1 00:00:04,043 --> 00:00:10,033 (tiger growl) 2 00:00:13,029 --> 00:00:15,100 (gasps) 3 00:00:15,100 --> 00:00:21,090 (tense music) 4 00:00:36,812 --> 00:00:38,641 - I am alright. 5 00:00:38,641 --> 00:00:44,631 Sheeral, save yourself. 6 00:00:48,211 --> 00:00:53,444 - Do it now. 7 00:00:53,444 --> 00:00:55,558 How could you miss at this range? 8 00:00:55,558 --> 00:00:58,655 - I didn't, but I don't hurt animals, 9 00:00:58,655 --> 00:01:04,645 now people, (laughs), well that is a whole other thing. 10 00:01:09,793 --> 00:01:13,043 - It's time to claim our prize. 11 00:01:13,043 --> 00:01:17,158 The Guardian of the Temple of the Tigers. 12 00:01:17,158 --> 00:01:19,307 - It can't be, 13 00:01:19,307 --> 00:01:20,292 Ling? 14 00:01:20,292 --> 00:01:26,282 - Surprised to se me, Beingal, my dear old friend? 15 00:01:28,547 --> 00:01:31,392 (Asian music) 16 00:01:31,392 --> 00:01:35,482 - [Narrator] Twins, both destined for greatness, 17 00:01:35,482 --> 00:01:41,472 but only one can wear the Golden Power Band of the Dragons. 18 00:01:42,590 --> 00:01:46,465 Only one may use its power to battle the forces of 19 00:01:46,465 --> 00:01:50,707 darkest evil, the other must decide, 20 00:01:50,707 --> 00:01:53,097 which path she will take. 21 00:01:53,097 --> 00:01:59,087 (serious music) 22 00:02:04,885 --> 00:02:09,538 Only one, the chosen one, can be 23 00:02:09,538 --> 00:02:15,528 the new Golden Dragon. 24 00:02:25,524 --> 00:02:31,514 (Asian music) 25 00:02:43,648 --> 00:02:46,735 - So, you never knew you parents, and you grew up, 26 00:02:46,735 --> 00:02:53,275 right here in this dojo? 27 00:02:53,275 --> 00:02:58,240 - Right, Master Chin pretty much raised us, 28 00:02:58,240 --> 00:03:02,548 you, and your maniac sister. - Ling's not a maniac. 29 00:03:02,548 --> 00:03:05,850 - Uh-oh. 30 00:03:05,850 --> 00:03:09,040 Back in my jungle, we call a banana, a banana, 31 00:03:09,040 --> 00:03:14,517 and a nut, a nut, and your sister is a nu-- 32 00:03:14,517 --> 00:03:19,501 - Ling isn't crazy. 33 00:03:19,501 --> 00:03:21,804 She's, well, 34 00:03:21,804 --> 00:03:23,787 misguided. 35 00:03:23,787 --> 00:03:27,994 - Some one cannot see the rainforest for the trees. 36 00:03:27,994 --> 00:03:30,550 - Yeah, well you sound like Master Chin. 37 00:03:30,550 --> 00:03:36,540 - Here's the thought. 38 00:03:39,913 --> 00:03:44,531 - Sorry Master Chin, but he's starting to get on my nerves. 39 00:03:44,531 --> 00:03:46,146 - Only, starting? 40 00:03:46,146 --> 00:03:49,691 Such self discipline is most admirable. 41 00:03:49,691 --> 00:03:52,040 - Xuan Chi just doesn't understand about Ling, 42 00:03:52,040 --> 00:03:54,344 you know, that she's not really evil, 43 00:03:54,344 --> 00:03:57,269 not like the Zodiac Master. - I agree. 44 00:03:57,269 --> 00:04:02,215 Ling has not reached the same depths of madness yet. 45 00:04:02,215 --> 00:04:04,355 - You see. 46 00:04:04,355 --> 00:04:07,689 - However, only a fool denies the truth. 47 00:04:07,689 --> 00:04:11,641 The path Ling follows has only one evil end. 48 00:04:11,641 --> 00:04:16,098 - (laughs) You see. - Oh stuff it. 49 00:04:16,098 --> 00:04:18,356 (laughs) 50 00:04:18,356 --> 00:04:20,542 - Come now, there is still much a 51 00:04:20,542 --> 00:04:24,309 fledgling Golden Dragon must learn. 