1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:10,000 Conan The Barbarian অনুবাদ আয়োজনেঃ-Rabbi-Hasan www.facebook.com/RH Sony B 2 00:00:10,001 --> 00:00:20,000 অনুবাদক RH SONY সম্পাদনাঃ রাব্বী হাসান 1 00:00:44,670 --> 00:00:48,256 প্রতেক বছরের মধ্যে যখন আটলান্টিস মহাসাগরের পানিয় 2 00:00:48,340 --> 00:00:53,678 এবং পুত্রের বাস্তব অবস্থা পাঠ বৃদ্ধি, এর কল্পনার অতীতে একটি বয়স ছিল 3 00:00:54,304 --> 00:00:57,890 খন জ্বলজ্বলে সাম্রাজের রাখা আগুন, বিশ্ব জুড়ে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে 4 00:00:59,309 --> 00:01:02,812 তারপর এসহিরনরা অন্ধকার সাম্রাজ্য আসেন 5 00:01:02,896 --> 00:01:06,482 নিষ্ঠুর জাদুকররা চাওয়া যেখানে কিয়ামতের প্রাপ্র 6 00:01:07,818 --> 00:01:11,028 তারা রাজাদের হাড় থেকে একটি মখোশ পেয়েছিলেন 7 00:01:11,113 --> 00:01:15,074 এবং তাহাদের কন্যাদের বিশুদ্ধ রক্তের সঙ্গে এটি প্রবুদ্ধ করে 8 00:01:15,993 --> 00:01:19,370 মখোশ তলব প্রফুল্লতা অনির্বচনীয় মন্দ 9 00:01:19,455 --> 00:01:23,124 তাদের প্রধান কোন পুরুষের খাকতে হবে মরণ বিদুৎ শক্তি 10 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:33,718 এসহিরনদের সত্য বিশ্বের ক্রিতদাসে পরিণত করা 11 00:01:36,805 --> 00:01:40,558 শুধু অসভ্য উপজাতিদের বিরুদ্ধে রুখে দাড়িয়ে, এটি তাদের দখলে চলে আসে 12 00:01:42,436 --> 00:01:45,772 মখোশটি ভেঙ্গে যায় এবং এসহিরনদের হাতে পড়ে যায় 13 00:01:51,653 --> 00:01:53,988 প্রতিটি উপজাতি একটি একক টুকরা রাখে 14 00:01:54,072 --> 00:01:57,617 তাদের একত্রিত করার চেষ্টা করতেই পারে, যাতে কোন ব্যক্তি এক সঙ্গে না পায় 15 00:01:57,701 --> 00:02:02,079 এবংআবার বিশৃঙ্খলতা ও বিনাশের চালনায় আবার বিশ্ব 16 00:02:03,499 --> 00:02:08,377 তার টুকরা ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে ছিল জমি জুড়ে, এবং বহুদিন লুকানো থাকে 17 00:02:11,465 --> 00:02:16,177 কিন্তু লোকেদের কথা ভবিষৎবাণী, কোন দিন মখোশ মিলিত করার চেষ্টা করবে 18 00:02:16,261 --> 00:02:18,471 এবং দুনিয়া শাসন করবে 19 00:02:20,140 --> 00:02:26,103 নিরানন্দ এবং পাশাবিক একটি সময় ছিল, তাই Hyborin অল্প বয়সে ভোর আসে 20 00:02:26,897 --> 00:02:28,940 তাই একটি শিশু আসেন 21 00:02:29,483 --> 00:02:31,609 যুদ্ধের জন্ম 22 00:02:56,802 --> 00:02:58,594 Fialla! 23 00:03:05,769 --> 00:03:06,894 Fialla. 24 00:03:07,896 --> 00:03:09,939 চিৎকার করোনা আমার প্রিয়তম চিৎকার করোনা 25 00:03:10,023 --> 00:03:12,525 আমি মৃত্যুর আগে আমার সন্তানকে দেখতে চাই 26 00:03:58,071 --> 00:03:59,488 তোমার ছেলের নাম 27 00:04:00,490 --> 00:04:02,158 তার নাম 28 00:04:02,826 --> 00:04:04,327 সে কোনান 29 00:05:17,359 --> 00:05:18,734 আস্তে আস্তে, কোনান! 30 00:05:31,999 --> 00:05:36,419 যখন একটি তিমিরাচ্ছন্ন পিপাসিত মনে হলে, এটা রক্তের জন্য তৃষ্ণাক্ত হয় 31 00:05:39,423 --> 00:05:43,634 তিনি ঠান্ডা মতানুযায়ী যখন, এটি ইস্পাতে ঠান্ডা প্রাপ্ত 32 00:05:45,762 --> 00:05:48,097 But the courage of the Cimmerian is tempered. 33 00:05:48,181 --> 00:05:52,643 He neither fears death nor rushes foolishly to meet it. 34 00:05:53,603 --> 00:05:55,688 But to be a Cimmerian warrior, 35 00:05:55,772 --> 00:06:00,317 you must have both cunning and balance, as well as speed and strength. 36 00:06:05,073 --> 00:06:06,490 Conan. 37 00:06:09,870 --> 00:06:11,704 I gave you chores, boy. 38 00:06:11,788 --> 00:06:13,414 Finished, Father. 39 00:06:19,713 --> 00:06:22,840 First to circle the hills and return the egg unbroken 40 00:06:22,924 --> 00:06:25,885 earns the right to fight with the warriors. 41 00:06:37,397 --> 00:06:40,357 Well, by Crom, boy, what are you waiting for? 42 00:08:18,081 --> 00:08:19,540 We go back. 43 00:08:22,002 --> 00:08:23,210 Conan! 44 00:10:09,651 --> 00:10:11,360 Make way. Make way. 45 00:11:23,475 --> 00:11:25,809 Come. Time to forge a blade. 46 00:11:52,295 --> 00:11:54,713 This sword we make will be yours one day. 47 00:12:03,306 --> 00:12:07,601 But before you wield it, you must understand it. 48 00:12:08,520 --> 00:12:10,938 The sword must bend or it will break. 49 00:12:13,983 --> 00:12:15,359 It must be tempered. 50 00:12:24,285 --> 00:12:28,539 What is most important when forging a blade, fire or ice? 51 00:12:28,623 --> 00:12:29,706 Fire. 52 00:12:33,294 --> 00:12:34,336 Ice? 53 00:12:34,421 --> 00:12:36,296 Are you certain? 54 00:12:48,184 --> 00:12:52,062 Fire and ice together. 55 00:12:52,981 --> 00:12:54,898 This is the mystery of steel. 56 00:13:14,252 --> 00:13:15,878 You're still all fire, boy. 57 00:13:18,673 --> 00:13:22,718 No. Slow down. Find your footing. 58 00:13:30,810 --> 00:13:31,894 Enough! 59 00:13:45,408 --> 00:13:47,493 You're not ready for this sword. 60 00:16:40,917 --> 00:16:42,517 Fire! 61 00:17:22,625 --> 00:17:24,376 - Father! - Conan! 62 00:17:35,388 --> 00:17:36,847 Father! 63 00:17:36,931 --> 00:17:37,973 Conan! 64 00:17:38,433 --> 00:17:39,599 Die! 65 00:17:42,729 --> 00:17:43,979 Father! 66 00:18:09,130 --> 00:18:10,464 Barbarian. 