1 00:00:04,588 --> 00:00:06,556 - Hey. - Hi, how was the screening? 2 00:00:06,757 --> 00:00:08,805 Oh, Sheldon invoked Rosa Parks 3 00:00:08,967 --> 00:00:11,265 to make somebody, who cut the line, feel bad, 4 00:00:12,471 --> 00:00:14,098 but only the white people felt bad. 5 00:00:16,558 --> 00:00:17,855 I should have never bought him that coloring book 6 00:00:18,018 --> 00:00:19,645 that explains Black History Month. 7 00:00:21,188 --> 00:00:22,189 How'd it go with my mother? 8 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:25,864 You know, it started a little rocky, but I think we got to a good place. 9 00:00:26,318 --> 00:00:27,945 Wow. Well done. (CHUCKLES) 10 00:00:28,111 --> 00:00:29,283 Yeah, and when I dropped her off at the hotel, 11 00:00:29,446 --> 00:00:30,618 she even gave me a hug. 12 00:00:30,989 --> 00:00:32,241 Did she think you were choking? 13 00:00:34,409 --> 00:00:36,628 I'm sorry, that's great. Thank you for spending time with her. 14 00:00:36,787 --> 00:00:37,913 No problem. 15 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:42,756 So, listen, I don't know if you have any plans next weekend, 16 00:00:42,918 --> 00:00:45,842 but I kind of promised your mom we'd have another wedding ceremony 17 00:00:46,004 --> 00:00:47,551 so she could attend this time. 18 00:00:50,092 --> 00:00:51,344 Wait, we're gonna get married again? 19 00:00:51,510 --> 00:00:54,138 Yeah, kind of, but now we can invite our friends and family. 20 00:00:54,638 --> 00:00:56,015 Seems like a lot of trouble for a hug. 21 00:00:57,558 --> 00:00:59,936 Come on, it'll be fun. And you know, your mom was genuinely hurt 22 00:01:00,102 --> 00:01:01,479 we didn't invite her to the first one. 23 00:01:01,645 --> 00:01:04,899 Well, in our defense, it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. 24 00:01:05,065 --> 00:01:06,442 And also, we don't like her. 25 00:01:08,652 --> 00:01:09,699 Leonard, come on, she's your mom. 26 00:01:09,861 --> 00:01:11,704 If we can do something to make her happy, why wouldn't we? 27 00:01:11,863 --> 00:01:13,831 I just said why. We don't like her. 28 00:01:14,616 --> 00:01:16,584 Okay, look, forget about her, let's do it for us. 29 00:01:16,743 --> 00:01:19,838 We can keep it small and informal, and this time we can invite our families. 30 00:01:20,289 --> 00:01:21,336 Is your brother out of prison? 31 00:01:21,498 --> 00:01:22,841 Thanks to overcrowding, yeah. 32 00:01:25,335 --> 00:01:26,507 I'd love it if my dad could come. 33 00:01:26,670 --> 00:01:29,264 Oh! You have to invite him. I haven't seen him since the divorce. 34 00:01:29,423 --> 00:01:31,517 Oh, he is like a different man. 35 00:01:31,675 --> 00:01:34,474 He stopped twitching, and I think he grew an inch and a half. 36 00:01:36,013 --> 00:01:37,265 Well, then it's settled. 37 00:01:37,639 --> 00:01:38,640 Yay! 38 00:01:39,057 --> 00:01:43,028 God, it's so funny, I never thought my second marriage would be to you. 39 00:01:45,230 --> 00:01:47,483 (THEME SONG PLAYING) 40 00:02:11,506 --> 00:02:13,179 Okay, so, it's not a legal ceremony, 41 00:02:13,342 --> 00:02:14,685 it's just a chance for us to redo our vows 42 00:02:14,843 --> 00:02:16,390 so everyone can be part of it. 43 00:02:17,387 --> 00:02:18,809 So, there's no maid of honor? 