1 00:02:33,022 --> 00:02:34,790 Will you take me to a love hotel? 2 00:02:37,723 --> 00:02:38,556 Sure. 3 00:03:05,589 --> 00:03:08,056 I tell myself there is no happy ending. 4 00:03:11,488 --> 00:03:14,156 All the pieces do not fit together perfectly. 5 00:03:17,523 --> 00:03:19,556 Things are ragged and messy. 6 00:04:44,174 --> 00:04:46,072 Good morning, Tamiko. 7 00:04:56,006 --> 00:04:58,407 I like your outfit. 8 00:04:58,441 --> 00:04:59,407 Thank you. 9 00:05:01,808 --> 00:05:04,340 Rockstar. 10 00:05:04,374 --> 00:05:07,474 Rockstar, I like that, we have to go. 11 00:05:17,274 --> 00:05:20,106 Margaret, we are waiting for you. 12 00:05:20,140 --> 00:05:21,407 Is everything okay? 13 00:05:23,407 --> 00:05:26,607 I'm fine, thank you. 14 00:05:29,574 --> 00:05:34,274 Hi. 15 00:06:36,207 --> 00:06:37,274 Hi. 16 00:06:37,307 --> 00:06:38,107 Hi. 17 00:06:38,140 --> 00:06:39,274 Hello. 18 00:06:39,307 --> 00:06:40,140 Hi! 19 00:06:43,006 --> 00:06:46,140 God, I really love this place. 20 00:06:47,006 --> 00:06:48,307 You keep saying that. 21 00:06:49,741 --> 00:06:51,040 Come by. 22 00:06:51,073 --> 00:06:52,140 Cheers to that! 23 00:06:52,174 --> 00:06:53,006 Cheers. 24 00:07:05,274 --> 00:07:07,841 I wonder what it's like to be a drunk. 25 00:07:07,874 --> 00:07:08,707 You wonder? 26 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:15,274 No, no, no, I don't mean like a drunk, like us. 27 00:07:15,307 --> 00:07:17,240 I mean like a real drunk. 28 00:07:17,274 --> 00:07:18,908 Absolutely. 29 00:07:19,007 --> 00:07:22,005 If you wear a helmet and B-pads to a bar 30 00:07:22,007 --> 00:07:24,407 because know you're going to fall over, 31 00:07:24,441 --> 00:07:27,374 like that kind of drunk, all in. 32 00:07:27,407 --> 00:07:28,307 You get it? 33 00:07:28,340 --> 00:07:29,240 Yeah, no fucking around. 34 00:07:29,274 --> 00:07:31,607 No fucking around, exactly. 35 00:08:40,574 --> 00:08:42,541 What did I miss? 36 00:08:42,574 --> 00:08:44,574 Are you guys talking about me? 37 00:08:44,607 --> 00:08:46,908 No, no, never. 38 00:08:48,574 --> 00:08:50,674 Let's go find trouble. 39 00:08:54,841 --> 00:08:55,841 Thank you. 40 00:09:02,240 --> 00:09:03,808 How come you never take me 41 00:09:03,841 --> 00:09:05,340 to a love hotel? 42 00:09:05,374 --> 00:09:07,707 You know, we could, 43 00:09:07,741 --> 00:09:09,340 we could go half along the bell. 44 00:09:11,741 --> 00:09:14,007 No pressure, like. 45 00:09:34,307 --> 00:09:36,107 You're like a brother to me. 46 00:10:29,107 --> 00:10:30,574 There you are. 47 00:10:30,607 --> 00:10:31,809 Where did you go? 48 00:10:31,842 --> 00:10:33,007 Come on, I need a drink. 49 00:10:33,040 --> 00:10:35,374 You know, I actually, I think I'm good. 50 00:10:35,407 --> 00:10:36,207 I'm going to go. 51 00:10:37,240 --> 00:10:38,774 Fair enough. 52 00:10:38,809 --> 00:10:39,707 Bye, bye! 53 00:11:21,507 --> 00:11:23,007 Yeah, it's nice. 54 00:11:24,674 --> 00:11:26,007 Get yourself. 55 00:11:31,674 --> 00:11:32,875 Which one do you want? 56 00:11:34,441 --> 00:11:35,875 This one, yeah? 57 00:11:36,707 --> 00:11:37,775 Okay. 58 00:11:37,809 --> 00:11:39,274 You like the blue? 59 00:11:39,307 --> 00:11:40,140 Yeah. 60 00:11:41,073 --> 00:11:42,574 It's good, I haven't been here. 61 00:12:20,007 --> 00:12:20,842 Kawaii. 62 00:12:22,340 --> 00:12:23,174 Cute. 63 00:12:44,507 --> 00:12:45,340 Here, pull. 64 00:12:48,407 --> 00:12:50,207 What? 65 00:12:50,240 --> 00:12:51,040 Pull. 66 00:12:55,607 --> 00:12:56,407 Okay. 67 00:13:04,809 --> 00:13:05,641 Pull, hard. 68 00:13:08,374 --> 00:13:09,207 Hard. 69 00:13:11,809 --> 00:13:15,374 Pull, pull. 70 00:13:17,708 --> 00:13:19,374 Harder, harder. 71 00:13:23,875 --> 00:13:24,708 Harder. 72 00:13:29,240 --> 00:13:30,073 I can't. 73 00:13:39,642 --> 00:13:40,474 I'm sorry. 74 00:13:47,174 --> 00:13:49,340 I want to know your mind. 75 00:13:53,474 --> 00:14:01,809 No, you don't. 76 00:14:15,809 --> 00:14:16,809 I'm sorry. 77 00:14:16,909 --> 00:14:19,909 Hi, sorry 78 00:14:27,742 --> 00:14:29,575 I think you have the flu. 79 00:14:30,742 --> 00:14:34,809 You should take the day off, don't you think? 80 00:15:08,340 --> 00:15:11,608 I'm going to speak bluntly, I'm sorry. 81 00:15:14,809 --> 00:15:17,240 Do you know why I hired you? 82 00:15:21,007 --> 00:15:25,775 Because nobody else applied. 