1 00:00:21,809 --> 00:00:24,926 RROCK MUSIC) 2 00:00:31,527 --> 00:00:34,234 SONG: ¶ I got some money In my pocket 3 00:00:34,405 --> 00:00:36,896 ¶ I got the car keys in my hand 4 00:00:37,074 --> 00:00:39,406 ¶ I got myself a couple of tIckets... ¶ 5 00:00:39,577 --> 00:00:42,660 RCAR ENGINE WHIRRS) 6 00:00:42,830 --> 00:00:45,697 (SONG CONTINUES QUIETLY ON CAR STEREO) 7 00:00:46,792 --> 00:00:48,202 Hey (TURNS UP STEREO) 8 00:00:48,377 --> 00:00:50,333 ¶ Come on, babe, you know there ain't no tIme 9 00:00:50,504 --> 00:00:52,756 ¶ To mess around round, round 10 00:00:52,923 --> 00:00:55,585 (SINGS ALONG) ¶ EVIe, EVIe 11 00:00:55,760 --> 00:00:58,627 ¶ Evie, Iet your hair hang down 12 00:00:58,804 --> 00:01:01,386 ¶ EvIe, EvIe 13 00:01:01,557 --> 00:01:03,798 ¶ Evie, Iet your hair hang down 14 00:01:03,976 --> 00:01:06,718 ¶ EvIe, EvIe 15 00:01:06,896 --> 00:01:09,387 ¶ Evie, Iet your hair hang down 16 00:01:09,565 --> 00:01:12,432 ¶ EvIe, EvIe 17 00:01:13,986 --> 00:01:15,942 ¶ Let your hair hang... ¶ 18 00:01:19,492 --> 00:01:21,028 (SIGHS) 19 00:01:45,476 --> 00:01:47,216 MAN: Bring hIm In. Bring hIm In. 20 00:01:47,395 --> 00:01:49,636 Through here. Just get him in. 21 00:01:49,814 --> 00:01:51,395 MAN 2: AIright, uh... 22 00:01:51,565 --> 00:01:54,853 (MEN SPEAK FRANTICALLY) 23 00:01:55,027 --> 00:01:56,767 MAN 1: OK, sit down. MAN 2: OK, OK 24 00:01:56,946 --> 00:01:59,813 MAN 3: HoId hIs head! You haVe to keep his bIoody head stIIl! 25 00:01:59,990 --> 00:02:01,446 Hey, hey! Hey, hey, you! 26 00:02:01,617 --> 00:02:03,949 We've gotta get a clean 27 00:02:04,120 --> 00:02:07,533 RDOG WHIMPERS) 28 00:02:10,334 --> 00:02:13,872 Uh, no .. Yeah, no worries 29 00:02:16,674 --> 00:02:18,130 What Is hIs beef, huh? 30 00:02:18,300 --> 00:02:22,669 t doesn't matter I can't do It anwyay. 31 00:02:22,847 --> 00:02:25,463 I can't shoot a mate. 32 00:02:25,641 --> 00:02:28,758 RMEN TALK INDISTINCTLY) 33 00:02:34,150 --> 00:02:35,515 What can I get you, mate? 34 00:02:35,693 --> 00:02:39,026 Uh just a beer thanks. 35 00:02:41,991 --> 00:02:43,947 So, what's wrong wIth the dog? 36 00:02:44,118 --> 00:02:47,030 Oh, baIted strychnIne. 37 00:02:48,622 --> 00:02:51,659 Why would anyone 'want to poIson a dog? 38 00:02:51,834 --> 00:02:55,292 Maybe someone set It out for the roos or the dIngoes 39 00:02:55,463 --> 00:02:57,328 or someone just doesn't IIke dogs, you know? 40 00:02:57,506 --> 00:03:01,670 There are people, sIck peopIe. 41 00:03:01,844 --> 00:03:03,209 Sorry. 42 00:03:03,387 --> 00:03:04,888 Are you his master? 43 00:03:05,055 --> 00:03:09,424 No, no. He has no master. WelI, not now. 44 00:03:09,602 --> 00:03:11,433 That s not just any dog In there, you know? 45 00:03:11,604 --> 00:03:13,435 No? Oh no, no 46 00:03:13,606 --> 00:03:15,562 No, no, he's a famous dog. 47 00:03:15,733 --> 00:03:18,099 He s probabIy the most famous dog n alI AustraIIa. 48 00:03:20,196 --> 00:03:22,152 Red Dog 49 00:03:22,323 --> 00:03:24,609 Yeah, the one that warned those peopIe about that fIre 50 00:03:24,783 --> 00:03:25,989 No no, no. 51 00:03:27,036 --> 00:03:28,526 The one that saVed that chIld. . 52 00:03:28,704 --> 00:03:31,946 No, no, not him. Wrong dog. 53 00:03:32,124 --> 00:03:33,830 Didn't he... No, no, no, no. 54 00:03:34,001 --> 00:03:36,287 Look, mate, you're lookIng at It aII the wrong way 55 00:03:36,462 --> 00:03:39,920 It s, uh . It's not what he dId. 56 00:03:40,090 --> 00:03:41,751 lt's who he was. 57 00:03:41,926 --> 00:03:43,507 'Is', I mean. 58 00:03:43,677 --> 00:03:45,053 Red Dog? 59 00:03:45,221 --> 00:03:46,882 Yeah, yeah, exactIy. Yeah. 60 00:03:47,056 --> 00:03:49,217 (DOOR SQUEAKS) Vet's coming. 61 00:03:49,391 --> 00:03:51,052 Yeah? When? Soon 62 00:03:51,227 --> 00:03:53,764 How's the poor thIng doIng? 63 00:04:01,070 --> 00:04:02,606 (SIGHS) 64 00:04:04,823 --> 00:04:07,951 Oh, l'm sorry, mate Jack CoIlins, pubIican. 65 00:04:08,118 --> 00:04:09,779 Thomas Baker, trucker. 66 00:04:09,954 --> 00:04:12,036 Yeah, yeah. 67 00:04:12,206 --> 00:04:15,619 lt was me that brought Red Dog to DampIer- me and Maureen - 68 00:04:15,793 --> 00:04:18,079 near on 10 years ago now, 69 00:04:18,254 --> 00:04:19,790 back in the mean old days 70 00:04:19,964 --> 00:04:25,880 when men were men and dogs were ...dogs 71 00:04:26,053 --> 00:04:28,965 rougher, hotter, 72 00:04:29,139 --> 00:04:32,051 brighter, redder. 73 00:04:32,226 --> 00:04:35,184 (CHEERFUL, RELAXED MUSIC) 74 00:04:35,354 --> 00:04:39,017 WOMAN: Why would anybody bui d a toown oout here? 75 00:04:39,191 --> 00:04:42,274 Why would anyone LIVE in a town built out here? 76 00:04:42,444 --> 00:04:44,981 Iron ore. Money. 77 00:04:45,155 --> 00:04:47,282 Yeah, I know that. 78 00:04:51,704 --> 00:04:53,786 What's that? What's what? 79 00:04:53,956 --> 00:04:56,322 On the road. 80 00:05:06,427 --> 00:05:08,213 It's a dog. 81 00:05:08,387 --> 00:05:11,299 I can see that 82 00:05:11,473 --> 00:05:13,088 What's It doing out here? 83 00:05:13,267 --> 00:05:17,431 RJACK TOOTS HORN REPEATEDLY) 84 00:05:24,361 --> 00:05:26,738 HeIIo, boy! 85 00:05:26,905 --> 00:05:29,396 Hey? HeIlo. 86 00:05:29,575 --> 00:05:34,069 HeIIo. Aren't you a pretty boy, hey? 87 00:05:34,246 --> 00:05:35,986 HELLO 88 00:05:36,165 --> 00:05:38,531 Are you Iost? 89 00:05:38,709 --> 00:05:41,166 Do you need water? 90 00:05:46,884 --> 00:05:48,420 (DOG GRUNTS) 91 00:05:49,511 --> 00:05:51,502 Cheeky bastard. 92 00:05:51,680 --> 00:05:54,797 (CHEERFUL RELAXED MUS C CONTINUES) 93 00:05:58,437 --> 00:06:00,393 Struth! 94 00:06:00,564 --> 00:06:02,304 Is that the dog? 95 00:06:02,483 --> 00:06:05,190 Well, it's certaInIy not me! Eugh! 96 00:06:05,361 --> 00:06:08,398 Ohh! Oh, Lord what dId that thIng eat? 97 00:06:08,572 --> 00:06:12,030 Stop the car I can't breathe! Ohh 98 00:06:15,371 --> 00:06:18,078 Eugh! (COUGHS) 99 00:06:19,124 --> 00:06:21,706 JACK: Oh.. (GAGS) 100 00:06:21,877 --> 00:06:24,209 Oh thIs is I ke... Wow. 101 00:06:31,428 --> 00:06:32,463 Ohh! 102 00:06:32,638 --> 00:06:35,755 (MUSlC CONTINUES) 103 00:06:56,870 --> 00:06:59,987 (TRAIN HORN 8LARES) 104 00:07:34,825 --> 00:07:36,690 Ohh! 105 00:07:36,869 --> 00:07:39,281 Hey, Maureen, Maureen. Come and have a ook at thIs. 106 00:07:43,292 --> 00:07:44,657 Oh, that poor l tt e bugger. 107 00:07:44,835 --> 00:07:46,917 (LAUGHS) 108 00:07:47,087 --> 00:07:49,294 Oh! RCOUGHS) 109 00:07:49,465 --> 00:07:51,626 (COUGHS) 110 00:07:51,800 --> 00:07:54,917 (COUNTRY MUSlC PLAYS) 111 00:08:01,560 --> 00:08:03,516 Oh, g'day, RIck. He's out the back, mate 112 00:08:03,687 --> 00:08:06,053 RIghto. Thanks. MAN: Hey, RIck. 113 00:08:07,274 --> 00:08:09,560 That's the vet 114 00:08:16,825 --> 00:08:18,361 Here you go, Vanno. 115 00:08:19,411 --> 00:08:21,527 Hey. Vanno, thIs Is Tommy boy. 116 00:08:21,705 --> 00:08:23,787 I'Ve just been teIIing hIm about Red Dog. 117 00:08:23,957 --> 00:08:26,994 Vanno here's one of his frst mates from back In the days. 118 00:08:27,169 --> 00:08:28,830 RITALIAN ACCENT) Yes, 'the days'. 119 00:08:29,004 --> 00:08:30,505 Wild days? 120 00:08:30,672 --> 00:08:35,086 Very wiId, very IoneIy. 121 00:08:36,762 --> 00:08:40,596 A dog of a ceetain type can do weIl In a IoneIy town. 122 00:08:40,766 --> 00:08:42,222 l know. 123 00:08:42,392 --> 00:08:46,931 I come from a smaII IittIe VIIIage In ItaIy - Abruzzi. 124 00:08:47,105 --> 00:08:48,891 RPEOPLE GROAN) Here we go. 125 00:08:49,066 --> 00:08:50,351 Ohh! 126 00:08:50,526 --> 00:08:53,484 Yes, yes, you aII bIoat, 127 00:08:53,654 --> 00:08:56,145 but my little VilIage was beautiful. 128 00:08:56,323 --> 00:09:00,657 In spring, fIowers are Iike TurkIsh carpet 129 00:09:00,828 --> 00:09:04,161 and the wIne wouId make you see the VirgIn. 130 00:09:04,331 --> 00:09:06,913 Why did you leave? 131 00:09:07,960 --> 00:09:11,248 Same as aII these fooIs - money! 132 00:09:11,421 --> 00:09:13,127 We aIl foIIow the money. 133 00:09:13,298 --> 00:09:14,674 They come from eVerywhere. 134 00:09:14,842 --> 00:09:16,378 From aII the countries, they come 135 00:09:16,552 --> 00:09:18,338 for the money, for the work. 136 00:09:18,512 --> 00:09:21,629 From PoIand, New ZeaIand, 137 00:09:21,807 --> 00:09:23,172 IreIand, Greece, 138 00:09:23,350 --> 00:09:25,557 Latvia, AmerIca. 139 00:09:25,727 --> 00:09:27,263 EVen MeIbourne. 140 00:09:27,437 --> 00:09:30,099 LiVIng together, eatIng together 141 00:09:30,274 --> 00:09:32,356 and crapping together. 142 00:09:32,526 --> 00:09:34,938 Money crackpot. 143 00:09:35,112 --> 00:09:38,445 They may look normaI, but not normal. 144 00:09:38,615 --> 00:09:42,153 Sun has burned out theIr braIns. 145 00:09:42,327 --> 00:09:45,535 See, l know sun in ItaIy, In AbruzzI, 146 00:09:45,706 --> 00:09:48,823 but I not know the sun until I come here. 147 00:09:49,001 --> 00:09:51,162 Very dangerous, this sun. 148 00:09:52,212 --> 00:09:55,249 I knew a man - Goran. Remember Goran? 149 00:09:55,424 --> 00:09:58,587 RROCK'N'ROLL MUSlC) 150 00:09:58,760 --> 00:10:00,466 RWHlSTLES ABSENT-MINDEDLY) 151 00:10:00,637 --> 00:10:02,969 VANNO. The sun, it kIII hIm. 152 00:10:05,976 --> 00:10:09,184 And aIso Sam. Remember Sam-Man? 153 00:10:09,354 --> 00:10:12,972 He work in the sun for fiVe hours without no hat. 154 00:10:13,150 --> 00:10:14,515 FooI! (GIBBERS) 155 00:10:14,693 --> 00:10:17,184 Afterward he spoke Chinese for two days. 156 00:10:17,362 --> 00:10:20,479 RBABBLES IN QUASI-CHINESE) 157 00:10:22,534 --> 00:10:25,742 Before the sun, he know not a word of ChInese! 