1 00:00:00,467 --> 00:00:01,601 (Male announcer) Previously on Heroes... 2 00:00:01,634 --> 00:00:03,300 Of all of them... 3 00:00:03,334 --> 00:00:05,534 I never expected it would be you. 4 00:00:06,567 --> 00:00:07,901 Kaito! 5 00:00:13,001 --> 00:00:14,034 This thing we can do, 6 00:00:14,067 --> 00:00:15,267 It only begins 7 00:00:15,301 --> 00:00:16,234 At reading minds. 8 00:00:16,267 --> 00:00:18,500 And then it becomes so much more. 9 00:00:18,533 --> 00:00:20,301 Gah! 10 00:00:21,434 --> 00:00:22,700 (Mr. Bennet) Isaac Mendez. 11 00:00:22,734 --> 00:00:24,468 Everything he's ever painted has come true. 12 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:25,434 Have they given you a gun? 13 00:00:25,468 --> 00:00:26,834 (Bob) her name is Claire Bennet. 14 00:00:26,867 --> 00:00:29,234 You remember her father, Noah? 15 00:00:29,267 --> 00:00:30,368 You're saying we should kill him? 16 00:00:30,401 --> 00:00:31,533 I'm saying we should be prepared. 17 00:00:31,567 --> 00:00:33,201 I have been working with bennet 18 00:00:33,234 --> 00:00:34,734 To take down this company. 19 00:00:34,767 --> 00:00:36,967 Why are you telling me this now? 20 00:00:37,001 --> 00:00:38,301 He found us. 21 00:00:38,334 --> 00:00:39,533 The man who abducted me. 22 00:00:39,567 --> 00:00:40,867 We've gotta get out of here. 23 00:00:40,900 --> 00:00:42,234 That's what i've been trying to tell you. 24 00:00:42,267 --> 00:00:43,700 The guy in the glasses is my father. 25 00:00:43,734 --> 00:00:44,767 (Noah) it's not safe here anymore. 26 00:00:44,800 --> 00:00:46,434 Pack your bags. We're moving. 27 00:00:50,167 --> 00:00:52,001 [Tape peeling] 28 00:00:56,533 --> 00:00:58,767 [Dishes clatter] 29 00:00:58,800 --> 00:01:00,134 What are you wearing? 30 00:01:00,167 --> 00:01:02,567 My uniform. 31 00:01:02,600 --> 00:01:04,101 I have a pep rally today. 32 00:01:04,134 --> 00:01:05,767 Well, maybe i didn't make myself clear. 33 00:01:05,800 --> 00:01:07,034 We're leaving costa verde today. 34 00:01:07,067 --> 00:01:10,167 You made yourself plenty clear. 35 00:01:10,201 --> 00:01:11,201 I'm not leaving. 36 00:01:11,234 --> 00:01:12,900 Go change out of that outfit 37 00:01:12,934 --> 00:01:15,001 Or i will-- Or you'll what? 38 00:01:15,034 --> 00:01:16,734 Abduct me? 39 00:01:16,767 --> 00:01:19,067 Experiment on me? Erase my memory? 40 00:01:19,101 --> 00:01:21,267 That's what you did, isn't it, dad? 41 00:01:21,301 --> 00:01:22,700 And then you inject them with some sort of-- 42 00:01:22,734 --> 00:01:25,067 You are talking about things you don't understand. 43 00:01:25,101 --> 00:01:28,201 Actually, i do understand. 44 00:01:28,234 --> 00:01:30,301 You abducted west. 45 00:01:31,867 --> 00:01:32,867 What? 46 00:01:32,900 --> 00:01:34,533 When he was, like, 12. 47 00:01:34,567 --> 00:01:36,334 When he saw you yesterday, 48 00:01:36,368 --> 00:01:38,201 I have never seen anyone 49 00:01:38,234 --> 00:01:39,267 So terrified. 50 00:01:39,301 --> 00:01:40,500 What are you talking about, claire? 51 00:01:40,533 --> 00:01:42,567 Dad does not abduct people. 52 00:01:42,600 --> 00:01:44,500 Dad is a bad guy, lyle. He's a liar. 53 00:01:44,533 --> 00:01:46,201 Don't listen to a word he says. 54 00:01:46,234 --> 00:01:47,101 Claire! 55 00:01:47,134 --> 00:01:49,468 Would you stop defending him? 56 00:01:49,500 --> 00:01:51,468 That's all you do. I mean, look at us! 57 00:01:51,500 --> 00:01:53,667 Moving, lying, changing our names. 58 00:01:53,700 --> 00:01:55,267 All i want is for you to have 59 00:01:55,301 --> 00:01:57,101 A safe and normal life. 60 00:01:57,134 --> 00:01:58,633 This isn't about me. 61 00:01:58,667 --> 00:02:01,201 This is all about you and the things you've done. 62 00:02:01,234 --> 00:02:04,034 If you and your boyfriend hadn't showboated, none of-- 63 00:02:04,067 --> 00:02:07,067 Stop using that as an excuse. 64 00:02:07,101 --> 00:02:09,301 No matter what i do, 65 00:02:09,334 --> 00:02:11,001 This is never gonna end, is it, dad? 66 00:02:11,034 --> 00:02:13,567 We'll always be running. 67 00:02:15,500 --> 00:02:17,401 Do not walk out of that door! 68 00:02:20,900 --> 00:02:24,167 What are you gonna do... tie me up? 69 00:02:24,201 --> 00:02:27,267 If i have to. 70 00:02:28,334 --> 00:02:29,900 Enough! 71 00:02:29,934 --> 00:02:32,167 Noah, put down the tape. 72 00:02:32,201 --> 00:02:34,368 Claire, go to school, say good-Bye to your friends, 73 00:02:34,401 --> 00:02:35,334 Then come right home. 74 00:02:35,368 --> 00:02:36,934 We are leaving tonight. You got it? 75 00:02:40,201 --> 00:02:42,700 I hate you. 76 00:02:52,934 --> 00:02:55,800 [Chanting] 77 00:02:55,834 --> 00:02:58,967 Heroes Chapter 9 "Cautionary Tales" 78 00:02:59,001 --> 00:03:03,734 [Bell chiming] 79 00:04:26,900 --> 00:04:28,267 I do not take 80 00:04:28,301 --> 00:04:30,201 Death threats idly. 81 00:04:30,234 --> 00:04:32,034 So you think one of us sent these? 