00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,162 WWW.MY-SUBS.COM 1 00:00:04,275 --> 00:00:06,234 Clegane, look into the flames. 2 00:00:06,484 --> 00:00:07,775 What do you see? 3 00:00:07,776 --> 00:00:09,567 The Hound: A wall of ice. 4 00:00:10,651 --> 00:00:11,983 The Wall. 5 00:00:13,609 --> 00:00:15,274 The only thing standing between us 6 00:00:15,275 --> 00:00:16,941 and the army of the dead is the Wall, 7 00:00:16,942 --> 00:00:19,734 and the Wall hasn't been properly manned in centuries. 8 00:00:20,067 --> 00:00:21,525 Last time we saw The Night King, 9 00:00:21,526 --> 00:00:22,567 it was at Hardhome. 10 00:00:22,983 --> 00:00:25,816 Closest castle to Hardhome is Eastwatch by the sea. 11 00:00:25,817 --> 00:00:27,577 Tormund Giantsbane: And that's where I'll go. 12 00:00:27,858 --> 00:00:30,400 Looks like we're the Nightswatch now. 13 00:00:33,942 --> 00:00:36,776 Arya Stark: This suits you, Lady Stark. 14 00:00:37,734 --> 00:00:40,192 - Jon left you in charge? - He did. 15 00:00:41,526 --> 00:00:43,275 (grunting) 16 00:00:50,359 --> 00:00:53,234 - Jaime Lannister: Lord Tarly. - I believe you know my son. 17 00:00:53,442 --> 00:00:54,900 Do you fight with us... 18 00:00:55,692 --> 00:00:57,858 or with the foreign savages and eunuchs? 19 00:00:59,484 --> 00:01:01,233 Daenerys Targaryen: What do you think I should do? 20 00:01:01,234 --> 00:01:03,983 If you use them to melt castles and burn cities, 21 00:01:04,317 --> 00:01:05,400 you're not different. 22 00:01:05,817 --> 00:01:07,484 You're just more of the same. 23 00:01:09,317 --> 00:01:10,651 Man: Listen. 24 00:01:11,651 --> 00:01:13,609 (low rumbling) 25 00:01:14,484 --> 00:01:17,442 (dragon growls) 26 00:01:32,858 --> 00:01:35,817 ( theme music playing ) 27 00:03:04,584 --> 00:03:14,912 Sync & corrections by honeybunny www.MY-SUBS.com 28 00:03:19,858 --> 00:03:21,817 ( insects chirping ) 29 00:03:24,025 --> 00:03:26,108 ( gasps, grunts ) 30 00:03:27,651 --> 00:03:28,817 ( gasping ) 31 00:03:31,983 --> 00:03:33,442 ( grunts ) 32 00:03:36,858 --> 00:03:39,816 ( gasping ) 33 00:03:39,817 --> 00:03:43,150 ( coughing, panting ) 34 00:03:47,817 --> 00:03:49,025 You could've killed me. 35 00:03:57,484 --> 00:03:59,483 The fuck were you doing back there? 36 00:03:59,484 --> 00:04:01,775 Ending the war. 37 00:04:01,776 --> 00:04:03,982 Killing her. 38 00:04:03,983 --> 00:04:06,400 You saw the dragon between you and her? 39 00:04:09,526 --> 00:04:12,400 - And? - ( grunts ) 40 00:04:19,150 --> 00:04:20,982 Listen to me, cunt. 41 00:04:20,983 --> 00:04:22,525 Till I get what I'm owed, 42 00:04:22,526 --> 00:04:24,358 a dragon doesn't get to kill you, 43 00:04:24,359 --> 00:04:26,233 you don't get to kill you, 44 00:04:26,234 --> 00:04:27,692 only I get to kill you. 45 00:04:30,817 --> 00:04:33,691 That was only one of them. 46 00:04:33,692 --> 00:04:36,525 She has two more. 47 00:04:36,526 --> 00:04:39,608 If she decides to use them, to really use them... 48 00:04:39,609 --> 00:04:42,233 - You're fucked. - Don't you mean we're fucked? 49 00:04:42,234 --> 00:04:44,233 No, I do not. 50 00:04:44,234 --> 00:04:47,399 Dragons are where our partnership ends. 51 00:04:47,400 --> 00:04:49,024 I'm not gonna be around when those things 52 00:04:49,025 --> 00:04:50,776 start spitting fire on King's Landing. 53 00:04:52,817 --> 00:04:54,275 I have to tell Cersei. 54 00:04:57,108 --> 00:04:59,067 May as well jump back in that river. 55 00:05:35,983 --> 00:05:38,358 ( men shouting in distance ) 56 00:05:38,359 --> 00:05:40,275 ( shouting continues ) 57 00:05:52,317 --> 00:05:54,484 ( Drogon screeches ) 58 00:06:06,442 --> 00:06:09,108 ( roaring ) 59 00:06:13,442 --> 00:06:16,399 I know what Cersei has told you. 60 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:21,149 That I've come to destroy your cities, 61 00:06:21,150 --> 00:06:22,399 burn down your homes, 62 00:06:22,400 --> 00:06:24,150 murder you, and orphan your children. 63 00:06:26,983 --> 00:06:30,775 That's Cersei Lannister, not me. 64 00:06:30,776 --> 00:06:32,982 I'm not here to murder, 65 00:06:32,983 --> 00:06:34,733 and all I want to destroy 66 00:06:34,734 --> 00:06:37,816 is the wheel that has rolled over rich and poor 67 00:06:37,817 --> 00:06:42,025 to the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world. 68 00:06:43,234 --> 00:06:45,483 I offer you a choice-- 69 00:06:45,484 --> 00:06:47,816 bend the knee and join me. 70 00:06:47,817 --> 00:06:51,982 Together, we will leave the world a better place than we found it. 71 00:06:51,983 --> 00:06:54,982 Or refuse... 72 00:06:54,983 --> 00:06:56,484 and die. 73 00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:09,359 ( snarls ) 74 00:07:10,858 --> 00:07:12,817 ( roaring ) 75 00:07:25,484 --> 00:07:27,025 Step forward, my lord. 76 00:07:36,192 --> 00:07:38,149 You will not kneel? 77 00:07:38,150 --> 00:07:39,526 I already have a queen. 78 00:07:40,734 --> 00:07:42,233 Tyrion: My sister. 79 00:07:42,234 --> 00:07:43,441 She wasn't your queen 80 00:07:43,442 --> 00:07:45,483 until recently, though, was she? 81 00:07:45,484 --> 00:07:47,816 When she murdered your rightful queen 82 00:07:47,817 --> 00:07:50,441 and destroyed House Tyrell for all time. 83 00:07:50,442 --> 00:07:53,734 So it appears your allegiances are somewhat flexible. 84 00:07:54,858 --> 00:07:57,775 There are no easy choices in war. 85 00:07:57,776 --> 00:08:00,149 Say what you will about your sister, 86 00:08:00,150 --> 00:08:02,650 she was born in Westeros. 87 00:08:02,651 --> 00:08:04,900 She's lived here all her life. 88 00:08:06,900 --> 00:08:09,733 You, on the other hand, 89 00:08:09,734 --> 00:08:12,483 murdered your own father 90 00:08:12,484 --> 00:08:15,608 and chose to support a foreign invader. 91 00:08:15,609 --> 00:08:18,442 One with no ties to this land... 92 00:08:20,067 --> 00:08:22,442 with an army of savages at her back. 93 00:08:24,275 --> 00:08:26,108 You will not trade your honor for your life. 94 00:08:28,108 --> 00:08:29,566 I respect that. 95 00:08:29,567 --> 00:08:32,608 Perhaps he could take the Black, Your Grace. 96 00:08:32,609 --> 00:08:35,024 Whatever else he is, he is a true soldier. 97 00:08:35,025 --> 00:08:37,274 He'd be invaluable at the Wall. 98 00:08:37,275 --> 00:08:39,609 You cannot send me to the Wall. 99 00:08:40,983 --> 00:08:42,609 You are not my queen. 