1 00:00:08,543 --> 00:00:10,883 - Great Emperor Of The Darkest Yin. 2 00:00:10,883 --> 00:00:13,623 You will be pleased to know I have been tracking the 3 00:00:13,623 --> 00:00:17,023 Golden Dragons using super hi-tech devices. 4 00:00:17,023 --> 00:00:19,683 What you might call modern magic. 5 00:00:19,683 --> 00:00:24,533 - In my time we needed no such burdensome creations. 6 00:00:24,533 --> 00:00:30,053 Observe true power. 7 00:00:30,053 --> 00:00:33,223 They can run but they cannot hide from the 8 00:00:33,223 --> 00:00:36,623 Emperor Of The Darkest Yin. 9 00:00:36,623 --> 00:00:38,983 - Why would they run to San Francisco? 10 00:00:38,983 --> 00:00:41,823 - Could you actually be this worthless 11 00:00:41,823 --> 00:00:45,123 and still call yourself Zodiac Master? 12 00:00:45,123 --> 00:00:46,893 - Forgive me your great one. 13 00:00:46,893 --> 00:00:48,941 I am but your humble servant. 14 00:00:48,941 --> 00:00:53,523 - You would be wise to never forget that. 15 00:00:53,523 --> 00:00:57,091 There is but one destination for the Golden Dragons. 16 00:00:57,091 --> 00:01:01,143 They must attempt to regenerate their bands in the 17 00:01:01,143 --> 00:01:04,813 only place left to them on earth. 18 00:01:04,813 --> 00:01:07,293 - They're trying to find the Shadow Dragon temple? 19 00:01:07,293 --> 00:01:08,193 The shrine? 20 00:01:08,193 --> 00:01:11,866 - Where they will fill their bands with yin energy. 21 00:01:11,866 --> 00:01:13,713 My energy. 22 00:01:13,713 --> 00:01:18,203 - Then, the Golden Dragons will be under your control? 23 00:01:18,203 --> 00:01:21,573 - No doubt they will try to resist. 24 00:01:21,573 --> 00:01:27,523 In which case I will simply destroy them. 25 00:01:27,523 --> 00:01:29,473 - Then we're going after them? 26 00:01:29,473 --> 00:01:30,558 - No. 27 00:01:30,558 --> 00:01:34,153 First I seek a far greater prize. 28 00:01:34,153 --> 00:01:40,143 A force so evil, so powerful, it is second only to me. 29 00:01:45,281 --> 00:01:51,271 (theme music) 30 00:02:44,393 --> 00:02:46,483 - It blows me away to think that the entrance to the 31 00:02:46,483 --> 00:02:49,823 Shadow Dragon temple is under Alcatraz. 32 00:02:49,823 --> 00:02:52,193 - Even the name sounds scary. 33 00:02:52,193 --> 00:02:55,389 - Is the new Golden Dragon frightened by pelicans? 34 00:02:55,389 --> 00:02:58,273 - So that's what Alcatraz means. 35 00:02:58,273 --> 00:03:01,014 Hey, maybe that's why they call them jail birds. 36 00:03:01,014 --> 00:03:03,873 - Most humorous I am sure. 37 00:03:03,873 --> 00:03:07,783 The island is no longer home to inmates, only tourists. 38 00:03:07,783 --> 00:03:08,616 - Figures. 39 00:03:08,616 --> 00:03:10,173 I finally make it to San Francisco 40 00:03:10,173 --> 00:03:12,073 and it's too foggy to see. 41 00:03:12,073 --> 00:03:14,127 - The fog also shields our arrival. 42 00:03:14,127 --> 00:03:17,963 However, we cannot hide from radar so we had better take 43 00:03:17,963 --> 00:03:19,971 refuge beneath the surface. 44 00:03:19,971 --> 00:03:23,209 - As in under water? 