82 00:04:32,067 --> 00:04:34,934 (Kaito) yes, for the pain we caused. 83 00:04:34,967 --> 00:04:36,834 The people we have killed. 84 00:04:36,867 --> 00:04:39,034 There is no end to our suffering. 85 00:04:46,334 --> 00:04:48,101 Good morning. 86 00:04:48,134 --> 00:04:50,101 Morning! 87 00:04:50,134 --> 00:04:51,334 How'd you sleep? 88 00:04:51,368 --> 00:04:52,434 On my pillow. 89 00:04:52,468 --> 00:04:53,967 No nightmares, no nightmare man? 90 00:04:54,001 --> 00:04:55,001 No. 91 00:04:55,034 --> 00:04:56,334 Good. 92 00:04:58,500 --> 00:05:00,167 What were you looking at? 93 00:05:02,533 --> 00:05:03,734 That's a puzzle. 94 00:05:03,767 --> 00:05:06,167 People in that photo fit together somehow. 95 00:05:06,201 --> 00:05:07,900 Some of 'em got hurt, and i'm trying to find the rest 96 00:05:07,934 --> 00:05:09,001 So that no one else has to. 97 00:05:09,034 --> 00:05:10,867 I can find them for you. 98 00:05:10,900 --> 00:05:11,867 No. 99 00:05:11,900 --> 00:05:12,934 No, you won't. 100 00:05:12,967 --> 00:05:14,001 I made that mistake once. 101 00:05:14,034 --> 00:05:15,167 I'm never gonna ask you to do that again. 102 00:05:15,201 --> 00:05:16,401 Sit down, eat breakfast. 103 00:05:16,434 --> 00:05:18,101 I want you to be a normal little girl. 104 00:05:18,134 --> 00:05:21,201 I'm not normal. I can find people. 105 00:05:23,301 --> 00:05:24,334 All right, you wanna help? 106 00:05:24,368 --> 00:05:26,368 Come here. 107 00:05:27,267 --> 00:05:28,434 [Grunts] if you wanna help, 108 00:05:28,468 --> 00:05:30,334 Help me put the nightmare man behind us, 109 00:05:30,368 --> 00:05:31,633 So we can get back to normal. 110 00:05:31,667 --> 00:05:33,834 Okay? And just be a little girl. 111 00:05:33,867 --> 00:05:35,401 Go to school, have fun. 112 00:05:35,434 --> 00:05:39,368 And i'll be... an underpaid cop. 113 00:05:39,401 --> 00:05:41,700 Deal? 114 00:05:43,134 --> 00:05:44,900 But why can't we? 115 00:05:46,800 --> 00:05:49,700 [Matt thinking] just do it, okay? 116 00:05:49,734 --> 00:05:51,401 For me? 117 00:05:53,001 --> 00:05:56,267 Okay, i'll do it for you. 118 00:05:56,301 --> 00:05:58,167 Back to normal. 119 00:06:05,368 --> 00:06:08,067 [Thinking] come back and finish your cereal. 120 00:06:18,934 --> 00:06:21,700 [Small crowd chattering] 121 00:06:21,734 --> 00:06:24,134 [Splash in swimming pool] 122 00:06:26,700 --> 00:06:28,667 Welcome to Costa Verde. 123 00:06:28,700 --> 00:06:30,001 How we gonna do this? 124 00:06:30,034 --> 00:06:30,967 Swiftly. 125 00:06:31,001 --> 00:06:32,767 We grab claire, we take out her father. 126 00:06:32,800 --> 00:06:33,834 We get out. 127 00:06:33,867 --> 00:06:35,600 When you say "take out," you mean kill? 128 00:06:35,633 --> 00:06:37,368 It is a euphemism. 129 00:06:37,401 --> 00:06:38,434 Word choice aside, 130 00:06:38,468 --> 00:06:40,267 I never agreed to take out anybody. 131 00:06:40,301 --> 00:06:42,101 You were loyal to bennet. I get that. 132 00:06:42,134 --> 00:06:44,167 The two of you were going to take down the company. 133 00:06:44,201 --> 00:06:47,034 But you made the right choice in telling me the truth. 134 00:06:47,067 --> 00:06:48,301 I'm not choosing sides. 135 00:06:48,334 --> 00:06:50,301 This is about claire's blood curing niki. 136 00:06:50,334 --> 00:06:51,600 I'm just trying to do the right thing 137 00:06:51,633 --> 00:06:52,800 For everyone. 138 00:06:52,834 --> 00:06:54,600 That's what i like about you, Dr. Suresh. 139 00:06:54,633 --> 00:06:56,368 Your moral compass always faces 140 00:06:56,401 --> 00:06:57,633 True north. 141 00:06:57,667 --> 00:06:59,667 Which is why you're going to get a new partner. 142 00:06:59,700 --> 00:07:01,201 One who can execute. 143 00:07:01,234 --> 00:07:04,633 One whose compass faces north-Northwest. 144 00:07:04,667 --> 00:07:07,368 I hope you're using sunscreen. 145 00:07:07,401 --> 00:07:11,067 Ugh. Overprotective, much? 146 00:07:11,101 --> 00:07:12,134 Dr. Suresh, 147 00:07:12,167 --> 00:07:14,600 I would like you to meet my daughter, elle. 148 00:07:14,633 --> 00:07:16,468 Your daughter? 149 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:18,468 She's the executioner? 150 00:07:21,001 --> 00:07:23,934 What's your super power... punching bag? 151 00:07:23,967 --> 00:07:26,700 Have you been working on your sharp shooting? 152 00:07:26,734 --> 00:07:28,500 I don't want you to get too close to bennet. 