100 00:08:56,067 --> 00:08:57,399 You will have to kill me, too. 101 00:08:57,400 --> 00:08:59,275 Step back and shut your mouth. 102 00:09:00,817 --> 00:09:02,233 Who are you? 103 00:09:02,234 --> 00:09:03,484 A stupid boy. 104 00:09:04,609 --> 00:09:06,816 I am Dickon Tarly, 105 00:09:06,817 --> 00:09:08,233 son of Randyll Tarly. 106 00:09:08,234 --> 00:09:10,441 You are the future of your house. 107 00:09:10,442 --> 00:09:13,816 This war has already wiped one great house from the world. 108 00:09:13,817 --> 00:09:15,692 Don't let it happen again. Bend the knee. 109 00:09:23,359 --> 00:09:24,817 I will not. 110 00:09:29,150 --> 00:09:32,857 Your Grace, nothing scrubs bold notions from a man's head 111 00:09:32,858 --> 00:09:34,441 like a few weeks in a dark cell. 112 00:09:34,442 --> 00:09:37,107 I meant what I said. 113 00:09:37,108 --> 00:09:38,650 I'm not here to put men in chains. 114 00:09:38,651 --> 00:09:40,982 If that becomes an option, many will take it. 115 00:09:40,983 --> 00:09:42,359 I gave them a choice. 116 00:09:43,858 --> 00:09:45,191 They made it. 117 00:09:45,192 --> 00:09:48,358 Your Grace, if you start beheading entire families-- 118 00:09:48,359 --> 00:09:50,526 I'm not beheading anyone. 119 00:09:53,692 --> 00:09:55,899 ( roaring ) 120 00:09:55,900 --> 00:09:57,359 Your Grace. 121 00:10:21,692 --> 00:10:25,233 Daenerys: Lord Randyll Tarly, Dickon Tarly, 122 00:10:25,234 --> 00:10:27,899 I, Daenerys of House Targaryen, First of My Name, 123 00:10:27,900 --> 00:10:31,024 Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons, 124 00:10:31,025 --> 00:10:32,858 sentence you to die. 125 00:10:36,442 --> 00:10:37,609 Dracarys. 126 00:10:38,900 --> 00:10:40,900 ( both screaming ) 127 00:10:53,942 --> 00:10:57,025 - ( man shouts ) - ( Drogon roaring ) 128 00:11:22,108 --> 00:11:23,734 ( door closes ) 129 00:11:25,609 --> 00:11:27,150 My-- my lord... 130 00:11:37,067 --> 00:11:38,651 How many men did we lose? 131 00:11:41,234 --> 00:11:43,275 We haven't done a full accounting. 132 00:11:44,983 --> 00:11:48,441 It's not only armies that win wars. 133 00:11:48,442 --> 00:11:50,941 We have the Tyrell gold, we have the Iron Bank behind us. 134 00:11:50,942 --> 00:11:52,609 We can buy mercenaries. 135 00:11:54,526 --> 00:11:56,399 Not the same as our men, but they'll fight 136 00:11:56,400 --> 00:11:58,608 if they're well paid, which they will be. 137 00:11:58,609 --> 00:12:02,066 I just saw the Dothraki fight. 138 00:12:02,067 --> 00:12:03,691 They'll beat any mercenary army. 139 00:12:03,692 --> 00:12:05,775 They'll beat any army I've ever seen. 140 00:12:05,776 --> 00:12:08,650 Killing our men wasn't war for them, it was sport. 141 00:12:08,651 --> 00:12:10,857 Her dragon burnt a thousand wagons. 142 00:12:10,858 --> 00:12:13,107 Qyburn's scorpion fired bolts bigger than you. 143 00:12:13,108 --> 00:12:15,651 They couldn't stop it. And she has three of them. 144 00:12:17,692 --> 00:12:19,608 This isn't a war we can win. 145 00:12:19,609 --> 00:12:20,983 So, what do we do? 146 00:12:22,400 --> 00:12:23,651 Sue for peace? 147 00:12:24,983 --> 00:12:26,566 I sit on her father's throne, 148 00:12:26,567 --> 00:12:29,233 the father you betrayed and murdered. 149 00:12:29,234 --> 00:12:32,066 And in her mind, she's winning. 150 00:12:32,067 --> 00:12:34,150 What sort of offer do you think she'd make? 151 00:12:36,609 --> 00:12:40,024 Maybe we can count on Tyrion to intercede on our behalf 152 00:12:40,025 --> 00:12:42,400 by way of apology for murdering our father and son. 153 00:12:44,150 --> 00:12:45,650 He didn't. 154 00:12:45,651 --> 00:12:47,650 You saw the crossbow, you saw his body. 155 00:12:47,651 --> 00:12:49,525 I'm not talking about Father. 156 00:12:49,526 --> 00:12:53,066 Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey. He had nothing to do with it. 157 00:12:53,067 --> 00:12:56,359 - After all this time, it still amazes me that you-- - It was Olenna. 158 00:12:58,734 --> 00:13:01,067 She confessed before she died. 159 00:13:03,359 --> 00:13:05,608 And this was before or after 160 00:13:05,609 --> 00:13:08,691 she drank the poison you so kindly provided her? 161 00:13:08,692 --> 00:13:10,316 After. 162 00:13:10,317 --> 00:13:11,816 And you believed her? 163 00:13:11,817 --> 00:13:14,566 If you were Olenna, would you rather have seen 164 00:13:14,567 --> 00:13:17,234 your granddaughter married to Joffrey or Tommen? 165 00:13:19,609 --> 00:13:21,982 Which one would Margaery have been better able to control? 166 00:13:21,983 --> 00:13:23,525 Which one would have made Olenna 167 00:13:23,526 --> 00:13:26,233 the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms? 168 00:13:26,234 --> 00:13:28,108 She was telling the truth. 169 00:13:35,484 --> 00:13:37,692 I shouldn't have listened to you. 170 00:13:39,484 --> 00:13:41,274 She should have died screaming. 171 00:13:41,275 --> 00:13:42,566 She's dead, like her son, 172 00:13:42,567 --> 00:13:44,650 her grandchildren, her whole house. 173 00:13:44,651 --> 00:13:48,233 And if we don't find a way out of this war, we'll follow them. 174 00:13:48,234 --> 00:13:50,775 So we fight and die or we submit and die. 175 00:13:50,776 --> 00:13:52,941 I know my choice. 176 00:13:52,942 --> 00:13:55,442 A soldier should know his. 177 00:13:57,858 --> 00:14:02,442 ( Drogon screeching ) 178 00:14:22,776 --> 00:14:24,400 ( roaring ) 179 00:14:54,692 --> 00:14:57,609 ( snarling ) 180 00:14:59,900 --> 00:15:01,817 ( snarling stops ) 181 00:15:12,317 --> 00:15:14,025 ( exhales ) 182 00:15:59,942 --> 00:16:02,566 ( screeching ) 183 00:16:02,567 --> 00:16:04,733 They're beautiful, aren't they? 184 00:16:04,734 --> 00:16:07,526 It wasn't the word I was thinking of, but... 185 00:16:08,776 --> 00:16:11,525 but, yes, they are. 186 00:16:11,526 --> 00:16:13,024 Gorgeous beasts. 187 00:16:13,025 --> 00:16:14,941 They're not beasts to me. 188 00:16:14,942 --> 00:16:16,775 No matter how big they get 189 00:16:16,776 --> 00:16:18,941 or how terrifying to everyone else, 190 00:16:18,942 --> 00:16:20,567 they're my children. 191 00:16:26,234 --> 00:16:27,566 You weren't gone long. 192 00:16:27,567 --> 00:16:29,733 No. 193 00:16:29,734 --> 00:16:31,733 And? 194 00:16:31,734 --> 00:16:34,442 And I have fewer enemies today than I did yesterday. 195 00:16:37,108 --> 00:16:39,191 You're not sure how you feel about that. 196 00:16:39,192 --> 00:16:40,900 No, I'm not. 197 00:16:42,817 --> 00:16:44,274 How many men did your army kill 198 00:16:44,275 --> 00:16:46,275 taking Winterfell back from the Boltons? 