1 00:01:36,638 --> 00:01:38,849 What did you think would happen to me, Gaal, 2 00:01:38,932 --> 00:01:42,895 when you so abruptly sundered my consciousness from the Raven? 3 00:01:42,978 --> 00:01:45,606 What did you imagine would happen to me? 4 00:01:45,689 --> 00:01:50,527 That my thoughts would simply be suspended as yours were while you cryoslept? 5 00:01:50,611 --> 00:01:53,530 Did it occur to you that you would become my torturer? 6 00:01:54,114 --> 00:01:55,908 You didn't give it a second's thought, did you? 7 00:01:56,909 --> 00:02:01,747 I was conscious the entire time! 8 00:02:01,830 --> 00:02:03,665 I didn't know, Hari. 9 00:02:04,374 --> 00:02:08,002 I'd just learned that Raych was dead, that there was never a future for us-- 10 00:02:08,086 --> 00:02:09,922 Take that up with Raych! 11 00:02:10,631 --> 00:02:15,928 He knew everything, Gaal. Everything. 12 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:17,846 Hold on! 13 00:02:24,770 --> 00:02:27,606 Now is not the time to air our grievances, Hari. 14 00:02:28,148 --> 00:02:30,609 I looked at the math. The Plan's gone off course. 15 00:02:30,692 --> 00:02:33,820 -And why is the Plan off course, Gaal? -I don't know. 16 00:02:33,904 --> 00:02:36,823 Don't you dare play the innocent with me, Gaal. 17 00:02:36,907 --> 00:02:38,534 -What? -You know damn well. 18 00:02:38,617 --> 00:02:43,580 My numbers were predicated on the creation of a Second Foundation, remember? 19 00:02:44,164 --> 00:02:45,415 Second Foundation? 20 00:02:46,291 --> 00:02:49,336 -Who are you? -I'm Salvor Hardin, Gaal's daughter. 21 00:02:49,878 --> 00:02:50,879 Daughter? 22 00:02:50,963 --> 00:02:52,256 You have a daughter? 23 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:57,302 -The Plan-wrecker has a daughter! -Yes. You know me. 24 00:02:57,386 --> 00:02:59,638 I was Warden of Terminus when you stepped out of the Vault. 25 00:02:59,721 --> 00:03:02,057 Terminus? Terminus? I was on Terminus? 26 00:03:02,140 --> 00:03:05,102 Yes. No. No, you weren't. He was. The other one. 27 00:03:05,185 --> 00:03:07,771 He doesn't know your mind. You don't know his. 28 00:03:07,855 --> 00:03:10,232 His Foundation is hurtling towards conflict. 29 00:03:10,315 --> 00:03:11,817 Empire will find him soon. 30 00:03:11,900 --> 00:03:16,530 -Wait. What are you talking about? -War. Trantor, Terminus. Very soon now. 31 00:03:16,613 --> 00:03:18,282 What? We need to help them. 32 00:03:18,365 --> 00:03:20,701 -We need to warn them that-- -Yes! Good idea! 33 00:03:20,784 --> 00:03:24,204 That's what the Second Foundation was meant to be doing, Gaal! 34 00:03:24,288 --> 00:03:26,081 Putting its thumb on the scale. 35 00:03:26,164 --> 00:03:27,457 Hari Seldon! 36 00:03:27,541 --> 00:03:29,209 You don't know me, but I know you. 37 00:03:29,710 --> 00:03:32,087 Your Second Foundation doesn't stand a chance 38 00:03:32,171 --> 00:03:34,256 if we don't get this ship off-planet right now! 39 00:03:34,339 --> 00:03:38,218 You're in the mainframe. Clear our avionics fault. Help us. 40 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:42,264 Hari! 41 00:03:47,811 --> 00:03:49,438 -He did it. -What's going on? 42 00:03:51,857 --> 00:03:53,525 -He cleared the fault. -We can leave? 43 00:03:53,609 --> 00:03:54,735 Shit. Almost. 44 00:03:54,818 --> 00:03:56,528 One of the stabilizers is jammed. 45 00:03:56,612 --> 00:03:58,280 Looks like a bunch of coral grew inside it. 46 00:03:58,363 --> 00:04:00,073 I have to climb out and force it manually. 47 00:04:00,157 --> 00:04:03,952 When I tell you, "Fire the engines," you advance the throttle halfway. 48 00:04:06,121 --> 00:04:07,039 Okay. 49 00:04:39,905 --> 00:04:42,741 Salvor, hurry. The front's almost on top of us. 50 00:04:42,824 --> 00:04:44,076 I'm almost there! 51 00:04:52,417 --> 00:04:55,462 Salvor, inside now! 52 00:05:17,359 --> 00:05:18,360 Yes! 53 00:05:49,933 --> 00:05:52,519 -Fire the engines! Don't wait for me! -But-- 54 00:05:52,603 --> 00:05:54,771 Fire the damn engines, Gaal! 55 00:05:54,855 --> 00:05:56,440 Fuck! Okay. 56 00:07:36,874 --> 00:07:38,375 Whoa! 57 00:07:39,042 --> 00:07:41,795 Beki. What's up? 58 00:07:42,963 --> 00:07:44,381 Can you smell the water? 59 00:07:53,682 --> 00:07:55,642 We'll bring this back for the Claric, hmm? 60 00:07:59,563 --> 00:08:02,107 What's wrong, Beki? You smell trouble? 61 00:08:14,620 --> 00:08:15,662 Oh, shit. 62 00:08:22,920 --> 00:08:25,005 Hell, Brother! That's like ice. 63 00:08:26,215 --> 00:08:29,218 -Go away. I'm sick. -You're hungover. 64 00:08:31,762 --> 00:08:35,807 -And maybe still drunk. Give me your arm. -No, no. Not again. Not again. 65 00:08:35,890 --> 00:08:37,934 No, not again. Not again! 66 00:08:40,729 --> 00:08:42,105 Curse you, Brother! 67 00:08:48,237 --> 00:08:49,571 Get it all out. 68 00:08:51,156 --> 00:08:52,324 Dear Seldon. 69 00:08:52,950 --> 00:08:54,993 Trousers. Put 'em on. 70 00:09:01,625 --> 00:09:03,502 Well, that was a productive purge, wasn't it? 71 00:09:03,585 --> 00:09:05,796 Clean as a whistle, all the way through. 72 00:09:05,879 --> 00:09:07,798 -You're a demon. -And you're detoxed. 73 00:09:07,881 --> 00:09:10,259 Give it a minute, and you'll be perky enough to wipe your arse 74 00:09:10,342 --> 00:09:11,969 and greet the day with a smile. 75 00:09:13,136 --> 00:09:16,890 And I found a death threat, if you're interested. 76 00:09:20,143 --> 00:09:21,061 Well, 77 00:09:21,144 --> 00:09:23,647 that's a fairly gruesome message for the Foundation. 78 00:09:28,110 --> 00:09:29,319 Dagger's a bit of an overkill. 79 00:09:31,238 --> 00:09:33,532 Lightning hit the tree. Was that their plan? 80 00:09:33,615 --> 00:09:35,659 Tie him up and get lightning to kill him? 81 00:09:35,742 --> 00:09:38,704 Oh, yes. That was very much their plan. 82 00:09:39,288 --> 00:09:42,124 It's been a century since Empire pulled up stakes here, 83 00:09:42,207 --> 00:09:44,793 leaving nothing but bad feelings. 