1 00:02:20,631 --> 00:02:23,498 Give us 22 minutes. We´ll give you the world. 2 00:02:23,600 --> 00:02:25,124 Good morning. 64 degrees. 3 00:02:25,235 --> 00:02:26,964 lt is Tuesday and here´s what´s happening. 4 00:02:27,371 --> 00:02:30,499 lt´s primary day and the polls are officially open in New York City. 5 00:02:30,607 --> 00:02:33,542 Voters will be deciding among 250 candidates... 6 00:03:35,772 --> 00:03:38,707 Thank you. Tickets, please. Thank you. 7 00:03:39,710 --> 00:03:40,677 Tickets. 8 00:03:50,187 --> 00:03:53,987 The Daily Number, 945. Win 4 number, 4242. 9 00:04:07,137 --> 00:04:10,573 Did you see Jeter´s homer on Saturday? Guy´s got some swing, man. 10 00:04:10,674 --> 00:04:11,663 Yeah, l was there. 11 00:04:11,775 --> 00:04:13,640 Yeah? lt was a good one to have been at. 12 00:04:13,910 --> 00:04:15,036 lt was. 13 00:04:15,779 --> 00:04:18,577 ...part of the ongoing slump in corporate earnings. 14 00:04:18,682 --> 00:04:21,947 Right now, S&P futures are up two points. Dow futures up 28. 15 00:04:22,052 --> 00:04:24,020 NASDAQ futures up six and a half... 16 00:04:54,785 --> 00:04:56,582 Sun coming up 17 00:04:56,953 --> 00:04:59,251 Over New York City 18 00:05:40,464 --> 00:05:42,932 ls there anybody else that we could call? 19 00:05:44,434 --> 00:05:45,628 Anybody? 20 00:05:47,604 --> 00:05:49,765 -Hey, rookie. How´s it going today, man? -lt´s going good. 21 00:05:49,873 --> 00:05:50,840 All right. 22 00:05:52,442 --> 00:05:54,171 -Hey, Willy. -Yeah. 23 00:05:54,444 --> 00:05:56,344 l like those shorts. They´re real sharp, you know. 24 00:05:56,446 --> 00:05:57,413 -Oh, yeah? -Yeah. 25 00:05:57,514 --> 00:05:59,311 -12 bucks at Target. Yeah. -Yeah? 26 00:05:59,416 --> 00:06:01,384 Do they make them for men, too? 27 00:06:04,020 --> 00:06:07,717 l´m not the one who puts a gallon of pomade in my hair, Peulo. 28 00:06:21,304 --> 00:06:22,703 Attention. 29 00:06:22,806 --> 00:06:25,366 Roll call working Tuesday, September 1 1 . 30 00:06:25,475 --> 00:06:26,999 Color for the day is green. 31 00:06:27,110 --> 00:06:29,476 Tour Commander is Lieutenant Kassimatis. 32 00:06:29,579 --> 00:06:31,444 Patrol Sergeant, you´re looking at him. 33 00:06:32,015 --> 00:06:33,141 -Stolman. -Sarge. 34 00:06:33,250 --> 00:06:35,616 -Post one. Colovito. -Sarge. 35 00:06:35,719 --> 00:06:38,187 -Three. Nice job on Friday. -Thanks. 36 00:06:38,588 --> 00:06:39,680 -Peulo. -Sarge. 37 00:06:39,789 --> 00:06:41,723 -Six. Jimeno. -Sarge. 38 00:06:43,393 --> 00:06:44,587 Three-five. 39 00:06:44,694 --> 00:06:45,991 -Rodrigues. -Sarge. 40 00:06:46,096 --> 00:06:47,290 Nine. 41 00:06:47,397 --> 00:06:49,058 -Lieutenant, you got anything? -No. 42 00:06:49,165 --> 00:06:51,224 lnspector Fields has something to say. 43 00:06:51,334 --> 00:06:54,235 Listen up. Be on the lookout for this girl. 44 00:06:55,305 --> 00:06:56,704 Zoey Cowley. 45 00:06:57,474 --> 00:07:00,136 Age 1 1 , runaway out of Rhode lsland. 46 00:07:00,277 --> 00:07:02,871 Thought to be on a bus coming in this morning. 47 00:07:03,046 --> 00:07:05,071 This is important. Okay. 48 00:07:05,982 --> 00:07:09,349 As always, protect yourselves. Watch each other´s backs. 49 00:07:10,153 --> 00:07:12,018 Hear about who Giraldi brought in yesterday? 50 00:07:12,122 --> 00:07:13,089 No, who? 51 00:07:13,823 --> 00:07:15,347 l´ll give you one guess. 52 00:07:15,458 --> 00:07:18,518 She´s 300 pounds, her dress is a trash bag with bugs all over it. 53 00:07:18,628 --> 00:07:20,653 Gloria, the ´´Naked Lady´´? 54 00:07:20,931 --> 00:07:23,229 Yeah, and Giraldi said she asked for you. 55 00:07:24,367 --> 00:07:25,834 You love it, huh? 56 00:07:26,102 --> 00:07:28,400 -l´ll catch you at break. -Yeah. 57 00:07:43,286 --> 00:07:46,221 Hey, Jethro. Jethro. 