1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,074 Subtitles downloaded from www.OpenSubtitles.org 2 00:01:38,682 --> 00:01:41,642 Here. Right here. Just wait. 3 00:01:43,312 --> 00:01:46,189 Sorry. I'm late. I-- 4 00:01:51,153 --> 00:01:52,987 I ain't dead yet. 5 00:01:54,156 --> 00:01:55,782 It's also for healing. 6 00:01:58,118 --> 00:01:59,952 And celebration, you know? 7 00:02:14,218 --> 00:02:15,468 Hey. 8 00:02:35,239 --> 00:02:36,322 Yeah. 9 00:02:40,536 --> 00:02:43,371 - Thank you. - I'd like to sit at that table. 10 00:02:44,623 --> 00:02:48,084 - Why? - I'd like to sit at that table. 11 00:02:49,920 --> 00:02:52,505 - I know, but they're still eating. It's fine-- - I can see that. 12 00:02:53,340 --> 00:02:54,882 I don't know, I think-- 13 00:02:56,426 --> 00:02:59,470 I think in, like, a year or so, you know, I think I'll be ready... 14 00:02:59,555 --> 00:03:02,849 but, you know, I really-- I want to get married. 15 00:03:02,933 --> 00:03:05,768 I just-- like, eventually, you know. I don't-- 16 00:03:07,604 --> 00:03:09,188 I just don't want to right now. 17 00:03:10,065 --> 00:03:14,527 Plus, we're kind of on this, like, cruise control, you know? 18 00:03:15,279 --> 00:03:18,155 Which is normal. I mean, it happens to every couple. It happened to us. 19 00:03:18,240 --> 00:03:20,575 Where did you tell him you were going? 20 00:03:20,659 --> 00:03:23,369 - To visit you. - Yeah, right. 21 00:03:25,247 --> 00:03:26,747 To visit my dad. 22 00:03:26,832 --> 00:03:30,251 - And he believed that? - I invited him actually, but... 23 00:03:30,335 --> 00:03:33,629 it turns out he was really, really busy. 24 00:03:36,592 --> 00:03:38,676 You always were a terrific liar. 25 00:03:41,013 --> 00:03:42,763 That's not fair. 26 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:55,568 - I really do love him, you know? - Well, I do. 27 00:03:55,652 --> 00:03:57,987 He's the right guy for you. 28 00:04:01,575 --> 00:04:04,952 I mean, what do you want to do? 29 00:04:05,037 --> 00:04:08,706 Are you thinking... family? Bachelorhood? 30 00:04:10,042 --> 00:04:11,751 College? Job? 31 00:04:17,966 --> 00:04:20,092 You don't have to worry about me. 32 00:04:20,177 --> 00:04:22,511 The world's my fucking oyster. 33 00:04:31,188 --> 00:04:32,813 Thanks for coming. 34 00:04:34,858 --> 00:04:36,609 I really wanted to see you. 35 00:04:39,029 --> 00:04:40,529 I'm glad you came. 36 00:04:52,876 --> 00:04:54,543 Say hi to Alan for me. 37 00:05:02,302 --> 00:05:03,803 I don't think so. 38 00:05:39,589 --> 00:05:41,132 Somewhere you gotta be? 39 00:05:42,426 --> 00:05:43,509 No, sir. 40 00:05:48,056 --> 00:05:49,724 How long has he been waiting? 41 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:55,354 Seventeen minutes, sir. 42 00:06:00,027 --> 00:06:01,527 Send him in. 43 00:06:01,611 --> 00:06:02,695 Yes, sir. 44 00:06:06,950 --> 00:06:08,117 Come in. 45 00:06:15,042 --> 00:06:17,460 Sir, Staff Sergeant Montgomery reports. 46 00:06:18,837 --> 00:06:22,339 At ease. How you getting on, Montgomery? 47 00:06:22,424 --> 00:06:25,259 - It's going well, sir. - I have an assignment for you, Montgomery. 48 00:06:25,343 --> 00:06:28,512 It so happens that over the few months you have left on your enlistment... 49 00:06:28,597 --> 00:06:33,100 you will get your chance to render some of your most valuable service to your country. 50 00:06:33,185 --> 00:06:36,854 I'm assigning you to a Casualty Notification team. 51 00:06:39,399 --> 00:06:40,483 Sir? 52 00:06:40,567 --> 00:06:43,652 Captain Stone will show you the ropes. 53 00:06:44,654 --> 00:06:46,322 He is the expert. 54 00:06:47,699 --> 00:06:51,118 But until he does, I just want to make myself very clear... 55 00:06:51,203 --> 00:06:54,914 that although most of your time will remain occupied by your other duties... 56 00:06:54,998 --> 00:06:59,418 CNO is to be your absolute priority. 57 00:07:00,504 --> 00:07:02,755 This mission is not simply important. 58 00:07:03,632 --> 00:07:05,091 It is sacred. 59 00:07:05,175 --> 00:07:07,259 - Sir, if I may? - Go ahead. 60 00:07:07,344 --> 00:07:11,013 I've never received any grief counseling, let alone given it. 61 00:07:11,681 --> 00:07:14,058 I'm not a religious man, sir. 62 00:07:14,142 --> 00:07:16,143 We're just there for notification. 63 00:07:16,228 --> 00:07:19,313 Not God. Not heaven. 64 00:07:21,024 --> 00:07:22,358 Montgomery... 65 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:26,362 this job is about character. 66 00:07:28,281 --> 00:07:32,785 Now I have had soldiers go out on notification and break into a stutter. 67 00:07:32,869 --> 00:07:37,498 Men so nervous they read from a script or get the name wrong... 68 00:07:37,582 --> 00:07:39,458 or the address. 69 00:07:39,543 --> 00:07:42,002 Too many tears. 70 00:07:42,087 --> 00:07:45,089 I need men of solid stature. 71 00:07:47,134 --> 00:07:51,303 Now you are a model soldier. Hell, you're a goddamn hero. 72 00:07:55,600 --> 00:07:58,394 Casualty is a soldier who's been killed, wounded, missing... 73 00:07:58,478 --> 00:08:01,188 captured, beleaguered or besieged. 74 00:08:01,273 --> 00:08:04,108 Of course, our job's mainly about killed. 75 00:08:04,901 --> 00:08:07,069 What you actually need to do is pretty simple-- 76 00:08:07,863 --> 00:08:09,947 read the guidebook, learn the script... 77 00:08:10,031 --> 00:08:12,908 stick to the script, fill in the blanks from the casualty report. 78 00:08:12,993 --> 00:08:15,286 - Can you do that? - Yes, sir. 79 00:08:16,121 --> 00:08:18,539 Can you look at me when I speak with you? 80 00:08:19,249 --> 00:08:20,749 Much appreciated. 81 00:08:22,586 --> 00:08:25,921 Never say stuff like lost or expired or passed away... 82 00:08:26,006 --> 00:08:27,673 things people misunderstand. 83 00:08:27,757 --> 00:08:32,511 I knew this guy once told this old lady that her grandson was no longer with us. 84 00:08:32,596 --> 00:08:36,932 She thought he had defected to the enemy, started calling him a traitor. 85 00:08:40,562 --> 00:08:43,814 We need to be clear. Need to say killed or died. 86 00:08:43,899 --> 00:08:46,692 What we don't say is the deceased or the body. 87 00:08:46,776 --> 00:08:50,279 We call each casualty by name. We honor them. You with me? 88 00:08:50,363 --> 00:08:52,406 - Yes, sir. - Then look at me, Sergeant. 89 00:08:55,118 --> 00:08:58,454 You do not speak with anybody other than the next of kin. 90 00:08:58,538 --> 00:09:01,874 No friend, no neighbor, no coworker or mistress. 91 00:09:01,958 --> 00:09:05,002 Hours of operation are 0600 to 2200 hours. 92 00:09:05,086 --> 00:09:07,338 We don't want to wake anybody up in the middle of the night... 93 00:09:07,422 --> 00:09:10,424 though if you ask me, hitting them with the news at the crack of dawn... 94 00:09:10,508 --> 00:09:14,136 is not exactly a great way to start their day, breakfast wise. 95 00:09:15,430 --> 00:09:18,224 What do we do if the next of kin isn't around? 96 00:09:18,308 --> 00:09:21,393 We leave. We don't wait. We don't lurk. We come back later. 97 00:09:21,478 --> 00:09:25,856 This is a zero-defect mission. A pure hit-and-git operation. 98 00:09:27,734 --> 00:09:29,235 Is that it, sir? 99 00:09:30,070 --> 00:09:34,281 One more thing. You do not touch the NOK. 100 00:09:35,575 --> 00:09:38,911 Avoid physical contact with the next of kin... 101 00:09:38,995 --> 00:09:43,374 unless it's a medical emergency, like if they were having a heart attack or something. 102 00:09:45,794 --> 00:09:48,921 You're representing the Secretary of the Army, not Will Montgomery. 103 00:09:49,005 --> 00:09:52,299 So in case you feel like offering a hug or something, don't. 104 00:09:52,384 --> 00:09:54,260 It'll only get you in trouble. 105 00:09:54,970 --> 00:09:58,681 I'm not gonna be offering any hugs, sir. 106 00:10:00,850 --> 00:10:02,851 - Is that's it? - No. 107 00:10:02,936 --> 00:10:05,771 These are the rules. It's not the job. 108 00:10:05,855 --> 00:10:07,523 The job is about... 109 00:10:10,110 --> 00:10:11,527 something else. 110 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:14,363 You gotta do it before you can understand. 111 00:10:17,993 --> 00:10:19,493 You a head case? 112 00:10:21,371 --> 00:10:22,830 No, sir. 113 00:10:24,332 --> 00:10:26,041 I surely hope not. 114 00:10:28,712 --> 00:10:32,047 Then that's it. You can go. 115 00:10:50,108 --> 00:10:52,568 Sergeant, one more thing. 116 00:10:54,154 --> 00:10:58,365 We make it our business to deliver the news within 24 hours of positive ID. 117 00:10:58,450 --> 00:11:00,367 The ideal is within four. 118 00:11:00,452 --> 00:11:04,121 We're racing FOX, CNN, Drudge Report, what-have-you. 119 00:11:04,205 --> 00:11:07,249 Not to mention any soldier with a cell phone or a webcam. 120 00:11:07,334 --> 00:11:09,668 The whole point is we gotta be first. 121 00:11:09,753 --> 00:11:11,211 So, if you're in bed... 122 00:11:11,296 --> 00:11:16,133 or church or the ballet, this baby stays on. 123 00:11:18,136 --> 00:11:19,595 Yes, sir. 124 00:11:25,226 --> 00:11:26,685 Tried and true. 125 00:11:26,770 --> 00:11:30,898 A long battery life too. Can't be beat. 126 00:11:34,861 --> 00:11:36,445 I know what you're thinking. 127 00:11:36,529 --> 00:11:40,199 You're thinking-- "Shit, I'm a goddamn decorated war hero... 128 00:11:40,283 --> 00:11:44,203 with three months left to serve and they draft me into the Angels of Death squadron. 129 00:11:44,287 --> 00:11:47,664 I get a beeper, a canned speech... 130 00:11:47,749 --> 00:11:52,169 and a lunatic commanding officer to surfa fucking ocean of grief." 131 00:11:53,129 --> 00:11:54,630 Am I right? 132 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:58,258 More or less, sir. Am I right? 133 00:12:45,390 --> 00:12:47,433 It's the middle of the fucking night! 134 00:12:47,517 --> 00:12:49,518 Turn that fucking music off! 135 00:13:14,627 --> 00:13:16,128 There's your problem. 136 00:13:17,046 --> 00:13:19,047 Attention to detail, Private! 137 00:13:22,010 --> 00:13:23,844 Read the fucking manual! 138 00:13:23,928 --> 00:13:27,723 You have 130-degree heat. You have sand blasting. 139 00:13:27,807 --> 00:13:30,142 It's baked the hose right under the housing. 