1 00:00:00,467 --> 00:00:01,300 Previously on "dexter"... 2 00:00:02,133 --> 00:00:03,801 Think this is Our guy's work? 3 00:00:03,868 --> 00:00:05,167 The ice-truck killer? 4 00:00:05,234 --> 00:00:06,834 Laguerta insulted the real Killer's intelligence, 5 00:00:06,901 --> 00:00:08,267 And now he's Getting back at us 6 00:00:08,334 --> 00:00:09,767 For chasing after The wrong guy. 7 00:00:09,834 --> 00:00:12,934 It's the guard - tucci. I think he's alive. 8 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:14,701 Tucci's alive? 9 00:00:14,767 --> 00:00:17,234 The ice-truck killer Is keeping him alive 10 00:00:17,300 --> 00:00:18,634 To perform amputations. 11 00:00:18,701 --> 00:00:20,901 Dexter: He's sending me a message. 12 00:00:20,968 --> 00:00:22,667 He wants me to go there. 13 00:00:24,667 --> 00:00:25,934 Please. 14 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:27,701 He was left here So i would kill him. 15 00:00:27,767 --> 00:00:28,801 Just kill me. 16 00:00:28,868 --> 00:00:31,133 I can't kill this man. 17 00:00:32,467 --> 00:00:35,067 Matthews: i'm taking tucci Over to county alive. 18 00:00:35,133 --> 00:00:37,167 I don't know who Your contacts are, morgan, 19 00:00:37,234 --> 00:00:38,968 But you are My up-and-comer. 20 00:00:39,033 --> 00:00:40,834 You saved A man's life tonight. 21 00:00:40,901 --> 00:00:43,033 The thing that surprises me Most about rita 22 00:00:43,100 --> 00:00:45,801 Is how much i like Being with her. 23 00:00:45,868 --> 00:00:49,534 There's all sorts of things I can do. 24 00:00:57,367 --> 00:00:59,400 What - what are you doing? 25 00:00:59,467 --> 00:01:01,567 Whatever i want. 26 00:01:03,334 --> 00:01:05,734 My new friend thought I wouldn't be able to resist 27 00:01:05,801 --> 00:01:07,434 The kill he left for me, 28 00:01:07,501 --> 00:01:10,167 But i did. 29 00:01:10,234 --> 00:01:13,634 I'm not the monster He wants me to be. 30 00:01:13,701 --> 00:01:16,334 I'm dexter. 31 00:03:14,767 --> 00:03:19,067 I like to pretend i'm alone, Completely alone, 32 00:03:19,133 --> 00:03:23,901 Maybe post-apocalypse Or plague, 33 00:03:23,968 --> 00:03:25,434 Whatever - 34 00:03:25,501 --> 00:03:27,567 No one left to act normal for, 35 00:03:27,634 --> 00:03:31,334 No need to hide Who i really am. 36 00:03:31,400 --> 00:03:34,934 It would be freeing. 37 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:37,300 Doakes: stop grinning Like a fucking psycho 38 00:03:37,367 --> 00:03:38,801 And get back to work. 39 00:03:38,868 --> 00:03:40,067 Sorry, sergeant. 40 00:03:40,133 --> 00:03:42,400 I was just waiting For forensics to wrap up 41 00:03:42,467 --> 00:03:45,400 Before i tear The bed apart. 42 00:03:45,467 --> 00:03:49,300 I'm not the only one Who enjoys isolation. 43 00:03:51,434 --> 00:03:54,367 My shadow companion Chose this place well. 44 00:03:59,634 --> 00:04:01,834 This was his sanctuary, 45 00:04:01,901 --> 00:04:04,033 For a while, at least. 46 00:04:04,100 --> 00:04:08,334 All these people Pawing over it seems... 47 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:11,200 Disrespectful. 48 00:04:13,734 --> 00:04:16,367 Tell me the sick bastard Bled on something, dexter. 49 00:04:16,434 --> 00:04:18,634 He was here for days, Playing with sharp objects. 50 00:04:18,701 --> 00:04:21,000 I'll keep looking, but so far This place is spotless, 51 00:04:21,067 --> 00:04:22,434 Amazingly so. 52 00:04:22,501 --> 00:04:24,868 The only blood i found belongs To the security guard. 53 00:04:24,934 --> 00:04:26,167 Has he said anything yet? 54 00:04:26,234 --> 00:04:28,000 Mr. Tucci's Still unconscious. 55 00:04:28,067 --> 00:04:29,501 Man: lieutenant, up here! 56 00:04:29,567 --> 00:04:31,567 There's got to be Something here. Find it. 57 00:04:31,634 --> 00:04:34,334 The guy's not a ghost. Tony tucci is evidence of that. 58 00:04:36,033 --> 00:04:38,367 Hey, dexter, you get All this blood on camera yet? 59 00:04:38,434 --> 00:04:40,601 It's like shooting A jackson pollock. 60 00:04:46,467 --> 00:04:50,334 Well, your jackson pollock Is in the bag. 61 00:04:52,667 --> 00:04:54,133 Ready? 62 00:04:54,200 --> 00:04:56,000 Okay. 63 00:04:58,133 --> 00:05:00,601 Whoa. What was that? Did you see that? 64 00:05:00,667 --> 00:05:01,868 What? 65 00:05:01,934 --> 00:05:03,167 Damn rats. 66 00:05:03,234 --> 00:05:05,634 We're all gonna Get histoplasmosis 67 00:05:05,701 --> 00:05:08,033 From all their shit In the dust. 68 00:05:08,100 --> 00:05:12,367 We'll be coughing up blood, Skin lesions, mouth sores. 69 00:05:12,434 --> 00:05:14,968 Lovely. Can we get the lights, guys? 70 00:05:17,801 --> 00:05:20,434 You ever hear Of rat-bite fever? 71 00:05:20,501 --> 00:05:24,167 Masuka, what'd i say About the fucking rats? 72 00:05:35,367 --> 00:05:38,033 You haven't found anything, Won't find anything. 73 00:05:38,100 --> 00:05:39,501 This is a bust, right? 74 00:05:39,567 --> 00:05:41,467 In so many words. 75 00:05:41,534 --> 00:05:44,300 Which means i'm just jerking off Till tucci wakes up. 76 00:05:44,367 --> 00:05:45,667 So take a break. 77 00:05:45,734 --> 00:05:47,901 You've been working This thing 24-7. 78 00:05:47,968 --> 00:05:50,000 Or are you still avoiding A personal life? 79 00:05:50,067 --> 00:05:51,767 Oh, fuck you. 80 00:05:51,834 --> 00:05:54,033 And, yeah, i'm better off Just focusing on the job. 81 00:05:54,100 --> 00:05:57,133 Thanks, guys. 82 00:05:57,200 --> 00:05:59,267 It doesn't have to be Either/or. 83 00:05:59,334 --> 00:06:01,267 Maybe not for you. 84 00:06:01,334 --> 00:06:03,234 If i found someone, So can you, right? 85 00:06:03,300 --> 00:06:06,234 Yeah, the trouble is Keeping them. 86 00:06:06,300 --> 00:06:09,400 Tell me about it. 87 00:06:30,701 --> 00:06:32,567 Yelina? 88 00:06:32,634 --> 00:06:34,100 Are you okay? 89 00:06:34,167 --> 00:06:36,834 I'm sorry. I'm fine. 90 00:06:38,133 --> 00:06:40,300 Ernesto hasn't arrived? 91 00:06:49,767 --> 00:06:52,334 I'm sure He'll be here soon. 92 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:54,000 No. 93 00:06:54,067 --> 00:06:56,801 The coyote wanted more money, And i didn't have it. 94 00:06:58,334 --> 00:07:00,000 Coyote? 95 00:07:00,067 --> 00:07:02,767 You mean the man you paid To bring him here? 96 00:07:02,834 --> 00:07:06,033 He said he sent ernesto Back to cuba. 97 00:07:06,100 --> 00:07:07,701 But that was a week ago, 98 00:07:07,767 --> 00:07:10,267 And no one in cárdenas Has heard from ernesto. 99 00:07:10,334 --> 00:07:14,100 Yelina, how did you contact This coyote? 