1 00:00:04,520 --> 00:00:06,363 Oh, God! Aaah! 2 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:09,681 [ Charlie ] Run! 3 00:00:11,400 --> 00:00:13,289 Where are you guys? Oh! 4 00:00:14,440 --> 00:00:17,683 - What's happening? - Over here! Over here! 5 00:00:17,800 --> 00:00:19,609 Frank! [ Frank ] VVhere are you? 6 00:00:19,680 --> 00:00:22,160 Frank-Hey, Charlie! There you are! Oh, my God! 7 00:00:22,280 --> 00:00:24,647 [ Frank, Charlie Chattering ] [Mac] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 8 00:00:24,720 --> 00:00:26,643 We're all here? We're all here? 9 00:00:26,720 --> 00:00:27,926 Guys. Turn around. 10 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:29,650 [Siren Blares] 11 00:00:29,720 --> 00:00:32,291 [ Man Over Speaker] Stop! Stop where you are. 12 00:00:34,720 --> 00:00:37,564 You four got some explaining to do. 13 00:00:40,680 --> 00:00:43,650 ♪♪ [ Orchestra: Dramatic] 14 00:01:05,240 --> 00:01:07,402 [ Thunderclap] 15 00:01:07,480 --> 00:01:11,451 I got 15 different wedding guests out there with various degrees of injury. 16 00:01:12,360 --> 00:01:14,840 I got a groom- face is half gone. 17 00:01:14,920 --> 00:01:16,410 And I'm still missing a bride. 18 00:01:16,480 --> 00:01:18,656 I don't know what happened back there, but we are innocent. 19 00:01:18,680 --> 00:01:21,570 - We're completely innocent. - Yeah, well, you four bozos... 20 00:01:21,640 --> 00:01:24,325 are the only people on the scene that weren't invited, 21 00:01:24,400 --> 00:01:26,050 so you can see how bad this looks. 22 00:01:26,120 --> 00:01:28,566 Now, who's Mr. Dennis Reynolds? 23 00:01:28,640 --> 00:01:31,325 Oh. That's me. 24 00:01:31,400 --> 00:01:33,926 - Hmm. Hello, Dennis. - Hi. 25 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:36,685 Those are some interesting marks on your neck. 26 00:01:36,760 --> 00:01:38,569 Let me guess. 27 00:01:38,640 --> 00:01:40,529 Ex-wife's getting remarried. 28 00:01:40,600 --> 00:01:42,921 You get a little jealous. 29 00:01:43,040 --> 00:01:44,769 Get your buddies together. 30 00:01:44,840 --> 00:01:47,969 You decide to break up that party. 31 00:01:48,040 --> 00:01:49,769 So you crash the wedding. 32 00:01:49,880 --> 00:01:52,850 Get a little tipsy. Things take a violent turn. 33 00:01:52,920 --> 00:01:56,606 No, no, no.Look. That is the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen. 34 00:01:56,720 --> 00:01:59,564 I wanted to make sure that that wedding happened. 35 00:02:01,080 --> 00:02:03,447 Why is Maureen getting married in the middle of the woods? 36 00:02:03,560 --> 00:02:05,776 I don't know. Some people find the woods romantic, I guess. 37 00:02:05,800 --> 00:02:08,485 And why get married on Friday the 13th? It's a monster day. 38 00:02:08,560 --> 00:02:11,336 I don't know, and I don't care. I just want to make sure the wedding happens. 39 00:02:11,360 --> 00:02:12,805 I'm tired of paying alimony. 40 00:02:12,880 --> 00:02:14,689 We got your back, bro. Don't worry about that. 41 00:02:14,800 --> 00:02:17,376 I don't need you to have my back. Three people crashing a wedding? 42 00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:19,856 It's gonna make a scene. Why couldn't you just let me do this alone? 43 00:02:19,880 --> 00:02:21,405 Just don't like getting bused up there. 44 00:02:21,480 --> 00:02:24,086 I feel like we're gonna be trapped. I don't like any of this. 45 00:02:24,200 --> 00:02:25,884 [ Chattering ] [ Charlie ] Oh, no. 46 00:02:25,960 --> 00:02:27,769 No. No. 47 00:02:27,840 --> 00:02:30,411 I don't like this place already. This is a strange place, right? 48 00:02:30,520 --> 00:02:32,966 I'm seeing a lot of bats. Yeah, there's bats everywhere. 49 00:02:33,040 --> 00:02:35,202 You know why? 'Cause it's Friday the 13th. 50 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:36,896 No, no, no. Stop. Will you stop with that? 51 00:02:36,920 --> 00:02:38,856 It's not because it's Friday the 13th. We're in the woods. 52 00:02:38,880 --> 00:02:40,564 Stop being paranoid. 53 00:02:40,680 --> 00:02:43,096 Still, this is creepy. I mean, who gets married in a spot like this? 54 00:02:43,120 --> 00:02:46,044 Oh! Jesus Christ! You guys crashing my wedding? 55 00:02:46,120 --> 00:02:47,246 Wait. What? 56 00:02:47,360 --> 00:02:50,330 You? VVait, Liam, y0u're marrying Maureen? 57 00:02:50,440 --> 00:02:52,681 Big time. Don't be jelly. [ Popping Tongue ] 58 00:02:52,760 --> 00:02:54,888 What the hell is going on here? What's your angle? 59 00:02:54,960 --> 00:02:57,167 Oldest angle in the book, my friend. 