1 00:00:28,178 --> 00:00:30,112 - Checkmate. - Aaarggh! 2 00:00:30,613 --> 00:00:31,671 Again? 3 00:00:31,848 --> 00:00:34,840 Obviously, you're not well suited for three-dimensional chess. 4 00:00:35,018 --> 00:00:38,351 Perhaps three-dimensional Candy Land would be more your speed. 5 00:00:38,888 --> 00:00:40,185 Just reset the board. 6 00:00:40,356 --> 00:00:44,417 It must be humbling to suck on so many different levels. 7 00:00:50,433 --> 00:00:51,457 - Hey, guys. - Hey. 8 00:00:51,634 --> 00:00:53,898 - Did you get my mail? - Yeah, right here. 9 00:00:54,070 --> 00:00:57,528 - How was Nebraska? - Well, better than North Dakota. 10 00:01:03,146 --> 00:01:06,240 I guess that joke's only funny in Nebraska. 11 00:01:06,416 --> 00:01:08,884 From the data at hand, you can't draw that conclusion. 12 00:01:09,052 --> 00:01:12,681 All you can say with absolute certainty is that that joke is not funny here. 13 00:01:18,928 --> 00:01:20,486 Boy, it's good to be back. 14 00:01:21,698 --> 00:01:23,825 - How's your family? - Oh, it was the worst trip. 15 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:25,968 - Everyone got sick over the weekend. - Sick? 16 00:01:26,136 --> 00:01:27,763 Here we go. 17 00:01:30,140 --> 00:01:33,041 - What kind of sick? - Oh, the flu, I guess. 18 00:01:33,209 --> 00:01:35,302 I don't need you to guess, I need you to know. 19 00:01:35,478 --> 00:01:37,912 Now, when did the symptoms first appear? 20 00:01:38,081 --> 00:01:39,343 Maybe Friday. 21 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:41,609 Friday. Was that morning or afternoon? 22 00:01:42,452 --> 00:01:44,181 - I don't-- - Think, woman. 23 00:01:44,354 --> 00:01:46,288 Who blew their nose and when? 24 00:01:46,890 --> 00:01:49,120 Sheldon, relax. She doesn't have any symptoms. 25 00:01:49,292 --> 00:01:50,850 I'm sure she's not contagious. 26 00:01:51,027 --> 00:01:52,961 Oh, please. 27 00:01:53,863 --> 00:01:56,491 If influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear... 28 00:01:56,666 --> 00:01:58,531 ...it would've died out years ago. 29 00:01:58,701 --> 00:02:00,965 Somewhere between tool using and cave painting... 30 00:02:01,137 --> 00:02:04,732 ...Homo habilis would've figured out to kill the guy with the runny nose. 31 00:02:05,341 --> 00:02:08,333 Penny, you'll have to excuse Sheldon. He's a bit of a germaphobe. 32 00:02:08,511 --> 00:02:09,705 That's okay. I understand. 33 00:02:09,879 --> 00:02:12,871 Thanks for your consideration. Now please leave. 34 00:02:13,716 --> 00:02:17,243 You'd better go before he starts spraying you with Lysol. 35 00:02:17,420 --> 00:02:19,354 Okay, well, thank you for getting my mail. 36 00:02:19,522 --> 00:02:21,854 No, problem. Welcome home. 37 00:02:28,498 --> 00:02:30,125 What? 38 00:03:01,898 --> 00:03:03,627 What the hell are you doing? 39 00:03:03,800 --> 00:03:07,668 I'm making petri dishes to grow throat cultures. 40 00:03:08,271 --> 00:03:09,397 With lime Jell-O? 41 00:03:09,572 --> 00:03:13,975 I need a growth medium, and someone polished off the apricot yogurt. 42 00:03:15,278 --> 00:03:17,610 Here. Swab my throat. 