100 00:07:14,167 --> 00:07:16,000 Um... 101 00:07:18,634 --> 00:07:22,434 This was his number, But it's not working anymore. 102 00:07:22,501 --> 00:07:24,968 I was supposed to leave him Money in a park. 103 00:07:25,033 --> 00:07:27,234 Listen, my boyfriend Works for the police. 104 00:07:27,300 --> 00:07:28,534 I'm sure he - 105 00:07:28,601 --> 00:07:30,868 No, no, no. We can't go to the police. 106 00:07:30,934 --> 00:07:33,467 He said he'd hurt my family In cuba if we go to the police. 107 00:07:33,534 --> 00:07:35,534 No, it's okay. It's okay. 108 00:07:35,601 --> 00:07:37,467 Dexter will know What to do. 109 00:07:44,734 --> 00:07:47,300 I feel just terrible For her. 110 00:07:47,367 --> 00:07:50,133 And they were supposed to be Married after he got here. 111 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:52,801 I do know someone In the department 112 00:07:52,868 --> 00:07:54,667 Who deals With immigration issues. 113 00:07:54,734 --> 00:07:56,267 I can talk to him. 114 00:07:56,334 --> 00:07:58,067 That's really Kind of you, dex. 115 00:07:58,133 --> 00:07:59,734 I mean, can you imagine 116 00:07:59,801 --> 00:08:03,801 Not knowing if your fiancé Is dead or alive? 117 00:08:03,868 --> 00:08:05,934 Uh, no. 118 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:08,234 Every night after work Yelina goes across the street, 119 00:08:08,300 --> 00:08:09,501 To the beach. 120 00:08:09,567 --> 00:08:11,767 I've seen her there, 121 00:08:11,834 --> 00:08:14,267 Just staring out At the water, 122 00:08:14,334 --> 00:08:16,868 Willing him To walk out of it. 123 00:08:19,267 --> 00:08:23,167 Have you ever longed For anything like that? 124 00:08:25,667 --> 00:08:27,334 She wants something from me. 125 00:08:27,400 --> 00:08:28,834 Ever since the blow job, 126 00:08:28,901 --> 00:08:31,167 She assumes we've taken it To the next level. 127 00:08:31,234 --> 00:08:34,567 She doesn't know yet - I don't have a next level. 128 00:08:34,634 --> 00:08:36,234 Well, when i was a kid, 129 00:08:36,300 --> 00:08:38,734 I would have killed For an atari. 130 00:08:38,801 --> 00:08:40,200 You know? 131 00:08:40,267 --> 00:08:44,934 Cody would laugh at the graphics Now, but back then, man... 132 00:08:47,634 --> 00:08:48,834 Mmm. 133 00:08:48,901 --> 00:08:51,033 It always comes to this Once sex is introduced. 134 00:08:51,100 --> 00:08:52,868 Small talk no longer cuts it. 135 00:08:52,934 --> 00:08:55,133 Eventually she'll call me A science project 136 00:08:55,200 --> 00:08:57,801 And slam the door in my face. 137 00:08:57,868 --> 00:09:01,267 But when do you think He'll wake up? 138 00:09:01,334 --> 00:09:03,467 Yeah, i did call An hour ago, 139 00:09:03,534 --> 00:09:05,067 But there's a killer Out there 140 00:09:05,133 --> 00:09:07,000 That's into whores And security guards, 141 00:09:07,067 --> 00:09:09,501 But i'll bet nurses Are next. 142 00:09:09,567 --> 00:09:13,300 Yo, check you, All "mpd blue. " 143 00:09:13,367 --> 00:09:15,234 Shanda, What are you doing here? 144 00:09:15,300 --> 00:09:17,334 You have another lead On the ice-truck killer? 145 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:19,767 Man, i got bigger worries Than that sick shit. 146 00:09:19,834 --> 00:09:22,234 Now i got me a girl On the inside, right? 147 00:09:22,300 --> 00:09:24,601 I'm not springing your pimp, If that's what you're after. 148 00:09:24,667 --> 00:09:25,901 Oh, hell, no. 149 00:09:25,968 --> 00:09:28,067 But my landlord's Another fucking story - 150 00:09:28,133 --> 00:09:29,834 Trying to kick me Out of my home. 151 00:09:29,901 --> 00:09:31,334 He got no cause, 152 00:09:31,400 --> 00:09:33,801 Except he's a born-again Hypocrite motherfucker. 153 00:09:33,868 --> 00:09:35,434 Yeah, and you want me To talk to him? 154 00:09:35,501 --> 00:09:37,734 No, i want you to beat in His pasty, white face. 155 00:09:37,801 --> 00:09:40,234 Doakes: morgan. 156 00:09:40,300 --> 00:09:42,400 Found this in evidence. 157 00:09:42,467 --> 00:09:45,033 Masuka was gonna Grease it through. 158 00:09:45,100 --> 00:09:46,534 A cigarette butt? 159 00:09:46,601 --> 00:09:49,133 Jesus, we could pull dna Off of that, or even a print. 160 00:09:49,200 --> 00:09:50,801 Except it would be Your print. 161 00:09:50,868 --> 00:09:53,133 You were smoking On a crime scene. 162 00:09:53,200 --> 00:09:55,234 Not on the crime scene - 163 00:09:55,300 --> 00:09:57,267 Like on the way-far end Of the park. 164 00:09:57,334 --> 00:09:59,200 The whole area's A crime scene. 165 00:09:59,267 --> 00:10:01,033 You should know that by now. 166 00:10:01,100 --> 00:10:03,100 Maybe you ought to just calm The hell down, my brother. 167 00:10:03,167 --> 00:10:04,367 Who the fuck is that? 168 00:10:04,434 --> 00:10:07,868 Give it a rest, shanda. 169 00:10:07,934 --> 00:10:10,000 Morgan, Go do something useful. 170 00:10:10,067 --> 00:10:12,834 Go sit on that security guard Until he wakes up. 171 00:10:12,901 --> 00:10:15,567 And do not talk to him Without me. 172 00:10:17,400 --> 00:10:18,667 Believe me - 173 00:10:18,734 --> 00:10:20,901 Your maid is not the first one To get screwed. 174 00:10:20,968 --> 00:10:24,501 No, she's a maid. She's not my maid. 175 00:10:24,567 --> 00:10:26,267 So, have you heard 176 00:10:26,334 --> 00:10:28,968 Of any other cuban immigrants Disappearing? 177 00:10:29,033 --> 00:10:30,934 A few. The poor bastards. 178 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:32,701 They spend Their life savings, 179 00:10:32,767 --> 00:10:34,400 Get stuffed into a fishhold, 180 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:36,334 Puke the whole 90 miles to miami. 181 00:10:36,400 --> 00:10:39,400 Then they get here, thinking, "i'm an american. I'm free. " 182 00:10:39,467 --> 00:10:43,167 Except the damn coyote... 183 00:10:43,234 --> 00:10:44,834 He won't let them go 184 00:10:44,901 --> 00:10:48,767 Till his family comes up With a surprise release fee. 185 00:10:50,734 --> 00:10:52,601 If they can't pay... 186 00:10:52,667 --> 00:10:54,667 They disappear. 187 00:10:54,734 --> 00:10:58,100 Freedom's just another word For one more way to get fucked. 188 00:11:00,934 --> 00:11:04,000 Sounds like someone's Doing something very bad. 189 00:11:06,801 --> 00:11:08,868 You have any suspects? 190 00:11:08,934 --> 00:11:10,667 Sure, four or five, 191 00:11:10,734 --> 00:11:12,334 Mostly cubans themselves, 192 00:11:12,400 --> 00:11:14,934 But not enough evidence For a conviction 193 00:11:15,000 --> 00:11:16,701 Or even a warrant. 