1 00:00:04,043 --> 00:00:06,393 (tense music) 2 00:00:06,393 --> 00:00:12,383 (dogs barking) 3 00:00:32,053 --> 00:00:34,761 - Patience, my precious. 4 00:00:34,761 --> 00:00:37,505 It will not be long now. 5 00:00:37,505 --> 00:00:40,043 One only needs to look into your eyes, 6 00:00:40,043 --> 00:00:43,223 and they can see that dogs are superior beings, 7 00:00:43,223 --> 00:00:46,538 so much more considerate and caring than people, 8 00:00:46,538 --> 00:00:51,210 which is why I'm about to change the face of humankind. 9 00:00:51,210 --> 00:00:54,054 All it will take is a hair of the dog 10 00:00:54,054 --> 00:00:57,457 and my new genetic enhancer. 11 00:00:57,457 --> 00:01:00,738 (bubbling) 12 00:01:00,738 --> 00:01:06,620 (suspenseful music) 13 00:01:06,620 --> 00:01:07,584 (electricity crackling) 14 00:01:07,584 --> 00:01:08,417 Oh, yes! 15 00:01:08,417 --> 00:01:10,542 I feel it working! 16 00:01:10,542 --> 00:01:15,878 Soon I will join you, be one with you! 17 00:01:15,878 --> 00:01:18,997 (man howling) 18 00:01:18,997 --> 00:01:24,987 (wolves howling) 19 00:01:35,601 --> 00:01:36,984 (pug whimpering) 20 00:01:36,984 --> 00:01:39,335 - Yeah, yeah, I hear them. 21 00:01:39,335 --> 00:01:40,900 How could I miss it? 22 00:01:40,900 --> 00:01:43,253 But the message can't be right. 23 00:01:43,253 --> 00:01:45,219 It's impossible, isn't it? 24 00:01:45,219 --> 00:01:47,593 (pug whimpering) 25 00:01:47,593 --> 00:01:51,073 Eh, oh all right, we'll check it out. 26 00:01:51,073 --> 00:01:53,071 Empower the dog! 27 00:01:53,071 --> 00:01:58,439 (intense music) 28 00:01:58,439 --> 00:02:04,429 (howling) 29 00:02:05,876 --> 00:02:09,223 (wolf howling) 30 00:02:09,223 --> 00:02:11,657 (adventurous music) 31 00:02:11,657 --> 00:02:15,887 - [Voiceover] Twins, both destined for greatness. 32 00:02:15,887 --> 00:02:21,877 But only one can wear the golden power band of the dragons. 33 00:02:22,990 --> 00:02:25,321 Only one may use its power 34 00:02:25,321 --> 00:02:29,019 to battle the forces of darkest evil. 35 00:02:29,019 --> 00:02:33,407 The other must decide which path she will take. 36 00:02:33,407 --> 00:02:39,397 (dynamic music) 37 00:02:45,328 --> 00:02:50,103 Only one, the chosen one, can be ... 38 00:02:50,103 --> 00:02:54,490 the new Golden Dragon. 39 00:02:54,490 --> 00:03:00,480 (dramatic music) 40 00:03:05,848 --> 00:03:11,838 (dogs barking) 41 00:03:21,383 --> 00:03:26,232 - (yawning) Man, it's not even 6:00 a.m. 42 00:03:26,232 --> 00:03:30,130 It sounds like every dog in the city's freaking out. 43 00:03:30,130 --> 00:03:32,287 - More like in the entire country. 44 00:03:32,287 --> 00:03:35,476 - I wonder what set them off. 45 00:03:35,476 --> 00:03:38,390 - Say what? 46 00:03:38,390 --> 00:03:44,380 (dogs barking) 47 00:03:49,669 --> 00:03:53,882 - I'm digging as fast as I can, guys. 48 00:03:53,882 --> 00:03:59,872 (anxious music) 49 00:04:01,781 --> 00:04:05,146 You all stay here! 50 00:04:05,146 --> 00:04:11,136 I mean it! 51 00:04:23,487 --> 00:04:29,752 (yipping) 52 00:04:29,752 --> 00:04:32,784 (growling) 53 00:04:32,784 --> 00:04:35,804 It's always best to let sleeping dogs lie, 54 00:04:35,804 --> 00:04:41,306 but when they want to fight, always get in the first lick. 55 00:04:41,306 --> 00:04:43,485 (shouting) 56 00:04:43,485 --> 00:04:45,185 (growling) 57 00:04:45,185 --> 00:04:50,350 What are you? 58 00:04:50,350 --> 00:04:53,163 (yipping) 59 00:04:53,163 --> 00:04:57,016 (whimpering) 60 00:04:57,016 --> 00:05:03,006 (snarling) 61 00:05:16,597 --> 00:05:22,587 (whimpering) 62 00:05:28,145 --> 00:05:34,135 (anxious music) 63 00:05:35,886 --> 00:05:41,876 (moaning) 64 00:05:42,975 --> 00:05:46,404 Get help. 65 00:05:46,404 --> 00:05:49,669 Dragon dojo. 66 00:05:49,669 --> 00:05:50,958 Hong ... 