1 00:00:01,300 --> 00:00:04,136 Hi, I'm Don Konkey. I'm a photographer. 2 00:00:04,136 --> 00:00:06,154 Technically, I'm a freelancer, 3 00:00:06,154 --> 00:00:09,157 but outside of the occasional Cat Fancier Magazine photo, 4 00:00:09,157 --> 00:00:12,059 I'm exclusive to Dirt Now. 5 00:00:12,059 --> 00:00:16,564 Last week, I was covering a story for Lucy Spiller, my friend and boss, 6 00:00:16,564 --> 00:00:20,268 - and things didn't go so well. - Get him! 7 00:00:20,268 --> 00:00:21,769 I ended up in jail... 8 00:00:21,769 --> 00:00:25,239 - Don, are you OK? - Yeah. 9 00:00:25,239 --> 00:00:28,342 ...not the best place for a schizophrenic. 10 00:00:28,342 --> 00:00:31,112 That's Holt McLaren. He gives Lucy dirt. 11 00:00:31,112 --> 00:00:34,282 With her help, he's gonna be the next big thing in action movies. 12 00:00:34,282 --> 00:00:36,050 You're gonna have to bulk up. 13 00:00:36,050 --> 00:00:38,819 That's Holt's girlfriend, Julia Mallory. 14 00:00:38,819 --> 00:00:41,689 With the help of her dealer, Garbo, 15 00:00:41,689 --> 00:00:44,692 she's gonna be the next big thing in rehab. 16 00:00:44,692 --> 00:00:47,628 Holt's relationship with Lucy and Julia 17 00:00:47,628 --> 00:00:49,664 are starting to take a toll on his stomach. 18 00:00:50,598 --> 00:00:53,000 We all have something. 19 00:00:55,770 --> 00:00:59,140 Lucy's dad committed suicide when she was 15. 20 00:00:59,140 --> 00:01:02,376 Now her relationships with men aren't so good. 21 00:01:02,376 --> 00:01:06,514 Did you come the last time? Maybe you could give me some direction. 22 00:01:06,514 --> 00:01:11,118 I could draw a map. It's not going to happen. I have better luck alone. 23 00:01:12,987 --> 00:01:14,789 Good thing she's got me. 24 00:01:17,558 --> 00:01:20,661 - We were thinking... - If it works for you... 25 00:01:20,661 --> 00:01:23,264 And this'll be exclusive, if it works for you, 26 00:01:23,264 --> 00:01:25,933 I get caught in a lesbian affair with Chyna! 27 00:01:25,933 --> 00:01:28,302 We've already talked to her. She's totally in. 28 00:01:28,302 --> 00:01:30,838 And once it hits, Chris will accept it. 29 00:01:30,838 --> 00:01:35,209 Yeah. I accept it, and then we move in together as a "thrupple." 30 00:01:35,209 --> 00:01:39,280 But when that dies down, I get jealous of him and Chyna. 31 00:01:39,280 --> 00:01:42,216 So Chyna and I have Adrianne move out! 32 00:01:42,216 --> 00:01:44,552 And I have to win him back! 33 00:01:47,555 --> 00:01:51,592 Thank you. That is good stuff, it really is. 34 00:01:51,592 --> 00:01:53,761 You've put a lot of thought into it. 35 00:01:53,761 --> 00:01:56,797 I have to deal with an editorial issue. But you can come back? 36 00:01:56,797 --> 00:02:00,568 Sure, and just so you know, we're completely flexible on the story. 37 00:02:00,568 --> 00:02:02,236 These are just a few ideas. 38 00:02:02,236 --> 00:02:05,573 Great. I'll have Kenny show you out. Be in touch. 39 00:02:05,573 --> 00:02:07,575 - OK! - Thank you! 40 00:02:07,575 --> 00:02:11,212 - What do you think? - Dude, we are totally getting a cover. 41 00:02:11,212 --> 00:02:13,881 $400,000 for an exclusive on the wedding 42 00:02:13,881 --> 00:02:16,384 and some waiter with a cell-phone cam scoops us? 43 00:02:16,384 --> 00:02:18,586 They're crap images. People want the glam. 44 00:02:18,586 --> 00:02:21,756 "People want to see the glam?" What is that, a Shakira lyric? 45 00:02:21,756 --> 00:02:23,758 I want to see an exclusive. 46 00:02:23,758 --> 00:02:25,793 What do we know about this cheerleader? 47 00:02:25,793 --> 00:02:28,129 Amber Carmichael, disappeared at a pep rally, 48 00:02:28,129 --> 00:02:29,797 found behind her high school. 49 00:02:29,797 --> 00:02:32,900 Not a lot on the wires. No arrest yet, small-town story. 50 00:02:32,900 --> 00:02:36,671 - How small a town? - Uh, Walnut Valley, 51 00:02:36,671 --> 00:02:38,239 about an hour and a half out of L.A. 52 00:02:38,239 --> 00:02:43,210 - Population 11,000. - Now that's a solid cover. 53 00:02:43,210 --> 00:02:47,014 It's a great cover, but we have two days to close 54 00:02:47,014 --> 00:02:49,917 and we don't have a reason to think she had a secret life. 55 00:02:49,917 --> 00:02:53,387 Everyone has a secret life. She was murdered! 56 00:02:53,387 --> 00:02:56,223 Her secret life is our next cover. You'd better all get to work. 57 00:02:57,391 --> 00:02:58,526 ♪ Dig in ♪ 58 00:02:58,526 --> 00:02:59,960 ♪ Dig deep ♪ 59 00:02:59,960 --> 00:03:02,663 ♪ Deserve what you reap ♪ 60 00:03:02,663 --> 00:03:06,133 ♪ Don't you know the truth will set you free ♪ 61 00:03:13,274 --> 00:03:14,575 Hello. 62 00:03:16,177 --> 00:03:18,479 Your office seems to get bigger and bigger. 63 00:03:18,479 --> 00:03:22,516 - Same office, Chuck. - And yet... bigger. 64 00:03:24,318 --> 00:03:28,456 "Mysterious expanding office takes on all in its path." 65 00:03:28,456 --> 00:03:30,191 I need you on something. 66 00:03:30,191 --> 00:03:33,361 You already have me up to my ears in nuts and sluts. 67 00:03:33,361 --> 00:03:36,731 I got "Family Keeps Pet Hippo in Living Room," 68 00:03:36,731 --> 00:03:39,800 "Idaho Potato Looks Like Virgin Mary." 69 00:03:39,800 --> 00:03:41,102 My plate's kinda full. 70 00:03:41,102 --> 00:03:43,871 I need you on a cover. It's a crime story. 71 00:03:43,871 --> 00:03:47,641 I'm sending an army to Walnut Valley to get into this cheerleader murder. 72 00:03:47,641 --> 00:03:51,178 These knuckleheads will treat it like some premiere after-party. 73 00:03:51,178 --> 00:03:54,215 I need hard journalism, ME reports, DA's office... 74 00:03:54,215 --> 00:03:57,551 I have two Polk awards. I know how to cover a crime story. 75 00:03:57,551 --> 00:03:59,353 That's why I called you. 76 00:03:59,353 --> 00:04:03,524 - You sending me for a cover or a story? - Meaning? 