194 00:11:16,767 --> 00:11:18,400 If warrants were applied for, 195 00:11:18,467 --> 00:11:20,467 Their names will be In the database. 196 00:11:22,734 --> 00:11:24,167 Look, buddy... 197 00:11:24,234 --> 00:11:26,467 I know you want To help out your maid, 198 00:11:26,534 --> 00:11:29,334 But there ain't a hell of a lot You can do. 199 00:11:32,067 --> 00:11:34,067 You'd be surprised. 200 00:11:53,267 --> 00:11:55,167 Jorge castillo - 201 00:11:55,234 --> 00:11:57,934 Number 3 on the department's List of suspects, 202 00:11:58,033 --> 00:12:01,200 But the only one even Remotely close to the park 203 00:12:01,267 --> 00:12:03,868 Where yelina was supposed To drop the money. 204 00:12:05,968 --> 00:12:08,801 They never got enough evidence For a search warrant, 205 00:12:08,868 --> 00:12:12,334 But i don't need permission To keep an eye on this guy. 206 00:12:28,067 --> 00:12:30,467 No neighbors, No foot traffic - 207 00:12:30,534 --> 00:12:32,534 It's promising. 208 00:12:35,100 --> 00:12:37,334 A good place For human trafficking... 209 00:12:37,400 --> 00:12:39,701 Or worse. 210 00:12:45,200 --> 00:12:46,934 Excuse me. 211 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:48,667 Private yard. 212 00:12:48,734 --> 00:12:51,868 I'm just praying you have A '69 stingray headlight 213 00:12:51,934 --> 00:12:54,067 Somewhere in here. 214 00:12:54,133 --> 00:12:55,767 Uh, dave cutler. 215 00:12:55,834 --> 00:12:57,767 Jorge castillo. 216 00:12:57,834 --> 00:12:59,367 I'm sorry, but i don't. 217 00:12:59,434 --> 00:13:01,400 Man, my restoration's Almost done. 218 00:13:01,467 --> 00:13:02,934 She's a beauty. 219 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:04,868 I don't do individual sales, Mr. Cutler, 220 00:13:04,934 --> 00:13:07,567 But i can give you the name Of a corvette shop i deal with. 221 00:13:07,634 --> 00:13:10,734 I'll be happy To look around myself. 222 00:13:10,801 --> 00:13:14,133 No offense, man, But i can't take my phone orders 223 00:13:14,200 --> 00:13:16,133 If i'm watching over My merchandise. 224 00:13:16,200 --> 00:13:18,767 You run This whole place alone? 225 00:13:18,834 --> 00:13:20,300 Yeah, It keeps my costs down. 226 00:13:20,367 --> 00:13:23,367 Hey, i'm sorry You made the trip out here. 227 00:13:23,434 --> 00:13:26,033 You know what? 228 00:13:26,100 --> 00:13:28,434 Try wexler's, Out in tamarac. 229 00:13:28,501 --> 00:13:29,968 That's my vette guy. 230 00:13:30,033 --> 00:13:31,734 Yeah. 231 00:13:31,801 --> 00:13:33,601 Must be nice Being your own boss - 232 00:13:33,667 --> 00:13:35,601 Get out in the water Whenever you want. 233 00:13:35,667 --> 00:13:37,400 I saw that floater On your key chain. 234 00:13:37,467 --> 00:13:38,767 I got to get one of those. 235 00:13:38,834 --> 00:13:41,334 Lost my keys overboard Twice in the past year. 236 00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:44,234 I do a little fishing. I got a 32-foot concept. 237 00:13:44,300 --> 00:13:45,734 What about you? 238 00:13:45,801 --> 00:13:48,000 I got a rowboat With a hole in it. 239 00:13:49,667 --> 00:13:53,667 A lo major los pescados Te encuentran. 240 00:13:53,734 --> 00:13:56,934 I don't speak spanish, sir. 241 00:13:57,000 --> 00:14:00,734 Sorry. I just assumed you were cuban. 242 00:14:00,801 --> 00:14:03,501 American, pal, Just like you. 243 00:14:07,234 --> 00:14:09,000 Just like me. 244 00:14:26,968 --> 00:14:29,033 He's on heavy sedatives At the moment. 245 00:14:29,100 --> 00:14:30,701 I think he deserves them. 246 00:14:32,100 --> 00:14:33,534 I'll wait. 247 00:14:50,067 --> 00:14:51,300 Hey. 248 00:14:55,434 --> 00:14:57,334 Mr. Tucci. 249 00:15:01,167 --> 00:15:02,400 Tony. 250 00:15:06,868 --> 00:15:09,434 I'm gonna find This cocksucker. 251 00:15:13,501 --> 00:15:15,033 I swear. 252 00:16:20,534 --> 00:16:24,267 I don't understand America's obsession with cars. 253 00:16:26,567 --> 00:16:28,968 I can just imagine Squeezing rita and the kids 254 00:16:29,033 --> 00:16:31,334 Into this thing, Hitting the open road - 255 00:16:31,400 --> 00:16:33,534 Cramped quarters, Public bathrooms, 256 00:16:33,601 --> 00:16:38,467 Hours of nothing But conversation. 257 00:16:38,534 --> 00:16:41,968 It's someone's american Dream - my nightmare. 258 00:17:09,234 --> 00:17:12,701 This must be Where castillo locks them up. 259 00:17:12,767 --> 00:17:15,133 But if he's killing them When they can't pay, 260 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:16,734 He's not doing it here. 261 00:17:20,167 --> 00:17:22,200 So where are they? 262 00:17:22,267 --> 00:17:24,300 * tenga tus besos * 263 00:17:24,367 --> 00:17:27,834 * qué tenga tu pelo Y tu forma de bailar * 264 00:17:27,901 --> 00:17:29,701 * qué tenga tus ojos * 265 00:17:29,767 --> 00:17:31,501 * qué tenga tus manos * 266 00:17:31,567 --> 00:17:35,133 * qué tenga tu cuerpo Y tus ganas de bailar * 267 00:17:35,200 --> 00:17:36,767 Aah! 268 00:17:36,834 --> 00:17:39,667 Aah! Aah! 269 00:17:43,200 --> 00:17:44,367 Dexter morgan. 270 00:17:44,434 --> 00:17:45,701 Gerard here. 271 00:17:45,767 --> 00:17:47,734 There's a floater Down in south beach morgue. 272 00:17:47,801 --> 00:17:49,868 Could be a match For your maid's fiancé. 273 00:17:49,934 --> 00:17:52,868 She's a maid. She's not my - 274 00:17:52,934 --> 00:17:54,968 Is it all right If i bring her down? 275 00:17:55,033 --> 00:17:56,701 The sooner, the better. 276 00:17:56,767 --> 00:17:59,534 Okay, then. Thanks. Have a good day. 277 00:17:59,601 --> 00:18:01,767 Tonight at the salsa room. 278 00:18:01,834 --> 00:18:04,367 You got to help me Celebrate my pay-grade bump. 279 00:18:05,934 --> 00:18:07,400 Whoa. 280 00:18:07,467 --> 00:18:10,167 Actually, i have a personal Project i'm working on tonight. 281 00:18:10,234 --> 00:18:11,834 Blow it off. I'm buying. 282 00:18:11,901 --> 00:18:14,534 Angel, do you have that list Of prioritized witnesses? 283 00:18:14,601 --> 00:18:16,734 I can't deal With 800 anonymous tips. 284 00:18:16,801 --> 00:18:18,234 I'm working on it. 285 00:18:18,300 --> 00:18:21,734 Well, how about you stop Talking and earn your bump? 286 00:18:23,167 --> 00:18:24,634 Sexy. 287 00:18:24,701 --> 00:18:26,634 Don't leave me hanging Tonight, bro. 288 00:18:26,701 --> 00:18:28,067 It's you and me. 289 00:18:28,133 --> 00:18:32,334 I wonder what i did to make him Think we're so close. 290 00:18:32,400 --> 00:18:35,801 I wonder if it'd work on rita. 291 00:18:40,067 --> 00:18:42,734 Dexter morgan - I called earlier. 