1 00:00:01,225 --> 00:00:02,893 My name's Don Konkey. 2 00:00:02,893 --> 00:00:04,695 I take pictures. 3 00:00:06,163 --> 00:00:09,032 I'm a functional schizophrenic. 4 00:00:09,032 --> 00:00:12,236 - Good work, Don. - I work for my best friend, Lucy Spiller. 5 00:00:12,236 --> 00:00:15,005 Tyreese is leaving training right now. 6 00:00:15,005 --> 00:00:19,343 She had me take some pictures of the basketball star, Prince Tyreese. 7 00:00:19,343 --> 00:00:22,279 He found out and got mad. 8 00:00:22,279 --> 00:00:25,449 - Who you working for? - Nobody! Just me! 9 00:00:25,449 --> 00:00:28,919 This is Holt McLaren. He's a good actor. 10 00:00:28,919 --> 00:00:30,120 You're creepy, man. 11 00:00:30,120 --> 00:00:32,055 He doesn't like me. 12 00:00:32,055 --> 00:00:34,091 Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey! 13 00:00:34,091 --> 00:00:36,260 I'd love to do a feature on you. 14 00:00:36,260 --> 00:00:41,565 But he gave Lucy dirt on how Kira Klay was gonna have a baby. 15 00:00:41,565 --> 00:00:43,700 She OD'd 16 00:00:43,700 --> 00:00:45,702 Then she died. 17 00:00:45,702 --> 00:00:47,437 Morning, sweetheart. 18 00:00:47,437 --> 00:00:49,406 Now she lives with me. 19 00:00:49,406 --> 00:00:51,542 You saved my life and nursed me back to health. 20 00:00:51,542 --> 00:00:55,412 Holt's girlfriend, Julia Mallory, got hurt real bad 21 00:00:55,412 --> 00:00:58,182 when Holt got mad and crashed his car. 22 00:00:58,182 --> 00:01:00,250 She got injured. 23 00:01:00,250 --> 00:01:02,886 Holt got a David Fincher movie. 24 00:01:02,886 --> 00:01:05,656 - That's awesome. - You're gonna make them for less money. 25 00:01:05,656 --> 00:01:07,324 Knock off 20%. 26 00:01:07,324 --> 00:01:09,293 Lucy's magazines were in trouble, 27 00:01:09,293 --> 00:01:12,196 so she convinced Gibson Horne to merge them into one. 28 00:01:12,196 --> 00:01:15,499 The credibility of Now with all the lurid fun of Dirt . 29 00:01:15,499 --> 00:01:17,801 And God help you if you're wrong. 30 00:01:21,171 --> 00:01:25,642 It's called "ovophagy," sharks battling in the womb, 31 00:01:25,642 --> 00:01:29,813 devouring their brothers and sisters until only the fittest survive. 32 00:01:29,813 --> 00:01:32,482 Which is why we're all here today. Lucky us. 33 00:01:32,482 --> 00:01:35,485 Now magazine is venerable, respected, 34 00:01:35,485 --> 00:01:37,521 and hemorrhaging cash. 35 00:01:37,521 --> 00:01:41,124 Dirt has solid sales, but its readers will always be low-rent. 36 00:01:41,124 --> 00:01:42,626 So the ad revenue isn't there. 37 00:01:42,626 --> 00:01:44,962 These two magazines cannot survive. 38 00:01:44,962 --> 00:01:47,264 So I thought about the sharks, 39 00:01:47,264 --> 00:01:51,034 turning a liability into a source of nutrition. 40 00:01:51,034 --> 00:01:56,907 As of today, Dirt and Now are merging into one new single publication. 41 00:01:58,442 --> 00:02:00,444 A tabloid with class. 42 00:02:00,444 --> 00:02:04,681 All the fun of Dirt with the prestige of Now. 43 00:02:04,681 --> 00:02:08,819 Now has been a pillar of the American journalistic landscape 44 00:02:08,819 --> 00:02:10,554 for over 70 years. 45 00:02:10,554 --> 00:02:15,792 We survived McCarthyism. We can certainly survive a dip in sales. 46 00:02:15,792 --> 00:02:18,829 First of all, Reginald, I know how you hate a mixed metaphor. 47 00:02:18,829 --> 00:02:22,733 So I'm going to have to call you on the whole "pillar of the landscape" thing. 48 00:02:22,733 --> 00:02:24,568 Pillars don't hold up landscapes. 49 00:02:24,568 --> 00:02:27,371 Secondly, thank you for your look backwards. 50 00:02:27,371 --> 00:02:29,840 That will be the last look in that direction 51 00:02:29,840 --> 00:02:33,277 - that anyone in these offices takes. - With due respect, 52 00:02:33,277 --> 00:02:35,512 I'm not going to be part of the dismantling 53 00:02:35,512 --> 00:02:37,648 of an American journalistic icon. 54 00:02:37,648 --> 00:02:41,218 Of course you're not. Because, with due respect, you're fired. 55 00:02:41,218 --> 00:02:43,921 - Now get out. - [people murmuring] 56 00:02:43,921 --> 00:02:47,991 And anyone who wants to keep doing the same old tired crap, feel free to leave. 57 00:02:47,991 --> 00:02:50,360 Those of you who want to do something new, 58 00:02:50,360 --> 00:02:53,030 do real reporting, break stories, stay. 59 00:02:53,030 --> 00:02:56,199 I believe in the truth above all else. 60 00:02:56,199 --> 00:02:57,467 And this... 61 00:02:57,467 --> 00:02:59,369 ...is truth. 62 00:02:59,369 --> 00:03:01,238 We have to be sharks. 63 00:03:01,238 --> 00:03:04,241 If we succeed, there's room for about half of you to stay. 64 00:03:04,241 --> 00:03:07,244 If we fail, we're all finished, including me. 65 00:03:08,845 --> 00:03:11,748 We have one week to prove our right to survive. 66 00:03:11,748 --> 00:03:14,117 Or get eaten alive. 67 00:03:14,117 --> 00:03:16,119 [♪ Debby Holiday: Dig Deep ] 68 00:03:16,119 --> 00:03:20,824 ♪ Dig in, dig deep Deserve what you reap ♪ 69 00:03:20,824 --> 00:03:25,162 ♪ Don't you know the truth will set you free? ♪ 70 00:03:29,366 --> 00:03:33,036 First off, we need some hot-ass cover tries. Who wants Cozmo The Pitch Ball? 71 00:03:33,036 --> 00:03:34,137 [man] Back here! 72 00:03:36,139 --> 00:03:38,208 Profile on Aundre G. 73 00:03:38,208 --> 00:03:40,978 Yeah, let's launch a new magazine with a black R&B star. 74 00:03:40,978 --> 00:03:42,813 That'll really move at K-Mart. 75 00:03:42,813 --> 00:03:45,549 The guy vanishes without a trace. 76 00:03:45,549 --> 00:03:48,151 Four months later, his CD's are topping the charts. 77 00:03:48,151 --> 00:03:51,254 - He's a phenomenon. - So he's in rehab, big deal. 78 00:03:51,254 --> 00:03:54,257 Maybe he pulled a Chapelle. Anybody check South Africa? 79 00:03:54,257 --> 00:03:57,894 Maybe he figured out "mysterious disappearance" sells a lot of records. 80 00:03:57,894 --> 00:03:59,629 Either way, it's a great mystery. 81 00:03:59,629 --> 00:04:01,832 Everyone's gonna cover the mystery angle. 82 00:04:01,832 --> 00:04:03,900 This new magazine has to break stories. 83 00:04:03,900 --> 00:04:05,802 Solve it, that's a cover. 84 00:04:05,802 --> 00:04:07,771 - Next. - Right here. 85 00:04:07,771 --> 00:04:11,041 What about a cover on Hollywood meds, who's taking what? 86 00:04:11,041 --> 00:04:13,643 It's a great chip, not a cover. Work it out. Next! 87 00:04:13,643 --> 00:04:16,580 - Here. - Um, I... I... have something. 