83 00:15:28,407 --> 00:15:37,274 I hired you because you remind me of me. 84 00:15:38,007 --> 00:15:39,140 That's crazy. 85 00:15:39,174 --> 00:15:43,875 I mean, you're like, you're a lady. 86 00:15:47,073 --> 00:15:48,575 I mean that in a good way. 87 00:15:50,174 --> 00:15:51,675 Yes. 88 00:15:51,708 --> 00:15:55,107 I'm a middle-aged lady with no husband, 89 00:15:55,140 --> 00:15:56,842 and no children 90 00:15:56,875 --> 00:16:01,207 and everyone here thinks I'm kind of sad 91 00:16:01,240 --> 00:16:03,040 and strange. 92 00:16:03,909 --> 00:16:05,140 No, they don't. 93 00:16:06,708 --> 00:16:09,307 And if they do, then fuck them. 94 00:16:13,207 --> 00:16:15,842 But they still know they can learn something 95 00:16:15,875 --> 00:16:20,441 from me and you. 96 00:16:23,642 --> 00:16:27,073 But you can teach them something too. 97 00:17:55,575 --> 00:17:59,274 Hawkseye, do you like? 98 00:18:04,842 --> 00:18:06,608 Yeah, it looks like fun. 99 00:18:08,542 --> 00:18:14,608 No, I mean, do you like Hawkseye, the artist? 100 00:18:16,007 --> 00:18:18,007 Yeah, him too. 101 00:18:27,508 --> 00:18:28,742 What are you looking for? 102 00:20:32,642 --> 00:20:33,475 My bag. 103 00:20:34,675 --> 00:20:35,475 My bag. 104 00:21:02,442 --> 00:21:05,842 How do you know that I'm not a bad man? 105 00:21:06,775 --> 00:21:11,775 I don't. 106 00:21:41,475 --> 00:21:44,005 If I don't sleep in the next five minutes. 107 00:21:44,007 --> 00:21:45,241 What? 108 00:21:45,275 --> 00:21:47,508 I think I'm gonna die, don't laugh. 109 00:21:47,542 --> 00:21:49,708 You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine. 110 00:21:49,742 --> 00:21:52,508 Can you help me, please, Katrine. 111 00:21:52,542 --> 00:21:53,575 Well, hello. 112 00:21:53,608 --> 00:21:54,875 Hello! 113 00:21:54,909 --> 00:21:56,475 Hi. 114 00:21:56,508 --> 00:21:59,375 Let's get on me, three. 115 00:22:01,408 --> 00:22:03,241 I think someone's been deflowered. 116 00:22:04,775 --> 00:22:06,575 Compliments to the lord 117 00:22:06,608 --> 00:22:09,107 I don't think I was ever truly flowered. 118 00:22:09,141 --> 00:22:10,208 Come on, who is it? 119 00:22:11,842 --> 00:22:15,675 His name is Kazu and he is the most beautiful man 120 00:22:15,708 --> 00:22:17,809 I have ever seen. 121 00:22:17,842 --> 00:22:19,007 Be careful then. 122 00:22:23,842 --> 00:22:26,775 All these days have came and went, 123 00:22:26,809 --> 00:22:28,608 little did I know what it's like. 124 00:22:30,208 --> 00:22:31,040 What? 125 00:22:47,341 --> 00:22:51,005 You think it's ridiculous, I know. 126 00:22:51,007 --> 00:22:52,007 What? 127 00:22:53,040 --> 00:22:53,842 Roleplaying? 128 00:22:55,842 --> 00:22:58,241 I kind of like it actually, 129 00:22:58,275 --> 00:23:00,742 it's kind of fun to be someone other than myself, 130 00:23:00,775 --> 00:23:02,208 you know? 131 00:23:02,241 --> 00:23:03,708 I meant the whole thing. 132 00:23:03,742 --> 00:23:05,341 Flight attendant school. 133 00:23:08,007 --> 00:23:11,375 I'm in no position to be a snob, at all. 134 00:23:15,007 --> 00:23:17,341 Here, that's right, right? 135 00:23:17,375 --> 00:23:18,408 Yes. 136 00:23:18,442 --> 00:23:21,875 Just a bit over here, okay. 137 00:23:32,542 --> 00:23:34,809 Did you ever want to get married? 138 00:23:36,542 --> 00:23:37,708 I did. 139 00:23:41,007 --> 00:23:43,642 But I fell in love with the wrong man. 140 00:23:52,074 --> 00:23:55,175 Okay, so what will it be today? 141 00:23:55,208 --> 00:23:57,675 Screaming baby, terrorist? 142 00:23:57,708 --> 00:23:58,508 Vegan? 143 00:24:01,275 --> 00:24:03,542 Oh, Mr. Pervert, very good. 144 00:24:06,775 --> 00:24:08,141 So you need to be strong. 145 00:24:30,575 --> 00:24:32,008 Konnichi wa. 146 00:24:33,508 --> 00:24:35,708 Yeah, I could eat. 147 00:24:35,742 --> 00:24:36,575 Okay. 148 00:24:44,041 --> 00:24:45,041 Thank you. 149 00:24:57,041 --> 00:24:58,442 I like this car. 150 00:24:58,475 --> 00:24:59,241 Yeah? 151 00:25:01,275 --> 00:25:02,809 I'm scared to touch anything. 152 00:25:06,341 --> 00:25:10,642 Don't worry, we're just eating, talk, 153 00:25:10,675 --> 00:25:12,175 no funny business. 154 00:25:13,708 --> 00:25:14,842 No hanky panky? 155 00:25:19,074 --> 00:25:24,006 So, sushi, beer if you want? 156 00:25:24,008 --> 00:25:25,608 I want, yeah. 157 00:25:27,241 --> 00:25:28,542 What do you do up there? 