140 00:13:30,226 --> 00:13:32,227 Break the suction. 141 00:13:33,730 --> 00:13:36,565 Every second you're on the side of the road... 142 00:13:36,649 --> 00:13:39,401 increases your chances of getting shot... 143 00:13:39,486 --> 00:13:41,403 your boys shot, your boys blown up. 144 00:13:41,488 --> 00:13:44,364 No haji armor's gonna protect you. 145 00:13:44,449 --> 00:13:47,659 Plus you're fucking up a five billion dollar a week operation... 146 00:13:47,744 --> 00:13:51,079 because you don't have a 25 cent cooling hose. 147 00:13:51,164 --> 00:13:53,665 So you think ahead. You have 10 in the back. 148 00:13:53,750 --> 00:13:55,959 You think ahead. You prepare. You think ahead. 149 00:14:04,135 --> 00:14:07,596 Yeah, well, should be in the next couple blocks. 150 00:14:08,348 --> 00:14:10,265 We should just ask someone. 151 00:14:10,350 --> 00:14:11,433 No. 152 00:14:12,477 --> 00:14:16,438 First of all, men don't ask for directions, much less soldiers. 153 00:14:17,148 --> 00:14:22,694 Soldiers on a notification, definitely, positively do not ask for freaking directions. 154 00:14:23,363 --> 00:14:27,282 No GPS. No MapQuest. We navigate. 155 00:14:28,326 --> 00:14:31,662 Second, you never wanna park too close. 156 00:14:31,746 --> 00:14:36,458 They hear a car park, go to the window, see two soldiers getting out... 157 00:14:36,543 --> 00:14:38,502 it's just a minute of torture. 158 00:14:40,505 --> 00:14:43,757 Now I should warn you some of them do have guns. 159 00:14:47,136 --> 00:14:49,721 Knocking is ominous, but ringing is jarring. 160 00:14:49,806 --> 00:14:53,058 Or worse, sometimes you get one of those god-awful chirping doorbells... 161 00:14:53,142 --> 00:14:55,894 some singsongy shit throws you right off your game. 162 00:14:55,979 --> 00:14:59,231 Yankee Doodle went to town A ridin' on a pony 163 00:14:59,315 --> 00:15:02,234 And "Sorry your husband is dead" doesn't flow. So I knock. 164 00:15:02,318 --> 00:15:05,237 I don't really like to say good morning or good afternoon either. 165 00:15:05,321 --> 00:15:07,447 There ain't nothing good about it. 166 00:15:07,532 --> 00:15:11,034 I used to introduce myself, that's standard, but now I think it's rude. 167 00:15:11,119 --> 00:15:13,996 It ain't about me. Lose the shades. 168 00:15:29,512 --> 00:15:32,014 We're looking for Mrs. Tina Burrell. Is she in? 169 00:15:34,225 --> 00:15:37,644 Is Leroy in trouble again? I'm his girlfriend. 170 00:15:37,729 --> 00:15:40,355 We need to speak with Mrs. Burrell. 171 00:15:40,440 --> 00:15:43,066 Okay, Come in. Come in. 172 00:15:50,366 --> 00:15:52,284 Please, sit down. 173 00:15:53,578 --> 00:15:55,203 I just made some tea. 174 00:15:57,040 --> 00:15:58,540 Do you want some? 175 00:16:00,627 --> 00:16:02,461 Ma'am, could you please get Mrs. Burrell? 176 00:16:02,545 --> 00:16:05,964 Yeah, she's down the block. She just called. She'll be back in a minute. 177 00:16:10,511 --> 00:16:12,429 I thought you said we don't wait. 178 00:16:14,557 --> 00:16:16,892 If she's not here in 30 seconds, we're gone. 179 00:16:18,728 --> 00:16:19,811 Sit. 180 00:16:21,272 --> 00:16:24,107 I'm Monica. I'm Leroy's girlfriend. 181 00:16:27,403 --> 00:16:29,946 And this is his baby. He's a boy. 182 00:16:30,031 --> 00:16:33,992 But he don't know that yet, so don't tell him because I ain't calling him Junior. 183 00:16:34,077 --> 00:16:36,495 Two cell phones. 184 00:16:36,579 --> 00:16:40,999 One was $209.75, and the other-- 185 00:16:41,084 --> 00:16:42,584 What did he do? 186 00:16:44,253 --> 00:16:47,339 I'm sorry, ma'am. Our orders are to speak with Mrs. Burrell. 187 00:16:47,423 --> 00:16:50,008 Well, I am too. I mean, I was gonna be. 188 00:16:50,093 --> 00:16:53,470 We were supposed to get married, but then my father got laid off and-- 189 00:16:54,389 --> 00:16:58,350 Look, I know Leroy's always saying the wrong thing, but he's a good man. 190 00:17:00,228 --> 00:17:02,062 Please, just tell me. 191 00:17:02,146 --> 00:17:04,648 I got an envelope with these sheets of paper. 192 00:17:04,732 --> 00:17:06,650 Could I see those papers, please? 193 00:17:06,734 --> 00:17:08,694 We'll be back. 194 00:17:08,778 --> 00:17:12,864 You sent her the money and this envelope came with these two pictures-- 195 00:17:12,949 --> 00:17:15,659 Sir, tell me. 196 00:17:19,664 --> 00:17:24,292 Oh, why? Oh, no, please, God, no! My, God, why? 197 00:17:24,377 --> 00:17:27,879 - What's going-- - I have bad news, Mrs. Burrell. 198 00:17:27,964 --> 00:17:31,883 The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deepest regret... 199 00:17:31,968 --> 00:17:34,720 that your son, Private First Class Leroy Burrell-- 200 00:17:34,804 --> 00:17:37,931 No, no, no! You got to go! You got to go! 201 00:17:38,015 --> 00:17:42,561 - I'm very sorry, Mrs. Burrell. - No. Listen. No! 202 00:17:42,645 --> 00:17:46,106 That's my baby. That's my baby. 203 00:17:46,190 --> 00:17:48,108 We can't do this right-- 204 00:17:48,192 --> 00:17:51,319 - Your son was killed yesterday-- - Monica-- Oh, my God! My house is a mess. 205 00:17:51,404 --> 00:17:55,574 - A Casualty Assistance-- - No! Don't you say that about my baby! 206 00:17:55,658 --> 00:17:58,243 Don't you say that about my baby! 207 00:17:59,036 --> 00:18:01,496 - I'm very sorry for your loss, ma'am. - No! Make him go! 208 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:04,541 A Casualty Assistance Officer will contact you shortly... 209 00:18:04,625 --> 00:18:07,836 - to help you arrange for the funeral. - Tell him to stop saying that! 210 00:18:18,598 --> 00:18:21,558 We left them with the next-door neighbor. 211 00:18:21,642 --> 00:18:26,062 - How'd she take it? - Hard. Very hard. 212 00:18:26,147 --> 00:18:28,064 - Okay. - Yep. 213 00:18:28,149 --> 00:18:30,776 We'll be there by 1000 hours. 214 00:18:30,860 --> 00:18:32,861 All right, thanks. Good luck. 215 00:18:34,197 --> 00:18:36,198 CAO is on the way. 216 00:18:40,453 --> 00:18:43,079 No such thing as a satisfied customer. 217 00:18:43,164 --> 00:18:46,666 Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! 218 00:18:46,751 --> 00:18:48,919 Double whiskey, please. 219 00:18:49,003 --> 00:18:52,589 - Hot water and lemon? - And a glass of ice. 220 00:18:57,929 --> 00:19:00,555 I'm in AA, if you're asking. 221 00:19:01,766 --> 00:19:06,394 Been sober three years. Mind you, I never drank anything stronger than pop. 222 00:19:06,479 --> 00:19:09,898 Of course, my pop would drink just about anything. 223 00:19:18,991 --> 00:19:21,284 Oh, they tell them to get ready when their kids deploy... 224 00:19:21,369 --> 00:19:23,703 but they never really listen, do they? 225 00:19:23,788 --> 00:19:29,167 Soldiers go to war and everyone waves flags and applauds... 226 00:19:29,252 --> 00:19:34,589 look at charts, study strategies, have "informed opinions." 227 00:19:34,674 --> 00:19:39,302 And then bullets fly and soldiers die and it's such a shock. 228 00:19:39,387 --> 00:19:43,765 Fuck that! What did they think it was gonna be like, FearFactor? 229 00:19:45,768 --> 00:19:48,854 - Where'd you see action? - Desert Storm / Desert Shield. 230 00:19:48,938 --> 00:19:53,650 Never got a crack at Enduring Freedom or Iraqi Freedom, much to my chagrin. 231 00:19:55,111 --> 00:19:57,320 Wasn't much of a war, but... 232 00:19:59,198 --> 00:20:01,116 I got my baptism too. 233 00:20:01,784 --> 00:20:04,619 You weren't the only one getting shot at. 234 00:20:14,463 --> 00:20:16,840 So they say you saved your buddies. 235 00:20:24,807 --> 00:20:26,725 You want to know what I think? 236 00:20:26,809 --> 00:20:32,105 I think they ought to show every goddamn funeral on TV, live. 237 00:20:32,189 --> 00:20:35,984 Have the president come around from time to time and eulogize... 238 00:20:36,068 --> 00:20:39,279 the vice president, get people used to it. 239 00:20:39,363 --> 00:20:41,656 I mean, are we at war or not? 240 00:20:46,537 --> 00:20:48,204 - Thank you. - Sure thing. 241 00:20:48,289 --> 00:20:52,042 - Let me know if you guys need anything else. - Oh, you know it already, Emily. 242 00:20:57,632 --> 00:21:01,343 I'd like to strap her on and wear her like a government-issue gas mask. 243 00:21:01,427 --> 00:21:04,888 - I got my sights on her, so don't even go there. - Roger that. 244 00:21:07,516 --> 00:21:11,436 I figure I could play the sensitivity card. 245 00:21:11,520 --> 00:21:13,980 Tell her what my day was like down in death valley. 246 00:21:14,065 --> 00:21:17,817 Then again, sympathy backfires... 247 00:21:17,902 --> 00:21:19,861 she'll never leave. 248 00:21:19,946 --> 00:21:23,657 Trust me, I've been married three times. Twice to the same woman. 249 00:21:27,912 --> 00:21:30,622 So now you know what the mission is. 250 00:21:30,706 --> 00:21:31,831 Yeah. 251 00:21:33,668 --> 00:21:35,627 Hey, if you're not cut out for it... 252 00:21:35,711 --> 00:21:37,379 you're not cut out for it. 253 00:21:44,512 --> 00:21:46,054 So you have a girl? 254 00:21:48,808 --> 00:21:50,475 You got to think about it? 255 00:21:51,811 --> 00:21:53,103 Kelly. 256 00:21:54,188 --> 00:21:56,690 We were together since we were little kids. 257 00:21:56,774 --> 00:21:58,900 Then when I was deployed, everything-- 258 00:21:58,985 --> 00:22:00,860 She wanted you to commit, you balked... 259 00:22:00,945 --> 00:22:05,198 and the minute you were gone, Jody plunked his ass down in the La-Z-Boy. 260 00:22:05,282 --> 00:22:07,242 You probably dodged a bullet. 261 00:22:08,160 --> 00:22:11,204 The only reason to get married like that is the extra pay. 262 00:22:11,288 --> 00:22:13,415 Cut them in, then cut them loose. 263 00:22:14,792 --> 00:22:18,628 Of course, they can always get pregnant and bleed you dry. 264 00:22:19,505 --> 00:22:21,006 It's too easy. 265 00:22:21,090 --> 00:22:24,968 I just told her she was free. I didn't want you knocking on her door. 266 00:22:30,099 --> 00:22:34,602 Yeah, well. Anyway, lot of Shellys out there. 267 00:22:35,771 --> 00:22:36,938 Kelly. 268 00:22:43,237 --> 00:22:46,781 You know, up to Vietnam, they used send a telegram. 269 00:22:47,825 --> 00:22:50,118 If it was your wife, what would she want? 270 00:22:51,495 --> 00:22:54,039 Why don't you just kill me, you son of a bitch! 