1 00:00:05,043 --> 00:00:11,584 (gentle string music) 2 00:00:11,584 --> 00:00:14,207 - Hey, watch it with that thing! 3 00:00:14,207 --> 00:00:15,854 Come on, Ling, we're supposed to be learning 4 00:00:15,854 --> 00:00:18,106 some new moves here. 5 00:00:18,106 --> 00:00:19,404 - Oh, right. 6 00:00:19,404 --> 00:00:21,373 Me winning is old news. 7 00:00:21,373 --> 00:00:22,904 - Yo! 8 00:00:22,904 --> 00:00:24,184 Hello? 9 00:00:24,184 --> 00:00:27,364 You guys even know the meaning of concentrate? 10 00:00:27,364 --> 00:00:29,244 - Okay, okay. 11 00:00:29,244 --> 00:00:30,284 Now what? 12 00:00:30,284 --> 00:00:32,364 - Start using the power in your bands, 13 00:00:32,364 --> 00:00:35,184 even when you're not in Dragon Mode. 14 00:00:35,184 --> 00:00:37,119 Come on, let's try it again. 15 00:00:37,119 --> 00:00:43,109 (shouting) 16 00:00:53,414 --> 00:00:59,529 Let the bands sense where you wanna go. 17 00:00:59,529 --> 00:01:02,474 (shouting) 18 00:01:02,474 --> 00:01:05,864 - The young dragons react well on the surface, 19 00:01:05,864 --> 00:01:11,854 but their centers are still anchored to the here and now. 20 00:01:14,004 --> 00:01:15,304 - Impressed? 21 00:01:15,304 --> 00:01:18,402 - You still can't tap into your bands unless you power up, 22 00:01:18,402 --> 00:01:20,694 so no, not impressed. 23 00:01:20,694 --> 00:01:22,884 Actually, gettin' really bored. 24 00:01:22,884 --> 00:01:23,844 - Ha! 25 00:01:23,844 --> 00:01:25,984 I think we've just been dissed, sis. 26 00:01:25,984 --> 00:01:27,284 Come on, let's show this guy 27 00:01:27,284 --> 00:01:30,653 we don't need some old dog to teach us new tricks. 28 00:01:30,653 --> 00:01:37,286 (shouting) 29 00:01:37,286 --> 00:01:40,197 Ling, look out! 30 00:01:40,197 --> 00:01:46,187 (mysterious string music) 31 00:02:35,922 --> 00:02:39,756 (power crackling) 32 00:02:39,756 --> 00:02:41,997 (screaming) 33 00:02:41,997 --> 00:02:42,830 - Ang! 34 00:02:42,830 --> 00:02:45,364 I didn't even know you, I, 35 00:02:45,364 --> 00:02:48,764 we could do any of that without powering all the way up. 36 00:02:48,764 --> 00:02:50,534 So you can even fire power blasts 37 00:02:50,534 --> 00:02:52,334 without becoming Shadow Wolf? 38 00:02:52,334 --> 00:02:55,184 - Not as powerful, but yeah. 39 00:02:55,184 --> 00:02:57,444 - How did you know Ling could do it, 40 00:02:57,444 --> 00:02:58,894 block your blast? 41 00:02:58,894 --> 00:03:00,784 - I didn't, but I figured better 42 00:03:00,784 --> 00:03:02,914 to rely on her instincts kicking in 43 00:03:02,914 --> 00:03:04,614 than having her think about it. 44 00:03:04,614 --> 00:03:07,374 - But Ling could've been seriously hurt by that blast. 45 00:03:07,374 --> 00:03:08,524 - Maybe. 46 00:03:08,524 --> 00:03:10,784 But point is, she wasn't. 47 00:03:10,784 --> 00:03:12,774 Neither were you. 48 00:03:12,774 --> 00:03:14,954 - He's right, everything's cool. 49 00:03:14,954 --> 00:03:15,787 - Yeah? 50 00:03:15,787 --> 00:03:19,854 Well, maybe I oughta see if I could kick in your instincts. 51 00:03:19,854 --> 00:03:22,074 - Give it your best shot, kid! 52 00:03:22,074 --> 00:03:24,514 That is, if you can. 53 00:03:24,514 --> 00:03:26,544 - Just watch me. 54 00:03:26,544 --> 00:03:27,854 - Ang, come on. 55 00:03:27,854 --> 00:03:32,064 - No, he had no right to risk it. 56 00:03:32,064 --> 00:03:38,054 Empower the Dragon! 