158 00:10:25,913 --> 00:10:27,494 RPEOPLE MUTTER AGREEMENT) 159 00:10:28,540 --> 00:10:32,749 Yes, it was crazy place when Red Dog arrIve In DampIer. 160 00:10:32,920 --> 00:10:36,037 (.THUDDING ROCKABILLY MUSIC) 161 00:10:38,216 --> 00:10:41,003 RPLAYS HARMONICA lNTRO) 162 00:10:41,178 --> 00:10:43,043 VANNO: Men are no better than wIld anImaIs. 163 00:10:44,097 --> 00:10:47,260 They drink much and they... How do you say? 'ImbuIge'. 164 00:10:47,434 --> 00:10:49,766 And their hair, It goes funny. 165 00:10:49,937 --> 00:10:51,427 BAND: ¶ AII day, aII night 166 00:10:51,605 --> 00:10:54,017 ¶ You know, I've been working hard 167 00:10:54,191 --> 00:10:56,432 ¶ AII day, aII night 168 00:11:04,326 --> 00:11:05,907 ¶ Gather around, y'aII It's about tIme you Iearnt 169 00:11:06,078 --> 00:11:07,909 ¶ About the new dance craze that's sweepIng the worId... ¶ 170 00:11:08,080 --> 00:11:10,571 If that thing couId flap... 171 00:11:10,749 --> 00:11:12,364 ..it mIght just fIy away. 172 00:11:12,542 --> 00:11:14,203 RMEN LAUGH) 173 00:11:21,009 --> 00:11:26,424 You two.. be needIng an ed-u-cation. 174 00:11:26,598 --> 00:11:27,633 A what? 175 00:11:27,808 --> 00:11:30,140 Arggh! 176 00:11:30,310 --> 00:11:32,096 BOTH: Ohh! 177 00:11:37,859 --> 00:11:39,770 VANNO: Though not aII imbuIge. 178 00:11:39,945 --> 00:11:43,187 Some were quIet, educated, 179 00:11:43,365 --> 00:11:45,071 with dark, mysterious past. 180 00:11:46,785 --> 00:11:48,741 RGRUNTS) 181 00:11:48,912 --> 00:11:51,574 VANNO: Some that never, ever Iaugh. 182 00:11:52,624 --> 00:11:56,082 In Abruzzi, no-one would fight over moustache. 183 00:11:57,129 --> 00:11:58,960 What do they fight over? 184 00:12:00,465 --> 00:12:03,081 Women! 185 00:12:05,762 --> 00:12:09,505 AbruzzI has the most beautifuI women in ItaIy. 186 00:12:09,683 --> 00:12:14,097 SIender, wIth a wonderfuI breast, lIke a nut. 187 00:12:15,939 --> 00:12:17,304 Nuts? 188 00:12:17,482 --> 00:12:22,567 Yes! Big, beautifuI nut! 189 00:12:22,738 --> 00:12:25,946 To come from a place with such beautIfuI women 190 00:12:26,116 --> 00:12:28,528 to a pIace with no women... 191 00:12:28,702 --> 00:12:31,614 I don't think you can understand such paIn. 192 00:12:34,499 --> 00:12:40,335 In AbruzzI, the sky Is very bIue, 193 00:12:40,505 --> 00:12:42,211 IIke, uh. . 194 00:12:42,382 --> 00:12:44,338 ..Iike the sky of Abruzzi. 195 00:12:44,509 --> 00:12:46,716 RSPEAKS IN EASTERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGE) 196 00:12:54,853 --> 00:12:57,094 ln AbruzzI, the sea.. 197 00:12:57,272 --> 00:12:59,479 Arggh! 198 00:12:59,649 --> 00:13:03,312 RMEN ALL JOSTLE AND SHOUT) 199 00:13:03,487 --> 00:13:05,023 OI! OI! 200 00:13:07,532 --> 00:13:09,443 WOMAN ON SPEAKER: Barry Wright to maIn office, please. 201 00:13:09,618 --> 00:13:11,154 Barry Wright. 202 00:13:14,581 --> 00:13:17,869 We took a Vote, and the shop steward agrees. 203 00:13:18,043 --> 00:13:19,908 If you don't stop taIkIng about 'BruzkI'... 204 00:13:20,087 --> 00:13:22,248 AbruzzI! 205 00:13:22,422 --> 00:13:25,505 ..the SkI PatroI haVe permIssIon to sIit your throat. 206 00:13:28,303 --> 00:13:30,385 Sorry. 207 00:13:35,143 --> 00:13:37,259 EVeryone's homesick. 208 00:13:39,272 --> 00:13:41,388 Not you? 209 00:13:43,944 --> 00:13:46,526 Need a home to be homesick, mate. 210 00:13:51,409 --> 00:13:54,537 RMELANCHOLY TRADITIONAL ITALIAN MUSlC) 211 00:14:06,508 --> 00:14:08,590 RDOG YAPS) 212 00:14:15,308 --> 00:14:17,390 RCONTINUES YAPPING) 213 00:14:23,859 --> 00:14:26,020 RDOG WHINES) 214 00:14:31,908 --> 00:14:33,489 You aIone too, Mr Doggie? 215 00:14:33,660 --> 00:14:35,275 RGRUNTS) 216 00:14:35,453 --> 00:14:37,910 But you are happy, no? 217 00:14:40,041 --> 00:14:42,623 You haVe a gift, Mr DoggIe. 218 00:14:44,171 --> 00:14:45,877 I do not. 219 00:14:53,597 --> 00:14:55,303 HaVe you eVer heard of Abruzzi? 220 00:14:55,473 --> 00:14:57,259 (.UPBEAT MUSIC) 221 00:14:57,434 --> 00:15:00,096 AbruzzI has the best fIshIng in ItaIy... 222 00:15:00,270 --> 00:15:03,433 SONG: ¶ Oh, baby, don't you know that I IoVe you so? 223 00:15:03,607 --> 00:15:06,144 ¶ Bom, bom, bom, bom 224 00:15:06,318 --> 00:15:10,311 ¶ Baby, don't you know ¶ Bom, bom, bom, bom 225 00:15:10,488 --> 00:15:12,900 ¶ That I IoVe you so? ¶ Bom, bom... ¶ 226 00:15:13,074 --> 00:15:14,689 VANNO: What can l say? 227 00:15:14,868 --> 00:15:17,359 He was an excellent listener 228 00:15:18,788 --> 00:15:20,824 He did not judge. 229 00:15:20,999 --> 00:15:23,991 A poIite doggIe, a very IoyaI doggIe. 230 00:15:24,169 --> 00:15:25,534 Or so I thought. 231 00:15:25,712 --> 00:15:27,577 ¶ Bom, bom, bom, bom 232 00:15:27,756 --> 00:15:29,621 ¶ Baby, can't you see... ¶ 233 00:15:29,799 --> 00:15:32,256 RQUlET CHATTERING) 234 00:15:32,427 --> 00:15:35,009 ¶ That you were meant for me? ¶ Bom, bom... ¶ 235 00:15:37,557 --> 00:15:41,049 RMAN SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY) 236 00:15:41,228 --> 00:15:43,139 VANNO: BetrayaI! 237 00:15:43,313 --> 00:15:44,428 Hey! 238 00:15:50,695 --> 00:15:53,562 What are you doing? NothIng, 239 00:15:53,740 --> 00:15:56,322 Are you taIking to my dog? Your dog? 240 00:15:56,493 --> 00:15:58,734 How is he your dog? I taIk to hIm fIrst 241 00:15:58,912 --> 00:16:00,277 That dosen't make him your dog, mate. 242 00:16:00,455 --> 00:16:02,116 That just makes you weird. 243 00:16:02,290 --> 00:16:05,202 If I am weird then you are more weIrd. 244 00:16:05,377 --> 00:16:07,959 Not likeIy. I feed him steak! 245 00:16:08,129 --> 00:16:09,869 WelI, what do you thInk I'm feeding hIm? BroccoII? 246 00:16:10,048 --> 00:16:11,584 Dog robber 247 00:16:13,093 --> 00:16:16,301 AIrIght, then. Why don't we Iet hIm decIde? 248 00:16:16,471 --> 00:16:19,713 Good. (CHUCKLES) Let HIM decIde! 249 00:16:19,891 --> 00:16:22,803 WWhose doggIe are you? 250 00:16:24,145 --> 00:16:26,727 MAN: GIVe us a kIss. (MOUTHS) 251 00:16:26,898 --> 00:16:30,140 RQUlET CHATTERING) 252 00:16:30,318 --> 00:16:32,058 MAN: Good boy! How you goIng? 253 00:16:32,237 --> 00:16:33,943 Oh, you're a good boy, Red Dog. 254 00:16:34,114 --> 00:16:37,197 You IIttIe Red Dog, aren't ya? Aren't ya a good boy? 255 00:16:37,367 --> 00:16:41,781 He was IIke that - a dog for everyone. 256 00:16:41,955 --> 00:16:43,866 Come here, boy! (WHlSTLES) 257 00:16:44,040 --> 00:16:45,416 Come here, boy. 258 00:16:45,583 --> 00:16:46,959 Here, Red. Here. 259 00:16:47,127 --> 00:16:49,459 Good boy! Come here. 260 00:16:49,629 --> 00:16:51,790 RSPEAKS IN FORElGN LANGUAGE) 261 00:16:51,965 --> 00:16:56,584 VANNO. Yes, for eVeryone, but no-one In partIcuIar. 262 00:16:59,431 --> 00:17:02,389 AII those In faVour of Red Dog joining the TWU 263 00:17:02,559 --> 00:17:06,097 under the job headIng con...consu... 264 00:17:06,271 --> 00:17:08,262 ConsuIari WhateVer. 265 00:17:08,440 --> 00:17:10,522 AlI those In favour, say ''Aye.'' 266 00:17:10,692 --> 00:17:12,648 ALL: Aye. 267 00:17:12,819 --> 00:17:14,229 RAPPLAUSE) 268 00:17:14,404 --> 00:17:16,861 VANNO: Yes, a unIon doggIe, 269 00:17:17,032 --> 00:17:18,772 a doggie for aII. 270 00:17:18,950 --> 00:17:21,487 That is, until he met his true master. 271 00:17:21,661 --> 00:17:23,947 MAN: Johnny! MEN: Yeah, Johnny! 272 00:17:24,122 --> 00:17:25,783 Johnny boy! ALL: Johnny Boy! 273 00:17:25,957 --> 00:17:29,074 ('EAGLE ROCK' BY DADDY COOL PLAYS) 274 00:17:37,802 --> 00:17:39,383 SONG: ¶ Now IIsten 275 00:17:40,597 --> 00:17:42,838 ¶ Oh, we're steppIng out 276 00:17:44,434 --> 00:17:47,176 ¶ I'm gonna turn around 277 00:17:48,730 --> 00:17:52,188 ¶ Gonna turn around once and we'II do the EagIe Rock 278 00:17:53,443 --> 00:17:55,900 ¶ Whoa, mamma 279 00:17:56,071 --> 00:17:58,653 ¶ Oh, your rocking sweII 280 00:17:59,699 --> 00:18:01,690 ¶ Hmm, yeah, you do it so weII 281 00:18:03,912 --> 00:18:08,030 ¶ WeII, we do It so weII when we do the Eagle Rock 282 00:18:08,208 --> 00:18:09,744 ¶ Mamma, oh! 283 00:18:11,044 --> 00:18:14,081 ¶ Yeah, you're rocking fIne 284 00:18:14,255 --> 00:18:17,622 ¶ Why don't you gIVe me a sIgn? 285 00:18:18,676 --> 00:18:23,386 ¶ Hmm, just gIVe me a sIgn and we'II do the EagIe Rock 286 00:18:23,556 --> 00:18:24,932 ¶ Hey, hey, hey 287 00:18:25,100 --> 00:18:28,968 ¶ Good oId EagIe Rock's here to stay 288 00:18:29,145 --> 00:18:32,763 ¶ I'm just crazy 'bout the way we move 289 00:18:32,941 --> 00:18:37,025 ¶ Doing the EagIe Rock... ¶ 290 00:18:41,741 --> 00:18:43,151 RAMERICAN ACCENT) Good morning. 291 00:18:43,326 --> 00:18:44,862 RGRUNTS) 292 00:18:48,748 --> 00:18:50,124 RMAN MUTTERS) BIoody AmerIcans. 293 00:18:50,291 --> 00:18:52,498 RSNIGGERING AND LAUGHTER) 294 00:19:17,569 --> 00:19:19,105 Hey! 295 00:19:30,707 --> 00:19:32,072 RBARKS) 296 00:19:32,250 --> 00:19:35,287 RROCK'N'ROLL MUSIC) 297 00:19:38,465 --> 00:19:41,081 RSTAMMERS) 298 00:19:41,259 --> 00:19:43,750 DId you see that? Red Dog 299 00:19:43,928 --> 00:19:46,544 He aImost got run oVer. Nah, he was hItchhIking, mate. 300 00:19:46,723 --> 00:19:48,588 That was hitchhIkIng? 301 00:19:48,766 --> 00:19:51,098 Once you pick him up, he remembers 302 00:19:51,269 --> 00:19:55,182 and thInks it's hIs rIght to demand a rIde any tIme. 303 00:19:55,356 --> 00:19:57,267 Pushy bloke. no doubt about it. 304 00:19:57,442 --> 00:19:59,478 What? He onIy does that to peopIe that he knows? 