67 00:18:15,678 --> 00:18:18,346 There's no shame in kneeling before me. 68 00:18:28,191 --> 00:18:31,026 Each of these brave warriors 69 00:18:31,319 --> 00:18:34,946 has surrendered, left their lands, sworn allegiance to me. 70 00:18:36,699 --> 00:18:40,118 They do so because they know one day I will be a god. 71 00:18:40,661 --> 00:18:41,912 One day... 72 00:18:44,207 --> 00:18:49,044 the other clans of Cimmeria will gather for vengeance, and then god or no god, 73 00:18:50,046 --> 00:18:51,379 you will fall. 74 00:18:58,221 --> 00:19:00,096 You know why I'm here. 75 00:19:00,932 --> 00:19:04,392 One piece is missing from the mask. 76 00:19:05,061 --> 00:19:08,230 You know it's power. Give it to me now... 77 00:19:14,570 --> 00:19:17,739 or die and I'll find it for myself. 78 00:19:22,078 --> 00:19:23,161 I prefer death. 79 00:19:34,048 --> 00:19:35,423 Oh, my nose! 80 00:19:51,274 --> 00:19:52,315 No! 81 00:20:10,251 --> 00:20:11,293 This is your son. 82 00:20:14,964 --> 00:20:16,882 I like him. 83 00:20:56,464 --> 00:20:58,298 Come here, my daughter. 84 00:21:03,471 --> 00:21:07,349 Father, I sense the bone shard is close. 85 00:21:08,309 --> 00:21:10,185 Will you find it for me, Marique? 86 00:21:13,814 --> 00:21:16,107 Barbarian, your son has courage. 87 00:21:17,693 --> 00:21:20,362 But my daughter has talents as well. 88 00:21:21,280 --> 00:21:23,114 Find it, Marique. 89 00:21:23,491 --> 00:21:25,492 These Cimmerians, they do not pray. 90 00:21:25,868 --> 00:21:27,369 This is their church. 91 00:21:27,870 --> 00:21:29,704 This is what they worship. 92 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:33,291 It will be here! 93 00:22:10,663 --> 00:22:13,915 The shard. She found the bone shard. 94 00:22:29,890 --> 00:22:32,684 Your mother would be proud. 95 00:22:38,065 --> 00:22:39,190 - Remo. - Yeah? 96 00:22:39,275 --> 00:22:42,485 Gather the men. Burn everything. 97 00:22:42,570 --> 00:22:43,695 But, Zym! 98 00:22:43,779 --> 00:22:45,780 Not the boy. Not yet. 99 00:22:46,198 --> 00:22:50,076 Not yet. Look what he did to my face! 100 00:22:52,705 --> 00:22:55,790 Now, how do I punish you, huh? 101 00:22:57,460 --> 00:22:59,711 You fear not pain, nor death. 102 00:23:21,317 --> 00:23:23,318 Father! No! 103 00:23:25,279 --> 00:23:26,488 Father! 104 00:23:28,491 --> 00:23:29,532 No! 105 00:23:36,582 --> 00:23:38,333 Worse than death, eh, Cimmerian? 106 00:23:39,251 --> 00:23:40,794 Watching your son die. 107 00:23:44,757 --> 00:23:46,591 Because he loves you. 108 00:24:12,284 --> 00:24:13,618 It is complete. 109 00:24:14,203 --> 00:24:17,163 Marique, we're halfway there. 110 00:24:17,540 --> 00:24:21,042 When we find the pureblood, your mother, 111 00:24:22,128 --> 00:24:25,004 my beloved, will return. 112 00:24:29,468 --> 00:24:32,053 The mask is complete! 113 00:24:51,073 --> 00:24:54,325 Conan, you cannot save me. 114 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:03,751 Let go of the chain, boy. 115 00:25:04,253 --> 00:25:06,588 - I'm not afraid to die! - Nor I. 116 00:25:12,928 --> 00:25:14,345 I love you, Son. 117 00:25:18,517 --> 00:25:20,101 No! No! 118 00:26:36,178 --> 00:26:40,515 Conan left Cimmeria and wandered the edges of the world, 119 00:26:40,599 --> 00:26:43,685 slaying, thieving, surviving, 120 00:26:44,353 --> 00:26:50,566 storming the high walls of Venarium and prowling the dark seas among pirates. 121 00:26:51,235 --> 00:26:55,738 But the nameless man who slaughtered his village and killed his father 122 00:26:56,282 --> 00:26:58,324 remained in shadow. 123 00:27:14,133 --> 00:27:18,511 These are common slavers, Conan. Not the man you seek. Why attack? 124 00:27:18,595 --> 00:27:20,638 No man should live in chains. 125 00:27:48,751 --> 00:27:49,959 Fight! 126 00:28:27,414 --> 00:28:30,792 Stay and fight, you pink-bellied motherless goat-lovers! 127 00:28:58,153 --> 00:28:59,821 Go. You're free. 128 00:29:03,575 --> 00:29:07,995 Go. Your masters are dead. You are no longer slaves. 129 00:29:09,832 --> 00:29:12,667 But you've taken all our food, all our weapons. 130 00:29:13,335 --> 00:29:14,794 Where would you have us go? 131 00:29:22,594 --> 00:29:23,928 Come on. 132 00:29:24,012 --> 00:29:25,847 We sail to Messantia. 133 00:29:44,616 --> 00:29:45,658 Come on. 134 00:29:49,037 --> 00:29:50,288 Call it. 135 00:29:54,418 --> 00:29:55,918 Come on, old man. 136 00:30:11,226 --> 00:30:13,227 I win! 137 00:30:21,195 --> 00:30:22,236 I still win. 138 00:30:27,910 --> 00:30:31,871 When I first met him, he was no bigger than you. 139 00:30:32,915 --> 00:30:37,251 Just a scrawny little rat picking pockets in Zamora. 140 00:30:38,504 --> 00:30:39,879 Even so, 141 00:30:40,422 --> 00:30:44,842 it was he who stole the Elephant's Heart 142 00:30:44,927 --> 00:30:47,220 and slew the sorcerer Yara. 143 00:30:50,432 --> 00:30:52,058 Come. 144 00:30:57,731 --> 00:31:00,525 Hey, mama. Need more mead. 145 00:31:05,697 --> 00:31:07,114 Who's next? 146 00:31:16,458 --> 00:31:21,087 Guards! There. And check there. 