1 00:00:04,043 --> 00:00:10,033 (eerie music) 2 00:00:12,876 --> 00:00:14,309 - Ha! 3 00:00:14,309 --> 00:00:18,590 Oof. 4 00:00:18,590 --> 00:00:20,528 Come on Master Chin. 5 00:00:20,528 --> 00:00:22,846 Can't we call it a night? 6 00:00:22,846 --> 00:00:24,528 We've been at this for hours now. 7 00:00:24,528 --> 00:00:25,806 It's not like I don't get enough 8 00:00:25,806 --> 00:00:27,496 practice fighting these days. 9 00:00:27,496 --> 00:00:29,086 - Perhaps there would be less need 10 00:00:29,086 --> 00:00:31,137 for both practice and fighting 11 00:00:31,137 --> 00:00:36,283 if you were more efficient in your endeavors. 12 00:00:36,283 --> 00:00:39,106 - What's that supposed to mean? 13 00:00:39,106 --> 00:00:42,233 Uh, honorable master. 14 00:00:42,233 --> 00:00:43,219 (Xuan yawning) 15 00:00:43,219 --> 00:00:45,429 It means try winning sometime. 16 00:00:45,429 --> 00:00:47,649 Whoa! 17 00:00:47,649 --> 00:00:49,908 (grunts) You need to work on your moves. 18 00:00:49,908 --> 00:00:50,771 - Really? 19 00:00:50,771 --> 00:00:52,784 Well how about this move! 20 00:00:52,784 --> 00:00:54,778 - Haa! 21 00:00:54,778 --> 00:00:55,800 (Ang gasps) 22 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:57,774 (Master Chin exclaims) 23 00:00:57,774 --> 00:00:58,607 - Ooo. (Ang screams) 24 00:00:58,607 --> 00:01:03,887 (Xuan yawns) I guess we're gonna be here all night. 25 00:01:03,887 --> 00:01:07,653 - Ow, I'd like to see you do better. 26 00:01:07,653 --> 00:01:09,871 - I was thinking the same thing 27 00:01:09,871 --> 00:01:11,026 about you. 28 00:01:11,026 --> 00:01:12,010 (Ling laughs) 29 00:01:12,010 --> 00:01:13,654 - Give it up, Master Chin. 30 00:01:13,654 --> 00:01:16,374 Ang can practice until he's as old as you, 31 00:01:16,374 --> 00:01:22,830 but my dear brother will always end up flat on his butt. 32 00:01:22,830 --> 00:01:24,761 As you can see, without the dragonband, 33 00:01:24,761 --> 00:01:27,019 he's totally useless. 34 00:01:27,019 --> 00:01:29,757 - I don't need any help to kick your... 35 00:01:29,757 --> 00:01:30,947 (grunting) 36 00:01:30,947 --> 00:01:36,937 (exclaiming) 37 00:01:43,008 --> 00:01:48,188 (discs pops) 38 00:01:48,188 --> 00:01:54,178 (discs bang) 39 00:02:04,429 --> 00:02:10,419 - The soul of a dragon, but the mind of a reckless child. 40 00:02:17,367 --> 00:02:21,716 - [Master Chin] Twins, both destined for greatness. 41 00:02:21,716 --> 00:02:28,564 But only one can wear the golden powerband of the dragon. 42 00:02:28,564 --> 00:02:31,570 Only one may use its power to battle 43 00:02:31,570 --> 00:02:34,753 the forces of darkest evil. 44 00:02:34,753 --> 00:02:38,569 The other must decide which path she will take. 45 00:02:38,569 --> 00:02:44,559 (adventurous tune) 46 00:02:50,818 --> 00:02:56,808 Only one, the chosen one, can be the new Golden Dragon. 