45 00:03:23,209 --> 00:03:25,083 (chittering) 46 00:03:25,083 --> 00:03:26,043 - No prob. 47 00:03:26,043 --> 00:03:28,173 Autopilot engage. 48 00:03:28,173 --> 00:03:31,193 Amphibious mode. 49 00:03:31,193 --> 00:03:34,130 - [Pilot] Picking up unidentified aircraft on radar. 50 00:03:34,130 --> 00:03:35,451 - [Ang] Look out. 51 00:03:35,451 --> 00:03:36,284 - [Beingal] We're gonna hit. 52 00:03:36,284 --> 00:03:37,117 - [Master Chin] Hold on. 53 00:03:37,117 --> 00:03:38,203 - [Ling] Whoa. 54 00:03:38,203 --> 00:03:44,193 - [Pilot] Where'd it go? 55 00:03:47,743 --> 00:03:49,450 - I gotta hand it to you Ling. 56 00:03:49,450 --> 00:03:53,833 This craft, you are totally amazing. 57 00:03:53,833 --> 00:03:57,963 - Yeah, how did you ever think of all this? 58 00:03:57,963 --> 00:04:00,262 It's like you're the ultimate Bond Girl. 59 00:04:00,262 --> 00:04:02,094 - What Bond Girl? 60 00:04:02,094 --> 00:04:06,828 007 himself couldn't keep up with double dragons. 61 00:04:06,828 --> 00:04:07,661 - Look! 62 00:04:07,661 --> 00:04:11,903 A sea lion. 63 00:04:11,903 --> 00:04:13,941 - If I didn't know better, 64 00:04:13,941 --> 00:04:16,929 I'd think it wanted us to follow him. 65 00:04:16,929 --> 00:04:17,762 - It does. 66 00:04:17,762 --> 00:04:21,418 I'm not sure how I can understand him. 67 00:04:21,418 --> 00:04:26,523 Must be a lion to tiger thing but he is leading us. 68 00:04:26,523 --> 00:04:27,513 Right? 69 00:04:27,513 --> 00:04:31,413 - Perhaps it is time to stop questioning all that you see 70 00:04:31,413 --> 00:04:35,893 and start seeing all that is there. 71 00:04:35,893 --> 00:04:38,263 - Looks like a tunnel entrance. 72 00:04:38,263 --> 00:04:40,993 - [Ang] Yeah, and it sure looks a lot like the one we had 73 00:04:40,993 --> 00:04:45,116 leading to our own Golden Dragon temple. 74 00:04:45,116 --> 00:04:47,095 - Perhaps because Shadow temples are often 75 00:04:47,095 --> 00:04:48,563 mirror images of guardian temples. 76 00:04:48,563 --> 00:04:54,553 However, darker and more dangerous than meets the eye. 77 00:05:02,103 --> 00:05:04,823 - Master Chin, there's one thing worrying me. 78 00:05:04,823 --> 00:05:06,119 - Only one my child? 79 00:05:06,119 --> 00:05:09,142 - Well, let's start with this. 80 00:05:09,142 --> 00:05:12,823 If Zodiac Master gave me the Shadow Dragon band... 81 00:05:12,823 --> 00:05:14,823 - Then he must have had its shrine too. 82 00:05:14,823 --> 00:05:15,963 - That's right. 83 00:05:15,963 --> 00:05:19,809 Otherwise, how is he able to recharge Ling's Shadow band? 84 00:05:19,809 --> 00:05:20,837 - Ah. 85 00:05:20,837 --> 00:05:24,543 I have been wondering how long it would take you to reach 86 00:05:24,543 --> 00:05:25,703 to this conclusion. 87 00:05:25,703 --> 00:05:26,971 - So tell us. 88 00:05:26,971 --> 00:05:29,743 And please, a straight answer. 89 00:05:29,743 --> 00:05:31,263 Not another fortune cookie. 90 00:05:31,263 --> 00:05:36,593 - The Zodiac Master did not use a Shadow Dragon shrine. 91 00:05:36,593 --> 00:05:39,793 But an even greater and darker power. 