147 00:31:53,996 --> 00:31:56,581 Hey. Why are they looking for you? 148 00:31:56,665 --> 00:31:59,792 No. No, no, no. No, wait. You don't understand. 149 00:32:03,505 --> 00:32:07,216 They'll be happy to take us both to prison if you don't let go! 150 00:32:08,927 --> 00:32:10,469 Maybe I wanna go to prison. 151 00:32:11,930 --> 00:32:13,347 You take the one in the middle? 152 00:32:13,432 --> 00:32:14,432 Me? 153 00:32:14,516 --> 00:32:16,434 - You. - I'll take him. 154 00:32:28,864 --> 00:32:30,156 I am your prisoner. 155 00:32:37,956 --> 00:32:40,875 You're calm for somebody who's about to die. 156 00:32:42,210 --> 00:32:43,294 Move! 157 00:33:09,571 --> 00:33:11,405 Where's the captain? 158 00:33:12,908 --> 00:33:16,577 The hill ape can speak. The captain is currently occupied. 159 00:33:21,166 --> 00:33:24,085 Don't worry. Everyone can get their chance. 160 00:33:39,643 --> 00:33:40,726 Hey! 161 00:33:46,108 --> 00:33:47,274 Stop him! 162 00:33:56,451 --> 00:33:57,827 Come here! 163 00:34:02,416 --> 00:34:04,041 Where is the captain of the guard? 164 00:34:04,126 --> 00:34:07,420 His door's sealed from within. He can only open it for me. 165 00:34:14,386 --> 00:34:16,804 Guards! The door! 166 00:34:20,350 --> 00:34:21,684 All right. 167 00:34:24,938 --> 00:34:26,021 What? 168 00:34:36,032 --> 00:34:38,159 Guards! Guards! 169 00:34:57,304 --> 00:34:58,345 You remember me? 170 00:34:59,181 --> 00:35:00,639 Who are you? 171 00:35:01,016 --> 00:35:02,516 I'm the one who made you pretty. 172 00:35:07,814 --> 00:35:10,191 You can't do this! Do you know who I am? 173 00:35:27,501 --> 00:35:30,586 Where is the man who killed my father? 174 00:35:30,670 --> 00:35:33,047 You seek Khalar Zym? 175 00:35:37,093 --> 00:35:40,387 Zym. No. 176 00:35:41,348 --> 00:35:44,600 My people were slain by a common bandit, not a king. 177 00:35:44,684 --> 00:35:48,813 He was a bandit then. He's a legend now. A Shadow Lord. 178 00:35:51,817 --> 00:35:53,567 A Shadow Lord, huh? 179 00:35:55,821 --> 00:35:58,572 Speak. I will not kill you. 180 00:36:00,242 --> 00:36:02,117 You know the Forbidden Forest? 181 00:36:02,202 --> 00:36:05,079 Nothing there but dead bodies and the animals who feed on them. 182 00:36:05,163 --> 00:36:08,958 Even as we speak, Khalar leads his legions through the mist. 183 00:36:10,377 --> 00:36:11,377 More. 184 00:36:11,461 --> 00:36:12,503 Not good enough. 185 00:36:13,880 --> 00:36:16,465 Wait! The forest is large, I know. 186 00:36:16,550 --> 00:36:19,718 But as he returns to his stronghold at Khor Kalba, 187 00:36:19,803 --> 00:36:22,721 he returns by way of the ravine at Shaipur. 188 00:36:22,806 --> 00:36:24,348 That's a perfect place for an ambush. 189 00:36:24,808 --> 00:36:26,809 What does Khalar want there? 190 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:31,313 He's with his witch daughter. They're searching for a young girl. 191 00:36:31,398 --> 00:36:32,565 A pureblood. 192 00:36:32,649 --> 00:36:34,483 Are you leading me into a trap? 193 00:36:34,568 --> 00:36:36,527 No. I wouldn't lie to you. 194 00:36:37,237 --> 00:36:38,487 He's mad. 195 00:36:39,364 --> 00:36:44,034 He's obsessed with Acheronian sorcery. I hold no loyalty to him. 196 00:36:46,246 --> 00:36:50,749 Well, Northerner, I've upheld my part of the deal. 197 00:36:57,757 --> 00:36:58,799 No! 198 00:36:58,884 --> 00:37:00,009 Yes. 199 00:37:04,931 --> 00:37:07,516 By Mitra, what are you doing? 200 00:37:10,353 --> 00:37:12,062 Toasting to our deal. 201 00:37:24,492 --> 00:37:25,910 Hey! Northerner! 202 00:37:25,994 --> 00:37:27,995 Hey, hey, wait for me! 203 00:37:29,080 --> 00:37:31,040 Oh, god! 204 00:37:31,124 --> 00:37:33,000 Prisoners of Messantia! 205 00:37:33,627 --> 00:37:37,046 The key to your freedom sits in your captain's gut. 206 00:37:37,130 --> 00:37:40,966 You gave me your word! You swore you'd spare my life! 207 00:37:41,051 --> 00:37:43,385 I said I would not kill you. 208 00:37:44,262 --> 00:37:45,638 Free yourselves. 209 00:37:59,986 --> 00:38:02,947 Northerner! My name is Ela-Shan. 210 00:38:03,031 --> 00:38:06,367 Perhaps you've heard that there is no lock I cannot break or vault I cannot enter. 211 00:38:08,078 --> 00:38:11,246 If you are ever foolish enough to pursue this man to Khor Kalba, 212 00:38:11,331 --> 00:38:14,083 come see me in Argalon so I can talk you out of it. 213 00:38:14,167 --> 00:38:16,210 Ask anyone you meet there for Ela-Shan! 214 00:38:32,477 --> 00:38:35,187 What do you see in my future, Master Fassir? 215 00:38:35,271 --> 00:38:37,481 It is unclear. 216 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:40,651 I see a journey. 