49,398 (WIGHT SCREECHES) 18 00:00:49,607 --> 00:00:50,981 CERSEI LANNISTER: The monsters are real. 19 00:00:52,273 --> 00:00:55,106 Dragons, White Walkers, Dothraki screamers... 20 00:00:56,357 --> 00:00:57,649 Let the monsters kill each other. 21 00:00:58,023 --> 00:00:59,857 We will deal with whatever is left. 22 00:00:59,940 --> 00:01:02,148 ♪ (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) ♪ 23 00:01:03,273 --> 00:01:05,065 DAENERYS: We are going to destroy the Night King 24 00:01:05,148 --> 00:01:07,106 and his army, and we'll do it together. 25 00:01:08,649 --> 00:01:11,315 SANSA STARK: He pledged to fight for Daenerys Targaryen. 26 00:01:11,607 --> 00:01:12,607 He's bent the knee. 27 00:01:13,065 --> 00:01:14,774 BRANDON STARK: He needs to know the truth. 28 00:01:17,482 --> 00:01:19,190 Jon isn't really my father's son. 29 00:01:19,774 --> 00:01:21,649 He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, 30 00:01:21,857 --> 00:01:23,482 and my aunt, Lyanna Stark. 31 00:01:24,649 --> 00:01:26,357 He's the heir to the Iron Throne. 32 00:01:26,940 --> 00:01:28,315 We need to tell him. 33 00:01:33,440 --> 00:01:35,940 JON SNOW: The same thing is coming for all of us... 34 00:01:38,981 --> 00:01:40,023 And it is here. 35 00:01:52,523 --> 00:01:54,357 ♪ (MUSIC FADES) ♪ 36 00:02:01,981 --> 00:02:03,981 [♪♪♪] 37 00:03:51,106 --> 00:03:52,981 [PANTING] 38 00:04:00,815 --> 00:04:02,482 [PIG SQUEALS] 39 00:04:04,357 --> 00:04:05,940 [DONKEY BRAYS] 40 00:04:06,981 --> 00:04:08,315 [CHICKENS SQUAWKING] 41 00:04:08,398 --> 00:04:10,065 [MARCHING] 42 00:04:10,148 --> 00:04:12,148 [♪♪♪] 43 00:04:52,690 --> 00:04:54,523 [MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY] 44 00:05:21,023 --> 00:05:23,023 [HORSES SNORTING] 45 00:05:48,774 --> 00:05:51,065 [HORSE WHINNIES] 46 00:06:06,023 --> 00:06:07,940 [HORSE NEIGHS] 47 00:06:21,981 --> 00:06:23,899 You should consider yourself lucky. 48 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:27,273 At least your balls won't freeze off. 49 00:06:27,357 --> 00:06:29,482 VARYS: You take great offense at dwarf jokes, 50 00:06:29,565 --> 00:06:32,106 but love telling eunuch jokes. Why is that? 51 00:06:33,357 --> 00:06:36,273 Because I have balls, and you don't. 52 00:07:03,815 --> 00:07:05,315 I warned you. 53 00:07:05,398 --> 00:07:08,148 Northerners don't much trust outsiders. 54 00:07:12,482 --> 00:07:14,857 [DRAGON ROARS] 55 00:07:14,940 --> 00:07:17,106 [PEOPLE CLAMORING] 56 00:07:17,190 --> 00:07:19,357 [♪♪♪] 57 00:07:19,440 --> 00:07:21,523 [DRAGONS ROARING] 58 00:07:23,857 --> 00:07:25,857 [WOMAN SCREAMING] 59 00:07:27,815 --> 00:07:29,482 [HORSES NEIGHING] 60 00:07:48,857 --> 00:07:50,482 [ROARS] 61 00:08:08,148 --> 00:08:10,106 [♪♪♪] 62 00:08:12,065 --> 00:08:14,190 [BREATHING HEAVILY] 63 00:08:29,774 --> 00:08:31,315 Look at you. 64 00:08:31,398 --> 00:08:32,398 [SNIFFLES] 65 00:08:32,482 --> 00:08:33,732 You're a man. 66 00:08:34,732 --> 00:08:35,774 Almost. 67 00:08:37,023 --> 00:08:39,065 [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 68 00:08:55,440 --> 00:08:58,315 JON: Where's Arya? -Lurking somewhere. 69 00:09:04,940 --> 00:09:07,398 JON: Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen. 70 00:09:08,690 --> 00:09:12,523 My sister, Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell. 71 00:09:12,607 --> 00:09:15,565 Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark. 72 00:09:15,649 --> 00:09:17,023 The North is as beautiful 73 00:09:17,106 --> 00:09:20,440 as your brother claimed, as are you. 74 00:09:23,940 --> 00:09:26,315 Winterfell is yours, Your Grace. 75 00:09:27,774 --> 00:09:29,607 We don't have time for all this. 76 00:09:29,690 --> 00:09:33,482 The Night King has your dragon. He's one of them now. 77 00:09:34,482 --> 00:09:35,940 The Wall has fallen, 78 00:09:36,023 --> 00:09:38,190 the dead march south. 79 00:09:38,273 --> 00:09:40,273 [♪♪♪] 80 00:09:43,482 --> 00:09:45,398 SANSA: As soon as we heard about the Wall, 81 00:09:45,482 --> 00:09:48,607 I called all our banners to retreat to Winterfell. 82 00:09:49,857 --> 00:09:50,857 Lord Umber... 83 00:09:52,190 --> 00:09:55,148 when can we expect your people to arrive? 84 00:09:59,357 --> 00:10:03,315 We need more horses and wagons, if it please my lady. 85 00:10:05,649 --> 00:10:07,273 And my lord. 86 00:10:09,607 --> 00:10:13,106 And my queen. Sorry. 87 00:10:13,190 --> 00:10:15,148 SANSA: You'll have as many as we can spare. 88 00:10:15,231 --> 00:10:18,440 Hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your people here. 89 00:10:18,523 --> 00:10:21,273 [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 90 00:10:21,357 --> 00:10:24,148 We need to send ravens to the Night's Watch as well. 91 00:10:24,231 --> 00:10:26,690 There's no sense in manning the castles anymore. 92 00:10:26,774 --> 00:10:27,857 We make our stand here. 93 00:10:27,940 --> 00:10:29,023 At once, Your Grace. 94 00:10:30,023 --> 00:10:31,565 "Your Grace." 95 00:10:37,190 --> 00:10:39,065 But you're not. Are you? 96 00:10:40,023 --> 00:10:41,523 You left Winterfell a king 97 00:10:41,607 --> 00:10:43,023 and came back a-- 98 00:10:45,523 --> 00:10:47,482 I'm not sure what you are now. 99 00:10:47,565 --> 00:10:50,106 [PEOPLE MURMURING] LYANNA: A lord? 100 00:10:50,190 --> 00:10:52,482 Nothing at all? 101 00:10:52,565 --> 00:10:54,774 -It's not important. LYANNA: Not important? 102 00:10:55,940 --> 00:10:58,148 We named you King in the North. 103 00:10:58,231 --> 00:10:59,649 [PEOPLE EXCLAIMING] 104 00:10:59,732 --> 00:11:01,231 MAN: King of the North! 105 00:11:06,357 --> 00:11:08,106 You did, my lady. 106 00:11:09,649 --> 00:11:11,482 It was the honor of my life. 107 00:11:11,565 --> 00:11:14,273 I'll always be grateful for your faith. 108 00:11:16,398 --> 00:11:17,649 But when I left Winterfell, 109 00:11:17,732 --> 00:11:20,398 I told you we need allies or we will die. 110 00:11:21,565 --> 00:11:23,273 I have brought those allies home 111 00:11:23,357 --> 00:11:25,440 to fight alongside us. 112 00:11:26,732 --> 00:11:28,398 I had a choice, 113 00:11:28,482 --> 00:11:32,523 keep my crown or protect the North. 114 00:11:32,607 --> 00:11:34,482 I chose the North. 115 00:11:34,565 --> 00:11:36,565 [PEOPLE MURMURING] 116 00:11:46,857 --> 00:11:49,190 If anyone survives the war to come, 117 00:11:49,273 --> 00:11:50,940 we'll have Jon Snow to thank. 