153 00:07:28,533 --> 00:07:31,633 Hey, fight club... check this out. 154 00:07:58,434 --> 00:08:00,367 What's your deal? 155 00:08:02,901 --> 00:08:04,901 I figured this was your flight path to school. 156 00:08:04,934 --> 00:08:07,001 You don't have to pretend anymore, Claire. 157 00:08:07,034 --> 00:08:09,034 The jig is kinda up, spy girl. 158 00:08:09,068 --> 00:08:10,600 I'm not pretending. 159 00:08:10,634 --> 00:08:13,867 And i'm not a spy, i swear. 160 00:08:13,901 --> 00:08:15,967 I'm just... 161 00:08:21,101 --> 00:08:23,168 I'm just a cheerleader. 162 00:08:25,034 --> 00:08:27,534 So this is all a big coincidence? 163 00:08:27,567 --> 00:08:29,434 That your dad just happens to be the guy 164 00:08:29,467 --> 00:08:30,767 Who abducted me? 165 00:08:32,667 --> 00:08:33,834 Then why didn't you just tell me? 166 00:08:33,867 --> 00:08:36,001 I was selfish. 167 00:08:36,034 --> 00:08:37,267 You liked me. 168 00:08:37,300 --> 00:08:38,300 You were like me. 169 00:08:38,333 --> 00:08:39,600 And i thought... 170 00:08:39,634 --> 00:08:42,233 That if i told you... 171 00:08:42,267 --> 00:08:44,600 It would just mess everything up. 172 00:08:46,867 --> 00:08:48,634 And i guess it did. 173 00:08:51,600 --> 00:08:54,367 My family's leaving town. 174 00:08:54,400 --> 00:08:56,701 When? 175 00:08:56,734 --> 00:09:00,634 Tonight. 176 00:09:00,667 --> 00:09:03,901 But i'm not going with them. 177 00:09:03,934 --> 00:09:06,634 I'm staying here because of you. 178 00:09:10,434 --> 00:09:12,667 I wanna believe you. 179 00:09:15,801 --> 00:09:17,701 But i don't. 180 00:09:23,400 --> 00:09:25,667 I need to go figure things out. 181 00:09:36,701 --> 00:09:39,001 Yes, i've been on hold waiting for a special agent-- 182 00:09:39,034 --> 00:09:40,834 No, some of that interdepartmental cooperation 183 00:09:40,867 --> 00:09:42,333 I've been hearing so much about on the news. 184 00:09:42,367 --> 00:09:43,934 [Sardonic chuckle] 185 00:09:43,967 --> 00:09:46,134 Yes, i'll hold. 186 00:09:46,168 --> 00:09:47,567 [Dial tone] 187 00:09:47,600 --> 00:09:48,534 What are you doing? 188 00:09:48,567 --> 00:09:49,567 I was on hold with the fbi. 189 00:09:49,600 --> 00:09:50,667 Well, i want you to tell me 190 00:09:50,701 --> 00:09:52,701 Why you're on hold with the fbi. 191 00:09:52,734 --> 00:09:54,068 Because i'm trying to get some information 192 00:09:54,101 --> 00:09:55,001 On the kaito nakamura case. 193 00:09:55,034 --> 00:09:56,701 The kaito nakamura case is closed. 194 00:09:56,734 --> 00:09:58,667 Angela petrelli confessed, partner. 195 00:09:58,701 --> 00:10:00,134 Yeah, but she didn't do it. 196 00:10:00,168 --> 00:10:01,734 There's something bigger going on here. 197 00:10:01,767 --> 00:10:03,500 I don't know what it is, but these guys are involved 198 00:10:03,534 --> 00:10:05,367 In some kind of, uh, organization, 199 00:10:05,400 --> 00:10:06,567 Like from back in the '70s. 200 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:08,101 Like a disco? 201 00:10:08,134 --> 00:10:10,233 No...no. Like a research facility. 202 00:10:10,267 --> 00:10:11,467 I was there yesterday. 203 00:10:11,500 --> 00:10:14,600 All these guys--Nakamura, linderman, arthur petrelli, 204 00:10:14,634 --> 00:10:17,068 My dad, and this adam monroe guy. 205 00:10:17,101 --> 00:10:18,567 Your dad? 206 00:10:18,600 --> 00:10:19,667 Yeah. 207 00:10:19,701 --> 00:10:20,734 Let it go. 208 00:10:20,767 --> 00:10:22,001 You got real work to do. 209 00:10:22,034 --> 00:10:23,801 This is real work! 210 00:10:23,834 --> 00:10:25,634 And it's important. Lives could be at stake. 211 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:28,168 Your job could be at stake if you keep this up, parkman. 212 00:10:28,200 --> 00:10:30,634 Now, i need you back on the planet earth. 213 00:10:30,667 --> 00:10:31,901 You got me? 214 00:10:36,168 --> 00:10:38,068 No. 215 00:10:39,168 --> 00:10:41,867 Excuse me, detective? 216 00:10:43,233 --> 00:10:44,534 [Thinking] give me 24 hours. 217 00:10:44,567 --> 00:10:46,834 Let me talk to angela petrelli again. 218 00:10:48,767 --> 00:10:49,834 Tell you what. 219 00:10:49,867 --> 00:10:51,233 You got 24 hours. 220 00:10:51,267 --> 00:10:53,168 Talk to angela petrelli again. 221 00:10:53,200 --> 00:10:54,367 Then you're done. 222 00:10:54,400 --> 00:10:56,168 Thank you. 223 00:10:56,200 --> 00:10:57,333 Great idea. 224 00:11:03,434 --> 00:11:05,001 Is this him? 225 00:11:05,034 --> 00:11:07,634 (Sandra) he looks a lot younger there. 