1 00:00:05,434 --> 00:00:06,997 Cersei's followers will abandon her Los seguidores de Cersei la abandonarán 2 00:00:07,017 --> 00:00:08,498 if they know the war is lost. si saben que la guerra está perdida. 3 00:00:08,518 --> 00:00:10,726 Give them that chance. Dales esa oportunidad. 4 00:00:10,934 --> 00:00:12,164 If the city surrenders, Si la ciudad se rinde, 5 00:00:12,184 --> 00:00:15,944 they will ring the bells and raise the gates. Tocarán las campanas y abrirán las puertas. 6 00:04:49,351 --> 00:04:51,892 I'll find you later. Te veré luego. 7 00:04:53,601 --> 00:04:55,643 It's not safe. No es seguro. 8 00:04:58,100 --> 00:05:00,809 Let me send some men with you. Deja que te acompañen algunos hombres. 9 00:05:03,809 --> 00:05:06,142 I'm going alone. Iré solo. 10 00:05:51,017 --> 00:05:53,122 In the name of the one true Queen, En el nombre de la una verdadera Reina, 11 00:05:53,142 --> 00:05:55,434 Daenerys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, 12 00:05:55,559 --> 00:05:58,206 I sentence you to die. Os sentencio a morir. 13 00:05:58,226 --> 00:06:00,559 GRey Worm! ¡Gusano gris! 14 00:06:06,601 --> 00:06:08,372 It's over. Se acabó. 15 00:06:08,392 --> 00:06:09,830 These men are prisoners. Estos hombres son prisioneros. 16 00:06:09,850 --> 00:06:12,539 It is not over until the Queen's enemies are defeated. No se acaba hasta que los enemigos de la Reina son derrotados. 17 00:06:12,559 --> 00:06:14,789 How much more defeated do you want them to be? ¿Cuánto más derrotado quieres que estén? 18 00:06:14,809 --> 00:06:18,039 - They're on their knees. - They are breathing. - Están de rodillas. - Aún respiran. 19 00:06:18,059 --> 00:06:20,080 Look around you, friend. We won. Mira a tu alrededor, amigo. Ganamos. 20 00:06:20,100 --> 00:06:22,498 I obey my Queen's commands, not yours. Obedezco órdenes de mi Reina, no las tuyas. 21 00:06:22,518 --> 00:06:25,809 And what are the Queen's commands? ¿Y cuáles son sus órdenes? 22 00:06:26,100 --> 00:06:30,164 "Kill all who follow Cersei Lannister." "Matar a todos los que sigan a Cersei Lannister." 23 00:06:30,184 --> 00:06:32,498 These are free men. Estos eran hombres libres. 24 00:06:32,518 --> 00:06:35,601 They chose to fight for her. Eligieron luchar por ella. 25 00:06:37,267 --> 00:06:40,768 Easy, men. Easy! Easy. Tranquilos... 26 00:06:49,726 --> 00:06:51,726 Jon. Jon. 27 00:06:53,392 --> 00:06:56,601 We should speak with the Queen. Debemos hablar con la Reina. 28 00:12:09,559 --> 00:12:12,100 Hyah! Hyah! 29 00:15:26,768 --> 00:15:28,850 Torgo Nudho. Torgo Nudho. 30 00:18:09,768 --> 00:18:12,601 You freed your brother. Liberaste a tu hermano. 31 00:18:13,017 --> 00:18:15,768 You committed treason. Cometistes traición. 32 00:18:16,267 --> 00:18:19,601 I freed my brother. Liberé mi hermano. 33 00:18:21,351 --> 00:18:24,850 And you slaughtered a city. Y tú has masacrado una ciudad. 34 00:20:17,892 --> 00:20:20,892 What are you doing here? ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? 35 00:20:22,601 --> 00:20:25,539 Hey, what happened? ¿Hey que pasó? 36 00:20:25,559 --> 00:20:28,309 I came to kill Cersei. Vine a matar a Cersei. 37 00:20:28,726 --> 00:20:31,434 Your Queen got there first. Tu Reina llegó primero. 38 00:20:34,934 --> 00:20:37,039 She's everyone's Queen now. Ella es la Reina de todo el mundo ahora. 39 00:20:37,059 --> 00:20:40,601 Try telling Sansa. Intenta decírselo a Sansa. 40 00:20:46,434 --> 00:20:48,164 Wait for me outside the city gates. Espérame fuera de las puertas de la ciudad. 41 00:20:48,184 --> 00:20:51,934 - I'll come find you. - Jon. - Iré a buscarte. - Jon. 42 00:20:52,100 --> 00:20:54,476 She knows who you are. Ella sabe quién eres. 43 00:20:54,768 --> 00:20:56,164 Who you really are. Quien realmente eres. 44 00:20:56,184 --> 00:21:00,601 You'll always be a threat to her. Siempre serás una amenaza para ella. 45 00:21:01,142 --> 00:21:05,684 And I know a killer when I see one. Y sé reconocer a 'un asesino' cuando lo veo. 46 00:21:36,100 --> 00:21:38,850 Did you bring any wine? ¿Has traído vino? 47 00:21:39,100 --> 00:21:41,142 No. No. 48 00:21:41,768 --> 00:21:43,331 Ah... Ah ... 49 00:21:43,351 --> 00:21:45,351 Well... Vaya... 50 00:21:46,267 --> 00:21:49,748 Thank you for coming to see me. Gracias por venir a verme. 51 00:21:49,768 --> 00:21:54,289 Our Queen doesn't keep prisoners for long. Nuestra Reina no mantiene presos por mucho tiempo. 52 00:21:54,309 --> 00:21:59,164 I suppose there's a crude kind of justice. Supongo que existe la crueldad de la justicia. 53 00:21:59,184 --> 00:22:03,122 I betrayed my closest friend and watched him burn. Traicioné a mi mejor amigo y lo vi quemar. 54 00:22:03,142 --> 00:22:06,331 Now Varys's ashes can tell my ashes: Ahora las cenizas de Varys pueden decir a mis cenizas: 55 00:22:06,351 --> 00:22:09,850 "See?, I told you." "¿Ves?, Te lo dije." 56 00:22:13,518 --> 00:22:15,539 It just occurred to me. Se me acaba de ocurrir. 57 00:22:15,559 --> 00:22:17,247 I'm talking to the only man alive Estoy hablando con el único hombre vivo 58 00:22:17,267 --> 00:22:20,226 who knows where I'm going. que sabe a dónde voy. 59 00:22:20,726 --> 00:22:24,017 So is there life after death? Entonces, ¿Hay vida después de la muerte? 60 00:22:26,351 --> 00:22:28,850 Not that I've seen. No es que yo he visto. 61 00:22:29,100 --> 00:22:31,456 I should be thankful. Debería estar agradecido. 62 00:22:31,476 --> 00:22:35,664 Oblivion is the best I could hope for. El olvido es lo mejor que podía esperar. 63 00:22:35,684 --> 00:22:37,830 I strangled my lover. Estrangulé a mi amante. 64 00:22:37,850 --> 00:22:40,164 I shot my own father with a crossbow. Disparé a mi propio padre con una ballesta. 65 00:22:40,184 --> 00:22:41,372 I betrayed my Queen. Traicioné a mi Reina. 66 00:22:41,392 --> 00:22:44,706 - You didn't. - I did. - Tú no lo hicistes. - Sí lo hice. 67 00:22:44,726 --> 00:22:45,830 And I'd do it again, Y lo haría de nuevo, 68 00:22:45,850 --> 00:22:49,372 now that I've seen what I've seen. ahora que he visto lo que he visto. 69 00:22:49,392 --> 00:22:51,456 I chose my fate. He elegido mi destino. 70 00:22:51,476 --> 00:22:56,267 The people of 'King's Landing' did not. Los habitantes de 'Desembarco del Rey' no lo hicieron. 