1 00:00:01,742 --> 00:00:03,442 Hey. So you guys ready to order? 2 00:00:03,443 --> 00:00:06,846 Since we come in every Tuesday night at 6:00 3 00:00:06,847 --> 00:00:10,616 and order the same exact thing, and it's now 6:08, 4 00:00:10,617 --> 00:00:13,019 I believe your question not only answers itself 5 00:00:13,020 --> 00:00:16,122 but also stands alongside such other nonsensical queries 6 00:00:16,123 --> 00:00:21,160 as "Who let the dogs out?" and, uh, "How are they hanging"" 7 00:00:21,161 --> 00:00:23,462 Okay. 8 00:00:23,463 --> 00:00:26,165 So, the usual, with extra spit on Sheldon's hamburger. 9 00:00:26,166 --> 00:00:28,868 Penny, a moment? 10 00:00:28,869 --> 00:00:30,403 Do you have plans this weekend? 11 00:00:30,404 --> 00:00:31,604 Oh, gee, Amy, I'm sorry, 12 00:00:31,605 --> 00:00:32,905 I'm actually pretty busy this weekend. 13 00:00:32,906 --> 00:00:35,675 Probably serving food that was ordered today. 14 00:00:36,710 --> 00:00:39,011 That's too bad. I was hoping you could be my plus-one 15 00:00:39,012 --> 00:00:41,180 at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies' 16 00:00:41,181 --> 00:00:43,215 symposium on the impact of current scientific research 17 00:00:43,216 --> 00:00:44,550 on societal interactions. 18 00:00:44,551 --> 00:00:47,553 The what? 19 00:00:49,056 --> 00:00:50,656 It's an annual science conference. 20 00:00:50,657 --> 00:00:52,024 We've all been invited to speak. 21 00:00:52,025 --> 00:00:55,261 Oh! Oh, okay, well, you know, like I said, I have plans, so... 22 00:00:55,262 --> 00:00:57,063 Shame. Since you're my best friend, 23 00:00:57,064 --> 00:00:59,131 I thought it would be a good bonding opportunity. 24 00:00:59,132 --> 00:01:01,901 I'm your best friend? 25 00:01:01,902 --> 00:01:03,636 Don't you read my blog? 26 00:01:03,637 --> 00:01:05,404 Oh, don't feel bad. 27 00:01:05,405 --> 00:01:08,007 I never read Leonard's, and I used to sleep with him. 28 00:01:11,278 --> 00:01:13,179 Do you know anybody else who would appreciate 29 00:01:13,180 --> 00:01:14,613 an all-expense-paid spa weekend 30 00:01:14,614 --> 00:01:16,082 at a four-star resort in Big Sur? 31 00:01:16,083 --> 00:01:18,985 No, I really-- I'm sorry, free what? Sorry, what, what? 32 00:01:18,986 --> 00:01:21,053 I think her weekend just opened up. 33 00:01:21,054 --> 00:01:24,256 Wait, wait, just to be clear, when you guys say "spa," 34 00:01:24,257 --> 00:01:27,493 does that mean the same thing as when regular people say it? 35 00:01:27,494 --> 00:01:28,761 Pretty much. 36 00:01:28,762 --> 00:01:31,497 Except we keep our shirts on in the sauna. 37 00:01:31,498 --> 00:01:33,933 You know, it is going to be difficult, 38 00:01:33,934 --> 00:01:37,069 but I'm going to cancel my plans so I can do this for my bestie. 39 00:01:37,070 --> 00:01:38,904 Please don't touch my breasts. 40 00:01:39,906 --> 00:01:41,474 I... I wasn't going to. 41 00:01:41,475 --> 00:01:44,176 All right. I just want to establish boundaries. 42 00:01:44,177 --> 00:01:46,879 Boy, this is great. I haven't had a vacation in ages. 43 00:01:46,880 --> 00:01:50,249 In order to take a vacation, one first has to work. 44 00:01:50,250 --> 00:01:52,184 You know, for a smart guy, 45 00:01:52,185 --> 00:01:54,387 you really seem to have a hard time grasping the concept 46 00:01:54,388 --> 00:01:57,723 "don't piss off the people who handle the things you eat." 47 00:01:57,724 --> 00:02:00,860 That does seem to be a valid principle. 48 00:02:00,861 --> 00:02:03,095 I trust Penny will adhere to 49 00:02:03,096 --> 00:02:04,897 the "Official California Restaurant Workers' 50 00:02:04,898 --> 00:02:07,233 Solemn Oath of Ethics and Cleanliness." 