88 00:04:16,580 --> 00:04:19,750 - Oh! Sorry. - [laughter] 89 00:04:19,750 --> 00:04:21,685 McPherson, wow me. 90 00:04:21,685 --> 00:04:24,621 I'm not really sure it's anything, really, 91 00:04:24,621 --> 00:04:26,923 but you know Connie Chris, 92 00:04:26,923 --> 00:04:29,993 the former Mouseketeer turned Christian rocker? 93 00:04:29,993 --> 00:04:34,331 She has a new album, so I went to pull some event shots 94 00:04:34,331 --> 00:04:37,100 and there's nothing new for the last three days. 95 00:04:37,100 --> 00:04:39,636 And she's suddenly got no PR ties. 96 00:04:39,636 --> 00:04:43,507 She's launching a new album, and she hasn't been seen since Friday. 97 00:04:43,507 --> 00:04:46,710 - She's been called to The Rapture! - And we're still here? 98 00:04:46,710 --> 00:04:49,846 Maybe she's shacking up with Aundre G in South Africa. 99 00:04:49,846 --> 00:04:51,848 At least working with his publicist. 100 00:04:51,848 --> 00:04:53,450 Did you check with her publicist? 101 00:04:53,450 --> 00:04:55,685 Her assistant says Connie's got a flu, 102 00:04:55,685 --> 00:04:57,854 they're rescheduling things, no big deal. 103 00:04:57,854 --> 00:04:59,689 Let's see what we can find. 104 00:04:59,689 --> 00:05:02,859 We are not running rumors or chasing other magazines. 105 00:05:02,859 --> 00:05:07,597 We live or die by breaking stories. We have one week for this cover. 106 00:05:07,597 --> 00:05:09,433 Let's get to work. 107 00:05:10,434 --> 00:05:12,569 You sure you're ready? 108 00:05:12,569 --> 00:05:14,304 Listen, if it's too soon... 109 00:05:14,304 --> 00:05:18,075 I've missed two episodes. If I don't go back, they'll recast me. 110 00:05:18,075 --> 00:05:21,378 Come on, you're Julia Mallory. They can't recast you. 111 00:05:22,345 --> 00:05:24,414 Listen, if you need more time... 112 00:05:24,414 --> 00:05:26,650 Goddamn back feels like there's a knife in it. 113 00:05:27,884 --> 00:05:28,919 You want water? 114 00:05:37,027 --> 00:05:38,428 All right. 115 00:05:41,064 --> 00:05:42,899 Oh, Jesus, my agent. 116 00:05:42,899 --> 00:05:46,169 I can't deal with Quinn saying how beautiful I look. 117 00:05:46,169 --> 00:05:48,972 - I'll keep them away. - Please? 118 00:05:48,972 --> 00:05:54,010 Hey, listen, you're going to do great, OK? 119 00:05:54,010 --> 00:05:57,414 - This is your show. They love you. - "They" who? 120 00:05:57,414 --> 00:06:01,351 Asshole writers didn't even write in a reason my character was away. 121 00:06:02,853 --> 00:06:05,789 America loves you. 122 00:06:05,789 --> 00:06:07,057 Come on. 123 00:06:07,057 --> 00:06:09,192 It's gonna be fine. 124 00:06:09,192 --> 00:06:11,595 All right? 125 00:06:11,595 --> 00:06:13,897 There she is. I told you she'd be ready. 126 00:06:13,897 --> 00:06:14,965 Hey. 127 00:06:14,965 --> 00:06:18,869 Oh, my God! You look beautiful. 128 00:06:19,970 --> 00:06:21,371 Hey. 129 00:06:21,371 --> 00:06:25,208 Hey, listen, I talked to Jeff. It's your show. 130 00:06:25,208 --> 00:06:27,911 - They should go at your pace. - I'm fine. 131 00:06:27,911 --> 00:06:31,047 I know. They should just go at your pace. 132 00:06:31,047 --> 00:06:33,650 She should have some quiet time before taping. 133 00:06:33,650 --> 00:06:36,987 All right, well, we're here all day. Whatever you need. 134 00:06:36,987 --> 00:06:40,056 - Thank you. - Oh, hey, Holt, 135 00:06:40,056 --> 00:06:43,160 you know, Teddy Jick is shooting My War on the lot. 136 00:06:43,160 --> 00:06:44,694 Oh, with Jack Dawson, right? 137 00:06:44,694 --> 00:06:47,531 Yeah. We're having lunch with Teddy on the set. 138 00:06:47,531 --> 00:06:52,235 He's got this new action franchise, three big summer movies in a row. 139 00:06:52,235 --> 00:06:55,405 He's talking to Dawson, but you should meet him. 140 00:06:55,405 --> 00:06:57,807 Why don't you come to lunch with us? 141 00:06:57,807 --> 00:07:01,478 - I'm going to hang with Julia. - Unless she needs her quiet. 142 00:07:01,478 --> 00:07:04,281 You'd like Teddy, I'm telling you, he's a hoot. 143 00:07:04,281 --> 00:07:06,349 And he's always got something hot. 144 00:07:06,349 --> 00:07:09,452 A smart action picture would be a great move for you. 145 00:07:09,452 --> 00:07:12,088 - You should go. - Are you sure? 146 00:07:12,088 --> 00:07:14,591 Yeah, it could be good for you. 147 00:07:14,591 --> 00:07:17,794 And he's right, I could use some quiet time. 148 00:07:17,794 --> 00:07:21,364 - Just be back for my taping, OK? - I promise. 149 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:26,903 You go to Gibson Horne to merge the magazines? 150 00:07:26,903 --> 00:07:28,605 The ad pages weren't there. 151 00:07:28,605 --> 00:07:31,041 You think the advertisers are going to line up 152 00:07:31,041 --> 00:07:33,476 to buy into your glossy tabloid? 153 00:07:33,476 --> 00:07:35,712 Gibson is behind this new magazine. 154 00:07:35,712 --> 00:07:37,714 If you can't deliver advertisers, 155 00:07:37,714 --> 00:07:39,916 I will pick up the phone and let him know. 156 00:07:39,916 --> 00:07:41,051 I'll get the ads. 157 00:07:41,051 --> 00:07:44,120 I'll even up the draw. 158 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:47,524 Heard you showed a video of sharks eating their siblings in the womb. 159 00:07:47,524 --> 00:07:50,427 Rumor going around you had a twin suffered the same fate. 160 00:07:51,995 --> 00:07:53,730 Yeah, I like my space. 161 00:07:53,730 --> 00:07:54,931 Yeah. 162 00:07:56,566 --> 00:08:00,503 [phone ringing] 163 00:08:00,503 --> 00:08:03,974 [answering machine] Hi, this is Don. Leave a message. 164 00:08:03,974 --> 00:08:07,043 [Lucy] Don, hey, it's me, pick up. I need to talk to you. 165 00:08:14,017 --> 00:08:16,219 I know you're there, Don. Pick up. 166 00:08:16,219 --> 00:08:19,656 I should ...should get that. 167 00:08:19,656 --> 00:08:23,093 Call her back? Please. 168 00:08:25,028 --> 00:08:28,398 OK, call me as soon as you get this message. Bye. 169 00:08:28,398 --> 00:08:30,533 - [machine beeps] - See? 170 00:08:30,533 --> 00:08:33,103 She's gonna be just fine, mister. 171 00:08:37,073 --> 00:08:38,875 Stay with me. 172 00:08:43,813 --> 00:08:47,784 Stay with me. 173 00:09:04,567 --> 00:09:08,705 So Marlon looks Ali McGraw in the face, and says, 174 00:09:08,705 --> 00:09:11,107 "It was a pleasure meeting you." 175 00:09:11,107 --> 00:09:16,613 Then he looks down at her breasts, tips his hat and says, "Ladies." 