271 00:22:54,123 --> 00:22:57,375 Yeah! Come on! Come on! 272 00:23:55,017 --> 00:23:56,476 Hey, that was quick. 273 00:23:56,560 --> 00:24:01,022 Are you awake? Just making sure you're on your toes. 274 00:24:01,107 --> 00:24:03,817 - Is this a joke, sir? - No, no. I just-- 275 00:24:05,194 --> 00:24:09,823 You know, since I stopped drinking, I stay up nights... 276 00:24:10,783 --> 00:24:12,659 especially after notifying someone. 277 00:24:15,287 --> 00:24:20,667 So you think you might stay on after your enlistment's up? 278 00:24:20,751 --> 00:24:21,751 I mean... 279 00:24:21,836 --> 00:24:23,461 hell, you-- 280 00:24:24,797 --> 00:24:28,591 What's your e-mail anyway? Do you IM? 281 00:24:28,676 --> 00:24:30,760 I don't have a computer. 282 00:24:30,845 --> 00:24:34,055 Really? How does that work? 283 00:24:36,350 --> 00:24:37,892 Hey, you're funny. 284 00:24:37,977 --> 00:24:41,146 - What? - You calling my beeper. 285 00:24:41,230 --> 00:24:44,566 - No, I'm not. - Oh, shit. 286 00:24:44,650 --> 00:24:46,860 Get ready. I'll meet you on post. 287 00:24:57,788 --> 00:24:59,289 What's going on? 288 00:24:59,373 --> 00:25:01,416 You gotta get out of here. 289 00:25:04,503 --> 00:25:08,715 Don't look at me like that. I gotta go, so you gotta go. Come on, let's go. 290 00:25:11,093 --> 00:25:13,052 I don't get it. You married or something? 291 00:25:13,804 --> 00:25:19,392 No, no. I just got... work. 292 00:25:19,476 --> 00:25:22,353 Work? In the middle of the night all of a sudden? 293 00:25:22,438 --> 00:25:25,523 What do you do? Deliver babies? 294 00:25:29,862 --> 00:25:34,407 Dale Martin. Dale Martin. Dale. Dale. 295 00:25:34,491 --> 00:25:38,661 Specialist Eric Martin, killed in action-- 296 00:25:38,746 --> 00:25:41,539 - I got it covered. - I'm doing this one. 297 00:25:41,624 --> 00:25:43,708 - ...in southern Iraq-- - It's okay. I'll do it. 298 00:25:43,792 --> 00:25:46,377 I'm assigned to do something, I'm going to do it, sir. 299 00:25:47,129 --> 00:25:50,673 Specialist Eric Martin, southern Iraq. 300 00:25:50,758 --> 00:25:54,636 Well, okay. It's a man this time. 301 00:25:57,181 --> 00:25:58,389 So? 302 00:26:00,142 --> 00:26:04,354 Men try harder to keep it together. They're also the ones that can hurt you. 303 00:26:04,438 --> 00:26:06,356 You cannot be a burden to taxpayers! 304 00:26:06,440 --> 00:26:09,359 - You're not entitled to welfare-- - I'm doing this. 305 00:26:09,443 --> 00:26:12,028 ...assistance that comes in any way out of my pocket. 306 00:26:12,112 --> 00:26:14,113 Well, then, reach down in your pants... 307 00:26:14,198 --> 00:26:17,408 grab a double handful of balls and do it right. 308 00:26:17,493 --> 00:26:20,119 Freeloader, got it! You can come here if you can invest here... 309 00:26:20,204 --> 00:26:22,747 around, let's say, 50 times the current minimum wage. 310 00:26:22,831 --> 00:26:24,832 If you can do that, ha, come! 311 00:27:06,834 --> 00:27:11,671 Let's go. 312 00:27:19,346 --> 00:27:20,638 Excuse me? 313 00:27:22,558 --> 00:27:23,891 Mr. Martin? 314 00:27:24,685 --> 00:27:26,144 Oh, shit! 315 00:27:26,228 --> 00:27:28,313 Dale Martin? 316 00:27:28,981 --> 00:27:32,608 The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deep regret... 317 00:27:32,693 --> 00:27:37,572 that your son, Specialist Eric Martin, was killed in action yesterday... 318 00:27:37,656 --> 00:27:40,491 in southern Iraq by sniper fire. 319 00:27:40,576 --> 00:27:43,578 You will receive a more complete report as soon as possible, sir. 320 00:27:43,662 --> 00:27:48,291 What we can tell you right now is that his platoon came under sniper fire... 321 00:27:49,376 --> 00:27:51,961 and it was an instant death. 322 00:27:54,673 --> 00:27:56,174 I'm so sorry. 323 00:28:00,387 --> 00:28:02,138 Look at that tree. 324 00:28:04,058 --> 00:28:06,184 I said look at that fucking tree. 325 00:28:08,354 --> 00:28:10,438 It's the same age as my son. 326 00:28:16,570 --> 00:28:20,239 "If I don't go, who's gonna go in place of me?" 327 00:28:20,324 --> 00:28:21,824 That's what he said. 328 00:28:25,371 --> 00:28:28,289 A Casualty Assistance Officer will contact you in four hours-- 329 00:28:28,374 --> 00:28:30,666 - Fucking bastards! - Will notify you in-- 330 00:28:32,920 --> 00:28:34,837 Will notify you in four hours. 331 00:28:34,922 --> 00:28:37,340 Is there a neighbor or a friend or a family member-- 332 00:28:37,424 --> 00:28:40,093 - You fucking idiot! - that can come and help you in your trying time? 333 00:28:41,887 --> 00:28:43,471 Why aren't you there? 334 00:28:45,766 --> 00:28:47,266 Why aren't you dead? 335 00:28:49,853 --> 00:28:52,313 - I'm sorry, sir. - Why aren't you there now? 336 00:28:54,483 --> 00:28:56,567 - I'm sorry. - Fucking cowards. 337 00:28:56,652 --> 00:28:59,570 - Let's go. - I don't care if you're fucking sorry! 338 00:28:59,655 --> 00:29:01,280 We're done here. 339 00:29:01,365 --> 00:29:03,533 Don't you fucking say you're sorry to me. 340 00:29:06,161 --> 00:29:08,287 You want to tell his mother? 341 00:29:08,372 --> 00:29:10,832 Are you gonna tell his mother? 342 00:29:10,916 --> 00:29:13,167 He's fucking 20 years old! 343 00:29:14,920 --> 00:29:16,129 Keep walking. 344 00:29:19,758 --> 00:29:21,384 - You fucking coward! - Keep walking. 345 00:29:21,468 --> 00:29:23,594 - I said-- - I don't fucking care! 346 00:29:23,679 --> 00:29:27,348 Sergeant, he touches you again, I'll handle it. 347 00:29:27,433 --> 00:29:30,017 What? Fucking handle what? 348 00:29:31,854 --> 00:29:33,688 You'll fucking handle what? 349 00:29:35,524 --> 00:29:37,525 You fucking cowards! 350 00:30:08,015 --> 00:30:11,559 Well, I guess one way or another we're all God's children. 351 00:30:16,982 --> 00:30:19,233 It's all fortune cookies to me, sir. 352 00:30:33,081 --> 00:30:35,041 I'm not really happy with these drops. 353 00:30:35,125 --> 00:30:38,753 I'm gonna prescribe something else. 354 00:30:43,175 --> 00:30:44,842 What's the doctor saying about the leg? 355 00:30:44,927 --> 00:30:48,262 It's getting better. Though but I'm sort of rooting for the eye. 356 00:30:49,640 --> 00:30:51,182 It's not a race. 357 00:30:51,850 --> 00:30:54,060 Polytrauma takes a lot of patience. 358 00:30:55,103 --> 00:30:58,439 The body parts are literally on different schedules. 359 00:31:00,442 --> 00:31:04,111 "And all the king's horses and all the king's men--" How does it go? 360 00:31:06,949 --> 00:31:09,617 "Couldn't put Humpty back together again." 361 00:31:20,003 --> 00:31:21,796 Kelly's phone. This is Alan. 362 00:31:33,267 --> 00:31:34,976 Answer off. 363 00:31:57,124 --> 00:31:58,624 Shit. 364 00:32:00,627 --> 00:32:02,753 - Son of a bitch. - ...for sentencing tomorrow. 365 00:32:02,838 --> 00:32:05,881 We'll keep you posted. And the State Supreme Court-- 366 00:32:12,639 --> 00:32:15,766 Don't say anything. I'll do the talking. 367 00:32:22,524 --> 00:32:23,691 Sergeant. 368 00:32:24,526 --> 00:32:26,694 - License and registration. - What'd I do? 369 00:32:27,571 --> 00:32:30,114 You went through a red light about a half a mile back. 370 00:32:30,198 --> 00:32:33,117 - It was yellow. - It was red when he went through it. 371 00:32:33,201 --> 00:32:35,578 - It's an emergency. - What kind of emergency? 372 00:32:35,662 --> 00:32:38,706 A soldier died. We're going to notify the widow. 373 00:32:39,499 --> 00:32:41,917 - That's not an emergency. - It's about timing. 374 00:32:42,002 --> 00:32:43,461 You know that. 375 00:32:43,545 --> 00:32:46,297 Yeah, well, you get into a wreck on your way to a notification... 376 00:32:46,381 --> 00:32:49,342 you kill somebody, you get yourself killed, how's that gonna feel? 377 00:32:49,426 --> 00:32:51,427 That's a jackass move. 378 00:32:51,511 --> 00:32:53,429 - Can you believe this shit? - Excuse me? 379 00:32:53,513 --> 00:32:55,139 No, he's right. He's right. 380 00:33:01,355 --> 00:33:03,356 I don't want to do this anyway. 381 00:33:04,691 --> 00:33:06,275 You want to do it? 382 00:33:09,738 --> 00:33:14,200 Go to this address, her name is Olivia Pitterson. 383 00:33:14,284 --> 00:33:17,119 Knock on her door and break her little heart. 384 00:33:18,455 --> 00:33:20,456 Fuck it. Well, let's pretend it didn't happen. 385 00:33:20,540 --> 00:33:25,336 Let her find out that he got blown up from some kid at the local news desk. 386 00:33:25,420 --> 00:33:29,048 Let him put her on hold, 'cause you don't give a fuck about her, do you? 387 00:33:29,132 --> 00:33:33,344 No. No! You are just doing your job. 388 00:33:43,689 --> 00:33:45,231 Get the hell out of here. 389 00:34:19,349 --> 00:34:21,892 - All right. Hey! - Yeah, me too. 390 00:34:21,977 --> 00:34:23,894 Last one's is ready! 391 00:34:23,979 --> 00:34:26,105 Pretty high up, isn't it, huh? 392 00:34:40,704 --> 00:34:42,955 Could be worse. 393 00:34:43,039 --> 00:34:45,082 It could be Christmas. 394 00:34:49,588 --> 00:34:51,046 Jesus. 395 00:35:03,810 --> 00:35:07,146 Mrs. Pitterson? Mrs. Pitterson. 396 00:35:09,024 --> 00:35:10,524 Are you Mrs. Pitterson? 397 00:35:13,487 --> 00:35:15,362 How did it happen? 398 00:35:17,783 --> 00:35:20,034 Did anyone talk with you already, ma'am? 399 00:35:22,078 --> 00:35:23,788 How did he die? 400 00:35:25,415 --> 00:35:29,835 He was killed in action yesterday in the city of Mosul. 401 00:35:29,920 --> 00:35:31,962 That's all the information we have now, ma'am. 402 00:35:32,047 --> 00:35:36,801 But the Secretary of the Army extends his deepest sympathy to you-- 403 00:35:36,885 --> 00:35:38,677 There's no need. 404 00:35:45,227 --> 00:35:46,435 But... 405 00:35:50,065 --> 00:35:53,400 I would ask you in, but my little boy-- 406 00:35:56,154 --> 00:35:58,531 Am I supposed to call Phil's parents? 407 00:36:00,408 --> 00:36:02,576 Not unless you want to, ma'am. 408 00:36:02,661 --> 00:36:06,455 Your husband's DD-93 has you listed as the primary NOK... 409 00:36:06,540 --> 00:36:08,833 and them as secondary. 410 00:36:08,917 --> 00:36:12,878 They moved to Florida. Is that still accurate? 411 00:36:12,963 --> 00:36:14,171 Yes. 412 00:36:16,800 --> 00:36:19,885 A local notification team has been alerted... 