58 00:07:46,456 --> 00:07:47,684 Hey, how many times l gotta tell you? 59 00:07:47,791 --> 00:07:49,452 You got to take your crew and your junk out to Ninth. 60 00:07:49,559 --> 00:07:50,617 lt´s a free country, man. 61 00:07:50,727 --> 00:07:52,718 -This is my statue. -What are you, the statue police? 62 00:07:52,829 --> 00:07:54,990 lt´s the Jackie Gleason statue. lt´s not a bench. 63 00:07:55,098 --> 00:07:56,690 He don´t care. He´s dead, man. 64 00:07:56,800 --> 00:07:58,597 Get out of here. Get out of here. 65 00:08:11,815 --> 00:08:13,009 Excuse me. 66 00:08:13,116 --> 00:08:17,075 l wonder if l might help you out today with, like, a taxi or get you a hotel? 67 00:08:17,187 --> 00:08:20,020 Maybe l can help you out with your bag, you know. 68 00:08:21,157 --> 00:08:25,423 Hello, Officer? Where find bus center? 69 00:08:34,904 --> 00:08:35,928 Hey, Amoroso. 70 00:08:36,039 --> 00:08:37,006 -How you doing? -How´s it going, man? 71 00:08:38,041 --> 00:08:39,668 To be honest, l miss the bus terminal. 72 00:08:39,776 --> 00:08:41,676 -Yeah, what do you got today? -Loading docks. 73 00:08:41,778 --> 00:08:45,077 Loading docks? That shipment come in from... 74 00:08:49,886 --> 00:08:51,285 What the... 75 00:09:03,400 --> 00:09:06,392 BT, all units. 8-40. 8-40, ASAP. 76 00:09:06,503 --> 00:09:08,664 BT, all units. 8-40, ASAP. 77 00:09:09,272 --> 00:09:12,730 All units, BT 8-40. 8-40, ASAP. 78 00:09:14,811 --> 00:09:16,142 Excuse me. 79 00:09:17,247 --> 00:09:18,680 Hey, something´s up. 80 00:09:19,182 --> 00:09:21,650 We have unconfirmed reports this morning 81 00:09:21,751 --> 00:09:26,120 that a plane has crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. 82 00:09:26,222 --> 00:09:28,554 -CNN Center right now... -Holy shit. 83 00:09:28,658 --> 00:09:30,455 ...work on this story, calling our sources 84 00:09:30,560 --> 00:09:33,256 and trying to figure out exactly what happened, but, clearly, 85 00:09:33,363 --> 00:09:36,457 something relatively devastating happening this morning there. 86 00:09:36,566 --> 00:09:39,729 We´re going to join another one of our New York affiliates 87 00:09:39,836 --> 00:09:40,996 for their live coverage. 88 00:09:41,104 --> 00:09:46,303 Here at the top of this tower, there´s a huge, gaping hole, flames still inside. 89 00:09:46,409 --> 00:09:47,671 Can you believe this? 90 00:09:47,777 --> 00:09:50,871 What schmuck would fly a plane into the Trade Center? 91 00:09:51,881 --> 00:09:54,179 Maybe they ran out of gas or something. 92 00:09:55,251 --> 00:09:57,185 Yeah, Colovito. Right. 93 00:09:57,287 --> 00:10:00,381 Maybe some jerk-off forgot which lever to pull on his twin-engine. 94 00:10:00,490 --> 00:10:02,424 That´s not a small plane. 95 00:10:03,993 --> 00:10:05,153 Hell, no. 96 00:10:05,762 --> 00:10:07,389 All right, listen up! 97 00:10:08,198 --> 00:10:10,189 Let me have your attention here! 98 00:10:10,567 --> 00:10:13,035 They´re telling us it´s a commuter plane. 99 00:10:13,837 --> 00:10:16,670 Tower One is being evacuated as a precaution. 100 00:10:17,173 --> 00:10:19,505 They´ve asked us to send a team down to assist. 101 00:10:19,609 --> 00:10:20,598 Sergeant McLoughlin. 102 00:10:20,710 --> 00:10:22,268 l´ve got a list of names here. 103 00:10:22,378 --> 00:10:25,506 Step out when you hear it. We´re going downtown. 104 00:10:26,349 --> 00:10:28,010 -Polnicki. -Sarge. 105 00:10:28,618 --> 00:10:30,518 -Colovito. -Sarge. 106 00:10:30,620 --> 00:10:32,315 -Washington. -Sarge. 107 00:10:33,289 --> 00:10:34,916 -O´Reilly. -Sarge. 