1 00:00:04,679 --> 00:00:05,850 What are you doing? 2 00:00:06,044 --> 00:00:07,901 Pigeon check for Sheldon. 3 00:00:09,229 --> 00:00:10,752 North side's all clear! 4 00:00:10,820 --> 00:00:13,049 Great. Let's look at some planets! 5 00:00:14,127 --> 00:00:16,356 Hey, why'd you lug your telescope all the way over here? 6 00:00:16,424 --> 00:00:17,692 Leonard has one in our apartment. 7 00:00:17,759 --> 00:00:19,411 Yeah, I'm gonna use Leonard's. 8 00:00:19,479 --> 00:00:22,341 Might as well hold my hand up like this and squint. 9 00:00:24,744 --> 00:00:26,473 I don't know. It seemed pretty good. 10 00:00:26,541 --> 00:00:27,645 You know, once when the cable went out, 11 00:00:27,712 --> 00:00:29,416 I watched an entire episode of The Bachelor 12 00:00:29,484 --> 00:00:31,408 on a TV across the street. 13 00:00:32,353 --> 00:00:34,275 This one's more of a professional model. 14 00:00:34,379 --> 00:00:36,142 So was the girl he picked! 15 00:00:37,189 --> 00:00:41,549 This baby's got a ten-inch diameter with f/10 ACF optics. 16 00:00:41,617 --> 00:00:45,142 And tonight Mercury is at its highest elongation. 17 00:00:45,720 --> 00:00:50,103 It makes far-away things seem close, and Mercury is a planet. 18 00:00:51,134 --> 00:00:53,338 I know Mercury is a planet. 19 00:00:53,591 --> 00:00:55,845 But the-the other thing was helpful. 20 00:00:56,736 --> 00:00:57,986 Oh. Look at that. 21 00:00:58,054 --> 00:01:00,874 - Neil Gaiman tweeted about my store! - What did he say? 22 00:01:00,942 --> 00:01:02,595 Uh, "Next time you're in Pasadena, 23 00:01:02,663 --> 00:01:04,064 "check out The Comic Center. 24 00:01:04,138 --> 00:01:05,978 "Great vibe, old school, 25 00:01:06,080 --> 00:01:07,822 the owner really knows his stuff." 26 00:01:07,937 --> 00:01:09,213 Isn't that amazing? 27 00:01:09,296 --> 00:01:11,888 Well, uh, it's no Sandman, but I guess we can't expect 28 00:01:11,972 --> 00:01:14,377 everything he writes to be a masterpiece. 29 00:01:14,789 --> 00:01:16,267 When was he in your store? 30 00:01:16,336 --> 00:01:18,931 I have no idea. I think I would remember that. 31 00:01:19,517 --> 00:01:22,801 Obviously, vibranium is the most powerful metal in comics. 32 00:01:22,869 --> 00:01:25,330 What, more powerful than adamantium? 33 00:01:25,447 --> 00:01:27,574 He's right. Wolverine's claws, 34 00:01:27,642 --> 00:01:29,035 Ultron's outer shell. 35 00:01:29,103 --> 00:01:30,299 Need I go on? 36 00:01:30,400 --> 00:01:33,166 You don't need to, but you probably will. 37 00:01:34,791 --> 00:01:36,845 What about Wonder Woman's bracelets? 38 00:01:36,913 --> 00:01:38,080 Good point. 39 00:01:38,148 --> 00:01:41,439 Strong as a metal and fierce as a fashion choice. 40 00:01:42,532 --> 00:01:44,595 You know, Thor's hammer's pretty powerful, 41 00:01:44,663 --> 00:01:47,497 and in the comics, it's made out of enchanted uru. 42 00:01:47,642 --> 00:01:50,035 Uh, yeah, I think it's the enchantment 43 00:01:50,103 --> 00:01:51,603 that's powerful, not the uru, 44 00:01:51,671 --> 00:01:54,369 but, uh, thanks for playing. 45 00:01:56,791 --> 00:01:58,969 Oh, man, I can't believe Neil Gaiman came in, 46 00:01:59,037 --> 00:02:00,502 and we weren't even there. 47 00:02:02,049 --> 00:02:05,517 ♪ Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state ♪ 48 00:02:05,586 --> 00:02:09,455 ♪ Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! ♪ 49 00:02:09,499 --> 00:02:10,595 ♪ The Earth began to cool ♪ 50 00:02:10,663 --> 00:02:13,606 ♪ The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ♪ 51 00:02:13,674 --> 00:02:15,681 ♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪ 52 00:02:15,749 --> 00:02:18,433 ♪ Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery ♪ 53 00:02:18,501 --> 00:02:20,434 ♪ That all started with a big bang ♪ 54 00:02:20,502 --> 00:02:23,059 ♪ Bang! ♪ *THE BIG BANG THEORY* Season 11 Episode 21 55 00:02:23,127 --> 00:02:24,806 Episode Title: "The Comet Polarization" 56 00:02:27,021 --> 00:02:29,236 Can you see Mercury? Can you see it? 57 00:02:29,701 --> 00:02:31,166 One second. 