57 00:03:39,973 --> 00:03:42,024 - What are you doing? 58 00:03:42,024 --> 00:03:45,402 - Teaching this wolf two can use dirty tricks. 59 00:03:45,402 --> 00:03:50,654 - No, Ang! 60 00:03:50,654 --> 00:03:53,154 He makes it look so easy. 61 00:03:53,154 --> 00:03:54,471 - Ow! 62 00:03:54,471 --> 00:03:56,114 Hey, what's with you? 63 00:03:56,114 --> 00:03:57,274 - Me? 64 00:03:57,274 --> 00:04:00,097 You're the one that's acting like a total airhead. 65 00:04:00,097 --> 00:04:03,344 - It's cool, he totally missed me. 66 00:04:03,344 --> 00:04:06,164 Look, I'm on your side, remember? 67 00:04:06,164 --> 00:04:10,694 - Ang, I swear, if you don't power down and grow up, I'll-- 68 00:04:10,694 --> 00:04:13,574 - Okay, okay, you're right. 69 00:04:13,574 --> 00:04:15,902 I overreacted a little. 70 00:04:15,902 --> 00:04:16,735 - A little? 71 00:04:16,735 --> 00:04:17,832 - Sorry, I-- 72 00:04:17,832 --> 00:04:21,104 - No problem, but maybe you guys should just forget 73 00:04:21,104 --> 00:04:23,934 about learning how to do more with your power bands, 74 00:04:23,934 --> 00:04:26,084 at least for a while. 75 00:04:26,084 --> 00:04:27,134 - No way. 76 00:04:27,134 --> 00:04:30,054 You can scratch that idea, along with your fleas. 77 00:04:30,054 --> 00:04:33,585 I'm gonna learn how to transport no matter what it takes. 78 00:04:33,585 --> 00:04:35,134 (laughing) 79 00:04:35,134 --> 00:04:37,434 - Spoken like a true dragon. 80 00:04:37,434 --> 00:04:40,004 - Hey, it's not like I can't do it at all. 81 00:04:40,004 --> 00:04:41,244 I've almost got it down. 82 00:04:41,244 --> 00:04:43,514 - Close won't cut it. 83 00:04:43,514 --> 00:04:46,104 You transport just a few feet off your mark, 84 00:04:46,104 --> 00:04:48,284 and you could wind up inside a brick wall 85 00:04:48,284 --> 00:04:51,134 or in front of a speeding train. 86 00:04:51,134 --> 00:04:53,324 - Now, there's a nice, gruesome thought. 87 00:04:53,324 --> 00:04:55,054 - Well, we gotta keep trying. 88 00:04:55,054 --> 00:04:56,304 - Don't worry, bro. 89 00:04:56,304 --> 00:04:58,983 Once I've mastered it, I'll show you how. 90 00:04:58,983 --> 00:05:03,804 - Oh, sure, like you'd be the first to learn. 91 00:05:03,804 --> 00:05:05,794 - Perhaps I have been to hasty 92 00:05:05,794 --> 00:05:08,364 advancing your training so rapidly, 93 00:05:08,364 --> 00:05:09,974 but the emperor has been moving 94 00:05:09,974 --> 00:05:12,864 even faster than a speeding train. 95 00:05:12,864 --> 00:05:16,414 - Which is why we just have to keep practicing. 96 00:05:16,414 --> 00:05:20,234 How about we try to transport up to the roof? 97 00:05:20,234 --> 00:05:21,234 - You're on. 98 00:05:21,234 --> 00:05:23,704 - Very well, but remember, 99 00:05:23,704 --> 00:05:26,998 you must never break your concentration. 100 00:05:26,998 --> 00:05:28,805 Now, my young dragons, 101 00:05:28,805 --> 00:05:34,094 envision yourselves in the place where you wish to go. 102 00:05:34,094 --> 00:05:35,964 - Concentrate. 103 00:05:35,964 --> 00:05:39,087 The roof. 104 00:05:39,087 --> 00:05:40,351 I'm there. 105 00:05:40,351 --> 00:05:43,224 - The last one on the roof's a rotten dragon egg. 106 00:05:43,224 --> 00:05:44,917 The roof. 107 00:05:44,917 --> 00:05:47,141 Up to the roof. 108 00:05:47,141 --> 00:05:48,884 Up. 109 00:05:48,884 --> 00:05:50,494 Take me up. 110 00:05:50,494 --> 00:05:53,763 Now! 111 00:05:53,763 --> 00:05:56,879 I did it! 112 00:05:56,879 --> 00:05:59,328 (screaming) 113 00:05:59,328 --> 00:06:02,594 (grunting) 114 00:06:02,594 --> 00:06:04,273 - What happened? 