1 00:00:00,130 --> 00:00:02,360 Previously on Heroes... 2 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:06,620 You're supposed to be a hero! 3 00:00:08,210 --> 00:00:09,990 I don't think she wants to be my princess. 4 00:00:10,030 --> 00:00:12,710 Dr. Suresh... can we count you in? 5 00:00:12,740 --> 00:00:14,030 He finally took the bait. 6 00:00:14,050 --> 00:00:15,520 They caught up with me in Cairo. 7 00:00:15,560 --> 00:00:16,320 I'm in. 8 00:00:16,330 --> 00:00:19,640 And you and I will bring this whole company down. 9 00:00:19,690 --> 00:00:21,480 We are all in grave danger. 10 00:00:21,490 --> 00:00:23,230 Our past has caught up with us. 11 00:00:23,250 --> 00:00:24,810 No! 12 00:00:25,240 --> 00:00:27,000 - I'm West. - Claire. 13 00:00:27,030 --> 00:00:28,600 Are you one of them? 14 00:00:28,640 --> 00:00:30,140 Or one of the others? 15 00:00:30,230 --> 00:00:33,400 I figured that you'd rather have a real one. 16 00:00:34,880 --> 00:00:35,890 We need to talk about the nightmares. 17 00:00:35,920 --> 00:00:36,890 There's nothing you can do. 18 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:38,870 Molly! I wanna help you. 19 00:00:48,880 --> 00:00:50,130 What the hell are you doing here? 20 00:00:50,150 --> 00:00:50,780 Who are you? 21 00:00:50,790 --> 00:00:51,810 What's your name? 22 00:00:51,820 --> 00:00:52,840 I don't know. 23 00:01:07,890 --> 00:01:09,360 He's awake. 24 00:01:10,430 --> 00:01:11,980 Where am I? 25 00:01:15,600 --> 00:01:16,900 Home. 26 00:01:17,740 --> 00:01:19,780 You took something that's ours, boyle. 27 00:01:20,640 --> 00:01:23,340 Just tell us where you stashed the iPods. 28 00:01:24,510 --> 00:01:25,630 We'll cut your binds. 29 00:01:25,650 --> 00:01:27,440 You'll be on your way. 30 00:01:28,580 --> 00:01:31,150 As square a deal as you're likely to find. 31 00:01:32,150 --> 00:01:34,310 I didn't take anything. 32 00:01:34,450 --> 00:01:35,800 Right. 33 00:01:35,850 --> 00:01:40,350 With the thousands of shipping containers coming through Cork Harbor every day, 34 00:01:40,410 --> 00:01:46,500 you just happen to be having tea in the one we were sent to rob. 35 00:01:46,590 --> 00:01:48,850 I don't know how I got in there. 36 00:01:49,200 --> 00:01:52,170 You might wanna consider remembering, boyle. 37 00:01:52,230 --> 00:01:54,240 You're in a bad spot. 38 00:02:09,730 --> 00:02:10,290 Ahh, dang it all. 39 00:02:10,330 --> 00:02:13,270 My wedding ring fell in with the eggs. 40 00:02:26,440 --> 00:02:29,240 We do have a colander, dear. 41 00:02:29,260 --> 00:02:31,370 No need to be flashy. 42 00:02:31,610 --> 00:02:33,560 It's no big deal. 43 00:02:34,520 --> 00:02:36,590 It isn't until it gets you noticed. 44 00:02:36,630 --> 00:02:37,970 I can't even be myself at home? 45 00:02:37,990 --> 00:02:40,850 It's bad enough that I have to be all fake at school. 46 00:02:40,890 --> 00:02:43,200 We simply asked you to lay low. 47 00:02:44,690 --> 00:02:45,970 High school doesn't work like that, dad. 48 00:02:45,980 --> 00:02:49,110 You lay low, and you get noticed more than anyone. 49 00:02:49,130 --> 00:02:52,070 They have metal detectors for people who lay too low. 50 00:02:52,100 --> 00:02:54,410 I have to be someone. 51 00:02:55,180 --> 00:02:56,180 You know I trust you, Claire. 52 00:02:56,210 --> 00:02:57,520 I mean, we got you your own car. 53 00:02:57,540 --> 00:03:02,190 You know, it may be easy for you to pretend that you're the most boring photocopier in the world. 54 00:03:02,200 --> 00:03:04,870 But I can't not be what I am. 55 00:03:04,910 --> 00:03:05,680 Whatever that is. 56 00:03:05,690 --> 00:03:07,830 Making copies is not my job. 57 00:03:07,880 --> 00:03:09,820 Keeping this family safe is my job. 58 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:11,930 And if that means that I don't have time to make you breakfast in the morning 59 00:03:11,940 --> 00:03:13,930 or I have to dress up in this stupid shirt 60 00:03:13,950 --> 00:03:16,900 so that we stay invisible and nobody finds us... 61 00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:19,740 then that's what I'll do. 62 00:03:20,400 --> 00:03:23,180 And I need you to do the same. 63 00:03:27,840 --> 00:03:33,310 I forgot how weird it must be for you to play normal after being... whatever that was. 64 00:03:33,360 --> 00:03:35,490 Don't you feel sorry for your dad. 65 00:03:35,520 --> 00:03:41,650 Compared to the life I had... normal's a pretty nice vacation. 