58 00:02:31,460 --> 00:02:34,261 You know, the Greek version of Mercury, Hermes, 59 00:02:34,349 --> 00:02:35,720 was worshipped in Athens 60 00:02:35,788 --> 00:02:38,384 by the carving of giant wooden phalluses. 61 00:02:38,615 --> 00:02:40,064 Please, Amy, 62 00:02:40,132 --> 00:02:42,866 get your mind out of the ancient Athenian gutter. 63 00:02:43,936 --> 00:02:46,650 Got another follower. I'm blowing up. 64 00:02:47,626 --> 00:02:48,892 Great. How many does that make? 65 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:49,993 High double digits. 66 00:02:50,077 --> 00:02:52,577 - The nineties? - Mid double digits. 67 00:02:53,908 --> 00:02:54,965 Hey, uh, Penny, 68 00:02:55,033 --> 00:02:56,798 - do you want to check this out? - Yeah, sure. 69 00:02:56,865 --> 00:02:58,994 All right, just, uh, look through here, and if you want to take a picture, 70 00:02:59,061 --> 00:03:00,962 - just push that button. - Okay. 71 00:03:02,152 --> 00:03:03,455 Oh, what is that? 72 00:03:03,523 --> 00:03:06,039 Is it Mercury? I'm really jonesing for Mercury. 73 00:03:07,352 --> 00:03:08,518 I think it's a little early 74 00:03:08,586 --> 00:03:10,219 for Mercury to be visible yet. 75 00:03:10,568 --> 00:03:11,891 Playing hard to get. 76 00:03:11,959 --> 00:03:13,531 I like that in a planet. 77 00:03:15,195 --> 00:03:17,070 No, there's something fuzzy. 78 00:03:17,214 --> 00:03:19,734 Is it your teen years? 79 00:03:21,023 --> 00:03:22,164 No. 80 00:03:22,625 --> 00:03:23,742 Yes. Shut up. 81 00:03:23,810 --> 00:03:26,299 Look. Look at that. I think I see something. 82 00:03:26,367 --> 00:03:27,789 It could just be your eyelash. 83 00:03:27,857 --> 00:03:28,984 It's not an eyelash! 84 00:03:29,052 --> 00:03:31,000 Okay, well, uh, take a picture. Let's see. 85 00:03:31,068 --> 00:03:33,498 Okay. Here. 86 00:03:37,221 --> 00:03:38,281 Hmm. 87 00:03:38,539 --> 00:03:39,797 I do see something. 88 00:03:40,029 --> 00:03:41,391 - Told you. - What is it? 89 00:03:41,497 --> 00:03:42,964 I don't know. 90 00:03:43,268 --> 00:03:44,750 Maybe it's a comet. 91 00:03:44,968 --> 00:03:46,476 That would be so cool. 92 00:03:46,544 --> 00:03:48,487 You guys want to see a real star, 93 00:03:48,623 --> 00:03:49,732 look over here. 94 00:03:49,800 --> 00:03:50,809 What? 95 00:03:50,877 --> 00:03:55,396 I just got retweeted... by Patton Oswalt's brother. 96 00:04:00,924 --> 00:04:03,255 So, this is really where Neil Gaiman shops? 97 00:04:03,429 --> 00:04:06,287 Neil Gaiman, Nicolas Cage, Natalie Portman. 98 00:04:06,355 --> 00:04:07,552 The list goes on. 99 00:04:08,028 --> 00:04:09,287 They all come here? 100 00:04:10,333 --> 00:04:11,849 Unless I'm lying. 101 00:04:21,252 --> 00:04:23,076 Who are all these people? 102 00:04:23,815 --> 00:04:25,849 What? Is this a flash mob? 103 00:04:27,281 --> 00:04:28,755 Are they dancing? 104 00:04:30,107 --> 00:04:32,490 I don't know what today's dancing looks like. 105 00:04:33,391 --> 00:04:35,766 Hey, guys. That tweet actually got people 106 00:04:35,834 --> 00:04:37,240 to come in. Isn't that great? 107 00:04:37,308 --> 00:04:40,154 No. I liked the way the store was before. 108 00:04:40,222 --> 00:04:42,599 You mean empty and sad? 109 00:04:43,708 --> 00:04:45,451 Yes, it was perfect. 110 00:04:46,301 --> 00:04:49,154 Like a funeral home that sells Pokémon cards. 111 00:04:51,693 --> 00:04:52,896 What am I supposed to do now 112 00:04:52,964 --> 00:04:55,031 if I want to hang out and read a comic book? 113 00:04:55,233 --> 00:04:56,842 Go sit on the couch. 114 00:04:58,357 --> 00:05:00,329 Next to a stranger? 115 00:05:00,807 --> 00:05:03,547 If I'm going to sit, read, and ignore a woman, 116 00:05:03,615 --> 00:05:05,396 it's going to be my fiancée. 117 00:05:06,343 --> 00:05:08,116 Why are you being such a baby about the crowds? 