1 00:00:55,100 --> 00:00:59,307 To understand, we must love, and they loved Belleville like crazy. 2 00:00:59,558 --> 00:01:05,258 Belleville Jews and Arabs, demonstrations and stinking courtyards. 3 00:01:52,806 --> 00:01:55,176 Photos 4 00:01:59,514 --> 00:02:02,512 Scenario 5 00:02:05,848 --> 00:02:07,127 Come on. 6 00:02:09,389 --> 00:02:12,056 This is nice. No, no! 7 00:02:12,306 --> 00:02:15,967 Chinese said that he wants most. 8 00:02:16,514 --> 00:02:22,463 - Beware of the guard. - See how I am afraid. 9 00:02:24,430 --> 00:02:27,132 It was a bunch of kids, and their brain was pretty good brain. 10 00:02:27,389 --> 00:02:30,221 He did everything faster and earlier than others. 11 00:02:30,472 --> 00:02:32,509 LAST GANG 12 00:02:32,763 --> 00:02:34,553 The reformatory inevitably went to jail. 13 00:02:34,805 --> 00:02:37,507 Gained there, brother, Casa, and confidence 14 00:02:37,763 --> 00:02:40,714 that life should above all take care about their own ass and, nor God nor master. 15 00:02:40,971 --> 00:02:43,542 Only that Belleville was also belonged to Perez. 16 00:02:43,805 --> 00:02:47,336 Nothing could happen without their blessing. 17 00:02:47,596 --> 00:02:51,720 So kids who have never been Weapons in hand, hired a professional. 18 00:02:52,221 --> 00:02:54,507 True. 19 00:02:54,763 --> 00:02:57,168 Some crazy guy, but served in the Legion. 20 00:02:57,429 --> 00:03:00,297 Because sometimes, to keep the peace, Do not be afraid of war. 21 00:03:04,637 --> 00:03:07,671 And then it all began. 22 00:03:54,802 --> 00:03:58,132 The next time takes the wagon with the keys. 23 00:03:58,385 --> 00:04:01,336 - Okay, we handle some now. - No! Not so works! 24 00:04:01,594 --> 00:04:06,879 - First, the planning! - The! Stop! Stop! 25 00:04:20,551 --> 00:04:21,748 Horse! 26 00:04:27,759 --> 00:04:29,584 - I told you that you need to schedule. - Planning what? 27 00:04:29,843 --> 00:04:32,545 - To not open the door! - Therefore, you must plan in advance. 28 00:04:32,801 --> 00:04:36,083 - In our doors are different. - How do we look now? 29 00:04:36,343 --> 00:04:39,045 - I like the guy that comes ... - You'll be here. We get another. 30 00:04:39,301 --> 00:04:40,000 This pleases me. 31 00:04:40,259 --> 00:04:44,335 Hands up! Remove the money! How safe? 32 00:04:45,301 --> 00:04:46,877 Calm the dog! 33 00:04:49,800 --> 00:04:51,708 I will deal with it! Not very much at me! 34 00:04:51,967 --> 00:04:53,673 Calm down a dog. 35 00:04:59,925 --> 00:05:04,582 - What are you, whore, doing? - With the way! Give it! 36 00:05:10,466 --> 00:05:11,710 Horse! 37 00:05:16,508 --> 00:05:18,084 Move, move! 38 00:05:20,758 --> 00:05:22,748 Go to the right! To the left! 39 00:05:23,008 --> 00:05:25,496 - Shut up! - Beware! 40 00:05:25,924 --> 00:05:27,381 Leave me alone. 41 00:05:27,757 --> 00:05:30,424 Enter the bags! Whore, give these bags! 42 00:05:30,674 --> 00:05:34,584 - There is no two bags! Damn! - Shut up in the end. 43 00:05:34,841 --> 00:05:36,417 Even you can not have your bags! 44 00:05:36,674 --> 00:05:39,127 And you Scarface, almost fat poodle! 45 00:05:39,382 --> 00:05:41,337 But what they write in the newspapers! They are amateurs! 46 00:05:41,590 --> 00:05:43,913 - Goddamn it! - Calm down it! 47 00:05:44,174 --> 00:05:46,247 Casa, stop. 48 00:05:48,882 --> 00:05:50,422 Do not extinguish [destroy]. 49 00:06:09,631 --> 00:06:11,705 You two are animals! 50 00:06:11,964 --> 00:06:15,661 You should have said, I would go with you. 51 00:06:15,922 --> 00:06:18,079 - See. - Tomorrow we have to show. 52 00:06:18,339 --> 00:06:20,625 - Forgive yourself these councils. - The day after you have to show it. 53 00:06:20,881 --> 00:06:23,037 - Do not change habits. - Okay, this is not kindergarten. 54 00:06:23,297 --> 00:06:25,620 And next time prevailing over them. More to me not measure! 55 00:06:25,880 --> 00:06:27,290 Come on. 56 00:06:39,380 --> 00:06:42,212 Says it's more cost-effective than the robot. 57 00:06:42,463 --> 00:06:43,625 Never seen so many do not, eh? 58 00:06:43,880 --> 00:06:46,499 But Perezy will have mine. The attack on their territory. 59 00:06:46,755 --> 00:06:50,499 Come with Perezami. Cobble them. 60 00:06:52,463 --> 00:06:56,954 Oh Daniel, life is just a game for you 61 00:06:57,921 --> 00:07:04,581 Oh Daniel, you just do not think That you can play with love ... 62 00:07:05,254 --> 00:07:11,997 Daniel ... Everyone in her we loved, and chose you. Good. 63 00:07:13,421 --> 00:07:14,878 Is enough. 64 00:07:16,795 --> 00:07:19,877 - Divide into six equal parts! - Sure. 65 00:07:20,129 --> 00:07:22,368 What is this shit? The gang of guys to share ... 66 00:07:22,629 --> 00:07:25,461 This is not a gang, we're a bunch of buddies. Do not see the difference? 67 00:07:25,712 --> 00:07:26,624 Explain it. 68 00:07:26,878 --> 00:07:29,580 For now, guys do not work with us, but it is our armor. 69 00:07:29,837 --> 00:07:31,329 Behind them, nobody sees us. 70 00:07:31,587 --> 00:07:33,873 We enter the banks, and they take care of the rest. 71 00:07:34,128 --> 00:07:36,202 How to break out of this circle, after us. 72 00:07:36,461 --> 00:07:39,909 What do you prefer - divided or we vote? 73 00:07:40,170 --> 00:07:43,167 Mom! You know what? 74 00:07:45,253 --> 00:07:49,542 Ten children and no one who can help you to purchase! 75 00:07:49,794 --> 00:07:53,409 - What are you? New? - It Landais, a friend of Simon. 76 00:07:53,669 --> 00:07:56,453 He loves it. It's a great guy. 77 00:07:56,711 --> 00:07:57,872 - Where money? - In the stove [cooker]. 78 00:07:58,127 --> 00:08:00,794 Are you crazy? I put there first payment, 79 00:08:01,044 --> 00:08:05,417 that her father did not steal, and his mother decided to light. 80 00:08:05,669 --> 00:08:11,168 Everything went wrong. But I had mine. Tempt as hell. 81 00:08:12,044 --> 00:08:16,333 - I like kids, okay? - Yes, Mom. 82 00:08:16,585 --> 00:08:20,413 - You found a job. - That's good. 83 00:08:28,543 --> 00:08:30,201 Hello, my son. 84 00:08:36,501 --> 00:08:40,329 See, this dealer Samy, 30 cm cut out his intestines. 85 00:08:40,584 --> 00:08:42,290 We call it wastewater drain /outlet/. 86 00:08:42,543 --> 00:08:45,113 Sympathetic, but his breath could kill. 87 00:08:45,376 --> 00:08:49,037 - Hey, Bonner. What are you, Simon? - What is it, cousin? 88 00:08:49,292 --> 00:08:51,283 - How are you doing? - Flying. 89 00:08:52,667 --> 00:08:54,539 Somehow or bad? 90 00:08:55,167 --> 00:09:00,583 Samy, you need something, is calling to me. 91 00:09:02,542 --> 00:09:03,786 Laugh, pal. 92 00:09:06,292 --> 00:09:08,199 Why you took it? Has courage. Assault is a profession! 93 00:09:08,458 --> 00:09:11,824 Well it must be learned. You will no longer be brain-sharing. 94 00:09:12,083 --> 00:09:13,955 - I do not have so much courage. - Do not panic. Is good. 95 00:09:14,208 --> 00:09:19,410 - Director is with us. This partner. - This was reflected to him? Why do you say? 96 00:09:20,166 --> 00:09:25,072 Above your hands! Watch out for the hostages! Raise your hands! Money, fast! 97 00:09:25,333 --> 00:09:29,706 Watch her! Fast! Above raise your hands! 98 00:09:36,249 --> 00:09:38,121 Come on, go downhill! 99 00:09:40,916 --> 00:09:42,325 Move! 100 00:09:46,040 --> 00:09:52,203 - Split up. You to the subway. - Casa, address Maxim! 101 00:10:01,832 --> 00:10:03,028 - Whore, on us! - Shut up! 102 00:10:03,290 --> 00:10:04,664 - Go back! - Shut up! 103 00:10:04,915 --> 00:10:06,242 Go back! 104 00:10:11,165 --> 00:10:16,154 It's nothing! It's nothing! That's nothing, do not sleep, stay with me! 105 00:10:17,248 --> 00:10:20,162 You have to get rid of my car! 106 00:10:23,206 --> 00:10:26,406 Wake up! Do not sleep, wake up! 107 00:10:26,664 --> 00:10:30,740 If the police catch you, What will you do? 108 00:10:30,997 --> 00:10:32,787 Stop, it hurts. 109 00:10:33,039 --> 00:10:39,284 If they catch you wounded, they sell their own mother. Do you understand? 110 00:10:44,372 --> 00:10:49,574 Please note that due to technical failure, traffic is ... 111 00:10:56,038 --> 00:10:57,614 Sit down. 112 00:11:01,163 --> 00:11:04,991 Take care. Hang on. Be right back! 113 00:11:22,662 --> 00:11:25,695 Strange, compromised the technical room. 114 00:11:25,954 --> 00:11:27,695 Notify the police. 115 00:11:34,662 --> 00:11:36,782 Do not worry, Simon, we are here. 116 00:11:37,287 --> 00:11:40,533 Legs! Bonner! Feet, dammit! 117 00:11:41,453 --> 00:11:43,527 Come on! Already! 118 00:12:02,244 --> 00:12:03,322 Dad! 119 00:12:20,785 --> 00:12:24,944 Thanks. Discretion, yes? I'm counting on you. 120 00:12:25,993 --> 00:12:28,564 I said, it is folly to take Maxime! 121 00:12:28,827 --> 00:12:31,315 - A heap of police. Now we know. - So much the better. 122 00:12:31,576 --> 00:12:34,444 New mugs offer them work. Without gangsters no aluminum. 123 00:12:34,701 --> 00:12:35,945 You are dangerous for the rest! 124 00:12:36,201 --> 00:12:38,026 Therefore, in the subway, wanted, I should be shot? 125 00:12:38,285 --> 00:12:39,528 You do not think that I have forgotten? 126 00:12:39,784 --> 00:12:43,992 Wait, Simon. Landais good be written down. Saved you! 127 00:12:44,243 --> 00:12:47,573 OK, thanks. Really. 128 00:12:47,909 --> 00:12:50,113 You will not be so wise at Perezach, you see. 129 00:12:50,367 --> 00:12:53,698 You think they want to meet, To crown thee? 130 00:13:05,492 --> 00:13:10,066 This is where the fractures? See, there it is! See ... 131 00:13:12,658 --> 00:13:14,530 Well, please, still the same. 132 00:13:14,783 --> 00:13:18,030 Simon, do not forget that I know from the cradle. 133 00:13:18,283 --> 00:13:22,111 Bonner, look after my car! Maxime, do my instructions. 134 00:13:22,366 --> 00:13:25,234 And Merle, this is already in school he checkbooks 135 00:13:25,491 --> 00:13:26,949 corrector to the real thing. 136 00:13:27,200 --> 00:13:31,028 Mr Perez is not presented Mr Landais'. It's new. 137 00:13:31,283 --> 00:13:32,562 And yes, you are from Bayonne. 138 00:13:32,824 --> 00:13:37,114 And Casa, my brother. We met in jail. 139 00:13:38,783 --> 00:13:40,358 This is Daniel Volpi. 140 00:13:40,616 --> 00:13:43,187 Her mother is of Italian merchant at the corner of des Couronnes. You know? 141 00:13:43,449 --> 00:13:44,942 Sure, they know. 142 00:13:45,199 --> 00:13:48,362 Just can not understand, how such a horror is such a beauty. 143 00:13:48,616 --> 00:13:50,902 Well kids, the bar. I bet I am. 144 00:13:51,157 --> 00:13:54,072 Clara, a bottle of whiskey for my brother. 145 00:13:54,324 --> 00:13:57,321 Sonia, what a louse? This is not a shelter. 146 00:13:57,574 --> 00:13:59,481 Again he climbed through the kitchen. Give him something to eat. 147 00:13:59,740 --> 00:14:01,896 But the stench. Get out, sir. 148 00:14:03,448 --> 00:14:09,943 How much? 15 months? It was not too hard? 149 00:14:11,406 --> 00:14:14,736 - But now you have a place for me. - And how do you know? 150 00:14:14,990 --> 00:14:18,106 You have rosy future, son if you do not do sth at the beginning. 151 00:14:18,364 --> 00:14:21,315 How old were you, when many cops died? 12-13? 152 00:14:21,573 --> 00:14:23,528 I know what you feel. Strength. Hammered like a man possessed. 153 00:14:23,781 --> 00:14:25,736 This is not forgotten. 154 00:14:25,989 --> 00:14:32,566 Work for me and find me these guys who were on my site. 155 00:14:37,114 --> 00:14:44,319 Mr Perez, please do not look for them anymore. It's us. We're here. 156 00:14:46,530 --> 00:14:51,187 After all, do not we take you money. Seizures, it is not your land. 157 00:14:51,447 --> 00:14:52,774 It was necessary to first talk with me. 158 00:14:53,030 --> 00:14:56,147 And what I say? You/they will attack the banks? 159 00:14:56,405 --> 00:14:57,518 You and I were right. 160 00:14:57,780 --> 00:15:01,228 Now we showed you, we learned, we are no longer children. 161 00:15:01,488 --> 00:15:02,187 In what he plays? 