292 00:18:42,801 --> 00:18:45,767 Oh, right, yeah, About the floater. 293 00:18:45,834 --> 00:18:47,200 Yeah. 294 00:18:47,267 --> 00:18:51,868 Hey, jerry, can you take These guys around back? 295 00:18:51,934 --> 00:18:53,767 Should i? 296 00:18:53,834 --> 00:18:55,934 Nah, I'll go with her. 297 00:18:56,000 --> 00:18:58,267 She might need A shoulder. 298 00:18:58,334 --> 00:19:00,200 She senses i'm not a shoulder. 299 00:19:00,267 --> 00:19:03,801 Bad sign - she's catching on. 300 00:19:05,200 --> 00:19:08,167 I don't know what kind of idiot Thinks an inner tube 301 00:19:08,234 --> 00:19:11,601 Is gonna get him Over 90 miles of open ocean. 302 00:19:11,667 --> 00:19:15,901 If you ask me, man, It's darwin's theory at work. 303 00:19:26,901 --> 00:19:29,701 That must be What love looks like. 304 00:19:35,534 --> 00:19:38,701 The inability to feel Has its advantages... 305 00:19:42,601 --> 00:19:44,868 ...sometimes. 306 00:19:50,200 --> 00:19:51,834 Hey, dexter. 307 00:19:51,901 --> 00:19:53,300 Hey, mindy. 308 00:19:53,367 --> 00:19:54,701 Do you need any help? 309 00:19:54,767 --> 00:19:56,767 No. 310 00:19:56,834 --> 00:19:59,601 So, are you gonna go To the spring formal? 311 00:20:01,167 --> 00:20:03,667 Why would i want To do that? 312 00:20:11,968 --> 00:20:15,300 She wanted you to ask her To the dance, dexter. 313 00:20:15,367 --> 00:20:17,334 That's not What she said. 314 00:20:17,400 --> 00:20:20,300 Well, you have to learn Their signals. 315 00:20:20,367 --> 00:20:22,868 Yeah, well, i don't really Care about girls. 316 00:20:22,934 --> 00:20:25,534 Oh. 317 00:20:25,601 --> 00:20:28,567 I just like being alone. 318 00:20:32,100 --> 00:20:34,634 But most Normal people don't, 319 00:20:34,701 --> 00:20:37,100 And it's important That you seem normal. 320 00:20:37,167 --> 00:20:39,968 Even though i'm not. Because you're not. 321 00:20:46,100 --> 00:20:48,501 We'll start you off With a temporary prefab 322 00:20:48,567 --> 00:20:50,734 And then make adjustments As we go. 323 00:20:50,801 --> 00:20:52,901 Rudy here's gonna put me Back together again, 324 00:20:52,968 --> 00:20:55,234 Good as new. 325 00:20:56,901 --> 00:20:58,601 Half the battle Is attitude, 326 00:20:58,667 --> 00:21:00,334 And you have A great one. 327 00:21:00,400 --> 00:21:02,701 Well, i'm alive. 328 00:21:02,767 --> 00:21:06,300 I didn't see that happening, But here i am. 329 00:21:10,467 --> 00:21:14,000 Yo, pretty boy, You're stealing my thunder, 330 00:21:14,067 --> 00:21:17,567 And i got a hottie Waiting on me, so... 331 00:21:17,634 --> 00:21:20,033 I don't know. 332 00:21:20,100 --> 00:21:22,467 I just might have to Fight you for this one. 333 00:21:23,734 --> 00:21:25,567 Okay, We'll arm-wrestle later. 334 00:21:25,634 --> 00:21:27,100 Now get out of here. 335 00:21:27,167 --> 00:21:30,434 Watch out for this guy. He's a dog. 336 00:21:31,801 --> 00:21:33,200 Excuse me. 337 00:21:39,467 --> 00:21:42,801 I know what you need, guys, 338 00:21:42,868 --> 00:21:44,667 But i didn't see much. 339 00:21:44,734 --> 00:21:47,601 Well, any detail will help, Mr. Tucci. 340 00:21:47,667 --> 00:21:49,834 Well... 341 00:21:49,901 --> 00:21:52,701 He came up on me From behind, 342 00:21:52,767 --> 00:21:56,234 And he wore a mask When he made me put the... 343 00:21:56,300 --> 00:21:59,334 The... 344 00:21:59,400 --> 00:22:01,834 Things on the ice. 345 00:22:01,901 --> 00:22:03,167 Oops. 346 00:22:03,234 --> 00:22:05,033 I'll get it. 347 00:22:05,100 --> 00:22:07,300 Angel of mercy. 348 00:22:07,367 --> 00:22:09,133 Just how merciful are you? 349 00:22:09,200 --> 00:22:10,834 Oh, you are a dog, Aren't you? 350 00:22:10,901 --> 00:22:12,634 So the ladies tell me. 351 00:22:12,701 --> 00:22:14,667 Can you tell us How tall he was 352 00:22:14,734 --> 00:22:16,634 Or if he was black, White, latino? 353 00:22:16,701 --> 00:22:19,234 White, i think. 354 00:22:19,300 --> 00:22:23,033 I'm guessing Maybe average height - 355 00:22:23,100 --> 00:22:27,968 Not fat, not thin, Just average. 356 00:22:28,033 --> 00:22:29,567 I don't know. 357 00:22:31,067 --> 00:22:34,067 And when he started, you know, Working on me, 358 00:22:34,133 --> 00:22:37,033 I was blindfolded, so... 359 00:22:37,100 --> 00:22:38,634 Did you hear anything? 360 00:22:38,701 --> 00:22:41,000 Did he have an accent Or anything? 361 00:22:41,067 --> 00:22:44,901 He didn't talk much, Or he'd whisper. 362 00:22:44,968 --> 00:22:47,767 And that's all You heard? 363 00:22:47,834 --> 00:22:50,334 Except the rats. 364 00:22:50,400 --> 00:22:53,868 Sometimes they would Crawl up on the bed, 365 00:22:53,934 --> 00:22:56,834 And i'd have to shake them off. 366 00:23:00,133 --> 00:23:02,200 Some crap-ass witness I am, huh? 367 00:23:02,267 --> 00:23:04,667 You're doing fine. You've given us a lot. 368 00:23:04,734 --> 00:23:06,868 Yeah? Yeah. 369 00:23:09,033 --> 00:23:11,534 You know, sometimes when i'm Trying to remember something, 370 00:23:11,601 --> 00:23:13,267 I close my eyes. 371 00:23:13,334 --> 00:23:15,601 Really? Mm-hmm. 372 00:23:15,667 --> 00:23:18,033 We could even Blindfold you again. 373 00:23:22,133 --> 00:23:23,367 Um... 374 00:23:28,667 --> 00:23:30,400 I'm kind of tired Right now. 375 00:23:30,467 --> 00:23:33,167 It's okay. Get some rest. 376 00:23:33,234 --> 00:23:35,601 Officer morgan and i Are leaving. 377 00:23:43,868 --> 00:23:45,834 Alone. 378 00:23:45,901 --> 00:23:49,234 No pretending. No hiding. 379 00:24:05,834 --> 00:24:07,667 No time to relax. 380 00:24:07,734 --> 00:24:09,167 I'm too close. 381 00:24:09,234 --> 00:24:12,200 Jorge castillo is bad. That i know. 382 00:24:12,267 --> 00:24:15,734 But bad enough to have killed Yelina's fiancé? 383 00:24:15,801 --> 00:24:19,200 That i have to prove. 384 00:24:19,267 --> 00:24:20,868 Jorge's not-so-humble abode. 385 00:24:23,067 --> 00:24:24,834 Yeesh - new money. 386 00:24:26,934 --> 00:24:28,968 Normal people dream of this - 387 00:24:29,033 --> 00:24:30,634 A new car, a big home, 388 00:24:30,701 --> 00:24:32,767 A boat At the reef shore marina... 389 00:24:36,300 --> 00:24:38,000 ...and a beautiful wife. 390 00:24:38,067 --> 00:24:41,100 Too bad - i never enjoy Making someone a widow. 391 00:24:41,167 --> 00:24:43,667 They're so happy. 392 00:24:43,734 --> 00:24:46,133 She has no clue Who she's with. 393 00:24:46,200 --> 00:24:50,901 Maybe that's the key To a successful relationship. 