47 00:03:00,927 --> 00:03:06,917 (gong reverberates) 48 00:03:13,129 --> 00:03:16,171 - Like taking candy from a baby. 49 00:03:16,171 --> 00:03:18,148 The band of the golden dragon will be-- 50 00:03:18,148 --> 00:03:19,440 - [Xuan] Incoming! 51 00:03:19,440 --> 00:03:20,634 (Zodiac Master groans) 52 00:03:20,634 --> 00:03:21,567 (grunting) 53 00:03:21,567 --> 00:03:26,415 - Ling, the band! 54 00:03:26,415 --> 00:03:28,960 - Empower the dragon! 55 00:03:28,960 --> 00:03:34,950 (flame whooshing) 56 00:03:35,999 --> 00:03:37,431 (groaning) 57 00:03:37,431 --> 00:03:39,985 Xuan, get out of the way. 58 00:03:39,985 --> 00:03:43,524 (fire sizzles and explodes) 59 00:03:43,524 --> 00:03:49,514 - Empower the Shadow Dragon! 60 00:03:51,294 --> 00:03:55,736 (energy crackles) 61 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:58,164 - Too late, Ling. 62 00:03:58,164 --> 00:04:00,665 You lose. 63 00:04:00,665 --> 00:04:02,358 (Zodiac Master panting) 64 00:04:02,358 --> 00:04:07,001 - This was just round one. 65 00:04:07,001 --> 00:04:12,963 (smoke bomb booms) 66 00:04:12,963 --> 00:04:17,737 - Hi-ya. 67 00:04:17,737 --> 00:04:18,570 (sighs) 68 00:04:18,570 --> 00:04:19,855 Thanks, Xuan. 69 00:04:19,855 --> 00:04:21,456 I should've known Ling would cheat. 70 00:04:21,456 --> 00:04:23,835 - It was not Ling's deception that nearly 71 00:04:23,835 --> 00:04:26,048 cost the band of the Golden Dragon. 72 00:04:26,048 --> 00:04:29,752 - I hate to say it, Ang, but Master Chin's right. 73 00:04:29,752 --> 00:04:31,036 - Not you, too. 74 00:04:31,036 --> 00:04:33,134 - Monkey calls it like Monkey sees it. 75 00:04:33,134 --> 00:04:36,296 And I just saw you acting like a hothead. 76 00:04:36,296 --> 00:04:37,408 Face it, Ang. 77 00:04:37,408 --> 00:04:40,543 If I hadn't done my monkey on his back routine, 78 00:04:40,543 --> 00:04:43,560 Zodiac Master would be wearing your band. 79 00:04:43,560 --> 00:04:45,398 - Oh, so now you think you'd make 80 00:04:45,398 --> 00:04:47,062 a better Dragon Guardian, too. 81 00:04:47,062 --> 00:04:48,658 Oh wait, I forgot. 82 00:04:48,658 --> 00:04:51,011 You always lost your powerband. 83 00:04:51,011 --> 00:04:55,389 - Yeah. (growling) 84 00:04:55,389 --> 00:04:58,997 What? Seriously, low blow dude. 85 00:04:58,997 --> 00:05:01,887 - Enough, it is clear that I am 86 00:05:01,887 --> 00:05:08,174 no longer able to teach you what is needed. 87 00:05:08,174 --> 00:05:10,520 - Look, Master Chin, 88 00:05:10,520 --> 00:05:12,576 I'm sorry. 89 00:05:12,576 --> 00:05:15,209 - In the morning we journey to Vietnam 90 00:05:15,209 --> 00:05:17,596 where you will meet the master who will 91 00:05:17,596 --> 00:05:21,785 teach you the true meaning of remorse. 92 00:05:21,785 --> 00:05:24,902 (whooshing) 93 00:05:24,902 --> 00:05:27,166 - [Ang] So who is this teacher, Master Chin? 94 00:05:27,166 --> 00:05:28,771 - [Master Chin] His name is Shoong. 