1 00:00:00,300 --> 00:00:01,000 Previously on "dexter"... 2 00:00:02,234 --> 00:00:05,601 Dexter: no blood - What a beautiful idea. 3 00:00:05,667 --> 00:00:09,534 Debra: brother, i just found The fucking ice truck. 4 00:00:13,767 --> 00:00:15,934 It is my new friend. 5 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:18,400 When he broke into My apartment, 6 00:00:18,467 --> 00:00:20,701 He took some time To get to know me - 7 00:00:20,767 --> 00:00:24,467 My life, my secrets. 8 00:00:24,534 --> 00:00:26,467 Paul doesn't Live here anymore. 9 00:00:26,534 --> 00:00:29,033 no shit. He's in jail. 10 00:00:29,100 --> 00:00:32,601 But, see, he still owes me For two ounces of blow, 11 00:00:32,667 --> 00:00:34,100 Which means you owe me. 12 00:00:34,167 --> 00:00:36,467 The coyote wanted more money, And i didn't have it. 13 00:00:36,534 --> 00:00:39,200 Poor bastards - Spend their life savings, 14 00:00:39,267 --> 00:00:40,467 Get stuffed into a fishhold. 15 00:00:40,534 --> 00:00:41,868 If they can't pay... 16 00:00:41,934 --> 00:00:43,367 They disappear. 17 00:00:43,434 --> 00:00:44,901 Jorge castillo - 18 00:00:44,968 --> 00:00:47,634 The only suspect even Remotely close to the park 19 00:00:47,701 --> 00:00:49,834 Where yelina was supposed to Drop the money. 20 00:00:49,901 --> 00:00:52,067 Excuse me. Private yard. 21 00:00:53,367 --> 00:00:55,567 Sorry, i just assumed You were cuban. 22 00:00:56,834 --> 00:00:59,200 American, pal, Just like you. 23 00:01:03,200 --> 00:01:04,567 Just like me. 24 00:01:04,634 --> 00:01:06,968 Coño. 25 00:01:07,033 --> 00:01:09,801 Get back in there, You cuban piece of shit. 26 00:01:09,868 --> 00:01:11,734 They're even better-matched Than i thought. 27 00:01:13,367 --> 00:01:14,667 Fucking animals. 28 00:01:14,734 --> 00:01:17,667 God bless america. 29 00:01:17,734 --> 00:01:19,167 No. 30 00:01:23,634 --> 00:01:26,000 Taking the extra time To kill valerie 31 00:01:26,067 --> 00:01:27,434 May have been ill-advised. 32 00:01:27,501 --> 00:01:29,133 My life has always been A sequence 33 00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:32,133 Of carefully planned moments. 34 00:01:32,200 --> 00:01:35,167 But sometimes You just have to take a risk. 35 00:03:37,567 --> 00:03:41,567 Life is so fleeting, So fragile, 36 00:03:41,634 --> 00:03:44,634 Every breath the potential To be our last. 37 00:03:47,567 --> 00:03:49,100 You ready? 38 00:03:59,033 --> 00:04:00,968 Can i have My cereal now? 39 00:04:01,033 --> 00:04:02,934 We all grieve in our own way. 40 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:04,000 Sure. 41 00:04:05,033 --> 00:04:08,267 I prefer The 6-year-old approach. 42 00:04:08,334 --> 00:04:11,467 Yet another i've sent To a watery grave. 43 00:04:11,534 --> 00:04:14,200 Well, not quite. 44 00:04:21,767 --> 00:04:23,501 Hey, What about this one? 45 00:04:23,567 --> 00:04:25,267 I want angel cake. 46 00:04:25,334 --> 00:04:28,334 It's angel food, stupid, And you don't get a vote. 47 00:04:28,400 --> 00:04:29,467 It's my birthday. 48 00:04:29,534 --> 00:04:30,534 Guys. 49 00:04:34,067 --> 00:04:36,534 So how'd it go? 50 00:04:36,601 --> 00:04:40,100 Bob the goldfish - May he rest in peace. 51 00:04:40,167 --> 00:04:41,334 Thanks for coming over 52 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:43,167 And taking care of this For me. 53 00:04:43,234 --> 00:04:44,567 Dead stuff. 54 00:04:44,634 --> 00:04:46,234 I know. 55 00:04:46,300 --> 00:04:48,734 Well, go have a seat. 56 00:04:48,801 --> 00:04:51,501 Your treat for coming over early Is on its way. 57 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:59,200 I don't get birthdays - The party, a song. 58 00:04:59,267 --> 00:05:04,734 Celebrating another year Just being alive feels forced. 59 00:05:04,801 --> 00:05:07,334 That one. That's the one i want. 60 00:05:07,400 --> 00:05:09,534 Rita: coconut it is. 61 00:05:09,601 --> 00:05:11,801 I hate coconut. 62 00:05:11,868 --> 00:05:13,801 You've never had coconut. 63 00:05:16,367 --> 00:05:17,367 Dexter: it's dispatch. 64 00:05:17,434 --> 00:05:19,834 I might have to settle For toast to go. 65 00:05:19,901 --> 00:05:21,300 Morgan. 66 00:05:24,067 --> 00:05:26,033 Sure, what's the location? 67 00:05:30,133 --> 00:05:31,834 I'll be right there. 68 00:05:41,701 --> 00:05:43,400 The crime scene. 69 00:05:44,634 --> 00:05:46,000 My crime scene. 70 00:06:07,234 --> 00:06:09,067 I shouldn't have Killed them both. 71 00:06:09,133 --> 00:06:11,300 I didn't have enough time. 72 00:06:11,367 --> 00:06:15,567 A footprint, A microscopic drop of blood - 73 00:06:15,634 --> 00:06:17,801 What did i leave behind? 74 00:06:35,801 --> 00:06:38,300 Impossible. 75 00:06:39,767 --> 00:06:41,601 Nice place setting, Huh? 76 00:06:41,667 --> 00:06:43,200 We're running Her prints now. 77 00:06:43,267 --> 00:06:46,100 It had to be him. He's watching me. 78 00:06:46,167 --> 00:06:47,868 Dex? 79 00:06:49,100 --> 00:06:50,968 Good. 80 00:06:51,033 --> 00:06:52,901 I.d. The victim. 81 00:06:58,634 --> 00:07:00,734 You find anything else? 82 00:07:00,801 --> 00:07:02,100 That ain't enough? 83 00:07:02,167 --> 00:07:03,434 Any eyewitnesses? 84 00:07:03,501 --> 00:07:05,400 Just do your job. Worry about the blood. 85 00:07:08,300 --> 00:07:09,968 You gonna answer that? 86 00:07:13,901 --> 00:07:15,400 This tin can Smells like ass. 87 00:07:15,467 --> 00:07:16,567 The sooner you get busy, 88 00:07:16,634 --> 00:07:20,367 The sooner we can finger Who did this. 89 00:07:20,434 --> 00:07:22,067 You heard the man. 90 00:07:34,467 --> 00:07:39,000 He dove 100 feet To bring up the body. 91 00:07:39,067 --> 00:07:40,334 He's getting back at me 92 00:07:40,400 --> 00:07:42,667 For not killing That security guard. 93 00:07:44,167 --> 00:07:46,334 Please tell me this wasn't The ice-truck killer. 94 00:07:46,400 --> 00:07:48,000 I've got the press Sniffing outside. 95 00:07:48,067 --> 00:07:49,067 No, it's not his m. o. 96 00:07:49,133 --> 00:07:51,033 We got an i. d. - Valerie castillo. 97 00:07:51,100 --> 00:07:53,234 Her husband, jorge, Owns the salvage yard. 98 00:07:53,300 --> 00:07:55,267 Well, then, Try and track him down. 99 00:07:55,334 --> 00:07:58,234 Man: Sir, we found something. 100 00:08:03,801 --> 00:08:05,234 You got anything? 101 00:08:05,300 --> 00:08:09,167 Masuka: no bruising. Nothing under her nails. 102 00:08:09,234 --> 00:08:11,734 She didn't put up a fight. 103 00:08:11,801 --> 00:08:14,067 If she was killed here, Which i doubt, 104 00:08:14,133 --> 00:08:16,000 Whoever did it Was a real pro. 105 00:08:16,067 --> 00:08:19,267 Under normal circumstances, I'd take that as a compliment. 106 00:08:19,334 --> 00:08:20,267 Prints? 107 00:08:20,334 --> 00:08:21,934 She's clean. 108 00:08:22,000 --> 00:08:25,167 This trailer - That's another matter. 109 00:08:25,234 --> 00:08:29,067 I don't even want to know What some of those stains are. 110 00:08:30,868 --> 00:08:33,334 Yo, dex, I think i found something. 111 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:35,133 Zoom in on this, Will you? 112 00:08:35,200 --> 00:08:37,000 I'm kind of low On batteries here. 113 00:08:37,067 --> 00:08:39,334 Dude, it'll take, like, Two seconds. 