394 00:24:53,133 --> 00:24:55,701 Doakes: mr. Perry, You were on the grounds 395 00:24:55,767 --> 00:24:58,334 Of the same hospital Where we found mr. Tucci. 396 00:24:58,400 --> 00:25:00,400 And you were alone That night? 397 00:25:00,467 --> 00:25:03,400 Uh, it was just me And caesar, my dog. 398 00:25:03,467 --> 00:25:05,400 He likes Abandoned buildings. 399 00:25:05,467 --> 00:25:06,667 Caesar's a ratter. 400 00:25:06,734 --> 00:25:08,033 What did this guy do? 401 00:25:08,100 --> 00:25:10,033 Why? Does he look familiar? 402 00:25:10,100 --> 00:25:12,133 Yes, he looks like 403 00:25:12,200 --> 00:25:14,601 An actor from that John singleton movie. 404 00:25:14,667 --> 00:25:16,000 What was that? 405 00:25:16,067 --> 00:25:17,934 How about you focus on Whether or not he was the man 406 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:19,834 You saw at the old hospital That night, mr. Perry? 407 00:25:19,901 --> 00:25:21,868 Well, it was difficult To tell. 408 00:25:21,934 --> 00:25:23,200 It was dark. 409 00:25:23,267 --> 00:25:24,868 You said You got a look at him. 410 00:25:30,467 --> 00:25:31,868 He had a cap. 411 00:25:34,167 --> 00:25:37,534 Hey, is that kg-230 hooked Into a digital cctb network? 412 00:25:37,601 --> 00:25:40,367 Ooh, you better have A hell of a firewall. 413 00:25:40,434 --> 00:25:42,667 You get better resolution With the 440. 414 00:25:42,734 --> 00:25:44,100 Hello. 415 00:25:44,167 --> 00:25:45,934 We're done here. 416 00:25:54,834 --> 00:25:58,033 Give me a minute. 417 00:26:02,767 --> 00:26:04,801 Morgan, thank mr. Perry For his horseshit 418 00:26:04,868 --> 00:26:06,067 And send him home. 419 00:26:06,133 --> 00:26:09,300 Christ on a crutch, He could tell us something. 420 00:26:09,367 --> 00:26:11,133 Sergeant doakes Says he is a looky-loo. 421 00:26:11,200 --> 00:26:13,501 We get dozens like that every Time a story hits the news. 422 00:26:13,567 --> 00:26:15,601 Now do me a favor - Get him out of my precinct. 423 00:26:15,667 --> 00:26:17,033 Thank you. 424 00:26:19,601 --> 00:26:21,767 You could try being A little more optimistic. 425 00:26:21,834 --> 00:26:23,801 I mean, if tony tucci Can be optimistic, 426 00:26:23,868 --> 00:26:25,400 I think we can. 427 00:26:25,467 --> 00:26:27,400 You might get more Out of people. 428 00:26:27,467 --> 00:26:30,400 How do you know perry Doesn't know anything? 429 00:26:30,467 --> 00:26:33,868 Because i've been doing this A lot longer than you. 430 00:26:33,934 --> 00:26:35,133 Okay. 431 00:26:35,200 --> 00:26:36,767 This case Is getting colder 432 00:26:36,834 --> 00:26:39,000 Every minute you waste On bullshit like perry. 433 00:26:39,067 --> 00:26:41,400 And wanting to blindfold A trauma victim? 434 00:26:41,467 --> 00:26:43,501 What the fuck Were you thinking? 435 00:26:43,567 --> 00:26:47,501 Tucci's closed for business now, And you shut him down. 436 00:26:47,567 --> 00:26:50,167 I... 437 00:26:50,234 --> 00:26:52,234 I was trying A new approach. 438 00:26:54,801 --> 00:26:57,200 Maybe you should Just learn the basics 439 00:26:57,267 --> 00:26:59,367 Before you reinvent The damn wheel. 440 00:27:05,067 --> 00:27:15,634 * mambo ye * 441 00:27:15,701 --> 00:27:18,200 * mambo ye, mambo ye * 442 00:27:18,267 --> 00:27:21,000 * mambo yo, mambo usted * 443 00:27:21,067 --> 00:27:23,767 Come on. How can you not dance to this? 444 00:27:23,834 --> 00:27:25,033 It's a gift. 445 00:27:25,100 --> 00:27:27,133 We just need some more Patrón, compadre. 446 00:27:27,200 --> 00:27:29,934 Another round! No more for me. 447 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:31,767 I got to get up early - Killers to catch. 448 00:27:31,834 --> 00:27:33,033 Forget that. 449 00:27:33,100 --> 00:27:35,300 The night's just beginning, Right, ladies? 450 00:27:35,367 --> 00:27:36,467 Woman: yes! 451 00:27:36,534 --> 00:27:38,367 Ladies, excuse us. Angel, come here. 452 00:27:38,434 --> 00:27:41,968 Your wife - She's probably worrying. 453 00:27:42,033 --> 00:27:44,300 I don't know what she'd think Of your new friend. 454 00:27:44,367 --> 00:27:46,200 She don't mind Who i flirt with 455 00:27:46,267 --> 00:27:47,968 As long as i bring home La pasion. 456 00:27:48,033 --> 00:27:49,234 La pasion? 457 00:27:49,300 --> 00:27:51,467 Yeah, it keeps The relationship alive. 458 00:27:52,634 --> 00:27:56,300 Hey, what about, Uh, communication, trust? 459 00:27:56,367 --> 00:27:58,367 La pasion. 460 00:27:58,434 --> 00:28:00,234 Wait. 461 00:28:00,300 --> 00:28:03,234 What if she wants Something more? 462 00:28:03,300 --> 00:28:06,400 Then you reciprocate - You know... 463 00:28:06,467 --> 00:28:09,000 No, i meant what if she wants Something more emotionally? 464 00:28:09,067 --> 00:28:11,033 Don't go down That emotional road. 465 00:28:11,100 --> 00:28:12,601 Just go down on her. 466 00:28:12,667 --> 00:28:14,501 It's easier, And she'll be distracted. 467 00:28:14,567 --> 00:28:17,000 Come on. Let's dance, angel. 468 00:28:21,400 --> 00:28:23,133 So... 469 00:28:27,100 --> 00:28:29,701 What do you want To do now? 470 00:28:29,767 --> 00:28:31,534 Harry: Dance with her, dexter. 471 00:28:31,601 --> 00:28:33,367 Be polite. 472 00:28:33,434 --> 00:28:35,901 Get her punch. Open the door for her. 473 00:28:35,968 --> 00:28:38,167 And if you find yourself Alone with her 474 00:28:38,234 --> 00:28:39,501 And things get romantic - 475 00:28:39,567 --> 00:28:41,367 Dad, i've kissed A girl before. 476 00:28:41,434 --> 00:28:43,100 You have? Yeah. 477 00:28:43,167 --> 00:28:44,534 And? 478 00:28:44,601 --> 00:28:46,968 I don't know. It was okay. 479 00:28:48,767 --> 00:28:50,868 Dexter, women Are different from men. 480 00:28:50,934 --> 00:28:52,267 We've had this talk, dad. 481 00:28:52,334 --> 00:28:55,067 I'm saying they have a whole Different experience of things. 482 00:28:55,133 --> 00:28:57,000 When they're with someone, Physically, 483 00:28:57,067 --> 00:28:58,400 They feel connected. 484 00:28:58,467 --> 00:29:00,400 And they know When you're not. 485 00:29:00,467 --> 00:29:02,634 They can sense it Because you're very exposed. 486 00:29:02,701 --> 00:29:04,100 Yeah, you're naked. 487 00:29:04,167 --> 00:29:06,100 I mean emotionally. 488 00:29:06,167 --> 00:29:08,667 Son, this is going to be Very dangerous for you. 489 00:29:08,734 --> 00:29:10,033 I can fake it. 490 00:29:10,100 --> 00:29:13,767 Buddy, you can learn To fake a lot of things. 491 00:29:13,834 --> 00:29:16,634 This is a tough one. 492 00:29:33,200 --> 00:29:35,200 Is this it? 493 00:29:40,534 --> 00:29:42,834 Angel, i've only been here One time. 494 00:29:42,901 --> 00:29:44,934 I don't remember. 