1 00:00:01,418 --> 00:00:03,169 NARRATOR: Previously on Heroes. 2 00:00:03,253 --> 00:00:05,171 Help us take down Building 26. 3 00:00:05,339 --> 00:00:07,340 Danko's men are killers. Just let it go, guys. 4 00:00:07,424 --> 00:00:09,050 (BOTH SPEAKlNG JAPANESE) 5 00:00:12,429 --> 00:00:13,680 (GROANlNG) 6 00:00:15,933 --> 00:00:17,183 l'm not going with you, Peter. 7 00:00:17,267 --> 00:00:19,852 Maybe you're ready to move on, but l'm not. 8 00:00:19,937 --> 00:00:21,145 l'm not ready to forgive myself. 9 00:00:21,230 --> 00:00:22,355 Not yet. 10 00:00:25,901 --> 00:00:27,151 Thank God ! Hi. 11 00:00:27,236 --> 00:00:28,653 MATT: There's a van down the street filled with agents. 12 00:00:28,737 --> 00:00:31,364 l can hold them off for now, but I got to get the two of you guys out of here. 13 00:00:31,448 --> 00:00:32,990 l can't go with you. Why not? 14 00:00:33,075 --> 00:00:35,618 l have to go back, l have to face them, and I have to end this, 15 00:00:35,703 --> 00:00:37,620 or we cannot have a life together. 16 00:00:37,955 --> 00:00:39,789 (GASPlNG) 17 00:00:39,873 --> 00:00:42,458 Wait. Can you do it without leaving. . . 18 00:00:43,961 --> 00:00:44,961 Who are you? 19 00:00:46,380 --> 00:00:48,131 SYLAR: I can be anything I want. 20 00:00:49,967 --> 00:00:52,885 When the President agrees to meet with me, 21 00:00:52,970 --> 00:00:57,181 when he agrees to shake my hand, real change will come to this country. 22 00:00:57,307 --> 00:00:59,475 CLAlRE: How is he doing this? MR. BENNET: He's a shape-shifter. 23 00:00:59,560 --> 00:01:02,562 And now he's one handshake away from being the most powerful man on Earth. 24 00:01:02,646 --> 00:01:05,231 l just have to make sure that he doesn't meet the President first. 25 00:01:05,315 --> 00:01:06,399 l'll go with you. 26 00:01:06,483 --> 00:01:09,736 l started this, Pete. l gotta end it. 27 00:01:12,656 --> 00:01:15,700 MOHlNDER: There are nearly seven billion people on this planet. 28 00:01:15,784 --> 00:01:17,160 (TASER GUN FlRES) 29 00:01:24,626 --> 00:01:27,420 Each one unique, different. 30 00:01:28,505 --> 00:01:32,008 What are the chances of that? And why? 31 00:01:33,510 --> 00:01:37,889 ls it simply biology, physiology that determines this diversity? 32 00:01:38,766 --> 00:01:41,350 A collection of thoughts, memories, 33 00:01:41,477 --> 00:01:44,687 experiences that carve out our own special place? 34 00:01:47,524 --> 00:01:49,484 Or is it something more than this? 35 00:01:52,613 --> 00:01:57,575 Perhaps there's a master plan that drives the randomness of creation. 36 00:01:57,659 --> 00:02:01,120 Something unknowable that dwells in the soul 37 00:02:01,205 --> 00:02:04,957 and presents each one of us with a unique set of challenges 38 00:02:05,042 --> 00:02:08,711 that will help us discover who we really are. 39 00:02:09,171 --> 00:02:10,463 (GASPlNG) 40 00:02:12,049 --> 00:02:15,218 You okay? Did you have a dream? 41 00:02:16,011 --> 00:02:17,553 lt's Nathan. 42 00:02:18,889 --> 00:02:21,057 What about him? He's. . . 43 00:02:21,642 --> 00:02:24,060 He's what? ln trouble. 44 00:02:25,229 --> 00:02:26,896 He's not the only one. 45 00:02:29,066 --> 00:02:30,483 ANGELA: What is it, Noah? 46 00:02:30,567 --> 00:02:33,486 That construction work we passed about a mile back wasn't real. 47 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:36,823 There's gonna be a road block half a mile or so ahead. 48 00:02:36,907 --> 00:02:38,533 This is where you get out. 49 00:02:44,039 --> 00:02:46,791 Okay. Head two miles in that direction, 50 00:02:46,875 --> 00:02:49,043 and then follow the surface streets into the city. 51 00:02:49,169 --> 00:02:51,921 What are you gonna do? l'm gonna buy you some time. 52 00:02:52,005 --> 00:02:55,925 Here. lt's a secure line. l will find you. 53 00:02:56,051 --> 00:02:59,762 Get to Nathan and make sure it is him. He'll be on Sylar's trail by now. 54 00:02:59,847 --> 00:03:01,347 But, Dad. . . Listen to your father. 55 00:03:01,431 --> 00:03:03,057 l love you, Claire-bear. 56 00:03:24,246 --> 00:03:26,455 (CHATTERlNG ON POLlCE RADlO) 57 00:03:33,630 --> 00:03:35,673 ls there a problem, Officer? 58 00:03:53,233 --> 00:03:54,567 What are you doing? 59 00:03:56,403 --> 00:03:59,697 l told you. l need you to be Taub. 60 00:03:59,781 --> 00:04:02,408 l'm not interested in what you need anymore. 