413 00:36:19,970 --> 00:36:23,764 and they're waiting for us to give them the go-ahead. 414 00:36:23,849 --> 00:36:28,185 Okay, thanks a lot. Good-bye. 415 00:36:28,270 --> 00:36:31,689 The Casualty Assistance Officer will contact you shortly... 416 00:36:31,773 --> 00:36:34,525 to help make arrangements for the funeral. 417 00:36:34,609 --> 00:36:36,443 Okay. Thanks. 418 00:36:38,655 --> 00:36:39,864 Good-bye. 419 00:36:40,824 --> 00:36:46,287 Ma'am, would you like us to notify your child? 420 00:36:49,040 --> 00:36:50,249 What? 421 00:36:51,459 --> 00:36:55,462 No, no. I can tell my little boy. 422 00:36:57,340 --> 00:37:00,885 Okay, good-bye. I know this can't be easy for you. 423 00:37:05,181 --> 00:37:09,602 - If you have any further questions, just-- - No. No. No, thanks. 424 00:37:30,999 --> 00:37:32,166 Sergeant! 425 00:37:38,214 --> 00:37:43,218 "I know this can't be easy for you." Can you believe that? 426 00:37:44,012 --> 00:37:45,512 That's a first. 427 00:37:48,016 --> 00:37:51,685 She's banging someone. You see the shirt she was hanging? 428 00:37:54,064 --> 00:37:59,526 Her husband dies 10,000 miles away, she's got a man on the clothesline already. 429 00:38:04,157 --> 00:38:08,452 Hey, we getting in this vehicle sometime today? 430 00:38:08,536 --> 00:38:12,081 We walk into these people's lives, we don't know shit. 431 00:38:12,165 --> 00:38:13,123 Trust me. 432 00:38:13,208 --> 00:38:14,792 You don't want to know. 433 00:38:19,005 --> 00:38:20,172 Come on. 434 00:38:24,219 --> 00:38:28,514 From now on we take the silver bullet. Your wheels are crap. 435 00:38:40,735 --> 00:38:42,861 Why are you giving me pancakes? 436 00:38:42,946 --> 00:38:45,406 'Cause you're my baby and I love you. 437 00:38:46,950 --> 00:38:48,409 What's wrong? 438 00:39:14,728 --> 00:39:16,812 You going to pretend you don't have one? 439 00:39:17,772 --> 00:39:20,399 I know you have her picture. 440 00:39:20,483 --> 00:39:22,860 I'm willing to bet the next round on it. 441 00:39:30,618 --> 00:39:32,619 What have we here? 442 00:39:34,456 --> 00:39:35,456 Nice. 443 00:39:36,750 --> 00:39:38,751 You can afford the next round. 444 00:39:45,967 --> 00:39:46,967 Nice. 445 00:39:47,052 --> 00:39:49,720 Very nice. Table grade. 446 00:39:49,804 --> 00:39:52,431 I could slop her up with a biscuit. 447 00:39:52,515 --> 00:39:54,933 Yeah, well, she has a very serious boyfriend. 448 00:39:55,018 --> 00:39:59,396 No, I don't buy it. Not this girl. There's nothing serious about her. 449 00:40:00,231 --> 00:40:04,818 She's having a ball down in Nowheresville while you pine for her. 450 00:40:06,321 --> 00:40:07,863 You still got her number? 451 00:40:14,788 --> 00:40:16,747 Oh, wait. Hey, hey. 452 00:40:16,831 --> 00:40:18,165 Come here. 453 00:40:19,209 --> 00:40:21,418 Sit. Will you sit? 454 00:40:22,128 --> 00:40:27,674 Listen, I thought we had a great time the other night. 455 00:40:27,759 --> 00:40:31,220 You were amazing, as was I... 456 00:40:31,304 --> 00:40:36,183 and I'm sorry I had to go, but tonight's another night. 457 00:40:36,893 --> 00:40:38,852 I'm pregnant. 458 00:40:43,274 --> 00:40:45,150 I'm just fucking with you. 459 00:40:46,027 --> 00:40:48,654 - Have a good life. - A good life. 460 00:40:48,738 --> 00:40:50,614 Hey, you got my hopes up. 461 00:40:57,330 --> 00:41:01,834 A glass of ice, hot water, lemon. 462 00:41:01,918 --> 00:41:03,418 Paid in full. 463 00:41:07,382 --> 00:41:08,882 I think I'm gonna head out. 464 00:41:10,760 --> 00:41:12,261 Where you going? 465 00:41:13,805 --> 00:41:17,724 - I'm gonna go home. - What for? Internet porn? 466 00:41:18,685 --> 00:41:21,478 Come on, you don't even have a computer. 467 00:41:21,563 --> 00:41:22,729 What-- 468 00:41:23,773 --> 00:41:26,692 I was bullshitting. No, stay. 469 00:41:29,320 --> 00:41:32,906 Forget women. We'll talk about something else, right? 470 00:41:34,909 --> 00:41:36,410 Sleep when you're dead. 471 00:41:37,078 --> 00:41:39,079 What's your deal? 472 00:41:39,164 --> 00:41:41,415 Your folks around? 473 00:41:49,924 --> 00:41:51,508 My father's gone. 474 00:41:52,844 --> 00:41:55,929 My mom's a... nut. 475 00:41:56,639 --> 00:41:58,515 I haven't seen her in years. 476 00:41:59,184 --> 00:42:02,102 Another lost child looking for family, huh? 477 00:42:03,021 --> 00:42:04,521 I guess so. 478 00:42:08,902 --> 00:42:10,402 Why did you join? 479 00:42:11,446 --> 00:42:13,488 - A dare. - A dare? 480 00:42:13,573 --> 00:42:15,032 Why are you still here? 481 00:42:15,116 --> 00:42:18,619 Well, they offered me a commission and no one dared me to leave. 482 00:42:25,210 --> 00:42:27,586 And I dare you to stay. 483 00:42:32,050 --> 00:42:36,428 Hey, we're not gonna lie to you-- Iraq, Afghanistan-- wherever we go next, hostile. 484 00:42:38,306 --> 00:42:39,765 Hey, it's crazy, but it's real. 485 00:42:39,849 --> 00:42:43,143 Hey, the army's hard work. Fighting terrorists, rebuilding countries, saving lives. 486 00:42:43,228 --> 00:42:44,728 And risking our lives? 487 00:42:44,812 --> 00:42:46,688 I don't have to remind you how many Americans lost their lives... 488 00:42:46,773 --> 00:42:48,565 just showing up for work one morning in September, do I? 489 00:42:48,650 --> 00:42:50,484 - That's right. - No, I didn't think so. 490 00:42:50,568 --> 00:42:52,569 Sure, there's risk in the army, there's risk in life. 491 00:42:52,654 --> 00:42:54,571 But we're talking about rewards here... 492 00:42:54,656 --> 00:42:57,241 and we're talking about a feeling that you can get... 493 00:42:57,325 --> 00:43:01,453 but not from flinging hot dogs at a ball game or bagging groceries at a supermarket. 494 00:43:01,537 --> 00:43:04,081 We're talking about honor and discipline. 495 00:43:04,165 --> 00:43:06,250 - Self-respect. - Thank you. 496 00:43:06,334 --> 00:43:07,918 I just wanna fuck some shit up. 497 00:43:08,002 --> 00:43:10,420 - That does come with the job sometimes. - Oh, come on. 498 00:43:10,505 --> 00:43:12,422 You have any sort of skills you want to bring to the army? 499 00:43:12,507 --> 00:43:14,049 Leave them alone. They're just kids. 500 00:43:14,133 --> 00:43:16,301 Oh, ma'am, these young men want to serve their country. 501 00:43:16,386 --> 00:43:19,054 - They're here by their free will. - Oh, do you want to take a look? 502 00:43:19,138 --> 00:43:21,265 - You want to take a look at this, see? - Okay, ma'am-- 503 00:43:21,349 --> 00:43:23,267 - You want to guess what it's for? - Ma'am-- 504 00:43:23,351 --> 00:43:25,936 There's a sticker on my husband's coffin that says "remains unviewable." 505 00:43:26,020 --> 00:43:27,980 - Ma'am, we're very sorry-- - Nice big tall boys like you. 506 00:43:28,064 --> 00:43:30,524 - And what's left could fit in a shoe box. - I understand you're upset. 507 00:43:30,608 --> 00:43:32,818 - Why don't you calm down? - Ma'am, why don't you take your son home-- 508 00:43:32,902 --> 00:43:35,404 Why don't you take your son home and calm down? 509 00:43:35,488 --> 00:43:38,532 Why don't you go home? In fact, why doesn't everybody just go home? 510 00:43:38,616 --> 00:43:40,534 - That's right go home! - We're all in this together. 511 00:43:40,618 --> 00:43:43,328 - Sergeant. Take a walk. - Why doesn't everybody just go home? 512 00:43:43,413 --> 00:43:45,330 - Yes, sir. - You guys know where to find us. 513 00:43:45,415 --> 00:43:47,541 - What are you looking at? Just go home! - You okay? 514 00:43:48,543 --> 00:43:49,501 Yeah. 515 00:43:49,585 --> 00:43:53,338 - Do you need anything? - What? No, thank you. 516 00:43:54,257 --> 00:43:56,258 I'm sorry, sweetheart. Come on. 517 00:44:04,017 --> 00:44:05,684 - Come on. - I hate this suit! 518 00:44:05,768 --> 00:44:08,812 Pick it up. I've asked you to pick that up. 519 00:44:08,896 --> 00:44:10,689 Pick it up. Now. 520 00:44:13,276 --> 00:44:14,776 Do not do that. 521 00:44:30,084 --> 00:44:32,002 I was getting a prescription... 522 00:44:34,213 --> 00:44:35,714 at the mall. 523 00:44:37,425 --> 00:44:39,676 And that's why I was at the mall. 524 00:44:40,636 --> 00:44:42,971 I have this eye-- 525 00:44:43,639 --> 00:44:47,559 I gotta get-- take drops... for-- 526 00:44:50,688 --> 00:44:53,982 It's okay now? Is it okay now? 527 00:44:55,943 --> 00:44:57,027 Yeah. 528 00:45:00,198 --> 00:45:05,952 Gets dry. It's kinda... spotty. 529 00:45:39,404 --> 00:45:42,489 You'll need a new transmission soon. 530 00:45:43,658 --> 00:45:45,200 Can I pay you something? 531 00:45:45,284 --> 00:45:46,535 No. 532 00:45:49,956 --> 00:45:52,666 I should get a new car at some point, but... 533 00:45:53,334 --> 00:45:57,337 it just feels wrong, you know, with the new money. 534 00:46:00,967 --> 00:46:02,467 Do you play? 535 00:46:03,845 --> 00:46:05,762 No. 536 00:46:05,847 --> 00:46:07,514 I work at Lock and Keep. 537 00:46:09,016 --> 00:46:11,685 It's a storage space on Third Street and Battalion. 538 00:46:12,728 --> 00:46:17,232 You know, sometimes people leave things behind. Nice things. 539 00:46:17,316 --> 00:46:20,360 A new mattress, coffee table... 540 00:46:20,445 --> 00:46:23,363 framed pictures of strangers. 541 00:46:30,246 --> 00:46:32,038 I'm gonna get going. 542 00:46:34,459 --> 00:46:36,001 Thanks for your help. 543 00:46:36,085 --> 00:46:38,462 Yeah. Get a new transmission. 544 00:46:38,546 --> 00:46:39,671 Soon. 545 00:46:40,715 --> 00:46:42,007 Seriously. 546 00:46:45,428 --> 00:46:46,928 Thanks for the ride. 547 00:46:54,270 --> 00:46:55,937 Thanks. Bye. 548 00:47:09,869 --> 00:47:11,870 That's it! Yeah, come on! 549 00:47:26,677 --> 00:47:27,928 Yeah! 550 00:47:31,390 --> 00:47:33,183 That's not what I said. 551 00:47:33,267 --> 00:47:35,519 But you are trying to fuck her, aren't you? 552 00:47:35,603 --> 00:47:38,772 I'm not trying anything, sir. I fixed her car. 553 00:47:39,649 --> 00:47:43,151 You saw the shirt. She's got someone. 554 00:47:43,236 --> 00:47:44,361 Who? 555 00:47:45,238 --> 00:47:47,113 - I don't know. - You don't know? 556 00:47:50,451 --> 00:47:53,203 Jesus, why is it always the quiet ones? 557 00:47:54,914 --> 00:47:57,249 Where are your morals, hero? 558 00:47:58,251 --> 00:48:02,504 It's just too easy. You bring her her husband's death and then you try to fuck her. 559 00:48:04,131 --> 00:48:08,927 And by the way, if she's into you, she's into some really weird twists. 