67 00:05:50,958 --> 00:05:53,242 Kong. 68 00:05:53,242 --> 00:05:59,232 (moaning) 69 00:06:30,525 --> 00:06:32,422 - Nice move, brother. 70 00:06:32,422 --> 00:06:35,814 You've learned a lot since becoming the Golden Dragon. 71 00:06:35,814 --> 00:06:39,548 (shouting) 72 00:06:39,548 --> 00:06:45,386 - A Golden Dragon must master all his senses. 73 00:06:45,386 --> 00:06:51,376 He must not only see but hear and smell his opponent. 74 00:06:54,333 --> 00:06:58,068 - (chuckling) Well, this opponent stinks! 75 00:06:58,068 --> 00:07:03,094 (chuckling) 76 00:07:03,094 --> 00:07:07,962 (shouts) 77 00:07:07,962 --> 00:07:10,241 - Now who stinks? 78 00:07:10,241 --> 00:07:12,486 - I know we just had a hard workout, Xuan Chi, 79 00:07:12,486 --> 00:07:13,554 but I'm not kidding. 80 00:07:13,554 --> 00:07:15,837 You really stink. 81 00:07:15,837 --> 00:07:21,555 (sniffing) 82 00:07:21,555 --> 00:07:26,569 - Not me. 83 00:07:26,569 --> 00:07:32,559 Where is that smell coming from? 84 00:07:39,368 --> 00:07:42,187 (sniffing) 85 00:07:42,187 --> 00:07:44,501 (growling) 86 00:07:44,501 --> 00:07:45,334 - Look! 87 00:07:45,334 --> 00:07:46,192 Look out! 88 00:07:46,192 --> 00:07:47,407 Be careful! 89 00:07:47,407 --> 00:07:49,699 It looks really mean! 90 00:07:49,699 --> 00:07:50,532 Go on! 91 00:07:50,532 --> 00:07:51,377 Scram! 92 00:07:51,377 --> 00:07:52,640 Shoo, get out of here! 93 00:07:52,640 --> 00:07:53,473 Go away! 94 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:55,014 Move along, nothing to see! 95 00:07:55,014 --> 00:07:56,680 Walk away, back off! 96 00:07:56,680 --> 00:07:57,763 Go! 97 00:07:57,763 --> 00:08:02,630 - Stop it! 98 00:08:02,630 --> 00:08:06,771 - We should've known that stink was a trap! 99 00:08:06,771 --> 00:08:10,817 (shouting) 100 00:08:10,817 --> 00:08:12,550 - Empower the dragon! 101 00:08:12,550 --> 00:08:18,540 (intense music) 102 00:08:21,970 --> 00:08:24,532 - I'm not here to fight, Ang. 103 00:08:24,532 --> 00:08:29,157 - Then why are you here, sis? 104 00:08:29,157 --> 00:08:30,128 - Can't a sister just wonder 105 00:08:30,128 --> 00:08:32,285 how her brother's doing once in a while? 106 00:08:32,285 --> 00:08:33,892 - Don't trust her, Ang! 107 00:08:33,892 --> 00:08:38,089 Her stinky little flea bag could've just eaten us alive! 108 00:08:38,089 --> 00:08:39,293 - Back off, banana boy! 109 00:08:39,293 --> 00:08:40,404 - Hey! 110 00:08:40,404 --> 00:08:41,955 - I don't use animals. 