118 00:11:52,398 --> 00:11:54,857 He risked his life to show us the threat is real. 119 00:11:54,940 --> 00:11:56,732 Thanks to his courage, 120 00:11:56,815 --> 00:11:58,857 we have brought with us the greatest army 121 00:11:58,940 --> 00:12:00,023 the world has ever seen. 122 00:12:00,106 --> 00:12:03,315 We have brought two full-grown dragons. 123 00:12:05,482 --> 00:12:06,857 And soon, the Lannister army 124 00:12:06,940 --> 00:12:09,023 will ride north to join our cause. 125 00:12:09,106 --> 00:12:11,148 [PEOPLE GRUMBLING INDISTINCTLY] 126 00:12:13,649 --> 00:12:15,148 I know, I know, our people 127 00:12:15,231 --> 00:12:17,815 haven't been friends in the past. 128 00:12:20,148 --> 00:12:21,857 But we must fight together now... 129 00:12:22,981 --> 00:12:23,981 or die. 130 00:12:26,023 --> 00:12:28,482 May I ask, how are we meant to feed 131 00:12:28,565 --> 00:12:30,523 the greatest army the world has ever seen? 132 00:12:30,607 --> 00:12:33,231 While I ensured our stores would last through winter, 133 00:12:33,315 --> 00:12:35,065 I didn't account for Dothraki, 134 00:12:35,148 --> 00:12:38,857 Unsullied and two full-grown dragons. 135 00:12:40,482 --> 00:12:42,482 What do dragons eat, anyway? 136 00:12:44,649 --> 00:12:45,981 Whatever they want. 137 00:12:48,732 --> 00:12:49,815 [HORSE NEIGHS] 138 00:12:49,899 --> 00:12:51,981 [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 139 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:08,273 Hey, careful, lads. We need every last bit of it. 140 00:13:08,357 --> 00:13:09,649 MAN 1: Sorry 'bout that. 141 00:13:13,857 --> 00:13:15,482 Are these the last of the wagons? 142 00:13:15,565 --> 00:13:16,981 MAN 2: Aye. 143 00:13:17,065 --> 00:13:19,690 GENDRY: All right, let's get it all to the forges. 144 00:13:27,690 --> 00:13:28,690 My lord. 145 00:13:30,857 --> 00:13:31,857 My lady. 146 00:13:38,482 --> 00:13:39,523 My lady. 147 00:13:51,523 --> 00:13:52,940 The Lady of Winterfell. 148 00:13:54,774 --> 00:13:56,732 Has a nice ring to it. 149 00:13:56,815 --> 00:13:58,690 So does Hand of the Queen. 150 00:13:59,981 --> 00:14:02,023 Depending on the queen, I suppose. 151 00:14:04,732 --> 00:14:07,440 Last time we spoke was at Joffrey's wedding. 152 00:14:08,732 --> 00:14:11,523 -Miserable affair. -It had its moments. 153 00:14:17,231 --> 00:14:19,523 Apologies for leaving like that. 154 00:14:19,607 --> 00:14:21,148 Yes, it was a bit hard to explain 155 00:14:21,231 --> 00:14:23,981 why my wife fled moments after the king's murder. 156 00:14:26,565 --> 00:14:27,774 We both survived. 157 00:14:30,732 --> 00:14:32,440 Many underestimated you. 158 00:14:33,690 --> 00:14:35,273 Most of them are dead now. 159 00:14:43,231 --> 00:14:44,940 I'm sure you weren't thrilled to hear 160 00:14:45,023 --> 00:14:46,899 the Lannister army's marching north. 161 00:14:49,065 --> 00:14:52,190 You have every right to be fearful of my sister. 162 00:14:52,273 --> 00:14:53,732 No one fears her more than I do. 163 00:14:53,815 --> 00:14:56,732 -But I promise, you'll be safe-- -Cersei told you her army 164 00:14:56,815 --> 00:14:59,565 was coming north to fight for you? 165 00:14:59,649 --> 00:15:00,649 She did. 166 00:15:02,273 --> 00:15:03,690 And you believed her? 167 00:15:05,106 --> 00:15:06,815 She has something to live for now. 168 00:15:06,899 --> 00:15:09,690 I believe she wants to survive. 169 00:15:12,148 --> 00:15:14,649 I used to think you were the cleverest man alive. 170 00:15:26,440 --> 00:15:28,440 [♪♪♪] 171 00:15:46,649 --> 00:15:48,315 ARYA: You used to be taller. 172 00:15:51,106 --> 00:15:52,649 JON: How did you sneak up on me? 173 00:15:52,732 --> 00:15:55,565 How did you survive a knife through the heart? 174 00:15:55,649 --> 00:15:57,148 I didn't. 175 00:15:59,440 --> 00:16:00,649 [CHUCKLES] 176 00:16:13,357 --> 00:16:15,398 -[SIGHS] -[SCOFFS] 177 00:16:15,482 --> 00:16:16,732 You still have it. 178 00:16:19,940 --> 00:16:21,148 Needle. 179 00:16:23,190 --> 00:16:25,065 Have you ever used it? 180 00:16:25,981 --> 00:16:27,732 Once or twice. 181 00:16:40,815 --> 00:16:42,065 [CHUCKLES] 182 00:16:43,065 --> 00:16:44,899 Valyrian steel. 183 00:16:46,482 --> 00:16:47,440 Jealous? 184 00:16:47,523 --> 00:16:50,690 [SCOFFS] Too heavy for me. 185 00:16:58,857 --> 00:17:00,732 Where were you before? 186 00:17:00,815 --> 00:17:03,523 I could've used your help with Sansa. 187 00:17:05,565 --> 00:17:07,774 She doesn't like your queen, does she? 188 00:17:07,857 --> 00:17:10,607 Sansa thinks she's smarter than everyone. 189 00:17:11,940 --> 00:17:13,981 She's the smartest person I've ever met. 190 00:17:15,357 --> 00:17:16,649 Now you're defending her? 191 00:17:16,732 --> 00:17:18,106 [CHUCKLES] You? 192 00:17:19,440 --> 00:17:21,231 I'm defending our family. 193 00:17:22,607 --> 00:17:23,774 So is she. 194 00:17:23,857 --> 00:17:25,273 [SOFTLY] Yeah. 195 00:17:26,732 --> 00:17:28,315 [NORMALLY] I'm her family too. 196 00:17:29,815 --> 00:17:31,774 [♪♪♪] 197 00:17:34,357 --> 00:17:35,607 Don't forget that. 198 00:17:53,440 --> 00:17:56,815 Your Grace, I'm afraid I bring terrible news. 199 00:17:57,981 --> 00:17:59,981 The dead have broken through the Wall. 200 00:18:03,607 --> 00:18:04,857 Good. 201 00:18:07,148 --> 00:18:09,148 [♪♪♪] 202 00:18:39,065 --> 00:18:41,440 Why don't you just get it over with and kill me? 203 00:18:41,523 --> 00:18:44,482 [SIGHS] But we're family. 204 00:18:45,690 --> 00:18:48,440 The last Greyjoys left in the world. 205 00:18:48,523 --> 00:18:49,981 [GRUNTS SOFTLY] 206 00:18:51,357 --> 00:18:53,607 The last ones with balls anyway. 207 00:18:53,690 --> 00:18:55,023 [CHUCKLES] 208 00:18:58,565 --> 00:18:59,899 If I kill you... 209 00:19:01,357 --> 00:19:02,857 who can I talk to? 210 00:19:03,774 --> 00:19:05,148 Hmm? 211 00:19:06,607 --> 00:19:07,607 [SIGHS] 212 00:19:07,690 --> 00:19:10,023 I've got a crew full of mutes. 213 00:19:11,940 --> 00:19:13,273 [SIGHS] 214 00:19:13,357 --> 00:19:15,065 It gets lonely at sea. 215 00:19:17,815 --> 00:19:19,732 Are we in King's Landing? 216 00:19:19,815 --> 00:19:20,899 Mm. 217 00:19:25,440 --> 00:19:27,565 You picked the losing side. 218 00:19:31,231 --> 00:19:33,899 Then I'll sail the Iron Fleet somewhere else. 219 00:19:40,981 --> 00:19:43,899 But first I'm gonna fuck the queen. 220 00:19:48,065 --> 00:19:50,565 [FOOTSTEPS LEAVING] 221 00:19:50,649 --> 00:19:52,523 [PANTING] 222 00:19:52,607 --> 00:19:55,899 [DOOR OPENS, THEN CLOSES] 223 00:19:57,440 --> 00:19:59,190 CERSEI: Twenty-thousand men, is it? 224 00:19:59,273 --> 00:20:02,315 Yes, Your Grace. A few died in transit. 225 00:20:04,607 --> 00:20:06,106 They cheated at dice. 226 00:20:08,065 --> 00:20:10,023 Or maybe I cheated. 