51 00:02:07,234 --> 00:02:09,635 I don't believe there's any such thing. 52 00:02:10,570 --> 00:02:13,406 You lied to me? 53 00:02:13,407 --> 00:02:17,043 ♪ Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state ♪ 54 00:02:17,044 --> 00:02:20,379 ♪ Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! ♪ 55 00:02:20,380 --> 00:02:22,014 ♪ The Earth began to cool ♪ 56 00:02:22,015 --> 00:02:24,550 ♪ The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ♪ 57 00:02:24,551 --> 00:02:27,219 ♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪ 58 00:02:27,220 --> 00:02:29,889 ♪ Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery ♪ 59 00:02:29,890 --> 00:02:31,791 ♪ That all started with a big bang ♪ 60 00:02:31,792 --> 00:02:32,554 ♪ Bang! ♪ 61 00:02:32,556 --> 00:02:35,954 ♪ The Big Bang Theory 4x13 ♪ The Love Car Displacement Original Air Date on January 20, 2011 62 00:02:36,004 --> 00:02:39,554 == Sync, corrected by elderman == == for www.addic7ed.com == 63 00:02:39,576 --> 00:02:40,543 Good morning. 64 00:02:40,549 --> 00:02:42,383 If I could have everyone's attention, please? 65 00:02:42,384 --> 00:02:45,787 I know we're all eager to get on the road to Big Sur, 66 00:02:45,788 --> 00:02:48,356 so if we focus, I'm sure we can get through this orientation 67 00:02:48,357 --> 00:02:49,857 in under a half an hour. 68 00:02:50,826 --> 00:02:53,294 Then it's just Q&A, quiz, safety drills, 69 00:02:53,295 --> 00:02:56,464 pose for commemorative group photo and we're off. 70 00:02:56,465 --> 00:02:59,267 Don't worry. Just sit next to me during the quiz, 71 00:02:59,268 --> 00:03:01,569 and you can copy my answers. 72 00:03:01,570 --> 00:03:02,770 Raj? 73 00:03:02,771 --> 00:03:03,971 What are you doing? 74 00:03:04,740 --> 00:03:06,474 I don't think so. 75 00:03:07,343 --> 00:03:09,243 You've had your allotted six ounces. 76 00:03:09,244 --> 00:03:12,380 The first bathroom break isn't until the Denny's 77 00:03:12,381 --> 00:03:15,216 located near Bakersfield, 78 00:03:15,217 --> 00:03:18,186 which is approximately two and half hours away. 79 00:03:18,187 --> 00:03:22,123 Remember, people, we're only as strong as our weakest bladder. 80 00:03:23,525 --> 00:03:27,528 Nobody cares about your Kegel exercises. 81 00:03:27,529 --> 00:03:31,632 All right. We have seven people, and two cars. 82 00:03:31,633 --> 00:03:34,936 In the lead car, driven by Leonard, 83 00:03:34,937 --> 00:03:38,172 will be... myself, 84 00:03:38,173 --> 00:03:40,408 Amy Farrah Fowler, 85 00:03:40,409 --> 00:03:42,343 and Penny. 86 00:03:42,344 --> 00:03:44,045 Yes! 87 00:03:44,046 --> 00:03:48,416 He had you in the other car, but I got you upgraded. 88 00:03:49,251 --> 00:03:51,085 Yay! 89 00:03:51,086 --> 00:03:52,954 She made the case that if we break down 90 00:03:52,955 --> 00:03:55,790 in the middle of nowhere, your Nebraska backwoods skills 91 00:03:55,791 --> 00:03:57,859 and brawny hands will give us the best chance 92 00:03:57,860 --> 00:03:59,861 to survive in the wild. 93 00:03:59,862 --> 00:04:02,230 Brawny? 94 00:04:02,231 --> 00:04:04,766 They're bigger than mine. 95 00:04:05,934 --> 00:04:08,770 Red Leader to Red Five, come in. 96 00:04:10,906 --> 00:04:13,808 Red Leader to Red Five, come in. 97 00:04:13,809 --> 00:04:16,010 Howard, you promised. 98 00:04:17,980 --> 00:04:19,914 WOLOWITZ Fine. Red Five to Red Leader. 99 00:04:19,915 --> 00:04:21,482 What do you want now? 100 00:04:21,483 --> 00:04:27,088 It's 11:15. I'm requesting your quarter-hourly location update. 