1 00:00:03,635 --> 00:00:05,432 Previously on Heroes. 2 00:00:08,507 --> 00:00:11,670 All the answers could be behind this door. 3 00:00:11,743 --> 00:00:14,303 I know that guy. He's running for congress. 4 00:00:14,379 --> 00:00:16,643 What's my father involved with? 5 00:00:19,017 --> 00:00:22,953 Is there a problem, Officer? Mr. Linderman wants to see you. 6 00:00:23,889 --> 00:00:27,586 I've been in love with you since the minute I first laid eyes on you. 7 00:00:42,274 --> 00:00:44,504 Don't hurt yourself. What are you doing? 8 00:00:44,576 --> 00:00:47,943 This is going to happen, right? No! Oh! 9 00:00:52,551 --> 00:00:53,745 Claire! 10 00:01:10,435 --> 00:01:14,098 Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers. 11 00:01:14,640 --> 00:01:20,010 How is this happening? What are they? Why them and not others? 12 00:01:20,912 --> 00:01:23,847 Why now? What does it all mean? 13 00:01:27,853 --> 00:01:29,013 Hello. 14 00:01:29,788 --> 00:01:32,621 Is this the hospital? Am I hurt? 15 00:01:32,691 --> 00:01:34,090 You are fine. 16 00:01:34,626 --> 00:01:37,220 I was at a bar having a beer. 17 00:01:38,096 --> 00:01:40,963 We had to drug you. I'm sorry about that. 18 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:44,560 What? What's going on? 19 00:01:45,037 --> 00:01:48,063 Please don't get excited, Matt. We're trying to test your resting rate. 20 00:01:50,375 --> 00:01:52,741 Just relax. 21 00:01:53,912 --> 00:01:58,178 What are you, the FBI? Huh? The CIA? 22 00:01:58,750 --> 00:02:02,151 I'm not part of any organization that has initials. 23 00:02:02,220 --> 00:02:07,453 Listen to me. Whoever you think I am, believe me, I'm not him. 24 00:02:08,093 --> 00:02:10,527 I'm not... I'm not anyone. 25 00:02:10,595 --> 00:02:12,927 Oh, that's not true. You're someone. 26 00:02:12,998 --> 00:02:15,193 Someone very special. 27 00:02:15,267 --> 00:02:17,098 Who are you people? 28 00:02:21,440 --> 00:02:24,409 Are you trying to hear my thoughts, Matt? 29 00:02:24,476 --> 00:02:26,444 Not with my friend here. 30 00:02:27,012 --> 00:02:28,946 He's special, too. 31 00:02:35,354 --> 00:02:37,845 I am... I'm an LAPD... 32 00:02:39,658 --> 00:02:40,784 I'm a cop. 33 00:02:40,859 --> 00:02:43,885 Everything you see, by tomorrow it won't matter. 34 00:02:49,534 --> 00:02:51,024 Who's Claire? 35 00:02:53,338 --> 00:02:58,571 You're further along than we thought. Go deep, then clean him out. 36 00:03:00,579 --> 00:03:02,410 What does that mean? 37 00:03:04,349 --> 00:03:05,543 What? 38 00:03:31,943 --> 00:03:35,674 You are going to die in five weeks then New York will explode. 39 00:04:06,511 --> 00:04:09,275 I think it's best if Micah waited outside. 40 00:04:17,889 --> 00:04:21,757 Mr. Linderman is willing to forget your debt in exchange for a favor. 41 00:04:22,661 --> 00:04:23,958 What kind of favor? 42 00:04:24,029 --> 00:04:26,862 There's a man arriving this afternoon from New York. 43 00:04:26,932 --> 00:04:30,493 A politician who wants some help from Mr. Linderman. 44 00:04:30,936 --> 00:04:34,099 We're looking for a little insurance on our investment. 45 00:04:34,172 --> 00:04:35,867 And you want me to... 46 00:04:38,009 --> 00:04:39,306 I'm not a whore. 47 00:04:40,412 --> 00:04:42,277 I think we've established what you are. 48 00:04:55,160 --> 00:04:59,426 Jane Doe. Roughly 16 years of age. 49 00:04:59,965 --> 00:05:04,265 Pulled out of Red River Creek at approximately 4:00 a. m. this morning. 50 00:05:04,803 --> 00:05:09,797 She was naked and she was dragged, likely in attempt to hide the body. 51 00:05:10,842 --> 00:05:13,242 Secondary injuries are postmortem. 52 00:05:18,617 --> 00:05:22,075 Base of the skull was punctured by a broken tree branch. 53 00:05:23,989 --> 00:05:27,322 Appears to be a victim of homicide possibly accidental. 54 00:05:43,875 --> 00:05:46,002 Hello. Hey! 55 00:05:52,617 --> 00:05:54,209 Oh, my God. 56 00:06:13,872 --> 00:06:17,535 I love you, too. Bye. 57 00:07:08,960 --> 00:07:11,121 Claire! I'm making waffles. 