60 00:02:57,280 --> 00:02:59,123 [ Strained Voice ] Love. 61 00:02:59,240 --> 00:03:01,576 I don't buy this, okay? I thought you were in love with Ryan. 62 00:03:01,600 --> 00:03:03,176 What's your brother think about all this? 63 00:03:03,200 --> 00:03:04,804 Ryan's dead to me. Do you hear me? 64 00:03:04,880 --> 00:03:06,530 He's dead! 65 00:03:06,600 --> 00:03:09,649 So, I take it he doesn't approve. 66 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:12,200 That's a negative, Ronald McDonald. [ lnhales ] 67 00:03:12,280 --> 00:03:14,931 Now, I'd ask you guys to leave, but I'm just too damn happy. 68 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:18,641 [ Groans ] 69 00:03:18,760 --> 00:03:20,603 See you bitches on the dance floor. 70 00:03:24,520 --> 00:03:27,046 I don't like this, okay? This is a McPoyle-Ponderosa wedding. 71 00:03:27,120 --> 00:03:28,610 This is-This is bad. 72 00:03:28,680 --> 00:03:30,920 Look, look. If you're gonna be here, I need your support. 73 00:03:30,960 --> 00:03:33,804 You need to help me make sure this wedding goes off without a hitch. 74 00:03:33,880 --> 00:03:36,451 Hold on. what made you think this wasn't gonna happen? 75 00:03:36,520 --> 00:03:40,445 Mac had heard there were some people there who wanted to ruin the wedding. 76 00:03:40,520 --> 00:03:41,806 Who? 77 00:03:43,160 --> 00:03:46,164 Him. [ Groans ] That is bullshit! 78 00:03:46,240 --> 00:03:49,403 - Huh. - I was there to support my buddy. 79 00:03:50,400 --> 00:03:52,209 That was a swervy road. Yeah. 80 00:03:52,280 --> 00:03:54,442 What are you guys doing here? Oh, my God, I knew it. 81 00:03:54,520 --> 00:03:56,124 You're here to break up this wedding. 82 00:03:56,200 --> 00:04:00,285 What are you talking about? I'm here to support my friend Bill Ponderosa. 83 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:02,328 - I'm his A.A. sponsor. - Bullshit! 84 00:04:02,400 --> 00:04:05,244 You two love the fact that I have to pay alimony the rest of my life. 85 00:04:05,320 --> 00:04:07,971 You love the power you have over me with this financial burden. 86 00:04:08,040 --> 00:04:11,096 You know what, Dennis? Not everything is about you. I am here to support Frank. 87 00:04:11,120 --> 00:04:13,136 No, you two are here to make a scene. [ Dee Scoffs ] 88 00:04:13,160 --> 00:04:15,766 Oh! if anybody's making a scene, it's you. 89 00:04:15,840 --> 00:04:18,081 [ Grunts ] Ow! Ow! 90 00:04:18,200 --> 00:04:19,804 I just got tagged by a bat. He got you. 91 00:04:19,880 --> 00:04:21,086 I got tagged! Yeah, I see it. 92 00:04:21,200 --> 00:04:22,856 Suck out the poison. I'm not sucking on your head. 93 00:04:22,880 --> 00:04:24,567 I'll give you $200, you suck it out. 94 00:04:24,579 --> 00:04:25,451 $200? I'll do it. 95 00:04:25,560 --> 00:04:28,086 V\/hoa, whoa, whoa! I'll do it for $200. Suck it. Suck it quick. 96 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:30,242 This is the kind of scene that I was talking about. 97 00:04:30,360 --> 00:04:31,456 Suck it harder. Go home, please. 98 00:04:31,480 --> 00:04:33,130 Suck it harder. I got it. 99 00:04:33,200 --> 00:04:34,656 - Did you swallow it? - Of course I swallowed. 100 00:04:34,680 --> 00:04:36,416 Make yourself throw up. Yeah, you swallowed the poison. 101 00:04:36,440 --> 00:04:38,124 Get it out! Get it out! Vomit! Vomit! 102 00:04:38,200 --> 00:04:40,646 What are you doing? There is no poison from a bat. 103 00:04:40,720 --> 00:04:42,927 No! You are gonna ruin this. You're all gonna ruin this. 104 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:45,480 [ Retching ] 105 00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:48,080 [ Charlie ] I got your back! It won't come, Frank. 106 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:49,201 Deandra. Yeah? 107 00:04:49,280 --> 00:04:50,805 Let's go break up this wedding. 108 00:04:50,880 --> 00:04:52,166 [ Detective ] Whoa, stop, stop! 109 00:04:52,240 --> 00:04:53,890 So you were there to break up the wedding. 110 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:56,201 Shit. 111 00:04:56,320 --> 00:04:58,561 Did I just say that part? Yeah. 112 00:04:58,640 --> 00:05:00,240 Why did you want to break up the wedding? 113 00:05:00,320 --> 00:05:02,482 For all the things he just said. That was accurate. 114 00:05:02,560 --> 00:05:05,404 But it wasn't just our idea to break up the wedding. 115 00:05:05,480 --> 00:05:07,687 Not at first. 