158 00:25:31,008 --> 00:25:33,074 Basically it's a group of girls 159 00:25:33,108 --> 00:25:35,575 that want to be flight attendants. 160 00:25:35,608 --> 00:25:41,275 So I basically pronounce English to them. 161 00:25:42,008 --> 00:25:45,875 So you are English teacher? 162 00:25:45,910 --> 00:25:50,308 Not really. 163 00:25:50,341 --> 00:25:54,006 More like a pronunciation teacher. 164 00:25:54,008 --> 00:25:55,742 How's my pronunciation? 165 00:25:55,775 --> 00:25:57,308 It's good, it's really good. 166 00:25:57,341 --> 00:25:58,275 Good? 167 00:25:58,308 --> 00:25:59,575 Yeah, you could teach. 168 00:26:06,642 --> 00:26:10,141 Can I ask, hanky panky? 169 00:26:53,442 --> 00:26:54,742 Can we go somewhere else? 170 00:26:54,775 --> 00:26:55,608 Yes. 171 00:27:24,810 --> 00:27:25,708 You like? 172 00:27:25,742 --> 00:27:26,575 This is better. 173 00:27:36,442 --> 00:27:38,442 So, why Japan? 174 00:27:42,175 --> 00:27:43,008 To be alone. 175 00:27:46,041 --> 00:27:47,475 I came to Japan to be alone. 176 00:27:49,542 --> 00:27:51,910 Sometimes being alone isn't about other people. 177 00:28:04,341 --> 00:28:06,006 Did you try this? 178 00:28:06,008 --> 00:28:06,810 Is it chicken? 179 00:28:07,910 --> 00:28:08,742 Chicken... 180 00:28:10,475 --> 00:28:11,275 Elbow. 181 00:28:11,308 --> 00:28:12,108 Elbow 182 00:28:12,141 --> 00:28:13,006 Chicken elbow. 183 00:28:13,008 --> 00:28:14,006 Chicken elbow. 184 00:28:14,008 --> 00:28:16,041 Chicken elbow on a stick. 185 00:28:20,108 --> 00:28:21,008 It's crunchy. 186 00:28:24,542 --> 00:28:25,442 Cartilage. 187 00:28:25,475 --> 00:28:27,208 Cartilage, yes. 188 00:28:33,408 --> 00:28:34,608 Yes. 189 00:28:34,642 --> 00:28:35,642 Crunchy. 190 00:28:38,241 --> 00:28:39,275 Sorry, sorry. 191 00:28:53,810 --> 00:28:55,575 Don't worry about it. 192 00:28:55,608 --> 00:28:56,442 Okay. 193 00:29:21,375 --> 00:29:22,275 Margaret. 194 00:29:48,008 --> 00:29:51,575 Sometimes alone is about people. 195 00:31:12,008 --> 00:31:13,008 Why do you like me? 196 00:31:14,308 --> 00:31:15,175 You're special. 197 00:31:18,442 --> 00:31:20,008 How do you know? 198 00:31:21,576 --> 00:31:24,475 Difficult to make you happy, I think. 199 00:31:26,308 --> 00:31:28,008 But I like the challenge. 200 00:31:29,141 --> 00:31:31,308 How about you, can I make you happy? 201 00:31:40,175 --> 00:31:41,743 Again, I'm happy. 202 00:31:43,876 --> 00:31:45,843 I like a challenge too. 203 00:31:57,141 --> 00:31:58,208 I'm getting married. 204 00:32:28,543 --> 00:32:29,375 What? 205 00:32:36,041 --> 00:32:37,843 means happy and sad. 206 00:32:50,442 --> 00:32:51,275 Happy-sad. 207 00:32:53,375 --> 00:32:56,308 Yes, happy-sad. 208 00:33:03,141 --> 00:33:08,141 Wait, we still have time for sleep. 209 00:33:09,008 --> 00:33:10,543 I'm not a napper. 210 00:33:47,743 --> 00:33:49,341 Do you ever clean this place? 211 00:33:51,443 --> 00:33:53,006 Really? 212 00:33:53,008 --> 00:33:54,008 Yeah, it doesn't bother me. 213 00:33:55,876 --> 00:34:01,776 It's like I was born with no ability to clean, 214 00:34:02,308 --> 00:34:05,910 like how sociopaths are born without a conscience. 215 00:34:14,876 --> 00:34:16,743 I think I'm destined to go nuts. 216 00:34:20,208 --> 00:34:21,141 I think it's happening right now. 217 00:34:24,576 --> 00:34:26,175 I think it might be, you know, 218 00:34:26,208 --> 00:34:29,241 your gangster guy. 219 00:34:29,275 --> 00:34:31,141 Love is insanity by another name. 220 00:34:36,008 --> 00:34:37,543 He said he's getting married. 221 00:34:38,443 --> 00:34:39,341 Oh yeah. 222 00:34:39,376 --> 00:34:40,175 That sucks. 223 00:34:41,743 --> 00:34:42,743 It sucks? 224 00:34:44,241 --> 00:34:45,341 It does. 225 00:34:45,376 --> 00:34:46,509 That's it? 226 00:34:46,543 --> 00:34:48,008 Is that the best you can do? 227 00:34:49,208 --> 00:34:50,041 I'm sorry. 228 00:34:53,776 --> 00:34:55,876 Do you know why the Japanese love their fucking 229 00:34:55,910 --> 00:34:57,643 cherry blossom trees so much? 230 00:34:59,776 --> 00:35:03,041 No, it's not because they're pink and pretty, 231 00:35:03,576 --> 00:35:05,643 it's because they don't last. 232 00:35:07,175 --> 00:35:10,776 Like everything that's perfect and beautiful. 233 00:35:10,810 --> 00:35:13,141 It just doesn't last. 234 00:35:13,175 --> 00:35:14,275 It's not the point. 