115 00:06:04,273 --> 00:06:08,375 (shouting) 116 00:06:08,375 --> 00:06:09,810 (grunting) 117 00:06:09,810 --> 00:06:14,064 - I've got him. 118 00:06:14,064 --> 00:06:15,834 - Hey, put me down. 119 00:06:15,834 --> 00:06:18,528 - Suit yourself. 120 00:06:18,528 --> 00:06:20,184 (laughing) 121 00:06:20,184 --> 00:06:23,164 You asked for it! 122 00:06:23,164 --> 00:06:26,154 - Yeah, thanks a lot, pal. 123 00:06:26,154 --> 00:06:27,714 Guess we need to try harder. 124 00:06:27,714 --> 00:06:29,134 - Try all you want. 125 00:06:29,134 --> 00:06:30,684 I'll still beat you to it. 126 00:06:30,684 --> 00:06:34,154 - I am reminded here of the ancient legend 127 00:06:34,154 --> 00:06:36,494 of the architect who tried to build 128 00:06:36,494 --> 00:06:38,994 the tallest pagoda in China. 129 00:06:38,994 --> 00:06:42,334 - Uh oh, I feel a fortune cookie coming on. 130 00:06:42,334 --> 00:06:45,244 - Every time he would be close to finishing, 131 00:06:45,244 --> 00:06:47,954 he would hear of a taller pagoda, 132 00:06:47,954 --> 00:06:51,274 and so, he would add one more level. 133 00:06:51,274 --> 00:06:54,814 Eventually, the pagoda reached to the clouds, 134 00:06:54,814 --> 00:06:59,031 but when he climbed to the top to add yet one more story, 135 00:06:59,031 --> 00:07:01,764 he disappeared in the clouds, 136 00:07:01,764 --> 00:07:04,174 and was never seen again. 137 00:07:04,174 --> 00:07:07,154 - Okay, that one went way over my head, 138 00:07:07,154 --> 00:07:08,804 if you'll excuse the pun. 139 00:07:08,804 --> 00:07:11,204 What's some silly old legend got to do with us? 140 00:07:11,204 --> 00:07:13,639 - Well, most people would say a Golden Dragon 141 00:07:13,639 --> 00:07:17,394 or a Shadow Wolf temple were just silly old legends. 142 00:07:17,394 --> 00:07:18,944 - Good point. 143 00:07:18,944 --> 00:07:22,594 - So, maybe there's more to a lot of legends 144 00:07:22,594 --> 00:07:23,974 than meets the eye. 145 00:07:23,974 --> 00:07:25,224 - What's he gettin' at? 146 00:07:25,224 --> 00:07:26,264 - I know that look. 147 00:07:26,264 --> 00:07:27,814 He's got an idea. 148 00:07:27,814 --> 00:07:29,384 Spill it, bro. 149 00:07:29,384 --> 00:07:32,394 - Okay, so, you know how we've been trying to figure out 150 00:07:32,394 --> 00:07:34,234 where the missing shadow temples are? 151 00:07:34,234 --> 00:07:38,194 What if the old legends are the key? 152 00:07:38,194 --> 00:07:41,190 - I am happy that my story has produced 153 00:07:41,190 --> 00:07:43,904 more than cookie filler. 154 00:07:43,904 --> 00:07:46,154 - I'll meet you at the Dragon Jet in an hour. 155 00:07:46,154 --> 00:07:50,004 I have an idea I may already know where one of them is. 156 00:07:50,004 --> 00:07:52,884 - At least tell us which temple. 157 00:07:52,884 --> 00:07:58,874 - The Shadow Horse. 158 00:08:00,707 --> 00:08:04,297 (engine blaring) 159 00:08:04,297 --> 00:08:05,184 - Come on, Ang. 160 00:08:05,184 --> 00:08:07,294 This sounds like a wild goose chase to me. 161 00:08:07,294 --> 00:08:08,724 - Or a wild horse chase? 162 00:08:08,724 --> 00:08:09,574 - Look, I'm telling you, 163 00:08:09,574 --> 00:08:12,004 this legend smacks of a zodiac temple. 