116 00:05:07,760 --> 00:05:11,606 Last week, we had a visitor at the bar. 117 00:05:14,640 --> 00:05:16,722 [ Thunderclap] 118 00:05:23,240 --> 00:05:24,765 [ Ryan 1 They have to be stopped. 119 00:05:24,840 --> 00:05:28,561 The McPoyle bloodline's been pure and clean for a thousand years. 120 00:05:28,680 --> 00:05:30,409 This marriage is an abomination. 121 00:05:30,480 --> 00:05:34,007 V\/hen you say “pure and clean,” you mean what, exactly? 122 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:36,208 Means we haven't bred outside the bloodline. 123 00:05:36,280 --> 00:05:38,487 - For a thousand years? - Yeah. 124 00:05:39,400 --> 00:05:40,925 That makes a lot of sense. 125 00:05:41,000 --> 00:05:42,684 Dennis knows Maureen better than anyone. 126 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:44,410 Only he can talk her out of this. 127 00:05:44,480 --> 00:05:49,771 The last thing Dennis wants to do is break up this wedding. 128 00:05:50,800 --> 00:05:52,325 But we do. 129 00:05:52,400 --> 00:05:54,880 [ Thunderclap] 130 00:05:57,400 --> 00:05:58,811 Okay, I bought a disguise. 131 00:05:58,960 --> 00:06:01,281 Oh. Ha. They're gonna know who you are. 132 00:06:01,360 --> 00:06:05,160 This will work. Now sneak me in so we can go kill Maureen. 133 00:06:05,280 --> 00:06:08,887 Kill? VVho said anything about killing anybody? No one's killing anyone. 134 00:06:08,960 --> 00:06:11,136 We'll sneak you in to Liam so you guys can talk or bang, 135 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:12,685 or whatever it is you want to do. 136 00:06:12,760 --> 00:06:14,649 Frank! [ Laughing ] Frank. 137 00:06:14,720 --> 00:06:17,007 Oh, thank God you're here, man. I am not gonna make it. 138 00:06:17,080 --> 00:06:20,243 I am itching to get blitzed. Weddings are a big trigger for me, man. 139 00:06:20,400 --> 00:06:22,607 Why are you telling me this? You're my sponsor, Frank. 140 00:06:22,720 --> 00:06:24,882 Come on. My support system. Oh, right, right, right. 141 00:06:24,960 --> 00:06:26,928 Of course. So, do whatever you feel is best. 142 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:30,288 VVell, I feel it would be best if I pounded a beer. 143 00:06:30,400 --> 00:06:31,936 I'll support that decision. I wish I could. 144 00:06:31,960 --> 00:06:34,884 I mean, it's a dry wedding, for God's sake. They're serving milk. 145 00:06:34,960 --> 00:06:37,611 I feel like maybe I should do some drugs then. You know? 146 00:06:37,720 --> 00:06:39,210 Is that bad? You earned it. 147 00:06:39,320 --> 00:06:41,536 Yeah. You do whatever you feel like. You're a good person. 148 00:06:41,560 --> 00:06:42,766 Frank. Mmm. 149 00:06:42,880 --> 00:06:45,087 Cool. Cool. Thank you. Thank you. 150 00:06:45,160 --> 00:06:46,810 Diddly Dee. Miss me? 151 00:06:46,880 --> 00:06:49,724 Don't answer that. All right. Catch you guys later. 152 00:06:50,440 --> 00:06:51,930 You're a bad sponsor. 153 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:54,367 Why? I supported every decision he wanted to make. 154 00:06:54,440 --> 00:06:56,681 - Stop wasting time! - Ow! God! 155 00:06:56,800 --> 00:06:59,770 Let's go find Liam. Shit! Don't hit me. 156 00:06:59,880 --> 00:07:02,008 [Chattering ] ♪♪ [Classical ] 157 00:07:06,760 --> 00:07:08,683 [ No Audible Dialogue ] 158 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:26,368 Things have already taken a bit of a dark turn, it would seem. 159 00:07:26,440 --> 00:07:28,966 Okay, I need to get to Maureen before Frank and Dee. 160 00:07:29,080 --> 00:07:30,730 All right? Oh, we'll come with you. 161 00:07:30,800 --> 00:07:33,724 No, just hang back. I got this, okay? 162 00:07:39,320 --> 00:07:41,129 Dude, are you thinking what I'm thinking? 163 00:07:41,200 --> 00:07:43,248 Yeah. We could definitely get laid here. 164 00:07:43,320 --> 00:07:44,845 Huh? What? 165 00:07:49,280 --> 00:07:51,044 Maureen, I need to speak with you. 166 00:07:51,120 --> 00:07:53,600 Dennis! O.M.G. What are you doing here? 167 00:07:53,680 --> 00:07:55,808 Well, uh, I have reason to believe... 168 00:07:55,880 --> 00:07:57,976 that someone is here to destroy this special day for you, 169 00:07:58,000 --> 00:07:59,736 so I'm sure to make sure that doesn't happen. 170 00:07:59,760 --> 00:08:01,842 That is so sweet, Dennis. 171 00:08:01,960 --> 00:08:03,803 I also brought along some legal documents, 172 00:08:03,920 --> 00:08:06,048 so if we could just wrap this up lickety-split. 173 00:08:06,120 --> 00:08:07,884 Legal documents? What? 174 00:08:07,960 --> 00:08:10,520 [ Dry Chuokle ] Yeah, I realize my timing is a little unorthodox, 175 00:08:10,560 --> 00:08:14,042 but I figure what better way to make sure your union is totally complete... 