66 00:03:43,610 --> 00:03:44,260 Thanks. 67 00:03:44,270 --> 00:03:45,870 You're welcome. 68 00:03:46,340 --> 00:03:48,300 Have a good day. 69 00:04:01,870 --> 00:04:03,460 Did you see this? 70 00:04:06,600 --> 00:04:07,870 "Yamagato CEO. Dead At Age 70." 71 00:04:07,910 --> 00:04:11,510 I knew this would happen. Kaito. 72 00:04:11,520 --> 00:04:14,370 How'd you know this was gonna happen? 73 00:04:14,810 --> 00:04:15,860 Hey. 74 00:04:15,900 --> 00:04:19,340 That's not the way we do things anymore. 75 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:21,800 No more secrets. 76 00:04:21,830 --> 00:04:23,770 That was the deal. 77 00:04:27,070 --> 00:04:29,530 This was done by a very gifted artist in New York. 78 00:04:29,550 --> 00:04:30,770 Isaac Mendez. 79 00:04:30,810 --> 00:04:33,660 Everything he's ever painted has come true. 80 00:04:35,210 --> 00:04:37,300 Except for a series of eight. 81 00:04:37,360 --> 00:04:39,120 I was only given the first. 82 00:04:39,150 --> 00:04:39,950 There's seven more. 83 00:04:39,970 --> 00:04:41,310 What's in the other paintings? 84 00:04:41,320 --> 00:04:42,870 I don't know. 85 00:04:47,780 --> 00:04:50,080 But I'm gonna find them. 86 00:04:58,020 --> 00:04:59,420 What, are you waiting on an invitation? 87 00:04:59,440 --> 00:05:00,910 Oh, no. 88 00:05:00,970 --> 00:05:02,450 I've just spent so much time on that side of the tape, 89 00:05:02,460 --> 00:05:03,910 I was just savoring the moment. 90 00:05:03,920 --> 00:05:06,200 Yeah, well, welcome to the big leagues, detective. 91 00:05:06,230 --> 00:05:07,750 Let's hope you survive. 92 00:05:07,790 --> 00:05:09,750 All right, got Kaito Nakamura. 93 00:05:09,790 --> 00:05:11,490 70, a japanese national. 94 00:05:11,520 --> 00:05:13,940 CEO of Yamagato Industries. 95 00:05:13,950 --> 00:05:18,810 Now, he fell out of the sky onto Central Park West with this in his pocket. 96 00:05:18,850 --> 00:05:20,610 That look familiar? 97 00:05:22,260 --> 00:05:23,260 Uh, no. 98 00:05:23,290 --> 00:05:24,740 No, I've never seen this before. 99 00:05:24,760 --> 00:05:27,030 Well, Mr. Masahashi here is a witness. 100 00:05:27,070 --> 00:05:31,060 He says that he saw Mr. Nakamura being pushed by someone who went over with him. 101 00:05:31,080 --> 00:05:32,560 But we've only got one body. 102 00:05:32,580 --> 00:05:37,380 Well, either the killer fell 20 stories, got up and walked away, or flew away. 103 00:05:37,410 --> 00:05:39,500 You know somebody that can do that? 104 00:05:43,430 --> 00:05:47,340 Ah. We, uh, found a fingerprint on the photo. 105 00:05:48,480 --> 00:05:50,160 Got a match. 106 00:05:50,930 --> 00:05:51,910 Angela Petrelli. 107 00:05:51,950 --> 00:05:53,850 We need to bring her right in. 108 00:05:59,920 --> 00:06:01,640 Mr. Masahashi. 109 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:06,410 You ever seen this symbol before? 110 00:06:07,160 --> 00:06:08,180 Yes. 111 00:06:08,230 --> 00:06:09,070 It is a Kanji. 112 00:06:09,100 --> 00:06:12,410 It means,"great ability, Godsend." 113 00:06:12,430 --> 00:06:13,730 Ability? 114 00:06:13,740 --> 00:06:17,710 It is the crest of Takezo Kensei, a famous hero in Japan. 115 00:06:17,750 --> 00:06:22,480 Mr. Nakamura used to read the Kensei stories to his son Hiro. 116 00:06:22,530 --> 00:06:24,440 I need to talk to him. 117 00:06:24,780 --> 00:06:26,120 So do I. 118 00:07:02,090 --> 00:07:03,340 You must be sober! 119 00:07:03,370 --> 00:07:06,610 If we don't go after Yaeko right now, she'll be killed! 120 00:07:06,630 --> 00:07:07,630 Who's Yaeko? 