162 00:15:02,446 --> 00:15:04,520 Right. Now I know whom I am dealing with. 163 00:15:04,780 --> 00:15:07,528 I always say, that there is a place for everyone, 164 00:15:07,779 --> 00:15:09,984 if everyone is in place. 165 00:15:10,238 --> 00:15:11,565 How far do you suggest me? 166 00:15:11,821 --> 00:15:14,570 But Mr. Perez, We have divided into six! 167 00:15:14,821 --> 00:15:16,361 Simon, for whom you take me for? 168 00:15:16,613 --> 00:15:19,148 Something is not right! My brother, instead you take a swing, a drink with you. 169 00:15:19,404 --> 00:15:22,686 And you prefer to share with its Arab? You know who you are? 170 00:15:22,946 --> 00:15:25,695 You like this prostitute, what my tears. 171 00:15:25,946 --> 00:15:28,102 Mug! On your site I did not stir. 172 00:15:28,362 --> 00:15:30,187 And what does it me? 173 00:15:30,445 --> 00:15:33,194 Even now as I was her date, I do not want her! 174 00:15:33,445 --> 00:15:37,770 And I’m not in danger! What is so interesting? This is not cinema! 175 00:15:38,028 --> 00:15:44,902 And this! I told him to throw! Come here! Come on! Disappear from here! 176 00:15:45,237 --> 00:15:51,399 - Okay, understood, William! - Spat at me this filth! 177 00:15:52,070 --> 00:15:55,601 In what are you playing? Come here. Now what? 178 00:15:55,861 --> 00:15:58,314 Do not be silly, damn it. Is charged! 179 00:15:58,569 --> 00:16:02,563 - Oh yes. Well, shoot. - It is loaded! 180 00:16:02,819 --> 00:16:05,189 Shot asshole, no longer. 181 00:16:05,528 --> 00:16:08,940 - Simon, he jokes. - I tell you that it is charged! 182 00:16:09,194 --> 00:16:10,521 I did not know that, kidding. 183 00:16:10,777 --> 00:16:12,519 Whore, I did not understand your sense of humor. 184 00:16:12,777 --> 00:16:13,974 Hello, boss, gift. 185 00:16:14,236 --> 00:16:18,608 Come on, get up. What is it? Nothing here for you. 186 00:16:20,152 --> 00:16:24,690 Hello, buy a bar of soap, a suit. Stinky. 187 00:16:24,944 --> 00:16:27,479 This is not a shelter. Come on, get out! 188 00:16:27,735 --> 00:16:31,599 - Are you having fun! Casa? - Come on, Simon, calmly. 189 00:16:31,860 --> 00:16:36,980 - Well, what ... - 50 to 50, do not forget. You have one week. 190 00:16:41,776 --> 00:16:43,897 - Fuck you! - Come here! 191 00:16:44,151 --> 00:16:48,524 - Simon! - What are you celebrating this beggar? What? 192 00:16:48,943 --> 00:16:50,566 - Shut up! - Enough already. 193 00:16:50,818 --> 00:16:53,732 - It 's okay. - Come here! 194 00:17:01,442 --> 00:17:06,099 Take a look at how you look. It's a shame for the police. 195 00:17:06,359 --> 00:17:09,392 How was 14 years old landed in an orphanage. Strange, is not an orphan. 196 00:17:09,650 --> 00:17:11,854 What are you Toledano wrong with this? Did you something? 197 00:17:12,109 --> 00:17:16,896 No, nothing. I imitated death when I was frightened. That's all. 198 00:17:17,317 --> 00:17:18,691 Do not you think that it was time to go down the street? 199 00:17:18,942 --> 00:17:21,016 On the contrary, perhaps just I found a reason to be. 200 00:17:21,275 --> 00:17:25,434 Listen, Milan, your father will not return. 201 00:17:32,316 --> 00:17:34,983 I really do not know why put him in an orphanage? 202 00:17:35,233 --> 00:17:37,603 - No. - And what do you know? 203 00:17:39,983 --> 00:17:41,392 ASSOCIATION HOUSE OF THE CHILD 204 00:18:14,315 --> 00:18:17,929 Dung! It's dung! Two years I was here. 205 00:18:18,190 --> 00:18:20,513 We could not even breathe without permission. 206 00:18:20,773 --> 00:18:24,304 It is learned to be disobedient. 207 00:18:32,314 --> 00:18:35,727 Charles is pissed off. Still waiting for their 50%. 208 00:18:35,981 --> 00:18:40,105 You are strong in the mouth, Simon, but it was 4 of 40 It poorly. 209 00:18:40,356 --> 00:18:42,844 But my brother has his weaknesses. Forgive you this time. 210 00:18:43,106 --> 00:18:50,513 200000 in cash. You have one week. Doubles each day of delay. 211 00:18:51,439 --> 00:18:55,681 200,000? It's a lot of jumping, no? What do you think, mama? 212 00:18:55,938 --> 00:18:59,766 Excuse me, I'm Mommy and the dog. 213 00:19:01,105 --> 00:19:02,266 Thank you. 214 00:19:10,771 --> 00:19:13,686 For me it could be 200,000, but talk to Casa, 215 00:19:13,938 --> 00:19:15,810 he is the boss. 216 00:19:16,438 --> 00:19:18,227 Still do not understand? Can not be denied to us! 217 00:19:18,479 --> 00:19:21,975 No, actually you did not understand. I tell you something. 218 00:19:22,229 --> 00:19:26,436 While in jail, and there arab wants me drill by such a chisel. 219 00:19:26,687 --> 00:19:28,512 Broke his hand. Almost slaughtered him, 220 00:19:28,771 --> 00:19:32,053 and I had for 20 years, but some guy restrains me and saves my life. 221 00:19:32,312 --> 00:19:34,848 And you do not want to speak to him? Error. 222 00:19:35,104 --> 00:19:40,093 It calms me and how it was not, you already own eggs. 223 00:19:40,854 --> 00:19:46,055 So how do you not want to talk to the Casa, the end of our conversation. 224 00:19:49,520 --> 00:19:55,101 Why the hell are you still watching? I look at a clown or something? 225 00:19:55,353 --> 00:19:58,517 - Do not look at you. - All the time the lady looks at me. 226 00:19:58,770 --> 00:20:02,633 No, no. It's silly, but it seems to me you know that somewhere. 227 00:20:02,895 --> 00:20:07,682 That means yours eyes or smell. I do not know ... 228 00:20:08,728 --> 00:20:10,802 Nice lady is. Skillfully undermines you. 229 00:20:11,061 --> 00:20:14,509 - No. That's not it. - Please continue. I like it. 230 00:20:14,769 --> 00:20:17,340 No, but seriously, may have already met. 231 00:20:17,602 --> 00:20:19,309 - You come here often? - Never. 232 00:20:19,561 --> 00:20:21,551 Sure, ninny of me. You do not here. 233 00:20:21,811 --> 00:20:25,223 I wanted to go to a kennel in the Boulevard, but it was late. 234 00:20:25,477 --> 00:20:31,639 Constantly late. And now waiting for a friend and so ... 235 00:20:45,685 --> 00:20:50,093 I wanted this. Bolognese dog companion for my mother. 236 00:20:50,351 --> 00:20:53,302 Poor, survived the trauma in the bank ... 237 00:20:53,559 --> 00:20:55,965 It's a stupid story. You get bored talking about the boxes. 238 00:20:56,226 --> 00:20:58,430 No, not at all. Poodle always dreamed of. 239 00:20:58,684 --> 00:21:02,927 Well, in my profession, is not very convenient. 240 00:21:04,892 --> 00:21:06,468 - I gotta go. - I bet I am. 241 00:21:06,726 --> 00:21:08,053 - No, no. - Please do not joke. 242 00:21:08,309 --> 00:21:10,134 Really, thank you. 243 00:21:13,350 --> 00:21:15,720 - Chicken. - Okay? 244 00:21:32,266 --> 00:21:36,591 Please wait, do not eat you. I should be reversed, and disappear. 245 00:21:36,850 --> 00:21:38,887 We had one chance in a million, to meet again. 246 00:21:39,141 --> 00:21:39,805 What do we do? 247 00:21:40,058 --> 00:21:43,589 After all, so no separation, I meet no more. 248 00:21:43,849 --> 00:21:45,591 That you want? Are you sure? 249 00:21:45,849 --> 00:21:47,223 Julie! 250 00:21:48,141 --> 00:21:53,889 Julie, nice. Julie, Julie, cradled me thy name, Julie. 251 00:21:55,557 --> 00:21:58,176 Maybe we'll have something together, we'll talk? 252 00:21:58,432 --> 00:22:00,885 I can not. I am going to his parents on holiday. 253 00:22:01,141 --> 00:22:03,889 Nothing. Let's meet up, then leave. 254 00:22:04,140 --> 00:22:06,214 - I can not! - Why? 255 00:22:07,974 --> 00:22:10,343 Did you really want? 256 00:22:10,807 --> 00:22:11,755 Okay. 257 00:22:14,057 --> 00:22:16,759 Let's meet here on Friday. 258 00:22:18,140 --> 00:22:20,759 On Friday? This is for 3 days. Why not tomorrow? 259 00:22:21,015 --> 00:22:22,721 - I gotta go. - Do not Got it. 260 00:22:22,973 --> 00:22:28,175 What is a meeting for three days? Why three days? 261 00:23:15,971 --> 00:23:18,638 No impossible! It's a miracle! 262 00:23:18,888 --> 00:23:20,925 One day, joking with your daughter, Paris. 263 00:23:21,179 --> 00:23:23,300 I tell her "something nice Friday on the beach in Ibiza." 264 00:23:23,554 --> 00:23:27,879 And what? Is Friday, I walk out of 5 km on the beach, and here Julie. 265 00:23:28,138 --> 00:23:30,591 Amazing! Spying on me or what? 266 00:23:30,846 --> 00:23:31,710 Do you know this guy? 267 00:23:31,971 --> 00:23:37,386 Sure, it knows me. Simon Toledano, supplier browns. 268 00:23:39,637 --> 00:23:42,421 - It's charming, but ... - A gift is not denied. 269 00:23:42,679 --> 00:23:44,551 I bought for their own. 270 00:23:47,554 --> 00:23:49,627 Give it to me, darling. 271 00:23:50,845 --> 00:23:56,130 Comes from Pomerania, have three months and was the last. 272 00:23:57,053 --> 00:24:00,798 Well, provided a poodle. I'll go now. 273 00:24:03,553 --> 00:24:09,715 But the heat, damn, what a scorcher. Swim before returning. 274 00:24:18,386 --> 00:24:20,258 What is this enormity? 275 00:24:23,761 --> 00:24:27,292 Damn, what heat! But Radocha! 276 00:24:31,094 --> 00:24:35,467 Say, this Herve, a friend or colleague? 277 00:24:35,719 --> 00:24:40,625 - Because I do not want to break pot. - This is my uncle. 278 00:24:41,343 --> 00:24:43,381 If you want to dry, that there is a house. 279 00:24:43,635 --> 00:24:45,626 Dad invites you to dinner. 280 00:24:45,885 --> 00:24:49,665 Your presentation made a impression on him. 281 00:24:49,926 --> 00:24:51,585 But beware, because I do not like profanity. 282 00:24:51,843 --> 00:24:55,837 Do not worry, daddy's a molding. For two minutes I will be loved. 283 00:24:56,093 --> 00:25:00,335 - And you are glad to be here? - Yes. 284 00:25:01,426 --> 00:25:04,756 So what? Happy? Do you just glad? 285 00:25:05,009 --> 00:25:06,881 Very pleased. 286 00:25:08,176 --> 00:25:11,755 - Are not you afraid that you will deliver? - Do you refuse it? 287 00:25:12,009 --> 00:25:15,955 Even if, that there is no extradition. 288 00:25:18,717 --> 00:25:22,462 Want to dance? I love to dance. 289 00:25:34,508 --> 00:25:37,423 As soon as you saw, This is unforgettable. 290 00:25:37,675 --> 00:25:42,877 I do not know how to explain it better, but I love you. 291 00:25:46,550 --> 00:25:49,796 - As soon as we know it. This case ... - No, it is no coincidence. 292 00:25:50,049 --> 00:25:52,502 Case (faith) is how the people go by, and we had met. 293 00:25:52,758 --> 00:25:57,214 So it was written. You have to hurry, Julie. Life goes. 294 00:25:57,466 --> 00:26:04,208 I know you love me. The rest is not important to me. 295 00:26:06,091 --> 00:26:10,878 I have to ... bathe ... that smell ... 296 00:26:33,381 --> 00:26:36,083 ... May '68. It was fun. 297 00:26:36,340 --> 00:26:38,544 The pals went for all demonstrations. 298 00:26:38,798 --> 00:26:40,338 We wanted to change the world. 299 00:26:40,589 --> 00:26:42,461 The best demonstration it was that the Stock Exchange. 300 00:26:42,714 --> 00:26:44,622 Exchange - the magic word. 301 00:26:44,881 --> 00:26:47,914 Demonstration of passes, and I say "All in the stock market." 302 00:26:48,172 --> 00:26:50,329 Guardian said "Where is money?". 303 00:26:50,589 --> 00:26:53,670 And he said, "There is. This is a stock exchange, there is no money ". 304 00:26:53,922 --> 00:26:55,712 We thought that we are screwed. 305 00:26:55,964 --> 00:27:01,119 We thought it would ... So we were looking like jerks! 306 00:27:01,380 --> 00:27:05,421 - We left a little disappointed. - I remember. Wrote about the newspaper. 307 00:27:05,672 --> 00:27:07,958 Exactly. This is what I say. 308 00:27:08,213 --> 00:27:10,370 I wondered, moreover, who was the ... 309 00:27:10,630 --> 00:27:12,667 original, to think, that the stock market is money. 310 00:27:12,922 --> 00:27:13,834 Dad. 311 00:27:34,754 --> 00:27:37,918 And so, you drove in three days, To bring a dog to my daughter, 312 00:27:38,171 --> 00:27:41,287 which is unnecessary and you are ready to pound the next three. 313 00:27:41,546 --> 00:27:45,622 Or are you a complete idiot Or are you in love with my daughter. 314 00:27:45,879 --> 00:27:47,869 Only that we have other plans for her. 315 00:27:48,129 --> 00:27:49,787 But after returning to Paris, by courtesy, 316 00:27:50,045 --> 00:27:53,162 - I meet up with your father. - My father ... 