77 00:04:03,524 --> 00:04:06,594 You've already picked out your headline, "Her Secret Life." 78 00:04:06,594 --> 00:04:10,197 If this girl had no secrets, fine. Come home, I'll run something else. 79 00:04:10,197 --> 00:04:14,034 Girl's dead. Maybe some things should just stay secret. 80 00:04:14,034 --> 00:04:15,569 Do you want the story or not? 81 00:04:15,569 --> 00:04:18,038 Yeah. I'll take the story. 82 00:04:18,038 --> 00:04:20,207 I want Willa McPherson to go with you. 83 00:04:20,207 --> 00:04:22,410 Think a chaperone can keep me on the wagon? 84 00:04:22,410 --> 00:04:27,014 One can only hope. She seems hungry. Maybe she'll learn something from you. 85 00:04:27,014 --> 00:04:30,284 - Like you did? - If she's lucky. 86 00:04:34,588 --> 00:04:40,294 Hey, $400,000 for exclusives of Cheryl Lane's wedding 87 00:04:40,294 --> 00:04:41,829 and you're bumping the cover? 88 00:04:41,829 --> 00:04:45,132 "Exclusive" the operative word. Pictures all over the Internet. 89 00:04:45,132 --> 00:04:48,536 So, what's the cover? Or do you plan on surprising me? 90 00:04:48,536 --> 00:04:51,338 Because as I recall that didn't go so well last time. 91 00:04:51,338 --> 00:04:54,775 - Meet Amber Carmichael. - Never heard of her. 92 00:04:54,775 --> 00:04:58,712 White, attractive, murdered in her uniform. America's gonna love her. 93 00:04:58,712 --> 00:05:00,981 More than Cheryl Lane's fairy-tale wedding? 94 00:05:00,981 --> 00:05:03,584 Celebrity murder trumps celebrity wedding. 95 00:05:03,584 --> 00:05:07,321 - She's not a celebrity. - Yes, well, she will be. 96 00:05:28,876 --> 00:05:31,512 OK, check with me before you head out, 97 00:05:31,512 --> 00:05:34,181 even if you have your assignments. 98 00:05:39,620 --> 00:05:43,491 Hi! We're doing a story for Dirt Now magazine. 99 00:05:43,491 --> 00:05:45,659 Did any of you know Amber Carmichael? 100 00:05:45,659 --> 00:05:48,229 Poor bastards, they'll never know what hit them. 101 00:05:48,229 --> 00:05:50,865 Um, we're... Lucy told us to wait before... 102 00:05:50,865 --> 00:05:53,267 You don't have to tell me what Lucy said. 103 00:05:53,267 --> 00:05:56,437 Everything she knows about reporting, she learned from me. 104 00:05:56,437 --> 00:05:58,439 Lucy learned from you? 105 00:05:58,439 --> 00:06:02,943 I was her mentor at The Trib, back when I was a respected journalist. 106 00:06:02,943 --> 00:06:06,180 - Hard to believe, I know. - You worked with Lucy at The Trib? 107 00:06:06,180 --> 00:06:10,451 I thought you were the Dirt spooks-and-kooks guy since forever. 108 00:06:10,451 --> 00:06:13,320 Nice interview technique. Subtle. 109 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:16,624 - Did you know Amber Carmichael? - All right. Let's regroup. 110 00:06:16,624 --> 00:06:18,325 What do we got so far? 111 00:06:18,325 --> 00:06:22,229 I called the DA's office, but they don't have a press liaison. 112 00:06:22,229 --> 00:06:23,697 Hm. Interesting. 113 00:06:23,697 --> 00:06:25,966 Look, there's a memorial for this girl 114 00:06:25,966 --> 00:06:27,968 at the local church in two hours. 115 00:06:27,968 --> 00:06:31,672 - Why don't we go there, check it out? - How did you know about it? 116 00:06:31,672 --> 00:06:35,809 Big, complicated story like this, intricate local politics, 117 00:06:35,809 --> 00:06:38,145 you really gotta know how to dig. 118 00:06:39,780 --> 00:06:42,016 Oh. 119 00:06:42,016 --> 00:06:44,552 It's nice out. Let's walk. 120 00:06:44,552 --> 00:06:47,254 Maybe we'll, uh, find another scoop on the way. 121 00:06:49,089 --> 00:06:51,659 So, what was Lucy like when she was starting out? 122 00:06:51,659 --> 00:06:55,863 What was her first big story? How did she rise so far so fast? 123 00:06:55,863 --> 00:06:58,032 You're a one-man press conference. 124 00:06:58,032 --> 00:07:00,768 Look, you want to be a reporter, 125 00:07:00,768 --> 00:07:04,838 Everyone wants to tell their story. You gotta cultivate your source. 126 00:07:04,838 --> 00:07:09,243 One question at a time. Sometimes no questions. 127 00:07:09,243 --> 00:07:11,045 Sorry. 128 00:07:15,482 --> 00:07:19,119 So, what was Lucy like when she started out? 129 00:07:19,119 --> 00:07:21,989 Kind of a little bit like you. 130 00:07:21,989 --> 00:07:25,159 Not necessarily a compliment. 131 00:07:27,361 --> 00:07:31,332 So we'll do the flowers ourselves. Fine, I'll call then. 132 00:07:31,332 --> 00:07:33,067 I will. I... I gotta go. 133 00:07:33,067 --> 00:07:36,236 Sorry. People hear it's a wedding, and the prices triple. 134 00:07:36,236 --> 00:07:38,005 Not interested. Has Don called? 135 00:07:38,005 --> 00:07:39,607 No. You want me to try him again? 136 00:07:39,607 --> 00:07:41,775 Yes! And can you just use our florist? 137 00:07:41,775 --> 00:07:44,211 We spend a fortune. Should count for something. 138 00:07:44,211 --> 00:07:47,114 - Thank you. Yes. - Are you dialing Don? 139 00:08:20,648 --> 00:08:23,617 Local cops. They got nothing. 140 00:08:23,617 --> 00:08:25,919 How can you tell? 141 00:08:25,919 --> 00:08:29,523 No one's talking to them, they're talking to no one. 142 00:08:29,523 --> 00:08:33,427 - Maybe they're just being respectful. - Their mistake. 143 00:08:33,427 --> 00:08:36,597 Killer isn't ID'd in the first 24 hours, probably won't be. 144 00:08:36,597 --> 00:08:41,235 No one in this crowd's gonna give up dirt on the girl. No dirt, no suspect. 145 00:08:41,235 --> 00:08:44,038 Well, if they're not gonna give it up for cops, 146 00:08:44,038 --> 00:08:46,540 what makes you think they're going to talk to us? 147 00:08:46,540 --> 00:08:48,409 We're in a church. 148 00:08:48,409 --> 00:08:52,112 Maybe we can get a blessing from the reverend. 149 00:08:54,815 --> 00:08:58,552 Reverend, I'm Chuck Lafoon. This is Willa McPherson. 