92 00:05:39,793 --> 00:05:41,283 - What could be darker? 93 00:05:41,283 --> 00:05:44,634 - The tomb of the Emperor Of The Darkest Yin. 94 00:05:44,634 --> 00:05:46,064 - Whoa. 95 00:05:46,064 --> 00:05:50,493 It's a miracle I survived all that evil. 96 00:05:50,493 --> 00:05:51,633 My band. 97 00:05:51,633 --> 00:05:53,393 Now what? 98 00:05:53,393 --> 00:05:56,651 - Mine's glowing too and it's burning hot. 99 00:05:56,651 --> 00:05:59,743 - The Golden bands sense that we are nearing the center 100 00:05:59,743 --> 00:06:01,513 of pure Yin. 101 00:06:01,513 --> 00:06:07,503 The Shadow Dragon temple. 102 00:06:13,163 --> 00:06:16,663 - Okay, I really don't think this is a good idea. 103 00:06:16,663 --> 00:06:18,173 - Take it easy Ling. 104 00:06:18,173 --> 00:06:19,513 - You don't get it. 105 00:06:19,513 --> 00:06:25,503 This place is radiating Yin energy like a nuclear reactor. 106 00:06:29,406 --> 00:06:32,373 - Did you see the size of that rat? 107 00:06:32,373 --> 00:06:34,943 - That sucker was almost as big as monkey boy. 108 00:06:34,943 --> 00:06:39,873 (chittering) 109 00:06:39,873 --> 00:06:43,923 - You know Ling, I think I'm finally rubbing off on you. 110 00:06:43,923 --> 00:06:46,712 You actually sounded cautious. 111 00:06:46,712 --> 00:06:48,923 - Yeah, I gotta watch that. 112 00:06:48,923 --> 00:06:51,283 - Besides, there's nothing in here that could beat 113 00:06:51,283 --> 00:06:54,443 the two of us together. 114 00:06:54,443 --> 00:06:58,013 - Yeah, it's not the same as when I was 115 00:06:58,013 --> 00:07:03,393 the Shadow Dragon. 116 00:07:03,393 --> 00:07:09,383 Ow. 117 00:07:16,159 --> 00:07:17,198 Oh. 118 00:07:17,198 --> 00:07:19,847 - [Emperor Of The Darkest Yin] Do not fight it Ling. 119 00:07:19,847 --> 00:07:21,332 You cannot resist. 120 00:07:21,332 --> 00:07:25,165 You belong to me. 121 00:07:25,165 --> 00:07:28,132 You are still the Shadow Dragon. 122 00:07:28,132 --> 00:07:30,111 - No. 123 00:07:30,111 --> 00:07:31,350 - You okay Ling? 124 00:07:31,350 --> 00:07:32,703 - What? 125 00:07:32,703 --> 00:07:33,536 Oh yeah, sure. 126 00:07:33,536 --> 00:07:36,113 It's just this place. 127 00:07:36,113 --> 00:07:39,265 - So, why don't we take a break and see what's up here? 128 00:07:39,265 --> 00:07:45,604 Come on Ling. 129 00:07:45,604 --> 00:07:48,853 It's locked. 130 00:07:48,853 --> 00:07:51,508 I guess we could power up and blast it open. 131 00:07:51,508 --> 00:07:55,083 - One should not exert force until one is certain 132 00:07:55,083 --> 00:07:57,663 the key is not under one's nose. 133 00:07:57,663 --> 00:08:00,453 - One is not in the mood for riddles. 134 00:08:00,453 --> 00:08:01,788 - Ling. 135 00:08:01,788 --> 00:08:03,909 Check out the lock shape. 136 00:08:03,909 --> 00:08:06,023 Our dragon band is the key. 137 00:08:06,023 --> 00:08:07,363 - Then let's get to it. 138 00:08:07,363 --> 00:08:10,565 - Wait, this is the Shadow Dragon temple. 139 00:08:10,565 --> 00:08:12,316 Our bands are golden. 