317 00:27:54,712 --> 00:27:58,540 The last time I saw him in prison. 318 00:28:00,628 --> 00:28:04,124 By pure coincidence we met in France. 319 00:28:04,378 --> 00:28:07,163 I wanted to say a single word. I swallowed the word. 320 00:28:07,420 --> 00:28:09,789 I landed in prison. 321 00:28:15,211 --> 00:28:17,285 It's a souvenir from there. 322 00:28:17,711 --> 00:28:20,626 But the worst is that as I left, the father was already in the wild. 323 00:28:20,878 --> 00:28:28,036 More did not see him. So it is not easy will you meet him. 324 00:28:36,377 --> 00:28:40,916 And I love your daughter. I am taking it you do not, she leaves. 325 00:28:41,169 --> 00:28:43,835 Listen. I know that my child is not for you. 326 00:28:44,085 --> 00:28:46,123 With your life do what you want, your case. 327 00:28:46,377 --> 00:28:52,622 But if you really love her just go. Before you come back. 328 00:29:23,667 --> 00:29:25,823 You know me? Samy. 329 00:29:29,750 --> 00:29:33,993 I have the goods. This goes to once every 10 years. 330 00:29:36,625 --> 00:29:39,292 Are odd. Even pensioners are more active than you. 331 00:29:39,542 --> 00:29:41,283 - I swear. - We only African whores. 332 00:29:41,542 --> 00:29:44,623 Gliniarzom told, that you are PIMPS, but not me. 333 00:29:44,875 --> 00:29:49,034 Sinned, because I have a great jump. Bank of the Republic. 334 00:29:49,291 --> 00:29:52,124 African whores. I said. 335 00:29:53,625 --> 00:29:58,282 Too bad. If you recover the eggs, I will be here. 300 bubbles. At least. 336 00:30:13,416 --> 00:30:17,030 Your friend still has not? Tell him that we are waiting. 337 00:31:28,830 --> 00:31:32,693 - Well, that let me choose. - Do not you know who I really am. 338 00:31:32,955 --> 00:31:36,402 Maybe your father is right, I am not a guy for you. 339 00:31:36,663 --> 00:31:40,608 Maybe you're not a guy for me, but know we are on the waiting. 340 00:31:40,871 --> 00:31:46,868 Familiarity is short and flies fast. When it is completed? 341 00:31:47,121 --> 00:31:49,195 How to separation. 342 00:32:06,787 --> 00:32:09,322 Look at them. Faces of Romeo and such of them scoundrels'. 343 00:32:09,578 --> 00:32:11,865 - Simon scare you sometimes? - Contrary (opposit). 344 00:32:12,120 --> 00:32:17,073 With him I feel safe. It seems to me that nothing can happen. 345 00:32:33,119 --> 00:32:39,993 We go abroad. Is the mass of things we can do. 346 00:32:44,452 --> 00:32:46,608 I can play the pimp, but not for nothing. 347 00:32:46,869 --> 00:32:49,701 Whiz and jumps do not go together. We do not have a penny. 348 00:32:49,952 --> 00:32:52,238 Time to get back to work. 349 00:32:52,660 --> 00:32:57,282 OK. Another series together, and then a crossroads. 350 00:32:57,535 --> 00:33:02,109 - I do not believe. You have floors? - Life altering. 351 00:33:02,910 --> 00:33:06,110 - What, fallen in love with? - I think ... He tells me things. 352 00:33:06,368 --> 00:33:12,566 It seems to me that I could do something else. How can we not try to now, never. 353 00:33:16,201 --> 00:33:21,949 It must be obvious. I have a jump to 300 bubbles. Who gives more? 354 00:33:29,576 --> 00:33:32,573 Do not move! Hands up! 355 00:34:13,699 --> 00:34:16,483 If they catch you wounded, they sell their own mother. 356 00:34:16,741 --> 00:34:19,573 - He saved you! - Thanks. 357 00:34:31,240 --> 00:34:36,988 Move your ass! Descend! Come on! Get in the center! Open it! 358 00:34:41,156 --> 00:34:43,727 Dead body has been Cashier gained by the two hostages. 359 00:34:43,990 --> 00:34:45,151 Criminals are still in the bank, 360 00:34:45,406 --> 00:34:50,608 and police, under orders from Commissioner Brevard, blocked around. 361 00:34:50,864 --> 00:34:53,732 You think we have a chance? 362 00:34:53,989 --> 00:34:57,686 Maybe. However, they fall into illusion. 363 00:34:57,948 --> 00:35:00,483 Self-sacrifice by Landais has saved our lives. 364 00:35:00,739 --> 00:35:03,523 Now think, that we are ready for anything. 365 00:35:03,781 --> 00:35:04,894 Yes. 366 00:35:09,905 --> 00:35:10,936 It's up to us? 367 00:35:12,322 --> 00:35:16,067 Brevard Commissioner here. Listen carefully, I will not repeat. 368 00:35:16,322 --> 00:35:17,945 You have five minutes to go. 369 00:35:18,197 --> 00:35:20,022 Then, we suspect assault and will not pity. 370 00:35:20,280 --> 00:35:21,737 You can not. 371 00:35:23,738 --> 00:35:27,151 How is it possible that the police came so quickly? 372 00:35:27,405 --> 00:35:30,403 It's illogical. Bamboozled us. 373 00:35:37,821 --> 00:35:40,605 - Can we talk seriously? - We are serious. We have hostages. 374 00:35:40,863 --> 00:35:43,612 - You want to slaughter? - No. And you, what do you want? 375 00:35:43,863 --> 00:35:47,275 200 million, auto, To get to the airport and aircraft. 376 00:35:47,904 --> 00:35:48,769 That's all? 377 00:35:49,029 --> 00:35:53,023 The money will be in low denominations. 378 00:35:53,279 --> 00:35:55,814 Asking too much, get too little, no? 379 00:35:56,279 --> 00:35:58,151 Call a minister. 380 00:36:00,862 --> 00:36:02,189 What do you want? 381 00:36:03,487 --> 00:36:04,731 It's Europe 1 382 00:36:05,320 --> 00:36:08,105 Police waiting for us. They were well informed. 383 00:36:08,362 --> 00:36:10,518 Somehow speaks ... 384 00:36:11,028 --> 00:36:13,896 It is obvious that it was a trap. It should be cleaned. 385 00:36:14,153 --> 00:36:16,986 Police immediately appear. You do not go back home. 386 00:36:17,237 --> 00:36:23,482 - I'm flying to the Republic. - Take care of it, I'll find a run. 387 00:36:26,611 --> 00:36:30,984 Only do not let them run away. The first hostage-taking in France. 388 00:36:31,236 --> 00:36:34,317 What an example, if real. So, negotiate. 389 00:36:34,569 --> 00:36:41,229 How to come out, that was after them. Yes, the first woman. I understand. 390 00:36:42,694 --> 00:36:44,352 Allows us to move, but tied our hands. 391 00:36:44,611 --> 00:36:47,181 Freedom of information. Sure. 392 00:36:47,444 --> 00:36:52,267 Freedom of information to shareholders, ago it serves. As in '68. 393 00:36:52,527 --> 00:36:55,062 Inspector Marin, Please set of people. I will know. 394 00:36:55,319 --> 00:36:56,231 Yes! 395 00:36:56,694 --> 00:37:00,106 Commissioner Brevard! Inspector Milan, Belleville brigade. 396 00:37:00,360 --> 00:37:04,140 That you are the officer, mole. Apparently you know those guys. 397 00:37:04,402 --> 00:37:07,068 We got the name, what a shot. 398 00:37:07,318 --> 00:37:11,015 Jacques certain Dumorat, called by Landais. 399 00:37:11,276 --> 00:37:13,729 Relates to two former prisoners, Toledano and Casa. 400 00:37:13,985 --> 00:37:16,271 It's probably those two, no? What do you think? 401 00:37:16,526 --> 00:37:19,856 Lord knows it better than I do. He was there before them, you do not? 402 00:37:20,109 --> 00:37:23,191 You think you steal game? 403 00:37:23,443 --> 00:37:27,057 If I do not need you now ... To respect, Commissioner. 404 00:37:27,318 --> 00:37:31,014 - Commissioner, Prefect of the rings. - What kind of clown? I know that name. 405 00:37:31,276 --> 00:37:32,473 His father was from our own. 406 00:37:32,734 --> 00:37:34,440 Shot When leaving the police station. 407 00:37:34,692 --> 00:37:36,848 - The ball in the head. Apparently he took. - Something new? 408 00:37:37,234 --> 00:37:40,564 I remember. It is not known how it ended. 409 00:37:40,817 --> 00:37:42,642 Good evening, ladies prefects! 410 00:37:43,025 --> 00:37:44,897 Not supposed to be so. 411 00:37:46,234 --> 00:37:51,140 All wrong. Damn. This is not about dreaming. 412 00:37:53,400 --> 00:37:57,891 Remember? We had to do something, What no one did. 413 00:37:58,150 --> 00:37:59,808 What are we doing here? 414 00:38:01,941 --> 00:38:04,809 How do you know? Possible that there is a real fortune. 415 00:38:05,066 --> 00:38:08,432 It is possible that in these hiding places there is more money, than the box office bank. 416 00:38:08,691 --> 00:38:09,935 What are you? 417 00:38:12,608 --> 00:38:16,187 - It would be better if we had the keys. - Whore, you are not excited by it? 418 00:38:16,441 --> 00:38:22,686 Think, 500 such hiding places! 500! And our names on each! 419 00:38:29,357 --> 00:38:30,898 Hello, dough, but the aircraft - this is impossible. 420 00:38:31,149 --> 00:38:36,185 Okay. To be a quick car, BMW, for 5 minutes, but nothing great. 421 00:38:36,440 --> 00:38:39,142 OK, but you release the woman. 422 00:38:42,607 --> 00:38:46,054 Okay, do not come out with us, but they are in the bank for our departure. 423 00:38:46,315 --> 00:38:47,642 Without discussion. 424 00:38:48,523 --> 00:38:49,767 After him. Asshole. 425 00:38:50,023 --> 00:38:52,393 Both offenders living hiding in the bank, 426 00:38:52,648 --> 00:38:57,021 where they are holding hostage. Commissioner Brevard action shows. 427 00:38:57,273 --> 00:38:59,429 Location is totally blocked by the police, 428 00:38:59,689 --> 00:39:02,178 which argues that the surrender bandits is just a matter of time. 429 00:39:05,273 --> 00:39:06,730 What did he say? 430 00:39:08,772 --> 00:39:10,846 Waiting nearby, Champerret at the car park. 431 00:39:11,106 --> 00:39:12,563 Okay, go. 432 00:39:27,522 --> 00:39:32,309 Well a little, do me a pleasure. Shoot first. 433 00:39:33,563 --> 00:39:36,052 Hostages are women. 434 00:39:36,771 --> 00:39:38,099 What is it? 435 00:39:43,021 --> 00:39:45,344 We have developed. Yes, Minister? 436 00:39:45,605 --> 00:39:47,678 With the way! Move it! 437 00:39:51,021 --> 00:39:53,307 How do we let them leave, that's it. Nothing we did not anticipate. 438 00:39:53,563 --> 00:39:55,103 Let's go! Let's go! 439 00:39:57,854 --> 00:40:01,184 Shoot. It's now or never! 440 00:40:08,937 --> 00:40:12,267 We will not shoot. We do not shoot women. 441 00:40:12,520 --> 00:40:15,091 Give orders to the devil! 442 00:40:16,395 --> 00:40:17,639 With road. 443 00:40:19,145 --> 00:40:21,633 Our good! Gas! Gas! 444 00:40:27,186 --> 00:40:35,186 ... bandits managed to escape before the police along with three hostages. 445 00:40:35,686 --> 00:40:39,596 Police looking for BMW provided that the same criminals. 446 00:40:39,853 --> 00:40:43,432 Commissioner for Brevard it is a bitter pill. 447 00:40:43,686 --> 00:40:46,600 Do not open the eyes, girl! 448 00:40:46,852 --> 00:40:48,890 I do not want to spoil your humor, but forgot one bag. 449 00:40:49,144 --> 00:40:50,969 - No! - Yes! 450 00:40:52,186 --> 00:40:54,852 Be careful, are enraged. Barricades, controls, everything. 451 00:40:55,102 --> 00:40:56,559 Change of plans. 452 00:40:58,894 --> 00:41:00,351 Ladies, sitting with you a while. 453 00:41:00,602 --> 00:41:02,474 How do you polite, everything will be fine. 454 00:41:02,727 --> 00:41:05,346 Well, sing me something. International, you know? 455 00:41:05,602 --> 00:41:11,101 "It will be the last battle ..." Louder, I can not hear you! 456 00:41:28,934 --> 00:41:31,505 Commissioner Brevard negotiated all night the bandits, 457 00:41:31,768 --> 00:41:35,347 who have received at the end 200 million ransom. 458 00:41:35,601 --> 00:41:39,843 They drove off with three hostages, which fate they do not know. 459 00:41:40,101 --> 00:41:41,641 Enormous anxiety gripped France 460 00:41:41,892 --> 00:41:46,882 after this first successful attempt hostage-taking. 461 00:41:47,142 --> 00:41:49,133 Forget Simon. He told you to say. 462 00:41:49,392 --> 00:41:52,888 Forget about it. Told to say. 463 00:41:56,892 --> 00:42:00,588 Do not move! Freeze! Hands up! 464 00:42:00,850 --> 00:42:03,931 Look at me. Landais wanted to tell us something, 465 00:42:04,183 --> 00:42:05,806 But his mouth were full of saliva. 466 00:42:06,058 --> 00:42:08,298 Fastened just like a fool to the wastewater management. 467 00:42:08,558 --> 00:42:11,225 I said to myself, how can guy die from saliva? 468 00:42:11,475 --> 00:42:15,550 But you do not know that we are talking to you Studzienka wastewater. 