1 00:00:03,629 --> 00:00:04,630 That's not right. 2 00:00:05,214 --> 00:00:07,300 No, that's so unreasonable. 3 00:00:07,633 --> 00:00:08,843 Yeah, well, if you're going to be like this 4 00:00:08,926 --> 00:00:10,720 then I don't wanna talk to you right now either. 5 00:00:11,387 --> 00:00:12,680 Okay, I love you. Bye. 6 00:00:14,557 --> 00:00:15,975 Amazon customer support? 7 00:00:18,144 --> 00:00:19,395 No, my mother. 8 00:00:19,478 --> 00:00:22,190 Guess who she's insisting we invite to our wedding. 9 00:00:22,648 --> 00:00:23,649 Jesus? 10 00:00:24,692 --> 00:00:26,819 If only. My brother. 11 00:00:27,945 --> 00:00:31,365 Wait a minute. You didn't invite your brother to your own wedding? 12 00:00:31,616 --> 00:00:33,868 He tormented me my whole childhood. 13 00:00:34,118 --> 00:00:36,287 I don't think I should reward that type of behavior 14 00:00:36,370 --> 00:00:39,123 with a slice of wedding cake in the shape of the Millennium Falcon. 15 00:00:40,625 --> 00:00:41,626 Try again. 16 00:00:41,834 --> 00:00:44,128 A slice of wedding cake in the shape of a cake. 17 00:00:46,380 --> 00:00:48,424 Look, he may have been mean to you when you were kids, 18 00:00:48,549 --> 00:00:50,301 but you're both grown men now. 19 00:00:50,384 --> 00:00:51,510 That's right. 20 00:00:51,677 --> 00:00:55,097 I'm a grown-up and if I don't wanna invite him to my wedding then I won't. 21 00:00:55,973 --> 00:00:57,391 - Okay. - Except I have to, 22 00:00:57,475 --> 00:00:59,227 'cause my mommy's making me. 23 00:01:00,353 --> 00:01:02,355 (THEME SONG PLAYING) 24 00:01:26,587 --> 00:01:29,590 Okay, so each welcome bag gets a schedule of events, 25 00:01:29,674 --> 00:01:31,384 a map, and chocolate from me. 26 00:01:31,634 --> 00:01:34,262 And from Sheldon, a bottle of Purell, 27 00:01:35,888 --> 00:01:37,473 the number for Poison Control, 28 00:01:37,556 --> 00:01:39,642 in case someone accidentally drinks the Purell, 29 00:01:40,768 --> 00:01:42,770 and a laminated table of elements 30 00:01:42,853 --> 00:01:45,356 because the American school system is a failure. 31 00:01:47,108 --> 00:01:49,026 How many out-of-town guests are there gonna be? 32 00:01:49,151 --> 00:01:50,278 I'm actually not sure. 33 00:01:50,361 --> 00:01:52,321 Turns out Sheldon didn't invite his brother. 34 00:01:52,655 --> 00:01:54,615 Um. Now it's starting to sound like a wedding. 35 00:01:55,700 --> 00:01:58,119 And his mom said she won't come if his brother's not there. 36 00:01:58,369 --> 00:02:00,162 Um! Now it's starting to sound like a good wedding. 37 00:02:01,747 --> 00:02:02,748 HOWARD: Hey, Bernie, 38 00:02:03,624 --> 00:02:06,294 how do you know if someone has pink eye? 39 00:02:06,752 --> 00:02:09,797 Um, their eye would be red, swollen, and probably oozy. 40 00:02:10,047 --> 00:02:11,215 Okay, thanks. 41 00:02:11,799 --> 00:02:13,175 Both kids have pink eye. 42 00:02:13,634 --> 00:02:14,635 Oh, no. 43 00:02:14,844 --> 00:02:16,053 You stop right there! 44 00:02:16,387 --> 00:02:19,056 I'm getting married in a week. You are not giving me pink eye. 45 00:02:19,432 --> 00:02:21,851 - I don't have pink eye. - Hey, hey, hey. 46 00:02:21,934 --> 00:02:24,562 Let's step away from the bride! 47 00:02:24,770 --> 00:02:27,189 (SIGHS) Okay. I'll go back upstairs. 48 00:02:27,398 --> 00:02:29,692 Get in the shower and then take those clothes and burn them. 49 00:02:29,775 --> 00:02:31,569 Yeah, and all the rest of your clothes. 