95 00:05:28,771 --> 00:05:30,501 Some would call him a hermit who 96 00:05:30,501 --> 00:05:32,980 shuns the company of others. 97 00:05:32,980 --> 00:05:34,672 - What would you call him? 98 00:05:34,672 --> 00:05:38,172 - The Master of Sarcasm. 99 00:05:38,172 --> 00:05:40,189 (Xuan hum noncommittally) 100 00:05:40,189 --> 00:05:41,877 (Xuan wails) 101 00:05:41,877 --> 00:05:47,867 (mud sloshing) 102 00:05:51,399 --> 00:05:57,389 (pig squeals) 103 00:06:05,718 --> 00:06:07,533 (boys panting) 104 00:06:07,533 --> 00:06:11,279 (pig grunting) 105 00:06:11,279 --> 00:06:13,412 - Anybody got a red cape? 106 00:06:13,412 --> 00:06:16,468 Better yet, some barbecue sauce. 107 00:06:16,468 --> 00:06:18,314 (pig snorts) 108 00:06:18,314 --> 00:06:19,836 It was just a joke! 109 00:06:19,836 --> 00:06:21,642 I'm a vegetarian. 110 00:06:21,642 --> 00:06:24,902 Whoa. 111 00:06:24,902 --> 00:06:27,161 (pig squealing) 112 00:06:27,161 --> 00:06:31,957 Whoa! 113 00:06:31,957 --> 00:06:34,139 - Come on, we found Shoong's pigsty. 114 00:06:34,139 --> 00:06:35,329 His house can't be far. 115 00:06:35,329 --> 00:06:38,093 - This is his home. 116 00:06:38,093 --> 00:06:40,655 - [Ang] He's gotta be kidding. 117 00:06:40,655 --> 00:06:42,223 (pig growls) 118 00:06:42,223 --> 00:06:48,213 Ahhh! 119 00:06:49,997 --> 00:06:54,991 - Please tell your master we have arrived. 120 00:06:54,991 --> 00:06:57,549 (pig snorts) 121 00:06:57,549 --> 00:06:59,073 (pig oinks) 122 00:06:59,073 --> 00:07:05,063 (Dramatic music) 123 00:07:07,999 --> 00:07:13,989 (boys exclaim) 124 00:07:15,651 --> 00:07:21,641 (whooshing) 125 00:07:23,131 --> 00:07:26,661 (Xuan gulps) 126 00:07:26,661 --> 00:07:29,748 - Shoong. 127 00:07:29,748 --> 00:07:32,147 - Master Chin, my old friend. 128 00:07:32,147 --> 00:07:34,245 - It has been a long time. 129 00:07:34,245 --> 00:07:36,263 - Too long. 130 00:07:36,263 --> 00:07:37,620 - Ahh! 131 00:07:37,620 --> 00:07:39,097 - Hmm, looks like a few scrawny strays 132 00:07:39,097 --> 00:07:41,687 have followed you to my door. 133 00:07:41,687 --> 00:07:44,002 - I am Ang, a Golden Dragon. 134 00:07:44,002 --> 00:07:47,010 And this is Xuan Chi, Guardian of the Temple of the Monkeys. 135 00:07:47,010 --> 00:07:48,411 - If you say so. 136 00:07:48,411 --> 00:07:50,152 (chuckles) 137 00:07:50,152 --> 00:07:51,734 Looks like they'll let anyone become 138 00:07:51,734 --> 00:07:53,252 a temple guardian these days. 139 00:07:53,252 --> 00:07:56,213 (pig laughs and snorts) 140 00:07:56,213 --> 00:07:57,823 - Who's this guy think he is? 141 00:07:57,823 --> 00:08:00,328 - Why don't you tell me. 142 00:08:00,328 --> 00:08:02,591 (boys exclaim) 143 00:08:02,591 --> 00:08:07,998 - As you can see, there is still much they need to learn. 144 00:08:07,998 --> 00:08:13,095 - Starting with manners. 145 00:08:13,095 --> 00:08:16,261 - Will you do them the honor of sharing your knowledge? 