469 00:42:15,808 --> 00:42:17,466 I do not understand what you talking about? 470 00:42:17,724 --> 00:42:23,472 Pedal! Look at that whore mother! Speak your teeth because it strikes! 471 00:42:23,766 --> 00:42:26,254 It Perez! Motherfuckers, I swear on my mother! 472 00:42:26,516 --> 00:42:31,967 The bank is, they offered. Wanted to get rid of you. I swear! 473 00:42:32,224 --> 00:42:34,795 It Perez took action. 474 00:42:35,932 --> 00:42:39,428 Przewioza guests to Italy the bag with the ransom. 475 00:42:39,682 --> 00:42:41,424 That is, for what was. 476 00:42:41,682 --> 00:42:43,803 They said that these jerks had left a bag in the bank. 477 00:42:44,307 --> 00:42:47,174 I guess I should an award, as Commissioner? 478 00:42:47,432 --> 00:42:48,462 We'll see. 479 00:42:52,182 --> 00:42:55,761 About this bag, it's just us and guests from the bank know. 480 00:42:56,015 --> 00:42:58,799 That is, Perezy fact that in this sit. 481 00:42:59,056 --> 00:43:01,592 We shall visit the ?bank?, and then to bed. 482 00:43:01,848 --> 00:43:03,305 Look at me! 483 00:43:07,431 --> 00:43:09,919 No longer appears never in Belleville. Understand? 484 00:43:10,181 --> 00:43:15,596 Perezy If you do not kill we are the answer. 485 00:43:20,639 --> 00:43:22,262 This is not your friend pats poverty. 486 00:43:22,514 --> 00:43:26,045 Calm down, it bourgeois, but the egg is as big as we are. 487 00:43:26,305 --> 00:43:32,219 - Are you sure it? - Apart from you, just trust him. No go! 488 00:43:37,055 --> 00:43:41,298 You are here at home. Someone is waiting for you. 489 00:43:48,346 --> 00:43:49,341 What is it? 490 00:43:49,596 --> 00:43:52,132 Threatened that he would go to the police, as it will not take. 491 00:43:52,388 --> 00:43:55,635 You can not be. It's dangerous. We did not want what happened. 492 00:43:55,888 --> 00:43:57,677 I just wanted to live with you, out of this. 493 00:43:57,929 --> 00:44:01,757 I said sincerely. And where now I'm going, this is not the life for you. 494 00:44:02,012 --> 00:44:05,176 Go, when you stop loving me. 495 00:44:05,429 --> 00:44:09,257 - Do not love me anymore? - Do not love you! 496 00:44:16,845 --> 00:44:18,836 I do not love you anymore. 497 00:44:21,345 --> 00:44:23,715 Well, that took it. 498 00:44:47,344 --> 00:44:48,837 But outside the brothel. 499 00:44:49,094 --> 00:44:51,334 Brevard and his boys made a raid on Perezow. 500 00:44:51,594 --> 00:44:54,876 William and Charles on the shoulders. All of the trunk. 501 00:44:55,136 --> 00:44:59,295 - Somehow I do not sob. - Of all the bank's already forgotten. 502 00:44:59,552 --> 00:45:01,342 After a few days will travel abroad no problem. 503 00:45:01,594 --> 00:45:07,211 - Here, they whistled some tourists. - There is nothing like the real fake. 504 00:45:07,469 --> 00:45:11,000 - What is happening? - Explain it to you. 505 00:45:19,093 --> 00:45:21,760 Flee. They had no other choice. 506 00:45:22,010 --> 00:45:24,333 Traveled, not knowing or ever to return. 507 00:45:24,593 --> 00:45:27,046 In fact, the first time emigrated from France. 508 00:45:27,301 --> 00:45:30,086 Maybe that's why they seemed not to It's so dramatic. 509 00:45:30,343 --> 00:45:34,289 They had, after 25 years, full of pockets, traveled the world first-class 510 00:45:34,551 --> 00:45:36,707 and, above all, they were lovers. 511 00:45:36,968 --> 00:45:39,373 Amazing if you forget when one is in love. 512 00:45:39,634 --> 00:45:41,708 Even a death sentence. 513 00:45:51,967 --> 00:45:55,747 What is it, guys? Talked with them, are in Abidjan. 514 00:45:56,009 --> 00:46:02,455 Simon said that the death sentence the Legion of Honor thieves. 515 00:46:03,967 --> 00:46:06,537 ... Great message, huh? 516 00:46:12,133 --> 00:46:15,166 - Where is he? - What are you talking about? 517 00:46:15,425 --> 00:46:20,840 - Where are they? Speak, son of a bitch. Where are they? - Fuck you! 518 00:46:28,924 --> 00:46:30,086 Calm there! 519 00:46:39,715 --> 00:46:42,500 2 YEARS LATER 520 00:46:54,382 --> 00:46:57,249 At the beginning of the fun, but then the tires. I could no longer. 521 00:46:59,923 --> 00:47:04,213 In Ankara, Simon mad. Our hotel was full of policemen. 522 00:47:04,465 --> 00:47:09,833 There was some meeting of Opec-u! We waited three hours. 523 00:47:10,089 --> 00:47:12,874 With every day fear to increase. 524 00:47:13,131 --> 00:47:17,041 Please stay. I told you to inform. 525 00:47:17,298 --> 00:47:21,670 Still pursuing their master? Perfect. Good cop, a stubborn cop. 526 00:47:21,922 --> 00:47:25,998 Leave it to you. It is the Lord. Gift. 527 00:47:28,006 --> 00:47:33,339 I was moved. Transfer-rise far into the province. 528 00:47:33,589 --> 00:47:35,544 I knew your father. 529 00:47:35,797 --> 00:47:38,830 Please do not too much to think about, likes to be a simple truth. 530 00:47:39,088 --> 00:47:41,542 Inspector-at take care of him, but it was a decent guy. 531 00:47:41,797 --> 00:47:47,082 - So please do not agonize. - Mr. least you has Mesrine. 532 00:47:47,338 --> 00:47:52,244 I remember a lesson from the Republic. Please note that the methods are valid 533 00:47:52,505 --> 00:47:56,996 provided that the game will bring. 534 00:47:59,713 --> 00:48:05,164 Did not trust anyone. Even me. It became a dangerous, suffocating. 535 00:48:05,421 --> 00:48:09,829 - So I decided to come. - And do you know her? She was with you? 536 00:48:10,087 --> 00:48:14,875 Stage slut. As the other. Do not even know what it's called. 537 00:48:15,129 --> 00:48:18,459 Simon only those he liked. Whores. They only excited him. 538 00:48:18,712 --> 00:48:21,461 - Where now? - In Kathmandu, maybe. 539 00:48:21,712 --> 00:48:27,542 Only interested in playing them. Not quick to see. 540 00:48:43,128 --> 00:48:47,584 Deep trust which is connected with churches 541 00:48:47,836 --> 00:48:51,912 and large organizations humanitarian 542 00:48:52,169 --> 00:48:57,289 in the back of conscience, I am against the death penalty. 543 00:48:58,877 --> 00:49:05,787 4, 3, 2, 1 Francois Mitterand was elected President of the Republic. 544 00:49:06,044 --> 00:49:07,288 Goodbye. 545 00:49:23,752 --> 00:49:26,074 Damn. Thirty years. Damn. 546 00:49:26,335 --> 00:49:30,624 - What, thirty years? - Well, we have thirty years. 547 00:49:30,876 --> 00:49:33,578 I did not think that it will live. 548 00:49:35,585 --> 00:49:42,541 - Nothing predicted for later. - I do not. And certainly not that. 549 00:49:42,793 --> 00:49:46,407 Think that I did not want. See what to me like what? 550 00:49:46,668 --> 00:49:51,159 Do not worry, the apple does not necessarily falls near the apple trees. 551 00:49:51,417 --> 00:49:54,534 Come here. My daughter, no longer. 552 00:49:59,209 --> 00:50:00,950 See, that this asshole holds us. We can request something. 553 00:50:01,209 --> 00:50:03,779 It's only half guard. 554 00:50:05,542 --> 00:50:08,208 I know, mom is always late. 555 00:50:08,458 --> 00:50:10,828 - For once could you not be late! - I could not park. 556 00:50:11,083 --> 00:50:13,157 I do not think well, that came back to Paris. 557 00:50:13,417 --> 00:50:15,075 And where our daughter was to live. In the bush? 558 00:50:15,333 --> 00:50:16,363 Why not? 559 00:50:25,208 --> 00:50:28,455 Little surprise, straight from the Romania. 560 00:50:28,708 --> 00:50:33,697 - Babes. - No, gentlemen. We work. Cope with that. 561 00:50:34,958 --> 00:50:37,872 Nothing better than French. 562 00:50:38,916 --> 00:50:40,456 Okay, what is it? 563 00:50:40,707 --> 00:50:43,705 Already been decided. We arrange private bank locker. 564 00:50:43,957 --> 00:50:46,955 - I do not believe. - Once or twice to see. 565 00:50:47,207 --> 00:50:48,664 We'll just steal the rich. 566 00:50:48,915 --> 00:50:52,577 With the start of Mitterrand and the Communists, gave everything to PO: 567 00:50:52,832 --> 00:50:57,074 The whole dough, gold bars, jewelry. And we'll take care of those. 568 00:50:57,332 --> 00:51:00,448 Already you see the cashier that their weapons? 569 00:51:00,707 --> 00:51:03,112 Whore, guys, be rich and popular - you do not take it? 570 00:51:03,373 --> 00:51:05,778 - Sure. As a suicide - super. - Donkey. 571 00:51:06,040 --> 00:51:08,363 Suicide is what we have every day. These jumps for 200000. 572 00:51:08,623 --> 00:51:13,825 A tomfoolery with the war of gangs, This is not for me. I fall. 573 00:51:17,039 --> 00:51:20,903 Casa! Not to offend. Happy for us. 574 00:51:21,164 --> 00:51:23,534 More fun to them in the head than done, and so much. 575 00:51:23,789 --> 00:51:25,116 You also do not believe it. 576 00:51:25,372 --> 00:51:29,448 I see how you smile, it and go to hell. Lift you? 577 00:51:29,706 --> 00:51:31,992 Thanks. I'm going far. I will be. 578 00:51:32,247 --> 00:51:37,237 Strange you. Often disappears at the same time. 579 00:51:38,372 --> 00:51:39,829 Do not worry, Simon. 580 00:51:40,080 --> 00:51:45,828 Well, I know that police monitors with its beautiful eyes. 581 00:53:23,952 --> 00:53:26,819 Have you seen my lighter? 582 00:53:44,534 --> 00:53:47,236 Police. Documents please. 583 00:53:54,242 --> 00:53:56,731 Passport! Come on, quickly! 584 00:53:57,784 --> 00:53:59,940 - On your knees! - Do not be silly. Do not shoot. 585 00:54:00,201 --> 00:54:03,981 On your knees! Shut up! Do not look at me. Do not move! 586 00:54:04,242 --> 00:54:07,987 I say, do not move! Move now! 587 00:54:25,700 --> 00:54:28,069 Casa! Okay? Casa! 588 00:55:15,406 --> 00:55:17,065 What kind of music? 589 00:55:19,115 --> 00:55:20,655 It's here. 590 00:55:45,280 --> 00:55:47,947 Damn, there is even one! 591 00:55:48,197 --> 00:55:53,186 Simon without Casa. From the moment Simon have to continue to go without a guardian. 592 00:55:53,447 --> 00:55:55,236 I live with the thought of my brother, who rescued him, 593 00:55:55,488 --> 00:55:58,818 and whom he could not protect. 594 00:56:11,113 --> 00:56:14,111 Hands up! Do not move! 595 00:56:14,363 --> 00:56:17,195 Go back! Sit down. On the back! 596 00:56:21,779 --> 00:56:23,651 Get out! Move it! 597 00:56:28,154 --> 00:56:33,143 It takes, whore, it lasts! The convoy was? An alarm? 598 00:56:33,570 --> 00:56:34,565 No. 599 00:56:35,987 --> 00:56:37,231 Look down. 600 00:56:38,404 --> 00:56:41,734 Did you hear? So can not be! Hear us! 601 00:56:41,987 --> 00:56:43,396 Okay, ask Jeannot. 602 00:56:46,278 --> 00:56:48,399 - What are you doing? - Do you hear anything? 603 00:56:48,653 --> 00:56:53,855 - You can hear up in Marseilles. - Okay! Calm down! 604 00:56:57,028 --> 00:57:00,275 He said that he heard nothing. 605 00:57:06,528 --> 00:57:09,858 No, you have a bad angle. Put it so. 606 00:57:11,736 --> 00:57:14,059 You take care of the director. 607 00:57:14,319 --> 00:57:17,021 - You, peace. - Nothing doing. 608 00:57:17,277 --> 00:57:18,521 Show me! 609 00:57:20,652 --> 00:57:23,223 For Casa, who was absolutely right. 610 00:57:23,485 --> 00:57:25,108 Wanted to know how it is This we know. 611 00:57:25,360 --> 00:57:27,398 Next time we come back in a hundred and we will leap the centuries. 612 00:57:27,652 --> 00:57:30,650 He's right. Better go back at night. 613 00:57:31,360 --> 00:57:34,975 Work done here. And those who are afraid, let them wait in the car. 614 00:57:35,235 --> 00:57:39,098 No problem. Let us learn, take advantage. 615 00:57:39,360 --> 00:57:42,856 It is not enough to open the secret compartments, need to be opened soon! 616 00:57:54,318 --> 00:57:55,976 Kathmandu? 617 00:57:59,318 --> 00:58:01,189 Can be seen everywhere you go. 618 00:58:01,442 --> 00:58:05,139 Thanks to you we were at all hotels where they were staying. 619 00:58:05,401 --> 00:58:09,441 All stuff was questioned – the waiters, caretakers, maids. 620 00:58:09,692 --> 00:58:14,929 Everyone was talking about a woman, not a prostitute, or accidental, 621 00:58:15,192 --> 00:58:19,020 but French, elegant. Who are you? 622 00:58:19,775 --> 00:58:22,477 - I don’t know. - Who is it? 623 00:58:23,150 --> 00:58:26,267 - I don’t know. - Tell me who is that? 624 00:58:28,733 --> 00:58:33,935 I only know her name. Julie, but it may be false. 