150 00:08:58,552 --> 00:09:01,822 We're from Dirt Now Magazine. I'm sorry for the intrusion. 151 00:09:01,822 --> 00:09:05,259 Please, this is a house of mourning. 152 00:09:07,795 --> 00:09:09,763 Impressive. 153 00:09:09,763 --> 00:09:14,168 Excuse me, did you say you're from Dirt Now? 154 00:09:14,168 --> 00:09:16,003 Yes. 155 00:09:16,003 --> 00:09:18,572 Amber and I were best friends. 156 00:09:18,572 --> 00:09:21,341 We're both totally into Dirt Now. 157 00:09:21,341 --> 00:09:25,145 I mean, we were... she was. 158 00:09:25,145 --> 00:09:29,883 - I still can't believe she's gone. - I'm so sorry. 159 00:09:29,883 --> 00:09:33,187 Anyway, I saw you talking to my dad, so... 160 00:09:33,187 --> 00:09:37,057 Your father's the minister? Willa has family in the clergy. 161 00:09:38,425 --> 00:09:39,693 Constant chore, right? 162 00:09:41,095 --> 00:09:42,763 Yeah, totally. 163 00:09:42,763 --> 00:09:47,401 Well, uh, you probably want to focus on the service. 164 00:09:47,401 --> 00:09:51,572 Maybe you guys could get together afterwards and talk a little bit, 165 00:09:51,572 --> 00:09:55,442 - get some background for the magazine. - Sure. Yeah, OK. 166 00:09:55,442 --> 00:09:56,877 Should I...? 167 00:09:56,877 --> 00:09:59,813 - We'll find you after. - Cool. 168 00:10:02,382 --> 00:10:05,986 Well, you got your first crime-story interview. 169 00:10:05,986 --> 00:10:08,722 God help us. 170 00:10:08,722 --> 00:10:12,326 Great, Quinn. That's great. 171 00:10:12,326 --> 00:10:15,596 OK, listen, I just got home, so I gotta go. 172 00:10:15,596 --> 00:10:17,698 All right, I will. Thanks. 173 00:10:19,099 --> 00:10:21,168 Hey. 174 00:10:21,168 --> 00:10:23,103 Quinn says hi. 175 00:10:23,103 --> 00:10:27,641 If he wanted to talk to me, he could answer one of my goddamned phone calls. 176 00:10:27,641 --> 00:10:30,544 He said he wants to have lunch with you. 177 00:10:30,544 --> 00:10:33,313 When's the last time you checked your voicemail? 178 00:10:37,818 --> 00:10:39,453 Hard Charger deal just closed. 179 00:10:41,121 --> 00:10:43,257 Name above the title. 180 00:10:44,925 --> 00:10:46,960 Shit! 181 00:10:46,960 --> 00:10:51,398 - That's... that's... - Huge! 182 00:10:52,833 --> 00:10:55,068 After Dawson fell out, Johnny Gage's people 183 00:10:55,068 --> 00:10:57,571 were all over them, but they only wanted me. 184 00:10:57,571 --> 00:11:00,440 Three movies in a row, all summer tent poles. 185 00:11:00,440 --> 00:11:02,276 - Babe, that's awesome. - Yeah. 186 00:11:04,845 --> 00:11:06,346 Come here. 187 00:11:14,688 --> 00:11:16,223 Just lay back. 188 00:11:25,499 --> 00:11:28,001 Whoa. What the hell is that? 189 00:11:28,001 --> 00:11:31,471 I scratched myself in a taxi. 190 00:11:31,471 --> 00:11:34,074 You scratched yourself? Let me see! 191 00:11:35,108 --> 00:11:36,276 - Let me see! - What? 192 00:11:38,145 --> 00:11:40,647 Jesus Christ, Julia! What the hell are you doing? 193 00:11:40,647 --> 00:11:42,482 It's not a big deal! God! 194 00:11:42,482 --> 00:11:45,886 I knew you were gonna be a drag today! 195 00:11:50,858 --> 00:11:53,493 - - Don? 196 00:11:54,795 --> 00:11:57,164 Don! 197 00:11:57,164 --> 00:11:58,465 Don? 198 00:12:02,536 --> 00:12:04,071 Hey. 199 00:12:05,973 --> 00:12:09,776 Don, you haven't been returning my calls. 200 00:12:09,776 --> 00:12:10,944 I'm working. 201 00:12:13,680 --> 00:12:16,016 You're writing on your photos. 202 00:12:16,016 --> 00:12:18,452 I have to get it out. 203 00:12:18,452 --> 00:12:21,421 I worry about you when you don't call me back. 204 00:12:23,156 --> 00:12:24,925 Sorry, Lucy. 205 00:12:25,993 --> 00:12:27,527 How's your finger? 206 00:12:27,527 --> 00:12:31,031 It throbs a lot, but doctor said that's good. 207 00:12:31,031 --> 00:12:32,132 Good. 208 00:12:33,734 --> 00:12:36,236 I brought you some food. 209 00:12:36,236 --> 00:12:38,538 It's your favorite soup from Nate 'n Al's. 210 00:12:40,607 --> 00:12:43,143 OK. 211 00:12:43,143 --> 00:12:45,746 Oh, no, no, no... 212 00:12:45,746 --> 00:12:50,117 Hey, what happened? You seemed to be doing so much better. 213 00:12:50,117 --> 00:12:53,921 - Do you want to go to the hospital? - No! 214 00:12:55,455 --> 00:13:00,060 It's just the police, you know. I didn't like their bathrooms. 215 00:13:00,060 --> 00:13:02,396 You're still upset about the arrest. 216 00:13:03,897 --> 00:13:07,768 - They still might come back for me. - No. I took care of it. 217 00:13:07,768 --> 00:13:09,569 The police will not come back. 218 00:13:11,204 --> 00:13:12,940 OK. 219 00:13:15,509 --> 00:13:17,811 I'm fine. 220 00:13:17,811 --> 00:13:21,882 It's just, you know, it's up and down like always. 221 00:13:21,882 --> 00:13:26,320 I just need to work, you know, for focus. 222 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:28,755 - It'll help. - OK. 223 00:13:28,755 --> 00:13:32,626 Why don't you come in on Wednesday, and I'll have something for you. 224 00:13:34,628 --> 00:13:35,829 It's OK. 225 00:13:44,037 --> 00:13:46,573 You actually know Britney? 226 00:13:46,573 --> 00:13:50,444 It was a little interview, but we did have a burping contest. 227 00:13:50,444 --> 00:13:53,013 - Bet she won. - Oh, hands down. 228 00:13:53,013 --> 00:13:56,016 This is all Britney. Amber and I made it together. 229 00:13:56,016 --> 00:13:58,285 Did K-Fed really sleep in the basement? 230 00:13:58,285 --> 00:14:03,056 That one she wouldn't answer. So who else was Amber into? 231 00:14:03,056 --> 00:14:07,728 She was a Lindsay girl all the way. I'm all about Paris. You? 232 00:14:07,728 --> 00:14:10,897 - Ah, Paris. - I know, right? 233 00:14:10,897 --> 00:14:12,766 We always have this debate. 234 00:14:13,700 --> 00:14:16,103 Well, had. 235 00:14:16,103 --> 00:14:17,571 We had it. 236 00:14:19,072 --> 00:14:20,474 How long were you friends? 