58 00:07:27,012 --> 00:07:30,038 Internal polling shows a three-point bump from last night's speech. 59 00:07:30,115 --> 00:07:33,642 Now, I say we roll the dice and hold off before we get into bed with Linderman. 60 00:07:33,718 --> 00:07:37,279 I can handle Linderman. He may have owned my father, but he doesn't own me. 61 00:07:37,355 --> 00:07:39,585 Look, man, I don't know about this. I mean, it just makes me nervous. 62 00:07:39,691 --> 00:07:41,955 It's your job to be nervous. It's my job to get elected. 63 00:07:42,027 --> 00:07:43,494 In order to do that I need money. 64 00:07:43,561 --> 00:07:45,552 With Linderman's $2 million, we can turn eight points into three 65 00:07:45,630 --> 00:07:47,154 and make it a horse race. 66 00:07:47,232 --> 00:07:51,760 Mr. Petrelli! Excuse me, Mr. Petrelli. Mr. Petrelli, I must speak with you. 67 00:07:52,604 --> 00:07:55,038 Find out about this guy. Thanks for your vote. 68 00:07:55,106 --> 00:07:56,471 I'm sorry, but Mr. Petrelli is a very busy man. 69 00:07:56,541 --> 00:08:00,307 Your life may be in danger. I believe someone is targeting you. 70 00:08:00,378 --> 00:08:01,538 Can you be a little bit more specific? 71 00:08:01,613 --> 00:08:03,774 Twelve percent of the electorate strongly opposes me. 72 00:08:03,848 --> 00:08:06,544 Does the name Sylar mean anything to you? 73 00:08:06,618 --> 00:08:07,846 I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. 74 00:08:07,919 --> 00:08:09,853 It's Suresh, Dr. Suresh. 75 00:08:11,856 --> 00:08:13,414 Get rid of him. 76 00:08:13,491 --> 00:08:14,480 Sir, I'm gonna take down your information. 77 00:08:14,559 --> 00:08:16,220 Have you noticed any changes to your physiology? 78 00:08:16,294 --> 00:08:18,023 Something outside the norm perhaps? 79 00:08:18,096 --> 00:08:22,192 An ability you didn't have before. Mind reading, spontaneous regeneration. 80 00:08:22,267 --> 00:08:25,532 Please, it is very important that you listen to me. 81 00:08:25,603 --> 00:08:28,265 Keep an eye on this guy. I don't want this nut job following me to Vegas. 82 00:08:28,339 --> 00:08:31,069 Not a problem. Have a safe trip. Fine. 83 00:08:31,543 --> 00:08:33,977 Get him out of here. I don't want to see his face again. 84 00:08:34,045 --> 00:08:38,175 I know. They're all around. They're all around. They get into... 85 00:08:40,151 --> 00:08:41,948 You've got to listen. 86 00:09:11,649 --> 00:09:18,054 Last night, before we kissed, you made a toast. 87 00:09:18,623 --> 00:09:23,060 To love. May we stay away from it when it's not good for us. 88 00:09:25,330 --> 00:09:26,888 I was meaning to ask... 89 00:09:26,965 --> 00:09:29,900 I wasn't talking about you, clearly. 90 00:09:30,335 --> 00:09:32,428 I know, it's just... 91 00:09:35,173 --> 00:09:36,470 You and Isaac. 92 00:09:49,354 --> 00:09:51,549 There's coffee in the kitchen. 93 00:10:04,369 --> 00:10:06,860 You think this is one big joke, don't you, Pete? 94 00:10:08,439 --> 00:10:12,102 Your buddy, Suresh, he came by my campaign office this morning. 95 00:10:12,177 --> 00:10:15,340 Made a big scene. He was talking about mind reading 96 00:10:15,880 --> 00:10:18,974 and spontaneous regeneration. 97 00:10:19,317 --> 00:10:20,807 Chandra Suresh. Yeah. 98 00:10:20,885 --> 00:10:22,318 How did he find you? 99 00:10:22,387 --> 00:10:23,911 You tell me. 100 00:10:23,988 --> 00:10:24,977 What, you think I called him? 101 00:10:25,056 --> 00:10:26,284 Don't insult me. 102 00:10:26,357 --> 00:10:28,291 I've got trained professionals to do that. 103 00:10:28,359 --> 00:10:31,692 Hey, where's your mugs? Hey. 104 00:10:31,830 --> 00:10:33,730 Oh, it's... 105 00:10:34,599 --> 00:10:36,396 They're in the cabinet with the water stain 106 00:10:36,467 --> 00:10:38,628 that looks like Abraham Lincoln. Okay. 107 00:10:40,171 --> 00:10:44,540 Look, here's some money, all right. Take it. 108 00:10:44,943 --> 00:10:47,275 You want answers? Go find them. It's on me. 109 00:10:47,345 --> 00:10:51,008 I need you to disappear for a while, okay? You're becoming a liability. 