226 00:11:07,667 --> 00:11:09,400 Well, apparently, he can fly. 227 00:11:11,233 --> 00:11:13,667 Did you really do what claire said? 228 00:11:13,701 --> 00:11:17,034 Abduct him when he was just a boy? 229 00:11:17,068 --> 00:11:19,001 I thought we were doing good. 230 00:11:19,034 --> 00:11:20,034 Saving the world. 231 00:11:20,068 --> 00:11:21,434 Honestly, i don't know why 232 00:11:21,467 --> 00:11:23,667 I'm not getting in the car with the kids and leaving you. 233 00:11:26,034 --> 00:11:28,500 Come here. I want to show you something. 234 00:11:29,834 --> 00:11:31,667 Remember that painting i showed you? 235 00:11:31,701 --> 00:11:33,034 The death of kaito nakamura. 236 00:11:33,068 --> 00:11:35,068 Kind of hard to forget a story 237 00:11:35,101 --> 00:11:36,867 About a man who can paint the future. 238 00:11:36,901 --> 00:11:38,200 Well, that was one of eight. 239 00:11:38,233 --> 00:11:39,934 I found the other seven yesterday. 240 00:11:41,500 --> 00:11:42,834 That's claire, isn't it? 241 00:11:44,101 --> 00:11:45,567 Is that... claire's right. 242 00:11:45,600 --> 00:11:48,567 It's all about me. 243 00:11:50,367 --> 00:11:52,500 And this man with the gun, 244 00:11:52,534 --> 00:11:53,467 Is he gonna shoot you? 245 00:11:53,500 --> 00:11:54,801 Believe me, i've considered it. 246 00:11:54,834 --> 00:11:56,467 But suresh is one of the good guys. 247 00:11:56,500 --> 00:11:58,567 And you think west has something to do with it? 248 00:11:58,600 --> 00:11:59,667 I don't know, but west is the reason 249 00:11:59,701 --> 00:12:00,767 Why claire won't leave town. 250 00:12:00,801 --> 00:12:02,734 And i need to talk to him. 251 00:12:04,267 --> 00:12:06,734 It's all falling apart. 252 00:12:08,967 --> 00:12:12,567 I really need you now. 253 00:12:20,967 --> 00:12:23,233 I'm gonna... take lyle to school. 254 00:12:31,834 --> 00:12:33,034 [Cell phone ringing] 255 00:12:33,068 --> 00:12:34,233 Hello. 256 00:12:34,267 --> 00:12:35,967 Is molly well enough to use her ability? 257 00:12:36,001 --> 00:12:37,233 (Mohinder) why? 258 00:12:37,267 --> 00:12:38,701 I need to track down a boy, 259 00:12:38,734 --> 00:12:41,134 And i don't have time to run all over costa verde. 260 00:12:41,168 --> 00:12:42,667 His name is west rosen. 261 00:12:42,701 --> 00:12:44,068 Are you okay? You sound-- 262 00:12:44,101 --> 00:12:45,367 Can you do it or not? 263 00:12:46,701 --> 00:12:47,967 Yes, of course. 264 00:12:48,967 --> 00:12:50,667 Mohinder... yeah? 265 00:12:50,701 --> 00:12:52,101 Just... 266 00:12:54,634 --> 00:12:56,034 Thank you. 267 00:13:04,434 --> 00:13:06,200 [Seagulls calling] 268 00:13:06,233 --> 00:13:08,068 That was bennet. 269 00:13:08,101 --> 00:13:10,101 Does he know we're here? 270 00:13:10,134 --> 00:13:11,101 No. 271 00:13:11,134 --> 00:13:12,534 He just wanted some information. 272 00:13:12,567 --> 00:13:14,200 A location of a boy. 273 00:13:15,500 --> 00:13:17,600 Maybe we can use this to our advantage. 274 00:13:17,634 --> 00:13:19,934 How so? 275 00:13:19,967 --> 00:13:21,068 We feed him a false location. 276 00:13:21,101 --> 00:13:22,734 We isolate him. We get him away from claire. 277 00:13:22,767 --> 00:13:24,367 We don't have to kill him. 278 00:13:24,400 --> 00:13:25,467 Do you know what happens 279 00:13:25,500 --> 00:13:28,001 When you change your plans mid-Stream? 280 00:13:28,034 --> 00:13:29,834 No. 281 00:13:29,867 --> 00:13:32,467 Neither do i. 282 00:13:32,500 --> 00:13:34,934 Because we don't do it. 283 00:13:34,967 --> 00:13:36,333 Let me put it this way. 284 00:13:36,367 --> 00:13:39,034 We do it my way, or i blow the whistle right now. 285 00:13:39,068 --> 00:13:40,400 Tell bennet everything. 286 00:13:40,434 --> 00:13:41,734 Bennet is dangerous. 287 00:13:41,767 --> 00:13:43,134 You saw what he did 288 00:13:43,168 --> 00:13:45,068 To his mentor in the ukraine. 289 00:13:45,101 --> 00:13:46,600 Don't you think if push came to shove, 290 00:13:46,634 --> 00:13:48,567 He's do the same to you? 291 00:13:48,600 --> 00:13:50,534 No. 292 00:13:50,567 --> 00:13:51,701 I don't. 293 00:13:51,734 --> 00:13:54,434 He's adorable. 294 00:13:56,834 --> 00:13:58,367 Can i keep him? 295 00:14:01,467 --> 00:14:05,300 Okay...we do it the doctor's way. 296 00:14:14,767 --> 00:14:17,333 (Kaito) i sought redemption 297 00:14:17,367 --> 00:14:20,734 By helping hiro fulfill his destiny 298 00:14:20,767 --> 00:14:23,767 To save the world. 299 00:14:23,801 --> 00:14:26,701 How did you help your son? 300 00:14:32,134 --> 00:14:34,567 I'm leaving for japan tonight. 301 00:14:34,600 --> 00:14:37,567 I suggest you disappear as well. 302 00:16:03,967 --> 00:16:05,500 Where are you going? 303 00:16:05,534 --> 00:16:07,134 I can't just wait around. 