1 00:00:04,338 --> 00:00:06,215 One dumpling left. Who wants it? 2 00:00:07,133 --> 00:00:08,759 Maybe you should offer it to the pregnant lady. 3 00:00:10,386 --> 00:00:11,929 And that would be? 4 00:00:15,099 --> 00:00:17,018 Me, Sheldon, I'm obviously pregnant. 5 00:00:17,435 --> 00:00:19,061 Well, you never said it to my face, 6 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:22,440 and the last time I assumed a woman was pregnant, it did not go over well. 7 00:00:22,940 --> 00:00:24,066 Yeah, I'm still mad at you. 8 00:00:26,569 --> 00:00:28,529 You were drinking water instead of wine, 9 00:00:28,613 --> 00:00:29,655 what was I supposed to think? 10 00:00:31,365 --> 00:00:34,035 Sheldon's right. I would never ask a woman if she was pregnant 11 00:00:34,118 --> 00:00:38,331 unless she tells me, or I see a human being wiggling out of her. 12 00:00:40,791 --> 00:00:42,126 Well, Sheldon, I'm pregnant. 13 00:00:42,293 --> 00:00:44,378 Congratulations! How far along are you? 14 00:00:44,712 --> 00:00:45,713 About three months. 15 00:00:46,005 --> 00:00:47,298 Only three? 16 00:00:49,133 --> 00:00:51,052 Good gravy, how many babies are in there? 17 00:00:53,387 --> 00:00:56,849 Okay, let's talk about something that won't infuriate my pregnant wife. 18 00:00:58,517 --> 00:01:00,478 I read an interesting fact about elephants. 19 00:01:00,603 --> 00:01:01,604 Try again. 20 00:01:03,981 --> 00:01:07,151 Oh, I've got something. I'm being interviewed on public radio this Friday. 21 00:01:07,610 --> 00:01:08,611 Oh, cool. How come? 22 00:01:08,694 --> 00:01:11,364 The university's trying to get more funding for the physics department, 23 00:01:11,489 --> 00:01:13,032 so they want me to go out and talk it up. 24 00:01:13,491 --> 00:01:14,575 Really, you? 25 00:01:18,246 --> 00:01:20,248 Well, they picked the right person for the job. 26 00:01:21,707 --> 00:01:22,792 Thank you. 27 00:01:23,209 --> 00:01:24,210 I think he bought it. 28 00:01:26,420 --> 00:01:29,048 (THEME SONG PLAYING) 29 00:01:52,905 --> 00:01:55,449 Hi, I'm Ira Flatow, and this is Science Friday. 30 00:01:55,533 --> 00:01:59,120 Joining me today is my guest physicist Doctor Leonard Hofstadter, 31 00:01:59,412 --> 00:02:02,832 to talk about all of the exciting research they're doing at Caltech. 32 00:02:03,082 --> 00:02:05,418 Thank you for having me. Whoa. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 33 00:02:05,751 --> 00:02:07,670 I never get used to hearing myself in headphones. 34 00:02:07,753 --> 00:02:08,754 Is that really how I sound? 35 00:02:09,171 --> 00:02:10,298 (CHUCKLES) 36 00:02:10,381 --> 00:02:11,382 It is, it is. 37 00:02:12,008 --> 00:02:13,175 (HEAVY VOICE) That is good to know. 38 00:02:15,261 --> 00:02:17,513 I told him his voice was annoying, he didn't wanna listen. 39 00:02:18,723 --> 00:02:19,724 Hey! 40 00:02:19,974 --> 00:02:21,183 What, you're saying it's not? 41 00:02:21,892 --> 00:02:23,686 Just, hey. 42 00:02:25,229 --> 00:02:28,399 So it has been five years since the discovery of the Higgs boson. 43 00:02:28,649 --> 00:02:30,609 What's the next big thing gonna be? 44 00:02:30,943 --> 00:02:33,571 (LIGHT CHUCKLE) Wow, that's hard to say, there's so much going on. 45 00:02:33,738 --> 00:02:35,448 We've been collecting tons of data 46 00:02:35,531 --> 00:02:37,950 that could revolutionize the way we understand the universe. 47 00:02:38,492 --> 00:02:40,870 Uh, for instance, there's a particle called a squark, 48 00:02:41,203 --> 00:02:42,747 which could prove supersymmetry! 