114 00:08:41,367 --> 00:08:44,100 Yo, what's up with you today? You're throwing off my chi. 115 00:08:44,167 --> 00:08:45,767 You're not chinese. 116 00:08:45,834 --> 00:08:46,767 I'm not? 117 00:08:46,834 --> 00:08:48,601 Look, right here. 118 00:08:50,334 --> 00:08:53,400 Does that look like A needle mark to you? 119 00:08:54,968 --> 00:08:58,434 It's more like a bug bite, Blemish maybe. 120 00:09:00,734 --> 00:09:04,133 Yeah, i guess. 121 00:09:06,267 --> 00:09:09,100 I'm gonna let The coroner bag her. 122 00:09:09,167 --> 00:09:10,868 I'm hungry. 123 00:09:20,601 --> 00:09:23,501 Oh... 124 00:09:23,567 --> 00:09:25,601 This ain't no auto garage. 125 00:09:25,667 --> 00:09:27,434 Oh! 126 00:09:27,501 --> 00:09:28,534 Oh, god. 127 00:09:28,601 --> 00:09:30,167 Oh, i didn't need To see that. 128 00:09:30,234 --> 00:09:32,634 You never seen A latrine before, morgan? 129 00:09:32,701 --> 00:09:35,334 Yeah, just not indoors. 130 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:37,267 Well, the army taught me A lot of things. 131 00:09:37,334 --> 00:09:39,501 I feel a desert storm story Coming on. 132 00:09:39,567 --> 00:09:41,267 Digging holes for people To take a dump? 133 00:09:41,334 --> 00:09:43,367 That was most important. 134 00:09:43,434 --> 00:09:44,868 I'm not really getting that. 135 00:09:44,934 --> 00:09:47,634 It doesn't matter how many bars You got on your collar. 136 00:09:47,701 --> 00:09:50,767 Everybody's shit stinks. We were partners a long time. 137 00:09:50,834 --> 00:09:52,367 From the looks of things, 138 00:09:52,434 --> 00:09:54,634 Valerie castillo's Better half was knee-deep. 139 00:09:54,701 --> 00:09:56,367 You like the husband For this? 140 00:09:56,434 --> 00:09:58,300 It's always the husband. 141 00:10:00,434 --> 00:10:02,767 What have you got? 142 00:10:02,834 --> 00:10:05,801 It looks like a phone number And a name - mariel. 143 00:10:05,868 --> 00:10:08,133 Call it in to batista. He can run it down for us. 144 00:10:08,200 --> 00:10:09,934 Sergeant doakes. 145 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:12,767 We heard movement In the trunk. 146 00:10:12,834 --> 00:10:14,701 I got it. I got it. 147 00:10:18,801 --> 00:10:20,501 Padre nuestro que está En los cielos. 148 00:10:20,567 --> 00:10:22,834 Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. 149 00:10:22,901 --> 00:10:24,467 Hágase tu voluntad En la tierra... 150 00:10:24,534 --> 00:10:25,534 You all right, kid? 151 00:10:25,601 --> 00:10:27,033 Come on, man. 152 00:10:27,100 --> 00:10:28,067 No. 153 00:10:28,133 --> 00:10:32,000 Subtle. Maybe you should cuff him. 154 00:10:32,067 --> 00:10:34,367 Mi hijito, Todo está bien. 155 00:10:34,434 --> 00:10:36,000 Te vamos a ayudar. 156 00:10:57,701 --> 00:11:00,100 Dexter: The noose is tightening. 157 00:11:02,868 --> 00:11:05,667 This is how it ends - In the hands of a 7-year-old? 158 00:11:05,734 --> 00:11:07,133 Hey, deb. 159 00:11:07,200 --> 00:11:09,000 I usually like kids. 160 00:11:09,067 --> 00:11:10,501 Who's the boy? 161 00:11:10,567 --> 00:11:12,334 All we got so far Is that he's cuban 162 00:11:12,400 --> 00:11:14,133 And he seems to like Laguerta. 163 00:11:14,200 --> 00:11:16,767 Spend enough time in a trunk, She'd look good to anybody. 164 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:21,968 Did he, you know, See anything? 165 00:11:22,033 --> 00:11:24,234 I'm not sure. He's pretty out of it. 166 00:11:24,300 --> 00:11:26,634 Social services Is on the way. 167 00:11:27,934 --> 00:11:30,868 You okay? You got a whole Brow thing going on. 168 00:11:30,934 --> 00:11:33,200 Morgan, Bring some water! 169 00:11:33,267 --> 00:11:35,968 i love her. 170 00:11:36,033 --> 00:11:39,601 Maybe i should spend some time In a hot trunk, too. 171 00:11:39,667 --> 00:11:43,367 My neat little world of lies Is crumbling all around me, 172 00:11:43,434 --> 00:11:48,000 And i can't tell a soul, Especially not deb. 173 00:11:49,300 --> 00:11:51,901 Deb, We've been through this. 174 00:11:51,968 --> 00:11:53,167 But i have my books. 175 00:11:53,234 --> 00:11:55,501 I mean, I could just stay in the car 176 00:11:55,567 --> 00:11:57,267 Or i can walk With you guys. 177 00:11:57,334 --> 00:12:00,000 I promise i'll be quiet. You won't even know i'm there. 178 00:12:00,067 --> 00:12:01,634 The pheasants will know You're there. 179 00:12:01,701 --> 00:12:03,133 But dexter was my age When - 180 00:12:03,200 --> 00:12:04,400 Deb, that's enough. 181 00:12:04,467 --> 00:12:07,167 The logans are waiting. Did you pack your swimsuit? 182 00:12:07,234 --> 00:12:09,767 Yes. 183 00:12:09,834 --> 00:12:11,000 Good girl. 184 00:12:11,067 --> 00:12:13,601 I want to see that backflip When we come home. 185 00:12:13,667 --> 00:12:15,167 All right. Go on out to the car. 186 00:12:15,234 --> 00:12:18,067 We'll be there in a sec. 187 00:12:20,801 --> 00:12:22,801 She does kind of Have a point, dad. 188 00:12:22,868 --> 00:12:25,901 What we do your sister Can never know about. 189 00:12:25,968 --> 00:12:29,267 Keeping the truth from The people closest to you 190 00:12:29,334 --> 00:12:31,968 Is how you'll survive... 191 00:12:32,033 --> 00:12:34,801 And how you'll protect them If anything ever goes wrong. 192 00:12:45,067 --> 00:12:46,167 Guys, hurry up. 193 00:12:46,234 --> 00:12:48,767 You're gonna be late For school. 194 00:12:48,834 --> 00:12:50,133 I'm headed to the store. 195 00:12:50,200 --> 00:12:51,701 Is there anything else You want? 196 00:12:51,767 --> 00:12:53,300 Balloons aren't much Of a list. 197 00:12:53,367 --> 00:12:54,801 It's okay. 198 00:12:54,868 --> 00:12:56,434 It don't need That other stuff. 199 00:12:56,501 --> 00:12:58,334 It's too expensive. 200 00:12:58,400 --> 00:13:01,367 How about you let me worry About that stuff, okay? 201 00:13:01,434 --> 00:13:03,968 It's your party. You can have whatever you want. 202 00:13:10,367 --> 00:13:12,200 Hello? 203 00:13:12,267 --> 00:13:13,634 Paul: Hey, babe, it's me. 204 00:13:13,701 --> 00:13:15,968 Go wait in the car. 205 00:13:18,133 --> 00:13:20,033 What's wrong with mom? 206 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:23,734 She only gets that way When she's talking to dad. 207 00:13:26,467 --> 00:13:27,968 Hi. 208 00:13:28,033 --> 00:13:30,334 I was able to track down That name, mariel, 209 00:13:30,400 --> 00:13:32,133 With the number That you called in. 210 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:34,601 She's a cuban refugee. She's staying with cousins. 211 00:13:34,667 --> 00:13:35,868 I had a cop bring her in. 212 00:13:35,934 --> 00:13:37,634 Why scratch the number In the floor? 213 00:13:37,701 --> 00:13:38,968 Next of kin, 214 00:13:39,033 --> 00:13:40,834 In case something Happened to her. 215 00:13:40,901 --> 00:13:42,534 Guys like castillo Are ruthless. 216 00:13:42,601 --> 00:13:44,200 They prey on families. 217 00:13:44,267 --> 00:13:46,234 He was holding mariel And six others captive 218 00:13:46,300 --> 00:13:47,400 At a salvage yard. 219 00:13:47,467 --> 00:13:48,767 That explains the garage. 