625 00:58:34,733 --> 00:58:40,148 It was she? Think about it. Only now can I protect you! 626 00:58:40,399 --> 00:58:43,397 Select the camp site. It was she? It was she? 627 00:58:44,733 --> 00:58:46,522 Give me a hint track. Where can I find it? 628 00:58:46,774 --> 00:58:49,393 - I do not know anything! - Where can I find it? 629 00:58:49,649 --> 00:58:51,391 Tell me where! 630 00:58:55,649 --> 00:58:58,220 One night six years ago, 631 00:58:58,482 --> 00:59:05,059 the Buttes Chaumont visited us patrol. We were in a foursome. 632 00:59:10,315 --> 00:59:12,601 How do you want, you say! 633 00:59:14,107 --> 00:59:16,181 How do I catch this woman, This leads me to Toledano. 634 00:59:16,440 --> 00:59:18,265 Explain to me how a guy sentenced to death, 635 00:59:18,523 --> 00:59:20,430 then life imprisonment, whose picture hangs everywhere, 636 00:59:20,690 --> 00:59:24,304 can live in the center of Paris, and we do not know anything? 637 00:59:24,856 --> 00:59:26,728 About Casie know, right? 638 00:59:26,981 --> 00:59:29,932 A week later, 50 boxes emptied in broad daylight. 639 00:59:30,189 --> 00:59:34,265 Pure provocation. But I know him. It is his trademark. 640 00:59:34,523 --> 00:59:37,474 Perhaps this your Toledano long dead. 641 00:59:37,731 --> 00:59:39,307 Wants us to think so. 642 00:59:39,564 --> 00:59:42,135 Trying to catch the spirit. You don't have even a shadow of proof. 643 00:59:42,397 --> 00:59:47,599 It help me to find something and do not talk to me, boy! 644 00:59:50,064 --> 00:59:53,512 Minutes prior to three years. When did you make the report 645 00:59:53,772 --> 00:59:55,976 from the Buttes Chaumont? Do you remember? 646 00:59:56,230 --> 00:59:59,512 Six years. A week before the attack on the Republic. 647 00:59:59,772 --> 01:00:04,429 We got to hurry. It will take forever to him. 648 01:00:28,479 --> 01:00:34,476 - Thanks for the funeral affairs. - I loved Casa, just like you. 649 01:00:34,729 --> 01:00:38,675 And do not distress yourself with dark, nothing you could not handle. 650 01:00:38,937 --> 01:00:40,099 And beyond that? 651 01:00:41,729 --> 01:00:45,769 What pushes a boy from a good family, to be bully? 652 01:00:46,020 --> 01:00:49,267 I like the job, and besides, apple sometimes falls far from the tree. 653 01:00:49,520 --> 01:00:52,684 The better, I need this guy like you. 654 01:00:52,937 --> 01:00:54,559 With your education and nerves, 655 01:00:54,812 --> 01:00:56,470 who will old man with no quarrels, 656 01:00:56,728 --> 01:01:01,267 who wants to pee or the aggressive type. Do you understand? 657 01:01:01,811 --> 01:01:03,849 A per month will be heavier by 1.5 bubble, 658 01:01:04,103 --> 01:01:07,433 and risking the same as for 150.000. You know who you work for? 659 01:01:07,686 --> 01:01:09,807 With sentenced to life imprisonment, who does not intend to raise the hands, 660 01:01:10,061 --> 01:01:13,841 to struggle with police. I agree. 661 01:01:15,686 --> 01:01:21,884 Contact you next week. Tell me where you know Casa? 662 01:01:22,144 --> 01:01:24,467 - In high school. - Casa was taught there? 663 01:01:24,727 --> 01:01:27,097 - For the exam. - Oh, yes. 664 01:01:37,893 --> 01:01:40,726 Sorry, I made a mistake ... 665 01:01:43,435 --> 01:01:46,184 - Choose something. - Well you including a rabbi. 666 01:01:46,435 --> 01:01:50,677 This is not a rabbi, a priest. Hello, this is a rabbi. 667 01:01:50,935 --> 01:01:53,340 - I prefer to colonel. - It's the next time change. 668 01:01:53,601 --> 01:01:55,722 Yeah, but the bank then I open the safe. 669 01:01:55,976 --> 01:01:57,138 How do you want. 670 01:02:08,309 --> 01:02:11,141 Great! There is no change! 671 01:02:18,934 --> 01:02:21,138 Do not you think that these disguises a little trashy? 672 01:02:21,392 --> 01:02:23,050 And they will say that it was for publicity? 673 01:02:23,309 --> 01:02:26,555 Consider, if you work in a bank and see the pilot, 674 01:02:26,808 --> 01:02:30,754 a guy in uniform, postman or a soldier, you have confidence. 675 01:02:31,017 --> 01:02:35,425 Not? The French like uniforms, not noticed? 676 01:02:35,683 --> 01:02:37,259 Not parting for a month. 677 01:02:37,516 --> 01:02:40,550 Military drill, no sex, no drugs, no perfume, no contact with relatives. 678 01:02:40,808 --> 01:02:45,216 We work in series. 20 banks in a row. Not on Wednesday to avoid children. 679 01:02:45,474 --> 01:02:49,136 Or Mondays, because too many people. 680 01:02:50,599 --> 01:02:52,922 Goal - zero deaths from any side. 681 01:02:53,183 --> 01:02:59,510 Going to the record books, and not to the obituary columns. 682 01:03:01,432 --> 01:03:04,051 We will be changing. Every five time ten. 683 01:03:04,307 --> 01:03:06,132 The burglars we contact last minute 684 01:03:06,390 --> 01:03:09,305 and take them to a single stroke. Punish them on the spot and the next. 685 01:03:09,557 --> 01:03:14,013 None of them see our faces. Police is confused. 686 01:03:14,265 --> 01:03:20,511 And when you begin to understand something, we will be rich ... and far. 687 01:03:25,598 --> 01:03:28,430 Do not move! Lower your hands! 688 01:03:29,140 --> 01:03:31,379 - Do not move! Fiscal! - What did he say? 689 01:03:31,640 --> 01:03:34,009 I hesitated between the financial control and insurance, 690 01:03:34,265 --> 01:03:36,385 but "Do not move the insurance!" sounds silly. 691 01:03:37,181 --> 01:03:41,471 Do not worry, it's me. Santy is a commissioner, friend from school. 692 01:03:41,723 --> 01:03:43,879 We can’t reach you at the office. Wanna tell us about it? 693 01:03:44,139 --> 01:03:46,675 Commandos rob 50 money-transfers /policemen?/ In PASSY 694 01:03:46,931 --> 01:03:48,921 I have nothing, no trace. This is the pros. 695 01:03:49,181 --> 01:03:51,337 Two hours in the bank in broad daylight and no violence. 696 01:03:51,597 --> 01:03:54,879 Are malignant /gossips/ (IMPRESSIVE). We are tossed about, and they use it. 697 01:03:55,139 --> 01:03:59,512 Let me know, when strike again in your area. 698 01:04:04,097 --> 01:04:05,838 Good money, huh? 699 01:04:09,055 --> 01:04:16,130 So melt it, it will not be a trace. Pay per kilogram and gold. OK? 700 01:04:17,638 --> 01:04:19,924 As for money, I can find you senders, 701 01:04:20,180 --> 01:04:24,125 - But it costs 30%. - OK, thanks Llyo. Hi. 702 01:04:24,388 --> 01:04:25,585 Hi. 703 01:04:29,096 --> 01:04:32,592 - Thirty? - 30% of the price for security. 704 01:04:32,846 --> 01:04:36,294 - Season news! They will talk about us. - Okay, come on! 705 01:04:36,554 --> 01:04:38,794 Welcome Gang, goodbye money. 706 01:04:39,054 --> 01:04:40,630 This morning, for the third time in a week, 707 01:04:40,887 --> 01:04:42,712 eight armed gangsters 708 01:04:42,971 --> 01:04:46,715 robbed about 50 custody functions. 709 01:05:03,761 --> 01:05:09,047 The game of honor police, the first appears on the scene of a crime, 710 01:05:09,303 --> 01:05:11,128 after Gang. 711 01:05:11,386 --> 01:05:15,332 So whether it is an agreement between criminals and police? 712 01:05:15,594 --> 01:05:18,758 Because as the saying goes, try to see what someone worth while. 713 01:05:19,011 --> 01:05:20,504 Commissioner! 714 01:05:21,886 --> 01:05:25,298 A guy dressed as a rabbi did not take videos of protection. 715 01:05:25,552 --> 01:05:27,377 An employee told him that the system does not work. 716 01:05:27,636 --> 01:05:29,792 - Where this tape? - In his office, we can go see it. 717 01:05:30,052 --> 01:05:31,462 Let's go! Fast! 718 01:05:31,719 --> 01:05:34,468 ABW. Fargeon Commissioner, Inspector Morel. 719 01:05:34,719 --> 01:05:37,919 Owners of some money-transfers are one group. 720 01:05:38,177 --> 01:05:42,040 - Do you have any information? - Only that. Look. 721 01:05:42,302 --> 01:05:46,758 Plenty of that on the ground. And now, excuse me, I have a job. 722 01:06:12,676 --> 01:06:16,255 Commissioner stops Santy dress. Nice, huh? 723 01:06:16,509 --> 01:06:19,590 You'll see, We guard the entire bank. 724 01:06:19,842 --> 01:06:22,212 - Let's see it. - It's here. 725 01:06:28,092 --> 01:06:33,507 - He put you tape? - While normally it works. 726 01:06:34,133 --> 01:06:37,001 - It's responsible? - It's probably something wrong with the channel. 727 01:06:37,258 --> 01:06:40,706 - This is the news of the Lord? - Please wait. I assure you ... 728 01:06:40,967 --> 01:06:45,754 Whore, but these types are lucky! You watched it? 729 01:07:03,216 --> 01:07:04,543 Do not have anything? 730 01:07:07,007 --> 01:07:08,832 No, nothing. 731 01:07:12,382 --> 01:07:16,127 The Minister is pleased, went well. 732 01:07:24,048 --> 01:07:27,496 - What are you doing here? Something happened? - It's Claire's birthday! Julie me ... 733 01:07:27,757 --> 01:07:32,746 I know. You scared me. Princess! Come on! 734 01:07:33,548 --> 01:07:37,494 - Do you prefer dad or mom? Dad or mom? - Tiger! 735 01:07:37,756 --> 01:07:44,630 Thank you. You are the most beautiful. Tell that to colleagues. 736 01:07:48,756 --> 01:07:49,953 Simon? 737 01:07:58,631 --> 01:08:03,087 - I wanted my dad was here. - Okay. Well did. 738 01:08:03,339 --> 01:08:04,713 Sam went after him. 739 01:08:04,964 --> 01:08:08,210 Six times bypassed sticks, There is no sense of orientation. 740 01:08:08,464 --> 01:08:09,494 That's good. 741 01:08:14,463 --> 01:08:16,750 But I missed that. 742 01:08:18,880 --> 01:08:24,580 - I did not know that you will fall. - Surprise. We go on vacation. 743 01:08:24,838 --> 01:08:27,670 Note, picture of his grandfather. 744 01:08:28,213 --> 01:08:29,670 Take it. 745 01:09:27,503 --> 01:09:33,333 - I can not stand! Can not stand it. - What are you talking about? I do not understand. 746 01:09:33,586 --> 01:09:35,576 I have enough of Honolulu. 747 01:09:36,711 --> 01:09:41,000 Three months of closure, eat, picking up and discarding money. 748 01:09:41,252 --> 01:09:46,407 It is not life. Why we ran? Perhaps this video was really screwed. 749 01:09:46,669 --> 01:09:49,074 My question, the discontinuation of any home. 750 01:09:49,335 --> 01:09:53,199 This is not risk it. Next time do not forget to check out. 751 01:09:53,460 --> 01:09:55,202 - You will see the camera! - What is it? 752 01:09:55,460 --> 01:09:57,451 Scanner. To catch the police frequency. 753 01:09:57,710 --> 01:09:59,784 To purchase at any store. Beautiful, no? 754 01:10:00,043 --> 01:10:02,117 - See? Travel teach. - You're fine. 755 01:10:02,376 --> 01:10:04,663 Only you are pursuing. We could be in Paris! 756 01:10:04,918 --> 01:10:08,579 Yes, but here you protect against temptations, and himself from trouble. 757 01:10:08,834 --> 01:10:12,330 Use instead of moaning. Good here, no? 758 01:10:12,584 --> 01:10:14,492 It's your fault, I have a virus. 759 01:10:14,751 --> 01:10:16,955 I feel good, just as I enter the gun to the bank. 760 01:10:17,209 --> 01:10:19,911 Say it. Turns you only proud of the smell of stolen money. 761 01:10:20,167 --> 01:10:21,411 Just like us. 762 01:10:30,709 --> 01:10:32,948 Very nice, this silence, which falls, 763 01:10:33,209 --> 01:10:37,154 as soon as you come close to. Relaxes. 764 01:10:42,958 --> 01:10:45,707 Julie Verron data found. She lived here. 765 01:10:45,958 --> 01:10:47,748 Two years to find data This is not revelation. 766 01:10:48,000 --> 01:10:51,247 The problem is that neighbors have not seen her since the attack on the Republic. 767 01:10:51,500 --> 01:10:55,742 But her parents still live there. Waiting to be applauded. 768 01:11:01,458 --> 01:11:06,791 Wonderful, take a look. When you go into retirement, 769 01:11:07,208 --> 01:11:09,032 we'll buy two such and sail around the world! 770 01:11:09,291 --> 01:11:13,533 The one problem is that I am seasick. 771 01:11:14,332 --> 01:11:16,903 - And what is it? - Still nothing. 