121 00:07:07,660 --> 00:07:10,180 The girl you're supposed to fall in love with! 122 00:07:10,290 --> 00:07:11,380 The one who hates me? 123 00:07:11,410 --> 00:07:14,160 Yes, before I came back in time and ruined everything, 124 00:07:14,190 --> 00:07:17,790 she was supposed to be your princess, and you, a hero. 125 00:07:18,630 --> 00:07:20,060 You look like a fish when you talk. 126 00:07:20,110 --> 00:07:24,810 No, I promise, if you do this, they will tell the story for 400 years... minimum! 127 00:07:24,840 --> 00:07:27,210 Like a giant carp. 128 00:07:59,050 --> 00:08:01,970 - =www.ydy.com/bbs=- proudly presents 129 00:08:02,000 --> 00:08:05,710 - =www.ydy.com/bbs=- 130 00:08:05,750 --> 00:08:08,780 Heroes Season 02 Episode 02 131 00:08:11,770 --> 00:08:18,180 This video demonstrates the newt's amazing ability to regrow a completely working limb. 132 00:08:18,200 --> 00:08:20,860 But newts are not the only creatures with this talent. 133 00:08:20,890 --> 00:08:24,490 Thanks to millions of years of combined mutation, 134 00:08:24,530 --> 00:08:28,390 lizards are capable of cellular regeneration. 135 00:08:28,440 --> 00:08:30,780 You mean like people who can heal themselves? 136 00:08:30,800 --> 00:08:31,820 No, not people, Claire. 137 00:08:31,830 --> 00:08:32,660 Lizards. 138 00:08:32,680 --> 00:08:34,810 And raise your hand, please. 139 00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:38,690 But it's possible, right? 140 00:08:38,730 --> 00:08:39,620 For people to be able to do that too? 141 00:08:39,630 --> 00:08:41,640 I mean, theoretically. 142 00:08:41,660 --> 00:08:44,700 Well, there's a lot of controversial, though promising, work with stem cells. 143 00:08:44,730 --> 00:08:49,190 So we might be able to culture whole organs and limbs for people who need them? 144 00:08:49,800 --> 00:08:54,270 I guess the next step for us is phasing out the extra parts. 145 00:08:54,300 --> 00:08:58,490 We're not using the appendix anymore, or grinding bone with our wisdom teeth. 146 00:08:58,510 --> 00:09:00,480 We don't even really need a pinky toe for balance. 147 00:09:00,510 --> 00:09:03,280 It's all just... junk in our DNA. 148 00:09:03,310 --> 00:09:05,850 I've read that some people might have evolved a different code already. 149 00:09:05,860 --> 00:09:07,260 Is that possible? 150 00:09:07,270 --> 00:09:12,130 I'm afraid you are gonna need an advanced degree in genetics to get at those answers. 151 00:09:12,170 --> 00:09:15,480 And I hope you thank me in your dissertation. 152 00:09:22,190 --> 00:09:23,240 What? 153 00:09:28,400 --> 00:09:30,690 Oh, so how'd you like the jet? 154 00:09:30,720 --> 00:09:32,770 A lot better than flying coach, huh? 155 00:09:32,790 --> 00:09:34,630 I didn't agree to work with you for the comforts. 156 00:09:34,660 --> 00:09:36,970 Still, it doesn't hurt. 157 00:09:37,000 --> 00:09:41,070 I can't help people with abilities unless I have access to all your records and your labs. 158 00:09:41,100 --> 00:09:41,790 Of course, of course. 159 00:09:41,810 --> 00:09:45,630 And right now, I need to get you back on that plane because 160 00:09:45,640 --> 00:09:48,850 - I have your first assignment here somewhere. - Assignment? 161 00:09:48,860 --> 00:09:51,320 I thought you said your company kept its medical samples here. 162 00:09:51,340 --> 00:09:52,570 Not samples. 163 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:53,640 A man. 164 00:09:53,670 --> 00:09:54,480 In Port-Au-Prince. 165 00:09:54,490 --> 00:09:55,830 He turned up sick. 166 00:09:55,850 --> 00:09:59,570 Weakness, tremors, loss of abilities. 167 00:09:59,590 --> 00:10:00,630 He's dying. 168 00:10:00,650 --> 00:10:01,870 The virus. 169 00:10:01,890 --> 00:10:04,270 If there's another case, there could be some reservoir of infection. 170 00:10:04,290 --> 00:10:06,010 That's what I need you to find out. 171 00:10:06,020 --> 00:10:08,680 To date, there have only been two presentations of the disease. 