220 00:13:48,834 --> 00:13:50,901 If the relatives Don't pay the release fee, 221 00:13:50,968 --> 00:13:53,100 The coyote would dump Their ass overboard. 222 00:13:53,167 --> 00:13:55,667 Cocksuckers make me sick. Come on. 223 00:13:59,434 --> 00:14:02,601 Mariel, estos son mis amigos Que yo te dije. 224 00:14:02,667 --> 00:14:05,400 Sargento doakes Y la detective morgan. 225 00:14:05,467 --> 00:14:08,033 Puede sentar. 226 00:14:08,100 --> 00:14:10,701 Mariel, when was the last time You saw jorge castillo? 227 00:14:10,767 --> 00:14:14,868 ¿cuándo fue la ultima vez Que tú viste a jorge castillo? 228 00:14:14,934 --> 00:14:18,133 Cuando me encerró con los otros Después de bajarnos del barco. 229 00:14:18,200 --> 00:14:20,300 When he locked her And the other refugees up 230 00:14:20,367 --> 00:14:22,400 After pulling them From the boat. 231 00:14:22,467 --> 00:14:25,734 No teníamos comida ni agua. 232 00:14:25,801 --> 00:14:28,901 Un hombre trató de escapar. Jorge lo agarró y lo golpeó. 233 00:14:28,968 --> 00:14:31,434 They went without food And water. 234 00:14:31,501 --> 00:14:34,634 Some guy tried to escape, But he was beaten by jorge. 235 00:14:34,701 --> 00:14:36,000 How'd she get free? 236 00:14:36,067 --> 00:14:37,234 ¿cómo escapó? 237 00:14:37,300 --> 00:14:40,067 Alguien abrió la puerta Al garaje. 238 00:14:40,133 --> 00:14:41,734 Y nos escapamos. 239 00:14:41,801 --> 00:14:44,601 Somebody opened the door To the garage. 240 00:14:49,801 --> 00:14:53,801 Cuando los agarren, espero que Los hagan sufrir mucho, 241 00:14:53,868 --> 00:14:56,601 Especialmente esa concha Que nos trató como perro. 242 00:14:56,667 --> 00:14:59,968 She said, "when we find them, 243 00:15:00,033 --> 00:15:03,267 "to make them suffer For what they did, 244 00:15:03,334 --> 00:15:05,834 Especially that concha That treated her like a dog. " 245 00:15:05,901 --> 00:15:07,167 Concha? 246 00:15:07,234 --> 00:15:08,434 Ah, got you. 247 00:15:08,501 --> 00:15:10,167 Fuck me. The wife was in on it. 248 00:15:10,234 --> 00:15:12,968 Ask if she knows the little boy Social services picked up. 249 00:15:13,033 --> 00:15:16,167 ¿y quién era el niño pequeño Que estaba con usted? 250 00:15:16,234 --> 00:15:17,300 ¿qué niño? 251 00:15:17,367 --> 00:15:19,100 Yo nunca vi un niño. 252 00:15:20,567 --> 00:15:22,534 She never saw a boy. 253 00:15:26,667 --> 00:15:30,167 No hair, no fibers, C.o. d. Exsanguination - 254 00:15:30,234 --> 00:15:31,434 So far, so good. 255 00:15:31,501 --> 00:15:32,434 You're hovering. 256 00:15:32,501 --> 00:15:35,367 Keep reading. Wait for it. 257 00:15:35,434 --> 00:15:37,133 This is a prelim. I don't have time - 258 00:15:37,200 --> 00:15:39,000 "m" fucking 99. 259 00:15:40,934 --> 00:15:42,400 Etorphine hydrochloride? 260 00:15:42,467 --> 00:15:45,834 An animal tranquilizer More powerful than morphine. 261 00:15:45,901 --> 00:15:48,701 It causes total paralysis. 262 00:15:48,767 --> 00:15:50,567 That mark on her neck Kept bugging me, 263 00:15:50,634 --> 00:15:52,834 So i ordered up A tox screen. 264 00:15:52,901 --> 00:15:56,033 That's it. No more doughnuts for masuka. 265 00:15:56,100 --> 00:15:58,734 Dude, this stuff Is strictly controlled. 266 00:15:58,801 --> 00:16:02,367 The only way to get it Is with a d. e.a. License. 267 00:16:03,801 --> 00:16:05,567 I put a request in For the list. 268 00:16:05,634 --> 00:16:08,734 I should have it for doakes In the morning. 269 00:16:08,801 --> 00:16:09,734 Nice. 270 00:16:09,801 --> 00:16:12,567 Yeah, baby. 271 00:16:12,634 --> 00:16:14,067 I'm on that list, 272 00:16:14,133 --> 00:16:18,067 And eventually the alias i used Will lead them back to me. 273 00:16:18,133 --> 00:16:19,934 Ticktock. 274 00:16:26,033 --> 00:16:27,234 Hey, you. 275 00:16:27,300 --> 00:16:28,667 Rita: Thank god you're there. 276 00:16:28,734 --> 00:16:31,467 I really need to talk With someone. 277 00:16:31,534 --> 00:16:33,200 Everything okay? 278 00:16:33,267 --> 00:16:35,534 Paul called After you left. 279 00:16:35,601 --> 00:16:37,000 Paul? Who's paul? 280 00:16:37,067 --> 00:16:38,501 My soon-to-be ex. 281 00:16:38,567 --> 00:16:40,534 He's already out of jail - Overcrowding. 282 00:16:40,601 --> 00:16:41,834 Can you believe it? 283 00:16:41,901 --> 00:16:44,267 Every time something goes just A little bit right, 284 00:16:44,334 --> 00:16:45,567 Something like this happens. 285 00:16:45,634 --> 00:16:47,367 He wants to come To astor's party. 286 00:16:47,434 --> 00:16:48,501 What did you tell him? 287 00:16:48,567 --> 00:16:51,367 I'd have to think about it. 288 00:16:51,434 --> 00:16:53,567 But even if i say "no," He won't listen. 289 00:16:53,634 --> 00:16:56,701 He never does. 290 00:16:56,767 --> 00:16:59,133 Can you - Can you come over tonight? 291 00:16:59,200 --> 00:17:01,601 I'm kind of under the gun here, Big case. 292 00:17:01,667 --> 00:17:03,601 I shouldn't be dumping All this on you. 293 00:17:03,667 --> 00:17:04,701 I'm sorry. 294 00:17:04,767 --> 00:17:06,434 No, don't be. 295 00:17:06,501 --> 00:17:08,267 Tell you what, I'll stop by if i can. 296 00:17:08,334 --> 00:17:09,434 I promise. 297 00:17:09,501 --> 00:17:13,133 Okay. I'll keep a plate warm Just in case. 298 00:17:13,200 --> 00:17:14,934 Thanks. Bye. 299 00:17:16,801 --> 00:17:19,601 Check the marinas. Find jorge castillo's boat. 300 00:17:19,667 --> 00:17:21,667 We'll search the house. 301 00:17:23,367 --> 00:17:24,767 Where's laguerta? 302 00:17:24,834 --> 00:17:26,701 Trying to bring that kid in For a sketch. 303 00:17:26,767 --> 00:17:28,934 Sketch? 304 00:17:29,000 --> 00:17:30,100 He told social services 305 00:17:30,167 --> 00:17:33,501 That some guy saved him From the bad lady. 306 00:17:33,567 --> 00:17:34,901 Valerie castillo? 307 00:17:34,968 --> 00:17:38,033 Sounds like she got exactly What she had coming to her. 308 00:17:38,100 --> 00:17:40,434 Personally, I'd shake this guy's hand. 309 00:17:40,501 --> 00:17:43,501 Yeah, you say that now. 310 00:17:53,667 --> 00:17:56,567 Found his passport. 311 00:17:56,634 --> 00:17:58,501 God, i feel like I need a shower 312 00:17:58,567 --> 00:18:00,100 Just looking at This douche bag. 313 00:18:00,167 --> 00:18:01,400 Well, keep searching - 314 00:18:01,467 --> 00:18:03,634 Phone records, bank accounts, Credit cards. 315 00:18:03,701 --> 00:18:06,467 Maybe the wife got greedy, And that's why he killed her. 316 00:18:06,534 --> 00:18:08,534 Maybe. 317 00:18:13,167 --> 00:18:14,567 This morning At the salvage yard, 318 00:18:14,634 --> 00:18:15,934 What was that thing By the car? 319 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:17,234 What thing? 320 00:18:17,300 --> 00:18:20,300 Before you opened the trunk, You tried to cockblock me. 321 00:18:20,367 --> 00:18:22,300 I was just looking out For my team. 322 00:18:22,367 --> 00:18:24,434 I didn't see you looking out For laguerta. 323 00:18:24,501 --> 00:18:25,801 I would if she'd asked. 