140 00:08:12,316 --> 00:08:15,003 This could get very ugly. 141 00:08:15,003 --> 00:08:20,993 - Only one way to find out. 142 00:08:24,253 --> 00:08:25,658 It worked. 143 00:08:25,658 --> 00:08:31,648 - Careful. 144 00:08:36,208 --> 00:08:39,357 - I don't believe it. 145 00:08:39,357 --> 00:08:41,063 - [Beingal] Amazing. 146 00:08:41,063 --> 00:08:42,053 - Incredible. 147 00:08:42,053 --> 00:08:44,023 Could we really be standing in the center of 148 00:08:44,023 --> 00:08:46,883 San Francisco's Chinatown? 149 00:08:46,883 --> 00:08:48,583 - So it would appear. 150 00:08:48,583 --> 00:08:51,743 - Looks like this place has been empty for quite awhile. 151 00:08:51,743 --> 00:08:55,463 - It also looks amazingly like our old dojo. 152 00:08:55,463 --> 00:08:57,023 - I wonder who owns it. 153 00:08:57,023 --> 00:08:59,263 - I do. 154 00:08:59,263 --> 00:09:00,096 - What? 155 00:09:00,096 --> 00:09:01,572 - When? 156 00:09:01,572 --> 00:09:04,223 - I am pleased to report my agents arranged the purchase 157 00:09:04,223 --> 00:09:05,860 shortly before we arrived. 158 00:09:05,860 --> 00:09:07,243 - Last night? 159 00:09:07,243 --> 00:09:09,003 - But how did you know where it was? 160 00:09:09,003 --> 00:09:11,713 - What if you bought the wrong building? 161 00:09:11,713 --> 00:09:16,003 - When success smiles upon you one need only be grateful. 162 00:09:16,003 --> 00:09:19,778 Golden Dragons, welcome to your new home. 163 00:09:19,778 --> 00:09:22,503 - So what are we waiting for? 164 00:09:22,503 --> 00:09:24,043 Let's check out the town. 165 00:09:24,043 --> 00:09:26,613 - I am afraid sightseeing must await 166 00:09:26,613 --> 00:09:28,746 until the danger has been faced. 167 00:09:28,746 --> 00:09:32,583 While his dark forces are never far, 168 00:09:32,583 --> 00:09:35,293 that is not the most immediate jeopardy. 169 00:09:35,293 --> 00:09:37,253 - You mean the temple itself right? 170 00:09:37,253 --> 00:09:40,175 - Well, whatever it is we'll handle it together. 171 00:09:40,175 --> 00:09:41,008 (whooping) 172 00:09:41,008 --> 00:09:43,883 - All of us. 173 00:09:43,883 --> 00:09:47,303 Master Chin, don't you find it strange that the Emperor 174 00:09:47,303 --> 00:09:48,983 didn't try to follow us? 175 00:09:48,983 --> 00:09:53,253 - It is my belief he has taken his own journey. 176 00:09:53,253 --> 00:09:57,703 One that will put our lives, indeed, the entire world, 177 00:09:57,703 --> 00:10:03,693 in even greater danger. 178 00:10:06,683 --> 00:10:08,879 - But this is the Shadow Rat temple. 179 00:10:08,879 --> 00:10:12,583 Great Emperor, you already possess this power. 180 00:10:12,583 --> 00:10:14,533 Shadow Rat was one of the four bands 181 00:10:14,533 --> 00:10:16,263 I used to bring you back. 182 00:10:16,263 --> 00:10:19,194 I know the band will have returned to its shrine after. 183 00:10:19,194 --> 00:10:22,463 Once you are restored. 184 00:10:22,463 --> 00:10:23,743 - What do you mean? 185 00:10:23,743 --> 00:10:30,026 Once the Golden Dragons defeated you. 186 00:10:30,026 --> 00:10:32,547 I have no need of power bands. 