227 00:20:10,106 --> 00:20:11,231 Someone cheated. 228 00:20:13,315 --> 00:20:15,857 They weren't good fighters. You won't miss them. 229 00:20:15,940 --> 00:20:17,857 -Horses? -Two thousand. 230 00:20:17,940 --> 00:20:19,190 And elephants? 231 00:20:19,273 --> 00:20:21,649 HARRY: Uh, no elephants, Your Grace. 232 00:20:23,273 --> 00:20:24,440 That's disappointing. 233 00:20:25,815 --> 00:20:27,981 I was told the Golden Company had elephants. 234 00:20:28,065 --> 00:20:30,440 HARRY: They are excellent beasts, Your Grace, 235 00:20:30,523 --> 00:20:34,023 but not well-suited to long sea voyages. 236 00:20:34,106 --> 00:20:35,649 In any event, you are most welcome 237 00:20:35,732 --> 00:20:37,899 here in King's Landing, Captain Strickland. 238 00:20:37,981 --> 00:20:41,190 We look forward to fighting on your behalf, Your Grace. 239 00:20:52,148 --> 00:20:53,815 EURON: Am I most welcome here? 240 00:20:55,315 --> 00:20:57,940 You are a true friend of the crown 241 00:20:58,023 --> 00:20:59,899 and an honored guest. 242 00:20:59,981 --> 00:21:01,231 EURON: Good. 243 00:21:01,315 --> 00:21:04,357 As a true friend and an honored guest... 244 00:21:08,899 --> 00:21:10,273 [GRUNTS] 245 00:21:13,190 --> 00:21:16,357 [WHISPERS] I was hoping we could talk in private. 246 00:21:17,565 --> 00:21:19,774 After the war. That was our agreement. 247 00:21:19,857 --> 00:21:23,690 Wars sometimes last years. 248 00:21:24,857 --> 00:21:27,357 You want a whore, buy one. 249 00:21:29,148 --> 00:21:30,523 You want a queen... 250 00:21:31,815 --> 00:21:33,523 earn her. 251 00:21:36,398 --> 00:21:37,357 How? 252 00:21:38,482 --> 00:21:39,815 I've given her justice, 253 00:21:39,899 --> 00:21:42,607 an army and the Iron Fleet, 254 00:21:42,690 --> 00:21:45,732 yet she gives me no sign of affection. 255 00:21:46,690 --> 00:21:48,857 My heart is nearly broken. 256 00:21:51,148 --> 00:21:52,398 You're insolent. 257 00:21:54,106 --> 00:21:58,523 -I've executed men for less. -They were lesser men. 258 00:22:13,357 --> 00:22:15,357 [♪♪♪] 259 00:22:23,815 --> 00:22:25,440 [CHUCKLES] 260 00:22:29,899 --> 00:22:31,398 [DOOR OPENS] 261 00:22:37,315 --> 00:22:40,231 DIRAH: I hear the dragon burnt up a thousand Lannister men. 262 00:22:40,315 --> 00:22:42,231 CRAYA: Burnt up some of my favorite boys. 263 00:22:42,315 --> 00:22:43,981 DIRAH: Archie, was it? -And William. 264 00:22:44,065 --> 00:22:47,065 -Tall handsome William? -Yeah, tall handsome William. 265 00:22:47,148 --> 00:22:49,815 They said what's left of him could fit in a wine glass. 266 00:22:49,899 --> 00:22:53,357 I am the only man you ever met who shot a dragon. 267 00:22:53,440 --> 00:22:55,190 -Did you? BRONN: Nearly killed it. 268 00:22:55,273 --> 00:22:56,231 That's brave. 269 00:22:58,940 --> 00:23:00,607 [MOANING SOFTLY] 270 00:23:03,940 --> 00:23:05,148 [BRONN SIGHS] 271 00:23:06,565 --> 00:23:09,106 CRAYA: That boy Eddie... DIRAH: The ginger? 272 00:23:09,190 --> 00:23:12,357 That's him. Came back with his face burnt right off. 273 00:23:12,440 --> 00:23:13,690 He's got no eyelids now. 274 00:23:13,774 --> 00:23:15,398 How does he sleep with no eyelids? 275 00:23:15,482 --> 00:23:17,981 All right, can we stop talking about the fucking dragons now? 276 00:23:18,065 --> 00:23:19,940 QYBURN: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. 277 00:23:22,148 --> 00:23:23,231 You're kidding me. 278 00:23:23,315 --> 00:23:24,732 Apologies for the interruption, 279 00:23:24,815 --> 00:23:27,148 but the queen did urge me to hurry. 280 00:23:29,565 --> 00:23:30,774 Sorry, ladies. 281 00:23:32,815 --> 00:23:34,357 Another time perhaps. 282 00:23:42,065 --> 00:23:45,815 You ever get lonely, I am partial to older gentlemen. 283 00:23:48,857 --> 00:23:52,106 Poor girl. The pox will take her within the year. 284 00:23:52,190 --> 00:23:53,649 [COUGHS] 285 00:23:53,732 --> 00:23:55,732 -Which girl? QYBURN: The queen's brothers 286 00:23:55,815 --> 00:23:58,440 made promises to you and broke them. 287 00:23:58,523 --> 00:24:00,815 Her Grace wants to rectify their mistake. 288 00:24:02,523 --> 00:24:04,940 She once gave me a castle and a wife, 289 00:24:05,023 --> 00:24:06,690 then rectified me right out of them. 290 00:24:06,774 --> 00:24:09,065 That was Ser Jaime's doing, not hers. 291 00:24:09,148 --> 00:24:11,023 When Queen Cersei wants something, 292 00:24:11,106 --> 00:24:12,899 she pays in advance and in gold. 293 00:24:12,981 --> 00:24:14,732 Several chests of it, in fact. 294 00:24:14,815 --> 00:24:18,023 Waiting for you in a wagon just outside. 295 00:24:22,607 --> 00:24:27,440 So she wants to murder someone, but she can't send her soldiers. 296 00:24:27,523 --> 00:24:29,607 If it's the Dragon Queen she's after... 297 00:24:29,690 --> 00:24:31,774 She has other plans for the Targaryen girl. 298 00:24:31,857 --> 00:24:33,940 Yeah, well, good luck with that. 299 00:24:34,023 --> 00:24:35,857 Our queen's brothers are unlikely 300 00:24:35,940 --> 00:24:38,273 to survive their Northern adventures. 301 00:24:38,357 --> 00:24:40,690 But in the event that they do... 302 00:24:42,857 --> 00:24:44,899 [♪♪♪] 303 00:24:47,231 --> 00:24:50,899 She has a keen sense of poetic justice. 304 00:24:52,148 --> 00:24:53,981 That fucking family. 305 00:24:54,065 --> 00:24:55,815 QYBURN: When the Citadel expelled me, 306 00:24:55,899 --> 00:24:57,732 I thought I would die poor and alone, 307 00:24:57,815 --> 00:25:01,815 but in exchange for my service, Queen Cersei made me her Hand. 308 00:25:01,899 --> 00:25:03,774 What would she do for the man 309 00:25:03,857 --> 00:25:06,231 who rids her of her treasonous brothers? 310 00:25:13,190 --> 00:25:15,190 [♪♪♪] 311 00:25:19,565 --> 00:25:22,273 [DOOR OPENS, THEN CLOSES] 312 00:25:22,357 --> 00:25:24,732 [SIGHS] I wanted those elephants. 313 00:25:28,315 --> 00:25:29,607 [EURON SIGHS] 314 00:25:30,815 --> 00:25:31,774 So... 315 00:25:33,607 --> 00:25:37,607 how do I compare to the fat king? 316 00:25:38,607 --> 00:25:40,440 You're insulting my late husband? 317 00:25:40,523 --> 00:25:41,774 Are you offended? 318 00:25:46,357 --> 00:25:49,023 Robert had a different whore every night, 319 00:25:49,106 --> 00:25:52,106 but he still didn't know his way around a woman's body. 320 00:25:53,065 --> 00:25:54,148 And the Kingslayer? 321 00:25:59,732 --> 00:26:01,774 You enjoy risking your neck, don't you? 322 00:26:01,857 --> 00:26:03,357 [CHUCKLES] 323 00:26:03,440 --> 00:26:04,607 Life is boring. 324 00:26:04,690 --> 00:26:07,815 You're not boring, I'll give you that. 325 00:26:08,815 --> 00:26:10,023 [SIGHS] 326 00:26:19,815 --> 00:26:21,774 Do I please the queen? 