84 00:09:44,877 --> 00:09:48,922 And it seems the local taste for off-worlders continues to sour. 85 00:09:49,006 --> 00:09:51,175 Claric Rees. I knew him. 86 00:09:52,009 --> 00:09:53,886 Good Magician. Sad eyes. 87 00:09:53,969 --> 00:09:56,638 I always felt that I had to apologize for something. 88 00:09:56,722 --> 00:10:00,225 Killed for his beliefs in the teachings of Hari Seldon, unfortunately. 89 00:10:00,309 --> 00:10:02,394 There's all flavors of people on Siwenna. 90 00:10:02,978 --> 00:10:05,564 Doesn't have to be the religious ones who left this warning. 91 00:10:06,356 --> 00:10:09,401 The symbol of the local lightning deity. 92 00:10:09,484 --> 00:10:11,904 Someone feels like they're being kicked in the gods. 93 00:10:11,987 --> 00:10:13,655 But they can keep their gods. 94 00:10:13,739 --> 00:10:17,075 We're just shining a light on the great force that underlies everything. 95 00:10:17,159 --> 00:10:21,288 And illuminating a few corners some would prefer to keep darkened. 96 00:10:21,371 --> 00:10:24,291 Faith is a funny thing, Brother. 97 00:10:31,798 --> 00:10:33,634 They mean to ambush us later, right? 98 00:10:33,717 --> 00:10:36,595 Without a doubt. Keep your aura charged. 99 00:10:36,678 --> 00:10:38,305 Not much use against lightning. 100 00:10:39,097 --> 00:10:40,182 Avoid lightning. 101 00:11:02,454 --> 00:11:05,457 Empress Hanlo, one of the greats. 102 00:11:06,250 --> 00:11:09,545 And this gangly child would go on to become Empress Ammentic, 103 00:11:09,628 --> 00:11:11,630 arguably even greater. 104 00:11:11,713 --> 00:11:16,176 Their dynasty began 4,000 years ago and ended two millennia later, 105 00:11:16,260 --> 00:11:18,220 far longer than our Cleonic age. 106 00:11:18,303 --> 00:11:20,180 It covered four times the area 107 00:11:20,264 --> 00:11:23,517 and oversaw a blossoming of science and culture. 108 00:11:27,771 --> 00:11:30,107 I have the results of Dusk and Dawn's memory audit. 109 00:11:30,983 --> 00:11:33,485 There is no record of contact with the Blind Angels, 110 00:11:33,569 --> 00:11:36,280 nor with anyone else outside their normal circles. 111 00:11:36,363 --> 00:11:38,657 So neither of my brothers hired someone to kill me? 112 00:11:43,036 --> 00:11:45,247 What a low bar we've set these days. 113 00:11:45,330 --> 00:11:48,834 Or more precisely, they don't remember hiring someone to kill you. 114 00:11:49,710 --> 00:11:51,170 Well, that's a loophole to close. 115 00:11:51,253 --> 00:11:53,463 Yes. I'll see to that. 116 00:11:55,299 --> 00:11:57,843 I've also edited the memories of the medical staff. 117 00:11:57,926 --> 00:12:03,390 They'll have no recollection of having seen either of us so compromised. 118 00:12:08,395 --> 00:12:09,813 Enemies in my home. 119 00:12:11,690 --> 00:12:14,526 Foundation poaching the Outer Reach. 120 00:12:16,320 --> 00:12:19,156 The Empire squirms in my grasp like an angry cat, 121 00:12:19,239 --> 00:12:24,745 which makes me all the more determined to solidify this marriage. 122 00:12:28,207 --> 00:12:31,710 To that end, I've found someone to engage the Foundation. 123 00:12:31,793 --> 00:12:34,505 Fifteen years' experience in the Superluminal Armada. 124 00:12:35,088 --> 00:12:36,590 A decade in Intelligence. 125 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:39,885 -Oh, come on! -Honest. Incorruptible. 126 00:12:39,968 --> 00:12:41,261 Bel Riose? 127 00:12:42,262 --> 00:12:44,431 -Absolutely not. -He's the best man for the job. 128 00:12:44,515 --> 00:12:46,850 He retreated under fire over the Lemul Cluster. 129 00:12:46,934 --> 00:12:48,852 He executed a flanking maneuver 130 00:12:48,936 --> 00:12:50,771 and won the encounter with minimal loss of life. 131 00:12:50,854 --> 00:12:53,440 Immaterial. He disobeyed me. 132 00:12:53,524 --> 00:12:57,152 Your efforts to extinguish the Foundation will suffer if you indulge your ego. 133 00:12:57,236 --> 00:13:01,156 Ego? Riose thinks he can disregard the wishes of an emperor. 134 00:13:01,240 --> 00:13:03,408 Luck happened to be on his side one time! 135 00:13:03,492 --> 00:13:07,079 And his people, extolling him as a hero for saving their lives, 136 00:13:07,162 --> 00:13:09,581 when what he's really done is rupture military discipline. 137 00:13:09,665 --> 00:13:12,876 How long do they think the service will feed them and bind up their wounds 138 00:13:12,960 --> 00:13:14,962 if obeying orders becomes optional? 139 00:13:15,045 --> 00:13:19,049 It's a step into chaos, another symptom of void-fucked entropy 140 00:13:19,132 --> 00:13:21,927 as everything goes lurching off into disorder 141 00:13:22,010 --> 00:13:24,388 and I'm left to scrabble around like an infant, 142 00:13:24,471 --> 00:13:27,266 looking for pieces large enough to grasp. 143 00:13:30,435 --> 00:13:32,771 From the universe to an atom… 144 00:13:34,773 --> 00:13:37,901 it all just falls apart in your own damn hands. 145 00:13:49,621 --> 00:13:52,249 How long did you expect my outburst to last? 146 00:13:52,916 --> 00:13:55,878 A minute and a quarter. You came in well under. 147 00:13:58,005 --> 00:13:59,423 Shall I speak with Riose? 148 00:14:02,843 --> 00:14:04,344 If he refuses… 149 00:14:06,263 --> 00:14:07,264 kill him. 150 00:14:34,208 --> 00:14:37,544 -Bel Riose? -He's the ablest general we have. 151 00:14:37,628 --> 00:14:38,921 Yes, and he knows it. 152 00:14:39,004 --> 00:14:41,423 And if he's out to settle scores with you, it will get volatile. 153 00:14:41,507 --> 00:14:43,675 His fleet is extremely loyal to him. 154 00:14:43,759 --> 00:14:45,594 He has no fleet. He's a prisoner. 155 00:14:45,677 --> 00:14:48,222 Well, perhaps he should remain one. 156 00:14:50,516 --> 00:14:51,350 And please. 157 00:14:53,727 --> 00:14:54,770 Forks down. 158 00:14:57,022 --> 00:14:58,607 As we begin again. 159 00:15:00,025 --> 00:15:03,570 Index finger below the tines. Arc the forearm. Arc the forearm. 160 00:15:03,654 --> 00:15:07,866 As Prime, my brothers would do well to follow my lead. 161 00:15:07,950 --> 00:15:11,245 Brother, your genetic match to the Principium 162 00:15:11,328 --> 00:15:13,080 was off by three centimorgans. 