61 00:04:02,492 --> 00:04:03,492 (GROANS) 62 00:04:11,793 --> 00:04:15,171 Such a waste. You could've been so helpful. 63 00:04:16,798 --> 00:04:18,424 Just didn't know your place. 64 00:04:19,426 --> 00:04:23,346 Agent Gordon, send that cleanup crew. . . 65 00:04:27,351 --> 00:04:29,352 (PANTlNG) 66 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:48,871 That hurt. 67 00:04:50,582 --> 00:04:53,793 Shape-shifting. Gotta love it, right? 68 00:04:56,088 --> 00:04:57,380 (YELLS) 69 00:05:00,175 --> 00:05:02,843 The changes don't just happen on the outside, either. 70 00:05:03,553 --> 00:05:06,764 You remember that little off switch in the back of my head? 71 00:05:08,809 --> 00:05:10,184 l moved it. 72 00:05:10,936 --> 00:05:13,646 Go ahead, get it over with. 73 00:05:13,730 --> 00:05:15,815 My men will be here any second to collect Petrelli. 74 00:05:15,899 --> 00:05:16,899 (SHUSHlNG) 75 00:05:19,528 --> 00:05:20,611 l know. 76 00:05:23,240 --> 00:05:24,740 l've got plans for them. 77 00:05:28,078 --> 00:05:31,455 Hell, I have plans for all of us. 78 00:05:33,250 --> 00:05:34,625 You gonna kill him? 79 00:05:37,337 --> 00:05:38,462 Later. 80 00:05:39,256 --> 00:05:41,382 Right after I absorb all of his memories. 81 00:05:41,466 --> 00:05:44,301 lt's a little ability Angela Petrelli fed me like a snack. 82 00:05:45,220 --> 00:05:50,141 Because Nathan, and by Nathan, l mean l 83 00:05:50,225 --> 00:05:52,393 have a rendezvous with destiny tomorrow. 84 00:05:52,936 --> 00:05:55,312 President's giving a speech at the Stanton Hotel. 85 00:05:55,397 --> 00:05:56,522 Senator Petrelli's going to be there 86 00:05:56,606 --> 00:05:58,232 to have a little meeting with him right afterwards. 87 00:05:58,316 --> 00:06:00,609 What for? Nothing. 88 00:06:01,611 --> 00:06:03,154 Just to shake his hand. 89 00:06:04,156 --> 00:06:08,451 Then when I do, l'm gonna be the most powerful man in the world. 90 00:06:09,995 --> 00:06:14,707 Then you better kill me now, because there's no way l'm gonna let that happen. 91 00:06:14,791 --> 00:06:16,459 No, I don't need to kill you. 92 00:06:17,252 --> 00:06:19,336 Because in 30 seconds, there's not a person on this planet 93 00:06:19,421 --> 00:06:21,505 who'll believe a word you say. 94 00:06:29,973 --> 00:06:31,807 (AGENTS CHATTERlNG) 95 00:06:43,487 --> 00:06:45,237 (GUNFlRE) 96 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:48,824 AGENT: Man down ! Man down ! 97 00:06:50,160 --> 00:06:51,494 (GROANS) 98 00:07:00,712 --> 00:07:02,505 l got him. He's in here. 99 00:07:09,554 --> 00:07:11,472 You son of a bitch. 100 00:07:28,949 --> 00:07:30,658 You think there's a chance he didn't get caught? 101 00:07:30,742 --> 00:07:34,078 Noah? No. That was his plan all along. 102 00:07:34,162 --> 00:07:37,373 l don't know how my dad always manages to get himself in the middle of everything. 103 00:07:37,457 --> 00:07:40,960 Because he puts himself there, mostly because of you. 104 00:07:41,044 --> 00:07:45,297 You have no idea the lengths a parent will go to ensure the safety of their child. 105 00:07:45,382 --> 00:07:48,509 Something I hope you never have to find out for yourself. 106 00:07:48,593 --> 00:07:51,137 Now, this is where I get off. 107 00:07:52,722 --> 00:07:53,764 What do you mean? 108 00:07:53,849 --> 00:07:55,724 l just wanted to make sure you got here safely. 109 00:07:55,809 --> 00:07:57,434 l'm not going in there with you to see Nathan. 110 00:07:57,519 --> 00:08:01,021 Why not? Because I need to go find Matt Parkman. 111 00:08:01,106 --> 00:08:02,815 ls this about your dream? 112 00:08:02,899 --> 00:08:04,817 ln it, Parkman saves Nathan's life. 113 00:08:04,901 --> 00:08:06,694 Okay, so why don't you just come up and warn Nathan, 114 00:08:06,778 --> 00:08:08,404 and tell him how to avoid danger? 115 00:08:08,488 --> 00:08:09,989 That's not how it works. 116 00:08:10,073 --> 00:08:14,160 l cannot change what l dreamed. But I can help push its outcome. 117 00:08:14,244 --> 00:08:17,705 Now, you go find Nathan, and I will find you later. 118 00:08:33,054 --> 00:08:34,305 Nathan. 119 00:08:35,348 --> 00:08:36,682 Wake up. 120 00:08:40,395 --> 00:08:42,605 Hey, wake up. 121 00:08:43,106 --> 00:08:46,025 We want to be convincing when we meet the President today, right? 122 00:08:46,109 --> 00:08:49,445 l'm gonna need all those sick little twisted memories of yours. 123 00:08:51,156 --> 00:08:52,323 Such a lightweight. 