327 00:26:23,231 --> 00:26:26,607 You might be the most arrogant man I've ever met. 328 00:26:28,774 --> 00:26:30,148 [WHISPERS] I like that. 329 00:26:30,815 --> 00:26:31,940 [CHUCKLES] 330 00:26:32,023 --> 00:26:34,482 [NORMALLY] But now I want to be alone. 331 00:26:36,815 --> 00:26:38,357 [SIGHS SOFTLY] 332 00:26:40,940 --> 00:26:43,774 [SOFTLY] I'm going to put a prince in your belly. 333 00:26:54,023 --> 00:26:55,482 [DOOR OPENS] 334 00:26:57,440 --> 00:26:58,981 [DOOR CLOSES] 335 00:27:13,273 --> 00:27:14,690 [BOW STRING CREAKS] 336 00:27:17,565 --> 00:27:19,523 [MEN GRUNTING] 337 00:27:25,357 --> 00:27:27,148 -[FLESH SQUELCHES] -[GASPS] 338 00:27:33,357 --> 00:27:35,273 [PANTING] 339 00:27:52,315 --> 00:27:53,690 [GRUNTS] 340 00:27:55,690 --> 00:27:56,899 [BOTH GRUNT] 341 00:28:04,649 --> 00:28:06,607 [♪♪♪] 342 00:28:18,065 --> 00:28:20,690 YARA: Euron can't defend the Iron Islands, 343 00:28:20,774 --> 00:28:24,273 not if he's in King's Landing with all his men and his ships. 344 00:28:25,398 --> 00:28:27,023 We can take our home back. 345 00:28:27,106 --> 00:28:28,607 Daenerys went north. 346 00:28:28,690 --> 00:28:30,607 Daenerys will need somewhere to retreat 347 00:28:30,690 --> 00:28:32,231 if they can't hold the North. 348 00:28:32,315 --> 00:28:35,065 Somewhere the dead can't go. 349 00:28:35,148 --> 00:28:37,148 [MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY] 350 00:28:40,357 --> 00:28:43,607 You're my queen. I go where you command. 351 00:28:48,523 --> 00:28:50,523 You want to go to Winterfell. 352 00:28:50,607 --> 00:28:52,106 To fight for the Starks. 353 00:28:55,981 --> 00:28:56,981 Go. 354 00:29:01,774 --> 00:29:03,857 What is dead may never die. 355 00:29:07,357 --> 00:29:09,315 What is dead may never die. 356 00:29:14,023 --> 00:29:16,273 But kill the bastards anyway. 357 00:29:20,815 --> 00:29:22,815 [♪♪♪] 358 00:29:28,106 --> 00:29:30,148 [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 359 00:29:44,065 --> 00:29:45,732 WOLKAN: Welcome back, my lady. 360 00:29:47,023 --> 00:29:48,440 If you'd follow me... 361 00:29:48,523 --> 00:29:49,732 VARYS: The Karstarks. 362 00:29:49,815 --> 00:29:51,981 TYRION: One of the better sigils. 363 00:29:53,148 --> 00:29:54,523 Beats an onion, anyway. 364 00:29:56,023 --> 00:29:57,607 Can't argue with that. 365 00:29:57,690 --> 00:29:59,815 Not so long ago, the Starks and the Karstarks 366 00:29:59,899 --> 00:30:02,273 were slaughtering each other on the battlefield. 367 00:30:02,357 --> 00:30:04,357 Jon Snow brought peace to the houses. 368 00:30:04,440 --> 00:30:06,398 TYRION: And our queen is grateful. 369 00:30:06,482 --> 00:30:09,732 Her gratitude is lovely, but that's not my point. 370 00:30:09,815 --> 00:30:12,857 The Northmen are loyal to Jon Snow, not to her. 371 00:30:12,940 --> 00:30:14,023 They don't know her. 372 00:30:14,106 --> 00:30:16,440 The Free Folk don't know her. 373 00:30:16,523 --> 00:30:19,357 I've been up here a while, and I'm telling you, 374 00:30:19,440 --> 00:30:21,273 they're stubborn as goats. 375 00:30:21,357 --> 00:30:23,981 You want their loyalty, you have to earn it. 376 00:30:24,065 --> 00:30:26,106 [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 377 00:30:35,398 --> 00:30:37,899 I sense that you're leading to a proposal. 378 00:30:39,065 --> 00:30:41,690 A proposal is what I'm proposing. 379 00:30:41,774 --> 00:30:45,148 On the off chance that we survive the Night King, 380 00:30:45,231 --> 00:30:46,774 what if the Seven Kingdoms, 381 00:30:46,857 --> 00:30:49,273 for once in their whole shit history, 382 00:30:49,357 --> 00:30:52,899 were ruled by a just woman and an honorable man? 383 00:30:55,357 --> 00:30:57,190 TYRION: They do make a handsome couple. 384 00:30:57,273 --> 00:30:59,023 VARYS: You overestimate our influence. 385 00:30:59,106 --> 00:31:02,482 Jon and Daenerys don't want to listen to lonely old men. 386 00:31:02,565 --> 00:31:04,273 I'm not that old. 387 00:31:05,565 --> 00:31:06,981 Not as old as him. 388 00:31:07,065 --> 00:31:08,690 [CHUCKLES] 389 00:31:08,774 --> 00:31:11,148 Our queen respects the wisdom of age. 390 00:31:11,231 --> 00:31:12,607 Of course she does. 391 00:31:12,690 --> 00:31:15,440 Respect is how the young keep us at a distance, 392 00:31:15,523 --> 00:31:19,023 so we don't remind them of an unpleasant truth. 393 00:31:19,106 --> 00:31:20,315 TYRION: What is that? 394 00:31:21,440 --> 00:31:22,815 Nothing lasts. 395 00:31:24,357 --> 00:31:25,440 MAN: Hey! 396 00:31:25,523 --> 00:31:27,565 [MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY] 397 00:31:31,815 --> 00:31:34,273 Your sister doesn't like me. 398 00:31:38,815 --> 00:31:40,065 She doesn't know you. 399 00:31:41,981 --> 00:31:43,440 If it makes you feel any better, 400 00:31:43,523 --> 00:31:45,273 she didn't like me either when we were growing up. 401 00:31:45,357 --> 00:31:47,482 She doesn't need to be my friend... 402 00:31:49,065 --> 00:31:50,981 but I am her queen. 403 00:31:54,482 --> 00:31:56,440 If she can't respect me... 404 00:31:56,523 --> 00:31:58,857 [MAN SPEAKS DOTHRAKI INDISTINCTLY] 405 00:32:07,649 --> 00:32:09,440 [IN DOTHRAKI] 406 00:32:09,523 --> 00:32:12,357 [IN DOTHRAKI] 407 00:32:15,315 --> 00:32:16,565 What's the matter? 408 00:32:16,649 --> 00:32:19,148 [IN ENGLISH] The dragons are barely eating. 409 00:32:26,899 --> 00:32:28,565 [DRAGONS GROWLING SOFTLY] 410 00:32:36,523 --> 00:32:37,815 JON: What's wrong with them? 411 00:32:37,899 --> 00:32:39,482 They don't like the North. 412 00:32:55,732 --> 00:32:56,857 Go on. 413 00:33:02,857 --> 00:33:05,315 I don't know how to ride a dragon. 414 00:33:05,398 --> 00:33:07,899 Nobody does. Until they ride a dragon. 415 00:33:10,398 --> 00:33:11,899 What if he doesn't want me to? 416 00:33:11,981 --> 00:33:14,899 Then I've enjoyed your company, Jon Snow. 417 00:33:20,065 --> 00:33:21,273 [SCOFFS] 418 00:33:28,899 --> 00:33:29,940 [GRUNTS] 419 00:33:34,398 --> 00:33:36,023 What do I hold onto? 420 00:33:37,482 --> 00:33:38,857 Whatever you can. 421 00:33:41,065 --> 00:33:42,690 -[DRAGON CHITTERS] -[JON GRUNTS] 422 00:33:42,774 --> 00:33:44,732 [♪♪♪] 423 00:33:59,690 --> 00:34:01,065 [GRUNTS] 424 00:34:25,940 --> 00:34:27,106 [JON YELPS] 425 00:34:49,732 --> 00:34:51,273 [YELLS] 426 00:34:55,774 --> 00:34:56,690 JON: Aah! 427 00:34:56,774 --> 00:34:58,315 [♪♪♪] 428 00:35:06,690 --> 00:35:07,649 [GRUNTS] 429 00:35:13,190 --> 00:35:15,190 [WIND WHISTLING] 430 00:35:35,315 --> 00:35:37,649 You've completely ruined horses for me. 431 00:35:37,732 --> 00:35:39,065 [LAUGHS] 432 00:35:46,732 --> 00:35:48,857 We could stay a thousand years... 