44 00:02:20,223 --> 00:02:21,850 - No. - Hmm. 45 00:02:24,186 --> 00:02:27,315 But if I were to, say, wear a purple satin dress 46 00:02:27,481 --> 00:02:29,404 with a sweetheart neckline and stand near you, 47 00:02:29,566 --> 00:02:31,739 you wouldn't be able to stop me, right? 48 00:02:33,320 --> 00:02:35,072 - I don't see how I could. - (LAUGHS) 49 00:02:35,947 --> 00:02:37,199 Then I graciously accept. (CHUCKLES) 50 00:02:39,284 --> 00:02:40,456 Who's going to officiate? 51 00:02:40,619 --> 00:02:42,121 I was kind of hoping you would. 52 00:02:42,412 --> 00:02:44,835 Wait, now I'm just some lousy maid of honor? What? 53 00:02:46,583 --> 00:02:48,585 Hey, good news. I just got off the phone with my mother. 54 00:02:48,752 --> 00:02:49,844 She is coming to the wedding. 55 00:02:50,337 --> 00:02:53,307 Okay, you're inviting people to our wedding? 56 00:02:53,465 --> 00:02:56,139 Yes, I'm inviting people to our wedding. 57 00:02:57,761 --> 00:03:00,605 Yeah, I've already asked Stephen Hawking and Robert Downey, Jr., 58 00:03:00,764 --> 00:03:03,859 and now, don't get your hopes up, 'cause he's pretty busy, but Erno Rubik. 59 00:03:05,769 --> 00:03:06,770 Who's Erno Rubik? 60 00:03:07,729 --> 00:03:09,106 Seriously? 61 00:03:09,272 --> 00:03:10,740 He invented the Rubik's Cube. 62 00:03:12,275 --> 00:03:14,448 Okay, fine, but why would you invite him to our wedding? 63 00:03:14,986 --> 00:03:18,581 Because despite his fame and fortune, he strikes me as a lonely man. 64 00:03:20,826 --> 00:03:22,794 Well, it's very sweet of you to go to all this trouble 65 00:03:22,953 --> 00:03:24,000 for Leonard's mother. 66 00:03:24,162 --> 00:03:25,288 You know, I'm also doing it for Leonard. 67 00:03:25,455 --> 00:03:27,332 I think this could really help their relationship. 68 00:03:27,499 --> 00:03:30,719 How dare you invite your father without consulting me? 69 00:03:33,130 --> 00:03:35,303 I'm sorry, but I don't think I need your permission 70 00:03:35,465 --> 00:03:37,138 to have my father at my wedding. 71 00:03:37,300 --> 00:03:40,645 You do understand our marriage ended because he had an affair. 72 00:03:40,887 --> 00:03:43,481 I know, and there's no excuse for that. 73 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:46,644 He claimed I was cold, emasculating, 74 00:03:46,810 --> 00:03:49,654 and hadn't shown him any physical affection for years. 75 00:03:50,731 --> 00:03:53,075 I was wrong, there's three excuses for that. 76 00:04:04,369 --> 00:04:06,838 Oh, my God, it's working. 77 00:04:07,414 --> 00:04:08,836 - You sure? - Look. 78 00:04:09,166 --> 00:04:11,009 The system is maintaining its own stability. 79 00:04:11,168 --> 00:04:14,172 The quantum vortex apparatus is now controlling the orientation. 80 00:04:16,131 --> 00:04:19,385 You're right. You realize what this means? 81 00:04:19,676 --> 00:04:21,019 Yeah. 82 00:04:21,178 --> 00:04:22,350 I do. 83 00:04:23,930 --> 00:04:25,102 It's proof of concept. 84 00:04:26,433 --> 00:04:28,026 We've got a workable guidance system. 85 00:04:29,936 --> 00:04:31,028 Congratulations. (CHUCKLES) 86 00:04:31,188 --> 00:04:32,861 - Thanks. - (BOTH LAUGH) 87 00:04:34,733 --> 00:04:35,734 (BEEPS) 88 00:04:36,526 --> 00:04:39,530 Hey, I just got an email from the US Air Force. 