324 00:18:25,868 --> 00:18:26,868 I didn't ask. 325 00:18:26,934 --> 00:18:28,267 Fine. 326 00:18:28,334 --> 00:18:30,100 Next time, Just get your ass shot. 327 00:18:32,267 --> 00:18:34,534 It's possible Our guy left town. 328 00:18:34,601 --> 00:18:36,934 If he even did it. 329 00:18:38,200 --> 00:18:40,067 What if we have A copycat killer? 330 00:18:40,133 --> 00:18:41,734 That's a bit of a stretch. 331 00:18:41,801 --> 00:18:44,100 What if the person Who killed valerie castillo 332 00:18:44,167 --> 00:18:46,734 Was trying to bleed her out Like the ice-truck killer 333 00:18:46,801 --> 00:18:47,901 But didn't know how? 334 00:18:47,968 --> 00:18:49,234 She wasn't a hooker. 335 00:18:49,300 --> 00:18:50,567 She was killed Someplace else 336 00:18:50,634 --> 00:18:52,167 And laid out In a ritualistic manner, 337 00:18:52,234 --> 00:18:53,234 Just like all the others. 338 00:18:53,300 --> 00:18:54,367 She wasn't in pieces. 339 00:18:54,434 --> 00:18:55,968 She had cuts on her neck. 340 00:18:56,033 --> 00:18:57,300 I'm just saying, 341 00:18:57,367 --> 00:19:00,767 With all the media coverage On the ice-truck killer, 342 00:19:00,834 --> 00:19:02,400 It's possible. 343 00:19:02,467 --> 00:19:04,467 What do you suggest, Morgan? 344 00:19:04,534 --> 00:19:07,400 Let me work up a profile In case jorge doesn't pan out. 345 00:19:09,000 --> 00:19:10,367 Fine. Whatever. 346 00:19:15,234 --> 00:19:17,300 That's the second time You've made that face. 347 00:19:17,367 --> 00:19:19,367 Who are you avoiding? 348 00:19:20,968 --> 00:19:23,234 We got one more stop To make. 349 00:19:30,734 --> 00:19:34,000 Nothing lasts forever. 350 00:19:34,067 --> 00:19:36,400 Just ask a ford pinto. 351 00:19:37,734 --> 00:19:41,100 Eventually, Most serial killers get caught. 352 00:19:41,167 --> 00:19:45,033 There's really not much Of a retirement plan. 353 00:19:45,100 --> 00:19:48,901 But it can't end like this. It's too soon. 354 00:19:48,968 --> 00:19:50,667 I'm not ready. 355 00:20:02,033 --> 00:20:03,634 He saw me. 356 00:20:22,567 --> 00:20:24,000 What's this? 357 00:20:24,067 --> 00:20:26,033 You've been asking Who's been calling. 358 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:28,200 My mom lives here. 359 00:20:28,267 --> 00:20:29,767 Did you forget Your laundry? 360 00:20:29,834 --> 00:20:32,267 She's been on me To stop by for dinner. 361 00:20:32,334 --> 00:20:34,834 Now, here's the plan. We go in. We eat. 362 00:20:34,901 --> 00:20:37,133 We out before the cheesecake. You got it? 363 00:20:37,200 --> 00:20:38,801 I'm, what, Your exit strategy? 364 00:20:38,868 --> 00:20:40,434 You can stay out here If you want. 365 00:20:40,501 --> 00:20:42,801 That gives me a better excuse To leave earlier, 366 00:20:42,868 --> 00:20:44,934 Or you can come in And have some free food. 367 00:20:45,000 --> 00:20:46,167 It's your call. 368 00:20:47,567 --> 00:20:49,801 Shit. 369 00:20:49,868 --> 00:20:51,133 My sisters are here, too. 370 00:20:56,100 --> 00:20:59,100 Fucking family reunion. 371 00:21:01,567 --> 00:21:02,968 This john comes out Of nowhere. 372 00:21:03,033 --> 00:21:04,100 He's got me by the throat. 373 00:21:04,167 --> 00:21:05,767 I can't reach around And get my gun, 374 00:21:05,834 --> 00:21:08,000 And i see he has A nipple ring. 375 00:21:08,067 --> 00:21:10,868 I rip that fucker out Like it's a grenade pin. 376 00:21:10,934 --> 00:21:11,868 Morgan. 377 00:21:11,934 --> 00:21:13,434 Oh, i'm sorry. Cop mouth. 378 00:21:13,501 --> 00:21:14,767 We're used to it, 379 00:21:14,834 --> 00:21:18,434 When james graces his family With this presence. 380 00:21:18,501 --> 00:21:20,033 Some of us Don't work at a bank. 381 00:21:20,100 --> 00:21:23,200 First words out of my Baby brother's mouth were, 382 00:21:23,267 --> 00:21:24,801 "got milk, motherfucker?" 383 00:21:24,868 --> 00:21:27,801 Oh, okay, now, That's enough, all of you. 384 00:21:27,868 --> 00:21:29,701 That security guard Is gonna be all right? 385 00:21:29,767 --> 00:21:31,501 If someone did A hatchet job on me, 386 00:21:31,567 --> 00:21:32,501 I'd cash it all in. 387 00:21:32,567 --> 00:21:33,834 Yeah, tony's doing okay. 388 00:21:33,901 --> 00:21:37,000 The hospital's setting him up With some prosthetics. 389 00:21:37,067 --> 00:21:39,901 He's just got This spirit about him. 390 00:21:39,968 --> 00:21:41,434 The guy's missing body parts 391 00:21:41,501 --> 00:21:43,100 Because of this Ice-truck killer, 392 00:21:43,167 --> 00:21:44,934 And he's still Hitting on me. 393 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:48,400 That's because men only think With one body part, 394 00:21:48,467 --> 00:21:50,501 And that one Was not cut off. 395 00:21:50,567 --> 00:21:51,968 Ma! 396 00:21:52,033 --> 00:21:53,234 Well, it's the damn truth. 397 00:21:53,300 --> 00:21:55,834 Morgan, come on. We got a case to solve. 398 00:21:55,901 --> 00:21:57,200 Oh, are you sure, honey? 399 00:21:57,267 --> 00:21:59,234 I got some cheesecake In the fridge. 400 00:21:59,300 --> 00:22:01,767 Yeah. We're sure. 401 00:22:01,834 --> 00:22:03,701 You know... 402 00:22:03,767 --> 00:22:05,667 I would love Some cheesecake. 403 00:22:05,734 --> 00:22:07,767 You can wait in the car. That's your call. 404 00:22:08,834 --> 00:22:11,367 He'll wait. 405 00:22:11,434 --> 00:22:13,901 I'll help you. Ooh, i'm sorry. 406 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:20,067 I wonder, in time, If they'll even remember me, 407 00:22:20,133 --> 00:22:23,901 Other than the man Who broke their mother's heart. 408 00:22:23,968 --> 00:22:27,767 I'll be breaking Their hearts, too. 409 00:22:27,834 --> 00:22:29,033 Rita: He is their father. 410 00:22:29,100 --> 00:22:32,634 They have a right to know He's been released, right? 411 00:22:32,701 --> 00:22:36,067 Yeah, sure. 412 00:22:36,133 --> 00:22:38,200 Even if i tell paul Not to come, 413 00:22:38,267 --> 00:22:40,567 He'll show up here Eventually. 414 00:22:40,634 --> 00:22:42,067 I know him. 415 00:22:42,133 --> 00:22:44,901 Everything's Been going so good at work... 416 00:22:44,968 --> 00:22:48,167 With you. 417 00:22:48,234 --> 00:22:49,634 I don't know what to do. 418 00:22:49,701 --> 00:22:52,767 He's really got a hold on you, Doesn't he? 419 00:22:54,968 --> 00:22:59,767 Paul always had a temper, But when he was using... 420 00:22:59,834 --> 00:23:01,501 He said if i left, 421 00:23:01,567 --> 00:23:03,567 He would find us And hurt the kids. 422 00:23:03,634 --> 00:23:06,234 Somehow, I thought that by staying, 423 00:23:06,300 --> 00:23:08,000 I was protecting them. 424 00:23:10,133 --> 00:23:13,000 Cody doesn't remember The worst of it, 425 00:23:13,067 --> 00:23:14,200 But astor... 426 00:23:16,534 --> 00:23:19,567 She was the one who called The police the last time. 427 00:23:19,634 --> 00:23:21,667 She was protecting me. 428 00:23:23,601 --> 00:23:25,067 You're not that woman Anymore. 429 00:23:25,133 --> 00:23:28,167 You're stronger Than that now. 430 00:23:28,234 --> 00:23:30,734 If their dad shows up, We'll deal with it together. 431 00:23:32,300 --> 00:23:34,601 Dad's coming home? 432 00:23:39,767 --> 00:23:42,434 Can he sleep in my room, Mom? 433 00:23:42,501 --> 00:23:43,434 Can he, mom? 434 00:23:43,501 --> 00:23:45,868 I shouldn't even be here. 435 00:23:45,934 --> 00:23:48,334 Rita will be devastated If i'm arrested. 