433 00:35:51,023 --> 00:35:52,357 no one would find us. 434 00:35:54,899 --> 00:35:56,231 We'd be pretty old. 435 00:35:57,857 --> 00:35:58,899 [CHUCKLES] 436 00:35:58,981 --> 00:36:00,940 [♪♪♪] 437 00:36:04,398 --> 00:36:07,440 It's cold up here for a southern girl. 438 00:36:07,523 --> 00:36:09,231 So keep your queen warm. 439 00:36:16,732 --> 00:36:18,398 [DROGON GROWLS SOFTLY] 440 00:36:23,940 --> 00:36:25,065 Don't be afraid. 441 00:36:35,732 --> 00:36:37,649 [EXHALES SHARPLY] 442 00:36:38,607 --> 00:36:39,774 MAN 1: That's good. 443 00:36:41,357 --> 00:36:42,857 [MAN 1 SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY] 444 00:36:42,940 --> 00:36:44,607 [HAMMER CLANKING] 445 00:36:48,732 --> 00:36:50,482 MAN 2: Gendry? MAN 3: He's here. 446 00:36:56,607 --> 00:36:59,482 It isn't easy making a blade that big with dragonglass. 447 00:37:01,649 --> 00:37:03,940 You're saying you're good, is that it? 448 00:37:04,023 --> 00:37:06,023 I'm just saying it's a tricky material to-- 449 00:37:06,106 --> 00:37:09,148 You know who makes weapons for the wildlings? 450 00:37:09,231 --> 00:37:11,607 Cripples and cocksuckers. 451 00:37:11,690 --> 00:37:14,273 -Which one are you? ARYA: Leave him be. 452 00:37:21,482 --> 00:37:23,065 I heard you were here. 453 00:37:23,148 --> 00:37:25,565 [♪♪♪] 454 00:37:25,649 --> 00:37:27,106 You left me to die. 455 00:37:28,148 --> 00:37:29,815 First I robbed you. 456 00:37:41,273 --> 00:37:43,607 You're a cold little bitch, aren't you? 457 00:37:47,148 --> 00:37:49,357 Guess that's why you're still alive. 458 00:37:57,065 --> 00:37:59,649 That was a nice ax you made for him. 459 00:37:59,732 --> 00:38:00,940 You've gotten better. 460 00:38:01,023 --> 00:38:03,482 Yeah, thanks. So have you. 461 00:38:04,690 --> 00:38:07,023 I mean, you look good. 462 00:38:08,523 --> 00:38:10,523 Thanks. So do you. 463 00:38:14,190 --> 00:38:17,023 It's not a bad place to grow up, if it wasn't so cold. 464 00:38:18,357 --> 00:38:20,065 Stay close to that forge, then. 465 00:38:20,148 --> 00:38:23,774 -Is that a command, Lady Stark? -Don't call me that. 466 00:38:23,857 --> 00:38:26,023 As you wish, milady. 467 00:38:27,899 --> 00:38:29,523 [MAN SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY] 468 00:38:29,607 --> 00:38:30,857 [CHUCKLES] 469 00:38:33,315 --> 00:38:34,523 ARYA: Here's my wish. 470 00:38:36,857 --> 00:38:37,981 Can you make it? 471 00:38:38,065 --> 00:38:40,231 What do you need something like this for? 472 00:38:40,315 --> 00:38:41,565 Can you make it or not? 473 00:38:41,649 --> 00:38:44,523 You already have a sword. What's that? 474 00:38:51,148 --> 00:38:52,482 It's Valyrian steel. 475 00:38:52,565 --> 00:38:54,940 I always knew you were just another rich girl. 476 00:38:55,023 --> 00:38:56,815 [MAN SHOUTS INDISTINCTLY] 477 00:38:56,899 --> 00:38:59,440 You don't know any other rich girls. 478 00:39:07,607 --> 00:39:09,857 [KNOCK ON DOOR] 479 00:39:09,940 --> 00:39:10,857 Come in. 480 00:39:10,940 --> 00:39:12,357 [DOOR OPENS] 481 00:39:14,815 --> 00:39:16,065 [DOOR CLOSES] 482 00:39:16,148 --> 00:39:18,398 [SIGHS] 483 00:39:18,482 --> 00:39:20,231 Lord Glover wishes us good fortune, 484 00:39:20,315 --> 00:39:23,649 but he's staying in Deepwood Motte with his men. 485 00:39:26,231 --> 00:39:28,482 "House Glover will stand behind House Stark 486 00:39:28,565 --> 00:39:30,940 as we have for a thousand years." 487 00:39:32,106 --> 00:39:33,398 Isn't that what he said? 488 00:39:33,482 --> 00:39:36,398 SANSA: "I will stand behind Jon Snow," he said. 489 00:39:37,940 --> 00:39:39,273 "The King in the North." 490 00:39:40,398 --> 00:39:42,148 I told you we needed allies. 491 00:39:42,231 --> 00:39:45,482 SANSA: You didn't tell me you were going to abandon your crown. 492 00:39:45,565 --> 00:39:47,690 I never wanted a crown. 493 00:39:47,774 --> 00:39:50,523 All I wanted was to protect the North. 494 00:39:50,607 --> 00:39:53,357 I brought two armies home with me, two dragons. 495 00:39:53,440 --> 00:39:55,106 And a Targaryen queen. 496 00:39:55,190 --> 00:39:56,565 [SIGHS] Do you think 497 00:39:56,649 --> 00:39:58,857 we can beat the Army of the Dead without her? 498 00:39:58,940 --> 00:40:01,899 I fought them, Sansa. Twice. 499 00:40:01,981 --> 00:40:04,190 You want to worry about who holds what title, 500 00:40:04,273 --> 00:40:06,732 I'm telling you it doesn't matter. 501 00:40:06,815 --> 00:40:09,482 Without her, we don't stand a chance. 502 00:40:13,148 --> 00:40:14,357 [SIGHS] 503 00:40:18,398 --> 00:40:20,981 Do you have any faith in me at all? 504 00:40:22,565 --> 00:40:23,857 You know I do. 505 00:40:28,315 --> 00:40:29,940 She'll be a good queen. 506 00:40:31,023 --> 00:40:32,106 For all of us. 507 00:40:33,774 --> 00:40:35,273 She's not her father. 508 00:40:40,357 --> 00:40:41,732 [SIGHS] 509 00:40:41,815 --> 00:40:43,482 No, she's much prettier. 510 00:40:43,565 --> 00:40:44,899 [SCOFFS] 511 00:40:48,981 --> 00:40:51,440 Did you bend the knee to save the North 512 00:40:51,523 --> 00:40:53,023 or because you love her? 513 00:40:57,357 --> 00:40:59,190 [DOOR OPENS] 514 00:41:10,482 --> 00:41:12,523 [MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY] 515 00:41:15,899 --> 00:41:16,940 [CLEARS THROAT] 516 00:41:17,023 --> 00:41:18,315 Oh! 517 00:41:21,732 --> 00:41:22,981 So you're the man? 518 00:41:23,065 --> 00:41:24,523 Um... 519 00:41:24,607 --> 00:41:26,649 Which man am I, Your Grace? 520 00:41:26,732 --> 00:41:29,981 The one who saved Ser Jorah when no one else could. 521 00:41:30,065 --> 00:41:32,231 They could, they just wouldn't. 522 00:41:33,565 --> 00:41:35,482 DAENERYS: I'll have to make some changes 523 00:41:35,565 --> 00:41:37,315 in the Citadel when I take my throne. 524 00:41:37,398 --> 00:41:39,981 A great service merits a great reward. 525 00:41:40,065 --> 00:41:42,732 SAMWELL: Oh, it's my honor to serve you, Your Grace. 526 00:41:42,815 --> 00:41:45,857 DAENERYS: Well, there must be something I could give you. 527 00:41:47,231 --> 00:41:49,981 If it's not too much trouble, 528 00:41:50,065 --> 00:41:52,482 I could use a pardon. 529 00:41:52,565 --> 00:41:53,815 For what crime? 530 00:41:53,899 --> 00:41:55,065 Um-- 531 00:41:55,148 --> 00:41:57,899 I borrowed a few books from the Citadel. 532 00:42:00,273 --> 00:42:02,315 And also a sword. 533 00:42:02,398 --> 00:42:04,857 -From the Citadel? SAMWELL: From my family. 