1 00:00:04,043 --> 00:00:10,033 (slow music) 2 00:00:17,251 --> 00:00:18,276 - Yes! 3 00:00:18,276 --> 00:00:19,399 This is it! 4 00:00:19,399 --> 00:00:25,779 I'm sure of it. 5 00:00:25,779 --> 00:00:27,259 Master Chin, it's-- 6 00:00:27,259 --> 00:00:29,475 - Dr. Wallace! 7 00:00:29,475 --> 00:00:32,549 This is, indeed, a welcome surprise. 8 00:00:32,549 --> 00:00:35,239 How many years has it been, Beverley? 9 00:00:35,239 --> 00:00:36,969 - Beverley? 10 00:00:36,969 --> 00:00:38,599 - Far too long. 11 00:00:38,599 --> 00:00:40,589 I hope you're sitting down, old friend, 12 00:00:40,589 --> 00:00:42,879 because I have news. 13 00:00:42,879 --> 00:00:44,049 I found it. 14 00:00:44,049 --> 00:00:48,332 I finally found the sistrum. 15 00:00:48,332 --> 00:00:51,772 - [Master Chin] The sacred rattle of goddess Bastet? 16 00:00:51,772 --> 00:00:53,081 You are certain? 17 00:00:53,081 --> 00:00:54,799 - Almost. 18 00:00:54,799 --> 00:00:56,929 But I need your expertise to confirm it. 19 00:00:56,929 --> 00:00:58,019 This is a camera phone, 20 00:00:58,019 --> 00:01:00,329 so I'll send you a picture of it now. 21 00:01:00,329 --> 00:01:01,629 - Excellent! 22 00:01:01,629 --> 00:01:03,829 - This is weird. 23 00:01:03,829 --> 00:01:05,119 I don't think I've actually 24 00:01:05,119 --> 00:01:08,189 ever seen Master Chin on the phone before. 25 00:01:08,189 --> 00:01:10,808 And talking to a girl? 26 00:01:10,808 --> 00:01:12,859 - He sure sounded happy to hear from her. 27 00:01:12,859 --> 00:01:15,219 You don't think they may be... 28 00:01:15,219 --> 00:01:16,989 Nah, she couldn't be a-- 29 00:01:16,989 --> 00:01:18,379 - Girlfriend? 30 00:01:18,379 --> 00:01:23,343 That's just way too weird! 31 00:01:23,343 --> 00:01:27,979 - It would appear you are correct, Dr. Wallace. 32 00:01:27,979 --> 00:01:29,359 - Oh, I knew it! 33 00:01:29,359 --> 00:01:33,069 Do you realize what this discovery will mean? 34 00:01:33,069 --> 00:01:34,659 - [Master Chin] Dr. Wallace, 35 00:01:34,659 --> 00:01:36,139 Beverley, 36 00:01:36,139 --> 00:01:37,359 you must be very careful. 37 00:01:37,359 --> 00:01:41,311 There is another who would benefit from your finding-- 38 00:01:41,311 --> 00:01:42,219 (screaming) 39 00:01:42,219 --> 00:01:44,731 (low howling) 40 00:01:44,731 --> 00:01:49,154 Dr. Wallace, can you hear me? 41 00:01:49,154 --> 00:01:55,144 (muffled speech) (winds howling) 42 00:02:16,325 --> 00:02:18,749 Dr. Wallace, what has happened? 43 00:02:18,749 --> 00:02:24,739 - It's too utterly fantastic. 44 00:02:31,914 --> 00:02:37,904 (adventurous music) - [Beverley] No! 45 00:02:39,913 --> 00:02:45,903 ("Legend of the Dragon Theme") 46 00:03:35,499 --> 00:03:37,899 - So, Master Chin, 47 00:03:37,899 --> 00:03:41,829 who is this damsel in distress we're off to see? 48 00:03:41,829 --> 00:03:46,409 - Dr. Wallace is a highly regarded colleague. 49 00:03:46,409 --> 00:03:48,799 - So, she's an archeologist? 50 00:03:48,799 --> 00:03:52,419 - Oh yes, and a very fine one. 51 00:03:52,419 --> 00:03:54,369 Many years ago, we worked together, 52 00:03:54,369 --> 00:03:58,199 searching the world for sacred places of power. 