1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,481 Let us gather. Please, gather for me. 2 00:00:01,681 --> 00:00:03,869 - Please. - We're gathered. 3 00:00:03,871 --> 00:00:05,737 Okay, so, now that you've gathered, 4 00:00:05,806 --> 00:00:07,873 I know that a lot has been on your minds 5 00:00:07,875 --> 00:00:09,208 these last couple weeks since I've been back. 6 00:00:09,210 --> 00:00:12,895 Burning questions about my personal life, yeah. 7 00:00:13,030 --> 00:00:14,763 I was gone. Now I'm back. 8 00:00:14,899 --> 00:00:16,698 That's been confusing for you. It's been overwhelming. 9 00:00:16,767 --> 00:00:18,767 The whole thing has been overwhelming for you. 10 00:00:19,547 --> 00:00:21,770 And you've danced around the topic for a while now 11 00:00:21,772 --> 00:00:22,905 out of respect for my privacy. 12 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:24,706 And I-I really do appreciate that, 13 00:00:24,775 --> 00:00:26,775 but I would like for you all to know that I am ready now, 14 00:00:26,811 --> 00:00:28,761 and I think it's time to open it up to questions. 15 00:00:32,129 --> 00:00:34,790 Now, don't hold back, guys. You can ask me anything. 16 00:00:34,825 --> 00:00:36,801 Really. All those questions that you've got for me 17 00:00:36,837 --> 00:00:39,805 about what's going on, go ahead and ask them to me now. 18 00:00:42,944 --> 00:00:44,026 You want to ask me 19 00:00:44,161 --> 00:00:46,094 if I'm gonna stay or if I'm gonna go. 20 00:00:48,652 --> 00:00:49,965 - I don't care. Do you care? - I mean, it doesn't really... 21 00:00:49,967 --> 00:00:52,868 I may go back. Yeah. 22 00:00:53,904 --> 00:00:55,771 - Okay. - Hmm. 23 00:00:55,906 --> 00:00:58,774 So, you guys want to ask me questions about my family. 24 00:00:58,793 --> 00:00:59,975 - I don't. - Yeah. Hey, listen, 25 00:00:59,977 --> 00:01:02,447 sometimes it's best to raise a family from a distance. 26 00:01:02,482 --> 00:01:04,455 And that's what I've decided to do, okay? 27 00:01:04,490 --> 00:01:06,689 And I'm not the first man in history to ever do it. 28 00:01:06,724 --> 00:01:07,866 - All right, dude. - Okay. - Good, good, good. 29 00:01:07,868 --> 00:01:09,201 Okay, so, if we're gonna sit here, 30 00:01:09,203 --> 00:01:11,737 and you guys are gonna insist on asking me personal questions, 31 00:01:11,806 --> 00:01:13,071 then be serious. 32 00:01:13,140 --> 00:01:14,873 All right? L-Look, look, 33 00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:17,768 so, if all of you are done with your stupid questions, 34 00:01:17,803 --> 00:01:19,482 okay, then I have a question to ask. 35 00:01:19,517 --> 00:01:21,162 I want to know, where is it? 36 00:01:21,198 --> 00:01:23,733 - Where's what? - Where's what? Where's what? 37 00:01:23,768 --> 00:01:24,899 Where's my car, man? 38 00:01:25,746 --> 00:01:26,835 Where's my Range Rover? 39 00:01:26,904 --> 00:01:28,971 I'm sure you guys, like, stashed it somewhere safely, 40 00:01:29,040 --> 00:01:31,482 you know, in my absence. And that's cool. I get it. 41 00:01:31,517 --> 00:01:33,041 But now I want it back, so where-where is it? 42 00:01:33,077 --> 00:01:35,060 We didn't move you car. It's right where you left it. 43 00:01:38,932 --> 00:01:40,866 Goddamn it. 44 00:01:42,837 --> 00:01:44,803 _ 45 00:02:12,216 --> 00:02:13,131 I got to tell you, guys, that Range Rover, 46 00:02:13,167 --> 00:02:15,000 that was... that was like a part of me. 47 00:02:15,135 --> 00:02:17,803 You know, I considered it part of my identity, really. 48 00:02:17,938 --> 00:02:20,205 So it's-it's almost like a piece of me is gone now. 49 00:02:20,257 --> 00:02:22,741 I mean, you guys wouldn't really understand 50 00:02:22,777 --> 00:02:23,892 'cause you've never owned a vehicle. 51 00:02:23,894 --> 00:02:25,827 - We own vehicles. - Yeah? Name one. 52 00:02:25,863 --> 00:02:28,697 Well, we had those matching Mongoose bikes back in the day. 53 00:02:28,766 --> 00:02:29,964 Yeah. And I felt like a piece of me was gone 54 00:02:30,001 --> 00:02:31,100 - when they got stolen. - Oh, that's right. 55 00:02:31,102 --> 00:02:32,101 - So it's not like I can't relate. - Yeah. 56 00:02:32,236 --> 00:02:33,769 Dude, I wonder if they have bikes around here. 57 00:02:33,771 --> 00:02:35,037 - Something like that. - They don't have bikes. 58 00:02:35,172 --> 00:02:38,774 - What are...? - She's a beaut, right? 59 00:02:38,909 --> 00:02:39,908 How can I help? 60 00:02:39,910 --> 00:02:41,727 Yeah, no, she's cool. She's cool. 61 00:02:41,862 --> 00:02:44,797 Sort of lacks the original's, uh, masculinity and beefiness, 62 00:02:44,932 --> 00:02:46,064 you know, but there's a grace to it 63 00:02:46,133 --> 00:02:47,933 that I-I think I could probably work with. 64 00:02:48,002 --> 00:02:51,870 That being said, do you guys have any '93 models? 65 00:02:51,906 --> 00:02:54,139 We don't keep anything before 2015 on the lot. 66 00:02:54,274 --> 00:02:56,007 Oh. Well, that sucks. 67 00:02:56,043 --> 00:02:57,760 Uh, well, I'll take... I'll take this one, then. 68 00:02:57,895 --> 00:02:59,161 Uh, it's-it's great, 69 00:02:59,163 --> 00:03:00,896 and I'm gonna drive it straight out of the showroom. 70 00:03:00,965 --> 00:03:02,097 So go ahead and open up those big doors 71 00:03:02,099 --> 00:03:03,766 or however the hell you get these cars in there. 72 00:03:03,901 --> 00:03:06,902 - Open those up. - Well, sir, we need to talk financing first. 