237 00:14:21,608 --> 00:14:24,511 Forever. We shared everything. 238 00:14:26,413 --> 00:14:29,850 - Did she have a boyfriend? - We're not supposed to date. 239 00:14:29,850 --> 00:14:32,252 We both took the church chastity vows. 240 00:14:32,252 --> 00:14:35,422 We're supposed to wait to be married. 241 00:14:35,422 --> 00:14:40,193 But now she'll never have that chance. 242 00:14:49,169 --> 00:14:53,540 Maddy, would you mind if I borrowed this? 243 00:14:54,875 --> 00:14:56,810 - I'd give it back. - For the magazine? 244 00:14:58,278 --> 00:15:01,748 Wow. Yeah, do you want to see my others? 245 00:15:04,751 --> 00:15:08,522 Holt! Holt. No sorbet, extra peach and bee pollen. 246 00:15:08,522 --> 00:15:11,158 - Thanks. - Bee pollen's good for stress. 247 00:15:11,158 --> 00:15:14,694 When things get tough at home, I always double up on the bee pollen. 248 00:15:14,694 --> 00:15:18,098 I could grab a bottle so you could bring it for Julia. 249 00:15:18,098 --> 00:15:21,168 I heard she's been having a rough time, so... 250 00:15:21,168 --> 00:15:24,104 - You heard, huh? - I mean, the magazines and stuff. 251 00:15:24,104 --> 00:15:25,872 I'm sure it's all bullshit, right? 252 00:15:25,872 --> 00:15:27,474 Yeah, it is, believe me. 253 00:15:27,474 --> 00:15:30,610 - She's fine. - Good, good. Um... 254 00:15:30,610 --> 00:15:32,779 They'll be ready for you in five, so... 255 00:15:40,854 --> 00:15:43,924 Hey, it's me. Just checking in. 256 00:15:43,924 --> 00:15:46,793 I really hope you're checking your voicemail. 257 00:15:46,793 --> 00:15:49,763 All right, I'm working late, so call my cell. 258 00:15:51,364 --> 00:15:52,833 - Whoa! Sorry! - Jesus, man! 259 00:15:52,833 --> 00:15:55,469 - Not loud enough for you? - What? 260 00:15:55,469 --> 00:15:56,736 - Miss something? - No. 261 00:15:56,736 --> 00:15:59,806 You fishing for a story? Are you selling to the tabs? 262 00:15:59,806 --> 00:16:01,842 What are they paying you? How much? 263 00:16:01,842 --> 00:16:05,145 - What are you talking about? - How much, you little shit? 264 00:16:05,145 --> 00:16:07,814 I swear to God! They're ready for you on set, man! 265 00:16:07,814 --> 00:16:12,252 They're ready for you on set, that's it. 266 00:16:13,920 --> 00:16:17,424 No, the chief and I agreed we are not talking to the press. 267 00:16:17,424 --> 00:16:18,959 On the record. 268 00:16:18,959 --> 00:16:20,927 It is a matter in our local justice system. 269 00:16:20,927 --> 00:16:22,929 We are gonna let the system do the work. 270 00:16:22,929 --> 00:16:25,932 - Thanks, that's great. - Seriously. 271 00:16:25,932 --> 00:16:30,537 No, I get it. "Let the system do the work." It's a strong quote. 272 00:16:30,537 --> 00:16:34,307 Aloof, in charge, gives the sense you're closing in. 273 00:16:34,307 --> 00:16:36,543 Have you worked high-profile murder cases? 274 00:16:36,543 --> 00:16:39,446 High profile? This is Walnut Valley. 275 00:16:39,446 --> 00:16:43,550 When I covered the Blue River Killer murders, that was 14 years ago, 276 00:16:43,550 --> 00:16:45,619 it was that D.A.'s first big murder case. 277 00:16:45,619 --> 00:16:48,021 Blue... 278 00:16:48,021 --> 00:16:51,258 You're Chuck Lafoon. I knew I knew you. 279 00:16:51,258 --> 00:16:53,193 I read your book! Did you read his book? 280 00:16:53,193 --> 00:16:55,295 - Uh, yeah. - The prosecutor you wrote about, 281 00:16:55,295 --> 00:16:58,632 Engler. He is one of the reasons I became a D.A. 282 00:16:58,632 --> 00:17:00,500 Engler's great. He made that case. 283 00:17:00,500 --> 00:17:03,370 The fingerprint on the light bulb in the hallway, genius. 284 00:17:03,370 --> 00:17:04,871 He's an amazing guy. 285 00:17:04,871 --> 00:17:08,341 The book-worthy cases always have great characters like that, 286 00:17:08,341 --> 00:17:11,811 a leading man making the case and a twist. 287 00:17:11,811 --> 00:17:15,615 - You gotta have a twist. - Oh, this story has a major twist. 288 00:17:18,285 --> 00:17:20,954 No worries. We're off the record. 289 00:17:22,289 --> 00:17:23,790 Come here. 290 00:17:26,826 --> 00:17:30,830 Anything you give me on deep background, not for attribution, 291 00:17:30,830 --> 00:17:33,366 whatever, it won't get back to you. 292 00:17:33,366 --> 00:17:37,837 No one knew I was talking to Engler till the verdict was in. 293 00:17:37,837 --> 00:17:42,609 All right, the ME's report won't be out for a couple of days, 294 00:17:42,609 --> 00:17:47,480 but the victim, the girl... she was pregnant. 295 00:17:51,685 --> 00:17:55,088 - Holy shit. - What? 296 00:17:55,088 --> 00:17:59,059 Lucy was right. Girl did have a goddamn secret life. 297 00:17:59,059 --> 00:18:00,860 Residents of Walnut Valley 298 00:18:00,860 --> 00:18:03,630 have been shocked and outraged to find out the truth... 299 00:18:03,630 --> 00:18:06,199 Tell me the networks are using our name. 300 00:18:06,199 --> 00:18:09,202 We got different exclusives in exchange for crediting us 301 00:18:09,202 --> 00:18:11,204 for breaking the story in the issue. 302 00:18:11,204 --> 00:18:14,441 The numbers should be great. I'm glad we upped the West Coast draw. 303 00:18:14,441 --> 00:18:17,644 Somebody get this guy a stylist or at least some powder. 304 00:18:17,644 --> 00:18:19,446 He's going to drown in his sweat. 305 00:18:19,446 --> 00:18:22,549 We're not gonna have it all to ourselves next week. 306 00:18:22,549 --> 00:18:24,651 Does anyone have a jump on the next cover? 307 00:18:24,651 --> 00:18:28,421 We're thinking victim's parents, something like this... 308 00:18:28,421 --> 00:18:31,391 Filler. The girl was pregnant. Who is the baby's father? 