89 00:04:41,072 --> 00:04:42,244 Open it. 90 00:04:44,201 --> 00:04:45,874 "We request a meeting at your earliest convenience 91 00:04:46,036 --> 00:04:51,258 "regarding your quantum guidance system, provisional patent 62/295118." 92 00:04:52,250 --> 00:04:53,251 That's weird. 93 00:04:54,628 --> 00:04:56,847 Is there a window around here we don't know about? 94 00:04:58,757 --> 00:05:00,555 No, I'm sure it's just a coincidence. 95 00:05:00,884 --> 00:05:02,431 Yeah, of course, what else could it be? 96 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:05,438 Boy, do I love America! 97 00:05:09,893 --> 00:05:11,395 Thank you for picking me up. 98 00:05:11,561 --> 00:05:12,904 Oh, you're welcome. 99 00:05:14,231 --> 00:05:16,450 I was speaking to your young lady. 100 00:05:16,858 --> 00:05:18,075 My pleasure, Mrs. Cooper. 101 00:05:18,276 --> 00:05:19,402 Oh, please, call me Mary. 102 00:05:19,945 --> 00:05:21,197 Okay, Mary. 103 00:05:23,365 --> 00:05:25,788 You know, that doesn't work for me, let's stay with "Mrs. Cooper." 104 00:05:27,577 --> 00:05:28,749 Sheldon, don't be silly. 105 00:05:28,912 --> 00:05:32,041 What? That's what I called you until I got to know you better. 106 00:05:34,167 --> 00:05:36,795 It was so nice of Leonard and Penny to invite me. 107 00:05:36,962 --> 00:05:38,589 - Well, actually... - It sure was! 108 00:05:40,924 --> 00:05:43,302 I've always had a special place in my heart for Leonard, 109 00:05:43,468 --> 00:05:44,936 taking care of my baby all these years. 110 00:05:45,595 --> 00:05:47,768 Excuse me, I take care of him. 111 00:05:47,931 --> 00:05:49,433 Sure you do. 112 00:05:51,142 --> 00:05:53,361 So, who else is coming to this shindig? 113 00:05:53,603 --> 00:05:56,777 Oh, well, the usual gang. Penny's family's coming tomorrow. 114 00:05:56,940 --> 00:05:58,362 Yeah, Leonard's mother's already here. 115 00:05:58,608 --> 00:06:00,781 Oh, Beverly, how nice. 116 00:06:02,612 --> 00:06:03,704 You've met her, right? 117 00:06:04,281 --> 00:06:05,624 Yes, I have. 118 00:06:08,201 --> 00:06:10,795 Mother, she's an atheist, not a vampire. 119 00:06:12,455 --> 00:06:14,799 Either way, let's stop and get some garlic. 120 00:06:29,139 --> 00:06:30,311 So, Mary, how have you been? 121 00:06:30,473 --> 00:06:32,851 Thank you so much for asking. I've been well, and you? 122 00:06:33,018 --> 00:06:34,144 - Very good. - Good. 123 00:06:37,522 --> 00:06:39,866 I don't know what we were worried about, they're getting along great. 124 00:06:42,152 --> 00:06:43,779 Sheldon tells me your husband's coming. 125 00:06:43,945 --> 00:06:44,946 My ex-husband. 126 00:06:45,113 --> 00:06:46,114 Oh, I'm so sorry. 127 00:06:46,281 --> 00:06:47,453 - Don't be. - All right. 128 00:06:49,659 --> 00:06:50,956 Ooh. Chilly. 129 00:06:51,119 --> 00:06:52,336 I think I can see my breath. 130 00:06:52,495 --> 00:06:53,496 We can hear you. 131 00:06:53,663 --> 00:06:54,664 - Sorry. - Sorry. 132 00:06:56,917 --> 00:06:59,136 I can't believe I was so naïve. 133 00:06:59,294 --> 00:07:03,219 The military is just gonna take over the whole project. 134 00:07:03,381 --> 00:07:05,679 And you know what happens if we object. 