118 00:05:08,183 --> 00:05:09,264 You go to Comic-Con. 119 00:05:09,332 --> 00:05:10,398 You... I'm sorry. 120 00:05:10,466 --> 00:05:12,967 You're comparing this place to Comic-Con? 121 00:05:13,518 --> 00:05:15,896 Well, can I go to the bathroom here next to a Wookiee 122 00:05:15,964 --> 00:05:17,646 who got his zipper stuck in his fur? 123 00:05:18,614 --> 00:05:21,498 Wow. We go to Comic-Con for different reasons. 124 00:05:22,881 --> 00:05:23,964 You know what? 125 00:05:24,032 --> 00:05:27,326 Just give me a copy of Action Comics 1000, 126 00:05:27,394 --> 00:05:28,371 and I'll be on my way. 127 00:05:28,439 --> 00:05:29,794 Sorry. All out. 128 00:05:30,067 --> 00:05:33,037 Now you just let people come in and buy them? 129 00:05:33,686 --> 00:05:36,715 I didn't realize your soul was also for sale. 130 00:05:36,863 --> 00:05:37,949 Well, 131 00:05:38,017 --> 00:05:40,941 it wasn't, but, uh, make me an offer. 132 00:05:45,335 --> 00:05:46,335 Who is that? 133 00:05:46,421 --> 00:05:47,874 - Sheldon. - Who is he mad at? 134 00:05:47,942 --> 00:05:49,101 - Neil Gaiman. - Who's that? 135 00:05:49,184 --> 00:05:50,638 - Not us. - Great. 136 00:05:53,669 --> 00:05:55,145 - Guys. - Hi. - Hey. 137 00:05:55,213 --> 00:05:56,864 So, guess what. 138 00:05:56,934 --> 00:06:00,161 That indeed was a comet last night, 139 00:06:00,229 --> 00:06:02,176 and it turns out, no one's seen it before. 140 00:06:02,244 --> 00:06:03,636 - Wow. - Really? 141 00:06:03,704 --> 00:06:06,583 Look at that! I discovered a comet! Oh! 142 00:06:06,651 --> 00:06:08,784 What do you mean you discovered it? 143 00:06:08,870 --> 00:06:10,294 Well, I'm the one who saw it. 144 00:06:10,384 --> 00:06:12,895 In my telescope that I positioned. 145 00:06:12,971 --> 00:06:14,223 All you did was look into it. 146 00:06:14,291 --> 00:06:15,903 Well, you both discovered it. 147 00:06:15,971 --> 00:06:18,338 You can put both your names on the registration form. 148 00:06:18,406 --> 00:06:20,176 - Actually, we can't. - Why not? 149 00:06:20,244 --> 00:06:22,754 Because when I filled it out, it asked for name of discoverer, 150 00:06:22,822 --> 00:06:24,950 and I put "Rajesh Koothrappali" because... 151 00:06:26,198 --> 00:06:29,286 because that's who I am, and that's what I did. 152 00:06:29,762 --> 00:06:30,817 Are you kidding me? 153 00:06:30,885 --> 00:06:33,153 Well, he is the one who knew it was a comet. 154 00:06:33,221 --> 00:06:35,536 No, he didn't. He thought it was an eyelash! 155 00:06:35,848 --> 00:06:38,180 And you thought it was a fuzzy streak. 156 00:06:38,248 --> 00:06:40,130 I mean, do you even know what a comet is? 157 00:06:40,198 --> 00:06:42,060 Yeah, the thing I saw first. 158 00:06:43,083 --> 00:06:45,911 I honestly don't think that that qualifies as a discovery. 159 00:06:45,979 --> 00:06:47,178 But I took the picture. 160 00:06:47,221 --> 00:06:48,372 Because I told you to! 161 00:06:48,440 --> 00:06:50,114 Like, if a monkey took the picture, 162 00:06:50,182 --> 00:06:51,216 did it discover the comet? 163 00:06:51,283 --> 00:06:53,037 Excuse me?! 164 00:06:55,069 --> 00:06:57,372 Eh, eh, eh, uh, he didn't mean monkey. 165 00:06:57,440 --> 00:07:00,176 - Get the hell out of my apartment! - And she didn't mean that. 166 00:07:00,244 --> 00:07:02,411 Actually, I think she did. You should go. 167 00:07:06,238 --> 00:07:07,238 You look great. 168 00:07:07,306 --> 00:07:08,315 Oh, thanks. 169 00:07:08,383 --> 00:07:09,701 Would you believe this is actually a dress 170 00:07:09,768 --> 00:07:10,923 from before I was pregnant? 171 00:07:10,991 --> 00:07:12,115 Well, it's not a competition, 172 00:07:12,182 --> 00:07:14,961 but... I wore this suit to my Bar Mitzvah. 173 00:07:16,520 --> 00:07:17,539 Where's Stuart? 174 00:07:17,607 --> 00:07:19,540 I told him we had a 6:30 reservation. 