1 00:00:01,808 --> 00:00:03,409 That's what's good about a beer. 2 00:00:03,509 --> 00:00:04,830 Yeah. It just keeps cycling 3 00:00:04,877 --> 00:00:06,178 - through... - Guys, guys, guys! 4 00:00:06,312 --> 00:00:07,779 We got news, we've got terrible news. 5 00:00:07,914 --> 00:00:09,081 Yeah. What do you got? 6 00:00:09,198 --> 00:00:10,866 Okay, you know that Chinese fish factory across the street? 7 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:12,440 The one with the horrible smell? Ugh. 8 00:00:12,535 --> 00:00:13,785 - Yeah. - Yeah. Of course. 9 00:00:13,920 --> 00:00:15,120 Disgusting. Been there forever? 10 00:00:15,254 --> 00:00:16,922 They've installed security cameras pointed directly at 11 00:00:17,039 --> 00:00:18,173 Paddy's. Yeah. 12 00:00:18,291 --> 00:00:19,791 What? They're pointing them at us? 13 00:00:19,926 --> 00:00:21,209 Yes. They can't do that. 14 00:00:21,344 --> 00:00:22,794 That's bullshit! What, are they spying on us? 15 00:00:22,929 --> 00:00:23,801 Yes, dude, I think they're spying on us, and you know what 16 00:00:23,904 --> 00:00:25,288 else? They bought the building next 17 00:00:25,406 --> 00:00:26,739 door and they are expanding like crazy. 18 00:00:26,874 --> 00:00:28,491 I'm telling you, it is only a matter of time before the 19 00:00:28,626 --> 00:00:32,351 Chinese take us over. They've always been very 20 00:00:32,568 --> 00:00:34,202 secretive for a fish factory, did you notice? 21 00:00:34,320 --> 00:00:36,120 Do you ever feel like maybe they're using that fish smell to 22 00:00:36,238 --> 00:00:37,872 cover up, like, maybe some other mysterious smell? 23 00:00:37,990 --> 00:00:39,374 Mmm. It is an incredibly strong 24 00:00:39,491 --> 00:00:40,909 smell. It's turned me off of fish. 25 00:00:41,043 --> 00:00:42,327 Me, too! Oh, that's so bad. 26 00:00:42,461 --> 00:00:44,295 I'm off of fish. And I used to eat so much 27 00:00:44,413 --> 00:00:46,247 fish, guys, I mean... I love fish. 28 00:00:46,382 --> 00:00:49,300 Good fish, good solid fish? Flakey, really... 29 00:00:49,418 --> 00:00:50,969 Protein, omega numbers... Omega threes, fours and 30 00:00:51,086 --> 00:00:52,337 fives. Melts in your mouth. 31 00:00:52,471 --> 00:00:53,755 You get to eat all your scales. 32 00:00:53,889 --> 00:00:55,673 Don't eat the scales. No, you don't eat the scales. 33 00:00:55,808 --> 00:00:57,592 You know, you don't get scales unless it's a fish or a 34 00:00:57,726 --> 00:00:59,060 reptile. You got to get them... 35 00:00:59,178 --> 00:01:00,739 Don't eat reptiles. Yeah, not eating all 36 00:01:00,846 --> 00:01:03,264 reptiles, just the good ones. Okay, guys, we got a plan. 37 00:01:03,399 --> 00:01:04,732 Dee, come with us. Yeah. 38 00:01:04,850 --> 00:01:06,351 You're gonna help us gather intel. 39 00:01:06,485 --> 00:01:07,852 Really? Let's do it, come on. 40 00:01:07,987 --> 00:01:09,237 Okay. There she goes. Let's go. 41 00:01:09,355 --> 00:01:10,772 All right, and then, uh, what do Frank and I do? 42 00:01:10,906 --> 00:01:12,490 Well, you guys just hang back, uh, do your thing. 43 00:01:12,608 --> 00:01:14,325 Don't eat reptiles and just hang out. 44 00:01:14,443 --> 00:01:15,944 What? What, you're going with Dee 45 00:01:16,078 --> 00:01:17,195 over us? Right. 46 00:01:17,329 --> 00:01:18,746 Yeah. I-Is this 'cause you guys 47 00:01:18,864 --> 00:01:20,331 have been living at her place ever since your fire? 48 00:01:20,449 --> 00:01:21,950 You know what I mean? I feel like you burn your place 49 00:01:22,084 --> 00:01:24,035 down, you move into Dee's, and now you're, like, getting all 50 00:01:24,169 --> 00:01:25,787 buddy-buddy... Yeah. Yeah, chummy-chummy. 51 00:01:25,921 --> 00:01:27,755 Yeah, I-I guess so. You know, if you need. 52 00:01:27,873 --> 00:01:29,924 That's crazy! Dee over us? 53 00:01:30,042 --> 00:01:32,210 I mean, you can't count on her. You're completely unreliable, 54 00:01:32,344 --> 00:01:34,045 Dee, really. You're, like, all gangly and 55 00:01:34,179 --> 00:01:36,130 uncoordinated. And she's constantly gonna 56 00:01:36,265 --> 00:01:37,665 back-sass you. Oh, she'll argue with 57 00:01:37,766 --> 00:01:39,217 everything you say. You know, it's bullshit. 58 00:01:39,351 --> 00:01:41,269 No, you know what's bullshit? Me getting boxed out all the 59 00:01:41,387 --> 00:01:43,054 time. And these guys have finally 60 00:01:43,188 --> 00:01:45,940 realized, by living with me, that old Dee is pretty cool 61 00:01:46,058 --> 00:01:47,392 after all, and pretty funny, too. 62 00:01:47,526 --> 00:01:49,394 So maybe I shouldn't be the butt of everybody's jokes anymore. 63 00:01:49,528 --> 00:01:51,145 Let's... let's not get crazy, Dee. 64 00:01:51,280 --> 00:01:52,864 Yeah, you're always gonna be the butt of our jokes. 