304 00:16:08,300 --> 00:16:10,534 He goes to school with Claire. 305 00:16:20,667 --> 00:16:21,734 Remember me? 306 00:16:21,767 --> 00:16:23,400 Then you know i don't have super strength. 307 00:16:23,434 --> 00:16:25,167 I can't hold on forever. 308 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:28,467 What do you want? Answers! 309 00:16:28,501 --> 00:16:30,300 We took you to study your abilities! 310 00:16:30,334 --> 00:16:31,868 I don't care about any of that! 311 00:16:31,901 --> 00:16:34,334 Claire! Is she working with you? 312 00:16:34,367 --> 00:16:35,300 Or for you? 313 00:16:35,334 --> 00:16:37,133 Did she ever really care about me? 314 00:16:37,167 --> 00:16:39,801 Claire never even mentioned you existed! 315 00:16:39,834 --> 00:16:42,067 You hear me? 316 00:16:42,100 --> 00:16:44,167 She lied to me! 317 00:16:44,200 --> 00:16:46,434 So i'm guessing you're pretty important to her. 318 00:16:50,267 --> 00:16:53,300 [Both grunting and panting] 319 00:16:56,868 --> 00:16:58,467 Aah! Agh! 320 00:16:58,501 --> 00:16:59,567 [Grunting] 321 00:16:59,601 --> 00:17:01,934 You listen to me very carefully. 322 00:17:01,968 --> 00:17:05,200 I am taking claire. We are leaving town. 323 00:17:05,234 --> 00:17:07,934 And you are gonna convince her that's the right thing to do. 324 00:17:07,968 --> 00:17:09,634 [Cell phone ringing] 325 00:17:12,067 --> 00:17:14,100 Hello. I just spoke to molly. 326 00:17:14,133 --> 00:17:16,701 She's located west. He's in Costa Verde. 327 00:17:16,734 --> 00:17:17,934 Corner of Verbena and Palm. 328 00:17:17,968 --> 00:17:20,100 Right now? 329 00:17:20,133 --> 00:17:21,534 Are you sure? 330 00:17:21,567 --> 00:17:22,901 Molly's ability has pinpoint accuracy. 331 00:17:22,934 --> 00:17:24,501 But i can't guarantee that he'll be there forever. 332 00:17:24,534 --> 00:17:26,834 You should get there quickly. 333 00:17:28,100 --> 00:17:29,701 Okay. 334 00:17:29,734 --> 00:17:32,267 I'll head right over. 335 00:17:38,901 --> 00:17:41,167 What's going on? 336 00:17:41,200 --> 00:17:43,000 Claire's in danger. 337 00:17:45,400 --> 00:17:47,367 I need your help. 338 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:50,267 [Rock music playing] 339 00:17:53,267 --> 00:17:54,901 Claire butler, 340 00:17:54,934 --> 00:17:56,133 Bring it on in! 341 00:17:59,400 --> 00:18:01,400 Hey, we missed you this morning. 342 00:18:01,434 --> 00:18:03,167 Is everything okay? 343 00:18:03,200 --> 00:18:04,868 Yeah, everything's great. 344 00:18:04,901 --> 00:18:06,300 Good. 345 00:18:06,334 --> 00:18:07,534 Come here. 346 00:18:07,567 --> 00:18:10,334 This is Mr. Bishop from the state board of education. 347 00:18:10,367 --> 00:18:13,033 He needs to talk to you about the debbie incident. 348 00:18:14,400 --> 00:18:17,234 Please...call me Bob. 349 00:18:17,267 --> 00:18:19,234 Am i in trouble? No, no, no. 350 00:18:19,267 --> 00:18:20,601 Just wanna ask you a couple questions. 351 00:18:20,634 --> 00:18:21,601 May we walk? 352 00:18:21,634 --> 00:18:23,267 Yeah, sure. 353 00:18:25,467 --> 00:18:28,901 We take underage drinking very seriously. 354 00:18:28,934 --> 00:18:29,901 Of course. 355 00:18:29,934 --> 00:18:31,534 You haven't seen any other incidents 356 00:18:31,567 --> 00:18:34,033 Of drinking, hazing? 357 00:18:34,067 --> 00:18:35,033 No, sir, none. 358 00:18:35,067 --> 00:18:36,934 You wouldn't lie to me, would you? 359 00:18:36,968 --> 00:18:38,033 No, sir. 360 00:18:38,067 --> 00:18:39,534 Because an incident like this 361 00:18:39,567 --> 00:18:40,968 Can ruin a girl's life. 362 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:43,534 You wouldn't wanna do that, would you, miss bennet? 363 00:18:46,300 --> 00:18:47,901 What did you just call me? 364 00:19:00,601 --> 00:19:02,534 [Slurp] 365 00:19:06,367 --> 00:19:08,000 Have you killed many people? 366 00:19:08,033 --> 00:19:11,000 How is that any of your business? 367 00:19:11,033 --> 00:19:13,300 I guess it's not. 368 00:19:16,400 --> 00:19:19,133 Bennet. 369 00:19:19,167 --> 00:19:20,934 Let me talk to him first. 370 00:19:20,968 --> 00:19:22,634 Alone. 371 00:19:22,667 --> 00:19:24,667 You sure? 372 00:19:24,701 --> 00:19:25,801 I am. 373 00:19:25,834 --> 00:19:27,167 He trusts me. 374 00:19:35,601 --> 00:19:37,133 What are you doing here? 375 00:19:37,167 --> 00:19:38,434 I'm sorry i lied to you. 376 00:19:38,467 --> 00:19:40,167 I only have a second. You have to listen to me. 377 00:19:40,200 --> 00:19:41,901 Are they forcing you to do this? 378 00:19:41,934 --> 00:19:42,901 Do they have molly? 379 00:19:42,934 --> 00:19:44,968 Nobody is forcing me to do anything. 