176 00:08:14,120 --> 00:08:18,045 than by having you sign these documents that I need you to sign. 177 00:08:18,120 --> 00:08:20,248 So if I can just get your signature right here. 178 00:08:20,320 --> 00:08:22,163 Then I'll run up and get Liam's signature, 179 00:08:22,240 --> 00:08:24,527 and this'll be on the books and your wedding- 180 00:08:24,600 --> 00:08:26,090 [ Groans ] 181 00:08:33,280 --> 00:08:36,682 Why, Maureen, you've- you've enhanced yourself. 182 00:08:36,800 --> 00:08:39,326 Yeah, I got my tooth fixed. I'm talking about your tits. 183 00:08:39,400 --> 00:08:41,607 Your big, giant new titties, Maureen! 184 00:08:41,680 --> 00:08:43,364 Why would you do that now? 185 00:08:43,440 --> 00:08:45,176 Why not when we were together when I could've- 186 00:08:45,200 --> 00:08:47,123 I told you I was willing to change. 187 00:08:47,200 --> 00:08:49,296 Yeah, but I didn't know you meant that you would change physically. 188 00:08:49,320 --> 00:08:51,527 Why weren't you more clear with me, Maureen? 189 00:08:51,600 --> 00:08:54,206 All right, you know what? I'm not gonna get distracted. 190 00:08:54,280 --> 00:08:56,044 Just-Just- Just sign right here- 191 00:08:56,120 --> 00:08:57,565 Wait! What are you doing in here? 192 00:08:57,680 --> 00:08:59,256 You can't see the bride before the ceremony. Get out! 193 00:08:59,280 --> 00:09:00,691 No! I just need her to sign this. 194 00:09:00,760 --> 00:09:02,496 - Get out of here! - Wait, wait, wait! Maureen! 195 00:09:02,520 --> 00:09:04,496 No matter what happens, you gotta go through with this! 196 00:09:04,520 --> 00:09:06,841 Out! Liam is your destiny, Maureen! 197 00:09:11,360 --> 00:09:14,091 [ Thunderclap] 198 00:09:15,960 --> 00:09:17,849 [Chattering ] 199 00:09:18,840 --> 00:09:20,729 - Oh, here he comes. - I didn't get it. 200 00:09:20,800 --> 00:09:22,609 I was so close. Do you know where Liam is? 201 00:09:22,720 --> 00:09:24,816 Maybe I can get his signature first. I haven't seen him anywhere. 202 00:09:24,840 --> 00:09:26,365 I'm sorry, but I gotta bring this up. 203 00:09:26,440 --> 00:09:28,976 Things are getting really weird. I mean, check out Pappy McPoyle. 204 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:31,526 [ Ranting In Foreign Language] 205 00:09:35,840 --> 00:09:37,285 What is that all about? 206 00:09:37,360 --> 00:09:39,124 I'll tell you what that's all about. 207 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:42,409 - [ Gravelly Voice ] Zombies. - Zombies? 208 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:45,006 I seen it once before in a rat, 209 00:09:45,080 --> 00:09:47,686 and I seen it now in men. 210 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:50,161 Once one gets a taste for its own kind, 211 00:09:50,240 --> 00:09:53,608 it can spread through the pack like a wildfire, 212 00:09:53,680 --> 00:09:57,446 mindlessly chomping and biting at their own hinds, 213 00:09:57,520 --> 00:10:00,888 nothing but the taste of flesh on their minds. 214 00:10:00,960 --> 00:10:03,964 You know the thing about a rat? 215 00:10:04,080 --> 00:10:06,082 It's got lifeless eyes. 216 00:10:06,160 --> 00:10:09,687 Black eyes, like a doll's eye. 217 00:10:10,920 --> 00:10:13,844 Don't seem to be living at all when it come at ya- 218 00:10:13,920 --> 00:10:16,002 till it bites ya. 219 00:10:16,080 --> 00:10:19,402 And then the eyes roll over white, 220 00:10:19,480 --> 00:10:22,882 and you don't hear nothing but the screaming and the hollering. 221 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:25,401 What are you doing? Hmm? [ Mutters ] 222 00:10:25,560 --> 00:10:28,006 You doing the speech from Jaws? Nah. 223 00:10:28,080 --> 00:10:30,287 Are you doing Jaws? We don't have time for this shit. 224 00:10:30,400 --> 00:10:32,368 This is serious. Look, it wasn't zombies, okay? 225 00:10:32,440 --> 00:10:34,727 Really? Yeah. 226 00:10:34,800 --> 00:10:36,928 Then you explain what happened next. 227 00:10:38,320 --> 00:10:40,004 [Groaning ] 228 00:10:40,160 --> 00:10:42,811 [Chattering ] [Thudding ] 229 00:10:42,880 --> 00:10:45,406 Okay, it's time to get out of here. I mean, look at that guy. 230 00:10:45,480 --> 00:10:50,407 All the McPoyles sprung from my loins fully formed! 231 00:10:50,480 --> 00:10:52,528 One of them babies tried to eat me. 232 00:10:52,600 --> 00:10:54,125 I ate him first. 233 00:10:54,200 --> 00:10:57,170 [ Sobbing ] I ate him first. 