111 00:08:41,955 --> 00:08:42,788 Ever! 112 00:08:42,788 --> 00:08:45,593 And this poor little fella is obviously lost. 113 00:08:45,593 --> 00:08:47,221 He needs water right away. 114 00:08:47,221 --> 00:08:48,455 You wouldn't turn your back on someone 115 00:08:48,455 --> 00:08:50,248 who needed a friend, would you? 116 00:08:50,248 --> 00:08:51,295 - No. - Good. 117 00:08:51,295 --> 00:08:57,285 (tense music) 118 00:09:08,713 --> 00:09:11,904 - All cleanie-weenie, and we make sure to rinse away 119 00:09:11,904 --> 00:09:17,574 all the soapie-woapie so you won't itch. 120 00:09:17,574 --> 00:09:21,072 (panting) 121 00:09:21,072 --> 00:09:22,622 Okay, you're welcome, but let's make sure 122 00:09:22,622 --> 00:09:27,535 you're good and dry before you go cruising around. 123 00:09:27,535 --> 00:09:29,777 - I don't trust her just popping up 124 00:09:29,777 --> 00:09:32,469 and putting on this warm and fuzzy show! 125 00:09:32,469 --> 00:09:33,539 - No show. 126 00:09:33,539 --> 00:09:35,972 Ling's always been passionate about animals. 127 00:09:35,972 --> 00:09:37,989 I mean all animals. 128 00:09:37,989 --> 00:09:40,715 It's like she's got this special connection. 129 00:09:40,715 --> 00:09:43,938 - Anyone who cares for a helpless creature like that 130 00:09:43,938 --> 00:09:48,185 cannot be all bad. 131 00:09:48,185 --> 00:09:50,354 - Where's the fire? 132 00:09:50,354 --> 00:09:56,407 (yipping) 133 00:09:56,407 --> 00:09:57,614 Are you guys just gonna stand there, 134 00:09:57,614 --> 00:10:02,142 or are you gonna help me catch this little cruiser? 135 00:10:02,142 --> 00:10:08,132 (anxious music) 136 00:10:10,335 --> 00:10:14,950 (yipping) 137 00:10:14,950 --> 00:10:16,851 - How'd he figure out how to get in here? 138 00:10:16,851 --> 00:10:19,403 (howling) 139 00:10:19,403 --> 00:10:20,380 - Cruiser? 140 00:10:20,380 --> 00:10:23,709 What is it, Cruiser? 141 00:10:23,709 --> 00:10:25,077 - Chow, the Dog Guardian, 142 00:10:25,077 --> 00:10:27,669 he must be in some kind of trouble. 143 00:10:27,669 --> 00:10:29,416 - Hey, don't look at me! 144 00:10:29,416 --> 00:10:31,728 But I'll bet this little guy knows. 145 00:10:31,728 --> 00:10:33,022 - Come on! 146 00:10:33,022 --> 00:10:34,501 It's a silly mutt! 147 00:10:34,501 --> 00:10:35,423 - Haven't you ever heard stories 148 00:10:35,423 --> 00:10:37,010 about a pet saving their owner 149 00:10:37,010 --> 00:10:38,985 when no one else knew they were in trouble? 150 00:10:38,985 --> 00:10:40,508 - Yeah, I've also heard stories 151 00:10:40,508 --> 00:10:43,334 about a little old woman who lives in a shoe. 152 00:10:43,334 --> 00:10:44,700 But I don't believe that. 153 00:10:44,700 --> 00:10:48,984 (yipping) 154 00:10:48,984 --> 00:10:50,247 - He wants us to follow him. 155 00:10:50,247 --> 00:10:51,784 - Ling, we have bigger problems. 156 00:10:51,784 --> 00:10:53,716 One of the Guardians is in trouble. 157 00:10:53,716 --> 00:10:54,792 - Hello! 158 00:10:54,792 --> 00:10:58,455 That's what Cruiser's been trying to tell you. 159 00:10:58,455 --> 00:10:59,754 (yipping) 160 00:10:59,754 --> 00:11:00,771 You know I'm right. 161 00:11:00,771 --> 00:11:01,785 - Come on! 162 00:11:01,785 --> 00:11:03,143 She's flipped! 163 00:11:03,143 --> 00:11:03,976 Hasn't she? 164 00:11:03,976 --> 00:11:05,561 - A Guardian must remember 165 00:11:05,561 --> 00:11:08,735 that many paths lead to the same destination. 166 00:11:08,735 --> 00:11:10,555 - You really think we should ... 167 00:11:10,555 --> 00:11:11,919 follow a dog? 168 00:11:11,919 --> 00:11:13,101 - Yes. 169 00:11:13,101 --> 00:11:18,651 But not before preparing yourselves to face grave danger. 