172 00:10:08,690 --> 00:10:12,210 Your sister in 1974, and Molly Walker four months ago. 173 00:10:12,230 --> 00:10:14,140 If there is actually a third case... 174 00:10:14,180 --> 00:10:15,610 then it is spreading. 175 00:10:15,630 --> 00:10:16,520 I'll test him. 176 00:10:16,530 --> 00:10:19,120 If it's true, I'll bring him back as soon as possible. 177 00:10:19,410 --> 00:10:25,600 Oh, and, doctor... as of now, your blood is the only cure for that virus. 178 00:10:25,650 --> 00:10:28,640 Try not to get yourself killed. 179 00:12:01,630 --> 00:12:04,010 Bet you were prettier yesterday. 180 00:12:04,860 --> 00:12:06,630 I like your necklace. 181 00:12:06,790 --> 00:12:08,370 What does it mean? 182 00:12:09,180 --> 00:12:10,650 I wish I knew. 183 00:12:11,350 --> 00:12:12,970 Let's try an easier one. 184 00:12:13,020 --> 00:12:14,280 What's your name? 185 00:12:14,320 --> 00:12:15,810 I don't know. 186 00:12:15,880 --> 00:12:17,820 It's not your day, is it? 187 00:12:17,970 --> 00:12:19,340 I'm Caitlin. 188 00:12:19,390 --> 00:12:21,060 You know that much now. 189 00:12:23,700 --> 00:12:25,000 Caitlin. 190 00:12:27,640 --> 00:12:28,880 What are they gonna do to me? 191 00:12:28,910 --> 00:12:30,050 I don't know. 192 00:12:30,090 --> 00:12:31,480 Whatever my brother thinks is best. 193 00:12:31,510 --> 00:12:32,930 Your brother? 194 00:12:33,680 --> 00:12:35,730 Did he send you in here? 195 00:12:35,780 --> 00:12:37,640 He'd pitch an epic fit. 196 00:12:37,690 --> 00:12:40,420 Thought I'd try a kinder tack. 197 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:45,460 Thing is, this job, it's bigger than you and a couple of quid. 198 00:12:45,490 --> 00:12:47,650 They pulled it for this man named McSorely. 199 00:12:47,690 --> 00:12:50,050 Promised delivery today. 200 00:12:50,990 --> 00:12:54,460 So what happens if the guy doesn't get what he wants? 201 00:12:54,540 --> 00:12:55,770 You have to remember something. 202 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:58,400 Anything... a name, a face. 203 00:13:00,350 --> 00:13:03,790 First thing I remember is your brother and his crew finding me. 204 00:13:04,820 --> 00:13:06,240 Then the big guy came at me and-- 205 00:13:06,250 --> 00:13:08,470 and an electrical short blew Tuko on his arse-- 206 00:13:08,480 --> 00:13:10,210 I heard the story. 207 00:13:10,220 --> 00:13:11,750 The spark. 208 00:13:13,020 --> 00:13:15,110 I think it came from me. 209 00:13:16,820 --> 00:13:18,800 My hand. 210 00:13:21,290 --> 00:13:24,870 - I--I know that it seems- - Is it possible? 211 00:13:27,470 --> 00:13:30,630 I've just rung out... a lot of your blood. 212 00:13:32,840 --> 00:13:35,430 You don't have a mark on you. 213 00:14:46,430 --> 00:14:48,510 I do not want your cure. 214 00:14:50,790 --> 00:14:52,280 Without it, you could die. 215 00:14:52,290 --> 00:14:53,910 God gave me power. 216 00:14:53,920 --> 00:14:56,790 I abused his gift, so he took it away. 217 00:14:56,800 --> 00:14:58,950 Now I suffer his judgment. 218 00:14:58,960 --> 00:15:01,120 Then perhaps we should leave it to God to decide. 219 00:15:01,130 --> 00:15:04,510 The chances are you carry one of 100 viruses I can do nothing about. 220 00:15:04,520 --> 00:15:08,190 If you somehow carry this one virus, there is only one cure. 221 00:15:08,200 --> 00:15:12,010 The distillation of my own blood, and I was guided to you. 222 00:15:12,290 --> 00:15:13,880 Surely that's a sign. 223 00:15:13,890 --> 00:15:15,190 Just the same as your suffering. 224 00:15:15,200 --> 00:15:16,790 A sign of what? 225 00:15:16,800 --> 00:15:19,880 That God isn't quite done with you yet. 226 00:15:20,200 --> 00:15:25,220 So, my friend, shall we see if he still offers redemption? 227 00:18:53,020 --> 00:18:54,500 Keep an eye on him. 228 00:18:55,070 --> 00:18:59,440 If he so much as lays an inconsiderate fart, you grab the gun. 229 00:19:00,460 --> 00:19:02,310 What am I, 12? 230 00:19:03,600 --> 00:19:05,100 Always. 231 00:19:18,350 --> 00:19:19,980 Come on. Come on. 232 00:19:51,090 --> 00:19:52,210 Sorry, fellas. 