1 00:03:55,110 --> 00:03:56,820 Your imperial nanobots, 2 00:03:56,904 --> 00:03:59,364 programmed for expedited healing and identification… 3 00:04:01,116 --> 00:04:03,869 coded to access any imperial ship. 4 00:05:21,363 --> 00:05:24,616 All right, listen. It's a 10,000-meter jump. 5 00:05:33,750 --> 00:05:35,460 The Invictus's automated rail guns 6 00:06:05,073 --> 00:06:06,491 I'll go on three. 7 00:06:07,784 --> 00:06:09,661 One. Two-- 8 00:07:03,757 --> 00:07:04,758 Good job, Warden. 9 00:07:05,884 --> 00:07:08,220 Sal, my suit's failing. It's no good. 10 00:07:08,303 --> 00:07:09,888 Thrusters aren't responding. 11 00:07:10,389 --> 00:07:12,349 No, no, no. 12 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:14,309 -I can't-- I can't get it-- -I got you! 13 00:07:14,393 --> 00:07:17,396 -Sal! No, get back. -Hugo! No. No. 14 00:08:12,326 --> 00:08:16,455 If I hadn't knelt, it would've been a clear contradiction of my faith. 15 00:08:16,538 --> 00:08:19,208 So you knelt before a demagogue. 16 00:08:19,291 --> 00:08:22,794 -I was kneeling to the Mother. -I'm sorry, to the what? 17 00:10:36,261 --> 00:10:38,096 The correct honorific is "Empire." 18 00:11:23,267 --> 00:11:25,978 All very noble deaths, I'm sure. 19 00:11:46,415 --> 00:11:48,083 What is your ask? 20 00:12:31,835 --> 00:12:35,047 -My brothers and I-- -Brothers? You are not brothers. 21 00:12:53,565 --> 00:12:56,610 You will spend your life shouting into the void. 22 00:12:56,693 --> 00:12:59,029 The only reason you ventured down here 23 00:12:59,947 --> 00:13:03,534 is because you know people are listening to me. 24 00:13:04,201 --> 00:13:06,161 I'm sure, in preparation for your visit, 25 00:17:10,030 --> 00:17:12,406 The regulation panel. Over here. 26 00:17:46,817 --> 00:17:49,570 And now for the gravity. Heads up. 27 00:20:56,215 --> 00:20:59,009 We can assemble a comms team to contain Halima's message, 28 00:20:59,092 --> 00:21:02,721 data filters triggered by certain phrases. "Genetic Dynasty." 29 00:21:23,742 --> 00:21:27,913 According to Zephyr Halima, I am soulless, 30 00:21:28,413 --> 00:21:31,124 and therefore incapable of growth. 31 00:21:46,682 --> 00:21:51,144 I must appeal to the Triple Goddesses themselves. 32 00:22:15,878 --> 00:22:17,212 and who is wrong. 33 00:27:12,633 --> 00:27:13,717 Are they alive? 34 00:27:15,219 --> 00:27:16,678 In a manner of speaking. 35 00:29:44,785 --> 00:29:47,746 For the rest of Trantor, it represents an opportunity. 36 00:30:57,900 --> 00:30:59,109 At least, they should be. 37 00:30:59,193 --> 00:31:00,277 Of course. 38 00:31:01,153 --> 00:31:05,282 I was just learning about Trantor. The rest of it. 39 00:31:05,866 --> 00:31:07,701 We are Trantor. 40 00:31:08,535 --> 00:31:11,788 Nothing outside the palace walls is relevant. 41 00:31:30,682 --> 00:31:32,768 Computer, what am I looking at? 42 00:31:32,851 --> 00:31:35,479 Hari Seldon Quantum Consciousness Protocol. 43 00:31:36,146 --> 00:31:37,898 It's a projection of some kind. 44 00:32:12,224 --> 00:32:13,809 Just concentrate on my voice. 45 00:32:14,518 --> 00:32:16,603 This is the present. This is now. 46 00:32:17,396 --> 00:32:19,690 That's it, Hari. Follow my voice. 47 00:33:12,743 --> 00:33:13,744 Where's Raych? 48 00:33:14,745 --> 00:33:16,371 He sent me instead. 49 00:33:16,455 --> 00:33:19,374 He wouldn't do that. You're supposed to lead the First Foundation. 50 00:33:19,458 --> 00:33:20,626 He knew that. 51 00:34:38,786 --> 00:34:41,290 We take their weapons, level the playing field. 52 00:34:41,373 --> 00:34:43,750 I'm not a fighter. None of us are. 53 00:34:44,333 --> 00:34:47,588 Most people aren't, until they're left with no other choice. 54 00:37:33,712 --> 00:37:37,382 There might be more barriers, security protocols to override. 55 00:38:17,506 --> 00:38:19,299 just like my people did not. 56 00:38:21,176 --> 00:38:25,305 All of Trantor will be nothing but a heap of poisonous ash, 57 00:39:18,442 --> 00:39:21,904 Please authorize reinstatement of life support systems. 58 00:39:25,407 --> 00:39:26,408 Hari? 59 00:39:27,576 --> 00:39:29,745 -Please authorize reinstatement… -Hari, please. 60 00:39:29,828 --> 00:39:32,289 -…of life support systems. -Please, Hari. Please. 61 00:39:32,372 --> 00:39:33,749 Please. Please. 62 00:40:40,357 --> 00:40:42,651 My death galvanized the Foundation. 63 00:40:42,734 --> 00:40:45,988 The Foundation isn't a religion, Hari. 64 00:40:46,572 --> 00:40:47,573 And you're not a god. 65 00:40:47,656 --> 00:40:50,617 No. Gods are impervious to knives. 66 00:40:51,577 --> 00:40:55,330 But you can kill them. You just stop believing in them. 67 00:40:56,748 --> 00:41:00,377 I don't buy it. I mean, you're egotistical, 68 00:41:00,460 --> 00:41:05,299 but I can't see you sacrificing your life just to turn yourself into this. 69 00:41:05,382 --> 00:41:07,843 -Why not just wait until-- -I have Lethe Syndrome. 70 00:41:09,261 --> 00:41:11,346 Had Lethe Syndrome. 71 00:41:11,430 --> 00:41:12,973 Inherited from my father. 72 00:41:13,557 --> 00:41:17,311 Once the symptoms manifest, the cognitive decline is steep. 73 00:41:30,073 --> 00:41:33,577 You said you wanted to start the Foundation together. 74 00:41:34,161 --> 00:41:35,704 Yes. 75 00:41:35,787 --> 00:41:38,832 I said it loudly and often, didn't I? 76 00:41:38,916 --> 00:41:41,251 So often I started to bore myself. 77 00:42:01,438 --> 00:42:04,691 Helicon. Home. 78 00:42:06,485 --> 00:42:07,903 The debris field surrounds… 79 00:42:07,986 --> 00:42:09,696 Helicon's dark star. 80 00:42:10,697 --> 00:42:13,408 It's kept your homeworld hidden all these years. 81 00:42:14,201 --> 00:42:19,081 I know where we are, Hari. It's the why I'm struggling with. 82 00:46:13,524 --> 00:46:15,609 Like my body knew something before I did. 83 00:46:15,692 --> 00:46:17,444 Hari, the sky. 84 00:46:52,479 --> 00:46:54,565 You're exiling us. 85 00:46:54,648 --> 00:46:55,732 I'm sorry. 86 00:47:32,561 --> 00:47:34,271 I think I can feel the future.