380 00:19:45,000 --> 00:19:47,567 I'm here to ask you to give us claire. 381 00:19:47,601 --> 00:19:50,567 We need her blood. 382 00:19:50,601 --> 00:19:53,467 You've gone native. 383 00:19:53,501 --> 00:19:55,167 Are you kidding me? 384 00:19:55,200 --> 00:19:57,934 She'll be returned to you safe, unharmed. 385 00:19:57,968 --> 00:19:59,100 You have my word. 386 00:19:59,133 --> 00:20:00,868 No offense, mohinder, 387 00:20:00,901 --> 00:20:02,801 But your word isn't what it used to be. 388 00:20:02,834 --> 00:20:05,267 Claire is very important to the work we're doing. 389 00:20:05,300 --> 00:20:06,701 She can save lives. 390 00:20:06,734 --> 00:20:09,033 "The work we're doing." You sound like me ten years ago. 391 00:20:09,067 --> 00:20:11,567 This is what they do: they indoctrinate you. 392 00:20:11,601 --> 00:20:13,834 I couldn't have been more clear about this 393 00:20:13,868 --> 00:20:15,300 When you agreed to go in. 394 00:20:15,334 --> 00:20:17,400 They're not who you think they are. 395 00:20:17,434 --> 00:20:19,501 They are not getting claire. 396 00:20:19,534 --> 00:20:22,701 I have to do what i think is right. 397 00:20:22,734 --> 00:20:24,167 Start driving. 398 00:20:26,267 --> 00:20:28,667 Please. 399 00:20:28,701 --> 00:20:29,701 Dad! 400 00:20:30,734 --> 00:20:32,267 Mom?! 401 00:20:32,300 --> 00:20:34,434 Lyle! 402 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:41,868 Aah! 403 00:20:41,901 --> 00:20:43,834 Claire? Mom! 404 00:20:43,868 --> 00:20:45,267 This guy showed up at my school. 405 00:20:45,300 --> 00:20:46,767 He knew our real name. What? 406 00:20:46,801 --> 00:20:48,100 Dad was right. 407 00:20:48,133 --> 00:20:49,234 I messed up, and they found us. 408 00:20:49,267 --> 00:20:50,400 We gotta go. Go where? 409 00:20:50,434 --> 00:20:51,601 What is this? 410 00:20:51,634 --> 00:20:53,234 That's why your father's 411 00:20:53,267 --> 00:20:55,467 Been acting so strangely-- He thinks that's gonna happen. 412 00:20:55,501 --> 00:20:56,968 Isaac mendez... 413 00:20:57,000 --> 00:20:59,167 He was a very talented artist, 414 00:20:59,200 --> 00:21:00,901 And incredibly accurate. 415 00:21:02,167 --> 00:21:04,167 Good to see you again, sandra. 416 00:21:04,200 --> 00:21:05,868 You know him? 417 00:21:05,901 --> 00:21:07,334 Yeah. 418 00:21:07,367 --> 00:21:09,267 He was the regional sales manager 419 00:21:09,300 --> 00:21:11,234 Of primatech paper. 420 00:21:20,567 --> 00:21:21,667 So who's your partner? 421 00:21:21,701 --> 00:21:22,868 Excuse me? 422 00:21:22,901 --> 00:21:24,300 Company policy. 423 00:21:24,334 --> 00:21:26,834 One of them, one of us. 424 00:21:26,868 --> 00:21:29,767 Who's yours? 425 00:21:34,801 --> 00:21:36,234 Elle, huh? 426 00:21:37,501 --> 00:21:38,634 You know her? 427 00:21:40,534 --> 00:21:41,701 Oh, yeah. 428 00:21:43,334 --> 00:21:45,501 Hey, you. 429 00:22:07,734 --> 00:22:09,601 Uhh! 430 00:22:09,634 --> 00:22:10,801 Ohh! 431 00:22:10,834 --> 00:22:12,267 Uhh! Ohh... 432 00:22:13,467 --> 00:22:15,934 You lie to me, betray me. 433 00:22:15,968 --> 00:22:18,334 You come after my daughter. 434 00:22:21,734 --> 00:22:25,234 How did you think it was gonna end? 435 00:22:27,601 --> 00:22:29,000 Mr. Butler... 436 00:22:29,033 --> 00:22:30,934 What are you doing? 437 00:22:43,734 --> 00:22:45,167 No one's taking my little girl. 438 00:22:45,200 --> 00:22:47,434 Uhh! 439 00:22:50,667 --> 00:22:52,300 Sandra! Claire! 440 00:22:58,534 --> 00:22:59,501 Uhh! He took claire. 441 00:22:59,534 --> 00:23:01,067 Your old boss bob. 442 00:23:01,100 --> 00:23:02,133 What the hell is going on? 443 00:23:02,167 --> 00:23:03,300 It's okay. 444 00:23:03,334 --> 00:23:04,467 We're gonna get her back. 445 00:23:04,501 --> 00:23:05,667 How, noah? 446 00:23:07,000 --> 00:23:08,534 I've got collateral. 447 00:23:08,567 --> 00:23:09,601 What do you mean, collateral? 448 00:23:09,634 --> 00:23:10,734 Hi, mrs. Butler. 449 00:23:11,801 --> 00:23:15,200 It's good to, uh... see you again. 450 00:23:17,167 --> 00:23:19,767 Did you pack mr. Muggles' doggy bath? 451 00:23:37,901 --> 00:23:39,667 I need to speak to your father. 452 00:23:39,701 --> 00:23:42,400 What do you think-- This is my first day? 453 00:23:44,334 --> 00:23:46,601 Aah! 454 00:23:54,300 --> 00:23:57,634 Stings like a bitch, doesn't it? 455 00:24:00,668 --> 00:24:03,668 I know all about your ability, elle. 456 00:24:03,701 --> 00:24:05,768 You don't know anything about me. 457 00:24:05,800 --> 00:24:07,601 I was there. 458 00:24:07,634 --> 00:24:09,634 When your father first brought you in. 459 00:24:09,668 --> 00:24:12,000 You were a normal girl. 460 00:24:12,034 --> 00:24:14,467 Unicorns and rainbows. 