135 00:07:06,343 --> 00:07:07,344 We disappear. 136 00:07:07,677 --> 00:07:08,678 (HOWARD CHUCKLES) 137 00:07:08,970 --> 00:07:09,971 Like, off the map! 138 00:07:10,138 --> 00:07:11,936 Like every American Idol winner since season four. 139 00:07:15,268 --> 00:07:16,770 Come on, Howard, you're overreacting. 140 00:07:16,937 --> 00:07:19,031 (YELLS) Am I? (WHISPERS) Am I? 141 00:07:22,025 --> 00:07:23,072 I mean, what do you wanna bet 142 00:07:23,234 --> 00:07:26,078 some black-ops guy is reprinting my high school yearbook, 143 00:07:26,237 --> 00:07:27,454 and I'm no longer in it. 144 00:07:29,282 --> 00:07:33,037 That chess club picture is now just David Zimmerman and Elaine Cho. 145 00:07:35,038 --> 00:07:37,040 Okay, look, I'm on the Air Force website, 146 00:07:37,207 --> 00:07:39,926 and the department that emailed you is in charge of acquisitions. 147 00:07:40,085 --> 00:07:42,383 So, maybe they just wanna give you a lot of money for your invention. 148 00:07:42,796 --> 00:07:44,798 Oh, please, that's not how it works. 149 00:07:44,965 --> 00:07:51,519 You saw E. T., Avatar, Jurassic World. The military just shows up and takes over. 150 00:07:52,180 --> 00:07:54,308 You do realize those weren't documentaries, right? 151 00:07:55,725 --> 00:07:56,726 (LAUGHS) 152 00:07:57,143 --> 00:07:58,645 I'm sorry, you find this funny? 153 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:01,190 No, I was just thinking about Jurassic World. 154 00:08:01,356 --> 00:08:02,699 Boy, that was terrible. 155 00:08:12,951 --> 00:08:14,123 Oh, we have to use the stairs. 156 00:08:14,744 --> 00:08:15,961 When are they gonna fix your elevator? 157 00:08:16,121 --> 00:08:17,839 I don't... Any day now. 158 00:08:19,499 --> 00:08:20,671 Well, the stairs are fine. 159 00:08:21,668 --> 00:08:23,341 ALFRED: Besides, your mother's up there. 160 00:08:24,796 --> 00:08:26,798 Maybe I'll have a heart attack and not have to see her. 161 00:08:30,427 --> 00:08:33,772 Hey, I know things are a little rough with you and Mom, 162 00:08:33,930 --> 00:08:35,932 but I'm really glad you're here. 163 00:08:36,099 --> 00:08:37,191 Me, too. 164 00:08:40,729 --> 00:08:44,074 I should never have had that angioplasty, because I feel fine. 165 00:08:48,111 --> 00:08:49,613 Penny's really looking forward to seeing you. 166 00:08:49,863 --> 00:08:51,581 Ah, she's a sweetie. 167 00:08:51,740 --> 00:08:53,834 You got a good one there, Leonard. 168 00:08:53,992 --> 00:08:55,209 Thanks, Dad. 169 00:08:56,995 --> 00:08:58,292 How the hell did you do that? 170 00:09:02,125 --> 00:09:03,126 (CRUNCHES) 171 00:09:16,264 --> 00:09:17,265 (CRUNCHES) 172 00:09:23,313 --> 00:09:24,530 Isn't this nice? 173 00:09:27,025 --> 00:09:28,026 Hey, we're here. 174 00:09:28,193 --> 00:09:30,662 - Alfred, thank you for coming! - Oh! 175 00:09:31,112 --> 00:09:32,489 - Well, happy to be here. - Thanks. 176 00:09:32,655 --> 00:09:33,827 - And congratulations. - Thank you. 177 00:09:33,990 --> 00:09:35,242 Dad, you remember Sheldon. 178 00:09:35,408 --> 00:09:37,035 - Dr. Hofstadter. - Dr. Cooper. 