101 00:04:27,089 --> 00:04:28,756 Still right behind you. 102 00:04:28,757 --> 00:04:31,793 Copy that, Red Five. 103 00:04:31,794 --> 00:04:33,394 Radio contact is sufficient. 104 00:04:33,395 --> 00:04:35,329 No need to extend your middle finger. 105 00:04:36,932 --> 00:04:39,634 So, Amy, I've been wondering, 106 00:04:39,635 --> 00:04:42,370 are you and Sheldon going to be sharing a room? 107 00:04:42,371 --> 00:04:44,272 No, we discussed it. 108 00:04:44,273 --> 00:04:46,374 We decided we didn't want to jeopardize our relationship 109 00:04:46,375 --> 00:04:48,209 by getting to know each other too well. 110 00:04:49,311 --> 00:04:51,879 Indeed. Nothing sours a friendship more 111 00:04:51,880 --> 00:04:55,683 than over-familiarity with someone's toilet routine. 112 00:04:55,684 --> 00:04:57,385 I can vouch for that. 113 00:04:57,386 --> 00:04:59,720 Hey. Not you, him. 114 00:04:59,721 --> 00:05:01,155 Oh. Thanks. 115 00:05:01,156 --> 00:05:04,725 Although yours was an eye-opener. 116 00:05:05,727 --> 00:05:07,595 Don't worry, Penny. 117 00:05:07,596 --> 00:05:09,897 You're my plus-one. You'll bunk with me. 118 00:05:09,898 --> 00:05:12,233 And FYI, travel makes me constipated, 119 00:05:12,234 --> 00:05:14,902 so I'm the ideal hotel roommate. 120 00:05:14,903 --> 00:05:17,271 Terrif. 121 00:05:17,272 --> 00:05:19,707 Are we there yet? 122 00:05:20,876 --> 00:05:24,045 I hope we get there in time to see the keynote address. 123 00:05:24,046 --> 00:05:26,447 Really? You want to see the keynote? 124 00:05:26,448 --> 00:05:28,583 Yeah, it sounds fun. 125 00:05:28,584 --> 00:05:29,951 "Super bacteria: 126 00:05:29,952 --> 00:05:33,354 global apocalypse or exciting research opportunity?" 127 00:05:33,355 --> 00:05:36,891 Actually, I was thinking we could go straight to the room 128 00:05:36,892 --> 00:05:39,060 and... take a nap. 129 00:05:39,061 --> 00:05:40,428 Really? 130 00:05:40,429 --> 00:05:41,996 And miss the keynote? 131 00:05:41,997 --> 00:05:44,499 We can watch it later on C-SPAN. 132 00:05:44,500 --> 00:05:47,268 Besides, I was really looking forward to you and me... 133 00:05:47,269 --> 00:05:48,936 napping together in the hotel. 134 00:05:48,937 --> 00:05:50,872 Honey, if you're that tired, 135 00:05:50,873 --> 00:05:53,374 why don't you just take a nap here in the car? 136 00:05:53,375 --> 00:05:55,009 No, see, it's not... 137 00:05:55,010 --> 00:05:56,911 Hang on. It's Leonard. 138 00:05:56,912 --> 00:05:58,946 Hi, Leonard. 139 00:05:58,947 --> 00:06:01,749 LEONARD Yeah, hi. Listen, I just got a text from Raj. 140 00:06:01,750 --> 00:06:02,984 He wanted me to tell you 141 00:06:02,985 --> 00:06:05,253 that when Howard says "nap," he means "sex." 142 00:06:07,890 --> 00:06:09,957 Thank you, Raj. 143 00:06:11,393 --> 00:06:15,263 Are you... an element in the actinoid series? 144 00:06:15,264 --> 00:06:16,531 No. 145 00:06:16,532 --> 00:06:17,732 Amy? 146 00:06:17,733 --> 00:06:20,801 Are you usually radioactive when found in nature? 147 00:06:20,802 --> 00:06:21,936 No. 148 00:06:21,937 --> 00:06:23,538 Are you in the lanthanoid series? 149 00:06:23,539 --> 00:06:25,473 Amy, it's Penny's turn. 150 00:06:26,842 --> 00:06:28,409 Penny? 151 00:06:28,410 --> 00:06:30,645 Uh, I don't know... 152 00:06:30,646 --> 00:06:32,013 Are you food? 153 00:06:34,650 --> 00:06:36,884 That's not apropos. 154 00:06:36,885 --> 00:06:39,954 We've already established I'm found in the periodic table. 155 00:06:39,955 --> 00:06:41,656 Well, it's a table, right? 156 00:06:41,657 --> 00:06:44,191 I mean, why can't there be food on it? 157 00:06:44,192 --> 00:06:47,361 I knew she wasn't lead car materiel. 158 00:06:47,362 --> 00:06:50,031 Who elected you Road Trip God? 159 00:06:50,032 --> 00:06:52,033 Leonard. 