495 00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:47,067 Wake up. 496 00:29:54,033 --> 00:29:56,300 Your wife's Gonna love me. 497 00:30:00,033 --> 00:30:01,801 The problem with acting normal 498 00:30:01,868 --> 00:30:04,968 Is normal people get into Stupid situations like this. 499 00:30:07,033 --> 00:30:09,534 Oh. You scared The hell out of me. 500 00:30:09,601 --> 00:30:10,734 Sorry, nina. 501 00:30:10,801 --> 00:30:12,434 I'm dexter. You remember? 502 00:30:12,501 --> 00:30:14,367 I work with angel Down at the station. 503 00:30:14,434 --> 00:30:15,667 What are you doing here? 504 00:30:15,734 --> 00:30:17,701 It's funny. 505 00:30:17,767 --> 00:30:20,434 We were out celebrating Angel's pay-grade bump. 506 00:30:20,501 --> 00:30:22,634 He got a raise? 507 00:30:22,701 --> 00:30:24,467 Yeah. 508 00:30:24,534 --> 00:30:27,834 Well, as you can see, 509 00:30:27,901 --> 00:30:31,033 He, uh, had a little Too much to drink, 510 00:30:31,100 --> 00:30:33,267 So i gave him a ride home. 511 00:30:33,334 --> 00:30:35,467 He doesn't Live here anymore. 512 00:30:35,534 --> 00:30:37,701 Oh. 513 00:30:41,133 --> 00:30:42,367 We're separated. 514 00:30:42,434 --> 00:30:45,033 Oh. 515 00:30:45,100 --> 00:30:48,367 So... good night. 516 00:30:48,434 --> 00:30:51,200 Oh, okay. 517 00:30:52,934 --> 00:30:54,501 Good night. 518 00:30:56,501 --> 00:30:58,067 Come on. 519 00:30:58,133 --> 00:31:00,968 La pasion. 520 00:31:02,968 --> 00:31:05,734 Angel. 521 00:31:05,801 --> 00:31:09,234 Angel, we're really late For work, amigo. 522 00:31:14,100 --> 00:31:16,300 I guess i had One too many, huh? 523 00:31:16,367 --> 00:31:18,534 And then about 10 more. 524 00:31:27,701 --> 00:31:29,534 How did i end up here? 525 00:31:29,601 --> 00:31:32,167 You don't remember? 526 00:31:33,634 --> 00:31:35,400 So you live here, huh? 527 00:31:35,467 --> 00:31:37,067 I live here. 528 00:31:40,667 --> 00:31:42,734 You're kind of neat, Aren't you? 529 00:31:42,801 --> 00:31:46,167 Bad habit Instilled by mom. 530 00:31:52,834 --> 00:31:54,167 Oh. 531 00:31:56,501 --> 00:31:58,701 Ahh. 532 00:32:06,133 --> 00:32:07,234 Hey. 533 00:32:09,701 --> 00:32:11,300 We better get going. 534 00:32:11,367 --> 00:32:14,067 Pressure's on with this Ice-truck-killer situation. 535 00:32:14,133 --> 00:32:15,934 Yeah. You go ahead. I'll lock up. 536 00:32:16,000 --> 00:32:18,100 I have to stop By home anyway. 537 00:32:18,167 --> 00:32:19,934 My wife's gonna be worried. 538 00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:21,868 She gets so hot And bothered. 539 00:32:21,934 --> 00:32:24,968 No, i'll just wait, And i'll drop you at your car. 540 00:32:25,033 --> 00:32:27,300 Where's your bathroom? 541 00:32:30,734 --> 00:32:32,567 Somehow it's reassuring 542 00:32:32,634 --> 00:32:36,601 To know i'm not the only one Pretending to be normal. 543 00:32:36,667 --> 00:32:39,901 I found hair on this one that Doesn't belong to tucci - 544 00:32:39,968 --> 00:32:41,567 Rat hair. 545 00:32:41,634 --> 00:32:43,801 I probably picked up A parasite just - 546 00:32:43,868 --> 00:32:45,534 Don't test me, masuka. 547 00:32:45,601 --> 00:32:47,234 Uh, you see all that shredding? 548 00:32:47,300 --> 00:32:49,834 Half of this sheet Must be lining their nests. 549 00:32:49,901 --> 00:32:52,000 They took evidence Away from the crime scene? 550 00:32:52,067 --> 00:32:53,767 Exactly. So we check their nest. 551 00:32:53,834 --> 00:32:57,334 Uh... wild goose chase, 552 00:32:57,400 --> 00:32:59,801 Without knowing What we're looking for. 553 00:32:59,868 --> 00:33:01,767 We could talk To tucci again. 554 00:33:01,834 --> 00:33:03,367 He knows More than he thinks, 555 00:33:03,434 --> 00:33:05,000 And my gut tells me He can take it. 556 00:33:05,067 --> 00:33:07,901 'Cause you got the instincts Of a veteran on the force. 557 00:33:07,968 --> 00:33:09,334 Masuka, run the sheet. 558 00:33:09,400 --> 00:33:11,234 See if we can trace it To manufacturer. 559 00:33:11,300 --> 00:33:13,701 I've got court in the morning, So call me on my cell - 560 00:33:13,767 --> 00:33:15,501 All right, i get it. I'm a newbie. 561 00:33:15,567 --> 00:33:18,300 But you are old and tired, And you need new eyes on this. 562 00:33:18,367 --> 00:33:21,000 So when you're ready to let me Do my job, you let me know. 563 00:33:21,067 --> 00:33:24,200 And don't you fucking Say a word, masuka. 564 00:33:27,567 --> 00:33:30,968 How do you get rid of the ones Who don't pay out? 565 00:33:31,033 --> 00:33:34,133 You drop them In the middle of the ocean, 566 00:33:34,200 --> 00:33:35,868 Tell them to swim for shore? 567 00:33:37,367 --> 00:33:40,334 You can't hide for long, jorge. 568 00:33:40,400 --> 00:33:41,667 Hello? 569 00:33:41,734 --> 00:33:43,334 Rita: dexter, it's me. 570 00:33:43,400 --> 00:33:47,167 Look, i'm sorry i haven't talked To you since that place. 571 00:33:47,234 --> 00:33:48,467 The morgue. 572 00:33:48,534 --> 00:33:51,567 Do you think they'll be able To catch whoever did this? 573 00:33:51,634 --> 00:33:54,901 I'm sure He'll get what he deserves. 574 00:33:54,968 --> 00:33:56,767 How are you doing? 575 00:33:56,834 --> 00:33:58,701 Still a little shaky. 576 00:33:58,767 --> 00:34:01,067 I have some late-night work I have to do, 577 00:34:01,133 --> 00:34:04,667 But i could stop by earlier, If you want. 578 00:34:04,734 --> 00:34:06,767 Maybe we could Rent a movie. 579 00:34:06,834 --> 00:34:08,834 Yeah, i'll pick up a dvd - 580 00:34:08,901 --> 00:34:11,567 Something light. 581 00:34:26,334 --> 00:34:29,534 Maybe if i don't blink, My eyes will tear up. 582 00:34:32,701 --> 00:34:35,701 I hate this. I'm questioning every move. 583 00:34:35,767 --> 00:34:37,667 It's exhausting. 584 00:34:37,734 --> 00:34:40,133 I should just Break it off already, 585 00:34:40,200 --> 00:34:42,300 Unless i can pacify her, 586 00:34:42,367 --> 00:34:46,601 Give her... something, 587 00:34:46,667 --> 00:34:49,100 Reciprocate. 588 00:34:51,367 --> 00:34:53,367 La pasion. 589 00:34:55,367 --> 00:34:56,934 Whoa, uh, dexter? 590 00:34:59,968 --> 00:35:02,801 I'm sorry. I- i, uh... 591 00:35:02,868 --> 00:35:05,133 Oh, i was just... 592 00:35:05,200 --> 00:35:08,367 You were so generous With me. 593 00:35:08,434 --> 00:35:11,501 I was gonna Return the favor. 594 00:35:11,567 --> 00:35:14,200 Oh, no, that's very sweet, 595 00:35:14,267 --> 00:35:15,968 But i'm sorry. 