146 00:08:16,261 --> 00:08:18,934 - I think my pig would learn faster, 147 00:08:18,934 --> 00:08:22,559 but for you old friend, I will do what I can. 148 00:08:22,559 --> 00:08:24,572 - Then I shall leave you to your task. 149 00:08:24,572 --> 00:08:26,626 - [Boys] Leave? 150 00:08:26,626 --> 00:08:30,618 - What? You can't just leave us here with him? 151 00:08:30,618 --> 00:08:32,104 - And that mad pig! 152 00:08:32,104 --> 00:08:38,251 (pig oinks) 153 00:08:38,251 --> 00:08:39,934 - When they have learned what is needed, 154 00:08:39,934 --> 00:08:43,758 I shall return for them. 155 00:08:43,758 --> 00:08:46,476 - Wait, how long will that take? 156 00:08:46,476 --> 00:08:48,520 - How long have you been my student? 157 00:08:48,520 --> 00:08:50,611 - All my life, but what's that go to do-- 158 00:08:50,611 --> 00:08:55,102 - And still you have not learned. 159 00:08:55,102 --> 00:08:56,465 - [Xuan] Hmm. 160 00:08:56,465 --> 00:09:01,437 - Well, if I'm stuck with you we might as well get started. 161 00:09:01,437 --> 00:09:02,306 - Oh. 162 00:09:02,306 --> 00:09:04,484 - Unless you are afraid? 163 00:09:04,484 --> 00:09:06,495 - Just show me whatever it is I'm supposed to learn. 164 00:09:06,495 --> 00:09:10,587 - And what might that be, mighty dragon? 165 00:09:10,587 --> 00:09:13,722 - Ugh, you mean you don't know? 166 00:09:13,722 --> 00:09:15,696 Master Chin, wait! 167 00:09:15,696 --> 00:09:18,166 Oof! 168 00:09:18,166 --> 00:09:20,055 - Forget it, Xuan. 169 00:09:20,055 --> 00:09:23,728 Can we just get this over with, please? 170 00:09:23,728 --> 00:09:28,423 (Shoong snarls) 171 00:09:28,423 --> 00:09:29,897 Can you believe this guy? 172 00:09:29,897 --> 00:09:32,238 - Huh, he sure can't give lessons in charm. 173 00:09:32,238 --> 00:09:33,593 Huh? 174 00:09:33,593 --> 00:09:36,941 (pig snorts laughter) 175 00:09:36,941 --> 00:09:42,931 (footsteps booming) 176 00:09:44,853 --> 00:09:49,000 He is kind of (gulps) huge. 177 00:09:49,000 --> 00:09:50,355 - That just means he'll be slow. 178 00:09:50,355 --> 00:09:53,024 Keep moving, he won't be able to lay a hand on us. 179 00:09:53,024 --> 00:09:54,093 - What are you waiting for? 180 00:09:54,093 --> 00:09:56,023 An engraved invitation? 181 00:09:56,023 --> 00:10:00,010 - Okay, you asked for it. 182 00:10:00,010 --> 00:10:02,766 Ha! 183 00:10:02,766 --> 00:10:04,124 Waah! 184 00:10:04,124 --> 00:10:07,371 (screaming) 185 00:10:07,371 --> 00:10:11,477 (pig laughs) 186 00:10:11,477 --> 00:10:14,939 - So, he won't lay a hand on us? 187 00:10:14,939 --> 00:10:17,123 Any other bright ideas? 