108 00:10:35,024 --> 00:10:36,321 -Jimeno. -Sarge. 109 00:10:36,960 --> 00:10:38,222 -Hogart. -Sarge. 110 00:10:38,762 --> 00:10:40,059 -Bavli. -Sarge. 111 00:10:40,764 --> 00:10:42,231 -Rodrigues. -Sarge. 112 00:10:43,032 --> 00:10:44,761 -Giraldi. -Sarge. 113 00:10:44,868 --> 00:10:46,096 -Peulo. -Sarge. 114 00:10:46,202 --> 00:10:47,294 Stolman. 115 00:10:48,471 --> 00:10:51,065 Hold it right there! Pull it over! 116 00:10:51,608 --> 00:10:53,439 Command post on the air? Command post. 117 00:10:53,543 --> 00:10:58,173 Field command post. Are there any injuries going to any particular hospital? 118 00:11:00,517 --> 00:11:02,576 Chief on the air. Go ahead. 119 00:11:03,353 --> 00:11:06,789 Come on, everybody. Off the bus. Get off the bus. Step this way. 120 00:11:06,956 --> 00:11:10,289 l´m gonna cut across Bleecker to Seventh. Stay close. 121 00:11:10,393 --> 00:11:11,485 You got it. 122 00:11:12,328 --> 00:11:15,923 Central. Mobilization point is gonna be Pike and South. 123 00:11:19,435 --> 00:11:22,165 That was to evacuate One Police Plaza 124 00:11:22,272 --> 00:11:25,833 at the Gracie Mansion, the Municipal Building, and any potential targets. 125 00:11:25,942 --> 00:11:27,705 Who is advising this? 126 00:11:30,480 --> 00:11:33,506 Central units, the mobilization point is now South and Pike. 127 00:11:34,751 --> 00:11:36,548 Yeah. No, no, l got it. 128 00:11:37,320 --> 00:11:39,914 Hey, guys, you won´t believe this! 129 00:11:40,023 --> 00:11:42,514 My wife says the other one got hit, the other tower. 130 00:11:42,625 --> 00:11:44,388 How the hell did the other tower get hit? 131 00:11:44,494 --> 00:11:46,655 She was listening to HOT 97 and they said it. 132 00:11:46,763 --> 00:11:50,062 What? Who gets their news from HOT 97? 133 00:11:51,100 --> 00:11:54,194 -l told you it was no damn private plane. -No, l got it. 134 00:11:55,171 --> 00:11:57,639 What special equipment we got down there? 135 00:11:59,442 --> 00:12:02,070 -What? -We´re prepared for everything. 136 00:12:02,178 --> 00:12:06,945 Car bombs, chemical, biological, an attack from the top. 137 00:12:09,018 --> 00:12:12,078 But not this. Not for something this sie. 138 00:12:12,822 --> 00:12:14,813 There´s no plan. We didn´t make it. 139 00:12:14,924 --> 00:12:17,620 Only emergency transmissions on this frequency. 140 00:12:19,629 --> 00:12:21,119 All right, all emergency personnel 141 00:12:21,231 --> 00:12:22,630 respond to Vesey and West. 142 00:12:22,732 --> 00:12:26,259 All emergency service units, please go to Vesey and West. 143 00:12:26,669 --> 00:12:29,365 There could be 50, 60,000 people in there. 144 00:12:43,653 --> 00:12:45,518 Units on West Street to use caution. 145 00:12:45,622 --> 00:12:48,056 Debris is falling from the building on West Street. 146 00:12:48,258 --> 00:12:50,988 Hey! Looks like Tower Two did take a hit. 147 00:12:51,461 --> 00:12:52,928 What did l tell you? 148 00:12:53,363 --> 00:12:56,355 No, no, that´s the smoke blowing over from Tower One. 149 00:12:56,466 --> 00:12:59,492 All right, that´s enough. Everybody sit down. Now! 150 00:13:00,904 --> 00:13:03,270 Yo, Dom, let me see your phone for a sec, yeah? 151 00:13:04,107 --> 00:13:05,665 Hey, let me see your phone. l got to call Allison. 152 00:13:05,775 --> 00:13:07,072 lt´s not working! 153 00:13:09,445 --> 00:13:11,242 Nothing´s going through. 154 00:13:13,149 --> 00:13:16,346 Emergency service vehicles are also responding. 155 00:13:18,121 --> 00:13:21,386 Hey, take it easy, will you? Jesus! 156 00:13:23,493 --> 00:13:25,586 -This is gonna be a bitch. -Relax. 