65 00:01:52,982 --> 00:01:54,732 Whatever, let's roll. Yeah, we're still gonna make 66 00:01:54,867 --> 00:01:56,627 jokes at your expense. That's okay, let's go. 67 00:01:56,652 --> 00:01:57,986 All right. Yeah, uh... just hang. 68 00:01:58,120 --> 00:01:59,737 Uh, we're good. Huh? 69 00:01:59,872 --> 00:02:01,456 What the hell was that? Something stinks here, 70 00:02:01,573 --> 00:02:03,157 Charlie, and it ain't just the fish. 71 00:02:03,292 --> 00:02:04,826 Dude, the other day, I was trying to get in the back 72 00:02:04,960 --> 00:02:06,077 office... Yeah? 73 00:02:06,211 --> 00:02:08,496 Dennis had the door locked. Mac locked the door, too! 74 00:02:08,631 --> 00:02:10,715 What is that? Who locks the office door? 75 00:02:10,833 --> 00:02:12,884 I feel like they're always sneaking around now, and they're 76 00:02:13,002 --> 00:02:14,843 all, like, nervous. Something big is definitely 77 00:02:14,970 --> 00:02:16,921 going down. I got a plan. You know what? 78 00:02:17,056 --> 00:02:18,673 How about you and I spy on that Chinese factory? 79 00:02:18,807 --> 00:02:21,048 Yeah, but, Charlie, I trust the Chinese as far as I could 80 00:02:21,143 --> 00:02:22,677 throw their factory. Mm-hmm. 81 00:02:22,811 --> 00:02:25,179 But the real threat isn't abroad, Charlie; it's right here 82 00:02:25,314 --> 00:02:30,625 at home. We got to spy on Mac and Dennis. 83 00:02:43,922 --> 00:02:53,422 Sync & corrections by honeybunny www.addic7ed.com 84 00:03:09,636 --> 00:03:10,886 Oh, God, that smell! 85 00:03:11,004 --> 00:03:12,004 Whew! 86 00:03:12,139 --> 00:03:13,723 The air quality in here is terrible! 87 00:03:13,840 --> 00:03:14,665 How do these people survive in this? 88 00:03:14,785 --> 00:03:16,322 Oof. Well, you know the Chinese. 89 00:03:16,414 --> 00:03:17,280 It's like, business first, 90 00:03:17,415 --> 00:03:19,724 breathing second, goddamn it! 91 00:03:19,844 --> 00:03:21,228 At least we know that it's a 92 00:03:21,346 --> 00:03:22,346 real fish factory, not some sort 93 00:03:22,480 --> 00:03:23,313 of a front for something. 94 00:03:23,431 --> 00:03:25,182 Well... Well, Dee, we don't know that 95 00:03:25,316 --> 00:03:26,817 for sure, okay? And that's why you got to get a 96 00:03:26,935 --> 00:03:28,485 job here. I got to get a job here? 97 00:03:28,603 --> 00:03:30,821 What am I looking for? Shady practices, you know? 98 00:03:30,939 --> 00:03:33,273 Sketchy dealings. Schematics. 99 00:03:33,408 --> 00:03:35,275 Uh, human rights violations, anything, Dee. 100 00:03:35,410 --> 00:03:36,910 Just-just, you know, gather intel. 101 00:03:37,028 --> 00:03:38,362 Okay. What are you guys gonna do? 102 00:03:38,496 --> 00:03:40,414 Dee, you're on a need-to-know basis here, okay? 103 00:03:40,531 --> 00:03:42,032 There's a chain of command here, okay? 104 00:03:42,166 --> 00:03:43,667 You're at the very bottom. You're way down. 105 00:03:43,785 --> 00:03:45,168 Yeah. Well, at least tell me what 106 00:03:45,286 --> 00:03:46,703 the whole plan is. Dee, the one time we bring 107 00:03:46,838 --> 00:03:48,705 you in on a thing instead of Charlie and all we get is 108 00:03:48,840 --> 00:03:50,507 back-sass and questions? Do you want to be on the team or 109 00:03:50,625 --> 00:03:51,925 not? Yeah. 110 00:03:52,043 --> 00:03:53,683 Yeah, I want to be part of the team, okay? 111 00:03:53,761 --> 00:03:58,382 Yes, sorry. So how do I gather the intel? 112 00:03:58,516 --> 00:04:00,434 Oh, Jesus Chri... Talk to people. 113 00:04:00,551 --> 00:04:02,302 I don't know, flirt with the manager. 114 00:04:02,437 --> 00:04:04,354 He'll love how "pretty" and "blonde" you are. 115 00:04:04,472 --> 00:04:05,472 Don't do that. I'm blonde. 116 00:04:05,625 --> 00:04:08,177 Look, my mind goes to that office up there, you know? 117 00:04:08,295 --> 00:04:09,795 What kind of shady shit's going on in there? 118 00:04:09,930 --> 00:04:11,380 And now I'm doing your job for you. 119 00:04:11,515 --> 00:04:13,516 You know what, let's just go get Charlie, 'cause I don't want to 120 00:04:13,633 --> 00:04:15,301 hold her hand for the whole day. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 121 00:04:15,435 --> 00:04:17,520 No Charlie. No Charlie, okay? I got this, you guys, I got 122 00:04:17,637 --> 00:04:19,054 this. Don't worry about me, I got 123 00:04:19,189 --> 00:04:20,473 this. Okay, we need you, Dee. 124 00:04:20,607 --> 00:04:23,476 Go. Go. Go. 125 00:04:28,398 --> 00:04:30,149 It sucks not having our own apartment. 