188 00:10:17,123 --> 00:10:18,033 (gasps) 189 00:10:18,033 --> 00:10:19,308 - Who told you to take a rest? 190 00:10:19,308 --> 00:10:23,045 Do it again, and this time try not to be so slow. 191 00:10:23,045 --> 00:10:29,128 (pig snorting laughter) 192 00:10:29,128 --> 00:10:31,010 (Birds twittering) 193 00:10:31,010 --> 00:10:32,731 - [Ling] We should've stayed at the dojo. 194 00:10:32,731 --> 00:10:34,166 I could've beaten Ang. 195 00:10:34,166 --> 00:10:35,562 - [Zodiac Master] Sometimes a general attacks 196 00:10:35,562 --> 00:10:36,998 to defeat his enemy, 197 00:10:36,998 --> 00:10:39,218 and sometimes he attacks simply to 198 00:10:39,218 --> 00:10:41,436 probe their weaknesses. 199 00:10:41,436 --> 00:10:42,795 - Whatever that means. 200 00:10:42,795 --> 00:10:45,747 - You and your bother are more alike than you want to admit. 201 00:10:45,747 --> 00:10:46,580 - What? 202 00:10:46,580 --> 00:10:48,045 I'm nothing like my brother. 203 00:10:48,045 --> 00:10:49,894 - Once again, like your brother, 204 00:10:49,894 --> 00:10:51,779 you react before you think. 205 00:10:51,779 --> 00:10:53,421 - Yeah, well think about this. 206 00:10:53,421 --> 00:10:55,769 They've left the dojo with the dragon powerband, 207 00:10:55,769 --> 00:10:57,913 but we don't have a clue where they went. 208 00:10:57,913 --> 00:10:59,888 - Every journey leaves a trail, 209 00:10:59,888 --> 00:11:03,622 but not every traveler lives to return. 210 00:11:03,622 --> 00:11:07,187 (whooshing) 211 00:11:07,187 --> 00:11:10,601 (pig chomping) 212 00:11:10,601 --> 00:11:14,294 - Alright, you show him Ang! 213 00:11:14,294 --> 00:11:16,557 Ahh, uh, huh? 214 00:11:16,557 --> 00:11:22,547 Huh? 215 00:11:24,093 --> 00:11:30,083 (Ang grunts) 216 00:11:33,781 --> 00:11:36,734 (Xuan chewing) 217 00:11:36,734 --> 00:11:39,648 Cool, I'd give him a perfect 10. 218 00:11:39,648 --> 00:11:41,822 Huh? 219 00:11:41,822 --> 00:11:43,427 Why you big pig! 220 00:11:43,427 --> 00:11:46,380 (Ang panting) 221 00:11:46,380 --> 00:11:47,698 - Not good enough. 222 00:11:47,698 --> 00:11:49,142 - What? 223 00:11:49,142 --> 00:11:51,273 - You are too far back on your feet. 224 00:11:51,273 --> 00:11:57,929 - There's nothing wrong with my, Ooph. 225 00:11:57,929 --> 00:11:59,410 - You were saying? 226 00:11:59,410 --> 00:12:01,171 - I'm tired of playing games. 227 00:12:01,171 --> 00:12:02,401 You wanna see what I can do? 228 00:12:02,401 --> 00:12:04,990 Come on, let's do it for real. 229 00:12:04,990 --> 00:12:06,217 No holding back. 230 00:12:06,217 --> 00:12:08,029 - Hang on, bad idea. 231 00:12:08,029 --> 00:12:10,573 Really big, bad idea. 232 00:12:10,573 --> 00:12:13,662 - No, let the dragon try his wings. 233 00:12:13,662 --> 00:12:18,178 Come on, make my day. 234 00:12:18,178 --> 00:12:20,148 - Maybe you oughta... 235 00:12:20,148 --> 00:12:23,884 Hey, lots of luck, Pal. 236 00:12:23,884 --> 00:12:25,115 - You ready? 237 00:12:25,115 --> 00:12:26,919 - For you? Ha. 238 00:12:26,919 --> 00:12:30,850 I only need to be awake. 