179 00:09:37,202 --> 00:09:38,670 This is Sheldon's mother, Mary. 180 00:09:38,828 --> 00:09:40,501 - How do you do? - Nice to meet you. 181 00:09:40,663 --> 00:09:41,835 And his girlfriend, Amy. 182 00:09:41,998 --> 00:09:43,170 - A pleasure. - Hi. 183 00:09:43,333 --> 00:09:44,425 And of course, Mom. 184 00:09:44,584 --> 00:09:46,177 Hello, my hateful shrew. 185 00:09:50,423 --> 00:09:52,642 Hello to you, you wrinkled old bastard. 186 00:09:56,429 --> 00:09:58,352 All right, now I'm starting to sense a little tension. 187 00:10:05,063 --> 00:10:07,191 All right, you two, don't start. 188 00:10:07,357 --> 00:10:08,904 Penny and I are throwing this second wedding 189 00:10:09,067 --> 00:10:10,159 for your benefit. 190 00:10:10,318 --> 00:10:11,444 Can you please not ruin it? 191 00:10:11,861 --> 00:10:13,204 Of course. I'm sorry. 192 00:10:13,363 --> 00:10:14,740 Look at that, you can apologize. 193 00:10:14,906 --> 00:10:16,328 - Mom! - I'm sorry. 194 00:10:17,325 --> 00:10:18,793 You know, the Bible says forgiveness... 195 00:10:18,952 --> 00:10:20,249 - Mom! - I'm sorry. 196 00:10:21,955 --> 00:10:25,175 Who's hungry? We have a reservation at the best restaurant in town. 197 00:10:25,542 --> 00:10:27,135 That only got three and a half stars on Yelp. 198 00:10:27,293 --> 00:10:28,886 - Sheldon. - I'm not sorry, that's true. 199 00:10:32,215 --> 00:10:34,388 I don't know what to do. It's the Air Force. 200 00:10:34,801 --> 00:10:37,520 I mean, should I respond to their email? Ignore it? 201 00:10:37,971 --> 00:10:38,972 You can't ignore it. 202 00:10:39,139 --> 00:10:41,688 It's not that postcard that says it's time to go back to the dentist. 203 00:10:44,018 --> 00:10:45,395 Guys, come on, we're meeting everyone for dinner. 204 00:10:45,562 --> 00:10:49,487 One sec. I'm just afraid if I respond, then they'll know I got it. 205 00:10:49,649 --> 00:10:52,402 Dude, the minute you opened that email, they knew you got it. 206 00:10:52,569 --> 00:10:54,867 I mean, they're probably looking at you through the camera right now. 207 00:10:55,029 --> 00:10:56,326 Damn. 208 00:10:58,116 --> 00:10:59,242 I love America. 209 00:11:02,203 --> 00:11:03,250 Are you done with this nonsense? 210 00:11:03,413 --> 00:11:06,667 It's not nonsense. This is how the US military works. 211 00:11:06,833 --> 00:11:08,085 If it's even the US military. 212 00:11:08,251 --> 00:11:11,221 It could be foreign military pretending to be American. 213 00:11:11,588 --> 00:11:13,590 You're right. We turn our guidance system over to them, 214 00:11:13,756 --> 00:11:15,508 next thing we know, they're using it against us. 215 00:11:18,219 --> 00:11:20,563 I also love the enemies of America. 216 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:33,868 Penny, I hope the example of my failed marriage to Leonard's father 217 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:37,122 doesn't discourage you from the commitment you've made to one another. 218 00:11:37,530 --> 00:11:39,032 No, of course not. 219 00:11:40,867 --> 00:11:44,041 Although, Alfred and I had a lot more going for us than you two. 220 00:11:46,414 --> 00:11:48,963 Mom, please save something for the toast. 221 00:11:54,380 --> 00:11:56,474 So, Alfred, what is it that you do for a living? 222 00:11:56,633 --> 00:11:59,978 Oh, I'm an anthropologist. I study ancient peoples and cultures. 223 00:12:00,136 --> 00:12:02,810 My goodness! So, all the way back to the Flood. 