176 00:09:16,613 --> 00:09:19,149 Evans is standing there, his mouth wide open. 177 00:09:19,149 --> 00:09:20,383 I almost shit myself. 178 00:09:21,851 --> 00:09:24,554 Well, listen, I should probably get back to her taping. 179 00:09:24,554 --> 00:09:26,856 Those things always start late. 180 00:09:26,856 --> 00:09:29,726 I hear great things on the Fincher picture. 181 00:09:29,726 --> 00:09:32,595 You need a big next move. Something to really... 182 00:09:32,595 --> 00:09:33,963 Hold on a second. Dawson! 183 00:09:33,963 --> 00:09:37,133 - Hey. - My man. 184 00:09:37,133 --> 00:09:39,836 - You don't holler back? What's up with that? - How are ya? 185 00:09:39,836 --> 00:09:42,872 Have you met the new you? Holt McLaren, Jack Dawson. 186 00:09:42,872 --> 00:09:45,875 Hey, congratulations on the movie, man. Good job. 187 00:09:45,875 --> 00:09:47,544 Thank you. We'll see how it goes. 188 00:09:47,544 --> 00:09:49,813 "See how it goes." Bullshit. The kid's on fire. 189 00:09:49,813 --> 00:09:51,514 You better watch yourself, Jack. 190 00:09:51,514 --> 00:09:55,118 With the press he's getting, you get too pushy on this deal, 191 00:09:55,118 --> 00:09:57,187 I might give the part to him. 192 00:09:57,187 --> 00:10:01,191 Yeah, OK, I gotta eat this and then I gotta get into touch-ups. 193 00:10:01,191 --> 00:10:03,626 - Good to meet you. - You too, man. 194 00:10:03,626 --> 00:10:04,627 Good luck. 195 00:10:06,029 --> 00:10:08,498 [man] Everybody, quiet please! 196 00:10:08,498 --> 00:10:09,866 And action! 197 00:10:13,503 --> 00:10:16,406 So, do I look sophisticated? 198 00:10:17,374 --> 00:10:18,775 Cut! 199 00:10:18,775 --> 00:10:21,344 "You look like Thurston Popeye III." 200 00:10:21,344 --> 00:10:25,715 I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, guys. Sorry. Um, is Holt here yet? 201 00:10:25,715 --> 00:10:29,419 No, Holt is not here. Can we do this, please? 202 00:10:29,419 --> 00:10:30,487 Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. 203 00:10:30,487 --> 00:10:33,790 OK, we're going again. 204 00:10:33,790 --> 00:10:36,292 And...action! 205 00:10:41,297 --> 00:10:43,600 So, do I look sophisticated? 206 00:10:43,600 --> 00:10:45,869 You look like Thurgood... 207 00:10:45,869 --> 00:10:47,937 Uh... Sorry! I'm so sorry! 208 00:10:47,937 --> 00:10:50,974 - "You look like Thurston Popeye III." - "Thurston Popeye III." 209 00:10:50,974 --> 00:10:53,309 Comedy gold. I got it! I got it. 210 00:10:53,309 --> 00:10:57,514 Reset, going again please, right away. 211 00:10:57,514 --> 00:10:59,149 Action! 212 00:11:01,317 --> 00:11:04,587 So, do I look sophisticated? 213 00:11:04,587 --> 00:11:08,425 [man in audience] "You look like Thurston Popeye III," dipshit! 214 00:11:08,425 --> 00:11:12,829 [audience laughing, clapping] 215 00:11:17,667 --> 00:11:19,669 Cut. 216 00:11:24,641 --> 00:11:27,577 She's gay, she's straight, she's gay, she's straight. 217 00:11:27,577 --> 00:11:29,846 The rumor fluctuates more than her weight. 218 00:11:29,846 --> 00:11:34,217 Unless you've got a shot of her coming up for air, I'm not interested. 219 00:11:34,217 --> 00:11:36,553 My wall is naked! I don't like it! 220 00:11:36,553 --> 00:11:39,689 Rema Saunders is waiting for you in the office. 221 00:11:39,689 --> 00:11:41,658 She's representing Connie Chris. 222 00:11:41,658 --> 00:11:42,792 Hold my calls. 223 00:11:45,361 --> 00:11:48,631 - Hi. - Hi, Lucy, congratulations. 224 00:11:48,631 --> 00:11:50,767 - New magazine, very exciting. - Yes. 225 00:11:50,767 --> 00:11:54,704 - Thank you. Congratulations to you on repping Connie Chris. - Thank you. 226 00:11:54,704 --> 00:11:57,207 You're here to give an exclusive for our first cover? 227 00:11:57,207 --> 00:11:58,875 I'm here with a press release, 228 00:11:58,875 --> 00:12:01,411 and it says that between nonstop work on her album 229 00:12:01,411 --> 00:12:04,481 and national church functions, Connie Chris got exhausted. 230 00:12:04,481 --> 00:12:06,850 And she'll be recovered and back to work soon. 231 00:12:06,850 --> 00:12:10,019 I wanted to give it to you personally. It seems your people 232 00:12:10,019 --> 00:12:12,388 - are particularly interested. - Really? 233 00:12:12,388 --> 00:12:14,924 Yeah, staking out her house, her mother's house, 234 00:12:14,924 --> 00:12:17,527 - her grandmother's house... - Her grandmother's? 235 00:12:17,527 --> 00:12:20,096 Hmm, someone's showing initiative. Good. 236 00:12:20,096 --> 00:12:23,500 I love press releases, they're so much fun to translate. 237 00:12:23,500 --> 00:12:26,135 Let's see here, "medical attention," 238 00:12:26,135 --> 00:12:30,840 I'm guessing is "nose job" or "abortion," but which? 239 00:12:30,840 --> 00:12:33,243 "Exhaustion," oh, that's tough. 240 00:12:33,243 --> 00:12:36,846 Maybe "rehab" or "psychotic break"? 241 00:12:36,846 --> 00:12:39,616 Connie Chris is a role model for young people. 242 00:12:39,616 --> 00:12:42,118 I will not have her reputation dragged down by... 243 00:12:42,118 --> 00:12:45,622 By what, Rema? You're a publicist. You don't exist without us. 244 00:12:46,723 --> 00:12:50,426 Give me my first cover. I'll pay you back. 245 00:12:50,426 --> 00:12:52,495 Come on. We're friends. 246 00:12:52,495 --> 00:12:54,364 You don't know what friendship is. 247 00:12:54,364 --> 00:12:58,401 I know you're lying about Connie Chris. I can smell it. 248 00:12:58,401 --> 00:13:01,137 Give me the truth, and I'll at least give you the chance 249 00:13:01,137 --> 00:13:02,472 to put your spin on it. 250 00:13:02,472 --> 00:13:04,741 You want the truth? 251 00:13:04,741 --> 00:13:07,944 I know how important this first issue is for you. 252 00:13:07,944 --> 00:13:10,446 I know you've staked your entire career on it. 253 00:13:10,446 --> 00:13:13,216 And when it all goes to shit for you, 254 00:13:13,216 --> 00:13:17,620 I am going to throw one huge party. 255 00:13:17,620 --> 00:13:19,088 How's that for the truth? 256 00:13:21,257 --> 00:13:24,494 He grew up in Bel Air. Don't look under Aundre G. It's Andrew Gerber. 257 00:13:24,494 --> 00:13:26,930 Call them back. How are your medical contacts? 258 00:13:26,930 --> 00:13:28,464 - Solid. - Great. 