49 00:02:43,039 --> 00:02:44,457 That is interesting. Have you found it? 50 00:02:44,749 --> 00:02:45,875 - What, the squark? - Yes. 51 00:02:46,042 --> 00:02:47,043 No, no. 52 00:02:48,878 --> 00:02:50,629 Wouldn't that be exciting? (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 53 00:02:51,714 --> 00:02:53,758 But we're also looking for the selectron, 54 00:02:53,841 --> 00:02:54,884 the gluino, and the neutralino. 55 00:02:55,134 --> 00:02:56,427 - And have you found that? - No. 56 00:02:58,554 --> 00:02:59,889 But, uh, fun side note, 57 00:02:59,972 --> 00:03:02,433 I went to high school with a girl named Theresa Gluino. 58 00:03:02,683 --> 00:03:05,227 But it didn't cost two billion dollars to find her. 59 00:03:05,311 --> 00:03:07,772 She was smoking behind the gym. (CHUCKLES) 60 00:03:09,565 --> 00:03:10,858 So, what have you found? 61 00:03:11,025 --> 00:03:12,026 Um, nothing actually. 62 00:03:12,610 --> 00:03:13,736 Should he be saying that? 63 00:03:14,487 --> 00:03:15,488 Probably not. 64 00:03:15,821 --> 00:03:17,573 Yeah, this is public radio. 65 00:03:17,823 --> 00:03:20,159 Doesn't he realize dozens of people might hear him? 66 00:03:22,620 --> 00:03:24,121 But, I remain confident. 67 00:03:24,538 --> 00:03:27,792 We've got the best equipment, and the best minds all working on it. 68 00:03:28,209 --> 00:03:29,877 Okay, sounds like he's back on track. 69 00:03:30,211 --> 00:03:32,463 Although, some days I'm like, 70 00:03:32,713 --> 00:03:34,507 "Ugh, we've spent so much money. 71 00:03:34,673 --> 00:03:37,510 Why haven't we found anything? What are we doing?" 72 00:03:42,431 --> 00:03:43,432 Oh, boy. 73 00:03:47,603 --> 00:03:50,231 There's Leonard. I bet he's having a rough day. (CHUCKLES) 74 00:03:50,606 --> 00:03:51,816 Let's just try to be supportive. 75 00:03:52,358 --> 00:03:53,442 Supportive? 76 00:03:53,526 --> 00:03:56,404 He publicly maligned the love of my life, Lady Physics. 77 00:03:58,114 --> 00:04:00,282 Might not want to mention that to Lady Fiancée. 78 00:04:02,701 --> 00:04:03,702 Hey, guys. 79 00:04:03,786 --> 00:04:04,787 - HOWARD: Hey. - RAJESH: Hey. How's it goin'? 80 00:04:05,162 --> 00:04:06,497 Pff. 81 00:04:08,207 --> 00:04:09,750 What? You got something to say? 82 00:04:10,334 --> 00:04:12,002 I think I just said it. 83 00:04:13,379 --> 00:04:14,547 P.F.F. 84 00:04:16,465 --> 00:04:17,633 Pff. 85 00:04:19,844 --> 00:04:22,471 - I... - Look, I, I was just speaking the truth. 86 00:04:22,555 --> 00:04:25,015 Yeah, we're scientists, isn't that what we're supposed to do? 87 00:04:25,182 --> 00:04:26,767 Oh, what would you know about the truth? 88 00:04:26,851 --> 00:04:29,061 You thought Phantom Menace was "not half bad." 89 00:04:31,397 --> 00:04:32,773 I told you that in confidence! 90 00:04:34,150 --> 00:04:37,027 Okay, calm down, everybody. Just cool it. 91 00:04:37,445 --> 00:04:40,072 No, let 'em go. If we get lucky, maybe one of them'll start crying. 92 00:04:41,740 --> 00:04:44,410 Can we just drop this and have lunch like adults? 93 00:04:45,035 --> 00:04:46,120 - Sure. - Very well. 94 00:04:48,998 --> 00:04:49,999 - Leonard? - What? 95 00:04:50,291 --> 00:04:51,542 Pff. 96 00:04:55,463 --> 00:04:57,590 - You ready for lunch? - Oh, one second. 97 00:04:58,674 --> 00:05:01,677 Ooh, someone's got a lot of fancy new lab equipment. 98 00:05:01,760 --> 00:05:04,847 I know. The university's been throwing money at my study. 99 00:05:05,222 --> 00:05:07,391 With any luck, there'll be a brain disease with my name on it. 100 00:05:08,893 --> 00:05:09,894 Fingers crossed. 101 00:05:10,269 --> 00:05:12,980 Which is ironic, because if you had Fowler's Palsy, 102 00:05:13,063 --> 00:05:14,565 you wouldn't be able to cross your fingers. 