126 00:04:30,283 --> 00:04:31,617 We got to get back in there, dude. 127 00:04:31,735 --> 00:04:33,319 I know. I hate Dee. Dennis, I hate her. 128 00:04:33,453 --> 00:04:35,287 I know, I know, but at least we got her out of our hair for a 129 00:04:35,405 --> 00:04:36,739 little while. Yeah. 130 00:04:36,873 --> 00:04:38,491 We can finally do our plan. Yes, okay. 131 00:04:38,625 --> 00:04:39,792 Oh, goddamn it. 132 00:04:39,910 --> 00:04:41,231 What is that? 133 00:04:41,328 --> 00:04:42,461 Goddamn it! All right, look. 134 00:04:42,579 --> 00:04:44,130 Let's just deal with it, and then we can get back to 135 00:04:44,247 --> 00:04:45,381 business. Yeah, okay. 136 00:04:45,499 --> 00:04:47,383 All right, all right. I'm coming! 137 00:04:47,501 --> 00:04:50,469 I'm coming, Jesus Christ... oh. Hey, guys. 138 00:04:50,587 --> 00:04:52,171 What do you want, Charlie? We're busy. 139 00:04:52,305 --> 00:04:55,558 I wanted to apologize about, um, snapping earlier today with 140 00:04:55,675 --> 00:04:58,928 words at you guys, and then I came here to make an apology... 141 00:04:59,062 --> 00:05:00,679 apology words. What's he talking about? 142 00:05:00,814 --> 00:05:02,148 I-I don't know. I don't remember. 143 00:05:02,265 --> 00:05:03,599 Okay, thank you. Well, hang on! 144 00:05:03,733 --> 00:05:05,684 Hang on a second. I got you guys a flower 145 00:05:05,819 --> 00:05:07,520 arrangement for you. Great. 146 00:05:07,654 --> 00:05:09,155 Thanks. Give it to him. 147 00:05:09,272 --> 00:05:10,792 You can't just have it. There's a plan. 148 00:05:10,857 --> 00:05:12,297 I have to come in and give it to you. 149 00:05:12,409 --> 00:05:13,692 And put it down. All right, fine. 150 00:05:13,827 --> 00:05:15,277 Come in, put them down and then go. 151 00:05:15,412 --> 00:05:16,946 Okay, and I'm in. He's in. 152 00:05:17,080 --> 00:05:20,166 Okay. Uh... Put the vase close to them, 153 00:05:20,283 --> 00:05:22,251 so we can see them. Right. 154 00:05:22,369 --> 00:05:24,289 Okay... and good. And where are you guys spending 155 00:05:24,421 --> 00:05:26,205 the most of your time? It's a very small apartment. 156 00:05:26,339 --> 00:05:27,873 We're all over the place. Just put them anywhere. 157 00:05:28,008 --> 00:05:29,959 And I'll put them down right here, then. 158 00:05:30,093 --> 00:05:31,927 No. No good, move them. 159 00:05:32,045 --> 00:05:36,215 Can't put them here, though. 160 00:05:36,349 --> 00:05:38,434 Where can I put them? Dude, any... put them in the 161 00:05:38,552 --> 00:05:39,969 trash, for all we care. I don't... 162 00:05:40,103 --> 00:05:41,854 Putting them a little further back, so... 163 00:05:41,972 --> 00:05:45,107 Yeah, that's good. And right about here. 164 00:05:45,225 --> 00:05:47,860 Uh, great, we don't care. It's fine. 165 00:05:47,978 --> 00:05:50,396 No, to the left. To the left, you say? 166 00:05:50,530 --> 00:05:53,482 Didn't say that. Don't talk out loud to me. 167 00:05:53,617 --> 00:05:55,868 Roger that. Who's Roger? 168 00:05:55,986 --> 00:06:00,406 Who's Roger? Just... thinking about legally 169 00:06:00,540 --> 00:06:02,541 changing my name to Roger. What's wrong with your ear, 170 00:06:02,659 --> 00:06:05,327 dude? S... spider crawled up in my 171 00:06:05,462 --> 00:06:07,329 ear. It was living there. 172 00:06:07,464 --> 00:06:10,549 Right. Sends its thoughts to me. 173 00:06:10,667 --> 00:06:14,303 Is it telling you to leave? Spider, can I leave? 174 00:06:14,421 --> 00:06:19,058 To the left. Right there, that's good. 175 00:06:19,175 --> 00:06:23,929 Now get out of there. Okay. 176 00:06:24,064 --> 00:06:26,515 Oh, Jesus Chr... Let's get back to business, 177 00:06:26,650 --> 00:06:30,986 please. Yeah, come on. 178 00:06:31,104 --> 00:06:32,938 I was doing a little research earlier, and I stumbled upon 179 00:06:33,073 --> 00:06:36,692 something huge. Hey, man. 180 00:06:36,826 --> 00:06:39,695 Can you hear and see everything? They're talking about 181 00:06:39,829 --> 00:06:41,363 research. Research, huh? 182 00:06:41,498 --> 00:06:43,258 It is everything that we've been looking for. 183 00:06:43,283 --> 00:06:45,034 Dude, it's gonna save us so much time. 184 00:06:45,168 --> 00:06:48,337 It is a game-changer. Check this out. 185 00:06:48,455 --> 00:06:50,122 Oh, my God. Yeah. 186 00:06:50,257 --> 00:06:51,707 There's so much potential here! 187 00:06:51,841 --> 00:06:53,259 What is it? This is great! 188 00:06:53,376 --> 00:06:54,710 I can't see. Yeah, shit. 189 00:06:54,844 --> 00:06:56,462 So, listen, do me a favor. Give me a little bit of time 190 00:06:56,596 --> 00:06:58,097 with this, okay? Let me dig in to this a little 191 00:06:58,214 --> 00:07:00,099 bit, see what the potential really is. 192 00:07:00,216 --> 00:07:02,101 Yeah, I'll give you some some space. Okay. 193 00:07:02,218 --> 00:07:04,103 Yeah. Oh, oh, wait, Mac. 194 00:07:04,220 --> 00:07:06,105 Yeah? One more thing. 