217 00:38:42,696 --> 00:38:47,783 A man crossing the sands. 218 00:38:49,536 --> 00:38:50,911 A knight? 219 00:38:53,248 --> 00:38:54,581 A warrior. 220 00:38:56,710 --> 00:38:58,585 Your paths will merge. 221 00:39:00,463 --> 00:39:04,216 He will take you home to your birthplace. 222 00:39:11,725 --> 00:39:13,475 Is that all that you see, Master? 223 00:39:24,529 --> 00:39:28,365 The pureblood is close. I can taste her in the air. 224 00:40:01,441 --> 00:40:05,277 There'll be rioting in Messantia for days, thanks to you. 225 00:40:06,905 --> 00:40:08,280 Khalar Zym. 226 00:40:09,282 --> 00:40:10,407 What? 227 00:40:10,492 --> 00:40:12,493 That's the name of the man who killed my father. 228 00:40:13,328 --> 00:40:14,369 Zym? 229 00:40:15,413 --> 00:40:17,372 Do you know who that is? 230 00:40:17,791 --> 00:40:19,625 I am told he's the angel of death. 231 00:40:21,169 --> 00:40:22,920 I leave tonight to pursue him in Shaipur. 232 00:40:23,004 --> 00:40:26,090 We can sail as far as the bay near the Shaipur Outpost. 233 00:40:26,841 --> 00:40:28,717 - You can wait for me there. - Wait? 234 00:40:29,803 --> 00:40:32,638 I'm not your serving maid. I will go with you. 235 00:40:33,056 --> 00:40:37,017 Not this time, Artus. This is something I must do alone. 236 00:41:45,211 --> 00:41:47,504 Go to the temple. Go! Go! 237 00:41:56,181 --> 00:41:58,557 Protect the master. Go! Go! 238 00:42:27,086 --> 00:42:29,129 Tamara, come with me. 239 00:42:40,308 --> 00:42:41,350 Get into the carriage. 240 00:42:41,434 --> 00:42:42,976 No, I want to stay here and defend our home. 241 00:42:43,061 --> 00:42:44,811 For the sake of your people, you must leave this place 242 00:42:44,896 --> 00:42:46,816 and go to the monks in Hyrkania. It is your duty. 243 00:42:46,856 --> 00:42:48,815 Do not hesitate and do not waver. 244 00:42:50,360 --> 00:42:51,735 I don't want to leave you. 245 00:42:51,819 --> 00:42:53,320 Do you trust me, Tamara? 246 00:42:53,404 --> 00:42:56,198 Yes. With my life. Everything I have. 247 00:42:56,282 --> 00:42:58,617 Then ask no more questions and do as I say. 248 00:43:00,912 --> 00:43:02,079 Go! 249 00:43:03,498 --> 00:43:04,831 Let's go! 250 00:43:09,712 --> 00:43:11,505 Let none escape! 251 00:43:38,783 --> 00:43:40,075 Zym. 252 00:44:15,361 --> 00:44:16,778 Who are you? 253 00:44:26,706 --> 00:44:27,998 Where's Khalar? 254 00:44:30,251 --> 00:44:31,460 Who is Khalar? 255 00:44:40,178 --> 00:44:41,386 Hey! 256 00:45:07,830 --> 00:45:09,289 Come here! 257 00:45:51,958 --> 00:45:53,792 Come on. 258 00:46:49,849 --> 00:46:51,391 Step aside, Northerner. 259 00:46:51,767 --> 00:46:53,810 The woman is property of Khalar Zym. 260 00:46:53,895 --> 00:46:55,520 She is my property now. 261 00:46:56,647 --> 00:46:58,482 Well, you have no claim to her. 262 00:46:58,774 --> 00:47:01,109 No. But I have a claim to you. 263 00:47:01,194 --> 00:47:03,236 And what claim is that? 264 00:47:04,822 --> 00:47:06,114 Death. 265 00:47:20,004 --> 00:47:21,046 Who are you? 266 00:47:25,259 --> 00:47:28,637 When you fight a Cimmerian, even a boy, 267 00:47:29,680 --> 00:47:30,805 you best kill him. 268 00:47:30,890 --> 00:47:32,974 I killed hundreds of Cimmerians. 269 00:47:33,059 --> 00:47:35,727 Yes. An entire village. 270 00:47:38,856 --> 00:47:42,067 But I did not burn in my father's forge. 271 00:47:44,320 --> 00:47:48,114 Run from me and I will tear apart the mountains to find you. 272 00:47:49,116 --> 00:47:50,325 I will follow you to hell. 273 00:48:01,170 --> 00:48:03,380 Woman! Come here. 274 00:48:05,675 --> 00:48:07,551 I said, come here. 275 00:48:12,515 --> 00:48:16,935 Which one of you is the pureblood? 276 00:48:21,232 --> 00:48:25,110 Whoever reveals her, gets to live. 277 00:48:34,912 --> 00:48:36,580 And you smell. 278 00:48:47,550 --> 00:48:51,886 Are you the one I seek? 279 00:48:52,346 --> 00:48:54,431 Could it be you? 280 00:49:11,991 --> 00:49:13,700 None of them are pure. 281 00:49:30,551 --> 00:49:33,178 You know who I've come for. 282 00:49:33,262 --> 00:49:35,805 Why suffer for it? 283 00:49:37,933 --> 00:49:40,810 None of the ancient bloodline remain. 284 00:49:40,895 --> 00:49:44,981 Well, if this is true, tell me why have you and these monks 285 00:49:45,066 --> 00:49:48,360 chosen to hide here like vermin for a thousand years? 286 00:49:48,444 --> 00:49:50,779 We live here in peace. 287 00:49:51,238 --> 00:49:55,075 We have no riches. We do not make war. 288 00:49:55,826 --> 00:49:57,452 We value life. 289 00:49:58,120 --> 00:49:59,371 You value life. 290 00:50:03,084 --> 00:50:05,877 Do you forget what happened in the forests of Ophir? 291 00:50:07,213 --> 00:50:12,300 When all the nations of Hyboria hunted a woman as if she were an animal? 