199 00:16:47,442 --> 00:16:48,816 Thousands. 200 00:16:48,817 --> 00:16:50,941 We both want to help people. 201 00:16:50,942 --> 00:16:54,650 We can only help them from a position of strength. 202 00:16:54,651 --> 00:16:56,734 Sometimes strength is terrible. 203 00:16:59,942 --> 00:17:02,608 When you first came here, 204 00:17:02,609 --> 00:17:06,358 Ser Davos said you took a knife in the heart for your people. 205 00:17:06,359 --> 00:17:07,983 Ser Davos gets carried away. 206 00:17:09,734 --> 00:17:11,441 So, it was a figure of speech? 207 00:17:11,442 --> 00:17:13,776 ( footsteps approaching ) 208 00:17:15,942 --> 00:17:19,303 _ 209 00:17:25,987 --> 00:17:27,406 _ 210 00:17:31,983 --> 00:17:33,182 Your Grace. 211 00:17:39,025 --> 00:17:42,399 Jon Snow, this is Ser Jorah Mormont, 212 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:44,650 an old friend. 213 00:17:44,651 --> 00:17:46,149 I served with your father. 214 00:17:46,150 --> 00:17:48,317 He was a great man. 215 00:17:49,858 --> 00:17:51,526 You look strong. 216 00:17:53,359 --> 00:17:54,691 You found a cure? 217 00:17:54,692 --> 00:17:56,650 I wouldn't be here if I hadn't. 218 00:17:56,651 --> 00:18:01,149 I return to your service, my queen, 219 00:18:01,150 --> 00:18:02,941 if you'll have me. 220 00:18:02,942 --> 00:18:05,317 It would be my honor. 221 00:18:22,317 --> 00:18:25,858 ( ravens cawing ) 222 00:19:37,025 --> 00:19:38,941 ( ravens cawing ) 223 00:19:38,942 --> 00:19:41,567 ( panting ) 224 00:19:44,776 --> 00:19:46,233 Ravens. 225 00:19:46,234 --> 00:19:48,067 We need to send ravens. 226 00:19:50,526 --> 00:19:53,274 I put very little stock in it myself. 227 00:19:53,275 --> 00:19:55,733 Prophecies of doom are never in short supply, 228 00:19:55,734 --> 00:19:57,941 especially when winter comes. 229 00:19:57,942 --> 00:20:00,274 I remember Wolkan. 230 00:20:00,275 --> 00:20:02,650 A little timid, but a sharp mind. 231 00:20:02,651 --> 00:20:06,149 Sandhu: Eh, the North has dulled many good maesters' wits. 232 00:20:06,150 --> 00:20:08,358 Hard to say whether it's the cold, the drink, 233 00:20:08,359 --> 00:20:10,149 - or the company. - ( all chuckling ) 234 00:20:10,150 --> 00:20:12,316 Sandhu: A crippled boy claims to have seen 235 00:20:12,317 --> 00:20:14,441 dead men on the march beyond the Wall, 236 00:20:14,442 --> 00:20:17,608 thanks to the magical help of a raven with three eyes? 237 00:20:17,609 --> 00:20:19,274 Ebrose: Yes, it is a bit much. 238 00:20:19,275 --> 00:20:21,983 - Still, we ought to write back-- - Sam: Brandon Stark. 239 00:20:25,484 --> 00:20:28,651 - The crippled boy. - Do you know him? 240 00:20:29,817 --> 00:20:31,982 I led him through the Wall years ago. 241 00:20:31,983 --> 00:20:35,149 I saw him go beyond the Wall. 242 00:20:35,150 --> 00:20:36,733 And? 243 00:20:36,734 --> 00:20:39,650 Somehow, a crippled boy 244 00:20:39,651 --> 00:20:41,733 survived for years beyond the Wall when no one else could. 245 00:20:41,734 --> 00:20:45,484 Not the Night's Watch, not the wildlings, no one. 246 00:20:47,108 --> 00:20:49,191 Perhaps we ought to listen to what he has to say. 247 00:20:49,192 --> 00:20:52,316 Perhaps you need more scribing work to discipline your mind. 248 00:20:52,317 --> 00:20:55,734 I sense a more detailed proposal is forthcoming? 249 00:21:02,526 --> 00:21:03,734 ( clears throat ) 250 00:21:06,359 --> 00:21:10,358 Everyone in Westeros trusts and respects you. 251 00:21:10,359 --> 00:21:14,525 If you tell people the threat is real, they'll believe it. 252 00:21:14,526 --> 00:21:16,899 If you advise all the lords to send their men north 253 00:21:16,900 --> 00:21:18,857 to hold the Wall, they'll do it. 254 00:21:18,858 --> 00:21:22,358 And if you tell every maester in the Citadel 255 00:21:22,359 --> 00:21:24,691 to search every word of every faded scroll 256 00:21:24,692 --> 00:21:26,483 about the Long Night, 257 00:21:26,484 --> 00:21:28,316 they may find something that lets us defeat 258 00:21:28,317 --> 00:21:30,234 the Army of the Dead for good. 259 00:21:35,317 --> 00:21:36,526 It could be done. 260 00:21:37,942 --> 00:21:40,733 And this news could be authentic. 261 00:21:40,734 --> 00:21:42,400 It's possible. 262 00:21:44,900 --> 00:21:47,233 It's also possible that this message 263 00:21:47,234 --> 00:21:49,525 is part of a ploy by the Dragon Queen 264 00:21:49,526 --> 00:21:52,483 to lure southern armies away from the lands they are currently defending 265 00:21:52,484 --> 00:21:54,525 to open those lands to easy conquest. 266 00:21:54,526 --> 00:21:56,233 Sandhu: That does seem far more likely 267 00:21:56,234 --> 00:21:58,191 than magic birds talking to cripples. 268 00:21:58,192 --> 00:22:00,733 Archmaester, please. 269 00:22:00,734 --> 00:22:01,900 It's real. 270 00:22:03,817 --> 00:22:04,900 I've seen it. 271 00:22:07,734 --> 00:22:09,233 We will write to Maester Wolkan 272 00:22:09,234 --> 00:22:11,608 at Winterfell for clarification. 273 00:22:11,609 --> 00:22:14,483 I promise you we will get to the truth of it one way or another. 274 00:22:14,484 --> 00:22:17,191 - Archmaester, please-- - That will be all, Tarly. 275 00:22:17,192 --> 00:22:19,691 Maester: It brings to mind the work of Jenny of Oldstones, 276 00:22:19,692 --> 00:22:22,316 the charlatan who claimed descent from the children of the forest. 277 00:22:22,317 --> 00:22:25,107 - ( all chuckling ) - Sandhu: Don't forget the prophet Lodos, 278 00:22:25,108 --> 00:22:28,775 who promised that the Drowned God would rise up and destroy Aegon the Conqueror. 279 00:22:28,776 --> 00:22:31,067 - ( all laugh ) - Ah, Lodos. 280 00:22:34,359 --> 00:22:38,899 Is he the one whose father and brother were just burnt alive? 281 00:22:38,900 --> 00:22:40,857 I'm afraid so. 282 00:22:40,858 --> 00:22:42,107 Horrible business. 283 00:22:42,108 --> 00:22:44,733 I haven't had the heart to tell him yet. 284 00:22:44,734 --> 00:22:46,775 He's a good lad. 285 00:22:46,776 --> 00:22:48,525 Right. 286 00:22:48,526 --> 00:22:51,441 The ravenry was falling apart the last time I checked. 287 00:22:51,442 --> 00:22:53,192 ( slurping ) 288 00:22:56,651 --> 00:22:59,274 All rulers demand that people bend the knee. 289 00:22:59,275 --> 00:23:00,484 That's why they're rulers. 