461 00:24:14,501 --> 00:24:16,800 And then they started the testing. 462 00:24:16,833 --> 00:24:20,701 The human brain isn't built to take that much electricity. 463 00:24:20,734 --> 00:24:22,601 You poor girl. 464 00:24:22,634 --> 00:24:25,100 My father would never let that happen. 465 00:24:29,000 --> 00:24:32,301 Your father was leading the charge. 466 00:24:32,334 --> 00:24:34,301 I don't remember any of that. 467 00:24:34,334 --> 00:24:36,501 No memories, huh? 468 00:24:36,534 --> 00:24:39,067 Kind of like someone took them away? 469 00:24:39,100 --> 00:24:41,768 Why do you think 470 00:24:41,800 --> 00:24:45,234 I never let the company anywhere near claire? 471 00:24:45,267 --> 00:24:47,200 I didn't want her 472 00:24:47,234 --> 00:24:49,567 To become you. 473 00:24:49,601 --> 00:24:52,234 Now i need to talk to your father 474 00:24:52,267 --> 00:24:54,067 To arrange a trade. 475 00:24:54,100 --> 00:24:56,467 Claire for you. 476 00:24:56,501 --> 00:24:58,867 What if he doesn't wanna make a deal? 477 00:24:58,900 --> 00:25:02,833 You'd be surprised what a father would do for his daughter. 478 00:25:11,701 --> 00:25:13,167 Elle, where are you? 479 00:25:13,200 --> 00:25:16,334 (Noah) you touch my daughter and i'll kill yours. 480 00:25:16,367 --> 00:25:17,267 And then i'll kill you. 481 00:25:17,301 --> 00:25:18,467 (Bob) noah? 482 00:25:18,501 --> 00:25:20,768 We'll be at the imperial beach parking lot 483 00:25:20,833 --> 00:25:22,067 In two hours. 484 00:25:28,401 --> 00:25:30,567 Well, looks like you and i 485 00:25:30,601 --> 00:25:31,867 Are going to the beach. 486 00:25:31,900 --> 00:25:33,867 I'll do whatever you want, okay? 487 00:25:33,900 --> 00:25:35,534 Just promise me you'll leave my dad alone. 488 00:25:35,567 --> 00:25:36,734 I wish it were that easy. 489 00:25:36,768 --> 00:25:38,833 Unfortunately, he's got my daughter. 490 00:25:38,867 --> 00:25:40,933 Let me talk to him. He'll listen to me. 491 00:25:40,967 --> 00:25:42,867 He's not big on the listening. 492 00:25:42,900 --> 00:25:44,867 And once he sets his mind, it's stuck. 493 00:25:44,900 --> 00:25:47,367 Which is why we gave you to him in the first place. 494 00:25:47,401 --> 00:25:50,200 We thought he would be loyal to the end. 495 00:25:50,234 --> 00:25:52,967 Turns out we were right. 496 00:25:56,967 --> 00:25:58,234 It's too bad, really. 497 00:25:58,267 --> 00:26:01,467 You'd be an excellent addition to the team, claire. 498 00:26:01,501 --> 00:26:04,067 You, your blood. 499 00:26:04,100 --> 00:26:06,134 You can help a lot of people. 500 00:26:06,167 --> 00:26:08,701 Good. Take my blood. 501 00:26:08,734 --> 00:26:11,800 Take as much as you want, but leave my dad alone. 502 00:26:11,833 --> 00:26:13,401 No one has to die. 503 00:29:25,401 --> 00:29:26,734 Thanks for your help, west. 504 00:29:26,768 --> 00:29:28,167 Now go on home to your family. 505 00:29:28,200 --> 00:29:29,634 No way! 506 00:29:29,668 --> 00:29:31,067 I'm going with you. 507 00:29:31,100 --> 00:29:32,134 No, it's too dangerous. 508 00:29:32,167 --> 00:29:34,833 Exactly, and i'm the quickest way To get claire out of there. 509 00:29:39,467 --> 00:29:40,668 All right. 510 00:29:40,701 --> 00:29:42,501 You can wait for me in the car, okay? 511 00:29:47,967 --> 00:29:49,434 (Sandra) they say girls tend to find boys 512 00:29:49,467 --> 00:29:51,200 Just like their dads. 513 00:29:51,234 --> 00:29:52,668 Because he can fly? 514 00:29:52,701 --> 00:29:55,200 No, her real dad. 515 00:29:55,234 --> 00:29:58,200 You. 516 00:29:58,234 --> 00:30:00,967 All he cares about is protecting her. 517 00:30:11,434 --> 00:30:13,034 If anything happens... 518 00:30:13,067 --> 00:30:15,434 Nothin' is gonna happen, 519 00:30:15,467 --> 00:30:18,334 Except you bringing Claire back. 520 00:31:41,534 --> 00:31:43,067 Of all of them... 521 00:31:43,100 --> 00:31:47,100 I never expected it would be you. 522 00:31:57,100 --> 00:31:58,768 Hey! 523 00:31:58,800 --> 00:32:00,833 Kaito! Kaito! 524 00:32:01,933 --> 00:32:03,833 Kaito! 525 00:32:18,067 --> 00:32:20,834 Ando... 526 00:33:02,000 --> 00:33:05,067 If you visit me one more time, detective parkman, 527 00:33:05,100 --> 00:33:08,334 I'll expect you to make an honest woman out of me. 528 00:33:08,367 --> 00:33:10,467 That is the plan actually. 529 00:33:10,501 --> 00:33:12,933 [Thinking] are you going to try to read my mind again? 