163 00:15:13,163 --> 00:15:14,039 That's been corrected. 164 00:15:14,122 --> 00:15:16,750 DNA is easy. Habits are hard. 165 00:15:16,834 --> 00:15:18,752 We must present as one man. 166 00:15:18,836 --> 00:15:21,672 No matter how far you-- we have drifted. 167 00:15:21,755 --> 00:15:24,091 On the subject of Riose, 168 00:15:24,174 --> 00:15:28,136 I remember learning about a similar difficulty faced by Emperor Daluben IV. 169 00:15:28,220 --> 00:15:30,055 There was a wildly charismatic general, and he-- 170 00:15:30,138 --> 00:15:33,016 Now I have a history instructor as well as a movement coach. 171 00:15:34,017 --> 00:15:38,730 Yet another incentive for this marriage. We don't ever have to do this again. 172 00:15:53,579 --> 00:15:56,832 So, the Second Foundation. 173 00:15:56,915 --> 00:15:58,917 Why did you keep Hari from starting it? 174 00:15:59,001 --> 00:16:00,127 I don't know. 175 00:16:02,421 --> 00:16:03,964 I loved your father. 176 00:16:04,548 --> 00:16:07,885 With Raych, I finally felt whole. 177 00:16:09,094 --> 00:16:10,762 And Hari ripped that away from me. 178 00:16:11,346 --> 00:16:12,806 I knew the Plan was important, 179 00:16:12,890 --> 00:16:16,059 but in the moment, I couldn't separate the man from the math. 180 00:16:17,311 --> 00:16:20,022 And if you had, you could've helped Terminus? 181 00:16:20,939 --> 00:16:22,399 It's more complicated than that. 182 00:16:22,482 --> 00:16:24,693 Hari doesn't tell you everything. He never does. 183 00:16:24,776 --> 00:16:27,863 Give a girl a fish, she eats for a day. 184 00:16:30,991 --> 00:16:32,743 Teach a girl to fish… 185 00:16:33,702 --> 00:16:36,288 You've peered into the Prime Radiant, Gaal. 186 00:16:36,371 --> 00:16:37,873 All the way to the end. 187 00:16:37,956 --> 00:16:41,126 The answers are there for you if you care to work them out. 188 00:16:42,336 --> 00:16:47,216 We're not meant to interfere in the war between Empire and Foundation, 189 00:16:47,299 --> 00:16:49,301 much as you might wish to. 190 00:16:49,384 --> 00:16:52,679 Well, you said the math was off course, so let's fix it. 191 00:16:53,388 --> 00:16:54,932 I mean, they do need to win, don't they? 192 00:16:55,015 --> 00:16:59,353 We're decades from Terminus, without a jumpship or access to a gate. 193 00:16:59,436 --> 00:17:00,604 And even if we had, 194 00:17:00,687 --> 00:17:03,649 -we wouldn't intervene directly. -Why not? 195 00:17:03,732 --> 00:17:06,234 First Foundation needs to be kept in the dark. 196 00:17:06,318 --> 00:17:10,196 Psychohistory predicts the natural patterns of humanity. 197 00:17:10,781 --> 00:17:13,450 Introduce too much information into the system, 198 00:17:13,534 --> 00:17:14,910 and you disturb it, 199 00:17:14,992 --> 00:17:17,538 which is why the system required a counterpoint. 200 00:17:17,621 --> 00:17:18,872 A Second Foundation. 201 00:17:19,455 --> 00:17:22,084 Psychohistorians with access to the Plan. 202 00:17:22,709 --> 00:17:24,795 Knowledge of the future applied judiciously 203 00:17:24,877 --> 00:17:28,507 and with intent to quietly adjust the Empire's course. 204 00:17:28,590 --> 00:17:30,425 Or the First Foundation's, if needed. 205 00:17:30,509 --> 00:17:32,553 Now she gets it. Finally. 206 00:17:33,512 --> 00:17:35,347 You're talking like Terminus is the enemy. 207 00:17:35,430 --> 00:17:36,473 It isn't. Not yet. 208 00:17:36,557 --> 00:17:37,975 But power corrupts. 209 00:17:38,058 --> 00:17:41,520 And a Foundation left unchecked becomes Empire all over again. 210 00:17:41,603 --> 00:17:44,815 They are good people. You do not know them like I do. 211 00:17:44,898 --> 00:17:46,233 Everyone you knew there is dead. 212 00:17:47,651 --> 00:17:48,652 Nice. 213 00:17:49,236 --> 00:17:51,613 We lose, it's bad. We win, it's bad. 214 00:17:52,197 --> 00:17:54,575 I can't accept that. 215 00:17:55,158 --> 00:17:57,286 I don't know if the Foundation can survive this crisis, 216 00:17:57,369 --> 00:17:59,580 but I know what's ahead. 217 00:18:00,914 --> 00:18:03,208 I know what all that red in the Radiant is. 218 00:18:03,292 --> 00:18:05,961 You felt something. Another presentiment. 219 00:18:06,837 --> 00:18:08,130 Tell me. 220 00:18:08,839 --> 00:18:10,132 Despair. 221 00:18:11,216 --> 00:18:13,135 Death. Destruction. 222 00:18:14,970 --> 00:18:16,096 I did this. 223 00:18:17,055 --> 00:18:20,017 When I climbed out of the pool and stumbled in on you and Raych, 224 00:18:20,100 --> 00:18:21,852 I threw the equations off course. 225 00:18:24,897 --> 00:18:28,025 But maybe those same instincts can steer them back. 226 00:18:28,734 --> 00:18:30,569 I've felt stronger since Salvor arrived. 227 00:18:30,652 --> 00:18:33,822 Maybe it's her abilities, an amplifying effect. 228 00:18:33,906 --> 00:18:36,158 Abilities? You feel the future as well? 229 00:18:36,241 --> 00:18:37,743 Not the future. The past. 230 00:18:37,826 --> 00:18:39,870 Just moments Gaal and Raych experienced. 231 00:18:40,746 --> 00:18:43,040 -Raych? -Via the seed bank. 232 00:18:44,166 --> 00:18:46,001 If Salvor can access my memories, 233 00:18:46,084 --> 00:18:49,588 then maybe my premonitions are the same thing in reverse. 234 00:18:49,671 --> 00:18:52,508 Memories my future self has experienced. 235 00:18:52,591 --> 00:18:56,261 Show me the turning point where chaos seems to consume everything. 236 00:19:05,479 --> 00:19:06,605 Your turning point. 237 00:19:06,688 --> 00:19:09,274 How far into the future would you say that is? 238 00:19:09,358 --> 00:19:11,985 Another 150 years? 239 00:19:12,069 --> 00:19:14,363 That's where you need to project your consciousness, Gaal. 240 00:19:14,446 --> 00:19:16,156 That's where we find a new path. 241 00:19:16,240 --> 00:19:19,243 -I should be long dead by then. -You slept through the last century. 242 00:19:19,326 --> 00:19:21,245 Who's to say you don't sleep through the next? 243 00:19:33,423 --> 00:19:34,633 Dominion. 244 00:19:39,012 --> 00:19:41,390 Lady Demerzel, will you not dine with us? 245 00:19:41,473 --> 00:19:44,476 Thank you, Your Grace. I'm more comfortable where I stand. 