290 00:23:03,609 --> 00:23:05,608 She gave Tarly a choice, 291 00:23:05,609 --> 00:23:08,441 a man who had taken up arms against her. 292 00:23:08,442 --> 00:23:10,191 What else could she do? 293 00:23:10,192 --> 00:23:13,316 Not burn him alive alongside his son? 294 00:23:13,317 --> 00:23:15,650 I am her Hand, not her head. 295 00:23:15,651 --> 00:23:17,899 I can't make her decisions for her. 296 00:23:17,900 --> 00:23:21,191 That's what I used to tell myself about her father. 297 00:23:21,192 --> 00:23:25,566 I found the traitors, but I wasn't the one burning them alive. 298 00:23:25,567 --> 00:23:28,317 I was only a purveyor of information. 299 00:23:33,484 --> 00:23:37,525 It's what I told myself when I watched them beg for mercy-- 300 00:23:37,526 --> 00:23:40,107 I'm not the one doing it. 301 00:23:40,108 --> 00:23:42,566 When the pitch of their screams rose higher-- 302 00:23:42,567 --> 00:23:44,608 I'm not the one doing it. 303 00:23:44,609 --> 00:23:46,191 When their hair caught fire 304 00:23:46,192 --> 00:23:49,066 and the smell of their burning flesh filled the throne room-- 305 00:23:49,067 --> 00:23:50,692 I'm not the one doing it. 306 00:23:55,734 --> 00:23:56,858 ( sighs ) 307 00:23:59,359 --> 00:24:01,566 Daenerys is not her father. 308 00:24:01,567 --> 00:24:03,982 And she never will be 309 00:24:03,983 --> 00:24:06,025 with the right counsel. 310 00:24:09,275 --> 00:24:11,692 You need to find a way to make her listen. 311 00:24:14,150 --> 00:24:17,525 - Who's that for? - Jon Snow. 312 00:24:17,526 --> 00:24:19,066 Did you read it? 313 00:24:19,067 --> 00:24:22,108 It's a sealed scroll for the King in the North. 314 00:24:28,234 --> 00:24:29,692 What's it say? 315 00:24:30,776 --> 00:24:32,359 Nothing good. 316 00:24:38,858 --> 00:24:42,233 I thought Arya was dead. 317 00:24:42,234 --> 00:24:45,316 I thought Bran was dead. 318 00:24:45,317 --> 00:24:46,734 I'm happy for you. 319 00:24:49,108 --> 00:24:50,525 You don't look happy. 320 00:24:50,526 --> 00:24:52,899 Bran saw the Night King and his army 321 00:24:52,900 --> 00:24:54,900 marching towards Eastwatch. 322 00:24:56,484 --> 00:24:58,483 If they make it past the Wall... 323 00:24:58,484 --> 00:25:01,191 The Wall has kept them out for thousands of years, presumably. 324 00:25:01,192 --> 00:25:02,857 I need to go home. 325 00:25:02,858 --> 00:25:04,566 You said you don't have enough men. 326 00:25:04,567 --> 00:25:07,149 We'll fight with the men we have. 327 00:25:07,150 --> 00:25:08,775 Unless you'll join us. 328 00:25:08,776 --> 00:25:10,941 And give the country to Cersei? 329 00:25:10,942 --> 00:25:14,775 As soon as I march away, she marches in. 330 00:25:14,776 --> 00:25:17,107 Perhaps not. 331 00:25:17,108 --> 00:25:20,525 Cersei thinks the Army of the Dead is nothing but a story 332 00:25:20,526 --> 00:25:23,775 made up by wet nurses to frighten children. 333 00:25:23,776 --> 00:25:25,525 What if we prove her wrong? 334 00:25:25,526 --> 00:25:28,942 I don't think she'll come see the dead at my invitation. 335 00:25:30,234 --> 00:25:32,275 So bring the dead to her. 336 00:25:33,734 --> 00:25:35,608 I thought that was what we were trying to avoid. 337 00:25:35,609 --> 00:25:37,982 We don't have to bring the whole army. 338 00:25:37,983 --> 00:25:40,024 Only one soldier. 339 00:25:40,025 --> 00:25:41,942 Is that possible? 340 00:25:45,776 --> 00:25:47,483 The first wight I ever saw 341 00:25:47,484 --> 00:25:50,316 was brought into Castle Black from beyond the Wall. 342 00:25:50,317 --> 00:25:52,650 Bring one of these things down to King's Landing 343 00:25:52,651 --> 00:25:54,941 and show her the truth. 344 00:25:54,942 --> 00:25:56,982 Anything you bring back will be useless 345 00:25:56,983 --> 00:25:58,816 unless Cersei grants us an audience 346 00:25:58,817 --> 00:26:01,358 and is somehow convinced not to murder us 347 00:26:01,359 --> 00:26:03,608 the moment we set foot in the capital. 348 00:26:03,609 --> 00:26:07,191 The only person she listens to is Jaime. 349 00:26:07,192 --> 00:26:09,025 He might listen to me. 350 00:26:13,025 --> 00:26:14,858 And how would you get into King's Landing? 351 00:26:21,025 --> 00:26:22,857 I can smuggle you in, 352 00:26:22,858 --> 00:26:25,483 but if the gold cloaks were to recognize you, 353 00:26:25,484 --> 00:26:28,691 I'm warning you, I'm not a fighter. 354 00:26:28,692 --> 00:26:30,107 Well, it will all be for nothing 355 00:26:30,108 --> 00:26:31,899 if we don't have one of these dead men. 356 00:26:31,900 --> 00:26:33,274 Fair point. 357 00:26:33,275 --> 00:26:34,567 How do you propose to find one? 358 00:26:37,983 --> 00:26:41,192 With the queen's permission, I'll go north and take one. 359 00:26:42,900 --> 00:26:46,233 You asked me to find a cure so I could serve you. 360 00:26:46,234 --> 00:26:47,858 Allow me to serve you. 361 00:26:51,858 --> 00:26:53,358 The Free Folk will help us. 362 00:26:53,359 --> 00:26:56,107 They know the real north better than anyone. 363 00:26:56,108 --> 00:26:57,650 They won't follow Ser Jorah. 364 00:26:57,651 --> 00:26:58,858 They won't have to. 365 00:27:05,900 --> 00:27:08,316 You can't lead a raid beyond the Wall. 366 00:27:08,317 --> 00:27:10,941 You're not in the Night's Watch anymore, you're King in the North. 367 00:27:10,942 --> 00:27:13,525 I'm the only one here who's fought them. 368 00:27:13,526 --> 00:27:15,900 I'm the only one here who knows them. 369 00:27:17,275 --> 00:27:19,275 I haven't given you permission to leave. 370 00:27:22,108 --> 00:27:25,483 With respect, Your Grace, I don't need your permission. 371 00:27:25,484 --> 00:27:26,692 I am a king. 372 00:27:28,317 --> 00:27:29,733 And I came here 373 00:27:29,734 --> 00:27:31,566 knowing that you could have your men behead me 374 00:27:31,567 --> 00:27:34,775 or your dragons burn me alive. 375 00:27:34,776 --> 00:27:39,191 I put my trust in you, a stranger, 376 00:27:39,192 --> 00:27:42,191 because I knew it was the best chance for my people, 377 00:27:42,192 --> 00:27:44,359 for all our people. 378 00:27:45,900 --> 00:27:50,234 Now I'm asking you to trust in a stranger... 379 00:27:51,942 --> 00:27:54,442 because it's our best chance. 380 00:28:09,692 --> 00:28:12,441 ( all chattering ) 381 00:28:12,442 --> 00:28:16,776 Glover: The King in the North should stay in the North. 382 00:28:19,317 --> 00:28:23,691 We did not choose you to rule us, my lady. 383 00:28:23,692 --> 00:28:26,526 - But perhaps we should have. - ( all murmuring ) 384 00:28:29,025 --> 00:28:33,816 The Knights of the Vale came here for you, Lady Stark. 