50 00:02:33,779 --> 00:02:34,780 Ah, worth a shot. 51 00:02:39,243 --> 00:02:41,746 So, am I gonna be, like, the only single guy at Sheldon's wedding? 52 00:02:42,163 --> 00:02:44,582 No, there will be a lot of single people there. 53 00:02:44,665 --> 00:02:46,334 Stuart, Amy's great-aunt... 54 00:02:47,793 --> 00:02:51,714 Although, Stuart's already friended her on Facebook so better move quick. 55 00:02:53,591 --> 00:02:54,800 I got to find a date. 56 00:02:54,884 --> 00:02:57,762 I don't wanna be that sad single friend that everyone looks at with pity. 57 00:02:57,887 --> 00:02:58,888 Oh! 58 00:02:58,971 --> 00:03:01,390 (STUTTERS) I'm afraid that ship may have sailed. 59 00:03:03,642 --> 00:03:06,729 Leonard, you have a brother, right? 60 00:03:06,937 --> 00:03:08,439 - Yes. - Is he the worst? 61 00:03:08,522 --> 00:03:10,483 Is he an unspeakable abomination? 62 00:03:10,566 --> 00:03:12,568 Does the very thought of him make your skin crawl? 63 00:03:14,362 --> 00:03:16,530 He laughs at his own jokes, but otherwise, he's okay. 64 00:03:17,782 --> 00:03:18,908 Sheldon, what's going on? 65 00:03:19,075 --> 00:03:21,744 I'm trying to invite my stupid brother to my wedding, 66 00:03:21,827 --> 00:03:23,245 and he's avoiding my calls. 67 00:03:23,371 --> 00:03:24,955 You don't know he's avoiding your calls. 68 00:03:27,875 --> 00:03:29,502 (TELEPHONE RINGING) 69 00:03:29,585 --> 00:03:32,129 GEORGE: (OVER PHONE) Hey, you've reached George Cooper, please leave a message. 70 00:03:32,213 --> 00:03:33,547 Unless this is Sheldon again, 71 00:03:33,631 --> 00:03:37,927 in which case, please try me on my other number, 1-800-suck-it. 72 00:03:41,514 --> 00:03:42,515 See? 73 00:03:42,765 --> 00:03:45,851 And I know that's not a real number because why would it be toll-free? 74 00:03:48,229 --> 00:03:50,314 Sheldon, you tried. What more could you have done? 75 00:03:50,523 --> 00:03:52,108 Hey, why didn't you invite him in the first place? 76 00:03:52,358 --> 00:03:54,693 You don't know what it was like growing up with him. 77 00:03:55,152 --> 00:03:57,738 I get it, I grew up with lots of brothers. 78 00:03:57,822 --> 00:03:59,448 My brother, Adoot, was especially mean. 79 00:03:59,532 --> 00:04:01,409 Really? I've never heard you mention Adoot. 80 00:04:01,867 --> 00:04:02,993 Sure I have. 81 00:04:03,077 --> 00:04:05,246 He's the one who left the door open when we were kids, 82 00:04:05,329 --> 00:04:07,039 and my pet mongoose ran away. 83 00:04:08,666 --> 00:04:09,667 Stupid Adoot! 84 00:04:11,710 --> 00:04:14,463 Look, short of getting on a plane and flying there, 85 00:04:14,547 --> 00:04:16,006 what does your mother expect you to do? 86 00:04:19,844 --> 00:04:22,263 I kept saying no, how am I here? 87 00:04:25,224 --> 00:04:26,892 Hey, did I tell you? I found a date. 88 00:04:26,976 --> 00:04:28,727 - To the wedding? - To coffee. 89 00:04:28,811 --> 00:04:31,105 But if things go well, Sheldon and Amy's wedding. 90 00:04:32,148 --> 00:04:33,899 Aren't you worried it's a little intense 91 00:04:33,983 --> 00:04:36,444 to ask someone you just met to go to a wedding? 92 00:04:36,902 --> 00:04:38,654 (EXHALES) I'm running out of time. 93 00:04:39,071 --> 00:04:40,322 (STUTTERS) Why can't there be a service 94 00:04:40,406 --> 00:04:43,367 where you can just pay someone to be your date for the evening? 