110 00:11:00,725 --> 00:11:03,819 I'm sorry. I'm opening a new show at the gallery, 111 00:11:03,895 --> 00:11:06,489 and a lot of crazy stuff to deal with. 112 00:11:07,065 --> 00:11:09,659 Is it Isaac's paintings? 113 00:11:09,734 --> 00:11:11,565 It's Isaac's paintings. 114 00:11:11,636 --> 00:11:15,402 It's Isaac. It's his whole "I can paint the future" thing. 115 00:11:16,274 --> 00:11:19,107 What if he can? Paint the future, I mean. 116 00:11:19,811 --> 00:11:21,210 Stranger things, right? 117 00:11:21,279 --> 00:11:23,076 No, that's about as strange as it gets. 118 00:11:26,484 --> 00:11:28,952 Take it. You can bring it back tonight. 119 00:11:31,155 --> 00:11:35,148 Peter, I don't know what this is. 120 00:11:36,628 --> 00:11:42,533 I mean us. I just got out of a two year relationship that was very destructive, 121 00:11:42,600 --> 00:11:45,763 and here I am sleeping with the guy who was taking care of my dying father, 122 00:11:45,837 --> 00:11:47,930 and it's a little confusing. 123 00:11:48,573 --> 00:11:51,474 Yeah. I don't want to be the rebound guy. 124 00:11:51,542 --> 00:11:55,103 I just need time to catch my breath before you take it away again, okay? 125 00:11:55,179 --> 00:11:56,271 Okay. 126 00:11:59,684 --> 00:12:02,312 Claire! Breakfast! 127 00:12:02,387 --> 00:12:05,754 Would you please tell your daughter to drag her fanny out of bed. 128 00:12:05,823 --> 00:12:09,691 Claire, drag your fanny out of bed. Claire! 129 00:12:12,997 --> 00:12:14,521 Dad, I'm not deaf. 130 00:12:14,599 --> 00:12:16,794 Your mother's making waffles. 131 00:12:22,674 --> 00:12:24,369 Were you out all night? 132 00:12:24,442 --> 00:12:25,568 No. 133 00:12:26,144 --> 00:12:28,408 Were you with the quarterback? 134 00:12:31,382 --> 00:12:34,351 Yeah. Yeah, it was just a bunch of us. 135 00:12:35,920 --> 00:12:37,251 It was stupid. I'm sorry. 136 00:12:37,322 --> 00:12:40,291 Honey, you're going to miss your plane. 137 00:12:40,358 --> 00:12:42,326 Be there in a second. 138 00:12:42,393 --> 00:12:44,122 I'm very disappointed in you. 139 00:12:44,195 --> 00:12:45,924 Nothing happened. 140 00:12:47,131 --> 00:12:49,656 Played poker. I'm sorry. 141 00:12:50,335 --> 00:12:54,066 I love you, Claire. I just want you to be honest with me. 142 00:12:55,139 --> 00:12:58,438 You can tell me anything. You know that. 143 00:12:59,444 --> 00:13:01,435 I know. I love you, too. 144 00:13:12,557 --> 00:13:15,458 Don't think you're getting away with this staying out all night thing. 145 00:13:16,928 --> 00:13:19,488 There's going to be a throwdown when I get home. 146 00:13:34,312 --> 00:13:35,745 What? 147 00:13:35,813 --> 00:13:37,576 Mom said to tell you the waffles are ready. 148 00:13:38,850 --> 00:13:40,681 I'll be there in a sec. 149 00:13:41,886 --> 00:13:43,877 Claire! Waffles! 150 00:13:52,030 --> 00:13:55,932 Like such an ass. I've never been so humiliated in my life. 151 00:13:56,501 --> 00:13:59,299 What would you expect, him to invite you in for tea? 152 00:14:00,204 --> 00:14:02,399 Oh, this came for you while you were gone. 153 00:14:12,817 --> 00:14:14,648 It's my father's ashes. 154 00:14:22,193 --> 00:14:26,186 You know, I haven't shed a single tear since my father's death. 155 00:14:26,264 --> 00:14:28,027 Not even when I claimed his body. 156 00:14:29,067 --> 00:14:32,127 They showed me three John Does before they finally found him. 157 00:14:32,770 --> 00:14:34,738 My father was misfiled. 158 00:14:36,808 --> 00:14:38,605 I'm really, really sorry. 159 00:14:38,676 --> 00:14:40,667 And what have I been trying to prove? 160 00:14:40,745 --> 00:14:44,442 I've used these theories, the map, this Sylar, all of it. 161 00:14:45,516 --> 00:14:49,179 Just to validate a relationship that ended a long time ago. 162 00:14:50,621 --> 00:14:53,146 I have no business being here. 163 00:14:55,193 --> 00:14:57,286 You're just gonna give up? 164 00:14:58,596 --> 00:15:01,326 I'm going home to Madras. 165 00:15:02,433 --> 00:15:04,628 To scatter my father's ashes 166 00:15:04,702 --> 00:15:07,899 and go back to my life and stop trying to live his. 167 00:15:14,812 --> 00:15:17,178 I'm looking for Chandra Suresh. 