305 00:19:59,652 --> 00:20:02,064 Of course not. Just the ones he IIkes. 306 00:20:06,326 --> 00:20:08,908 SONG: ¶ You can cIImb a mountaIn 307 00:20:10,246 --> 00:20:12,328 ¶ You can swim a sea 308 00:20:13,374 --> 00:20:16,116 ¶ You can jump Into the fire 309 00:20:16,294 --> 00:20:18,410 ¶ But you'Il neVer be free... ¶ 310 00:20:18,588 --> 00:20:19,794 RTRUCK HORN HONKS) 311 00:20:19,964 --> 00:20:22,376 ¶ You can shake me up 312 00:20:22,550 --> 00:20:25,257 ¶ Or I can break you down 313 00:20:26,804 --> 00:20:29,967 ¶ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh 314 00:20:30,141 --> 00:20:31,642 ¶ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh .. ¶ 315 00:20:31,809 --> 00:20:34,300 RTRAIN HORN BLARES) 316 00:20:50,078 --> 00:20:52,410 Hey, what do you thInk you're doIng?! 317 00:20:52,580 --> 00:20:55,447 Go on, get off my bIke. Go on, go on. Get! 318 00:21:05,843 --> 00:21:08,801 VANNO: The worId is a funny place, no? 319 00:21:08,972 --> 00:21:12,760 SometImes you pick your dog. 320 00:21:12,934 --> 00:21:15,175 SometImes your dog pIcks you. 321 00:21:15,353 --> 00:21:16,889 SONG: ¶ Our IoVe Is aIIve 322 00:21:18,982 --> 00:21:21,314 ¶ And so we begin 323 00:21:22,944 --> 00:21:26,607 ¶ FoolIshly IayIng our heaets on the tabIe 324 00:21:26,781 --> 00:21:28,737 ¶ StumbIIn' in 325 00:21:29,909 --> 00:21:32,776 ¶ Our IoVe Is a flame 326 00:21:34,247 --> 00:21:36,112 ¶ Burning within... ¶ 327 00:21:38,209 --> 00:21:39,949 No dogs on the bus. 328 00:21:41,462 --> 00:21:43,748 ¶ StumbIIn' in 329 00:21:45,008 --> 00:21:47,374 ¶ WhereVer you go 330 00:21:49,012 --> 00:21:51,219 ¶ WhateVer you do 331 00:21:52,265 --> 00:21:55,928 ¶ You know these reckIess thoughts of mIne 332 00:21:56,102 --> 00:21:58,309 ¶ Are foIIowIng you 333 00:22:00,023 --> 00:22:02,059 ¶ I'Ve faIIen for you 334 00:22:03,526 --> 00:22:05,767 ¶ WhateVer you do 335 00:22:07,280 --> 00:22:10,818 ¶ 'Cause, baby, you've shown me so many things 336 00:22:10,992 --> 00:22:13,278 ¶ That I neVer knew 337 00:22:14,746 --> 00:22:17,533 ¶ Whatever it takes 338 00:22:17,707 --> 00:22:20,414 ¶ Baby. I'II do it for you... ¶ 339 00:22:20,585 --> 00:22:21,995 RWHIMPERS) 340 00:22:22,170 --> 00:22:24,001 AII the sad faces In the worId won't work, 341 00:22:24,172 --> 00:22:25,708 so you can just stop. 342 00:22:29,802 --> 00:22:33,636 ¶ FoolIshly IayIng our heaets on the tabIe 343 00:22:33,806 --> 00:22:35,467 ¶ StumbIIn' in 344 00:22:36,517 --> 00:22:39,224 ¶ Our IoVe Is a flame 345 00:22:40,897 --> 00:22:43,183 ¶ Burning within 346 00:22:45,151 --> 00:22:48,484 ¶ Now and then fIreIIght wIII catch us 347 00:22:48,655 --> 00:22:50,520 ¶ StumbIin' in... ¶ 348 00:22:56,621 --> 00:23:00,113 RLOUD CHATTERING) 349 00:23:00,291 --> 00:23:01,997 RPEOPLE JOSTLE AND CHATTER) 350 00:23:02,168 --> 00:23:03,829 MAN: Ready? OK, fiVe. 351 00:23:04,003 --> 00:23:06,836 In for fiVe. (CHATTERING CONTINUES) 352 00:23:08,257 --> 00:23:11,169 Ready? QuIet! 353 00:23:11,344 --> 00:23:13,460 RMEN HUSH) 354 00:23:14,639 --> 00:23:16,254 GO! 355 00:23:16,432 --> 00:23:19,424 ALL CHANT: Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat! 356 00:23:20,603 --> 00:23:22,969 RALL CHANT AND SHOUT) 357 00:23:33,449 --> 00:23:36,111 9.2 seconds! A new worId record! 358 00:23:36,285 --> 00:23:38,196 RALL CHEER) 359 00:23:38,371 --> 00:23:40,157 No! Oh-ho-ho! 360 00:23:42,041 --> 00:23:43,872 What's next? What's next? 361 00:23:47,505 --> 00:23:49,245 A chIcken! 362 00:23:49,424 --> 00:23:51,380 WWhy wouldn't he eat a chIcken? 363 00:23:51,551 --> 00:23:52,916 RSQUAWKING) 364 00:23:53,094 --> 00:23:55,255 A IIve chIcken! 365 00:23:55,430 --> 00:23:56,920 RALL CHEER) 366 00:23:57,098 --> 00:24:00,181 RWHIMPERS) 367 00:24:04,772 --> 00:24:06,933 RWHIMPERS) 368 00:24:11,195 --> 00:24:13,231 Enough! 369 00:24:15,533 --> 00:24:18,570 I won't Iet Red Dog eat a IIVe chIcken for your sick amusement. 370 00:24:18,745 --> 00:24:22,237 What's it to you, huh? It's not your dog. 371 00:24:22,415 --> 00:24:24,906 No chIcken, mate. 372 00:24:27,295 --> 00:24:30,162 Says who? l do, 373 00:24:30,339 --> 00:24:32,250 ALL: Ooh! 374 00:24:32,425 --> 00:24:35,041 RPEOPLE CHEER) 375 00:24:35,219 --> 00:24:36,208 RGROWLS) 376 00:24:36,387 --> 00:24:38,548 RBOTH GRUNT) 377 00:24:38,723 --> 00:24:41,180 ALL: Fight, fight, fight, fIght, fight, fIght! 378 00:24:41,350 --> 00:24:43,432 RCHANTING AND YELLING CONTINUES) 379 00:24:46,189 --> 00:24:47,679 OK, OK! 380 00:24:47,857 --> 00:24:50,690 No chIcken, no chIcken. 381 00:24:50,860 --> 00:24:53,693 RDOG GROWLS) 382 00:24:54,781 --> 00:24:56,567 Red Dog, come! 383 00:25:09,504 --> 00:25:11,586 Huh? 384 00:25:11,756 --> 00:25:14,873 RGENTLE MUSIC) 385 00:25:28,523 --> 00:25:30,354 Come on, boy. We rIde together now. 386 00:25:42,036 --> 00:25:47,156 And from that day on Red Dog had a master - 387 00:25:47,333 --> 00:25:50,825 the only master he wouId ever haVe. 388 00:25:53,714 --> 00:25:55,215 RCOUNTRY MUSIC PLAYS QUIETLY ON JUKEBOX) 389 00:25:55,383 --> 00:25:57,248 RWOMAN SPEAKS INAUDlBLY) 390 00:25:58,928 --> 00:26:01,010 Hey, but enough said about that. 391 00:26:01,180 --> 00:26:03,557 MAN: Hey, quIet! Quiet! Shh! Turn the jukebox off. 392 00:26:03,724 --> 00:26:08,013 Uh...to teII you the truth, I shouId put hIm down. 393 00:26:08,187 --> 00:26:10,178 But he's a strong oId dog 394 00:26:10,356 --> 00:26:12,438 and God knows he deserves a Iast fIght 395 00:26:12,608 --> 00:26:14,394 so l'Ve given him some anticonVulsants, 396 00:26:14,569 --> 00:26:16,355 he's resting easier. 397 00:26:16,529 --> 00:26:20,067 We wait. HopefuIIy, he'II make It through the nIght. 398 00:26:23,828 --> 00:26:26,740 RCOUNTRY MUSIC PLAYS ON JUKEBOX) 399 00:26:27,957 --> 00:26:29,322 RSIGHS) 400 00:26:35,172 --> 00:26:37,163 Come on, Red Dog (DOG WHlNES) 401 00:26:37,341 --> 00:26:39,172 R.SNIFFLES) 402 00:26:40,219 --> 00:26:42,175 Poor Red. 403 00:26:43,472 --> 00:26:45,849 What are we gonna do with you, huh? 404 00:26:46,017 --> 00:26:48,975 RWHIMPERS QUIETLY) 405 00:26:50,021 --> 00:26:53,138 A shame, that Is. Yeah. 406 00:26:54,609 --> 00:26:56,565 JACK: There's a Iot of hIstory there, you know, 407 00:26:56,736 --> 00:26:59,944 with Nancy, John, Red Dog. 408 00:27:02,992 --> 00:27:06,109 R'60s ROCKABILLY MUSIC) 409 00:27:19,300 --> 00:27:21,165 RSILENCE) 410 00:27:36,984 --> 00:27:38,019 Down! 411 00:27:38,194 --> 00:27:39,559 RMEN CHUCKLE) 412 00:27:39,737 --> 00:27:41,728 Bad dog! 413 00:27:43,866 --> 00:27:45,367 RLAUGHTER) 414 00:27:45,534 --> 00:27:47,149 You'll neVer get him out of there, Miss. 415 00:27:47,328 --> 00:27:49,239 No-one sIt there when Red sit there. 416 00:27:53,584 --> 00:27:56,747 R.RED GROWLS) 417 00:27:56,921 --> 00:27:59,207 MEN: Ohh! 418 00:27:59,382 --> 00:28:01,668 Well, aren't you a charmer, huh? 419 00:28:03,803 --> 00:28:05,919 RGRUMBLES LOWLY) Stop that! 420 00:28:06,097 --> 00:28:08,088 RLAUGHTER) 421 00:28:08,265 --> 00:28:09,880 Bad dog! 422 00:28:10,059 --> 00:28:11,890 PEETO: Hang on, MIss. Hang on! 423 00:28:12,061 --> 00:28:13,426 EVer sInce he became a union member 424 00:28:13,604 --> 00:28:15,014 he thinks he's got rights. 425 00:28:15,189 --> 00:28:16,395 RLAUGHTER) 426 00:28:16,565 --> 00:28:19,978 I'm not moVIng, so you'II just have to put up wIth me. 427 00:28:20,152 --> 00:28:21,562 RMEN SNlCKER AND LAUGH) 428 00:28:21,737 --> 00:28:24,945 Stop that! Now, be a gentleman and moVe oVer! 429 00:28:25,992 --> 00:28:28,108 Now! MEN: Ooh. 430 00:28:58,149 --> 00:28:59,639 Hello 431 00:28:59,817 --> 00:29:01,478 Hello. 432 00:29:01,652 --> 00:29:04,029 You're sharIng a seat wIth my dog. 433 00:29:05,072 --> 00:29:06,448 Yes, l am 434 00:29:08,117 --> 00:29:09,698 Wow 435 00:29:09,869 --> 00:29:12,201 RSTARTS ENGINE) 436 00:29:21,422 --> 00:29:23,583 RBRAKES SQUEAL) 437 00:29:24,884 --> 00:29:28,968 So, what wIII you be doIng at HamersIey, Nancy? 438 00:29:29,138 --> 00:29:30,503 A secretary. 439 00:29:30,681 --> 00:29:31,716 RALL GROAN) 440 00:29:31,891 --> 00:29:33,973 QuIte a change from Perth. 441 00:29:34,143 --> 00:29:35,508 An adventure, to be sure. 442 00:29:35,686 --> 00:29:39,019 RCHUCKLES) That's a good way to Iook at It, an adventure. 443 00:29:42,151 --> 00:29:44,062 Is aIright yet? MAN: Don't wanna be too Iate. 444 00:29:44,236 --> 00:29:46,318 GiVe it another minute or two to air out, boys. 445 00:29:46,489 --> 00:29:48,730 Wouldn't want anyone to get sIck from the fumes. 446 00:29:51,744 --> 00:29:53,826 RFARTS) 447 00:29:55,581 --> 00:29:58,789 So, Nancy, there's a new moVie pIayIng at the open-aIr. 448 00:29:58,959 --> 00:30:00,620 WouId you like to come and see it? 449 00:30:00,795 --> 00:30:03,628 What's It about? 450 00:30:03,798 --> 00:30:06,164 Uh, I can't remember. 451 00:30:07,927 --> 00:30:10,885 AIright, then, (MEN SIGH) 452 00:30:12,014 --> 00:30:13,379 RCOUGHS AND GAGS) 453 00:30:15,518 --> 00:30:17,759 StIII 'rip'. 'RIpe'? 454 00:30:17,937 --> 00:30:22,226 Yes, the rip is Very ripe. 455 00:30:27,571 --> 00:30:29,653 PEETO: Oh, yeah? 456 00:30:32,701 --> 00:30:33,827 HI, John 457 00:30:33,994 --> 00:30:35,370 Uh, I need to borrow the wagon 458 00:30:35,538 --> 00:30:37,654 so l can take the new gIrl to the moVies. 459 00:30:37,832 --> 00:30:39,868 What makes you think that she'd be interested 460 00:30:40,042 --> 00:30:42,078 In a skInny Iittle Yank IIke you 461 00:30:42,253 --> 00:30:44,790 when she's got us proper bIokes around? 