187 00:10:32,547 --> 00:10:37,058 I am here to reclaim what was stolen from me eons ago. 188 00:10:37,058 --> 00:10:42,840 A power so advanced they sealed it away for eternity. 189 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:45,604 (evil chuckling) 190 00:10:45,604 --> 00:10:48,817 Or so they thought. 191 00:10:48,817 --> 00:10:50,283 - Who? Your Greatness. 192 00:10:50,283 --> 00:10:51,494 - All of them. 193 00:10:51,494 --> 00:10:54,603 It took all 12 temple guardians 194 00:10:54,603 --> 00:11:00,593 to battle such a monumental force. 195 00:11:03,553 --> 00:11:07,812 But it was the Golden Dragon that finally sealed the fate 196 00:11:07,812 --> 00:11:12,249 of the great Shadow Rat. 197 00:11:12,249 --> 00:11:17,291 I am Emperor Of The Darkest Yin, ruler of the shadow, 198 00:11:17,291 --> 00:11:22,553 summon the forces of darkness. 199 00:11:22,553 --> 00:11:28,543 Hear me now. 200 00:11:30,143 --> 00:11:36,133 The Shadow Rat will rise again. 201 00:11:40,403 --> 00:11:42,930 - I've got a really bad feeling about this. 202 00:11:42,930 --> 00:11:44,179 - Me too. 203 00:11:44,179 --> 00:11:48,843 But we've gotta trust Master Chin. 204 00:11:48,843 --> 00:11:51,741 - Okay then. 205 00:11:51,741 --> 00:11:57,731 What? 206 00:12:02,935 --> 00:12:07,758 - [Emperor] You must fulfill your destiny. 207 00:12:07,758 --> 00:12:14,403 He is powerless, destroy him now. 208 00:12:14,403 --> 00:12:16,389 - Ah! 209 00:12:16,389 --> 00:12:21,190 (grunts) 210 00:12:21,190 --> 00:12:22,146 What just happened? 211 00:12:22,146 --> 00:12:23,555 - You know don't you? 212 00:12:23,555 --> 00:12:25,523 You saw it too. 213 00:12:25,523 --> 00:12:26,763 - Yes Ling. 214 00:12:26,763 --> 00:12:29,493 - Then you know we have to get out of this place right now. 215 00:12:29,493 --> 00:12:32,195 It's way too evil, too dangerous. 216 00:12:32,195 --> 00:12:34,463 - I will not argue 217 00:12:34,463 --> 00:12:38,368 that there is great danger to overcome within these walls. 218 00:12:38,368 --> 00:12:43,633 However, as you can see, an even greater danger arises. 219 00:12:43,633 --> 00:12:46,963 One that can only be faced if the Golden Dragon bands 220 00:12:46,963 --> 00:12:48,573 are fully charged. 221 00:12:48,573 --> 00:12:51,003 - The Emperor's gone after the Shadow Rat band? 222 00:12:51,003 --> 00:12:53,301 - Far worse. 223 00:12:53,301 --> 00:12:59,291 For a band is only as evil as the one who wears it. 224 00:13:03,423 --> 00:13:04,493 - Great Emperor, 225 00:13:04,493 --> 00:13:07,413 the entire mountain is about to come down on us. 226 00:13:07,413 --> 00:13:09,023 - Silence. 227 00:13:09,023 --> 00:13:10,003 - Fine. 228 00:13:10,003 --> 00:13:15,993 I hope it buries him for another thousand years. 229 00:13:20,581 --> 00:13:22,802 - Welcome back Yin Wi. 230 00:13:22,802 --> 00:13:26,173 Or do you prefer your former title? 231 00:13:26,173 --> 00:13:28,063 Shadow Rat. 232 00:13:28,063 --> 00:13:33,383 - I bow to your desire Great Emperor. 