95 00:04:46,579 --> 00:04:47,705 Like an escort service? 96 00:04:48,122 --> 00:04:50,458 No, no, no. You wouldn't be paying for sex. 97 00:04:50,708 --> 00:04:53,252 I mean, obviously if things went well it could lead to sex, 98 00:04:53,335 --> 00:04:56,714 but the money is for like, you know, her time and companionship. 99 00:04:57,047 --> 00:04:58,048 Oh! I get it. 100 00:04:59,175 --> 00:05:00,176 An escort service. 101 00:05:01,343 --> 00:05:02,344 Stop saying that. 102 00:05:02,553 --> 00:05:03,554 Stop meaning it. 103 00:05:05,347 --> 00:05:09,226 HOWARD: Hey, Raj, remember when you borrowed my VR goggles the other day? 104 00:05:09,310 --> 00:05:10,311 Yeah. 105 00:05:11,479 --> 00:05:12,688 Probably shouldn't have done that. 106 00:05:19,695 --> 00:05:22,031 So wait, your brother is Dr. Tire? 107 00:05:22,406 --> 00:05:26,118 Yes, and apparently it only takes half a semester of community college 108 00:05:26,202 --> 00:05:27,912 to get that particular doctorate. 109 00:05:28,537 --> 00:05:31,248 We passed three of these stores on the way here. 110 00:05:31,332 --> 00:05:34,168 Why did you say he's just some loser who sells tires? 111 00:05:34,835 --> 00:05:36,378 You're right, that was unfair. 112 00:05:36,462 --> 00:05:40,299 He is a loser who sells more tires than anyone in Texas. 113 00:05:43,719 --> 00:05:46,722 Oh, excuse me, we're looking for a Georgie Cooper. 114 00:05:46,931 --> 00:05:49,141 One second, I'll check to see if the doctor's in. 115 00:05:50,518 --> 00:05:52,436 He is not a doctor. 116 00:05:53,229 --> 00:05:55,439 Only one doctor here and it's me. 117 00:05:56,941 --> 00:05:58,025 I'm also a doctor. 118 00:05:58,108 --> 00:05:59,235 Do you wanna wait in the car? 119 00:06:00,611 --> 00:06:02,029 I wanted to wait in California. 120 00:06:04,657 --> 00:06:06,283 So, is this Georgie? 121 00:06:06,659 --> 00:06:07,660 Yes. 122 00:06:08,285 --> 00:06:11,789 And what is he even using that stethoscope to listen to? 123 00:06:12,373 --> 00:06:13,958 I don't know. Small leak? 124 00:06:15,793 --> 00:06:16,877 All right, that makes sense. 125 00:06:19,338 --> 00:06:21,757 What the hell are you doing here? 126 00:06:22,049 --> 00:06:24,385 - Hello, Georgie. - It's just George now. 127 00:06:24,802 --> 00:06:26,428 Fine, George. 128 00:06:26,512 --> 00:06:28,389 No, I don't like it. Georgie. 129 00:06:29,682 --> 00:06:31,058 I see you haven't changed one bit. 130 00:06:31,141 --> 00:06:33,060 Thank you. That is a nice thing to say. 131 00:06:34,687 --> 00:06:37,565 Hey, I'm Leonard. I'm here for no reason. 132 00:06:39,441 --> 00:06:40,734 What do you want, Sheldon? 133 00:06:40,943 --> 00:06:42,987 Why aren't you returning my phone calls? 134 00:06:43,112 --> 00:06:46,031 You're supposed to be the smart one, you figure it out. 135 00:06:46,865 --> 00:06:49,410 He's not that kinda smart. You might wanna give him a hint. 136 00:06:51,328 --> 00:06:53,539 We haven't talked in over 10 years. 137 00:06:53,789 --> 00:06:54,790 Now that you need something, 138 00:06:54,873 --> 00:06:56,500 you think you can just show up at my store? 139 00:06:56,584 --> 00:06:59,503 Well, let's just drop everything to accommodate Sheldon. 140 00:06:59,837 --> 00:07:03,507 Nice try, but I'm not a gullible little boy anymore. 141 00:07:03,591 --> 00:07:05,342 I can recognize sarcasm. 