530 00:33:14,734 --> 00:33:17,601 I knew your father when he could do it. 531 00:33:17,634 --> 00:33:19,334 I'm even less impressed with you. 532 00:33:19,367 --> 00:33:21,467 Those marks that you have all over you, 533 00:33:21,501 --> 00:33:23,867 My father made you do that to yourself, didn't he? 534 00:33:23,900 --> 00:33:25,434 Did you know him 535 00:33:25,467 --> 00:33:28,334 When his mind reading became something more? 536 00:33:28,367 --> 00:33:31,100 When pull became push, and then he realized 537 00:33:31,134 --> 00:33:34,634 He could put a thought into anyone's head? 538 00:33:34,668 --> 00:33:36,833 Don't do this. 539 00:33:36,867 --> 00:33:42,734 [Thinking] you are gonna answer Every question i have truthfully. 540 00:33:42,768 --> 00:33:44,534 For once. 541 00:33:47,534 --> 00:33:51,367 Who really killed kaito nakamura? 542 00:33:54,334 --> 00:33:56,501 It was adam. Adam? Monroe? 543 00:33:56,534 --> 00:33:57,967 Your son told me that you and your friends 544 00:33:58,000 --> 00:33:59,234 Locked him up 30 years ago. 545 00:33:59,267 --> 00:34:01,000 Why? He was dangerous. 546 00:34:01,034 --> 00:34:03,034 Dangerous how? Like a bomb? No, worse. 547 00:34:03,067 --> 00:34:05,534 We thought he was just able to heal. 548 00:34:05,567 --> 00:34:07,000 Cellular regeneration. 549 00:34:07,034 --> 00:34:08,301 Like claire, your granddaughter. 550 00:34:08,334 --> 00:34:10,933 What we didn't know is that if your cells 551 00:34:10,967 --> 00:34:13,301 Continually regenerate, 552 00:34:13,334 --> 00:34:15,434 After a while, you stop growing old. 553 00:34:15,467 --> 00:34:17,501 What's old? 554 00:34:17,534 --> 00:34:19,067 400 years. 555 00:34:22,467 --> 00:34:24,134 Do you know where adam is now? 556 00:34:24,167 --> 00:34:25,434 All i know is that he wants revenge 557 00:34:25,467 --> 00:34:26,800 For locking him up, and he's not gonna rest 558 00:34:26,833 --> 00:34:28,134 Until all of us are dead. 559 00:34:28,167 --> 00:34:29,668 All of you are, except for you, bob, 560 00:34:29,701 --> 00:34:30,967 My dad, and this woman in the photo. 561 00:34:31,000 --> 00:34:32,534 Who is this woman? 562 00:34:32,567 --> 00:34:35,100 Please...don't do this. 563 00:34:35,134 --> 00:34:36,501 I need you to tell me the truth. 564 00:34:36,534 --> 00:34:38,501 The truth... 565 00:34:38,534 --> 00:34:40,800 The truth... is that our generation 566 00:34:40,833 --> 00:34:43,167 Mortgaged our souls to protect yours. 567 00:34:43,200 --> 00:34:45,833 Show a little respect for that. 568 00:34:45,867 --> 00:34:49,234 Get over your daddy issues and leave us be! 569 00:34:49,267 --> 00:34:53,367 That's all i want. Believe me. 570 00:34:53,401 --> 00:34:55,933 But adam is still out there, and this woman is on his list. 571 00:34:59,267 --> 00:35:01,734 [Thinking] tell me the truth. 572 00:35:01,768 --> 00:35:04,301 Who is she? 573 00:35:07,900 --> 00:35:11,601 All she wants is to be left alone. 574 00:35:11,634 --> 00:35:13,768 I made her a promise. 575 00:35:15,734 --> 00:35:17,534 If you take this secret from me, 576 00:35:17,567 --> 00:35:19,334 You're not just like your father... 577 00:35:25,601 --> 00:35:27,768 You are him. 578 00:35:37,800 --> 00:35:39,768 What kind of car do you drive? 579 00:35:39,800 --> 00:35:41,367 Excuse me? 580 00:35:41,401 --> 00:35:43,167 I know you can fly, but you're still a teenager. 581 00:35:43,200 --> 00:35:44,234 You do have a car, right? 582 00:35:44,267 --> 00:35:46,467 Yeah, it's a piece of crap suv. 583 00:35:46,501 --> 00:35:48,800 I drove a '52 citroen when i was your age. 584 00:35:48,833 --> 00:35:51,267 Oh, those things are awesome. 585 00:36:06,000 --> 00:36:07,167 Now once we get Claire, 586 00:36:07,200 --> 00:36:09,634 You fly her out immediately. 587 00:36:09,668 --> 00:36:11,200 No matter what else happens. 588 00:36:11,234 --> 00:36:12,634 You understand me? 589 00:36:12,668 --> 00:36:14,267 Yes, sir. 590 00:36:20,034 --> 00:36:22,833 It doesn't have to be this way, noah. 591 00:36:51,601 --> 00:36:53,601 Dad, the painting! 592 00:37:01,701 --> 00:37:03,734 Aah! Claire! 593 00:37:10,467 --> 00:37:12,534 Elle! 594 00:37:13,933 --> 00:37:16,701 No matter what i do... 595 00:37:16,734 --> 00:37:18,768 We'll always be running. 596 00:37:18,800 --> 00:37:22,301 But if you die, bob... 597 00:37:22,334 --> 00:37:26,534 The company dies with you. 598 00:37:26,567 --> 00:37:29,267 (Mohinder) please, don't do this. 599 00:38:30,368 --> 00:38:35,301 The last thing i really said to my dad... 600 00:38:35,334 --> 00:38:38,467 Was "i hate you." 601 00:38:38,500 --> 00:38:42,234 You didn't mean it. 602 00:38:42,268 --> 00:38:43,867 No, i did. 603 00:38:46,301 --> 00:38:49,034 I keep playing it over and over. 604 00:38:51,834 --> 00:38:54,700 How i'll never get a chance to take it back. 605 00:41:56,934 --> 00:41:58,067 Holy-- 606 00:41:58,768 --> 00:42:03,018 To be continued...