157 00:13:25,695 --> 00:13:27,663 Well, l´m just saying that it looks like it´s gonna... 158 00:13:27,764 --> 00:13:29,891 You think they´re bringing you down there to scratch your ass? 159 00:13:29,999 --> 00:13:31,591 McLoughlin will tell you what to do. 160 00:13:31,701 --> 00:13:32,725 Why the Sarge? 161 00:13:32,835 --> 00:13:34,700 He was Emergency Services at the Trade Tower. 162 00:13:34,804 --> 00:13:37,500 He´s one of the guys who came up with a plan after the attack in ´93. 163 00:13:37,607 --> 00:13:39,768 Anybody knows what to do down there, it´s him. 164 00:13:39,876 --> 00:13:41,537 Command to Division One. 165 00:13:41,844 --> 00:13:44,369 Does anyone over in Tower One hear me? 166 00:13:46,082 --> 00:13:47,310 Okay, make the turn on Broadway. 167 00:13:47,417 --> 00:13:49,977 Go down West Broadway. We´ll meet you outside Five. 168 00:13:50,086 --> 00:13:51,417 You got it. 169 00:14:30,226 --> 00:14:33,525 Send everything you got to the World Trade Center now. 170 00:14:33,930 --> 00:14:35,761 We got to get that building evacuated! 171 00:14:35,865 --> 00:14:38,197 Which tower? Which tower are we responding to? 172 00:14:38,301 --> 00:14:41,759 -l got to get a team to go up! -l´ll check in with headquarters. 173 00:14:41,871 --> 00:14:44,965 Roll every available ambulance you got to this position. 174 00:14:49,045 --> 00:14:50,672 Fire out on the north side. 175 00:14:50,780 --> 00:14:52,645 They´re now coming out of the west side 176 00:14:52,749 --> 00:14:53,716 of the World Trade Center. 177 00:15:30,086 --> 00:15:32,816 All right, everybody stay here. l´m gonna find out what the hell´s going on. 178 00:15:32,922 --> 00:15:33,889 Yes, sir. 179 00:15:48,371 --> 00:15:49,770 Oh, my God. 180 00:16:01,451 --> 00:16:02,975 Nothing´s gonna help them. 181 00:16:03,086 --> 00:16:04,576 No, we´ll get up there. 182 00:16:04,687 --> 00:16:06,985 How are you gonna save people that high up? lt´s impossible. 183 00:16:07,090 --> 00:16:08,614 We got to try. 184 00:16:08,724 --> 00:16:09,850 Sarge! 185 00:16:14,530 --> 00:16:16,259 Officer? Officer? 186 00:16:16,766 --> 00:16:19,997 The daycare center. There´s kids there. Over there. 187 00:16:20,103 --> 00:16:21,832 Hey, Sarge! There´s kids in the... 188 00:16:21,938 --> 00:16:25,305 Yeah, at the daycare at Five. l know, they got them out. 189 00:16:25,875 --> 00:16:29,470 -Okay, listen up. Where´s Kassimatis? -He´s looking for you, Sarge. 190 00:16:29,579 --> 00:16:31,444 We got to evacuate the Tower. 191 00:16:31,848 --> 00:16:35,579 Who knows how to use a Scott Pak? And don´t give me any PBA bullshit. 192 00:16:35,685 --> 00:16:38,620 Hey, Sarge, to tell you the truth, l haven´t used one in like four years. 193 00:16:38,721 --> 00:16:40,416 Look, what did l just say? 194 00:16:41,124 --> 00:16:42,421 Who´s coming? 195 00:16:43,559 --> 00:16:45,026 Step forward. 196 00:16:48,898 --> 00:16:50,525 l got it, Sarge. 197 00:16:51,934 --> 00:16:53,060 l´ll go. 198 00:16:57,940 --> 00:16:59,407 l´m with you, Sarge. 199 00:17:04,113 --> 00:17:05,273 All right. 200 00:17:06,282 --> 00:17:07,374 All right, we got a team. 201 00:17:07,483 --> 00:17:10,714 We´re headed into Building Five. The rest of you wait for Kassimatis. 202 00:17:10,820 --> 00:17:12,617 Follow me. Stay together. 203 00:17:24,100 --> 00:17:25,499 -Jimeno. -Sarge. 204 00:17:25,601 --> 00:17:29,230 Take everyone´s memo books, nightsticks, hats. They´re useless here. 205 00:17:29,672 --> 00:17:32,436 Put them in the Suburban. lt´s over on Church and Vesey. 206 00:17:32,542 --> 00:17:35,272 And meet us back at the police desk in the lobby of Five. You got it? 207 00:17:35,378 --> 00:17:36,970 Which one´s Five? 208 00:17:37,346 --> 00:17:38,779 There´s two towers. 