235 00:35:17,275 --> 00:35:19,776 Come on, take this. 236 00:35:19,810 --> 00:35:21,008 Look at you. 237 00:35:21,041 --> 00:35:22,743 You've bruises, that doesn't look good. 238 00:35:23,843 --> 00:35:24,676 Come here. 239 00:35:36,275 --> 00:35:38,309 Enjoy the fucking ride, okay? 240 00:36:17,108 --> 00:36:18,141 I'm going to find my pill guy. 241 00:36:18,175 --> 00:36:19,008 Okay. 242 00:37:50,141 --> 00:37:52,041 Your individual life vest 243 00:37:52,074 --> 00:37:54,876 is located in a pouch beneath your seat. 244 00:37:54,910 --> 00:37:57,342 Should its use become necessary, 245 00:37:57,376 --> 00:37:59,709 remove it from the plastic packet. 246 00:37:59,743 --> 00:38:04,743 Slip it over your head and pull downward on the front panel. 247 00:38:06,176 --> 00:38:09,276 Bring the straps around your waist and insert them 248 00:38:09,309 --> 00:38:12,876 into the buckle on the front. 249 00:38:12,910 --> 00:38:16,006 Pull on the loose straps until the vest fits snugly 250 00:38:16,008 --> 00:38:17,709 as we are now demonstrating. 251 00:38:18,609 --> 00:38:20,376 As you leave the aircraft, 252 00:38:20,409 --> 00:38:24,810 inflate the vest by pulling down firmly on the red tabs. 253 00:38:24,843 --> 00:38:27,876 The vest may be orally inflated 254 00:38:27,910 --> 00:38:31,142 by blowing into the inflation tubes at shoulder level. 255 00:38:32,609 --> 00:38:34,309 Thank you for your attention. 256 00:38:34,342 --> 00:38:36,142 We will be airborne shortly. 257 00:38:48,176 --> 00:38:50,910 They were so good, they were so good. 258 00:38:51,008 --> 00:38:52,008 They were. 259 00:38:53,209 --> 00:38:55,910 You were great. 260 00:38:56,008 --> 00:38:57,810 Thank you. 261 00:38:58,576 --> 00:39:00,509 I'm so proud. 262 00:39:00,543 --> 00:39:02,176 Me too. 263 00:39:02,209 --> 00:39:04,776 Do you think they're ready for mock interviews 264 00:39:04,810 --> 00:39:05,876 after graduation? 265 00:39:05,910 --> 00:39:08,709 Yeah, yeah, of course. 266 00:40:05,075 --> 00:40:07,109 Have you ever cut off someone's finger? 267 00:40:10,109 --> 00:40:12,109 Cutting fingers is for apology. 268 00:40:14,176 --> 00:40:16,743 Like, I'm sorry, here's my finger? 269 00:40:19,974 --> 00:40:24,941 Every time you look, you remember what you've done. 270 00:40:28,743 --> 00:40:31,409 You know, in Japanese, we say, 271 00:40:33,743 --> 00:40:35,376 Not saying is the flower. 272 00:40:37,443 --> 00:40:39,609 What does that mean? 273 00:40:42,042 --> 00:40:44,042 It means shut up. 274 00:40:59,543 --> 00:41:01,342 My brother, Frank tried to cut his finger off 275 00:41:01,376 --> 00:41:03,176 once when we were kids. 276 00:41:05,309 --> 00:41:07,075 He said he wanted a wound. 277 00:41:09,209 --> 00:41:11,376 You never say anything about your family. 278 00:41:14,476 --> 00:41:17,242 I don't have a family. 279 00:41:17,276 --> 00:41:18,643 Everybody has a family. 280 00:41:20,176 --> 00:41:22,376 How about your father? 281 00:41:24,075 --> 00:41:24,910 Gone. 282 00:41:25,843 --> 00:41:26,676 Left. 283 00:41:28,309 --> 00:41:29,142 Ages ago. 284 00:41:33,609 --> 00:41:34,276 Mother? 285 00:41:36,176 --> 00:41:37,009 Cancer. 286 00:41:38,309 --> 00:41:39,142 Last year. 287 00:41:41,543 --> 00:41:43,543 And your brother? 288 00:41:48,376 --> 00:41:51,242 He hears voices in his head, 289 00:41:51,276 --> 00:41:52,643 telling him to do things. 290 00:42:00,609 --> 00:42:01,676 Do you love her? 291 00:42:09,676 --> 00:42:10,509 Do you? 292 00:42:17,810 --> 00:42:27,810 I feel like loyalty, guilty, duty. 293 00:42:31,009 --> 00:42:32,242 How romantic. 294 00:42:38,009 --> 00:42:43,209 It's not exciting kind of love, but love. 295 00:42:46,843 --> 00:42:51,609 Look, you cannot be alone in this world, 296 00:42:52,075 --> 00:42:53,643 even if you want to be. 297 00:42:56,242 --> 00:42:58,209 You have to think about other people, 298 00:42:58,242 --> 00:43:00,576 like a family, people who become... 299 00:43:00,609 --> 00:43:06,309 Look, not speaking is, what is it? 300 00:43:07,009 --> 00:43:09,509 I don't remember what you've said. 301 00:43:11,176 --> 00:43:12,209 A flower. 302 00:43:12,242 --> 00:43:13,409 A flower. 303 00:43:13,443 --> 00:43:15,877 Not speaking is the flower. 