239 00:12:30,850 --> 00:12:33,441 And even then... 240 00:12:33,441 --> 00:12:37,722 - Okay, that's it. 241 00:12:37,722 --> 00:12:39,157 Ha! 242 00:12:39,157 --> 00:12:42,155 (Ang screams) 243 00:12:42,155 --> 00:12:45,013 (mud splattering) 244 00:12:45,013 --> 00:12:47,729 (pig oinks) 245 00:12:47,729 --> 00:12:51,182 (pig laughs) 246 00:12:51,182 --> 00:12:54,130 Great, even the pig thinks he's better than me. 247 00:12:54,130 --> 00:12:55,733 - At least he is wise enough to know 248 00:12:55,733 --> 00:12:59,710 that appearances can be very deceiving. 249 00:12:59,710 --> 00:13:01,356 - Okay, I get it. 250 00:13:01,356 --> 00:13:03,161 I was wrong. 251 00:13:03,161 --> 00:13:05,300 (Xuan laughs) 252 00:13:05,300 --> 00:13:07,235 Oh, I don't believe it. 253 00:13:07,235 --> 00:13:11,881 The Golden Dragon taking lessons from a pot bellied pig. 254 00:13:11,881 --> 00:13:14,925 (Xuan gasps) 255 00:13:14,925 --> 00:13:16,657 - Now you. 256 00:13:16,657 --> 00:13:18,846 (Xuan gulps) - Me? 257 00:13:18,846 --> 00:13:21,317 - Ooh, I'm really gonna enjoy this. 258 00:13:21,317 --> 00:13:23,168 (pig laughs) 259 00:13:23,168 --> 00:13:26,282 - Imagine I have just entered your temple uninvited. 260 00:13:26,282 --> 00:13:29,372 Throw me out. 261 00:13:29,372 --> 00:13:31,094 - With pleasure! 262 00:13:31,094 --> 00:13:37,084 (Xuan grunting) 263 00:13:41,795 --> 00:13:43,882 What exactly do you eat? 264 00:13:43,882 --> 00:13:47,422 - Besides monkeys? 265 00:13:47,422 --> 00:13:49,389 - Oh, I give up. 266 00:13:49,389 --> 00:13:53,131 You're just too fa.... 267 00:13:53,131 --> 00:13:54,362 I mean big. 268 00:13:54,362 --> 00:13:56,824 - A wise Greek once said, that with the right lever 269 00:13:56,824 --> 00:13:58,830 he could move the moon. 270 00:13:58,830 --> 00:14:02,366 - Which probably weighs a lot less than you. 271 00:14:02,366 --> 00:14:05,377 (Xuan screams) 272 00:14:05,377 --> 00:14:09,405 - Yep, really enjoying it. 273 00:14:09,405 --> 00:14:14,352 - Try again, this time become the lever. 274 00:14:14,352 --> 00:14:19,168 - Right, I am the lever! 275 00:14:19,168 --> 00:14:23,517 (Xuan groaning) 276 00:14:23,517 --> 00:14:26,033 (Shoong thuds) 277 00:14:26,033 --> 00:14:32,579 Whoa! (laughs) 278 00:14:32,579 --> 00:14:38,043 (whooshing) 279 00:14:38,043 --> 00:14:43,353 (Shoong thudding) 280 00:14:43,353 --> 00:14:44,461 I did it! 281 00:14:44,461 --> 00:14:46,387 I really did it! 282 00:14:46,387 --> 00:14:50,944 (Xuan laughs) 283 00:14:50,944 --> 00:14:55,413 I became the lever and flipped the moon! 284 00:14:55,413 --> 00:14:56,977 I mean, the Shoong. 285 00:14:56,977 --> 00:14:58,829 - Don't push your luck, monkey boy. 286 00:14:58,829 --> 00:15:00,714 (Xuan gasps) 287 00:15:00,714 --> 00:15:05,272 - Right, sorry. (Xuan laughing) 288 00:15:05,272 --> 00:15:06,753 - Nice going, Xuan. 289 00:15:06,753 --> 00:15:12,545 - Thanks. (giggles) 290 00:15:12,545 --> 00:15:14,395 - I saw what you did. 291 00:15:14,395 --> 00:15:16,282 You helped him throw you. 292 00:15:16,282 --> 00:15:20,012 - Leverage is important, but faith can move mountains. 