462 00:30:44,964 --> 00:30:47,000 I bathe. 463 00:30:47,174 --> 00:30:49,039 AIso, do you thInk you couId watch Red? 464 00:30:49,218 --> 00:30:52,961 I thInk he's a touch... (MUTTERS) ..J-E-A-L-O-U-S. 465 00:30:54,348 --> 00:30:55,713 J-E-what? 466 00:30:55,891 --> 00:30:58,803 RWHISPERS) JeaIous. Oh! Huh? 467 00:30:58,978 --> 00:31:01,594 RWHIMPERS) Pfft! No troubIes. 468 00:31:01,772 --> 00:31:03,148 We'II haVe a rIght party, we wiII. 469 00:31:03,315 --> 00:31:06,102 Won't we, Red? Thanks, Peet. See ya, Red. 470 00:31:06,277 --> 00:31:08,438 Get ready to get wIld. 471 00:31:08,612 --> 00:31:11,524 RJOLLY MUSIC PLAYS ON STEREO) 472 00:31:12,575 --> 00:31:15,032 SONG: ¶ Jeepers, creepers 473 00:31:15,202 --> 00:31:17,113 ¶ Where'd you get those peepers? 474 00:31:17,288 --> 00:31:19,495 ¶ Jeepers, creepers 475 00:31:19,665 --> 00:31:21,621 ¶ Where'd you get those eyes? ¶ 476 00:31:21,792 --> 00:31:23,202 This one's a beauty. 477 00:31:23,377 --> 00:31:25,834 lt's calIed the fisherman's rib. 478 00:31:26,005 --> 00:31:27,916 LoVeIy, don't you thInk? 479 00:31:28,090 --> 00:31:30,206 You pIay your cards right 480 00:31:30,384 --> 00:31:33,376 and I can make you a sweater wIth four Iegs. 481 00:31:34,430 --> 00:31:36,295 ¶ Woe is me 482 00:31:36,473 --> 00:31:39,636 ¶ Got to put my cheaters on Jeepers, creepers... ¶ 483 00:31:39,810 --> 00:31:41,186 Where do you thInk you're goIng? 484 00:31:41,353 --> 00:31:42,809 RKNOCK AT DOOR) 485 00:31:42,980 --> 00:31:45,471 Ohh... 486 00:31:45,649 --> 00:31:48,265 RMUTTERS) 487 00:31:49,528 --> 00:31:51,735 RTURNS OFF TAPE) 488 00:31:51,906 --> 00:31:54,022 RKNOCK AT DOOR) 489 00:31:54,200 --> 00:31:56,441 R'SHADOW BOXER' BY THE ANGELS PLAYS ON STEREO) 490 00:31:56,619 --> 00:31:58,484 Yo! 491 00:32:00,748 --> 00:32:02,329 We're going to the pub. 492 00:32:02,499 --> 00:32:04,410 I can't. 493 00:32:04,585 --> 00:32:07,042 l'm watchIng Red Dog for Johnny boy. 494 00:32:09,298 --> 00:32:10,959 What Is In his mouth? 495 00:32:12,218 --> 00:32:15,005 Hey! GIVe me that. 496 00:32:18,474 --> 00:32:21,591 Bring back my bIoody yarn! 497 00:32:21,769 --> 00:32:24,476 RMEN LAUGH) Red! Red! 498 00:32:45,751 --> 00:32:47,833 RPURRING) 499 00:32:50,881 --> 00:32:52,257 HeIIo, kitty. 500 00:32:52,424 --> 00:32:53,960 RSNARLS) Whoa, 501 00:32:54,134 --> 00:32:57,217 (GRO'WL S) Hey, hey. Go on, take off. 502 00:32:58,430 --> 00:33:01,672 Red Cat was an horrendous anImaI, no? 503 00:33:01,850 --> 00:33:04,136 He was - how do you say? - 504 00:33:04,311 --> 00:33:07,769 a destroyer of many pooches. 505 00:33:07,940 --> 00:33:09,680 (SNARLS) RDOG WHIMPERS) 506 00:33:09,858 --> 00:33:12,600 RCAT GROWLS AND HISSES) 507 00:33:12,778 --> 00:33:14,814 Hey, what are you doing to my cat? 508 00:33:14,989 --> 00:33:17,355 Nothing. I... 509 00:33:17,533 --> 00:33:18,898 WWhat's goIng on? 510 00:33:19,076 --> 00:33:21,943 Oh, thIs cat trIed to attack me. It must smeII Red Dog on me. 511 00:33:22,121 --> 00:33:24,453 Visitors haVe to park on the road. It's a ruIe. 512 00:33:24,623 --> 00:33:26,488 Sorry, Mr CrIbbage. 513 00:33:26,667 --> 00:33:28,749 RuIes are ruIes, MIss Grey. 514 00:33:28,919 --> 00:33:30,750 With aII the riffraff the company's hirIng 515 00:33:30,921 --> 00:33:34,084 It's onIy ruIes that separate us from the anImaIs. 516 00:33:37,011 --> 00:33:38,547 Goodnight, Mr Cribbage. 517 00:33:41,390 --> 00:33:42,755 He's the caretaker of the park. 518 00:33:42,933 --> 00:33:44,673 I'm tryIng not to get on his bad side. 519 00:33:44,852 --> 00:33:47,218 Does he haVe a good sIde? 520 00:33:48,480 --> 00:33:50,812 There you are. Thank you. 521 00:33:53,027 --> 00:33:54,733 RCAR HORN TOOTS) 522 00:33:54,903 --> 00:33:57,645 MAN: Turn your bIoody IIghts off, ya nongs! 523 00:33:57,823 --> 00:34:00,781 ROMINOUS MUSIC PLAYS ON FlLM) 524 00:34:00,951 --> 00:34:04,068 RPEOPLE CHATTER) 525 00:34:06,707 --> 00:34:08,698 PERSON: Shh! 526 00:34:11,253 --> 00:34:14,871 RTENSE MUSIC PLAYS ON FILM) 527 00:34:15,049 --> 00:34:17,210 MAN: Oh, geez! 528 00:34:18,594 --> 00:34:20,960 NANCY: Ohh! (PEOPLE GASP) 529 00:34:21,138 --> 00:34:23,925 MAN 2: Oi! I can't see: RCAR HORNS BLARE) 530 00:34:24,099 --> 00:34:25,555 What the heIl Is that? 531 00:34:25,726 --> 00:34:27,967 Hide. It's my dog. 532 00:34:28,145 --> 00:34:29,851 RLAUGHS) 533 00:34:30,022 --> 00:34:33,014 ROMINOUS 'JAWS' MUSIC) 534 00:34:35,819 --> 00:34:36,854 RRED GRUNTS) 535 00:34:42,576 --> 00:34:44,567 )MUSIC RISES) 536 00:34:44,745 --> 00:34:46,861 RRED BARKS) Ohh! 537 00:34:47,039 --> 00:34:48,904 RBOTH LAUGH) 538 00:35:09,228 --> 00:35:10,593 RWHIMPERS) 539 00:35:10,771 --> 00:35:12,887 RSIGHS) 540 00:35:13,065 --> 00:35:19,186 You, dog, be needing an ed-u-cation. 541 00:35:24,159 --> 00:35:26,992 Hey, can I show you somethIng? 542 00:35:34,044 --> 00:35:35,659 CarefuI. 543 00:35:38,841 --> 00:35:42,379 So a few years back, this oId dude, Jumbo SmeIt, 544 00:35:42,553 --> 00:35:43,918 'Was swimming right out there 545 00:35:44,096 --> 00:35:45,802 and he got attacked by a great whIte. 546 00:35:45,973 --> 00:35:48,555 Bit hIm In the Ieg and puIIed him under. 547 00:35:48,725 --> 00:35:50,852 DId he dIe? No, no. 548 00:35:51,019 --> 00:35:53,806 The shark spat him out - dIdn't lIke the way he tasted. 549 00:35:53,981 --> 00:35:56,017 Not a surprise If you knew Jumbo. 550 00:35:56,191 --> 00:36:00,025 It took 73 stItches to get hIs Ieg sewed back together. 551 00:36:00,195 --> 00:36:01,605 That's awfuI. 552 00:36:01,780 --> 00:36:03,441 Hey, no-one swIms out there anymore. 553 00:36:03,615 --> 00:36:06,527 Most days you can stIII see the shark swImmIng back and forth. 554 00:36:07,578 --> 00:36:10,365 He's been spotted so often the boys have gIven hIm a name. 555 00:36:10,539 --> 00:36:14,248 Mmm? Lord NeIson. 556 00:36:22,593 --> 00:36:24,458 RWHISPERS) I don't see anythIng. 557 00:36:25,512 --> 00:36:28,128 Maybe we shouId go out a bIt deeper. 558 00:36:35,189 --> 00:36:36,895 What's that? What?! 559 00:36:37,065 --> 00:36:39,351 NothIng. It's not funny! 560 00:36:42,571 --> 00:36:45,108 Maybe he's asIeep. 561 00:36:47,993 --> 00:36:49,949 Sharks don't sleep. 562 00:36:50,120 --> 00:36:54,784 They haVe to keep moVing, just Iike you, 563 00:36:54,958 --> 00:36:58,621 Mr Never LiVed More Than Two Years in the Same PIace. 564 00:36:58,795 --> 00:37:01,377 Are you caIlIng me a shark? Maybe. 565 00:37:01,548 --> 00:37:03,413 Nah, you got me wrong. 566 00:37:03,592 --> 00:37:05,423 MoVIng Is part of my romantIc nature. 567 00:37:05,594 --> 00:37:07,130 Hmm. 568 00:37:08,180 --> 00:37:09,761 You're just scared. 569 00:37:09,932 --> 00:37:11,342 Scared? Of what? 570 00:37:12,392 --> 00:37:15,805 Of finding somethIng woeth stayIng In one pIace for. 571 00:37:22,903 --> 00:37:26,020 RGENTLE MUSIC) 572 00:37:36,667 --> 00:37:38,407 SONG: ¶ I Ieft the keys In the car 573 00:37:38,585 --> 00:37:40,496 ¶ I left the door ajar 574 00:37:40,671 --> 00:37:42,502 ¶ I didn't want to be aIone 575 00:37:42,673 --> 00:37:44,755 ¶ These are the days and the nIghts 576 00:37:44,925 --> 00:37:46,711 ¶ At these sweet humblIng heights 577 00:37:46,885 --> 00:37:49,001 ¶ And I know it used to be home... ¶ 578 00:37:49,179 --> 00:37:50,635 RRED GRUMBLES) 579 00:37:50,806 --> 00:37:53,673 ¶ WeIl, whIsk me away I'II be yours for a day 580 00:37:53,850 --> 00:37:55,556 ¶ ln heavenIy fields we can roam... ¶ 581 00:37:55,727 --> 00:37:56,933 RWHIMPERS) 582 00:37:57,104 --> 00:38:00,562 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh You're my cIean whIte Iove 583 00:38:00,732 --> 00:38:03,815 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh You're my cIean whIte Iove 584 00:38:03,986 --> 00:38:06,272 ¶ What are you doIng? What are you doIng? 585 00:38:06,446 --> 00:38:07,947 ¶ What are ya doIng to me? 586 00:38:08,115 --> 00:38:10,197 ¶ What are you doIng to my head? 587 00:38:10,367 --> 00:38:14,360 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh You're my cIean whIte Iove 588 00:38:14,538 --> 00:38:17,905 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh You're too cIean white loVe 589 00:38:18,083 --> 00:38:19,493 ¶ I gIVe my heart on the mornIng... ¶ 590 00:38:19,668 --> 00:38:21,078 ReaIIy? 591 00:38:22,754 --> 00:38:25,621 ¶ EVerybody's IookIng for a fIx, hey 592 00:38:31,054 --> 00:38:32,590 ¶ SeII me a sign 593 00:38:32,764 --> 00:38:34,595 ¶ I'II cut the teIephone Iine 594 00:38:34,766 --> 00:38:37,223 ¶ Just to keep expectatIons aIIve... ¶ 595 00:38:37,394 --> 00:38:40,807 HeIlo, Red. HeIIo! Come on. Up. 596 00:38:40,981 --> 00:38:42,346 ¶ The feeIIng Is bIInd 597 00:38:42,524 --> 00:38:45,061 ¶ Though l cIImbed up You're IookIng divIne 598 00:38:45,235 --> 00:38:47,191 ¶ SeII me it straight... ¶ 599 00:38:47,362 --> 00:38:49,569 NANCY: Red Dog! Red! 600 00:38:49,740 --> 00:38:52,072 ¶ Keep on breaking the ruIes, ohh 601 00:38:52,242 --> 00:38:55,609 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh You're my cIean whIte Iove 602 00:38:55,787 --> 00:38:59,029 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh You're too cIean white loVe 603 00:38:59,207 --> 00:39:01,289 ¶ What are you doIng? What are you doIng? 