73 00:03:06,971 --> 00:03:08,971 - Come on. - Yes, yes. Um, oh, yeah. 74 00:03:09,106 --> 00:03:10,906 Here-Here's my guy here. You're gonna want to talk to him 75 00:03:10,975 --> 00:03:12,841 - about financing. - You never bought me a Range Rover. 76 00:03:12,976 --> 00:03:15,794 All I got were shit cars, which you guys crashed, 77 00:03:15,830 --> 00:03:16,995 and you certainly never reimbursed me. 78 00:03:17,131 --> 00:03:18,797 Yeah, yeah, quit your squawking, Dee. 79 00:03:18,799 --> 00:03:20,732 Hey, uh, Frank, this guy needs to talk financing. 80 00:03:20,768 --> 00:03:21,934 - This is the one I'm gonna get here. - Ooh. 81 00:03:22,069 --> 00:03:24,068 Very nice. Here you go, Dennis. 82 00:03:24,105 --> 00:03:25,204 - Yeah, all right. - That's for you. 83 00:03:25,206 --> 00:03:26,871 - There you go. - Yeah. 84 00:03:26,907 --> 00:03:29,891 - Uh, what is this, Frank? - That's $473. 85 00:03:29,944 --> 00:03:32,094 That's the Kelley Blue Book value of your car. 86 00:03:32,229 --> 00:03:33,828 - Hmm. - Okay. 87 00:03:33,864 --> 00:03:34,963 Yeah, that-that's not gonna be 88 00:03:35,032 --> 00:03:36,965 nearly enough to pay-pay for the down payment 89 00:03:36,967 --> 00:03:38,767 on this, on this car here, so... 90 00:03:38,902 --> 00:03:40,044 - No? - Uh, is it? 91 00:03:40,045 --> 00:03:40,845 Uh, no. 92 00:03:40,904 --> 00:03:41,903 Come on, man. What are you doing here? 93 00:03:41,972 --> 00:03:43,105 Why did you do this? 94 00:03:43,174 --> 00:03:45,107 I came here to buy myself a Range Rover. 95 00:03:45,176 --> 00:03:47,142 In fact, that's the one I'd like. 96 00:03:47,194 --> 00:03:48,994 - It's a beauty. Look at that. - Hmm. Yeah. 97 00:03:49,063 --> 00:03:50,996 And-and I'm gonna pay full price, 98 00:03:50,998 --> 00:03:52,797 so take it out of there, please. 99 00:03:52,833 --> 00:03:53,998 - Thank you very much. Yeah. - Fantastic. 100 00:03:54,034 --> 00:03:55,200 That's right. It feels so good. 101 00:03:55,236 --> 00:03:57,870 I haven't bought myself a new car in ages. 102 00:03:58,005 --> 00:03:59,871 - I just need to see a driver's license. - Okay, yeah. 103 00:03:59,907 --> 00:04:01,072 I got it. Right here. Absolutely. 104 00:04:01,679 --> 00:04:02,693 There you are. 105 00:04:03,244 --> 00:04:05,760 Uh, sir, I'm afraid I can't sell you 106 00:04:05,796 --> 00:04:07,162 - this vehicle, either. - Why not? 107 00:04:07,231 --> 00:04:10,065 - Your driver's license is expired. - Since when? 108 00:04:11,836 --> 00:04:14,836 1984. 109 00:04:14,872 --> 00:04:16,939 - Whoo! - Yeah, man. 110 00:04:25,287 --> 00:04:26,293 Dork. 111 00:04:28,769 --> 00:04:31,670 Jump this manhole. 112 00:04:31,805 --> 00:04:33,071 Nice. 113 00:04:34,512 --> 00:04:35,861 Oh, still got the skid. 114 00:04:35,896 --> 00:04:37,209 - Oh! - Radical. 115 00:04:37,211 --> 00:04:39,895 Bro, bro, I feel like a carefree, young kid 116 00:04:39,964 --> 00:04:42,030 on a bike again, man. World at my fingertips. 117 00:04:42,032 --> 00:04:44,166 Yeah! Me, too. 118 00:04:44,168 --> 00:04:45,167 Why did we stop riding these things 119 00:04:45,302 --> 00:04:47,102 - in the first place? - You don't remember? 120 00:04:47,104 --> 00:04:48,837 Dude, Shawn Dumont and their buddies, 121 00:04:48,906 --> 00:04:49,971 they stole our bikes. 122 00:04:50,007 --> 00:04:51,806 Shawn Dumont. That's right. 123 00:04:51,876 --> 00:04:52,974 - What an asshole. - Yeah. 124 00:04:53,043 --> 00:04:54,192 Do you remember what he said to us 125 00:04:54,195 --> 00:04:55,860 when we went back to get them? 126 00:04:55,913 --> 00:04:57,729 "What are you gonna do about it?" 127 00:04:57,765 --> 00:04:59,932 What are you gonna do about it. And what can you say to that? 128 00:04:59,934 --> 00:05:00,999 That's, like, the perfect line. 129 00:05:01,001 --> 00:05:02,067 Yeah! Well, you just got to walk away, 130 00:05:02,069 --> 00:05:03,001 'cause it's the end of the conversation. 131 00:05:03,070 --> 00:05:04,802 It ends all conversations. 132 00:05:04,817 --> 00:05:06,672 You know, I'm starting to think that Dennis was right. 133 00:05:06,807 --> 00:05:08,874 It's like what you ride is your identity. 134 00:05:08,876 --> 00:05:11,026 It-It's like who you are. It's like, this, this feels like who I am. 135 00:05:11,095 --> 00:05:13,028 And so Shawn Dumont didn't just steal our bikes. 136 00:05:13,030 --> 00:05:15,898 - He stole our identity. - Cool bikes. 137 00:05:17,173 --> 00:05:17,900 Oh. 138 00:05:18,035 --> 00:05:19,834 Hey, thanks, man. Uh... 139 00:05:19,904 --> 00:05:21,703 your bike's really cool, too. 140 00:05:21,772 --> 00:05:22,904 I know it is. 141 00:05:23,866 --> 00:05:25,773 You guys look like you're 40. 142 00:05:25,809 --> 00:05:26,842 - Well, we are 40. - Do you have 143 00:05:26,977 --> 00:05:29,861 the same bike as your boyfriend? Gay! 144 00:05:29,864 --> 00:05:32,130 Oh, well, well, I am gay, but he's not my boyfriend, 145 00:05:32,132 --> 00:05:33,932 - 'cause I could do much better than him. - Really? 146 00:05:34,067 --> 00:05:35,867 - Then why don't you, Mac? - It's difficult out there. 147 00:05:35,936 --> 00:05:36,869 You guys will understand when you get older. 148 00:05:37,004 --> 00:05:38,870 Oh, don't push your agenda on them. 149 00:05:38,906 --> 00:05:40,739 I'm not pushing an agenda. I'm just saying statistically 150 00:05:40,874 --> 00:05:42,007 - at least one of them... - You guys suck. 151 00:05:42,009 --> 00:05:45,060 - Ah, that's... - That's... Yeah. 152 00:05:45,195 --> 00:05:46,828 Well, look, we don't mean to bug you. 153 00:05:46,830 --> 00:05:47,829 We'll-we'll be on our way. 154 00:05:47,965 --> 00:05:49,097 Yeah, we don't want any trouble. 