259 00:13:28,464 --> 00:13:31,534 This is Connie Chris's press release. It says "medical attention." 260 00:13:31,534 --> 00:13:33,836 Obviously, she's in a hospital. Find out which one. 261 00:13:33,836 --> 00:13:34,837 I'm on it. 262 00:13:36,239 --> 00:13:39,576 - [knock on door] - Julia? 263 00:13:39,576 --> 00:13:40,810 Hey. 264 00:13:43,046 --> 00:13:46,516 - I'm so sorry I missed your taping. - Lucky you. I sucked. 265 00:13:46,516 --> 00:13:49,185 Come on, I'm sure you were great. 266 00:13:49,185 --> 00:13:52,021 How would you know? You weren't there. 267 00:13:52,021 --> 00:13:54,824 You know, maybe... maybe you need a little more time off. 268 00:13:54,824 --> 00:13:56,893 That's funny, that's what they said. 269 00:13:56,893 --> 00:13:58,595 They're concerned about you, babe. 270 00:13:58,595 --> 00:14:02,231 They're concerned about getting 22 a year so they make it to syndication. 271 00:14:02,231 --> 00:14:04,267 That's what they're concerned about. 272 00:14:04,267 --> 00:14:05,335 Shit! 273 00:14:05,335 --> 00:14:06,869 Hey, hey! Babe, hey! 274 00:14:08,304 --> 00:14:09,872 It's going to take time. 275 00:14:09,872 --> 00:14:14,277 - Next week will be better. - I don't want to talk about it. 276 00:14:14,277 --> 00:14:18,514 - I'll run lines with you... - I said I don't want to talk about it. 277 00:15:20,009 --> 00:15:22,679 [Lucy] This is Connie Chris, Christian pop star. 278 00:15:22,679 --> 00:15:25,214 She dropped off radar last week. 279 00:15:25,214 --> 00:15:29,085 Reliable sources say she's at St. Alma's private hospital in Northridge. 280 00:15:29,085 --> 00:15:31,854 They happen to have a big drug-treatment program there. 281 00:15:31,854 --> 00:15:34,857 I need cover-quality pictures, plus her chart. 282 00:15:34,857 --> 00:15:36,859 OK. 283 00:15:36,859 --> 00:15:41,030 If this first issue doesn't hit, it's over... for both of us. 284 00:15:41,030 --> 00:15:43,700 Sorry, your brother called about dinner again. 285 00:15:43,700 --> 00:15:46,069 OK, I'm on my way. Lenny, this is Don. 286 00:15:46,069 --> 00:15:48,671 - Don, this is my new assistant, Lenny. - Kenny. 287 00:15:48,671 --> 00:15:51,541 Whatever. Tell everyone I'll be back in two hours. 288 00:15:51,541 --> 00:15:55,478 - I want to see cover tries. - They'll all suck. Don't let me down. 289 00:15:55,478 --> 00:15:57,814 - I won't. - I know you won't. 290 00:16:02,051 --> 00:16:04,654 I'm making coq au vin. We're celebrating. 291 00:16:04,654 --> 00:16:08,658 I'm not celebrating until the first issue hits one-point-one at the stands. 292 00:16:08,658 --> 00:16:11,994 Always about you, huh? Maybe I have something to celebrate. 293 00:16:11,994 --> 00:16:15,331 What, did you finally bang that Latvian busboy at The Rig? 294 00:16:15,331 --> 00:16:18,034 Done and done. No, this is major. 295 00:16:18,034 --> 00:16:20,870 What? What, a new commission? 296 00:16:20,870 --> 00:16:22,939 Don't hold out on your big sister. 297 00:16:22,939 --> 00:16:25,341 I didn't want to say because he was living in Ohio 298 00:16:25,341 --> 00:16:28,811 and wasn't sure he was moving back, but he is and we shook hands today, 299 00:16:28,811 --> 00:16:34,083 so I am officially Jack Dawson's new interior decorator. 300 00:16:34,083 --> 00:16:37,687 Oh, my God, Leo! That's so great! It's fantastic! 301 00:16:37,687 --> 00:16:40,957 He loves classic farmhouse. I convinced him it's my passion. 302 00:16:40,957 --> 00:16:42,358 [both laugh] 303 00:16:42,358 --> 00:16:44,827 You should talk to him, let me do a spread. 304 00:16:44,827 --> 00:16:47,930 Inside Jack Dawson's home. It will be huge for your business. 305 00:16:47,930 --> 00:16:51,434 I just got hired by Jack Dawson. My business is huge. 306 00:16:51,434 --> 00:16:53,503 Never underestimate the value of good press. 307 00:16:53,503 --> 00:16:55,505 Is this for me or you? 308 00:16:55,505 --> 00:16:59,742 Do I have to spell everything out for you? Jeez! It would be great PR. 309 00:16:59,742 --> 00:17:03,412 And, yes, it would be a great get for my magazine, 310 00:17:03,412 --> 00:17:05,948 which I desperately need right now. 311 00:17:05,948 --> 00:17:07,517 And you wonder why you're alone. 312 00:17:10,119 --> 00:17:12,188 I'm not alone. I have my magazine. 313 00:17:12,188 --> 00:17:14,657 I have this image of you in your expensive home 314 00:17:14,657 --> 00:17:17,093 with nothing to hold but your latest issue. 315 00:17:17,093 --> 00:17:19,128 Is that really enough? 316 00:17:25,468 --> 00:17:29,806 [rap music playing] 317 00:17:33,876 --> 00:17:37,446 Listen, I don't have much time. Julia thinks I'm out getting smokes. 318 00:17:37,446 --> 00:17:39,315 You look good, Holt. 319 00:17:40,449 --> 00:17:42,451 Getting cut for a new part? 320 00:17:42,451 --> 00:17:44,787 Just working on my movie. 321 00:17:44,787 --> 00:17:48,658 Don't be modest. I know you had lunch with Teddy Jick. 322 00:17:48,658 --> 00:17:53,162 And I also know that his big action franchise is still up for grabs. 323 00:17:53,162 --> 00:17:56,098 - Want my advice? - Not really. 324 00:17:58,434 --> 00:18:00,736 Julia's agents will try to sign you. 325 00:18:00,736 --> 00:18:04,640 You should make them bring you an offer on the action movie first. 326 00:18:04,640 --> 00:18:07,443 Tell them you won't sign on a promise, only a deal. 327 00:18:07,443 --> 00:18:08,744 I'll keep it in mind. 328 00:18:10,813 --> 00:18:13,850 What's eating you? I'm only looking out for you here. 329 00:18:16,452 --> 00:18:19,388 You're only looking out for me? 330 00:18:19,388 --> 00:18:24,594 Kira Klay is dead because of what I told you and what you published. 331 00:18:24,594 --> 00:18:27,330 Julia's back is screwed up and she's in constant pain. 332 00:18:27,330 --> 00:18:29,866 So don't tell me you're looking out for me. 333 00:18:29,866 --> 00:18:34,136 Kira Klay was a drug addict who got pregnant, freaked out, and OD'd. 334 00:18:34,136 --> 00:18:36,072 Your girlfriend's in constant pain 335 00:18:36,072 --> 00:18:38,975 because you flipped your car at 90 miles an hour. 336 00:18:38,975 --> 00:18:41,410 All I've done is make you look great. 337 00:18:47,416 --> 00:18:49,085 Do you know Connie Chris? 338 00:18:51,020 --> 00:18:54,290 She sings about the Bible, the Lord, and her virginity. 339 00:18:54,290 --> 00:18:57,226 We don't exactly travel in the same circle. 