309 00:18:31,391 --> 00:18:35,762 - I haven't found a boyfriend. - Stop telling me what you don't have. 310 00:18:35,762 --> 00:18:38,698 - You've got an in with the best friend. - I'm working on it. 311 00:18:38,698 --> 00:18:41,801 Hey! Wanted to come by and congratulate everybody. 312 00:18:41,801 --> 00:18:44,437 - Good job this week. - Thanks, Brent. 313 00:18:44,437 --> 00:18:47,841 - Is that next week's cover? - Something we're playing around with. 314 00:18:47,841 --> 00:18:51,511 - I'll let you know when it's locked. - Uh-huh. 315 00:18:51,511 --> 00:18:53,913 - We have the parents' cooperation? - We'll see. 316 00:18:53,913 --> 00:18:57,951 Talk to legal. They're not public figures. If they won't cooperate... 317 00:18:57,951 --> 00:19:01,588 Last week they weren't public figures. Today the whole world knows them. 318 00:19:01,588 --> 00:19:04,858 - Because of us. - You only worry about your image. 319 00:19:04,858 --> 00:19:08,361 About the magazine's image. What we publish has consequences. 320 00:19:08,361 --> 00:19:10,864 This case was going nowhere until we stepped in. 321 00:19:10,864 --> 00:19:14,668 We may raise enough hell to bring this girl's killer to justice. 322 00:19:14,668 --> 00:19:16,936 How's that for consequences? 323 00:19:16,936 --> 00:19:21,174 Wow. Seems like I hit a nerve. 324 00:19:21,174 --> 00:19:23,310 What are the odds of that, one in a billion? 325 00:19:23,310 --> 00:19:24,311 Oh, God. 326 00:19:26,279 --> 00:19:29,282 The competition on this case is about to get intense. 327 00:19:29,282 --> 00:19:31,351 We need to continue breaking this story. 328 00:19:31,351 --> 00:19:34,454 If we do, we won't get one more cover, we'll get five, 329 00:19:34,454 --> 00:19:37,490 explosive reveal of the unborn baby's father, 330 00:19:37,490 --> 00:19:40,894 the arrest, perp walk, trial, justice. 331 00:19:40,894 --> 00:19:44,864 This girl's dead. I want to know who. I want to know what. I want to know why. 332 00:19:49,035 --> 00:19:52,972 - Fun story, huh? - Yeah, everyone loves a murder. 333 00:19:52,972 --> 00:19:56,242 Fifteen and, bam, it's over just like that. 334 00:19:56,242 --> 00:19:58,278 Yep. 335 00:19:59,179 --> 00:20:00,580 You're not objective. 336 00:20:02,549 --> 00:20:04,150 Excuse me? 337 00:20:04,150 --> 00:20:07,487 This story. I know why you're so obsessed by it. 338 00:20:07,487 --> 00:20:12,625 I'm a mad genius? Or is it my gift to find editorial gold? 339 00:20:12,625 --> 00:20:13,660 It's the girl. 340 00:20:19,199 --> 00:20:23,002 I remember way back one night, you got drunk at McClootey's, 341 00:20:23,002 --> 00:20:25,271 told me the story of your father's suicide, 342 00:20:25,271 --> 00:20:29,542 how you found his body, how you never understood why he did it. 343 00:20:31,244 --> 00:20:35,048 You were 15, just like this girl. 344 00:20:35,048 --> 00:20:39,886 You said you died that day. Your words. "I died that day." 345 00:20:39,886 --> 00:20:44,791 That's why you wanted to be a reporter, so you could know the why of things. 346 00:20:44,791 --> 00:20:48,695 - I said that? - You were drunk. 347 00:20:48,695 --> 00:20:51,231 Yeah. Must've been. 348 00:20:51,231 --> 00:20:54,367 You said your father's suicide was the one mystery 349 00:20:54,367 --> 00:20:57,070 you most wanted to solve. 350 00:20:57,070 --> 00:21:00,140 You said it like everything would fall into place if you knew 351 00:21:00,140 --> 00:21:04,277 the answer to that question. "Why? Why did he do it?" 352 00:21:04,277 --> 00:21:09,082 Aren't you curious? About her life? Her death? 353 00:21:09,082 --> 00:21:11,751 Don't you want to know what happened? 354 00:21:11,751 --> 00:21:15,155 Or have your reporting instincts gone the way of your liver? 355 00:21:18,324 --> 00:21:22,462 You can stop negating my concern by focusing on my alcoholism. 356 00:21:22,462 --> 00:21:24,631 I concede. I'm a drunk. 357 00:21:24,631 --> 00:21:27,267 But you are emotionally involved in this story... 358 00:21:27,267 --> 00:21:28,668 I'm finding answers. 359 00:21:30,069 --> 00:21:31,971 Not everything has an answer. 360 00:22:07,640 --> 00:22:09,709 Don't tell me you can't do an interview. 361 00:22:09,709 --> 00:22:11,945 You're getting a makeover for Larry King! 362 00:22:11,945 --> 00:22:14,047 Everything goes through my publicist. 363 00:22:14,047 --> 00:22:15,782 How'd you get a publicist, Andy? 364 00:22:15,782 --> 00:22:17,984 Anything to do with coverage I gave you? 365 00:22:17,984 --> 00:22:22,388 I'm not saying no, Chuck. It's just the deal with CNN is exclusive. 366 00:22:22,388 --> 00:22:25,558 I think it's just TV, but we might be talking about print. 367 00:22:25,558 --> 00:22:29,863 I can get a different leading man. It's still my story. 368 00:22:29,863 --> 00:22:32,699 Larry's ready when you are. Look into the camera. 369 00:22:32,699 --> 00:22:34,734 Wait, wait! I'm not saying no, OK? 370 00:22:34,734 --> 00:22:37,036 It's that they're talking about a book deal. 371 00:22:37,036 --> 00:22:40,306 Call my publicist. I may need a ghost writer. 372 00:22:40,306 --> 00:22:44,043 And four, three, two, one... 373 00:22:45,478 --> 00:22:47,981 - - Well? 374 00:22:47,981 --> 00:22:50,383 And you want to release this? 375 00:22:50,383 --> 00:22:54,220 Oh, no, not "release." It'll be "stolen from our bedroom by a worker." 376 00:22:54,220 --> 00:22:56,689 Not a Mexican 'cause we don't want to be racist. 377 00:22:56,689 --> 00:22:59,359 - - I have to be honest with you. 378 00:22:59,359 --> 00:23:02,529 I don't think anybody really cares to see this sex tape. 379 00:23:02,529 --> 00:23:05,164 These are the numbers from our wedding special. 380 00:23:05,164 --> 00:23:08,468 - Check out the 18-34 demo. - Boys love her. 381 00:23:08,468 --> 00:23:10,603 Every girl wants a little Brady. 