164 00:08:12,004 --> 00:08:14,634 Look, it's all about this prehistoric horse 165 00:08:14,634 --> 00:08:16,654 cut into a chalk hillside in England. 166 00:08:16,654 --> 00:08:18,824 - Yeah, I think I've heard of it. 167 00:08:18,824 --> 00:08:21,644 Something like the Uffington White Horse? 168 00:08:21,644 --> 00:08:24,244 - Right, not far from Stonehenge, 169 00:08:24,244 --> 00:08:27,394 another mysterious place loaded with myths. 170 00:08:27,394 --> 00:08:29,031 What do you think, Master Chin? 171 00:08:29,031 --> 00:08:31,864 - It brings to mind another ancient saying: 172 00:08:31,864 --> 00:08:35,105 do not wake me up until we get there. 173 00:08:35,105 --> 00:08:40,183 (laughing) 174 00:08:40,183 --> 00:08:41,746 - Okay, we're almost there now. 175 00:08:41,746 --> 00:08:44,834 - Yeah, well, I'm just psyched to be out of the dojo 176 00:08:44,834 --> 00:08:47,234 and going sightseeing in England. 177 00:08:47,234 --> 00:08:49,554 - Hey, we're not on vacation here. 178 00:08:49,554 --> 00:08:51,194 - Speak for yourself. 179 00:08:51,194 --> 00:08:55,034 - In that case, perhaps when we are done at White Horse, 180 00:08:55,034 --> 00:08:58,514 you might be psyched enough to dispel the myth 181 00:08:58,514 --> 00:09:00,554 of the Loch Ness Monster? 182 00:09:00,554 --> 00:09:04,184 - Wait, he's not saying... 183 00:09:04,184 --> 00:09:10,566 (laughing) 184 00:09:10,566 --> 00:09:16,556 (engines firing) 185 00:09:21,972 --> 00:09:24,144 - Ah, would you look at that? 186 00:09:24,144 --> 00:09:27,954 It's awesome! 187 00:09:27,954 --> 00:09:29,324 - Yeah, but it doesn't prove 188 00:09:29,324 --> 00:09:31,364 that there's a temple around here anywhere. 189 00:09:31,364 --> 00:09:34,175 - Well, it doesn't prove there isn't one, either. 190 00:09:34,175 --> 00:09:37,614 - That is, I believe, why we came. 191 00:09:37,614 --> 00:09:40,953 Might I suggest we examine the site? 192 00:09:40,953 --> 00:09:42,994 (sniffing) 193 00:09:42,994 --> 00:09:44,304 - Smell anything? 194 00:09:44,304 --> 00:09:46,864 - Just tourists. 195 00:09:46,864 --> 00:09:48,353 - I could've told you that. 196 00:09:48,353 --> 00:09:53,774 - Yeah, but you would've been guessing. 197 00:09:53,774 --> 00:09:57,985 - There's nothing worse than a know-it-all wolf. 198 00:09:57,985 --> 00:10:03,975 (grunting) 199 00:10:08,496 --> 00:10:10,724 Xuan Chi! 200 00:10:10,724 --> 00:10:12,134 Xuan Chi! 201 00:10:12,134 --> 00:10:14,973 Buddy, are you okay? 202 00:10:14,973 --> 00:10:17,334 (Xuan Chi grunting) 203 00:10:17,334 --> 00:10:21,644 He's all right. 204 00:10:21,644 --> 00:10:23,407 So, what's down there? 205 00:10:23,407 --> 00:10:24,384 (grunting) 206 00:10:24,384 --> 00:10:26,124 I knew it! 207 00:10:26,124 --> 00:10:27,784 There's a tunnel down there! 208 00:10:27,784 --> 00:10:30,484 - That still doesn't mean it leads to a temple. 209 00:10:30,484 --> 00:10:33,534 - Only one way to find out. 210 00:10:33,534 --> 00:10:39,524 - Xuan Chi and I will remain here while you investigate. 211 00:10:49,294 --> 00:10:52,396 - Doesn't look much like a temple to me. 212 00:10:52,396 --> 00:10:53,264 (growling) 213 00:10:53,264 --> 00:10:55,624 - Pretty tight tunnel, 214 00:10:55,624 --> 00:10:58,374 but I guess it's big enough for you guys to squeeze through. 