160 00:06:52,034 --> 00:06:54,669 It was a late-night vote. 161 00:06:55,671 --> 00:06:57,104 We were all exhausted, 162 00:06:57,105 --> 00:06:59,106 and he was threatening to filibuster. 163 00:06:59,107 --> 00:07:01,275 It's not technically "Road Trip God"" 164 00:07:01,276 --> 00:07:02,710 it's Travel Supervisor. 165 00:07:02,711 --> 00:07:06,781 Although Road Trip God does have a certain ring to it. 166 00:07:06,782 --> 00:07:08,449 I don't understand why you people 167 00:07:08,450 --> 00:07:09,984 just let him bully you like this. 168 00:07:09,985 --> 00:07:11,352 Someone should stand up to him. 169 00:07:11,353 --> 00:07:13,321 What's he going to do? 170 00:07:15,157 --> 00:07:18,459 I can't believe you let him kick me out of the car. 171 00:07:18,460 --> 00:07:21,829 What could we do? He's the Travel Supervisor. 172 00:07:22,931 --> 00:07:25,066 Don't worry, Penny. This is a better car anyway. 173 00:07:25,067 --> 00:07:27,034 Yeah. It's the Love Car. 174 00:07:27,903 --> 00:07:29,704 Should I ask? 175 00:07:30,973 --> 00:07:34,041 ♪ They say we're young and we don't know ♪ 176 00:07:34,042 --> 00:07:39,080 ♪ We won't find out until we grow ♪ 177 00:07:39,081 --> 00:07:42,116 ♪ Well, I don't know if all that's true ♪ 178 00:07:42,117 --> 00:07:46,988 ♪ 'Cause you got me, and, baby, I got you ♪ 179 00:07:46,989 --> 00:07:49,757 ♪ Babe ♪ ♪ Mm da-da, da-da, da-da ♪ 180 00:07:49,758 --> 00:07:51,892 ♪ I got you, babe ♪ 181 00:07:51,893 --> 00:07:53,461 Red Leader, I'm really sorry. 182 00:07:53,462 --> 00:07:55,896 ♪ I got you, babe. ♪ 183 00:07:57,032 --> 00:08:02,269 WOLOWITZ AND BERNADETTE: ♪ I got you, babe... ♪ 184 00:08:06,441 --> 00:08:09,043 I missed you. 185 00:08:09,044 --> 00:08:12,880 You know what? I missed you, too. 186 00:08:12,881 --> 00:08:14,849 Bernadette? 187 00:08:15,350 --> 00:08:17,051 Oh, my God, Glenn! 188 00:08:17,052 --> 00:08:18,653 Great to see you! 189 00:08:18,654 --> 00:08:20,621 Are you here for the conference? 190 00:08:20,622 --> 00:08:22,556 Yeah, I'm doing a global warming panel. 191 00:08:22,557 --> 00:08:23,624 Oh, good for you. 192 00:08:23,625 --> 00:08:26,060 Uh, Glenn, this is my boyfriend Howard. 193 00:08:26,061 --> 00:08:28,562 Nice to meet you. Hi. 194 00:08:28,563 --> 00:08:30,164 Ow. Hi. 195 00:08:30,165 --> 00:08:31,966 You're a lucky man. 196 00:08:31,967 --> 00:08:33,701 Bernie's a great gal. 197 00:08:33,702 --> 00:08:37,071 Yes. "Bernie" sure is. 198 00:08:37,072 --> 00:08:39,240 Well, I got to run. The panel's tomorrow morning. 199 00:08:39,241 --> 00:08:41,709 It's called, "Remembering Snow: A Look Back." 200 00:08:41,710 --> 00:08:44,412 I'll try to catch it. 201 00:08:44,413 --> 00:08:45,813 Oh, great. 202 00:08:45,814 --> 00:08:47,381 Bye. Bye. 203 00:08:50,252 --> 00:08:52,553 Hey... Bernie? 204 00:08:52,554 --> 00:08:53,721 Yeah? 205 00:08:53,722 --> 00:08:57,124 Please tell me he's your gay cousin. 206 00:08:57,125 --> 00:08:59,927 No. 207 00:08:59,928 --> 00:09:01,929 He was one of my professors in college. 208 00:09:01,930 --> 00:09:04,732 Oh! That's a relief. 209 00:09:04,733 --> 00:09:06,300 Then we went out for a year. 210 00:09:07,569 --> 00:09:10,471 Come on, let's check in, so we can take that nap. 211 00:09:13,875 --> 00:09:16,143 No, it's not necessarily proportional... 