560 00:48:09,011 --> 00:48:12,722 She's a real head case. You've been warned. 561 00:48:12,807 --> 00:48:15,433 Thank you, sir. I will make a note of that. 562 00:48:21,649 --> 00:48:26,695 I bet her husband couldn't wait to get away from her and back in theater. 563 00:48:26,779 --> 00:48:29,197 For Central, a stalled car blocking the middle lane. 564 00:48:29,282 --> 00:48:31,157 Traffic slowing down from-- 565 00:48:35,037 --> 00:48:37,289 We're here to speak with Mrs. Galindo. 566 00:48:40,501 --> 00:48:42,335 What, this some kind of joke? 567 00:48:43,879 --> 00:48:46,423 - No, sir. - There's no Mrs. Galindo here. 568 00:48:46,507 --> 00:48:50,260 - Marla Galindo? Are you saying she moved or-- - Hold it. Marla! 569 00:48:52,680 --> 00:48:54,180 Marla! 570 00:49:00,688 --> 00:49:02,606 - Marla! - What? 571 00:49:02,690 --> 00:49:04,691 - I'm so tired of this shit from you. - What? What did I do? 572 00:49:04,775 --> 00:49:07,819 There are a couple of soldiers downstairs. They're asking for a Mrs. Galindo. 573 00:49:07,903 --> 00:49:10,405 Dad, we were gonna tell you, but I-- 574 00:49:10,489 --> 00:49:12,616 Tell me what? What are you talking about? 575 00:49:12,700 --> 00:49:14,826 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What's going on? 576 00:49:14,910 --> 00:49:16,411 We were gonna tell you, but I-- 577 00:49:16,495 --> 00:49:18,913 I knew how you felt and there was just so little time before-- 578 00:49:18,998 --> 00:49:20,999 - What, you married that little greaseball? - Please, don't call him that! 579 00:49:21,083 --> 00:49:23,001 - You always do that! - Mrs. Galindo-- 580 00:49:23,085 --> 00:49:25,003 Hold it! I'm dealing with some family stuff here! 581 00:49:25,087 --> 00:49:27,213 - Could you step outside? - Just let them say what they need to say! 582 00:49:27,298 --> 00:49:29,633 - I have bad news for you, Mrs. Galindo. - Just leave us for a second? 583 00:49:29,717 --> 00:49:33,928 Your husband, Corporal Mario Galindo, was killed last night in Iraq... 584 00:49:34,013 --> 00:49:37,307 by an improvised explosive device. 585 00:49:37,391 --> 00:49:41,728 The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deepest sympathy to you. 586 00:49:43,230 --> 00:49:47,484 A Casualty Assistance Officer will contact you in the next few hours. 587 00:49:59,163 --> 00:50:02,248 - We're very sorry for your loss, ma'am. - All right, all right. 588 00:50:10,549 --> 00:50:12,175 Daddy. 589 00:50:13,344 --> 00:50:15,637 - I'm so sorry. - I know. I know. 590 00:50:15,721 --> 00:50:19,557 I was gonna tell you. I'm-- I'm-- 591 00:50:21,727 --> 00:50:24,104 Here's a good one! Here's a good one! 592 00:50:24,188 --> 00:50:28,024 So this tribal chief, he's this old-looking guy, I figured he's around 50. 593 00:50:28,109 --> 00:50:30,068 Maybe older. Maybe 60. 594 00:50:30,152 --> 00:50:32,987 His face is all sagging and fucking gray. 595 00:50:33,072 --> 00:50:34,739 He's got a bunch of teeth missing. 596 00:50:34,824 --> 00:50:36,449 The guy's got fucking scurvy. 597 00:50:36,534 --> 00:50:38,743 All kinds of, you know, desert shit. 598 00:50:38,828 --> 00:50:41,121 We called him Haji-Wan Kenobi. 599 00:50:41,205 --> 00:50:44,124 So he tells me he's not used to making deals like this with a kid. 600 00:50:44,208 --> 00:50:46,126 So I tell him, "Hey, man, I'm 28." 601 00:50:46,210 --> 00:50:48,128 Twenty-nine next month. 602 00:50:48,212 --> 00:50:51,131 Yeah, I'm no kid, gramps. But then, so, the chief says... 603 00:50:51,215 --> 00:50:54,259 "Twenty-eight? You can't be 28. You're a beautiful man. 604 00:50:54,343 --> 00:50:56,511 You must be 20, 21." 605 00:50:56,595 --> 00:51:01,349 I'm thinking, what is he talking about? What is this? What is this, he likes me? 606 00:51:01,434 --> 00:51:04,978 He wants to get in my pants? But the guy, he's getting all depressed. 607 00:51:05,062 --> 00:51:08,189 He starts saying, "This country's shit. This country's cursed." 608 00:51:08,274 --> 00:51:10,483 I try to tell him, "Hey, man, it ain't that bad... 609 00:51:10,568 --> 00:51:13,069 since we came in and liberated your sandy asses." 610 00:51:13,154 --> 00:51:15,363 And then he goes-- And then he goes, "Not that bad? 611 00:51:15,448 --> 00:51:17,741 Look at me. I'm 27!" 612 00:51:19,452 --> 00:51:22,454 It's all the goat fucking, man! 613 00:51:22,538 --> 00:51:26,166 The poor asshole. He got one here, a couple here, one went through his chest. 614 00:51:26,250 --> 00:51:28,501 You could almost hear the lungs deflate, like, swoosh. 615 00:51:28,586 --> 00:51:30,670 One of his own men did it. 616 00:51:31,881 --> 00:51:33,757 Anyway, he was a funny guy. 617 00:51:35,092 --> 00:51:37,510 Haji-Wan Kenobi. 618 00:51:37,595 --> 00:51:39,179 I liked him. 619 00:51:43,851 --> 00:51:46,186 What's going on? What is this? A funeral all of a sudden? 620 00:51:53,027 --> 00:51:54,527 I'll be right back. 621 00:52:16,884 --> 00:52:18,384 You okay? 622 00:52:19,428 --> 00:52:21,471 Yeah, sure. 623 00:52:21,555 --> 00:52:24,140 Night. Good night, guys. See you Monday. 624 00:52:24,225 --> 00:52:25,975 See you Monday. 625 00:52:34,235 --> 00:52:36,402 It's like coming back from another planet. 626 00:52:39,573 --> 00:52:41,241 What are you talking about, man? 627 00:52:41,951 --> 00:52:45,829 I'm fine. 628 00:52:48,290 --> 00:52:49,833 I'm home, baby. 629 00:52:54,630 --> 00:52:56,589 I'm fucking home, sweet home. 630 00:53:00,344 --> 00:53:03,680 Every American generation has to have a war, you know. 631 00:53:03,764 --> 00:53:08,685 We just need it. Because we gotta use up our weapons, so we can make more. Easy. 632 00:53:08,769 --> 00:53:12,480 And we gotta take warriors through wars so they can command the next batch. 633 00:53:12,565 --> 00:53:14,190 Nothing wrong with that. 634 00:53:14,275 --> 00:53:17,861 Hey, Sergeant. Ladies, this is the guy I told you about. 635 00:53:17,945 --> 00:53:21,155 Will, this is Claire and Laura. 636 00:53:21,240 --> 00:53:23,157 - It's Lara. - Hey, baby. 637 00:53:23,242 --> 00:53:25,368 - Lara. I'm sorry. - No. 638 00:53:25,452 --> 00:53:27,537 - Nice to meet you, Will. - I'm not sure I can. 639 00:53:27,621 --> 00:53:29,706 Yeah, likewise, Lara. 640 00:53:29,790 --> 00:53:32,292 - Are you coming in? - Yeah, in a minute. 641 00:53:32,376 --> 00:53:34,502 - I'm buying. - I'll be in. 642 00:53:34,587 --> 00:53:36,754 - Yeah, I'm fine. - Ladies. 643 00:53:36,839 --> 00:53:39,299 Everybody's all fucking concerned. 644 00:53:43,137 --> 00:53:45,305 What? Why are you looking at me like that? 645 00:53:46,974 --> 00:53:50,476 Ready, aim, fire! 646 00:53:51,145 --> 00:53:53,396 Ready, aim... 647 00:53:53,480 --> 00:53:55,815 fire! Ready. 648 00:53:55,900 --> 00:53:58,484 Present arms. 649 00:54:53,832 --> 00:54:56,167 Excuse me. 650 00:55:35,249 --> 00:55:37,166 Are you Angel Vasquez? 651 00:55:39,294 --> 00:55:40,795 Do you speak English? 652 00:55:41,714 --> 00:55:43,214 No. 653 00:55:43,298 --> 00:55:48,261 Mr. Vasquez, the Secretary of the Army has asked me to extend his deepest regret... 654 00:55:49,304 --> 00:55:52,265 that your daughter, Patricia-- 655 00:55:52,349 --> 00:55:55,351 was killed in a helicopter crash... 656 00:55:55,436 --> 00:55:59,272 at 7:00 a.m. Our time in the Anbar province of Iraq. 657 00:55:59,356 --> 00:56:03,317 You will be further advised as more information becomes available. 658 00:56:06,238 --> 00:56:11,576 The Secretary of the Army extends his deepest sympathy to you... 659 00:56:11,660 --> 00:56:15,121 and your family in your tragic loss. 660 00:56:27,009 --> 00:56:29,218 He's asking if we're sure about it. 661 00:56:31,597 --> 00:56:34,182 Positive identification has been made, sir. 662 00:56:52,701 --> 00:56:54,494 He's saying, "It can't be." 663 00:56:57,331 --> 00:56:58,831 I'm very sorry, sir. 664 00:57:35,786 --> 00:57:37,370 Hey, it's Kelly. 665 00:57:39,164 --> 00:57:41,666 I'm sorry I sent that invitation. 666 00:57:42,334 --> 00:57:44,794 That was really-- That was really dumb. 667 00:57:45,879 --> 00:57:48,172 You know, I wanted us to be able-- 668 00:57:48,257 --> 00:57:50,967 I don't know. I hope you're not mad, okay? 669 00:57:53,053 --> 00:57:55,054 You didn't RSVP, so-- 670 00:57:57,182 --> 00:58:01,519 I guess, you know, I was scared to tell you and... 671 00:58:01,603 --> 00:58:03,688 I don't know, there's, like, all this stress. 672 00:58:03,772 --> 00:58:07,441 You know, I don't even want this stupid party anyways, and his parents-- 673 00:58:10,571 --> 00:58:13,406 Sorry, it's, like, not even your problem. 674 00:58:15,075 --> 00:58:16,576 I'm crazy, I know. 675 00:58:17,244 --> 00:58:20,246 Alan and I got in a big fight about it and-- 676 00:58:22,708 --> 00:58:24,333 Don't come, okay? 677 00:58:25,544 --> 00:58:29,505 Just forget the invitation and forget me. Just-- 678 00:58:29,590 --> 00:58:31,215 I'm sorry. 679 00:59:14,801 --> 00:59:15,968 Matt? 680 00:59:19,640 --> 00:59:20,973 Hey, pal. 681 00:59:22,559 --> 00:59:25,144 I bet the other kid got it pretty good, huh? 682 00:59:27,606 --> 00:59:29,106 I brought you this. 683 00:59:30,692 --> 00:59:32,193 It was my unit's flag. 684 00:59:32,277 --> 00:59:34,904 I already have two. 685 00:59:34,988 --> 00:59:38,324 Matt, say thanks. 686 00:59:38,408 --> 00:59:39,867 Thanks. 687 00:59:47,459 --> 00:59:49,001 Thanks a lot. 688 00:59:49,795 --> 00:59:53,839 You know, flags and casseroles, I can't seem to get enough of them. 689 00:59:56,802 --> 01:00:00,388 If I can... do anything-- 690 01:00:01,098 --> 01:00:03,683 I know where to find you. 691 01:00:06,270 --> 01:00:08,479 Anyway, we're leaving town. 692 01:00:12,526 --> 01:00:14,026 Where you going? 693 01:00:14,111 --> 01:00:16,320 I haven't decided. You know, it's funny. 694 01:00:16,405 --> 01:00:18,447 We always had to move wherever the army sent us... 695 01:00:18,532 --> 01:00:21,325 and now I don't know where to go. 696 01:00:21,410 --> 01:00:27,164 If you need help with any, you know, packing boxes or putting things in boxes-- 697 01:00:28,292 --> 01:00:31,585 You know, I can pack up this house in a day and unpack it in two. 698 01:00:31,670 --> 01:00:33,879 Plenty of practice. 