53 00:03:58,199 --> 00:04:01,049 - You sure that was all you were doing? 54 00:04:01,049 --> 00:04:03,539 - The young dragon would do well 55 00:04:03,539 --> 00:04:07,321 to focus attention on matters which concern her. 56 00:04:07,321 --> 00:04:08,729 - Yeah. 57 00:04:08,729 --> 00:04:14,719 I'll finish packing. 58 00:04:19,030 --> 00:04:19,863 - You know, Ling, 59 00:04:19,863 --> 00:04:21,949 you still haven't let me fly this thing. 60 00:04:21,949 --> 00:04:24,109 - It takes a master pilot like me 61 00:04:24,109 --> 00:04:26,829 to handle this big boy. 62 00:04:26,829 --> 00:04:28,649 (yelling) 63 00:04:28,649 --> 00:04:30,439 - Master Pilot, huh? 64 00:04:30,439 --> 00:04:32,489 - Hey, don't blame me. 65 00:04:32,489 --> 00:04:35,258 We're talking major turbulence here. 66 00:04:35,258 --> 00:04:36,539 (screaming) 67 00:04:36,539 --> 00:04:39,079 Back off, furball. 68 00:04:39,079 --> 00:04:43,047 I can handle it! 69 00:04:43,047 --> 00:04:49,037 (orchestral music) 70 00:05:02,427 --> 00:05:03,949 (laughing and cheering) 71 00:05:03,949 --> 00:05:05,499 What did I tell you? 72 00:05:05,499 --> 00:05:07,259 No prob. 73 00:05:07,259 --> 00:05:08,869 - Well done, my child. 74 00:05:08,869 --> 00:05:12,239 - I don't think everyone agrees. 75 00:05:12,239 --> 00:05:18,229 (groaning) 76 00:05:22,888 --> 00:05:24,179 (breathing heavily) 77 00:05:24,179 --> 00:05:30,169 - This is Dr. Wallace's jeep. 78 00:05:32,029 --> 00:05:34,539 It is as I feared. 79 00:05:34,539 --> 00:05:36,259 - Maybe your friend went in there. 80 00:05:36,259 --> 00:05:41,522 - Where? 81 00:05:41,522 --> 00:05:42,847 Awesome! 82 00:05:42,847 --> 00:05:44,779 - Sweet. 83 00:05:44,779 --> 00:05:46,359 - For years, Dr. Wallace and I 84 00:05:46,359 --> 00:05:48,889 searched for the Temple of Bastat, 85 00:05:48,889 --> 00:05:51,979 the home of the legendary cat-headed goddess, 86 00:05:51,979 --> 00:05:55,869 and now, she has done it. 87 00:05:55,869 --> 00:05:57,799 - [Bengali] I've heard all about the goddess. 88 00:05:57,799 --> 00:06:02,049 She was known as the peaceful protector of households. 89 00:06:02,049 --> 00:06:05,099 - That is correct, young Bengali. 90 00:06:05,099 --> 00:06:11,089 And she did so with extraordinary powers. 91 00:06:15,939 --> 00:06:18,609 We must attempt to find Beverley! 92 00:06:18,609 --> 00:06:20,859 Uh, Dr. Wallace. 93 00:06:20,859 --> 00:06:22,429 - Don't worry, Master Chin. 94 00:06:22,429 --> 00:06:28,419 If she's here, we'll find her. 95 00:06:40,829 --> 00:06:45,249 - Well, this joint definitely has a lock on creepy. 96 00:06:45,249 --> 00:06:46,289 - Check it out. 97 00:06:46,289 --> 00:06:50,199 In Ancient Egypt, people worshiped cats. 98 00:06:50,199 --> 00:06:54,479 - That's funny. 99 00:06:54,479 --> 00:06:55,759 - Kho! 100 00:06:55,759 --> 00:06:57,369 What are you doing here? 101 00:06:57,369 --> 00:06:58,719 - I got the feeling the Emperor's 102 00:06:58,719 --> 00:07:00,089 been nosing around here, 103 00:07:00,089 --> 00:07:02,669 so I thought I'd sniff it out too. 104 00:07:02,669 --> 00:07:04,229 - How'd you get here? 105 00:07:04,229 --> 00:07:06,179 - I used this. 106 00:07:06,179 --> 00:07:09,389 - You know how to transport with just your powerband? 