233 00:13:33,383 --> 00:13:39,373 So what took you so long brother dear? 234 00:13:46,208 --> 00:13:47,583 (laughing) 235 00:13:47,583 --> 00:13:50,673 Free at last. 236 00:13:50,673 --> 00:13:51,963 I was beginning to wonder 237 00:13:51,963 --> 00:13:55,092 if I'd ever get out of that rat trap. 238 00:13:55,092 --> 00:13:57,663 The Golden Dragon. 239 00:13:57,663 --> 00:14:00,513 He is the one who imprisoned me. 240 00:14:00,513 --> 00:14:04,253 Ooh, am I going to make him pay. 241 00:14:04,253 --> 00:14:07,343 - Sister, thousands of years have passed 242 00:14:07,343 --> 00:14:09,353 since our fall from power. 243 00:14:09,353 --> 00:14:12,433 And many incarnations of Golden Dragons 244 00:14:12,433 --> 00:14:16,333 have kept us both locked away. 245 00:14:16,333 --> 00:14:21,673 - Thousands of years? 246 00:14:21,673 --> 00:14:22,953 What a relief. 247 00:14:22,953 --> 00:14:27,583 I am still as gorgeous as ever. 248 00:14:27,583 --> 00:14:31,053 Who dares enter my shadow temple? 249 00:14:31,053 --> 00:14:32,393 - No, please. 250 00:14:32,393 --> 00:14:33,516 I serve the Emperor. 251 00:14:33,516 --> 00:14:37,478 - This pathetic creature is your servant? 252 00:14:37,478 --> 00:14:39,133 - For the moment. 253 00:14:39,133 --> 00:14:42,743 Even if he does wish to see me buried. 254 00:14:42,743 --> 00:14:43,993 - I did not mean. 255 00:14:43,993 --> 00:14:46,193 - This incent helps me understand 256 00:14:46,193 --> 00:14:48,776 the ways of this strange new time. 257 00:14:48,776 --> 00:14:52,013 Yin Wi, I must warn you, 258 00:14:52,013 --> 00:14:55,153 the world has changed beyond reason. 259 00:14:55,153 --> 00:14:57,007 - Really? 260 00:14:57,007 --> 00:15:00,113 Sounds interesting. 261 00:15:00,113 --> 00:15:01,723 So, tell me brother. 262 00:15:01,723 --> 00:15:04,502 Have you destroyed the new Golden Dragon yet? 263 00:15:04,502 --> 00:15:08,173 Or were you saving that pleasure for me? 264 00:15:08,173 --> 00:15:11,803 - It has already begun. 265 00:15:11,803 --> 00:15:17,793 The end of the Golden Dragons grows even closer now. 266 00:15:19,812 --> 00:15:21,192 - I don't understand why 267 00:15:21,192 --> 00:15:22,703 we had to leave our bands alone down there. 268 00:15:22,703 --> 00:15:25,543 It's making me nuts wondering if they're really okay. 269 00:15:25,543 --> 00:15:28,543 - Yeah, well, if you'd seen what I did you'd really 270 00:15:28,543 --> 00:15:29,461 be freaking out. 271 00:15:29,461 --> 00:15:33,323 - Master Chin, are you sure their bands are safe? 272 00:15:33,323 --> 00:15:38,343 - At this juncture I am certain of only one small truth. 273 00:15:38,343 --> 00:15:42,561 San Francisco has most excellent Chinese takeout. 274 00:15:42,561 --> 00:15:44,373 (chuckling) 275 00:15:44,373 --> 00:15:45,419 Fortune cookie? 276 00:15:45,419 --> 00:15:46,950 - Ha ha. 277 00:15:46,950 --> 00:15:50,843 - Mm, it is good Ling, have some. 278 00:15:50,843 --> 00:15:52,903 - I'm too nervous to eat. 279 00:15:52,903 --> 00:15:58,523 How much longer do we have to wait? 280 00:15:58,523 --> 00:16:00,743 - It is time my child. 281 00:16:00,743 --> 00:16:02,963 However, I should not be so anxious 282 00:16:02,963 --> 00:16:08,273 to face the fate that awaits. 