212 00:09:16,144 --> 00:09:17,411 Shut up! 213 00:09:22,539 --> 00:09:24,420 That green bag is Dr. Cooper's. 214 00:09:24,478 --> 00:09:26,345 Here's an extra five. Make him wait. 215 00:09:30,250 --> 00:09:31,984 Oh. 216 00:09:31,985 --> 00:09:34,620 Right to the nap, huh? Okay? 217 00:09:35,422 --> 00:09:37,757 Uh, so, this Glenn guy. 218 00:09:37,758 --> 00:09:40,526 You say you went out with him for, like, a year. 219 00:09:40,527 --> 00:09:42,562 Do we really need to talk about my old boyfriend now? 220 00:09:42,563 --> 00:09:44,897 No. I guess not. 221 00:09:46,667 --> 00:09:49,402 What is he, like, six-four, six-five? 222 00:09:49,403 --> 00:09:51,170 Six-seven. 223 00:09:51,171 --> 00:09:55,374 Probably has a hard time finding a suit that fits. 224 00:09:56,210 --> 00:09:57,877 Is something bothering you? 225 00:09:57,878 --> 00:10:00,213 No. It's just... What? 226 00:10:00,214 --> 00:10:01,514 I'm just thinking. 227 00:10:01,515 --> 00:10:03,049 If you had sex with that guy, 228 00:10:03,050 --> 00:10:04,984 I mean, there's nothing I can do here 229 00:10:04,985 --> 00:10:10,122 that will make any kind of... impact. 230 00:10:10,123 --> 00:10:11,791 Howard, it's not a contest. 231 00:10:11,792 --> 00:10:13,659 I love you. I want to be with you. 232 00:10:13,660 --> 00:10:16,295 Yeah, great, love you, too, but... 233 00:10:16,296 --> 00:10:19,699 If it were a contest, 234 00:10:19,700 --> 00:10:22,201 I wouldn't have a chance, right? 235 00:10:22,202 --> 00:10:23,436 You can't think that way. 236 00:10:23,437 --> 00:10:24,637 Yep. 237 00:10:24,638 --> 00:10:26,839 Loser. 238 00:10:28,842 --> 00:10:30,509 Howard, stop it. 239 00:10:30,510 --> 00:10:32,245 Sorry. I just never figured that 240 00:10:32,246 --> 00:10:34,480 a guy like me going out with a girl like you 241 00:10:34,481 --> 00:10:37,116 would ever have to compete with a guy like that. 242 00:10:38,452 --> 00:10:41,454 Wait a minute, "a girl like me"? What's that mean? 243 00:10:46,226 --> 00:10:47,693 I'm... I... 244 00:10:47,694 --> 00:10:49,562 Are you saying you don't think I'm hot enough 245 00:10:49,563 --> 00:10:51,163 to go out with a guy like Glenn? 246 00:10:51,164 --> 00:10:54,133 No! No, I'm saying exactly the opposite. 247 00:10:54,134 --> 00:10:57,036 I'm too hot to go out with a guy like Glenn? 248 00:10:58,605 --> 00:11:00,973 Yeah, let's go with that. 249 00:11:08,382 --> 00:11:10,616 Still nothing. 250 00:11:11,718 --> 00:11:14,020 Remind me to try again in an hour. 251 00:11:14,021 --> 00:11:16,222 Will do. 252 00:11:16,223 --> 00:11:19,992 So... 253 00:11:19,993 --> 00:11:21,627 girl talk? 254 00:11:21,628 --> 00:11:23,562 Um, sure. 255 00:11:23,563 --> 00:11:25,264 What do you got in mind? 256 00:11:25,265 --> 00:11:28,801 Do you subscribe to the Freudian theory of penis envy? 257 00:11:30,604 --> 00:11:33,139 Um, I never really thought about it. 258 00:11:33,140 --> 00:11:34,407 Why? 259 00:11:34,408 --> 00:11:37,310 Sometimes I think it might be nice to have one. 260 00:11:37,311 --> 00:11:38,577 Really? 261 00:11:38,578 --> 00:11:41,147 Not for sex, for convenience. 262 00:11:41,148 --> 00:11:43,649 You can't deny that, by comparison, 263 00:11:43,650 --> 00:11:46,285 our internal plumbing is extremely high maintenance. 264 00:11:46,286 --> 00:11:50,389 Again, I've never given it much thought. 265 00:11:50,390 --> 00:11:52,158 We have time now. 266 00:11:52,159 --> 00:11:53,392 Think about it. 267 00:11:55,195 --> 00:11:57,029 Oh, good. 268 00:12:00,901 --> 00:12:02,068 Hey. 269 00:12:02,069 --> 00:12:03,202 Can I stay here tonight? 270 00:12:03,203 --> 00:12:04,170 Yeah. Why, what happened? 271 00:12:04,171 --> 00:12:06,839 Howard's a complete and total ass. 272 00:12:06,840 --> 00:12:08,674 Oh, yeah, that. Come on in. 273 00:12:10,344 --> 00:12:12,244 Thanks. I'll sleep on the floor. 274 00:12:12,245 --> 00:12:13,612 Not necessary. 