604 00:39:01,460 --> 00:39:02,825 ¶ What are ya doIng to me? 605 00:39:03,003 --> 00:39:05,369 ¶ What are you doIng to my head? 606 00:39:05,547 --> 00:39:09,256 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh You're my cIean whIte Iove 607 00:39:09,426 --> 00:39:12,759 ¶ Whoa, oh, oh, you're too cIean... ¶ 608 00:39:15,515 --> 00:39:18,803 Yep, Red was a reaI matchmaker, aIrIght. 609 00:39:18,977 --> 00:39:22,515 Red Dog Is reason I met my most belIa wIfe. 610 00:39:22,689 --> 00:39:26,398 Do you remember? It was the day Red Dog was shot. 611 00:39:26,568 --> 00:39:28,684 Red Dog was shot? Oh, yes, 612 00:39:28,862 --> 00:39:32,195 After his fIrst great fIght wIth Red Cat. 613 00:39:32,366 --> 00:39:34,448 Why wouId anyone shoot him? Because he won 614 00:39:34,618 --> 00:39:37,405 No, he dId not win hIs first fIght with Red Cat, 615 00:39:37,579 --> 00:39:40,696 but Red Dog was not a normaI poochIe. 616 00:39:40,874 --> 00:39:44,082 He was smart, Very, Very smart, 617 00:39:44,252 --> 00:39:45,913 and brave. 618 00:39:52,511 --> 00:39:55,093 RCAT GROWLS) 619 00:39:56,890 --> 00:39:59,597 RSNARLS) 620 00:40:01,728 --> 00:40:03,309 RBARKS) 621 00:40:03,480 --> 00:40:05,016 RHISSES) (SNARLS) 622 00:40:06,316 --> 00:40:08,398 RWHIMPERS) 623 00:40:14,116 --> 00:40:16,653 Get out! Get! You diety, fIIthy, whorIng hound! 624 00:40:24,960 --> 00:40:27,451 RGUNSHOT) 625 00:40:27,629 --> 00:40:30,462 RWHINES AND WHIMPERS) 626 00:40:34,886 --> 00:40:36,342 Johnny boy! Yeah? 627 00:40:36,513 --> 00:40:38,094 Phone. 628 00:40:42,352 --> 00:40:43,728 Hello. 629 00:40:43,895 --> 00:40:45,556 HHe's oVer here! 630 00:40:46,732 --> 00:40:48,973 RRED WHIMPERS) 631 00:40:49,151 --> 00:40:51,392 Hey, buddy. Hey. 632 00:40:51,570 --> 00:40:53,526 Oh, what haVe they done to you? 633 00:40:53,697 --> 00:40:56,063 RYELPS AND WHIMPERS) 634 00:40:56,241 --> 00:40:58,732 Ohh. What do you thInk? 635 00:40:58,910 --> 00:41:01,697 I can stop the bIeedIng, but 'we have to get hIm to a vet. 636 00:41:01,872 --> 00:41:03,237 That's four hours. 637 00:41:03,415 --> 00:41:05,371 Three and a half, mate, the way l drIVe. 638 00:41:11,089 --> 00:41:13,705 Don't you dare dIe on me, you damn dog. 639 00:41:13,884 --> 00:41:15,795 Don't you dare die. 640 00:41:15,969 --> 00:41:18,506 RWHINES) You're OK. 641 00:41:18,680 --> 00:41:20,636 So, who do you thInk did It? 642 00:41:20,807 --> 00:41:22,638 EVII CrIbbages. 643 00:41:22,809 --> 00:41:26,176 They IIVe on pIg snouts and they hate the doggIes. 644 00:41:26,354 --> 00:41:28,640 What makes you think he has a rifIe? 645 00:41:28,815 --> 00:41:31,602 I know. PEETO: How do you know that? 646 00:41:31,777 --> 00:41:33,688 After Jumbo Smelt was eaten In the Ieg 647 00:41:33,862 --> 00:41:35,398 aII the men with gun... 648 00:41:38,158 --> 00:41:39,864 ..went out to kiII the sharky. 649 00:41:40,035 --> 00:41:42,822 I'm gIad they didn't kiII it. 650 00:41:42,996 --> 00:41:44,361 WWhy? 651 00:41:44,539 --> 00:41:46,404 You neVer know when you mIght need a shark. 652 00:41:46,583 --> 00:41:51,077 What in God's red earth wouId you need a shark for? 653 00:41:51,254 --> 00:41:53,791 Say you woke up one fIne mornIng 654 00:41:53,965 --> 00:41:55,921 and dIdn't find It so fIne. 655 00:41:56,092 --> 00:41:59,334 BeIng eaten by a shark Is rather a memorabIe way to go. 656 00:41:59,513 --> 00:42:04,007 You wouId not taIk thIs way if you Iaugh once In a whiIe. 657 00:42:05,060 --> 00:42:06,425 I Iaugh. 658 00:42:06,603 --> 00:42:08,468 NeVer. He's rIght, mate. 659 00:42:08,647 --> 00:42:10,854 I'Ve neVer eVen heard you chuckIe. 660 00:42:11,024 --> 00:42:12,389 Maybe you haVen't noticed, 661 00:42:12,567 --> 00:42:14,819 but DampIer's no three-rIng bIoody cIrcus, Is It? 662 00:42:14,986 --> 00:42:17,898 In my home VIIIage of Abruzzi 663 00:42:18,073 --> 00:42:21,281 there was aIways Iaughter, aIways. 664 00:42:21,451 --> 00:42:23,032 I don't eVen think there is an Abruzzi. 665 00:42:23,203 --> 00:42:25,410 You probabIy come from some pIss-ugIy town In AIbanIa 666 00:42:25,580 --> 00:42:27,116 and are trying to pass. 667 00:42:27,290 --> 00:42:29,326 RCHUCKLES) VannoskI! 668 00:42:29,501 --> 00:42:31,787 That Is not funny. 669 00:42:33,839 --> 00:42:36,626 Yuri Vannoski. RTITTERS) 670 00:42:36,800 --> 00:42:38,165 RlMITATES ALBANlAN ACCENT) DImItrI VannoskI. 671 00:42:38,343 --> 00:42:40,459 RLAUGHS) 672 00:42:40,637 --> 00:42:41,672 KnItter. 673 00:42:43,223 --> 00:42:45,179 What dId you caII me? I caIIed you a knitter! 674 00:42:45,350 --> 00:42:47,341 What kind of a man knIts a sweater? 675 00:42:47,519 --> 00:42:50,135 RALL YELL AND ARGUE) 676 00:42:51,523 --> 00:42:55,766 Shut up! Give Red Dog some peace, for Godsakes! 677 00:42:55,944 --> 00:42:57,650 RWHIMPERS) 678 00:42:57,821 --> 00:43:00,483 It's OK. It'Il be OK. 679 00:43:06,830 --> 00:43:09,242 W eII, he got Iucky. 680 00:43:09,416 --> 00:43:11,452 The buIIets mIssed the bone. 681 00:43:11,626 --> 00:43:13,366 I saVed them for you. 682 00:43:14,421 --> 00:43:16,833 W eII, Iook at that. 683 00:43:18,592 --> 00:43:21,550 How Iong wiII he need to stay? Just a coup e of hours. 684 00:43:21,720 --> 00:43:24,837 RDRAMATIC MUSIC) 685 00:43:28,602 --> 00:43:30,809 It's my shout, boys. 686 00:43:33,273 --> 00:43:36,390 (SWEEPING ROMANTlC MUSlC) 687 00:43:43,325 --> 00:43:44,861 JOHN: You aIrIght? 688 00:43:48,079 --> 00:43:50,616 Red's gonna need to come back in two weeks. 689 00:43:50,790 --> 00:43:52,530 That's a long bIoody driVe. Yeah. 690 00:43:52,709 --> 00:43:54,700 I could try and take the stItches out for you. 691 00:43:54,878 --> 00:43:56,994 No. 692 00:43:57,172 --> 00:43:59,128 l wIII take hIm. 693 00:43:59,299 --> 00:44:02,211 It wouId be an honour. 694 00:44:04,638 --> 00:44:07,755 RROMANTIC ITALIAN MUSIC) 695 00:44:15,815 --> 00:44:17,476 RWHIMPERS) 696 00:44:21,404 --> 00:44:23,781 Idiota, IdIota, IdIota! 697 00:44:27,661 --> 00:44:29,868 His nose, it is, uh, Very dry. 698 00:44:30,038 --> 00:44:32,245 I cannot sIeep. 699 00:44:37,379 --> 00:44:39,620 Yes, a worm. 700 00:44:39,798 --> 00:44:41,959 A big white worm. 701 00:44:45,387 --> 00:44:47,719 RWHINES) 702 00:44:51,768 --> 00:44:54,885 l am sorry they giVe you enema Iast time. 703 00:44:55,063 --> 00:44:57,896 This tIme l promise to ask her out. 704 00:44:59,859 --> 00:45:03,568 OK, OK, OK. 705 00:45:06,408 --> 00:45:10,526 I ask her out and gIve you bIg meat, huh? 706 00:45:10,704 --> 00:45:13,195 No. After. 707 00:45:13,373 --> 00:45:16,490 (BARKS) 708 00:45:21,381 --> 00:45:23,167 I can't see any gIass. 709 00:45:25,301 --> 00:45:29,635 I wonder, you know, sometime, 710 00:45:29,806 --> 00:45:34,345 I and you together maybe... 711 00:45:34,519 --> 00:45:36,635 Are you askIng me out? 712 00:45:40,025 --> 00:45:41,731 I do. 713 00:45:41,901 --> 00:45:43,687 Arggh! 714 00:45:43,862 --> 00:45:45,853 RBABY CRIES) 715 00:45:49,659 --> 00:45:51,650 W eII? 716 00:45:53,288 --> 00:45:57,281 Yes, l, Vincenzio AIbefto GiroIomo, 717 00:45:57,459 --> 00:46:00,872 ask you, beIIa Rosa, out. 718 00:46:02,005 --> 00:46:03,370 A round of drInks on me 719 00:46:03,548 --> 00:46:09,009 for my beIIa Rosa, my beIIo chIld GIovanni and Red Dog. 720 00:46:09,179 --> 00:46:10,840 RALL CHEER) 721 00:46:14,893 --> 00:46:17,680 He saVed my IIfe once. True. 722 00:46:17,854 --> 00:46:19,390 Yeah? How dId he do that? 723 00:46:20,899 --> 00:46:24,562 EVeryone that ends up in thIs part of the country 724 00:46:24,736 --> 00:46:26,146 has somethIng they're running away from. 725 00:46:26,321 --> 00:46:27,777 Hang on. 726 00:46:27,947 --> 00:46:31,815 Lack of money, broken heaet, 727 00:46:31,993 --> 00:46:37,113 vIoIent acts, Ioss of hope. 728 00:46:37,290 --> 00:46:39,997 We alI haVe a story we Ieft behind. 729 00:46:41,628 --> 00:46:46,213 10 years ago, my wife and gIrl were kiIIed In an auto accident 730 00:46:46,382 --> 00:46:47,997 wWhen I was driVing. 731 00:46:48,176 --> 00:46:50,713 Oh, Jesus, l...I'm sorry. 732 00:46:53,181 --> 00:46:57,299 What Vanno saId was true. I...I hadn't Iaughed in years. 733 00:46:58,728 --> 00:47:02,266 Then one fine morning I woke up 734 00:47:02,440 --> 00:47:05,056 and I dIdn't fInd It so fine. 735 00:47:08,613 --> 00:47:10,444 Oh, g'day, Jumbo. 736 00:47:12,617 --> 00:47:13,982 CouIdn't stand a drInk 737 00:47:14,160 --> 00:47:16,367 for me poor nerves and me throbbIng scar. couId you? 738 00:47:16,538 --> 00:47:17,903 No worrIes, Jumbo. 739 00:47:18,081 --> 00:47:19,696 ThrobbIng somethIng horrIble alI nIght. 740 00:47:19,874 --> 00:47:21,489 And what do I hear thIs mornIng? 741 00:47:21,668 --> 00:47:25,286 Me oId nemesis. Lord Nelson. is back off Hansen's CoVe, 742 00:47:25,463 --> 00:47:28,580 swimming back and forth, carefree as a kIss. 743 00:47:28,758 --> 00:47:30,294 JACK: Huh. 744 00:47:32,053 --> 00:47:34,044 JUMBO: I feeI IIke CaptaIn bIoody Hook. 745 00:47:34,222 --> 00:47:37,680 Tick-tock, tIck-tock 746 00:47:46,609 --> 00:47:49,726 (M,EN YELL) (RED BARKS) 747 00:47:59,497 --> 00:48:02,239 MAN: Hey, mate, can you grab us a coId one out of the esky? 748 00:48:02,417 --> 00:48:05,033 MAN 2: Oh, g'day, mate. 749 00:48:09,382 --> 00:48:10,417 Get It! 750 00:48:22,270 --> 00:48:24,511 (RED BARKS) 751 00:48:24,689 --> 00:48:27,726 Where are you, you Iazy-arse fIsh? 752 00:48:34,324 --> 00:48:38,237 Hey, get out of It, you mongreI! That's my steak! 753 00:48:41,915 --> 00:48:44,998 RLAUGHS) 754 00:48:46,044 --> 00:48:47,750 Drop that steak! 