304 00:43:17,142 --> 00:43:18,009 Shut up. 305 00:44:51,844 --> 00:44:52,777 Why this? 306 00:44:58,109 --> 00:45:00,075 It's the only thing that turns me on. 307 00:45:12,292 --> 00:45:13,158 And so it begins. 308 00:45:15,911 --> 00:45:18,409 This sore, shrieking something, 309 00:45:20,509 --> 00:45:24,109 is it nothing or everything? 310 00:45:27,209 --> 00:45:28,242 It doesn't matter. 311 00:45:30,576 --> 00:45:31,409 It's yours. 312 00:45:33,911 --> 00:45:34,744 It's you. 313 00:45:47,911 --> 00:45:50,242 Tell me about the word cunt. 314 00:45:50,276 --> 00:45:52,342 Well, in Scotland, we use it all the time. 315 00:45:52,376 --> 00:45:53,176 Really? 316 00:45:53,209 --> 00:45:54,309 Yeah. 317 00:45:54,342 --> 00:45:55,509 I mean, in America, it's the worst thing you can say. 318 00:45:55,543 --> 00:45:56,342 It's bad. 319 00:45:56,376 --> 00:45:57,777 Yeah, it's really bad. 320 00:45:57,811 --> 00:46:01,710 But over in Scotland, I could call my friends a cunt. 321 00:46:01,744 --> 00:46:04,042 But honestly, you could use it for anything. 322 00:46:07,276 --> 00:46:08,509 Welcome. 323 00:46:09,009 --> 00:46:12,509 Could you call your mom a cunt? 324 00:46:12,543 --> 00:46:14,007 Definitely not. 325 00:46:14,009 --> 00:46:15,242 And if I called my mom a cunt, you'd never see her again. 326 00:46:15,276 --> 00:46:17,176 Would you call a child a cunt? 327 00:46:17,209 --> 00:46:18,109 No. 328 00:46:18,142 --> 00:46:19,911 Oh sorry, that's ridiculous. 329 00:46:20,009 --> 00:46:21,309 I know, for instance, you'd call, 330 00:46:21,342 --> 00:46:23,209 look at the state of that cunt. 331 00:46:23,242 --> 00:46:24,276 Like look at the state of you, 332 00:46:24,309 --> 00:46:25,209 or you made a right cunt of us, 333 00:46:25,242 --> 00:46:26,276 so you really fucked it up. 334 00:46:26,309 --> 00:46:28,009 Really Shakespearian cunt. 335 00:46:28,042 --> 00:46:29,877 So we have Shakespeare to blame. 336 00:46:29,911 --> 00:46:31,109 I would. 337 00:46:31,142 --> 00:46:32,409 But if you ever said anything... 338 00:46:32,443 --> 00:46:33,609 Louise. 339 00:46:33,643 --> 00:46:34,409 Hi. 340 00:46:34,443 --> 00:46:35,576 How are you? 341 00:46:35,609 --> 00:46:37,276 Good, I missed you. 342 00:46:37,309 --> 00:46:39,276 I missed you too. 343 00:46:39,309 --> 00:46:41,009 This place is so cool, I love it. 344 00:46:42,543 --> 00:46:44,242 Louise, this is Margaret. 345 00:46:44,276 --> 00:46:45,342 Hi. 346 00:46:45,376 --> 00:46:46,844 Hi, it's so nice to meet you. 347 00:46:46,877 --> 00:46:49,844 Liam has told me so much about you. 348 00:46:49,877 --> 00:46:54,877 That's crazy because he has not even mentioned you. 349 00:47:00,844 --> 00:47:04,844 Liam tells me that you teach English. 350 00:47:04,877 --> 00:47:07,911 I pronounce English to a class. 351 00:47:10,844 --> 00:47:11,877 Louise is a doctor. 352 00:47:12,911 --> 00:47:15,309 I'm not a medical doctor, 353 00:47:15,342 --> 00:47:19,677 but yeah, I'm getting my PhD in linguistics. 354 00:47:19,710 --> 00:47:21,242 Wow. 355 00:47:21,276 --> 00:47:24,176 That's crazy. 356 00:47:24,209 --> 00:47:25,677 This is Louise. 357 00:47:25,710 --> 00:47:27,543 Hi, so nice to meet you. 358 00:47:29,644 --> 00:47:32,443 Sorry you guys, sorry I have to take this. 359 00:47:32,476 --> 00:47:37,109 Mom, hi, can you hold on for one second. 360 00:47:37,142 --> 00:47:40,309 Yeah. 361 00:47:42,443 --> 00:47:44,777 Liam is attempting to bring a third party 362 00:47:44,811 --> 00:47:46,710 into this situation. 363 00:47:46,744 --> 00:47:48,644 Maybe he should be convicted? 364 00:47:48,677 --> 00:47:50,075 Are you two jealous? 365 00:47:50,109 --> 00:47:52,443 No, we're really, really happy for you, 366 00:47:52,476 --> 00:47:55,610 and that really smart girl from high school. 367 00:47:55,644 --> 00:47:58,009 Marg, you're being a cunt. 368 00:47:58,644 --> 00:48:00,009 And you know you are. 369 00:48:00,042 --> 00:48:00,777 I'm not. 370 00:48:00,811 --> 00:48:02,276 Yes, you are. 371 00:48:02,309 --> 00:48:03,476 Oh my God, you guys, I'm literally freaking out, 372 00:48:03,509 --> 00:48:06,644 my sister is, she's pregnant! 373 00:48:06,677 --> 00:48:11,677 Oh, congratulations! 374 00:48:13,777 --> 00:48:16,376 Can you imagine having sex with Liam? 375 00:48:16,409 --> 00:48:19,911 He's actually kind of sweet, look at him. 376 00:48:20,009 --> 00:48:23,007 We could both do worse, we have done worse. 