168 00:15:17,248 --> 00:15:19,239 He doesn't live here anymore. 169 00:15:20,084 --> 00:15:23,076 Guys at the Petrelli campaign gave me this address. 170 00:15:23,154 --> 00:15:25,645 They said he came by this morning. 171 00:15:30,094 --> 00:15:32,153 You Chandra Suresh? 172 00:15:32,230 --> 00:15:34,061 No, that was my father. 173 00:15:34,765 --> 00:15:35,925 Yeah. 174 00:15:37,935 --> 00:15:42,998 Your father wrote a book about people with abilities. 175 00:15:45,009 --> 00:15:47,307 I think I may be one of them. 176 00:16:16,274 --> 00:16:18,139 Sir, no more bets. Step back, please. 177 00:17:27,945 --> 00:17:29,708 Winner, black 26. 178 00:17:35,786 --> 00:17:36,980 Thank you. 179 00:18:19,430 --> 00:18:21,421 So. Hey. 180 00:18:21,932 --> 00:18:25,834 Still looking in the mirror, seeing a you that ain't you? 181 00:18:25,903 --> 00:18:26,892 Yup. 182 00:18:27,204 --> 00:18:29,866 Hell, I can relate. It's called getting old. 183 00:18:29,940 --> 00:18:32,636 A little Botox will do us both some good. 184 00:18:34,512 --> 00:18:36,309 I've been blacking out. 185 00:18:38,416 --> 00:18:40,008 Okay, I wake up, 186 00:18:41,686 --> 00:18:45,213 and things aren't like they were. 187 00:18:47,992 --> 00:18:51,826 Like the time you woke up with a couple of dead thugs in your garage? 188 00:18:51,896 --> 00:18:55,024 If you think you had something to do with that... 189 00:18:55,499 --> 00:18:56,966 One of them was torn in half. 190 00:18:57,034 --> 00:18:59,127 Okay, then obviously it wasn't you. 191 00:18:59,203 --> 00:19:00,898 Well, what if it was? 192 00:19:02,640 --> 00:19:05,438 I'm having these violent dreams. 193 00:19:05,509 --> 00:19:09,639 I mean really violent, where I am tearing people apart. 194 00:19:10,614 --> 00:19:11,979 But it's not me. 195 00:19:12,049 --> 00:19:14,677 It's someone else in me. 196 00:19:16,787 --> 00:19:17,845 With me. 197 00:19:17,922 --> 00:19:19,446 Do you know what I think? 198 00:19:19,523 --> 00:19:20,683 What? 199 00:19:20,758 --> 00:19:24,717 I think you saw something. I think you saw something so horrible, 200 00:19:25,196 --> 00:19:27,960 that it broke a part of you. I mean, what happened in that garage... 201 00:19:29,300 --> 00:19:30,289 Mom? 202 00:19:30,701 --> 00:19:32,066 Want to play Scrabble? 203 00:19:32,136 --> 00:19:33,899 Oh, I do. 204 00:19:34,739 --> 00:19:37,333 I really do, but I can't right now. 205 00:19:37,408 --> 00:19:39,433 This is our game night. 206 00:19:40,044 --> 00:19:44,242 I know, and I'm sorry. But why don't you ask Tina? 207 00:19:44,749 --> 00:19:49,118 She reads those romance novels. I bet she has an excellent vocabulary. 208 00:19:50,187 --> 00:19:52,951 You know what? I do have an excellent vocabulary. 209 00:19:53,023 --> 00:19:55,651 And those novels are the only romance I'm getting these days. 210 00:19:55,726 --> 00:19:59,287 I will take that game and I will challenge you, little man. You are on. 211 00:20:00,798 --> 00:20:03,631 Why can't you just work at home like usual? 212 00:20:04,502 --> 00:20:06,766 Because this job is different. 213 00:20:06,837 --> 00:20:08,270 You've been different. 214 00:20:08,339 --> 00:20:09,567 I know I have. 215 00:20:11,008 --> 00:20:12,373 Come here. 216 00:20:15,780 --> 00:20:17,543 I'm so sorry. 217 00:20:17,615 --> 00:20:21,642 It has not been fair to you, but you have been a trooper. 218 00:20:22,420 --> 00:20:27,221 But I have things under control now. And I'm just going to do this one thing, 219 00:20:27,625 --> 00:20:30,719 and it's going to solve a lot of problems for us. 220 00:20:31,695 --> 00:20:34,357 Then you won't be able to get rid of me. 221 00:20:34,732 --> 00:20:37,530 Fine. But it's safer over the Internet. 222 00:20:40,438 --> 00:20:41,496 What? 223 00:20:41,572 --> 00:20:46,874 I mean, what you do, I mean, in the garage, it's just acting. 