71 00:22:56,559 --> 00:22:59,768 I can't justify what happened. No puedo justificar lo sucedido. 72 00:23:00,476 --> 00:23:02,559 I won't try. No lo voy a intentar. 73 00:23:04,850 --> 00:23:09,643 - But the war is over now. - Is it? - Pero la guerra ha terminado. - ¿No? 74 00:23:09,975 --> 00:23:12,997 When you heard her talking to her soldiers, Cuando la has oido hablar a sus soldados, 75 00:23:13,017 --> 00:23:18,142 did she sound like someone who's done fighting? ¿Parecía como alguien que va a dejar de luchar? 76 00:23:24,434 --> 00:23:27,331 She liberated the people of 'Slaver's Bay'. Ella liberó al pueblo de 'Bahía de los Esclavos'. 77 00:23:27,351 --> 00:23:30,539 She liberated the people of 'King's Landing'. Ella liberó al pueblo de 'Desembarco del Rey'. 78 00:23:30,559 --> 00:23:32,414 And she'll go on: 'liberating' Y ella va a seguir: 'liberando' 79 00:23:32,434 --> 00:23:35,581 until the people of the world are free... hasta que la gente del mundo sea libre ... 80 00:23:35,601 --> 00:23:36,997 and she rules them all. y ella los gobierne a todos. 81 00:23:37,017 --> 00:23:40,414 And you've been by her side, counseling her. Has estado a su lado, aconsejándola. 82 00:23:40,434 --> 00:23:42,809 Until today. Hasta hoy. 83 00:23:43,351 --> 00:23:45,601 Until today. Hasta hoy. 84 00:23:48,267 --> 00:23:50,247 Varys was right. Varys tenía razón. 85 00:23:50,267 --> 00:23:52,206 I was wrong. Estaba equivocado. 86 00:23:52,226 --> 00:23:55,122 It was vanity to think I could guide her. Era vanidoso el pensar que yo pudiera guiarla. 87 00:23:55,142 --> 00:23:57,456 Our Queen's nature is Fire and Blood. La naturaleza de nuestra Reina es el Fuego y la Sangre. 88 00:23:57,476 --> 00:24:00,122 You think our house words are stamped on our bodies... ¿Crees que el nombre de nuestras 'Casas' se estampa en nuestros cuerpos... 89 00:24:00,142 --> 00:24:02,289 ...when we're born and that's who we are? ...cuando nacemos, y eso es lo que somos? 90 00:24:02,309 --> 00:24:05,643 Then I'd be Fire and Blood too. Entonces yo sería el Fuego y la Sangre también. 91 00:24:06,226 --> 00:24:07,414 She's not her father, Ella no es su padre, 92 00:24:07,434 --> 00:24:09,039 no more than you're Tywin Lannister. no más que tú, Tywin Lannister. 93 00:24:09,059 --> 00:24:14,456 My father was an evil man. My sister was an evil woman. Mi padre era un mal hombre. Mi hermana era una mujer malvada. 94 00:24:14,476 --> 00:24:15,830 Pile up all the bodies Junta todos los cuerpos 95 00:24:15,850 --> 00:24:17,914 of all the people they ever killed, de todas las personas que mataron, 96 00:24:17,934 --> 00:24:19,456 there still won't be half as many y todavía no habrá ni la mitad que 97 00:24:19,476 --> 00:24:22,289 as our beautiful Queen slaughtered in a single day. nuestra hermosa Reina ha sacrificado en un solo día. 98 00:24:22,309 --> 00:24:23,623 Cersei left her no choice. Cersei no le dejó otra opción. 99 00:24:23,643 --> 00:24:25,080 The moment the gates fell, En el momento que abrieron las puertas 100 00:24:25,100 --> 00:24:26,206 the battle was over. la batalla había terminado. 101 00:24:26,226 --> 00:24:28,289 She saw her friend beheaded. Vió como decapitó a su amiga . 102 00:24:28,309 --> 00:24:30,206 She saw her dragon shot out of the sky. Vió a su dragón muerto caer desde el cielo. 103 00:24:30,226 --> 00:24:32,122 And she burned down a city for it. Y ella abrasa una ciudad por ello. 104 00:24:32,142 --> 00:24:34,706 Ah, it's easy to judge when you're standing Ah, es fácil juzgar cuando se está 105 00:24:34,726 --> 00:24:35,955 far from the battlefield. lejos del campo de batalla. 106 00:24:35,975 --> 00:24:38,643 Would you have done it? ¿Tú lo hubieras hecho? 107 00:24:39,226 --> 00:24:41,476 What? ¿Qué? 108 00:24:41,975 --> 00:24:44,706 You've been up there, on a dragon's back. Que que has estado sobre el lomo de un dragón. 109 00:24:44,726 --> 00:24:46,080 You've had that power. Tú has tenido ese poder. 110 00:24:46,100 --> 00:24:49,934 Would you have burned the city down? ¿Hubieras quemado la ciudad? 111 00:24:51,850 --> 00:24:53,997 I don't know. No lo sé. 112 00:24:54,017 --> 00:24:56,434 Yes, you do. Si que lo sabes. 113 00:24:57,476 --> 00:25:02,372 You won't say because you don't want to betray her... No lo admites porque no quieres traicionarla ... 114 00:25:02,392 --> 00:25:04,726 but you know. pero sí que lo sabes. 115 00:25:12,059 --> 00:25:14,331 What's it matter what I'd do? ¿Y que importa lo que yo haría? 116 00:25:14,351 --> 00:25:18,518 It matters more than anything. Importa más que cualquier otra cosa. 117 00:25:21,809 --> 00:25:25,872 When she murdered the slavers of Astapor, Cuando ella mató a los esclavistas de Astapor, 118 00:25:25,892 --> 00:25:28,206 I'm sure no one but the slavers complained. Estoy seguro de que nadie más se quejó. 119 00:25:28,226 --> 00:25:31,100 After all, they were evil men. Después de todo, eran malvados. 120 00:25:31,809 --> 00:25:35,706 When she crucified hundreds of Meereenese nobles, Cuando ella crucificó a cientos de nobles Meereenese, 121 00:25:35,726 --> 00:25:36,748 who could argue? ¿Quién podría argumentarlo? 122 00:25:36,768 --> 00:25:39,267 They were evil men. Eran los malos. 123 00:25:39,518 --> 00:25:43,164 The Dothraki khals she burned alive? ¿Los khals dothrakis quemados vivos? 124 00:25:43,184 --> 00:25:47,206 They would have done worse to her. Ellos le hubieran hecho lo mismo a ella. 125 00:25:47,226 --> 00:25:51,498 Everywhere she goes, evil men die Dondequiera que va, los malos mueren 126 00:25:51,518 --> 00:25:54,643 and we cheer her for it. y nosotros la hemos animado. 127 00:25:55,017 --> 00:25:56,414 And she grows more powerful Y ella se crece 128 00:25:56,434 --> 00:26:01,975 and more sure that she is good and right. segura de lo que es bueno y correcto. 129 00:26:05,392 --> 00:26:06,748 She believes her destiny Ella cree que su destino 130 00:26:06,768 --> 00:26:10,122 is to build a better world for everyone. es construir un mundo mejor para todos. 131 00:26:10,142 --> 00:26:12,601 If you believed that... Si crees que ... 132 00:26:13,226 --> 00:26:14,498 if you truly believed it, si realmente lo crees, 133 00:26:14,518 --> 00:26:15,748 wouldn't you kill ¿No matarías 134 00:26:15,768 --> 00:26:20,518 whoever stood between you and 'Paradise'? a quien se interponga entre tí y el 'Paraíso'? 