224 00:12:03,056 --> 00:12:04,683 (LAUGHS) 225 00:12:05,516 --> 00:12:07,518 Don't laugh, she wasn't joking. 226 00:12:08,561 --> 00:12:09,653 Play with your phone. 227 00:12:14,609 --> 00:12:16,828 Well, on that note, there are many cultures 228 00:12:16,986 --> 00:12:19,865 that have an apocalyptic flood as part of their mythology. 229 00:12:20,323 --> 00:12:23,247 I don't have a mythology, I have the unerring word of God. 230 00:12:23,409 --> 00:12:25,503 - But that's very interesting. - Oh! 231 00:12:26,162 --> 00:12:29,666 I didn't mean to disparage your faith. Actually, I admire it. 232 00:12:29,832 --> 00:12:31,004 - Really? - Yes. 233 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:32,669 I'm an agnostic, myself, 234 00:12:32,835 --> 00:12:38,183 but I have prayed many times to God to turn my wife into a pillar of salt. 235 00:12:39,509 --> 00:12:42,604 Well, he came close. He turned her into a giant block of ice. 236 00:12:42,845 --> 00:12:44,973 (BOTH LAUGHING) 237 00:12:48,142 --> 00:12:50,691 Howard, there must be someone at the university you can go to for help. 238 00:12:51,479 --> 00:12:52,480 Are you kidding? 239 00:12:52,647 --> 00:12:55,571 They're probably the ones who leaked it to the military in the first place. 240 00:12:56,985 --> 00:12:59,864 What about the guy on the Channel 4 news? 241 00:13:00,071 --> 00:13:03,541 You know? "Four on your side." Maybe he can be on your side. 242 00:13:05,910 --> 00:13:07,708 I'm being harassed by the government. 243 00:13:07,870 --> 00:13:10,339 I'm not trying to get to the bottom of a dog-walking scam. 244 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:14,173 Ugh. Stop. 245 00:13:14,335 --> 00:13:15,712 You know what's really happening? 246 00:13:15,878 --> 00:13:18,347 All the movies you've watched, the TV shows, the comic books, 247 00:13:18,506 --> 00:13:20,349 they've completely twisted your thinking. 248 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:21,851 No one's after you, no one's listening to you, 249 00:13:22,010 --> 00:13:23,387 no one cares about you. 250 00:13:26,180 --> 00:13:27,181 I'd like to think 251 00:13:27,348 --> 00:13:29,066 the "Four on your side" guy cares about me. 252 00:13:32,645 --> 00:13:35,489 You know, Beverly, I know you and Alfred have your differences. 253 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:38,572 But if you think about it, if you hadn't married him, 254 00:13:38,735 --> 00:13:40,237 - there'd be no Leonard. - (CHUCKLES) 255 00:13:40,653 --> 00:13:41,996 So, that's good, right? 256 00:13:42,655 --> 00:13:43,702 Yeah. 257 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:49,538 (SIGHING) 258 00:13:49,829 --> 00:13:51,627 Is that Howard in front of us? 259 00:13:52,165 --> 00:13:54,167 Oh, maybe. Hey, get closer. 260 00:13:57,920 --> 00:13:59,718 God, I think someone's following us. 261 00:14:01,924 --> 00:14:02,971 You're being ridiculous. 262 00:14:03,134 --> 00:14:05,478 I'm not being ridiculous. He's right on my tail. (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) 263 00:14:06,763 --> 00:14:09,312 Turn left here and see if he turns with us. 264 00:14:10,933 --> 00:14:13,436 Oh! Why is he turning here? The restaurant's the other way. 265 00:14:13,603 --> 00:14:16,732 I don't know. He uses that traffic app, maybe there's an accident. 