195 00:07:06,222 --> 00:07:08,774 Mm-hmm. Throw those goddamn flowers 196 00:07:08,892 --> 00:07:11,727 in the trash. Yeah. Right. 197 00:07:11,861 --> 00:07:16,282 Pieces of shit. Goddamn it! 198 00:07:16,399 --> 00:07:18,400 Son of a bitch. We got to get our hands on 199 00:07:18,535 --> 00:07:21,620 that laptop! Right. 200 00:07:29,412 --> 00:07:31,330 Name's Dee. I'm new around here. 201 00:07:31,464 --> 00:07:33,832 So, what's the deal with these masks, huh? 202 00:07:33,967 --> 00:07:36,051 Are they gonna protect you from the fish or protect the fish 203 00:07:36,169 --> 00:07:39,972 from you-- am I right? 204 00:07:40,090 --> 00:07:44,259 No. I didn't get that. You chop fish, pull gut! 205 00:07:44,394 --> 00:07:47,396 "Pull gut." Totally, yeah. Listen, I'm gonna pop this off 206 00:07:47,514 --> 00:07:49,932 'cause it's not protecting me from the smell, so I'm not 207 00:07:50,066 --> 00:07:52,318 - really sure what the point is. - Hey. 208 00:07:52,435 --> 00:07:54,987 Give me the skinny. Are you guys up to anything 209 00:07:55,105 --> 00:07:57,940 non-fish related around here or...? 210 00:07:58,074 --> 00:08:01,493 Seriously? 211 00:08:01,611 --> 00:08:05,447 All right, goddamn it. You are of no use to me. 212 00:08:05,582 --> 00:08:09,535 Oh, here we go. Uh, excuse me. Hello. 213 00:08:09,669 --> 00:08:12,371 Hi. Um... Uh, my name's Dee and I'm new 214 00:08:12,505 --> 00:08:16,091 around here, and I just would love to chat with you sometime 215 00:08:16,209 --> 00:08:19,678 in private, you know? Maybe up in your secret private 216 00:08:19,796 --> 00:08:22,931 office up there? I need you to chop fish and 217 00:08:23,049 --> 00:08:25,134 pull the gut. Yeah. No, I get it. 218 00:08:25,268 --> 00:08:27,228 I-I get that you're a chop fish, pull gut factory. 219 00:08:27,303 --> 00:08:29,221 Wait, wait, wait, wait! Don't go anywhere. Hi. 220 00:08:29,356 --> 00:08:34,476 Um, uh, how about this, huh? Uh-oh. What do you see, huh? 221 00:08:34,611 --> 00:08:39,114 American girl, blue eyes, blond hair... 222 00:08:39,232 --> 00:08:42,818 It got me! It got me good! 223 00:08:42,952 --> 00:08:46,155 Aah! It got in my mouth! 224 00:08:46,289 --> 00:08:47,706 Incoming! 225 00:08:53,413 --> 00:08:55,297 Hi. Hey, guys. 226 00:08:55,415 --> 00:08:57,299 What are you doing, dude? You texted us 911. 227 00:08:57,417 --> 00:08:59,301 What's the emergency? Yeah. 228 00:08:59,419 --> 00:09:01,837 Oh, yeah, uh, well, our friendship's in danger, so... 229 00:09:01,971 --> 00:09:04,473 I stole Frank's credit card. You guys want to have lunch? 230 00:09:04,591 --> 00:09:06,508 You got Frank's card? I got the card. 231 00:09:06,643 --> 00:09:08,727 I'm annoyed, but I could eat. All right, let's go. 232 00:09:08,845 --> 00:09:10,729 Yeah, to be honest with you, my taste for fish is returning. 233 00:09:10,847 --> 00:09:12,564 Yeah, I've been thinking about it all day. 234 00:09:12,682 --> 00:09:14,400 My taste for fish is slowly returning, too. Yeah. 235 00:09:14,517 --> 00:09:16,235 And Guigino's does have the best fish. Very well! 236 00:09:16,352 --> 00:09:18,020 All right, you know, maybe, uh... maybe just order a couple 237 00:09:18,154 --> 00:09:19,938 apps though. I think Frank would prefer that. 238 00:09:20,073 --> 00:09:21,993 You know, that's... Who cares what Frank prefers? 239 00:09:22,075 --> 00:09:23,909 We're buying this food with his stolen credit card. 240 00:09:24,027 --> 00:09:26,862 And I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. 241 00:09:29,032 --> 00:09:30,916 Uh, welcome back, gentlemen. I'm sorry. 242 00:09:31,034 --> 00:09:32,918 Do I know you, pal? I've never seen this man 243 00:09:33,036 --> 00:09:35,671 before in my life. I waited on you before. 244 00:09:35,791 --> 00:09:37,925 You tied my shoelaces together. I fell down. 245 00:09:38,043 --> 00:09:39,927 I'm getting nothing. I'm drawing a blank on this guy. 246 00:09:40,045 --> 00:09:41,762 Yeah, yeah, that means nothing to me. 247 00:09:41,880 --> 00:09:43,431 What are you saying? A scalding hot plate of 248 00:09:43,549 --> 00:09:45,433 spaghetti fell into my face? I'm to remember every man 249 00:09:45,551 --> 00:09:47,435 I've seen fall into a plate of spaghetti? 250 00:09:47,553 --> 00:09:49,437 Never mind. Uh, can I get your order? 251 00:09:49,555 --> 00:09:51,639 Get me the snapper, bozo. Snapper fish for the man. 252 00:09:51,773 --> 00:09:54,058 Actually, our fish supplier had an incident at their 253 00:09:54,193 --> 00:09:56,060 facility, so we are limited on fish. 254 00:09:56,195 --> 00:09:58,062 Market price is quite high today. 255 00:09:58,197 --> 00:10:00,064 Do you have the snapper or not? 256 00:10:00,199 --> 00:10:01,899 Yeah, uh, we do. But it's $44. 