135 00:26:49,975 --> 00:26:53,142 I know you love her. Sé que la amas. 136 00:26:57,392 --> 00:27:00,309 I love her too. Yo tambien la amo. 137 00:27:02,975 --> 00:27:07,643 Not as successfully as you. No tanto como tú. 138 00:27:09,309 --> 00:27:15,809 But I believed in her with all my heart. Pero yo creía en ella con todo mi corazón. 139 00:27:21,559 --> 00:27:26,975 Love is more powerful than reason. El amor es más fuerte que la razón. 140 00:27:27,643 --> 00:27:29,789 We all know that. Todos sabemos eso. 141 00:27:29,809 --> 00:27:32,518 Look at my brother. Mira mi hermano. 142 00:27:36,601 --> 00:27:39,892 "Love is the death of duty." "El amor es la muerte del deber." 143 00:27:44,601 --> 00:27:47,684 You just came up with that? ¿Esa es tu conclusión? 144 00:27:52,100 --> 00:27:57,518 Maester Aemon said it a long time ago. Maestre Aemon lo dijo hace mucho tiempo. 145 00:28:00,601 --> 00:28:07,100 Sometimes duty is the death of love. A veces, el deber es la muerte del amor. 146 00:28:10,518 --> 00:28:14,706 You are the shield that guards the realms of men. Y tú eres el escudo que protege los reinos de los hombres. 147 00:28:14,726 --> 00:28:17,206 And you've always tried to do the right thing. Y siempre has intentado de hacer lo correcto. 148 00:28:17,226 --> 00:28:19,872 No matter the cost. No te ha importado como., 149 00:28:19,892 --> 00:28:23,226 You've tried to protect people. Siempre has tratado de proteger a las personas. 150 00:28:24,392 --> 00:28:29,559 Who is the greatest threat to the people now? ¿Quién es la mayor amenaza para la gente ahora? 151 00:28:35,100 --> 00:28:39,080 It's a terrible thing I'm asking. Es terrible lo que te pido. 152 00:28:39,100 --> 00:28:42,142 It's also the right thing. También es lo correcto. 153 00:28:43,434 --> 00:28:48,872 Do you think I'm the last man she'll execute? ¿Crees que soy el último hombre al que va a ejecutar? 154 00:28:48,892 --> 00:28:50,206 Who is more dangerous ¿Quién es más peligroso 155 00:28:50,226 --> 00:28:55,601 than the rightful heir to the Iron Throne? que el legítimo Heredero al Trono de Hierro? 156 00:29:06,601 --> 00:29:11,434 That's her decision. She is the Queen. Esa es su decisión. Ella es la Reina. 157 00:29:18,184 --> 00:29:21,142 I'm sorry it came to this. Lamento que sea así. 158 00:29:32,017 --> 00:29:34,809 And your sisters? Y ¿Tus hermanas? 159 00:29:35,809 --> 00:29:40,684 Do you see them bending the knee? ¿Las ves doblando sus rodillas? 160 00:29:42,309 --> 00:29:44,122 My sisters will be loyal to the throne. Mis hermanas serán leales al trono. 161 00:29:44,142 --> 00:29:47,955 Why do you think Sansa told me the truth about you? ¿Por qué cree Sansa me dijo la verdad sobre ti? 162 00:29:47,975 --> 00:29:50,122 Because she doesn't want Dany to be Queen. Porque no quiere a Dany como Reina. 163 00:29:50,142 --> 00:29:53,122 - She doesn't get to choose. - No. - No puede elegir. - No. 164 00:29:53,142 --> 00:29:55,476 But you do. Pero tú si puedes. 165 00:29:56,100 --> 00:29:58,975 And you have to choose now. Y lo tienes que hacer ahora. 166 00:33:58,267 --> 00:34:00,872 When I was a girl, my brother told me it was made Cuando era niña, mi hermano me dijo que fué construido 167 00:34:00,892 --> 00:34:06,392 with 1000 swords from Aegon's fallen enemies. con 1.000 espadas de los enemigos caídos de Aegon. 168 00:34:07,267 --> 00:34:09,164 What do 1000 swords look like ¿Como serían 1000 espadas? 169 00:34:09,184 --> 00:34:13,331 in the mind of a little girl who can't count to 20? La mente de una niña que no puede contar ni 20 170 00:34:13,351 --> 00:34:17,247 I imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb. Me imaginaba una montaña de espadas imposible de escalar. 171 00:34:17,267 --> 00:34:18,748 So many fallen enemies, Tantos enemigos caídos, 172 00:34:18,768 --> 00:34:21,039 you could only see the soles of Aegon's feet. sólo se podía ver las plantas de los pies de Aegon. 173 00:34:21,059 --> 00:34:22,289 I saw them executing Los vi ejecutar 174 00:34:22,309 --> 00:34:25,498 Lannister prisoners in the street. a los prisioneros de Lannister en la calle. 175 00:34:25,518 --> 00:34:27,914 They said they were acting on your orders. Ellos dijeron que cumplían tus órdenes. 176 00:34:27,934 --> 00:34:31,206 - It was necessary. - Necessary? - Fué necesario. - ¿Necesario? 177 00:34:31,226 --> 00:34:33,080 Have you been down there? ¿Has bajado? 178 00:34:33,100 --> 00:34:34,414 Have you seen...? ¿Has visto...? 179 00:34:34,434 --> 00:34:39,184 Children, little children, burned! Niños, ¡Niños pequeños, quemados! 180 00:34:39,975 --> 00:34:43,914 I tried to make peace with Cersei. Traté de hacer la paz con Cersei. 181 00:34:43,934 --> 00:34:47,539 She used their innocence as a weapon against me. Ella utiliza su inocencia como arma contra mí. 182 00:34:47,559 --> 00:34:49,414 She thought it would cripple me. Ella pensó que me iba a detener. 183 00:34:49,434 --> 00:34:52,100 And Tyrion? ¿Y Tyrion? 184 00:34:54,434 --> 00:34:58,122 He conspired behind my back with my enemies. Conspiró a mi espalda con mis enemigos. 185 00:34:58,142 --> 00:35:01,039 How have you treated people who've done the same to you, ¿Cómo has tratado a personas que han hecho lo mismo contigo, 186 00:35:01,059 --> 00:35:04,601 even when it broke your heart? incluso rompiendose tu corazón? 187 00:35:06,100 --> 00:35:08,643 Forgive him. Perdónale. 188 00:35:09,975 --> 00:35:13,289 - I can't. - You can. - No puedo. - Puedes. 189 00:35:13,309 --> 00:35:14,664 You can forgive all of them, Puedes perdonar a todos ellos, 190 00:35:14,684 --> 00:35:17,456 make them see they made a mistake. Convencerles que estaban en un error. 191 00:35:17,476 --> 00:35:20,309 Make them understand. Haz que comprendan. 192 00:35:23,975 --> 00:35:26,975 Please, Dany. Por favor, Dany. 193 00:35:29,184 --> 00:35:33,122 We can't hide behind small mercies. No podemos ocultarnos tras pequeñas misericordias. 194 00:35:33,142 --> 00:35:35,247 The world we need El mundo que necesitamos 195 00:35:35,267 --> 00:35:38,080 won't be built by men loyal to the world we have. no será construido por hombres leales al mundo de ahora. 