377 00:48:23,009 --> 00:48:23,844 That's true. 378 00:48:29,811 --> 00:48:31,376 Be nice. 379 00:48:33,009 --> 00:48:36,042 So, how did you two meet? 380 00:48:46,710 --> 00:48:47,577 Hi. 381 00:48:47,610 --> 00:48:48,443 Hey. 382 00:48:50,510 --> 00:48:51,677 This isn't much. 383 00:48:56,409 --> 00:48:58,176 Socks, thank you. 384 00:48:59,042 --> 00:49:00,476 That's so sweet. 385 00:49:01,744 --> 00:49:04,777 Today, we take a train. 386 00:49:04,811 --> 00:49:05,911 Where? 387 00:49:06,009 --> 00:49:07,042 Can I have your day? 388 00:49:11,409 --> 00:49:13,242 The whole day? 389 00:49:13,276 --> 00:49:14,109 Yes. 390 00:49:17,409 --> 00:49:19,142 Can we do it tomorrow? 391 00:49:20,644 --> 00:49:21,677 Has to be today. 392 00:49:31,811 --> 00:49:36,811 Okay. 393 00:49:56,009 --> 00:49:59,242 Look how good that looks, it looks great. 394 00:50:08,644 --> 00:50:11,610 Is that, that's your mother. 395 00:50:11,644 --> 00:50:13,342 Yeah. 396 00:50:13,376 --> 00:50:14,209 And that's you? 397 00:50:16,477 --> 00:50:19,644 And that's me and my sister. 398 00:50:20,710 --> 00:50:22,376 Oh my God. 399 00:50:22,409 --> 00:50:27,142 We celebrate our ceremony, we have this Japanese armor. 400 00:50:28,444 --> 00:50:30,510 Oh my God, is that your mom? 401 00:50:30,544 --> 00:50:32,477 She looks like a movie star. 402 00:50:32,510 --> 00:50:34,342 No, she's a housewife. 403 00:50:34,376 --> 00:50:35,276 She left? 404 00:50:35,309 --> 00:50:36,242 Yeah. 405 00:50:36,276 --> 00:50:37,109 What did your father do? 406 00:50:38,009 --> 00:50:39,075 Is that him? 407 00:50:39,109 --> 00:50:40,444 Yeah. 408 00:50:40,477 --> 00:50:46,444 My father is, he runs a family business. 409 00:50:46,811 --> 00:50:47,610 Okay. 410 00:51:55,877 --> 00:51:57,377 I have another gift for you. 411 00:52:01,644 --> 00:52:03,710 I want to show you a place, called 412 00:52:07,009 --> 00:52:07,911 Buddha's room. 413 00:52:12,777 --> 00:52:15,777 They say that here you can be reborn 414 00:52:17,677 --> 00:52:19,276 and let go of your past. 415 00:53:26,777 --> 00:53:28,009 Congratulations. 416 00:53:29,009 --> 00:53:31,176 Congratulations on what? 417 00:53:32,042 --> 00:53:33,243 Today's your birthday. 418 00:53:36,911 --> 00:53:37,744 No, it's not. 419 00:53:39,777 --> 00:53:41,142 You don't feel it? 420 00:53:42,343 --> 00:53:43,444 Today you're born. 421 00:53:45,243 --> 00:53:46,710 What are you talking about? 422 00:53:52,042 --> 00:53:55,777 Oh, so today's your birthday too. 423 00:54:00,009 --> 00:54:00,811 Yeah. 424 00:56:11,777 --> 00:56:14,210 I've been here now for three years. 425 00:56:14,243 --> 00:56:17,042 I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. 426 00:56:18,243 --> 00:56:19,877 What's your name? 427 00:56:19,911 --> 00:56:21,143 My name is Suzan. 428 00:56:21,177 --> 00:56:23,644 Hi, Suzan, nice to meet you. 429 00:56:23,677 --> 00:56:24,677 And you are? 430 00:56:24,710 --> 00:56:26,243 My name is Mao Hatakura. 431 00:56:26,277 --> 00:56:28,177 Hi, Mao, nice to meet you. 432 00:56:30,110 --> 00:56:32,177 My name is Saruna Takashi. 433 00:56:32,210 --> 00:56:37,210 Hi, Saruna, nice to meet you. 434 00:56:52,444 --> 00:56:54,243 This is your final pay. 435 00:56:57,143 --> 00:56:58,677 I'm sorry, but I didn't. 436 00:56:58,710 --> 00:57:02,043 There are consequences, Margaret. 437 00:57:02,076 --> 00:57:04,009 I let you down, I know. 438 00:57:04,043 --> 00:57:06,877 No, you let the girls down. 439 00:57:08,644 --> 00:57:09,777 I can do better. 440 00:57:12,010 --> 00:57:13,343 I know you can. 441 00:57:14,210 --> 00:57:15,277 But not here. 442 00:58:47,076 --> 00:58:48,043 I'm leaving. 443 00:58:54,844 --> 00:58:56,410 Now? 444 00:58:56,444 --> 00:58:58,477 What now, I mean, I'm leaving Japan. 445 00:59:03,310 --> 00:59:04,912 You're coming back, right? 446 00:59:13,577 --> 00:59:16,410 Of course you're not coming back. 447 00:59:25,510 --> 00:59:27,277 Everything goes away. 448 00:59:34,577 --> 00:59:35,744 Nothing lasts. 449 00:59:38,878 --> 00:59:39,710 I get it. 450 00:59:43,577 --> 00:59:46,076 Get enough to fucking make it. 451 01:00:20,577 --> 01:00:21,410 Well. 452 01:00:22,677 --> 01:00:23,912 That's it for me. 453 01:00:23,943 --> 01:00:24,845 If I have another one, 454 01:00:24,878 --> 01:00:26,410 they won't let me on the flight. 