385 00:28:33,817 --> 00:28:35,275 Men: Aye. 386 00:28:39,734 --> 00:28:43,149 You are very kind, my lords. 387 00:28:43,150 --> 00:28:45,191 But Jon is our king. 388 00:28:45,192 --> 00:28:47,733 He is doing what he thinks is best. 389 00:28:47,734 --> 00:28:50,359 ( chatter ) 390 00:28:57,651 --> 00:28:59,691 Sansa: I warned Jon this would happen. 391 00:28:59,692 --> 00:29:01,358 That he couldn't leave the North 392 00:29:01,359 --> 00:29:04,191 and expect it to just sit and wait for him like Ghost. 393 00:29:04,192 --> 00:29:06,566 He didn't. He trusted you to hold it for him. 394 00:29:06,567 --> 00:29:09,359 Well, he's not making it easy. The Northern lords are proud. 395 00:29:14,025 --> 00:29:16,316 These are Mother and Father's chambers. 396 00:29:16,317 --> 00:29:17,858 And? 397 00:29:20,567 --> 00:29:22,899 Nothing. 398 00:29:22,900 --> 00:29:25,691 Don't do that. 399 00:29:25,692 --> 00:29:28,192 - What? - Say what you mean. 400 00:29:29,858 --> 00:29:32,317 You always liked nice things. 401 00:29:33,692 --> 00:29:36,025 They made you feel better than everyone. 402 00:29:40,942 --> 00:29:42,525 Are you angry with me? 403 00:29:42,526 --> 00:29:44,857 They were insulting Jon, 404 00:29:44,858 --> 00:29:46,233 and you sat there and listened. 405 00:29:46,234 --> 00:29:47,733 I listened to their complaints, 406 00:29:47,734 --> 00:29:50,775 which is my responsibility as Lady of Winterfell. 407 00:29:50,776 --> 00:29:53,733 Their opinions are important to you. 408 00:29:53,734 --> 00:29:56,441 Glover has 500 men, Royce has 2,000. 409 00:29:56,442 --> 00:29:59,399 Offend them and Jon loses his army. 410 00:29:59,400 --> 00:30:01,400 Not if they lose their heads first. 411 00:30:04,858 --> 00:30:08,024 Winterfell didn't just fall into our hands. 412 00:30:08,025 --> 00:30:09,899 We took it back, 413 00:30:09,900 --> 00:30:11,857 and the Mormonts and the Hornwoods 414 00:30:11,858 --> 00:30:13,316 and the wildlings and the Vale. 415 00:30:13,317 --> 00:30:14,857 All of us, working together. 416 00:30:14,858 --> 00:30:19,191 Now, I'm sure cutting off heads is very satisfying, 417 00:30:19,192 --> 00:30:22,734 but that's not the way you get people to work together. 418 00:30:25,900 --> 00:30:28,191 And if Jon doesn't come back, 419 00:30:28,192 --> 00:30:30,149 you'll need their support... 420 00:30:30,150 --> 00:30:32,274 so you can work together 421 00:30:32,275 --> 00:30:34,233 to give you what you really want. 422 00:30:34,234 --> 00:30:36,817 How can you even think such a horrible thing? 423 00:30:39,526 --> 00:30:41,567 You're thinking it right now. 424 00:30:43,567 --> 00:30:46,525 You don't want to be, 425 00:30:46,526 --> 00:30:48,817 but the thought just won't go away. 426 00:30:54,734 --> 00:30:56,609 I have work to do. 427 00:31:00,275 --> 00:31:01,567 My lady. 428 00:31:06,108 --> 00:31:07,942 ( door opens, closes ) 429 00:31:13,609 --> 00:31:16,857 Last time I was here, I killed my father with a crossbow. 430 00:31:16,858 --> 00:31:19,817 Last time I was here, you killed my son with wildfire. 431 00:31:22,983 --> 00:31:25,816 There's a path to the left that hugs the cliff. 432 00:31:25,817 --> 00:31:28,483 The guards hardly ever patrol it. 433 00:31:28,484 --> 00:31:29,858 Too many steps. 434 00:31:34,734 --> 00:31:36,024 You're not staying here? 435 00:31:36,025 --> 00:31:39,525 I've got my own business in Flea Bottom. 436 00:31:39,526 --> 00:31:41,358 What if someone takes the boat? 437 00:31:41,359 --> 00:31:43,651 Then we're fucked. Best hurry. 438 00:31:49,067 --> 00:31:50,483 We don't have time for this. 439 00:31:50,484 --> 00:31:52,650 We should be preparing the city for a siege. 440 00:31:52,651 --> 00:31:53,816 The Dothraki are coming. 441 00:31:53,817 --> 00:31:55,941 All the more reason for you to train. 442 00:31:55,942 --> 00:31:57,941 Unless you plan on fighting Dothraki 12-year-olds. 443 00:31:57,942 --> 00:32:00,483 Well, I seem to recall them giving you a bit of trouble as well. 444 00:32:00,484 --> 00:32:02,483 And here I am, ready to train. 445 00:32:02,484 --> 00:32:04,441 Why down here? 446 00:32:04,442 --> 00:32:06,274 I don't think you want people to see 447 00:32:06,275 --> 00:32:09,191 how you look swinging that thing yet. 448 00:32:09,192 --> 00:32:11,982 Today might be the day I kill you by accident. 449 00:32:11,983 --> 00:32:14,526 Oh, you won't be swinging it at me. 450 00:32:22,734 --> 00:32:24,400 I'll leave you to it. 451 00:32:28,192 --> 00:32:29,526 I needed to see you. 452 00:32:30,983 --> 00:32:32,817 And I knew you'd never agree to meet. 453 00:32:36,359 --> 00:32:39,316 You made me look like a complete fool. 454 00:32:39,317 --> 00:32:41,608 I thought I'd surprise you by hitting Casterly Rock, 455 00:32:41,609 --> 00:32:44,566 but you were three steps ahead of me. 456 00:32:44,567 --> 00:32:47,149 Abandoned the family home, completely unsentimental. 457 00:32:47,150 --> 00:32:48,650 Father would have been proud. 458 00:32:48,651 --> 00:32:50,399 - Don't talk about Father. - Listen to me-- 459 00:32:50,400 --> 00:32:51,899 I once told Bronn 460 00:32:51,900 --> 00:32:54,734 that if I ever saw you again, I'd cut you in half. 461 00:32:57,734 --> 00:33:00,234 It'll take you a while with a sparring sword. 462 00:33:09,400 --> 00:33:11,316 He was going to execute me. 463 00:33:11,317 --> 00:33:14,024 He knew I was innocent. 464 00:33:14,025 --> 00:33:16,358 He didn't hate me because of anything I did, 465 00:33:16,359 --> 00:33:18,733 he hated me because of what I am. 466 00:33:18,734 --> 00:33:21,900 A little monster sent to punish him. 467 00:33:23,776 --> 00:33:25,982 Did he-- did he think-- 468 00:33:25,983 --> 00:33:27,775 did he think I wanted to be born this way? 469 00:33:27,776 --> 00:33:29,656 - Did he think I chose it-- - What do you want?! 470 00:33:36,192 --> 00:33:37,734 Daenerys will win this war. 471 00:33:40,108 --> 00:33:41,525 You're a military man. 472 00:33:41,526 --> 00:33:44,275 You must know there's no way around that. 473 00:33:46,317 --> 00:33:47,899 Daenerys is not her father. 474 00:33:47,900 --> 00:33:50,775 She's even willing to suspend the hostilities 475 00:33:50,776 --> 00:33:53,275 if Cersei agrees to certain terms. 476 00:33:54,442 --> 00:33:55,816 If you want Cersei to bend the knee, 477 00:33:55,817 --> 00:33:57,274 you can ask her yourself. 