292 00:50:14,345 --> 00:50:19,099 When both I and my daughter were forced to watch Maliva, my innocent wife, 293 00:50:19,183 --> 00:50:21,893 be lashed to the wheel and set aflame? 294 00:50:31,112 --> 00:50:35,115 No. What you value is death. 295 00:50:36,951 --> 00:50:40,745 The monks here had no part in her death. 296 00:50:43,499 --> 00:50:45,417 Where is the pureblood? 297 00:50:57,179 --> 00:50:58,972 Not to fear, Father. 298 00:50:59,849 --> 00:51:02,350 He will tell me his secrets. 299 00:51:02,435 --> 00:51:04,769 They all tell me their secrets. 300 00:51:07,648 --> 00:51:10,859 Your vain pursuit for the secrets of Acheron 301 00:51:11,986 --> 00:51:15,238 is a lust for power, not a love of life. 302 00:51:15,823 --> 00:51:18,742 Your innocent wife 303 00:51:18,826 --> 00:51:23,079 sought to enslave all of Hyboria with her sorcery. 304 00:51:24,248 --> 00:51:26,708 She deserved to burn. 305 00:51:29,044 --> 00:51:32,505 You will never rule, 306 00:51:33,340 --> 00:51:37,510 and Maliva will never rise again! 307 00:51:39,555 --> 00:51:40,638 Die! 308 00:51:54,570 --> 00:51:56,613 My lord! 309 00:51:56,697 --> 00:51:59,699 Remo is searching for the one that got away. 310 00:52:01,202 --> 00:52:03,036 She is the pureblood. 311 00:52:05,581 --> 00:52:07,791 Remo will capture her for me. 312 00:52:22,556 --> 00:52:23,932 Come here! 313 00:52:36,320 --> 00:52:37,570 Get off. 314 00:52:43,577 --> 00:52:45,078 My master said I would meet you. 315 00:52:48,582 --> 00:52:50,834 He said our paths would merge. 316 00:52:55,840 --> 00:52:57,257 You're the one Khalar Zym seeks. 317 00:52:58,008 --> 00:52:59,259 I know nothing about it. 318 00:52:59,760 --> 00:53:01,094 Those were his men chasing you. 319 00:53:01,178 --> 00:53:03,346 They attacked our monastery. 320 00:53:07,643 --> 00:53:10,770 So, will you escort me to Hyrkania? 321 00:53:15,526 --> 00:53:17,235 We will wait for Khalar. 322 00:53:17,319 --> 00:53:19,612 We? There is no we. 323 00:53:20,614 --> 00:53:22,782 I will go to Hyrkania as my master instructed. 324 00:53:24,743 --> 00:53:27,453 I said, we will wait. 325 00:53:27,538 --> 00:53:30,456 I said, I will go to Hyrkania. 326 00:53:37,590 --> 00:53:38,840 Why must I be tied up? 327 00:53:38,924 --> 00:53:40,633 Keep quiet and do as you're told. 328 00:53:41,135 --> 00:53:43,636 What are you going to do with him? 329 00:53:47,433 --> 00:53:49,684 I will wait for him to awaken. 330 00:53:51,145 --> 00:53:53,021 I wanna look him in the eyes when I kill him. 331 00:53:57,026 --> 00:53:58,067 Do you have a name? 332 00:53:58,819 --> 00:54:01,613 My name is Tamara Amaliat Jorvi Karushan. 333 00:54:04,617 --> 00:54:06,075 And yours is? 334 00:54:06,493 --> 00:54:09,329 Conan. 335 00:54:10,664 --> 00:54:11,748 That's it? 336 00:54:12,374 --> 00:54:13,666 How many names do I need? 337 00:54:21,800 --> 00:54:24,552 Why would you save me only to tie me up? 338 00:54:29,808 --> 00:54:31,893 Khalar's a hard man to find. 339 00:54:32,603 --> 00:54:35,772 If I possess you, he must come to me. 340 00:54:36,357 --> 00:54:39,484 Possess? I am not your property. 341 00:54:39,568 --> 00:54:40,610 Go to sleep. 342 00:54:40,694 --> 00:54:42,320 I take instruction from no man. 343 00:54:43,364 --> 00:54:46,324 I am a monk of the Order of Shaipur. 344 00:54:47,409 --> 00:54:49,849 My people have never been conquered by anyone the likes of you 345 00:54:49,870 --> 00:54:50,870 and I'm not about to... 346 00:54:51,747 --> 00:54:53,039 Open. 347 00:54:55,000 --> 00:54:56,042 What? 348 00:54:56,794 --> 00:54:58,002 Quiet. 349 00:55:13,227 --> 00:55:16,938 Still no word from Remo and his scouts? 350 00:55:18,857 --> 00:55:24,946 They're gone. Remo will bring her here. He has never disappointed me. 351 00:55:28,867 --> 00:55:31,327 The prize is near, Father. 352 00:55:31,996 --> 00:55:36,165 Soon you will have not only the mask, but the blood to fill it. 353 00:55:40,212 --> 00:55:45,049 Marique, how your mother yearned for the sorcery of Acheron. 354 00:55:47,302 --> 00:55:51,472 Imagine the secrets she will bring back from the realm of the dead. 355 00:55:53,392 --> 00:55:59,313 And imagine how indomitable I will become when she's once again by my side. 356 00:56:02,735 --> 00:56:03,985 Father... 357 00:56:05,362 --> 00:56:08,990 if the girl is lost, or the ritual fails... 358 00:56:10,242 --> 00:56:12,201 It will not fail. 359 00:56:14,955 --> 00:56:16,706 If it does... 360 00:56:16,790 --> 00:56:18,207 It will not! 361 00:56:20,294 --> 00:56:22,587 Your mother will return to me. 362 00:56:24,715 --> 00:56:29,052 My powers are growing inside of me. 363 00:56:30,512 --> 00:56:33,306 My mother's blood flows through me. 364 00:56:34,641 --> 00:56:38,644 I can help you uncover the secrets of Acheron, 365 00:56:39,063 --> 00:56:40,354 just as she did. 366 00:56:40,439 --> 00:56:43,441 I can have them all kneeling before you, 367 00:56:44,401 --> 00:56:46,986 just as I kneel before you now. 368 00:56:52,326 --> 00:56:55,328 My Marique, you are like your mother. 