455 01:00:30,210 --> 01:00:34,677 How did you know that I was one of you? 456 01:00:34,710 --> 01:00:36,143 Why didn't you give me the look? 457 01:00:36,177 --> 01:00:37,644 The look? 458 01:00:37,677 --> 01:00:38,477 Yeah. 459 01:00:40,043 --> 01:00:41,610 Why didn't I give you the look, 460 01:00:41,644 --> 01:00:45,845 you know, because there's two kinds of people. 461 01:00:48,110 --> 01:00:51,310 There's the regular people. 462 01:00:51,343 --> 01:00:56,310 And there's the ones that were raised by wolves. 463 01:00:59,644 --> 01:01:01,277 Could you tell? 464 01:01:01,310 --> 01:01:02,143 Oh yeah. 465 01:01:03,677 --> 01:01:05,812 You came in here howling at the Moon. 466 01:04:39,711 --> 01:04:40,544 Kazu. 467 01:04:45,645 --> 01:04:46,477 Kazu. 468 01:04:50,444 --> 01:04:51,277 Kazu. 469 01:04:59,444 --> 01:05:00,277 Kazu! 470 01:05:03,143 --> 01:05:04,010 Kazu! 471 01:05:20,578 --> 01:05:21,410 Kazu. 472 01:05:44,511 --> 01:05:45,343 Hi. 473 01:06:05,711 --> 01:06:07,010 This isn't good for you. 474 01:06:09,745 --> 01:06:10,912 What isn't? 475 01:06:11,010 --> 01:06:11,778 Me! 476 01:06:14,778 --> 01:06:16,912 It could be your dirty little secret. 477 01:06:21,711 --> 01:06:22,545 Fine. 478 01:06:32,343 --> 01:06:34,444 I saw you with your family. 479 01:06:41,010 --> 01:06:44,143 Listen, I am in charge. 480 01:07:04,410 --> 01:07:05,511 I love you. 481 01:07:10,343 --> 01:07:11,243 I love you. 482 01:07:15,110 --> 01:07:16,511 Say that again. 483 01:07:18,243 --> 01:07:19,343 I love you. 484 01:07:22,411 --> 01:07:23,411 Say that again. 485 01:07:23,445 --> 01:07:25,010 I love you. 486 01:07:25,043 --> 01:07:26,445 I love you. 487 01:07:26,478 --> 01:07:27,411 I love you. 488 01:07:37,545 --> 01:07:38,478 I love you. 489 01:07:41,343 --> 01:07:42,277 I love you. 490 01:07:43,878 --> 01:07:44,812 I love you. 491 01:07:46,010 --> 01:07:47,010 I love you. 492 01:09:24,177 --> 01:09:27,076 This job isn't for everybody. 493 01:09:27,110 --> 01:09:28,311 Does it pay cash? 494 01:09:28,344 --> 01:09:29,778 Yeah. 495 01:09:29,812 --> 01:09:31,711 Great, when can I start? 496 01:10:19,678 --> 01:10:21,010 Show me your titty! 497 01:10:32,611 --> 01:10:33,545 I'll have one more. 498 01:10:37,912 --> 01:10:39,445 Hi. 499 01:10:39,478 --> 01:10:41,545 Is this too much for you? 500 01:10:41,578 --> 01:10:42,378 No. 501 01:10:44,478 --> 01:10:45,678 Then, please. 502 01:12:44,611 --> 01:12:45,511 Margaret? 503 01:12:47,678 --> 01:12:50,344 Hi, it's Louise. 504 01:12:52,378 --> 01:12:54,244 Interest in linguistics. 505 01:12:54,278 --> 01:12:55,178 Yes. 506 01:12:55,211 --> 01:12:56,008 Right. 507 01:12:56,010 --> 01:12:57,445 How are you? 508 01:12:57,478 --> 01:12:59,111 I'm good. 509 01:12:59,144 --> 01:13:00,144 Are you okay? 510 01:13:00,178 --> 01:13:01,043 I'm fine, yeah. 511 01:13:04,511 --> 01:13:06,378 Are you still with Liam? 512 01:13:06,411 --> 01:13:07,511 Liam got deported. 513 01:13:08,378 --> 01:13:09,411 You didn't know that? 514 01:13:10,778 --> 01:13:13,144 His visa ran out ages ago, 515 01:13:13,178 --> 01:13:14,344 but you know, Liam. 516 01:13:15,511 --> 01:13:17,077 But he's okay, we're actually gonna meet up 517 01:13:17,111 --> 01:13:19,044 in Thailand in a month. 518 01:13:20,278 --> 01:13:22,008 That's really good. 519 01:13:22,010 --> 01:13:23,244 Tell him hi from me. 520 01:13:23,278 --> 01:13:24,111 I will. 521 01:13:27,778 --> 01:13:29,178 Can I take you to breakfast? 522 01:13:32,812 --> 01:13:34,211 And we do this just like, 523 01:13:34,244 --> 01:13:36,645 okay, not the cappuccino. 524 01:13:36,678 --> 01:13:39,845 Oh my God, this is literally my version of heaven right now. 525 01:13:42,311 --> 01:13:43,878 Do you ever get homesick? 526 01:13:43,912 --> 01:13:45,044 I get bar sick. 527 01:13:46,144 --> 01:13:47,478 Like people really want to be, 528 01:13:47,511 --> 01:13:49,511 and all of a sudden they want to be home. 529 01:13:49,545 --> 01:13:54,545 But I really want to be far away from home 530 01:13:55,445 --> 01:13:57,244 all of a sudden and then I go. 531 01:13:58,578 --> 01:14:01,009 You know there's actually a word for that. 532 01:14:01,011 --> 01:14:02,144 Yeah? 533 01:14:02,178 --> 01:14:04,011 Fernweh. 534 01:14:04,378 --> 01:14:11,077 Fernweh is a longing for distance, just pure distance. 