107 00:07:09,389 --> 00:07:10,499 - Sure. 108 00:07:10,499 --> 00:07:12,789 Thought every guardian did. 109 00:07:12,789 --> 00:07:14,569 You guys need to bone up. 110 00:07:14,569 --> 00:07:17,649 - Some of us have been a little busy fighting evil. 111 00:07:17,649 --> 00:07:20,850 - Maybe you should show me how, Kho. 112 00:07:20,850 --> 00:07:23,299 - Oh, give me a break. 113 00:07:23,299 --> 00:07:26,159 - Your lesson will have to wait, young Ling. 114 00:07:26,159 --> 00:07:29,529 We must stay focused on finding Dr. Wallace. 115 00:07:29,529 --> 00:07:30,729 - You heard the man. 116 00:07:30,729 --> 00:07:36,719 Let's keep our focus here. 117 00:07:39,159 --> 00:07:42,789 - Brother, why are we wasting our time with this loser? 118 00:07:42,789 --> 00:07:45,289 We already took her little toy rattle away. 119 00:07:45,289 --> 00:07:47,109 Case closed. 120 00:07:47,109 --> 00:07:49,259 - Patience, Sister. 121 00:07:49,259 --> 00:07:51,299 Thanks to the good doctor, 122 00:07:51,299 --> 00:07:53,059 the double golden dragons 123 00:07:53,059 --> 00:07:58,579 will soon be walking straight into my trap. 124 00:07:58,579 --> 00:08:00,709 - Well, how long is this going to take? 125 00:08:00,709 --> 00:08:02,842 I had other plans today. 126 00:08:02,842 --> 00:08:05,541 (screeching) 127 00:08:05,541 --> 00:08:06,374 Okay, okay. 128 00:08:06,374 --> 00:08:09,029 Don't go all psycho ruler on me. 129 00:08:09,029 --> 00:08:10,999 - If you were not my sister, 130 00:08:10,999 --> 00:08:12,909 then I would separate your head 131 00:08:12,909 --> 00:08:16,861 from that smart mouth of yours. 132 00:08:16,861 --> 00:08:18,659 - (gulps) Got it. 133 00:08:18,659 --> 00:08:22,974 So, what's the plan, Brother dear? 134 00:08:22,974 --> 00:08:26,129 - I, Emperor of Darkest Yin, 135 00:08:26,129 --> 00:08:28,939 summon the goddess Bastet 136 00:08:28,939 --> 00:08:33,249 to once more walk the earth. 137 00:08:33,249 --> 00:08:36,989 - We meet again, great emperor. 138 00:08:36,989 --> 00:08:39,527 - This is all about her. 139 00:08:39,527 --> 00:08:41,859 Correct me if I'm wrong, Brother, 140 00:08:41,859 --> 00:08:45,729 but isn't this one of those goody two shoes goddess types? 141 00:08:45,729 --> 00:08:47,359 - The goddess Bastet 142 00:08:47,359 --> 00:08:49,909 is in the service of he that has freed her 143 00:08:49,909 --> 00:08:53,559 to once again walk the Earth. 144 00:08:53,559 --> 00:08:57,119 Is that not correct, goddess? 145 00:08:57,119 --> 00:08:58,389 - It is. 146 00:08:58,389 --> 00:09:01,819 It is my duty to do your bidding, Emperor. 147 00:09:01,819 --> 00:09:04,259 What is it you would ask of me? 148 00:09:04,259 --> 00:09:09,569 - A simple task for one as powerful as you. 149 00:09:09,569 --> 00:09:14,429 Destroy the golden dragons. 