478 00:33:57,275 --> 00:33:59,651 I-- I don't. And Daenerys doesn't. 479 00:34:01,067 --> 00:34:02,776 Not right now, anyway. 480 00:34:04,942 --> 00:34:07,192 She has a more important request. 481 00:34:10,651 --> 00:34:12,817 ( chatter ) 482 00:34:46,692 --> 00:34:48,900 I wasn't sure I'd find you. 483 00:34:56,192 --> 00:34:58,191 Thought you might still be rowing. 484 00:34:58,192 --> 00:35:00,359 ( chuckles ) 485 00:35:01,817 --> 00:35:04,899 I looked in shops, taverns, brothels. 486 00:35:04,900 --> 00:35:08,191 Should have known to come straight to the Street of Steel. 487 00:35:08,192 --> 00:35:10,691 Aren't you worried about the gold cloaks? 488 00:35:10,692 --> 00:35:12,107 Haven't been here in years. 489 00:35:12,108 --> 00:35:14,525 Why should they recognize me? 490 00:35:14,526 --> 00:35:17,192 Sometimes I hardly do. 491 00:35:18,858 --> 00:35:21,025 Nothing fucks you harder than time. 492 00:35:25,817 --> 00:35:27,899 Anybody give you any trouble? 493 00:35:27,900 --> 00:35:30,358 Here I am, arming Lannisters, 494 00:35:30,359 --> 00:35:32,233 and I never get a second look. 495 00:35:32,234 --> 00:35:33,733 But you were right. 496 00:35:33,734 --> 00:35:36,274 Safest place for me was right under the queen's nose. 497 00:35:36,275 --> 00:35:37,775 Don't be so sure. 498 00:35:37,776 --> 00:35:40,692 Safety is never a permanent state of affairs. 499 00:35:42,900 --> 00:35:44,442 Bad things are coming. 500 00:35:46,942 --> 00:35:50,163 You came to get me. You want me to come with you. 501 00:35:50,283 --> 00:35:51,322 Well, the thing you need to understand is-- 502 00:35:51,442 --> 00:35:52,012 I'm ready. 503 00:35:52,132 --> 00:35:53,483 - You-- - Let's go. 504 00:35:53,484 --> 00:35:55,399 You should know what you're heading into. 505 00:35:55,400 --> 00:35:57,399 What do you think I've been thinking about 506 00:35:57,400 --> 00:35:58,775 with every swing of the hammer? 507 00:35:58,776 --> 00:36:01,233 How happy I am making weapons 508 00:36:01,234 --> 00:36:03,691 for the family that killed my father? 509 00:36:03,692 --> 00:36:05,399 The family that tried to kill me? 510 00:36:05,400 --> 00:36:07,525 ( scoffs ) 511 00:36:07,526 --> 00:36:09,775 I've been getting ready. 512 00:36:09,776 --> 00:36:11,233 I never knew what for, 513 00:36:11,234 --> 00:36:13,776 but I've always known I'd know it when it comes. 514 00:36:15,442 --> 00:36:18,525 You might want to bring one of those swords. 515 00:36:18,526 --> 00:36:20,442 I don't know much about swinging swords. 516 00:36:21,942 --> 00:36:23,275 But this... 517 00:36:25,108 --> 00:36:26,442 this I know. 518 00:36:35,526 --> 00:36:36,941 Keep your father's name to yourself. 519 00:36:36,942 --> 00:36:39,734 Situation's complicated enough already. 520 00:36:41,108 --> 00:36:42,776 Well, who should I say I am? 521 00:36:46,609 --> 00:36:49,024 I told you, Clovis, if we don't get out of here soon, 522 00:36:49,025 --> 00:36:50,865 - someone's going to-- - Gold cloak: You there! 523 00:36:53,150 --> 00:36:55,484 No weapons, friends. I promise. 524 00:36:56,692 --> 00:36:58,149 What can I do for you? 525 00:36:58,150 --> 00:37:00,650 - Is that your boat? - It is. 526 00:37:00,651 --> 00:37:03,066 - Gold cloak: The docks are that way. - Davos: That they are. 527 00:37:03,067 --> 00:37:04,566 I try to stay away from them 528 00:37:04,567 --> 00:37:06,817 to avoid good men such as yourselves. 529 00:37:09,442 --> 00:37:12,816 - Still five gold dragons? - ( laughs ) Are you joking? 530 00:37:12,817 --> 00:37:15,066 You must be even older than you look. 531 00:37:15,067 --> 00:37:16,982 - 15. - 15?! 532 00:37:16,983 --> 00:37:18,108 Apiece. 533 00:37:19,609 --> 00:37:21,150 - ( sighs ) - ( coins jingling ) 534 00:37:26,526 --> 00:37:28,651 I can't say it was a pleasure doing business with you. 535 00:37:31,150 --> 00:37:32,526 Gold cloak #2: What's in the boat? 536 00:37:38,067 --> 00:37:39,233 Not more gold. 537 00:37:39,234 --> 00:37:40,982 - Wine? - Mm. 538 00:37:40,983 --> 00:37:42,983 - I like wine. - Or hams. 539 00:37:44,900 --> 00:37:46,025 Come have a look. 540 00:37:54,567 --> 00:37:56,483 - Fermented crab. - What? 541 00:37:56,484 --> 00:37:58,358 Davos: Fermented crab. 542 00:37:58,359 --> 00:38:01,358 One bucket of this triples a brothel's earnings for the week. 543 00:38:01,359 --> 00:38:03,316 A man thinks he's done. 544 00:38:03,317 --> 00:38:05,899 He's ready to go back to his loving family. 545 00:38:05,900 --> 00:38:07,816 But before he gets his breeches up, 546 00:38:07,817 --> 00:38:11,191 his lady of the hour pops a tiny spoon of that into his mouth. 547 00:38:11,192 --> 00:38:14,733 Five minutes later, he's back in the race. 548 00:38:14,734 --> 00:38:17,234 Here, have a taste. 549 00:38:29,900 --> 00:38:31,775 I'd hurry to your favorite establishment, 550 00:38:31,776 --> 00:38:34,274 or you'll put a hole in that chainmail. 551 00:38:34,275 --> 00:38:36,567 ( laughing ) 552 00:38:40,942 --> 00:38:43,025 ( chattering ) 553 00:39:01,275 --> 00:39:03,275 Oi, dwarf! 554 00:39:04,609 --> 00:39:06,149 I really wouldn't try any more 555 00:39:06,150 --> 00:39:08,191 until you see how the first bite hits you. 556 00:39:08,192 --> 00:39:10,066 That dwarf... 557 00:39:10,067 --> 00:39:11,691 Where'd you get that scar? 558 00:39:11,692 --> 00:39:14,233 Fish hook. Some men you just can't teach. 559 00:39:14,234 --> 00:39:17,316 We was looking for a dwarf with a scar like that a while back. 560 00:39:17,317 --> 00:39:19,358 Davos: Perhaps there's some arrangement? 561 00:39:19,359 --> 00:39:21,775 ( coins jingle ) 562 00:39:21,776 --> 00:39:23,733 Arrangement? 563 00:39:23,734 --> 00:39:26,941 You gonna arrange to pay us more than Queen Cersei-- 564 00:39:26,942 --> 00:39:28,817 ( grunting ) 565 00:39:34,776 --> 00:39:36,483 - ( sighs ) - This is Gendry. 566 00:39:36,484 --> 00:39:37,983 He'll do. 567 00:39:40,692 --> 00:39:41,692 Go, go, go. 568 00:39:44,484 --> 00:39:45,982 Qyburn: I could give you something. 569 00:39:45,983 --> 00:39:47,484 That won't be necessary. 570 00:39:56,150 --> 00:39:57,150 Ser Jaime. 571 00:39:59,983 --> 00:40:02,651 - ( door closes ) - Why was Qyburn here? 572 00:40:04,067 --> 00:40:06,317 He's the Hand of the Queen. Why are you here? 573 00:40:10,983 --> 00:40:13,526 I met with Tyrion. 574 00:40:21,400 --> 00:40:24,150 What did our brother have to say? 575 00:40:26,734 --> 00:40:29,191 Daenerys wants to meet. 576 00:40:29,192 --> 00:40:31,816 To discuss her surrender? 