596 00:35:16,033 --> 00:35:18,634 I'm just not In the mood for that. 597 00:35:20,400 --> 00:35:22,367 Oh. 598 00:35:29,834 --> 00:35:31,567 Harry: that you, dex? 599 00:35:31,634 --> 00:35:35,033 Yeah. Sorry i'm late. 600 00:35:35,100 --> 00:35:37,834 It's okay, son. You must have been having fun. 601 00:35:37,901 --> 00:35:39,501 I pretended to. 602 00:35:39,567 --> 00:35:40,934 That's good, dexter. 603 00:35:41,000 --> 00:35:43,968 Dad? 604 00:35:44,033 --> 00:35:49,100 Do you think that maybe one day I'll feel it for real? 605 00:35:50,567 --> 00:35:52,100 I hope so, son. 606 00:35:56,300 --> 00:35:58,334 I really do. 607 00:36:02,501 --> 00:36:05,734 Alone, i'd be better off. 608 00:36:05,801 --> 00:36:08,400 Relationships Are too confusing. 609 00:36:10,968 --> 00:36:13,000 But this i can figure out. 610 00:36:13,067 --> 00:36:14,767 This i do well. 611 00:36:14,834 --> 00:36:16,734 Jorge castillo's boat. 612 00:36:16,801 --> 00:36:19,267 If he's a killer, Then there's proof. 613 00:36:19,334 --> 00:36:22,467 There's always proof, And i'll find it. 614 00:36:39,167 --> 00:36:41,534 Happy and in love... 615 00:36:41,601 --> 00:36:43,200 The perfect couple. 616 00:36:43,267 --> 00:36:47,033 I wonder if rita and the kids Would like fishing. 617 00:36:47,100 --> 00:36:49,200 Focus. 618 00:37:01,267 --> 00:37:02,701 If one of these 619 00:37:02,767 --> 00:37:05,601 Matches the contact number For ernesto's coyote, 620 00:37:05,667 --> 00:37:07,834 You're it, jorge. 621 00:37:50,234 --> 00:37:53,200 He drowns them here, Then dumps them out there. 622 00:37:53,267 --> 00:37:55,033 If they wash up, 623 00:37:55,100 --> 00:37:57,634 It'll be chalked up To another inner-tube mishap. 624 00:38:58,767 --> 00:39:02,200 Yep - this i do well. 625 00:39:04,267 --> 00:39:07,667 Think about his shoes. 626 00:39:07,734 --> 00:39:09,868 Did he walk with a limp? 627 00:39:11,601 --> 00:39:14,167 Did he move smoothly, Like an athlete? 628 00:39:14,234 --> 00:39:18,100 Try to remember, tony, For me. 629 00:39:18,167 --> 00:39:21,601 I would if i could, hon. 630 00:39:21,667 --> 00:39:24,033 You're a sweet lady, 631 00:39:24,100 --> 00:39:27,567 And smart - Using your charms on me. 632 00:39:27,634 --> 00:39:29,567 No, no, i don't mind. 633 00:39:29,634 --> 00:39:32,601 It's probably the last time A woman will flirt with me, 634 00:39:32,667 --> 00:39:34,234 Looking like this. 635 00:39:34,300 --> 00:39:36,734 It's okay, tony. 636 00:39:36,801 --> 00:39:38,334 Maybe later. 637 00:39:38,400 --> 00:39:40,734 We should try the blindfold. 638 00:39:40,801 --> 00:39:42,534 What? 639 00:39:42,601 --> 00:39:45,334 I don't want To do that. 640 00:39:45,400 --> 00:39:46,868 I'm sorry, mr. Tucci. 641 00:39:46,934 --> 00:39:49,033 I can't even begin to imagine What you've been through, 642 00:39:49,100 --> 00:39:50,701 But it's our job To make sure 643 00:39:50,767 --> 00:39:53,000 That nobody else Goes through it, too. 644 00:39:53,067 --> 00:39:56,734 So, morgan, you're up. 645 00:40:17,667 --> 00:40:20,434 He was hard to hear. 646 00:40:20,501 --> 00:40:22,501 I never knew where he was. 647 00:40:22,567 --> 00:40:24,467 So he's agile. That's good, tony. 648 00:40:24,534 --> 00:40:25,968 What else did you hear? 649 00:40:26,033 --> 00:40:29,367 Rats. 650 00:40:29,434 --> 00:40:31,100 Always those damn rats. 651 00:40:31,167 --> 00:40:33,834 Try to focus on him, tony. 652 00:40:33,901 --> 00:40:37,167 What did you hear? What did you smell? 653 00:40:39,234 --> 00:40:40,567 Menthol. 654 00:40:40,634 --> 00:40:42,234 Menthol? 655 00:40:42,300 --> 00:40:45,400 Yeah, like cough drops. 656 00:40:45,467 --> 00:40:48,434 He cleared his throat a lot. You know, like - 657 00:40:51,734 --> 00:40:55,501 He unwrapped them. 658 00:40:55,567 --> 00:40:57,567 I could hear those wrappers, 659 00:40:57,634 --> 00:40:59,767 That crinkly sound. 660 00:41:01,834 --> 00:41:03,801 And he sucked on them. 661 00:41:06,334 --> 00:41:11,000 I could hear them clicking Against his teeth when he... 662 00:41:17,767 --> 00:41:21,434 The son of a bitch Loved those fucking lozenges. 663 00:41:32,701 --> 00:41:34,234 Nothing in this nest. 664 00:41:34,300 --> 00:41:37,133 Well, check another floor. They're all over this dump. 665 00:41:38,701 --> 00:41:39,868 Fuck this. 666 00:41:41,868 --> 00:41:43,634 Oh, sh- 667 00:41:43,701 --> 00:41:45,534 Masuka. 668 00:41:45,601 --> 00:41:48,634 We got another one Over here. 669 00:41:48,701 --> 00:41:50,267 Aha. Promising. 670 00:41:50,334 --> 00:41:53,100 Several fragments From the sheet here. 671 00:41:53,167 --> 00:41:55,834 These rat bastards Were repeat customers. 672 00:41:58,367 --> 00:42:00,267 Who had garlic for lunch? 673 00:42:00,334 --> 00:42:02,534 I'm gonna punch you In the neck. 674 00:42:02,601 --> 00:42:04,634 Actually... 675 00:42:04,701 --> 00:42:07,634 I think you're gonna french me. 676 00:42:18,501 --> 00:42:22,033 Dexter:... 2934. 677 00:42:22,100 --> 00:42:24,267 I like being right. 678 00:42:24,334 --> 00:42:27,868 I usually am, About these things. 679 00:42:32,000 --> 00:42:34,434 "be prepared" - It's my motto. 680 00:42:34,501 --> 00:42:37,133 The boy scouts and i Have that in common. 681 00:42:37,200 --> 00:42:40,067 Of course, there's no merit Badge for tonight's outing. 682 00:43:00,734 --> 00:43:02,767 What are we Looking at? 683 00:43:02,834 --> 00:43:06,234 They found the ice-truck Killer's lozenge wrapper, 684 00:43:06,300 --> 00:43:08,067 Thanks to your sister. 685 00:43:08,133 --> 00:43:09,734 Lozenge wrapper? 686 00:43:09,801 --> 00:43:12,400 Hey, after two months of finding Fuck all in this case, 687 00:43:12,467 --> 00:43:14,701 A lozenge wrapper's The damn holy grail. 688 00:43:14,767 --> 00:43:17,734 My favorite serial killer Is a lozenge eater. 689 00:43:17,801 --> 00:43:19,567 How human of him. 690 00:43:24,033 --> 00:43:25,434 We have a partial. 691 00:43:25,501 --> 00:43:28,667 partial print - A partial fucking print! 692 00:43:28,734 --> 00:43:30,968 Proud of you, sis. 693 00:43:31,033 --> 00:43:34,067 Hey, it's a celebration here. Where are you going? 694 00:43:34,133 --> 00:43:35,734 Crime scene. 695 00:43:35,801 --> 00:43:38,133 Excuse me. 696 00:43:38,200 --> 00:43:40,133 What's, uh - What's going on? 697 00:43:40,200 --> 00:43:42,267 We've got our first piece Of tangible evidence 698 00:43:42,334 --> 00:43:43,501 On the ice-truck killer. 699 00:43:43,567 --> 00:43:44,734 A partial fucking print. 