52 00:04:24,309 --> 00:04:25,828 - [Xuan] Maybe you could teach him some manners 53 00:04:25,828 --> 00:04:29,076 while you're at it. 54 00:04:29,076 --> 00:04:31,673 - Master Chin, before we go down to the temple, 55 00:04:31,673 --> 00:04:34,294 I thought maybe I could make a quick trip into the city. 56 00:04:34,294 --> 00:04:37,422 I kinda wanted to hit a cybercafe, Ling's got the palmcom 57 00:04:37,422 --> 00:04:39,893 we use for email. - Email? 58 00:04:39,893 --> 00:04:42,800 Is this some secret language. - Yeah, 59 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:46,522 spoken by about four billion normal people. 60 00:04:46,522 --> 00:04:49,700 Anyway, I thought maybe I could try, and reach, Ling. 61 00:04:49,700 --> 00:04:52,418 - The mental message still travels faster 62 00:04:52,418 --> 00:04:55,226 than even your cyber space. - Maybe, 63 00:04:55,226 --> 00:04:57,768 but Ling, and I, haven't mastered that yet. 64 00:04:57,768 --> 00:05:00,077 - Which is why you must have this. 65 00:05:00,077 --> 00:05:03,047 - A computer, but how? 66 00:05:03,047 --> 00:05:05,598 - I am a master of ancient wisdom, 67 00:05:05,598 --> 00:05:08,112 but it does not mean I cannot appreciate 68 00:05:08,112 --> 00:05:09,885 the marvels of today. 69 00:05:09,885 --> 00:05:15,041 After all, this is Hong Kong, capital of ingenuity. 70 00:05:15,041 --> 00:05:18,217 You will of course permit me to check the financial reports? 71 00:05:18,217 --> 00:05:20,111 - You're serious? - Yes. 72 00:05:20,111 --> 00:05:24,483 The duty of the Golden Dragon is to protect the temple, 73 00:05:24,483 --> 00:05:28,146 my duty is to make certain that we never lose the land 74 00:05:28,146 --> 00:05:34,136 it rests upon. 75 00:05:36,893 --> 00:05:40,552 I have learnt that a full piggy bank wields its own 76 00:05:40,552 --> 00:05:42,122 special powers. 77 00:05:42,122 --> 00:05:45,545 - [Ang] Is there anything Master Chin doesn't know about? 78 00:05:45,545 --> 00:05:46,987 - [Xuan] Monkeys. 79 00:05:46,987 --> 00:05:50,980 So you're gonna use that thing to find your wacko, 80 00:05:50,980 --> 00:05:56,970 loony, crazy, mixed up, sister? 81 00:05:58,720 --> 00:06:00,943 - Maybe I could convince her to come back. 82 00:06:00,943 --> 00:06:05,004 - And maybe coconuts grow on trees.(laughs) 83 00:06:05,004 --> 00:06:08,700 Wait, they do, maybe-- - I get it, 84 00:06:08,700 --> 00:06:14,929 but I have to try. 85 00:06:14,929 --> 00:06:20,919 (tense music) 86 00:06:33,201 --> 00:06:38,019 - [Ling] How much farther to the Tiger Temple? 87 00:06:38,019 --> 00:06:41,033 I asked you a question, Beingal. 88 00:06:41,033 --> 00:06:43,380 Come on, just pretend this is one of the games, 89 00:06:43,380 --> 00:06:46,019 we played back at the dojo, no matter how hard 90 00:06:46,019 --> 00:06:49,811 you tried, I always won. - This is not a game, Ling. 91 00:06:49,811 --> 00:06:52,743 - Maybe not, but I'm still gonna win. 92 00:06:52,743 --> 00:06:57,726 So you might as well just tell me where your temple is. 93 00:06:57,726 --> 00:07:02,834 (Zodiac Master laughs) 94 00:07:02,834 --> 00:07:04,970 - [Zodiac Master] We are here. 95 00:07:04,970 --> 00:07:06,615 - Very funny, there's-- 96 00:07:06,615 --> 00:07:12,605 but that's amazing. 97 00:07:13,779 --> 00:07:16,709 The water's like natural camouflage. 98 00:07:16,709 --> 00:07:22,699 - [Zodiac Master] As are the tiger's own stripes. 99 00:07:26,396 --> 00:07:29,033 - [Beingal] Ling, how can you do this? 100 00:07:29,033 --> 00:07:34,349 We grew up together, you and Ang are my best friends. 