170 00:11:18,651 --> 00:11:20,441 - You want us to power up. 171 00:11:20,441 --> 00:11:22,766 Even Ling? 172 00:11:22,766 --> 00:11:25,700 - Oh, it must be something really bad 173 00:11:25,700 --> 00:11:27,505 if you're encouraging her to-- 174 00:11:27,505 --> 00:11:30,361 - Empower the Shadow Dragon! 175 00:11:30,361 --> 00:11:37,090 (intense music) 176 00:11:37,090 --> 00:11:43,772 - Empower the Dragon! 177 00:11:43,772 --> 00:11:49,762 - I only hope the powers of both dragons will be enough. 178 00:12:02,059 --> 00:12:08,907 (moaning) 179 00:12:08,907 --> 00:12:12,643 - He wants us to go that way. 180 00:12:12,643 --> 00:12:15,068 - I can't believe we're following this flea bag 181 00:12:15,068 --> 00:12:19,926 on some wild goose chase. 182 00:12:19,926 --> 00:12:23,837 (whimpering) 183 00:12:23,837 --> 00:12:24,670 (yipping) 184 00:12:24,670 --> 00:12:26,606 - Chow! 185 00:12:26,606 --> 00:12:32,596 - Guess this proves mutts are smarting than monkey boys. 186 00:12:34,542 --> 00:12:36,315 Lucky Cruiser found him. 187 00:12:36,315 --> 00:12:38,250 He wouldn't have lasted much longer out here. 188 00:12:38,250 --> 00:12:41,134 - Is he okay? 189 00:12:41,134 --> 00:12:44,084 (groaning) 190 00:12:44,084 --> 00:12:45,385 - Good dog. 191 00:12:45,385 --> 00:12:46,239 - Look! 192 00:12:46,239 --> 00:12:48,101 His power band is missing! 193 00:12:48,101 --> 00:12:49,550 (yipping) 194 00:12:49,550 --> 00:12:50,657 - Where is it, Cruiser? 195 00:12:50,657 --> 00:12:51,971 (yipping) 196 00:12:51,971 --> 00:12:55,188 Show me, boy! 197 00:12:55,188 --> 00:12:56,021 - Ang! 198 00:12:56,021 --> 00:12:57,822 We can't let her find it! 199 00:12:57,822 --> 00:13:00,509 She'll take it right to the Zodiac Master. 200 00:13:00,509 --> 00:13:01,434 - Ling! 201 00:13:01,434 --> 00:13:02,862 - Xuan Chi will go with Cruiser. 202 00:13:02,862 --> 00:13:09,213 (whimpering) 203 00:13:09,213 --> 00:13:10,303 - Huh? 204 00:13:10,303 --> 00:13:13,549 (yipping) 205 00:13:13,549 --> 00:13:14,900 (growling) 206 00:13:14,900 --> 00:13:15,854 - Down boy! 207 00:13:15,854 --> 00:13:21,844 You rip it, you buy it! 208 00:13:26,458 --> 00:13:27,574 - Give me your arm. 209 00:13:27,574 --> 00:13:28,407 - What? 210 00:13:28,407 --> 00:13:29,693 - The combined power of our dragon bands 211 00:13:29,693 --> 00:13:31,248 will generate a healing energy. 212 00:13:31,248 --> 00:13:32,986 - Even on mine's shadow power? 213 00:13:32,986 --> 00:13:35,317 - It's all about finding balance, Ling. 214 00:13:35,317 --> 00:13:36,939 The yin and the yang. 215 00:13:36,939 --> 00:13:38,112 - Yeah. 216 00:13:38,112 --> 00:13:41,630 It always has been that way between you and me, hasn't it? 217 00:13:41,630 --> 00:13:43,344 - Always. 218 00:13:43,344 --> 00:13:49,334 (dramatic music) 219 00:13:50,886 --> 00:13:53,075 - We have to stop it! 220 00:13:53,075 --> 00:13:55,948 - Stop who? 221 00:13:55,948 --> 00:13:57,862 - (gasps) Shadow Dragon? 222 00:13:57,862 --> 00:13:58,918 - It's okay. 223 00:13:58,918 --> 00:14:00,250 My sister is the one who convinced us 224 00:14:00,250 --> 00:14:05,288 to follow your little dog. 225 00:14:05,288 --> 00:14:08,572 - I've got to get back in there! 226 00:14:08,572 --> 00:14:09,728 - Hang on, Chow. 227 00:14:09,728 --> 00:14:12,509 Whoever did this to you is probably still out there. 