215 00:10:58,374 --> 00:10:59,614 - Get real! 216 00:10:59,614 --> 00:11:02,094 - If you'd mastered the technique, 217 00:11:02,094 --> 00:11:07,484 it'd just pop open, like this. 218 00:11:07,484 --> 00:11:08,604 - Showoff! 219 00:11:08,604 --> 00:11:10,644 - Come on, there's a cave! 220 00:11:10,644 --> 00:11:14,484 And a passage that looks like it goes back under the hill! 221 00:11:14,484 --> 00:11:19,424 - No way I'm crawling through there. 222 00:11:19,424 --> 00:11:21,914 - Hey, remember what happened last time? 223 00:11:21,914 --> 00:11:24,824 You wanna end up trapped in some dead end cave? 224 00:11:24,824 --> 00:11:28,294 - Oh, all right, but you go first. 225 00:11:28,294 --> 00:11:30,734 This whole trip was your dumb idea. 226 00:11:30,734 --> 00:11:32,654 - Yeah, and I'll remind you of that 227 00:11:32,654 --> 00:11:35,204 when we find a Shadow Horse temple. 228 00:11:35,204 --> 00:11:41,984 - You mean if we find the temple, if. 229 00:11:41,984 --> 00:11:44,034 I swear, when we get out of here, 230 00:11:44,034 --> 00:11:45,884 I am not leaving the dojo 'til I learn 231 00:11:45,884 --> 00:11:51,164 to transport with my power band. 232 00:11:51,164 --> 00:11:53,164 Okay, this better be the temple, 233 00:11:53,164 --> 00:11:59,154 'cause this girl not crawling through any more holes. 234 00:12:00,271 --> 00:12:02,583 - Now, this is more like it! 235 00:12:02,583 --> 00:12:04,778 A dragon could feel right at home here. 236 00:12:04,778 --> 00:12:05,920 (rumbling) 237 00:12:05,920 --> 00:12:09,464 - What is it? 238 00:12:09,464 --> 00:12:10,514 I'm beginning to think somebody 239 00:12:10,514 --> 00:12:16,297 isn't really happy we're here. 240 00:12:16,297 --> 00:12:22,287 (rumbling) 241 00:12:24,944 --> 00:12:27,616 - Look out! 242 00:12:27,616 --> 00:12:33,606 - This whole place is alive! 243 00:12:36,500 --> 00:12:42,490 (shouting) 244 00:12:43,944 --> 00:12:47,164 Next time, remind me to bring my spelunking gear! 245 00:12:47,164 --> 00:12:48,744 - Look at those, I'm right! 246 00:12:48,744 --> 00:12:50,614 These have to be temple defenses! 247 00:12:50,614 --> 00:12:53,124 There's a shadow temple down here somewhere! 248 00:12:53,124 --> 00:12:55,382 - I get the point. 249 00:12:55,382 --> 00:12:57,917 (shouting) 250 00:12:57,917 --> 00:13:03,907 - Empower the Shadow Wolf! 251 00:13:13,821 --> 00:13:16,621 (shouting) 252 00:13:16,621 --> 00:13:19,694 (howling) 253 00:13:19,694 --> 00:13:23,014 - Dog boy's showing off again. 254 00:13:23,014 --> 00:13:24,154 - Who cares? 255 00:13:24,154 --> 00:13:26,705 He's barking up the right tree this time. 256 00:13:26,705 --> 00:13:28,244 Let's power up before whatever's trying 257 00:13:28,244 --> 00:13:31,164 to nail us finally scores. 258 00:13:31,164 --> 00:13:37,154 - [Both] Empower Double Golden Dragon! 259 00:13:47,844 --> 00:13:53,433 - What say we rock and roll? 260 00:13:53,433 --> 00:14:00,094 (shouting) 261 00:14:00,094 --> 00:14:03,314 So, what do you think of those moves, big dog? 262 00:14:03,314 --> 00:14:04,924 - Impressive, 263 00:14:04,924 --> 00:14:06,794 but not exactly helping us figure out 264 00:14:06,794 --> 00:14:09,124 who's trying to crack our skulls here. 265 00:14:09,124 --> 00:14:11,414 - Then what are we standing around yapping for? 266 00:14:11,414 --> 00:14:12,944 Let's go! 267 00:14:12,944 --> 00:14:14,284 - Hang on, Ang! 268 00:14:14,284 --> 00:14:15,406 - Now what? 269 00:14:15,406 --> 00:14:17,694 (sniffing) 270 00:14:17,694 --> 00:14:19,004 - Told you so time. 271 00:14:19,004 --> 00:14:20,084 - Wait a minute-- 272 00:14:20,084 --> 00:14:21,674 - As in, Ang was right. 