233 00:19:52,220 --> 00:19:54,280 Ricky and the boys just left. 234 00:19:59,840 --> 00:20:01,550 Aye, I saw. 235 00:20:01,560 --> 00:20:03,550 We're not here for Ricky. 236 00:20:03,900 --> 00:20:06,060 Lucky then. I've just tapped a barrel. 237 00:20:06,070 --> 00:20:07,230 Two pints? 238 00:20:08,870 --> 00:20:11,330 No, thanks, love. We came for you. 239 00:20:45,810 --> 00:20:48,350 So... lizards, huh? 240 00:20:49,240 --> 00:20:52,260 Tell me you didn't just time that so I'd walk right past you. 241 00:20:52,270 --> 00:20:55,060 I figured you'd be more into whales or something. 242 00:20:55,070 --> 00:20:56,830 Unicorns. 243 00:20:56,840 --> 00:20:59,560 You know, you make a lot of assumptions. 244 00:20:59,570 --> 00:21:01,580 Is my hair really that blonde? 245 00:21:01,870 --> 00:21:03,450 I think it's cool, actually. 246 00:21:03,460 --> 00:21:06,260 I'm sort of into genetics too. 247 00:21:06,270 --> 00:21:08,490 I didn't say I was into genetics. 248 00:21:08,500 --> 00:21:11,780 You don't have to hide everything interesting about you. 249 00:21:12,820 --> 00:21:15,420 Biology is supposed to be our destiny. 250 00:21:15,430 --> 00:21:19,100 But people forget... genes can change. 251 00:21:19,850 --> 00:21:24,090 I thought guys like you were supposed to sit at the back of the classroom and hate everything. 252 00:21:24,470 --> 00:21:25,630 I just found this book. 253 00:21:25,640 --> 00:21:26,570 It's by some indian guy. 254 00:21:26,580 --> 00:21:27,710 I can barely even pronounce his name. 255 00:21:27,720 --> 00:21:31,030 It's about everything you're talking about. 256 00:21:31,040 --> 00:21:33,620 People who've evolved. 257 00:21:33,630 --> 00:21:35,660 There's a whole chapter on regeneration. 258 00:21:35,670 --> 00:21:40,610 Sorry, I, uh, left all my awesome genetic textbook reading for the summer vacation. 259 00:21:41,240 --> 00:21:42,690 You should see it. 260 00:21:42,700 --> 00:21:44,420 I-I could bring it over. 261 00:21:44,760 --> 00:21:47,160 Get you on your way to your PHD. 262 00:21:47,170 --> 00:21:48,800 You know, I don't really care that much. 263 00:21:48,810 --> 00:21:51,180 I was just kind of bored in class. 264 00:21:51,190 --> 00:21:52,160 Really? 265 00:21:52,170 --> 00:21:54,800 Yes, but if you like lizards, that's awesome... have fun. 266 00:21:54,810 --> 00:21:57,360 And I gotta go home. 267 00:21:59,600 --> 00:22:01,680 Where's my car? 268 00:23:45,750 --> 00:23:46,810 Will it? 269 00:24:35,870 --> 00:24:36,870 Kensei? 270 00:24:42,750 --> 00:24:44,890 Your blood is clearing the viral load. 271 00:24:44,900 --> 00:24:47,070 Seems you have this disease after all. 272 00:24:47,470 --> 00:24:48,980 How are your hands? 273 00:24:51,480 --> 00:24:53,450 Steady as faith. 274 00:24:54,340 --> 00:24:56,270 I prayed your cure would not work. 275 00:24:56,280 --> 00:24:58,150 If I prayed, I would have asked the same. 276 00:24:58,160 --> 00:25:01,010 The thought of this virus finding you, out here. 277 00:25:01,020 --> 00:25:02,280 If it spreads... 278 00:25:02,290 --> 00:25:04,530 so you did not believe what you said. 279 00:25:04,540 --> 00:25:06,930 About God sending you to cure me. 280 00:25:06,940 --> 00:25:10,490 I have trouble believing in any God that would allow a pathogen like this to exist. 281 00:25:10,500 --> 00:25:12,460 It killed my sister. 282 00:25:14,990 --> 00:25:17,740 Seems like it's becoming even more virulent. 283 00:25:17,750 --> 00:25:21,610 With a replication rate this aggressive, you would have been dead by morning. 284 00:25:21,620 --> 00:25:24,490 The people I work with will want me to bring you in for observation. 285 00:25:24,500 --> 00:25:25,960 I have a plane. 286 00:25:28,180 --> 00:25:30,070 You work for people? 287 00:25:30,080 --> 00:25:31,420 A company. 288 00:25:32,730 --> 00:25:34,170 Of course. 289 00:25:34,180 --> 00:25:36,420 There's always a company. 290 00:25:43,060 --> 00:25:44,590 Where is he? 291 00:25:44,600 --> 00:25:46,800 Where is the Haitian? 