436 00:23:48,400 --> 00:23:49,667 Her husband was a crackhead, 437 00:23:49,734 --> 00:23:51,367 And her boyfriend's A serial killer. 438 00:23:51,434 --> 00:23:54,367 It's kind of hard Not to take that personally. 439 00:23:59,067 --> 00:24:02,100 Better get inside, son. Storm's on its way. 440 00:24:31,701 --> 00:24:32,801 Aah! 441 00:24:42,267 --> 00:24:44,834 Why didn't you tell me What you are, dex? 442 00:25:12,434 --> 00:25:14,501 Any last words? 443 00:25:16,267 --> 00:25:18,567 Figures. 444 00:25:33,300 --> 00:25:35,901 I don't have bad dreams. 445 00:25:35,968 --> 00:25:38,200 When i sleep, all of me sleeps. 446 00:25:38,267 --> 00:25:41,234 Nothing ever goes bump In dexter's night. 447 00:25:47,767 --> 00:25:53,033 I've never felt a moment Of remorse, doubt, regret. 448 00:25:57,100 --> 00:25:59,067 What's happening to me? 449 00:26:03,200 --> 00:26:04,801 If my back wasn't against The wall, 450 00:26:04,868 --> 00:26:08,901 I'd almost feel guilty for Hacking into masuka's e-mail. 451 00:26:08,968 --> 00:26:11,667 Once i got past all the porn, It was easy. 452 00:26:13,834 --> 00:26:16,601 And there i am. 453 00:26:16,667 --> 00:26:18,767 Dr. Patrick bateman - 454 00:26:18,834 --> 00:26:22,234 So wholesome, so inconspicuous. 455 00:26:22,300 --> 00:26:24,400 Harry would frown upon Destroying evidence, 456 00:26:24,467 --> 00:26:26,667 But he never wanted me To get caught, either. 457 00:26:26,734 --> 00:26:28,667 What are you doing In here? 458 00:26:28,734 --> 00:26:30,934 My computer went down. 459 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:32,601 I was just checking Some e-mail. 460 00:26:34,968 --> 00:26:37,033 Can you take a look At this for me? 461 00:26:38,868 --> 00:26:40,467 Copycat killer? 462 00:26:40,534 --> 00:26:42,033 I worked all night On that profile. 463 00:26:42,100 --> 00:26:43,501 I'd like to give it To laguerta, 464 00:26:43,567 --> 00:26:45,267 But i want to make sure It's good enough. 465 00:26:45,334 --> 00:26:47,968 I'm honored. 466 00:26:49,501 --> 00:26:52,234 "the similar manner in which The body was displayed 467 00:26:52,300 --> 00:26:55,300 "suggests this killer Feels a connection 468 00:26:55,367 --> 00:26:56,834 "to the ice-truck killer, 469 00:26:56,901 --> 00:26:59,667 Excited by what He's doing. " 470 00:27:04,467 --> 00:27:07,434 "the cut on the victim's cheek, While not fatal, 471 00:27:07,501 --> 00:27:09,667 "appears to be a signature Of sorts. 472 00:27:09,734 --> 00:27:11,734 "because of the lack Of evidence 473 00:27:11,801 --> 00:27:13,767 "collected from The crime scene, 474 00:27:13,834 --> 00:27:16,467 "the suspect may be familiar With law enforcement 475 00:27:16,534 --> 00:27:18,801 Or forensics procedure. " 476 00:27:20,634 --> 00:27:21,567 Oh. 477 00:27:21,634 --> 00:27:22,601 Why'd you quit? 478 00:27:22,667 --> 00:27:24,334 You're getting to The good stuff. 479 00:27:24,400 --> 00:27:25,334 Let me guess - 480 00:27:25,400 --> 00:27:27,234 Single white male, mid-30s, Lives alone, 481 00:27:27,300 --> 00:27:29,667 Disconnected From his emotions. 482 00:27:31,868 --> 00:27:33,901 It's a little textbook, Don't you think? 483 00:27:33,968 --> 00:27:36,234 But it totally fits This case. 484 00:27:36,300 --> 00:27:37,934 You're trying To make it fit. 485 00:27:41,200 --> 00:27:43,067 My advice? 486 00:27:43,133 --> 00:27:44,667 Keep this to yourself. 487 00:27:46,767 --> 00:27:47,701 Really? 488 00:27:47,767 --> 00:27:49,200 Deb, you're new To homicide. 489 00:27:49,267 --> 00:27:50,567 This blows up In your face, 490 00:27:50,634 --> 00:27:52,601 You've given laguerta The excuse 491 00:27:52,667 --> 00:27:54,033 To send you back to vice. 492 00:28:01,667 --> 00:28:02,934 No. 493 00:28:03,000 --> 00:28:05,734 I'm on to something here. I feel it. 494 00:28:05,801 --> 00:28:07,734 Like one of your hunches. 495 00:28:11,234 --> 00:28:14,067 Way to have my back. 496 00:28:20,567 --> 00:28:21,968 Where's your sister? 497 00:28:25,534 --> 00:28:28,400 Debra, what the hell Do you think you're doing? 498 00:28:32,767 --> 00:28:34,300 How did you Get into my cabinet? 499 00:28:34,367 --> 00:28:38,634 You hide the key in the pantry On the top shelf. 500 00:28:38,701 --> 00:28:43,000 You and your brother know Never to touch my guns 501 00:28:43,067 --> 00:28:45,100 Unless it's under My direct supervision. 502 00:28:45,167 --> 00:28:46,667 But i was being Really careful. 503 00:28:46,734 --> 00:28:49,234 I mean, i was only shooting At the cans and the bottles. 504 00:28:49,300 --> 00:28:51,100 And i'm really good, Like dexter, 505 00:28:51,167 --> 00:28:54,300 And now we can all Go hunting together. 506 00:28:54,367 --> 00:28:56,067 I'm disappointed in you, Debra. 507 00:28:57,334 --> 00:28:58,934 Grab your things. 508 00:29:05,701 --> 00:29:07,501 Thanks a lot. 509 00:29:10,033 --> 00:29:11,901 Doakes: Starting this morning, 510 00:29:11,968 --> 00:29:13,701 We have cadets From the academy 511 00:29:13,767 --> 00:29:16,033 Going over every inch Of the salvage yard. 512 00:29:16,100 --> 00:29:17,167 Those days i don't miss. 513 00:29:17,234 --> 00:29:18,868 The kid We found yesterday 514 00:29:18,934 --> 00:29:21,033 Saw someone abduct Valerie castillo. 515 00:29:21,100 --> 00:29:23,901 Because he didn't recognize A photo of jorge castillo, 516 00:29:23,968 --> 00:29:25,801 Lieutenant laguerta Is bringing him in 517 00:29:25,868 --> 00:29:27,434 To attempt a sketch. 518 00:29:31,067 --> 00:29:32,300 Come on, sweetheart. 519 00:29:32,367 --> 00:29:34,767 Let's take The seatbelt off. 520 00:29:34,834 --> 00:29:37,000 There you go. Come on. 521 00:29:37,067 --> 00:29:38,367 Come on, sweetheart. 522 00:29:38,434 --> 00:29:40,534 You want to go inside To see the nice lady? 523 00:29:40,601 --> 00:29:42,901 Come on, sweetie. Let's go. 524 00:29:44,367 --> 00:29:45,834 Thanks For bringing him by. 525 00:29:51,901 --> 00:29:53,200 Hola, oscar. 526 00:29:53,267 --> 00:29:56,234 ¿tú quieres venir conmigo? 527 00:29:58,267 --> 00:30:00,767 Normally, i wouldn't approve Of something like this, 528 00:30:00,834 --> 00:30:03,267 But you've made quite An impression. 529 00:30:05,534 --> 00:30:06,834 You have kids? 530 00:30:06,901 --> 00:30:09,033 No. 531 00:30:10,133 --> 00:30:11,734 I was like him once - 532 00:30:11,801 --> 00:30:14,067 A stranger In a strange place, 533 00:30:14,133 --> 00:30:16,934 Left to grow up With strangers, 534 00:30:17,000 --> 00:30:18,367 All for a better life. 535 00:30:20,167 --> 00:30:23,267 Well, police lieutenant - I'd say you've done okay. 536 00:30:23,334 --> 00:30:26,000 Any luck With the family? 537 00:30:26,067 --> 00:30:28,334 No. He talks about An uncle roberto. 538 00:30:28,400 --> 00:30:29,934 He just uses The first name. 539 00:30:30,000 --> 00:30:32,067 Maybe we'll have some luck On our end. 540 00:30:32,133 --> 00:30:33,367 I hope so. 541 00:30:33,434 --> 00:30:35,834 I hate to send another one Into foster care. 542 00:30:38,634 --> 00:30:39,567 Thank you. 543 00:30:39,634 --> 00:30:41,868 Bye, sweetheart. 