382 00:23:10,603 --> 00:23:15,742 Plus this video totally takes the image thing and just smashes it on its head. 383 00:23:15,742 --> 00:23:18,311 Fast-forward to the part where you choke me. 384 00:23:18,311 --> 00:23:20,346 I passed out for at least ten seconds. 385 00:23:20,346 --> 00:23:24,584 It's way edgy. I wanna see where you drip the hot candle wax on my balls. 386 00:23:24,584 --> 00:23:26,219 Yield to your mistress! 387 00:23:26,219 --> 00:23:28,354 There it is! 388 00:23:28,354 --> 00:23:31,891 Let me think about this and kick it around with my staff. 389 00:23:31,891 --> 00:23:33,059 - OK. - OK. 390 00:23:33,059 --> 00:23:35,161 - I'll be in touch with Rema. - Great. 391 00:23:35,161 --> 00:23:37,697 Thank you. 392 00:23:37,697 --> 00:23:40,533 - I'm sorry, Lucy. - No, I'm glad you're here. 393 00:23:40,533 --> 00:23:42,702 We just finished. 394 00:23:51,277 --> 00:23:54,147 - Who are they? - A favor to a publicist. 395 00:23:55,815 --> 00:23:58,017 You look good. 396 00:23:58,017 --> 00:23:59,552 - You have work? - I do. 397 00:23:59,552 --> 00:24:01,821 We're doing a crime story in Walnut Valley. 398 00:24:01,821 --> 00:24:05,725 I need candids of the victim's friends and family, school. 399 00:24:05,725 --> 00:24:07,794 You want me to do civilian candids? 400 00:24:07,794 --> 00:24:10,163 - That's what we're doing this week. - OK. 401 00:24:11,831 --> 00:24:13,666 What? 402 00:24:13,666 --> 00:24:17,337 It's not really... challenging. 403 00:24:17,337 --> 00:24:19,238 I think staying on your meds 404 00:24:19,238 --> 00:24:22,775 and off the streets is challenge enough for this week. 405 00:24:22,775 --> 00:24:25,278 She looks sweet. 406 00:24:25,278 --> 00:24:26,846 Sad. 407 00:24:26,846 --> 00:24:30,617 - Why? She's smiling. - Sad smile. 408 00:24:30,617 --> 00:24:32,852 She reminds me of you when you were younger. 409 00:24:34,954 --> 00:24:38,625 Wildcats, Wildcats, fight, fight, win! 410 00:24:38,625 --> 00:24:42,528 Then we'd do this flip-switch thing. It was cool. 411 00:24:43,930 --> 00:24:46,232 So, what did you think of the story? 412 00:24:47,734 --> 00:24:48,868 I don't know. 413 00:24:51,170 --> 00:24:53,673 What? You can tell me. 414 00:24:53,673 --> 00:24:57,744 It was all about the crime and her being pregnant. 415 00:24:57,744 --> 00:25:01,481 I mean, that's not her whole life, who she was. 416 00:25:01,481 --> 00:25:03,983 It didn't mention anything about her friends... 417 00:25:03,983 --> 00:25:07,186 I'm trying to get them to let me do a piece on that, 418 00:25:07,186 --> 00:25:12,959 who she was and her social life, baton-twirling partner, boys... 419 00:25:12,959 --> 00:25:15,061 No, she wasn't about boys. 420 00:25:15,061 --> 00:25:20,833 She was about cheerleading and her friends and church. 421 00:25:20,833 --> 00:25:24,237 Maddy, the police want to question whoever got her pregnant. 422 00:25:24,237 --> 00:25:25,738 It's not their business. 423 00:25:25,738 --> 00:25:29,976 Well, it is. It's too bad, but it is. 424 00:25:29,976 --> 00:25:32,011 - He didn't kill her. - Who? 425 00:25:34,681 --> 00:25:38,051 I just wish people could remember the good things. 426 00:25:38,051 --> 00:25:40,620 Us... us smiling like this. 427 00:25:44,791 --> 00:25:47,593 You know, I think 428 00:25:47,593 --> 00:25:50,329 that this would be a great cover story. 429 00:25:52,632 --> 00:25:55,768 That'd be... Wow. 430 00:25:55,768 --> 00:25:57,804 And the more I talk to you, 431 00:25:57,804 --> 00:26:01,040 the more I think that this was who she was, with you. 432 00:26:01,040 --> 00:26:03,776 But my editor is insane about cover stories. 433 00:26:03,776 --> 00:26:08,247 There needs to be more information. It just can't be background. 434 00:26:08,247 --> 00:26:11,784 I don't agree with it, but that's her deal. 435 00:26:11,784 --> 00:26:16,122 So, if you know who Amber was sleeping with... 436 00:26:19,192 --> 00:26:22,595 Look, Maddy, the police are going to find out anyway. 437 00:26:22,595 --> 00:26:26,432 So if you tell me, at least I can paint the right picture for people. 438 00:26:29,702 --> 00:26:34,574 Amber did sort of have a boyfriend. Tyler Kurta. 439 00:26:34,574 --> 00:26:38,611 She wasn't allowed to date, so no one really knew. 440 00:27:06,239 --> 00:27:08,441 Hello? 441 00:27:11,911 --> 00:27:14,046 Is anyone out there? 442 00:27:36,135 --> 00:27:37,270 Are you lost? 443 00:27:39,672 --> 00:27:41,808 I think so. 444 00:27:43,309 --> 00:27:44,443 Come with me. 445 00:27:56,189 --> 00:27:58,891 - It's quiet. - Yes. 446 00:28:02,361 --> 00:28:06,432 - Can I take your picture? - Of course. 447 00:28:06,432 --> 00:28:08,901 First, let's pray. 448 00:28:35,294 --> 00:28:37,864 The book's jammed the next few issues. 449 00:28:37,864 --> 00:28:40,266 - But we'll see what we can do. - Thank you. 450 00:28:44,003 --> 00:28:48,107 There you are. Shar, I'd like you to meet our editor-in-chief, Lucy Spiller. 451 00:28:48,107 --> 00:28:51,911 Lucy, this is Shar. She's a very talented singer. 452 00:28:51,911 --> 00:28:56,449 - Oh, I'm sure she is. - So the new issue's killing. 453 00:28:56,449 --> 00:28:59,218 Just got the newsstand numbers. 1.34. 454 00:28:59,218 --> 00:29:02,688 - Hate to say I told you so. - That's her favorite expression. 455 00:29:02,688 --> 00:29:04,891 Still exploiting the dead girl next week? 456 00:29:04,891 --> 00:29:07,760 I don't know. Still exploiting a live girl this week? 457 00:29:07,760 --> 00:29:12,765 Looks, brains and venom. How do you stay single? 458 00:29:12,765 --> 00:29:15,668 - Oh, it's a battle. - Yeah. Clearly. 459 00:29:15,668 --> 00:29:17,770 - Shall we? - Nice to meet you. 460 00:29:22,675 --> 00:29:26,178 Well, her sister's in town, so... yeah. 461 00:29:26,178 --> 00:29:27,780 Holt McLaren. 462 00:29:27,780 --> 00:29:30,416 Hi, I heard you closed a deal 463 00:29:30,416 --> 00:29:32,551 to star in Teddy Jick's new Hard Charger movies. 