175 00:07:19,627 --> 00:07:21,000 Well, I'll call him. 176 00:07:23,272 --> 00:07:25,914 Comic Center, where the real superhero is you. 177 00:07:26,820 --> 00:07:28,940 Stuart, you're supposed to be babysitting. 178 00:07:29,008 --> 00:07:31,532 - Oh! - Shoot. That was tonight. I forgot. 179 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:33,399 The store's been really busy. 180 00:07:33,495 --> 00:07:34,946 Well, when can you get here? 181 00:07:35,014 --> 00:07:37,715 Um, I don't think I can. Listen to this. 182 00:07:37,806 --> 00:07:39,987 I-I was ringing up a customer, and I heard someone say, 183 00:07:40,055 --> 00:07:42,891 "Hey, there's a line," and I looked, and there was. 184 00:07:44,209 --> 00:07:46,219 Come on. You can't do this to us. 185 00:07:46,287 --> 00:07:49,329 I am really sorry. I will make it up to you. 186 00:07:49,468 --> 00:07:52,079 But it won't be with a Val Kilmer Batman figurine 187 00:07:52,147 --> 00:07:54,766 because some sucker's buying that right now. 188 00:07:55,630 --> 00:07:57,430 Not you. This is great. 189 00:07:59,684 --> 00:08:01,313 He says he has to work. 190 00:08:01,381 --> 00:08:02,508 Oh, it's okay. 191 00:08:02,576 --> 00:08:04,075 We can have date night another night. 192 00:08:04,143 --> 00:08:05,657 But you got all dressed up. 193 00:08:05,725 --> 00:08:08,735 We were supposed to have dinner and romance. 194 00:08:08,803 --> 00:08:10,704 We'll just have to divide and conquer. 195 00:08:10,823 --> 00:08:11,828 I'll go to dinner, 196 00:08:11,896 --> 00:08:14,993 and you can stay home with the Internet and have romance. 197 00:08:17,933 --> 00:08:19,563 Okay, look, I Googled it. 198 00:08:19,631 --> 00:08:21,782 I took the picture, so it's my discovery. 199 00:08:21,850 --> 00:08:23,079 He stole my comet. 200 00:08:23,147 --> 00:08:25,860 I know, but on the other hand, do you really care? 201 00:08:25,980 --> 00:08:28,391 Yes, I care. This happens to me all the time. 202 00:08:28,459 --> 00:08:29,532 People take one look at me 203 00:08:29,600 --> 00:08:31,002 and assume I don't know what I'm talking about. 204 00:08:31,069 --> 00:08:32,454 Oh, I'm sure that's not true. 205 00:08:32,537 --> 00:08:33,672 I'm sorry. Are you saying 206 00:08:33,748 --> 00:08:35,560 I don't know what I'm talking about? 207 00:08:36,672 --> 00:08:39,552 No, I'm not saying anything... ever again. 208 00:08:40,521 --> 00:08:42,453 Look, I'm serious. The other day at work, 209 00:08:42,521 --> 00:08:44,699 I had this great idea, but no one was listening to me. 210 00:08:44,767 --> 00:08:46,442 And then five minutes later, Paul said the same thing, 211 00:08:46,509 --> 00:08:48,077 and they practically carried him around the room. 212 00:08:48,144 --> 00:08:49,537 Oh, well, what was it? 213 00:08:49,959 --> 00:08:51,084 Well, CPK for lunch, 214 00:08:51,152 --> 00:08:52,842 but that's just one example. 215 00:08:53,398 --> 00:08:54,530 It also happens with all 216 00:08:54,649 --> 00:08:55,653 the doctors I have to deal with. 217 00:08:55,720 --> 00:08:57,216 You know, they're so condescending. 218 00:08:57,284 --> 00:08:58,833 I'm so sick of letting this stuff slide. 219 00:08:58,900 --> 00:09:01,613 I found that comet. Why should I let Raj say he found it? 220 00:09:01,756 --> 00:09:03,407 I know you're right, but he is our friend, 221 00:09:03,475 --> 00:09:05,160 and this could be good for his career. 222 00:09:05,286 --> 00:09:08,044 Okay, so you agree with me, but he still gets his way? 223 00:09:08,112 --> 00:09:10,192 Ah, there you go. Everybody wins. 224 00:09:10,762 --> 00:09:12,325 My God, you're such a people-pleaser. 225 00:09:12,393 --> 00:09:14,216 You can't stand making anyone angry. 226 00:09:14,284 --> 00:09:15,958 Why would I want to make anyone angry? 227 00:09:16,026 --> 00:09:17,792 'Cause it would mean you were on my side. 228 00:09:17,860 --> 00:09:20,261 Oh, I am on your side. Hey, hey. 229 00:09:20,457 --> 00:09:23,825 Let's not forget who you're really mad at here... Raj. 230 00:09:23,926 --> 00:09:26,993 Oh, and Paul. Paul sucks, right? 