150 00:09:14,429 --> 00:09:20,575 - It shall be done. 151 00:09:20,575 --> 00:09:26,565 (light flute and string music) 152 00:09:36,239 --> 00:09:39,649 - [Ling] This place just goes on and on and on. 153 00:09:39,649 --> 00:09:40,949 It's endless. 154 00:09:40,949 --> 00:09:43,889 - Even the end has its own beginning. 155 00:09:43,889 --> 00:09:46,939 - Here he goes with the fortune cookie talk again. 156 00:09:46,939 --> 00:09:49,269 - We must maximize our efforts. 157 00:09:49,269 --> 00:09:51,399 I will explore this corridor. 158 00:09:51,399 --> 00:09:53,169 The rest of you take the other. 159 00:09:53,169 --> 00:09:55,559 - Now that, I get. 160 00:09:55,559 --> 00:09:59,210 - Maybe I should go with you. 161 00:09:59,210 --> 00:10:05,570 Or not. 162 00:10:05,570 --> 00:10:09,279 (sniffing and panting) 163 00:10:09,279 --> 00:10:11,849 - I smell cat. 164 00:10:11,849 --> 00:10:14,869 - Oh, you really know how to charm a girl, Kho. 165 00:10:14,869 --> 00:10:15,849 - Can't help it. 166 00:10:15,849 --> 00:10:17,720 It's the wolf in me. 167 00:10:17,720 --> 00:10:18,779 - (laughing) Then maybe you should 168 00:10:18,779 --> 00:10:24,889 sniff around somewhere else. 169 00:10:24,889 --> 00:10:26,689 - Jealous, Brother? 170 00:10:26,689 --> 00:10:27,889 - What, me? 171 00:10:27,889 --> 00:10:30,459 No way, you're the one who's jealous. 172 00:10:30,459 --> 00:10:33,419 I see the way you look at that wolf. 173 00:10:33,419 --> 00:10:38,149 - Well, there is something about him. 174 00:10:38,149 --> 00:10:38,982 - Hmph. 175 00:10:38,982 --> 00:10:42,310 Yeah, if you like fleas. 176 00:10:42,310 --> 00:10:48,300 (daunting music) 177 00:10:49,322 --> 00:10:55,312 (growling) 178 00:11:00,615 --> 00:11:03,259 - I'm guessing this would be the goddess Bastet. 179 00:11:03,259 --> 00:11:04,689 - In the flesh. 180 00:11:04,689 --> 00:11:07,029 - And fur. 181 00:11:07,029 --> 00:11:09,549 - Say goodbye to this world, mortals, 182 00:11:09,549 --> 00:11:14,709 for your time here is over. 183 00:11:14,709 --> 00:11:15,759 - I thought you guys said 184 00:11:15,759 --> 00:11:18,029 Bastet was a peaceful goddess. 185 00:11:18,029 --> 00:11:22,239 - Looks like somebody missed class on Goddess Bastet Day. 186 00:11:22,239 --> 00:11:28,229 I'm thinking now would be a good time to power up. 187 00:11:34,279 --> 00:11:40,720 - And powers are Shadow Wolf! 188 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:46,710 - Power Double Golden Dragon! - Power Double Golden Dragon! 189 00:11:55,776 --> 00:12:01,766 (straining) 190 00:12:03,649 --> 00:12:04,739 - Not sure this is a time 191 00:12:04,739 --> 00:12:07,409 to be chasing your tail, Shadow Wolf. 192 00:12:07,409 --> 00:12:08,969 - The dragon would do well 193 00:12:08,969 --> 00:12:14,959 to focus on his own battle. 194 00:12:16,622 --> 00:12:19,039 (howling) 195 00:12:19,039 --> 00:12:20,812 How was that? 196 00:12:20,812 --> 00:12:23,608 - Not bad. 197 00:12:23,608 --> 00:12:29,349 I hate it when he's right. 198 00:12:29,349 --> 00:12:35,339 Someone could use a manicure. 199 00:12:37,101 --> 00:12:44,030 - Bull's eye! 200 00:12:44,030 --> 00:12:47,339 - Lonely creatures. 201 00:12:47,339 --> 00:12:53,559 - Back off, Bastet. 