196 00:35:38,100 --> 00:35:42,164 The world we need is a world of mercy. It has to be. El mundo que necesitamos es un mundo de misericordia. Tiene que ser. 197 00:35:42,184 --> 00:35:44,726 And it will be. Y será. 198 00:35:46,559 --> 00:35:53,518 It's not easy to see something that's never been before. No es fácil de imaginar algo nuevo. 199 00:35:54,059 --> 00:35:56,830 A 'good world'. Un 'buen mundo'. 200 00:35:56,850 --> 00:35:59,518 How do you know? ¿Cómo lo sabes? 201 00:36:00,392 --> 00:36:02,664 How do you know it'll be good? ¿Cómo sabes que va a ser bueno? 202 00:36:02,684 --> 00:36:05,434 Because I know what is good. Porque yo sé lo que es bueno. 203 00:36:05,809 --> 00:36:07,080 And so do you. Y tu tambien. 204 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:09,498 - I don't. - You do. - Yo no. - Sí. 205 00:36:09,518 --> 00:36:13,184 You do. You've always known. Tú lo sabes. Siempre lo has sabido. 206 00:36:15,017 --> 00:36:17,850 What about everyone else? ¿Y qué pasará con todos los demás? 207 00:36:18,684 --> 00:36:24,017 All the other people who think they know what's good. Todas las otras personas que creen saber lo que es bueno. 208 00:36:24,184 --> 00:36:27,351 They don't get to choose. Ellos no tendrán que elegir. 209 00:36:32,142 --> 00:36:34,309 Be with me. Quédate conmigo. 210 00:36:34,892 --> 00:36:37,080 Build the new world with me. Construir el nuevo mundo conmigo. 211 00:36:37,100 --> 00:36:39,539 This is our reason. Esta es nuestra razón. 212 00:36:39,559 --> 00:36:41,122 It has been from the beginning, Ha sido desde el principio, 213 00:36:41,142 --> 00:36:44,372 since you were a little boy with a bastard's name desde que era un niño pequeño bastardo 214 00:36:44,392 --> 00:36:48,706 and I was a little girl who couldn't count to 20. y yo era una niña que no podía contar hasta 20. 215 00:36:48,726 --> 00:36:51,559 We do it together. Lo hacemos juntos. 216 00:36:52,684 --> 00:36:56,809 We break the wheel together. Rompemos la rueda juntos. 217 00:36:58,726 --> 00:37:01,392 You are my Queen. Tú eres mi Reina. 218 00:37:01,768 --> 00:37:05,643 Now, and always. Ahora y siempre. 219 00:44:26,892 --> 00:44:28,414 Where's Jon? ¿Dónde está Jon? 220 00:44:28,434 --> 00:44:31,581 - He is our prisoner. - So is Lord Tyrion. - Él es nuestro prisionero. - También el Señor Tyrion. 221 00:44:31,601 --> 00:44:33,914 They were both to be brought to this gathering. Los dos deben de ser traídos a esta reunión. 222 00:44:33,934 --> 00:44:36,706 We will decide what we do with our prisoners. Vamos a decidir lo que hacemos con nuestros prisioneros. 223 00:44:36,726 --> 00:44:38,164 This is our city now. Ahora, esta es nuestra ciudad. 224 00:44:38,184 --> 00:44:40,664 If you look outside the walls of your city, Si miras fuera de los muros de su ciudad, 225 00:44:40,684 --> 00:44:42,331 you'll find thousands of Northmen verás a miles de hombres del Norte 226 00:44:42,351 --> 00:44:45,039 who will explain to you why harming Jon Snow por tanto, hacerle daño a Jon Nieve 227 00:44:45,059 --> 00:44:46,789 is not in your interest. no sería muy conveniente. 228 00:44:46,809 --> 00:44:48,830 And you will find thousands of Unsullied Y encontrará miles de Inmaculados 229 00:44:48,850 --> 00:44:50,080 who believe that it is. que creen que lo es. 230 00:44:50,100 --> 00:44:52,872 Some of you may be quick to forgive. Algunos de ustedes son rápidos en perdonar. 231 00:44:52,892 --> 00:44:55,039 The Ironborn are not. Los hijos del hierro no lo son. 232 00:44:55,059 --> 00:44:57,039 I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen. Juré seguir a Daenerys Targaryen. 233 00:44:57,059 --> 00:44:58,872 You swore to follow a tyrant. Juraste seguir una tirana. 234 00:44:58,892 --> 00:45:00,748 She freed us from a tyrant. Ella nos liberó de un tirana. 235 00:45:00,768 --> 00:45:02,289 Cersei is gone because of her, Cersei se ha ido por ella, 236 00:45:02,309 --> 00:45:04,706 and Jon Snow put a knife in her heart. y Jon Nieve puso un cuchillo en su corazón. 237 00:45:04,726 --> 00:45:07,039 Let the Unsullied give him what he deserves. Que los Inmaculados le dén lo que se merece. 238 00:45:07,059 --> 00:45:09,080 Say another word about killing my brother Dí algo más acerca de matar a mi hermano 239 00:45:09,100 --> 00:45:10,456 and I'll cut your throat. y te corto la garganta. 240 00:45:10,476 --> 00:45:12,892 Friends, please. Amigos, por favor. 241 00:45:13,892 --> 00:45:17,164 We've been cutting each other's throats long enough. Ya hemos estado cortando gargantas bastante tiempo. 242 00:45:17,184 --> 00:45:21,975 Torgo Nudho. Am I saying that properly? Torgo Nudho. ¿Estoy diciéndolo correctamente? 243 00:45:23,518 --> 00:45:25,206 If it weren't for you and your men, Si no fuera por usted y sus hombres, 244 00:45:25,226 --> 00:45:27,706 we would've lost the war with the dead. hubiéramos perdido la guerra con los muertos. 245 00:45:27,726 --> 00:45:30,372 This country owes you a debt it can never repay, Este país tiene una deuda que nunca podrá pagar, 246 00:45:30,392 --> 00:45:32,080 but let us try. pero vamos a intentarlo. 247 00:45:32,100 --> 00:45:34,206 There is land in the Reach. Hay tierra en el 'Reach'. 248 00:45:34,226 --> 00:45:35,539 Good land. Buenas tierras. 249 00:45:35,559 --> 00:45:38,164 The people that used to live there are gone. Las personas que vivían allí se han ido. 250 00:45:38,184 --> 00:45:40,247 Make it your own. Start your own house Que sean vuestras. Comenzar vuestra propia 'Casa' 251 00:45:40,267 --> 00:45:42,789 with the Unsullied as your bannermen. con los Inmaculados como abanderados. 252 00:45:42,809 --> 00:45:44,748 We've had enough war. Ya hemos tenido suficiente guerra. 253 00:45:44,768 --> 00:45:47,080 Thousands of you, thousands of them. Miles de vosotros, miles de ellos. 254 00:45:47,100 --> 00:45:49,080 You know how it ends. Sabes como puede acabar esto. 255 00:45:49,100 --> 00:45:50,872 We need to find a better way. Tenemos que encontrar una mejor manera. 256 00:45:50,892 --> 00:45:53,414 We do not need payment. No necesitamos pago. 257 00:45:53,434 --> 00:45:55,934 We need justice. Necesitamos justicia. 258 00:45:56,142 --> 00:45:58,934 Jon Snow cannot go free. Jon Nieve no puede quedar libre. 