231 00:09:28,547 --> 00:09:30,604 But don't tell him I said that. 232 00:09:32,909 --> 00:09:36,118 Hey, Howard, did you see that...? 233 00:09:43,219 --> 00:09:44,782 I'm over here, Sheldon. 234 00:09:46,546 --> 00:09:48,180 That was a close one. 235 00:09:48,318 --> 00:09:50,540 I almost went home with that guy. 236 00:09:51,544 --> 00:09:53,790 You doing okay? Do we need to go? 237 00:09:53,858 --> 00:09:55,391 No, I'm fine. 238 00:09:55,505 --> 00:09:58,469 I admit all these people did take me by surprise at first, 239 00:09:58,537 --> 00:10:01,422 but... I've learned that I can accept change. 240 00:10:01,962 --> 00:10:03,602 S-Since when? 241 00:10:04,548 --> 00:10:06,870 I managed it when Amy switched her shampoo 242 00:10:06,938 --> 00:10:09,469 from Prell to Prell for oily hair. Hmm? 243 00:10:09,626 --> 00:10:11,045 Although I do miss the way 244 00:10:11,113 --> 00:10:13,594 her head used to slide off the pillow. 245 00:10:19,185 --> 00:10:20,532 May I help you? 246 00:10:20,600 --> 00:10:21,701 Who are you? 247 00:10:21,769 --> 00:10:23,964 Oh, I'm Denise, the new assistant manager. 248 00:10:24,980 --> 00:10:26,646 Nope. 249 00:10:32,110 --> 00:10:34,619 Can you believe it? In the past decade, 250 00:10:34,687 --> 00:10:37,013 I have spent thousands of dollars in that store, 251 00:10:37,081 --> 00:10:38,721 and this is the thanks I get. 252 00:10:38,789 --> 00:10:42,204 You're right. I mean, he could at least get you a mug. 253 00:10:43,634 --> 00:10:45,003 He gave me a mug. 254 00:10:45,071 --> 00:10:47,063 What do you think I'm drinking out of? 255 00:10:47,335 --> 00:10:49,258 Do you even pay attention? 256 00:10:49,454 --> 00:10:51,524 Honestly, less and less. 257 00:10:53,415 --> 00:10:55,493 Amy, the comic book store 258 00:10:55,561 --> 00:10:59,344 is like my version of the country in Black Panther. 259 00:10:59,665 --> 00:11:02,073 Okay, I'm afraid this is gonna get really offensive 260 00:11:02,141 --> 00:11:03,875 to certain groups. 261 00:11:06,427 --> 00:11:09,383 The nation of Wakanda was a hidden gem, 262 00:11:09,461 --> 00:11:11,229 and they wanted to keep it that way, 263 00:11:11,297 --> 00:11:13,977 because they knew if they opened it up to the world, 264 00:11:14,077 --> 00:11:16,778 everything that was special about it would get ruined. 265 00:11:17,915 --> 00:11:19,161 - Are you done? - Yes. 266 00:11:19,229 --> 00:11:20,500 Oh, okay. 267 00:11:21,794 --> 00:11:24,707 That both made sense and wasn't offensive. 268 00:11:26,056 --> 00:11:28,887 And to make things worse, Stuart hired some woman. 269 00:11:28,955 --> 00:11:30,395 There we go. No... 270 00:11:31,661 --> 00:11:33,645 I'm not annoyed that she's a woman. 271 00:11:33,713 --> 00:11:35,947 I'm annoyed, and she's a woman. 272 00:11:36,095 --> 00:11:37,298 No, I get that. 273 00:11:37,366 --> 00:11:39,742 I'm annoyed and I'm a woman. 274 00:11:41,061 --> 00:11:43,934 It's just, Stuart knows my likes and dislikes. 275 00:11:44,002 --> 00:11:46,035 And I can count on his discretion 276 00:11:46,103 --> 00:11:48,051 if I pick up the occasional back issue 277 00:11:48,119 --> 00:11:50,384 of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen. 278 00:11:52,376 --> 00:11:53,736 Which I don't. 279 00:11:54,767 --> 00:11:57,611 Well, don't think of her as a stranger. 280 00:11:57,791 --> 00:11:59,478 Just think of her as a... 281 00:11:59,640 --> 00:12:04,134 a friend you haven't berated, lectured or condescended to yet. 282 00:12:05,291 --> 00:12:07,220 I hadn't thought of it that way. 283 00:12:07,564 --> 00:12:09,660 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 284 00:12:09,728 --> 00:12:13,283 You're wise, and you smell like books. 285 00:12:15,624 --> 00:12:17,783 You really are the whole package. 286 00:12:21,423 --> 00:12:22,923 Raj, just help me out. 287 00:12:23,046 --> 00:12:24,923 Penny's pretty mad about this comet thing. 