228 00:14:12,509 --> 00:14:14,134 - You're not gonna believe this. 229 00:14:14,134 --> 00:14:17,425 Some scientist thinks dogs are better than people. 230 00:14:17,425 --> 00:14:18,258 - Hey! 231 00:14:18,258 --> 00:14:19,256 No argument there. 232 00:14:19,256 --> 00:14:22,789 - Yeah, well this guy wants to turn everyone into dogs, 233 00:14:22,789 --> 00:14:24,708 and he started with himself. 234 00:14:24,708 --> 00:14:25,737 - Get real! 235 00:14:25,737 --> 00:14:28,570 - I saw it with my own eyes. 236 00:14:28,570 --> 00:14:30,003 And felt it. 237 00:14:30,003 --> 00:14:33,692 He's got some kind of gene or DNA altering machine. 238 00:14:33,692 --> 00:14:36,350 - I love animals too, but I don't want to be on. 239 00:14:36,350 --> 00:14:38,527 We've gotta stop this biscuit-for-brains. 240 00:14:38,527 --> 00:14:40,572 - All right, we're with you all the way. 241 00:14:40,572 --> 00:14:44,149 - I had hoped my little friend would bring one dragon. 242 00:14:44,149 --> 00:14:46,111 I'm honored he found two. 243 00:14:46,111 --> 00:14:50,544 - Thanks. 244 00:14:50,544 --> 00:14:52,707 (growling) 245 00:14:52,707 --> 00:14:59,250 - Come back here with that! 246 00:14:59,250 --> 00:15:05,240 - Doggone mutt! 247 00:15:08,574 --> 00:15:09,614 - Oh! 248 00:15:09,614 --> 00:15:14,935 My power band! 249 00:15:14,935 --> 00:15:17,472 (yipping) 250 00:15:17,472 --> 00:15:19,531 - Good dog, little Cruiser! 251 00:15:19,531 --> 00:15:22,923 - I hadn't got around to naming him yet. 252 00:15:22,923 --> 00:15:25,244 Cruiser. 253 00:15:25,244 --> 00:15:29,195 It fits. 254 00:15:29,195 --> 00:15:31,505 - Empower the Dog! 255 00:15:31,505 --> 00:15:36,771 (intense music) 256 00:15:36,771 --> 00:15:37,993 Be ready. 257 00:15:37,993 --> 00:15:39,199 The thing that attacked me 258 00:15:39,199 --> 00:15:41,542 was like nothing we've seen before. 259 00:15:41,542 --> 00:15:44,677 - Yeah, but then neither are we! 260 00:15:44,677 --> 00:15:50,667 (dramatic music) 261 00:15:54,954 --> 00:15:56,932 - Hey, wait for me! 262 00:15:56,932 --> 00:16:02,922 You never know when you may need a little monkey business. 263 00:16:13,446 --> 00:16:16,646 (howling) 264 00:16:16,646 --> 00:16:22,636 (anxious music) 265 00:16:31,354 --> 00:16:34,338 - I got a bad feeling about this place. 266 00:16:34,338 --> 00:16:40,328 (growling) 267 00:16:43,533 --> 00:16:44,552 - What's the meaning of this? 268 00:16:44,552 --> 00:16:45,750 Who are you?! 269 00:16:45,750 --> 00:16:47,141 What are you? 270 00:16:47,141 --> 00:16:49,005 - Just concerned citizens. 271 00:16:49,005 --> 00:16:50,732 - Trespassing on private property. 272 00:16:50,732 --> 00:16:51,908 - So call the police. 273 00:16:51,908 --> 00:16:52,969 Bring in the Army. 274 00:16:52,969 --> 00:16:55,209 Then you can tell them what you're really doing here. 275 00:16:55,209 --> 00:16:57,751 - And what might that be? 276 00:16:57,751 --> 00:16:59,091 - Messing with nature. 277 00:16:59,091 --> 00:17:01,004 (barking) 278 00:17:01,004 --> 00:17:03,915 - I strongly doubt his testimony will hold up. 279 00:17:03,915 --> 00:17:06,477 However, I'd prefer it didn't come to that. 280 00:17:06,477 --> 00:17:10,783 So I shall demonstrate the ultimate genetic breakthrough. 281 00:17:10,783 --> 00:17:13,798 By turning you all into canine creatures! 