257 00:10:02,034 --> 00:10:03,901 Ooh. Oh, my God. All right. Well, then, let's do some 258 00:10:04,036 --> 00:10:05,736 cheaper chicken or, uh... Well, no. I'm in fish mood 259 00:10:05,871 --> 00:10:07,871 now. Fish has been established. It was established, 260 00:10:07,873 --> 00:10:09,574 wasn't it? Yeah, it was. 261 00:10:09,708 --> 00:10:11,409 So three snappers. Yeah, why are we talking 262 00:10:11,543 --> 00:10:13,223 about it so much? Get the goddamn snappers! 263 00:10:13,295 --> 00:10:14,829 Okay... oh... Get the snapper! 264 00:10:14,963 --> 00:10:16,497 Jesus Christ. Who is that guy? 265 00:10:16,632 --> 00:10:18,216 Guigino's is slipping. It's slipping. 266 00:10:18,333 --> 00:10:19,967 It is, they are slipping. They do have great fish though. 267 00:10:20,085 --> 00:10:21,802 So, what's going on with our with our friendship? 268 00:10:21,920 --> 00:10:24,722 Yeah. Okay. 269 00:10:26,558 --> 00:10:28,759 Ha! Charlie, I'm in. 270 00:10:28,894 --> 00:10:32,013 How you doing? You having lunch? Keeping them busy? 271 00:10:32,147 --> 00:10:34,682 Uh, yeah, but slight hitch though. 272 00:10:34,816 --> 00:10:38,069 The snapper is, uh, $44. What?! 273 00:10:38,186 --> 00:10:41,188 No, no, no, no $44! Get them appetizers. 274 00:10:41,323 --> 00:10:43,608 I know, but, like, they want fish and I kind of want fish, 275 00:10:43,742 --> 00:10:45,860 too, and the waiter said it's the market price, so... 276 00:10:45,994 --> 00:10:48,279 All right. Wait, I got the laptop. 277 00:10:48,413 --> 00:10:50,615 Let me go to the search history. 278 00:10:55,170 --> 00:10:59,790 Holy shit! Damn it! 279 00:10:59,925 --> 00:11:01,842 Sweeping up fish guts with a broom! 280 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:04,428 Got to be some kind of workers' rights violation. 281 00:11:04,546 --> 00:11:06,430 What are you...?! Aah! You idiot! What are you picking 282 00:11:06,548 --> 00:11:09,884 it up with your hands?! 283 00:11:10,018 --> 00:11:12,720 Uh, hell no, lady, no. Uh, look, I realize this might 284 00:11:12,854 --> 00:11:15,189 all be moon talk to you, but I'm not touching fish guts with my 285 00:11:15,307 --> 00:11:17,475 hands, okay? You know what we could do? 286 00:11:17,609 --> 00:11:20,144 Yeah, let's just disperse it. You know what I mean? 287 00:11:20,279 --> 00:11:22,613 Just send it all over the place! Nobody will know. 288 00:11:22,731 --> 00:11:25,566 Just kind of... 289 00:11:34,209 --> 00:11:37,378 Oh... Yeah, it's so crazy. 290 00:11:37,496 --> 00:11:39,747 I saw that. 291 00:11:46,946 --> 00:11:48,864 Hey, Frank. Sweet hat and jacket. 292 00:11:48,981 --> 00:11:50,866 Don't.. Charlie, don't sit there. 293 00:11:50,983 --> 00:11:51,815 Huh? Sit back there. 294 00:11:52,055 --> 00:11:53,940 We got to be smart about this. Yeah, all right. 295 00:11:54,057 --> 00:11:56,057 Why didn't we just meet back at the apartment then? 296 00:11:56,059 --> 00:11:57,944 That would've been better. Because you got me thinking 297 00:11:58,061 --> 00:11:59,946 about fish. Oh, right, nice. Yeah. 298 00:12:00,063 --> 00:12:00,793 Get the snapper. It's delicious. Mmm. 299 00:12:00,898 --> 00:12:04,093 Hi. How can I help you? Oh, perfect. 300 00:12:04,375 --> 00:12:06,709 You're here now, too. You're talking to me like you 301 00:12:06,827 --> 00:12:08,019 know me. Have we ever met? 302 00:12:08,139 --> 00:12:10,139 Let's just move past this part. What can I get you? 303 00:12:10,348 --> 00:12:12,799 I'm gonna have the snapper. And I'm gonna buy one for the 304 00:12:12,934 --> 00:12:15,552 strange man behind me who I've never met. 305 00:12:15,687 --> 00:12:18,105 Gentlemen, I hate to inform you two... strangers here that 306 00:12:18,222 --> 00:12:21,024 we are out of snapper. We had some issues with our 307 00:12:21,142 --> 00:12:23,610 local supplier, so we are completely out of fish today. 308 00:12:23,728 --> 00:12:26,146 How do you not have fish?! It says "Fresh fish daily" on 309 00:12:26,280 --> 00:12:29,032 the menu. Well, I just explained it. 310 00:12:29,150 --> 00:12:31,034 I went step by step. But how come you don't have 311 00:12:31,152 --> 00:12:33,036 it? It's on the menu! For the reasons I said. 312 00:12:33,154 --> 00:12:35,038 You have no snapper?! There's a sequence of 313 00:12:35,156 --> 00:12:37,040 events... It says right here snapper... 314 00:12:37,158 --> 00:12:38,875 Do you have fish or do you not have fish? 315 00:12:38,993 --> 00:12:40,877 Can I get you a non-fish entree? 316 00:12:40,995 --> 00:12:42,713 You can get lost. With pleasure. 317 00:12:42,830 --> 00:12:44,715 All right, so... what did you find out? 318 00:12:44,832 --> 00:12:46,717 I think I know what those guys are up to. 319 00:12:46,834 --> 00:12:48,802 Can I just sit over there? 