124 00:08:53,366 --> 00:08:54,700 To hell with it. 125 00:08:55,952 --> 00:08:59,997 l've got plenty of memories from all this stuff you've got lying around here, anyway. 126 00:09:02,918 --> 00:09:06,128 Your diploma says you graduated with honors from Annapolis. 127 00:09:07,839 --> 00:09:10,007 These cufflinks tell me a different story. 128 00:09:11,468 --> 00:09:12,718 Politicians. 129 00:09:14,221 --> 00:09:17,640 Sir. Someone here to see you. She claims to be your daughter. 130 00:09:19,935 --> 00:09:21,060 Oh, right. 131 00:09:22,145 --> 00:09:23,145 Send her in. 132 00:09:32,989 --> 00:09:34,114 Claire. 133 00:09:35,242 --> 00:09:39,036 l'm glad you finally made it. l was beginning to get worried about you. 134 00:09:39,120 --> 00:09:41,080 Did you find him? Sylar? 135 00:09:42,123 --> 00:09:43,958 Yeah. But he got away. 136 00:09:44,542 --> 00:09:47,920 He's going to the Stanton Hotel to meet the President in an hour. 137 00:09:48,004 --> 00:09:51,382 l'm going to intercept the President first and warn him. 138 00:09:51,466 --> 00:09:52,758 And tell him what? 139 00:09:54,636 --> 00:09:56,178 That Nathan Petrelli has a look-alike? 140 00:09:56,263 --> 00:09:58,389 lf I have to, yeah. 141 00:09:58,473 --> 00:10:00,391 Blow the lid off this whole thing. 142 00:10:01,268 --> 00:10:04,186 l'm gonna do whatever it takes to shut down Building 26. 143 00:10:06,147 --> 00:10:08,190 And how do I know this is you? 144 00:10:08,275 --> 00:10:09,858 What are you talking about? 145 00:10:10,568 --> 00:10:12,361 How do I know you're not Sylar? 146 00:10:14,781 --> 00:10:15,864 Claire. 147 00:10:17,492 --> 00:10:18,617 l'm me. 148 00:10:28,712 --> 00:10:31,547 We've spent a lot of time together over the past few days. 149 00:10:33,717 --> 00:10:34,883 Mexico. 150 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:39,638 l was beginning to think you knew me better than anyone else. 151 00:10:43,643 --> 00:10:46,729 Sorry. (CHUCKLES) That's all right. 152 00:10:46,813 --> 00:10:49,189 Listen, why don't you stay here? 153 00:10:49,274 --> 00:10:51,817 l've got a car taking me to the Stanton Hotel. 154 00:10:51,901 --> 00:10:54,236 Lay low until I can clean this whole mess up. 155 00:10:55,238 --> 00:10:58,907 No, I wanna come with you. ln case anything goes wrong. 156 00:11:00,327 --> 00:11:01,577 lt's not going to be safe. 157 00:11:01,661 --> 00:11:03,203 So what? I can't get hurt. 158 00:11:04,414 --> 00:11:06,665 And I need to help stop Sylar. 159 00:11:06,750 --> 00:11:09,960 lt's time I put myself in the middle of this and made a difference. 160 00:11:11,629 --> 00:11:13,672 l was thinking exactly the same thing. 161 00:11:20,263 --> 00:11:21,305 You're right. 162 00:11:22,682 --> 00:11:24,183 lf things do go south, 163 00:11:26,394 --> 00:11:27,770 l want you right there. 164 00:11:29,606 --> 00:11:30,856 Right by my side. 165 00:11:39,991 --> 00:11:41,367 AGENT 1: I got him. 166 00:11:44,954 --> 00:11:46,121 AGENT 2: Come on. AGENT 3: Let's go. 167 00:11:49,918 --> 00:11:50,918 AGENT 4: All right, bring him this way. 168 00:11:51,002 --> 00:11:54,630 (BOTH SPEAKlNG JAPANESE) 169 00:13:12,041 --> 00:13:14,084 Fancy meeting you here. 170 00:13:46,159 --> 00:13:47,993 l'll bet you're happy to see me. 171 00:13:48,912 --> 00:13:52,456 Sylar. We gotta stop him. 172 00:13:52,540 --> 00:13:53,707 Whoa! 173 00:13:54,751 --> 00:13:56,293 Lot of help you're going to be. 174 00:13:58,254 --> 00:13:59,838 Okay, let's hear it. 175 00:14:02,842 --> 00:14:08,138 The lecture, the finger wagging, the general "l told you so." 176 00:14:10,934 --> 00:14:14,728 l screwed up. Refused to listen. 177 00:14:14,812 --> 00:14:17,064 And then you got into bed with Sylar. 178 00:14:18,107 --> 00:14:21,026 That's all over now. Clearly. 179 00:14:22,028 --> 00:14:23,695 That's very Zen of you. 180 00:14:23,780 --> 00:14:26,114 No, it's practical. lf we get out of here, 181 00:14:26,199 --> 00:14:28,617 we're going to have to throw everybody and everything we have at Sylar, 182 00:14:28,701 --> 00:14:30,744 try to get a spike into the back of his head. 183 00:14:30,828 --> 00:14:31,912 (DANKO CHUCKLES) 184 00:14:31,996 --> 00:14:34,665 Spike's not going to cut it anymore. 185 00:14:35,833 --> 00:14:37,459 He moved the spot. 186 00:14:39,462 --> 00:14:40,796 Great. 