43 00:03:19,616 --> 00:03:21,345 - I don't think so. - Leonard. 44 00:03:21,517 --> 00:03:25,681 If I'm going to get ahead of this, I need to find out what's growing in my throat. 45 00:03:27,257 --> 00:03:29,623 Sheldon, you are not sick. 46 00:03:29,792 --> 00:03:33,091 This is, but you are not. 47 00:03:33,529 --> 00:03:34,996 We have no idea what pathogen... 48 00:03:35,164 --> 00:03:37,758 ...Typhoid Penny has introduced into our environment. 49 00:03:37,934 --> 00:03:42,894 And having never been to Nebraska, I'm certain I have no corn-husking antibodies. 50 00:03:45,842 --> 00:03:48,276 Sheldon, don't you think you're overreacting? 51 00:03:48,444 --> 00:03:52,175 When I'm lying comatose in a hospital relying on inferior minds to cure me... 52 00:03:52,348 --> 00:03:54,509 ...these cultures and my accompanying notes... 53 00:03:54,684 --> 00:03:56,914 ...will give them a fighting chance. 54 00:04:01,024 --> 00:04:02,821 I'm going back to bed. 55 00:04:02,992 --> 00:04:05,961 - Wait, put this in the bathroom. - What for? 56 00:04:06,129 --> 00:04:08,256 I need to measure my fluid intake and output... 57 00:04:08,431 --> 00:04:10,695 ...to make sure my kidneys aren't shutting down. 58 00:04:12,435 --> 00:04:15,700 I mix pancake batter in this. 59 00:04:16,205 --> 00:04:19,402 No, that measuring cup has always been for urine. 60 00:04:20,643 --> 00:04:23,339 You had time to make a label for everything in this apartment... 61 00:04:23,513 --> 00:04:24,980 ...including the label-maker... 62 00:04:25,148 --> 00:04:28,743 ...but you didn't have 10 seconds to make one that said, "Urine cup"? 63 00:04:30,286 --> 00:04:32,516 It's right here on the bottom. 64 00:04:36,225 --> 00:04:37,590 Huh. 65 00:04:39,529 --> 00:04:43,158 I guess I owe the Betty Crocker Company a letter of apology. 66 00:04:59,549 --> 00:05:01,676 Oh, dear God. 67 00:05:02,885 --> 00:05:04,648 Leonard. 68 00:05:05,688 --> 00:05:07,155 Leonard, I'm sick. 69 00:05:11,127 --> 00:05:12,287 Leonard. 70 00:05:14,063 --> 00:05:16,497 Leonard, I'm sick. 71 00:05:19,569 --> 00:05:20,866 Leonard. 72 00:05:22,472 --> 00:05:24,099 Leonard. 73 00:05:24,874 --> 00:05:26,671 Leonard. 74 00:05:28,644 --> 00:05:33,877 Leonard, my comforter fell down and my sinuses hurt when I bend over. 75 00:05:36,219 --> 00:05:37,914 Leonard? 76 00:05:44,861 --> 00:05:46,795 Ow. 77 00:05:52,769 --> 00:05:55,169 - Hey. - Leonard, where are you? 78 00:05:55,338 --> 00:05:57,306 I'm at work. 79 00:05:58,007 --> 00:05:59,668 At 6:30 in the morning? 80 00:06:00,510 --> 00:06:01,670 Yes. 81 00:06:02,211 --> 00:06:03,303 On Sunday? 82 00:06:04,514 --> 00:06:05,640 Yes. 83 00:06:06,115 --> 00:06:08,174 - Why? - They asked me to come in. 84 00:06:08,551 --> 00:06:12,715 - Well, I didn't hear the phone ring. - They texted me. 85 00:06:13,523 --> 00:06:16,959 Well, as I predicted, I am sick. 86 00:06:17,126 --> 00:06:20,653 My fever has been tracking up exponentially since 2 a.m... 87 00:06:20,830 --> 00:06:23,822 ...and I am producing sputum at an alarming rate. 88 00:06:26,369 --> 00:06:29,270 - No kidding. - Nope. Not only that... 89 00:06:29,439 --> 00:06:33,239 ...it has shifted from clear to milky green. 