464 00:29:32,551 --> 00:29:35,788 - I did. - Got a few exclusive comments 465 00:29:35,788 --> 00:29:39,225 - for the magazine? - Of course. Yeah. Excuse me, fellas. 466 00:29:41,227 --> 00:29:43,329 Excuse me. 467 00:29:43,329 --> 00:29:47,233 Thank you. I don't know how many times I can tell the same stories 468 00:29:47,233 --> 00:29:50,636 to a bunch of strangers who think they know me. 469 00:29:50,636 --> 00:29:53,306 Party vampires. Get used to it. 470 00:29:53,306 --> 00:29:55,741 Could I get another one, please? 471 00:29:57,243 --> 00:29:58,945 I hate these damn things. 472 00:29:58,945 --> 00:30:02,014 You've got to find a way to make it amusing. 473 00:30:02,014 --> 00:30:06,252 I like find the people who donated 500 bucks to get in 474 00:30:06,252 --> 00:30:09,021 but spent 10 grand on a dress. 475 00:30:09,021 --> 00:30:12,091 That one does sort of scream "screw the homeless," right? 476 00:30:14,060 --> 00:30:17,229 I'm done here. I got a car out back. You want a ride home? 477 00:30:19,098 --> 00:30:20,433 - Yeah. - Let's go. 478 00:30:34,780 --> 00:30:39,151 The star of your own big action franchise. How does it feel? 479 00:30:40,619 --> 00:30:44,924 The first one's not even made. Who knows if it's gonna hit? 480 00:30:44,924 --> 00:30:48,728 It'll hit. Look at you. 481 00:30:50,396 --> 00:30:54,400 That's what's going to make you huge, you know that? 482 00:30:54,400 --> 00:30:59,038 You're a really good actor, but the thing that'll make you pop 483 00:30:59,038 --> 00:31:02,408 is that you have the look and you don't even know it. 484 00:31:02,408 --> 00:31:06,145 Well, if I pop, it's just because of your magazine. 485 00:31:06,145 --> 00:31:07,513 That too. 486 00:31:14,086 --> 00:31:16,322 So I guess I owe you. 487 00:31:17,590 --> 00:31:19,792 Yeah, you do. 488 00:31:20,559 --> 00:31:21,560 Yeah. 489 00:32:26,492 --> 00:32:28,127 Oh, God. 490 00:32:45,911 --> 00:32:47,913 Oh, God. 491 00:32:52,518 --> 00:32:54,253 Are you OK? 492 00:32:58,290 --> 00:32:59,992 Yeah. 493 00:33:06,832 --> 00:33:08,534 Home sweet home. 494 00:33:09,735 --> 00:33:12,905 I can't come in. Julia's expecting me. 495 00:33:12,905 --> 00:33:13,906 Did I invite you in? 496 00:33:17,009 --> 00:33:19,745 I'm sorry. No, no, no. I'm so sorry. 497 00:33:19,745 --> 00:33:23,883 Don't apologize. I'm glad we left at the same time. 498 00:33:23,883 --> 00:33:26,785 The car'll take you home. 499 00:33:26,785 --> 00:33:30,222 - Thank you. - Anytime. 500 00:33:42,168 --> 00:33:43,302 Good night. 501 00:34:30,316 --> 00:34:33,185 Yo, I need you to pull over. 502 00:34:34,587 --> 00:34:35,888 Yo, pull over, please. 503 00:35:14,026 --> 00:35:18,063 No. Don't mind me, I'm going to grab some shit and see myself out. 504 00:35:18,063 --> 00:35:21,934 - I didn't hear you come in. - Yeah, obviously. 505 00:35:21,934 --> 00:35:25,771 Please, babe, come on. Come on, Holt, we were just... 506 00:35:25,771 --> 00:35:28,474 - Just let him go, who cares? - Shut up. Holt... 507 00:35:29,775 --> 00:35:33,679 No, don't come near me! Don't come near me! 508 00:35:33,679 --> 00:35:35,814 Baby, please, come on. 509 00:35:35,814 --> 00:35:38,550 - Listen to yourself begging... - Get out! 510 00:35:38,550 --> 00:35:40,219 Now! Out! 511 00:35:43,022 --> 00:35:45,057 Honey, what are you doing? 512 00:35:45,057 --> 00:35:47,226 Really got her on a leash, don't you? 513 00:35:47,226 --> 00:35:50,195 - Baby, nothing happened! - No! I don't want to hear it. 514 00:35:50,195 --> 00:35:53,299 I'm done with your shit! I am. I'm done! 515 00:35:53,299 --> 00:35:56,368 No! No! Nothing really happened! 516 00:35:56,368 --> 00:35:59,271 All right? And it didn't mean anything! 517 00:35:59,271 --> 00:36:02,875 I mean, these pills! And the accident! 518 00:36:02,875 --> 00:36:05,978 You did Johnny Gage on your movie long before the accident. 519 00:36:05,978 --> 00:36:10,249 - No, I didn't. - I saw the tape! 520 00:36:10,249 --> 00:36:12,217 - I saw it! - What? 521 00:36:12,217 --> 00:36:16,855 Johnny giving it to you from behind in some hotel or some shit? 522 00:36:16,855 --> 00:36:18,824 Yeah. 523 00:36:19,758 --> 00:36:21,527 I saw the tape months ago! 524 00:36:23,529 --> 00:36:28,434 Jesus. You knew someone had a sex tape on me and you didn't tell me? 525 00:36:28,434 --> 00:36:31,203 What kind of a person are you? 526 00:36:32,604 --> 00:36:35,541 I've been asking the same thing about you for a long time. 527 00:36:49,221 --> 00:36:53,025 Look, I loved Amber. I'd never do anything to hurt her. 528 00:36:54,460 --> 00:36:56,328 The police are going to believe that? 529 00:36:56,328 --> 00:37:00,099 This is your chance to get out your side of the story. 530 00:37:00,099 --> 00:37:03,769 We never did anything wrong. We're good Christians, both of us. 531 00:37:05,371 --> 00:37:09,241 - She was pregnant, Tyler. - That's not possible. 532 00:37:09,241 --> 00:37:11,643 We took the "True Love Waits" chastity pledge. 533 00:37:11,643 --> 00:37:13,679 - Everyone at church does. - Tyler. 534 00:37:13,679 --> 00:37:18,550 Look, we never had sex. Not "sex" sex. 535 00:37:18,550 --> 00:37:21,453 We just... 536 00:37:21,453 --> 00:37:24,523 Look, there's no way I got Amber pregnant, OK? 537 00:37:24,523 --> 00:37:27,059 Her virginity was sacred to both of us. 538 00:37:28,427 --> 00:37:30,796 That's why we agreed I'd only put it in her butt. 539 00:37:39,838 --> 00:37:43,342 - There are no shots of the boyfriend. - He's her minister. 540 00:37:43,342 --> 00:37:45,711 OK, Don, I need shots of the boyfriend. 541 00:37:47,012 --> 00:37:48,013 I can do that. 542 00:37:56,922 --> 00:37:58,457 You look different. 