103 00:05:17,026 --> 00:05:19,904 I'm surprised Sheldon's not up here playing with all your new toys. 104 00:05:20,362 --> 00:05:21,906 Actually, I haven't told him about it. 105 00:05:22,281 --> 00:05:24,033 We've been getting so much more funding than physics, 106 00:05:24,116 --> 00:05:25,493 he's been a little sensitive. 107 00:05:26,160 --> 00:05:28,120 So you're just gonna hide your success from him? 108 00:05:28,412 --> 00:05:30,998 (SIGHS) I know, am I terrible? 109 00:05:31,415 --> 00:05:33,459 No, I do that too! 110 00:05:35,377 --> 00:05:37,630 Howie thought my company retreat was in Boise. 111 00:05:37,922 --> 00:05:39,298 It was in Tahiti. 112 00:05:41,091 --> 00:05:42,092 That's such a relief. 113 00:05:42,176 --> 00:05:44,803 I mean, part of me was worried I was being unfair to Sheldon. 114 00:05:45,095 --> 00:05:47,014 Take that part of yourself and hide it away. 115 00:05:47,431 --> 00:05:50,267 Just like I did with last year's bonus check that I "didn't get." 116 00:05:54,355 --> 00:05:55,689 - (KNOCKING AT DOOR) - (DOOR OPENS) 117 00:05:56,315 --> 00:05:59,485 - Ms. Davis, you wanted to see me? - Yes, Doctor Hofstadter, come on in. 118 00:06:00,611 --> 00:06:01,820 Should I sit or stand? 119 00:06:02,112 --> 00:06:04,031 I'm not used to being called into the Dean's office. 120 00:06:04,323 --> 00:06:05,407 Please sit. 121 00:06:06,742 --> 00:06:08,285 I have to say, I'm a little nervous. 122 00:06:08,577 --> 00:06:09,787 You should be. 123 00:06:11,872 --> 00:06:13,165 Look, I know I screwed up. 124 00:06:13,249 --> 00:06:15,125 But it was only one interview. 125 00:06:15,209 --> 00:06:17,086 How much damage could it have caused? 126 00:06:17,461 --> 00:06:19,547 Would you like for me to read you the emails 127 00:06:19,630 --> 00:06:21,924 from donors asking why are they giving us money 128 00:06:22,007 --> 00:06:23,634 if physics is a dead end? 129 00:06:23,884 --> 00:06:25,386 I didn't say it was a dead end. 130 00:06:25,469 --> 00:06:27,388 I just said that I was worried it might be. 131 00:06:28,389 --> 00:06:31,892 So, if I just said I was worried you might not have a job next week, 132 00:06:32,101 --> 00:06:33,102 how would you feel? 133 00:06:35,646 --> 00:06:37,523 Light-headed and glad you asked me to sit down. 134 00:06:39,233 --> 00:06:40,859 Okay, just tell me what I can do. 135 00:06:41,402 --> 00:06:44,363 I'm gonna need you to make a statement saying that you misspoke, 136 00:06:44,530 --> 00:06:46,574 and that you're confident the physics community 137 00:06:46,657 --> 00:06:47,992 is close to a major breakthrough. 138 00:06:49,243 --> 00:06:50,244 You want me to lie? 139 00:06:51,620 --> 00:06:54,373 Look, Doctor Hofstadter, I'm counting on you. 140 00:06:54,873 --> 00:06:58,502 I think that you are the smartest physicist at this university. 141 00:06:59,920 --> 00:07:03,090 - Really? - See? Lies. They're not that hard. 142 00:07:10,556 --> 00:07:12,016 - Hi. - Hello. 143 00:07:12,850 --> 00:07:13,934 Oh. 144 00:07:14,101 --> 00:07:15,185 Looks like you've been busy. 145 00:07:15,561 --> 00:07:16,854 Oh, I have. 146 00:07:16,979 --> 00:07:20,899 (STUTTERS) Dark matter, reconciling gravity and quantum mechanics, 147 00:07:21,317 --> 00:07:22,318 supersymmetry. 148 00:07:22,401 --> 00:07:25,362 I figured out the biggest problems in physics today. 149 00:07:25,946 --> 00:07:27,656 Wow, you solved them all? 150 00:07:28,324 --> 00:07:30,701 No, I just... I figured out that they're the biggest problems. 151 00:07:33,203 --> 00:07:35,247 Is this about what Leonard said on the radio? 152 00:07:35,331 --> 00:07:36,707 Uh, absolutely not. 153 00:07:36,957 --> 00:07:38,542 And I do not want to talk about Leonard. 