90 00:06:33,409 --> 00:06:36,674 All right, well, get some rest and drink plenty of fluids. 91 00:06:36,846 --> 00:06:41,681 What else would I drink? Gases? Solids? Ionized plasma? 92 00:06:42,251 --> 00:06:43,582 Drink whatever you want. 93 00:06:43,753 --> 00:06:46,051 - I want soup. - Then make soup. 94 00:06:46,222 --> 00:06:48,918 - We don't have soup. - I'm at work, Sheldon. 95 00:06:52,962 --> 00:06:56,193 - Is that a dog? - Yes. 96 00:06:56,365 --> 00:06:58,856 - In the lab? - Yes. 97 00:07:00,069 --> 00:07:03,004 They're training dogs to operate the centrifuge... 98 00:07:03,172 --> 00:07:08,576 ...for when they need dogs to operate the centrifuge for blind scientists. 99 00:07:08,744 --> 00:07:10,109 I have to go. 100 00:07:13,616 --> 00:07:17,245 MRS. WOLOWITZ: Howard, it's the phone. 101 00:07:18,387 --> 00:07:21,948 I know it's the phone, Ma. I hear the phone. 102 00:07:22,125 --> 00:07:27,529 - Well, who's calling at this ungodly hour? - I don't know. 103 00:07:27,697 --> 00:07:31,793 Well, ask them why they're calling at this ungodly hour. 104 00:07:31,968 --> 00:07:35,426 How can I ask them when I'm talking to you? 105 00:07:39,175 --> 00:07:40,699 Hello? 106 00:07:41,010 --> 00:07:43,308 Howard, it's Leonard. Code milky green. 107 00:07:43,479 --> 00:07:47,745 - Dear Lord, not milky green. - Affirmative. With fever. 108 00:07:47,917 --> 00:07:51,045 - Who's on the phone? - It's Leonard. 109 00:07:51,220 --> 00:07:54,678 - Why is he calling? - Sheldon's sick. 110 00:07:54,857 --> 00:07:57,724 Were you playing with him? 111 00:07:59,028 --> 00:08:01,758 For God's sake, Ma, I'm 26 years old. 112 00:08:01,931 --> 00:08:04,957 Excuse me, Mr. Grownup. 113 00:08:06,068 --> 00:08:11,199 - What do you want for breakfast? - Chocolate milk and Eggos, please. 114 00:08:11,607 --> 00:08:13,802 - Howard, listen to me. - Hang on. Call waiting. 115 00:08:13,976 --> 00:08:17,275 - No, don't-- Don't-- - Hello? 116 00:08:17,446 --> 00:08:18,811 Howard, I'm sick. 117 00:08:24,420 --> 00:08:28,948 Howard's sleeping. This is his mother. 118 00:08:29,625 --> 00:08:34,028 Why are you calling at this ungodly hour? 119 00:08:34,463 --> 00:08:36,124 I need soup. 120 00:08:36,465 --> 00:08:38,831 Then call your own mother. 121 00:08:40,703 --> 00:08:41,965 It was Sheldon. 122 00:08:42,138 --> 00:08:44,231 - I tried to stop you. - It's my own fault. 123 00:08:44,407 --> 00:08:48,867 I forgot the protocol we put in place after the great ear infection of '06. 124 00:08:49,212 --> 00:08:50,236 You call Koothrappali. 125 00:08:50,413 --> 00:08:54,008 We need to find a place to lay low for the next 18 to 24 hours. 126 00:08:54,183 --> 00:08:57,209 Stand by. Ma, can my friends come over? 127 00:08:57,386 --> 00:09:01,550 I just had the carpet steamed. 128 00:09:02,024 --> 00:09:04,151 That's a negatory. 129 00:09:04,327 --> 00:09:07,421 But there's a Planet of the Apes marathon at the Nuart today. 130 00:09:07,597 --> 00:09:10,589 Five movies, two hours apiece. 131 00:09:11,167 --> 00:09:13,158 It's a start. 132 00:09:15,972 --> 00:09:18,839 Homeless crazy guy at Table 18. 133 00:09:24,180 --> 00:09:25,738 No, just crazy. 