544 00:30:43,801 --> 00:30:46,033 Meanwhile, we'll follow up On the d. e.a. List 545 00:30:46,100 --> 00:30:47,634 Of m-99 buyers. 546 00:30:47,701 --> 00:30:50,000 That would include vets, Doctors, 547 00:30:50,067 --> 00:30:53,300 Animal control, Even circuses. 548 00:30:53,367 --> 00:30:56,033 Be thorough. Check everyone. 549 00:30:56,100 --> 00:30:59,033 Masuka, what do we have On the home and the boat? 550 00:30:59,100 --> 00:31:01,133 Still processing, sir. 551 00:31:01,200 --> 00:31:02,667 If the husband Is a dead end, 552 00:31:02,734 --> 00:31:05,434 Then we're looking at A new suspect, folks. 553 00:31:05,501 --> 00:31:08,934 Morgan, any ideas? 554 00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:10,367 Don't do it, deb. 555 00:31:10,434 --> 00:31:11,834 The last thing I need right now 556 00:31:11,901 --> 00:31:15,234 Is to be profiled For all of miami metro. 557 00:31:15,300 --> 00:31:16,834 We could be looking At someone 558 00:31:16,901 --> 00:31:18,834 Who's inspired By the ice-truck killer. 559 00:31:18,901 --> 00:31:21,033 If so, the suspect Is probably familiar 560 00:31:21,100 --> 00:31:22,300 With forensic procedures. 561 00:31:22,367 --> 00:31:24,734 I have a profile. I'd be happy to show it to you. 562 00:31:24,801 --> 00:31:26,334 I'll be in my lab. 563 00:31:28,534 --> 00:31:29,934 Hello, dex. 564 00:31:40,067 --> 00:31:43,167 Batista: oscar... 565 00:31:43,234 --> 00:31:48,000 ¿el hombre que viste Era como yo o más delgado? 566 00:31:51,501 --> 00:31:53,901 Mi hijito, está bien. Cuéntanos. 567 00:31:53,968 --> 00:31:56,734 Cuéntanos lo que tú viste Esa noche. 568 00:32:02,033 --> 00:32:03,434 I'll be right back. 569 00:32:03,501 --> 00:32:04,501 No. 570 00:32:18,300 --> 00:32:19,834 Está bien, Me quedo aquí. 571 00:32:28,367 --> 00:32:31,868 I forgot how much i loved Pastelitos growing up. 572 00:32:31,934 --> 00:32:34,367 He just needed A little reminder of home. 573 00:32:34,434 --> 00:32:35,567 I was barely his age 574 00:32:35,634 --> 00:32:37,567 When i came over With my family. 575 00:32:37,634 --> 00:32:39,567 I threw up The whole damn way. 576 00:32:41,567 --> 00:32:43,934 ¿quieres más? 577 00:32:44,000 --> 00:32:45,000 Mm-hmm. 578 00:32:45,067 --> 00:32:48,300 ¿cinco? 579 00:32:48,367 --> 00:32:50,601 Go get the artist. I think somebody's ready. 580 00:32:50,667 --> 00:32:52,300 Save me some. 581 00:32:53,968 --> 00:32:56,400 No, dice que no. 582 00:32:56,467 --> 00:32:59,834 Cinco no puede. Pero tres, sí. 583 00:32:59,901 --> 00:33:01,400 No es 5, es 10. 584 00:33:01,467 --> 00:33:03,400 ¿10? 585 00:33:03,467 --> 00:33:05,167 Te digo que tú hablas Con el señor 586 00:33:05,234 --> 00:33:06,534 Cuando el venga, 587 00:33:06,601 --> 00:33:08,901 Y entonces, sí, yo te doy 10, Lo que tú quieras. 588 00:33:08,968 --> 00:33:12,234 20. 30. 589 00:33:12,300 --> 00:33:13,834 50. 590 00:33:24,634 --> 00:33:26,734 Did you thank mrs. Carroll 591 00:33:26,801 --> 00:33:28,667 For picking you up From school for me? 592 00:33:28,734 --> 00:33:31,000 Yes. 593 00:33:36,834 --> 00:33:40,067 So, what do you think? 594 00:33:42,901 --> 00:33:44,567 Everything okay? 595 00:33:44,634 --> 00:33:46,734 You want to talk About it? 596 00:33:46,801 --> 00:33:50,100 Holly, blake, and ashley said They can't come to my party. 597 00:33:50,167 --> 00:33:51,601 Honey, that's not true. 598 00:33:51,667 --> 00:33:53,567 I spoke with their moms Last week. 599 00:33:53,634 --> 00:33:54,767 It's all cody's fault. 600 00:33:54,834 --> 00:33:56,367 He couldn't keep His mouth shut 601 00:33:56,434 --> 00:33:57,868 About dad getting out Of jail. 602 00:33:57,934 --> 00:33:59,133 Did not! 603 00:33:59,200 --> 00:34:01,601 You told everyone! 604 00:34:11,300 --> 00:34:12,901 Dexter: I have to know. 605 00:34:18,801 --> 00:34:21,567 Dexter... 606 00:34:21,634 --> 00:34:23,400 Thank god. 607 00:34:23,467 --> 00:34:25,968 My arm's asleep. 608 00:34:26,033 --> 00:34:28,067 How long have you two Been like this? 609 00:34:28,133 --> 00:34:29,834 Half an hour. 610 00:34:29,901 --> 00:34:32,534 I was afraid i'd wake him If i moved. 611 00:34:34,234 --> 00:34:35,167 At that age, 612 00:34:35,234 --> 00:34:37,968 When they're out, They're out. 613 00:34:38,033 --> 00:34:41,067 You could brush his teeth, And he wouldn't wake up. 614 00:34:42,234 --> 00:34:43,734 Here. Lift up his head. 615 00:34:43,801 --> 00:34:45,968 I'll slide this Underneath. 616 00:35:01,734 --> 00:35:04,434 Oh, thanks. 617 00:35:06,601 --> 00:35:08,968 What are you doing here? 618 00:35:09,033 --> 00:35:10,634 I'm waiting on Some lab work. 619 00:35:10,701 --> 00:35:12,033 I had some time to kill. 620 00:35:14,033 --> 00:35:16,100 Go ahead. We didn't get very far. 621 00:35:16,167 --> 00:35:17,133 He's so tired. 622 00:35:17,200 --> 00:35:19,968 We're gonna pick it up again Tomorrow. 623 00:35:20,033 --> 00:35:22,667 It's only a matter of time 624 00:35:22,734 --> 00:35:26,200 Before we know What this little guy saw. 625 00:35:46,100 --> 00:35:49,567 Come on. 626 00:35:55,801 --> 00:35:57,434 Ow. 627 00:36:00,067 --> 00:36:03,734 If you, um... here. 628 00:36:03,801 --> 00:36:05,601 You want help or not? 629 00:36:07,601 --> 00:36:11,100 I have a hair or something Stuck on my lens. 630 00:36:11,167 --> 00:36:12,267 You're in good hands. 631 00:36:12,334 --> 00:36:15,033 I traded my glasses in For contacts in high school. 632 00:36:15,100 --> 00:36:16,033 Boys? 633 00:36:16,100 --> 00:36:18,200 Yeah. What i really needed Was tits. 634 00:36:18,267 --> 00:36:20,501 I had winnie the poohs On my bras until i was 16. 635 00:36:20,567 --> 00:36:23,667 As you can see, not a whole Lot's changed since then. 636 00:36:23,734 --> 00:36:25,334 Try not to blink, okay? 637 00:36:27,334 --> 00:36:29,400 Okay, okay. I'll do it. 638 00:36:29,467 --> 00:36:31,567 I'll do it. 639 00:36:31,634 --> 00:36:34,334 Let me Ask you something. 640 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:36,601 Your brother's adopted, Right? 641 00:36:36,667 --> 00:36:38,901 Yeah, my dad found him At a crime scene. 642 00:36:38,968 --> 00:36:40,801 How did the department feel About harry 643 00:36:40,868 --> 00:36:42,634 Getting personally involved In a case? 644 00:36:42,701 --> 00:36:43,968 It didn't seem to be A problem. 645 00:36:44,033 --> 00:36:45,367 My parents never Talked about it. 646 00:36:45,434 --> 00:36:47,200 Oh, but still, Raising a boy, 647 00:36:47,267 --> 00:36:48,801 It's a lot of work, no? 648 00:36:48,868 --> 00:36:49,968 Dex? 649 00:36:50,033 --> 00:36:51,033 God, no. 650 00:36:51,100 --> 00:36:52,601 I got in more trouble Than he did. 651 00:36:52,667 --> 00:36:53,901 He was the perfect one. 652 00:36:53,968 --> 00:36:55,801 Here, i think i see it. 653 00:36:57,534 --> 00:36:58,901 Yeah. 654 00:36:58,968 --> 00:37:01,501 There's the bastard. 655 00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:05,000 Thanks. 656 00:37:05,067 --> 00:37:06,300 Mm-hmm. 657 00:37:11,367 --> 00:37:12,667 Let me ask you A question. 658 00:37:14,400 --> 00:37:16,000 Why do you Have it in for me? 659 00:37:18,200 --> 00:37:19,601 You're loud, You're impulsive, 660 00:37:19,667 --> 00:37:22,200 And you constantly Question authority. 