755 00:48:47,921 --> 00:48:51,038 RSOBS) 756 00:49:14,322 --> 00:49:16,734 RDRAMATlC MUSIC SURGES) 757 00:49:18,409 --> 00:49:21,526 RSPITS) 758 00:49:21,704 --> 00:49:23,240 RPEOPLE SHOUT) 759 00:49:26,960 --> 00:49:28,746 MAN: Jocko! MAN 2: Get out! 760 00:49:30,129 --> 00:49:31,869 MAN 3: Shark! 761 00:49:33,758 --> 00:49:37,296 Faster! Get in, Jocko! 762 00:49:38,596 --> 00:49:40,132 Ah! 763 00:49:42,600 --> 00:49:45,888 Do you want to die? Get rId of the steak! 764 00:50:05,290 --> 00:50:07,155 Get In! 765 00:50:11,462 --> 00:50:13,202 You aIrIght? 766 00:50:20,638 --> 00:50:23,971 Wasn't for Red Dog and that prIme hunk of red meat, 767 00:50:24,142 --> 00:50:26,554 you'd be looking at fish bait. 768 00:50:44,078 --> 00:50:45,659 HeIIo? 769 00:50:51,419 --> 00:50:53,080 RTOILET FLUSHES) 770 00:50:56,716 --> 00:50:59,628 Oh. uh. Wait. Wait a second. Uh... 771 00:51:08,644 --> 00:51:10,020 A gentIeman. 772 00:51:10,188 --> 00:51:11,803 Four sIsters. 773 00:51:11,981 --> 00:51:14,313 Ah. WelI... 774 00:51:14,484 --> 00:51:15,894 Oh, yeah, sorry. Sorry. 775 00:51:16,069 --> 00:51:17,605 Yeah. 776 00:51:27,246 --> 00:51:28,907 So, whateVer happened to them? 777 00:51:29,082 --> 00:51:31,744 Who? Nancy and John. 778 00:51:31,918 --> 00:51:34,455 RSILENCE) 779 00:51:35,713 --> 00:51:38,295 MAN ON RECORDING: Uno, dos, one, two, tres, cuatro. 780 00:51:38,466 --> 00:51:41,583 RLIVELY ROCK MUSIC) 781 00:51:47,225 --> 00:51:48,590 Up, up, up, up. 782 00:51:48,768 --> 00:51:50,304 Yeah! 783 00:52:05,243 --> 00:52:07,905 (MUSIC STOPS) WOMAN: Not that song! 784 00:52:08,079 --> 00:52:10,240 MAN: Hey. 785 00:52:11,374 --> 00:52:12,739 Excuse me, guys. 786 00:52:12,917 --> 00:52:15,124 MAN: Oh, here we go, here we go, here we go. 787 00:52:15,294 --> 00:52:18,001 Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! 788 00:52:18,172 --> 00:52:22,131 OTHERS: Speech! No. No, no, no, no, no. 789 00:52:22,301 --> 00:52:25,293 What do you thInk I'm standIng up here for, the weather? 790 00:52:25,471 --> 00:52:28,178 How's the weather? Hot! 791 00:52:29,392 --> 00:52:32,680 Now, most of you bIokes haVe no idea 792 00:52:32,854 --> 00:52:34,594 what we're ceIebratIng here tonight. 793 00:52:34,772 --> 00:52:36,353 You heard there was free beer and food 794 00:52:36,524 --> 00:52:38,765 and you came swarming out of the nIght Iike locusts. 795 00:52:38,943 --> 00:52:42,151 He's not a bad bIoke for a seppo. 796 00:52:42,321 --> 00:52:44,061 But I'm here to teII you there's somethIng deeper 797 00:52:44,240 --> 00:52:45,821 going on here tonight. 798 00:52:45,992 --> 00:52:48,324 We're ceIebratIng a unique moment In my IIfe. 799 00:52:48,494 --> 00:52:50,234 Sedentariness DId he say he was on drugs? 800 00:52:50,413 --> 00:52:52,324 Nah, I thInk he's joInIng the prIesthood. 801 00:52:52,498 --> 00:52:53,783 RLAUGHTER) 802 00:52:53,958 --> 00:52:56,119 Now, I'Ve been in DampIer two years and one day. 803 00:52:56,294 --> 00:52:58,159 That is one day longer than I'Ve ever been 804 00:52:58,337 --> 00:53:00,248 In any sIngIe place my whole IIfe. 805 00:53:00,423 --> 00:53:03,165 Why, you ask? Why? Why? ALL: Why? 806 00:53:03,342 --> 00:53:06,379 Why In thIs gIorIous armpIt of the North-West? 807 00:53:06,554 --> 00:53:07,919 RLAUGHTER) 808 00:53:08,097 --> 00:53:09,553 One reason. 809 00:53:09,724 --> 00:53:12,761 One IncredIbIy beautIful reason. 810 00:53:14,562 --> 00:53:16,302 I am hopeIessIy In IoVe wIth Nancy Grey, 811 00:53:16,481 --> 00:53:19,063 and I am not afraId to teII the worId about It, or her. 812 00:53:19,233 --> 00:53:20,769 RCHEERlNG) 813 00:53:25,698 --> 00:53:27,108 Uh... Huh. 814 00:53:27,283 --> 00:53:30,195 Nancy Jane Grey... 815 00:53:34,707 --> 00:53:36,243 ..wiII you marry me? 816 00:53:37,335 --> 00:53:38,871 .John Grant... 817 00:53:39,921 --> 00:53:41,286 ..I wIII! 818 00:53:41,464 --> 00:53:45,127 (CHEERING) RRED BARKS) 819 00:53:55,811 --> 00:53:57,972 Now, go home! 820 00:54:09,033 --> 00:54:11,445 Lovely pafty. Mmm 821 00:54:14,622 --> 00:54:16,533 I thInk we shouId go to my pIace. 822 00:54:17,625 --> 00:54:19,411 Or we couId just go Into my bed. 823 00:54:19,585 --> 00:54:22,952 Which two of your mates are passed out In. 824 00:54:23,130 --> 00:54:26,258 (ENGINE RUMBLES) 825 00:54:27,552 --> 00:54:29,793 Red Dog, you stay. You hear me? 826 00:54:31,430 --> 00:54:33,557 I'II be back in the morning. 827 00:54:40,606 --> 00:54:42,938 (WHINES) 828 00:54:45,611 --> 00:54:48,774 (.PANTS) 829 00:54:52,076 --> 00:54:54,533 RBIRDS CAW) 830 00:55:13,639 --> 00:55:16,301 Go back to sleep, beautIfuI. 831 00:55:18,603 --> 00:55:20,264 I'II see you tonIght, OK? 832 00:55:28,237 --> 00:55:31,354 (ENGINE RUMBLES) 833 00:55:50,926 --> 00:55:53,963 RPHONE RINGS) 834 00:55:57,391 --> 00:55:58,767 HeIIo? 835 00:55:58,934 --> 00:56:00,390 Oh, heIIo, Nancy. It's Jocko. 836 00:56:00,561 --> 00:56:03,268 HeIIo, Jocko. How's your head? 837 00:56:03,439 --> 00:56:04,804 What head? 838 00:56:04,982 --> 00:56:06,563 Some joker's repIaced it wIth a swoIIen pumpkIn. 839 00:56:06,734 --> 00:56:08,099 RLAUGHS) 840 00:56:08,277 --> 00:56:10,654 Have you seen John? Why? 841 00:56:10,821 --> 00:56:12,197 WeII, he neVer showed up forwork. 842 00:56:12,365 --> 00:56:14,947 He Ieft my pIace earIy to go back to hIs house 843 00:56:16,494 --> 00:56:18,359 He probabIy went back to sIeep, Is aIl. 844 00:56:18,537 --> 00:56:20,949 I'II... It's nearIy Iunch. 845 00:56:21,123 --> 00:56:22,738 I'II pop oVer and take a peek. 846 00:56:22,917 --> 00:56:26,626 CalI me when you fInd him. WIII do. 847 00:56:26,796 --> 00:56:29,082 RTOOL WHIRRS) 848 00:56:47,149 --> 00:56:48,605 See that? What? 849 00:56:48,776 --> 00:56:50,562 Turn around. 850 00:56:56,992 --> 00:56:58,903 JOCKO: SIow down. 851 00:57:05,960 --> 00:57:07,700 RFLlES BUZZ) 852 00:57:07,878 --> 00:57:09,459 Here! 853 00:57:13,467 --> 00:57:14,547 V ANNO: Oh! 854 00:57:15,970 --> 00:57:18,803 No. Oh! 855 00:57:43,330 --> 00:57:45,537 PEETO: WIth all the sadness and the... 856 00:57:45,708 --> 00:57:48,666 ..arrangements for the funeraI, 857 00:57:48,836 --> 00:57:50,701 eVeryone forgot about Red Dog. 858 00:57:50,880 --> 00:57:52,871 Wasn't tIIl three days had passed 859 00:57:53,048 --> 00:57:54,879 that anyone noticed that... 860 00:57:56,218 --> 00:57:58,254 ..he was still waitIng outside John's house. 861 00:58:07,438 --> 00:58:09,895 Nancy made an effort to cIaIm hIm, but... 862 00:58:10,065 --> 00:58:12,056 ..he was a one-master dog. 863 00:58:12,234 --> 00:58:13,770 So he waIted. 864 00:58:13,944 --> 00:58:16,606 In the heat and the coId, day and nIght. 865 00:58:16,781 --> 00:58:21,275 For three weeks, he sat in front of John's house 866 00:58:21,452 --> 00:58:23,568 and bareIy moVed, 867 00:58:23,746 --> 00:58:26,237 hIs eyes aIways on the road. 868 00:58:30,461 --> 00:58:34,170 Then one day, Red Dog made a decisIon. 869 00:58:35,674 --> 00:58:39,963 If John wasn't gonna come home. then he, Red Dog, 870 00:58:40,137 --> 00:58:43,220 wouId go out in the world and find John. 871 00:58:46,143 --> 00:58:48,680 WaIked in the transpoft... 872 00:58:48,854 --> 00:58:52,517 and Iooked into the face... of eVery man there. 873 00:58:54,109 --> 00:58:57,021 He was askIng a singIe questIon. 874 00:58:57,196 --> 00:58:59,437 ''HaVe you seen John?'' 875 00:59:06,580 --> 00:59:08,366 REMOTIONALLY) ''HaVe you seen John?'' 876 00:59:20,678 --> 00:59:22,634 ''HaVe you seen John?'' 877 00:59:28,644 --> 00:59:30,555 ''HaVe you seen John?'' 878 00:59:33,691 --> 00:59:36,808 He looked eVerywhere at HamersIey. Every department. 879 00:59:36,986 --> 00:59:38,601 And when he couldn't find him there, 880 00:59:38,779 --> 00:59:40,861 he went to the saItworks. 881 00:59:43,617 --> 00:59:45,198 And then the malI. 882 00:59:52,251 --> 00:59:54,207 And then the pub. 883 01:00:04,805 --> 01:00:06,511 And eVen the harbour. 884 01:00:06,682 --> 01:00:10,391 RSHIP'S HORN HONKS) 885 01:00:21,447 --> 01:00:24,860 Most dogs wouId haVe stopped there, In Dampier. 886 01:00:25,034 --> 01:00:27,025 But most dogs weren't Red Dog. 887 01:00:27,202 --> 01:00:29,989 And this Is how he became famous. 888 01:00:30,164 --> 01:00:35,625 This is how he became the PiIbara Wanderer, 889 01:00:35,794 --> 01:00:37,170 Dog of the North-West. 890 01:00:37,338 --> 01:00:38,669 You see, mate. . 891 01:00:38,839 --> 01:00:41,000 ..he went eVerywhere. 892 01:02:48,886 --> 01:02:50,467 He traVeIled for years. 893 01:02:50,637 --> 01:02:53,925 Town to town to town. 894 01:02:54,099 --> 01:02:57,933 He was spotted down in Pefth more than once 895 01:02:58,103 --> 01:03:00,185 and as far north as DarwIn. 896 01:03:17,664 --> 01:03:19,575 And I haVe It on good authorIty 897 01:03:19,750 --> 01:03:22,036 that he eVen hItched a rIde on an ore shIp 898 01:03:22,211 --> 01:03:25,203 from Poet HedIand to SaganosekI, Japan. 899 01:03:44,108 --> 01:03:49,102 But In the end, after aII the IookIng 900 01:03:49,279 --> 01:03:51,691 and the traVeIIing... 901 01:03:53,325 --> 01:03:54,940 ..the grIef... 902 01:03:56,829 --> 01:03:58,615 ..I thInk he fInaIIy knew. 903 01:03:58,789 --> 01:04:00,450 lt was tIme. 904 01:04:00,624 --> 01:04:03,787 TIme to come home. 905 01:04:12,553 --> 01:04:14,418 (.PANTS) 906 01:05:15,782 --> 01:05:17,363 Red? 907 01:05:18,452 --> 01:05:19,532 Red? 908 01:05:19,703 --> 01:05:21,159 Red Dog! Red! (BARKS) 909 01:05:21,330 --> 01:05:23,821 Red Dog! HeIIo! 