187 00:14:46,135 --> 00:14:48,053 How the hell did you do it? 188 00:14:49,472 --> 00:14:51,139 Deal with all of this. 189 00:14:51,808 --> 00:14:54,810 You can't capture all of them, can't contain them. 190 00:14:56,396 --> 00:15:00,816 There are no rules. Not even gravity. 191 00:15:02,485 --> 00:15:04,736 lt's all about spinning plates. 192 00:15:06,698 --> 00:15:09,199 Living in the gray area. 193 00:15:09,284 --> 00:15:12,744 So many years of middle management, it becomes second nature. 194 00:15:12,829 --> 00:15:16,081 So in 20 years, l'll get it? 195 00:15:16,165 --> 00:15:19,084 Twenty years and an adopted daughter. 196 00:15:19,168 --> 00:15:21,503 lf I didn't have Claire, l'd be following the same dogma 197 00:15:21,588 --> 00:15:25,674 that took you right over the edge. l'd be exactly in your position. 198 00:15:27,552 --> 00:15:30,470 You are exactly in my position. 199 00:15:34,225 --> 00:15:35,434 Yeah. 200 00:15:39,105 --> 00:15:42,024 We should do something about that. 201 00:15:42,108 --> 00:15:43,358 Together? 202 00:16:07,717 --> 00:16:10,010 (SPEAKlNG JAPANESE) 203 00:16:28,404 --> 00:16:29,571 Hiro. Hmm? 204 00:16:30,615 --> 00:16:31,698 (SPEAKlNG JAPANESE) 205 00:16:48,591 --> 00:16:50,050 Holy crap. 206 00:17:04,399 --> 00:17:05,565 Hiro. 207 00:17:07,402 --> 00:17:09,611 (BOTH SPEAKlNG JAPANESE) 208 00:17:23,751 --> 00:17:25,293 (BOTH PANTlNG) 209 00:17:34,345 --> 00:17:35,595 Hiro. 210 00:17:39,183 --> 00:17:42,310 ls this a trick? l don't know. 211 00:17:46,149 --> 00:17:47,524 No guards. 212 00:17:48,359 --> 00:17:50,610 Something's very wrong here. 213 00:17:52,113 --> 00:17:53,321 Hiro. 214 00:17:54,449 --> 00:17:56,158 (PEOPLE CHATTERlNG) 215 00:17:56,534 --> 00:18:00,454 ANDO: Let's go. Hiro, what happened? 216 00:18:00,538 --> 00:18:02,497 We are rescuing you. 217 00:18:02,582 --> 00:18:04,207 l'll try to repay you later. 218 00:18:04,292 --> 00:18:06,585 But right now we have to get out of here as soon as we can. 219 00:18:06,669 --> 00:18:08,879 Are you okay? No, he's not. 220 00:18:08,963 --> 00:18:11,757 He has nosebleeds and headaches from stopping time. 221 00:18:11,841 --> 00:18:14,134 l'm fine. You're a doctor, right? 222 00:18:14,218 --> 00:18:15,635 You can help him. 223 00:18:17,680 --> 00:18:19,264 Here. Open your eyes wide. 224 00:18:21,309 --> 00:18:22,934 Your pupils are dilated. 225 00:18:23,019 --> 00:18:25,812 Do you have any stiffness in your left arm, or dizziness? 226 00:18:29,025 --> 00:18:30,192 Yes. 227 00:18:31,068 --> 00:18:33,403 But Bruce Wayne only slept two hours a night. 228 00:18:33,488 --> 00:18:35,447 Hiro. Hiro. 229 00:18:35,531 --> 00:18:39,159 These abilities allow us to do superhuman things, but you are still human. 230 00:18:39,243 --> 00:18:42,579 And your human body is rejecting these powers, like a virus. 231 00:18:42,663 --> 00:18:47,501 But this power, it is what makes me strong. My destiny. 232 00:18:48,211 --> 00:18:51,880 You can't freeze time again. Do you understand? 233 00:18:55,218 --> 00:18:57,469 (WHlZZlNG) 234 00:18:57,553 --> 00:18:58,845 Thanks. 235 00:18:59,180 --> 00:19:04,476 So, what's the plan? We just tell them the President's in danger? 236 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:09,731 That'll just send him down a rabbit hole. Then Sylar can become a rabbit. 237 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:14,861 Just gotta play it close to the vest. Follow my lead, okay? 238 00:19:14,946 --> 00:19:17,823 Nathan. lt's good to see you, man. 239 00:19:17,907 --> 00:19:20,534 This is my daughter, Claire. Claire, this is Liam. . . 240 00:19:20,618 --> 00:19:23,119 Samuels. President's Chief of Staff. 241 00:19:24,413 --> 00:19:26,164 l live in America. Your dad and l 242 00:19:26,249 --> 00:19:29,251 barely survived boarding school together. (CHUCKLES) Barely. 243 00:19:30,086 --> 00:19:32,754 Listen, I really appreciate the President giving me some time this afternoon. 244 00:19:32,839 --> 00:19:36,716 Sure. He just stepped up on stage, speech usually clocks in at about 90 minutes. 245 00:19:36,801 --> 00:19:39,636 Whatever works for him. But l'd like to stick around close by. 246 00:19:39,720 --> 00:19:42,180 Absolutely. We've got a suite upstairs. Come here. Do me a favor, 247 00:19:42,265 --> 00:19:45,016 sign in right here, and Frank will show you how to get up there, all right? 248 00:19:45,101 --> 00:19:46,226 Okay. SAMUELS: Nice to meet you. 249 00:19:46,310 --> 00:19:47,435 You, too. 250 00:19:49,605 --> 00:19:51,356 l thought you were right-handed. 