224 00:20:47,945 --> 00:20:49,879 None of it's for real. 225 00:20:56,921 --> 00:20:58,445 He sent a limo. 226 00:20:59,824 --> 00:21:04,158 Either he's a crap house rat, as in "crazy as," or he's one of them. 227 00:21:04,795 --> 00:21:08,663 All he's really telling me is that he can't do anything. Crap house rat. 228 00:21:08,732 --> 00:21:12,998 Don't you want to at least follow the smoke and see if there's a fire? 229 00:21:15,372 --> 00:21:20,867 It was a pleasure to meet you. Good luck with the whole flying thing. 230 00:21:21,378 --> 00:21:22,367 Thanks. 231 00:21:26,350 --> 00:21:29,012 So, when you're with your brother you can fly, 232 00:21:29,086 --> 00:21:31,919 and when you're with the artist... Isaac. Yeah. 233 00:21:32,756 --> 00:21:35,190 I only met him once, but after I... 234 00:21:35,826 --> 00:21:37,384 I drew the future. 235 00:21:37,461 --> 00:21:39,429 And now you can't do either. 236 00:21:39,497 --> 00:21:41,931 Maybe I can only do things 237 00:21:41,999 --> 00:21:44,968 when I've around other people who can do things. 238 00:21:47,605 --> 00:21:50,233 Did that sound as lame as I think it did? 239 00:21:50,307 --> 00:21:52,400 It sounds like you should be talking to my father. 240 00:21:52,476 --> 00:21:54,239 This was his research, not mine. 241 00:21:54,311 --> 00:21:56,506 Where is he? How do I get a hold of him? 242 00:21:56,580 --> 00:21:58,275 He's on the table. 243 00:22:00,284 --> 00:22:01,273 I... 244 00:22:04,555 --> 00:22:09,515 I'm sorry, but you believe that this is possible. 245 00:22:09,593 --> 00:22:12,357 You have to, you believed it this morning. 246 00:22:14,265 --> 00:22:15,664 What if I prove it to you? 247 00:22:15,733 --> 00:22:17,257 Then prove it. 248 00:22:18,369 --> 00:22:21,167 We'll go see Nathan. When I'm around him I can fly. 249 00:22:21,238 --> 00:22:22,637 I've done it before. Twice. 250 00:22:22,706 --> 00:22:24,674 Fine. Let's go see your brother. 251 00:22:25,776 --> 00:22:29,576 Wait, he's in Vegas. 252 00:22:30,347 --> 00:22:31,905 Of course he is. 253 00:22:32,750 --> 00:22:34,911 Then I'll take you to Isaac's. 254 00:22:35,719 --> 00:22:37,653 But it's complicated. 255 00:22:38,589 --> 00:22:40,113 Complicated how? 256 00:22:43,627 --> 00:22:44,753 Isaac. 257 00:22:49,833 --> 00:22:51,300 Paintings are by the door. 258 00:22:57,675 --> 00:22:59,802 I thought I was buying the new pieces. 259 00:22:59,877 --> 00:23:01,401 I need the new pieces. 260 00:23:01,478 --> 00:23:03,912 Because they tell you what's going to happen in the future? 261 00:23:03,981 --> 00:23:06,006 How much for the old paintings? 262 00:23:06,083 --> 00:23:08,881 To tell you the truth, Isaac, I don't know if I could sell those. 263 00:23:08,953 --> 00:23:11,114 So, you only like the ones I painted when I was high. 264 00:23:12,022 --> 00:23:16,254 Interesting. Won't give me an advance? 265 00:23:16,327 --> 00:23:18,887 That depends. What're you going to do with the money? 266 00:23:18,963 --> 00:23:20,828 I need painting supplies. 267 00:23:23,067 --> 00:23:26,332 I take it you're not talking about oils and canvas. 268 00:23:29,106 --> 00:23:34,237 It was raining last night. What'd you do, Simone? In the rain? 269 00:23:38,115 --> 00:23:39,912 You followed me? 270 00:23:39,984 --> 00:23:42,043 I drew this seven weeks ago. 271 00:23:42,119 --> 00:23:45,714 I drew him there, and here, before I'd ever met the guy. 272 00:23:50,494 --> 00:23:53,827 Are you in love with him? Looks like you're in love with him. 273 00:23:53,897 --> 00:23:55,592 I don't know how I feel about him. 274 00:23:57,468 --> 00:23:59,333 And I don't know how I feel about you. 275 00:24:00,170 --> 00:24:02,934 So here we are not knowing how we feel about each other, 276 00:24:03,007 --> 00:24:04,668 and this entire city is going to go... 277 00:24:08,145 --> 00:24:09,635 Unless I stop it. 278 00:24:09,713 --> 00:24:12,011 You think you can save us all by shooting up? 279 00:24:12,082 --> 00:24:13,811 I can save everybody. 280 00:24:21,225 --> 00:24:23,022 I'm going to be a hero. 281 00:24:28,799 --> 00:24:33,498 Look, you can't say anything. I'm fine. I was drunk. It was an accident. 282 00:24:33,771 --> 00:24:36,968 Which part was an accident, the rape or the murder? 