259 00:46:01,184 --> 00:46:02,914 It's not for you to decide. Eso no lo decide usted. 260 00:46:02,934 --> 00:46:05,434 You are not here to speak! Tú no estás aquí para hablar! 261 00:46:05,684 --> 00:46:10,017 Everyone has heard enough words from you. Todo el mundo ya te ha escuchado suficientemente 262 00:46:10,100 --> 00:46:11,997 You're right. Tienes razón. 263 00:46:12,017 --> 00:46:15,643 And no one's any better for it. Y está bien.... 264 00:46:15,975 --> 00:46:19,142 But it's not for you to decide. Pero no es para que usted decida. 265 00:46:19,809 --> 00:46:22,122 Jon committed his crime here. Jon cometió su crimen aquí. 266 00:46:22,142 --> 00:46:25,706 His fate is for our king to decide. Su destino lo decidirá nuestro Rey aquí. 267 00:46:25,726 --> 00:46:27,080 Or our Queen. O nuestra Reina. 268 00:46:27,100 --> 00:46:30,309 We don't have a king or Queen. No tenemos Rey o una Reina. 269 00:46:30,643 --> 00:46:35,643 You're the most powerful people in Westeros. Eres las personas más poderosas de Poniente. 270 00:46:36,017 --> 00:46:38,643 Choose one. Elige uno. 271 00:46:47,267 --> 00:46:49,809 Make your choice, then. Decidamos 272 00:47:11,518 --> 00:47:14,100 My Lords and Ladies... Señores y Señoras ... 273 00:47:16,518 --> 00:47:21,164 I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives. Supongo que este es el momento más importante de nuestra vida. 274 00:47:21,184 --> 00:47:23,498 What we decide today will reverberate Lo que decidamos hoy resonará 275 00:47:23,518 --> 00:47:25,289 through the annals of history. a través de los anales de la historia. 276 00:47:25,309 --> 00:47:27,331 I stand before you Me presento ante ustedes 277 00:47:27,351 --> 00:47:31,206 as one of the senior lords in the country. como uno de los señores de alto nivel en el país. 278 00:47:31,226 --> 00:47:34,017 A veteran of two wars. veterano de dos guerras. 279 00:47:34,184 --> 00:47:35,789 And I like to think my experience Y creo que mi experiencia 280 00:47:35,809 --> 00:47:39,706 has led to some small skill in statecraft ha llevado a una cierta habilidad en el arte de gobernar pequeña 281 00:47:39,726 --> 00:47:43,142 - and underst... - Uncle? - y underst ... - tío? 282 00:47:44,059 --> 00:47:46,059 Please sit. Por favor sientate. 283 00:48:17,017 --> 00:48:19,498 Well, we have to choose someone. Bueno, tenemos que elegir a alguien. 284 00:48:19,518 --> 00:48:20,830 Um, ahem... Um, Ahm ... 285 00:48:20,850 --> 00:48:23,643 Why just us? ¿Por qué sólo nosotros? 286 00:48:26,768 --> 00:48:28,934 Um... Un ... 287 00:48:29,684 --> 00:48:32,080 We represent all the great houses, Nosotros representamos a todas las grandes casas, 288 00:48:32,100 --> 00:48:33,456 but whomever we choose, pero quienquiera que elijamos, 289 00:48:33,476 --> 00:48:36,830 they won't just rule over lords and ladies. no sólo va a gobernar a los señores y señoras. 290 00:48:36,850 --> 00:48:40,247 Maybe the decision about what's best for everyone Tal vez la decisión sobre lo que es mejor para todos 291 00:48:40,267 --> 00:48:42,434 should be left to... se debiera dejar a ... 292 00:48:42,601 --> 00:48:46,309 well, everyone. todo el mundo. 293 00:48:58,809 --> 00:49:01,789 Maybe we should give the dogs a vote as well. Tal vez deberíamos dar a los perros un voto también. 294 00:49:01,809 --> 00:49:04,309 I'll ask my horse. Le preguntaré a mi caballo. 295 00:49:12,476 --> 00:49:15,122 I suppose you want the crown. Supongo que desea la corona. 296 00:49:15,142 --> 00:49:17,122 Me? ¿Yo? 297 00:49:17,142 --> 00:49:19,643 The Imp? ¿El diablillo? 298 00:49:20,267 --> 00:49:22,706 Half the people hate me for serving Daenerys, La mitad de las personas me odian por servir a Daenerys, 299 00:49:22,726 --> 00:49:26,789 the other half hate me for betraying her. la otra mitad me odian por haberla traicionado. 300 00:49:26,809 --> 00:49:32,309 - Can't think of a worse choice. - Who, then? - No se puede pensar una opción peor. - ¿Quien entonces? 301 00:49:36,809 --> 00:49:42,706 I've had nothing to do but think these past few weeks. No he hecho mas que pensar en estas semanas 302 00:49:42,726 --> 00:49:46,100 About our bloody history. Acerca de nuestra historia sangrienta. 303 00:49:46,518 --> 00:49:49,726 About the mistakes we've made. Acerca de los errores que hemos cometido. 304 00:49:59,684 --> 00:50:03,017 What unites people? ¿Qué es lo que une a la gente? 305 00:50:04,392 --> 00:50:06,850 Armies? Ejércitos? 306 00:50:07,392 --> 00:50:09,768 Gold? ¿Oro? 307 00:50:11,059 --> 00:50:13,850 Flags? ¿Banderas? 308 00:50:19,559 --> 00:50:22,184 Stories!. ¡Historias!. 309 00:50:23,059 --> 00:50:25,331 There's nothing in the world more powerful No hay nada en el mundo más potente 310 00:50:25,351 --> 00:50:27,559 than a good story. que una buena historia. 311 00:50:28,892 --> 00:50:31,559 Nothing can stop it. Nada puede detenerla. 312 00:50:31,892 --> 00:50:34,768 No enemy can defeat it. Ningún enemigo puede derrotarla. 313 00:50:35,518 --> 00:50:38,142 And who has a better story... Y quién tiene una mejor historia ... 314 00:50:38,434 --> 00:50:41,100 than Bran the Broken? que Bran el lisiado? 315 00:50:43,975 --> 00:50:48,706 The boy who fell from a high tower and lived. El niño que se cayó de una torre, y vivió. 316 00:50:48,726 --> 00:50:53,955 He knew he'd never walk again, so he learned to fly. Sabía que nunca volvería a caminar, así que aprendió a volar. 317 00:50:53,975 --> 00:50:56,456 He crossed beyond the Wall, Cruzó más allá del Muro, 318 00:50:56,476 --> 00:50:58,039 a crippled boy, un niño inválido, 319 00:50:58,059 --> 00:51:01,768 and became the Three-Eyed Raven. y se convirtió en el cuervo de tres ojos. 320 00:51:03,142 --> 00:51:05,206 He is our memory, Él es nuestra memoria, 321 00:51:05,226 --> 00:51:07,955 the keeper of all our stories. guardián de todas nuestras historias. 322 00:51:07,975 --> 00:51:12,498 The wars, weddings, births, massacres, famines. Las guerras, bodas, nacimientos, matanzas, hambrunas. 323 00:51:12,518 --> 00:51:14,498 Our triumphs, Nuestros triunfos, 324 00:51:14,518 --> 00:51:17,122 mm, our defeats, mm, nuestras derrotas, 325 00:51:17,142 --> 00:51:19,267 our past. nuestro pasado. 326 00:51:20,142 --> 00:51:24,934 Who better to lead us into the future? ¿Quién mejor para guiarnos en el futuro? 