275 00:12:13,613 --> 00:12:15,981 Penny and I are perfectly comfortable sharing a bed. 276 00:12:15,982 --> 00:12:18,084 We are? 277 00:12:18,085 --> 00:12:20,619 Of course, we're best friends. 278 00:12:20,620 --> 00:12:23,789 Oh, right, right, the blog. 279 00:12:23,790 --> 00:12:24,890 Word of warning, though. 280 00:12:24,891 --> 00:12:26,258 I'm prone to night terrors, 281 00:12:26,259 --> 00:12:28,561 so when I wake up kicking and screaming, don't panic. 282 00:12:28,562 --> 00:12:31,564 Just pin me down and stroke my hair, and I'll be fine. 283 00:12:37,838 --> 00:12:39,705 Hey, can I stay here tonight? Shh-shh-shh. 284 00:12:39,706 --> 00:12:41,640 Sheldon's asleep. 285 00:12:41,641 --> 00:12:42,808 What's going on? 286 00:12:42,809 --> 00:12:44,744 Well, Howard's a complete and total ass, 287 00:12:44,745 --> 00:12:46,178 Bernadette's in my bed, 288 00:12:46,179 --> 00:12:49,682 and no matter how much you stroke Amy's hair, she bites. 289 00:12:49,683 --> 00:12:51,083 What? Never mind. 290 00:12:51,084 --> 00:12:52,585 Can I stay here or not? 291 00:12:52,586 --> 00:12:54,053 Uh, sure. All right. 292 00:12:59,726 --> 00:13:01,727 So, how do you want to do this? 293 00:13:01,728 --> 00:13:04,296 Well, I'm not getting in bed with him. 294 00:13:05,465 --> 00:13:07,199 Yeah, it is a little like 295 00:13:07,200 --> 00:13:08,501 getting into Dracula's coffin. 296 00:13:08,502 --> 00:13:12,371 We're just gonna have to make the best of this. 297 00:13:13,340 --> 00:13:15,541 Okay, when you say "make the best of it..." 298 00:13:15,542 --> 00:13:17,176 Sleep. Right. 299 00:13:18,178 --> 00:13:21,647 So we'll just call the middle here 300 00:13:21,648 --> 00:13:22,915 the Neutral Zone. 301 00:13:22,916 --> 00:13:24,583 The what? 302 00:13:24,584 --> 00:13:27,052 Star Trek. 303 00:13:27,053 --> 00:13:28,521 You know, the Neutral Zone 304 00:13:28,522 --> 00:13:30,823 between the Federation and the Romulan Empire. 305 00:13:30,824 --> 00:13:32,458 Oh, okay. 306 00:13:32,459 --> 00:13:35,394 Just like old times. 307 00:13:40,033 --> 00:13:41,834 Of course, 308 00:13:41,835 --> 00:13:45,004 sometimes the Federation and the Romulans 309 00:13:45,005 --> 00:13:46,872 would enter the Neutral Zone 310 00:13:46,873 --> 00:13:49,008 to negotiate a temporary truce. 311 00:13:49,009 --> 00:13:52,945 Sweetie, let me put this in a way you'll understand: 312 00:13:52,946 --> 00:13:55,848 from the waist down, my shields are up. 313 00:13:56,683 --> 00:13:58,651 Got it, got it. 314 00:14:01,788 --> 00:14:03,823 We can do all kinds of stuff 315 00:14:03,824 --> 00:14:06,392 from the waist up, you know? 316 00:14:06,393 --> 00:14:08,227 Go to sleep. Good night. 317 00:14:14,234 --> 00:14:17,536 Please tell me you're not having coitus. 318 00:14:19,873 --> 00:14:22,408 We are not having coitus. 319 00:14:22,409 --> 00:14:24,043 Can you guarantee that it won't happen 320 00:14:24,044 --> 00:14:25,244 at any time during the night? 321 00:14:25,245 --> 00:14:27,580 Yes. No. 322 00:14:38,492 --> 00:14:43,262 ANNOUNCER Next on Turner Classic Movies, Bridget Jones's Diary. 323 00:14:43,263 --> 00:14:47,099 Oh, my God, I'm crying already. 324 00:14:48,401 --> 00:14:51,036 Raj? Raj? 325 00:14:51,037 --> 00:14:52,538 Raj? 326 00:14:56,810 --> 00:14:58,777 I need to sleep here tonight. 327 00:14:58,778 --> 00:15:00,145 Why? 328 00:15:00,146 --> 00:15:02,114 Howard is a complete and total ass, 329 00:15:02,115 --> 00:15:04,416 Bernadette is in Penny's bed, Amy bites, 330 00:15:04,417 --> 00:15:07,853 and Penny may or may not have coitus with Leonard. 331 00:15:07,854 --> 00:15:10,289 Okay. Come on in. 332 00:15:14,628 --> 00:15:16,095 Leonard, are you asleep? 