772 01:11:22,124 --> 01:11:24,114 These great vacation for two. 773 01:11:24,374 --> 01:11:26,245 You should be rubbed, because you burn. 774 01:11:26,499 --> 01:11:27,411 Got something? 775 01:11:33,123 --> 01:11:37,994 Nice wife uses husband for massage. Good wife. 776 01:11:38,248 --> 01:11:43,320 - What kind of cream? Strange smells. - Yes, Bwana. It Biafine. You do not like? 777 01:11:43,581 --> 01:11:46,698 - In what are you playing? - And you? What is it? Hit me? 778 01:11:46,956 --> 01:11:51,578 - Less you? What is it? - Who am I to you? 779 01:11:51,831 --> 01:11:55,576 All. My greatest attack. 780 01:11:56,956 --> 01:11:58,117 What is it? 781 01:12:00,997 --> 01:12:04,197 I do not know. This year I'm finishing 30 years. Maybe it is. 782 01:12:04,456 --> 01:12:10,073 You have 30 years? Aging. I'll have to replace you. 783 01:12:13,622 --> 01:12:16,536 Asshole of you. It amuses you? 784 01:12:25,038 --> 01:12:30,656 - It's not good? - Still nothing. It sucks your antenna! 785 01:12:30,913 --> 01:12:32,950 - And here, okay? - No, not working. 786 01:12:33,205 --> 01:12:37,364 - Shit! This is going there. - The ass is an antenna. 787 01:12:37,621 --> 01:12:41,034 It works! It's working! Put it there. 788 01:12:43,246 --> 01:12:49,693 And now to chronicle. New series attacks in the realization of dress. 789 01:12:50,287 --> 01:12:54,909 This time in the province, particularly in Toulouse, where they were wounded. 790 01:12:55,162 --> 01:12:57,532 For who really Gang’s work? 791 01:12:57,787 --> 01:12:59,529 Whether, as some sources indicate, 792 01:12:59,787 --> 01:13:01,991 As the police power against the Socialists? 793 01:13:02,245 --> 01:13:05,907 Or, simply, the branches belonging to the Ministry? Versions are different. 794 01:13:06,162 --> 01:13:09,741 - Cops? Cops who attacked? - So they say. 795 01:13:09,995 --> 01:13:11,488 I don't payoff, only /police/. 796 01:13:11,745 --> 01:13:14,115 Not all the jumps, but those in the eighth district. 797 01:13:14,370 --> 01:13:16,444 Were organized, as the army. They took everything. 798 01:13:16,703 --> 01:13:21,526 Money and securities as well. Do not sit here and nothing is known. 799 01:13:21,786 --> 01:13:23,445 Break down the building. 800 01:13:25,703 --> 01:13:27,859 Mother will be sorry. 801 01:13:28,578 --> 01:13:32,820 It is hard, now has four rooms the Nation. 802 01:13:35,994 --> 01:13:38,234 Think, that lived here in twelve. 803 01:13:51,327 --> 01:13:55,700 Hello, my son, that the flowers Casa's grave. Do not forget. 804 01:13:55,952 --> 01:13:57,777 Do something for me. 805 01:13:58,035 --> 01:14:00,275 Search all the old people, what they call Toledano. 806 01:14:00,535 --> 01:14:02,325 - In the shelters and hospitals. - Toledano? 807 01:14:02,577 --> 01:14:03,951 Toledano. Spell. 808 01:14:04,202 --> 01:14:10,234 BENAI, nervous over I. M. Benaim is my new name. 809 01:14:11,076 --> 01:14:14,773 Well. And as you ask, what does dad, what do you say? 810 01:14:15,618 --> 01:14:19,564 Zze still travels. Like really. 811 01:14:21,076 --> 01:14:22,652 Like really ... 812 01:14:29,617 --> 01:14:31,193 Come on, let's go. 813 01:14:37,117 --> 01:14:39,273 We broke cash and taste police. Now they break and blame us, 814 01:14:39,534 --> 01:14:40,943 everyone got his own. 815 01:14:41,200 --> 01:14:43,605 Now, when we open them, use us as a cover. 816 01:14:43,867 --> 01:14:47,528 It's as if we were their partners, murderers of our buddies. 817 01:14:47,783 --> 01:14:49,193 - Impossible. - That we stop? 818 01:14:49,450 --> 01:14:51,487 On the opposit. But speeding so far, 819 01:14:51,742 --> 01:14:53,531 To pay for it, that we used. 820 01:14:53,783 --> 01:14:58,156 They have shit in terror at the thought that as we fall into, then they recommend. 821 01:14:58,408 --> 01:15:02,484 Because once you find yourself ... But I'm not forcing anyone. 822 01:15:10,574 --> 01:15:14,947 Did it again the gang dress or a new rival? 823 01:15:15,199 --> 01:15:18,197 Two weeks gang worked five banks in Paris ... 824 01:15:18,449 --> 01:15:22,573 Bandits emptied banks and several days hide in a white ... 825 01:15:22,824 --> 01:15:30,029 Not only hurry the rhythm of captures, but changed their methods ... 826 01:15:30,282 --> 01:15:33,979 After the appointment of Pierre Joxe Gaston Defferre in place, 827 01:15:34,240 --> 01:15:39,276 Now the police are waiting for a clear directive its new minister. 828 01:15:39,532 --> 01:15:41,155 Defferre it was Defferre, and I, I. 829 01:15:41,407 --> 01:15:44,073 My message is clear, Gang’s time must end. 830 01:15:44,323 --> 01:15:48,269 The real, fake, all of them. 831 01:15:52,281 --> 01:15:54,188 Mr. Prefect highly praised. 832 01:15:54,448 --> 01:15:59,070 Dress and must be stopped, above all, do not let them talk. 833 01:15:59,323 --> 01:16:02,818 I'm not interested in politics. My job is to arrest criminals. 834 01:16:03,073 --> 01:16:05,359 All seizures are assigned to one gang. 835 01:16:05,614 --> 01:16:08,612 You have freedom. Mr. hiding. 836 01:16:09,489 --> 01:16:13,565 Guys, today takes the 200! Horse! 837 01:16:16,655 --> 01:16:19,191 Please sit down, it will not last long. 838 01:16:19,447 --> 01:16:24,353 Turn to the wall! All! Take a look at them. 839 01:16:38,196 --> 01:16:40,187 You have to flee. Founded sensors. Police going. 840 01:16:40,446 --> 01:16:43,776 How you will be, we all die. Do you understand? 841 01:16:44,029 --> 01:16:48,402 Must fall. Police everywhere. Washed up. Fast! 842 01:16:48,654 --> 01:16:50,728 Let's go! Ride away! 843 01:16:58,029 --> 01:16:59,605 Do not move. 844 01:17:02,237 --> 01:17:04,393 Fast! What a mess! 845 01:17:07,654 --> 01:17:08,981 Move! 846 01:17:12,570 --> 01:17:15,059 Maxime? Where the asshole! 847 01:17:22,153 --> 01:17:24,642 Do not wait for us. Go! 848 01:17:27,861 --> 01:17:30,563 - What are you doing? - 199 849 01:17:32,153 --> 01:17:37,568 Okay, look! 200. You have your own record. Look at me! 850 01:17:38,653 --> 01:17:39,896 We fall! 851 01:17:49,319 --> 01:17:50,942 Go away! 852 01:18:24,401 --> 01:18:25,562 Okay? 853 01:18:37,109 --> 01:18:38,388 UNION OF Paris BANKS 854 01:18:43,817 --> 01:18:46,057 I never went so so far in the challenge. 855 01:18:46,317 --> 01:18:49,231 The authorities are powerless. Today the question is very simple. 856 01:18:49,484 --> 01:18:53,726 Who in France can catch a dress? 857 01:19:06,566 --> 01:19:10,974 Commissioner, reportedly can you erase a matter for the information Llyu. 858 01:19:11,233 --> 01:19:12,773 In Belleville everyone knows live. 859 01:19:13,024 --> 01:19:17,728 We are of the same sites I know something about him that nobody else knows. 860 01:19:18,149 --> 01:19:20,898 Samy – cools in wastewater. We found him in a drain. 861 01:19:21,149 --> 01:19:25,356 Sad end, eh? Learned that you are cousins, right? 862 01:19:25,607 --> 01:19:29,553 Well, police is stirring /rubbish/. Gang, something that you say? No. 863 01:19:29,816 --> 01:19:34,556 Probably do not read newspapers, what? Toledano, or not? 864 01:19:34,815 --> 01:19:38,346 Toledano? For years I have not heard of him. 865 01:19:38,607 --> 01:19:40,064 Sure. 866 01:19:41,107 --> 01:19:45,432 Torment me. You know, what do we do? Firstly, guard the residence permit. 867 01:19:45,690 --> 01:19:50,228 Secondly, you're be fried. I would say, that he is a cable and your cousin will fry. 868 01:19:50,481 --> 01:19:53,183 And then, I’ll send you my man. Every day. 869 01:19:53,440 --> 01:19:56,106 After two weeks, even rats will not want to work with you. 870 01:19:56,356 --> 01:19:57,932 These animals quickly get paranoia. 871 01:19:58,190 --> 01:20:00,595 Everyone will know it works on two fronts. 872 01:20:00,856 --> 01:20:03,558 I know what people are saying. 873 01:20:04,689 --> 01:20:05,720 What they say? 874 01:20:07,773 --> 01:20:12,560 Come here. Look at him! Take a look at my cousin! 875 01:20:13,147 --> 01:20:14,474 No, no! 876 01:20:22,605 --> 01:20:26,018 - Let me out! - I can not hear you! 877 01:20:27,064 --> 01:20:28,935 - Open! - What? 878 01:20:29,314 --> 01:20:30,557 I will speak! 879 01:20:39,855 --> 01:20:41,727 Well, tell me! 880 01:20:42,980 --> 01:20:46,013 Toledano, nobody knows where he lives. They meet only to seizures. 881 01:20:46,271 --> 01:20:47,349 I know! 882 01:20:47,938 --> 01:20:50,343 And select banks last minute, in the car. 883 01:20:50,604 --> 01:20:53,472 Therefore they are untouchable. 884 01:20:53,729 --> 01:20:56,218 Distribute all their money. 885 01:20:58,063 --> 01:21:01,144 Listen carefully. One day I make a mistake. 886 01:21:01,354 --> 01:21:04,518 Do not miss this, it sucks for me. 887 01:21:10,479 --> 01:21:11,722 See. 888 01:21:15,354 --> 01:21:18,056 That they did. Now it's your turn. 889 01:21:51,144 --> 01:21:52,685 Claire! 890 01:21:54,519 --> 01:21:56,842 - Again, too late. - Sorry, ran. 891 01:21:57,102 --> 01:22:00,966 - As usual. Good-bye, darling. - Thank you. For the next week. 892 01:22:01,227 --> 01:22:05,173 - Bye. - Goodbye, Grandpa. 893 01:22:11,852 --> 01:22:14,175 That you never go back immediately to the house? 894 01:22:14,435 --> 01:22:18,475 To see how bad all going for us. 895 01:22:18,726 --> 01:22:22,720 What would you want to get for Christmas? Doll? 896 01:22:22,976 --> 01:22:24,469 Well what about you? Not looking forward to the holidays? 897 01:22:24,726 --> 01:22:28,222 No wonder. Christmas all mourn. 898 01:22:28,476 --> 01:22:30,846 I, like I was a kid, I hated them. 899 01:22:31,101 --> 01:22:34,467 Discourage me probably. Probably because his father was out often. 900 01:22:34,726 --> 01:22:37,724 And in the holy father is needed. The mother is also not easy. 901 01:22:37,976 --> 01:22:40,642 Poor thing. Continuous waiting for the supposed husband. 902 01:22:40,892 --> 01:22:45,882 Fear that something will happen to him. It is not life. 903 01:22:46,226 --> 01:22:50,301 - Mom, pee. - It's let's go, baby. 904 01:22:56,142 --> 01:22:59,590 - I did not see it entering! - I went from the back. 905 01:23:07,183 --> 01:23:08,261 Damn! 906 01:23:11,975 --> 01:23:13,384 With road. 907 01:23:28,141 --> 01:23:29,468 Mom, pee. 908 01:23:44,474 --> 01:23:46,547 Was not it today? 909 01:24:03,931 --> 01:24:05,590 Julie is next. 910 01:24:18,889 --> 01:24:21,093 You can’t be down here! This is not the place for the kid. 911 01:24:21,347 --> 01:24:24,180 It was necessary to call whore mother! 912 01:24:24,431 --> 01:24:26,421 I tried. Nobody knows where you are! 913 01:24:26,680 --> 01:24:29,251 - You begin to have a paranoia. - Do not believe me? 914 01:24:29,514 --> 01:24:31,967 This guy was walking behind us. Claire had seen him earlier in the park! 915 01:24:32,222 --> 01:24:33,964 This is not a reason, so to panic. 916 01:24:34,222 --> 01:24:37,552 I thought that when you stop be afraid, it will be after us. 917 01:24:37,805 --> 01:24:40,922 What are you talking about? Crazy? Want to leave me? 918 01:24:41,180 --> 01:24:43,847 Leave me the child. 919 01:24:44,097 --> 01:24:48,505 You’re crazy! What possessed you? Let me go, damn it! It hurts. 920 01:24:48,763 --> 01:24:50,042 - Okay, calm down. - It hurts! 921 01:24:50,305 --> 01:24:52,758 If he was a cop, now that was here. 922 01:24:53,013 --> 01:24:55,418 In the worst case, Claire has just school. 923 01:24:55,680 --> 01:24:59,460 Nothing that he can’t. Change school apartment. What's the problem? 924 01:24:59,721 --> 01:25:03,797 For you it's easy. I will never have. 925 01:25:04,263 --> 01:25:07,959 I no longer can, Simon. It is too difficult. I know it's my fault. 926 01:25:08,221 --> 01:25:09,797 I should not let my father to go after Claire. 927 01:25:10,054 --> 01:25:13,466 I know. But, dammit, You also could you get her to go! 928 01:25:13,721 --> 01:25:16,423 It happened. Are you scared? I'm cautious. Do not be afraid. 929 01:25:16,679 --> 01:25:18,171 I think and prepare our future. 930 01:25:18,429 --> 01:25:20,170 Our future? 