266 00:14:17,023 --> 00:14:18,400 Oh! So follow him. 267 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:22,578 Oh, no! 268 00:14:25,198 --> 00:14:26,245 I told you. 269 00:14:26,783 --> 00:14:28,410 It's probably just a coincidence. 270 00:14:28,993 --> 00:14:30,745 Speed up a little, see if he stays with you. 271 00:14:32,205 --> 00:14:33,627 Well, go faster, you're losing him. 272 00:14:33,790 --> 00:14:34,837 What is his hurry? 273 00:14:34,999 --> 00:14:36,626 You know what? Flash your lights, let him know it's you. 274 00:14:38,336 --> 00:14:40,555 He's flashing his lights. What's that mean? 275 00:14:40,713 --> 00:14:42,465 I think he wants us to pull over. 276 00:14:42,632 --> 00:14:45,226 Do not pull over! I'm not raising this baby alone! 277 00:14:47,428 --> 00:14:48,475 Hang on! 278 00:14:52,892 --> 00:14:55,896 So, after your husband passed, you never remarried? 279 00:14:56,062 --> 00:14:58,941 No. Just focused on work and the church. 280 00:14:59,148 --> 00:15:00,616 Ah! And what do you do? 281 00:15:00,775 --> 00:15:01,822 I work at the church. 282 00:15:04,695 --> 00:15:05,867 Well, they're lucky to have you. 283 00:15:06,322 --> 00:15:07,494 Well, thank you. 284 00:15:08,699 --> 00:15:09,791 You're welcome. 285 00:15:10,493 --> 00:15:11,995 Do you realize what's happening here? 286 00:15:12,662 --> 00:15:13,754 Yeah, I do. 287 00:15:13,955 --> 00:15:16,003 They're filling up on bread and ruining their meal. 288 00:15:19,794 --> 00:15:21,967 - Hey. - Hey, what took you guys so long? 289 00:15:22,130 --> 00:15:24,383 We were following Howard, but for some reason 290 00:15:24,549 --> 00:15:27,098 he turned off his headlights and went up a one-way street. 291 00:15:29,011 --> 00:15:30,183 So, what did we miss? 292 00:15:30,346 --> 00:15:32,519 Oh, just Mary and I getting to know each other a little. 293 00:15:32,765 --> 00:15:34,563 Leonard, your father's just charming. 294 00:15:34,851 --> 00:15:36,694 He's also broke. Did he mention that? 295 00:15:39,856 --> 00:15:42,200 Okay, Mom, you sit over there. 296 00:15:44,318 --> 00:15:46,366 You know, I'm gonna call Bernadette and see what's keeping them. 297 00:15:47,822 --> 00:15:49,449 Well, if I'd known you were broke, 298 00:15:49,615 --> 00:15:51,663 I wouldn't have made a big deal about the bread. 299 00:15:57,206 --> 00:15:58,298 Hey, Penny. 300 00:15:59,625 --> 00:16:00,717 What are you talking about? 301 00:16:03,838 --> 00:16:05,306 Oh, that was you? 302 00:16:05,631 --> 00:16:06,632 (CHUCKLES) 303 00:16:07,175 --> 00:16:09,348 Long story. Why don't you go ahead and eat? 304 00:16:09,552 --> 00:16:10,724 We're gonna be a while. 305 00:16:15,224 --> 00:16:18,694 I'm telling ya, I'm not on drugs. The government's out to get me! 306 00:16:23,483 --> 00:16:25,906 Now, one of the more exciting things we found recently 307 00:16:26,068 --> 00:16:30,619 is that Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens frequently mated with each other. 308 00:16:30,990 --> 00:16:34,085 Well, that certainly explains my marriage to Sheldon's father. 