251 00:19:52,400 --> 00:19:55,694 Ambidextrous. l bat righty. Throw lefty. 252 00:19:56,404 --> 00:19:57,863 You coming? 253 00:19:59,448 --> 00:20:01,783 (CHATTERlNG ON SECURlTY RADlO) 254 00:20:07,623 --> 00:20:11,293 Prisoners are gone. The entire unit's been captured. 255 00:20:13,045 --> 00:20:16,882 Seeing as how your unit was trying to kill us, l think we caught a break. 256 00:20:16,966 --> 00:20:19,050 How the hell did this happen? 257 00:20:19,135 --> 00:20:22,137 l tried to tell you before this whole thing started. 258 00:20:22,221 --> 00:20:25,640 Your men alone are never going to be a match for people with abilities. 259 00:20:32,273 --> 00:20:33,481 You sure this will work? 260 00:20:33,566 --> 00:20:37,903 The Tasers didn't work on Sylar, but one shot of this will put an elephant down. 261 00:20:37,987 --> 00:20:40,488 The trick is getting close enough to the elephant. 262 00:20:56,005 --> 00:20:57,130 Hiro. 263 00:21:03,346 --> 00:21:05,388 Hiro. MR. BENNET: Call 911. 264 00:21:05,473 --> 00:21:07,974 l gotta get to the Stanton. l gotta stop Sylar. 265 00:21:08,059 --> 00:21:09,434 Go. We'll stay with him. 266 00:21:12,813 --> 00:21:14,689 (CELL PHONE RlNGlNG) 267 00:21:31,874 --> 00:21:32,958 CLAlRE ON PHONE: Hello? 268 00:21:33,042 --> 00:21:35,460 Thank God. Where are you? 269 00:21:35,544 --> 00:21:36,711 l'm with Nathan. 270 00:21:36,796 --> 00:21:38,254 Are you sure it's him? 271 00:21:42,218 --> 00:21:45,470 Oh, it's him. Don't worry. 272 00:21:45,554 --> 00:21:46,680 How do you know? 273 00:21:53,312 --> 00:21:54,854 Because it's me. 274 00:21:59,819 --> 00:22:01,152 (CHUCKLES) 275 00:22:02,488 --> 00:22:03,905 (SNlFFlNG) 276 00:22:04,865 --> 00:22:08,159 God, this is fun. 277 00:22:20,965 --> 00:22:22,757 Don't you love a good pinot? 278 00:22:24,552 --> 00:22:29,806 My dad's on his way. He's gonna stop you, and then l'm gonna kill you. 279 00:22:32,435 --> 00:22:33,601 No. 280 00:22:35,312 --> 00:22:37,939 Actually, l'm gonna kill him. 281 00:22:38,232 --> 00:22:40,025 (GRUNTlNG) 282 00:22:40,109 --> 00:22:43,778 Or have you kill him. l haven't decided yet. 283 00:22:45,239 --> 00:22:49,617 Don't give me that look. Everybody dies sometime. 284 00:22:50,494 --> 00:22:57,250 Well, almost everybody. Pappa Petrelli, Momma Bennet, Mr. Muggles. 285 00:22:58,961 --> 00:23:01,046 What's your brother's name again? Larry? 286 00:23:01,756 --> 00:23:05,300 Lyle. Lyle. Right. He's gonna die, too. 287 00:23:09,305 --> 00:23:11,639 As we speak, my father is dying. 288 00:23:13,017 --> 00:23:14,309 (GRUNTlNG) 289 00:23:18,814 --> 00:23:21,107 Did I tell you I got to meet my real dad? 290 00:23:21,400 --> 00:23:23,068 (EXHALES) 291 00:23:23,152 --> 00:23:25,070 Boy, was that a disappointment. 292 00:23:26,739 --> 00:23:30,784 Have you ever stopped to think about how much we have in common, Claire? 293 00:23:32,661 --> 00:23:35,789 You were adopted. l was adopted. 294 00:23:35,873 --> 00:23:39,000 You can't die. 295 00:23:42,963 --> 00:23:44,506 l can't die. 296 00:23:46,175 --> 00:23:49,302 You can die. l'll make sure of it. 297 00:23:49,386 --> 00:23:50,512 (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 298 00:23:52,640 --> 00:23:54,099 (GRUNTlNG) 299 00:23:58,687 --> 00:24:00,021 (SNlFFlNG) 300 00:24:01,524 --> 00:24:04,442 You'll get bored, after, like, 100 years of trying to off me, 301 00:24:04,527 --> 00:24:07,070 watching all of your loved ones drop like flies. 302 00:24:08,114 --> 00:24:10,365 You may eventually come to forgive me. 303 00:24:14,203 --> 00:24:15,870 Maybe you'll even love me. 304 00:24:16,747 --> 00:24:21,042 l'll keep trying to kill you for the rest of my life. 305 00:24:22,586 --> 00:24:25,004 Well, everybody needs a hobby. 306 00:24:27,007 --> 00:24:30,135 l mean, l'm not saying there aren't bridges that need to be built, 307 00:24:30,219 --> 00:24:35,557 but if we start building them now, who knows? 308 00:24:37,143 --> 00:24:38,977 (SHUDDERlNG) 309 00:24:39,061 --> 00:24:42,063 You could be my first First Lady. 310 00:24:47,570 --> 00:24:49,404 l'm sorry, Senator, there's a full lockdown. 311 00:24:49,488 --> 00:24:51,406 No one gets in or out without talking to Mr. Samuels. 312 00:24:51,490 --> 00:24:53,241 You better talk to Mr. Samuels. 313 00:24:56,745 --> 00:25:00,165 l have Senator Nathan Petrelli requesting access to the building. 