'Cause I feel like the cover's 320 00:12:48,920 --> 00:12:50,804 blown now, and now I have to go like this... 321 00:12:50,922 --> 00:12:52,806 All right, sit over here. Yeah, you know... 322 00:12:52,924 --> 00:12:55,092 I think I know what they're up to. 323 00:12:55,226 --> 00:12:57,177 Okay, what? I think Mac and Dennis are 324 00:12:57,311 --> 00:12:59,479 going into business with the Chinese guys across the street. 325 00:12:59,597 --> 00:13:01,598 What? They're gonna open up some 326 00:13:01,733 --> 00:13:03,693 kind of pastry factory! What? What makes you think 327 00:13:03,768 --> 00:13:05,736 that? I saw it on their search 328 00:13:05,853 --> 00:13:09,106 history. Only two words came up. 329 00:13:09,240 --> 00:13:14,444 "Asians..." and "cream pies." 330 00:13:14,579 --> 00:13:16,780 Oh, shit. They're gonna turn Paddy's 331 00:13:16,914 --> 00:13:18,832 into some kind of Asian cream pie factory! 332 00:13:18,950 --> 00:13:20,834 Those bastards! Yeah! 333 00:13:20,952 --> 00:13:22,836 Oh, my God! Sons of bitches! 334 00:13:22,954 --> 00:13:24,838 So, what are we gonna do? We got to beat them at their 335 00:13:24,956 --> 00:13:26,840 own game. Okay, the Chinese want cream 336 00:13:26,958 --> 00:13:29,926 pies, they'll get cream pies. But only, they're not gonna get 337 00:13:30,044 --> 00:13:33,346 them from those bozos. They're gonna be getting their 338 00:13:33,481 --> 00:13:36,615 cream pies from us. 339 00:13:45,357 --> 00:13:47,237 Can I go now? Because I feel like you had a 340 00:13:47,275 --> 00:13:49,699 really long session last time. I did, yeah, I went on for a 341 00:13:49,850 --> 00:13:51,568 long, long time, but that's how much it takes, all right? 342 00:13:51,685 --> 00:13:53,436 I'm trying to build up to something, to-to a major 343 00:13:53,571 --> 00:13:55,271 finish, you know? And-and I didn't get to because 344 00:13:55,406 --> 00:13:57,273 Charlie interrupted us with his goddamn emergency lunch. 345 00:13:57,408 --> 00:13:59,368 What are you doing? I really don't want to stumble 346 00:13:59,493 --> 00:14:01,161 across whatever it is that you're stumbling across. 347 00:14:01,278 --> 00:14:02,662 Let me finish. Wait, no, this... we got a 348 00:14:02,780 --> 00:14:03,913 problem here. What? 349 00:14:04,031 --> 00:14:05,999 The Internet's not working. What? 350 00:14:06,117 --> 00:14:09,169 No... No! 351 00:14:09,286 --> 00:14:13,039 Come on! 352 00:14:13,174 --> 00:14:15,425 What is it, Charlie? We're in the middle of a crisis. 353 00:14:15,543 --> 00:14:18,261 Trouble getting online? Yeah. 354 00:14:18,379 --> 00:14:21,264 How did you know that? We need to talk. 355 00:14:26,470 --> 00:14:28,605 Hi, how can I help... Oh, you're back. 356 00:14:28,722 --> 00:14:30,440 Why do you look familiar to me? 357 00:14:30,558 --> 00:14:32,192 I'm the waiter you didn't tip earlier. 358 00:14:32,309 --> 00:14:34,027 Yeah, well, you're not gonna get tipped again with that 359 00:14:34,145 --> 00:14:35,779 attitude. 360 00:14:35,896 --> 00:14:38,031 We'll take the snapper. Uh, this guy, too. 361 00:14:38,149 --> 00:14:39,699 He's-he's with us. Well, as I told this 362 00:14:39,834 --> 00:14:42,702 gentleman only moments ago, we are out of fish today. 363 00:14:42,820 --> 00:14:44,871 We came to Guigino's for the fish. 364 00:14:44,989 --> 00:14:47,109 It says "Fresh fish daily." Uh, you know what, Dennis? 365 00:14:47,208 --> 00:14:50,160 I'll have a plate of piping hot spaghetti instead. 366 00:14:50,294 --> 00:14:51,411 Extra sauce. 367 00:14:51,545 --> 00:14:52,879 All right. You know what? That sounds good. 368 00:14:52,997 --> 00:14:54,838 I'll-I'll take spaghetti, too. Nice and sloppy. 369 00:14:54,915 --> 00:14:56,583 So you do remember me. Uh... 370 00:14:56,717 --> 00:14:58,237 We're busy! Okay? Can we get spaghetti? 371 00:14:58,252 --> 00:14:59,719 He wants spaghetti. I want spaghetti, too, please. 372 00:14:59,837 --> 00:15:01,638 He's gonna get spaghetti. Just get us the spaghetti. 373 00:15:01,755 --> 00:15:03,306 And some snapper fish, if you have it. 374 00:15:03,424 --> 00:15:04,724 Yeah. Thank you, thank you... 375 00:15:04,842 --> 00:15:07,043 What's that guy's attitude? I don't know what that guy's 376 00:15:07,061 --> 00:15:08,478 deal is. Hey, you know what we should do? 377 00:15:08,596 --> 00:15:10,036 We should tie his shoelaces together. 378 00:15:10,064 --> 00:15:11,181 Classic! 379 00:15:11,315 --> 00:15:12,765 When he falls, it'll spill all over. 380 00:15:12,900 --> 00:15:14,434 Yeah, the spaghetti will get on him! 381 00:15:14,568 --> 00:15:16,019 Oh, I've always wanted to see that. 382 00:15:16,153 --> 00:15:17,487 Hey, can I come sit with you guys? 383 00:15:17,605 --> 00:15:19,189 'Cause I feel my cover's blown, here. 384 00:15:19,323 --> 00:15:21,024 You don't have a goddamn cover; you're, uh, dressed 385 00:15:21,158 --> 00:15:22,408 like it's Halloween. Come over here. 386 00:15:22,526 --> 00:15:24,006 All right, I'm coming over. All right. 