155 00:05:49,116 --> 00:05:50,899 - So, uh, Mac, find a hole. - Oh, okay. 156 00:05:51,034 --> 00:05:52,768 - Go! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go! - Sorry. Go, go, go. 157 00:05:52,903 --> 00:05:54,269 Go. Go. Go, Charlie, go! 158 00:05:57,875 --> 00:06:00,792 Hey-ho. Look alive. 159 00:06:00,828 --> 00:06:01,993 Snuck up on you there, huh? 160 00:06:02,029 --> 00:06:04,128 Yeah, she's quiet. She's quiet. 161 00:06:04,164 --> 00:06:07,065 But that's a virtue. Stealth. You know what I mean? 162 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:09,801 Yeah. You know, personally, I never saw myself 163 00:06:09,803 --> 00:06:11,136 in an economy car, but I got to tell you, 164 00:06:11,138 --> 00:06:13,138 it's got its advantages. Yeah. 165 00:06:13,140 --> 00:06:15,873 Yeah, so, I've been gone for a while. 166 00:06:15,910 --> 00:06:17,759 I'm sure you noticed. 167 00:06:17,795 --> 00:06:20,828 But now I'm back on the scene, you know? Doing my rounds. 168 00:06:20,864 --> 00:06:23,765 See where the housewives are posted up. Have a good time. 169 00:06:23,801 --> 00:06:25,903 You know, do me a favor, keep it out front for me, 170 00:06:25,938 --> 00:06:27,085 because I don't think I'm gonna... Oh. 171 00:06:30,058 --> 00:06:31,039 Probably doesn't speak English. 172 00:06:32,095 --> 00:06:33,107 Hey-ho. 173 00:06:33,177 --> 00:06:34,192 What up, ding-dong? 174 00:06:34,211 --> 00:06:36,194 Whoa, what is this? W-What am I seeing? 175 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:38,930 Oh, what, you like my new beast? 176 00:06:38,933 --> 00:06:41,265 - How are you in this car? - Well, it's Frank's car. 177 00:06:41,302 --> 00:06:43,201 But, uh, until he gets his license back, 178 00:06:43,270 --> 00:06:44,869 it's mine. I'm gonna drive it. 179 00:06:44,905 --> 00:06:46,271 I just got to drop him off where he needs to go. 180 00:06:46,273 --> 00:06:48,072 Just dropped him off at driver's ed. 181 00:06:48,108 --> 00:06:49,207 And I got to tell you, Dennis. 182 00:06:49,209 --> 00:06:51,059 I get why you want to be a Range Rover man. 183 00:06:51,128 --> 00:06:53,061 You know, it's kind of like you're up on a throne, 184 00:06:53,130 --> 00:06:56,197 a-and you-you're looking down on all the minions, you know? 185 00:06:56,233 --> 00:06:58,850 - Very powerful. Yeah. Oh. - Right. Right. Right. 186 00:06:58,902 --> 00:07:00,936 - Thank you. You just, uh, keep it out front. - Oh, yeah. 187 00:07:00,938 --> 00:07:02,720 Don't bother. He doesn't speak English. 188 00:07:02,982 --> 00:07:04,072 Of course, ma'am. 189 00:07:04,108 --> 00:07:06,141 - Thank you. - No, I mean, he didn't spe... He doesn't, um... 190 00:07:06,143 --> 00:07:08,092 - Huh? - I'm-I'm saying he doesn't, I'm saying he... 191 00:07:08,128 --> 00:07:10,028 - What were you saying? - He doesn't always speak English. 192 00:07:10,030 --> 00:07:12,971 Sometimes he's... I come here a lot, so, yeah. 193 00:07:13,188 --> 00:07:15,834 Uh, anyway, you want to hear something that's really cool? 194 00:07:15,969 --> 00:07:17,168 - All right. - I drove all the way here 195 00:07:17,204 --> 00:07:19,104 and barely used an ounce of gas. 196 00:07:19,106 --> 00:07:23,108 Now, that is both economically and environmentally responsible. 197 00:07:23,110 --> 00:07:24,726 - So... - Excuse me. 198 00:07:24,795 --> 00:07:27,061 Is that the 2018? 199 00:07:27,097 --> 00:07:28,863 Oh, it most certainly is. 200 00:07:28,932 --> 00:07:30,666 I was just telling my friend Brenda here 201 00:07:30,801 --> 00:07:31,999 that she needs to upgrade. 202 00:07:32,036 --> 00:07:35,003 - She is still driving a 2013. - All right. 203 00:07:35,005 --> 00:07:36,264 Oh. 204 00:07:36,807 --> 00:07:38,206 Are you loving it? I mean, just loving it? 205 00:07:38,275 --> 00:07:40,958 I tell you what, I am loving it. And Brenda, you got to upgrade, 206 00:07:40,995 --> 00:07:42,827 you stupid bitch. Okay? Don't be a dumb idiot. 207 00:07:46,867 --> 00:07:48,967 - Oh, you are fun. - Eh. 208 00:07:49,102 --> 00:07:50,835 - Would you like to join us for lunch? - Oh, yes. 209 00:07:50,871 --> 00:07:51,970 Uh, you know, ladies, 210 00:07:51,972 --> 00:07:53,171 you know, while we're on the subject of cars, 211 00:07:53,240 --> 00:07:55,107 um, I actually drove here in a Prius today... 212 00:07:55,242 --> 00:07:56,241 Oh, so you don't have a Range Rover. 213 00:07:57,794 --> 00:07:58,993 Uh, well, no. 214 00:07:59,029 --> 00:08:00,995 - I just said I have a Prius... - No? Okay. 215 00:08:01,031 --> 00:08:02,571 Then why are we talking to you? 216 00:08:04,768 --> 00:08:06,768 - Come on. - Oh, my gosh. 217 00:08:17,964 --> 00:08:19,031 So when you come to a four-way stop, 218 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:20,898 who has the right of way? 219 00:08:20,934 --> 00:08:22,900 Okay, what you want to do is, 220 00:08:22,936 --> 00:08:24,770 you want to lurch into the intersection. 221 00:08:24,905 --> 00:08:26,104 It's like, kind of like a game of chicken. 222 00:08:26,239 --> 00:08:28,840 You lurch, and then you lurch, you lurch some more, 223 00:08:28,909 --> 00:08:31,793 and whoever doesn't flinch gets to go first. 