283 00:24:37,041 --> 00:24:38,440 It didn't happen. 284 00:24:38,509 --> 00:24:40,636 Yeah, because he killed you before he had the chance. 285 00:24:40,711 --> 00:24:42,235 I'm alive. 286 00:24:42,312 --> 00:24:44,177 Yeah, now, but you weren't on the autopsy table. 287 00:24:46,083 --> 00:24:48,244 Look, you said you had a hole in your head. 288 00:24:48,318 --> 00:24:49,945 Maybe when they pulled out whatever was in there, 289 00:24:50,020 --> 00:24:51,851 that's when you, like, rebooted or whatever. 290 00:24:52,723 --> 00:24:54,156 I'm not a hard drive. 291 00:24:54,224 --> 00:24:55,851 No, you're Little Miss Miracle-Gro. 292 00:24:55,926 --> 00:24:58,053 Don't ever call me that again. 293 00:24:58,128 --> 00:24:59,618 You've got to tell somebody about Brody. 294 00:24:59,697 --> 00:25:04,896 No, I don't. And even if I wanted to, which I don't, I don't have a mark on me. 295 00:25:04,968 --> 00:25:06,731 But you know what happened, 296 00:25:06,804 --> 00:25:09,830 and he knows what happened. All he knows is that he was drunk, 297 00:25:09,907 --> 00:25:11,431 and I'm not dead. 298 00:25:12,209 --> 00:25:15,372 Hey, what happened to you last night? 299 00:25:18,949 --> 00:25:22,749 I was hoping you'd tell me. I had way too much to drink. 300 00:25:23,821 --> 00:25:24,810 I... 301 00:25:25,222 --> 00:25:27,122 I gotta go to the bathroom. 302 00:25:28,692 --> 00:25:32,458 He must have a bladder the size of a pea, because he just went. 303 00:26:17,641 --> 00:26:19,472 Full house! I win again! 304 00:26:23,747 --> 00:26:25,078 Thank you. 305 00:26:29,720 --> 00:26:31,745 You're meeting Miss Sakamoto tomorrow at 11:00 a. m. 306 00:26:31,822 --> 00:26:33,653 But no Linderman? 307 00:26:33,724 --> 00:26:36,249 He's quote otherwise occupied. 308 00:26:36,326 --> 00:26:38,590 Occupied. What is he, a port-a-potty? 309 00:26:39,196 --> 00:26:40,823 Don't let Sakamoto geisha you. 310 00:26:40,898 --> 00:26:42,957 Get him in the room. Okay, I will. 311 00:26:43,033 --> 00:26:46,025 Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's my fault. 312 00:26:46,103 --> 00:26:47,730 Are you all right? Yeah. 313 00:26:48,505 --> 00:26:51,235 Oh, so much for Celine Dion. 314 00:26:52,309 --> 00:26:54,038 Just the one ticket? 315 00:26:55,612 --> 00:26:59,048 Yeah. I'm here for a conference, 316 00:26:59,483 --> 00:27:03,180 and I really don't like the people I work with, so... 317 00:27:03,253 --> 00:27:05,915 So, you're traveling alone, are you? 318 00:27:21,071 --> 00:27:25,371 I've only met him once, but maybe I ought to do the talking to start. 319 00:27:25,442 --> 00:27:27,933 He's... He's kind of a heroin addict. 320 00:27:28,412 --> 00:27:30,039 A heroin addict? 321 00:27:30,113 --> 00:27:31,740 You neglected to mention that. 322 00:27:31,815 --> 00:27:34,477 Hey, just suspend the skepticism at least until you meet him. 323 00:27:34,551 --> 00:27:37,019 The default scientific position is skepticism. 324 00:27:37,087 --> 00:27:39,578 Your father managed to get around it. 325 00:27:40,390 --> 00:27:42,585 I don't know. He took a pretty big leap. 326 00:27:42,659 --> 00:27:45,856 You've got to respect that. I did more than respect it. I believed him. 327 00:27:45,929 --> 00:27:48,363 I had to. I was his son. 328 00:27:48,432 --> 00:27:50,957 Can't be the only reason why you believed him. 329 00:27:51,034 --> 00:27:52,934 Look at what's happening to our planet. 330 00:27:53,003 --> 00:27:56,837 Overpopulation, global warming, drought, famine, terrorism. 331 00:27:57,474 --> 00:27:59,772 Deep down, we all sense that something's not right. 332 00:28:01,645 --> 00:28:05,411 My father always talked about how an entire species will go extinct 333 00:28:05,482 --> 00:28:10,545 while others, no more unique or complex, will change and adapt in extraordinary ways. 334 00:28:14,024 --> 00:28:15,753 He had a romantic take on evolution. 335 00:28:15,826 --> 00:28:18,420 And you don't? You're both geneticists. 336 00:28:19,897 --> 00:28:21,489 Which is also evolution. 