202 00:12:53,559 --> 00:12:59,633 (monkey yelling) 203 00:12:59,633 --> 00:13:02,979 (straining) 204 00:13:02,979 --> 00:13:06,249 - One down. 205 00:13:06,249 --> 00:13:09,979 Two down. 206 00:13:09,979 --> 00:13:13,289 - Let's put this puss back in her litter box. 207 00:13:13,289 --> 00:13:18,046 - Such insolence will not go unpunished. 208 00:13:18,046 --> 00:13:22,923 (growling) 209 00:13:22,923 --> 00:13:29,879 - Whoa, now that's a major makeover! 210 00:13:29,879 --> 00:13:33,433 - Take cover! 211 00:13:33,433 --> 00:13:38,149 (yelling) 212 00:13:38,149 --> 00:13:40,580 - Okay, tuna breath. 213 00:13:40,580 --> 00:13:46,570 (growling) 214 00:13:50,319 --> 00:13:53,239 - We have to draw her away from the dragons. 215 00:13:53,239 --> 00:13:55,783 Okay, Bastet. 216 00:13:55,783 --> 00:13:57,769 Just you and me now. 217 00:13:57,769 --> 00:14:03,759 Cats going claw to claw. 218 00:14:05,664 --> 00:14:06,719 Uh, Xuan Chi, 219 00:14:06,719 --> 00:14:09,359 you might wanna find a better place to hide. 220 00:14:09,359 --> 00:14:15,349 See what I mean? 221 00:14:22,029 --> 00:14:24,059 - Master Chin. 222 00:14:24,059 --> 00:14:26,559 - You seem surprised to see me, Dr. Wallace. 223 00:14:26,559 --> 00:14:32,058 - I, I wasn't sure you'd come. 224 00:14:32,058 --> 00:14:33,559 But now that you're here, 225 00:14:33,559 --> 00:14:36,879 let me show you what I've found. 226 00:14:36,879 --> 00:14:39,839 - It is good to be with you again, Beverley. 227 00:14:39,839 --> 00:14:41,139 When were we last together? 228 00:14:41,139 --> 00:14:44,259 It was Rome, was it not? 229 00:14:44,259 --> 00:14:46,139 - Yes, Rome. 230 00:14:46,139 --> 00:14:47,899 But we're back together now 231 00:14:47,899 --> 00:14:52,080 and there is much to do. 232 00:14:52,080 --> 00:14:54,837 (light string music) 233 00:14:54,837 --> 00:14:55,670 - Yes. 234 00:14:55,670 --> 00:15:01,667 So when may I see the real Dr. Wallace, Yin Wi? 235 00:15:01,667 --> 00:15:05,089 - Ugh, you are good, old man. 236 00:15:05,089 --> 00:15:07,839 How did you know? 237 00:15:07,839 --> 00:15:11,139 - Dr. Wallace and I were never in Rome together. 238 00:15:11,139 --> 00:15:16,447 Besides, one must always know who one's true friends are. 239 00:15:16,447 --> 00:15:18,449 - (snickers) No matter. 240 00:15:18,449 --> 00:15:24,439 You cannot save your friend. 241 00:15:32,799 --> 00:15:34,889 - It's monsters like her 242 00:15:34,889 --> 00:15:40,879 that gives cats a bad reputation. 243 00:15:42,562 --> 00:15:44,469 - You okay? 244 00:15:44,469 --> 00:15:46,389 - I've been better. 245 00:15:46,389 --> 00:15:48,429 Hey, what happened to Bengal 246 00:15:48,429 --> 00:15:50,149 and your lap dog? 247 00:15:50,149 --> 00:15:51,476 - Would you get over... 248 00:15:51,476 --> 00:15:57,266 Incoming! 249 00:15:57,266 --> 00:15:59,559 Mama Mia! 250 00:15:59,559 --> 00:16:01,669 How many of these guys are there? 251 00:16:01,669 --> 00:16:08,635 - Too many! 252 00:16:08,635 --> 00:16:12,643 (straining) 253 00:16:12,643 --> 00:16:15,483 Well, look what the cat dragged in. 254 00:16:15,483 --> 00:16:16,799 - Surrender your bands 255 00:16:16,799 --> 00:16:22,869 and bow before the Emperor of Darkest Yin. 256 00:16:22,869 --> 00:16:25,599 - Oh yeah, like that's gonna happen. 