931 01:25:20,845 --> 01:25:23,464 It was prepared in this room, where Merle would not let me in? 932 01:25:23,720 --> 01:25:26,718 This may not be paranoia? I have nothing to hide! 933 01:25:26,970 --> 01:25:33,417 It's my fault. I know it's my fault. Too many of you occupied. 934 01:25:34,137 --> 01:25:37,716 But I shall escort Claire tomorrow to school. 935 01:25:37,970 --> 01:25:41,798 Now I will be her escort. Well. 936 01:25:43,928 --> 01:25:47,044 Now we need to ... little sleep. 937 01:25:51,511 --> 01:25:56,500 With police in hot pursuit, we have to hide. 938 01:25:56,886 --> 01:25:59,670 More books! Damn, Julie, have you read them either! 939 01:26:00,219 --> 01:26:04,165 Okay. The car burst. Leave (throw) the rest. 940 01:26:04,427 --> 01:26:07,425 How do you want, then you will take. 941 01:26:07,719 --> 01:26:10,503 And you? You want my address or what? Are you sick? 942 01:26:10,760 --> 01:26:14,706 - Honey, what's the matter? - Dad, Mom, come on! 943 01:26:14,968 --> 01:26:16,296 - It's that man from the cafe! - He had... 944 01:26:16,552 --> 01:26:18,092 ... at least a hundred seizures. 945 01:26:18,343 --> 01:26:21,673 One can assume that some of the cash yet to be opened ... 946 01:26:21,927 --> 01:26:26,383 - Who is this guy? Do you know him? - I never saw. 947 01:26:26,635 --> 01:26:32,548 ... Gang need to know that their days are numbered. 948 01:26:32,938 --> 01:26:35,937 Commissar, is that the work of one or several gangs? 949 01:27:05,425 --> 01:27:07,167 It’s the very nice night. 950 01:27:14,925 --> 01:27:16,168 Wake up 951 01:27:33,882 --> 01:27:35,126 He lives alone. 952 01:28:39,880 --> 01:28:42,997 BOUGHT-COP OR PAYBACK 953 01:29:08,338 --> 01:29:11,454 We reported burglary. I tried to contact with you. 954 01:29:11,713 --> 01:29:17,046 - Is something missing? - No, nothing. 955 01:29:26,712 --> 01:29:29,200 - What is it? - Do not suspect you of this. 956 01:29:29,462 --> 01:29:31,369 I care shit about your thoughts, man. 957 01:29:31,628 --> 01:29:35,953 Counts only one. One. Catch a game The rest doesn’t tie me. 958 01:29:36,212 --> 01:29:39,542 I do not. Okay, do not steal anything? 959 01:29:39,795 --> 01:29:42,165 Aren’t you missing a cassette coincidentally? 960 01:29:42,420 --> 01:29:45,868 Keeping evidence is not allowed, even if it may be a lot to give. 961 01:29:46,128 --> 01:29:50,666 You say whistles. You are more than that. You have a system, what, son? 962 01:29:50,920 --> 01:29:53,408 Listen, do not spit police on police, it’s suicide. 963 01:29:53,669 --> 01:29:56,158 Clear? So my advice to you, Vernier, ask for a transfer, 964 01:29:56,419 --> 01:29:59,536 the long, warm place. I will support you. 965 01:30:18,419 --> 01:30:19,746 I found your Toledano. 966 01:30:20,002 --> 01:30:21,957 How do you want, This is the St.Georges hospital. 967 01:30:22,210 --> 01:30:23,786 Many thanks. 968 01:30:30,876 --> 01:30:32,120 Thanks. 969 01:30:57,876 --> 01:31:02,248 Please sir, do not smoke here. Thank you. 970 01:31:11,292 --> 01:31:16,411 Well you know who I am. And I will seek for years. 971 01:31:19,792 --> 01:31:26,119 Remember how I was a kid, sometimes I fell home. 972 01:31:27,291 --> 01:31:29,780 But I liked it. Damn. 973 01:31:31,041 --> 01:31:33,660 I liked how you were, but you always turned on your fucking alarm clock. 974 01:31:33,916 --> 01:31:37,163 I wanted us to be together and spend the whole day together. 975 01:31:37,416 --> 01:31:39,620 And one night I got up and turned off your alarm clock. 976 01:31:39,874 --> 01:31:44,531 And you won't be awake and police come ... 977 01:31:50,499 --> 01:31:52,785 Simon never learned, whether his father recognized him. 978 01:31:53,040 --> 01:31:55,244 And if he forgave. A few days later, 979 01:31:55,499 --> 01:31:57,952 and returned to the hospital, father disappeared. 980 01:31:58,207 --> 01:32:01,205 Never seen him again. 981 01:32:18,623 --> 01:32:21,786 - Good evening. - Surly this new neighbor. 982 01:32:28,123 --> 01:32:33,112 - What are you doing here? - Simon, I am taking your stuff. 983 01:32:33,414 --> 01:32:35,204 I wanted to talk to you, so do not leave ... 984 01:32:35,456 --> 01:32:39,496 Leave? What a circus? Where is Claire? 985 01:32:40,705 --> 01:32:42,992 In a safe place. 986 01:32:45,914 --> 01:32:47,075 Thought that this toy! 987 01:32:47,330 --> 01:32:49,036 She put the knapsack, to show in school! 988 01:32:49,288 --> 01:32:51,575 How can you leave such things with my child? 989 01:32:51,830 --> 01:32:54,828 - Why rubbish in the bathroom? - I asked her. 990 01:32:55,080 --> 01:32:57,450 I needed aspirin. But this is not a problem, damn! 991 01:32:57,705 --> 01:33:02,694 - It's you're problem! - Shoot him. And so I have others. 992 01:33:02,955 --> 01:33:06,783 Yes? Wife and child, or you have other? A bunch, right? Well how much? Say? 993 01:33:07,038 --> 01:33:12,157 - What do you want from me? - It's Simon. Before that I wanted. 994 01:33:12,413 --> 01:33:15,245 Guy. Mine. A deaf-mute is not junky. 995 01:33:15,496 --> 01:33:16,408 No, please. 996 01:33:16,538 --> 01:33:18,196 Even you can not fuck without this shit! 997 01:33:18,454 --> 01:33:21,487 - Do not move here! - I do not trust you now. 998 01:33:21,746 --> 01:33:23,618 I do not like what you have become. 999 01:33:23,871 --> 01:33:25,447 I do not regret anything, but life is changing 1000 01:33:25,704 --> 01:33:27,741 - And I am ready to pay for it. - What is this nonsense? 1001 01:33:27,996 --> 01:33:32,653 There is nothing to pay, let me arrange my way. 1002 01:33:32,912 --> 01:33:34,903 Damn, do not leave! 1003 01:33:35,162 --> 01:33:37,781 I go, even when one of your trip! 1004 01:33:38,037 --> 01:33:39,281 Shut up. 1005 01:33:40,870 --> 01:33:44,366 Look at me. I’m alive, and he didn’t. Do you understand? 1006 01:33:44,620 --> 01:33:46,859 - Crazy. Who are you talking about? - You know about whom. 1007 01:33:47,120 --> 01:33:49,573 You can kill, Simon, but Casa won't come back! 1008 01:33:49,828 --> 01:33:54,118 You want to die, but I want to live. I do not want to be with you! 1009 01:33:54,370 --> 01:33:57,984 - Just leave it. - And what? Bouncing? 1010 01:33:58,244 --> 01:34:00,401 Do not threaten my father! 1011 01:34:13,661 --> 01:34:15,118 Come on, hit. 1012 01:34:18,702 --> 01:34:20,693 - Stop! - Shithead! 1013 01:34:20,952 --> 01:34:25,028 - Leave him alone! Stop it! - Let her go! 1014 01:34:29,452 --> 01:34:32,782 - Dad, stop! - Let go her! 1015 01:34:33,827 --> 01:34:35,070 Stop it! 1016 01:34:48,326 --> 01:34:49,605 Well, good. 1017 01:35:29,200 --> 01:35:31,190 He was not charged. 1018 01:35:42,616 --> 01:35:47,190 It's too late ... too late To go with this. 1019 01:35:48,157 --> 01:35:51,902 If you really love us you will find a way. 1020 01:35:57,907 --> 01:35:59,186 Let me go. 1021 01:36:02,115 --> 01:36:08,858 In two days I am going with Claire to Quebec. For the friends of their parents. 1022 01:36:15,490 --> 01:36:16,236 Hello? 1023 01:36:16,323 --> 01:36:19,274 It's me. It was attacked in Neuilly. They almost had. 1024 01:36:19,531 --> 01:36:21,854 Good as they strike in the morning, This afternoon they sit at the table. 1025 01:36:22,115 --> 01:36:25,112 Let all the units will be mobilized to the fifteenth. 1026 01:36:25,365 --> 01:36:29,193 Without interruption. Pay for overtime. 1027 01:36:32,114 --> 01:36:35,859 It was hot in the morning. It was a new alarm. 1028 01:36:36,989 --> 01:36:41,895 And so, everything changes. But everything was clear. 1029 01:36:42,239 --> 01:36:46,149 Fucked up in Milan. After that I took the bloody pictures? 1030 01:36:46,405 --> 01:36:49,605 It seems he was right and I am on the shot line. 1031 01:36:49,864 --> 01:36:52,980 - And since I tracked down, then you too. - But it is not here. 1032 01:36:53,239 --> 01:36:54,945 - What? - Yet it is not here. 1033 01:36:55,197 --> 01:36:58,609 For him, it's personal business. Madman. This can be seen on its walls. 1034 01:36:58,863 --> 01:37:02,146 He does not want to arrest us, wants to We cleaned the Brevard Mesrine. 1035 01:37:02,405 --> 01:37:03,981 And everybody will be satisfied. 1036 01:37:04,238 --> 01:37:06,193 Perhaps it is waiting for? Confront them! 1037 01:37:06,446 --> 01:37:10,606 And if not, then what? Hiding in a hole for the rest of your life? 1038 01:37:10,863 --> 01:37:13,861 Simon is right, everything changed. 1039 01:37:14,113 --> 01:37:17,313 You have to go on holiday. Maybe so travel around the world, as we said? 1040 01:37:17,571 --> 01:37:19,112 - Not leaving. - And you have a ship, silly man? 1041 01:37:19,363 --> 01:37:21,816 - Savings have a thousand. - You told me not to tick the money! 1042 01:37:22,071 --> 01:37:26,147 You said. I agree, but We need another loan. 1043 01:37:26,404 --> 01:37:30,978 It takes an hour. There is something in your neighborhood? 1044 01:37:34,654 --> 01:37:38,398 Eagle, we go, tails, do not go. 1045 01:37:39,112 --> 01:37:41,683 Well, let's go. To work. 1046 01:37:48,195 --> 01:37:50,269 Can go out into the street Blanche. Remember? 1047 01:37:50,528 --> 01:37:52,400 This is the first, which we’ve done. 1048 01:37:52,653 --> 01:37:55,770 Next to it is so small, staff are polite and well-filled cash. 1049 01:37:56,028 --> 01:37:58,268 I know because I have an account there. 1050 01:37:58,528 --> 01:38:02,356 Okay, we meet with you. Are you asleep or what? 1051 01:38:02,611 --> 01:38:05,313 - For the time being. - Bye. 1052 01:38:19,652 --> 01:38:23,267 With this mission we work the department intervention. 1053 01:38:23,527 --> 01:38:24,605 Well. 1054 01:38:25,110 --> 01:38:28,476 The orders are clear, any shares in the city. 1055 01:38:28,735 --> 01:38:34,270 Let them go, we go after them and scoop them in their hideout. 1056 01:38:34,527 --> 01:38:38,473 Gentlemen, you know what to do. At the place! 1057 01:38:39,527 --> 01:38:43,355 We go together. Waiting in the car. 1058 01:38:46,193 --> 01:38:47,983 - What is this shit? - The order of the prefect. 1059 01:38:48,235 --> 01:38:51,682 Believes that you do not have large operational experience. 1060 01:38:51,943 --> 01:38:53,140 Now everyone will help. 1061 01:38:53,401 --> 01:38:55,392 Whore, after all we can catch them while they’re committing crime. 1062 01:38:55,651 --> 01:38:59,063 During those your foolery will escape. So much gain. It's now or never! 1063 01:38:59,318 --> 01:39:00,348 Please, calm down. 1064 01:39:00,526 --> 01:39:03,891 On the occasion, your deputy, Vernier, reported to the Inspectorate? 1065 01:39:04,151 --> 01:39:06,437 Has something to say? 1066 01:39:07,651 --> 01:39:11,312 Each of us has something to say, or to listen. 1067 01:39:11,567 --> 01:39:16,473 Our conversations. This confirms you that I am indoors? 1068 01:39:47,233 --> 01:39:49,389 You can see your magazine. 1069 01:39:52,732 --> 01:39:54,604 Okay, you can go. 1070 01:39:56,191 --> 01:39:57,849 I believe I will return. 1071 01:39:59,649 --> 01:40:02,184 Note, someone goes out. A single specimen in a priest outfit. 1072 01:40:02,440 --> 01:40:06,020 Stocky build, short hair, mustache. 1073 01:40:06,274 --> 01:40:08,394 Do not remove it, while the rest does not move. 1074 01:40:08,649 --> 01:40:10,723 Remember that they have hostages. 1075 01:40:10,982 --> 01:40:13,138 - What do we do? - I do not know. 1076 01:40:13,398 --> 01:40:16,894 Get lost him. Get in the bus! Priest gets into the bus. 1077 01:40:17,148 --> 01:40:20,146 - What do we do? - 22 in the direction of the Opera. 1078 01:40:20,398 --> 01:40:24,060 Let the priest. The rest goes. 1079 01:40:24,523 --> 01:40:26,561 Put package to the navy blue BMW and immediately drive. 1080 01:40:26,815 --> 01:40:29,220 - Don’t get them lost. - I will not follow them yourself! 1081 01:40:29,481 --> 01:40:32,681 Go after them. You can not stand there, the rest were. Drive. 1082 01:40:32,939 --> 01:40:33,970 Hell! 1083 01:40:34,273 --> 01:40:35,386 The police, of the way! 1084 01:40:35,523 --> 01:40:41,353 Goes to the left. Truck blocked the street. Send people! 