577 00:40:31,817 --> 00:40:33,650 To discuss an armistice. 578 00:40:33,651 --> 00:40:36,441 She's just won a great victory. Why would she want a truce now? 579 00:40:36,442 --> 00:40:38,191 Because an army of dead men 580 00:40:38,192 --> 00:40:40,734 is marching on the Seven Kingdoms. 581 00:40:43,234 --> 00:40:45,066 Tyrion claims he'll have proof. 582 00:40:45,067 --> 00:40:46,484 ( chuckles ) 583 00:40:48,942 --> 00:40:51,316 - Are you going to punish him? - Tyrion? 584 00:40:51,317 --> 00:40:52,817 Bronn. 585 00:40:55,359 --> 00:40:57,733 He betrayed you. 586 00:40:57,734 --> 00:41:00,108 He set up a meeting without your knowledge or consent. 587 00:41:03,942 --> 00:41:05,233 Do you think anything of importance 588 00:41:05,234 --> 00:41:07,733 happens in this city without me knowing? 589 00:41:07,734 --> 00:41:10,982 You let it happen. Why? 590 00:41:10,983 --> 00:41:13,650 I've come to believe that 591 00:41:13,651 --> 00:41:16,358 an accommodation with the Dragon Queen 592 00:41:16,359 --> 00:41:18,899 could be in our immediate interest. 593 00:41:18,900 --> 00:41:22,233 She has the numbers. If we want to beat her, we have to be clever. 594 00:41:22,234 --> 00:41:24,400 We have to fight her like Father would have. 595 00:41:27,858 --> 00:41:31,025 Dead men, dragons, and Dragon Queens... 596 00:41:33,067 --> 00:41:36,066 Whatever stands in our way, 597 00:41:36,067 --> 00:41:37,816 we will defeat it. 598 00:41:37,817 --> 00:41:40,608 For ourselves, for our house, 599 00:41:40,609 --> 00:41:42,609 for this. 600 00:41:55,234 --> 00:41:56,816 Who will you say is the father? 601 00:41:56,817 --> 00:41:58,108 You. 602 00:42:04,025 --> 00:42:05,275 People won't like that. 603 00:42:08,900 --> 00:42:13,316 Do you remember what Father used to say about people? 604 00:42:13,317 --> 00:42:17,275 The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. 605 00:42:31,192 --> 00:42:33,150 Never betray me again. 606 00:42:38,234 --> 00:42:40,149 Davos: We're leaving today. 607 00:42:40,150 --> 00:42:43,733 - The king's got a lot on his mind. - I understand. 608 00:42:43,734 --> 00:42:46,316 He doesn't need to be thinking about harboring the bastard of a dead king. 609 00:42:46,317 --> 00:42:48,775 - You don't have to worry. - You're just Clovis, 610 00:42:48,776 --> 00:42:51,107 a smith who's come to pay his respects 611 00:42:51,108 --> 00:42:54,107 before he heads off to work at the Winterfell forges. 612 00:42:54,108 --> 00:42:56,107 Understood. 613 00:42:56,108 --> 00:42:57,566 - ( hammering ) - ( chatter ) 614 00:42:57,567 --> 00:42:59,733 Begging your pardon, Your Grace. 615 00:42:59,734 --> 00:43:01,191 You survived King's Landing. 616 00:43:01,192 --> 00:43:04,191 Yet again. Your Grace, this is Clo-- 617 00:43:04,192 --> 00:43:06,608 Name's Gendry, Your Grace. 618 00:43:06,609 --> 00:43:08,191 I'm Robert Baratheon's son. 619 00:43:08,192 --> 00:43:09,317 Bastard son. 620 00:43:12,400 --> 00:43:14,857 He was meant to keep that to himself. 621 00:43:14,858 --> 00:43:16,691 Our fathers trusted each other. 622 00:43:16,692 --> 00:43:18,025 Why shouldn't we? 623 00:43:20,317 --> 00:43:22,816 I saw your father once at Winterfell. 624 00:43:22,817 --> 00:43:26,025 I met yours in my shop. 625 00:43:27,734 --> 00:43:30,067 - You're a lot leaner. - And you're a lot shorter. 626 00:43:40,150 --> 00:43:43,941 I grew up on stories about them. 627 00:43:43,942 --> 00:43:46,942 All I ever knew is that they fought together and won. 628 00:43:48,692 --> 00:43:51,483 Ser Davos told me where you're going, Your Grace, and why. 629 00:43:51,484 --> 00:43:53,274 Let me come with you. 630 00:43:53,275 --> 00:43:55,149 Don't be a fool. You're not a soldier. 631 00:43:55,150 --> 00:43:56,982 No, but I'm a fighter. 632 00:43:56,983 --> 00:44:00,067 And he won't be needing a smith with a sword like that. 633 00:44:02,484 --> 00:44:03,982 You know how to use one? 634 00:44:03,983 --> 00:44:06,358 Well, that's a problem. 635 00:44:06,359 --> 00:44:07,900 I prefer a hammer. 636 00:44:10,900 --> 00:44:12,609 He can handle himself. 637 00:44:14,400 --> 00:44:16,483 We could use the help. 638 00:44:16,484 --> 00:44:18,358 As my father used to say, 639 00:44:18,359 --> 00:44:20,441 "It's better to be a coward for a minute, 640 00:44:20,442 --> 00:44:22,691 than dead for the rest of your life." 641 00:44:22,692 --> 00:44:25,107 I owe you my life. 642 00:44:25,108 --> 00:44:26,899 Twice over. 643 00:44:26,900 --> 00:44:30,149 But if what you said is true about what's up there, 644 00:44:30,150 --> 00:44:32,609 I can't wait out this war. 645 00:44:36,400 --> 00:44:38,316 Yeah, nobody mind me. 646 00:44:38,317 --> 00:44:42,358 All I've ever done is live to a ripe old age. 647 00:44:42,359 --> 00:44:44,274 Man: All right, come on. 648 00:44:44,275 --> 00:44:45,275 ( grunts ) 649 00:44:53,858 --> 00:44:56,107 Tyrion: You may not believe it, 650 00:44:56,108 --> 00:44:58,816 but I've missed you, Mormont. 651 00:44:58,817 --> 00:45:01,941 Nobody glowers quite like you. 652 00:45:01,942 --> 00:45:03,234 Not even Grey Worm. 653 00:45:09,025 --> 00:45:10,982 This is the coin the slaver gave me 654 00:45:10,983 --> 00:45:13,982 when I suggested he free us and pay us, remember? 655 00:45:13,983 --> 00:45:17,817 It was supposed to last us the rest of our lives. 656 00:45:22,275 --> 00:45:23,651 Take it with you. 657 00:45:26,317 --> 00:45:27,816 But bring it back. 658 00:45:27,817 --> 00:45:28,983 Our queen needs you. 659 00:45:38,359 --> 00:45:40,817 We should be better at saying farewell by now. 660 00:45:42,484 --> 00:45:43,983 Your Grace, I... 661 00:46:01,400 --> 00:46:03,650 If I don't return, at least you won't have to deal 662 00:46:03,651 --> 00:46:05,011 with the King in the North anymore. 663 00:46:07,317 --> 00:46:09,192 I've grown used to him. 664 00:46:11,275 --> 00:46:13,900 I wish you good fortune in the wars to come, Your Grace. 665 00:46:22,983 --> 00:46:24,651 Heave! 666 00:46:45,567 --> 00:46:47,775 ( fire crackling ) 667 00:46:47,776 --> 00:46:52,233 Gilly: Do you know how many steps there are in the Citadel? 668 00:46:52,234 --> 00:46:53,441 No. 669 00:46:53,442 --> 00:46:56,400 15,782. 670 00:47:00,983 --> 00:47:04,400 Guess how many windows are in the Great Sept of Baelor. 671 00:47:06,526 --> 00:47:09,066 None anymore. 