314 00:25:01,625 --> 00:25:03,084 ls there a problem? 315 00:25:04,211 --> 00:25:05,962 He says you're already inside. 316 00:25:07,089 --> 00:25:09,007 lf you're here, then who the hell's up in that suite? 317 00:25:09,091 --> 00:25:10,842 And I can either know now or after we take him down. 318 00:25:10,926 --> 00:25:14,012 You're not gonna do that. You send your men up there, and they will die. 319 00:25:14,096 --> 00:25:16,973 He's right. His name is Sylar, he's extremely dangerous. 320 00:25:17,099 --> 00:25:21,102 And he's a target? He's one of them? He's one of them. He. . . 321 00:25:22,146 --> 00:25:23,771 l gotta stop saying that. 322 00:25:25,399 --> 00:25:31,654 He's one of us. 323 00:25:35,701 --> 00:25:36,951 (GUNS COCKlNG) lt's all right. 324 00:25:38,454 --> 00:25:39,746 Liam. 325 00:25:40,581 --> 00:25:42,332 l've been lying to the President. 326 00:25:43,083 --> 00:25:44,709 l've been lying to myself. 327 00:25:48,380 --> 00:25:52,217 And I will take full responsibility for my crimes when the day comes. 328 00:25:52,301 --> 00:25:53,718 But today we're gonna course correct. 329 00:25:53,802 --> 00:25:57,305 There's a man in that suite upstairs. He needs to be stopped. 330 00:25:59,475 --> 00:26:00,725 And how do you suggest we do that? 331 00:26:00,809 --> 00:26:03,728 You don't. We do. 332 00:26:03,812 --> 00:26:05,939 Sylar can only be stopped by people like us. 333 00:26:06,023 --> 00:26:07,565 My brother can do whatever Sylar can do, 334 00:26:07,650 --> 00:26:10,068 we just have to get him close enough to touch him. 335 00:26:11,320 --> 00:26:15,323 Just give us a five-minute head start. That's all l'm asking. 336 00:26:16,533 --> 00:26:17,825 (ELEVATOR BELL DlNGS) 337 00:26:21,497 --> 00:26:25,917 l'll take him high, you take him low. Let's cut the son of a bitch in two. 338 00:26:26,001 --> 00:26:27,418 NATHAN: I love you, Pete. You know that? 339 00:26:27,503 --> 00:26:30,046 'Course. Love you, too, Nathan. 340 00:26:35,511 --> 00:26:36,761 (DOOR OPENlNG) Ready. 341 00:26:42,685 --> 00:26:43,810 Go. 342 00:26:50,901 --> 00:26:52,694 (PETRELLlS GRUNTlNG) 343 00:26:53,779 --> 00:26:54,779 (GRUNTS) 344 00:26:57,866 --> 00:26:59,409 (CRASHlNG) 345 00:27:05,457 --> 00:27:06,457 (WHOOSHlNG) 346 00:27:06,542 --> 00:27:08,084 (GLASS SHATTERlNG) 347 00:27:28,522 --> 00:27:29,939 (GROANlNG) 348 00:27:31,066 --> 00:27:32,984 Are you all right? Yeah. 349 00:27:33,068 --> 00:27:35,570 Where did they go? The window. 350 00:27:36,196 --> 00:27:40,325 Can you fly after them? l can't. 351 00:27:41,744 --> 00:27:45,079 Come on, we have to find them. Come on. 352 00:27:49,668 --> 00:27:51,044 (SCREAMS) 353 00:27:54,923 --> 00:27:56,215 (COUGHS) 354 00:28:01,347 --> 00:28:02,597 (GROANlNG) 355 00:28:11,982 --> 00:28:13,566 (GASPlNG) 356 00:28:20,908 --> 00:28:22,367 (CHUCKLlNG) 357 00:28:24,787 --> 00:28:27,288 Claire's gonna be so mad at me. 358 00:28:28,332 --> 00:28:29,791 (EXHALES) 359 00:28:45,808 --> 00:28:47,809 (PEOPLE CHATTERlNG) 360 00:28:55,025 --> 00:28:56,859 lt's about time. 361 00:28:56,985 --> 00:28:58,945 Mrs. Petrelli, what are you doing here? Waiting for you. 362 00:28:59,029 --> 00:29:01,739 How did you find me? l had a dream. 363 00:29:01,824 --> 00:29:04,409 Nathan's in trouble. Something terrible happened to him. 364 00:29:04,493 --> 00:29:08,454 And then you save him. l don't know how, all I know is you have to come with me. 365 00:29:09,331 --> 00:29:11,082 l can't. l'm sorry. 366 00:29:11,166 --> 00:29:14,043 My dreams don't lie, Mr. Parkman. Now, l need you to come with me. 367 00:29:14,128 --> 00:29:17,463 l came here to stop those agents from coming after us. 368 00:29:17,548 --> 00:29:18,756 l need to be able to go back to my boy 369 00:29:18,841 --> 00:29:21,342 and know he can live his life without being hunted. 370 00:29:21,802 --> 00:29:22,844 l'm sorry about Nathan. 371 00:29:22,928 --> 00:29:24,595 Then we want the same thing. 372 00:29:25,472 --> 00:29:27,598 And without Nathan, none of that is possible. 373 00:29:27,683 --> 00:29:32,061 You don't have to read minds to know that. Come with me. 374 00:29:36,525 --> 00:29:37,900 (PANTlNG) 375 00:29:39,570 --> 00:29:42,947 We should separate here. You go that way. I'll look for Nathan over here. 376 00:29:43,031 --> 00:29:45,324 Hold it. Noah? 377 00:29:45,409 --> 00:29:47,410 You tell me that's Claire, not Sylar. 