369 00:56:56,872 --> 00:56:58,998 In so many ways. 370 00:57:07,341 --> 00:57:09,592 But you are not her. 371 00:57:13,680 --> 00:57:15,598 Here. Drink. 372 00:57:22,356 --> 00:57:25,274 The truth this time. Why does Khalar want you? 373 00:57:25,818 --> 00:57:29,612 I am a simple monk. I am of no value to a warlord. 374 00:57:29,696 --> 00:57:31,114 She's lying! 375 00:57:34,284 --> 00:57:39,205 It's her blood. Her blood is special. She's last of the bloodline of Acheron. 376 00:57:39,915 --> 00:57:40,957 Wait. 377 00:57:42,292 --> 00:57:44,043 Don't kill him yet. 378 00:57:48,465 --> 00:57:49,590 You are mistaken. 379 00:57:50,801 --> 00:57:52,635 That bloodline ended a thousand years ago. 380 00:57:52,719 --> 00:57:54,470 You lie, whore. 381 00:57:55,389 --> 00:57:57,181 You can kill him now. 382 00:57:57,766 --> 00:57:59,142 No, please. 383 00:58:00,477 --> 00:58:03,855 For her, I can get you a king's ransom. It is true. 384 00:58:04,565 --> 00:58:08,401 Khalar has been searching for a pureblood descendant for 20 years. 385 00:58:09,403 --> 00:58:10,653 Then we will wait for Khalar. 386 00:58:10,737 --> 00:58:13,656 No. He will not come this way. 387 00:58:13,740 --> 00:58:16,450 Zym will be camped in the Shaipur Ravine waiting for me. 388 00:58:17,244 --> 00:58:18,494 I can show you. 389 00:58:18,579 --> 00:58:20,204 Yeah. 390 00:58:24,001 --> 00:58:25,084 Come. 391 00:58:39,141 --> 00:58:40,433 Come on! 392 00:59:03,665 --> 00:59:05,541 You see? I speak the truth. 393 00:59:07,252 --> 00:59:11,464 If you want, he will give your weight in gold for this woman. 394 00:59:11,965 --> 00:59:16,219 I will arrange everything. I will deliver the message. 395 00:59:16,845 --> 00:59:18,804 Yes, you will. 396 01:00:02,599 --> 01:00:04,058 Remo returns. 397 01:00:16,280 --> 01:00:18,281 What does it say? 398 01:00:20,951 --> 01:00:24,704 "The Shaipur Outpost at midday." 399 01:00:25,539 --> 01:00:27,123 "Come alone." 400 01:00:33,255 --> 01:00:34,588 It's hers. 401 01:01:26,350 --> 01:01:28,309 You're bold, Northerner. 402 01:01:31,605 --> 01:01:34,607 I admire courage, even when it's foolish. 403 01:01:40,447 --> 01:01:41,530 Your reward. 404 01:01:42,240 --> 01:01:45,159 - I do not want your gold. - No? 405 01:01:45,619 --> 01:01:46,660 Then what? 406 01:01:48,372 --> 01:01:49,622 I want your head. 407 01:01:50,248 --> 01:01:52,124 Yes, of course you do. 408 01:01:55,462 --> 01:01:56,670 Kill him. 409 01:01:57,464 --> 01:01:59,256 Then bring me the pureblood. 410 01:02:14,815 --> 01:02:15,815 Conan! 411 01:05:10,156 --> 01:05:11,240 Come on! 412 01:05:31,011 --> 01:05:32,469 Who are you? 413 01:05:32,887 --> 01:05:35,598 You left me behind to watch my father die. 414 01:05:42,397 --> 01:05:43,689 Cimmerian. 415 01:05:48,153 --> 01:05:51,363 That was your chance, boy. You won't get another. 416 01:05:55,660 --> 01:05:58,245 Wouldn't your father be ashamed of you? 417 01:06:30,236 --> 01:06:31,278 Yeah. 418 01:07:08,692 --> 01:07:10,150 Come on! 419 01:07:31,089 --> 01:07:32,673 Huh? Boy? 420 01:07:45,395 --> 01:07:46,478 Run! 421 01:07:49,149 --> 01:07:50,149 No! 422 01:07:59,576 --> 01:08:01,618 By Mitra, jump! 423 01:08:43,369 --> 01:08:45,204 I had him. 424 01:08:52,295 --> 01:08:53,962 Artus, I had him. 425 01:08:54,631 --> 01:08:55,923 The gods are cruel. 426 01:08:56,007 --> 01:08:59,760 Blast the gods. This was not their doing. 427 01:09:02,722 --> 01:09:04,556 It was I who failed. 428 01:09:05,725 --> 01:09:08,352 Are the tales they tell true? 429 01:09:08,436 --> 01:09:12,648 Does he have eyes red as fire and a hide of golden scales? 430 01:09:12,732 --> 01:09:14,233 He is just a man. 431 01:09:14,651 --> 01:09:17,486 Then it is he who has failed. 432 01:09:17,570 --> 01:09:23,909 In fact, you may be the only man in Hyboria to fight Khalar Zym and live. 433 01:09:23,993 --> 01:09:25,702 I need to go ashore and find him. 434 01:09:29,249 --> 01:09:32,042 After I go, you must take her some place safe. 435 01:09:34,170 --> 01:09:35,796 She saved my life. 436 01:09:37,841 --> 01:09:39,216 For that, she has my loyalty. 437 01:09:39,300 --> 01:09:42,302 Then she has mine as well. 438 01:10:02,240 --> 01:10:03,699 Charming man, your friend. 439 01:10:03,783 --> 01:10:06,618 Most men are born to mother's milk. 440 01:10:06,703 --> 01:10:09,746 His first taste was of his mother's blood. 441 01:10:09,831 --> 01:10:11,623 He was battle born. 442 01:10:13,167 --> 01:10:14,543 So all he can do is kill? 443 01:10:14,627 --> 01:10:17,963 Oh, no. He has the heart of a king, 444 01:10:18,548 --> 01:10:20,716 the loyalty of a bloodhound. 