273 00:14:21,674 --> 00:14:24,304 This is the entrance to the Shadow Horse temple. 274 00:14:24,304 --> 00:14:25,904 I can feel the yin energy. 275 00:14:25,904 --> 00:14:29,464 - Oh, thanks, cool. 276 00:14:29,464 --> 00:14:33,454 (panting) 277 00:14:33,454 --> 00:14:35,704 - Right, real cool. 278 00:14:35,704 --> 00:14:39,934 We've got some wild horse trying to trample us. 279 00:14:39,934 --> 00:14:42,154 Great, a maze. 280 00:14:42,154 --> 00:14:44,214 Now what? 281 00:14:44,214 --> 00:14:47,034 - Three tunnels, we each take one. 282 00:14:47,034 --> 00:14:47,867 Let's go. 283 00:14:47,867 --> 00:14:48,991 - Hold your horses. 284 00:14:48,991 --> 00:14:51,464 I can't believe I said that. 285 00:14:51,464 --> 00:14:53,612 K-Ho, what is it? 286 00:14:53,612 --> 00:14:54,445 (growling) 287 00:14:54,445 --> 00:14:55,964 - We want the one on the left. 288 00:14:55,964 --> 00:14:59,364 - Is this like some kind of bloodhound thing? 289 00:14:59,364 --> 00:15:00,974 - Closer to a wolf hound, junior, 290 00:15:00,974 --> 00:15:02,654 but trust me, I'm right. 291 00:15:02,654 --> 00:15:05,304 There's major yin energy coming from that tunnel. 292 00:15:05,304 --> 00:15:06,904 - That's good enough for me. 293 00:15:06,904 --> 00:15:12,894 Let's go for it. 294 00:15:16,214 --> 00:15:18,884 - Do you sense it? 295 00:15:18,884 --> 00:15:20,464 A clash of yin and yang, 296 00:15:20,464 --> 00:15:25,297 a ripple in the fabric of the universe. 297 00:15:25,297 --> 00:15:28,874 - Uh, yeah, sure, I sense it. 298 00:15:28,874 --> 00:15:31,714 I'm your sister, remember? 299 00:15:31,714 --> 00:15:34,804 - There are times I wish I could forget. 300 00:15:34,804 --> 00:15:38,804 - Ha, ha, so funny I wish I'd remembered to laugh. 301 00:15:38,804 --> 00:15:40,684 So, tell me, big brother, 302 00:15:40,684 --> 00:15:43,624 what are the golden goodies up to now? 303 00:15:43,624 --> 00:15:46,304 - They have done me a great service 304 00:15:46,304 --> 00:15:50,314 by finding the hidden temple of the Shadow Horse. 305 00:15:50,314 --> 00:15:53,373 The Shadow Stallion has resisted my call, 306 00:15:53,373 --> 00:15:58,104 but now that I know where to find him, 307 00:15:58,104 --> 00:16:01,934 I shall reign him in and use his power 308 00:16:01,934 --> 00:16:07,199 to crush the Golden Dragons. 309 00:16:07,199 --> 00:16:09,394 - Well, let's hope you have better luck 310 00:16:09,394 --> 00:16:13,934 with this shadow nag than you had with that mangy lapdog. 311 00:16:13,934 --> 00:16:16,305 - Not I. 312 00:16:16,305 --> 00:16:18,725 You. 313 00:16:18,725 --> 00:16:23,294 - Oh, come on, I hate riding and I really hate hay, 314 00:16:23,294 --> 00:16:25,195 and don't get me started on horse manure-- 315 00:16:25,195 --> 00:16:26,334 - Enough! 316 00:16:26,334 --> 00:16:28,384 You will do as I command! 317 00:16:28,384 --> 00:16:32,314 - Yeah, yeah, little sister has no rights. 318 00:16:32,314 --> 00:16:34,924 Okay, so, what's the plan? 319 00:16:34,924 --> 00:16:39,889 - It is simple enough for even you to grasp. 320 00:16:39,889 --> 00:16:43,564 Bring me the Shadow Horse, and the rest of them 321 00:16:43,564 --> 00:16:49,554 will remain buried beneath White Horse Hill for eternity. 