142 00:07:06,844 --> 00:07:10,264 Okay. You're right. I'm sorry. Tell me what you need. 143 00:07:10,347 --> 00:07:12,182 Your wish is my command. 144 00:07:12,266 --> 00:07:13,434 That's better. Thank you. 145 00:07:18,689 --> 00:07:21,442 (COMPUTER RINGING) 146 00:07:21,525 --> 00:07:22,526 Oh, my God! 147 00:07:26,363 --> 00:07:27,781 Yeah, I got it too. 148 00:07:28,824 --> 00:07:31,035 You really can't keep your hands off Howard, can you? 149 00:07:31,452 --> 00:07:32,786 I know, I have a problem. 150 00:07:34,330 --> 00:07:36,665 I just wanted to make sure you and Amy didn't get it. 151 00:07:36,832 --> 00:07:38,500 Well, I didn't get it. 152 00:07:40,794 --> 00:07:43,297 You infected me a week before my wedding! 153 00:07:45,341 --> 00:07:47,092 What am I supposed to do about this? 154 00:07:48,177 --> 00:07:49,386 Wear a veil? 155 00:07:50,054 --> 00:07:51,930 (LAUGHING) 156 00:07:52,681 --> 00:07:53,682 That's not funny. 157 00:07:55,601 --> 00:07:57,269 Look at what you've done to me! 158 00:07:57,353 --> 00:08:00,606 Hey, could you just, like, not touch my computer, 159 00:08:00,689 --> 00:08:04,026 or maybe, like, anything else. I just... 160 00:08:04,109 --> 00:08:06,945 Oh! I don't wanna look like that in your wedding photos. 161 00:08:09,365 --> 00:08:10,908 There aren't gonna be any wedding photos. 162 00:08:10,991 --> 00:08:12,451 My fiancé's a germophobe. 163 00:08:12,534 --> 00:08:15,621 If he finds out I'm contagious, he'll never come back from Texas. 164 00:08:16,121 --> 00:08:19,083 What if we tell him the theme of the wedding is Walking Dead 165 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:20,584 and this is our zombie makeup? 166 00:08:22,336 --> 00:08:24,213 That'll probably work. We'll call that plan B. 167 00:08:27,257 --> 00:08:28,258 Well, hmmm... 168 00:08:29,718 --> 00:08:32,012 Turns out this is gonna come in handy after all. 169 00:08:35,599 --> 00:08:37,351 Hold up. I'm... I'm confused. 170 00:08:37,434 --> 00:08:38,936 You didn't want me at your wedding. 171 00:08:39,311 --> 00:08:41,855 But now that Mom won't come, you want me there? 172 00:08:42,773 --> 00:08:47,069 I know you don't hear this a lot, but that is exactly right. Good job. 173 00:08:49,196 --> 00:08:50,572 Not helping, Sheldon. 174 00:08:51,156 --> 00:08:52,324 Listen here. 175 00:08:52,491 --> 00:08:56,078 You want me at your wedding, all you got to do is ask nicely. 176 00:08:56,245 --> 00:08:57,913 (BREATHES AND EXHALES HEAVILY) 177 00:08:59,039 --> 00:09:00,457 - Georgie... - George. 178 00:09:00,541 --> 00:09:01,834 (GRUNTS) 179 00:09:03,794 --> 00:09:07,256 I would like you at my wedding. 180 00:09:07,715 --> 00:09:08,966 Thank you, Sheldon. 181 00:09:09,341 --> 00:09:10,676 That is so nice to hear. 182 00:09:11,969 --> 00:09:14,638 But I would rather swallow a pregnant wildcat 183 00:09:14,722 --> 00:09:16,890 and crap out a litter of kittens! 184 00:09:19,977 --> 00:09:23,814 It is fitting that you got into tires, because you are tiresome. 185 00:09:25,983 --> 00:09:26,984 Sheldon, come on. 186 00:09:28,652 --> 00:09:30,946 - Was that too mean? - No, not too mean. 187 00:09:31,029 --> 00:09:32,197 Not too good either. 188 00:09:38,245 --> 00:09:40,289 No, Mother, that's not fair. 189 00:09:40,873 --> 00:09:41,915 But he told... 190 00:09:42,624 --> 00:09:43,667 Yes, ma'am. 191 00:09:44,626 --> 00:09:45,669 But I said... 192 00:09:46,170 --> 00:09:47,337 Yes, ma'am. 193 00:09:48,630 --> 00:09:49,631 Goodbye. 