387 00:15:24,111 --> 00:15:25,612 Now, what's going on, man? What's going on? 388 00:15:25,746 --> 00:15:27,580 Listen, Frank's onto you. That's why I had Dee's Internet 389 00:15:27,698 --> 00:15:29,332 shut down. He knows what you're doing. 390 00:15:29,450 --> 00:15:31,090 Oh, come on. Frank knows what we're doing? 391 00:15:31,118 --> 00:15:32,252 Yes! 392 00:15:32,369 --> 00:15:34,120 And honestly, guys, you should be ashamed of yourselves. 393 00:15:34,255 --> 00:15:36,089 Really. What? I'm not ashamed. 394 00:15:36,207 --> 00:15:37,957 I'm a little bit ashamed, but I think that's natural. 395 00:15:38,092 --> 00:15:39,843 Well, look, here's the thing. Now Frank wants to start doing 396 00:15:39,960 --> 00:15:41,377 it, too. So what? 397 00:15:41,512 --> 00:15:43,046 So what? Let him do it. Well, he wants me to do it 398 00:15:43,180 --> 00:15:44,580 with him. I assumed you two did that 399 00:15:44,682 --> 00:15:46,015 already. Me, too. 400 00:15:46,133 --> 00:15:47,717 No! And now he wants us to do it 401 00:15:47,852 --> 00:15:49,636 with the Chinese guy across the street, so I knew you wouldn't 402 00:15:49,770 --> 00:15:51,554 be into that. Well, no, I'm not into that. 403 00:15:51,689 --> 00:15:53,223 That's bizarre. Exactly. 404 00:15:53,357 --> 00:15:55,198 I feel like I should be doing it with you guys. 405 00:15:55,276 --> 00:15:56,392 Ah... Come on, man. 406 00:15:56,527 --> 00:15:57,861 This is getting weird and messy. 407 00:15:57,978 --> 00:15:59,362 I-I don't want to get you involved. 408 00:15:59,480 --> 00:16:01,000 Come on, guys. There's too many people. 409 00:16:01,031 --> 00:16:02,615 Just go do it with Frank. I know... okay, well, is Dee 410 00:16:02,733 --> 00:16:03,867 in on it? Ew! 411 00:16:03,984 --> 00:16:05,401 God, no! Why would we... ugh. 412 00:16:05,536 --> 00:16:07,153 That's why she's at the factory, to distract her. 413 00:16:07,288 --> 00:16:09,906 Come on, guys. It should be you and me, okay? 414 00:16:10,040 --> 00:16:11,680 I like cream pies as much as the next guy. 415 00:16:11,792 --> 00:16:13,877 Oh, shh... don't-don't say it out loud. 416 00:16:13,994 --> 00:16:17,297 Well, okay, okay, okay. Let me make a... cream pie... 417 00:16:17,414 --> 00:16:19,549 for you, okay? Then you can try it. 418 00:16:19,667 --> 00:16:23,052 See what you think. I do not want to taste your 419 00:16:23,170 --> 00:16:25,338 cream pie. They taste great, I can 420 00:16:25,472 --> 00:16:27,140 guarantee it. 421 00:16:27,258 --> 00:16:29,225 You've tasted yours? Of course I have. 422 00:16:29,343 --> 00:16:30,510 Haven't you? No! 423 00:16:30,644 --> 00:16:32,145 I've tasted mine. I didn't like it. 424 00:16:32,263 --> 00:16:33,897 I've tasted mine, yeah. I-I liked mine. 425 00:16:34,014 --> 00:16:35,694 Whatever, dude. If you don't care about the 426 00:16:35,766 --> 00:16:37,517 taste, fine, all right? But they're not just gonna be 427 00:16:37,651 --> 00:16:39,185 for us anyway. It's not... what? 428 00:16:39,320 --> 00:16:40,853 What? We're gonna sell them to 429 00:16:40,988 --> 00:16:42,689 everyone in Philly. Who the hell's gonna want to 430 00:16:42,823 --> 00:16:44,324 buy them? Everyone's gonna want to buy 431 00:16:44,441 --> 00:16:46,401 them, everyone loves them, especially little kids. 432 00:16:46,410 --> 00:16:47,527 Ew... dude! Little kids? 433 00:16:47,661 --> 00:16:49,112 I'd love watching a kid do it. 434 00:16:49,246 --> 00:16:50,966 Dude, you are gonna get in a lot of trouble. 435 00:16:51,031 --> 00:16:52,615 Hell no, dude. It's not like I'm gonna do it 436 00:16:52,750 --> 00:16:54,417 without the parents' permission, I'll do everything... 437 00:16:54,535 --> 00:16:55,952 Oh! No parent is gonna let you... 438 00:16:56,086 --> 00:16:57,670 Where are you gonna go? The parents are gonna watch. 439 00:16:57,788 --> 00:16:59,672 They're gonna be so psyched... They're gonna want to watch! 440 00:16:59,790 --> 00:17:01,424 What are you talking about? Oh, we got to go overseas for 441 00:17:01,542 --> 00:17:02,842 that. That's just... No. 442 00:17:02,960 --> 00:17:04,544 No, you don't. That's as American as it gets. 443 00:17:04,678 --> 00:17:06,346 Guys, you gotta think about this as a business venture, right? 444 00:17:06,463 --> 00:17:08,097 The three of us combine our ingredients, making, like, one 445 00:17:08,215 --> 00:17:11,050 gigantic, delicious cream pie, some little kid sucking it down 446 00:17:11,185 --> 00:17:13,803 and he's paying us for the pleasure. 