282 00:17:13,798 --> 00:17:20,562 (electricity sizzling) 283 00:17:20,562 --> 00:17:23,086 Like this! 284 00:17:23,086 --> 00:17:26,299 - Mad scientist and mad dog alert! 285 00:17:26,299 --> 00:17:28,093 (barking) 286 00:17:28,093 --> 00:17:34,083 (howling) 287 00:17:35,840 --> 00:17:38,006 (dogs barking) 288 00:17:38,006 --> 00:17:43,663 (snarling) 289 00:17:43,663 --> 00:17:49,653 (shouting) 290 00:18:02,611 --> 00:18:08,601 (dogs barking) 291 00:18:10,918 --> 00:18:12,950 - You go high, I'll go low. 292 00:18:12,950 --> 00:18:13,783 (whimpering) 293 00:18:13,783 --> 00:18:16,767 Okay, okay, I'll go high, and you go low. 294 00:18:16,767 --> 00:18:22,757 (barking) 295 00:18:26,382 --> 00:18:32,372 (howling) 296 00:18:35,206 --> 00:18:36,794 - [Ang] Look out! 297 00:18:36,794 --> 00:18:42,041 (beakers shattering) 298 00:18:42,041 --> 00:18:48,031 (shouting) 299 00:18:50,413 --> 00:18:53,627 - [Ling] He's moving too fast. 300 00:18:53,627 --> 00:18:55,471 - We need a distraction to get a clear shot. 301 00:18:55,471 --> 00:18:57,871 (yipping) 302 00:18:57,871 --> 00:18:59,312 - No, Cruiser! 303 00:18:59,312 --> 00:19:04,637 (yipping) 304 00:19:04,637 --> 00:19:05,578 Don't fire! 305 00:19:05,578 --> 00:19:06,880 You might hit Cruiser! 306 00:19:06,880 --> 00:19:08,786 - [Ang] We've got to get that collar off him. 307 00:19:08,786 --> 00:19:10,414 - He's too powerful! 308 00:19:10,414 --> 00:19:11,598 - Don't worry! 309 00:19:11,598 --> 00:19:13,191 I brought reinforcements. 310 00:19:13,191 --> 00:19:15,116 (barking) 311 00:19:15,116 --> 00:19:21,106 - Cruiser, get his color! 312 00:19:23,674 --> 00:19:29,664 (howling) 313 00:19:33,618 --> 00:19:35,296 Gotcha. 314 00:19:35,296 --> 00:19:41,286 (growling) 315 00:19:54,518 --> 00:19:55,582 - Must ... 316 00:19:55,582 --> 00:19:56,762 have ... 317 00:19:56,762 --> 00:20:02,752 my collar. 318 00:20:05,590 --> 00:20:06,997 - Your dog days are over, doc. 319 00:20:06,997 --> 00:20:12,977 (dramatic music) 320 00:20:12,977 --> 00:20:16,436 - No! 321 00:20:16,436 --> 00:20:17,604 - Oh yes. 322 00:20:17,604 --> 00:20:23,594 (yipping) 323 00:20:35,349 --> 00:20:38,777 - The scientist is receiving the care he needs. 324 00:20:38,777 --> 00:20:41,350 And yes, Ling, his three dogs 325 00:20:41,350 --> 00:20:44,452 are also being very well cared for. 326 00:20:44,452 --> 00:20:46,101 (panting) 327 00:20:46,101 --> 00:20:48,710 - I'm sure gonna miss this little guy. 328 00:20:48,710 --> 00:20:51,925 - You're welcome to come and visit him any time. 329 00:20:51,925 --> 00:20:55,740 That is, as long as you leave the Zodiac Master behind. 330 00:20:55,740 --> 00:20:56,771 - Deal. 331 00:20:56,771 --> 00:20:59,542 - You know, Ling, you could have a pet. 332 00:20:59,542 --> 00:21:01,543 Heck, lots of them. 333 00:21:01,543 --> 00:21:03,609 If you moved home. 334 00:21:03,609 --> 00:21:06,685 - I think that's the best reason you've given me yet. 335 00:21:06,685 --> 00:21:09,449 Trouble is, I wouldn't have been able to help you 336 00:21:09,449 --> 00:21:16,406 without this, and I'm not ready to give it up. 337 00:21:16,406 --> 00:21:20,035 But maybe I'll see you around again, Golden Dragon. 338 00:21:20,035 --> 00:21:26,025 (dramatic music) 339 00:21:30,668 --> 00:22:04,533 (adventurous music)