209 00:17:39,549 --> 00:17:42,416 North tower is One. South tower is Two. 210 00:17:42,518 --> 00:17:45,282 Right behind it, there´s Five, right in front of us, 211 00:17:45,388 --> 00:17:46,685 which is where the police desk is. 212 00:17:46,789 --> 00:17:48,757 Take the alley. Hurry up. Hey! 213 00:17:50,059 --> 00:17:51,356 Let´s go. 214 00:18:00,903 --> 00:18:02,530 They´re all dying! 215 00:18:05,208 --> 00:18:06,869 They´re all dying! 216 00:18:17,520 --> 00:18:19,317 Grab those bottles. 217 00:18:20,456 --> 00:18:21,616 Get the helmets. 218 00:18:21,724 --> 00:18:24,625 People trapped at 87th and 89th floors. 219 00:18:24,727 --> 00:18:27,855 10-4. They´re getting a TVpicture with numerous injuries. 220 00:18:27,964 --> 00:18:29,727 Numerous injuries out there. 221 00:18:30,032 --> 00:18:33,331 Okay, turn them on. Double check. Test them. 222 00:18:34,570 --> 00:18:37,971 Massi? Anything more here? Helmets? Scott Paks? 223 00:18:38,074 --> 00:18:41,271 No, Sarge. Try the E room near the truck docks in the basement. 224 00:18:41,377 --> 00:18:42,708 Jimmy Lynch is down there. 225 00:18:45,348 --> 00:18:46,542 Thanks. 226 00:18:46,916 --> 00:18:50,044 Okay, there´s more stuff down on B-1 , the truck docks. 227 00:18:50,186 --> 00:18:52,654 We´ll drop down to the Concourse, go around One to Two, 228 00:18:52,755 --> 00:18:54,655 and there´s some stairs there. 229 00:18:55,024 --> 00:18:58,255 Keep your eyes open. Follow me. Don´t get separated, okay? 230 00:18:58,361 --> 00:18:59,419 Well, Sarge, we got plenty here. 231 00:18:59,528 --> 00:19:01,155 Hundred and ten floors. Fire with fuel. 232 00:19:01,264 --> 00:19:03,858 We´re gonna be using up bottles. We need them. 233 00:19:04,667 --> 00:19:07,067 Sarge, you won´t believe this. 234 00:19:08,070 --> 00:19:11,870 Your Suburban on Church? lt´s gone. Roof smashed in. 235 00:19:15,811 --> 00:19:18,075 Stay together and stay focused. 236 00:19:18,247 --> 00:19:20,807 -Yo, Dom, where we going? -Sarge wants more stuff. 237 00:19:20,916 --> 00:19:22,076 -What? -Don´t worry about it. 238 00:19:22,184 --> 00:19:23,879 He knows what he´s doing. 239 00:19:24,654 --> 00:19:25,678 What the... 240 00:19:25,788 --> 00:19:27,187 Don´t think. Keep moving. 241 00:19:27,290 --> 00:19:28,882 Jesus, Sarge, we got to get up there. 242 00:19:28,991 --> 00:19:31,789 You aren´t rescuing anybody if you can´t breathe, Rodrigues. 243 00:19:31,894 --> 00:19:33,327 Stay focused. 244 00:19:41,737 --> 00:19:43,204 This way. 245 00:20:13,169 --> 00:20:14,136 Where´s the fire? 246 00:20:33,155 --> 00:20:35,783 Now you´re talking. Got the BT dogs up in here. 247 00:20:35,891 --> 00:20:38,724 What´s up, Sarge? Sarge, l´m telling you we got to get up. 248 00:20:38,828 --> 00:20:40,318 There´s a ton of people stuck up there. 249 00:20:40,429 --> 00:20:42,920 -We´re going up. -Yeah? l gotta go with you. 250 00:20:43,032 --> 00:20:44,966 -Sure, Chris. We can use you. -Yeah? 251 00:20:45,067 --> 00:20:47,399 We need more equipment. Get a tank on. 252 00:20:47,503 --> 00:20:48,663 A-Rod! 253 00:20:49,071 --> 00:20:50,299 Yo, what´s up, Chris? 254 00:20:50,406 --> 00:20:53,500 Yo, what happened to your eye, man? What happened to your eye? 255 00:20:53,609 --> 00:20:54,598 l was carrying this woman out, 256 00:20:54,710 --> 00:20:56,200 something whacked me in the freaking head. 257 00:20:56,312 --> 00:20:58,405 -She okay? -Yeah, yeah, yeah, l got her clear. 