288 00:12:24,991 --> 00:12:26,591 Well, I'm sorry she's upset. 289 00:12:26,659 --> 00:12:29,059 - But she didn't discover it. - Oh, come on, 290 00:12:29,127 --> 00:12:30,361 you know she was a part of it. 291 00:12:30,429 --> 00:12:32,041 Just add her name to the registration. 292 00:12:32,109 --> 00:12:34,338 But I already told everyone at work that I did it. 293 00:12:34,406 --> 00:12:35,455 My boss was so excited, 294 00:12:35,523 --> 00:12:37,123 he started calling me Captain Comet. 295 00:12:37,836 --> 00:12:38,894 Which is better 296 00:12:38,962 --> 00:12:41,517 than his last nickname for me: Dr. Doughnuts. 297 00:12:42,162 --> 00:12:44,088 Because one time I had two doughnuts. 298 00:12:44,580 --> 00:12:46,642 And two times I had three doughnuts. 299 00:12:49,071 --> 00:12:51,112 I guess you're just gonna have to swallow your pride. 300 00:12:51,179 --> 00:12:53,144 I, I, I can't do that. 301 00:12:53,212 --> 00:12:56,298 Sure you can... just pretend it's two or three doughnuts. 302 00:12:57,153 --> 00:12:58,486 You don't understand. 303 00:12:58,595 --> 00:13:00,381 Leonard, I need this. 304 00:13:00,463 --> 00:13:02,075 My last big discovery was: 305 00:13:02,143 --> 00:13:03,534 if you press your upper lip hard enough, 306 00:13:03,601 --> 00:13:05,564 you can block a sneeze. 307 00:13:08,032 --> 00:13:09,494 I told you that. 308 00:13:10,783 --> 00:13:12,470 This is all my fault. 309 00:13:12,798 --> 00:13:14,620 I brought this upon myself. 310 00:13:15,382 --> 00:13:17,027 I'm a bad scientist. 311 00:13:17,095 --> 00:13:19,048 I'm a selfish person. No, no, 312 00:13:19,158 --> 00:13:21,403 - don't get upset. - You're not a bad person. 313 00:13:21,471 --> 00:13:23,538 Just let me... talk to Penny. 314 00:13:23,627 --> 00:13:24,639 I'm-I'm sure I can 315 00:13:24,707 --> 00:13:25,963 make her understand. 316 00:13:26,031 --> 00:13:28,657 Thank you. You're a good friend, Leonard. 317 00:13:28,782 --> 00:13:31,571 I'm glad you think so, 'cause I may be living here soon. 318 00:13:40,251 --> 00:13:42,267 Just look at her over there. 319 00:13:42,431 --> 00:13:43,486 She just started, 320 00:13:43,554 --> 00:13:45,126 and she gets to put up "Staff Picks." 321 00:13:45,194 --> 00:13:46,580 I've been coming here for ten years... 322 00:13:46,647 --> 00:13:49,025 I still can't put up "Sheldon Dislikes." 323 00:13:49,599 --> 00:13:50,966 I talked to her yesterday. 324 00:13:51,034 --> 00:13:53,534 She really seems to know her stuff. 325 00:13:54,370 --> 00:13:56,458 Challenge accepted. 326 00:13:57,083 --> 00:13:59,520 That is not what that was. 327 00:14:00,934 --> 00:14:02,140 Excuse me. 328 00:14:02,208 --> 00:14:03,507 I was wondering 329 00:14:03,575 --> 00:14:04,814 if you could recommend something. 330 00:14:04,881 --> 00:14:06,714 Oh, sure. You want to tell me what you like? 331 00:14:07,044 --> 00:14:08,559 I would not. 332 00:14:13,528 --> 00:14:15,716 All right, well, you're wearing a Green Lantern shirt, 333 00:14:15,784 --> 00:14:17,497 so I'm guessing you're a DC fan. 334 00:14:17,612 --> 00:14:19,200 Although that's from the Alan Scott era, 335 00:14:19,268 --> 00:14:21,301 so you're probably not super into the current run. 336 00:14:21,369 --> 00:14:23,381 How would you feel about an alternate history 337 00:14:23,449 --> 00:14:26,450 where World War I was fought with dragons and magic? 338 00:14:26,822 --> 00:14:28,103 That's what I wanted the theme 339 00:14:28,171 --> 00:14:30,130 of my tenth birthday party to be! 340 00:14:30,858 --> 00:14:31,989 Here. 341 00:14:32,057 --> 00:14:33,442 Check this out. 342 00:14:33,510 --> 00:14:36,044 - It's by Kurt Busiek. - You know, if you're interested 343 00:14:36,112 --> 00:14:37,455 in alternate histories, 344 00:14:37,547 --> 00:14:40,002 Neil Gaiman wrote one called 1602. 345 00:14:41,064 --> 00:14:43,369 I'm sorry, we're in the middle of something here. 346 00:14:44,804 --> 00:14:46,004 It is pretty good, actually. 