378 00:29:48,829 --> 00:29:51,831 l just fought Sylar, okay? That is Claire. Put the gun down. 379 00:29:51,915 --> 00:29:54,542 Dad. lt's me. 380 00:29:56,336 --> 00:29:57,712 (SlGHlNG) 381 00:30:01,884 --> 00:30:04,469 Did you take his power? 382 00:30:04,553 --> 00:30:05,761 Yeah. 383 00:30:05,846 --> 00:30:07,263 So we can stop him. 384 00:30:09,725 --> 00:30:13,352 Freeze! On the ground ! 385 00:30:13,437 --> 00:30:15,563 The President's life is in danger. 386 00:30:15,647 --> 00:30:18,149 You want him to live, you need to listen to us. 387 00:30:18,233 --> 00:30:20,109 l said on the ground ! 388 00:30:21,570 --> 00:30:27,408 You can either listen to me now, or I'll tell you after you shoot me. 389 00:30:33,248 --> 00:30:35,291 They were here. Peter and Nathan. 390 00:30:35,375 --> 00:30:38,169 l'm sorry. Only authorized personnel beyond this point. 391 00:30:38,253 --> 00:30:41,130 This is a Secret Service badge. You're gonna let us through. 392 00:30:41,632 --> 00:30:44,592 Sorry. You guys go ahead. 393 00:30:52,226 --> 00:30:53,935 You don't want to see this. 394 00:30:54,019 --> 00:30:55,520 No, I need to. No, I need to. 395 00:30:55,604 --> 00:30:57,897 Mrs. Petrelli, wait. (GRUNTlNG) I need to. 396 00:30:57,981 --> 00:31:00,775 Nathan? Nathan? Please. 397 00:31:09,576 --> 00:31:10,576 No. 398 00:31:11,328 --> 00:31:16,123 No! 399 00:31:16,792 --> 00:31:18,125 (SOBBlNG) 400 00:31:30,013 --> 00:31:36,185 l don't understand. My dream. You were supposed to save him. 401 00:31:39,273 --> 00:31:40,273 (SlGHlNG) 402 00:31:52,494 --> 00:31:54,328 SECURlTY: This way, Mr. President. 403 00:31:55,664 --> 00:31:59,166 Nathan. ls that you? 404 00:31:59,251 --> 00:32:00,459 Of course it's me. 405 00:32:00,544 --> 00:32:02,003 We're getting the President out through the basement. 406 00:32:02,087 --> 00:32:03,754 l can't give you any more time. 407 00:32:03,839 --> 00:32:07,717 That's all right. You don't have any more time to give. 408 00:32:18,812 --> 00:32:21,230 (CHATTERlNG ON SECURlTY RADlO) 409 00:32:27,571 --> 00:32:29,030 This way, Mr. President. 410 00:32:46,840 --> 00:32:48,633 Thank God you're all right, sir. 411 00:32:49,343 --> 00:32:51,594 The Secret Service did a hell of a job today. 412 00:32:52,512 --> 00:32:53,888 And so did you. 413 00:33:13,950 --> 00:33:16,410 Bet you didn't think l took that one from you. 414 00:33:19,456 --> 00:33:20,456 (EXHALES) 415 00:33:36,264 --> 00:33:38,391 This is insane. This will never work. You'll make it work. 416 00:33:38,475 --> 00:33:40,059 lt's the only way. And it has to be right now. 417 00:33:40,143 --> 00:33:42,770 l don't know how much time l bought sending Peter and Claire after Nathan. 418 00:33:42,896 --> 00:33:45,189 Why don't you just chain him up? Or tranq him. 419 00:33:45,273 --> 00:33:48,025 lsn't that what you guys love to do? I don't want to be a part of this. 420 00:33:48,110 --> 00:33:49,985 MR. BENNET: Thought you came back to protect your family, Matt. 421 00:33:50,070 --> 00:33:51,404 l did. But what you're asking me to do is crazy. 422 00:33:51,488 --> 00:33:53,864 Who will convince the President the whole thing was a mistake? 423 00:33:53,949 --> 00:33:56,075 Without Nathan, nothing's going to change. 424 00:33:56,159 --> 00:33:59,245 Word gets out that a person with abilities murdered a US Senator, 425 00:33:59,329 --> 00:34:01,205 you're gonna have 100 Dankos out there. 426 00:34:01,289 --> 00:34:02,915 Even if I could do what you're asking me to do, 427 00:34:02,999 --> 00:34:05,251 he would never really be Nathan. He'd always be Sylar. 428 00:34:05,335 --> 00:34:07,837 Sylar can absorb all of Nathan's memories, 429 00:34:07,921 --> 00:34:11,048 and the entire history of anything he touches will fill in the gaps. 430 00:34:11,133 --> 00:34:14,218 Physically, no one will ever know the difference. lt'll be permanent. 431 00:34:14,302 --> 00:34:16,721 Look. The last thing in the world I want 432 00:34:16,805 --> 00:34:18,848 is to see that son of a bitch still alive, 433 00:34:18,932 --> 00:34:20,933 and I have to lie to my family about it. 434 00:34:21,017 --> 00:34:23,686 But we need Sylar to be Nathan Petrelli again. 435 00:34:23,770 --> 00:34:29,984 Matt. You don't do this, Nathan is gone forever. 436 00:34:34,656 --> 00:34:36,907 And how do we explain what happened to him? 437 00:34:40,495 --> 00:34:42,872 There's a body in deep freeze in Building 26. 