327 00:51:25,934 --> 00:51:29,789 Bran has no interest in ruling and he can't father children. Bran no tiene ningún interés en gobernar y no puede engendrar. 328 00:51:29,809 --> 00:51:31,080 Good. Bueno. 329 00:51:31,100 --> 00:51:33,664 Sons of kings can be cruel and stupid, Los hijos de los Reyes pueden ser crueles y estúpidos, 330 00:51:33,684 --> 00:51:36,100 as you well know. como bien saben. 331 00:51:36,142 --> 00:51:39,100 His will never torment us. El suyo nunca nos atormentará. 332 00:51:42,184 --> 00:51:47,476 That is the wheel our Queen wanted to break. Esa es la espiral que nuestra Reina quería romper. 333 00:51:52,643 --> 00:51:55,789 From now on, rulers will not be born. A partir de ahora, no nacerán gobernantes. 334 00:51:55,809 --> 00:51:58,706 They will be chosen on this spot Serán elegidos aquí en este punto 335 00:51:58,726 --> 00:52:01,789 by the lords and ladies of Westeros... por los señores y señoras de Poniente ... 336 00:52:01,809 --> 00:52:04,975 to serve the Realm. para servir al Reino. 337 00:52:12,017 --> 00:52:15,017 I know you don't want it. Sé que no lo quieres. 338 00:52:15,226 --> 00:52:20,809 I know you don't care about power. Sé que no te preocupa el poder. 339 00:52:20,892 --> 00:52:26,414 But I ask you now, if we choose you... Pero te pregunto, si te elegimos ahora ... 340 00:52:26,434 --> 00:52:28,892 will you wear the crown? ¿Vestirías la corona? 341 00:52:29,559 --> 00:52:32,706 Will you lead the Seven Kingdoms to the best of your abilities Liderarías los Siete Reinos con lo mejor de tus capacidades 342 00:52:32,726 --> 00:52:37,518 from this day until your last day? desde hoy hasta el último día? 343 00:52:41,184 --> 00:52:46,100 Why do you think I came all this way? ¿Por qué cree que he llegado hasta aquí? 344 00:52:50,684 --> 00:52:53,850 To Brandon of House Stark... A Brandon de la Casa Stark ... 345 00:52:54,309 --> 00:52:56,518 I say aye. Yo digo: Sí. 346 00:53:07,142 --> 00:53:09,184 Aye. Sí. 347 00:53:14,892 --> 00:53:16,892 Aye. Sí. 348 00:53:17,184 --> 00:53:19,184 Aye. Sí. 349 00:53:21,226 --> 00:53:23,309 Aye. Sí. 350 00:53:25,184 --> 00:53:27,184 Aye. Sí. 351 00:53:30,768 --> 00:53:32,539 Aye. Sí. 352 00:53:32,559 --> 00:53:34,206 Aye. Sí. 353 00:53:34,226 --> 00:53:35,539 Aye. Sí. 354 00:53:35,559 --> 00:53:37,664 - Aye. - Aye. - A. - A. 355 00:53:37,684 --> 00:53:39,684 Aye. Sí. 356 00:53:40,559 --> 00:53:45,226 I'm not sure I get a vote, but aye. No estoy seguro si tengo voto, pero, Sí. 357 00:53:45,351 --> 00:53:47,351 Aye. Sí. 358 00:53:57,476 --> 00:53:59,830 I love you, little brother. I always will. Te quiero, hermano pequeño. Yo siempre. 359 00:53:59,850 --> 00:54:02,601 You'll be a good King. Serás un buen Rey. 360 00:54:02,850 --> 00:54:05,206 But tens of thousands of Northmen Pero decenas de miles de hombres del Norte 361 00:54:05,226 --> 00:54:08,080 fell in the Great War defending all of Westeros. cayeron en la Gran Guerra defendiendo a Poniente. 362 00:54:08,100 --> 00:54:10,164 And those who survived have seen too much Y los que sobrevivieron han visto demasiado 363 00:54:10,184 --> 00:54:15,100 and fought too hard ever to kneel again. y luchado muy duro, para arrodillarse de nuevo. 364 00:54:15,809 --> 00:54:19,372 The North will remain an independent kingdom, El Norte seguirá siendo un Reino independiente, 365 00:54:19,392 --> 00:54:23,434 as it was for thousands of years. como era hace miles de años. 366 00:54:46,559 --> 00:54:49,456 All hail Bran the Broken, ¡Arriba, Bran el Quebrado, 367 00:54:49,476 --> 00:54:50,664 First of His Name, Primero de su nombre, 368 00:54:50,684 --> 00:54:53,955 King of the Andals and the First Men, Rey del Andalos y los Primeros Hombres, 369 00:54:53,975 --> 00:55:00,684 Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Señor de los Seis Reinos y Protector del Reino. 370 00:55:01,476 --> 00:55:05,476 All hail Bran the Broken! ¡Viva Bran el Roto! 371 00:55:16,309 --> 00:55:19,100 Lord Tyrion... Señor Tyrion ... 372 00:55:19,518 --> 00:55:21,372 you will be my Hand. Tú serás mi mano. 373 00:55:21,392 --> 00:55:23,164 N... N... 374 00:55:23,184 --> 00:55:26,498 No, Your Grace, I don't want it. No, Su Excelencia, yo no lo quiero. 375 00:55:26,518 --> 00:55:29,601 And I don't want to be king. Y yo no quiero ser Rey. 376 00:55:30,684 --> 00:55:33,039 I don't deserve it. Yo no lo merezco. 377 00:55:33,059 --> 00:55:35,997 I thought I was wise, but I wasn't. Pensé que era sabio, pero no lo soy. 378 00:55:36,017 --> 00:55:42,100 I thought I knew what was right, but I didn't. Yo creía que sabía lo que era correcto, pero no lo hice. 379 00:55:42,434 --> 00:55:43,997 Choose Ser Davos. Elejid a Ser Davos. 380 00:55:44,017 --> 00:55:45,456 Choose anyone else. Elija cualquier otra persona. 381 00:55:45,476 --> 00:55:47,830 - I choose you. - You cannot. - Te escojo a ti. - No se puede. 382 00:55:47,850 --> 00:55:49,664 Yes, I can. Si puedo. 383 00:55:49,684 --> 00:55:52,164 - I'm king. - This man is a criminal. - Soy Rey. - Este hombre es un criminal. 384 00:55:52,184 --> 00:55:55,539 - He deserves justice. - He just got it. - Se merece justicia. - Acaba de recibirla. 385 00:55:55,559 --> 00:55:58,080 He's made many terrible mistakes. Ha cometido muchos errores terribles. 386 00:55:58,100 --> 00:56:03,559 He's going to spend the rest of his life fixing them. y va a pasar el resto de su vida arreglándolos. 387 00:56:06,309 --> 00:56:08,975 It is not enough. No es suficiente. 388 00:56:16,017 --> 00:56:20,206 Giving you to the Unsullied would start a war. Entregándote a los Inmaculados, comenzaría una guerra. 389 00:56:20,226 --> 00:56:23,539 Letting you walk free would start a war. Dejarte libre, comenzaría una guerra. 390 00:56:23,559 --> 00:56:25,039 So our new king has chosen Así que nuestro nuevo Rey ha elegido 391 00:56:25,059 --> 00:56:28,809 to send you to the Night's Watch. mandarte a la 'Guardia de la Noche'. 392 00:56:28,892 --> 00:56:31,476 There's still a Night's Watch? Todavía existe la 'Guardia de la Noche'? 393 00:56:32,726 --> 00:56:34,372 The world will always need a home El mundo siempre necesitará un hogar 394 00:56:34,392 --> 00:56:36,809 for bastards and broken men. para bastardos y hombres rotos. 