337 00:28:21,565 --> 00:28:23,624 We're all just variations of the last model. 338 00:28:23,700 --> 00:28:24,724 Yeah. 339 00:28:24,801 --> 00:28:27,736 We're just cheap knock-off's of our fathers. 340 00:29:41,144 --> 00:29:46,946 Isaac. It's Peter Petrelli. I'm a friend of Simone's. 341 00:29:52,055 --> 00:29:53,249 Isaac. 342 00:29:56,793 --> 00:29:58,021 Isaac. 343 00:30:07,270 --> 00:30:08,828 Oh, hey, Lori. 344 00:30:08,905 --> 00:30:13,365 Hey. I saw you go off with Brody Mitchum last night at the bonfire. 345 00:30:15,212 --> 00:30:16,201 So? 346 00:30:16,913 --> 00:30:18,574 So, what happened? 347 00:30:19,783 --> 00:30:20,943 Nothing. 348 00:30:21,018 --> 00:30:22,781 Nothing happened. 349 00:30:22,853 --> 00:30:25,413 I went off with Brody Mitchum once. 350 00:30:25,489 --> 00:30:27,650 Nothing happened to me, too. 351 00:31:20,277 --> 00:31:22,142 You make a big mistake! 352 00:31:29,052 --> 00:31:30,212 Okay. 353 00:31:44,167 --> 00:31:47,864 Hello, boys. I think you have something that belongs to me. 354 00:31:48,972 --> 00:31:51,600 See, I had three aces at that poker table. 355 00:31:52,042 --> 00:31:54,033 Next thing I know, you two have them. 356 00:31:59,649 --> 00:32:03,585 You better back off. My friend has very big power. 357 00:32:03,987 --> 00:32:07,445 Can take you all out. Make you wish you've never been born. 358 00:32:15,365 --> 00:32:17,629 Oh, my God! Look at this view. 359 00:32:18,435 --> 00:32:21,461 Everything looks so pretty when you're up high. 360 00:32:21,538 --> 00:32:22,971 Yes, it does. 361 00:32:24,708 --> 00:32:26,107 Thank you. 362 00:32:28,912 --> 00:32:32,348 Don't you ever think what it would be like to just 363 00:32:32,415 --> 00:32:34,815 soar over that desert? 364 00:32:34,885 --> 00:32:39,845 Mmm. I took a helicopter ride over Red Rocks Park one time... 365 00:32:39,923 --> 00:32:41,686 I wasn't thinking in a helicopter. 366 00:32:41,791 --> 00:32:44,521 I was thinking more like... flying. 367 00:32:45,428 --> 00:32:46,417 Flying? 368 00:32:51,601 --> 00:32:54,934 You know, if I were your husband, I don't think I'd let you travel alone. 369 00:32:56,339 --> 00:32:59,706 I don't have a husband. He left. 370 00:33:00,443 --> 00:33:02,172 For another woman? 371 00:33:03,480 --> 00:33:04,640 I wish. 372 00:33:05,248 --> 00:33:06,340 Man? 373 00:33:08,485 --> 00:33:10,578 I would take that one, too. 374 00:33:14,591 --> 00:33:18,925 He's sort of a criminal, and by "sort of," 375 00:33:19,996 --> 00:33:21,793 I mean that he is. 376 00:33:21,865 --> 00:33:24,026 Well, then my questions end there. 377 00:33:24,100 --> 00:33:25,158 Thanks. 378 00:33:27,337 --> 00:33:28,531 Do you have any kids? 379 00:33:28,605 --> 00:33:30,266 That's another question. 380 00:33:30,340 --> 00:33:31,432 Right. 381 00:33:32,576 --> 00:33:35,568 One. Boy genius. 382 00:33:37,414 --> 00:33:39,143 Boy? Boy. 383 00:33:39,216 --> 00:33:41,946 I've got two boys. Not geniuses, just boys. 384 00:33:42,385 --> 00:33:44,216 It's weird having children. Isn't it? 385 00:33:44,287 --> 00:33:47,120 It's like you've got to be two different people. 386 00:33:47,891 --> 00:33:51,884 Like the person that they see and the person that you really are? 387 00:33:52,229 --> 00:33:54,288 Something like that, yeah. Yeah. 388 00:33:55,298 --> 00:33:56,287 Still married? 389 00:33:56,366 --> 00:33:57,697 Yeah, I am. 390 00:34:00,403 --> 00:34:01,734 Happy? 391 00:34:01,805 --> 00:34:03,067 Yes, very. 392 00:34:07,310 --> 00:34:10,143 I guess my questions, they stop there. 393 00:34:24,294 --> 00:34:26,558 I can't. I know. I know. 394 00:34:28,565 --> 00:34:30,089 I want to. 395 00:34:31,534 --> 00:34:33,001 I do. 396 00:34:37,474 --> 00:34:39,942 I understand, it's okay. 397 00:34:40,010 --> 00:34:42,035 I had a really great time. 398 00:34:43,747 --> 00:34:45,146 Surprisingly. 399 00:34:48,985 --> 00:34:50,316 Thank you. 400 00:34:55,625 --> 00:34:57,024 Goodnight. 401 00:35:00,730 --> 00:35:02,095 Goodnight. 402 00:35:26,356 --> 00:35:31,123 It would be a shame to send you back to the congressman covered in bruises. 