154 00:07:38,626 --> 00:07:40,127 Can we please just talk about anything else? 155 00:07:40,878 --> 00:07:42,087 We could talk about my day. 156 00:07:42,338 --> 00:07:43,839 Walked right into that one, didn't I? 157 00:07:46,258 --> 00:07:48,093 Well, since you sort of asked, 158 00:07:48,385 --> 00:07:49,678 I actually had a very good day. 159 00:07:49,803 --> 00:07:51,347 I got some new equipment for my lab. 160 00:07:53,307 --> 00:07:54,850 Well, congratulations. 161 00:07:55,351 --> 00:07:57,811 I got some new equipment, too. 162 00:07:58,395 --> 00:07:59,938 I got these markers. 163 00:08:01,482 --> 00:08:02,775 They smell like fruit, 164 00:08:03,275 --> 00:08:04,985 which I did not notice when I bought them. 165 00:08:05,611 --> 00:08:06,904 (GASPS LIGHTLY) Don't really care for it. 166 00:08:06,987 --> 00:08:08,030 (SIGHS) 167 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:11,992 Here, drink this. 168 00:08:12,951 --> 00:08:14,036 It might help. 169 00:08:14,119 --> 00:08:16,622 - What if it doesn't? - No, that's why I brought the bottle. 170 00:08:19,416 --> 00:08:22,294 No one would talk to me in the halls, they just glared at me. 171 00:08:22,544 --> 00:08:24,088 It's like high school all over again. 172 00:08:25,047 --> 00:08:27,800 Oh, I would totally do high school all over again. 173 00:08:31,136 --> 00:08:32,346 But that doesn't help you. 174 00:08:35,015 --> 00:08:37,142 I got called into the administration office. 175 00:08:37,559 --> 00:08:40,437 Ooh, look at my bad boy getting called to the principal. 176 00:08:41,814 --> 00:08:43,440 We don't technically have a principal, 177 00:08:43,524 --> 00:08:45,609 there's a standing committee that oversees the budget. 178 00:08:45,984 --> 00:08:48,862 Ooh, look at my bad boy answering questions nobody asked. 179 00:08:50,906 --> 00:08:52,866 Oh, come on, look, you said a few dumb things on the radio. 180 00:08:53,075 --> 00:08:54,326 What is the worst that could happen? 181 00:08:55,536 --> 00:08:56,745 I may get fired. 182 00:08:58,455 --> 00:09:00,499 Okay, well, even if you did, you could find another job. 183 00:09:00,791 --> 00:09:03,419 (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) Yeah, who wouldn't wanna hire the physicist 184 00:09:03,502 --> 00:09:05,337 who publicly said physics is dead. 185 00:09:05,921 --> 00:09:08,006 Well, I wouldn't put that under special skills. 186 00:09:09,925 --> 00:09:13,345 Look, I can fix it. I just need to write a retraction I don't believe in. 187 00:09:13,429 --> 00:09:15,556 Basically sell out to keep my job. 188 00:09:16,682 --> 00:09:17,683 Great, I'll leave you to it. 189 00:09:22,938 --> 00:09:24,398 Hmm. 190 00:09:30,904 --> 00:09:32,197 Hmm. 191 00:09:38,162 --> 00:09:39,329 Oy. 192 00:09:40,914 --> 00:09:41,957 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 193 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:43,167 LEONARD: Sheldon, it's me. 194 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:48,338 - What? - Look, I know you're mad, 195 00:09:48,464 --> 00:09:49,673 but I have to write a statement 196 00:09:49,757 --> 00:09:51,592 that says the physics community is close to a breakthrough. 197 00:09:52,009 --> 00:09:54,762 And since you actually believe that, I could really use your help. 198 00:09:55,220 --> 00:09:57,514 - Sorry, I can't. - Come on, don't be like that. 199 00:09:57,806 --> 00:10:00,100 I can't, because I think you were right. 200 00:10:01,268 --> 00:10:02,978 - What? - Look, (SIGHS) 201 00:10:04,313 --> 00:10:05,522 not all science pans out. 202 00:10:06,190 --> 00:10:09,151 You know, we've been hoping supersymmetry was true for decades, 203 00:10:09,276 --> 00:10:11,945 and finally we built the Large Hadron Collider, 204 00:10:12,029 --> 00:10:14,406 which is supposed to prove it by finding these new particles, 205 00:10:14,490 --> 00:10:15,574 but it hasn't. 206 00:10:15,783 --> 00:10:19,161 Maybe supersymmetry, our last big idea, is simply wrong. 