395 00:56:40,892 --> 00:56:43,080 You shall take no wife, No tomaréis esposa, 396 00:56:43,100 --> 00:56:45,247 hold no lands, y no tendrás tierras, 397 00:56:45,267 --> 00:56:47,809 father no children. padre sin hijos. 398 00:56:49,934 --> 00:56:52,830 The Unsullied wanted your head of course, El Inmaculados querían tu cabeza, por supuesto, 399 00:56:52,850 --> 00:56:57,830 but Grey Worm has accepted the justice of a life sentence. pero Gusano Gris ha aceptado la justicia de una sentencia de por vida. 400 00:56:57,850 --> 00:57:01,080 Sansa and Arya wanted you free, Sansa y Arya querían tu libertad, 401 00:57:01,100 --> 00:57:05,164 but they understand our new king needs to make peace. pero entienden lo que nuestro nuevo Rey necesita para lograr la paz. 402 00:57:05,184 --> 00:57:07,643 No one is very happy. Nadie está totalmente feliz. 403 00:57:07,809 --> 00:57:09,748 which means it's a good compromise, lo que significa que es un buen compromiso, 404 00:57:09,768 --> 00:57:11,768 I suppose. Supongo. 405 00:57:12,643 --> 00:57:15,351 Was it right? ¿Ha estado bien? 406 00:57:17,434 --> 00:57:19,934 What I did? ¿Lo que hice? 407 00:57:21,809 --> 00:57:24,559 What we did. Lo que hicimos. 408 00:57:27,226 --> 00:57:30,184 It doesn't feel right. No parece que haya estado bien. 409 00:57:35,809 --> 00:57:39,309 Ask me again in 10 years. Pregúntame de nuevo en 10 años. 410 00:58:00,809 --> 00:58:06,267 I don't expect we'll ever see each other again. No espero que nos veamos de nuevo. 411 00:58:08,267 --> 00:58:10,684 I wouldn't be so sure. Yo no estaría tan seguro. 412 00:58:10,934 --> 00:58:12,498 A few years as Hand of the King Unos pocos años como Mano del Rey 413 00:58:12,518 --> 00:58:17,518 would make anyone want to piss off the edge of the world. hace que alguien quiera irse al borde del mundo. 414 01:00:34,309 --> 01:00:37,975 I wish there had been another way. Me gustaría que hubiera sido de otra manera. 415 01:00:38,476 --> 01:00:40,975 Can you forgive me? ¿Puedes perdonarme? 416 01:00:52,226 --> 01:00:56,726 The North is free, thanks to you. El Norte es libre, gracias a ti. 417 01:00:56,768 --> 01:00:59,892 But they lost their king. Pero perdieron su Rey. 418 01:01:00,184 --> 01:01:05,017 Ned Stark's daughter will speak for them. La hija de Ned Stark hablará por ellos. 419 01:01:05,100 --> 01:01:09,518 She's the best they could ask for. Ella es lo mejor que podríamos tener. 420 01:01:27,476 --> 01:01:31,706 You can come see me, you know, at 'Castle Black'. Puedes venir a verme, ya sabes, al 'Castillo Negro'. 421 01:01:31,726 --> 01:01:33,372 I can't. No puedo. 422 01:01:33,392 --> 01:01:38,975 You think anyone will dare tell you women aren't allowed? ¿Crees que alguien se atreverá a decirte que no se permiten mujeres? 423 01:01:42,684 --> 01:01:45,142 I'm not going back north. No regresaré al norte. 424 01:01:46,184 --> 01:01:48,643 Where are you going? ¿A dónde vas? 425 01:01:49,726 --> 01:01:52,892 What's west of Westeros? ¿Qué hay al oeste de Poniente? 426 01:01:54,351 --> 01:01:55,914 I don't know. No lo sé. 427 01:01:55,934 --> 01:01:58,226 No one knows. Nadie lo sabe. 428 01:01:58,434 --> 01:02:01,643 It's where all the maps stop. Es el lugar donde acaban todos los mapas. 429 01:02:02,726 --> 01:02:05,434 That's where I'm going. Ahí es donde iré. 430 01:02:13,351 --> 01:02:15,601 You have your Needle? ¿Tienes a 'Aguja'? 431 01:02:15,934 --> 01:02:17,934 Right here. Justo aquí. 432 01:02:39,017 --> 01:02:41,684 Your Grace. Majestad. 433 01:02:49,559 --> 01:02:54,267 I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. Siento que no estuve cuando me necesitabas. 434 01:02:54,309 --> 01:02:59,226 You were exactly where you were supposed to be. Has estado exactamente donde debías estar. 435 01:04:09,633 --> 01:04:12,833 Ser Jaime Lannister, conocido como 'El Matarreyes' 436 01:04:12,867 --> 01:04:15,890 Después del asesinato del Rey Joffrey-I por Tyrion Lannister 437 01:04:15,900 --> 01:04:18,880 súbdito del Rey Tommen-I 438 01:04:35,567 --> 01:04:39,067 Fué apresado en la batalla del Bosque Susurrante: 439 01:04:39,100 --> 01:04:42,920 Liberado por Lady Catelyn Stark 440 01:04:52,767 --> 01:04:55,280 Se unió al ejército 441 01:04:55,333 --> 01:04:57,920 y fué al Norte a Invernalia. 442 01:05:24,233 --> 01:05:25,920 Escapó de la cárcel y fué al Sur 443 01:05:26,000 --> 01:05:28,133 a intentar salvar la ciudad de ser destruida. 444 01:05:28,167 --> 01:05:30,320 Y murió protegiendo a su Reina. 445 01:07:10,892 --> 01:07:13,559 That's not... Uh... Eso no es ... Uh ... 446 01:07:18,059 --> 01:07:19,206 What's this? ¿Qué es esto? 447 01:07:19,226 --> 01:07:21,872 A Song of 'Ice and Fire'. Una canción de 'Hielo y Fuego'. 448 01:07:21,892 --> 01:07:23,872 Archmaester Ebrose's history of the wars La historia de las guerras del archimaestre Ebrose 449 01:07:23,892 --> 01:07:26,206 following the death of King Robert. tras la muerte del Rey Robert. 450 01:07:26,226 --> 01:07:29,434 I helped him with the title. Yo le ayudaba con el título. 451 01:07:31,184 --> 01:07:33,914 I suppose I come in for some heavy criticism. Supongo que yo soy objeto de duras críticas. 452 01:07:33,934 --> 01:07:36,372 Oh, I wouldn't say that. Oh, yo no diría eso. 453 01:07:36,392 --> 01:07:41,100 Oh, he's kind to me. Never would've guessed. Oh, que amabilidad. Nunca lo hubiera adivinado. 454 01:07:43,351 --> 01:07:45,789 He's not kind? ¿No es así? 455 01:07:45,809 --> 01:07:48,372 - He... - He what? - Él ... - Él qué? 456 01:07:48,392 --> 01:07:51,476 What does he say about me? ¿Qué dice de mí? 457 01:07:55,809 --> 01:08:01,434 I don't believe you're mentioned, ahem. No creo que estés mencionado, ejem. 458 01:08:21,017 --> 01:08:22,247 - Your Grace. - Your Grace. - Su Excelencia. - Excelencia. 459 01:08:22,267 --> 01:08:25,476 - Your Grace. - Your Grace. - Su Excelencia. - Majestad. 460 01:08:42,309 --> 01:08:45,456 We appear to be missing a Master of Whisperers. Parece que estamos perdiendo un 'Maestro en Susurros'. 461 01:08:45,476 --> 01:08:47,122 And a Master of Laws. Y uno en Leyes. 462 01:08:47,142 --> 01:08:49,539 - And a Master of War. - Yes, Your Grace. - Y un maestro de la guerra. - Sí, Majestad. 