700 00:43:44,801 --> 00:43:46,501 You run it Through afis yet? 701 00:43:46,567 --> 00:43:48,467 It doesn't even matter If we get a match. 702 00:43:48,534 --> 00:43:50,968 He gets pulled in for something, Anything, we got him. 703 00:43:51,033 --> 00:43:52,434 Get it photoed Before we scan it. 704 00:43:52,501 --> 00:43:55,300 And i want labelle to i. d. The points of comparison 705 00:43:55,367 --> 00:43:56,667 If you get an afis hit. 706 00:43:56,734 --> 00:43:59,100 Masuka, i want that thing Swabbed for dna. 707 00:43:59,167 --> 00:44:01,567 And let's keep working The old hospital site, people. 708 00:44:01,634 --> 00:44:04,000 You never know. We might get lucky again. 709 00:44:04,067 --> 00:44:06,634 It wasn't luck. Good work, morgan. 710 00:44:21,934 --> 00:44:23,901 Afuera, va. 711 00:44:23,968 --> 00:44:26,067 Muevanse. Come on. 712 00:44:30,601 --> 00:44:32,534 Come on! 713 00:44:32,601 --> 00:44:34,133 Entrar, entrar. 714 00:46:00,801 --> 00:46:02,300 God bless america. 715 00:46:11,701 --> 00:46:13,267 Hon? 716 00:46:15,267 --> 00:46:17,000 Where are you? 717 00:46:19,534 --> 00:46:20,868 Honey? 718 00:46:31,367 --> 00:46:33,167 Honey, you in here? 719 00:46:42,634 --> 00:46:44,567 Iderrito a mi familia! 720 00:46:46,467 --> 00:46:48,801 Get back in there, You cuban piece of shit! 721 00:46:52,767 --> 00:46:55,667 Fucking animals. 722 00:46:55,734 --> 00:46:58,100 Incredible. 723 00:46:58,167 --> 00:47:00,467 They're an even better match Than i thought - 724 00:47:00,534 --> 00:47:02,534 A true partnership. 725 00:47:12,000 --> 00:47:14,767 You know, I rarely deviate from a plan, 726 00:47:14,834 --> 00:47:17,767 But i just didn't have the heart To split up such a... 727 00:47:19,367 --> 00:47:20,834 ...perfect couple. 728 00:47:24,534 --> 00:47:26,734 You two... 729 00:47:26,801 --> 00:47:32,400 Have quite a lucrative Operation going. 730 00:47:32,467 --> 00:47:35,167 You're a really good team. 731 00:47:39,467 --> 00:47:41,767 It's clever, too. 732 00:47:41,834 --> 00:47:46,868 No one questions Another drowned cuban man 733 00:47:46,934 --> 00:47:49,767 Or woman... 734 00:47:49,834 --> 00:47:51,367 Or child. 735 00:47:52,834 --> 00:47:54,501 So, which one of you Thought this up? 736 00:47:54,567 --> 00:47:56,901 They get freedom. We free them. 737 00:47:56,968 --> 00:47:58,934 They thank us, For god's sake. 738 00:47:59,000 --> 00:48:02,467 For drowning them and dumping Their bodies in the ocean? 739 00:48:02,534 --> 00:48:03,901 Please. 740 00:48:03,968 --> 00:48:06,667 We can pay you. We have money. 741 00:48:06,734 --> 00:48:09,467 That's what It's all about, right? 742 00:48:09,534 --> 00:48:10,601 I love you. 743 00:48:10,667 --> 00:48:14,200 I love you so much. 744 00:48:21,334 --> 00:48:23,267 I'm gonna ask you a question. 745 00:48:23,334 --> 00:48:25,434 I want you To answer me honestly. 746 00:48:25,501 --> 00:48:27,801 No more bullshit. Do you understand? 747 00:48:29,667 --> 00:48:32,067 How long Have you been married? 748 00:48:32,133 --> 00:48:34,267 12 years. 749 00:48:34,334 --> 00:48:36,467 How do you love each other? 750 00:48:38,767 --> 00:48:41,534 You're like me, And you make it work. 751 00:48:41,601 --> 00:48:42,834 How? 752 00:48:42,901 --> 00:48:44,501 We want the same life. 753 00:48:44,567 --> 00:48:46,801 We both - We want the same thing. 754 00:48:46,868 --> 00:48:48,567 Same life. 755 00:48:48,634 --> 00:48:50,667 You share the same dream. 756 00:48:50,734 --> 00:48:51,968 Yes, exactly, yes. 757 00:48:52,033 --> 00:48:54,234 Yes, that's it. 758 00:48:54,300 --> 00:48:56,267 That's, uh... 759 00:48:58,501 --> 00:49:00,467 Helpful. 760 00:49:00,534 --> 00:49:02,300 Thank you. 761 00:49:04,367 --> 00:49:05,534 No. 762 00:49:19,467 --> 00:49:21,234 * dicen por ahí * 763 00:49:21,300 --> 00:49:24,334 * así es que se bate el cobre * 764 00:49:24,400 --> 00:49:26,767 * ugalu, cocolo * 765 00:49:26,834 --> 00:49:29,868 * enciende mi pin salvaje * 766 00:49:40,601 --> 00:49:42,367 * dicen por ahí * 767 00:49:42,434 --> 00:49:45,601 * así es que se bate el cobre * 768 00:49:45,667 --> 00:49:47,934 * ugalu, cocolo * 769 00:49:48,000 --> 00:49:51,033 * enciende mi pin salvaje * 770 00:49:51,100 --> 00:49:53,767 * ugalu, el salvaje * 771 00:49:53,834 --> 00:49:56,234 * ugalu * 772 00:49:56,300 --> 00:49:59,100 * ugalu, el salvaje * 773 00:49:59,167 --> 00:50:01,567 * ugalu, ooh, ahh * 774 00:50:01,634 --> 00:50:04,334 * ugalu, el salvaje * 775 00:50:04,400 --> 00:50:06,067 * ugalu * 776 00:50:06,133 --> 00:50:08,067 * bueno * 777 00:50:10,934 --> 00:50:12,734 * el salvaje * 778 00:50:50,067 --> 00:50:53,033 I like doing things properly, 779 00:50:53,100 --> 00:50:54,801 But i'm out of time, 780 00:50:54,868 --> 00:50:57,400 And i still Have to dispose of them. 781 00:50:58,834 --> 00:51:01,267 Valerie got short shrift. 782 00:51:03,000 --> 00:51:05,434 But all in all, It was a very good night. 783 00:51:58,968 --> 00:52:01,267 I like this place. 784 00:52:01,334 --> 00:52:04,267 A lot of memories Are buried down there. 785 00:52:09,667 --> 00:52:13,300 Deviating from the plan May have been ill-advised. 786 00:52:27,367 --> 00:52:32,200 But sometimes You just have to take a risk. 787 00:52:43,834 --> 00:52:45,834 After all... 788 00:52:48,200 --> 00:52:51,167 ...isn't that what Relationships are all about? 789 00:53:11,167 --> 00:53:13,434 Do you have a dream... 790 00:53:16,367 --> 00:53:19,400 ...for your life... 791 00:53:19,467 --> 00:53:22,667 Your future, i guess? 792 00:53:22,734 --> 00:53:24,601 Of course. 793 00:53:24,667 --> 00:53:26,734 Do you? 794 00:53:26,801 --> 00:53:30,267 It might sound weird. 795 00:53:37,934 --> 00:53:40,467 I want to someday Be content 796 00:53:40,534 --> 00:53:44,801 And just feel... 797 00:53:44,868 --> 00:53:48,968 Comfortable, Like everyone else. 798 00:53:49,033 --> 00:53:50,701 I want... 799 00:53:50,767 --> 00:53:52,734 A normal life. 800 00:53:58,601 --> 00:54:00,534 Yeah, a normal life. 801 00:54:00,601 --> 00:54:03,667 That's all i want. 802 00:54:03,734 --> 00:54:05,167 Just that. 803 00:54:05,234 --> 00:54:08,300 No fame and fortune - 804 00:54:08,367 --> 00:54:10,300 Excitement at every turn? 805 00:54:12,033 --> 00:54:15,067 No, i've had enough Excitement. 806 00:54:15,133 --> 00:54:16,934 Thank you. 807 00:54:17,000 --> 00:54:19,734 Now... I'll take boring. 808 00:54:19,801 --> 00:54:21,834 Average. 809 00:54:21,901 --> 00:54:24,400 Ordinary. 810 00:54:26,968 --> 00:54:28,834 That's weird, huh? 811 00:54:32,968 --> 00:54:35,234 Yeah.