534 00:42:06,398 --> 00:42:08,273 It's been in House Tarly for generations. 535 00:42:08,357 --> 00:42:11,440 It would've been mine anyway, eventually, 536 00:42:11,523 --> 00:42:14,482 but my father had other ideas. 537 00:42:16,857 --> 00:42:18,231 Not Randyll Tarly? 538 00:42:20,190 --> 00:42:21,607 You know him? 539 00:42:25,482 --> 00:42:28,190 I offered to let him retain his lands and titles 540 00:42:28,273 --> 00:42:29,357 if he bent the knee. 541 00:42:29,440 --> 00:42:31,440 [♪♪♪] 542 00:42:32,440 --> 00:42:33,565 DAENERYS: He refused. 543 00:42:40,940 --> 00:42:41,940 [GULPS] 544 00:42:43,273 --> 00:42:44,607 Well... 545 00:42:46,774 --> 00:42:48,690 At least I'll be allowed home again, 546 00:42:48,774 --> 00:42:50,440 now that my brother's the lord. 547 00:42:54,482 --> 00:42:56,940 Your brother stood with your father. 548 00:43:01,482 --> 00:43:03,482 [BREATHING SHAKILY] 549 00:43:11,357 --> 00:43:12,482 Hm. 550 00:43:13,981 --> 00:43:15,899 Thank you, Your Grace. 551 00:43:15,981 --> 00:43:17,398 For telling me. 552 00:43:17,482 --> 00:43:19,231 And m-- 553 00:43:19,315 --> 00:43:21,857 -May I...? -Of course. 554 00:43:31,899 --> 00:43:33,190 [DOOR CLOSES] 555 00:43:33,273 --> 00:43:35,231 [BREATHING HEAVILY] 556 00:43:35,315 --> 00:43:36,523 [SNIFFLES] 557 00:43:40,940 --> 00:43:42,023 [HORSE NEIGHS] 558 00:43:42,106 --> 00:43:43,106 [WHIMPERS] 559 00:43:43,190 --> 00:43:45,315 [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 560 00:44:04,649 --> 00:44:06,523 SAMWELL: What are you doing out here? 561 00:44:07,732 --> 00:44:10,023 Waiting, for an old friend. 562 00:44:11,357 --> 00:44:13,440 It's time to tell Jon the truth. 563 00:44:14,482 --> 00:44:16,482 No, no. 564 00:44:16,565 --> 00:44:20,440 You're his brother. Shouldn't you tell him? 565 00:44:20,523 --> 00:44:22,649 I'm not his brother. 566 00:44:22,732 --> 00:44:25,023 He trusts you more than anyone. 567 00:44:26,065 --> 00:44:28,065 Now's the time. 568 00:44:48,398 --> 00:44:49,899 [JON SIGHS] 569 00:44:51,065 --> 00:44:52,565 [MAN GRUNTING, THUDS] 570 00:44:52,649 --> 00:44:54,649 [MAN GROANING] 571 00:45:03,148 --> 00:45:04,607 JON: Sam? 572 00:45:04,690 --> 00:45:08,482 I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to be down here. 573 00:45:11,732 --> 00:45:14,106 -Were you hiding from me? -Of course not. 574 00:45:15,273 --> 00:45:17,357 What are you doing in Winterfell? 575 00:45:17,440 --> 00:45:20,106 Or did you read every book in the Citadel already? 576 00:45:23,607 --> 00:45:25,315 What's wrong? 577 00:45:25,398 --> 00:45:26,857 Gilly? Is she all right? 578 00:45:26,940 --> 00:45:28,774 -She's good. -Little Sam? 579 00:45:30,899 --> 00:45:31,899 Don't you know? 580 00:45:33,273 --> 00:45:34,398 Know what? 581 00:45:35,815 --> 00:45:36,815 Daenerys... 582 00:45:37,981 --> 00:45:41,148 she executed my father and brother. 583 00:45:41,231 --> 00:45:42,815 They were her prisoners. 584 00:45:46,774 --> 00:45:48,815 She didn't tell you. 585 00:45:57,190 --> 00:45:58,482 I'm so sorry. 586 00:46:01,981 --> 00:46:03,690 We need to end this war. 587 00:46:05,440 --> 00:46:07,023 Would you have done it? 588 00:46:09,106 --> 00:46:11,065 Well, I've executed men who disobeyed me. 589 00:46:11,148 --> 00:46:12,857 SAMWELL: You've also spared men. 590 00:46:12,940 --> 00:46:15,523 Thousands of wildlings when they refused to kneel. 591 00:46:15,607 --> 00:46:17,065 I wasn't a king. 592 00:46:19,440 --> 00:46:20,482 But you were. 593 00:46:22,190 --> 00:46:23,523 You've always been. 594 00:46:25,482 --> 00:46:27,190 I gave up my crown, Sam. 595 00:46:27,981 --> 00:46:28,981 I bent the knee. 596 00:46:29,065 --> 00:46:30,607 I'm not King in the North anymore. 597 00:46:30,690 --> 00:46:32,273 I'm not talking about the King in the North. 598 00:46:32,357 --> 00:46:35,607 I'm talking about the King of the bloody Seven Kingdoms. 599 00:46:35,690 --> 00:46:37,690 [♪♪♪] 600 00:46:43,190 --> 00:46:44,899 Bran and I worked it out. 601 00:46:44,981 --> 00:46:47,815 I had a High Septon's diary. Bran had... 602 00:46:48,940 --> 00:46:50,273 whatever Bran has. 603 00:46:50,357 --> 00:46:52,315 What are you talking about? 604 00:46:55,440 --> 00:46:56,482 Your mother... 605 00:46:57,649 --> 00:46:58,981 was Lyanna Stark. 606 00:46:59,065 --> 00:47:00,482 [EXHALES SHARPLY] 607 00:47:00,565 --> 00:47:01,899 SAMWELL: And your father... 608 00:47:03,190 --> 00:47:05,148 your real father 609 00:47:05,231 --> 00:47:06,899 was Rhaegar Targaryen. 610 00:47:09,065 --> 00:47:11,690 You've never been a bastard. 611 00:47:11,774 --> 00:47:15,523 You're Aegon Targaryen, true heir to the Iron Throne. 612 00:47:19,774 --> 00:47:22,565 I'm sorry, I know it's a lot to take in. 613 00:47:31,774 --> 00:47:35,106 My father was the most honorable man I ever met. 614 00:47:38,649 --> 00:47:40,732 You're saying he lied to me all my life. 615 00:47:40,815 --> 00:47:41,940 No. 616 00:47:42,940 --> 00:47:46,440 Your father-- Well, Ned Stark. 617 00:47:46,523 --> 00:47:49,899 He promised your mother he'd always protect you. 618 00:47:49,981 --> 00:47:52,774 And he did. Robert would have murdered you if he knew. 619 00:47:54,774 --> 00:47:56,273 You're the true king. 620 00:47:57,440 --> 00:47:59,315 Aegon Targaryen, Sixth of His Name, 621 00:47:59,398 --> 00:48:01,398 Protector of the Realm, all of it. 622 00:48:05,273 --> 00:48:07,273 [BREATHING SHAKILY] 623 00:48:15,940 --> 00:48:18,899 -Daenerys is our queen. SAMWELL: She shouldn't be. 624 00:48:20,815 --> 00:48:22,815 -That's treason. -It's the truth. 625 00:48:24,565 --> 00:48:27,148 You gave up your crown to save your people. 626 00:48:28,815 --> 00:48:30,482 Would she do the same? 627 00:50:15,732 --> 00:50:17,940 [FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING] 628 00:50:18,023 --> 00:50:20,023 [♪♪♪] 629 00:50:31,315 --> 00:50:33,315 [FOOTSTEPS GROWING LOUDER] 630 00:50:34,649 --> 00:50:36,607 [ALL SCREAMING] 631 00:50:38,690 --> 00:50:40,357 Stay back, he's got blue eyes! 632 00:50:40,440 --> 00:50:42,065 I've always had blue eyes! 633 00:50:45,607 --> 00:50:46,981 [SIGHING] 634 00:50:49,815 --> 00:50:50,981 [GRUNTS] 635 00:50:52,106 --> 00:50:53,273 Did you find anyone? 636 00:50:55,940 --> 00:50:57,940 [♪♪♪] 637 00:51:26,649 --> 00:51:28,815 EDD: The Umber boy. 638 00:51:28,899 --> 00:51:30,023 BERIC: It's a message. 639 00:51:31,148 --> 00:51:32,732 From the Night King. 640 00:51:32,815 --> 00:51:36,482 His army's between us and Winterfell. We're on foot. 641 00:51:36,565 --> 00:51:38,398 We rode down from Castle Black. 642 00:51:38,482 --> 00:51:40,732 We can double up on the horses. 