293 00:15:20,012 --> 00:15:26,002 Next time, he will believe he can so he will. 294 00:15:27,674 --> 00:15:31,122 (pig grunting) 295 00:15:31,122 --> 00:15:33,881 (whooshing) 296 00:15:33,881 --> 00:15:38,981 (boys exclaiming) 297 00:15:38,981 --> 00:15:42,478 It's getting late. 298 00:15:42,478 --> 00:15:47,120 (boys yell) 299 00:15:47,120 --> 00:15:48,475 We'll start again at first light. 300 00:15:48,475 --> 00:15:50,656 Get some sleep. 301 00:15:50,656 --> 00:15:55,018 You'll need it. 302 00:15:55,018 --> 00:15:57,520 (pig laughing) 303 00:15:57,520 --> 00:15:59,817 - You mean we have to sleep with a pig? 304 00:15:59,817 --> 00:16:05,324 - Don't be ridiculous, you're sleeping outside. 305 00:16:05,324 --> 00:16:10,496 (pig snorts) 306 00:16:10,496 --> 00:16:12,300 (door slams) 307 00:16:12,300 --> 00:16:13,537 - Huh? 308 00:16:13,537 --> 00:16:17,182 That's cool. 309 00:16:17,182 --> 00:16:23,172 (night birds calling) 310 00:16:24,212 --> 00:16:26,647 No, no, temple raiders! 311 00:16:26,647 --> 00:16:27,965 Oh no, no! 312 00:16:27,965 --> 00:16:30,217 Temple! 313 00:16:30,217 --> 00:16:32,116 (Xuan moaning) 314 00:16:32,116 --> 00:16:38,106 (pig snorting) 315 00:16:40,003 --> 00:16:44,146 - Ahh, back off pig breath. 316 00:16:44,146 --> 00:16:46,115 - Try leverage. 317 00:16:46,115 --> 00:16:49,940 - Aw, you're really asking for it pork chop. 318 00:16:49,940 --> 00:16:52,155 (Shoong grunting) 319 00:16:52,155 --> 00:16:55,462 (boys yelling) 320 00:16:55,462 --> 00:16:59,237 - Pig is trying to save your sorry lives. 321 00:16:59,237 --> 00:17:02,932 (boys groan with effort) 322 00:17:02,932 --> 00:17:06,838 (energy crackling) 323 00:17:06,838 --> 00:17:09,010 - The Zodiac Master. 324 00:17:09,010 --> 00:17:15,000 (men exclaiming) 325 00:17:17,552 --> 00:17:22,441 (pig squeals) 326 00:17:22,441 --> 00:17:25,153 - I told you it would be easy to follow their trail, 327 00:17:25,153 --> 00:17:27,605 but I had no idea they would lead us 328 00:17:27,605 --> 00:17:30,148 to such a valuable prize. 329 00:17:30,148 --> 00:17:32,935 - [Ang] Right, a pig pen. 330 00:17:32,935 --> 00:17:35,931 - No, a temple so well hidden 331 00:17:35,931 --> 00:17:38,365 few have ever known its location. 332 00:17:38,365 --> 00:17:39,433 - Huh? 333 00:17:39,433 --> 00:17:41,364 The Temple of the Pig? 334 00:17:41,364 --> 00:17:43,871 (pig snorts) 335 00:17:43,871 --> 00:17:46,047 Uh, you're the Pig Guardian. 336 00:17:46,047 --> 00:17:49,135 - And you profess to be the Dragon Guardian. 337 00:17:49,135 --> 00:17:50,533 Now prove it. 338 00:17:50,533 --> 00:17:52,423 - Fair enough. 339 00:17:52,423 --> 00:17:58,661 Empower the dragon! 