292 00:25:46,810 --> 00:25:48,390 The Haitian? 293 00:25:48,610 --> 00:25:49,620 Isn't he in Haiti? 294 00:25:49,630 --> 00:25:51,750 We're in Haiti. 295 00:25:51,760 --> 00:25:54,700 You've been out of contact for hours. 296 00:25:55,190 --> 00:25:56,900 I was in your office. 297 00:25:56,910 --> 00:25:59,890 You gave me an envelope, said... a man may have the virus. 298 00:25:59,900 --> 00:26:02,080 That I was to cure him. 299 00:26:02,730 --> 00:26:06,880 He wouldn't have been able to take your memory unless the vaccine worked. 300 00:26:06,890 --> 00:26:09,620 So... apparently it did. 301 00:26:09,630 --> 00:26:12,420 Full recovery. Thank you, Dr. Suresh. 302 00:26:13,300 --> 00:26:15,090 My memory? 303 00:26:16,670 --> 00:26:18,230 I'm sorry. 304 00:26:19,140 --> 00:26:21,290 Well, at least we've contained the virus. 305 00:26:21,300 --> 00:26:25,120 We'll just chalk this up to a rookie mistake. 306 00:30:27,500 --> 00:30:29,380 Hey. 307 00:30:29,910 --> 00:30:32,270 Five-pound bag of gummi bears. 308 00:30:32,370 --> 00:30:34,360 Receptionists love them. 309 00:30:34,460 --> 00:30:38,290 A well-stocked candy dish makes them feel popular. 310 00:30:42,240 --> 00:30:45,920 Dad, if I told you something, will you promise not to freak out? 311 00:30:48,430 --> 00:30:51,800 My car kinda got stolen. 312 00:30:53,480 --> 00:30:55,460 My God, Claire. 313 00:30:55,560 --> 00:30:58,350 My heart just about stopped. 314 00:30:58,400 --> 00:31:03,690 I know. What's a stolen car when you're running for your life? 315 00:31:03,750 --> 00:31:08,380 Not that... look, I loved the car, and if you ever got me another one, 316 00:31:08,430 --> 00:31:12,190 I promise I will never leave it unlocked, ever again. 317 00:31:12,290 --> 00:31:15,660 You left it... unlocked? 318 00:31:15,860 --> 00:31:19,710 Claire... I have to be able to trust you. 319 00:31:19,760 --> 00:31:21,450 And not just with the car, with everything. 320 00:31:21,540 --> 00:31:22,810 I know. I made a mistake. 321 00:31:22,860 --> 00:31:24,160 We can't afford mistakes. 322 00:31:24,210 --> 00:31:25,610 'Cause we're in hiding, and it's dangerous. 323 00:31:25,660 --> 00:31:27,670 - That's right. - Oh, great. 324 00:31:27,720 --> 00:31:30,840 I'm in hiding because of something I can do, and I don't even know what that is. 325 00:31:30,890 --> 00:31:33,740 You know enough. 326 00:31:34,130 --> 00:31:36,240 But I don't even know how it works. 327 00:31:36,300 --> 00:31:37,320 Or what my limits are. 328 00:31:37,360 --> 00:31:40,640 I mean, if I cut off my arm, would it reattach itself or would I grow a new one? 329 00:31:40,740 --> 00:31:42,230 We shouldn't be discussing this. 330 00:31:42,280 --> 00:31:44,360 You're the only one I can talk to about this. 331 00:31:44,410 --> 00:31:47,920 I mean, I could be missing my opportunity to help people. 332 00:31:47,980 --> 00:31:50,930 If my skin can grow back after I boil it in with the eggs, 333 00:31:50,980 --> 00:31:54,450 then maybe my blood can help someone who got burned, or... or someone who's sick. 334 00:31:54,500 --> 00:31:55,660 I don't even know if I can get sick. 335 00:31:55,700 --> 00:31:56,610 That's enough, Claire! 336 00:31:56,660 --> 00:31:59,600 Look, you can yell at me all you want about the car, but this is what I am! 337 00:31:59,650 --> 00:32:03,020 I have kept you out of danger your whole life so you wouldn't have to find your limits. 338 00:32:03,070 --> 00:32:04,470 Because if they find you, that's what they'll do. 339 00:32:04,530 --> 00:32:06,460 They'll cut you, they'll test you. 340 00:32:06,510 --> 00:32:11,620 And they will push you so far past your capacity for pain that you'll wish you could die. 341 00:32:12,200 --> 00:32:14,220 Believe me. 342 00:32:14,270 --> 00:32:19,600 You may feel confined here, but this is far freer a cage than the one they'd put you in. 343 00:32:22,100 --> 00:32:24,850 I've gotta get back to work. 344 00:32:27,030 --> 00:32:28,620 You and Nakamura. 345 00:32:28,670 --> 00:32:30,400 Witness said you had a fight yesterday. 