347 00:14:46,080 --> 00:14:47,338 He takes the Marvel superheroes 348 00:14:47,406 --> 00:14:49,859 and he puts them into Elizabethan England. 349 00:14:50,220 --> 00:14:54,127 Let me guess... everyone thinks the X-Men are witches. 350 00:14:55,032 --> 00:14:56,297 Yeah. 351 00:14:59,587 --> 00:15:01,596 Why don't you take this home, and if you don't like it, 352 00:15:01,663 --> 00:15:03,416 return it and I'll give you your money back. 353 00:15:03,567 --> 00:15:04,869 Just don't tell Stuart. 354 00:15:05,439 --> 00:15:06,830 Stuart who? 355 00:15:10,641 --> 00:15:12,567 Hey. Where have you been? 356 00:15:12,797 --> 00:15:14,716 I went to yell at Raj. 357 00:15:14,946 --> 00:15:17,492 And? Is he gonna give me back my comet? 358 00:15:17,962 --> 00:15:19,331 Interesting thing. 359 00:15:19,407 --> 00:15:20,634 Did you cave? 360 00:15:20,702 --> 00:15:22,251 Maybe I did, or... 361 00:15:22,492 --> 00:15:24,425 maybe I did. 362 00:15:25,784 --> 00:15:27,899 But I did realize something. 363 00:15:27,997 --> 00:15:30,720 I-I don't need to fight your battles. 364 00:15:30,788 --> 00:15:31,845 You... you are 365 00:15:31,913 --> 00:15:33,847 a strong and independent woman. 366 00:15:33,923 --> 00:15:35,759 You have your own voice. 367 00:15:35,827 --> 00:15:37,501 And, to quote another strong woman, 368 00:15:37,569 --> 00:15:39,897 Katy Perry, it's time to hear you roar. 369 00:15:41,814 --> 00:15:43,745 Did you just think of that on your way home? 370 00:15:43,813 --> 00:15:45,893 What do you want from me? The song was on in the car. 371 00:15:46,985 --> 00:15:48,426 But it doesn't mean 372 00:15:48,494 --> 00:15:49,657 that it's not true. 373 00:15:49,931 --> 00:15:51,419 Well, you make a good point. 374 00:15:51,651 --> 00:15:53,376 I'm gonna go talk to Raj myself. 375 00:15:54,455 --> 00:15:56,393 I know I don't say it enough, 376 00:15:56,475 --> 00:15:58,493 but you go, girl. 377 00:15:59,735 --> 00:16:01,189 That was enough. 378 00:16:04,626 --> 00:16:05,934 What's all this? 379 00:16:06,014 --> 00:16:08,024 Well, we missed our date night, 380 00:16:08,092 --> 00:16:10,675 and Stuart's working again, so I thought we could have 381 00:16:10,743 --> 00:16:12,165 a date night here at home. 382 00:16:12,431 --> 00:16:13,942 Aw, that's so sweet. 383 00:16:14,010 --> 00:16:16,556 Oh. So... is that really what you're wearing 384 00:16:16,624 --> 00:16:18,212 to our date night? 385 00:16:20,009 --> 00:16:22,564 Well, Stuart's not here and the kids are sleeping. 386 00:16:22,681 --> 00:16:24,181 I could wear nothing. 387 00:16:24,509 --> 00:16:26,761 You might want to hold off on that... 388 00:16:26,829 --> 00:16:28,704 We're starting with soup. 389 00:16:30,790 --> 00:16:31,792 Hey! 390 00:16:31,860 --> 00:16:33,806 Wha...? I thought you were working late again. 391 00:16:33,889 --> 00:16:35,722 I was, but Denise has got it covered. 392 00:16:35,790 --> 00:16:36,857 - Oh. - Oh... 393 00:16:36,933 --> 00:16:38,399 the funniest thing happened today. 394 00:16:38,467 --> 00:16:41,723 You know the, uh, receipt tape in the cash register? 395 00:16:41,791 --> 00:16:42,993 It ran out. 396 00:16:43,724 --> 00:16:45,724 I didn't even know it could do that. 397 00:16:47,556 --> 00:16:49,356 You know, we were just sitting down to dinner. 398 00:16:49,431 --> 00:16:50,462 Oh. Perfect timing. 399 00:16:50,530 --> 00:16:51,996 I'll go wash up. 400 00:16:53,564 --> 00:16:54,876 There goes date night. 401 00:16:55,008 --> 00:16:56,946 Are you kidding? Stuart's here! Get your purse. 402 00:16:57,014 --> 00:16:59,173 - We're going out. - What about the dinner you made? 403 00:16:59,556 --> 00:17:01,363 Right. Hey, Stuart! 404 00:17:01,431 --> 00:17:04,040 That can of soup sitting by the stove, that's for you! 405 00:17:04,610 --> 00:17:06,759 You made canned soup for date night? 