543 00:38:00,492 --> 00:38:01,994 I do? 544 00:38:01,994 --> 00:38:05,030 Your hands are relaxed and your eyes are soft. 545 00:38:08,200 --> 00:38:11,270 These shots are useless. I need you to go back and get more. 546 00:38:11,270 --> 00:38:15,107 Less pious minister, more ass-banging boyfriend. 547 00:38:15,107 --> 00:38:16,408 OK. 548 00:38:19,845 --> 00:38:22,481 And grab something to eat. 549 00:38:29,087 --> 00:38:31,924 Peanut butter and banana on the croissant. 550 00:38:31,924 --> 00:38:34,693 Mmm... 551 00:38:34,693 --> 00:38:36,862 I've seen your stuff in a gallery, right? 552 00:38:36,862 --> 00:38:41,500 No. No. This is... this is just for me. 553 00:38:43,769 --> 00:38:46,672 That's too bad. They're beautiful. 554 00:39:13,165 --> 00:39:15,167 Where'd you go? 555 00:39:15,167 --> 00:39:17,402 Just out driving. 556 00:39:20,739 --> 00:39:23,909 Did you expect everything to be different when you got back here? 557 00:39:40,192 --> 00:39:41,894 What happened to us? 558 00:39:47,299 --> 00:39:48,634 I don't know. 559 00:39:50,903 --> 00:39:52,571 Other things just took over. 560 00:39:55,407 --> 00:39:57,075 How do we go back? 561 00:40:02,314 --> 00:40:06,418 I wish we could just get out of here, you know? 562 00:40:08,220 --> 00:40:11,256 Go someplace where nobody knows us. 563 00:40:14,393 --> 00:40:15,427 Where? 564 00:40:22,167 --> 00:40:23,268 I don't know. 565 00:40:27,005 --> 00:40:31,109 These stories always need great characters, a hero making the case. 566 00:40:31,109 --> 00:40:35,080 - Could be the medical examiner. - You can drop the sales pitch. 567 00:40:35,080 --> 00:40:39,251 National Enquirer's already offered me 10 grand for a first look at my report. 568 00:40:40,185 --> 00:40:42,087 So, what's it really worth? 569 00:40:42,087 --> 00:40:47,192 This small town's just not as quaint as it used to be, is it? 570 00:40:47,192 --> 00:40:51,096 Twenty grand, cash, and that's exclusive. No one else sees it. 571 00:40:51,096 --> 00:40:53,799 OK. 572 00:40:56,201 --> 00:41:00,238 - Better be worth it. - Oh, it is. 573 00:41:00,238 --> 00:41:03,508 We've ID'd the father of the victim's unborn baby. 574 00:41:05,644 --> 00:41:07,245 My God. 575 00:41:09,114 --> 00:41:12,918 God bless Don Konkey. He had the right shots all along. 576 00:41:12,918 --> 00:41:15,787 - What do you think? - I think it's not accurate. 577 00:41:15,787 --> 00:41:17,589 Excuse me? 578 00:41:17,589 --> 00:41:19,524 It implies he killed the girl. 579 00:41:19,524 --> 00:41:23,629 He's her minister. He got her pregnant. She's murdered. 580 00:41:23,629 --> 00:41:25,797 Readers will draw their own conclusions. 581 00:41:25,797 --> 00:41:28,233 Off a headline that reads "He Did It"? 582 00:41:28,233 --> 00:41:29,968 It refers to getting her pregnant. 583 00:41:29,968 --> 00:41:34,139 Oh, please. The cover's a lie and you know it. 584 00:41:34,139 --> 00:41:37,909 The cover is a sales tool. The story is inside, and it's accurate. 585 00:41:37,909 --> 00:41:41,013 This is why I don't do this anymore. I get sent in to get facts, 586 00:41:41,013 --> 00:41:43,448 they get twisted around to make the cover work. 587 00:41:43,448 --> 00:41:46,284 The guy is a child-violating asshole. That is fact. 588 00:41:46,284 --> 00:41:51,023 You can keep going after everyone in the world, expose everyone else's secrets, 589 00:41:51,023 --> 00:41:52,858 it's not gonna get you what you want. 590 00:41:52,858 --> 00:41:55,761 It's not going to tell you why your father killed himself. 591 00:41:55,761 --> 00:41:57,863 Get out! Drunk! 592 00:41:59,231 --> 00:42:02,934 The wall is locked. Get it to press. 593 00:42:02,934 --> 00:42:06,138 Reverend Sweet was arrested today for the murder 594 00:42:06,138 --> 00:42:09,941 of 15-year-old Amber Carmichael in Walnut Valley, California. 595 00:42:09,941 --> 00:42:13,412 Dirt Now's new issue says that according to coroner's report, 596 00:42:13,412 --> 00:42:16,715 Reverend Sweet was the father of the victim's unborn child. 597 00:42:16,715 --> 00:42:19,284 Oh, my God, Willa. Oh, my God. 598 00:42:19,284 --> 00:42:21,687 I got here as fast as I could. Are you OK? 599 00:42:21,687 --> 00:42:25,624 Who told you my father killed Amber? 600 00:42:25,624 --> 00:42:29,127 I know you must be really freaked seeing your father get arrested... 601 00:42:29,127 --> 00:42:33,498 It's in your magazine! "He Did It!" He didn't do it! 602 00:42:33,498 --> 00:42:36,635 Maddy, your father got Amber pregnant... 603 00:42:36,635 --> 00:42:40,005 I know, but he didn't kill her! 604 00:42:40,005 --> 00:42:43,608 It's all wrong! I loved him! 605 00:42:43,608 --> 00:42:47,145 She seduced him! She preyed on him! 606 00:42:47,145 --> 00:42:50,215 - It was her! - What? 607 00:42:52,384 --> 00:42:57,422 - Look, it's OK, you can... - It's not OK! He's my father. 608 00:42:57,422 --> 00:42:59,624 He loved me, not her. 609 00:42:59,624 --> 00:43:02,828 What we had was ours. Sacred. 610 00:43:02,828 --> 00:43:08,366 Ours and God's and no one else's. That's what he said. 611 00:43:08,366 --> 00:43:12,904 When she told me she was going to have his baby, I just... 612 00:43:12,904 --> 00:43:14,806 I had to kill her. 613 00:43:17,242 --> 00:43:22,414 I did. He wasn't supposed to be with anyone but me! 614 00:43:22,414 --> 00:43:26,351 That was our promise! So I killed her. 615 00:43:26,351 --> 00:43:30,021 I did it. Not Daddy. 616 00:43:30,021 --> 00:43:32,924 This should be me on the cover. 617 00:43:32,924 --> 00:43:34,626 Me. 618 00:43:46,872 --> 00:43:51,176 I was pretty shocked when he told me, but he's my husband. 619 00:43:51,176 --> 00:43:53,345 I love him forever, you know? 620 00:43:55,380 --> 00:43:59,885 I have to be true to who I am inside. That's what Adrianne allows me to do. 621 00:44:01,953 --> 00:44:03,789 I've started the hormone therapy, 622 00:44:03,789 --> 00:44:06,858 and if it all goes well, I should be "Christina" by May.