699 01:00:40,429 --> 01:00:42,972 - Thanks for the flag. - Sure. 700 01:00:43,056 --> 01:00:46,934 We were thinking about getting some pizza. 701 01:00:57,237 --> 01:01:00,531 - Can I watch TV? - After you finish your broccoli. 702 01:01:03,285 --> 01:01:05,745 Mom, there's no broccoli. 703 01:01:12,419 --> 01:01:15,963 Oh, I must've left it on the microwave. 704 01:01:16,048 --> 01:01:18,382 I should probably go... 705 01:01:18,467 --> 01:01:21,510 but thank you... for the pizza. 706 01:01:21,595 --> 01:01:24,347 And it was nice hangin' with you, Matt. 707 01:01:25,682 --> 01:01:27,892 How come he doesn't have to eat his broccoli? 708 01:01:31,938 --> 01:01:33,898 I could eat broccoli. 709 01:01:37,277 --> 01:01:38,778 I'm not eating mine. 710 01:01:40,405 --> 01:01:42,031 Then I'll have yours. 711 01:01:44,201 --> 01:01:46,827 Stain Spray-Away, the only instant stain remover... 712 01:01:46,912 --> 01:01:50,122 that can spray away stains anywhere stains can happen. 713 01:01:50,207 --> 01:01:53,209 Worry-free Oxy-clean uses the power of oxygen. 714 01:01:53,293 --> 01:01:55,836 It gently lifts stains out without rubbing and scrubbing. 715 01:01:55,921 --> 01:01:58,506 You can't avoid stains like coffee and ketchup-- 716 01:02:01,134 --> 01:02:03,177 It's like you never got them in the first place. 717 01:02:31,581 --> 01:02:33,082 Because Friday's my last day... 718 01:02:33,166 --> 01:02:36,877 I thought that you could take some of this stuff, you know? 719 01:02:36,962 --> 01:02:39,338 It's just left here, and it seems such a waste. 720 01:03:05,449 --> 01:03:07,074 Anybody looking at us right now... 721 01:03:07,159 --> 01:03:10,202 would say that you're a lowlife trying to take advantage of my grief... 722 01:03:11,037 --> 01:03:14,457 and that I'm a slut and that I'm not really grieving. 723 01:03:25,010 --> 01:03:27,052 You ever lose anybody? 724 01:03:30,140 --> 01:03:31,390 Yeah. 725 01:03:33,810 --> 01:03:36,228 Friends, over there. 726 01:03:37,397 --> 01:03:40,274 My father during peacetime. 727 01:03:40,358 --> 01:03:42,443 A drunk driver. 728 01:03:43,653 --> 01:03:45,154 Did they catch him? 729 01:03:45,238 --> 01:03:49,033 No, my father was the drunk driver. 730 01:03:51,369 --> 01:03:54,955 My mom woke me up in the middle of the night... 731 01:03:55,040 --> 01:04:00,085 and she said his brakes failed. 732 01:04:03,840 --> 01:04:05,841 Never saw her cry. 733 01:04:07,052 --> 01:04:10,095 But it made me want to be a mechanic by age 10. 734 01:04:19,356 --> 01:04:21,440 So your mom notified you. 735 01:04:51,805 --> 01:04:53,305 Do you want to dance? 736 01:04:54,891 --> 01:04:56,517 There's no music. 737 01:05:35,682 --> 01:05:37,975 I'm gonna go get a shower. 738 01:05:41,396 --> 01:05:42,688 But why? 739 01:05:44,316 --> 01:05:46,025 'Cause I smell. 740 01:06:00,790 --> 01:06:03,375 I'm going to get a cup of coffee. Do you want one? 741 01:06:13,845 --> 01:06:16,472 - Do you want a cup of coffee? - No, thanks. 742 01:07:14,114 --> 01:07:16,949 I can't. I'm sorry. 743 01:07:17,826 --> 01:07:19,118 It's okay. 744 01:07:27,711 --> 01:07:31,130 When Phil reenlisted for a third tour... 745 01:07:33,717 --> 01:07:35,676 it was like he needed to go. 746 01:07:37,512 --> 01:07:40,013 Staying home was no longer an option. 747 01:07:43,309 --> 01:07:45,310 I was relieved to see him go. 748 01:07:49,065 --> 01:07:51,400 I missed him, but I didn't-- 749 01:07:52,485 --> 01:07:55,487 I didn't miss the guy that just left... 750 01:07:57,115 --> 01:08:00,659 because I missed the man he was a long time ago. 751 01:08:06,666 --> 01:08:10,002 One morning, I opened the closet... 752 01:08:11,337 --> 01:08:12,880 and a shirt fell out... 753 01:08:14,382 --> 01:08:16,759 and I smelled it. 754 01:08:18,595 --> 01:08:21,513 And it smelled awful. 755 01:08:25,852 --> 01:08:27,352 It smelled horrible. 756 01:08:29,606 --> 01:08:35,569 Not of, like, another woman or booze or cigarettes or-- 757 01:08:40,158 --> 01:08:41,950 It smelled of rage... 758 01:08:42,911 --> 01:08:44,244 and fear. 759 01:08:51,503 --> 01:08:55,214 It smelled of the man that he had become over there, you know? 760 01:08:58,218 --> 01:09:02,346 And he didn't treat me or his little boy very good when he was at home. 761 01:09:03,556 --> 01:09:07,059 So in a way, in my mind, it was like he was dead already. 762 01:09:07,727 --> 01:09:12,397 Anyway, I washed the shirt... 763 01:09:15,318 --> 01:09:16,902 and then you came. 764 01:09:47,517 --> 01:09:49,101 I loved him once. 765 01:09:55,942 --> 01:10:00,153 And it's weird because now he's dead. 766 01:10:02,323 --> 01:10:05,784 I just-- I love him again. 767 01:10:10,164 --> 01:10:12,124 But more for my little boy. 768 01:10:16,129 --> 01:10:18,755 I'm sorry. I should never have brought you here. 769 01:10:19,799 --> 01:10:22,175 God, I'm sorry. 770 01:10:24,804 --> 01:10:26,513 Don't be. 771 01:10:32,937 --> 01:10:36,315 And it's not that I don't want to. I just-- 772 01:10:37,317 --> 01:10:40,819 I know. Me too. 773 01:10:54,459 --> 01:10:57,836 I'm gonna go and get Matt and pick him up early. 774 01:10:59,005 --> 01:11:02,341 He loves that, and the other kids go green with envy. 775 01:11:03,760 --> 01:11:14,603 Okay. 776 01:11:32,038 --> 01:11:33,747 Is it okay if I... 777 01:11:35,375 --> 01:11:38,710 stay here for a few minutes? 778 01:11:43,508 --> 01:11:45,050 Sure. 779 01:11:45,134 --> 01:11:49,596 Just slam the door real hard. The lock's kinda funky. 780 01:11:49,681 --> 01:11:50,764 Okay. 781 01:11:52,517 --> 01:11:53,558 Thanks. 782 01:12:41,858 --> 01:12:45,569 A soldier dies in a black-op mission someplace we never admitted being... 783 01:12:45,653 --> 01:12:47,696 the army calls his death an accident. 784 01:12:47,780 --> 01:12:50,532 Why? To protect the next one. 785 01:12:51,617 --> 01:12:55,787 Another soldier dies slipping into a ditch, we call it a combat death... 786 01:12:55,872 --> 01:12:58,582 just to give it a meaning. 787 01:12:58,666 --> 01:13:00,542 What's your point? 788 01:13:00,626 --> 01:13:01,793 My point? 789 01:13:03,254 --> 01:13:05,547 My point is that sometimes the army... 790 01:13:05,631 --> 01:13:09,176 has to be concerned with something bigger than the truth. 791 01:13:09,260 --> 01:13:11,803 And it's not that they don't care about you. 792 01:13:11,888 --> 01:13:15,724 On the contrary, there is not a family on God's green Earth... 793 01:13:15,808 --> 01:13:18,435 that takes better care of you than the US Army. 794 01:13:18,519 --> 01:13:19,811 Really? 795 01:13:20,730 --> 01:13:21,980 Really. 796 01:13:23,733 --> 01:13:26,401 Civilian life's for people who ain't seen shit. 797 01:13:26,486 --> 01:13:28,278 It's too late for you. 798 01:13:28,362 --> 01:13:31,948 You've already seen the shit. You can't unsee it anymore. 799 01:13:32,033 --> 01:13:37,204 You can't be an insurance salesman now, brother. It's too fucking late. 800 01:13:38,372 --> 01:13:40,290 How's that beautiful garden? 801 01:13:40,374 --> 01:13:43,126 Oh, it's doing well. It's his pride and joy. 802 01:13:43,211 --> 01:13:45,420 Oh, yes. He must have you working on it. 803 01:13:45,505 --> 01:13:47,464 The size of those strawberries. 804 01:13:47,548 --> 01:13:50,300 I'll see you, Ralph. Good-bye, Mrs. Flanigan. 805 01:13:50,384 --> 01:13:51,885 Good-bye, now. 806 01:13:54,180 --> 01:13:55,597 Ralph Flanigan? 807 01:13:56,933 --> 01:13:58,433 Do I know you? 808 01:13:58,518 --> 01:14:01,686 You're Walton Flanigan's father? 809 01:14:01,771 --> 01:14:03,021 Yes? 810 01:14:14,242 --> 01:14:15,909 Oh, God! 811 01:14:17,245 --> 01:14:19,621 Oh, my God, what's wrong? Ralph? 812 01:14:19,705 --> 01:14:20,914 Ralph? 813 01:14:21,999 --> 01:14:24,334 - Ralph? - Oh, God. 814 01:14:26,129 --> 01:14:28,463 - Ma'am-- - No. 815 01:14:28,548 --> 01:14:30,549 - No. - Talk to me, sweetheart. 816 01:14:32,718 --> 01:14:36,805 The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express... 817 01:14:36,889 --> 01:14:41,059 his deep regret that your son, Walton Flanigan... 818 01:14:41,144 --> 01:14:43,770 died yesterday in Iraq. 819 01:14:43,855 --> 01:14:47,440 He-- No. 820 01:14:47,525 --> 01:14:52,529 The Secretary of the Army extends his deepest sympathy... 821 01:14:52,613 --> 01:14:56,741 to you and your family in your tragic loss. 822 01:15:06,127 --> 01:15:07,335 No. 823 01:15:11,215 --> 01:15:15,969 A Casualty Assistance Officer will contact you within a few hours. 824 01:15:16,053 --> 01:15:20,348 Do you need anything? Do you need a ride? Do you want us to call someone? 825 01:15:20,433 --> 01:15:24,436 - No. - I'm so sorry, ma'am. 826 01:15:26,022 --> 01:15:28,106 I'm so sorry, sir. 827 01:15:32,528 --> 01:15:34,029 Where'd they go? 828 01:15:34,864 --> 01:15:36,364 They took off. 829 01:15:44,957 --> 01:15:47,459 - What? - What'd I tell you from day one? 830 01:15:47,543 --> 01:15:51,338 You do not touch the NOK. You gotta wake the fuck up. 831 01:15:51,422 --> 01:15:52,881 You're not in high school. 832 01:15:52,965 --> 01:15:55,884 You're not in a fucking rock band. You're in the army. 833 01:15:55,968 --> 01:15:59,262 Yeah, I know. I know I'm in the army. I gave blood to the army. 834 01:15:59,972 --> 01:16:03,850 I got blown up in a firefight that lasted longer than your entire war. 835 01:16:03,935 --> 01:16:08,063 I didn't sunbathe in Kuwait with the rest of the POG's. I fought! 836 01:16:17,114 --> 01:16:20,992 That was not your job and you did not follow procedure. 837 01:16:22,495 --> 01:16:26,498 Fuck procedure, Tony. They're human beings. 838 01:16:28,334 --> 01:16:29,876 They're just people. 839 01:16:31,170 --> 01:16:32,837 They're not like you. 840 01:17:33,733 --> 01:17:34,774 Get in. 841 01:17:39,238 --> 01:17:42,615 It's gonna take you a week at this rate. Get in. 842 01:17:48,831 --> 01:17:51,583 Hey, guess what? I already let it go. 843 01:17:57,757 --> 01:18:00,759 Hey, stubborn, get in the fucking car! 844 01:18:13,272 --> 01:18:14,522 Thanks. 845 01:18:24,158 --> 01:18:27,702 Dorsett thinks you need some time away. Clear your head. 846 01:18:27,787 --> 01:18:29,871 He told me to look after you. 847 01:18:29,955 --> 01:18:30,955 Yeah... 848 01:18:31,040 --> 01:18:32,540 I don't need anything. 