1085 01:40:45,647 --> 01:40:48,349 Wait, you have to go back. 1086 01:40:49,731 --> 01:40:51,804 BMW did not leave. Criminals are still in the middle. 1087 01:40:52,064 --> 01:40:53,971 Okay. Leave the truck, I’ll send someone /conciliator/. 1088 01:40:54,230 --> 01:40:58,390 Come again. Two armed. Rabbi and the pilot. 1089 01:40:58,647 --> 01:41:01,314 We've isolated the pilot. We must act now! 1090 01:41:01,563 --> 01:41:04,431 Do not move. Climb into the car, we go after them. 1091 01:41:04,688 --> 01:41:07,521 Yes, and who will follow? Bus? BMW? Them? 1092 01:41:07,772 --> 01:41:09,928 They get lost, as usual. Fuck you. 1093 01:41:10,188 --> 01:41:13,518 - Piss off! - Do not be silly! 1094 01:41:13,771 --> 01:41:16,260 The police do not move! 1095 01:41:23,063 --> 01:41:25,100 Shit, I did. What the fuck? 1096 01:41:25,354 --> 01:41:26,516 Wait! 1097 01:41:26,979 --> 01:41:30,096 Fix it! Do not move! 1098 01:41:38,062 --> 01:41:41,392 Disembark from the car. What am I doing? 1099 01:41:43,104 --> 01:41:48,389 Go here. I am alone! Hurry up, whore! Go here! 1100 01:41:48,770 --> 01:41:52,716 - Shoot! - Police! Do not move! 1101 01:41:58,020 --> 01:41:59,596 Do not move! 1102 01:42:14,728 --> 01:42:16,185 Look at me. 1103 01:42:32,519 --> 01:42:34,059 - What are you, whore, did it? - It's nothing. 1104 01:42:34,310 --> 01:42:35,637 - We will not move! - Well! 1105 01:42:35,894 --> 01:42:38,263 Fast! Wounded a policeman! 1106 01:42:41,018 --> 01:42:42,594 Do not move! 1107 01:42:43,935 --> 01:42:45,926 Go back! Slowly! 1108 01:42:53,351 --> 01:42:55,840 Lower arms! Throw the gun! 1109 01:42:58,726 --> 01:43:01,843 - Get me outta here! - Free my friend. 1110 01:43:02,101 --> 01:43:05,265 - Shoot, damn it. - Free it! Lower arms! 1111 01:43:05,518 --> 01:43:09,463 - Free him! - Shoot! Shut up! 1112 01:43:17,184 --> 01:43:18,677 Shithead! 1113 01:43:19,850 --> 01:43:21,722 Get in the car! 1114 01:43:22,559 --> 01:43:25,557 Go back! Open the door! 1115 01:43:26,017 --> 01:43:29,429 Want to risk? Wanna get one right now? 1116 01:43:29,683 --> 01:43:31,141 Come on. 1117 01:44:02,682 --> 01:44:06,095 Watch the road! Fast! On the way! 1118 01:44:24,640 --> 01:44:25,670 Come back here! 1119 01:44:27,015 --> 01:44:29,847 Leave it! Run! Get out! 1120 01:44:30,890 --> 01:44:32,133 Come in! 1121 01:44:38,348 --> 01:44:40,919 It is good! It is good! 1122 01:44:47,389 --> 01:44:50,008 One shot a policeman, a second seriously wounded, 1123 01:44:50,264 --> 01:44:52,883 Gunman killed, worn-out bank customers. 1124 01:44:53,139 --> 01:44:56,800 101st attack of the Gang turned out to be deadly chaos. 1125 01:44:57,056 --> 01:45:00,717 What really happened? The investigation into this bloody case, 1126 01:45:00,972 --> 01:45:04,005 conducted by the criminal brigade under the leadership of Commissioner Dufour, 1127 01:45:04,264 --> 01:45:06,550 This should explain ... 1128 01:45:24,930 --> 01:45:29,800 ... Attack on a branch of Credit Lyonnais ended in the massacre. 1129 01:45:30,054 --> 01:45:32,887 Did you hear? Fuck! They call us /Gang/ murderers. 1130 01:45:33,138 --> 01:45:36,669 One more corpse is no difference! 1131 01:45:38,554 --> 01:45:41,089 Kill him and be thirsty hero. 1132 01:45:41,346 --> 01:45:43,135 Do you think you are a hero? 1133 01:45:43,387 --> 01:45:47,167 Toledano, you're my guardian angel? For the second time, saves my life. 1134 01:45:47,429 --> 01:45:49,799 I do not know what you say, dog. I don’t know any Toledano. 1135 01:45:50,054 --> 01:45:56,086 And the orphanage, how? Even your parents rejected you. 1136 01:45:59,970 --> 01:46:05,006 Peppered you. I am proud the parents gave me a lot of love. 1137 01:46:05,262 --> 01:46:09,172 If you had such parents like me, that you would not sit in that shit. 1138 01:46:09,428 --> 01:46:11,751 It wasn’t me who killed your father, but he certainly deserves it. 1139 01:46:12,011 --> 01:46:14,298 If you want to see how it is, do not count on me. 1140 01:46:14,553 --> 01:46:17,255 Go to hell alone, buddy. 1141 01:46:17,969 --> 01:46:20,126 You can escape. Far not escape, Toledano! 1142 01:46:20,386 --> 01:46:23,088 After you! You're dead! 1143 01:46:26,344 --> 01:46:28,335 Do you hear? 1144 01:46:31,427 --> 01:46:32,920 I find you! 1145 01:46:35,844 --> 01:46:38,000 Drink milk and go. 1146 01:47:19,759 --> 01:47:22,792 Still don’t know anything about Simon Toledano, sentenced to life imprisonment 1147 01:47:23,051 --> 01:47:25,586 and suspected of that is the brain of the Gang. 1148 01:47:25,842 --> 01:47:29,042 Some saw him in Germany, others in Spain or Italy. 1149 01:47:29,300 --> 01:47:31,871 Still others argue that helped to escape by helicopter 1150 01:47:32,134 --> 01:47:35,250 one of its members from prison. 1151 01:47:35,509 --> 01:47:37,997 A lot of rumors about the fate of this extraordinary criminals, 1152 01:47:38,258 --> 01:47:43,460 the police still have hope to catch them fast. 1153 01:47:52,466 --> 01:47:53,710 How is it? 1154 01:47:55,300 --> 01:47:56,673 At the end of ... 1155 01:47:58,133 --> 01:48:01,296 I do not know. No one ever came back, to tell. 1156 01:48:01,549 --> 01:48:04,500 This is probably the issue of a second, fraction of a second. 1157 01:48:04,758 --> 01:48:08,621 I do not know. Someone decides the goal to kill and an end. 1158 01:48:08,882 --> 01:48:13,586 - We are not far away, as Simon? - Do not be gone alone. 1159 01:48:13,841 --> 01:48:19,339 And up there, they will meet with my friends. And well. 1160 01:49:21,338 --> 01:49:25,830 - Do not move! Where is the rest? - At the top. 1161 01:49:26,296 --> 01:49:30,124 - Do not tell bullshit! - They are at the top! Let me talk to them. 1162 01:49:30,380 --> 01:49:35,535 I'm in the front, do not shoot! It's the end! But do not lose it! 1163 01:49:35,796 --> 01:49:37,834 Nobody has ever done this, what we did! 1164 01:49:38,088 --> 01:49:43,290 We must live to tell about it. Break out of this. We must live! 1165 01:49:43,546 --> 01:49:46,793 Have nothing. Have only a mask! 1166 01:49:47,379 --> 01:49:50,247 That would be the best job we do! No one would betray! 1167 01:49:50,504 --> 01:49:53,372 Enough! You have 10 seconds to exit! 1168 01:49:53,629 --> 01:49:56,876 We must live! No one would betray! 1169 01:49:57,129 --> 01:50:02,035 - Drop weapon! - Excellent! Familiarity is great! 1170 01:50:02,795 --> 01:50:06,623 On the ground! On your knees! Do not move! 1171 01:50:11,378 --> 01:50:14,080 Do not move, that's it! 1172 01:50:35,002 --> 01:50:37,704 Good morning, sir. 1173 01:50:40,877 --> 01:50:42,784 Miss Daniela Volpi testified that was accompanied by you 1174 01:50:43,044 --> 01:50:47,369 and Casie Farti when she escaped after a bank robbery in the Republic. 1175 01:50:47,627 --> 01:50:49,867 - She could not say that. - What? 1176 01:50:50,127 --> 01:50:53,290 - She was in the bank? - No. Of course not. 1177 01:50:53,543 --> 01:50:59,373 Then who? Who told her? I? Well no, because I was not there. 1178 01:50:59,627 --> 01:51:01,498 Casa? He's not dead. 1179 01:51:02,543 --> 01:51:06,122 It is difficult to talk with the dead, Judge. Then who? 1180 01:51:06,376 --> 01:51:09,125 But do not miss Volpi testified that someone told her. 1181 01:51:09,376 --> 01:51:11,035 Your name was in all the newspapers. 1182 01:51:11,293 --> 01:51:15,073 Since when does what is written in newspapers is proof? 1183 01:51:15,334 --> 01:51:17,574 Please arrest of his companion, Julie Veron, 1184 01:51:17,834 --> 01:51:19,706 and you will see how quickly softened. 1185 01:51:19,959 --> 01:51:22,957 Do not touch my wife, and your no one touch them. 1186 01:51:23,209 --> 01:51:24,406 Anyway, she left France. 1187 01:51:24,667 --> 01:51:26,954 Excuse me, Mr. Toledano, but according to my information, 1188 01:51:27,209 --> 01:51:32,827 Miss Veron back on its own initiative a week ago. 1189 01:51:33,750 --> 01:51:35,492 What should I do? 1190 01:51:36,209 --> 01:51:41,328 First, I want to see her. Then we'll talk. 1191 01:52:55,623 --> 01:52:57,080 Take it. 1192 01:53:05,247 --> 01:53:09,323 If they find evidence I get 20 years. 1193 01:53:11,289 --> 01:53:15,531 Otherwise 10, may 8 at ease penalty. 1194 01:53:15,872 --> 01:53:19,320 Killed a man. Must impose a penalty. 1195 01:53:19,580 --> 01:53:24,368 - Wait for me? - That if you will need. 1196 01:54:01,204 --> 01:54:03,657 8 YEARS LATER 1197 01:54:43,411 --> 01:54:48,826 Welcome to civilization, Toledano. I am still the Commissioner. 1198 01:54:49,077 --> 01:54:52,739 Even got a promotion, thanks to you. 1199 01:54:53,577 --> 01:54:58,779 Tell me: want to risk or want to get one right now? 1200 01:55:07,660 --> 01:55:09,069 Get out! 1201 01:55:17,118 --> 01:55:19,108 Recognize what? You have five seconds so tell me 1202 01:55:19,368 --> 01:55:21,939 where did you hide the money?! 1203 01:55:22,201 --> 01:55:23,610 Come on! 1204 01:55:32,492 --> 01:55:33,819 Hurry up! 1205 01:55:36,784 --> 01:55:38,158 Dig! 1206 01:55:45,242 --> 01:55:47,197 You know what? The prison for 8 years, That was the idyll. 1207 01:55:47,450 --> 01:55:50,780 The time now is hell. Pay. 1208 01:55:52,117 --> 01:55:55,399 Are they blame you for the dead friends, no? 1209 01:55:55,658 --> 01:55:58,988 It was here. I do not understand, there is nothing. 1210 01:56:21,366 --> 01:56:22,527 My back. 1211 01:56:30,824 --> 01:56:33,822 No! Not so, Cop! No! 1212 01:56:35,199 --> 01:56:37,070 Simon, right? 1213 01:56:37,490 --> 01:56:43,736 What? Yes, yes. Something I dreamed. Nightmare. Still the same. 1214 01:56:46,073 --> 01:56:51,406 - I released a little earlier. - And for once I am on time ... 1215 01:56:51,656 --> 01:56:55,069 Thank you that you're here. Thank you. 1216 01:57:19,114 --> 01:57:22,361 For eight years, agreed I should come for a visit. 1217 01:57:22,614 --> 01:57:24,983 But whatever he did, it’s my father and I love him. 1218 01:57:25,239 --> 01:57:30,986 Now I can have it sufficiently. Quite a long time been waiting for this, no? 1219 01:57:50,279 --> 01:57:53,396 It took me many months of doing science ordinary things without fear. 1220 01:57:53,654 --> 01:57:55,609 Such as the entrance to the bank without any bad thoughts, 1221 01:57:55,863 --> 01:57:57,734 or walking on the street without regard for himself. 1222 01:57:57,987 --> 01:58:01,318 - Okay? - Yes. Somehow it will happen! 1223 01:58:01,571 --> 01:58:04,059 Strange to go to the bank just like that! 1224 01:58:04,321 --> 01:58:05,315 Can we get? 1225 01:58:05,404 --> 01:58:10,819 Julie helped me. Without it I would have not advised. 1226 01:58:11,070 --> 01:58:13,606 After leaving prison, with my friends wanted to recover their money, 1227 01:58:13,862 --> 01:58:17,358 but everything was gone. Just like in my nightmare. 1228 01:58:17,612 --> 01:58:21,226 And even though nobody was suspected we didn’t see each other again. 1229 01:58:21,487 --> 01:58:22,944 But there is no time I do not think about them, 1230 01:58:23,195 --> 01:58:24,736 both the living and the dead. 1231 01:58:24,987 --> 01:58:30,568 - Hey, Simon, where are you? - Enable police cock! Blue-light! 1232 01:58:31,695 --> 01:58:33,566 Casa, take it. 1233 01:58:53,236 --> 01:58:55,641 And please, I'm alive. And Julie is still with me. 1234 01:58:55,902 --> 01:58:57,692 Without it I would just be ordinary bandit. 1235 01:58:57,944 --> 01:58:59,981 It was my shield, my difference. 1236 01:59:00,235 --> 01:59:02,724 But there are days when so much adrenaline rush, 1237 01:59:02,985 --> 01:59:06,564 that drive my scooter on one-way street only to feel the prohibition. 1238 01:59:06,818 --> 01:59:10,101 Do it just so, because in a quiet, ordinary life, away from the interests of ... 1239 01:59:10,360 --> 01:59:15,266 Be prepared for everything, just not to it. 1240 01:59:15,790 --> 01:59:18,415 This film is, in part, freely inspired by the story of Andre Bellaiche, and certain 1241 01:59:18,665 --> 01:59:21,581 facts which have been criticized. After the trial he was acquitted.