445 01:10:21,593 --> 01:10:23,760 The Barbarians may be warriors, 446 01:10:23,845 --> 01:10:27,848 but they do not sacrifice their children or enslave their allies 447 01:10:27,932 --> 01:10:30,726 like the priests and princes of the civilized world. 448 01:10:31,978 --> 01:10:33,562 As for his manners... 449 01:10:33,646 --> 01:10:34,855 You look like a harlot. 450 01:10:34,939 --> 01:10:39,151 Yes. And apparently I'm the only woman you've ever met who isn't one. 451 01:10:44,157 --> 01:10:46,158 Cimmerian women dress as warriors. 452 01:10:47,994 --> 01:10:50,495 Give her the leather and the armor. 453 01:10:51,998 --> 01:10:53,290 I think he likes you. 454 01:11:28,826 --> 01:11:31,036 Wake up! Wake up! 455 01:11:44,884 --> 01:11:46,301 All hands on deck! 456 01:12:02,235 --> 01:12:03,360 No! 457 01:12:46,237 --> 01:12:49,614 How many Cimmerians died at the edge of that blade? 458 01:12:53,745 --> 01:12:54,995 Catch! 459 01:13:09,469 --> 01:13:11,428 Not bad. 460 01:14:20,706 --> 01:14:22,749 Farewell, good friend. 461 01:14:23,960 --> 01:14:25,710 May you find what you seek, Conan. 462 01:14:49,694 --> 01:14:53,738 It would seem our friend has forgotten his map of the shoreline. 463 01:14:54,323 --> 01:14:55,490 You should take it to him. 464 01:14:56,200 --> 01:14:57,909 And say goodbye. 465 01:15:03,207 --> 01:15:05,250 We set sail at dawn. 466 01:15:05,710 --> 01:15:07,419 Don't be late. 467 01:15:12,258 --> 01:15:14,759 You should go back to the ship. 468 01:15:14,844 --> 01:15:17,387 Do you ever wonder if our actions serve some plan? 469 01:15:19,140 --> 01:15:22,309 Some purpose spun by the gods? 470 01:15:24,061 --> 01:15:27,439 Or are we all just doomed to chaos and ruin? 471 01:15:28,900 --> 01:15:30,984 I know not and I care not. 472 01:15:32,236 --> 01:15:37,532 I live, I love, I slay, and I am content. 473 01:16:51,941 --> 01:16:53,191 Goodbye. 474 01:17:38,738 --> 01:17:40,030 Conan! 475 01:18:24,325 --> 01:18:26,826 The elusive one. Welcome. 476 01:18:26,911 --> 01:18:31,956 You have made a mistake. I am not the person you are looking for. 477 01:18:44,178 --> 01:18:45,303 It is she. 478 01:18:45,971 --> 01:18:49,766 The pureblood descendent of the Necromancers of Acheron. 479 01:19:40,359 --> 01:19:41,776 I'm looking for a thief. 480 01:19:41,861 --> 01:19:44,696 Argalon is a city of thieves. 481 01:19:45,364 --> 01:19:47,657 I'm looking for a thief named Ela-Shan. 482 01:19:48,284 --> 01:19:51,286 Who are you to ask, Barbarian? 483 01:19:54,498 --> 01:19:55,832 Stand down, you fools! 484 01:20:03,215 --> 01:20:06,217 Fast as Yezud, he will gut you like a fish. 485 01:20:10,055 --> 01:20:12,390 I owe this man my life. 486 01:20:13,100 --> 01:20:16,019 Well, Ela-Shan, you will have your chance to repay it. 487 01:20:18,063 --> 01:20:19,522 Come. 488 01:20:37,958 --> 01:20:39,209 This is madness. 489 01:20:39,293 --> 01:20:40,835 Breaking into Khalar Zym's fortress 490 01:20:40,920 --> 01:20:43,505 is like reaching under a sleeping dragon to steal her eggs. 491 01:20:43,589 --> 01:20:45,215 Why go in? 492 01:20:46,175 --> 01:20:48,134 There's a woman inside. 493 01:20:52,223 --> 01:20:54,432 She must be really pretty. 494 01:21:10,908 --> 01:21:15,787 My mother wore this gown on her wedding day. It flatters you. 495 01:21:18,165 --> 01:21:19,791 I'm not your mother. 496 01:21:20,960 --> 01:21:23,294 No? But you will be. 497 01:21:24,463 --> 01:21:27,715 Imagine that your body is a vessel. 498 01:21:27,800 --> 01:21:30,051 And your soul is the water that fills it. 499 01:21:30,803 --> 01:21:35,014 When your blood seeds the mask, my father will empty you. 500 01:21:35,849 --> 01:21:37,517 তারপর আমি স্বগতম জানাই মৃত্যুর 501 01:21:37,601 --> 01:21:41,604 আপনার মৃত্যুর Acheron একটি নতুন বয়স ঘোষনা হবে 502 01:21:42,940 --> 01:21:46,859 আমি বেরতেই প্রফুল্লতা রাজাদের হাড় থেকে মাংস দ্রবীভূত করা হবে 503 01:21:46,944 --> 01:21:48,945 এবং আমার স্ত্রী আমাকে করতে হবে একটি ঈশ্বর 504 01:21:49,029 --> 01:21:52,907 এবং আমাদের রক্ত মহাসাগরের মধ্যে সব প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী নিক্ষিপ্ত হবে 505 01:22:00,124 --> 01:22:04,002 Please. I beg you one last time. Do not do this. Let us turn back. 506 01:22:09,216 --> 01:22:10,300 Come on. 507 01:22:24,148 --> 01:22:28,192 Did you know I met your Barbarian when he was a boy? 508 01:22:28,652 --> 01:22:31,112 That I took this sword from him? 509 01:22:32,323 --> 01:22:36,284 I'm told Cimmerian steel is sharper and harder than any other, 510 01:22:37,870 --> 01:22:41,331 that when it cuts, the pain is close to pleasure. 511 01:22:43,834 --> 01:22:46,044 I know that will please you. 512 01:22:55,429 --> 01:22:57,305 That was the last gate. 513 01:22:57,389 --> 01:23:00,308 I told you, you see? I told you I can get you in. 514 01:23:48,565 --> 01:23:49,982 You! 515 01:23:52,778 --> 01:23:55,071 A feast for my sword. 