207 00:10:21,079 --> 00:10:22,289 That sounds awful. 208 00:10:24,166 --> 00:10:25,709 Now I get why everyone hates me. 209 00:10:27,586 --> 00:10:28,712 On the bright side, 210 00:10:28,837 --> 00:10:30,672 after working together for 15 years, 211 00:10:30,756 --> 00:10:32,758 you finally get to hear me say you were right. 212 00:10:36,011 --> 00:10:37,262 Yeah, you did. 213 00:10:38,764 --> 00:10:39,848 How's it feel? 214 00:10:41,058 --> 00:10:42,768 Given I might be unemployed, bittersweet. 215 00:10:49,441 --> 00:10:50,526 Read it back to me. 216 00:10:50,651 --> 00:10:51,652 Hang on. 217 00:10:51,777 --> 00:10:54,655 (SIGHS) "Yes, one might question the 20 billion dollars 218 00:10:54,738 --> 00:10:56,490 "to build and run the Large Hadron Collider, 219 00:10:56,615 --> 00:10:58,116 "but on the other hand..." 220 00:11:03,997 --> 00:11:05,207 Okay, um... 221 00:11:05,541 --> 00:11:08,836 Oh, oh! On the other hand, contrary to predictions, 222 00:11:09,002 --> 00:11:11,922 the Collider didn't create a small black hole 223 00:11:12,047 --> 00:11:13,882 that devoured the Earth and life as we know it. 224 00:11:14,091 --> 00:11:16,134 So, (STUTTERS) money well spent. 225 00:11:20,138 --> 00:11:21,265 This is depressing. 226 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:22,850 Do you have any alcohol around here? 227 00:11:23,225 --> 00:11:26,478 Oh, not surprisingly, when Penny moved out, she took every last drop. 228 00:11:27,688 --> 00:11:31,066 Oh, but I do have several bottles of Romulan Ale 229 00:11:31,149 --> 00:11:32,651 that I bought at Comic-Con. 230 00:11:35,529 --> 00:11:37,573 Isn't that just vodka with blue dye in it? 231 00:11:37,906 --> 00:11:39,575 First physics, now Romulan Ale. 232 00:11:39,867 --> 00:11:41,201 What else would you like to defecate on? 233 00:11:44,288 --> 00:11:45,706 Hey, I thought you were coming right back. 234 00:11:45,831 --> 00:11:47,624 I was, but we're both depressed 235 00:11:47,791 --> 00:11:49,418 and decided to drown our sorrows. 236 00:11:50,669 --> 00:11:51,712 In mouthwash? 237 00:11:54,756 --> 00:11:56,425 Man, that is so summer camp. 238 00:11:58,051 --> 00:12:00,470 It's Romulan Ale from Star Trek. 239 00:12:00,846 --> 00:12:02,848 It was briefly legalized during the alliance 240 00:12:02,931 --> 00:12:04,099 between the Romulan Empire 241 00:12:04,182 --> 00:12:06,143 and the Federation at the time of the Dominion War. 242 00:12:07,227 --> 00:12:08,353 Aw, now I'm depressed. 243 00:12:11,982 --> 00:12:14,443 The more I told him about my lab, the pissier he got. 244 00:12:14,776 --> 00:12:15,777 You know what he said to me? 245 00:12:16,194 --> 00:12:19,323 He said, "I hope all your correlations turn out to be specious." 246 00:12:21,700 --> 00:12:23,160 He said that to your face? 247 00:12:23,493 --> 00:12:24,494 What a dick. 248 00:12:28,165 --> 00:12:30,042 You know, you're a successful woman, 249 00:12:30,125 --> 00:12:32,836 you should be able to brag about your accomplishments once in a while. 250 00:12:33,378 --> 00:12:34,588 And so should you. 251 00:12:34,671 --> 00:12:36,381 I mean, the guys are never shy about bragging. 252 00:12:36,715 --> 00:12:37,758 Tell me about it. 253 00:12:37,841 --> 00:12:41,094 Howie texts me every time his dog levels up in Warcraft. 254 00:12:43,180 --> 00:12:46,058 Has he ever called you to tell you he found three peanuts in one shell? 255 00:12:46,183 --> 00:12:47,601 'Cause Sheldon has. 256 00:12:49,186 --> 00:12:50,771 We should be able to do that, too. 257 00:12:51,730 --> 00:12:53,231 I guess we can brag to each other. 