910 01:05:23,999 --> 01:05:25,955 Red Dog. Red Dog! 911 01:05:26,126 --> 01:05:28,412 You came back! 912 01:05:34,927 --> 01:05:36,383 Did you hear? 913 01:05:36,553 --> 01:05:40,296 I got a promotion. I'm an executiVe assistant now. 914 01:05:40,474 --> 01:05:42,089 Which Is reaIIy the same as a secretary 915 01:05:42,267 --> 01:05:44,132 except l get paid a bit more. 916 01:05:44,311 --> 01:05:47,098 They'Ve put me on the Iist for one of the new houses at Karratha. 917 01:05:47,272 --> 01:05:49,183 Oh. 918 01:05:49,358 --> 01:05:52,566 And I fInaIIy Iet that Kurt bIoke take me out. 919 01:05:52,736 --> 01:05:54,146 (GROWLS) I don t th nk so 920 01:05:54,321 --> 01:05:56,778 (BARKS) Bad dentaI hygIene. 921 01:06:00,160 --> 01:06:01,821 RURGENT KNOCK AT DOOR) 922 01:06:01,995 --> 01:06:03,986 Shh. 923 01:06:08,835 --> 01:06:10,746 HHelIo. 924 01:06:10,921 --> 01:06:12,582 Miss Grey. Mmm. 925 01:06:12,756 --> 01:06:14,257 It's come to our attentIon 926 01:06:14,424 --> 01:06:16,676 that you're In serIous vIoIation of park ruIes. 927 01:06:16,843 --> 01:06:19,585 And what would they be? You know what. 928 01:06:19,763 --> 01:06:22,550 No dogs aIIowed! It's a sIlly rule. 929 01:06:22,724 --> 01:06:25,261 We know you have a dog in there. No poInt In denyIng. 930 01:06:25,435 --> 01:06:28,893 Red Dog is not your average dog, Mr CrIbbage. 931 01:06:29,064 --> 01:06:32,306 He has priVIIeges. Everybody knows that. 932 01:06:32,484 --> 01:06:34,725 I don't care if he's the Queen's bIoody corgi. 933 01:06:34,903 --> 01:06:37,815 If you don't get rid of hIm, we get rId of you. 934 01:06:37,990 --> 01:06:39,355 RRED BARKS) (GROWLS) 935 01:06:39,533 --> 01:06:41,319 Aha! (BARKS) 936 01:06:41,493 --> 01:06:43,199 Red, stop that. 937 01:06:43,370 --> 01:06:45,235 RGROWLS) 938 01:06:45,414 --> 01:06:48,201 Your contract cIearIy states that you cannot own a dog. 939 01:06:48,375 --> 01:06:50,832 l don't own Red Dog. Nobody does. 940 01:06:51,003 --> 01:06:53,164 Then he's a stray. No. He's common. 941 01:06:53,338 --> 01:06:54,999 What the heck's common? 942 01:06:55,173 --> 01:06:57,710 He's accepted and cared for by the town. 943 01:06:57,884 --> 01:06:59,920 (CAT GROWLS) The communIty. 944 01:07:00,095 --> 01:07:01,756 Now, there's a Iaugh. 945 01:07:01,930 --> 01:07:04,922 That's no proper town. And there's no such communIty. 946 01:07:05,100 --> 01:07:07,011 It's just a bunch of dIrty mIners 947 01:07:07,185 --> 01:07:09,597 working, drinking and whoring. 948 01:07:09,771 --> 01:07:12,057 What happens In thIs park Is what I say. 949 01:07:12,232 --> 01:07:14,439 And I say that dog is a dangerous stray, 950 01:07:14,609 --> 01:07:15,985 pIain and simpIe. 951 01:07:16,153 --> 01:07:18,690 And the next time I see him, l'Il shoot him for sure. 952 01:07:18,864 --> 01:07:20,229 LIsten to me, you IIttIe bug. 953 01:07:20,407 --> 01:07:22,819 You as much as harm a haIr on that dog's head 954 01:07:22,993 --> 01:07:25,826 and you wiIl haVe me and the entire Pilbara to answer to! 955 01:07:25,996 --> 01:07:28,954 You'Ve been warned, MIss Grey. And so have you. 956 01:07:29,124 --> 01:07:30,614 (CAT HISSES) RBARKS) 957 01:07:30,792 --> 01:07:31,781 RIMlTATES GUNSHOT) 958 01:07:31,960 --> 01:07:34,121 (BARKS) RCAT GROWLS) 959 01:07:42,888 --> 01:07:44,378 Now, once more. 960 01:07:44,556 --> 01:07:47,172 SONG: ¶ We can't be beaten 961 01:07:47,351 --> 01:07:49,342 ¶ What'II we teII 'em, boys? 962 01:07:49,519 --> 01:07:51,635 ¶ We can't be beaten 963 01:07:51,813 --> 01:07:55,305 ¶ There comes a tIme 'when every man must fIght 964 01:07:55,484 --> 01:07:59,227 ¶ When he belIeVes In justIce and rIght 965 01:07:59,404 --> 01:08:03,898 ¶ He'lI take so much tiIl he'lI take no more 966 01:08:04,076 --> 01:08:07,819 ¶ They'II hear us comIng when they hear the mIghty roar 967 01:08:07,996 --> 01:08:12,330 ¶ ShouIder to shouIder. we're gonna stand 968 01:08:12,501 --> 01:08:16,744 ¶ We're gonna fIght to the Very Iast man... ¶ 969 01:08:17,798 --> 01:08:20,915 RMlAOWS) 970 01:08:23,845 --> 01:08:25,460 RKNOCK AT DOOR) 971 01:08:36,024 --> 01:08:39,107 (.PANTS) 972 01:08:42,906 --> 01:08:44,112 Who was It? 973 01:08:45,367 --> 01:08:46,903 EVeryone 974 01:08:48,412 --> 01:08:49,367 RGROWLS) 975 01:08:49,538 --> 01:08:52,905 RPEOPLE GROWL) 976 01:08:53,083 --> 01:08:55,290 RBARKS) Stop that! 977 01:08:55,460 --> 01:08:57,496 Who are alI you peopIe? 978 01:08:57,671 --> 01:09:01,129 W elI, they wouId be the communIty of DampIer. 979 01:09:01,299 --> 01:09:06,339 But sInce there is no proper town and no such community, 980 01:09:06,513 --> 01:09:10,506 I guess they're just a bunch of dIrty, drunken miners. 981 01:09:10,684 --> 01:09:13,300 OTHERS: Yeah! That's rIght. Dirty, drunken. 982 01:09:14,354 --> 01:09:16,219 I'II caII the poIice, I wiII. 983 01:09:16,398 --> 01:09:18,514 There's no need, Mr Cribbage. Back here. 984 01:09:19,693 --> 01:09:22,025 Get these peopIe out of my park! 985 01:09:22,195 --> 01:09:24,447 Now, Mr CrIbbage, you're just the caretaker. 986 01:09:24,614 --> 01:09:26,570 HamersIey owns the land. So what? 987 01:09:26,741 --> 01:09:30,108 I take care of the Iand. You got a probIem with that? 988 01:09:35,584 --> 01:09:37,290 What do you aIl want wIth me? 989 01:09:37,461 --> 01:09:40,168 Oh, we just haVe a smalI deIegatIon 990 01:09:40,338 --> 01:09:42,249 that wouId Iike to haVe a prIvate word wIth you. 991 01:09:42,424 --> 01:09:43,789 That's alI. 992 01:09:43,967 --> 01:09:47,084 Oh, whoops. Seems to be my break tIme. 993 01:09:47,262 --> 01:09:49,674 CaII me If you need me. 994 01:10:00,650 --> 01:10:03,767 RGROWLS AND BARKS) 995 01:10:10,619 --> 01:10:12,359 W e had a IIttle chat. 996 01:10:13,580 --> 01:10:15,992 It was Very cIVIIIsed and aII. You were Very persuasive. 997 01:10:16,166 --> 01:10:17,576 It was nothing, reaIIy. 998 01:10:17,751 --> 01:10:21,369 All the Cribbages needed was a bIt of ed-u-catIon. 999 01:10:22,631 --> 01:10:24,792 NANCY: WeII, they were so educated 1000 01:10:24,966 --> 01:10:28,129 that they ran away and took their caraVan with them. 1001 01:10:30,805 --> 01:10:32,545 The onIy thIng they Ieft behInd... 1002 01:10:32,724 --> 01:10:34,180 RMlAOWS) ,.was their cat. 1003 01:10:34,351 --> 01:10:36,842 (GRO'WL S) RGROWLS) 1004 01:10:37,020 --> 01:10:38,521 So as Red Dog wouId neVer be accused 1005 01:10:38,688 --> 01:10:40,189 of being a Iow-down dIrty stray agaIn, 1006 01:10:40,357 --> 01:10:43,975 we all had him registered at the shire as common. 1007 01:10:44,152 --> 01:10:47,269 RCHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 1008 01:10:52,953 --> 01:10:54,489 RBARKS) Oh! 1009 01:10:57,249 --> 01:10:58,739 But... 1010 01:10:58,917 --> 01:11:01,829 ..there was a reckoning stiIl to be decided. 1011 01:11:02,003 --> 01:11:05,120 The Cribbages 'were gone, true, 1012 01:11:05,298 --> 01:11:09,587 but let us not forget that a dark, sInister force 1013 01:11:09,761 --> 01:11:12,002 stiII ruIed oVer the caravan park. 1014 01:11:16,226 --> 01:11:18,638 RGROWLS) 1015 01:11:22,232 --> 01:11:24,473 Good versus eViI! 1016 01:11:24,651 --> 01:11:27,859 CIVIIIsatIon versus chaos! 1017 01:11:28,029 --> 01:11:31,772 Doggie do Versus cat poo! 1018 01:11:39,249 --> 01:11:41,114 RGROWLS) 1019 01:11:42,836 --> 01:11:45,248 (HISSES) 1020 01:11:45,422 --> 01:11:47,128 (BARKS) 1021 01:11:49,593 --> 01:11:53,211 RCAT MIAOWS AND HISSES) (RED BARKS) 1022 01:11:53,388 --> 01:11:56,425 RPHONE RINGS) 1023 01:11:59,436 --> 01:12:03,395 Red Dog and Red Cat are goIng at It! PIace your bets, gents! 1024 01:12:04,983 --> 01:12:06,143 They fight! 1025 01:12:07,402 --> 01:12:09,233 They fight! 1026 01:12:10,905 --> 01:12:12,770 (ALL YELL) 1027 01:12:16,369 --> 01:12:17,825 RGROWLS) 1028 01:12:17,996 --> 01:12:19,202 RGROWLS) 1029 01:12:19,372 --> 01:12:21,954 (BARKS) RHlSSES) 1030 01:12:28,673 --> 01:12:31,050 RMlAOWS) 1031 01:12:38,767 --> 01:12:40,849 RHOOVES THUNDER) 1032 01:12:41,019 --> 01:12:43,476 RSNARLING AND HISSING) 1033 01:12:54,074 --> 01:12:55,610 RSHATTERING) 1034 01:12:58,453 --> 01:13:00,114 (.TRANSCENDENT MUSlC) 1035 01:13:00,288 --> 01:13:01,949 RBARKS) 1036 01:13:02,123 --> 01:13:03,499 W hat? 1037 01:13:07,837 --> 01:13:09,577 SpectacuIar. 1038 01:13:16,513 --> 01:13:20,005 RMlAOWS) 1039 01:13:20,183 --> 01:13:23,346 RGRUNTS) 1040 01:13:28,525 --> 01:13:32,859 PEETO: Nobody knows how or why 1041 01:13:33,029 --> 01:13:35,190 Perhaps It was a grudgIng respect. 1042 01:13:35,365 --> 01:13:37,572 CeetainIy, they were the scrappIest and the rangIest 1043 01:13:37,742 --> 01:13:39,448 theIr two kInds have ever cooked up. 1044 01:13:42,414 --> 01:13:46,783 Perhaps they saw more than a bit of themseIVes in each other. 1045 01:13:46,960 --> 01:13:48,541 Who knows? 1046 01:13:48,712 --> 01:13:50,998 But know thIs. 1047 01:13:51,172 --> 01:13:53,083 Mates, they became. 1048 01:13:57,095 --> 01:14:00,383 Red Cat and Red Dog OTHERS: Red Cat and Red Dog. 1049 01:14:00,557 --> 01:14:02,593 RPANTS) 1050 01:14:04,185 --> 01:14:07,268 RLOUD CHATTER) 1051 01:14:16,030 --> 01:14:19,693 RTAPPING) (SILENCE) 1052 01:14:19,868 --> 01:14:21,233 PEOPLE: Shh, shh, shh. 1053 01:14:21,411 --> 01:14:23,823 There's an Iron statue outsIde 1054 01:14:23,997 --> 01:14:26,534 brought up from Perth 1055 01:14:26,708 --> 01:14:28,573 by thIs fIne man, Thomas, here. 1056 01:14:28,752 --> 01:14:32,495 lt's of that oId EngIish explorer WIIIIam Dampier 1057 01:14:32,672 --> 01:14:36,415 PaId for, as in aII thIngs, by HamersIey Iron... 1058 01:14:36,593 --> 01:14:38,049 RCHEERlNG) 1059 01:14:38,219 --> 01:14:40,255 .to stand at the entrance of this town. 1060 01:14:41,931 --> 01:14:46,140 DampIer saIIed Into the harbour In 16-something-or-other, 1061 01:14:46,311 --> 01:14:49,098 spent fIve minutes, saIIed out agaIn. 