643 00:51:40,815 --> 00:51:44,732 If the horses last, we'll get there before the dead. 644 00:51:44,815 --> 00:51:45,940 We just have to hope 645 00:51:46,023 --> 00:51:47,732 the Night King doesn't come first. 646 00:51:47,815 --> 00:51:49,857 -[SHRIEKING] -[MEN CLAMORING] 647 00:52:03,440 --> 00:52:05,398 [♪♪♪] 648 00:52:11,565 --> 00:52:13,482 [SHRIEKING STOPS] 649 00:52:24,690 --> 00:52:26,815 [PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 650 00:52:39,398 --> 00:52:41,940 MAN: Keep moving! Straight up! 651 00:52:43,815 --> 00:52:46,732 Stay together! Don't fall behind! 652 00:53:03,315 --> 00:53:04,440 [SIGHS] 653 00:53:16,940 --> 00:53:18,940 [♪♪♪] 654 00:53:41,440 --> 00:53:43,440 [♪♪♪] 655 00:55:01,857 --> 00:55:03,690 DAENERYS: When I was a child, my brother would tell me 656 00:55:03,774 --> 00:55:07,231 a bedtime story, about the man who murdered our father. 657 00:55:08,565 --> 00:55:11,023 About all the things we would do to that man. 658 00:55:13,690 --> 00:55:15,273 You never should have trusted Cersei. 659 00:55:15,357 --> 00:55:16,857 You never should have either. 660 00:55:18,148 --> 00:55:19,315 ARYA STARK: Death... 661 00:55:19,899 --> 00:55:23,273 it's got many faces, I look forward to seeing this one. 662 00:55:24,649 --> 00:55:25,732 How long do we have? 663 00:55:26,690 --> 00:55:29,065 ♪ (INTENSE MUSIC PLAYS) ♪ 664 00:55:30,565 --> 00:55:32,565 TORMUND: Before the sun comes up tomorrow. 665 00:55:41,273 --> 00:55:43,732 -(ARMY MARCHES, CLANKS) -♪ (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS) ♪ 666 00:55:49,231 --> 00:55:52,774 The kind of pomp and majesty of Dany's arrival, 667 00:55:52,857 --> 00:55:55,148 it just felt like the natural place to start the season. 668 00:55:55,231 --> 00:55:57,231 The arrival was a way to capture 669 00:55:57,315 --> 00:55:59,981 what was at stake for Dany and for Jon. 670 00:56:00,190 --> 00:56:02,315 Looking back to the very beginning 671 00:56:02,398 --> 00:56:04,023 and how young Maisie was back then, 672 00:56:04,106 --> 00:56:07,065 and wearing the Stark soldier's helmet falling over her head, 673 00:56:07,148 --> 00:56:08,774 and she just looks like this little kid. 674 00:56:08,981 --> 00:56:12,273 And now she's a grown woman, and she's there watching again. 675 00:56:12,357 --> 00:56:13,857 But this time, she steps aside 676 00:56:13,940 --> 00:56:15,148 to let a little kid come in to watch 677 00:56:15,231 --> 00:56:17,148 'cause she remembers how thrilling it was. 678 00:56:18,815 --> 00:56:21,190 It's a whole new procession, and so instead of Robert 679 00:56:21,273 --> 00:56:22,774 arriving with Queen Cersei 680 00:56:22,857 --> 00:56:24,774 and Jamie Lannister and The Hound, 681 00:56:24,857 --> 00:56:27,315 it's Daenerys coming with Jon Snow. 682 00:56:28,690 --> 00:56:29,732 I don't think the North 683 00:56:29,815 --> 00:56:31,315 is the most welcoming place to outsiders. 684 00:56:31,523 --> 00:56:34,981 Dany's smart. She senses that distrust, and she's... 685 00:56:35,273 --> 00:56:37,023 gonna make the best of a bad situation, 686 00:56:37,106 --> 00:56:39,357 but that doesn't mean that she likes it or she's happy. 687 00:56:39,440 --> 00:56:43,106 When you're doing something good for people, 688 00:56:43,190 --> 00:56:46,899 and you get met with what Sansa gives her 689 00:56:46,981 --> 00:56:47,940 when they meet in the courtyard, 690 00:56:48,190 --> 00:56:50,273 it's understandable that she would be upset. 691 00:56:51,940 --> 00:56:55,732 We've been with these characters on a pretty regular basis 692 00:56:55,815 --> 00:56:57,815 all the time for the past however many years. 693 00:56:57,899 --> 00:57:00,065 The fact they're coming back together again 694 00:57:00,148 --> 00:57:01,190 for the first time 695 00:57:01,398 --> 00:57:03,899 means more to them than it may mean to us. 696 00:57:04,106 --> 00:57:05,482 Lady of Winterfell... 697 00:57:07,273 --> 00:57:08,607 Has a nice ring to it. 698 00:57:09,315 --> 00:57:10,774 So does Hand of the Queen... 699 00:57:12,315 --> 00:57:14,148 depending on the queen, I suppose. 700 00:57:14,315 --> 00:57:16,398 I think that if Tyrion were to have shown up 701 00:57:16,482 --> 00:57:18,398 on his own to Winterfell, he would've gotten 702 00:57:18,482 --> 00:57:21,148 a much different reception from Sansa than he did 703 00:57:21,357 --> 00:57:24,899 coming as the Hand of the Queen, Daenerys Targaryen. 704 00:57:24,981 --> 00:57:27,440 There's also the specific thing that happens in that scene, 705 00:57:27,523 --> 00:57:29,273 which is Tyrion has told everybody 706 00:57:29,357 --> 00:57:31,690 that the Lannisters are coming to join the cause, 707 00:57:31,774 --> 00:57:33,732 and it's amazing to her that this person 708 00:57:33,815 --> 00:57:35,440 she thought was so smart would ever 709 00:57:35,523 --> 00:57:38,315 take Cersei at her word on something like that. 710 00:57:38,398 --> 00:57:40,815 I used to think you were the cleverest man alive. 711 00:57:44,315 --> 00:57:46,315 How did you survive a knife through the heart? 712 00:57:46,940 --> 00:57:47,857 I didn't. 713 00:57:48,106 --> 00:57:49,440 DAVID BENIOFF: Jon Snow and Arya 714 00:57:49,523 --> 00:57:51,940 are two of the most important characters in the story, 715 00:57:52,023 --> 00:57:54,273 and they love each other very deeply. 716 00:57:54,607 --> 00:57:56,106 Arya was the only one who treated Jon 717 00:57:56,190 --> 00:57:58,899 like a real member of the family when he was a child, 718 00:57:58,981 --> 00:58:00,440 and he was the only one who treated her 719 00:58:00,523 --> 00:58:02,857 with the respect that she needed when she was a kid. 720 00:58:03,106 --> 00:58:04,607 Jon has invited this... 721 00:58:05,190 --> 00:58:07,815 huge army of foreigners into their home, 722 00:58:07,899 --> 00:58:11,148 and Arya understands why he did it, 723 00:58:11,231 --> 00:58:12,690 but Arya's on Sansa's side. 724 00:58:12,774 --> 00:58:13,857 You are defending her. 725 00:58:15,106 --> 00:58:16,523 I'm defending our family. 726 00:58:18,440 --> 00:58:19,398 So is she. 727 00:58:19,482 --> 00:58:21,106 I'm her family too. 728 00:58:23,815 --> 00:58:24,690 Don't forget that. 729 00:58:25,065 --> 00:58:26,482 BENIOFF: Blood is definitely thicker than water 730 00:58:26,565 --> 00:58:27,774 when it comes to Starks. 731 00:58:29,565 --> 00:58:30,482 Go on. 732 00:58:30,774 --> 00:58:32,732 I don't know how to ride a dragon. 733 00:58:33,440 --> 00:58:35,440 Nobody does until they ride a dragon. 