340 00:18:57,226 --> 00:18:59,128 You might be surprised. 341 00:18:59,128 --> 00:19:02,598 She's in a private hospital that specializes in drug rehab. 342 00:19:04,100 --> 00:19:07,904 I need to know young Hollywood's most discreet celebrity dealer. 343 00:19:07,904 --> 00:19:10,473 And I'd know this because... 344 00:19:10,473 --> 00:19:13,509 Because if you were to piss into a paper cup right now, 345 00:19:13,509 --> 00:19:15,311 it would probably dissolve. 346 00:19:19,148 --> 00:19:22,418 Connie Chris got her drugs from someone. I need to know who it is. 347 00:19:27,623 --> 00:19:32,695 All right, there's one dealer, sells to all the young actors. 348 00:19:32,695 --> 00:19:34,830 Name? 349 00:19:36,465 --> 00:19:39,368 She calls herself "Garbo." 350 00:19:39,368 --> 00:19:43,873 But you're not going to get anything from her. She's totally discreet. 351 00:19:43,873 --> 00:19:47,476 So am I. Don't you know that by now? 352 00:20:04,660 --> 00:20:06,028 Can I help you? 353 00:20:06,028 --> 00:20:08,564 Delivery, eighth floor. 354 00:20:08,564 --> 00:20:11,033 Deliveries go to the loading dock out back now. 355 00:20:11,033 --> 00:20:14,770 I always take them to the room, at least to the nurse's station. 356 00:20:14,770 --> 00:20:17,206 New policy. Loading dock. 357 00:20:17,206 --> 00:20:19,275 Our guys will get them to the room on time. 358 00:20:19,275 --> 00:20:21,610 My boss, kind of particular... 359 00:20:21,610 --> 00:20:24,213 Well, so is mine. You are not getting upstairs. 360 00:20:24,213 --> 00:20:27,116 We got a big celebrity, and you'd be surprised 361 00:20:27,116 --> 00:20:29,385 what the press would do to sneak in. 362 00:20:29,385 --> 00:20:30,953 That sucks. 363 00:20:30,953 --> 00:20:32,722 Makes it bad for everybody, doesn't it? 364 00:20:38,995 --> 00:20:41,464 I followed your crazy pap. 365 00:20:41,464 --> 00:20:44,934 Did you think I wouldn't figure out it was you who sent those pictures? 366 00:20:46,535 --> 00:20:51,507 You're a smart man, Prince. Of course I thought you'd figure it out. 367 00:20:51,507 --> 00:20:53,409 I was counting on it. 368 00:20:53,409 --> 00:20:56,078 Gibson Horne owns this magazine. 369 00:20:56,078 --> 00:21:01,017 He owns your team. That makes us family. 370 00:21:01,017 --> 00:21:04,820 I don't want to publish those nasty photos. 371 00:21:04,820 --> 00:21:08,624 That's why I intercepted the negatives, So I could give them back to you. 372 00:21:08,624 --> 00:21:11,761 Because that's what family does. They look out for each other. 373 00:21:11,761 --> 00:21:13,829 OK. 374 00:21:13,829 --> 00:21:18,434 So, I do something to look out for you, give you the negatives, 375 00:21:18,434 --> 00:21:20,770 and you do something for me. 376 00:21:22,671 --> 00:21:25,641 We're looking into the disappearance of Aundre G. 377 00:21:25,641 --> 00:21:29,345 I know you hang out with his pals and his manager. 378 00:21:29,345 --> 00:21:32,648 It's a pretty tight circle you're in. I want that story. 379 00:21:32,648 --> 00:21:35,051 I don't know. I don't know anything about that. 380 00:21:37,386 --> 00:21:41,657 Oh, I don't want this to turn into one of those ugly family fights 381 00:21:41,657 --> 00:21:45,594 where you won't help me and I won't help you. And then... 382 00:21:45,594 --> 00:21:49,065 That picture of you with the dildo gets out. 383 00:21:49,065 --> 00:21:52,535 It wouldn't be good for your image, let alone your marriage. 384 00:21:52,535 --> 00:21:54,670 I can't talk about Aundre G. 385 00:21:54,670 --> 00:21:57,473 I can give you anything else. 386 00:21:59,608 --> 00:22:04,213 How about an exclusive on how you like taking it up the ass? 387 00:22:04,213 --> 00:22:05,781 Would that work? 388 00:22:07,850 --> 00:22:09,018 Come on. 389 00:22:10,252 --> 00:22:12,054 I always protect my sources. 390 00:22:12,054 --> 00:22:16,692 Whatever you tell me, no one will ever know it came from you. 391 00:22:16,692 --> 00:22:18,661 I can't. 392 00:22:27,870 --> 00:22:29,572 We go to press in two days. 393 00:22:34,510 --> 00:22:38,614 I'm sorry I missed dinner, but I have to work late. 394 00:22:38,614 --> 00:22:42,418 I know I said I'd be there, Mom... I gotta go. I'll call you back. 395 00:22:42,418 --> 00:22:43,919 Any leads on Connie Chris? 396 00:22:43,919 --> 00:22:46,956 Trying. Nothing solid yet. 397 00:22:46,956 --> 00:22:48,691 You want a chance to crack it? 398 00:22:50,192 --> 00:22:51,327 Yeah, yes. 399 00:22:52,895 --> 00:22:55,931 This is a pager number. It's probably Connie's dealer. 400 00:22:55,931 --> 00:22:57,399 Ask for Garbo. 401 00:22:58,467 --> 00:23:00,469 Great, thanks. 402 00:23:00,469 --> 00:23:03,205 Willa. Don't page her from here. 403 00:23:03,205 --> 00:23:06,876 I was just canceling my dinner. 404 00:23:06,876 --> 00:23:10,880 This dealer expects to see a young face. That's why I picked you. 405 00:23:10,880 --> 00:23:12,815 Don't make me regret it. 406 00:23:12,815 --> 00:23:16,552 So, what do they mean, "time off"? 407 00:23:16,552 --> 00:23:18,087 They want you to get better. 408 00:23:18,087 --> 00:23:20,890 Come back when you're up to doing the show. 409 00:23:20,890 --> 00:23:23,092 I can do the goddamn show, all right? 410 00:23:23,092 --> 00:23:26,428 They said they couldn't use your stuff from the last taping, 411 00:23:26,428 --> 00:23:29,165 - that you seem drugged. - [scoffs] 412 00:23:29,165 --> 00:23:32,301 I told them that you were still recovering from the accident. 413 00:23:32,301 --> 00:23:33,936 She is still recovering! 414 00:23:33,936 --> 00:23:36,672 - That's what I told them. - So they're firing me? 415 00:23:36,672 --> 00:23:39,675 - They can't fire you. - They can suspend your deal. 416 00:23:39,675 --> 00:23:44,180 You can come back when you're ready. 417 00:23:44,180 --> 00:23:46,282 The door is open. 418 00:23:46,282 --> 00:23:50,486 This is a chance for you to take the time to get well. 419 00:23:50,486 --> 00:23:53,122 I'm fine, OK? I'm fine! 420 00:23:53,122 --> 00:23:57,092 [crying] Oh, God. Oh, my God. 421 00:23:58,460 --> 00:24:01,363 - Goddamn it, are they recasting me? - No! 422 00:24:01,363 --> 00:24:02,731 God, no! 423 00:24:02,731 --> 00:24:05,201 They're talking to Brittany Murphy about coming in 424 00:24:05,201 --> 00:24:06,468 to play your sister. 