101 00:07:34,349 --> 00:07:36,493 - Funny, how you both ended up Temple Guardians, 102 00:07:36,493 --> 00:07:38,881 but neither one of you cared what happened to me. 103 00:07:38,881 --> 00:07:40,157 - That's not true. 104 00:07:40,157 --> 00:07:43,726 Ling, please. - Ling is history. 105 00:07:43,726 --> 00:07:47,601 I am the Shadow Dragon. - And I am the Zodiac Master, 106 00:07:47,601 --> 00:07:49,863 between us, we have the power to destroy you, 107 00:07:49,863 --> 00:07:52,870 and this temple, a hundred times over. 108 00:07:52,870 --> 00:07:55,304 - So do yourself a favor, and tell us where the secret 109 00:07:55,304 --> 00:07:57,038 shrine is hidden. 110 00:07:57,038 --> 00:07:59,992 One way, or another, we're gonna get your Power Band. 111 00:07:59,992 --> 00:08:02,009 - No! 112 00:08:02,009 --> 00:08:07,999 (tense music) 113 00:08:17,780 --> 00:08:24,580 - [Zodiac Master] She has the Power Band of the Tiger. 114 00:08:24,580 --> 00:08:28,162 - (laughs) That was it? 115 00:08:28,162 --> 00:08:30,171 Your secret shrine is just a nut hole. 116 00:08:30,171 --> 00:08:32,682 - If you'd been paying attention, 117 00:08:32,682 --> 00:08:36,098 Master Chin taught us that tiger hides in plain sight, 118 00:08:36,098 --> 00:08:38,562 blending into its surroundings. 119 00:08:38,562 --> 00:08:41,519 - Yeah, yeah, and the tiger's element is wood. 120 00:08:41,519 --> 00:08:43,405 Thanks for the lesson, but school's out, 121 00:08:43,405 --> 00:08:44,970 and I'm in charge now. 122 00:08:44,970 --> 00:08:50,865 - As Guardian of this Temple, I order you to leave now. 123 00:08:50,865 --> 00:08:53,745 - (laughs) Right, like that's gonna happen. 124 00:08:53,745 --> 00:08:56,013 Really, Beingal, just hand over the band, 125 00:08:56,013 --> 00:09:02,003 and we won't hurt you. - Empower the Tiger! 126 00:09:17,305 --> 00:09:23,295 Empower the Tiger! 127 00:09:32,052 --> 00:09:34,237 - Take care of her. - What about you? 128 00:09:34,237 --> 00:09:36,134 - You need to practice your new skills, 129 00:09:36,134 --> 00:09:39,682 but if you can't handle one little girl. 130 00:09:39,682 --> 00:09:45,672 - Just watch me. 131 00:09:48,991 --> 00:09:53,275 - You were warned. 132 00:09:53,275 --> 00:09:59,265 - Nice nails, girlfriend. 133 00:10:08,883 --> 00:10:11,720 What was it that Master Chin used to say? 134 00:10:11,720 --> 00:10:14,640 "When it is clear you're facing a superior opponent, 135 00:10:14,640 --> 00:10:16,738 there's no shame in surrender." 136 00:10:16,738 --> 00:10:19,460 - Then, I'm happy to accept yours. 137 00:10:19,460 --> 00:10:22,799 - Power band, or not, you're no match for my power. 138 00:10:22,799 --> 00:10:25,678 - [Beingal] A master of stealth, tiger teaches us 139 00:10:25,678 --> 00:10:31,668 that there is more to victory than brute strength. 140 00:10:33,513 --> 00:10:39,371 (Zodiac Master laughs) 141 00:10:39,371 --> 00:10:45,361 (foreign language spoken) 142 00:10:50,350 --> 00:10:56,340 - Brute enough for you? 143 00:11:05,593 --> 00:11:11,583 - You asked for it. 144 00:11:16,656 --> 00:11:22,791 - You'll pay for that, kitten. 145 00:11:22,791 --> 00:11:28,781 (foreign language spoken) 146 00:11:39,045 --> 00:11:43,290 (tense music) 147 00:11:43,290 --> 00:11:46,207 No! 148 00:11:46,207 --> 00:11:53,177 (foreign language spoken) 149 00:11:53,177 --> 00:11:55,783 - You're weak. - Excuse me? 150 00:11:55,783 --> 00:11:58,470 Who's on their knees here? - you spared her life, 151 00:11:58,470 --> 00:12:00,269 because she was once your friend. 