194 00:09:50,758 --> 00:09:51,759 What'd she say? 195 00:09:52,176 --> 00:09:53,761 She's not getting in the middle of it, 196 00:09:53,844 --> 00:09:56,638 because we "boys need to work it out ourselves." 197 00:09:57,431 --> 00:09:59,850 Well, maybe it's fine if she doesn't come to the wedding. 198 00:10:00,267 --> 00:10:01,602 I've got Amy now, 199 00:10:01,685 --> 00:10:04,104 and she can do everything a mom can do and more. 200 00:10:06,398 --> 00:10:08,692 Say that to her on the wedding night, really spice things up. 201 00:10:10,402 --> 00:10:11,945 This is all Georgie's fault. 202 00:10:12,404 --> 00:10:14,448 My whole childhood he was mean to me. 203 00:10:14,531 --> 00:10:17,326 Sorry. I know what it's like to live with a bully. 204 00:10:18,368 --> 00:10:19,661 Your brother bullied you? 205 00:10:19,870 --> 00:10:21,705 I was talking about Penny, but sure. 206 00:10:23,165 --> 00:10:24,500 Once, when I was eight, 207 00:10:24,583 --> 00:10:27,085 I was going to dress as my favorite scientist for Halloween, 208 00:10:27,169 --> 00:10:29,087 and Georgie threw my costume away. 209 00:10:29,338 --> 00:10:31,381 I had to wear a sheet and go as a ghost. 210 00:10:32,633 --> 00:10:34,218 Scared myself all night long. 211 00:10:36,762 --> 00:10:38,722 Look, we don't fly out until the morning. 212 00:10:38,806 --> 00:10:41,391 Why don't I try and talk to him? Give it one more shot? 213 00:10:43,227 --> 00:10:44,228 All right. 214 00:10:45,813 --> 00:10:48,148 But if he says, "Nerd says what," don't answer him. 215 00:10:48,232 --> 00:10:50,192 - What? - You are a lamb to the slaughter. 216 00:10:54,613 --> 00:10:55,697 So, how was your date? 217 00:10:59,243 --> 00:11:02,204 It was going well until my eye dripped in her latte. 218 00:11:04,998 --> 00:11:06,792 We're so sorry we ruined your date. 219 00:11:06,959 --> 00:11:08,836 Oh! Boo-hoo! 220 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:11,421 I mean, his date got ruined. 221 00:11:11,505 --> 00:11:14,132 I'm about to get married and look at me. 222 00:11:15,884 --> 00:11:17,010 Looks like it's getting better. 223 00:11:17,094 --> 00:11:21,181 Oh! Does it? Does it look like that with your two clear eyes? 224 00:11:23,141 --> 00:11:25,602 I'm sorry, are you mad that I don't have pink eye? 225 00:11:25,686 --> 00:11:26,979 - What do you think? - ALL: Yes! 226 00:11:30,941 --> 00:11:35,237 Uh-huh. Okay. Okay. Listen, I hear you. 227 00:11:35,404 --> 00:11:36,905 I know they're pricey, 228 00:11:36,989 --> 00:11:40,826 but these are the Dallas Cowboys of tires, okay? 229 00:11:40,951 --> 00:11:42,661 And we're talking the Troy Aikman Cowboys, 230 00:11:42,744 --> 00:11:44,496 not that pretty boy, Tony Romo. 231 00:11:46,164 --> 00:11:49,042 All right, good call. You won't regret it. 232 00:11:50,002 --> 00:11:51,044 - Boom! - (LAUGHS) 233 00:11:51,128 --> 00:11:52,629 Wow! That was impressive. 234 00:11:52,713 --> 00:11:55,090 Yeah, well, it's easy when you love your product, 235 00:11:55,465 --> 00:11:56,884 and hate Tony Romo. 236 00:11:58,510 --> 00:12:00,304 Yeah, that guy's... 237 00:12:00,888 --> 00:12:02,890 I'm sorry, I don't know who that guy is. 238 00:12:04,099 --> 00:12:07,102 If you're here about Sheldon's wedding, don't bother. 