246 00:19:46,854 --> 00:19:47,855 Thank you. 247 00:19:49,273 --> 00:19:52,150 I've always been fascinated by planetesimals. 248 00:19:52,234 --> 00:19:53,902 How many in your realm are populated? 249 00:19:53,986 --> 00:19:55,904 More than a thousand in the Cloud Dominion. 250 00:19:55,988 --> 00:19:57,155 Many with unique features. 251 00:19:57,239 --> 00:19:59,741 We'll host a visit, and you can come ice-running with me. 252 00:19:59,825 --> 00:20:01,994 There are mountains of methane ice to play on. 253 00:20:02,077 --> 00:20:03,412 I'd enjoy that very much. 254 00:20:04,580 --> 00:20:06,373 Will you join us for ice-running, Brother Day? 255 00:20:06,456 --> 00:20:09,751 Steel blades on combustible ice at high speeds? 256 00:20:11,920 --> 00:20:15,716 We'll leave that to foolish youngsters with flexible knees. 257 00:20:15,799 --> 00:20:16,758 Really? 258 00:20:16,842 --> 00:20:19,720 I mean, if need be, can't you simply decant a new one of you 259 00:20:19,803 --> 00:20:20,971 and take their knees? 260 00:20:21,722 --> 00:20:22,598 Dominion. 261 00:20:22,681 --> 00:20:25,893 I'm sorry. Was that rude? Aren't we to be family? 262 00:20:25,976 --> 00:20:28,312 Not rude at all. Curiosity is becoming. 263 00:20:28,395 --> 00:20:30,105 Well, I am fascinated. 264 00:20:30,189 --> 00:20:33,734 For example, if yesterday's assassination attempt had succeeded, 265 00:20:34,401 --> 00:20:36,153 you'd be a new man now, wouldn't you? 266 00:20:36,236 --> 00:20:38,405 Would we even know? Would he know? 267 00:20:38,488 --> 00:20:39,740 How did you learn of the attempt? 268 00:20:39,823 --> 00:20:41,408 It was a only rumor till you just confirmed it. 269 00:20:42,284 --> 00:20:44,203 There are many rumors about Empire, you know. 270 00:20:44,286 --> 00:20:45,996 Some more frivolous than others. 271 00:20:46,079 --> 00:20:48,332 I've heard you don't lift your own forks. 272 00:20:48,957 --> 00:20:51,502 That the servants feed you like infants. 273 00:20:51,585 --> 00:20:55,672 Oh, please, Astrid, come and hoist this quail 274 00:20:55,756 --> 00:20:57,549 and shove it into my mouth. 275 00:20:59,218 --> 00:21:02,554 Yeah, well, it must be nice to have some surety of succession. 276 00:21:02,638 --> 00:21:05,390 If you marry me and rely on biology, you'll lose that. 277 00:21:05,474 --> 00:21:08,143 With multiple children, we'll have a different kind of surety. 278 00:21:08,227 --> 00:21:11,730 True. With enough children, even a zeppelin crash needn't disrupt the line. 279 00:21:14,316 --> 00:21:15,901 We are very sorry for your losses. 280 00:21:18,862 --> 00:21:22,658 My oldest sister, the crown princess, was trained in leadership. 281 00:21:22,741 --> 00:21:25,327 My brother was an officer in the Royal Hussars. 282 00:21:25,410 --> 00:21:27,704 I was allowed to be a dilettante. 283 00:21:27,788 --> 00:21:31,500 Sport, art, music. 284 00:21:31,583 --> 00:21:36,421 Well, may we all be eternal students. 285 00:21:38,590 --> 00:21:41,468 Yes, it was a wonderful life until the accident. 286 00:21:42,261 --> 00:21:46,056 Now, I am Dominion with no education on how to rule. 287 00:21:46,139 --> 00:21:50,102 Our alliance will provide you with all the support you could wish for. 288 00:21:51,395 --> 00:21:52,813 I see benefits to myself. 289 00:21:57,860 --> 00:21:59,403 But what of you, Brother Dawn? 290 00:22:00,988 --> 00:22:02,531 You'll lose a kingdom. 291 00:22:02,614 --> 00:22:04,116 But gain a sister. 292 00:22:04,783 --> 00:22:06,118 Is that what I'll be? 293 00:22:08,453 --> 00:22:09,538 And won't I be accomplishing 294 00:22:09,621 --> 00:22:11,832 what yesterday's attempt sought to do but could not? 295 00:22:11,915 --> 00:22:13,584 A baby is born, 296 00:22:13,667 --> 00:22:15,836 and all the other branches fall off the tree. 297 00:22:15,919 --> 00:22:19,298 Assassination by procreation. 298 00:22:20,841 --> 00:22:23,677 We're not branches. It's all one tree. 299 00:22:23,760 --> 00:22:25,053 We're the same man. 300 00:22:26,722 --> 00:22:29,516 But you would never become Day. 301 00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:31,935 Your very reason for existing would be erased. 302 00:22:33,103 --> 00:22:35,105 She's gonna talk her way out of marriage. 303 00:22:35,189 --> 00:22:36,440 Not at all. 304 00:22:37,107 --> 00:22:40,068 She's displaying a fine mind for analysis. 305 00:22:40,152 --> 00:22:41,153 May I see them, Empire? 306 00:22:42,321 --> 00:22:44,239 The branches I'll be snipping off. 307 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:46,283 The bodies in jars. 308 00:22:53,957 --> 00:22:57,252 I will escort you to the Principium myself. 309 00:23:00,547 --> 00:23:03,550 And please, call me "Day." 310 00:23:15,187 --> 00:23:16,980 Dawn. Dusk. 311 00:23:32,412 --> 00:23:33,455 Cleon I. 312 00:23:33,539 --> 00:23:35,749 Somehow, I thought he'd be lying down. 313 00:23:36,333 --> 00:23:38,252 I wonder if he knew how long he'd be on his feet. 314 00:23:39,711 --> 00:23:41,004 We could bring him a chair. 315 00:23:41,088 --> 00:23:43,757 I meant walking around inside you three. 316 00:23:44,883 --> 00:23:46,426 I'm not surprised he's worn out. 317 00:24:03,318 --> 00:24:06,029 -So, if you had died yesterday… -No. 318 00:24:06,738 --> 00:24:08,824 -…which one? -It's this one. 319 00:24:10,909 --> 00:24:13,579 "Rejoice his shame remains unknown: 320 00:24:14,246 --> 00:24:17,708 that he had almost sat a throne." 321 00:24:17,791 --> 00:24:19,126 I don't know that poem. 322 00:24:21,003 --> 00:24:22,546 It's about an uprising. 323 00:24:23,672 --> 00:24:26,300 Empire banned it decades ago. It's a crime to quote it. 324 00:24:29,428 --> 00:24:32,431 I only see Cleons. Are the Demerzels kept separate? 325 00:24:32,514 --> 00:24:35,184 I assume that's how she stays the same age. 326 00:24:35,267 --> 00:24:37,644 She has separate arrangements, yes. 327 00:24:38,645 --> 00:24:41,523 You can see my memories are transmitted as I make them. 328 00:24:41,607 --> 00:24:43,650 We only edit them so he-- 329 00:24:46,987 --> 00:24:49,031 so I wouldn't remember being killed. 