463 01:08:49,559 --> 01:08:51,581 Suitable prospects will be brought to you Presentarémos los candidatos adecuados 464 01:08:51,601 --> 01:08:54,789 for an audience in the coming weeks. para una audiencia, en las próximas semanas. 465 01:08:54,809 --> 01:08:57,414 And Drogon? Any word? Y Drogon? ¿Se sabe algo? 466 01:08:57,434 --> 01:08:59,456 He was last spotted flying east, toward... Fue visto por última vez volando hacia el este, hacia ... 467 01:08:59,476 --> 01:09:02,184 The farther away, the better. Cuanto más lejos, mejor. 468 01:09:02,934 --> 01:09:05,184 Perhaps I can find him. Tal vez pueda encontrarlo. 469 01:09:05,351 --> 01:09:07,850 Do carry on with the rest. Continuemos con el resto. 470 01:09:08,017 --> 01:09:10,892 As you wish, Your Grace. Como desee, Excelencia. 471 01:09:12,059 --> 01:09:14,559 Ser Podrick. Ser Podrick. 472 01:09:22,184 --> 01:09:24,914 We serve at your pleasure, King Bran the Broken, Servimos con gusto al Rey Bran el Quebrado, 473 01:09:24,934 --> 01:09:28,581 ruler of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Gobernante de los Seis Reinos y Protector del Reino. 474 01:09:28,601 --> 01:09:30,748 - Long may he reign. - Long may he reign. - Larga vida al Rey. - Larga vida al Rey. 475 01:09:30,768 --> 01:09:32,789 - Long may he reign. - Long may he reign. - Larga vida al Rey. - Larga vida al Rey. 476 01:09:32,809 --> 01:09:35,184 Long may he reign. Larga vida al Rey. 477 01:09:35,684 --> 01:09:37,850 That will improve. Eso mejorará. 478 01:09:38,017 --> 01:09:40,351 I'm sure it will. Estoy seguro que si. 479 01:09:46,850 --> 01:09:49,122 Ser Bronn of the 'Blackwater', Ser Bronn del 'Aguasnegras', 480 01:09:49,142 --> 01:09:50,331 Lord of 'Highgarden', Señor de 'Altojardín', 481 01:09:50,351 --> 01:09:52,039 Lord Paramount of the Reach Señor Paramount del 'Reach' 482 01:09:52,059 --> 01:09:53,539 and Master of Coin, y Maestro de la moneda, 483 01:09:53,559 --> 01:09:57,206 would you say the crown's debt to you has been paid? ¿dirías que la Corona te ha pagado su deuda? 484 01:09:57,226 --> 01:09:59,080 In full, my lord Hand. Totalmente, mi señor 'Mano'. 485 01:09:59,100 --> 01:10:00,206 Good. Bueno. 486 01:10:00,226 --> 01:10:02,539 Time to start incurring a new one. Es hora de empezar con otros asuntos. 487 01:10:02,559 --> 01:10:03,997 We have hungry people to feed. Tenemos personas hambrientas que alimentar. 488 01:10:04,017 --> 01:10:05,872 Can we expect some assistance in this regard? ¿Podemos esperar alguna ayuda en este sentido? 489 01:10:05,892 --> 01:10:07,539 Indeed we can. Por supuesto que sí. 490 01:10:07,559 --> 01:10:11,164 Lord Davos, we have an armada to rebuild and ports to repair. Señor Davos; Tenemos una Armada para reconstruir y puertos que reparar. 491 01:10:11,184 --> 01:10:13,331 We have. These projects will begin as soon as Tenemos. Estos proyectos comenzarán tan pronto como 492 01:10:13,351 --> 01:10:16,706 the Master of Coin and Lord of Lofty Titles provides funding. el Maestro de la moneda y Señor de Títulos Lofty proporcione fondos. 493 01:10:16,726 --> 01:10:20,039 The Master of Coin looks forward to helping the Master of Ships, El Maestro de la moneda espera ayudar al Maestro de los buques, 494 01:10:20,059 --> 01:10:22,830 but first he has to ensure we're not wasting coin, pero primero tiene que asegurarse de que no estamos tirando el dinero, 495 01:10:22,850 --> 01:10:24,748 or soon there won't be no more coin. o pronto no habrá más dinero. 496 01:10:24,768 --> 01:10:25,997 "Any more." "Nunca más." 497 01:10:26,017 --> 01:10:27,539 You Master of Grammar now too? ¿Ahora es usted Maestro de Gramática también? 498 01:10:27,559 --> 01:10:29,414 Grandmaester, ahem, Grandmaester, ejem, 499 01:10:29,434 --> 01:10:31,706 It is my theory, based on my years of work Es mi teoría, basado en mis años de trabajo 500 01:10:31,726 --> 01:10:33,039 on the Casterly Rock sewers, en las alcantarillas 'Casterly Rock', 501 01:10:33,059 --> 01:10:35,164 that clean water leads to a healthier population. que el agua limpia conduce a una población más sana. 502 01:10:35,184 --> 01:10:37,997 The Archmaester has done some research on this subject El archimaestre ha hecho algunas investigaciones sobre este tema 503 01:10:38,017 --> 01:10:39,122 and it turns out... y resulta que ... 504 01:10:39,142 --> 01:10:41,456 The strong live and the weak don't. Lo fuerte vive y los débil no. 505 01:10:41,476 --> 01:10:43,456 Find the best builders and set them to the task. Encuentra a los mejores constructores y ponlos a trabajar. 506 01:10:43,476 --> 01:10:47,039 Oh, speaking of builders, all the best brothels burned down. Oh, hablando de constructores, todos los mejores burdeles se quemaron. 507 01:10:47,059 --> 01:10:49,872 The Master of Coin is willing to fund reconstruction. El Maestro de la moneda está dispuesto a financiar la reconstrucción. 508 01:10:49,892 --> 01:10:52,914 Uh... the Archmaester is less than enthusiastic Uh ... El archimaestre es menos entusiasta 509 01:10:52,934 --> 01:10:55,247 about the salutary effects of brothels. acerca de los efectos saludables de los burdeles. 510 01:10:55,267 --> 01:10:57,789 Well, I imagine he isn't using them properly. Bueno, supongo que no los está utilizando de manera adecuada. 511 01:10:57,809 --> 01:11:00,039 I think we can all agree that ships Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que los barcos 512 01:11:00,059 --> 01:11:01,664 take precedence over brothels. deben prevalecer sobre los burdeles. 513 01:11:01,684 --> 01:11:05,351 I think that's a very presumptuous statement. Creo que es una declaración muy presuntuosa. 514 01:11:05,768 --> 01:11:07,372 I once brought a jackass Una vez trajo un burro 515 01:11:07,392 --> 01:11:10,643 and a honeycomb into a brothel. y un panal de abejas a un burdel. 516 01:15:29,142 --> 01:15:31,039 The Queen in the North! ¡La Reina en el Norte! 517 01:15:31,059 --> 01:15:33,039 The Queen in the North! ¡La Reina en el Norte! 518 01:15:33,059 --> 01:15:34,830 The Queen in the North! ¡La Reina en el Norte! 519 01:15:34,850 --> 01:15:36,498 The Queen in the North! ¡La Reina en el Norte! 520 01:15:36,518 --> 01:15:37,997 The Queen in the North! ¡La Reina en el Norte! 521 01:15:38,017 --> 01:15:40,726 The Queen in the North! ¡La Reina en el Norte! 522 01:18:04,726 --> 01:18:08,726 Dualmix by Barel