239 00:12:07,477 --> 00:12:10,022 Come on, I know you two have your differences. 240 00:12:10,105 --> 00:12:11,773 You mean pretty much everything about us? 241 00:12:12,065 --> 00:12:13,609 Well, not everything. 242 00:12:13,692 --> 00:12:14,985 You're both tall, 243 00:12:15,527 --> 00:12:16,862 you have the same last name... 244 00:12:18,113 --> 00:12:20,240 Maybe I shouldn't have started this like it was a list. 245 00:12:21,658 --> 00:12:24,036 You have no idea what you are talking about. 246 00:12:24,119 --> 00:12:26,496 Ooh! There, that was very Sheldon. 247 00:12:28,749 --> 00:12:32,169 Look, I'm... I'm sure he was not the easiest brother to have, 248 00:12:32,252 --> 00:12:35,672 but it wasn't easy for him either with you picking on him all the time. 249 00:12:35,839 --> 00:12:37,549 (LAUGHS HYSTERICALLY) 250 00:12:37,758 --> 00:12:40,302 Picking on him? Is that what he told you? 251 00:12:41,094 --> 00:12:43,931 Well, what about the time you threw away his Halloween costume? 252 00:12:44,514 --> 00:12:47,809 Well, yeah, 'cause he was gonna dress as some girl scientist. 253 00:12:50,729 --> 00:12:51,730 Madame Curie? 254 00:12:53,023 --> 00:12:54,900 I didn't know she was a madam. 255 00:12:57,611 --> 00:13:00,155 Come on, he was still gonna get beat up for wearing that dress. 256 00:13:00,906 --> 00:13:03,450 Didn't you sit on his head while he tried to watch Star Trek? 257 00:13:03,951 --> 00:13:05,744 Well, yeah, but that was hilarious. 258 00:13:07,829 --> 00:13:09,331 That is pretty hilarious. 259 00:13:10,749 --> 00:13:11,959 Look, I mean, uh... 260 00:13:12,042 --> 00:13:14,628 I always looked out for him at school, I drove him everywhere, 261 00:13:14,711 --> 00:13:17,089 I apologized to people when he was rude. 262 00:13:17,172 --> 00:13:19,257 Yeah. I've done all that. 263 00:13:19,633 --> 00:13:22,761 I've also removed all the red balloons from his Lucky Charms, 264 00:13:22,844 --> 00:13:24,471 because they weren't "Irish enough." 265 00:13:24,972 --> 00:13:26,765 All right, so you know what I'm talking about. 266 00:13:26,848 --> 00:13:28,558 And has he ever thanked you? 267 00:13:29,518 --> 00:13:31,269 Not in so many words... 268 00:13:31,645 --> 00:13:32,938 Or any words. 269 00:13:33,730 --> 00:13:35,857 Would it kill him to actually say it? 270 00:13:37,442 --> 00:13:38,443 No. 271 00:13:39,236 --> 00:13:40,612 No, it wouldn't kill him. 272 00:13:43,281 --> 00:13:44,282 Leonard... 273 00:13:45,659 --> 00:13:49,329 You know how I got the money to open up my first store? 274 00:13:50,539 --> 00:13:51,999 I busted my ass for it, 275 00:13:52,541 --> 00:13:54,960 'cause all the extra money that we had had to go to Sheldon, 276 00:13:55,043 --> 00:13:58,255 so he could go to college, and he could go study in Germany. 277 00:13:59,673 --> 00:14:01,258 And do you know what he's never said to me? 278 00:14:02,092 --> 00:14:03,385 Danke schön? 279 00:14:06,430 --> 00:14:07,973 It's "thank you" in German. 