258 00:20:58,514 --> 00:21:01,950 Hey, hey, Sarge, we ain´t gonna find any equipment left in One. 259 00:21:02,418 --> 00:21:05,251 -Coming through. Coming through. -Excuse us. Thanks a lot. 260 00:21:05,388 --> 00:21:08,789 Lynch has got gear down at the B-1 truck docks next to Two. 261 00:21:08,891 --> 00:21:11,052 There´s a staircase right over there at Ben & Jerry´s. 262 00:21:11,160 --> 00:21:13,128 l heard they were evacuating Two, Sarge. 263 00:21:13,229 --> 00:21:15,220 Must have caught fire from One. 264 00:21:15,331 --> 00:21:17,322 l heard Two got hit, that there was a second plane. 265 00:21:17,433 --> 00:21:20,834 No, Fields just said one plane, Tower One. Now, stay together. 266 00:21:23,005 --> 00:21:25,838 You see the TV? There´s a big fire up there. 267 00:21:25,941 --> 00:21:27,465 There ain´t no TVs down here. 268 00:21:27,576 --> 00:21:30,943 You guys hear about the Pentagon? lt got hit. A missile or something. 269 00:21:31,046 --> 00:21:33,014 lsrael? lt´s gone. lt´s nuked. 270 00:21:33,149 --> 00:21:35,811 Whole freaking world´s coming to an end today, Willy. 271 00:21:35,918 --> 00:21:37,044 -Yo, Chris. -Yeah. 272 00:21:37,153 --> 00:21:39,553 -Nice timing on that transfer. -Yeah, no kidding, right? 273 00:21:39,655 --> 00:21:41,020 -Jimeno? -Yeah. 274 00:21:41,457 --> 00:21:43,049 You stay with the cart. 275 00:21:43,793 --> 00:21:45,693 The rest of you, come with me. 276 00:21:48,364 --> 00:21:49,831 Stay safe. 277 00:21:57,006 --> 00:21:59,236 We´re receiving... On the 106th floor... 278 00:22:00,176 --> 00:22:02,872 People are trapped at that location. 279 00:22:15,391 --> 00:22:17,052 About five floors from the top, 280 00:22:17,159 --> 00:22:19,457 there´s at least 50 people hanging on. 281 00:22:19,562 --> 00:22:20,529 Hey. 282 00:22:22,665 --> 00:22:23,791 Reynolds. 283 00:22:24,200 --> 00:22:25,497 Bridge. 284 00:22:26,235 --> 00:22:27,634 Jimeno. Bus terminal. 285 00:22:27,736 --> 00:22:32,002 -You all right? -Yeah. You helping evacuate? 286 00:22:32,575 --> 00:22:35,203 Trying. Going up Two. You? 287 00:22:40,149 --> 00:22:42,982 Up One. l´m waiting for my sarge. 288 00:22:45,788 --> 00:22:48,348 Yeah. Well, it´s gonna be a long day. 289 00:22:50,025 --> 00:22:53,290 You´ll be all right, kid. A lot of good people here. 290 00:22:57,233 --> 00:22:58,530 Units, also be advised 291 00:22:58,634 --> 00:23:01,159 that people are trapped on that 60th floor. 292 00:23:01,270 --> 00:23:03,932 Sixtieth floor, people are trapped up there. 293 00:23:06,175 --> 00:23:07,403 Stuck in the elevator, 294 00:23:07,510 --> 00:23:10,308 the elevator shaft, and we´re chopping through the wall to get out. 295 00:23:10,412 --> 00:23:11,879 Okay, we got enough. 296 00:23:14,917 --> 00:23:16,544 Tower One. 297 00:23:17,286 --> 00:23:19,254 Let´s go. Stay together. 298 00:23:21,223 --> 00:23:22,349 Okay, 10th floor. 299 00:23:22,458 --> 00:23:26,224 We´ve knocked out that fire. We´re in the B stairs. We´ll meet you over there. 300 00:23:26,328 --> 00:23:27,795 Let me know what kind of conditions you got. 301 00:23:28,264 --> 00:23:29,492 Lieutenant? 302 00:23:30,065 --> 00:23:32,192 l was down on B-1 . The shafts there are buckling. 303 00:23:32,301 --> 00:23:34,098 There´s gonna be people trapped in those elevators. 304 00:23:34,203 --> 00:23:35,329 Jee. 305 00:23:35,437 --> 00:23:38,133 lt just took us an hour to get up to 30 in Tower One. 306 00:23:38,240 --> 00:23:40,105 Now they want us over in Two. 307 00:23:40,476 --> 00:23:42,671 -What happened in Two? -l don´t know. 308 00:23:43,312 --> 00:23:46,247 -You guys be careful, okay? -Yeah, stay safe. 309 00:23:53,656 --> 00:23:56,318 Hey, Will. Let me get that. 310 00:24:00,062 --> 00:24:01,051 Thanks, man. 311 00:24:01,163 --> 00:24:02,494 8-1, McLoughlin. What´s your location? 