425 00:24:06,468 --> 00:24:08,837 Jesus Christ, they are totally replacing me. 426 00:24:08,837 --> 00:24:12,141 It's just for a few episodes. 427 00:24:12,141 --> 00:24:15,211 And then if it works, you come back. 428 00:24:15,211 --> 00:24:18,847 Maybe she stays. It could be a bump for the show. 429 00:24:18,847 --> 00:24:22,084 [sniffling] OK, just leave. All right? 430 00:24:22,084 --> 00:24:24,420 Go. You can both go. 431 00:24:47,943 --> 00:24:50,913 Hey... I'm going to the lab. 432 00:24:50,913 --> 00:24:52,715 Swipe card? 433 00:24:52,715 --> 00:24:56,785 I, um... Oh, I left it in the, uh... 434 00:24:56,785 --> 00:24:58,387 Gotta get these to the lab. 435 00:24:58,387 --> 00:25:01,290 I can call down, have someone come get them. 436 00:25:09,632 --> 00:25:13,969 OK... nitrous, white lightning, uh, amyl-snaps. 437 00:25:13,969 --> 00:25:15,604 You into natural shit? 438 00:25:15,604 --> 00:25:19,742 I got a batch of San Pedro cactus, serious sacred Native American stuff. 439 00:25:19,742 --> 00:25:22,411 Um... Yeah, sure. 440 00:25:22,411 --> 00:25:25,080 Uh... My boyfriend and I actually wanted to... 441 00:25:25,080 --> 00:25:27,716 Shit, no, boys aren't into natural highs. 442 00:25:27,716 --> 00:25:30,286 You want to impress him, go for some Tepanil, 443 00:25:30,286 --> 00:25:32,554 maybe a little Dover's to even him out. 444 00:25:34,623 --> 00:25:37,993 We actually wanted to throw a party for Connie when she gets out. 445 00:25:37,993 --> 00:25:39,928 - Connie? - Chris. 446 00:25:39,928 --> 00:25:44,099 Um... I told you on the phone, we're, like... we're good friends. 447 00:25:44,099 --> 00:25:45,301 Really? 448 00:25:47,236 --> 00:25:49,938 I figured you were a narc, I was gonna have to kill you. 449 00:25:54,543 --> 00:25:56,345 You brought cash? 450 00:25:56,345 --> 00:25:59,348 - Yeah 1,900, right? - Yep. 451 00:26:06,655 --> 00:26:09,558 You gotta try this. On the house. 452 00:26:11,360 --> 00:26:12,494 I... 453 00:26:12,494 --> 00:26:14,596 Seriously, I need to know you're not a narc. 454 00:26:14,596 --> 00:26:18,600 Plus this shit will totally open your mind. This to get you going. 455 00:26:18,600 --> 00:26:22,304 And then this to keep it coming in waves all night. 456 00:26:23,772 --> 00:26:26,809 Come on. It will change your life. 457 00:26:26,809 --> 00:26:28,811 [sniffing] 458 00:26:28,811 --> 00:26:30,979 Mmm... yeah. 459 00:26:30,979 --> 00:26:34,817 It's like coming, isn't it? Here. 460 00:26:48,030 --> 00:26:50,699 Are you really friends with Connie Chris? 461 00:26:50,699 --> 00:26:52,701 Um... Yeah. 462 00:26:54,069 --> 00:26:56,605 Give her a message for me? 463 00:26:56,605 --> 00:26:58,006 Yeah. 464 00:26:58,006 --> 00:27:01,610 You tell her there is a dealer in Hollywood... 465 00:27:04,079 --> 00:27:06,415 ...who thinks she's searing-hot sexy. 466 00:27:20,028 --> 00:27:23,165 No, she's fine. She's sleeping. 467 00:27:23,165 --> 00:27:27,403 [man] Good, good, and you? Teddy Jick loved you, you know. 468 00:27:27,403 --> 00:27:29,104 That's cool. 469 00:27:29,104 --> 00:27:32,941 I know you've been with Andy forever, but your career's at a critical place. 470 00:27:32,941 --> 00:27:34,710 Shh. 471 00:27:34,710 --> 00:27:37,212 I'd be honored to work with you, Holt. 472 00:27:37,212 --> 00:27:38,647 Sign with me. 473 00:27:38,647 --> 00:27:40,849 I promise, you'd be priority one 474 00:27:40,849 --> 00:27:43,919 and I'd be on guys like Jick 24/7 for you. 475 00:27:45,654 --> 00:27:47,656 I appreciate that, Quinn. 476 00:27:51,894 --> 00:27:54,763 But I won't sign with you on a promise. 477 00:27:54,763 --> 00:27:56,265 I'll only sign on a deal. 478 00:27:57,900 --> 00:28:03,872 I'll get you a deal. A big, rich, action-picture deal. 479 00:28:03,872 --> 00:28:07,309 You and I are going to do really well together, OK? 480 00:28:07,309 --> 00:28:08,677 I look forward to it. 481 00:28:23,992 --> 00:28:27,162 Honey? I'm going to go out for a run. 482 00:28:33,402 --> 00:28:35,804 I grew up in Ohio, so that's always gonna be home. 483 00:28:35,804 --> 00:28:39,174 Whenever I'm shooting in L.A., Justine and the kids gotta be with me. 484 00:28:39,174 --> 00:28:42,444 Are you sure, because if you ever need a place to stay... 485 00:28:42,444 --> 00:28:44,847 I'm not sure Justine would approve of that. 486 00:28:44,847 --> 00:28:47,216 But seriously, you're this big Hollywood star. 487 00:28:47,216 --> 00:28:49,251 You've got three box-office smashes. 488 00:28:49,251 --> 00:28:52,721 - You are two-time sexiest man alive. - Yeah, four years ago. 489 00:28:52,721 --> 00:28:54,690 You know what? You still have my vote. 490 00:28:54,690 --> 00:28:58,494 How do you keep the family together despite the pressures of a Hollywood career? 491 00:28:58,494 --> 00:29:00,429 Well, it is all about family, isn't it? 492 00:29:00,429 --> 00:29:03,031 Oh, I wish more people felt the same way you do. 493 00:29:03,031 --> 00:29:05,100 [Jack] Farm boy upbringing, I guess. 494 00:29:05,100 --> 00:29:07,769 Five hundred dollars cash. 495 00:29:09,538 --> 00:29:11,173 [groans] 496 00:29:11,173 --> 00:29:13,275 And all I have to do is tell you where she is? 497 00:29:13,275 --> 00:29:14,910 Mm-hmm. 498 00:29:18,747 --> 00:29:22,651 - They got her in post-op ICU. - Third floor. How do I get in there? 499 00:29:22,651 --> 00:29:26,455 Nobody gets into post-op ICU unless you're part of the team. 500 00:29:26,455 --> 00:29:29,791 Patients can't even have family visitors. 501 00:29:29,791 --> 00:29:33,529 That's why they put her there, to keep her away from guys like you. 502 00:29:42,004 --> 00:29:44,039 Why do you need Connie Chris? 503 00:29:52,581 --> 00:29:54,650 Just take more pictures of me. 504 00:29:56,518 --> 00:29:58,520 Aren't I beautiful enough? 505 00:29:58,520 --> 00:30:00,756 Oh, you are. 506 00:30:00,756 --> 00:30:03,525 But I just... I can't talk right now. 507 00:30:03,525 --> 00:30:06,295 Come on, sweetheart. 508 00:30:06,295 --> 00:30:10,432 Come on. It's just not always the right time. 509 00:30:10,432 --> 00:30:15,904 It's just not the right thing to do. It's not appropriate for us to talk. 510 00:30:15,904 --> 00:30:19,508 No. It's not you, it's people... 