333 00:15:16,096 --> 00:15:17,363 No. 334 00:15:17,364 --> 00:15:20,099 I really appreciate you letting me stay here tonight. 335 00:15:20,100 --> 00:15:21,400 Sure, no problem. 336 00:15:21,401 --> 00:15:23,202 I know it's kinda weird. 337 00:15:23,203 --> 00:15:25,004 True dat. 338 00:15:25,005 --> 00:15:27,573 "True dat"? 339 00:15:27,574 --> 00:15:31,043 I've gotten a lot more street since we broke up. 340 00:15:33,680 --> 00:15:35,848 Right. 341 00:15:35,849 --> 00:15:37,750 Still mad at me about that? 342 00:15:37,751 --> 00:15:39,985 No. No, I understand. 343 00:15:39,986 --> 00:15:43,422 I got too intense, you had to back off. 344 00:15:43,423 --> 00:15:46,025 Thank you. 345 00:15:46,026 --> 00:15:49,061 I've gotten a lot better at that, you know. 346 00:15:50,363 --> 00:15:52,631 I've dated four different women since we broke up 347 00:15:52,632 --> 00:15:55,134 and I didn't tell any of them that I loved them 348 00:15:55,135 --> 00:15:56,902 and wanted to have their babies. 349 00:15:56,903 --> 00:15:59,738 Good for you. 350 00:16:01,641 --> 00:16:02,641 Okay, good night. 351 00:16:02,642 --> 00:16:04,977 Good night. 352 00:16:06,580 --> 00:16:11,650 You know, maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world 353 00:16:11,651 --> 00:16:14,987 to violate the Neutral Zone for just one night. 354 00:16:14,988 --> 00:16:16,522 Oh! 355 00:16:18,358 --> 00:16:20,125 Hey, Leonard, Sheldon kicked me 356 00:16:20,126 --> 00:16:22,361 out of the room, gave me your key. 357 00:16:23,296 --> 00:16:24,763 Penny's here. 358 00:16:28,602 --> 00:16:33,472 No, we don't want to watch Bridget Jones's Diary! 359 00:16:38,612 --> 00:16:42,915 Good morning and welcome to Science and Society. 360 00:16:42,916 --> 00:16:49,655 I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper, BS, MS, MA, PhD, and ScD. 361 00:16:49,656 --> 00:16:52,057 OMG, right? 362 00:16:55,028 --> 00:16:58,697 Perhaps that joke was a little too hippie-dippy for this crowd. 363 00:16:58,698 --> 00:17:00,966 All right then, we'll begin with opening remarks. 364 00:17:00,967 --> 00:17:04,103 Miss Rostenkowski, would you like to start us off 365 00:17:04,104 --> 00:17:05,571 by discussing your assessment 366 00:17:05,572 --> 00:17:08,707 of science's responsibility to society? 367 00:17:08,708 --> 00:17:09,942 Sure. 368 00:17:09,943 --> 00:17:11,977 I think all branches of science 369 00:17:11,978 --> 00:17:14,279 have to move cautiously these days. 370 00:17:14,280 --> 00:17:16,382 It's not just giant nuclear weapons 371 00:17:16,383 --> 00:17:17,916 that can destroy the world. 372 00:17:17,917 --> 00:17:19,985 As a microbiologist, I can tell you 373 00:17:19,986 --> 00:17:24,690 even the tiniest organisms can still tear you a new one. 374 00:17:27,494 --> 00:17:28,861 Interesting. 375 00:17:28,862 --> 00:17:31,964 I think what you might need to know about my colleague 376 00:17:31,965 --> 00:17:36,001 is that though she claims her field of interest is tiny organisms, 377 00:17:36,002 --> 00:17:39,772 she certainly has spent her fair share of time 378 00:17:39,773 --> 00:17:44,777 around what we can assume was pretty massive weaponry. 379 00:17:46,112 --> 00:17:49,481 I think Mr. Wolowitz needs to keep in mind 380 00:17:49,482 --> 00:17:51,417 that the past is the past. 381 00:17:51,418 --> 00:17:53,952 But he should know that I am the kind of girl 382 00:17:53,953 --> 00:17:57,356 who could get all the giant missiles she wants. 383 00:18:00,193 --> 00:18:02,795 Are we talking about women wanting penises? 384 00:18:02,796 --> 00:18:04,763 Because I'd like to weigh in. 385 00:18:11,838 --> 00:18:14,740 Dr. Koothrappali, would you care to join the conversation? 