330 00:24:49,615 --> 00:24:52,367 And he wouldn't know he'd replaced another. 331 00:24:53,493 --> 00:24:55,370 A gift of mercy for your son. 332 00:24:55,954 --> 00:24:57,873 Or is that the wrong word? 333 00:24:57,956 --> 00:24:59,958 We call them exponents. 334 00:25:00,042 --> 00:25:04,087 It'll be easy to end them when there are little footsteps in the palace. 335 00:25:04,755 --> 00:25:06,256 How will it be done? 336 00:25:06,340 --> 00:25:09,885 The tanks will be drained. The decay harnessed as energy. 337 00:25:09,968 --> 00:25:11,595 Your scientists are efficient. 338 00:25:11,678 --> 00:25:13,430 Always. In fact, I have good news. 339 00:25:13,514 --> 00:25:17,267 I'm told there's little risk of genetic disorder in our offspring. 340 00:25:17,351 --> 00:25:20,270 You tested me? How? 341 00:25:20,354 --> 00:25:22,314 Your drinking glass at dinner. 342 00:25:22,397 --> 00:25:25,526 I would've spat for your scientists and eliminated a step. 343 00:25:27,319 --> 00:25:28,737 So, you're expecting intercourse? 344 00:25:31,365 --> 00:25:35,494 In the pre-Cleonic age, Empress Ravenna thought it essential. 345 00:25:36,578 --> 00:25:41,583 And I think it's a good way to create an emotional bond. 346 00:25:44,294 --> 00:25:48,048 She also fancied a public consummation, but that seems cruel… 347 00:25:49,299 --> 00:25:50,592 to the public. 348 00:25:53,720 --> 00:25:55,556 My sterility can be reversed, 349 00:25:55,639 --> 00:25:58,809 but I suggest that our genetic material be combined in a lab. 350 00:25:58,892 --> 00:26:00,853 If we have a selection of viable embryos, 351 00:26:00,936 --> 00:26:04,565 we can choose one with a superior makeup for implantation. 352 00:26:04,648 --> 00:26:07,025 Once there are children and this room is empty, 353 00:26:07,943 --> 00:26:09,570 assassins could strike again. 354 00:26:10,070 --> 00:26:13,073 Your child would rule, but you would be gone. 355 00:26:13,156 --> 00:26:14,616 In killing the would-be assassins, 356 00:26:14,700 --> 00:26:17,077 you've left no way to tell if whoever sent them will send more. 357 00:26:17,160 --> 00:26:20,497 They will be deterred by yesterday's swift justice. 358 00:26:20,581 --> 00:26:21,582 Will they? 359 00:26:22,958 --> 00:26:25,961 Dominion asks why unrest exists and addresses causes. 360 00:26:26,044 --> 00:26:28,172 You've had a lighter hand than ours. 361 00:26:28,255 --> 00:26:30,257 A well-trimmed vessel only needs a light hand. 362 00:26:30,340 --> 00:26:32,467 -Dominion is small. -Empire's shrinking. 363 00:26:32,551 --> 00:26:33,844 Empire is healthy. 364 00:26:33,927 --> 00:26:34,928 Is it? 365 00:26:36,680 --> 00:26:38,473 'Cause there are rumors, Day, 366 00:26:38,557 --> 00:26:43,228 that the integrity of your hermetically sealed lineage 367 00:26:43,312 --> 00:26:45,105 was corrupted some time ago. 368 00:26:45,731 --> 00:26:48,400 Which would explain, I suppose, 369 00:26:48,483 --> 00:26:54,489 your interest in my as-yet-unexploited womb. 370 00:27:23,393 --> 00:27:25,187 Hurry up, Claric. 371 00:27:33,695 --> 00:27:36,198 Hey! Come back here! 372 00:28:07,771 --> 00:28:08,856 Show tonight. 373 00:28:10,607 --> 00:28:11,608 Not much longer. 374 00:28:13,151 --> 00:28:15,445 Sit down if you want. Too hot to be standing. 375 00:28:19,491 --> 00:28:20,659 Clear out! 376 00:28:23,453 --> 00:28:24,872 You gotta go, girl. 377 00:28:25,455 --> 00:28:26,999 The title is "Brother." 378 00:28:27,499 --> 00:28:30,085 Novice Claric Brother Constant of the Foundation, 379 00:28:30,169 --> 00:28:32,379 from which all blessings are derived. 380 00:28:32,462 --> 00:28:34,798 Jori, shut her down. 381 00:28:38,927 --> 00:28:41,805 Holo sign. Intriguing, isn't it, Jori? 382 00:28:43,056 --> 00:28:44,850 Don't you wanna see the show, Jori? 383 00:28:45,434 --> 00:28:48,187 The sign says "sunset." It's full day. 384 00:28:49,021 --> 00:28:51,398 It'll be dark soon enough, if the Prophet wills it. 385 00:28:53,192 --> 00:28:56,153 Can I ask, what's that you have there, sirs? 386 00:28:58,030 --> 00:28:59,907 It's called handfast. 387 00:29:00,407 --> 00:29:03,243 We use it to restrain offenders. It's consecrated. 388 00:29:03,327 --> 00:29:05,537 A sound philosophy, restraint. 389 00:29:06,121 --> 00:29:10,751 And one the Galactic Spirit fully tends to embrace in our celebration tonight. 390 00:29:10,834 --> 00:29:13,253 Right. At sunset. 391 00:29:16,757 --> 00:29:20,344 The Galactic Spirit in the Foundation can help raise your crop yields. 392 00:29:20,427 --> 00:29:23,555 Keep vermin out of the harvest. Predict weather patterns. 393 00:29:23,639 --> 00:29:25,599 All things Empire stopped doing. 394 00:29:25,682 --> 00:29:27,976 We know how to do that. 395 00:29:29,186 --> 00:29:32,439 I predict lightning. Hits a couple tall trees every night. 396 00:29:33,232 --> 00:29:35,567 All right. You've made your speech. 397 00:29:36,443 --> 00:29:37,444 Show's over. 398 00:29:38,570 --> 00:29:40,614 Show's over! 399 00:29:53,794 --> 00:29:56,713 Behold the Spirit's shield. 400 00:29:56,797 --> 00:29:59,466 She's got a field like the other blasphemer. 401 00:29:59,550 --> 00:30:01,301 Go on. Take it. 402 00:30:02,219 --> 00:30:04,304 Spirit protects anyone who believes. 403 00:30:04,388 --> 00:30:07,891 Your Spirit didn't protect the one we strung up. 404 00:30:07,975 --> 00:30:09,434 And he was bigger than you, so… 405 00:30:14,231 --> 00:30:15,315 Oh, shit. 406 00:30:17,985 --> 00:30:19,111 Claric. 407 00:30:28,412 --> 00:30:30,163 About bloody time, Claric. 408 00:30:30,247 --> 00:30:32,374 The Spirit is among us now. 409 00:30:36,920 --> 00:30:38,380 Trust the Spirit. 410 00:30:46,138 --> 00:30:48,390 Greetings, people of Siwenna. 411 00:30:54,938 --> 00:31:00,903 The Spirit has come to free you from fruitless labor and petty tyranny. 412 00:31:00,986 --> 00:31:03,405 Go home, heretic! 413 00:31:03,488 --> 00:31:08,285 Go home, heretic! Go home, heretic! 414 00:31:08,368 --> 00:31:10,412 Go home, heretic! 