234 00:10:57,280 --> 00:10:59,442 Okay, I'm with Charlie. I'm leaving. VVait. 235 00:10:59,520 --> 00:11:01,216 You guys are just gonna leave? You're gonna go? 236 00:11:01,240 --> 00:11:02,065 Yeah, we're out. 237 00:11:02,077 --> 00:11:04,403 I don't give a shit. Get the hell out of here. 238 00:11:04,480 --> 00:11:06,721 I didn't want you here in the first place. 239 00:11:18,200 --> 00:11:21,841 Yeah, I understand the McPoyle bloodline's very strong. 240 00:11:21,920 --> 00:11:25,163 Legions of us thousand sturdy once ruled this fine land. 241 00:11:25,240 --> 00:11:27,720 Our bloodline was as pure as the driven snow. 242 00:11:27,800 --> 00:11:29,802 Mm-hmm. And then what happened? 243 00:11:29,920 --> 00:11:31,445 Syphilis killed about half of us. Mmm. 244 00:11:31,520 --> 00:11:33,568 “Mongoloidism” got most of the rest. 245 00:11:33,640 --> 00:11:35,165 Right. Yep. 246 00:11:35,240 --> 00:11:37,891 Well, there's somebody inside who wants to talk to you about this. 247 00:11:37,960 --> 00:11:39,450 Hmm? 248 00:11:41,880 --> 00:11:44,087 [ Sighs ] 249 00:12:03,680 --> 00:12:05,330 Who's this guy? 250 00:12:06,920 --> 00:12:09,685 - Ryan! - We need to talk. 251 00:12:09,760 --> 00:12:11,250 We'll leave you guys alone. 252 00:12:11,320 --> 00:12:12,810 Deandra, let's go now. 253 00:12:14,960 --> 00:12:16,371 Let them hash it out themselves. 254 00:12:16,480 --> 00:12:18,482 It'll bust up. Yeah. [ Gasps ] 255 00:12:18,560 --> 00:12:20,608 [Groaning ] 256 00:12:23,680 --> 00:12:25,091 [Wheezing Hiss] 257 00:12:25,200 --> 00:12:27,680 [ VVhispering ] What the hell is that? Holy shit. 258 00:12:36,000 --> 00:12:37,684 I'm gonna go. No, no, no, Deandra. 259 00:12:37,800 --> 00:12:39,336 No, you gotta stay. I don't have to stay. 260 00:12:39,360 --> 00:12:41,016 We gotta finish this. Uh, I'm not going to. 261 00:12:41,040 --> 00:12:43,486 But we're not done. Don't-Don't go out there. 262 00:12:43,560 --> 00:12:45,289 Deandra! 263 00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:48,409 And we never saw Dee again. 264 00:12:48,520 --> 00:12:50,522 Oh, no. No. We saw Dee. Yeah. 265 00:12:50,600 --> 00:12:53,206 Yeah, that's when the shit started hitting the fan. 266 00:12:53,280 --> 00:12:55,089 [ Mac] Oh, look, there's Dee. 267 00:12:55,160 --> 00:12:56,685 Dee! Dee! Don't go down there. 268 00:12:56,760 --> 00:12:57,807 Do not go down there. 269 00:12:57,920 --> 00:12:59,604 We just got attacked by a bunch of zombies! 270 00:12:59,680 --> 00:13:01,250 Yeah, and the shuttle bus is gone. 271 00:13:01,360 --> 00:13:03,256 A zombie must have stolen your oar. Your oar is gone. 272 00:13:03,280 --> 00:13:05,521 - There's no way out of here. - There's no way out! 273 00:13:05,600 --> 00:13:08,001 - [ Groaning, Growling ] - What are you doing? 274 00:13:08,080 --> 00:13:09,889 [All Shouting ] 275 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:15,369 [ Charlie ] What are you doing? 276 00:13:21,560 --> 00:13:23,369 Liam? 277 00:13:23,440 --> 00:13:25,807 Liam! Liam! 278 00:13:25,880 --> 00:13:27,325 Hello, Liam? 279 00:13:27,440 --> 00:13:29,408 Frank? Den-Hi, Dennis. 280 00:13:29,520 --> 00:13:31,488 [Cackling ] What did you do with Liam? 281 00:13:31,560 --> 00:13:34,040 You're too late. He's getting talked out of it. 282 00:13:34,160 --> 00:13:35,605 [Laughs] Get out of my way. 283 00:13:35,720 --> 00:13:37,245 No! Get out of my way, Frank. 284 00:13:40,280 --> 00:13:42,601 [ Gagging ] 285 00:13:45,400 --> 00:13:46,890 Hey, man. 286 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:49,241 [ Groaning ] What are you guys doing? 287 00:13:50,200 --> 00:13:53,568 I'm begging Liam for forgiveness. 288 00:13:53,640 --> 00:13:55,244 It's time we move on. 289 00:13:55,320 --> 00:13:56,924 Liam convinced me. 290 00:13:57,000 --> 00:13:59,162 It's not our blood that's being tainted. 291 00:13:59,240 --> 00:14:01,766 It's us tainting the blood of others. 292 00:14:01,880 --> 00:14:04,770 HMcPoyk§ymml take over the world! [Laughs] 293 00:14:04,840 --> 00:14:06,569 Goddamn it! It backfired. 294 00:14:06,640 --> 00:14:10,770 Wonderful. And first step towards that is signing this. 295 00:14:10,840 --> 00:14:12,696 So, Liam, if you'd just sign right there, please. 296 00:14:12,720 --> 00:14:14,529 Just sign right there. Go ahead. 297 00:14:14,600 --> 00:14:16,125 You got it. 298 00:14:17,280 --> 00:14:19,362 Stupid asses. [ Dennis Laughs] 299 00:14:19,440 --> 00:14:21,647 One down, one to go. 300 00:14:21,720 --> 00:14:24,246 [ Laughing 1 301 00:14:24,320 --> 00:14:26,209 Nice try, Frank. What the hell is going on? 302 00:14:26,280 --> 00:14:28,408 Get the hell out of the way. Get out of the way. 303 00:14:28,480 --> 00:14:30,323 [ Clamoring ] Jesus Christ! 