283 00:16:08,273 --> 00:16:14,903 - Our bands look okay. 284 00:16:14,903 --> 00:16:21,783 Let's find out. 285 00:16:21,783 --> 00:16:22,743 This can't be good. 286 00:16:22,743 --> 00:16:26,213 - It might just be an earthquake. 287 00:16:26,213 --> 00:16:27,883 This is California after all. 288 00:16:27,883 --> 00:16:29,939 - No such luck. 289 00:16:29,939 --> 00:16:35,130 Look. 290 00:16:35,130 --> 00:16:36,563 - Time to power up. 291 00:16:36,563 --> 00:16:37,396 - Ready or not. 292 00:16:37,396 --> 00:16:39,113 Here goes nothing. 293 00:16:39,113 --> 00:16:44,286 - Empower the-- 294 00:16:44,286 --> 00:16:50,214 - Look out. 295 00:16:50,214 --> 00:16:56,204 - [Both] Empower double Golden Dragons. 296 00:16:57,719 --> 00:16:59,263 - Feels right to me. 297 00:16:59,263 --> 00:17:00,096 You okay? 298 00:17:00,096 --> 00:17:00,963 - So far. 299 00:17:00,963 --> 00:17:06,953 But not for long if we don't move it. 300 00:17:08,813 --> 00:17:09,686 Got 'em. 301 00:17:09,686 --> 00:17:11,793 - You? That was my blast. 302 00:17:11,793 --> 00:17:16,013 - Keep dreaming bro. 303 00:17:16,013 --> 00:17:17,983 - This is not a game. 304 00:17:17,983 --> 00:17:19,219 Focus. 305 00:17:19,219 --> 00:17:23,373 - Keeping score might not be such a hot idea. 306 00:17:23,373 --> 00:17:29,073 - Maybe not. 307 00:17:29,073 --> 00:17:31,313 Again, score another one for me. 308 00:17:31,313 --> 00:17:35,063 - You mean your first. 309 00:17:35,063 --> 00:17:41,053 But you can chalk up two for me. 310 00:17:44,020 --> 00:17:49,643 - What say we call it even and just finish this thing? 311 00:17:49,643 --> 00:17:55,633 - Deal. 312 00:17:59,823 --> 00:18:01,683 - Whoa, did you feel that? 313 00:18:01,683 --> 00:18:02,793 - Oh yeah. 314 00:18:02,793 --> 00:18:03,862 Amazing. 315 00:18:03,862 --> 00:18:07,103 - Apart our powers are really close. 316 00:18:07,103 --> 00:18:09,013 Even though I'm clearly better. 317 00:18:09,013 --> 00:18:12,091 But together we totally rock. 318 00:18:12,091 --> 00:18:14,243 - No argument there. 319 00:18:14,243 --> 00:18:17,203 You guys okay? 320 00:18:17,203 --> 00:18:18,679 - I think so. 321 00:18:18,679 --> 00:18:22,243 Looks like the shadow shrine worked. 322 00:18:22,243 --> 00:18:23,363 You're both fine? 323 00:18:23,363 --> 00:18:24,443 - For now. 324 00:18:24,443 --> 00:18:26,823 But this place reeks of dark energy. 325 00:18:26,823 --> 00:18:29,523 - Maybe we can take the shrine and set up somewhere else. 326 00:18:29,523 --> 00:18:31,698 - All I know is we can't stay here. 327 00:18:31,698 --> 00:18:35,283 - You have just proven the opposite to be true. 328 00:18:35,283 --> 00:18:36,754 - Come on Master Chin. 329 00:18:36,754 --> 00:18:39,954 You've seen everything that's happened down here. 330 00:18:39,954 --> 00:18:41,722 - Indeed. 331 00:18:41,722 --> 00:18:46,543 I also know that no matter where one goes it can only 332 00:18:46,543 --> 00:18:49,813 be what you choose to make it. 333 00:18:49,813 --> 00:18:52,993 There is no evil unless you empower it. 334 00:18:52,993 --> 00:18:55,738 - But this place is filled with Yin energy. 