224 00:08:31,862 --> 00:08:33,862 Mr. Reynolds, if you would just look at the book. 225 00:08:33,997 --> 00:08:36,131 Well, e-excuse me, in all due respect, 226 00:08:36,266 --> 00:08:40,068 but this book does not have the real rules of the road in here. 227 00:08:40,137 --> 00:08:42,871 There's nothing in this book about the Asians. 228 00:08:42,873 --> 00:08:44,206 You can't be PC 229 00:08:44,208 --> 00:08:47,142 on the road and expect to live. 230 00:08:47,144 --> 00:08:48,810 You will die. 231 00:08:48,862 --> 00:08:50,162 You go to a four-way stop, 232 00:08:50,297 --> 00:08:53,165 and you think the rules of the road are going to apply 233 00:08:53,167 --> 00:08:57,101 to an 80-year-old Asian woman, you're going to get blasted. 234 00:08:57,377 --> 00:08:59,037 Right. Well, we are out of time 235 00:08:59,106 --> 00:09:00,838 for today. I urge you all 236 00:09:00,874 --> 00:09:04,092 to study what's in the book and not listen to this man here. 237 00:09:05,945 --> 00:09:07,996 Bruh, that shit was hilarious. 238 00:09:08,688 --> 00:09:10,799 You're gonna fail so hard, man. 239 00:09:10,801 --> 00:09:12,801 I can't afford to fail. I ca... 240 00:09:12,870 --> 00:09:15,136 - You mind if I cheat off you? - Yeah, maybe. 241 00:09:15,172 --> 00:09:16,871 - Yeah. - What's in it for me? 242 00:09:16,907 --> 00:09:17,872 I'll buy you a case of beer. 243 00:09:17,941 --> 00:09:18,874 Nah, I never get carded. 244 00:09:19,009 --> 00:09:20,208 Cigs? Weed? Blow? 245 00:09:20,244 --> 00:09:22,093 Nah, I'm in high school, man. I can get all that shit. 246 00:09:22,129 --> 00:09:23,962 - How about porno? Yeah. - Porno? 247 00:09:24,097 --> 00:09:25,163 Dude, I've got a phone. 248 00:09:25,199 --> 00:09:27,031 I've been looking at porno since I was, like, ten. 249 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:28,833 No, I'm talking about the real thing. 250 00:09:28,836 --> 00:09:30,768 - The real shit? - Yeah, the real deal. 251 00:09:30,804 --> 00:09:32,170 - All right. - Yeah? 252 00:09:32,239 --> 00:09:33,789 - Yeah. - Let's go. 253 00:09:38,004 --> 00:09:38,669 Hey, man. 254 00:09:38,704 --> 00:09:39,861 - Whoa. - How's it going? 255 00:09:39,996 --> 00:09:41,729 Wha-What are you doing? 256 00:09:41,765 --> 00:09:44,666 Oh. I'm John. Aren't you my Uber? 257 00:09:44,801 --> 00:09:47,135 Am-am I your Uber? No, I... 258 00:09:47,137 --> 00:09:50,004 Oh, okay. Okay. 259 00:09:50,040 --> 00:09:51,873 Yeah, I think I see what's happening here. 260 00:09:52,008 --> 00:09:54,075 Yeah, no, no, I'm-I'm not your Uber, I'm not your ride. 261 00:09:54,077 --> 00:09:55,760 - Oh, God. - So, yeah. 262 00:09:55,896 --> 00:09:58,230 Yeah, so why don't you... um, why don't you get out? 263 00:09:58,232 --> 00:10:00,899 Yeah, sorry, man. Nice car, by the way. 264 00:10:00,968 --> 00:10:03,034 Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, no, it is a... 265 00:10:03,036 --> 00:10:05,036 It is a nice car, isn't it? Yeah. 266 00:10:05,038 --> 00:10:06,905 Yeah, nothing to be ashamed of. 267 00:10:06,907 --> 00:10:09,368 Not at all. It's very sensible. 268 00:10:09,403 --> 00:10:10,842 I Uber 'cause I drive this old piece of shit 269 00:10:10,977 --> 00:10:11,993 that gets no mileage, so... 270 00:10:12,062 --> 00:10:13,659 Ah. Yeah. 271 00:10:14,064 --> 00:10:15,997 - Hey, John, was it? - Mm-hmm. 272 00:10:16,066 --> 00:10:18,733 That's a strong economy name. 273 00:10:18,852 --> 00:10:21,069 You know, it says so much, yet it says so little. 274 00:10:21,138 --> 00:10:23,804 - Hmm. - Yeah, you got a good economy face on you, too. 275 00:10:23,841 --> 00:10:25,139 - What? - Eh. 276 00:10:25,175 --> 00:10:26,942 Hey, man, I got to get going. 277 00:10:26,944 --> 00:10:28,759 I have some friends from my fantasy league coming over, 278 00:10:28,795 --> 00:10:30,895 - so I should find my ride. - Hey, I like sports, too. 279 00:10:30,931 --> 00:10:32,831 Yeah, I do, but I've never 280 00:10:32,833 --> 00:10:34,900 really engaged with the fantasy element of it. 281 00:10:35,035 --> 00:10:37,034 - No? Oh, it's the best. - No. 282 00:10:37,070 --> 00:10:39,237 And daily fantasy makes every game matter. 283 00:10:39,306 --> 00:10:41,239 - Huh. - You get way more bang for your buck. 284 00:10:41,241 --> 00:10:43,841 Ah. Well, that's economical. 285 00:10:43,877 --> 00:10:45,727 I... You know what? That makes total sense. 286 00:10:45,862 --> 00:10:48,796 I think I'm, I think I'm starting to understand now. 287 00:10:48,832 --> 00:10:50,932 It always seemed foolish to me before, 288 00:10:50,968 --> 00:10:52,266 but this economy car has got me thinking 289 00:10:52,302 --> 00:10:55,136 I could enjoy economy activities. 290 00:10:56,369 --> 00:10:57,873 You know what, John. Cancel your ride. 291 00:10:58,966 --> 00:10:59,907 I'll drive you to your fantasy. 292 00:10:59,943 --> 00:11:01,092 Thanks, man. 293 00:11:01,128 --> 00:11:03,028 - Yeah. - Huh. 294 00:11:03,904 --> 00:11:07,429 Aw, dude, when was the last time we bought baseball cards, man? 295 00:11:07,464 --> 00:11:08,900 I don't know, but it's fun, dude, 296 00:11:08,902 --> 00:11:10,769 and it's also, like, a great investment, right? 297 00:11:10,771 --> 00:11:12,103 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I got a Chuck Knoblauch! 298 00:11:12,172 --> 00:11:14,518 - That's, like, pre-yips, man. - Pre-yips? 299 00:11:14,553 --> 00:11:15,774 - Yeah. - That could be worth a fortune! 