304 00:14:30,440 --> 00:14:32,647 We gotta get out of here. I'm not going anywhere, Frank. 305 00:14:32,720 --> 00:14:34,848 I'm not going anywhere till I get that signature. 306 00:14:34,960 --> 00:14:36,696 Go. Go! Go, go, go! Go ahead. [ Dee Screaming ] 307 00:14:36,720 --> 00:14:38,210 Go, go, go! 308 00:14:39,600 --> 00:14:42,763 [Groaning ] Hey, dude, check it out. 309 00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:46,208 Remember when Dee, you know, she sucked that bat poison or whatever... 310 00:14:46,360 --> 00:14:48,727 out of Frank's head from the vampire bat? Yeah. 311 00:14:48,800 --> 00:14:50,723 That must be what turned her into a zombie. 312 00:14:50,800 --> 00:14:53,849 Why would a vampire bat turn you into a zombie? 313 00:14:53,920 --> 00:14:55,570 You're mixing up your horror genres. 314 00:14:55,640 --> 00:14:57,449 If anything, it would turn you into a vampire. 315 00:14:57,520 --> 00:14:59,727 Right. Or a bat. Or a bat. Or Batman. 316 00:14:59,800 --> 00:15:02,406 No, a vampire turns you into a vampire, 317 00:15:02,480 --> 00:15:04,084 a zombie turns you into a zombie... 318 00:15:04,160 --> 00:15:06,242 and Batman didn't get turned into anything. 319 00:15:06,360 --> 00:15:09,728 He just likes bats. That can't possibly be what Batmanis about. 320 00:15:09,800 --> 00:15:12,371 It's about a grown man who dresses up like a bat and- 321 00:15:12,440 --> 00:15:14,176 Goes around solving crimes and mysteries. Yes. 322 00:15:14,200 --> 00:15:16,536 These are Academy Award-winning movies. This is serious stuff. 323 00:15:16,560 --> 00:15:18,369 Well, you know the Academy, Charlie. I mean- 324 00:15:18,520 --> 00:15:20,936 I know the Academy as well as anybody. Sometimes it's atrocious. 325 00:15:20,960 --> 00:15:23,496 To bring it all back around, I think when Dee drank the bat blood, 326 00:15:23,520 --> 00:15:24,965 that's how she got sick. 327 00:15:25,080 --> 00:15:27,287 Frank's blood. Yes, but the bat juices. 328 00:15:27,400 --> 00:15:29,607 The bat saliva. The bat rabies. No, no, it's not- 329 00:15:29,720 --> 00:15:31,848 Bat rabies I buy. Bat rabies. 330 00:15:31,920 --> 00:15:34,241 Yeah. Like the- 331 00:15:36,480 --> 00:15:39,051 Dude, we gotta get out of here. Yeah. Go. 332 00:15:39,120 --> 00:15:40,690 [ Muffled Scream ] 333 00:15:44,200 --> 00:15:47,647 - F Thunderclap j - [ Mac] Things had gotten completely insane. 334 00:15:47,720 --> 00:15:49,768 Dennis was trying to get the signature from Maureen, 335 00:15:49,840 --> 00:15:51,896 but we were just trying to get the hell out of there. 336 00:15:51,920 --> 00:15:53,046 [Groaning, Growling ] 337 00:15:53,120 --> 00:15:55,043 [ Charlie ] Oh! Oh, my God. 338 00:15:55,160 --> 00:15:58,164 What the hell? Frank, what the hell's going on? I don't know. 339 00:15:58,240 --> 00:15:59,896 Dude, we gotta get out of here. VVhere's Dennis? 340 00:15:59,920 --> 00:16:02,491 I lost him. You guys. You guys, I couldn't get it. 341 00:16:02,560 --> 00:16:04,642 I couldn't get it. She wouldn't sign it. 342 00:16:04,720 --> 00:16:06,136 I couldn't get the stupid bitch to sign. 343 00:16:06,160 --> 00:16:08,003 She didn't sign? This has all gone bad. 344 00:16:08,080 --> 00:16:09,923 It's gone terribly, terribly bad. 345 00:16:10,040 --> 00:16:11,849 What did you do? I did something bad. 346 00:16:11,920 --> 00:16:13,524 I did something really, really bad. 347 00:16:13,600 --> 00:16:15,496 [ Glass Shatters ] Guys, we gotta get out of here... 348 00:16:15,520 --> 00:16:17,249 before everybody finds out what happened. 349 00:16:17,320 --> 00:16:19,641 Guys, I messed up. I messed up bad. 350 00:16:19,760 --> 00:16:21,489 [Glass Shatters] Oh. Whoa! 351 00:16:21,560 --> 00:16:23,296 All right, guys, let's just make a break for it. 352 00:16:23,320 --> 00:16:26,369 Let's roll! One, two, three, go! 353 00:16:26,480 --> 00:16:27,925 Go. Go. 354 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:29,570 [ Thunderclap] 355 00:16:32,000 --> 00:16:35,766 [ Clamoring ] My face. My face! My face! 356 00:16:40,520 --> 00:16:43,410 [ Charlie ] Oh, God! 357 00:16:43,520 --> 00:16:44,851 - Frank! - Over here. Over here. 358 00:16:44,920 --> 00:16:46,445 Oh, my God! We're all here? 359 00:16:46,520 --> 00:16:47,726 That's where you picked us up. 360 00:16:47,840 --> 00:16:50,320 And honestly, that's all that we know. Yes. 361 00:16:50,400 --> 00:16:54,086 So you're telling me that this was a wedding full of zombies. 