340 00:17:58,661 --> 00:17:59,603 - [Zodiac Master] Take them. 341 00:17:59,603 --> 00:18:05,593 (screaming and grunting in exertion) 342 00:18:18,517 --> 00:18:25,279 (blows landing) 343 00:18:25,279 --> 00:18:27,293 - Hi-ya! 344 00:18:27,293 --> 00:18:31,644 - Guardians, come with me. 345 00:18:31,644 --> 00:18:33,669 (energy sizzling) 346 00:18:33,669 --> 00:18:37,329 - [Ang] Whoa! 347 00:18:37,329 --> 00:18:39,591 (door slams) 348 00:18:39,591 --> 00:18:45,581 Whoa, some hut. 349 00:18:47,265 --> 00:18:50,755 - [Xuan] Wow! 350 00:18:50,755 --> 00:18:56,745 (powerband tinkling) 351 00:18:57,949 --> 00:19:02,005 - Be ready. 352 00:19:02,005 --> 00:19:03,117 - I am the lever. 353 00:19:03,117 --> 00:19:04,724 I am the lever. 354 00:19:04,724 --> 00:19:05,786 I am the lever. 355 00:19:05,786 --> 00:19:07,505 I am the lever. 356 00:19:07,505 --> 00:19:08,539 (pig snorting) 357 00:19:08,539 --> 00:19:14,529 - Empower the Pig! 358 00:19:22,841 --> 00:19:28,831 (door exploding) 359 00:19:29,842 --> 00:19:31,773 - You ready for the last round? 360 00:19:31,773 --> 00:19:33,910 - Zodiac Master is mine. 361 00:19:33,910 --> 00:19:36,945 - [Ang] I'll take Ling. 362 00:19:36,945 --> 00:19:40,320 - [Xuan] That leaves two for me! 363 00:19:40,320 --> 00:19:41,964 - Do try to remember why Master Chin 364 00:19:41,964 --> 00:19:44,965 dragged you to this pigsty. 365 00:19:44,965 --> 00:19:48,138 - Ha, thanks. 366 00:19:48,138 --> 00:19:49,782 (dramatic music) 367 00:19:49,782 --> 00:19:51,753 - Ha! (Ling exclaims) 368 00:19:51,753 --> 00:19:55,855 (blows clashing) 369 00:19:55,855 --> 00:20:01,933 (fighters grunting) 370 00:20:01,933 --> 00:20:07,923 (men yelling) 371 00:20:17,253 --> 00:20:18,565 - What's wrong loser? 372 00:20:18,565 --> 00:20:21,024 Can't win even with your pretty band? 373 00:20:21,024 --> 00:20:22,459 - Forget it, Ling. 374 00:20:22,459 --> 00:20:24,468 You're not gonna get me with words. 375 00:20:24,468 --> 00:20:28,909 You'll need this! 376 00:20:28,909 --> 00:20:31,043 Ha! 377 00:20:31,043 --> 00:20:35,614 Ooph. 378 00:20:35,614 --> 00:20:38,332 - I am the lever! 379 00:20:38,332 --> 00:20:40,631 (groaning) 380 00:20:40,631 --> 00:20:41,697 It worked! 381 00:20:41,697 --> 00:20:46,547 Shoong really is a great teacher. 382 00:20:46,547 --> 00:20:50,042 - Ha! 383 00:20:50,042 --> 00:20:53,296 (Zodiac Master screaming) 384 00:20:53,296 --> 00:20:56,832 - Now to make you wish you had never found this temple. 385 00:20:56,832 --> 00:20:59,799 - Hurry! 386 00:20:59,799 --> 00:21:06,042 (smoke bomb explodes) 387 00:21:06,042 --> 00:21:09,796 - It would appear the lessons here have concluded. 388 00:21:09,796 --> 00:21:11,072 (pig snorts) 389 00:21:11,072 --> 00:21:12,590 - You could say we all taught each other 390 00:21:12,590 --> 00:21:17,427 a few new tricks, right? (boys gasp) 391 00:21:17,427 --> 00:21:21,546 - Right. (pig laughs) 392 00:21:21,546 --> 00:21:25,891 - Right. 393 00:21:25,891 --> 00:21:30,374 (whooshing) 394 00:21:30,374 --> 00:21:36,364 (adventurous music) 395 00:21:58,913 --> 00:22:04,324 (gong reverberates)