734 00:58:35,899 --> 00:58:37,815 No one's ever ridden a dragon except for Dany. 735 00:58:37,899 --> 00:58:39,565 Only Targaryens can ride dragons, 736 00:58:39,649 --> 00:58:41,565 and that should be a sign for Jon. 737 00:58:41,649 --> 00:58:43,523 Jon's not always the quickest on the uptake, 738 00:58:43,607 --> 00:58:44,815 but eventually gets there. 739 00:58:44,899 --> 00:58:48,815 We wanted to kind of re-anchor their relationship. 740 00:58:48,899 --> 00:58:51,231 It seemed important for it to involve the dragons, 741 00:58:51,315 --> 00:58:53,774 since the dragons play such an important role. 742 00:58:54,106 --> 00:58:55,815 It's a major thing for her when she sees 743 00:58:56,023 --> 00:58:57,774 they have some kind of connection to him, 744 00:58:57,857 --> 00:58:59,523 they allow him to be around them. 745 00:58:59,607 --> 00:59:01,106 And when he flies up with her 746 00:59:01,190 --> 00:59:03,523 and shows her where he used to hunt as a kid, 747 00:59:03,607 --> 00:59:05,940 I think she falls even farther in love with him. 748 00:59:06,231 --> 00:59:08,482 Seeing Jon and Dany on the dragons together, 749 00:59:08,774 --> 00:59:12,023 it's a Jon and Dany moment, but it also seeds in the idea 750 00:59:12,106 --> 00:59:17,273 that these creatures will accept Jon Snow as one of their riders. 751 00:59:17,440 --> 00:59:18,565 Don't be afraid. 752 00:59:20,649 --> 00:59:21,774 (DROGON SNORTS) 753 00:59:23,440 --> 00:59:24,357 One of the challenges, 754 00:59:24,440 --> 00:59:26,523 but also one of the exciting things 755 00:59:26,607 --> 00:59:28,565 about this episode, this whole season, 756 00:59:28,649 --> 00:59:30,523 is bringing together characters who have never met. 757 00:59:30,815 --> 00:59:31,732 Sam has long been 758 00:59:31,981 --> 00:59:33,774 one of the more important characters in the story. 759 00:59:33,857 --> 00:59:35,815 But he's never seen Queen Daenerys, 760 00:59:36,023 --> 00:59:38,148 and yet they're connected by various threads. 761 00:59:38,398 --> 00:59:39,482 The obvious one, which we know 762 00:59:39,565 --> 00:59:41,315 from the beginning of the scene, is Jorah. 763 00:59:41,398 --> 00:59:44,482 Sam saved him, and so Jorah owes him this great debt. 764 00:59:44,732 --> 00:59:47,398 What none of them realize until midway through this scene 765 00:59:47,482 --> 00:59:49,774 is that they have another, horrible connection. 766 00:59:49,857 --> 00:59:51,940 There are all these things that you know 767 00:59:52,023 --> 00:59:53,315 about those characters 768 00:59:53,649 --> 00:59:55,148 that the other characters don't know. 769 00:59:55,231 --> 00:59:57,357 And some of them are very important. 770 00:59:57,440 --> 01:00:00,649 Dany murdered Samwell's father and brother. 771 01:00:00,940 --> 01:00:02,565 That's a really complicated thing for Sam 772 01:00:02,649 --> 01:00:05,690 because he had a really fraught relationship with his father. 773 01:00:05,774 --> 01:00:08,148 Yet Sam's older brother was not a bad person, 774 01:00:08,231 --> 01:00:11,273 and died, really, quite bravely, standing by his father's side. 775 01:00:11,649 --> 01:00:13,940 John Bradley did an excellent job. 776 01:00:14,231 --> 01:00:17,106 The difference between the way he takes the news 777 01:00:17,190 --> 01:00:19,106 of his father's death 778 01:00:19,315 --> 01:00:21,440 and the way he takes the news of his brother's death, 779 01:00:21,523 --> 01:00:23,398 it was a subtle thing that he does 780 01:00:23,482 --> 01:00:24,857 with very few words. 781 01:00:26,482 --> 01:00:28,857 It's the kind of thing that he could find out 782 01:00:29,023 --> 01:00:30,315 in a number of different ways, 783 01:00:30,398 --> 01:00:33,357 but it seemed like a very ineffective preamble 784 01:00:33,440 --> 01:00:35,315 and way into that later moment. 785 01:00:36,690 --> 01:00:37,815 Daenerys... 786 01:00:38,940 --> 01:00:40,857 She executed my father and brother. 787 01:00:41,523 --> 01:00:43,273 I've executed men who disobeyed me. 788 01:00:43,357 --> 01:00:44,774 You've also spared men. 789 01:00:45,523 --> 01:00:47,565 Thousands of wildlings when they refused to kneel. 790 01:00:47,940 --> 01:00:50,106 -I wasn't a king. -But you were. 791 01:00:50,398 --> 01:00:53,690 The fact that Jon's real parents were who Jon's real parents were 792 01:00:53,774 --> 01:00:56,190 is not news to us at this point, but what we don't know 793 01:00:56,273 --> 01:00:59,315 is the way that Jon is going to take this. 794 01:00:59,398 --> 01:01:00,981 How's the explosion gonna look? 795 01:01:01,273 --> 01:01:02,732 BENIOFF: Sam, as a brother of the Night's Watch, 796 01:01:02,815 --> 01:01:06,190 and Jon are more brothers than Bran and Jon ever really were. 797 01:01:06,273 --> 01:01:07,398 He knows it's gonna hurt Jon 798 01:01:07,482 --> 01:01:09,981 and it's going to shatter his whole worldview. 799 01:01:10,065 --> 01:01:11,398 For all they know, the Army of the Dead 800 01:01:11,482 --> 01:01:12,482 could attack the next day, 801 01:01:12,565 --> 01:01:15,065 and someone has to tell Jon before that. 802 01:01:15,857 --> 01:01:17,148 D.B. WEISS: He's being told something 803 01:01:17,231 --> 01:01:21,231 that he both knows is true and can't handle. 804 01:01:21,607 --> 01:01:24,231 So he tries to throw things in front of it 805 01:01:24,315 --> 01:01:26,106 to prevent him from having to deal with 806 01:01:26,190 --> 01:01:27,899 the-- the truth of what he's being told. 807 01:01:27,981 --> 01:01:29,315 The thing he throws in front of it here 808 01:01:29,398 --> 01:01:33,023 is the fact that it means his father was lying to him 809 01:01:33,398 --> 01:01:34,774 his whole life. 810 01:01:35,231 --> 01:01:37,023 SAMWELL TARLY: You've never been a bastard. 811 01:01:37,106 --> 01:01:38,649 You're a true heir to the Iron Throne. 812 01:01:38,732 --> 01:01:40,940 The truth that Samwell tells Jon 813 01:01:41,023 --> 01:01:43,482 is probably the most incendiary fact 814 01:01:43,565 --> 01:01:46,023 in the entire world of the show. 815 01:01:46,315 --> 01:01:49,565 We chose to play the whole thing on Jon's face 816 01:01:49,649 --> 01:01:52,106 because, as great a job as John Bradley is doing 817 01:01:52,190 --> 01:01:53,231 presenting this information, 818 01:01:53,565 --> 01:01:55,690 he's really just presenting information we know already. 819 01:01:55,940 --> 01:01:58,065 -Daenerys is our queen. -SAMWELL: She shouldn't be. 820 01:02:00,774 --> 01:02:02,607 -That's treason. -It's the truth. 821 01:02:04,565 --> 01:02:07,482 ♪ (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS) ♪