362 00:16:54,200 --> 00:16:56,168 Yeah. VVell, bat rabies zombies. 363 00:16:56,280 --> 00:16:58,169 Whatever. Just weird, incestuous jealousies. 364 00:16:58,280 --> 00:17:00,856 We don't know what was going on. Bottom line, you got the wrong guys. 365 00:17:00,880 --> 00:17:02,536 VVeTeinnocenL [ Dennis, Charlie ] Yes, we're totally innocent. 366 00:17:02,560 --> 00:17:05,211 Marconi, we just picked somebody up from the site... 367 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:06,725 who's claiming to know what happened. 368 00:17:06,800 --> 00:17:08,325 She was locked in a freezer. 369 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:09,890 [ Dee Moans ] Don't let her in here. 370 00:17:09,960 --> 00:17:13,089 - No, she's been infected. - I'm not infected, you stupid idiots. 371 00:17:13,160 --> 00:17:14,844 No one was infected. 372 00:17:14,920 --> 00:17:17,491 [ Panting ] Here's what happened. 373 00:17:17,640 --> 00:17:19,360 Let them hash it out themselves. Yeah. Yeah. 374 00:17:19,400 --> 00:17:21,084 It'll bust up. Yeah. [ Gasps ] 375 00:17:21,160 --> 00:17:22,844 [Wheezing Hiss] 376 00:17:22,960 --> 00:17:24,291 I'm gonna go. Deandra. 377 00:17:24,360 --> 00:17:27,569 Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. 378 00:17:27,640 --> 00:17:30,644 Dee's nuts. What's the haps? 379 00:17:30,720 --> 00:17:33,121 Here, have a sip, right from the cow's titty. You'll love it. 380 00:17:33,280 --> 00:17:36,250 No, I gotta get out of here. Shit is going crazy. No, don't go. 381 00:17:36,320 --> 00:17:38,616 Party's just starting. You gotta have some. Come on. Try it. 382 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:41,211 It'll loosen you up a bit, make your butthole hot. 383 00:17:41,280 --> 00:17:43,576 How is drinking a glass of milk going to loosen me up, Bill? 384 00:17:43,600 --> 00:17:46,604 Well, I spiked the milk with methylenedioxypyrovalerone. 385 00:17:46,720 --> 00:17:48,290 What? It's bath salts. 386 00:17:48,360 --> 00:17:52,251 Yeah, it's like coke and acid and meth all combined. It's awesome. 387 00:17:52,320 --> 00:17:54,891 Yeah, I get it. So everyone here is on bath salts? 388 00:17:55,000 --> 00:17:57,367 Yeah, pretty much. Oh, my God. Just move. 389 00:17:57,480 --> 00:17:59,960 [ Roars, Laughs ] Aaah! 390 00:18:00,040 --> 00:18:01,081 Bath salts? 391 00:18:01,093 --> 00:18:04,250 The drug that makes people eat each other's faces? 392 00:18:04,360 --> 00:18:07,284 V\/ait! That would explain the zombie behavior. Right. 393 00:18:07,360 --> 00:18:09,522 Okay, Dee, so you were on bath salts, 394 00:18:09,600 --> 00:18:12,046 and that's why you went all nuts on us. Now it makes sense. 395 00:18:12,120 --> 00:18:15,522 - That is not why I went nuts on you guys. - Huh? 396 00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:20,208 I went nuts on you because of what you assholes did to my goddamn car! 397 00:18:21,360 --> 00:18:22,725 [ Gas-PS ] 398 00:18:22,840 --> 00:18:25,176 When was the last time you drove a car? Don't worry about it. 399 00:18:25,200 --> 00:18:27,009 I can drive. I'll remember how. 400 00:18:27,120 --> 00:18:28,610 [ Engine Starts] What? 401 00:18:28,680 --> 00:18:30,330 No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. VVaH! 402 00:18:30,400 --> 00:18:32,767 [Ga Nolspsl 403 00:18:32,880 --> 00:18:37,044 - [ Horn Honking ] - [ Gasping ] 404 00:18:37,160 --> 00:18:39,606 [ Moaning ] [ Coughing ] 405 00:18:39,720 --> 00:18:41,370 What happened, dude? What happened? 406 00:18:41,480 --> 00:18:45,280 I forgot how to drive. I forgot how to drive. Oh, God. 407 00:18:45,360 --> 00:18:47,044 Oh! Look, Charlie! There's Dee! 408 00:18:47,120 --> 00:18:48,645 [ Charlie ] Dee, don1 go down that way. 409 00:18:48,720 --> 00:18:51,007 We just got attacked by a bunch of zombie people. 410 00:18:51,080 --> 00:18:54,084 The shuttle's gone. A zombie must have stolen your car. 411 00:18:54,200 --> 00:18:56,043 There's no way outofhemi Dude- 412 00:18:56,160 --> 00:18:59,403 [Groaning, Screaming ] [ Both Shouting ] 413 00:19:01,400 --> 00:19:04,210 You sons of bitches. You're gonna pay. You're all gonna pay! 414 00:19:04,280 --> 00:19:07,204 I'll kill you! You assholes! You'll pay! 415 00:19:07,320 --> 00:19:09,561 No, we won't pay. Whoo! Never do. 416 00:19:09,640 --> 00:19:12,371 Okay, well, there it is. You know, there's the whole story. 417 00:19:12,480 --> 00:19:14,369 Ponderosa spiked the punch. [ Charlie ] Right. 