346 00:32:30,500 --> 00:32:31,620 We were old friends. 347 00:32:31,670 --> 00:32:34,850 Sometimes simple conversations can be misconstrued. 348 00:32:34,950 --> 00:32:36,680 Hmm. He said you slapped him. 349 00:32:36,730 --> 00:32:39,390 He made an offhand comment about my son's death. 350 00:32:39,430 --> 00:32:41,030 I found it distasteful. 351 00:32:41,120 --> 00:32:43,680 You're a major shareholder in Yamagato Industries. 352 00:32:43,730 --> 00:32:45,950 That stock's been in the toilet for months now. 353 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:48,020 You think I killed Kaito over money? 354 00:32:48,070 --> 00:32:50,150 Most common motives are money and sex. 355 00:32:50,200 --> 00:32:53,820 Well, I don't need the money, and I wasn't sleeping with him. 356 00:32:53,920 --> 00:32:56,570 Not for a long time. 357 00:32:59,560 --> 00:33:01,440 You recognize that symbol? 358 00:33:01,490 --> 00:33:03,990 Yes, it's the logo of my husband's law firm. 359 00:33:04,050 --> 00:33:06,980 Why draw it across Nakamura's face? 360 00:33:07,520 --> 00:33:09,280 I don't know. 361 00:33:09,370 --> 00:33:13,870 Because we did something terrible, and now someone wants revenge. 362 00:33:15,600 --> 00:33:20,510 Would anyone want revenge on him, maybe... on you? 363 00:33:20,560 --> 00:33:21,870 Who said anything about revenge? 364 00:33:21,960 --> 00:33:23,220 I want my lawyer now. 365 00:33:23,270 --> 00:33:25,140 Who wants revenge, Mrs. Petrelli? 366 00:33:25,230 --> 00:33:28,380 Stand down, Parkman. She cried uncle. 367 00:33:30,300 --> 00:33:33,240 Get out of my head! 368 00:33:37,910 --> 00:33:40,710 Mr. Petrelli. 369 00:33:42,050 --> 00:33:42,910 I know you. 370 00:33:43,010 --> 00:33:43,920 Detective Matt Parkman. 371 00:33:44,020 --> 00:33:47,440 We met in Texas when you came in to lawyer your brother out of jail. 372 00:33:48,520 --> 00:33:50,930 Look, I'm sorry about Peter. 373 00:33:51,020 --> 00:33:52,350 Follow me. I'll show you to your mother. 374 00:33:52,410 --> 00:33:54,970 She's not gonna want to see me. 375 00:33:56,030 --> 00:33:58,150 Look, I just came to get her out. 376 00:33:58,200 --> 00:34:01,040 Then why'd she ask us to call you? 377 00:34:01,140 --> 00:34:03,840 She doesn't have anyone else. 378 00:34:13,000 --> 00:34:15,490 That's not possible! 379 00:34:18,070 --> 00:34:20,620 Stand back. 380 00:34:31,680 --> 00:34:33,410 It's gonna be all right, mom. 381 00:34:33,460 --> 00:34:35,730 It's gonna be okay. 382 00:34:36,730 --> 00:34:39,760 Who did this to you, Mrs. Petrelli? 383 00:34:52,340 --> 00:34:54,080 Aren't you gonna say anything? 384 00:34:54,170 --> 00:34:55,380 About what? 385 00:34:55,480 --> 00:34:57,940 About those things you did. 386 00:34:58,030 --> 00:34:59,590 I didn't do anything. 387 00:34:59,640 --> 00:35:00,750 Make up a story. 388 00:35:00,800 --> 00:35:04,840 Tell me you lost your memory of tonight too, but don't pretend I'm stupid. 389 00:35:05,860 --> 00:35:09,230 You had to knock the piss out of him, didn't you? 390 00:35:09,330 --> 00:35:13,180 The fella you put through a wall was McSorely's son. 391 00:35:13,230 --> 00:35:16,270 A sadistic bastard, but his old man loves him. 392 00:35:16,320 --> 00:35:17,990 And you just made him even uglier. 393 00:35:18,030 --> 00:35:19,920 Fine, next time, I'll leave him alone with your sister. 394 00:35:19,980 --> 00:35:22,050 Don't you mouth off to me. 395 00:35:22,150 --> 00:35:25,710 You turned a fixable monetary problem into a blood feud. 396 00:35:25,760 --> 00:35:28,410 Ricky! 397 00:35:30,100 --> 00:35:32,700 You're gonna make this right. 398 00:35:32,790 --> 00:35:34,340 We'll do another job. 399 00:35:34,390 --> 00:35:39,160 Something big enough we can drop a fat stack on his desk and get him off our backs. 400 00:35:39,740 --> 00:35:41,710 I'm not a thief. 401 00:35:41,760 --> 00:35:43,400 Maybe not. 402 00:35:43,450 --> 00:35:46,150 But you certainly handled those two like a pro. 403 00:35:46,250 --> 00:35:47,650 And that makes you something. 