661 00:37:23,734 --> 00:37:25,167 Fair enough. 662 00:37:27,033 --> 00:37:29,133 I hear you have An interesting theory on - 663 00:37:35,667 --> 00:37:38,901 Man: The report on scandal-plagued Afl's transactions in florida 664 00:37:38,968 --> 00:37:40,934 Showed transportation department Employees 665 00:37:41,000 --> 00:37:43,734 Received more than $460 in gifts, 666 00:37:43,801 --> 00:37:45,868 Ranging from golf balls And free dinners... 667 00:37:45,934 --> 00:37:47,033 Honey, what is it? 668 00:37:47,100 --> 00:37:48,267 ...several local retailers 669 00:37:48,334 --> 00:37:50,801 In return for buying supplies Worth $7,000... 670 00:37:56,067 --> 00:37:57,767 Sweetie. 671 00:37:57,834 --> 00:38:00,200 I'm sorry. It was an accident. 672 00:38:00,267 --> 00:38:03,000 It's all right. These things happen. 673 00:38:03,067 --> 00:38:05,868 Go get changed, And i'll fix the bed. 674 00:38:13,601 --> 00:38:15,868 Mommy? 675 00:38:15,934 --> 00:38:19,567 Is it okay If i didn't have my party? 676 00:38:51,467 --> 00:38:53,734 It's only a matter of time 677 00:38:53,801 --> 00:38:55,968 Before that boy Finishes telling the police 678 00:38:56,033 --> 00:39:00,100 Who he saw that night At the salvage yard - me. 679 00:39:00,167 --> 00:39:01,567 Once the sketch is finished, 680 00:39:01,634 --> 00:39:04,601 There will be No place left to hide. 681 00:39:04,667 --> 00:39:06,400 If i want any chance Of survival, 682 00:39:06,467 --> 00:39:09,067 I have to get rid of it all. 683 00:39:09,133 --> 00:39:11,067 I have to let go. 684 00:39:48,534 --> 00:39:51,567 Alex timmons - sniper. 685 00:39:51,634 --> 00:39:54,400 Yes, i did it. 686 00:39:54,467 --> 00:39:56,067 Is that what you want To hear? 687 00:39:58,634 --> 00:40:01,100 Gene marshall - arsonist. 688 00:40:01,167 --> 00:40:04,634 Have you ever watched someone Burned alive? 689 00:40:06,067 --> 00:40:09,300 Cindy landon - black widow. 690 00:40:09,367 --> 00:40:11,901 I'll fuck you If you let me go. 691 00:40:11,968 --> 00:40:14,601 Such fond memories of them all. 692 00:40:14,667 --> 00:40:17,767 They all accepted their fate In their own way. 693 00:40:17,834 --> 00:40:20,300 Now it's time for me To do the same. 694 00:40:20,367 --> 00:40:23,734 Valerie castillo - My last victim. 695 00:40:32,534 --> 00:40:34,334 He's not angry. 696 00:40:34,400 --> 00:40:37,067 That's not what this is about. 697 00:40:37,133 --> 00:40:39,267 He's testing me. 698 00:40:41,267 --> 00:40:43,567 I was wrong the whole time. 699 00:40:43,634 --> 00:40:46,501 My playmate saw an opportunity To paint me into a corner 700 00:40:46,567 --> 00:40:49,000 To see if i'd find my way out, 701 00:40:49,067 --> 00:40:50,868 If i'd fight to survive. 702 00:41:17,701 --> 00:41:19,400 If you have A well-preserved sample, 703 00:41:19,467 --> 00:41:23,334 Transferring a dry drop Of blood is relatively easy, 704 00:41:23,400 --> 00:41:24,701 Almost as easy as it was 705 00:41:24,767 --> 00:41:27,367 Lifting jorge castillo's Fingerprints from his boat 706 00:41:27,434 --> 00:41:29,634 And putting them on this knife. 707 00:42:01,667 --> 00:42:03,467 Just got off the phone With the fbi. 708 00:42:03,534 --> 00:42:04,667 Now for the hard part. 709 00:42:04,734 --> 00:42:07,234 I wanted to see what their Computers would spit out. 710 00:42:07,300 --> 00:42:10,167 I cross-referenced my profile With the ice-truck killer list. 711 00:42:10,234 --> 00:42:11,701 11 new hits. 712 00:42:11,767 --> 00:42:14,434 How about we hold off Till we get a sketch, 713 00:42:14,501 --> 00:42:16,434 Take it from there. 714 00:42:16,501 --> 00:42:17,501 I know, i know. 715 00:42:17,567 --> 00:42:19,234 I want to get A head start on this. 716 00:42:19,300 --> 00:42:21,767 We could look these over At lunch - my treat. 717 00:42:22,934 --> 00:42:25,901 You never give up, Do you? 718 00:42:25,968 --> 00:42:28,200 Thank your mom for dinner The other night. 719 00:42:28,267 --> 00:42:30,801 Can't remember the last time I met a guy's family 720 00:42:30,868 --> 00:42:32,234 And they actually liked me. 721 00:42:32,300 --> 00:42:33,434 You held your own. 722 00:42:33,501 --> 00:42:35,501 Most people don't get A dirty word in edgewise 723 00:42:35,567 --> 00:42:37,100 With my sisters Around the table. 724 00:42:37,167 --> 00:42:40,133 In our house, every thursday Night was pancake night - 725 00:42:40,200 --> 00:42:42,801 Morgan tradition. 726 00:42:42,868 --> 00:42:44,901 I miss that kind of stuff, You know? 727 00:42:44,968 --> 00:42:46,400 I found something. 728 00:42:47,968 --> 00:42:49,467 The wife's blood? You're sure? 729 00:42:49,534 --> 00:42:52,300 This was found in The castillo's bedroom hamper. 730 00:42:52,367 --> 00:42:54,234 We check all the clothing items That come in. 731 00:42:54,300 --> 00:42:56,334 Because of sheer volume, That takes time. 732 00:42:56,400 --> 00:42:57,734 It doesn't prove anything. 733 00:42:57,801 --> 00:42:58,868 Not by itself. 734 00:42:58,934 --> 00:43:01,033 I've been re-examining The video footage 735 00:43:01,100 --> 00:43:02,968 I took from that morning. 736 00:43:03,033 --> 00:43:05,067 Notice the cuts along The carotid arteries. 737 00:43:05,133 --> 00:43:06,267 They're long and deep. 738 00:43:06,334 --> 00:43:08,000 Valerie castillo Bled to death in minutes. 739 00:43:08,067 --> 00:43:09,000 No shit. 740 00:43:09,067 --> 00:43:10,434 The person who did this 741 00:43:10,501 --> 00:43:12,567 Wasn't trying to emulate The ice-truck killer. 742 00:43:12,634 --> 00:43:14,567 He was... in a hurry. 743 00:43:14,634 --> 00:43:16,534 He was probably afraid Of getting caught. 744 00:43:16,601 --> 00:43:17,968 Most killers are. 745 00:43:18,033 --> 00:43:20,801 Except if this was a copycat, He wouldn't be in a rush. 746 00:43:20,868 --> 00:43:23,267 He would savor His first kill. 747 00:43:23,334 --> 00:43:25,200 He would control The precise moment 748 00:43:25,267 --> 00:43:26,367 Valerie castillo died 749 00:43:26,434 --> 00:43:28,834 Instead of just letting her Bleed out. 750 00:43:28,901 --> 00:43:32,334 This is all too... 751 00:43:32,400 --> 00:43:35,601 Passive. 752 00:43:35,667 --> 00:43:38,033 Have you completely ruled out The husband? 753 00:43:38,100 --> 00:43:40,033 Why are you doing this? 754 00:43:40,100 --> 00:43:42,234 The boy said he didn't Recognize jorge castillo 755 00:43:42,300 --> 00:43:43,467 In any of the photos. 756 00:43:43,534 --> 00:43:45,467 He was a dehydrated And traumatized 7-year-old 757 00:43:45,534 --> 00:43:47,834 Left to fend for himself For days in a salvage yard. 758 00:43:47,901 --> 00:43:49,634 You really think It's the husband? 759 00:43:49,701 --> 00:43:52,634 He's a deep-sea fisherman. Most know how to use a knife. 760 00:43:52,701 --> 00:43:54,200 Plus, he's still missing. 761 00:43:57,701 --> 00:43:59,968 Have you finished your search Of the salvage yard? 762 00:44:01,400 --> 00:44:03,234 I'll have them send The cadets out again. 763 00:44:06,234 --> 00:44:07,801 Hey, i'm sorry. 764 00:44:10,200 --> 00:44:12,234 I know how hard you worked On that profile. 