438 00:34:42,956 --> 00:34:45,291 lt's identical to Shape-shifter. 439 00:34:45,375 --> 00:34:48,711 Your son, Mr. Parkman. You just wanted to protect him. 440 00:34:48,837 --> 00:34:50,963 Can you honestly tell me that if something happened to him, 441 00:34:51,047 --> 00:34:56,051 you wouldn't do anything, anything, to keep him in your life? 442 00:34:57,345 --> 00:35:02,183 l can't lose Nathan. Not like this. l'm begging you. 443 00:35:24,206 --> 00:35:25,790 (GRUNTlNG) 444 00:35:28,668 --> 00:35:33,297 You're no longer Sylar. No longer Gabriel Gray. 445 00:35:34,841 --> 00:35:37,843 That life is over. Sylar's dead. 446 00:35:40,764 --> 00:35:43,098 (ECHOlNG) You're no longer Sylar. 447 00:35:43,183 --> 00:35:46,894 You're no longer Sylar. No longer Gabriel Gray. 448 00:35:48,355 --> 00:35:51,106 That life is over. Sylar is dead. 449 00:35:56,404 --> 00:36:01,492 You're now Nathan Petrelli. 450 00:36:01,576 --> 00:36:06,372 Nathan Petrelli, son, brother, father. 451 00:36:06,456 --> 00:36:11,377 Senator Nathan Petrelli. 452 00:36:13,505 --> 00:36:15,005 (GASPlNG) 453 00:36:15,090 --> 00:36:16,841 (GRUNTlNG) 454 00:36:42,534 --> 00:36:43,868 (EXHALlNG) 455 00:36:45,245 --> 00:36:46,328 Ma? 456 00:36:57,966 --> 00:37:00,259 MOHlNDER: We are all connected. 457 00:37:00,343 --> 00:37:02,761 Joined together by an invisible thread, 458 00:37:02,846 --> 00:37:06,307 infinite in its potential and fragile in its design. 459 00:37:08,310 --> 00:37:12,354 Yet, while connected, we are also merely individuals. 460 00:37:12,981 --> 00:37:16,609 Empty vessels to be filled with infinite possibilities. 461 00:37:16,985 --> 00:37:19,778 An assortment of thoughts, beliefs. 462 00:37:19,863 --> 00:37:23,407 A collection of disjointed memories and experiences. 463 00:37:43,720 --> 00:37:45,596 lt's a new beginning, Mom. 464 00:37:46,848 --> 00:37:50,726 MOHlNDER: Can I be me without these? Can you be you? 465 00:38:00,070 --> 00:38:02,196 l take it the President agreed to it? 466 00:38:04,074 --> 00:38:07,701 Funding, resources, deniability. 467 00:38:10,538 --> 00:38:13,874 l told them l found just the man to head up our new. . . 468 00:38:17,420 --> 00:38:19,296 What were we gonna call it? 469 00:38:20,924 --> 00:38:22,883 l always liked "the Company". 470 00:38:25,220 --> 00:38:26,553 (CHUCKLES) 471 00:38:34,562 --> 00:38:35,604 (GROANlNG) 472 00:38:35,689 --> 00:38:37,439 (BOTH SPEAKlNG JAPANESE) 473 00:38:55,083 --> 00:38:56,917 l can't believe he's really dead. 474 00:38:59,295 --> 00:39:03,173 He's really dead, Claire. He really is. 475 00:39:04,175 --> 00:39:07,720 MOHlNDER: And if this invisible thread that holds us together were to sever, 476 00:39:07,804 --> 00:39:10,431 to cease, what then? 477 00:39:11,224 --> 00:39:15,269 What would become of billions of lone, disconnected souls? 478 00:39:16,187 --> 00:39:19,273 Therein lies the great quest of our lives. 479 00:39:19,357 --> 00:39:23,652 To find. To connect. To hold on. 480 00:39:24,154 --> 00:39:28,198 For when our hearts are pure and our thoughts in line, 481 00:39:28,283 --> 00:39:33,245 we are all truly one, capable of repairing our fragile world 482 00:39:33,329 --> 00:39:37,541 and creating a universe of infinite possibilities. 483 00:40:02,358 --> 00:40:03,692 (TAP RUNNlNG) 484 00:40:43,108 --> 00:40:44,399 You're number four. 485 00:41:01,209 --> 00:41:02,209 (DOOR OPENlNG) 486 00:41:04,462 --> 00:41:10,551 l haven't heard from you in weeks. I was beginning to worry. Nathan? 487 00:41:14,389 --> 00:41:15,806 Sorry, Ma. 488 00:41:16,391 --> 00:41:19,143 Just haven't felt like myself lately. 489 00:41:19,227 --> 00:41:21,061 Don't be ridiculous. 490 00:41:21,146 --> 00:41:25,190 This is a great time for you, Nathan. The world's your oyster. 491 00:41:25,275 --> 00:41:28,944 We've put all that nonsense behind us. The family's back together. 492 00:41:29,028 --> 00:41:32,447 This is your time. Now, come on, we're going to be late for lunch. 493 00:41:36,035 --> 00:41:40,080 Nathan, have you heard a word l've said? 494 00:41:54,596 --> 00:41:56,138 (TlCKlNG) 495 00:42:02,270 --> 00:42:04,146 lt's just this clock. 496 00:42:05,773 --> 00:42:07,983 lt's running a minute and a half fast. 497 00:42:24,125 --> 00:42:30,297 (CLEARS THROAT) So, lunch? ltalian? Chinese? 498 00:42:32,592 --> 00:42:34,134 (CLOCK TlCKlNG)