300 00:11:15,909 --> 00:11:17,792 Yeah, it's gonna be worth a lot, man. He was good. 301 00:11:17,894 --> 00:11:19,794 - Goddamn. - See, this is what I feel like we missed out on. 302 00:11:19,830 --> 00:11:20,996 Like-like our whole lives could've been different 303 00:11:21,131 --> 00:11:22,797 if those bikes weren't stolen, you know? 304 00:11:22,799 --> 00:11:23,999 Yeah, I know. 305 00:11:25,007 --> 00:11:27,936 Wait. Where's your bike? 306 00:11:28,071 --> 00:11:29,938 Ah, shit. 307 00:11:33,368 --> 00:11:34,759 Yeah, bro, I don't know if I'm down 308 00:11:34,795 --> 00:11:36,027 for whatever you got planned out here. 309 00:11:36,029 --> 00:11:37,828 - I mean... - No, no. Here you go. 310 00:11:37,864 --> 00:11:39,030 - What the hell is...? - This is, this is it. 311 00:11:39,165 --> 00:11:41,032 This is it. This is it. This is where I kept it. 312 00:11:41,068 --> 00:11:43,167 Check this out. Huh? 313 00:11:43,203 --> 00:11:45,970 Check this out. Trésor. 314 00:11:46,006 --> 00:11:47,172 - Check this out. Yeah. - Trésor? 315 00:11:47,307 --> 00:11:49,240 Look at this. Look at that. 316 00:11:49,243 --> 00:11:51,926 Skank. Hold on to that. 317 00:11:51,995 --> 00:11:54,796 - Look at this. Score. - Okay, but... 318 00:11:54,931 --> 00:11:56,865 - Look at it. This is... - Brah, I-I thought, I thought 319 00:11:56,867 --> 00:11:58,132 you was gonna get me laid, all right? 320 00:11:58,168 --> 00:11:59,801 - That would have been lit. - Huh? Well, this is just... 321 00:11:59,870 --> 00:12:01,803 - This shit's just weird as hell. - Well, no... 322 00:12:01,805 --> 00:12:03,004 - I mean, the plastic bags? Come on, man. - Well, the... 323 00:12:03,006 --> 00:12:05,807 Look, my-my boy Dennis is tight with the girls. 324 00:12:05,809 --> 00:12:08,826 He's gonna get you laid, but you got to help me pass that test. 325 00:12:08,862 --> 00:12:11,096 Here, check this out. Look at that. Ooh! 326 00:12:11,231 --> 00:12:12,897 - Oh, yeah. Hey, hey. No, no. - Huh? That's nice. Wait, wait. 327 00:12:12,899 --> 00:12:14,165 Hold that up. I want to get it for my Instagram story. 328 00:12:14,301 --> 00:12:16,034 Yeah, that was good. That was good. Here you go, here you go. 329 00:12:16,169 --> 00:12:19,103 - Check this out. Ho! - Oh! 330 00:12:19,139 --> 00:12:20,838 This shit's weird as hell, man. 331 00:12:20,874 --> 00:12:21,973 Yeah. 332 00:12:24,904 --> 00:12:27,332 I mean, sure, it feels a little fast. 333 00:12:27,367 --> 00:12:28,729 And at first I thought it was 'cause I had the newest model, 334 00:12:28,765 --> 00:12:29,998 but that's not it. 335 00:12:30,067 --> 00:12:31,800 They recognize me for who I really am. 336 00:12:31,935 --> 00:12:33,068 You know, my true identity. 337 00:12:34,037 --> 00:12:35,003 They, uh, invited me 338 00:12:35,138 --> 00:12:36,871 to Turks and Caicos for Karen's birthday 339 00:12:36,907 --> 00:12:38,402 on a private jet. 340 00:12:39,943 --> 00:12:42,093 That's when I was like, "Okay, well, which one is it? 341 00:12:42,212 --> 00:12:45,162 Turks or Caicos? 'Cause I'm not invited back on Caicos." 342 00:12:48,648 --> 00:12:50,135 Why aren't you laughing? 343 00:12:52,105 --> 00:12:53,972 No. Well, you probably don't speak English. 344 00:12:54,107 --> 00:12:55,907 I speak English. It's just not funny. 345 00:12:58,086 --> 00:12:58,993 - Oh, my God. - Oh. 346 00:12:58,996 --> 00:13:00,862 Deandra, that massage was everything. 347 00:13:00,931 --> 00:13:02,864 - Was it? - Ah. We deserve it. 348 00:13:02,933 --> 00:13:04,799 - Mm. - At least I do. 349 00:13:04,934 --> 00:13:07,068 I just wish my second husband came with a dimmer switch. 350 00:13:07,104 --> 00:13:09,203 I forgot how much energy men in their 20s have. 351 00:13:09,239 --> 00:13:10,888 Oh. 352 00:13:10,941 --> 00:13:13,808 Karen upgraded. Her first husband was, like, 70. 353 00:13:13,810 --> 00:13:15,126 - Mm. - Now she's got a boy toy 354 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:17,161 with five percent body fat. Yum. 355 00:13:17,230 --> 00:13:19,080 Karen, you dog. 356 00:13:19,199 --> 00:13:20,965 But his brain is the size of a pea, 357 00:13:21,101 --> 00:13:22,767 - so conversations are like pulling teeth. - Hmm. 358 00:13:22,769 --> 00:13:24,102 You don't have to worry about these things 359 00:13:24,171 --> 00:13:25,970 - 'cause you've never been married. - That's true. 360 00:13:26,039 --> 00:13:28,206 The fuck is that supposed to mean? 361 00:13:30,844 --> 00:13:33,127 Oh, Karen, you bitch. 362 00:13:33,163 --> 00:13:36,931 You dumb idiot. You stupid savage. 363 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:40,201 You're not the alpha here, you crusty-ass fool. 364 00:13:41,280 --> 00:13:43,805 Oh, I'm gonna cuck you so hard. 365 00:13:43,940 --> 00:13:46,941 Your boy toy... he's mine. 366 00:13:46,943 --> 00:13:49,027 I will destroy you. 367 00:13:49,162 --> 00:13:52,897 I am a 2018 Range Rover woman. 368 00:13:52,933 --> 00:13:54,899 I am a golden goddess. 369 00:13:55,034 --> 00:13:56,901 Who are you, idiot? 370 00:13:57,036 --> 00:13:58,103 Savage! 371 00:13:58,238 --> 00:13:59,204 Idiot! 372 00:14:01,041 --> 00:14:03,708 Yo, yo, Den dog, we're here. Hey. 373 00:14:04,488 --> 00:14:05,773 Hey, Frankie. 