415 00:31:10,495 --> 00:31:12,497 Go home, heret-- 416 00:31:33,435 --> 00:31:34,937 He was heavier than I thought. 417 00:31:35,604 --> 00:31:39,191 I think it was these coins he had in his pocket. 418 00:31:49,117 --> 00:31:53,539 Enlightenment, citizens. There is no end what the Spirit can do. 419 00:31:53,622 --> 00:31:54,915 Don't take it from me. 420 00:31:54,998 --> 00:31:58,877 Ask your neighbors, seven worlds in the Outer Reach, 421 00:31:58,961 --> 00:32:02,339 once in the crushing embrace of Empire! 422 00:32:02,422 --> 00:32:05,634 And then abandoned, as you are. 423 00:32:05,717 --> 00:32:10,889 Empire cast you off, bringing you freedom but also poverty. 424 00:32:10,973 --> 00:32:14,351 It doesn't have to be like that. Ask Konom. 425 00:32:14,434 --> 00:32:17,813 Ask Daribow and others who are now rich, 426 00:32:17,896 --> 00:32:21,775 rich with the words of Hari Seldon, the First Prophet. 427 00:32:21,859 --> 00:32:23,986 Remember Hari Seldon. 428 00:32:24,069 --> 00:32:26,822 That's right. Remember. 429 00:32:26,905 --> 00:32:27,906 I do. 430 00:32:27,990 --> 00:32:31,410 I saw Hari Seldon with my own eyes… 431 00:32:31,493 --> 00:32:32,703 An eyewitness. 432 00:32:32,786 --> 00:32:35,622 …138 years ago. 433 00:32:35,706 --> 00:32:39,459 And nothing since compares to that moment. 434 00:32:43,797 --> 00:32:48,594 The Vault opened. The Prophet emerged. He spoke. 435 00:32:48,677 --> 00:32:52,181 And those who heard his words were forever changed. 436 00:32:52,264 --> 00:32:56,226 Gaze upon the mysteries of our faith. 437 00:32:57,019 --> 00:32:58,979 -What will they reveal? -I want to know. 438 00:32:59,062 --> 00:33:00,981 -What was that, Brother? -I want to know! 439 00:33:01,064 --> 00:33:02,816 She wants to know. Do you want to know? 440 00:33:02,900 --> 00:33:04,318 I wanna know! 441 00:33:04,401 --> 00:33:07,196 I want to know! I want to know! 442 00:33:07,279 --> 00:33:12,910 Do you want to hear the good news about the coming galactic paradise? 443 00:33:13,785 --> 00:33:14,870 We want to hear! 444 00:33:14,953 --> 00:33:17,247 -We want to hear! -Claric? Claric! 445 00:33:17,331 --> 00:33:18,707 We want to hear! 446 00:33:18,790 --> 00:33:21,835 -What the damnable fuck, Brother? -We've got to get out of here, Poly. 447 00:33:33,639 --> 00:33:35,140 Never heard it do that before. 448 00:33:35,766 --> 00:33:38,810 Must be void-damn important not to trust sub-ether comms. 449 00:33:47,402 --> 00:33:49,696 What? What? 450 00:33:51,448 --> 00:33:52,491 What? 451 00:33:52,574 --> 00:33:56,036 The Vault is awake. We've been called back to Terminus. 452 00:33:56,119 --> 00:33:57,496 Well, that's wonderful news. 453 00:33:57,579 --> 00:34:01,458 This is what you want, isn't it? The Prophet walking amongst us again. 454 00:34:01,542 --> 00:34:04,753 One of the worst punishments is having your wish come true. 455 00:34:05,420 --> 00:34:08,757 The second coming of Seldon means the Second Crisis. 456 00:34:16,223 --> 00:34:18,183 After Seldon left the first time, 457 00:34:19,851 --> 00:34:23,522 I was sure he'd be back once a year or a decade. 458 00:34:25,399 --> 00:34:31,446 But when he didn't, I thought, "On the hundredth anniversary, surely." 459 00:34:31,530 --> 00:34:32,531 But-- 460 00:34:33,282 --> 00:34:37,119 And here we are telling people about the Prophet who cares so much for us. 461 00:34:37,744 --> 00:34:41,665 Who lived on after death to shepherd us through the darkness. 462 00:34:41,748 --> 00:34:43,250 Every time I preach now, 463 00:34:44,001 --> 00:34:47,838 I wonder if he's still-- is still invested in us. 464 00:34:47,920 --> 00:34:51,925 Course he is. I feel it. And you do too. 465 00:34:52,009 --> 00:34:54,386 When you tell the story of your bearing witness to him, 466 00:34:54,469 --> 00:34:55,596 the light pours from you. 467 00:34:55,679 --> 00:34:57,054 That's flash powder, Brother. 468 00:34:57,931 --> 00:34:59,725 Flash powder and truth, Claric. 469 00:35:00,893 --> 00:35:01,810 I need a drink. 470 00:35:02,728 --> 00:35:04,313 That's why I'm navigating, sir. 471 00:35:05,480 --> 00:35:09,443 Already fired up neuro-drives. Activating sleep patches. 472 00:35:10,360 --> 00:35:11,987 I'm about to engage auto-jump. 473 00:35:27,669 --> 00:35:31,256 "Death, despair, destruction." That's what you said. 474 00:35:31,340 --> 00:35:35,469 This certainly looks the part. Our turning point. Go there. 475 00:35:35,552 --> 00:35:38,597 I'm afraid if I go there, I won't be able to find my way back. 476 00:35:38,680 --> 00:35:40,057 You need a lighthouse. 477 00:35:41,850 --> 00:35:44,102 When I'd slip into your memories, or Raych's, 478 00:35:44,186 --> 00:35:46,480 Hugo's voice used to guide me back. 479 00:35:46,563 --> 00:35:48,106 Try listening for mine. 480 00:35:48,190 --> 00:35:51,235 -150 years upstream? -Why not? 481 00:36:00,494 --> 00:36:03,747 86,988,053. 482 00:36:06,124 --> 00:36:10,003 86,988,059. 483 00:36:10,087 --> 00:36:13,382 86,988,079… 484 00:36:20,681 --> 00:36:21,932 It won't work. 485 00:36:22,683 --> 00:36:23,851 The visions are unconscious, okay? 486 00:36:23,934 --> 00:36:26,645 I've always been asleep or under stress. I-- 487 00:36:28,272 --> 00:36:29,273 What? 488 00:36:29,356 --> 00:36:33,735 In Old Synnaxian, the word for "prophecy" means "water takes them." 489 00:36:33,819 --> 00:36:35,445 Seers would submerge themselves. 490 00:36:35,529 --> 00:36:38,323 When they couldn't breathe, their inner eyes opened. 491 00:36:38,407 --> 00:36:39,491 Wait, Gaal! 492 00:36:40,325 --> 00:36:41,159 Warning. 493 00:36:41,243 --> 00:36:42,995 -Fire suppression activated. -Wait, what? 494 00:36:43,078 --> 00:36:44,705 Venting all oxygen. 495 00:36:48,458 --> 00:36:51,086 -What are you doing? -She needs to drown, Salvor. 496 00:36:58,635 --> 00:37:00,596 Beggar! Emergency override. 497 00:37:00,679 --> 00:37:02,890 No! No. 498 00:38:05,118 --> 00:38:06,286 Gaal! 499 00:38:51,290 --> 00:38:53,125 All alone. 500 00:38:54,793 --> 00:38:56,420 Without your warriors. 501 00:38:57,838 --> 00:39:00,799 Where are your Mentalics, Gaal? 502 00:39:00,883 --> 00:39:03,218 Where is the Second Foundation? 