152 00:12:00,269 --> 00:12:02,615 - No, because we need her. 153 00:12:02,615 --> 00:12:06,076 She's the bait to lure the Golden Dragon here. 154 00:12:06,076 --> 00:12:07,978 - I will finish this. 155 00:12:07,978 --> 00:12:13,968 I claim victory, the power band is mine. 156 00:12:18,049 --> 00:12:21,307 - Hey wait, I'm the one that fought her. 157 00:12:21,307 --> 00:12:24,856 All you did was-- - Teach you a valuable lesson. 158 00:12:24,856 --> 00:12:27,207 - Yeah, the same lesson I taught her, 159 00:12:27,207 --> 00:12:30,766 never trust your friends. - You're wrong, Ling. 160 00:12:30,766 --> 00:12:35,611 There's one friend, I still trust with my life. 161 00:12:35,611 --> 00:12:40,317 (heroic music) 162 00:12:40,317 --> 00:12:42,830 - Beingal, might be hurt, or worse, 163 00:12:42,830 --> 00:12:44,768 and we don't even know when it happened. 164 00:12:44,768 --> 00:12:46,457 We can't always be down in the temple, 165 00:12:46,457 --> 00:12:48,196 watching the zodiac symbols. 166 00:12:48,196 --> 00:12:50,423 I mean shouldn't there be some kind of alarm, 167 00:12:50,423 --> 00:12:53,476 or something that goes off. - There is... 168 00:12:53,476 --> 00:12:56,488 In your mind. - you mean I should have 169 00:12:56,488 --> 00:12:58,575 sensed something? - Yeah, 170 00:12:58,575 --> 00:13:02,647 but you won't get it if your head is full of mush. 171 00:13:02,647 --> 00:13:05,634 - Distracting the Golden Dragon from his duty 172 00:13:05,634 --> 00:13:08,529 is perhaps Ling's most powerful weapon. 173 00:13:08,529 --> 00:13:12,300 - Wait, Ling, she's probably with the Zodiac Master, 174 00:13:12,300 --> 00:13:14,483 so Beingal's gotta be safe. 175 00:13:14,483 --> 00:13:17,080 Ling wouldn't let anything happen to her best friend. 176 00:13:17,080 --> 00:13:23,597 - Oh please, don't make me loose my bananas. 177 00:13:23,597 --> 00:13:27,262 (lightning) 178 00:13:27,262 --> 00:13:34,141 - (sighs) I just wish we would hurry up, and get there. 179 00:13:34,141 --> 00:13:40,808 (tense music) 180 00:13:40,808 --> 00:13:46,798 - Not too long now, the breath of the Dragon favors us. 181 00:14:04,982 --> 00:14:10,015 - Ling, talk to me, please help me understand all this. 182 00:14:10,015 --> 00:14:12,154 - It's simple, I got cheated. 183 00:14:12,154 --> 00:14:14,707 I deserved to have the Dragon power, and now thanks 184 00:14:14,707 --> 00:14:16,812 to the Zodiac Master, I have it. 185 00:14:16,812 --> 00:14:20,276 - No, you have the power of Darkest Yin, 186 00:14:20,276 --> 00:14:23,373 an evil so great, it could destroy. 187 00:14:23,373 --> 00:14:28,573 - If I were you, I'd start worrying about myself. 188 00:14:28,573 --> 00:14:31,165 (gasps) 189 00:14:31,165 --> 00:14:34,154 - Monkey Guardian at your service. 190 00:14:34,154 --> 00:14:36,653 - Thanks, but what-- 191 00:14:36,653 --> 00:14:38,937 - It's that little freak. 192 00:14:38,937 --> 00:14:40,835 My brother must be close by. 193 00:14:40,835 --> 00:14:42,813 - Maybe the Golden Dragon is too frightened 194 00:14:42,813 --> 00:14:47,311 to face us both, so he send an ape to do his job. 195 00:14:47,311 --> 00:14:49,664 - Perhaps that is all that is needed, 196 00:14:49,664 --> 00:14:52,920 since a wiser man would not under estimate the power 197 00:14:52,920 --> 00:14:58,030 of two Temple Guardians, even without their Power Bands. 