312 00:24:02,598 --> 00:24:06,500 This is 8-1 . We´re in the Concourse. We got gear and are heading to One. 313 00:24:07,202 --> 00:24:09,227 8-1, 800, negative that. 314 00:24:10,005 --> 00:24:13,065 Rendevous with me out on Barclay Street. l got a team here. 315 00:24:13,175 --> 00:24:14,699 We´ll all go up together. 316 00:24:17,279 --> 00:24:20,908 8-1 , is something going on with Tower Two? 317 00:24:47,643 --> 00:24:49,235 Run! 318 00:24:49,345 --> 00:24:51,279 The elevator shaft! 319 00:25:53,175 --> 00:25:54,642 Anybody there? 320 00:26:06,422 --> 00:26:07,719 Anyone there? 321 00:26:13,362 --> 00:26:14,556 My legs! 322 00:26:16,031 --> 00:26:17,430 Sound off! 323 00:26:19,201 --> 00:26:20,498 Sound off! 324 00:26:22,271 --> 00:26:23,568 Peulo! 325 00:26:25,874 --> 00:26:27,171 Jimeno! 326 00:26:29,912 --> 00:26:31,539 Rodrigues! 327 00:26:34,583 --> 00:26:35,880 Chris! 328 00:26:37,619 --> 00:26:38,916 Antonio. 329 00:26:43,425 --> 00:26:44,722 Chris! 330 00:26:48,330 --> 00:26:49,627 A-Rod! 331 00:26:51,567 --> 00:26:52,761 Antonio! 332 00:26:53,936 --> 00:26:55,233 They´re gone. 333 00:26:57,106 --> 00:26:59,199 They´re in a better place, really. 334 00:27:03,412 --> 00:27:04,709 All right. 335 00:27:07,316 --> 00:27:08,817 What´s everyone´s situation? 336 00:27:08,817 --> 00:27:09,112 What´s everyone´s situation? 337 00:27:09,418 --> 00:27:11,249 l´m pinned. Bad. 338 00:27:13,088 --> 00:27:14,214 l can´t... 339 00:27:16,759 --> 00:27:18,226 l can´t move my legs. 340 00:27:20,062 --> 00:27:21,689 l think l´m okay. 341 00:27:22,431 --> 00:27:24,228 How you doing, Sarge? 342 00:27:24,433 --> 00:27:28,893 l don´t think l´m hurt, but l can´t move. 343 00:27:31,240 --> 00:27:33,037 l got some movement here. 344 00:27:44,419 --> 00:27:46,046 8-13! 345 00:27:47,489 --> 00:27:48,786 PAPD! 346 00:27:49,258 --> 00:27:52,352 Officers Jimeno, Peulo 347 00:27:53,262 --> 00:27:55,059 and McLoughlin are down. 348 00:27:55,430 --> 00:27:58,729 We´re trapped on the Concourse level 349 00:28:00,068 --> 00:28:02,195 between Towers One and Two. 350 00:28:03,605 --> 00:28:05,869 We´re trapped near freight elevator Five. 351 00:28:06,408 --> 00:28:09,309 -Oh, thank God. -lt goes down to the B-1 truck dock. 352 00:28:09,411 --> 00:28:11,402 Yeah, here you go. Get some air. 353 00:28:11,513 --> 00:28:13,981 Get some air. Some fresh air. 354 00:28:16,752 --> 00:28:18,720 You´re okay, Willy. You´re okay. 355 00:28:18,821 --> 00:28:20,015 Got any radio? 356 00:28:20,322 --> 00:28:21,789 Here you go. 357 00:28:22,257 --> 00:28:25,784 No, mine´s smashed. lt´s not working. 358 00:28:25,994 --> 00:28:30,658 All my stuff on the left side is buried. The mike´s gone. 359 00:28:31,900 --> 00:28:34,869 You got to get this... You got to get this off of me. 360 00:28:39,842 --> 00:28:41,537 lt´s good to see you, Dom. 361 00:28:43,178 --> 00:28:44,770 Good to see you, Willy. 362 00:28:45,514 --> 00:28:48,312 -You okay? You good? -Yeah, l´m good. 363 00:28:49,551 --> 00:28:51,815 l´m going to get you out. Don´t worry about it. 364 00:28:51,920 --> 00:28:53,012 l´m gonna get you out, Willy. 365 00:28:53,121 --> 00:28:54,588 lt´s working, Sarge! 366 00:28:55,991 --> 00:28:57,720 Dom´s got us covered! 367 00:28:58,360 --> 00:29:00,385 Good. That´s good. 368 00:29:02,331 --> 00:29:04,799 How´d you know to run in here, Sarge? 369 00:29:06,068 --> 00:29:09,333 The elevator shaft´s the strongest part of the building. 370 00:29:09,705 --> 00:29:11,172 Oh, Jesus. 371 00:29:12,975 --> 00:29:14,772 How did this happen, Willy? 