503 00:39:08,557 --> 00:39:10,225 I can reach inside your mind. 504 00:39:10,893 --> 00:39:12,227 What's that I see? 505 00:39:12,811 --> 00:39:17,524 A younger self peeking out at me. 506 00:39:17,608 --> 00:39:22,112 Are you from the Age of Empire? 507 00:39:23,155 --> 00:39:27,075 Before Hober Mallow pierced its hide. 508 00:39:27,993 --> 00:39:28,994 Gaal! 509 00:39:30,913 --> 00:39:32,122 Gaal? 510 00:39:34,875 --> 00:39:36,460 Gaal! Gaal! 511 00:39:37,836 --> 00:39:40,672 Gaal. Gaal. Gaal. 512 00:39:42,966 --> 00:39:45,093 -Your throat. -He was choking me. 513 00:39:45,177 --> 00:39:46,053 Who was? 514 00:39:46,136 --> 00:39:48,138 He calls himself the Mule. 515 00:39:49,473 --> 00:39:51,099 He's the source of the coming darkness. 516 00:39:51,183 --> 00:39:53,185 -He's like us. -A telepath. 517 00:39:53,268 --> 00:39:54,436 Only more powerful. 518 00:39:54,520 --> 00:39:57,981 He knew I was watching him from the past from now. 519 00:39:58,065 --> 00:40:00,526 He mentioned another name, Hober Mallow. 520 00:40:00,609 --> 00:40:01,985 Hober Mallow? 521 00:40:02,069 --> 00:40:03,487 What else did you see, Gaal? 522 00:40:04,404 --> 00:40:07,032 Most of the galaxy had already fallen at the Mule's feet, 523 00:40:07,115 --> 00:40:09,284 but he wasn't satisfied. 524 00:40:09,368 --> 00:40:12,037 -He wanted… -What? He wanted what? 525 00:40:13,080 --> 00:40:14,831 …the location of the Second Foundation. 526 00:40:14,915 --> 00:40:16,500 I knew it. 527 00:40:16,583 --> 00:40:19,044 He was prying it out of me. 528 00:40:20,045 --> 00:40:24,925 And when he looked into my mind, I saw a glimpse inside his. 529 00:40:26,635 --> 00:40:28,136 There was so much hatred. 530 00:40:29,555 --> 00:40:31,431 Not just for me, but for everyone. 531 00:40:32,766 --> 00:40:34,935 He mentioned the word "Mentalics," 532 00:40:35,936 --> 00:40:37,896 called them my warriors. 533 00:40:39,523 --> 00:40:41,859 He's afraid of the Second Foundation. 534 00:40:41,942 --> 00:40:44,736 Hari, he thinks they're the only thing that can stop him. 535 00:40:45,320 --> 00:40:47,030 Then it can still exist. 536 00:40:48,240 --> 00:40:50,868 What was the location the Mule was trying to pull out of you? 537 00:40:50,951 --> 00:40:52,286 It's there. Go on. 538 00:40:58,584 --> 00:41:00,794 "Ignatius"? 539 00:41:03,005 --> 00:41:05,632 No! Ignis. 540 00:41:06,216 --> 00:41:08,260 -That's a planet? -I think so. 541 00:41:16,101 --> 00:41:17,186 Here it is. 542 00:41:18,228 --> 00:41:21,648 Orbits a neutron star. It's habitable. 543 00:41:22,482 --> 00:41:25,736 And it's close. Just under a parsec from here. 544 00:41:29,156 --> 00:41:30,365 And I can hear-- 545 00:41:30,449 --> 00:41:32,910 Hear isn't quite the right word, but… 546 00:41:35,037 --> 00:41:37,664 It's almost like someone's calling to us. Can you hear that? 547 00:41:38,582 --> 00:41:39,583 No. 548 00:41:42,711 --> 00:41:43,545 Listen. 549 00:41:46,757 --> 00:41:47,758 Maybe. 550 00:41:48,926 --> 00:41:49,927 Yes. 551 00:41:50,594 --> 00:41:51,595 It feels right. 552 00:41:53,347 --> 00:41:55,599 It appears you've found us a new path. 553 00:42:17,579 --> 00:42:19,248 High Claric, welcome home. 554 00:42:19,331 --> 00:42:20,874 There's a claw in the hold. 555 00:42:20,958 --> 00:42:23,710 It's territorial, so mind you leave her be. 556 00:42:34,388 --> 00:42:36,390 I'm so happy to see you, Pater. 557 00:42:36,473 --> 00:42:38,350 You got here fast. 558 00:42:39,101 --> 00:42:41,645 They told us you were preaching in the Red Corridor. 559 00:42:43,397 --> 00:42:44,940 I like the mustache. It looks good. 560 00:42:46,817 --> 00:42:48,569 Everything's been crazy all day here. 561 00:42:49,111 --> 00:42:50,404 Wait till you see the Vault. 562 00:42:50,487 --> 00:42:52,698 And all of us together for it, thank the Prophet. 563 00:42:53,866 --> 00:42:55,993 This portends war, doesn't it? 564 00:42:56,952 --> 00:43:00,080 There he is. The man of the moment. 565 00:43:03,667 --> 00:43:05,669 -Shall we? -Have faith. 566 00:43:07,004 --> 00:43:08,755 Welcome back to Terminus. 567 00:43:09,298 --> 00:43:11,091 Yeah. Good to be back. 568 00:43:11,175 --> 00:43:14,720 Yeah. Nice to have you back under such auspicious conditions. 569 00:43:20,434 --> 00:43:22,186 I convinced the Director to wait for you. 570 00:43:22,269 --> 00:43:25,397 He would deprive himself of my sparkling wit and company? 571 00:43:25,480 --> 00:43:27,024 He used other words. 572 00:43:28,192 --> 00:43:29,860 But you had to be a part of this. 573 00:43:31,403 --> 00:43:34,406 Poly Verisof, the Holy Witness. 574 00:43:34,489 --> 00:43:38,285 The ten-year-old half-feral child with a front-row seat to revelation. 575 00:43:38,368 --> 00:43:41,288 I don't know about the half-feral, but I'm honored all the same. 576 00:43:41,872 --> 00:43:43,290 Go ahead, Warden Jaegger. 577 00:43:43,373 --> 00:43:47,628 When the Prophet emerges, I'm going to ask to speak with him privately. 578 00:43:47,711 --> 00:43:49,588 That way, we won't have any surprises. 579 00:43:49,671 --> 00:43:52,925 -Where will I be? -With the citizens, managing the crowd. 580 00:43:53,008 --> 00:43:55,260 I'll introduce you. You can say a homily or something. 581 00:43:55,344 --> 00:43:59,723 You want me on crowd control? 582 00:43:59,806 --> 00:44:02,226 Hari Seldon is about to walk out of his vault 583 00:44:02,309 --> 00:44:07,314 and take note of what's been done in his name since the last time I saw him. 584 00:44:07,397 --> 00:44:09,942 If anyone speaks alone with him, it should be me. 585 00:44:10,025 --> 00:44:11,860 My title alone ensures it. 586 00:44:11,944 --> 00:44:14,530 High Claric didn't exist the last time Seldon appeared. 587 00:44:14,613 --> 00:44:16,573 The Church of the Galactic Spirit didn't exist. 588 00:44:16,657 --> 00:44:18,867 The Foundation endorses the church's missionary work, 589 00:44:18,951 --> 00:44:21,578 but it is ultimately just recruitment. 590 00:44:21,662 --> 00:44:22,913 Just recruitment? 