418 00:19:14,440 --> 00:19:16,442 Somebody hopped up on bath salts bit Liam's face. 419 00:19:16,560 --> 00:19:19,450 And, uh, case closed, you know? Yeah. 420 00:19:19,520 --> 00:19:21,966 Hey, good for you. Good for us. 421 00:19:22,040 --> 00:19:23,485 Bye . [ Charlie ] Bada bing. 422 00:19:23,560 --> 00:19:26,325 Hey, whoa. Sit down, slick. 423 00:19:26,400 --> 00:19:29,404 Now, that may explain some of the shit that went on here, 424 00:19:29,520 --> 00:19:31,720 but it d0esn't answer the question of the missing bride. 425 00:19:31,760 --> 00:19:35,685 Since you're the one with motive and the last one to be seen with her, 426 00:19:35,760 --> 00:19:38,081 you're my new number one suspect. 427 00:19:38,160 --> 00:19:41,721 No, no. That's- I didn't murder her. 428 00:19:41,800 --> 00:19:45,361 - Then tell me what happened to her! - I-l don't know. I don't know. 429 00:19:45,480 --> 00:19:47,448 L-l-l- Listen. 430 00:19:48,720 --> 00:19:52,167 If you confess, I can help you. 431 00:19:52,240 --> 00:19:54,288 But you gotta tell me what happened. 432 00:19:57,560 --> 00:20:00,086 Okay. All right. All right, all right. Okay. 433 00:20:00,160 --> 00:20:04,290 Look, if I tell you what I did, 434 00:20:04,360 --> 00:20:06,169 will you just help me, please? 435 00:20:06,240 --> 00:20:08,242 Because I need help. 436 00:20:08,320 --> 00:20:11,210 I'll see what I can do with the D.A., 437 00:20:11,280 --> 00:20:13,282 but I need you to confess. 438 00:20:17,160 --> 00:20:19,083 Okay, fine. 439 00:20:19,160 --> 00:20:21,049 Fine. 440 00:20:21,120 --> 00:20:23,248 L-I was just going to see her... 441 00:20:23,320 --> 00:20:27,803 to get the final signature so I could put this whole thing behind me. 442 00:20:27,880 --> 00:20:30,326 When I saw her, 443 00:20:32,240 --> 00:20:34,004 something bad happened. 444 00:20:36,080 --> 00:20:37,764 S-Something very bad. 445 00:20:40,680 --> 00:20:42,762 [Groaning ] 446 00:20:47,600 --> 00:20:49,762 [ Both Panting ] 447 00:20:51,040 --> 00:20:52,929 Oh, shit. 448 00:20:53,000 --> 00:20:55,367 Oh, God, Maureen. 449 00:20:55,480 --> 00:20:58,051 That was terrible. 450 00:20:58,120 --> 00:21:01,806 Who did those tits? The nipple placement is crazy. 451 00:21:01,920 --> 00:21:03,410 I love you, Dennis Reynolds. 452 00:21:03,520 --> 00:21:04,806 No, you don't. I love you. 453 00:21:04,880 --> 00:21:07,042 No, look, you're just gonna sign these papers, 454 00:21:07,200 --> 00:21:09,282 and we're gonna be done with this, okay? Never. 455 00:21:09,400 --> 00:21:11,896 Let's run away together. Oh, I'm gonna run away, but not with you. 456 00:21:11,920 --> 00:21:13,888 I'm gonna find you. 457 00:21:14,000 --> 00:21:15,968 Oh, no, no. You're not gonna find me. No, no. 458 00:21:16,040 --> 00:21:17,883 We can't do this, Maureen. 459 00:21:17,960 --> 00:21:20,122 Oh, no, please. What have I done? 460 00:21:20,200 --> 00:21:23,283 [ Sobbing ] Oh, God, what have I done? 461 00:21:23,400 --> 00:21:25,528 Oh, God. [ Whispering ] I love you. 462 00:21:25,600 --> 00:21:27,443 Oh, God! 463 00:21:27,520 --> 00:21:30,410 So all that shit about us ruining the wedding- 464 00:21:30,480 --> 00:21:32,801 And the zombies and the bath salts and the blood- 465 00:21:32,880 --> 00:21:35,281 It turns out you blew it yourself. 466 00:21:35,360 --> 00:21:38,250 Yeah. Congratulations, Frank. You win. 467 00:21:38,320 --> 00:21:41,244 I'm gonna be paying alimony to that crazy bitch for the rest of my life. 468 00:21:41,360 --> 00:21:44,728 You expect me to believe that this woman's gonna throw her entire life away... 469 00:21:44,800 --> 00:21:47,201 just to sleep with her ex-husband on her wedding night? 470 00:21:47,320 --> 00:21:50,210 [Whispering ] Huh? Really? 471 00:21:52,080 --> 00:21:54,560 Mr. Reynolds, you're free to go. 472 00:21:55,240 --> 00:21:57,129 What? Why am I free- 473 00:21:58,120 --> 00:21:59,121 No. 474 00:21:59,200 --> 00:22:01,282 - Yes. - No. 475 00:22:01,360 --> 00:22:02,725 Someone posted your bail. 476 00:22:02,840 --> 00:22:04,763 Come on, silly head. 477 00:22:04,840 --> 00:22:08,049 Let's go home and put this whole adventure behind us. 478 00:22:08,560 --> 00:22:10,085 No. 479 00:22:10,760 --> 00:22:12,330 No! No! 480 00:22:12,400 --> 00:22:14,004 No, you gotta help me. 481 00:22:14,080 --> 00:22:15,844 What have I done? You gotta help me! 482 00:22:15,920 --> 00:22:19,242 What have I done? No! No! No! 483 00:22:19,320 --> 00:22:21,402 [Scream Echoing ] 484 00:22:55,360 --> 00:22:58,284 [ Voices Speaking Backwards]