511 00:30:19,508 --> 00:30:21,376 [girl] She grabbed her things and ran out. 512 00:30:37,359 --> 00:30:40,362 - McPherson, what have you got? - Huh? 513 00:30:40,362 --> 00:30:44,166 - Connie Chris? Anything? - Um... Not yet, no. 514 00:30:44,166 --> 00:30:48,637 - Nothing from the dealer? - Wouldn't admit to knowing her. 515 00:30:48,637 --> 00:30:51,273 Of course she wouldn't. 516 00:30:53,875 --> 00:30:58,180 Do you know why I gave you that tip? Do you know why? Can you tell me why? 517 00:30:58,180 --> 00:31:00,649 Because I have a young face? 518 00:31:00,649 --> 00:31:04,186 Because you spoke up. In a room full of people playing it safe, 519 00:31:04,186 --> 00:31:07,155 you had an idea and you spoke up. 520 00:31:07,155 --> 00:31:09,992 I thought, "Maybe this girl's got the balls for the job." 521 00:31:09,992 --> 00:31:14,029 But I was wrong because I gave you the goddamn tip and you came back with dick. 522 00:31:14,029 --> 00:31:15,230 I'm sorry. 523 00:31:15,230 --> 00:31:18,367 You're sorry? Sorry won't keep the sharks away. 524 00:31:24,506 --> 00:31:27,075 [retching, coughing] 525 00:31:32,481 --> 00:31:36,284 Hi, it's Lucy Spiller. I'm about to close on your cover. 526 00:31:36,284 --> 00:31:38,020 You ready to talk? 527 00:31:40,922 --> 00:31:43,925 OK, we can meet at my house. It's private. 528 00:31:43,925 --> 00:31:47,963 You can't run those photos. Look, my wife, my kids... 529 00:31:47,963 --> 00:31:52,300 I wish I had other options, I really do. But I'm looking at a deadline here. 530 00:31:52,300 --> 00:31:56,204 So unless you tell me what happened to Aundre G, you leave me no choice. 531 00:32:00,809 --> 00:32:03,612 Don't make me run your picture on the cover. 532 00:32:03,612 --> 00:32:05,213 It's beneath both of us. 533 00:32:05,213 --> 00:32:07,849 If I tell you, they kill me. 534 00:32:10,385 --> 00:32:12,120 I'm not shitting you. 535 00:32:13,321 --> 00:32:16,024 If they knew I was here, they'd kill both of us. 536 00:32:17,025 --> 00:32:19,828 I'm willing to take the risk. 537 00:32:19,828 --> 00:32:23,432 No one will ever know where I got this information. 538 00:32:23,432 --> 00:32:27,169 I tell you what I know, and you promise never to run those photos. 539 00:32:27,169 --> 00:32:29,204 I give you the negatives. 540 00:32:35,777 --> 00:32:37,779 Aundre G is dead. 541 00:32:39,781 --> 00:32:41,249 They killed him. 542 00:32:44,786 --> 00:32:48,590 His manager, Tweety McDaniel, we all hang out. 543 00:32:48,590 --> 00:32:50,525 There's a group of us. 544 00:32:50,525 --> 00:32:53,195 - Poker buddies, right? - Yeah, pretty much. 545 00:32:54,529 --> 00:32:57,599 So one day Aundre G just stops coming. 546 00:32:59,334 --> 00:33:03,538 Stories get out, he's missing, got into gang stuff, nobody knows. 547 00:33:05,173 --> 00:33:08,210 Couple of months later, another one of Tweety's clients... 548 00:33:09,611 --> 00:33:11,346 ...he makes a joke. 549 00:33:12,881 --> 00:33:15,550 Says he's getting better offers from other labels. 550 00:33:17,319 --> 00:33:19,254 Tweety just goes cold. 551 00:33:22,090 --> 00:33:24,659 Says Aundre G tried to leave him, too. 552 00:33:27,295 --> 00:33:29,331 Asks if we want to visit Aundre. 553 00:33:30,732 --> 00:33:33,034 Little lesson in loyalty, he called it. 554 00:33:33,034 --> 00:33:34,703 Visit him? 555 00:33:34,703 --> 00:33:37,939 Tweety had his head, OK? 556 00:33:39,407 --> 00:33:41,910 In a jar. 557 00:33:41,910 --> 00:33:47,516 He said, "See? Nobody leaves me. I got him right here. 558 00:33:47,516 --> 00:33:50,418 And he's still making money for me." 559 00:34:02,898 --> 00:34:04,032 Holt? 560 00:34:09,171 --> 00:34:10,172 Shit. 561 00:34:29,891 --> 00:34:34,429 - [ringing] - Come on... Come on, Holt. 562 00:34:37,132 --> 00:34:38,867 Shit! 563 00:34:38,867 --> 00:34:41,303 OK... OK... 564 00:34:48,343 --> 00:34:50,045 [knock on door] 565 00:34:51,279 --> 00:34:53,782 - Hey. - Hey. 566 00:34:53,782 --> 00:34:56,484 Long time, I know. 567 00:34:58,386 --> 00:34:59,621 Yeah. 568 00:35:01,890 --> 00:35:04,259 Someone's a little bit clammy. 569 00:35:04,259 --> 00:35:06,494 Oh. 570 00:35:06,494 --> 00:35:09,564 Since when is Julia Mallory back doing her own drug runs? 571 00:35:09,564 --> 00:35:11,700 Since her boyfriend totally flaked on her. 572 00:35:15,036 --> 00:35:18,006 - Can I come in? - Always. 573 00:35:25,247 --> 00:35:28,850 [Brent] There is no way we're running this. Are you out of your mind? 574 00:35:28,850 --> 00:35:32,287 I sourced it myself. Nothing sells better than death. 575 00:35:32,287 --> 00:35:34,656 We're gonna get our one-point-one and then some. 576 00:35:34,656 --> 00:35:38,326 There is no world in which legal is going to approve this story. 577 00:35:38,326 --> 00:35:42,264 The minute this rolls off the press, the DA's going to demand your source. 578 00:35:42,264 --> 00:35:46,301 They're gonna get a judge to hold you in contempt, take you to jail. 579 00:35:46,301 --> 00:35:48,904 I'll run the magazine from jail. Great publicity. 580 00:35:48,904 --> 00:35:51,606 Yes, and what happens when this manager, 581 00:35:51,606 --> 00:35:55,510 Tweety McBlackguy, sues us for libel because we accused him of murder? 582 00:35:55,510 --> 00:35:57,212 He's guilty. Do you really think 583 00:35:57,212 --> 00:35:59,714 he's gonna wanna rush into court for this one? 584 00:36:01,116 --> 00:36:03,051 Thirty percent. 585 00:36:03,051 --> 00:36:06,121 Gibson's interest in Prince Tyreese's team. 586 00:36:06,121 --> 00:36:07,822 - Thirty percent. - And? 587 00:36:07,822 --> 00:36:10,725 And there are security cameras in the parking garage. 588 00:36:12,227 --> 00:36:14,963 I saw the tape, you and Prince Tyreese. 589 00:36:14,963 --> 00:36:17,899 What else would he be doing there, renewing his subscription? 590 00:36:21,536 --> 00:36:24,439 God! 591 00:36:24,439 --> 00:36:29,077 If he wants to come forward, be sourced, that's fine, great, run the story. 592 00:36:29,077 --> 00:36:31,346 If not, you gotta get a different cover. 593 00:36:32,347 --> 00:36:34,249 I've less than a day to go to press. 594 00:36:42,657 --> 00:36:43,658 Good luck. 595 00:36:49,531 --> 00:36:54,302 Don, listen to me. I need that Connie Chris story. 596 00:36:54,302 --> 00:36:58,707 Yeah, it's 8:30 in the morning on closing day and I have nothing. 597 00:36:58,707 --> 00:37:00,742 Do you understand? 598 00:37:00,742 --> 00:37:05,413 I would give my left nut for those photos, Don, OK? I swear to God. 599 00:37:05,413 --> 00:37:06,748 Get them for me, will you? 600 00:37:07,682 --> 00:37:08,950 OK? 601 00:37:13,021 --> 00:37:17,926 Second floor... third floor... 