134 00:09:27,617 --> 00:09:29,949 Sheldon, what are you doing here? 135 00:09:30,453 --> 00:09:33,684 I'm sick. Thank you very much. 136 00:09:33,856 --> 00:09:35,221 How could you've gotten it from me? 137 00:09:35,391 --> 00:09:37,325 - I'm not sick. - You're a carrier. 138 00:09:37,493 --> 00:09:39,461 All these people here are doomed. 139 00:09:39,629 --> 00:09:42,063 - You're doomed. - Shh! 140 00:09:43,833 --> 00:09:45,767 Sheldon, what do you want? 141 00:09:45,935 --> 00:09:47,766 I want soup. 142 00:09:52,074 --> 00:09:53,098 Why didn't you just--? 143 00:09:55,978 --> 00:09:57,741 Why didn't you just have soup at home? 144 00:09:58,247 --> 00:10:00,613 Penny, I have an IQ of 187. 145 00:10:00,783 --> 00:10:03,183 Don't you imagine that if there were a way for me... 146 00:10:03,352 --> 00:10:06,321 ...to have had soup at home, I would have thought of it? 147 00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:08,221 You can have soup delivered. 148 00:10:12,662 --> 00:10:13,993 I did not think of that. 149 00:10:16,165 --> 00:10:18,463 Clearly, febrile delirium is setting in. 150 00:10:18,634 --> 00:10:23,128 Please bring me some soup while I still understand what a spoon is for. 151 00:10:23,306 --> 00:10:25,069 Okay. What kind of soup do you want? 152 00:10:25,241 --> 00:10:27,766 Well, my mother used to make me this split-pea... 153 00:10:27,943 --> 00:10:32,073 ...with little frankfurter slices and these homemade croutons. 154 00:10:32,248 --> 00:10:34,739 We have chicken, tortilla and potato leek. 155 00:10:35,685 --> 00:10:39,746 Can I get any of those with little frankfurter slices and homemade croutons? 156 00:10:40,289 --> 00:10:41,722 No. 157 00:10:41,957 --> 00:10:43,788 Then surprise me. 158 00:10:53,536 --> 00:10:56,972 Would you call that moss green or forest green? 159 00:11:10,653 --> 00:11:13,747 Look at this. Everyone went chimp. 160 00:11:14,457 --> 00:11:16,721 I'd like to point out, I voted for orangutan... 161 00:11:16,892 --> 00:11:18,450 ...but you shouted me down. 162 00:11:22,965 --> 00:11:25,263 - Oh, hi, Penny. - Hey, where are you? 163 00:11:25,434 --> 00:11:28,733 I'm at work. 164 00:11:29,238 --> 00:11:30,330 You sound funny. 165 00:11:30,506 --> 00:11:34,374 Oh, I'm in a radiation suit. 166 00:11:34,543 --> 00:11:36,408 - What's up? - Yeah, well, I'm at work too. 167 00:11:36,579 --> 00:11:39,776 And you'll never guess who's here infecting my entire station. 168 00:11:39,949 --> 00:11:41,644 Sheldon's at the Cheesecake Factory. 169 00:11:42,451 --> 00:11:44,851 - Just tell him to go home. - Well, he won't leave. 170 00:11:45,020 --> 00:11:49,320 He says he's afraid he'll pass out on the bus and someone will harvest his organs. 171 00:11:49,992 --> 00:11:53,325 He's paranoid and he's established a nest. 172 00:11:53,829 --> 00:11:55,387 Can you please come get him? 173 00:11:56,098 --> 00:11:59,090 Uh, yeah, I'd be happy to, Penny. 174 00:12:01,137 --> 00:12:03,628 Oh, my God, there's a breach in the radiation unit. 175 00:12:03,806 --> 00:12:05,205 The whole city is in jeopardy. 