516 01:23:55,155 --> 01:23:57,782 No! A feast for the Dweller! 517 01:24:09,461 --> 01:24:10,503 Hey! 518 01:24:18,137 --> 01:24:20,012 - Watch out! - No! No! 519 01:24:43,328 --> 01:24:44,746 Conan! 520 01:24:44,830 --> 01:24:45,872 Conan, watch out! 521 01:24:57,885 --> 01:25:00,136 No! Hey! 522 01:25:03,599 --> 01:25:04,766 Conan! 523 01:25:25,078 --> 01:25:26,454 Oh, shit! 524 01:25:31,043 --> 01:25:32,960 - Get me out of here! - Use a key! 525 01:25:33,045 --> 01:25:35,129 - I can't! I dropped them! - Then pick the lock! 526 01:25:35,214 --> 01:25:36,380 With what? 527 01:25:45,057 --> 01:25:46,557 Hey! Help me! 528 01:25:48,769 --> 01:25:50,353 Careful! Be careful! 529 01:25:52,898 --> 01:25:54,065 Drop! 530 01:26:08,080 --> 01:26:10,039 Hey! Hey! 531 01:26:19,091 --> 01:26:20,758 Hurry up! Hurry up! 532 01:26:58,881 --> 01:27:01,591 Hey! Help me. Hey! 533 01:27:02,467 --> 01:27:03,593 Get me out of here! 534 01:27:03,677 --> 01:27:05,261 I'm dying! I'm gonna die! 535 01:27:11,476 --> 01:27:13,102 You scream like a woman. 536 01:27:17,149 --> 01:27:19,525 I think it's this way. Hey, hey, wait for me. 537 01:27:37,169 --> 01:27:40,254 Yeah, I think he's headed to Skull Cave. 538 01:27:40,339 --> 01:27:42,673 I see no more locks down there. 539 01:27:43,800 --> 01:27:45,468 Your debt is paid. 540 01:27:47,930 --> 01:27:49,680 Farewell, my friend. 541 01:27:52,142 --> 01:27:55,019 If you ever need me again, you know where to find me! 542 01:29:00,127 --> 01:29:04,380 As a victorious Barbarian sword once shattered the mask, 543 01:29:04,464 --> 01:29:08,134 so shall a vanquished Barbarian sword revive it. 544 01:30:12,074 --> 01:30:13,240 Pureblood. 545 01:30:30,175 --> 01:30:31,383 Behold 546 01:30:32,969 --> 01:30:34,345 and despair 547 01:30:36,056 --> 01:30:37,681 your new master. 548 01:30:48,693 --> 01:30:50,194 Maliva! 549 01:30:51,154 --> 01:30:52,613 My queen! 550 01:30:53,698 --> 01:30:55,950 Hear my call! 551 01:32:21,953 --> 01:32:23,245 Barbarian. 552 01:32:23,330 --> 01:32:25,331 I don't like you any more. 553 01:32:57,656 --> 01:32:58,989 Jump to the ledge! 554 01:33:02,702 --> 01:33:05,037 Get up! Hide! 555 01:33:17,467 --> 01:33:18,801 That was your chance, Khalar. 556 01:33:19,010 --> 01:33:20,052 And you won't get another. 557 01:33:58,591 --> 01:34:00,301 I smell you. 558 01:34:23,366 --> 01:34:24,575 Conan! 559 01:34:42,969 --> 01:34:44,970 Barbarian! 560 01:34:45,055 --> 01:34:48,932 You're too late. She belongs to me! 561 01:35:45,490 --> 01:35:46,573 Die! 562 01:35:57,710 --> 01:36:00,712 Get out! Tamara, run! Run! 563 01:36:26,197 --> 01:36:31,201 I'm going to kill you with your own father's blade. 564 01:36:41,796 --> 01:36:43,714 You are not worthy of my father's sword. 565 01:36:53,808 --> 01:36:55,058 Come. 566 01:36:57,437 --> 01:36:59,188 Come on. 567 01:37:18,750 --> 01:37:19,958 Get up. 568 01:37:57,789 --> 01:37:59,373 Go! 569 01:38:01,251 --> 01:38:02,459 Run! 570 01:38:28,152 --> 01:38:32,990 Barbarian! I'm coming for you! 571 01:38:36,953 --> 01:38:38,078 Tamara! 572 01:39:03,021 --> 01:39:04,229 Maliva! 573 01:39:07,358 --> 01:39:09,526 I summon you here. 574 01:39:16,993 --> 01:39:18,410 His witch possesses me. 575 01:39:18,870 --> 01:39:20,287 I can't fight her. 576 01:39:20,371 --> 01:39:21,580 No! 577 01:39:22,749 --> 01:39:24,207 Drop me, Conan, please! 578 01:39:25,001 --> 01:39:30,505 Once again, the little Cimmerian boy is caught holding a chain. 579 01:39:30,590 --> 01:39:36,011 Let me go! 580 01:39:41,059 --> 01:39:42,142 Boy. 581 01:39:42,226 --> 01:39:44,978 There is no shame in kneeling before me. 582 01:39:46,356 --> 01:39:47,648 Conan, please! 583 01:39:47,732 --> 01:39:49,441 She will live forever. 584 01:39:49,525 --> 01:39:51,109 Drop the chain. 585 01:39:51,944 --> 01:39:53,528 Let go of the chain, Conan. 586 01:39:53,613 --> 01:39:56,573 And let another die in your place? 587 01:39:58,242 --> 01:39:59,826 Like your father? 588 01:40:01,371 --> 01:40:02,454 Drop me! 589 01:40:02,538 --> 01:40:06,792 I warned him that one day 590 01:40:07,502 --> 01:40:09,961 I would become a god. 591 01:40:16,344 --> 01:40:20,597 And my father warned you, god or not... 592 01:40:23,142 --> 01:40:24,142 Let me go! 593 01:40:24,227 --> 01:40:25,310 You will fall! 594 01:40:31,359 --> 01:40:35,529 Maliva! 595 01:40:59,011 --> 01:41:00,887 Give me your hand. 596 01:42:11,042 --> 01:42:12,751 Thank you for bringing me home. 597 01:42:13,294 --> 01:42:14,544 I know you have to leave. 598 01:42:14,629 --> 01:42:15,712 Live well, Tamara. 599 01:42:17,548 --> 01:42:19,341 Till we meet again. 600 01:43:38,838 --> 01:43:41,631 This sword we make will be yours one day. 601 01:43:42,633 --> 01:43:47,470 But before you wield it, you must understand it.