322 00:16:51,160 --> 00:16:52,881 (chuckling) 323 00:16:52,881 --> 00:16:58,644 - Works for me. 324 00:16:58,644 --> 00:17:01,574 - So, still think my idea was lame? 325 00:17:01,574 --> 00:17:03,308 - All right, I'll say it. 326 00:17:03,308 --> 00:17:05,874 Otherwise, he'll never shut up. 327 00:17:05,874 --> 00:17:07,784 You were right, okay? 328 00:17:07,784 --> 00:17:10,234 - It's a start, but I think I'm entitled 329 00:17:10,234 --> 00:17:11,954 to a lot more groveling. 330 00:17:11,954 --> 00:17:14,144 - I'm afraid that will have to wait. 331 00:17:14,144 --> 00:17:15,714 - For what? 332 00:17:15,714 --> 00:17:20,594 - Him. 333 00:17:20,594 --> 00:17:23,324 - Let me guess, the Shadow Horse guardian? 334 00:17:23,324 --> 00:17:26,874 - Guardian, yes, but not simply a horse, 335 00:17:26,874 --> 00:17:30,344 as you will see when I kick you out of my temple. 336 00:17:30,344 --> 00:17:35,092 Empower the Shadow Stallion! 337 00:17:35,092 --> 00:17:41,082 (rumbling, horse whinnying) 338 00:17:42,974 --> 00:17:45,274 - Whoa, easy there! 339 00:17:45,274 --> 00:17:46,484 - Whoa? 340 00:17:46,484 --> 00:17:47,694 - Well... 341 00:17:47,694 --> 00:17:50,364 - Listen, we're not here to fight you. 342 00:17:50,364 --> 00:17:52,634 - Two Golden Dragons and a-- 343 00:17:52,634 --> 00:17:54,444 - Shadow Wolf. 344 00:17:54,444 --> 00:17:56,108 - Then you serve the emperor. 345 00:17:56,108 --> 00:17:58,764 How can you stand with Golden Dragons? 346 00:17:58,764 --> 00:18:00,084 - Long story. 347 00:18:00,084 --> 00:18:02,794 Bottom line, I don't serve anyone. 348 00:18:02,794 --> 00:18:06,324 My job is to maintain the balance between yin and yang, 349 00:18:06,324 --> 00:18:09,464 and that is what they're fighting for too. 350 00:18:09,464 --> 00:18:12,234 - So we came to find out whose side you're on. 351 00:18:12,234 --> 00:18:13,364 - The emperor and I 352 00:18:13,364 --> 00:18:16,957 have been wondering about that ourselves. 353 00:18:16,957 --> 00:18:18,824 What's it gonna be, Tex? 354 00:18:18,824 --> 00:18:20,814 White hat or black? 355 00:18:20,814 --> 00:18:22,155 Shadow or 356 00:18:22,155 --> 00:18:23,988 (yawning) 357 00:18:23,988 --> 00:18:26,145 or boring light? 358 00:18:26,145 --> 00:18:26,978 - Light. 359 00:18:26,978 --> 00:18:30,210 No matter what the color, a mustang must run free. 360 00:18:30,210 --> 00:18:31,191 (buzzing) 361 00:18:31,191 --> 00:18:32,837 - Wrong answer. 362 00:18:32,837 --> 00:18:34,959 - [Ang] Look out! 363 00:18:34,959 --> 00:18:36,568 (grunting) 364 00:18:36,568 --> 00:18:41,272 - You dirty rat! 365 00:18:41,272 --> 00:18:43,804 - Are you okay? 366 00:18:43,804 --> 00:18:45,594 - I've had better days. 367 00:18:45,594 --> 00:18:47,384 - You saved me, why? 368 00:18:47,384 --> 00:18:50,154 - 'Cause we're the good guys, get it? 369 00:18:50,154 --> 00:18:51,683 - Starting to. 370 00:18:51,683 --> 00:18:52,528 Now what? 371 00:18:52,528 --> 00:18:55,611 - Good question. 372 00:18:55,611 --> 00:18:58,812 I'm thinking this might be fun. 373 00:18:58,812 --> 00:19:01,081 (laughing) 374 00:19:01,081 --> 00:19:04,707 Yippie-yi-ki-yay, losers! 375 00:19:04,707 --> 00:19:06,275 (shouting) 376 00:19:06,275 --> 00:19:10,796 (rumbling) 377 00:19:10,796 --> 00:19:12,851 - We'll be buried alive! 