280 00:14:08,682 --> 00:14:10,142 Do you need me to sit on your head? 281 00:14:12,102 --> 00:14:13,145 Nope. 282 00:14:13,520 --> 00:14:14,938 After all my sacrifices, 283 00:14:16,189 --> 00:14:18,442 guess which kid my mom is the most proud of. 284 00:14:21,111 --> 00:14:22,404 If it makes you feel any better, 285 00:14:22,738 --> 00:14:24,656 my mom's most proud of Sheldon too, so... 286 00:14:26,908 --> 00:14:27,909 Leonard, 287 00:14:28,618 --> 00:14:29,786 you want a beer? 288 00:14:30,203 --> 00:14:31,580 Yeah, I would love a beer. 289 00:14:32,456 --> 00:14:34,332 - There you go. - Thanks. Can you open it for me? 290 00:14:34,416 --> 00:14:35,917 - No. It's a twist-off. - I know. 291 00:14:47,429 --> 00:14:50,891 Hey, I got all the beads to the other side. 292 00:14:52,934 --> 00:14:54,269 It's not a puzzle, Penny. 293 00:14:56,313 --> 00:14:58,106 Do you really wanna be touching that? 294 00:14:58,190 --> 00:14:59,775 Do you know how many sick kids... 295 00:14:59,858 --> 00:15:01,860 You know what? Never mind, knock yourself out. 296 00:15:03,403 --> 00:15:04,404 (PHONE CHIMES) 297 00:15:04,488 --> 00:15:06,531 Bernadette says they're checking the kids now. 298 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:08,784 You know, maybe we didn't all need to come. 299 00:15:09,034 --> 00:15:12,370 Hey, whatever kind of pink eye their kids have, I have. 300 00:15:12,454 --> 00:15:15,415 And I need to know. And if it's viral, I'm screwed. 301 00:15:15,624 --> 00:15:16,625 Maybe not. 302 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:19,169 You know, I know it's not traditional wedding attire, 303 00:15:19,252 --> 00:15:21,004 but how about a welder's mask? 304 00:15:22,714 --> 00:15:25,175 If you know a welder that could be your something borrowed. 305 00:15:28,220 --> 00:15:29,846 Great news, it's bacterial. 306 00:15:30,430 --> 00:15:32,432 - Yeah! - Yes! 307 00:15:32,516 --> 00:15:35,185 - What are you doing? Wash your hands! - Not you. 308 00:15:39,523 --> 00:15:40,857 Hello, room service. 309 00:15:40,941 --> 00:15:43,735 I'm calling about the club sandwich on your menu. 310 00:15:44,986 --> 00:15:48,490 No, I don't want one. I just want you to spell it correctly. 311 00:15:50,408 --> 00:15:53,203 Unless the "club" is the Poor Typing Club. 312 00:15:54,412 --> 00:16:00,210 Okay. Now let's discuss this "150%O gratooty." 313 00:16:02,003 --> 00:16:03,839 Well, that was rude. 314 00:16:04,798 --> 00:16:06,675 Someone just lost their gratooty. 315 00:16:08,093 --> 00:16:09,177 (SIGHS) 316 00:16:09,427 --> 00:16:11,972 Sheldon, you need to apologize to your brother. 317 00:16:12,597 --> 00:16:13,682 I'm sorry? 318 00:16:13,765 --> 00:16:15,892 Yes, like that but nicer and that way. 319 00:16:17,644 --> 00:16:20,355 - I have nothing to apologize for. - Huh. 320 00:16:20,480 --> 00:16:21,982 I told you this was a bad idea. 321 00:16:22,065 --> 00:16:24,943 Sometimes you can't patch a tire, you just got to buy a new one. 322 00:16:25,152 --> 00:16:28,113 Actually, that's always the case. Never patch, buy new. 323 00:16:29,406 --> 00:16:32,576 While I appreciate your folksy tire wisdom, 324 00:16:32,659 --> 00:16:35,203 I don't appreciate what you're putting Mom through. 325 00:16:35,370 --> 00:16:37,080 What would you know about what Mom's been through? 326 00:16:37,164 --> 00:16:38,248 You were never home. 327 00:16:38,331 --> 00:16:40,000 Yeah. This is good, get it all out. 328 00:16:40,083 --> 00:16:41,084 - Not now. - Shut up! 329 00:16:41,877 --> 00:16:43,920 You went away to college after Dad died. 330 00:16:44,254 --> 00:16:45,755 Who do you think took care of everything? 331 00:16:46,131 --> 00:16:48,967 Mom did. Mom always took care of everything. 