849 01:18:32,625 --> 01:18:34,584 You walked home. You need it. 850 01:18:34,668 --> 01:18:37,545 We're off till Tuesday. I got everything planned out. 851 01:18:37,630 --> 01:18:42,217 Just bring your bathing suit and your ACU's and the girls are totally into it. 852 01:18:42,301 --> 01:18:44,719 What girls? Into what? 853 01:18:44,804 --> 01:18:47,680 Come on. They won't go if it's just me. 854 01:18:49,475 --> 01:18:52,102 Milk in the bottle Milk in the bottle 855 01:18:52,186 --> 01:18:55,230 Well, that sounds like-- That sounds really good. 856 01:18:55,314 --> 01:18:56,815 What are you wearing? 857 01:18:58,359 --> 01:19:02,237 Hey, come on. You're my buddy, right? 858 01:19:02,321 --> 01:19:04,531 I haven't had any in decades. 859 01:19:04,615 --> 01:19:07,033 Okay, so don't make me beg, just-- 860 01:19:07,118 --> 01:19:10,328 I need to get laid and you do too, right? 861 01:19:10,413 --> 01:19:12,539 Can we take my car? 862 01:19:13,874 --> 01:19:17,335 I'll let you choose the girl. How's that? 863 01:19:22,007 --> 01:19:25,260 You sure your step dad ain't gonna show up? 864 01:19:25,344 --> 01:19:28,596 No, he's fishing in Alaska till the end of the season. 865 01:19:29,974 --> 01:19:31,266 Fishing. 866 01:19:31,350 --> 01:19:32,934 In Alaska. 867 01:19:50,369 --> 01:19:51,369 Nice. 868 01:19:55,374 --> 01:19:57,333 That's not distracting. 869 01:19:57,418 --> 01:19:59,419 How embarrassing. 870 01:20:06,218 --> 01:20:07,218 God. 871 01:20:08,888 --> 01:20:09,971 Yes! 872 01:20:10,055 --> 01:20:11,890 - Want a piece of gum? - Yeah. 873 01:20:24,236 --> 01:20:27,614 Choke me. Choke me. Come on. Come on. 874 01:20:29,742 --> 01:20:31,826 I know. I'm sorry. 875 01:20:31,911 --> 01:20:34,412 - Come on. - She doesn't ever close the door. 876 01:20:34,497 --> 01:20:35,538 Yeah. 877 01:20:42,421 --> 01:20:43,630 Keep going. 878 01:20:44,715 --> 01:20:46,466 Come on. 879 01:21:01,565 --> 01:21:03,066 Gross. 880 01:21:06,487 --> 01:21:07,946 Hey. 881 01:21:09,240 --> 01:21:11,449 Is there any more beer left in the car? 882 01:21:15,996 --> 01:21:17,789 What the hell you doing? 883 01:21:17,873 --> 01:21:22,710 It's okay. It's all right. I'm just... taking the edge off. 884 01:21:23,629 --> 01:21:26,297 Extraordinary times, right? 885 01:21:30,302 --> 01:21:33,638 Hey, you can give me a break, can't you? You're my buddy, aren't you? 886 01:21:35,432 --> 01:21:39,143 Hey. Come on. We've been to hell and back together. 887 01:21:40,938 --> 01:21:42,897 Three years just like that. 888 01:21:42,982 --> 01:21:46,526 You know what? He knows what he's doing. It's good. Let's just go to sleep. 889 01:21:46,610 --> 01:21:48,069 Yeah, lets go to bed. 890 01:21:48,153 --> 01:21:51,781 - Go to bed. - Fucking asshole. 891 01:22:01,292 --> 01:22:03,835 I'm more fun when I drink. 892 01:22:05,921 --> 01:22:07,171 Sergeant. 893 01:22:07,256 --> 01:22:10,550 You missed out. That's the whole problem. 894 01:22:10,634 --> 01:22:14,929 That is the whole problem this time around in Iraq. 895 01:22:15,014 --> 01:22:20,101 Vietnam, those guys got laid six ways from Sunday. 896 01:22:21,353 --> 01:22:24,606 Bosnia-- best brothels in the world. 897 01:22:24,690 --> 01:22:30,403 Desert Storm-- we had R and R ships with Filipino hookers... 898 01:22:30,487 --> 01:22:32,614 on call. 899 01:22:35,993 --> 01:22:38,286 Yeah, but this war? I don't know. 900 01:22:39,038 --> 01:22:44,584 All the religious bullshit, the Crusades and jihad and nobody getting laid. 901 01:22:45,711 --> 01:22:51,007 I mean, that right there is half the reason why everybody's so angry, yeah? 902 01:22:52,343 --> 01:22:54,552 Hey, Charlie, don't surf! 903 01:22:58,015 --> 01:22:59,724 - Let's get back. - Yeah. 904 01:23:01,852 --> 01:23:04,145 I'm thinking maybe I ought to have a kid. 905 01:23:04,229 --> 01:23:06,814 I shouldn't have let you drink. 906 01:23:06,899 --> 01:23:09,859 No, see, that is your other problem right there, hero. 907 01:23:11,362 --> 01:23:14,072 Everything's your fault. Everything is your responsibility. 908 01:23:14,156 --> 01:23:18,326 Somebody's gonna fall to pieces? Well, here's Will with a glue stick. 909 01:23:19,078 --> 01:23:21,829 Some soldier gets drunk-- Hey, let me tell you something. 910 01:23:21,914 --> 01:23:26,000 I had a beer last month, okay? 911 01:23:26,085 --> 01:23:28,961 A few weeks ago, I had a few more. 912 01:23:29,046 --> 01:23:30,963 - The other day-- - You serious? 913 01:23:32,299 --> 01:23:34,509 Today is not the day that I got off the wagon. 914 01:23:34,593 --> 01:23:38,763 This is the day that I'm gonna not bother pretending anymore. 915 01:23:46,605 --> 01:23:50,066 Stay the fuck away from us, you assholes! 916 01:23:50,150 --> 01:23:53,152 Motherfuckers! Goddamn it! 917 01:23:53,237 --> 01:23:54,237 It's okay. 918 01:23:54,321 --> 01:23:55,947 Fuck you! 919 01:23:56,031 --> 01:23:57,615 Let's head back. 920 01:23:58,492 --> 01:24:00,493 Stone, let's head back. 921 01:24:02,579 --> 01:24:04,330 Where'd you learn about knots? 922 01:24:04,415 --> 01:24:06,207 Oh, Boy Scouts. 923 01:24:06,291 --> 01:24:11,129 They sure love a good knot. Easy to tie, easy to untie, hard to pull loose. 924 01:24:11,213 --> 01:24:13,131 Dude, what's your fucking problem, anyway? 925 01:24:13,215 --> 01:24:14,924 You own this lake? 926 01:24:21,348 --> 01:24:23,599 - Lock and load, Sergeant. - Yes, Sir. 927 01:24:23,684 --> 01:24:25,435 Hey, ladies. 928 01:24:25,519 --> 01:24:28,438 - What sorority you girls belong to? - What the fuck? 929 01:24:33,444 --> 01:24:38,114 Boy, those girls sure overreacted. Just a little fight is all. 930 01:24:42,077 --> 01:24:43,828 I thought they was cool. 931 01:24:45,205 --> 01:24:46,622 Sorry, buddy. 932 01:24:49,418 --> 01:24:54,046 Hey, how far did you get with that girl, Laura? 933 01:24:54,131 --> 01:24:56,257 - Lara. - Lara. 934 01:24:56,341 --> 01:24:59,177 What a name, Lara. 935 01:25:08,854 --> 01:25:14,233 Give me a home where the buffalo roam 936 01:25:14,318 --> 01:25:18,488 Where the deer and the antelope play 937 01:25:21,617 --> 01:25:27,580 Where seldom is heard a discouraging word 938 01:25:28,832 --> 01:25:33,586 And the skies are not cloudy all day 939 01:25:34,296 --> 01:25:38,925 Home, home on the range 940 01:25:39,009 --> 01:25:43,763 Where the deer and the antelope play 941 01:25:45,641 --> 01:25:51,395 Where seldom is heard a discouraging word 942 01:25:51,480 --> 01:25:56,776 And the skies are not cloudy all day 943 01:25:56,860 --> 01:25:58,528 Whoo! 944 01:25:58,612 --> 01:26:03,241 Home, home on the range 945 01:26:09,331 --> 01:26:12,708 Bill! Hi. Good to see you. Thanks for coming. 946 01:26:30,227 --> 01:26:33,521 You should have RSVP'd, okay? Alan is gonna freak. 947 01:26:35,607 --> 01:26:37,525 Hey. I didn't know you-- 948 01:26:37,609 --> 01:26:39,485 Alan, good to see you. Long time. 949 01:26:40,153 --> 01:26:42,738 Yeah. Jesus, you look terrible. 950 01:26:42,823 --> 01:26:45,157 I feel terrible. 951 01:26:47,578 --> 01:26:52,290 Tony, this is Alan. Alan, Tony, groom-to-be. 952 01:26:52,374 --> 01:26:55,459 Hey, Tony. What happened to you guys? 953 01:26:55,544 --> 01:26:59,589 Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. We do all our own stunts, you know. 954 01:26:59,673 --> 01:27:03,801 Kelly, Tony. Tony, Kelly. Bride. 955 01:27:03,886 --> 01:27:06,095 Enchanté. Hubba-hubba. 956 01:27:10,100 --> 01:27:13,895 Well... let's get these guys some drinks. 957 01:27:15,647 --> 01:27:17,607 - I was just about to sober up. Come on. - Sounds good. 958 01:27:17,691 --> 01:27:21,819 Let's go, Alan. Come on. All right? 959 01:27:26,366 --> 01:27:27,867 - You look beautiful. - Don't. 960 01:27:29,328 --> 01:27:30,578 You do. 961 01:27:32,164 --> 01:27:34,332 - What is this? - It's nothing. 962 01:27:41,840 --> 01:27:44,884 So, on behalf of everyone in the room... 963 01:27:44,968 --> 01:27:47,345 and those who couldn't make it here tonight... 964 01:27:49,723 --> 01:27:53,684 Kelly and Alan... 965 01:27:56,021 --> 01:27:57,939 here's to a lifetime together, huh? 966 01:27:58,023 --> 01:27:59,941 Hear! Hear! 967 01:28:00,025 --> 01:28:01,692 Whoo! Kelly and Alan. 968 01:28:03,528 --> 01:28:07,406 Hey, there's a lot better things we could be doing right now than talking. 969 01:28:07,491 --> 01:28:09,533 I would like to say something. 970 01:28:12,746 --> 01:28:16,624 Jesus Christ. Before you do... 971 01:28:16,708 --> 01:28:21,420 I would like everyone to toast our troops. 972 01:28:21,505 --> 01:28:23,631 Hear! Hear! 973 01:28:23,715 --> 01:28:28,344 Love the war or hate it, we support you guys all the way. 974 01:28:28,428 --> 01:28:31,013 Hear! Hear! 975 01:28:33,725 --> 01:28:36,727 - They support us. - All the way. 976 01:28:38,230 --> 01:28:39,563 Alan... 977 01:28:41,233 --> 01:28:42,900 Kelly... 978 01:28:43,944 --> 01:28:45,695 family and friends... 979 01:28:53,745 --> 01:28:56,664 the Secretary of the Army... 980 01:28:56,748 --> 01:29:01,585 is pleased to congratulate you on your engagement. 981 01:29:04,172 --> 01:29:06,507 We love it here We love it here 982 01:29:06,591 --> 01:29:09,969 You bet your ass We love it here 983 01:29:10,053 --> 01:29:12,430 - Hoo-ahh! - Hoo-ahh! 984 01:29:18,437 --> 01:29:19,729 Back away. 985 01:29:33,160 --> 01:29:34,910 Go, Sergeant! 986 01:29:37,164 --> 01:29:38,789 Fuck me. 987 01:29:43,628 --> 01:29:45,921 You just caught a .556 in your upper lip! 988 01:29:46,006 --> 01:29:47,131 Bang! 989 01:29:47,215 --> 01:29:48,215 Boom. 990 01:29:56,516 --> 01:30:00,186 This is America! 991 01:31:14,719 --> 01:31:20,516 Hey. 992 01:31:27,399 --> 01:31:28,941 It's time to wake up. 993 01:31:35,198 --> 01:31:37,241 Jesus, am I dead? 994 01:31:39,077 --> 01:31:40,077 No. 995 01:31:43,165 --> 01:31:45,749 Oh, dear God, help me. 996 01:31:54,926 --> 01:31:57,261 I gotta call my sponsor. 997 01:32:09,816 --> 01:32:12,276 We should both get out of this together. 998 01:32:13,653 --> 01:32:15,154 You could retire. 999 01:32:17,282 --> 01:32:19,742 We'd go fishing in Alaska. 