378 00:19:12,851 --> 00:19:16,234 We have to use our bands to transport out. 379 00:19:16,234 --> 00:19:17,564 - You guys go. 380 00:19:17,564 --> 00:19:21,144 - Not without you! 381 00:19:21,144 --> 00:19:22,854 Get going, we'll be right behind you. 382 00:19:22,854 --> 00:19:24,330 - Don't just stand by-- 383 00:19:24,330 --> 00:19:26,794 - Just giddy up already! 384 00:19:26,794 --> 00:19:30,224 - Very well, then. 385 00:19:30,224 --> 00:19:31,634 - You too, K-Ho. 386 00:19:31,634 --> 00:19:33,594 Slap your band and boogie. 387 00:19:33,594 --> 00:19:35,024 - I can't leave you guys. 388 00:19:35,024 --> 00:19:35,857 - You have to! 389 00:19:35,857 --> 00:19:37,587 If we don't make it, you're gonna have-- 390 00:19:37,587 --> 00:19:40,014 - Don't even think it! 391 00:19:40,014 --> 00:19:44,195 - Please. 392 00:19:44,195 --> 00:19:45,824 - You can do it, come on! 393 00:19:45,824 --> 00:19:47,804 You're both Golden Dragons! 394 00:19:47,804 --> 00:19:51,544 Good luck. 395 00:19:51,544 --> 00:19:53,404 - Ling and Ang? 396 00:19:53,404 --> 00:19:54,914 - They're still down there. 397 00:19:54,914 --> 00:19:58,594 - But they're temple guardians, Golden Dragons. 398 00:19:58,594 --> 00:20:00,814 They must have the power to transport. 399 00:20:00,814 --> 00:20:05,305 - The power, yes, but do they have the oneness of mind? 400 00:20:05,305 --> 00:20:10,305 (rumbling) 401 00:20:10,305 --> 00:20:13,174 - We're running out of time, Ling! 402 00:20:13,174 --> 00:20:14,152 - No kidding. 403 00:20:14,152 --> 00:20:17,284 We've gotta try, even if only one of us makes it, 404 00:20:17,284 --> 00:20:18,984 that's better than-- - Wait! 405 00:20:18,984 --> 00:20:21,624 That's it, we've been doing it all wrong, 406 00:20:21,624 --> 00:20:23,734 trying to see which one of us is better, when-- 407 00:20:23,734 --> 00:20:25,984 - [Both] We should be working together! 408 00:20:25,984 --> 00:20:27,914 - We're both good as Golden Dragons-- 409 00:20:27,914 --> 00:20:33,846 - But we're totally awesome as Double Golden Dragons! 410 00:20:33,846 --> 00:20:35,074 - [K-Ho] You made it! 411 00:20:35,074 --> 00:20:38,484 - I am very pleased to see you have seen the light, 412 00:20:38,484 --> 00:20:40,624 working together as one. 413 00:20:40,624 --> 00:20:41,457 - Yeah. 414 00:20:41,457 --> 00:20:44,314 Guess what we really need to practice is teamwork. 415 00:20:44,314 --> 00:20:46,484 - I'm really sorry about your temple. 416 00:20:46,484 --> 00:20:49,084 - Well, at least I saved the shrine. 417 00:20:49,084 --> 00:20:50,934 - The emperor isn't likely to give up 418 00:20:50,934 --> 00:20:52,246 on trying to lasso you. 419 00:20:52,246 --> 00:20:54,334 - So, where will you go? 420 00:20:54,334 --> 00:20:56,734 - This part of the world is alive 421 00:20:56,734 --> 00:20:59,784 with ancient ruins and mystical energies. 422 00:20:59,784 --> 00:21:03,764 I am certain the shadow stallion will find refuge. 423 00:21:03,764 --> 00:21:05,184 - He's right. 424 00:21:05,184 --> 00:21:06,747 There's always Stonehenge, 425 00:21:06,747 --> 00:21:10,394 or maybe I'll drop in for a visit at Loch Ness. 426 00:21:10,394 --> 00:21:12,314 The big guy gets kind of lonely down there, 427 00:21:12,314 --> 00:21:14,614 all by himself. 428 00:21:14,614 --> 00:21:16,604 - He can't mean... 429 00:21:16,604 --> 00:21:17,437 - Can he? 430 00:21:17,437 --> 00:21:23,427 (laughing) 431 00:21:28,379 --> 00:22:02,239 (driving percussive music)