404 00:35:47,700 --> 00:35:48,910 Now, doesn't it? 405 00:35:48,960 --> 00:35:51,080 What's to say I don't do the same thing to you and walk out of here? 406 00:35:51,130 --> 00:35:53,540 I thought common courtesy would do it. 407 00:35:53,640 --> 00:35:55,580 No? 408 00:35:55,680 --> 00:35:58,230 Then maybe this. 409 00:35:59,290 --> 00:36:03,690 You might want this... Peter. 410 00:36:07,780 --> 00:36:09,030 My name is Peter? 411 00:36:09,100 --> 00:36:10,540 Sounds about right, doesn't it? 412 00:36:10,640 --> 00:36:12,670 Just something I read. 413 00:36:12,720 --> 00:36:15,320 This here is everything you had on you when we found you. 414 00:36:15,420 --> 00:36:18,120 Credit cards, maybe a train ticket. 415 00:36:18,210 --> 00:36:20,670 Could even be a love letter. 416 00:36:20,770 --> 00:36:27,670 It's all yours... you just have to help us with one little job. 417 00:36:27,770 --> 00:36:31,910 What do you say... Peter? 418 00:36:34,220 --> 00:36:35,480 Hello? 419 00:36:35,570 --> 00:36:36,690 Mr. Kensei? 420 00:36:36,780 --> 00:36:37,560 Mr. Kensei? 421 00:36:37,660 --> 00:36:39,590 You stole my armor and left me withal. 422 00:36:39,690 --> 00:36:40,650 Who do you think you are? 423 00:36:40,800 --> 00:36:42,920 I only did it to save Yaeko. 424 00:36:42,970 --> 00:36:46,830 And to show that Takezo Kensei is not a drunk, but a hero. 425 00:36:46,880 --> 00:36:48,740 - And I did. - You did? 426 00:36:48,790 --> 00:36:52,620 Yes. They're already telling of your bravery. 427 00:36:53,680 --> 00:36:55,900 And what exactly did I do on this day? 428 00:36:55,950 --> 00:36:59,760 You disarmed 11 men and rescued a beautiful girl. 429 00:36:59,810 --> 00:37:02,980 I'm to believe you did all that and took no credit? 430 00:37:35,200 --> 00:37:37,250 All right, carp, I'm in. 431 00:37:37,300 --> 00:37:38,320 Really? 432 00:37:38,410 --> 00:37:39,800 I don't know what brand of fool you truly are, 433 00:37:39,850 --> 00:37:42,360 but it appears listening to you will grant me more reward. 434 00:37:42,460 --> 00:37:44,510 - And more of her. - It will! 435 00:37:44,560 --> 00:37:46,340 Mm-hmm, then you can make me the hero she sees in me. 436 00:37:46,440 --> 00:37:48,710 As long as you stop drinking. 437 00:37:48,760 --> 00:37:50,740 No promises. 438 00:38:20,780 --> 00:38:23,430 I'm sorry, carp. 439 00:38:23,520 --> 00:38:26,510 Maybe I'll be a hero next time around. 440 00:38:26,610 --> 00:38:28,060 No! 441 00:38:28,160 --> 00:38:31,100 You cannot die! 442 00:39:38,800 --> 00:39:41,310 You're working late. 443 00:39:41,360 --> 00:39:43,680 Night shift. Don't ask. 444 00:39:43,780 --> 00:39:45,420 Was it a productive trip? 445 00:39:45,460 --> 00:39:47,830 You should have the answer to that yourself very shortly. 446 00:39:47,880 --> 00:39:50,580 And you didn't arouse any suspicions? 447 00:39:50,630 --> 00:39:51,850 I don't think so. 448 00:39:51,950 --> 00:39:56,040 Bob seemed more angry at himself for trusting the bungling professor. 449 00:39:56,570 --> 00:39:58,930 They'll be watching me more closely now. 450 00:39:58,980 --> 00:40:00,530 That's to be expected. 451 00:40:00,580 --> 00:40:01,740 Don't worry. 452 00:40:01,830 --> 00:40:03,580 I'll find the other paintings myself. 453 00:40:03,620 --> 00:40:06,180 Are you sure? 454 00:40:07,810 --> 00:40:10,950 You've given me everything I need. 455 00:40:18,410 --> 00:40:20,600 Welcome to Copy Kingdom. 456 00:40:20,680 --> 00:40:23,480 How can I help you? 457 00:40:34,890 --> 00:40:36,530 Turn that off. 458 00:40:36,630 --> 00:40:40,480 That is salt in the wound for poor Mr. Muggles. 459 00:40:40,820 --> 00:40:42,650 I'm sorry. 460 00:40:42,750 --> 00:40:45,930 That was very inconsiderate of me. 461 00:40:49,500 --> 00:40:50,210 You're right. 462 00:40:50,260 --> 00:40:52,260 It doesn't help to avoid it. 463 00:41:03,480 --> 00:41:07,620 Well... guess it's just you and me. 464 00:41:43,160 --> 00:41:45,430 Come on, grow back. 465 00:41:58,270 --> 00:42:00,110 No way.