258 00:12:53,941 --> 00:12:54,983 That's a great idea. 259 00:12:55,233 --> 00:12:56,860 Damn right it is. I came up with it. 260 00:12:58,236 --> 00:12:59,571 (CHUCKLES) 261 00:13:00,530 --> 00:13:02,032 That felt good! (CHUCKLES) 262 00:13:05,786 --> 00:13:07,746 You know, there's so much money in pharmaceuticals, 263 00:13:07,829 --> 00:13:09,581 we don't even wash out our test tubes. 264 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:12,084 We just throw 'em out and get new ones. 265 00:13:13,961 --> 00:13:17,172 I just got a brand-new, state-of-the-art FMRI machine. 266 00:13:17,422 --> 00:13:19,883 - Those things are so expensive. - I know. 267 00:13:20,425 --> 00:13:22,636 Sometimes I just lie down in there and take a nap. 268 00:13:25,222 --> 00:13:26,765 It's like a million dollar bunk bed. 269 00:13:29,393 --> 00:13:31,395 At the office, I have two assistants. 270 00:13:31,603 --> 00:13:34,106 I don't even know their names. I just call 'em Thing One and Thing Two. 271 00:13:37,067 --> 00:13:38,527 That's great. I don't have assistants. 272 00:13:39,695 --> 00:13:42,239 I guess that's one of the benefits of being in the private sector. 273 00:13:42,781 --> 00:13:44,324 That and all the money I make. 274 00:13:45,742 --> 00:13:47,202 Yeah, you've got that. 275 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:49,997 I've got my integrity, hard to say which is better 276 00:13:50,080 --> 00:13:51,206 without making you feel bad. 277 00:13:55,419 --> 00:13:57,004 Okay, so you guys are upset 278 00:13:57,087 --> 00:13:59,756 because the Collider thing disproved your theories? 279 00:14:00,090 --> 00:14:01,133 I-it's worse than that. 280 00:14:01,299 --> 00:14:02,884 It hasn't found anything in years, 281 00:14:02,968 --> 00:14:04,970 so we don't know if we're right, we don't know if we're wrong, 282 00:14:05,053 --> 00:14:06,346 we don't know where to go next. 283 00:14:06,847 --> 00:14:09,850 All I know is it looks like I tongue-kissed Avatar. 284 00:14:12,728 --> 00:14:15,147 Come on, you guys are physicists, okay? 285 00:14:15,230 --> 00:14:16,982 You're always gonna be physicists, 286 00:14:17,065 --> 00:14:19,526 and sure, sometimes the physics is hard. 287 00:14:19,818 --> 00:14:22,237 But isn't that what makes it boring? 288 00:14:24,990 --> 00:14:26,241 - RAJESH: Hey. - We're here. (SIGHS) 289 00:14:26,533 --> 00:14:28,869 - HOWARD: What's going on? - Okay. As far as I can see, 290 00:14:29,327 --> 00:14:31,371 science is dead 'cause Leonard killed it. 291 00:14:31,872 --> 00:14:33,957 And I don't know who the Romulans are, 292 00:14:34,041 --> 00:14:35,250 but those guys know how to party. 293 00:14:37,294 --> 00:14:38,295 So, what do you want us to do? 294 00:14:38,462 --> 00:14:40,047 I don't know. You're scientists, cheer them up! 295 00:14:40,672 --> 00:14:43,467 Cheer them up? Do you even know what a scientist is? 296 00:14:45,510 --> 00:14:47,387 No, we don't need to be cheered up. 297 00:14:47,471 --> 00:14:50,098 It just turns out that physics is exactly like Lost. 298 00:14:50,265 --> 00:14:52,768 Started out great, and turns out just a big ol' waste of time. 299 00:14:54,895 --> 00:14:57,314 Boo-hoo. You know what you sound like? Babies. 300 00:14:57,606 --> 00:14:59,441 Two whiny babies. 301 00:14:59,858 --> 00:15:02,903 There's nothing worse than being stuck with two whiny babies! 302 00:15:05,489 --> 00:15:06,656 Oh. 303 00:15:18,668 --> 00:15:20,337 Oh, my God. I'm gonna have two babies. 304 00:15:20,837 --> 00:15:23,256 No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Babies are great. 305 00:15:23,340 --> 00:15:24,549 You're lucky to have two babies. 