765 00:44:12,300 --> 00:44:14,601 No, dex, i really Don't think you do. 766 00:44:26,701 --> 00:44:29,767 How long Are you grounded for? 767 00:44:29,834 --> 00:44:31,834 Two months. 768 00:44:34,067 --> 00:44:36,434 Deb, i had to tell him. 769 00:44:36,501 --> 00:44:38,434 No, dex, you didn't. 770 00:44:38,501 --> 00:44:41,033 You could have kept Your fucking mouth shut. 771 00:44:41,100 --> 00:44:43,100 Dad was worried about you, And so was i. 772 00:44:43,167 --> 00:44:46,000 Well, now you can spend More time together. 773 00:44:46,067 --> 00:44:48,801 I'm not stupid, dexter. That's always what you wanted. 774 00:44:48,868 --> 00:44:51,901 No, it's not. 775 00:44:51,968 --> 00:44:54,067 Deb, you're my sister. 776 00:44:54,133 --> 00:44:56,133 No, i am not. 777 00:44:56,200 --> 00:44:58,701 And he is my father. 778 00:44:58,767 --> 00:45:00,567 There are so many times, I swear, dexter, 779 00:45:00,634 --> 00:45:03,667 That i wish he would have Never brought you home. 780 00:45:06,968 --> 00:45:09,901 Dexter, I am so sorry. 781 00:45:09,968 --> 00:45:13,367 I really, really Didn't mean it like that. 782 00:45:18,968 --> 00:45:20,567 Here. 783 00:45:22,400 --> 00:45:24,434 I thought You might want that. 784 00:45:25,634 --> 00:45:27,801 You're a better shot Than me anyway. 785 00:46:02,868 --> 00:46:04,501 Paul: hello? 786 00:46:04,567 --> 00:46:06,501 Paul, hey, it's me. 787 00:46:06,567 --> 00:46:08,734 Look, We need to talk. 788 00:46:08,801 --> 00:46:09,901 Sure thing. 789 00:46:09,968 --> 00:46:12,267 I know you want To see astor, 790 00:46:12,334 --> 00:46:14,200 But, i mean, 791 00:46:14,267 --> 00:46:16,868 The kids are doing So well now. 792 00:46:16,934 --> 00:46:19,567 Maybe it would be A good idea 793 00:46:19,634 --> 00:46:22,868 If you don't come To the party. 794 00:46:22,934 --> 00:46:24,767 She is my daughter, Too, rita. 795 00:46:24,834 --> 00:46:26,834 I have every right To be there. 796 00:46:26,901 --> 00:46:28,100 You know what? I'm sorry. 797 00:46:28,167 --> 00:46:30,634 I'm sorry, But i have full custody now, 798 00:46:30,701 --> 00:46:33,434 And you can't just drop in On us like this anymore. 799 00:46:33,501 --> 00:46:34,601 Now, i checked. 800 00:46:34,667 --> 00:46:36,534 The restraining order Is still in effect. 801 00:46:36,601 --> 00:46:38,367 If you step one foot On this property, 802 00:46:38,434 --> 00:46:40,534 The first call i'm gonna make Is to the police. 803 00:46:40,601 --> 00:46:42,567 The second call Is to your parole officer. 804 00:47:05,901 --> 00:47:08,067 I need a sergeant. 805 00:47:18,234 --> 00:47:19,801 Morgan. 806 00:47:22,701 --> 00:47:24,434 I'll be right there. 807 00:47:24,501 --> 00:47:25,868 Laguerta: está listo. 808 00:47:27,734 --> 00:47:30,267 Ya lo tiré. 809 00:47:30,334 --> 00:47:33,434 Oscarsito. 810 00:47:33,501 --> 00:47:34,901 Itío roberto! 811 00:47:36,334 --> 00:47:38,300 The uncle called our office This morning. 812 00:47:38,367 --> 00:47:41,734 He lives in tampa. 813 00:47:41,801 --> 00:47:43,567 That's great. 814 00:47:43,634 --> 00:47:45,467 He should be with family. 815 00:47:45,534 --> 00:47:46,934 Can i take him home? 816 00:47:48,334 --> 00:47:49,601 We're good. 817 00:47:49,667 --> 00:47:51,634 Mm-hmm. 818 00:47:51,701 --> 00:47:53,901 Thank you. 819 00:47:53,968 --> 00:47:55,634 Thank you for finding him, Huh? 820 00:47:55,701 --> 00:47:57,534 He's a very special boy. 821 00:47:57,601 --> 00:47:59,968 I know. 822 00:48:05,000 --> 00:48:07,067 Cuídate, ¿huh? 823 00:48:23,400 --> 00:48:25,334 L.t., You need to see this. 824 00:48:36,133 --> 00:48:37,133 You okay? 825 00:48:37,200 --> 00:48:38,667 These contacts. 826 00:48:43,100 --> 00:48:45,300 Dios mío. 827 00:48:49,767 --> 00:48:52,400 Wrecks like this Are usually sold for scrap. 828 00:48:52,467 --> 00:48:54,234 The husband stashes A knife inside 829 00:48:54,300 --> 00:48:57,934 And lets a demo crew shred The truck before we find it. 830 00:48:58,000 --> 00:48:59,868 No more murder weapon. 831 00:48:59,934 --> 00:49:01,167 There's blood. 832 00:49:01,234 --> 00:49:02,868 Want to bet It's the wife's? 833 00:49:02,934 --> 00:49:05,400 It's always the husband. You were right all along. 834 00:49:05,467 --> 00:49:07,501 Shake it off, morgan. Homicide takes time. 835 00:49:07,567 --> 00:49:09,934 Dexter: Deb will forgive me eventually. 836 00:49:10,000 --> 00:49:11,200 That's who she is - 837 00:49:11,267 --> 00:49:14,434 Bighearted, kind, Nothing like me. 838 00:49:14,501 --> 00:49:17,501 Laguerta thought You should see this. 839 00:49:17,567 --> 00:49:21,067 That kid oscar Swears this is who he saw. 840 00:49:25,901 --> 00:49:28,167 Son of a bitch. 841 00:49:28,234 --> 00:49:29,467 Dex. 842 00:49:29,534 --> 00:49:31,534 Okay, i gave them jorge's sock, 843 00:49:31,601 --> 00:49:34,901 A knife with his prints, And a drop of his wife's blood. 844 00:49:34,968 --> 00:49:36,701 Forensics trifecta like that 845 00:49:36,767 --> 00:49:38,834 Should trump A child's drawing... 846 00:49:38,901 --> 00:49:40,400 I hope. 847 00:49:49,400 --> 00:49:51,234 Too fucking weird. 848 00:49:51,300 --> 00:49:52,934 Jesus christ Saved this kid. 849 00:49:53,000 --> 00:49:55,734 On his own For as long as oscar was, 850 00:49:55,801 --> 00:49:57,100 Who's to say he didn't? 851 00:50:05,701 --> 00:50:07,100 When did lighting candles 852 00:50:07,167 --> 00:50:09,234 Become more fun Than blowing them out? 853 00:50:09,300 --> 00:50:12,300 Nice turnout. 854 00:50:12,367 --> 00:50:14,767 I called all the moms To assure them 855 00:50:14,834 --> 00:50:17,400 That paul would not Be making an appearance. 856 00:50:18,834 --> 00:50:20,033 Do astor and cody know 857 00:50:20,100 --> 00:50:22,133 That you told their dad Not to come? 858 00:50:26,467 --> 00:50:27,934 After presents. 859 00:50:30,634 --> 00:50:33,167 Ready? 860 00:50:35,801 --> 00:50:37,400 Make a wish, baby. 861 00:50:37,467 --> 00:50:39,734 Just don't tell anybody, Or it won't come true. 862 00:50:39,801 --> 00:50:42,534 It already came true. Dad's not here. 863 00:50:49,267 --> 00:50:50,901 I want the middle piece. 864 00:50:50,968 --> 00:50:52,100 Okay. 865 00:50:52,167 --> 00:50:55,267 I was wrong about birthdays. 866 00:50:55,334 --> 00:50:58,334 Maybe the reason to celebrate Them is what they offer - 867 00:50:58,400 --> 00:51:01,100 The hope of living To see another one. 868 00:51:03,067 --> 00:51:05,501 The thing about deb Forgiving me - 869 00:51:05,567 --> 00:51:10,334 I better give her A few more days. 870 00:51:13,234 --> 00:51:16,434 I barely escaped Getting caught this time. 871 00:51:16,501 --> 00:51:19,234 I realize now My days are numbered. 872 00:51:20,868 --> 00:51:23,634 So i better make The most of them. 873 00:51:32,601 --> 00:51:35,400 All along, I thought this was a game 874 00:51:35,467 --> 00:51:39,000 My alter ego and i Were playing. 875 00:51:39,067 --> 00:51:41,567 But relationships change, 876 00:51:41,634 --> 00:51:43,434 Evolve, 877 00:51:43,501 --> 00:51:44,934 And this one's getting deep. 878 00:51:53,234 --> 00:51:55,767 Like harry said in my dream... 879 00:51:56,901 --> 00:51:59,267 ...the storm's on its way.