332 00:16:49,551 --> 00:16:50,594 Mom was a mess. 333 00:16:50,969 --> 00:16:54,264 Missy was a dumb teenager. I had to look after both of them. 334 00:16:54,431 --> 00:16:56,099 I talked to Mom all the time. 335 00:16:56,183 --> 00:16:57,934 If she was upset, she would have told me. 336 00:16:58,143 --> 00:17:02,147 She was protecting you, you idiot, just like everyone always does. 337 00:17:02,814 --> 00:17:05,400 If things were bad, then why didn't you tell me? 338 00:17:05,483 --> 00:17:07,652 Because I was protecting you too. 339 00:17:11,156 --> 00:17:12,824 You're my baby brother, Sheldon. 340 00:17:13,617 --> 00:17:15,660 I know life has been hard for you, 341 00:17:17,204 --> 00:17:19,122 but that don't mean it's been easy for the rest of us. 342 00:17:22,083 --> 00:17:25,253 I suppose I didn't think about how it was for everyone else. 343 00:17:26,004 --> 00:17:27,088 No, that's all right. 344 00:17:28,131 --> 00:17:29,674 I know you didn't. (SCOFFS) 345 00:17:31,843 --> 00:17:32,844 I'm sorry. 346 00:17:35,472 --> 00:17:36,473 Thank you. 347 00:17:37,140 --> 00:17:42,062 And it would mean a lot to me to have my big brother at my wedding. 348 00:17:46,358 --> 00:17:47,609 I wouldn't miss it. 349 00:17:53,907 --> 00:17:56,326 Is it me or did we just patch a tire? 350 00:18:00,830 --> 00:18:03,375 He said "never patch." Do you even listen? 351 00:18:10,090 --> 00:18:11,841 (COMPUTER RINGING) 352 00:18:13,760 --> 00:18:15,303 Hey, how's it going? 353 00:18:17,806 --> 00:18:18,974 Really good. 354 00:18:19,432 --> 00:18:21,434 Georgie's going to come to the wedding. 355 00:18:21,643 --> 00:18:22,978 Oh! That's great! 356 00:18:23,520 --> 00:18:25,313 Why aren't you looking at the camera? 357 00:18:25,397 --> 00:18:27,607 You know, I'm just working on my peripheral vision. 358 00:18:30,068 --> 00:18:31,736 That is nonsense. 359 00:18:31,820 --> 00:18:34,030 Your peripheral vision is fine. 360 00:18:34,364 --> 00:18:37,826 Are those women's magazines making you feel bad about yourself again? 361 00:18:39,869 --> 00:18:41,746 Yep, that is what's happening. 362 00:18:43,331 --> 00:18:44,624 I have told you before. 363 00:18:44,708 --> 00:18:46,710 Those women are airbrushed, 364 00:18:46,793 --> 00:18:48,753 to make it look like they have good vision. 365 00:18:50,797 --> 00:18:54,217 Hey, I was thinking, now that you and your brother made up, 366 00:18:54,592 --> 00:18:56,094 there's no reason to rush home. 367 00:18:56,469 --> 00:18:57,804 Maybe you and Leonard could... 368 00:18:58,513 --> 00:19:00,056 Could stay for... 369 00:19:01,516 --> 00:19:03,727 Two to three more fun-filled days there. 370 00:19:06,062 --> 00:19:07,647 That's a great idea. 371 00:19:07,731 --> 00:19:09,441 Hey, Leonard, good news. 372 00:19:09,524 --> 00:19:12,777 We do have time to visit the Museum of the American Railroad. 373 00:19:15,030 --> 00:19:16,614 I'd say no, but what's the point? 374 00:19:23,455 --> 00:19:24,914 You might not wanna get too close. 375 00:19:25,623 --> 00:19:26,666 Pink eye. 376 00:19:28,418 --> 00:19:29,502 Me, too! 377 00:19:31,421 --> 00:19:32,797 - Bacterial? - Yeah. 378 00:19:33,131 --> 00:19:34,174 Same! 379 00:19:35,925 --> 00:19:37,886 I know this is gonna sound crazy, 380 00:19:38,303 --> 00:19:40,555 but would you be interested in going to a wedding with me? 381 00:19:46,227 --> 00:19:48,229 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)