306 00:15:24,800 --> 00:15:28,011 I mean look at me, uh, I'm all alone. I'm never gonna have babies 307 00:15:28,136 --> 00:15:31,723 'cause you can't make a baby watching Netflix with your dog. 308 00:15:37,521 --> 00:15:38,647 Thanks for coming. 309 00:15:42,109 --> 00:15:43,693 I may not make as much money as you, 310 00:15:43,777 --> 00:15:45,487 but at least I know that I'm actually doing something 311 00:15:45,570 --> 00:15:47,072 that makes people's lives better. 312 00:15:47,781 --> 00:15:50,075 Hey, my work makes people's lives better, 313 00:15:50,534 --> 00:15:52,911 especially if you have moderate to severe eczema 314 00:15:52,994 --> 00:15:54,412 and don't mind a few loose teeth. 315 00:15:56,790 --> 00:15:59,334 You're right, we both do important work. 316 00:15:59,501 --> 00:16:01,294 I'm trying to map the structures of the brain, 317 00:16:01,378 --> 00:16:04,548 and you're trying to convince people that itchy hair is a real thing. 318 00:16:05,966 --> 00:16:07,759 It is a real thing! 319 00:16:08,051 --> 00:16:11,221 It happens to be a side effect of our cholesterol drug. 320 00:16:13,598 --> 00:16:17,644 I'm just saying that my research may actually change the world forever. 321 00:16:18,186 --> 00:16:19,479 I hope it does, 322 00:16:19,604 --> 00:16:21,690 'cause I'm gonna see that world from a yacht so big 323 00:16:21,773 --> 00:16:23,441 you can land a helicopter on it. 324 00:16:30,198 --> 00:16:32,033 Physics is all we're cut out for. 325 00:16:32,826 --> 00:16:35,537 I mean, if we weren't physicists, what would we be? 326 00:16:36,371 --> 00:16:38,582 I don't know, popular? (CHUCKLES) 327 00:16:39,207 --> 00:16:40,458 RAJESH: Mm-hmm. 328 00:16:40,542 --> 00:16:43,795 It's fine, I don't need to be a theoretical physicist. 329 00:16:44,171 --> 00:16:46,339 There's lots of things I could use this brain for. 330 00:16:46,798 --> 00:16:49,759 I could be an accountant for the mob. 331 00:16:51,845 --> 00:16:54,347 I could guess people's weight at the fair. 332 00:16:56,224 --> 00:16:57,684 Okay, this is getting silly. 333 00:16:58,185 --> 00:16:59,186 Is it? 334 00:16:59,811 --> 00:17:00,812 One-eighty. 335 00:17:04,357 --> 00:17:06,276 Okay, that is enough! 336 00:17:06,568 --> 00:17:08,195 Your lives are not wasted, 337 00:17:08,278 --> 00:17:09,905 your careers are not at a dead end. 338 00:17:09,988 --> 00:17:11,615 You just hit a rough patch. 339 00:17:11,823 --> 00:17:14,743 Instead of feeling sorry for yourselves, you need to get up and get inspired. 340 00:17:15,035 --> 00:17:16,620 - How? - I don't know! 341 00:17:16,745 --> 00:17:18,413 You know, when I'm feeling down, I go for a run. 342 00:17:18,538 --> 00:17:21,374 Which is exactly why I'm not 180 pounds, genius! 343 00:17:23,919 --> 00:17:25,045 I know where we need to go. 344 00:17:25,587 --> 00:17:28,256 Um, are we running there? Because watching drunk Sheldon run 345 00:17:28,340 --> 00:17:29,674 would be the highlight of my life. 346 00:17:29,758 --> 00:17:30,800 (RAJESH CHUCKLES) 347 00:17:31,593 --> 00:17:33,053 We're going to see Richard Feynman. 348 00:17:33,803 --> 00:17:35,805 Penny, Richard Feynman is an iconic physicist... 349 00:17:35,889 --> 00:17:38,975 I know who he is. Leonard dressed as him for Halloween last year. 350 00:17:43,855 --> 00:17:46,107 I had no idea Richard Feynman was dead. 351 00:17:46,399 --> 00:17:47,817 Yeah, most people don't know 352 00:17:47,901 --> 00:17:50,946 he's actually buried right here in Altadena. 353 00:17:51,363 --> 00:17:54,574 I'm sure they keep a lid on that to avoid traffic jams. 354 00:17:57,410 --> 00:17:59,412 Well, (CHUCKLES) here he is. (SNIFFLES) 355 00:17:59,621 --> 00:18:01,623 Oh, wow, he's buried with his wife. 356 00:18:02,040 --> 00:18:04,626 We get it, a lady loved you. Quit bragging! 