374 00:14:05,808 --> 00:14:06,194 - Hey, how you doing? - What's up? Hey. 375 00:14:06,196 --> 00:14:07,929 - Hey, thanks for inviting us. - Yeah. 376 00:14:07,931 --> 00:14:09,998 Hey, uh, listen, everybody, this is my friend Frank 377 00:14:10,133 --> 00:14:12,000 - and his, uh... friend. His-his, uh... - Hey. 378 00:14:12,135 --> 00:14:14,001 - ...young friend. - Mm-hmm. 379 00:14:14,037 --> 00:14:15,202 - Thanks for inviting us. Yeah. - Make yourself at home. 380 00:14:15,238 --> 00:14:17,872 - Hey. Hey. - Yeah. Hey. Uh, 381 00:14:17,908 --> 00:14:19,073 what do you think, guys? It's pretty great, right? 382 00:14:19,109 --> 00:14:20,742 John's got a pretty nice setup. 383 00:14:20,811 --> 00:14:21,959 You know, he's got great Wi-Fi, too, 384 00:14:22,028 --> 00:14:23,762 which is great for playing fantasy sports. 385 00:14:23,897 --> 00:14:25,029 We're-we're doing a little fantasy baseball right now. 386 00:14:25,098 --> 00:14:26,898 Is this the dude you're talking about? 387 00:14:26,900 --> 00:14:28,833 Uh, yeah. Mm, yeah. 388 00:14:28,968 --> 00:14:30,167 Don't embarrass me, man. 389 00:14:30,203 --> 00:14:31,836 - I'm not embarrassing you. - Dennis. 390 00:14:31,838 --> 00:14:32,870 - This place is weak, bro. - Oh. 391 00:14:32,906 --> 00:14:34,105 - Bro. - It's not... no, not weak. 392 00:14:34,412 --> 00:14:36,774 Who is...? Yeah. Not weak, guy. 393 00:14:36,777 --> 00:14:38,192 You know, these guys, they-they totally get it. 394 00:14:38,228 --> 00:14:39,927 You know what I mean? Hey, look. 395 00:14:39,963 --> 00:14:41,195 They work hard, but they play hard, you know. 396 00:14:41,264 --> 00:14:43,197 They play fantasy hard, too. 397 00:14:43,266 --> 00:14:45,200 - Yeah. I really want to show you this lineup I... - Dennis? 398 00:14:45,202 --> 00:14:47,201 At least hit on the one chick that's here. 399 00:14:47,270 --> 00:14:51,238 Oh. Uh, no. That's-that's Tara, and I think, uh... 400 00:14:51,303 --> 00:14:53,207 I think John's got a little bit of a thing for her, so... 401 00:14:53,293 --> 00:14:54,892 You lose your mojo? 402 00:14:56,051 --> 00:14:57,385 I didn't lose my mojo. 403 00:14:57,420 --> 00:14:58,029 - I still got my... - Yeah, you got it. 404 00:14:58,098 --> 00:14:59,697 - You got the moves? - I got my mojo. 405 00:14:59,833 --> 00:15:00,965 - I said you-you... - What are you doing? 406 00:15:01,034 --> 00:15:02,562 Uh, Insta story. 407 00:15:02,563 --> 00:15:03,663 - Kids. - Cool. 408 00:15:04,617 --> 00:15:06,170 - What is it? - It's video, bro. 409 00:15:07,271 --> 00:15:09,040 Uh, okay. What do I do? Like, should I do, like, a thing, or...? 410 00:15:09,175 --> 00:15:11,141 Oh, this dude sucks. 411 00:15:11,194 --> 00:15:13,194 What are you doing, man? I don't suck. Dude, I'll suck you. 412 00:15:13,230 --> 00:15:15,129 - You'll suck me? - No, that's... 413 00:15:15,132 --> 00:15:16,998 - That's not what I meant. - Oh, that's perfect, man. 414 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:18,800 What are you, what are you gonna do with that, dude? 415 00:15:18,935 --> 00:15:20,068 - Don't put that out in the world. - Go, go, go, go. 416 00:15:20,070 --> 00:15:21,202 - Go hit on the girl, will you? - Yeah. 417 00:15:21,337 --> 00:15:22,937 - I'll show you what sucks, huh? - Let's go. Let's see it. 418 00:15:23,072 --> 00:15:24,805 - I'll hit on Tara, man. You'll see. - I want to watch. Let's go. 419 00:15:24,841 --> 00:15:25,940 - Who is this guy? - Come on. 420 00:15:26,026 --> 00:15:27,041 - Come watch this. Watch this. - All right. All right. 421 00:15:29,251 --> 00:15:29,827 Yo. 422 00:15:29,896 --> 00:15:31,829 - Hey, what's up? - Hey, what's up, man? 423 00:15:31,832 --> 00:15:33,965 Um, oh, cooking. You... What is that, chili? Cool. 424 00:15:33,967 --> 00:15:36,901 - Yeah. - Did you make enough for everybody? 425 00:15:36,903 --> 00:15:39,103 - Yeah, you want some? - Oh, no. It makes me... makes me fart. 426 00:15:41,581 --> 00:15:42,907 I don't want to, I don't want to fart right now. 427 00:15:42,976 --> 00:15:46,194 Um... I noticed you were wearing a hat, 428 00:15:46,329 --> 00:15:47,995 and that's... that's pretty cool. 429 00:15:48,064 --> 00:15:49,997 Like, I don't see a lot of, like, girls wearing hats, 430 00:15:50,066 --> 00:15:51,800 you know, and I'm wearing a hat, too, you know. 431 00:15:51,935 --> 00:15:53,267 It's like, it's like we're... 432 00:15:53,303 --> 00:15:54,659 It's like we're hat twins. 433 00:15:56,024 --> 00:15:57,071 You know what I mean? Yeah. 434 00:15:57,073 --> 00:15:59,273 And I-I have a twin. 435 00:15:59,309 --> 00:16:01,075 I mean, I am a twin. Like, I'm part... 436 00:16:01,077 --> 00:16:02,827 I'm one part of a twin. Uh... 437 00:16:02,913 --> 00:16:05,029 I have a twin sister, is what I'm trying to say. 438 00:16:05,065 --> 00:16:06,764 Mm. 439 00:16:06,900 --> 00:16:09,801 Yeah, she farts a shit ton, man. 440 00:16:12,334 --> 00:16:14,172 Yeah. I-I don't have that. 441 00:16:14,174 --> 00:16:16,173 Like, everything makes her... 442 00:16:16,243 --> 00:16:17,992 everything makes her fart. 443 00:16:18,127 --> 00:16:19,794 - I'm gonna get back in there. - Yeah. 444 00:16:19,796 --> 00:16:20,862 - Yeah. - The Minnesota Twins. 445 00:16:20,931 --> 00:16:23,798 - You know what I'm saying? - Yeah, they're a team. 446 00:16:26,203 --> 00:16:27,497 Mm. 447 00:16:28,805 --> 00:16:29,938 It was pretty cool. 448 00:16:29,940 --> 00:16:31,773 We're gonna hit the road. Uh... 449 00:16:31,775 --> 00:16:32,674 - Are you guys gonna take off? - Yeah, we're gonna 450 00:16:32,809 --> 00:16:33,741 - take off. - Be good though, bro. 451 00:16:33,877 --> 00:16:35,026 - Word. Word. - See you, man. 452 00:16:35,670 --> 00:16:36,827 Look, just pedal faster. 