335 00:18:55,738 --> 00:19:00,406 - Yes and you are filled with the golden Yang 336 00:19:00,406 --> 00:19:03,592 as you have demonstrated here today. 337 00:19:03,592 --> 00:19:09,655 By resisting evil you have driven it from this place. 338 00:19:09,655 --> 00:19:13,693 Observe the power of the double Dragons. 339 00:19:13,693 --> 00:19:18,044 Together, you bring balance to the dark and the light. 340 00:19:18,044 --> 00:19:20,018 Yin and Yang. 341 00:19:20,018 --> 00:19:23,433 You are the Golden Dragons. 342 00:19:23,433 --> 00:19:26,593 - So, this is a Golden Dragon temple now? 343 00:19:26,593 --> 00:19:28,303 - Far better. 344 00:19:28,303 --> 00:19:33,333 This is a temple of double Golden Dragons. 345 00:19:33,333 --> 00:19:37,253 - The perfect balance of shadow and light. 346 00:19:37,253 --> 00:19:38,943 - Welcome home sis. 347 00:19:38,943 --> 00:19:41,115 - Thanks, but don't get too comfy. 348 00:19:41,115 --> 00:19:44,153 If the Emperor destroyed our last home, 349 00:19:44,153 --> 00:19:46,750 what's to stop him from wiping out this place? 350 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:47,723 (whooping) 351 00:19:47,723 --> 00:19:49,283 - He dare not try. 352 00:19:49,283 --> 00:19:53,413 The essence of his power comes from the Shadow Dragon. 353 00:19:53,413 --> 00:19:57,491 Without this temple that power would cease to exist 354 00:19:57,491 --> 00:20:00,503 and so would the Emperor Of The Darkest Yin. 355 00:20:00,503 --> 00:20:03,803 - Then maybe we should destroy it ourselves. 356 00:20:03,803 --> 00:20:06,703 Even if it means no more Golden Dragons either. 357 00:20:06,703 --> 00:20:11,463 - Alas, the Emperor Of The Darkest Yin is not the only evil 358 00:20:11,463 --> 00:20:12,425 in the world. 359 00:20:12,425 --> 00:20:15,423 The Golden Dragons must carry on. 360 00:20:15,423 --> 00:20:18,236 Standing strong against all those 361 00:20:18,236 --> 00:20:23,610 threatening the universal balance. 362 00:20:23,610 --> 00:20:24,541 - Rats. 363 00:20:24,541 --> 00:20:26,163 Can you believe this? 364 00:20:26,163 --> 00:20:27,684 Two Golden Dragons. 365 00:20:27,684 --> 00:20:31,233 What kind of an era are we living in? 366 00:20:31,233 --> 00:20:33,613 - I warned you Yin Wi. 367 00:20:33,613 --> 00:20:36,393 This is not the world we once knew. 368 00:20:36,393 --> 00:20:42,328 As you will soon see. 369 00:20:42,328 --> 00:20:45,840 - Hoo, now that I like. 370 00:20:45,840 --> 00:20:50,053 Do not tell me everyone has flying chariots now. 371 00:20:50,053 --> 00:20:52,400 - Actually, people have walked on the moon 372 00:20:52,400 --> 00:20:54,853 and sent crafts as far as Mars. 373 00:20:54,853 --> 00:20:59,034 - I think I am going to enjoy this new age after all. 374 00:20:59,034 --> 00:21:05,024 Empower the Shadow Rat. 375 00:21:10,913 --> 00:21:12,924 Oh yes. 376 00:21:12,924 --> 00:21:17,628 Conquering this new world is going to be a blast. 377 00:21:17,628 --> 00:21:23,618 (evil laughter) 378 00:21:28,866 --> 00:22:01,613 (theme music)