386 00:18:14,741 --> 00:18:17,710 Certainly. I'd like to raise two points. 387 00:18:17,711 --> 00:18:21,814 Number one, I think they are talking about penises. 388 00:18:23,550 --> 00:18:28,120 And number two, these mimosas are kicking my little brown ass. 389 00:18:30,724 --> 00:18:33,192 I'd like to kick your little brown ass. 390 00:18:33,193 --> 00:18:34,626 What did I do? 391 00:18:34,627 --> 00:18:36,061 Oh, I don't know. 392 00:18:36,062 --> 00:18:37,663 Maybe when you walk into a hotel room 393 00:18:37,664 --> 00:18:40,532 and you see a guy getting back together with his girlfriend, 394 00:18:40,533 --> 00:18:42,868 you should consider doing something other 395 00:18:42,869 --> 00:18:45,337 than crawling into the adjoining bed. 396 00:18:45,338 --> 00:18:48,373 I did. You said no Bridget Jones. 397 00:18:48,374 --> 00:18:51,110 We weren't getting back together! 398 00:18:51,111 --> 00:18:53,846 It was a one-time thing! 399 00:18:53,847 --> 00:18:55,114 Excuse me. 400 00:18:55,115 --> 00:18:57,082 We're not taking comments or questions 401 00:18:57,083 --> 00:18:58,751 from the audience just yet. 402 00:18:58,752 --> 00:19:01,253 Oh, shut up, Sheldon! 403 00:19:01,254 --> 00:19:03,455 Hi, bestie. 404 00:19:03,456 --> 00:19:04,723 All right, 405 00:19:04,724 --> 00:19:07,459 why don't we see if we can bring this back to topic. 406 00:19:07,460 --> 00:19:09,194 Let me ask you something, Bernie. 407 00:19:09,195 --> 00:19:10,596 I guess not. 408 00:19:10,597 --> 00:19:13,465 How would you feel if you met my ex-girlfriend 409 00:19:13,466 --> 00:19:16,201 and she was like Angelina Jolie? 410 00:19:16,202 --> 00:19:19,571 Oh, come on, Howard, be realistic. 411 00:19:20,907 --> 00:19:26,445 What, I'm not hot enough for Angelina Jolie? 412 00:19:26,446 --> 00:19:28,647 I'd like to weigh in here. 413 00:19:28,648 --> 00:19:30,182 No. 414 00:19:32,952 --> 00:19:34,453 All right, why don't we open it up 415 00:19:34,454 --> 00:19:35,654 to Q&A from the audience? 416 00:19:35,655 --> 00:19:37,055 Yeah, I have a question. 417 00:19:37,056 --> 00:19:38,557 Is there anybody who can get me the hell out of here 418 00:19:38,558 --> 00:19:41,727 and back to Los Angeles tonight? 419 00:19:41,728 --> 00:19:44,530 I'm driving back to L.A. tonight. 420 00:19:46,566 --> 00:19:49,101 Penny, that's Glenn. Glenn, that's Penny. 421 00:19:49,102 --> 00:19:50,969 No! 422 00:19:59,345 --> 00:20:01,946 SHELDON Red Leader to Red Five. 423 00:20:01,947 --> 00:20:04,949 Red Leader to Red Five. 424 00:20:04,950 --> 00:20:08,052 Anybody up for a little game? 425 00:20:08,820 --> 00:20:12,322 I spy with my little eye... 426 00:20:12,415 --> 00:20:15,484 a nonferrous metal. 427 00:20:19,523 --> 00:20:22,525 Must be out of range. 428 00:20:23,827 --> 00:20:25,828 Leonard, can I ask you a question? 429 00:20:25,829 --> 00:20:27,229 Sure. 430 00:20:27,230 --> 00:20:29,532 Are you bothered by the fact that your former girlfriend 431 00:20:29,533 --> 00:20:31,233 left the symposium with what is probably 432 00:20:31,234 --> 00:20:35,271 the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life? 433 00:20:35,272 --> 00:20:37,339 No. Why do you ask? 434 00:20:37,340 --> 00:20:40,676 Because we're going 120 miles per hour. 435 00:20:42,279 --> 00:20:44,213 All right, if no one's going to guess... 436 00:20:44,214 --> 00:20:48,317 I was spying the aluminum rims on the police car 437 00:20:48,318 --> 00:20:49,985 we passed a few miles back. 438 00:20:49,986 --> 00:20:53,556 == Sync, corrected by elderman == == for www.addic7ed.com ==