453 00:16:36,863 --> 00:16:38,896 I'm going as fast as I can, bro. You tacked on 454 00:16:38,899 --> 00:16:40,765 - a little too much mass, I think. - Don't blame this on me, dude. 455 00:16:40,834 --> 00:16:42,166 - Are you doing the leg routine I gave you? - I'm so tired 456 00:16:42,302 --> 00:16:43,968 - of doing your routines, man. - Are you drinking the Fight Milk? 457 00:16:44,037 --> 00:16:45,169 It makes me so sick! 458 00:16:45,171 --> 00:16:47,038 - There it is! - Oh, shit! That is it! 459 00:16:47,107 --> 00:16:49,239 - Hey! - Hey, punks! 460 00:16:49,276 --> 00:16:50,775 That's our bike. 461 00:16:50,844 --> 00:16:51,993 Well, it's ours now. 462 00:16:52,028 --> 00:16:53,794 What are you gonna do about it? 463 00:16:53,830 --> 00:16:55,262 - Listen, you little piece of shit. I'm gonna... - Yo, whoa! 464 00:16:55,298 --> 00:16:57,264 Hey! The hell is this? 465 00:16:57,300 --> 00:16:59,067 What are you doing? You yelling at my kid? 466 00:16:59,069 --> 00:17:00,801 - Uh, thank you for coming out, sir. - You all right? 467 00:17:00,871 --> 00:17:04,431 Uh, I believe that your son and his friends stole a bike. 468 00:17:04,466 --> 00:17:05,835 I'm sorry, Stephen stole your son's bike? 469 00:17:05,870 --> 00:17:08,209 - Uh, no. He stole our bike. - Let me talk to my son. 470 00:17:08,244 --> 00:17:09,761 - Let's see if we can get down to it, okay? - Okay. Okay. Thank you. 471 00:17:09,763 --> 00:17:12,030 - Dude, do you know who that is? - No. 472 00:17:12,032 --> 00:17:13,964 That's Shawn Dumont, who stole our bike in seventh grade. 473 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:15,921 - That's him. - That's Shawn Dumont? 474 00:17:15,956 --> 00:17:16,968 - Holy shit, you're right. - I know. He got fat as shit, man. 475 00:17:16,970 --> 00:17:18,169 I almost didn't recognize him. 476 00:17:18,171 --> 00:17:19,970 Y-You know what, dude, I don't even care. 477 00:17:20,006 --> 00:17:22,040 I just want to get my bike and let's just go 478 00:17:22,042 --> 00:17:23,241 - and have fun. - Let's just get back to it. All right. 479 00:17:23,243 --> 00:17:25,793 Let's not get tripped up by that. 480 00:17:25,795 --> 00:17:28,062 Okay, good news. He didn't steal it. 481 00:17:28,064 --> 00:17:29,864 - What? Uh, yeah, he did. It's-it's right there. - Yeah. 482 00:17:29,999 --> 00:17:31,198 I'm looking at it. You want to take a look? 483 00:17:31,234 --> 00:17:33,134 No, no. He says he didn't steal it. 484 00:17:33,136 --> 00:17:35,136 And, you know, he didn't steal it. 485 00:17:35,138 --> 00:17:36,937 - Okay? - Well, no, that is definitely our bike, 486 00:17:36,973 --> 00:17:39,841 - a-and we want it back, okay? - Yeah, we want it back. 487 00:17:43,129 --> 00:17:45,195 What are you gonna do about it? 488 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:50,934 Uh... uh... 489 00:17:50,971 --> 00:17:52,203 - Nothing, yeah. - Nothing. 490 00:17:52,272 --> 00:17:54,205 - Yeah. That's what I thought. - Damn it. 491 00:17:54,274 --> 00:17:56,207 - Dude, it's the perfect line, dude. There's no coming back... - Yeah. 492 00:17:56,276 --> 00:17:58,125 - ...from that. - It's just like, when you say it, 493 00:17:58,127 --> 00:17:59,827 it just ends the whole thing. 494 00:17:59,829 --> 00:18:00,961 Damn it. 495 00:18:00,997 --> 00:18:02,853 I can't believe this happened again. 496 00:18:02,888 --> 00:18:04,227 Son of a bitch. 497 00:18:15,487 --> 00:18:16,260 - Dee! - Hey. 498 00:18:16,281 --> 00:18:18,997 What a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting you. You know, 499 00:18:19,132 --> 00:18:21,866 - I was just telling Brenda about my new bed linens. - Oh. 500 00:18:21,868 --> 00:18:23,735 Egyptian cotton. 501 00:18:23,737 --> 00:18:25,069 1,000 thread count. You got to see them. 502 00:18:25,138 --> 00:18:26,738 Oh, I-I've seen them. 503 00:18:26,873 --> 00:18:28,940 I've seen them real up close and personal. 504 00:18:28,942 --> 00:18:30,742 - I'm sorry? - You heard me. 505 00:18:30,877 --> 00:18:34,028 This spinster spun a web that swallowed your boy toy up whole. 506 00:18:34,030 --> 00:18:35,829 I am a goddess. 507 00:18:35,865 --> 00:18:36,964 Okay, I'm having a hard time following what you're... 508 00:18:37,033 --> 00:18:40,701 I am a golden goddess, you idiot. 509 00:18:40,770 --> 00:18:42,703 Savage idiots! 510 00:18:42,772 --> 00:18:44,906 And I banged your man. 511 00:18:46,843 --> 00:18:49,727 Aidan! 512 00:18:49,862 --> 00:18:50,995 Where the hell were you? 513 00:18:50,997 --> 00:18:52,863 The test was this morning! 514 00:18:52,932 --> 00:18:55,066 - I failed so hard! - Dude, 515 00:18:55,201 --> 00:18:57,135 my mom saw the Instagram with all the porn and shit. 516 00:18:57,137 --> 00:18:59,137 She said no phone privileges and no license. 517 00:18:59,139 --> 00:19:00,672 I'm-I'm grounded, bro. 518 00:19:00,807 --> 00:19:03,608 Aw! Moms are so not lit. 519 00:19:03,743 --> 00:19:05,960 Hey, but, yo, I did get laid last night. 520 00:19:05,962 --> 00:19:07,161 - That's lit. - Yeah. 521 00:19:07,163 --> 00:19:08,962 Get out! - Who's the alpha now, 522 00:19:08,999 --> 00:19:11,765 - huh, Karen? - Get off my property, bitch! 523 00:19:11,801 --> 00:19:13,767 How could you have done this to me? 524 00:19:13,803 --> 00:19:15,970 - Frank? - Deandra, what the hell are you doing here? 525 00:19:16,039 --> 00:19:18,105 Oh, my God. You're the creepy old man 526 00:19:18,174 --> 00:19:20,107 from Aidan's Instagram stories. 