257 00:16:25,599 --> 00:16:28,928 - I was hoping you'd say that. 258 00:16:28,928 --> 00:16:31,049 Brother, dear, 259 00:16:31,049 --> 00:16:34,900 destroy them! 260 00:16:34,900 --> 00:16:39,166 (rumbling) 261 00:16:39,166 --> 00:16:41,062 (yelling) 262 00:16:41,062 --> 00:16:46,879 - [Kho] Looks like you could use a hand, again. 263 00:16:46,879 --> 00:16:48,389 - Hey, it's about time. 264 00:16:48,389 --> 00:16:50,079 Where have you been hiding? 265 00:16:50,079 --> 00:16:51,269 - Hiding? 266 00:16:51,269 --> 00:16:57,259 Come on. 267 00:17:00,199 --> 00:17:01,169 Look, kid. 268 00:17:01,169 --> 00:17:02,479 I know it must be frustrating 269 00:17:02,479 --> 00:17:05,319 having a more experienced warrior like me around, but-- 270 00:17:05,319 --> 00:17:07,159 - Who are you calling kid? 271 00:17:07,159 --> 00:17:08,828 I'm the golden drag-- 272 00:17:08,828 --> 00:17:10,757 - Head's up, kid! 273 00:17:10,757 --> 00:17:13,489 - Boys, can you put your little ego war on hold 274 00:17:13,489 --> 00:17:16,418 and remember who the real enemy is here? 275 00:17:16,418 --> 00:17:21,969 - Good point. 276 00:17:21,969 --> 00:17:22,802 - Fine. 277 00:17:22,802 --> 00:17:29,682 But I'm not done with you, dog face. 278 00:17:29,682 --> 00:17:30,515 - Oh, grow up! 279 00:17:30,515 --> 00:17:31,848 Both of you. 280 00:17:31,848 --> 00:17:35,499 - Me? - Me? 281 00:17:35,499 --> 00:17:36,679 - Your brother's the one 282 00:17:36,679 --> 00:17:41,329 acting like a pathetic pup. 283 00:17:41,329 --> 00:17:46,660 - That your idea of pathetic? 284 00:17:46,660 --> 00:17:47,493 - They just keep coming. 285 00:17:47,493 --> 00:17:49,369 We better break the upper spell over the goddess 286 00:17:49,369 --> 00:17:51,749 before we run out of steam. 287 00:17:51,749 --> 00:17:53,019 - Spell? 288 00:17:53,019 --> 00:17:55,279 So that's why she's fighting us. 289 00:17:55,279 --> 00:17:57,755 - It has something to do with her sistrum 290 00:17:57,755 --> 00:18:00,683 and the Emperor being the one to way her up. 291 00:18:00,683 --> 00:18:01,516 - Sistrum? 292 00:18:01,516 --> 00:18:03,129 That thing the Emperor was rattling. 293 00:18:03,129 --> 00:18:04,710 - Right. 294 00:18:04,710 --> 00:18:05,717 - See? 295 00:18:05,717 --> 00:18:06,929 Playing nice isn't so hard. 296 00:18:06,929 --> 00:18:09,929 Now, maybe you two will actually end up friends. 297 00:18:09,929 --> 00:18:13,679 - Don't hold your breath. 298 00:18:13,679 --> 00:18:18,594 - Follow that roar! 299 00:18:18,594 --> 00:18:21,344 (growling) 300 00:18:21,344 --> 00:18:25,269 - It ends here. 301 00:18:25,269 --> 00:18:30,045 - So true. 302 00:18:30,045 --> 00:18:32,649 For all of you. 303 00:18:32,649 --> 00:18:38,639 - Wrong again. 304 00:18:40,143 --> 00:18:47,116 - Bengal, get the sistrum! 305 00:18:47,116 --> 00:18:48,182 - Catch! 306 00:18:48,182 --> 00:18:52,735 - Yo, Kho, fetch! 307 00:18:52,735 --> 00:18:54,845 Good doggie! 