535 01:14:14,845 --> 01:14:18,211 Do you know what means? 536 01:14:18,244 --> 01:14:19,077 No. 537 01:14:22,011 --> 01:14:24,478 Means sobering up by drinking more. 538 01:15:20,511 --> 01:15:21,344 Hey. 539 01:18:43,311 --> 01:18:47,913 I like to be submissive, do you know what that means? 540 01:18:51,044 --> 01:18:52,378 Get undressed. 541 01:20:04,311 --> 01:20:09,311 Lie on the bed. 542 01:20:13,344 --> 01:20:14,178 Face down. 543 01:20:54,679 --> 01:20:55,445 Left hand. 544 01:21:59,011 --> 01:21:59,813 Good. 545 01:23:49,344 --> 01:23:52,712 It doesn't make you special or interesting 546 01:23:52,746 --> 01:23:54,344 that you like this. 547 01:23:57,044 --> 01:23:57,879 I know. 548 01:24:15,846 --> 01:24:18,779 I like this presence, the hotels. 549 01:24:24,011 --> 01:24:24,913 I do too. 550 01:24:27,446 --> 01:24:31,344 Nobody uses their public face in these places. 551 01:24:34,011 --> 01:24:37,479 We shouldn't use , 552 01:24:37,512 --> 01:24:38,846 the public face. 553 01:24:39,846 --> 01:24:40,679 The mask. 554 01:24:43,178 --> 01:24:47,412 When I was a kid, I used to come here. 555 01:24:52,211 --> 01:24:54,813 With your girlfriend? 556 01:24:54,846 --> 01:24:57,712 She wasn't my girlfriend, but she came here 557 01:24:57,746 --> 01:24:58,579 with me. 558 01:25:00,111 --> 01:25:02,144 So you got to see her without the mask. 559 01:25:36,077 --> 01:25:41,077 Sometimes the mask is prettier than the thing behind it. 560 01:25:49,011 --> 01:25:50,712 I could kill you now. 561 01:25:56,044 --> 01:25:57,044 Please do. 562 01:26:03,312 --> 01:26:04,144 Please do. 563 01:26:07,011 --> 01:26:07,846 Do it. 564 01:28:10,011 --> 01:28:12,011 Is this really you? 565 01:28:12,044 --> 01:28:12,879 Yes. 566 01:28:25,011 --> 01:28:26,512 You followed me. 567 01:28:29,212 --> 01:28:30,044 Yes. 568 01:28:35,077 --> 01:28:37,077 You're a coward. 569 01:28:43,279 --> 01:28:44,111 It's okay. 570 01:28:47,612 --> 01:28:48,612 It's okay. 571 01:29:32,546 --> 01:29:33,379 Hi. 572 01:29:35,312 --> 01:29:38,479 I just wanted to say that you're right 573 01:29:40,279 --> 01:29:42,011 about Buddha's room. 574 01:29:44,279 --> 01:29:45,279 My birthday. 575 01:29:47,479 --> 01:29:48,646 I feel it now. 576 01:29:54,546 --> 01:29:55,479 I'm glad. 577 01:29:59,245 --> 01:30:00,078 Goodbye. 578 01:30:18,746 --> 01:30:20,512 Welcome onboard. 579 01:30:24,712 --> 01:30:27,646 Your attention for the following safety instructions. 580 01:30:31,546 --> 01:30:34,579 Secure your seatbelts with a buckle 581 01:30:34,612 --> 01:30:36,746 to fasten the seatbelt. 582 01:30:36,779 --> 01:30:38,746 Please keep your seatbelt fastened 583 01:30:38,779 --> 01:30:40,479 whenever it's needed. 584 01:30:43,546 --> 01:30:45,879 Your individual life vest is located 585 01:30:45,913 --> 01:30:48,078 in a pouch under the seat. 586 01:30:48,112 --> 01:30:49,312 Should its use become necessary, 587 01:30:49,345 --> 01:30:51,312 remove it from the plastic packet 588 01:30:51,345 --> 01:30:52,879 and put it over your head, 589 01:30:52,913 --> 01:30:55,279 and pull downward on the front panel. 590 01:30:55,312 --> 01:30:56,944 When you leave the aircraft, 591 01:30:56,977 --> 01:30:59,012 inflate the vest by pulling down firmly 592 01:30:59,045 --> 01:31:00,679 on the red tabs. 593 01:31:00,712 --> 01:31:03,045 The vest may be orally inflated 594 01:31:03,078 --> 01:31:05,045 by blowing into the inflation tubes 595 01:31:05,078 --> 01:31:06,779 at shoulder level. 596 01:31:12,078 --> 01:31:13,846 Emergency exits on the aircraft 597 01:31:13,879 --> 01:31:16,712 can be found in the safety instructions. 598 01:31:16,746 --> 01:31:18,112 Should you have any questions, 599 01:31:18,145 --> 01:31:20,446 please contact the cabin attendant. 600 01:31:26,012 --> 01:31:27,913 Thank you for your attention, 601 01:31:28,012 --> 01:31:30,379 we will be airborne shortly. 602 01:31:39,012 --> 01:31:41,512 I tell myself there is no happy ending. 603 01:31:44,879 --> 01:31:47,479 All the pieces do not fit together perfectly. 604 01:31:49,345 --> 01:31:52,512 Things are ragged and messy. 605 01:31:56,913 --> 01:31:59,579 We are torn apart by events. 606 01:32:03,612 --> 01:32:07,012 Put back together differently by others. 607 01:32:11,212 --> 01:32:13,479 But somehow everything is beautiful.