1000 01:32:28,126 --> 01:32:30,461 Nah, this Dorsett will never let me go. 1001 01:32:30,545 --> 01:32:32,129 He doesn't own you. 1002 01:32:33,715 --> 01:32:35,466 He saved my life. 1003 01:32:36,218 --> 01:32:40,346 Got me sober... until yesterday. 1004 01:32:43,475 --> 01:32:46,101 The army owns me and that's fine with me. 1005 01:32:50,065 --> 01:32:53,317 That's not fine with me. Come on. 1006 01:33:09,501 --> 01:33:11,669 All I ever wanted... 1007 01:33:13,129 --> 01:33:14,797 was to get shot at. 1008 01:33:18,718 --> 01:33:23,347 That too much to ask for on the battlefield? A battle? 1009 01:33:27,143 --> 01:33:29,687 I thought you said you had your baptism. 1010 01:33:33,316 --> 01:33:34,900 Yeah, well, I lied. 1011 01:33:37,570 --> 01:33:39,238 Wasn't much of a war. 1012 01:34:00,927 --> 01:34:02,094 Heads up. 1013 01:34:12,022 --> 01:34:14,315 Dale Martin's my name. Do you remember me? 1014 01:34:16,026 --> 01:34:17,026 Yes, sir. 1015 01:34:32,625 --> 01:34:35,419 You know what's the last thing my son said to me? 1016 01:34:37,589 --> 01:34:43,010 He said, "I'll see you next week." On the phone. 1017 01:34:43,094 --> 01:34:45,095 That's what he said, from over there. 1018 01:34:48,641 --> 01:34:51,935 And all I said was, "Yeah." 1019 01:34:56,649 --> 01:34:57,649 I'm-- 1020 01:34:59,736 --> 01:35:01,487 I'm not a good talker. 1021 01:35:04,783 --> 01:35:06,033 But-- 1022 01:35:09,871 --> 01:35:12,456 Will you please forgive me? 1023 01:35:16,628 --> 01:35:20,214 Sir, there's nothing to forgive. 1024 01:35:42,987 --> 01:35:45,447 Mama said there'd be days like these. 1025 01:35:58,044 --> 01:36:03,799 Our LT was taking fire two blocks down... 1026 01:36:03,883 --> 01:36:08,595 and so I made a decision to move up this alleyway... 1027 01:36:08,680 --> 01:36:12,141 so we could get into this haji market that I knew had roof access. 1028 01:36:15,019 --> 01:36:17,855 Sniper fire came down on us from everywhere. 1029 01:36:17,939 --> 01:36:20,232 It was just pop, pop, pop, pop. 1030 01:36:20,316 --> 01:36:25,863 And we're all scrambling around trying to get some cover... 1031 01:36:25,947 --> 01:36:27,948 when an IED goes off. 1032 01:36:28,032 --> 01:36:29,700 You know, blows us back. 1033 01:36:31,703 --> 01:36:33,203 And we're all-- 1034 01:36:37,876 --> 01:36:42,004 But I can see Timmerman is still standing, and he has-- 1035 01:36:42,881 --> 01:36:47,092 he has this flap hanging off the side of his head... 1036 01:36:47,177 --> 01:36:49,803 and when he turns around, I can see it's the-- 1037 01:36:49,888 --> 01:36:52,097 I can see it's the side of his face. 1038 01:36:52,182 --> 01:36:56,643 Two of my guys behind us are hit and I'm yelling at them... 1039 01:36:56,728 --> 01:36:59,980 you know, yelling, "Get out of the road"... 1040 01:37:00,064 --> 01:37:02,900 but they're screaming so loud they can't hear me. 1041 01:37:02,984 --> 01:37:07,696 So I take off. I pick one of 'em up. 1042 01:37:09,574 --> 01:37:10,866 He was... 1043 01:37:12,744 --> 01:37:16,288 I don't know, third month, fourth month, 18, 19. 1044 01:37:16,372 --> 01:37:18,332 Pull the other one with my free hand... 1045 01:37:18,416 --> 01:37:21,043 take us and drop them behind these truck tires. 1046 01:37:21,127 --> 01:37:25,923 And we're all catching our breath, trying to radio the bird... 1047 01:37:27,967 --> 01:37:29,510 when I see Derek... 1048 01:37:31,429 --> 01:37:33,430 just bleeding out in the middle of the street. 1049 01:37:33,515 --> 01:37:35,516 Now, sniper fire had slowed... 1050 01:37:37,393 --> 01:37:39,394 and he was on his back. 1051 01:37:41,689 --> 01:37:43,941 He had his hands up like this. 1052 01:37:44,025 --> 01:37:47,861 Looked like he was-- like he was praying. 1053 01:37:47,946 --> 01:37:52,908 Nothing but noise from the radio, so I make a mad dash to him. 1054 01:37:53,576 --> 01:37:55,869 It's pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! 1055 01:37:55,954 --> 01:37:59,748 Grab his wrist, drag him across the street behind this burned-out old car. 1056 01:38:01,459 --> 01:38:04,127 And he looking down at his hands. 1057 01:38:04,212 --> 01:38:05,921 He keeps looking down at his damn hands. 1058 01:38:06,005 --> 01:38:09,132 He keeps opening them and closing them... 1059 01:38:09,217 --> 01:38:12,594 and he's opening, he keeps saying over and over... 1060 01:38:12,679 --> 01:38:16,056 "I can't feel my hands. I can't feel my hands." 1061 01:38:16,140 --> 01:38:18,934 And I'm looking down at his hands. His hands are fine. 1062 01:38:19,018 --> 01:38:21,186 There's not a spot on them... 1063 01:38:21,271 --> 01:38:24,106 when his left leg is, you know, halfway down the block. 1064 01:38:24,190 --> 01:38:28,777 So I start pushing him underneath the car... 1065 01:38:29,487 --> 01:38:33,073 and I'm saying, "Derek, your hands are fine. Your hands are fine. 1066 01:38:34,409 --> 01:38:35,909 Just sit tight." 1067 01:38:35,994 --> 01:38:40,539 And he looked at me like I was-- 1068 01:38:40,623 --> 01:38:42,958 He looked at me like I was lying to him. 1069 01:38:45,169 --> 01:38:47,629 And that's when the IED went off under him. 1070 01:38:51,134 --> 01:38:52,301 Jesus. 1071 01:38:55,013 --> 01:38:59,474 I actually got pieces of him blasted right into me. 1072 01:38:59,559 --> 01:39:01,059 It was like... 1073 01:39:03,187 --> 01:39:04,688 flesh shrapnel. 1074 01:39:05,940 --> 01:39:08,108 When I came to, I had already been to the FOB. 1075 01:39:08,192 --> 01:39:11,945 I was on my way to Ramstein. In the hospital, I'm laid out and some guy comes in. 1076 01:39:12,030 --> 01:39:16,783 I can't see very well, and he drops this little-- 1077 01:39:16,868 --> 01:39:19,494 drops a little ribbon on my bare chest and I'm-- 1078 01:39:19,579 --> 01:39:25,542 I'm all hooked up to wires and machines and heart rate monitors... 1079 01:39:27,211 --> 01:39:29,129 IV's and shit. 1080 01:39:29,213 --> 01:39:31,632 Shit I, you know, shit I don't need. 1081 01:39:31,716 --> 01:39:33,592 And he-- 1082 01:39:35,345 --> 01:39:37,846 he says, "Son... 1083 01:39:40,850 --> 01:39:42,392 you're a hero." 1084 01:39:43,519 --> 01:39:45,729 Damn right, you are. 1085 01:39:47,315 --> 01:39:48,398 No. 1086 01:39:51,569 --> 01:39:54,071 No, I-- No. 1087 01:39:56,074 --> 01:39:57,574 I put him there. 1088 01:39:58,660 --> 01:40:00,160 I did that. 1089 01:40:01,746 --> 01:40:04,539 That was me. I didn't mean to. I didn't plan that. 1090 01:40:04,624 --> 01:40:06,667 There's no planning. You can't plan. 1091 01:40:08,419 --> 01:40:10,587 You only have the moment, but that's what I did. 1092 01:40:10,672 --> 01:40:11,838 I-- 1093 01:40:13,716 --> 01:40:16,093 I loaded him into the bomb. 1094 01:40:26,688 --> 01:40:28,772 That's not a hero in my book. 1095 01:40:32,610 --> 01:40:36,488 A couple weeks later, I'm on crutches. 1096 01:40:39,867 --> 01:40:43,203 Major surgery. Fox eye shield patch. 1097 01:40:44,163 --> 01:40:49,960 And everything looks gray-- the nurses, the flowers, blood. 1098 01:40:50,795 --> 01:40:53,422 I'm wandering the halls in the hospital. 1099 01:40:57,385 --> 01:40:58,969 My ears are ringing. 1100 01:40:59,721 --> 01:41:03,056 I take the elevator up to the roof and climb the stairs. 1101 01:41:03,141 --> 01:41:05,726 And we're not supposed to be up there... 1102 01:41:05,810 --> 01:41:10,647 but that's where the doctors take their smoke breaks. 1103 01:41:12,150 --> 01:41:13,650 So the door was open. 1104 01:41:14,986 --> 01:41:16,486 And the whole-- 1105 01:41:18,322 --> 01:41:23,535 the whole living thing just didn't, you know, make sense anymore. 1106 01:41:23,619 --> 01:41:24,953 It was-- 1107 01:41:27,874 --> 01:41:29,916 I was out there for a while... 1108 01:41:33,337 --> 01:41:34,838 standing on the edge... 1109 01:41:36,924 --> 01:41:40,969 and it was cold and it was dark... 1110 01:41:43,681 --> 01:41:45,348 and I felt calm. 1111 01:41:47,727 --> 01:41:49,311 Why didn't you jump? 1112 01:42:02,909 --> 01:42:04,534 The sun came up. 1113 01:42:07,038 --> 01:42:08,538 The sun came up? 1114 01:42:09,540 --> 01:42:10,749 Yes. 1115 01:42:12,877 --> 01:42:14,795 The sun came up and-- 1116 01:42:16,005 --> 01:42:18,548 and I didn't feel like dying anymore. 1117 01:42:24,472 --> 01:42:25,972 Want another one? 1118 01:42:28,476 --> 01:42:29,976 No, I just-- 1119 01:42:31,687 --> 01:42:33,104 Pepsi. 1120 01:42:33,189 --> 01:42:36,274 This fake beer tastes like laundry. 1121 01:44:09,118 --> 01:44:11,161 Pass me the ball. Pass me the ball. 1122 01:44:15,333 --> 01:44:16,833 Where you heading? 1123 01:44:17,501 --> 01:44:19,377 Louisiana. 1124 01:44:22,882 --> 01:44:24,382 Taking the piano. 1125 01:44:26,302 --> 01:44:27,761 What? 1126 01:44:27,845 --> 01:44:29,346 Why? 1127 01:44:29,430 --> 01:44:31,890 - Do you play? - No. 1128 01:44:34,185 --> 01:44:35,685 A little bit. 1129 01:44:37,021 --> 01:44:40,857 My mom forced me when I was a kid. 1130 01:44:41,525 --> 01:44:43,026 I hated it. 1131 01:44:44,946 --> 01:44:46,821 Hey, you don't have to-- 1132 01:44:50,868 --> 01:44:52,369 Thanks a lot. 1133 01:45:13,224 --> 01:45:14,933 - Yes! - Good-bye, Will. 1134 01:45:18,354 --> 01:45:19,729 Good luck. 1135 01:45:25,152 --> 01:45:29,072 Look, I've never been very good at timing. 1136 01:45:31,242 --> 01:45:33,243 I wouldn't say that. 1137 01:45:34,578 --> 01:45:40,291 Maybe... you'd let me know where you are, you know, your address? 1138 01:45:41,627 --> 01:45:43,545 I don't mind driving. 1139 01:45:50,970 --> 01:45:52,971 I think I could handle that. 1140 01:45:54,724 --> 01:45:55,932 Okay? 1141 01:45:56,851 --> 01:45:58,435 Okay. 1142 01:46:02,356 --> 01:46:03,606 E-mail? 1143 01:46:04,942 --> 01:46:07,944 Yeah. I just have to get a computer first. 1144 01:46:08,654 --> 01:46:10,613 I could check at Tony's, though. 1145 01:46:11,949 --> 01:46:13,450 You're staying on? 1146 01:46:13,534 --> 01:46:15,452 Thinking about it. 1147 01:46:23,836 --> 01:46:29,382 Why don't you come inside and give me your address... 1148 01:46:29,467 --> 01:46:31,593 and I'll write you a letter. 1149 01:46:33,304 --> 01:46:34,846 I'd like that. 1150 01:46:48,486 --> 01:46:50,153 Yeah. 1151 01:46:51,000 --> 01:46:54,137 Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player