403 00:35:32,862 --> 00:35:34,193 I have to get home to my son. 404 00:35:34,264 --> 00:35:36,824 And what are you going to tell your son, huh? 405 00:35:36,900 --> 00:35:39,460 How are you going to explain to your son what happened to you 406 00:35:39,536 --> 00:35:42,027 when you didn't honor your agreement? 407 00:35:42,105 --> 00:35:45,165 Look, I will find another way to pay Linderman. 408 00:35:46,343 --> 00:35:48,709 No, let me rephrase that question. 409 00:35:48,778 --> 00:35:50,905 How are you going to explain to your son 410 00:35:50,980 --> 00:35:54,814 what happened to him when you didn't honor your agreement? 411 00:35:56,086 --> 00:35:59,419 You think about that, Niki. 412 00:35:59,489 --> 00:36:01,389 Niki's not here right now. 413 00:36:18,608 --> 00:36:23,341 If you threaten our son again, I'm going to put my heel through your skull. 414 00:36:24,748 --> 00:36:26,215 Do you understand? 415 00:36:28,118 --> 00:36:30,382 Do you understand? Yeah. Yeah. 416 00:36:41,698 --> 00:36:43,598 Did you forget something? 417 00:38:00,109 --> 00:38:01,872 What if we went back tomorrow? 418 00:38:01,945 --> 00:38:05,244 Look, I'm not trying to discount your experience. 419 00:38:05,315 --> 00:38:08,807 It's just a week ago I was in my own country, a respected professor. 420 00:38:08,918 --> 00:38:10,977 Now, you want me to stalk a heroin addict 421 00:38:11,054 --> 00:38:13,921 who allegedly paints the future. 422 00:38:16,893 --> 00:38:18,258 Mohinder? 423 00:39:09,145 --> 00:39:11,079 Yeah, all right. Catch you later, man. 424 00:39:11,147 --> 00:39:12,944 All right, good practice. 425 00:39:20,390 --> 00:39:22,119 What are you doing here so late? 426 00:39:22,191 --> 00:39:23,954 Making banners for spirit week. 427 00:39:25,094 --> 00:39:28,791 Jackie was going to give me a ride home but she left without me. 428 00:39:30,600 --> 00:39:32,192 Can I get a lift? 429 00:39:33,636 --> 00:39:35,433 Yeah, I guess. 430 00:39:36,105 --> 00:39:37,333 Thanks. 431 00:39:38,708 --> 00:39:41,233 Hey, you drive a stick shift, right? 432 00:39:43,379 --> 00:39:44,812 Can I drive? 433 00:39:57,160 --> 00:39:59,628 Don't you think it's a little weird that neither one of us remembers 434 00:39:59,696 --> 00:40:02,392 what happened the night of the bonfire? 435 00:40:03,032 --> 00:40:05,000 Must have been some night. 436 00:40:05,368 --> 00:40:06,801 Yeah, must have. 437 00:40:11,908 --> 00:40:14,001 Slow down. That was a red light. 438 00:40:14,677 --> 00:40:15,666 Whoops. 439 00:40:19,649 --> 00:40:21,879 You know how to drive a stick shift, don't you? 440 00:40:21,951 --> 00:40:23,612 There's a lot of things that I know. 441 00:40:24,921 --> 00:40:26,354 Like what you did to me. 442 00:40:27,490 --> 00:40:31,824 What'd I do to you? I knew it. I knew this would happen. 443 00:40:32,428 --> 00:40:35,454 You get drunk, you come on to me and it's my fault? 444 00:40:35,531 --> 00:40:38,022 You're a liar. You can't rape the willing, Claire. 445 00:40:38,101 --> 00:40:41,366 You wanted it as bad as I did. Stop the car. 446 00:40:41,804 --> 00:40:43,601 Did I want it as bad as Lori Trammel? 447 00:40:43,673 --> 00:40:45,698 Lori Trammel is a slut. 448 00:40:46,275 --> 00:40:48,243 Is that what you're going to say about me? 449 00:40:48,311 --> 00:40:50,211 I already do. 450 00:40:50,279 --> 00:40:52,907 You're just going to keep at it, aren't you? 451 00:40:52,982 --> 00:40:56,816 You should let it go, Claire. There's nothing you can do about it. 452 00:41:01,891 --> 00:41:03,381 I can do this. 453 00:41:24,981 --> 00:41:26,414 Just take the one. 454 00:42:14,597 --> 00:42:16,155 Peter Petrelli. 455 00:42:18,134 --> 00:42:20,068 How is this happening? 456 00:42:22,071 --> 00:42:24,062 I'm sorry if I scared you. 457 00:42:24,974 --> 00:42:27,442 You look different without your scar. 458 00:42:27,510 --> 00:42:29,239 I don't know you, buddy. 459 00:42:29,312 --> 00:42:30,574 Not yet. 460 00:42:32,048 --> 00:42:34,983 My name is Hiro Nakamura. I'm from the future. 461 00:42:37,754 --> 00:42:39,847 I have a message for you.