308 00:18:54,845 --> 00:18:57,524 - [Kho] Head's up! 309 00:18:57,524 --> 00:19:02,259 - Give me that, you little witch. 310 00:19:02,259 --> 00:19:07,136 - Ang, show goddess Bastet the sacred sistrum. 311 00:19:07,136 --> 00:19:07,969 - Here you go, goddess. 312 00:19:07,969 --> 00:19:08,802 It's all yours. 313 00:19:08,802 --> 00:19:09,649 Take it. 314 00:19:09,649 --> 00:19:11,289 You're free. 315 00:19:11,289 --> 00:19:17,279 And if this doesn't work, I'm toast. 316 00:19:20,703 --> 00:19:24,993 (yelling) (dramatic music) 317 00:19:24,993 --> 00:19:26,229 - What... 318 00:19:26,229 --> 00:19:28,499 What is happening? 319 00:19:28,499 --> 00:19:29,849 - You're okay now. 320 00:19:29,849 --> 00:19:32,039 - Bastet! 321 00:19:32,039 --> 00:19:33,699 I command you. 322 00:19:33,699 --> 00:19:36,589 Destroy these guardians of Yang! 323 00:19:36,589 --> 00:19:38,699 - Never! 324 00:19:38,699 --> 00:19:40,379 - I think baby needs a new rattle 325 00:19:40,379 --> 00:19:45,719 and we need to get out of here pronto! 326 00:19:45,719 --> 00:19:47,709 - Well done, Temple Guardians. 327 00:19:47,709 --> 00:19:49,269 - Thanks to the Goddess. 328 00:19:49,269 --> 00:19:51,149 We couldn't have done it without her. 329 00:19:51,149 --> 00:19:52,389 - As I said, 330 00:19:52,389 --> 00:19:57,629 well done by all the guardians. 331 00:19:57,629 --> 00:20:00,759 - You don't mean she's, uh... 332 00:20:00,759 --> 00:20:04,229 - I was the first guardian of the Temple of the Tigers 333 00:20:04,229 --> 00:20:06,549 in a time long ago, 334 00:20:06,549 --> 00:20:08,919 where I must now return. 335 00:20:08,919 --> 00:20:13,134 It is nice to know that Tiger Temple is in such good hands. 336 00:20:13,134 --> 00:20:15,659 Er, paws. 337 00:20:15,659 --> 00:20:17,999 Farewell, my friends. 338 00:20:17,999 --> 00:20:19,729 - Bastet and I are-- 339 00:20:19,729 --> 00:20:21,835 - Related, yes. 340 00:20:21,835 --> 00:20:23,530 But you, 341 00:20:23,530 --> 00:20:29,520 you are a descendant of the goddess. 342 00:20:31,895 --> 00:20:34,559 - I knew I could count on you. 343 00:20:34,559 --> 00:20:36,259 - Always, my friend. 344 00:20:36,259 --> 00:20:37,799 - Master Chin! 345 00:20:37,799 --> 00:20:39,809 - We'd be, uh, happy to come back 346 00:20:39,809 --> 00:20:41,049 for you later if you'd like 347 00:20:41,049 --> 00:20:45,461 to spend some time with your friend. 348 00:20:45,461 --> 00:20:46,909 - I regret, 349 00:20:46,909 --> 00:20:49,349 duty calls me away once again. 350 00:20:49,349 --> 00:20:51,249 - I understand. 351 00:20:51,249 --> 00:20:55,079 - At least we'll always have Paris. 352 00:20:55,079 --> 00:20:57,652 Or was it Rome? 353 00:20:57,652 --> 00:20:58,669 - Yin Wi? 354 00:20:58,669 --> 00:21:01,509 - (laughing) No, it's me. 355 00:21:01,509 --> 00:21:03,739 And it was Paris. 356 00:21:03,739 --> 00:21:07,020 Just having a little fun with you. 357 00:21:07,020 --> 00:21:09,229 - Indeed. 358 00:21:09,229 --> 00:21:12,410 (laughing) 359 00:21:12,410 --> 00:21:18,400 Indeed. 360 00:21:24,227 --> 00:21:57,025 ("Legend of the Dragon Theme")