447 00:17:13,938 --> 00:17:17,357 Hang on a second. What kind of cream pie are you 448 00:17:17,474 --> 00:17:20,476 talking about? What... kind of cream pie are 449 00:17:20,611 --> 00:17:23,730 you talking about?♪ ♪ 450 00:17:23,864 --> 00:17:26,366 Cream pies. Everyone loves them. 451 00:17:26,483 --> 00:17:30,820 Comedians, baseball players, even protestors. 452 00:17:30,955 --> 00:17:36,876 Cream pies are a rich American tradition and also delicious. 453 00:17:37,011 --> 00:17:42,081 Mmm, my mouth's getting wet just watching her eat that cream pie. 454 00:17:42,216 --> 00:17:45,218 Asians know electronics. And fish. 455 00:17:45,352 --> 00:17:49,689 But Americans know cream pies-- except for them. 456 00:17:49,823 --> 00:17:56,596 God bless cream pies, and God bless America. 457 00:17:56,730 --> 00:18:01,267 And China, too.♪ ♪ 458 00:18:01,402 --> 00:18:05,822 Look, I'm an experienced businessman with a long history 459 00:18:05,939 --> 00:18:10,860 in Asian countries. Imagine my cream pie taste and 460 00:18:10,995 --> 00:18:14,163 know-how combined with your underpaid labor force. 461 00:18:14,281 --> 00:18:16,833 We could corner the cream pie market! 462 00:18:16,950 --> 00:18:19,869 Wait, wait just a second. 463 00:18:20,004 --> 00:18:22,588 It's, uh... it's my business partner. 464 00:18:22,706 --> 00:18:24,707 Hello? I'm in the middle of the meeting 465 00:18:24,842 --> 00:18:29,095 now. The video killed. 466 00:18:29,213 --> 00:18:32,298 What do you mean, it's not the same kind of cream pie? 467 00:18:32,433 --> 00:18:34,217 Oh, wait, I'll look. 468 00:18:41,809 --> 00:18:46,581 - Holy shit! - Holy shit... 469 00:18:57,528 --> 00:19:01,258 Well, it looks like relying on old Dee really paid off for 470 00:19:01,326 --> 00:19:04,528 you guys after all, huh? What are you talking about? 471 00:19:04,662 --> 00:19:07,448 Wh... my series of accidents shut the whole factory down for, 472 00:19:07,582 --> 00:19:09,917 like, a couple days. Dee, we never asked you to 473 00:19:10,034 --> 00:19:11,875 shut down the factory. Yeah, that's what's been 474 00:19:12,003 --> 00:19:14,338 driving up the price of fish. Yeah, snapper's way up. 475 00:19:14,456 --> 00:19:16,373 Snapper's through the roof. Snapper's through the roof! 476 00:19:16,508 --> 00:19:18,375 We're out of snapper, Dee! Look, you see, I told you you 477 00:19:18,510 --> 00:19:20,127 can't count on her. Oh, and by the way, we stole our 478 00:19:20,261 --> 00:19:21,879 Wi-Fi from that place, too. Did you know that? 479 00:19:22,013 --> 00:19:23,653 Oh, so now we got no Wi-Fi because of you. 480 00:19:23,715 --> 00:19:25,299 Actually, we're pretty dependent on that Chinese 481 00:19:25,433 --> 00:19:27,050 factory. We need the Chinese, Dee, we 482 00:19:27,185 --> 00:19:28,719 need the... Yeah, for the cream, for 483 00:19:28,853 --> 00:19:30,270 the cr... Don't-don't... 484 00:19:30,388 --> 00:19:32,272 All right, guys, you know what? She seems fine and I'm not 485 00:19:32,390 --> 00:19:34,150 worried about her. Let's-let's go discuss our 486 00:19:34,192 --> 00:19:35,592 research a little bit further, yeah? 487 00:19:35,693 --> 00:19:38,312 Ooh, for what, for what? For one of our next schemes? 488 00:19:38,446 --> 00:19:40,864 Yeah. Yeah. For the next scheme, Dee. 489 00:19:40,982 --> 00:19:43,450 Uh, we'll be in touch. Oh. You guys could just do 490 00:19:43,568 --> 00:19:45,285 that here, you... Wait, I can call for more 491 00:19:45,403 --> 00:19:47,037 chairs! Please don't leave! 492 00:19:47,155 --> 00:19:49,156 I'm very bored in here! Listen, guys, uh, first of 493 00:19:49,290 --> 00:19:52,126 all, I'm gonna suggest that we reset our browser each time we 494 00:19:52,243 --> 00:19:54,294 do a research session. That's a good idea. 495 00:19:54,412 --> 00:19:55,579 For privacy. Right. 496 00:19:55,713 --> 00:19:57,331 Yeah, and, you know, we're spying on ourselves. 497 00:19:57,465 --> 00:19:59,425 That doesn't really gather any useful information. 498 00:19:59,453 --> 00:20:00,474 Huh, just old porn. 499 00:20:00,749 --> 00:20:02,474 Right, we should keep spying on the Chinese. 500 00:20:02,594 --> 00:20:05,315 Actually, when I was over there I looked at your search history. 501 00:20:05,435 --> 00:20:08,220 - It's all porn too. - Is it? - Ugh, we're all doing it. 502 00:20:08,340 --> 00:20:11,931 I think what you're gonna find when you're spying on the general population 503 00:20:12,051 --> 00:20:13,811 is that everyone is just, uh... 504 00:20:13,931 --> 00:20:15,471 masturbating, constantly. 505 00:20:15,591 --> 00:20:17,546 I know I am. 506 00:20:17,830 --> 00:20:19,880 And yet you've never heard of a cream-pie. 507 00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:30,779 Sync & corrections by honeybunny www.addic7ed.com