176 00:12:05,374 --> 00:12:08,935 Oh, my God. Professor Guggenheim is melting. Gotta go. Bye. 177 00:12:15,217 --> 00:12:18,550 - I feel really guilty. - You did what you had to do. 178 00:12:18,721 --> 00:12:21,690 Take your stinking paws off my popcorn... 179 00:12:21,857 --> 00:12:24,792 ...you damn dirty ape. 180 00:12:29,131 --> 00:12:30,996 Thanks for bringing me home. 181 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:33,431 Oh, it's okay. I didn't really need to work today. 182 00:12:33,602 --> 00:12:36,469 It's not like I have rent or car payments or anything. 183 00:12:36,639 --> 00:12:38,664 Good, good. 184 00:12:39,942 --> 00:12:41,933 Okay, well, you feel better. 185 00:12:42,111 --> 00:12:44,443 Wait. Where are you going? 186 00:12:45,047 --> 00:12:49,108 Um, home to write some bad checks. 187 00:12:50,085 --> 00:12:51,347 You're going to leave me? 188 00:12:51,921 --> 00:12:55,049 Sheldon, you are a grown man. Haven't you ever been sick before? 189 00:12:55,224 --> 00:12:58,455 Of course, but not by myself. 190 00:12:58,627 --> 00:13:00,390 Really? Never? 191 00:13:00,563 --> 00:13:03,691 Well, once, when I was 15 and spending the summer... 192 00:13:03,866 --> 00:13:05,993 ...at the Heidelberg Institute in Germany. 193 00:13:06,368 --> 00:13:09,804 - Studying abroad? - No, visiting professor. 194 00:13:11,841 --> 00:13:16,005 Anyway, the local cuisine was a little more sausage-based than I'm used to... 195 00:13:16,178 --> 00:13:18,305 ...and the result was an internal blitzkrieg... 196 00:13:18,481 --> 00:13:22,212 ...with my lower intestine playing the part of Czechoslovakia. 197 00:13:22,818 --> 00:13:24,979 And there was no one there to take care of you? 198 00:13:25,154 --> 00:13:28,590 No, my mom had to fly back to Texas to help my dad... 199 00:13:28,757 --> 00:13:32,488 ...because the house had slipped off the cinder blocks again. 200 00:13:33,229 --> 00:13:35,754 - Again? - It was tornado season. 201 00:13:35,931 --> 00:13:38,195 And it was an aluminum house. 202 00:13:39,668 --> 00:13:43,331 Anyway, the housekeeper in the faculty residence didn't speak any English. 203 00:13:43,506 --> 00:13:45,906 When I finally managed to convince her I was sick... 204 00:13:46,075 --> 00:13:49,442 ...she said, "Möchtest du eine Darmspülung?" 205 00:13:49,845 --> 00:13:51,278 What does that mean? 206 00:13:51,447 --> 00:13:55,008 Based on what happened next, I assume it means, "Would you like an enema?" 207 00:13:57,386 --> 00:14:01,379 Okay, sweetie. I'll take care of you. What do you need? 208 00:14:01,557 --> 00:14:06,051 Well, my mom used to give me sponge baths. 209 00:14:12,434 --> 00:14:13,458 Okay, ground rules: 210 00:14:13,636 --> 00:14:17,197 No sponge baths and definitely no enemas. 211 00:14:17,606 --> 00:14:19,369 Agreed. 212 00:14:23,712 --> 00:14:27,273 Here we go. Ten and a half hours of apey goodness. 213 00:14:30,619 --> 00:14:33,087 Damn it, my glasses. 214 00:14:33,656 --> 00:14:36,124 Okay, I'm blind here, guys. Can you help me find them? 215 00:14:36,292 --> 00:14:38,123 - Sorry. - Okay. 216 00:14:41,263 --> 00:14:42,457 Found them. 217 00:14:44,233 --> 00:14:47,168 - Oh, great. - I'm sorry. Don't you have a spare? 