602 00:37:17,926 --> 00:37:21,162 East wing, post-op ICU... 603 00:37:21,162 --> 00:37:22,597 Mylar. 604 00:37:25,567 --> 00:37:28,837 They put Mylar on the windows of post-op ICU, Don. 605 00:37:28,837 --> 00:37:31,539 You're not gonna get the picture from here. 606 00:37:38,780 --> 00:37:39,948 Thank you. 607 00:37:43,051 --> 00:37:45,320 They're really protecting that girl, huh? 608 00:37:50,992 --> 00:37:53,928 If only somebody had protected me that way. 609 00:37:56,097 --> 00:37:57,232 You have me. 610 00:37:59,567 --> 00:38:01,970 You don't need her, too, do you? 611 00:38:01,970 --> 00:38:04,572 I promised Lucy I'd get this shot. 612 00:38:04,572 --> 00:38:05,940 Damn Lucy. 613 00:38:05,940 --> 00:38:08,743 It always comes down to what Lucy wants. 614 00:38:10,712 --> 00:38:15,250 I think you're just gonna have to make a choice between Lucy and I. 615 00:38:15,250 --> 00:38:18,219 Oh, no, don't make me do that. 616 00:38:19,788 --> 00:38:23,491 The choice is already made, baby. You can't get the shot. 617 00:38:23,491 --> 00:38:28,063 [sirens blaring] 618 00:38:29,898 --> 00:38:34,502 [rock music plays] 619 00:39:08,870 --> 00:39:11,239 [screaming] 620 00:39:28,756 --> 00:39:33,561 Good thing we're at the hospital, huh? I'm gonna need some surgery. 621 00:40:00,088 --> 00:40:01,623 Hey. 622 00:40:02,857 --> 00:40:05,460 What's wrong? What happened? 623 00:40:08,730 --> 00:40:10,331 I cut off my finger. 624 00:40:12,300 --> 00:40:15,937 I set myself on fire freebasing. 625 00:40:15,937 --> 00:40:17,305 Shit. 626 00:40:19,207 --> 00:40:24,179 I just can't take it anymore... being God's perfect little child. 627 00:40:24,179 --> 00:40:26,681 [sobbing] I can't take it. 628 00:40:26,681 --> 00:40:29,384 I'm so ugly now, aren't I? 629 00:40:29,384 --> 00:40:31,619 I'm so ugly. 630 00:40:31,619 --> 00:40:33,688 No. You're beautiful. 631 00:40:35,390 --> 00:40:36,925 You're perfect. 632 00:40:40,094 --> 00:40:42,864 - [camera clicking] - [crying] 633 00:40:44,365 --> 00:40:46,034 I'm sorry. 634 00:40:48,069 --> 00:40:52,040 You are crazy, insane, and don't blame this on the schizophrenia. I know the dif... 635 00:40:52,040 --> 00:40:56,578 Oh, my God, Don! These are fantastic. 636 00:40:56,578 --> 00:40:59,113 Thank you. 637 00:40:59,113 --> 00:41:02,584 Wow. Hell of a "Say No To Freebasing" poster. 638 00:41:02,584 --> 00:41:06,521 Tell me she told you what drugs she was using when she set herself on fire. 639 00:41:06,521 --> 00:41:09,791 Heroin and epinephrine. Said it was like touching God. 640 00:41:09,791 --> 00:41:12,727 - She actually said that? - Mmm. 641 00:41:12,727 --> 00:41:15,396 I think I just came a little. 642 00:41:16,764 --> 00:41:18,766 Oh my God, Don, you're a genius. 643 00:41:20,268 --> 00:41:23,004 This is the one. 644 00:41:23,004 --> 00:41:27,709 Oh, wow. That's it. That's the cover. "Connie Crisp." 645 00:41:27,709 --> 00:41:30,445 I got it in before the close. See? 646 00:41:30,445 --> 00:41:32,981 You said you'd give your left nut for this photo, 647 00:41:32,981 --> 00:41:35,583 pinky was as far as I was gonna go. 648 00:41:35,583 --> 00:41:39,020 We'll cover medical expenses. 649 00:41:39,020 --> 00:41:42,357 Don, you really saved my neck one this one. 650 00:41:42,357 --> 00:41:45,793 - That's good. - Thank you. 651 00:41:48,363 --> 00:41:52,734 Solid cover. See, I knew if I pushed your buttons just right, 652 00:41:52,734 --> 00:41:54,602 you'd pull it out of your ass. 653 00:41:54,602 --> 00:41:56,671 You don't get to talk about my ass. 654 00:41:56,671 --> 00:41:59,507 It's a compliment. Good first issue. 655 00:42:01,643 --> 00:42:03,111 Nice ass, too. 656 00:42:05,079 --> 00:42:08,316 This is our cover! The wall is locked. 657 00:42:08,316 --> 00:42:11,052 I want make-readys in my office in three hours! 658 00:42:11,052 --> 00:42:14,122 [clamoring] 659 00:42:14,122 --> 00:42:17,191 - [rock music plays] - Well, it looks like home. 660 00:42:17,191 --> 00:42:21,129 I spent a lot of time with the pictures you gave me of the farm you grew up on. 661 00:42:21,129 --> 00:42:22,997 I like it. 662 00:42:22,997 --> 00:42:25,400 Yeah, that really brings me back. 663 00:42:25,400 --> 00:42:27,402 Thank you. That means a lot. 664 00:42:27,402 --> 00:42:31,172 Thank you. You have done an amazing job, Leo. I really appreciate it. 665 00:42:33,574 --> 00:42:36,778 Look, I have a personal thing to ask. 666 00:42:36,778 --> 00:42:38,279 Sure. 667 00:42:38,279 --> 00:42:40,748 It's awkward. I don't know if I should bring it up. 668 00:42:40,748 --> 00:42:44,018 So if I'm out of line, I totally understand and you can forget... 669 00:42:44,018 --> 00:42:48,156 Leo. Relax. 670 00:42:50,124 --> 00:42:52,093 I've been thinking the same thing. 671 00:43:05,740 --> 00:43:10,244 Ever since I met you, I've been thinking the same thing. 672 00:43:40,541 --> 00:43:45,413 [hip-hop music plays] 673 00:43:45,413 --> 00:43:47,548 Don't be mad, baby. 674 00:43:49,050 --> 00:43:52,720 I mean, I came home to you, didn't I? 675 00:43:52,720 --> 00:43:56,190 - I came home to you. - I missed you. 676 00:43:58,025 --> 00:43:59,360 Here. 677 00:44:01,996 --> 00:44:04,031 Poor baby. 678 00:44:06,067 --> 00:44:07,602 Come here. 679 00:44:11,072 --> 00:44:12,507 Mmm... 680 00:44:19,781 --> 00:44:21,816 [coughing] 681 00:44:22,817 --> 00:44:24,018 [spits] 682 00:44:50,378 --> 00:44:52,280 It's too bright in here, baby. 683 00:44:54,715 --> 00:44:55,950 Come sleep. 684 00:46:01,115 --> 00:46:03,184 - Where is it? - Where's what? 685 00:46:03,184 --> 00:46:06,053 Don't mess with me, Frankie, this is a P&W newsstand. 686 00:46:06,053 --> 00:46:08,856 We pay for tier-one placement. Where is Dirt Now? 687 00:46:08,856 --> 00:46:11,993 I don't know. Maybe the placement's too good. 688 00:46:13,494 --> 00:46:14,629 I sold out. 689 00:46:16,297 --> 00:46:17,565 What? 690 00:46:17,565 --> 00:46:21,369 But don't worry. I did save you one copy. 691 00:46:27,742 --> 00:46:32,079 Don't you ever, ever, save one for me. Do you hear me? 692 00:46:32,079 --> 00:46:35,116 You sell them all! You always sell them all! 693 00:46:35,116 --> 00:46:36,951 Look, keep it. 694 00:46:36,951 --> 00:46:39,487 I'll buy it. It'll go against your cover sales.