309 00:16:34,327 --> 00:16:35,419 (LAUGHING) 310 00:16:37,079 --> 00:16:40,549 That's funny because my father was not a very clever man. 311 00:16:41,751 --> 00:16:43,003 I'd be lost without you. 312 00:16:45,796 --> 00:16:46,797 (CLINKING) 313 00:16:47,173 --> 00:16:50,973 I would like to propose a toast to my wife and bride-to-be. 314 00:16:51,177 --> 00:16:53,396 - Now, see, that's funny because... - Back to your phone. 315 00:16:56,557 --> 00:16:57,558 Penny, 316 00:16:58,476 --> 00:17:00,103 I've always known I loved you. 317 00:17:00,269 --> 00:17:04,991 But this last year has shown me that I also love being married to you. 318 00:17:06,067 --> 00:17:07,319 Thank you for saying yes. 319 00:17:07,985 --> 00:17:09,612 Thanks for asking until I did. 320 00:17:11,572 --> 00:17:13,700 - Hear, hear. - Cheers. 321 00:17:15,952 --> 00:17:18,171 I would also like to make a toast. 322 00:17:18,412 --> 00:17:19,413 Aww. 323 00:17:19,747 --> 00:17:23,342 Leonard, I am so happy that you have found a woman 324 00:17:23,501 --> 00:17:24,753 who loves and cares for you. 325 00:17:24,919 --> 00:17:26,592 What the hell is that supposed to mean? 326 00:17:29,799 --> 00:17:30,891 Why don't you take a pill? 327 00:17:31,050 --> 00:17:32,472 Like you did before sex? 328 00:17:33,970 --> 00:17:35,893 What I really needed was a blindfold. 329 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:38,938 All right, everyone, calm down. 330 00:17:39,100 --> 00:17:41,273 Let's all remember what it says in the Bible, 331 00:17:41,435 --> 00:17:44,814 "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty." 332 00:17:44,981 --> 00:17:48,235 Oh, dear woman, can you please read another book? 333 00:17:49,735 --> 00:17:51,988 When God writes one, I will. 334 00:17:55,575 --> 00:17:56,576 (CLEARS THROAT) 335 00:17:59,287 --> 00:18:00,288 Um... 336 00:18:00,788 --> 00:18:04,258 If we wanna order the soufflé, we might wanna get on that. 337 00:18:08,504 --> 00:18:10,848 Leonard, if you don't mind, I think I'm a little tired. 338 00:18:11,382 --> 00:18:12,804 I'm gonna call it a night. 339 00:18:12,967 --> 00:18:15,470 - Sure, Dad. - I'm a little tuckered out myself. 340 00:18:15,636 --> 00:18:17,388 I will see you all in the morning. 341 00:18:19,056 --> 00:18:21,150 - Would you like to share a cab? - That would be fine. 342 00:18:21,309 --> 00:18:22,936 - Where you staying? - I'm at the Westin. 343 00:18:23,102 --> 00:18:25,525 Well, so am I. Could I interest you in a nightcap? 344 00:18:25,688 --> 00:18:26,940 I think that you could. 345 00:18:32,987 --> 00:18:34,330 What is happening there? 346 00:18:35,323 --> 00:18:36,916 I think it's pretty obvious. 347 00:18:37,533 --> 00:18:39,535 They don't want dessert 'cause they filled up on bread. 348 00:18:48,461 --> 00:18:49,883 She's still not answering. 349 00:18:51,964 --> 00:18:53,716 My father's not texting me back. 350 00:18:55,885 --> 00:18:58,855 'Cause they both turned their phones off. 351 00:19:04,769 --> 00:19:06,112 I don't like this at all. 352 00:19:07,897 --> 00:19:09,023 I don't like it, either. 353 00:19:09,190 --> 00:19:10,237 Really? 354 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:12,193 (LAUGHS) Because I love it. 355 00:19:14,654 --> 00:19:16,406 (LAUGHING) 356 00:19:44,725 --> 00:19:45,726 English - SDH