218 00:14:47,336 --> 00:14:49,964 - Yeah, at home. - If you leave now, you can be back... 219 00:14:50,139 --> 00:14:53,302 ...before the gorillas whip the crap out of Charlton Heston. 220 00:14:53,475 --> 00:14:54,533 Unless Sheldon's there. 221 00:14:54,710 --> 00:14:59,409 You'll be trapped forever in his whiny, hyper-neurotic snot web. 222 00:15:07,022 --> 00:15:08,785 Hi, Penny? 223 00:15:08,958 --> 00:15:12,359 I was just wondering, is Sheldon still at the restaurant? 224 00:15:13,896 --> 00:15:16,456 Okay, that was very nice of you. Okay, I gotta go. 225 00:15:16,632 --> 00:15:19,931 Got kind of a full-blown Chernobyl thing here. Gotta go, bye. 226 00:15:21,236 --> 00:15:22,635 He's home. I'm screwed. 227 00:15:25,407 --> 00:15:28,968 Ten and a half hours of apey blurriness. 228 00:15:29,878 --> 00:15:31,675 How about Lasik? 229 00:15:32,815 --> 00:15:35,807 - You want me to get eye surgery? - Would you rather go back... 230 00:15:35,985 --> 00:15:40,115 ...and deal with Sheldon or have a stranger carve out your corneas with a laser beam? 231 00:15:42,491 --> 00:15:44,618 - Well? - I'm thinking. 232 00:15:46,128 --> 00:15:49,188 Okay, nice and cozy. 233 00:15:49,632 --> 00:15:52,658 - Okay, I'll see you later. - Wait. 234 00:15:53,502 --> 00:15:56,699 Will you please rub this on my chest? 235 00:15:57,539 --> 00:15:59,700 Oh, Sheldon. Can't you do that yourself? 236 00:15:59,875 --> 00:16:03,208 VapoRub makes my hands smell funny. 237 00:16:03,879 --> 00:16:07,212 - But, Sheldon-- - Please, please, please. 238 00:16:11,420 --> 00:16:13,149 I can't believe I'm doing this. 239 00:16:19,061 --> 00:16:22,656 No, no. Counterclockwise, or my chest hair mats. 240 00:16:25,134 --> 00:16:26,499 Sorry. 241 00:16:31,473 --> 00:16:34,169 Can you sing "Soft Kitty"? 242 00:16:35,811 --> 00:16:36,835 What? 243 00:16:37,012 --> 00:16:39,503 My mom used to sing it to me when I was sick. 244 00:16:39,682 --> 00:16:42,708 - I'm sorry, honey, I don't know it. - I'll teach you. 245 00:17:02,104 --> 00:17:03,731 Now you. 246 00:17:18,487 --> 00:17:20,216 Keep rubbing. 247 00:17:39,141 --> 00:17:41,109 What do you see? What do you see? I can't-- 248 00:17:41,276 --> 00:17:44,507 - Living room appears to be empty. - Okay, he must be in his bedroom. 249 00:17:44,680 --> 00:17:50,118 My spare glasses are in my bedroom, on my dresser, next to my bat signal. 250 00:17:51,120 --> 00:17:52,417 I'm not going in there. 251 00:17:52,988 --> 00:17:54,615 - Raj? - No way, Jose. 252 00:17:55,924 --> 00:17:58,654 - But I can't do it. I can't see anything. - It's all right. 253 00:17:58,827 --> 00:18:01,455 Wireless mini-cam and Bluetooth headset. 254 00:18:01,630 --> 00:18:04,098 We'll be your eyes. 255 00:18:04,466 --> 00:18:07,094 - Fine. - One more thing. 256 00:18:07,469 --> 00:18:11,803 This is a sub-sonic impact sensor. 257 00:18:11,974 --> 00:18:14,169 If Sheldon gets out of bed and starts to walk... 258 00:18:14,343 --> 00:18:16,971 ...this will register it and send a signal to the laptop. 259 00:18:17,146 --> 00:18:20,946 At that point, based on the geography of the apartment and the speed of Sheldon... 