357 00:18:07,087 --> 00:18:08,546 Feynman was so cool. 358 00:18:09,256 --> 00:18:11,925 When I was a kid, I'd put on some headphones 359 00:18:12,259 --> 00:18:14,177 and crank up one of his lectures 360 00:18:15,303 --> 00:18:16,471 and just jam out to knowledge. 361 00:18:18,556 --> 00:18:19,933 This guy knew how to live. 362 00:18:20,475 --> 00:18:22,560 Taught himself musical instruments, 363 00:18:22,852 --> 00:18:26,106 studied Portuguese just to give a speech in Brazil. 364 00:18:26,606 --> 00:18:29,651 The only part of me that's been to Brazil is my bikini line. 365 00:18:31,152 --> 00:18:32,153 Okay. 366 00:18:34,781 --> 00:18:36,116 He did so much, 367 00:18:36,658 --> 00:18:39,286 and here we are stuck and letting him down. 368 00:18:40,036 --> 00:18:42,706 You know, Feynman used to say he didn't do physics 369 00:18:42,789 --> 00:18:44,791 for the glory or the awards, 370 00:18:45,583 --> 00:18:46,793 but just for the fun of it. 371 00:18:48,545 --> 00:18:49,671 He's right. 372 00:18:50,964 --> 00:18:53,633 Physics is only dead when we stop being excited about it. 373 00:18:55,051 --> 00:18:57,929 Even beyond the grave, he's imparting wisdom. 374 00:18:58,430 --> 00:19:00,557 Um, I'm the one who remembered it. 375 00:19:03,101 --> 00:19:05,061 Give me the bottle. It might be a little corny, 376 00:19:05,145 --> 00:19:06,855 but I say we pour one out 377 00:19:06,938 --> 00:19:10,191 for all the science homies who came before us. 378 00:19:10,358 --> 00:19:11,651 - I love that. - LEONARD: Do it. 379 00:19:13,820 --> 00:19:15,905 (HOWARD AND RAJESH CHUCKLE) 380 00:19:17,824 --> 00:19:18,825 Here comes some more! 381 00:19:21,619 --> 00:19:23,038 (SHELDON RETCHING) 382 00:19:24,039 --> 00:19:25,206 Ah, we got to see him run. 383 00:19:33,465 --> 00:19:34,507 Hi. You wanted to see me? 384 00:19:34,758 --> 00:19:38,011 Yes, I wanted to talk to you about the email you sent me last night. 385 00:19:39,095 --> 00:19:40,180 I sent you an email? 386 00:19:42,223 --> 00:19:43,558 You bet you did. 387 00:19:45,602 --> 00:19:49,731 "Hello, shalom and aloha from the grave of Richard Feynman." 388 00:19:50,148 --> 00:19:52,108 Oh, it's coming back to me. 389 00:19:53,068 --> 00:19:55,195 "Please accept the following retraction, 390 00:19:55,570 --> 00:19:57,489 "I know I said physics is dead, 391 00:19:57,655 --> 00:19:59,324 "but it is the opposite of dead. 392 00:19:59,699 --> 00:20:02,827 "If anything, it is undead, like a zombie. 393 00:20:04,579 --> 00:20:07,624 "Speaking of which, if Richard Feynman came back as a zombie, 394 00:20:07,916 --> 00:20:09,667 "I would totally let him bite me." 395 00:20:12,379 --> 00:20:13,671 Any chance that's the end? 396 00:20:15,173 --> 00:20:16,800 "I got bit by a squirrel once. 397 00:20:18,510 --> 00:20:20,178 "I had to get rabies shots. 398 00:20:20,512 --> 00:20:24,349 "I cried so much, my mother said, 'Don't be a baby.' 399 00:20:24,766 --> 00:20:27,143 "In conclusion, physics is great, 400 00:20:27,519 --> 00:20:29,354 "squirrels suck and someday, 401 00:20:29,562 --> 00:20:31,898 "I'm gonna put my mom in a cheap nursing home. 402 00:20:34,025 --> 00:20:37,737 "Yours truly, XOXO, Doctor Leonard Hofstadter." 403 00:20:38,446 --> 00:20:39,531 I can explain. I... 404 00:20:39,781 --> 00:20:41,032 "P.S. 405 00:20:41,991 --> 00:20:43,535 "Can you come pick us up? 406 00:20:43,660 --> 00:20:45,578 "The Uber driver won't open the door 407 00:20:45,662 --> 00:20:48,540 "because Sheldon is covered in blue vomit." 408 00:20:55,797 --> 00:20:58,425 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)