406 00:17:06,897 --> 00:17:08,642 And you wore sweatpants. Let's go. 407 00:17:11,782 --> 00:17:15,511 Oh, and it turns out Denise is also really excited 408 00:17:15,579 --> 00:17:17,105 for Dan Slott's run on Iron Man, 409 00:17:17,173 --> 00:17:19,657 because he was her favorite Spider-Man writer, too. 410 00:17:19,776 --> 00:17:21,431 How about that? 411 00:17:22,335 --> 00:17:26,493 Oh! And guess who goes to art school right here in Pasadena. 412 00:17:26,573 --> 00:17:28,039 Hmm. I don't know. 413 00:17:28,180 --> 00:17:30,110 Denise? 414 00:17:31,992 --> 00:17:33,813 You're a good guesser, Amy. 415 00:17:34,625 --> 00:17:36,141 Not as good as Denise, though. 416 00:17:36,209 --> 00:17:38,292 She thought I would like this comic, Arrowsmith, 417 00:17:38,360 --> 00:17:41,637 and she was right. Well, was the store crowded? 418 00:17:41,705 --> 00:17:43,254 I bet it was. I know you hate that. 419 00:17:43,322 --> 00:17:45,467 It was. But if it weren't for the crowds, 420 00:17:45,535 --> 00:17:47,748 Stuart never would have hired Denise, 421 00:17:47,816 --> 00:17:49,293 and she's the best. 422 00:17:54,480 --> 00:17:55,725 You must be Denise. 423 00:17:55,793 --> 00:17:57,082 Oh, yeah. How can I help you? 424 00:17:57,280 --> 00:17:59,144 I'm Amy, Sheldon's fiancée. 425 00:17:59,315 --> 00:18:01,082 Oh. I got to be honest, 426 00:18:01,150 --> 00:18:03,480 I wasn't a hundred percent sure you were real. 427 00:18:06,246 --> 00:18:09,514 Oh, I am. And I heard you and Sheldon had a great time today 428 00:18:09,582 --> 00:18:10,803 talking about comic books. 429 00:18:10,871 --> 00:18:13,339 - We did. - Great. Here's what's gonna happen. 430 00:18:14,197 --> 00:18:15,785 You're gonna teach me how to do that. 431 00:18:15,926 --> 00:18:16,997 Do what? 432 00:18:17,071 --> 00:18:18,723 Pretend to like comic books. 433 00:18:18,791 --> 00:18:21,012 Oh, no, I actually like comic books. 434 00:18:21,100 --> 00:18:23,334 All right, let's not get hung up on semantics. 435 00:18:23,402 --> 00:18:25,051 It's late, we got a lot of work to do. 436 00:18:35,151 --> 00:18:36,683 I'm sorry. 437 00:18:37,391 --> 00:18:38,801 I haven't even said anything yet. 438 00:18:38,893 --> 00:18:41,137 I know, but I heard your footsteps coming up the stairs, 439 00:18:41,205 --> 00:18:42,863 and they sounded angry. 440 00:18:43,637 --> 00:18:45,566 They are angry. I'm mad at you. 441 00:18:45,634 --> 00:18:47,951 And you have every right to be, okay? 442 00:18:48,019 --> 00:18:49,699 I was being... I was being a jerk. 443 00:18:49,832 --> 00:18:53,558 We did this together, and I hogged all of the credit. 444 00:18:53,676 --> 00:18:56,254 And after you've been such a good friend to me over the years. 445 00:18:56,322 --> 00:18:59,624 Like, I wouldn't even be able to talk to women if it wasn't for you, so... 446 00:18:59,809 --> 00:19:03,105 so I'm... I'm gonna make sure that your name is on the comet. 447 00:19:03,312 --> 00:19:04,645 Thank you. 448 00:19:04,754 --> 00:19:07,515 Even if it's professionally embarrassing. 449 00:19:07,683 --> 00:19:11,527 You know, or maybe put me on thin ice at work. 450 00:19:12,058 --> 00:19:14,004 I may lose my funding. 451 00:19:14,422 --> 00:19:17,582 I still, uh... still want to make this right. 452 00:19:17,650 --> 00:19:19,410 Good. Bye. 453 00:19:22,701 --> 00:19:25,340 That worked way better with Leonard. 454 00:19:33,461 --> 00:19:35,752 - Hello. - Hi. 455 00:19:36,760 --> 00:19:38,886 Why are you reading a comic book? 456 00:19:39,400 --> 00:19:41,368 Denise recommended it to me. 457 00:19:41,604 --> 00:19:43,216 It's the Rebirth Omnibus. 458 00:19:43,284 --> 00:19:45,417 She thought it would be a good entry point for me 459 00:19:45,485 --> 00:19:47,745 into the DC Universe... And I have to say, 460 00:19:47,813 --> 00:19:49,566 - I really do like... - You know, Amy, Amy, I've talked 461 00:19:49,633 --> 00:19:51,026 a lot about comic books lately, 462 00:19:51,068 --> 00:19:53,031 can we talk about something else?