1062 01:14:50,440 --> 01:14:53,728 The onIy thIng he wrote about the pIace was, 1063 01:14:53,902 --> 01:14:55,312 ''Too many flIes.'' 1064 01:14:55,487 --> 01:14:57,819 RLAUGHTER) That's it! 1065 01:14:57,989 --> 01:14:59,729 ''Too many flIes''! 1066 01:15:00,950 --> 01:15:03,066 WelI, l say, to helI with that! 1067 01:15:03,244 --> 01:15:05,906 Why shouId we haVe a statue 1068 01:15:06,080 --> 01:15:10,073 honourIng a poncy Pommy fIy-hating arIstocrat? 1069 01:15:10,251 --> 01:15:13,243 Or, for that matter, a fat bIoody generaI, 1070 01:15:13,421 --> 01:15:16,128 or, God heIp us, a stInkIn' poIItIcIan? 1071 01:15:16,299 --> 01:15:19,006 OTHERS: Yeah! 1072 01:15:20,553 --> 01:15:23,716 We shouId haVe somebody that understands thIs pIace. 1073 01:15:23,890 --> 01:15:31,012 Somebody that IiVes and breathes thIs Vastness and desoIatIon. 1074 01:15:31,189 --> 01:15:35,353 Somebody that's got red dust stuck up theIr nose 1075 01:15:35,527 --> 01:15:37,483 and in their eyes and their hair 1076 01:15:37,654 --> 01:15:39,190 and up their arse! 1077 01:15:39,364 --> 01:15:41,571 RLAUGHTER) 1078 01:15:41,741 --> 01:15:43,402 Somebody that's like aIl of us. 1079 01:15:44,577 --> 01:15:46,317 Men - 1080 01:15:46,496 --> 01:15:47,986 and women - 1081 01:15:48,164 --> 01:15:51,201 who understand the meanIng of Independence 1082 01:15:51,376 --> 01:15:55,164 and the Importance of a generous heart. 1083 01:15:56,756 --> 01:16:01,546 Mates who are IoyaI by nature, not desIgn... 1084 01:16:04,305 --> 01:16:08,890 ..and who know the meaning of loVe and Ioss. 1085 01:16:09,978 --> 01:16:12,685 Somebody that represents our home. 1086 01:16:14,649 --> 01:16:18,141 Somebody that represents the PIIbara In aII of us. 1087 01:16:20,446 --> 01:16:22,823 And I say that somebody... 1088 01:16:22,991 --> 01:16:24,356 ..dammit... 1089 01:16:24,534 --> 01:16:26,024 ..is a dog! 1090 01:16:26,202 --> 01:16:30,070 RCHEERlNG) 1091 01:16:35,211 --> 01:16:37,452 RCOIN CLATTERS) 1092 01:16:39,716 --> 01:16:42,753 RLAID-BACK SONG INTRO PLAYS) 1093 01:16:44,262 --> 01:16:45,968 MAN: Guess whose shout. 1094 01:16:56,357 --> 01:16:57,972 RMEN SING WITH JUKEBOX) ¶ Way out west 1095 01:16:58,151 --> 01:17:00,437 ¶ Where the rain don't faII 1096 01:17:00,612 --> 01:17:04,981 ¶ Got a job with the company dIgging for ore 1097 01:17:05,158 --> 01:17:07,900 ¶ Just to make some bread 1098 01:17:08,077 --> 01:17:12,366 ¶ LIVing and a-working on the land 1099 01:17:14,208 --> 01:17:18,326 ¶ QuIt my job and I Ieft my wIfe 1100 01:17:18,504 --> 01:17:22,292 ¶ l headed out west for a brand-new Iife 1101 01:17:22,467 --> 01:17:24,378 ¶ Just to get away 1102 01:17:24,552 --> 01:17:28,591 ¶ LIVIng and a workIng on the Iand... ¶ 1103 01:17:28,765 --> 01:17:30,130 Yeah! 1104 01:17:32,185 --> 01:17:35,473 ¶ What a change it's been 1105 01:17:35,647 --> 01:17:39,731 ¶ From workIng that nine-to-five 1106 01:17:41,069 --> 01:17:44,106 ¶ How strange it's been 1107 01:17:44,280 --> 01:17:49,240 ¶ At Iast I get the feeIIng that I'm reaIIy aIIve 1108 01:17:49,410 --> 01:17:52,994 ¶ Way out west, where the rain don't faIl 1109 01:17:53,164 --> 01:17:57,407 ¶ Got a job with a company drIIIIng for oII 1110 01:17:57,585 --> 01:17:59,871 ¶ And I'm neVer gonna Ieave 1111 01:18:00,046 --> 01:18:04,005 ¶ LIVing and a-working on the land 1112 01:18:04,175 --> 01:18:06,837 ¶ La-Ia Ia-Ia-Ia Ia-Ia 1113 01:18:07,011 --> 01:18:11,220 ¶ La-Ia-Ia Ia-Ia Ia-Ia 1114 01:18:11,391 --> 01:18:16,977 ¶ La-Ia-Ia Ia-Ia Ia-Ia Ia 1115 01:18:17,146 --> 01:18:22,482 ¶ LIVing and a-working on the land 1116 01:18:24,696 --> 01:18:28,029 ¶ La-Ia-Ia Ia-Ia Ia-Ia 1117 01:18:28,199 --> 01:18:32,738 ¶ La-Ia-Ia Ia-Ia Ia-Ia Ia... ¶ 1118 01:18:32,912 --> 01:18:34,573 PEOPLE: Whoo! MAN: Yeah! 1119 01:18:34,747 --> 01:18:37,705 ¶ LIVIng and a workIng on the Iand. ¶ 1120 01:18:37,875 --> 01:18:39,740 MAN: Hey (CHEERING) 1121 01:18:39,919 --> 01:18:41,830 To Red Dog! 1122 01:18:42,005 --> 01:18:47,671 The best damn doggIe In the whoIe damn country! 1123 01:18:47,844 --> 01:18:49,800 RCHEERlNG) 1124 01:18:55,476 --> 01:18:59,936 Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. 1125 01:19:00,982 --> 01:19:02,438 He's gone. 1126 01:19:04,277 --> 01:19:05,813 No, no. 1127 01:19:05,987 --> 01:19:09,104 He's gone from the room. He's not out the back anymore. 1128 01:19:09,282 --> 01:19:11,614 RMURMURlNG) 1129 01:19:12,660 --> 01:19:15,197 We have to find him. Come on. Let's go. 1130 01:19:15,371 --> 01:19:16,872 MAN: Red Dog! Red! 1131 01:19:17,040 --> 01:19:19,622 Red! Red! 1132 01:19:26,257 --> 01:19:29,374 R.PANTS) 1133 01:19:52,325 --> 01:19:53,986 RHORN HONKS) 1134 01:20:01,918 --> 01:20:04,455 RHISSlNG AND CLUNKING) 1135 01:20:14,097 --> 01:20:17,214 RHORN HONKS) 1136 01:20:38,079 --> 01:20:39,615 Doggie! 1137 01:20:40,915 --> 01:20:43,497 Red Doggie! Red! 1138 01:20:45,002 --> 01:20:46,378 Doggie! 1139 01:20:46,546 --> 01:20:48,082 Red! 1140 01:20:49,674 --> 01:20:51,210 Here, Red! 1141 01:20:53,302 --> 01:20:54,678 Here, boy! 1142 01:20:54,846 --> 01:20:56,211 RWHlSTLES) 1143 01:20:56,389 --> 01:20:58,220 Red! 1144 01:21:00,268 --> 01:21:01,758 Red! 1145 01:21:01,936 --> 01:21:03,301 Red! 1146 01:21:03,479 --> 01:21:05,015 Where are you, boy? 1147 01:21:05,189 --> 01:21:06,770 Red! 1148 01:21:28,838 --> 01:21:31,170 Red Dog, come home. 1149 01:21:40,975 --> 01:21:42,340 They'Ve found hIm. 1150 01:23:14,902 --> 01:23:17,314 You stay, boy. 1151 01:23:17,488 --> 01:23:19,945 You stay here 1152 01:23:22,285 --> 01:23:24,025 You're home now. 1153 01:23:28,874 --> 01:23:30,410 RSNIFFS) 1154 01:24:08,289 --> 01:24:11,406 RINTRO TO 'LET MY LOVE OPEN THE DOOR' BY PETE TOWNSHEND PLAYS) 1155 01:24:31,729 --> 01:24:34,186 SONG: ¶ When peopIe keep repeatIng 1156 01:24:34,357 --> 01:24:36,848 ¶ That you'lI neVer faIl in love 1157 01:24:37,026 --> 01:24:39,984 ¶ When eVerybody keeps retreatIng 1158 01:24:40,154 --> 01:24:42,236 ¶ But you can't seem to get enough 1159 01:24:42,406 --> 01:24:45,364 ¶ Let my IoVe open the door... ¶ 1160 01:24:45,534 --> 01:24:48,071 Oh, my God! 1161 01:24:48,245 --> 01:24:50,236 ¶ Let my IoVe open the door... ¶ 1162 01:24:50,414 --> 01:24:52,700 Where'd you get him? Vanno was gIVIng them away. 1163 01:24:52,875 --> 01:24:56,709 ¶ Let my IoVe open the door ¶ Let my IoVe open the door 1164 01:24:56,879 --> 01:25:00,463 ¶ Let my love open the door ¶ Ooh-ooh 1165 01:25:00,633 --> 01:25:03,124 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1166 01:25:03,302 --> 01:25:06,009 ¶ When everythIng feels aIl over 1167 01:25:06,180 --> 01:25:08,796 ¶ EVerybody seems unkind... ¶ 1168 01:25:08,974 --> 01:25:12,307 Ladies and gentIemen, If you wouId please take a seat. 1169 01:25:12,478 --> 01:25:14,469 ¶ Take aII worry out of your mInd 1170 01:25:14,647 --> 01:25:17,309 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1171 01:25:17,483 --> 01:25:19,815 ¶ Let my IoVe open the door... ¶ 1172 01:25:19,985 --> 01:25:21,361 RCHEERING AND APPLAUSE) 1173 01:25:21,529 --> 01:25:23,520 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1174 01:25:23,697 --> 01:25:26,439 ¶ To your heaft ¶ Let my love open the door 1175 01:25:26,617 --> 01:25:28,778 ¶ To your heaft ¶ Let my love open the door 1176 01:25:28,953 --> 01:25:31,695 ¶ Ooh-ooh ¶ Let my love open the door 1177 01:25:31,872 --> 01:25:34,705 ¶ Ooh-ooh ¶ Let my love open the door 1178 01:25:34,875 --> 01:25:36,615 ¶ Ooh-ooh 1179 01:25:36,794 --> 01:25:38,534 ¶ I haVe the onIy key to your heart 1180 01:25:38,712 --> 01:25:41,328 ¶ I can stop you faIIIng apart 1181 01:25:41,507 --> 01:25:44,214 ¶ Try today You'II fInd thIs way 1182 01:25:44,385 --> 01:25:46,467 ¶ Come on and gIve me a chance to say 1183 01:25:46,637 --> 01:25:49,674 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1184 01:25:49,849 --> 01:25:52,807 ¶ It's aII I'm IiVing for 1185 01:25:52,977 --> 01:25:55,935 ¶ ReIease yourseIf from mIsery 1186 01:25:56,105 --> 01:25:58,391 ¶ There's onIy one thIng gonna set you free 1187 01:25:58,566 --> 01:26:00,102 ¶ That's my IoVe 1188 01:26:01,152 --> 01:26:02,688 ¶ That's my IoVe 1189 01:26:04,363 --> 01:26:07,196 ¶ Let my love open the door ¶ Ooh 1190 01:26:07,366 --> 01:26:10,403 ¶ Let my love open the door ¶ Ooh 1191 01:26:10,578 --> 01:26:12,944 ¶ Let my love open the door ¶ Ooh 1192 01:26:13,122 --> 01:26:15,784 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1193 01:26:15,958 --> 01:26:19,200 ¶ When tragedy befaIls you ¶ Ooh ooh 1194 01:26:19,378 --> 01:26:21,664 ¶ Don't Iet it drag you down 1195 01:26:21,839 --> 01:26:24,922 ¶ LoVe can cure your probIem ¶ Ooh-ooh 1196 01:26:25,092 --> 01:26:27,174 ¶ You're so Iucky I'm around 1197 01:26:27,344 --> 01:26:30,006 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1198 01:26:30,181 --> 01:26:32,547 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1199 01:26:32,725 --> 01:26:36,058 ¶ Let my Iove open the door 1200 01:26:36,228 --> 01:26:37,809 ¶ To your heart. ¶