527 00:19:20,176 --> 00:19:21,792 Aidan and I are study buddies. 528 00:19:23,001 --> 00:19:25,797 Your husband's taking driver's ed? Well, I tell you what, 529 00:19:25,932 --> 00:19:27,798 I showed him how to drive stick last night. 530 00:19:27,834 --> 00:19:29,666 Aidan's my son! 531 00:19:29,703 --> 00:19:30,801 What's that? 532 00:19:30,870 --> 00:19:32,136 What's up, Dee? 533 00:19:32,138 --> 00:19:33,938 - Oh... - Brenda, 534 00:19:34,073 --> 00:19:35,940 - call the police. Now. - No, no. - All right. 535 00:19:36,075 --> 00:19:37,675 - Um... Oh, my God. - B-Bye-bye. Let's go. 536 00:19:37,810 --> 00:19:38,959 - Get out of here. Keys? - That's right. Go. 537 00:19:39,029 --> 00:19:40,828 - Are you sure about this? - Yes, dude. 538 00:19:40,830 --> 00:19:42,624 Shawn Dumont is an asshole. 539 00:19:42,659 --> 00:19:44,438 He stole our bikes and he stole our identities. 540 00:19:44,473 --> 00:19:45,700 I can't believe he's getting away with this, man. 541 00:19:45,835 --> 00:19:47,701 You know what? We got to do what we should've done 542 00:19:47,737 --> 00:19:49,510 - 30 years ago. - Yes. Yes. 543 00:19:49,545 --> 00:19:50,705 - You're right. - You ready? 544 00:19:50,707 --> 00:19:51,906 Yeah. Shawn Dumont. That prick. 545 00:19:51,975 --> 00:19:54,708 - Son of a bitch. - That goddamn prick. 546 00:19:54,794 --> 00:19:55,993 Yo, I'm gonna steal my dad's vape pen. 547 00:19:56,029 --> 00:19:57,702 I know where he hides that shit. 548 00:19:57,737 --> 00:19:58,930 Hey, you. 549 00:20:28,995 --> 00:20:31,061 - Dennis. - Oh, boy. 550 00:20:31,131 --> 00:20:33,931 It has been a long-ass day. It is definitely beer o'clock. 551 00:20:33,967 --> 00:20:35,933 - What's up? - There is always Coors 552 00:20:35,969 --> 00:20:37,735 - in the garage fridge, bro. - Oh. 553 00:20:37,804 --> 00:20:38,738 Clutch! 554 00:20:39,806 --> 00:20:41,172 What's up? 555 00:20:52,678 --> 00:20:54,001 Jonathan! 556 00:20:56,753 --> 00:20:58,106 What's up? 557 00:20:59,020 --> 00:21:00,041 What is this? 558 00:21:00,716 --> 00:21:01,726 What am I seeing? 559 00:21:01,861 --> 00:21:03,928 This is that gas guzzler I was mentioning. 560 00:21:03,930 --> 00:21:05,729 - Oh. - I don't know. 561 00:21:05,765 --> 00:21:07,640 I think I'm gonna donate it to the fire department 562 00:21:07,675 --> 00:21:08,733 - or something. - C-Can... 563 00:21:08,735 --> 00:21:10,133 can I... 564 00:21:10,170 --> 00:21:11,869 c-can I purchase it from... 565 00:21:11,905 --> 00:21:14,137 I will purchase it from you. 566 00:21:14,899 --> 00:21:16,940 The Blue Book value, I'll-I'll give you double. 567 00:21:16,976 --> 00:21:17,974 Deal. 568 00:21:20,029 --> 00:21:21,962 - Be gone from me now. - What? 569 00:21:22,031 --> 00:21:23,964 Be gone from me, you soy boy beta cuck. 570 00:21:24,033 --> 00:21:25,766 The transaction is complete. 571 00:21:25,902 --> 00:21:27,685 Dennis, I don't understand. 572 00:21:27,704 --> 00:21:29,770 Be gone! 573 00:21:42,936 --> 00:21:44,869 ♪ Never gonna give you up ♪ 574 00:21:45,004 --> 00:21:47,071 ♪ Never gonna let you down ♪ 575 00:21:47,073 --> 00:21:49,139 ♪ Never gonna run around... ♪ 576 00:21:50,222 --> 00:21:52,759 Hey! Charlie? Mac? 577 00:21:52,795 --> 00:21:53,961 - Dennis! - Guys. 578 00:21:53,997 --> 00:21:56,657 The cops, the parents, they're all after us. 579 00:21:56,692 --> 00:21:57,965 How'd you get a Range Rover? Let's just get in. Get in. 580 00:21:58,100 --> 00:21:59,967 - Oh, man, we did a bad thing. - Yeah, get in. 581 00:22:00,003 --> 00:22:02,169 - Go! Hey, get us out of here, man. Go, go, go. - Oh, Jesus. 582 00:22:02,238 --> 00:22:04,771 We did a bad thing, dude. I think I killed a kid. 583 00:22:04,807 --> 00:22:06,755 He did. I saw him. I think the kid's dead. 584 00:22:07,911 --> 00:22:11,662 Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. 585 00:22:11,731 --> 00:22:14,999 ♪ Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it ♪ 586 00:22:15,001 --> 00:22:16,934 ♪ Inside we both know what's been going on ♪ 587 00:22:16,970 --> 00:22:19,003 What the hell is going on here? 588 00:22:20,321 --> 00:22:21,672 Hey! 589 00:22:21,741 --> 00:22:24,008 - Hey, Dee, Frank, what's up? - Hey. 590 00:22:24,143 --> 00:22:25,960 We almost got T-boned by an Asian. 591 00:22:25,962 --> 00:22:28,829 It was totally my fault. She did everything by the book. 592 00:22:28,965 --> 00:22:30,798 Very surprising. 593 00:22:31,901 --> 00:22:33,968 - Also, Dee banged a kid. - Ah. 594 00:22:34,037 --> 00:22:36,103 No, no, I was trying to cuck a bitch... 595 00:22:37,711 --> 00:22:39,840 It doesn't matter. It's okay. 596 00:22:39,909 --> 00:22:42,859 You're in the Range Rover now. All is well. 597 00:22:42,896 --> 00:22:44,729 ♪ Never gonna say good-bye ♪ 598 00:22:44,864 --> 00:22:48,732 ♪ Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you ♪ 599 00:22:48,768 --> 00:22:50,735 ♪ Never gonna give you up ♪ 600 00:22:50,870 --> 00:22:52,937 ♪ Never gonna let you down ♪ 601 00:22:52,939 --> 00:22:56,874 ♪ Never gonna run around and desert you ♪ 602 00:22:57,009 --> 00:22:59,093 ♪ Never gonna make you cry ♪ 603 00:22:59,162 --> 00:23:01,762 ♪ Never gonna say good-bye ♪ 604 00:23:01,764 --> 00:23:05,916 ♪ Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you ♪ 605 00:23:32,962 --> 00:23:35,029 - synced and corrected by sot26 - www.addic7ed.com