591 00:44:22,996 --> 00:44:24,289 And we thank you for it. 592 00:44:24,373 --> 00:44:28,085 The impending war will be funded because you sell salvation, 593 00:44:28,168 --> 00:44:29,962 and tricks and trinkets. 594 00:44:30,045 --> 00:44:34,716 I was against that approach, by the way. I was against calling ourselves Magicians. 595 00:44:34,800 --> 00:44:39,513 We're supposed to offer them a rational blueprint of a new society, 596 00:44:39,596 --> 00:44:42,766 not turn them into arms depots and military bases. 597 00:44:42,850 --> 00:44:45,394 You've always closed your eyes to the realities of war. 598 00:44:46,436 --> 00:44:48,939 When was the last time you visited the church here 599 00:44:49,940 --> 00:44:51,942 to see the new technologies? 600 00:44:52,025 --> 00:44:55,654 Are they deadly? No, wait, are they expensive? 601 00:44:55,737 --> 00:45:00,158 Are we going to tax our citizens more to pay for them? 602 00:45:00,242 --> 00:45:01,660 Are you going to get a cut? 603 00:45:02,953 --> 00:45:07,040 Look at this place. We might as well be on Trantor. 604 00:45:07,124 --> 00:45:11,128 Seldon was a teacher, not a trader. 605 00:45:11,211 --> 00:45:17,801 His mission was to shorten humankind's slide into barbarism and ignorance. 606 00:45:17,885 --> 00:45:20,554 -Do you still believe in that? -I believe in the Prophet. 607 00:45:20,637 --> 00:45:22,598 Yeah? Which way are you spelling it? 608 00:45:22,681 --> 00:45:25,267 You're not speaking with him, Poly. 609 00:45:25,350 --> 00:45:27,144 Then why bother calling me home? 610 00:45:28,020 --> 00:45:29,438 You're popular with the masses. 611 00:45:29,521 --> 00:45:31,857 I'm not some damn painting of a saint. 612 00:45:32,691 --> 00:45:35,611 I'm the last one alive who saw him in person. 613 00:45:36,195 --> 00:45:39,198 And when he looks at what's been done in his name, 614 00:45:39,281 --> 00:45:41,575 I'm the only one who can explain it to him. 615 00:45:42,242 --> 00:45:43,744 You see it, Warden Jaegger? 616 00:45:43,827 --> 00:45:45,162 You want the truth? 617 00:45:46,371 --> 00:45:48,123 I can smell liquor on you. 618 00:45:48,832 --> 00:45:51,919 And your pupils, Vordaline dust maybe? 619 00:45:52,002 --> 00:45:53,420 Do I seem drunk? 620 00:45:54,046 --> 00:45:56,423 I want people next to me with steady hands. 621 00:45:56,507 --> 00:45:58,634 I'd retire you if I thought she'd stand for it. 622 00:45:58,717 --> 00:46:00,844 I shudder to think of her safety. 623 00:46:00,928 --> 00:46:02,304 You go too far, Sermak. 624 00:46:02,971 --> 00:46:05,349 Look, you guys have it out another time. 625 00:46:05,432 --> 00:46:06,934 The Vault's as ripe as a melon, 626 00:46:07,017 --> 00:46:09,811 and we can't risk another minute for it to burst open without us. 627 00:46:11,146 --> 00:46:14,358 "You can say a homily." Fuck. 628 00:46:18,278 --> 00:46:21,031 My girl. I'm so glad you're back. 629 00:46:21,740 --> 00:46:23,575 Dad. Me too. 630 00:46:24,493 --> 00:46:26,995 I'm just so glad I get to be with my whole family 631 00:46:27,079 --> 00:46:28,330 when we witness the Prophet. 632 00:46:29,706 --> 00:46:32,584 I have to oversee the final preparations. I'll see you at the Vault. 633 00:46:39,174 --> 00:46:42,886 This is a mistake. I can feel it in my bones. 634 00:47:16,378 --> 00:47:19,256 I never got to plant my flag here when I was a boy. 635 00:47:44,072 --> 00:47:48,076 Hari Seldon, if it please you to show yourself… 636 00:47:53,207 --> 00:47:57,169 Dr. Seldon, I walk behind you. 637 00:47:57,252 --> 00:48:01,715 To walk beside you for one step would fulfill every dream. 638 00:48:05,093 --> 00:48:07,179 More than one step would be good too. 639 00:48:39,336 --> 00:48:41,797 Dr. Seldon. Hari Seldon! 640 00:48:43,507 --> 00:48:45,008 Maybe he wants us to enter. 641 00:48:46,969 --> 00:48:48,303 Shall I join you, sir? 642 00:48:52,683 --> 00:48:56,979 People of Terminus, I am beyond proud today 643 00:48:57,062 --> 00:49:00,148 to bear the title "Warden of Terminus." 644 00:49:00,232 --> 00:49:04,278 The same title borne by the great Salvor Hardin 645 00:49:04,361 --> 00:49:06,530 the last time this vault opened! 646 00:49:08,824 --> 00:49:14,830 There have been days when the burden of the job, of her legacy, 647 00:49:15,831 --> 00:49:17,499 weighed heavy on me, 648 00:49:17,583 --> 00:49:20,419 but today makes it all worth it! 649 00:49:20,502 --> 00:49:25,591 Today, I will speak to the Prophet! I will bring back his word! 650 00:49:25,674 --> 00:49:29,636 And then I will lead you all whither he sends us! 651 00:49:29,720 --> 00:49:31,805 "Whither"? Jackass. 652 00:49:31,889 --> 00:49:34,057 He didn't even introduce me. 653 00:49:34,141 --> 00:49:38,854 Let me hear you as I step boldly into the future! 654 00:49:59,875 --> 00:50:00,876 Hober Mallow. 655 00:50:02,836 --> 00:50:04,004 Hober Mallow. 656 00:50:05,255 --> 00:50:10,093 Hober Mallow! Hober Mallow! Hober Mallow! 657 00:50:10,719 --> 00:50:13,430 Get Hober Mallow! 658 00:50:28,987 --> 00:50:31,031 Who the heck is Hober Mallow? 659 00:50:31,990 --> 00:50:33,033 Shit. 660 00:51:01,061 --> 00:51:02,062 Gaal? 661 00:51:04,439 --> 00:51:05,440 Gaal? 662 00:51:24,501 --> 00:51:26,753 -Gaal? -Maybe this is a mistake. 663 00:51:26,837 --> 00:51:29,047 Maybe we're playing right into the Mule's hands. 664 00:51:30,966 --> 00:51:31,967 Why do you say that? 665 00:51:32,843 --> 00:51:34,386 I need to tell you something. 666 00:51:36,513 --> 00:51:38,098 You saw something else, didn't you? 667 00:51:38,891 --> 00:51:41,852 My vision of the Mule, I hid something. 668 00:51:43,312 --> 00:51:45,022 From you and Hari. 669 00:51:46,857 --> 00:51:48,692 I was trying to escape him. 670 00:51:51,486 --> 00:51:56,992 There was ash everywhere. The smell of human flesh burning. 671 00:52:08,962 --> 00:52:11,840 He knocked me down, and I was stunned. I-- 672 00:52:13,300 --> 00:52:14,468 I turned… 673 00:52:20,641 --> 00:52:22,392 I saw you lying next to me. 674 00:52:36,698 --> 00:52:38,075 You were dead. 675 00:52:39,117 --> 00:52:42,955 Salvor, you were dead.