198 00:14:58,030 --> 00:15:01,562 - Right, a monkey, a defeated tiger, and an old man, 199 00:15:01,562 --> 00:15:02,800 against us? 200 00:15:02,800 --> 00:15:08,112 - No my child, a monkey, a defeated tiger, and an old man, 201 00:15:08,112 --> 00:15:10,541 against you. 202 00:15:10,541 --> 00:15:14,254 - The Zodiac Master is mine, unless he's too frightened 203 00:15:14,254 --> 00:15:20,244 to face me alone. 204 00:15:24,114 --> 00:15:30,104 - Empower the Dragon! 205 00:15:49,568 --> 00:15:52,870 - Empower the Dragon! 206 00:15:52,870 --> 00:15:58,860 (tense music) 207 00:16:11,574 --> 00:16:16,977 - [Xuan] Come on, come on, come on. 208 00:16:16,977 --> 00:16:19,612 Ready... 209 00:16:19,612 --> 00:16:25,602 as we'll ever be. 210 00:16:31,444 --> 00:16:35,689 - Empower the Darkest Yin! 211 00:16:35,689 --> 00:16:41,679 (tense music) 212 00:16:50,078 --> 00:16:56,068 (foreign language spoken) 213 00:18:28,620 --> 00:18:34,610 (screaming) 214 00:18:36,030 --> 00:18:42,020 - You lose. 215 00:18:53,195 --> 00:18:56,739 The Power of the Tigers goes to the victor. 216 00:18:56,739 --> 00:19:02,596 (Beingal grunts) 217 00:19:02,596 --> 00:19:07,135 - Sorry Beingal, but this is where our friendship ends. 218 00:19:07,135 --> 00:19:13,125 - Not quite. 219 00:19:23,987 --> 00:19:28,151 I think this belongs to you. 220 00:19:28,151 --> 00:19:31,860 You really want to take on two Guardians at full power? 221 00:19:31,860 --> 00:19:35,201 - Not that I couldn't handle it, but I can wait, 222 00:19:35,201 --> 00:19:39,164 it won't be long before I'm wearing both your bands. 223 00:19:39,164 --> 00:19:45,084 - Uh guys, guys, hey, hey, hey look, she's getting away, 224 00:19:45,084 --> 00:19:48,662 stop her, monkey stomp her. 225 00:19:48,662 --> 00:19:51,334 - They can't, because they still care, which is why 226 00:19:51,334 --> 00:19:57,324 in the end, I will win. 227 00:20:00,315 --> 00:20:03,857 - Oh, what am I gonna do with you two? 228 00:20:03,857 --> 00:20:06,826 - Sorry, Xuan Chi, but Ling was right. 229 00:20:06,826 --> 00:20:10,085 - We do still care about her. 230 00:20:10,085 --> 00:20:13,091 - There is great power in forgiveness. 231 00:20:13,091 --> 00:20:16,428 Perhaps one day, it will be enough to heal the darkness 232 00:20:16,428 --> 00:20:19,105 in her heart. - I'll never give up hope. 233 00:20:19,105 --> 00:20:22,113 - I won't either. 234 00:20:22,113 --> 00:20:26,245 - You both fought bravely, and with honor. 235 00:20:26,245 --> 00:20:29,127 - Thank you. - Thank you, Master Chin. 236 00:20:29,127 --> 00:20:31,437 - What am I? Chop suey? 237 00:20:31,437 --> 00:20:36,141 - (laughs) Sorry Xuan Chi, you were fantastic too. 238 00:20:36,141 --> 00:20:39,320 - The Spirit of Tiger owes Dragon, and Monkey, 239 00:20:39,320 --> 00:20:43,933 a great debt, I hope I can one day repay it. 240 00:20:43,933 --> 00:20:46,451 - Got any fruit, I'm starved. 241 00:20:46,451 --> 00:20:50,282 - Might I remind you, we shall soon set sail again. 242 00:20:50,282 --> 00:20:53,840 - He's right, no food for you. 243 00:20:53,840 --> 00:20:57,578 You're not getting seasick with a full stomach. 244 00:20:57,578 --> 00:21:02,343 - Just thinking about it. 245 00:21:02,343 --> 00:21:03,757 I don't know if I can face it, 246 00:21:03,757 --> 00:21:07,092 I don't like the idea of this, I'm outta here. 247 00:21:07,092 --> 00:21:11,168 - Honorable Monkey must learn to forfeit tree legs 248 00:21:11,168 --> 00:21:12,732 for sea legs. 249 00:21:12,732 --> 00:21:18,722 (laughs) 250 00:21:22,139 --> 00:21:56,191 (tense music)