260 00:18:21,116 --> 00:18:24,643 ...you'll have seven seconds to get out, glasses or no glasses. 261 00:18:24,820 --> 00:18:26,515 Won't my footsteps set it off? 262 00:18:26,688 --> 00:18:29,054 No. You'll be on your hands and knees. 263 00:18:29,224 --> 00:18:31,988 Now, you'll need to get the sensor close to Sheldon's room. 264 00:18:32,161 --> 00:18:34,789 How do I carry it if I'm on my hands and knees? 265 00:18:40,169 --> 00:18:41,636 Stay low. 266 00:18:42,204 --> 00:18:43,569 Bear left. 267 00:18:43,739 --> 00:18:45,798 - Now keep true. - What? 268 00:18:45,974 --> 00:18:49,137 - It means go straight. - Then just say, "Go straight." 269 00:18:49,645 --> 00:18:53,479 You don't say, "Go straight" when you're giving bearings. You say, "Keep true." 270 00:18:54,183 --> 00:18:55,844 All right. 271 00:18:59,354 --> 00:19:01,015 I just hit my head. 272 00:19:01,890 --> 00:19:03,551 Because you didn't keep true. 273 00:19:06,328 --> 00:19:08,558 Okay, turn right. 274 00:19:09,198 --> 00:19:11,189 The picture's breaking up. 275 00:19:11,366 --> 00:19:13,027 Angle your head to the right. 276 00:19:14,269 --> 00:19:16,169 Now, a little more. 277 00:19:16,338 --> 00:19:17,828 Little more. 278 00:19:18,340 --> 00:19:20,865 That's it. Now just keep true. 279 00:19:23,712 --> 00:19:27,512 All right, you're close enough to Sheldon's room. Deploy the sensor. 280 00:19:28,817 --> 00:19:30,512 Now, turn it on. 281 00:19:30,686 --> 00:19:33,211 - It wasn't on? - No. 282 00:19:33,388 --> 00:19:35,356 Then why did I have to crawl? 283 00:19:36,758 --> 00:19:38,726 Oh, I guess you didn't. 284 00:19:41,930 --> 00:19:43,056 Okay, it's on. 285 00:19:43,232 --> 00:19:46,963 Good. From this point forward, you will have to crawl. 286 00:19:48,237 --> 00:19:50,262 I know. 287 00:19:53,408 --> 00:19:55,103 Hang on, the sensor's picking up something. 288 00:19:55,277 --> 00:19:56,972 Turn your head back. 289 00:20:02,784 --> 00:20:05,082 You rat bastard. 290 00:20:06,655 --> 00:20:08,782 Told you the sensor would work. 291 00:20:09,958 --> 00:20:11,118 Hi. 292 00:20:11,293 --> 00:20:13,318 You deliberately stuck me with Sheldon. 293 00:20:13,495 --> 00:20:15,861 Come on, I had to. You see what he's like. 294 00:20:16,031 --> 00:20:18,659 Penny? Penny, I'm hungry. 295 00:20:19,401 --> 00:20:21,028 It's okay, sweetie. Good news. 296 00:20:21,203 --> 00:20:22,932 - Leonard's home. - No. 297 00:20:23,105 --> 00:20:25,665 - Here you go, good luck, bye. - Oh, wait, wait. 298 00:20:25,841 --> 00:20:30,608 - Leonard? I'm hungry. - Wait. Penny, take me with you. 299 00:20:34,950 --> 00:20:36,713 Leonard? 300 00:20:40,188 --> 00:20:42,088 I want grilled cheese. 301 00:21:00,742 --> 00:21:04,576 Do you think Penny will come here and take care of us? 302 00:21:05,514 --> 00:21:08,915 I don't think Penny's ever coming here again. 303 00:21:11,553 --> 00:21:14,454 I'm very congested. 304 00:21:15,691 --> 00:21:17,283 Yeah? So? 305 00:21:17,459 --> 00:21:22,226 Can you go to the kitchen and get me the turkey baster labeled, "Mucus"? 306 00:21:25,233 --> 00:21:28,361 If I stand, I'll vomit. 307 00:21:28,904 --> 00:21:31,896 Under the sink. Yellow Tupperware bowl.