672 00:47:09,067 --> 00:47:10,733 That's true. 673 00:47:10,734 --> 00:47:15,066 This High Septon Maynard, he recorded everything. 674 00:47:15,067 --> 00:47:17,275 He even recorded his own bowel movements. 675 00:47:20,817 --> 00:47:24,024 What does "annulment" mean? 676 00:47:24,025 --> 00:47:27,899 It's when a man sets aside his lawful wife. 677 00:47:27,900 --> 00:47:33,274 Maynard says here that he issued an annulment for a Prince "Ragger" 678 00:47:33,275 --> 00:47:36,775 and remarried him to someone else at the same time 679 00:47:36,776 --> 00:47:39,316 in a secret ceremony in Dorne. 680 00:47:39,317 --> 00:47:41,233 Is that a common thing in the south or--? 681 00:47:41,234 --> 00:47:42,609 These maesters... 682 00:47:44,484 --> 00:47:48,066 they set me to the task of preserving that man's window counting 683 00:47:48,067 --> 00:47:50,358 and annulments and bowel movements for all eternity, 684 00:47:50,359 --> 00:47:52,149 while the secret to defeating the Night King's 685 00:47:52,150 --> 00:47:54,816 probably sitting on some dusty shelf somewhere, completely ignored. 686 00:47:54,817 --> 00:47:56,733 But that's all right, isn't it? 687 00:47:56,734 --> 00:48:00,816 We can all become slavering, murderous imbeciles in thrall to evil incarnate 688 00:48:00,817 --> 00:48:02,441 as long as we can have access to the full records 689 00:48:02,442 --> 00:48:06,484 of High Septon Maynard's 15,782 shits! 690 00:48:08,817 --> 00:48:10,442 Steps. 691 00:48:13,484 --> 00:48:15,609 That number was the steps. 692 00:48:21,150 --> 00:48:22,192 ( giggles ) 693 00:49:37,567 --> 00:49:40,149 Are you sure you want to do this? 694 00:49:40,150 --> 00:49:42,567 You always wanted to be a maester. 695 00:49:44,192 --> 00:49:48,359 I'm tired of reading about the achievements of better men. 696 00:50:06,609 --> 00:50:08,734 - ( whispering ) - ( horse whinnies ) 697 00:50:27,609 --> 00:50:29,108 ( dog barking ) 698 00:50:46,108 --> 00:50:48,983 ( quiet chatter ) 699 00:51:17,442 --> 00:51:19,317 Wolkan: I found it, my lord. 700 00:51:23,025 --> 00:51:24,733 It, uh, took some searching. 701 00:51:24,734 --> 00:51:26,817 Maester Luwin's archives are very thorough. 702 00:51:31,526 --> 00:51:34,149 You're sure this is the only copy in Winterfell? 703 00:51:34,150 --> 00:51:36,025 Uh, yes, my lord. 704 00:51:40,817 --> 00:51:42,734 Lady Stark thanks you for your service. 705 00:52:02,442 --> 00:52:04,108 ( door closes, lock clicks ) 706 00:54:14,858 --> 00:54:16,733 Tormund: Isn't it your job to talk him out 707 00:54:16,734 --> 00:54:18,733 of stupid fucking ideas like this? 708 00:54:18,734 --> 00:54:21,526 I've been failing at that job of late. 709 00:54:23,150 --> 00:54:25,191 How many queens are there now? 710 00:54:25,192 --> 00:54:26,525 Two. 711 00:54:26,526 --> 00:54:29,691 And you need to convince the one with the dragons 712 00:54:29,692 --> 00:54:31,525 or the one who fucks her brother? 713 00:54:31,526 --> 00:54:33,358 ( chuckles ) 714 00:54:33,359 --> 00:54:34,359 Both. 715 00:54:34,360 --> 00:54:36,400 How many men did you bring? 716 00:54:39,484 --> 00:54:41,024 Jon: Not enough. 717 00:54:41,025 --> 00:54:42,651 The big woman? 718 00:54:45,983 --> 00:54:48,775 We were hoping some of your men could help. 719 00:54:48,776 --> 00:54:51,608 - Hmm. - I'll be staying behind. 720 00:54:51,609 --> 00:54:54,733 I'm a liability out there, as you well know. 721 00:54:54,734 --> 00:54:55,734 You are. 722 00:54:58,526 --> 00:55:01,734 You really want to go out there? Again? 723 00:55:08,025 --> 00:55:09,776 You're not the only ones. 724 00:55:13,400 --> 00:55:16,899 My scouts found them a mile south of the Wall. 725 00:55:16,900 --> 00:55:18,776 Said they were on their way here. 726 00:55:25,609 --> 00:55:27,067 You're the Hound. 727 00:55:29,067 --> 00:55:30,900 I saw you once at Winterfell. 728 00:55:36,609 --> 00:55:38,775 They want to go beyond the Wall, too. 729 00:55:38,776 --> 00:55:42,066 We don't want to go beyond the Wall, we have to. 730 00:55:42,067 --> 00:55:44,233 Our Lord told us that the Great War is coming-- 731 00:55:44,234 --> 00:55:46,441 Gendry: Don't trust him. 732 00:55:46,442 --> 00:55:48,400 Don't trust any of them. 733 00:55:54,025 --> 00:55:55,650 They're the Brotherhood. 734 00:55:55,651 --> 00:55:58,233 And the last thing their lord told them to do 735 00:55:58,234 --> 00:56:00,608 was sell me to a red witch to be murdered. 736 00:56:00,609 --> 00:56:02,317 Jorah: Thoros? 737 00:56:07,359 --> 00:56:09,441 I hardly recognized you. 738 00:56:09,442 --> 00:56:11,650 Ser Jorah Mormont. 739 00:56:11,651 --> 00:56:14,608 They won't give me anything to drink down here. 740 00:56:14,609 --> 00:56:17,650 I haven't been feeling like myself. 741 00:56:17,651 --> 00:56:20,483 Tormund: You're a fucking Mormont? 742 00:56:20,484 --> 00:56:22,608 Like the last Lord Commander? 743 00:56:22,609 --> 00:56:24,816 He was my father. 744 00:56:24,817 --> 00:56:27,816 He hunted us like animals. 745 00:56:27,817 --> 00:56:30,857 You returned the favor, as I recall. 746 00:56:30,858 --> 00:56:32,525 ( growls ) 747 00:56:32,526 --> 00:56:35,149 Here we all are 748 00:56:35,150 --> 00:56:36,733 at the edge of the world 749 00:56:36,734 --> 00:56:38,316 at the same moment, 750 00:56:38,317 --> 00:56:40,817 heading in the same direction for the same reason. 751 00:56:42,651 --> 00:56:44,899 Our reasons aren't your reasons. 752 00:56:44,900 --> 00:56:47,275 It doesn't matter what we think our reasons are. 753 00:56:49,484 --> 00:56:51,274 There's a greater purpose at work. 754 00:56:51,275 --> 00:56:54,566 And we serve it together, 755 00:56:54,567 --> 00:56:56,857 whether we know it or not. 756 00:56:56,858 --> 00:56:59,775 We may take the steps, but the Lord of Light-- 757 00:56:59,776 --> 00:57:03,149 For fuck's sake, will you shut your hole? 758 00:57:03,150 --> 00:57:05,941 Are we coming with you or not? 759 00:57:05,942 --> 00:57:08,149 Don't you want to know what we're doing? 760 00:57:08,150 --> 00:57:12,566 Is it worse than sitting in a freezing cell, waiting to die? 761 00:57:12,567 --> 00:57:14,566 He's right. 762 00:57:14,567 --> 00:57:16,567 We're all on the same side. 763 00:57:19,067 --> 00:57:20,192 How can we be? 764 00:57:21,817 --> 00:57:23,900 We're all breathing. 765 00:57:31,817 --> 00:57:33,692 ( gate rumbling ) 766 00:57:36,025 --> 00:57:38,609 ( wind howling ) 767 00:58:34,159 --> 00:58:44,844 Sync & corrections by honeybunny www.MY-SUBS.com