372 00:29:19,681 --> 00:29:21,649 l´m gonna take care of you. 373 00:29:25,120 --> 00:29:26,917 l´m gonna get you out, buddy. 374 00:29:31,426 --> 00:29:34,725 Looks like there´s light! Maybe some air! 375 00:29:36,164 --> 00:29:38,291 l´d say about 20 feet up! 376 00:29:39,167 --> 00:29:40,134 Hey! 377 00:29:41,603 --> 00:29:43,070 8-13! 378 00:29:43,572 --> 00:29:45,130 Officers down! 379 00:29:47,342 --> 00:29:48,309 Hey! 380 00:29:57,519 --> 00:29:59,316 -You ready? -Come on. 381 00:30:06,228 --> 00:30:07,525 Come on, Dom! 382 00:30:07,896 --> 00:30:09,193 Oh, Jesus. 383 00:30:14,536 --> 00:30:17,232 l can´t get this off him by myself, Sarge. 384 00:30:18,206 --> 00:30:21,539 Maybe l should go up and get some help and then come back for you guys. 385 00:30:21,643 --> 00:30:25,238 No! No! You´re gonna get him out! 386 00:30:26,615 --> 00:30:28,412 You´re gonna get him out! 387 00:30:31,520 --> 00:30:32,487 All right. 388 00:30:39,895 --> 00:30:41,260 Here we go, Willy. 389 00:30:42,164 --> 00:30:43,188 Come on! 390 00:30:55,544 --> 00:30:57,307 l can´t get you out, Willy. 391 00:30:58,613 --> 00:31:00,240 Come on, Dom. 392 00:31:02,851 --> 00:31:04,341 Don´t leave us here. 393 00:31:07,422 --> 00:31:08,719 Do me a favor. 394 00:31:11,093 --> 00:31:13,527 You can do it. l know you can do it. 395 00:31:22,671 --> 00:31:23,797 All right. 396 00:31:24,406 --> 00:31:26,772 l´m going to get you out, Willy. All right? 397 00:31:27,709 --> 00:31:31,873 l´ll get you out. Yeah, l´ll get you out. All right. 398 00:32:28,937 --> 00:32:30,234 Dom? 399 00:32:32,474 --> 00:32:33,771 Dom? 400 00:32:38,847 --> 00:32:40,178 l´m hurt. 401 00:32:45,353 --> 00:32:48,288 Dom, it´s me, Willy. 402 00:32:49,791 --> 00:32:51,088 Look at me. 403 00:32:52,727 --> 00:32:54,092 Stay awake. 404 00:32:57,232 --> 00:32:59,029 Can l get a 3-8, Sarge? 405 00:33:01,837 --> 00:33:04,806 Yeah, Dom. You take a break. 406 00:33:09,377 --> 00:33:11,174 l´m dying, Willy. 407 00:33:12,314 --> 00:33:15,408 No. No, you´re not. Dom, stop this. 408 00:33:17,486 --> 00:33:21,217 Don´t forget l really tried to save you guys. 409 00:33:32,701 --> 00:33:34,328 l love you, Willy. 410 00:33:36,605 --> 00:33:38,402 l love you, too, Dom. 411 00:34:01,229 --> 00:34:02,594 Dom´s gone. 412 00:34:07,636 --> 00:34:09,160 Dom´s gone! 413 00:34:10,505 --> 00:34:11,802 l know. 414 00:34:22,484 --> 00:34:23,781 Jimeno, 415 00:34:25,086 --> 00:34:26,755 can you still see the light? 416 00:34:26,755 --> 00:34:27,187 can you still see the light? 417 00:34:28,056 --> 00:34:29,148 Yeah. 418 00:34:30,659 --> 00:34:31,785 Yeah! 419 00:34:33,628 --> 00:34:34,925 How far up? 420 00:34:36,298 --> 00:34:40,928 l don´t know. Maybe 20 feet up. There´s still stuff in the way. 421 00:34:42,237 --> 00:34:43,864 What else do you see? 422 00:34:44,506 --> 00:34:47,475 Beams. Plaster. Nothing. 423 00:35:25,780 --> 00:35:28,578 lt is with deep sadness and regret 424 00:35:28,683 --> 00:35:31,652 that l have to advise you that two hijacked planes 425 00:35:31,853 --> 00:35:34,287 have crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center... 426 00:35:34,389 --> 00:35:36,914 ...from what remains of the World Trade Center for 9:00. 427 00:35:37,025 --> 00:35:39,960 One airplane crashed into World Trade Center Two. 428 00:35:40,061 --> 00:35:42,962 About 1 5 minutes later, an airplane crashed into the second one. 429 00:35:43,064 --> 00:35:45,794 About an hour later, both of them collapsed. 430 00:36:16,498 --> 00:36:20,434 Associated Press is reporting that a plane or helicopter 431 00:36:20,535 --> 00:36:24,528 crashed at the Pentagon, and the Pentagon is being evacuated. 432 00:36:24,639 --> 00:36:29,599 Whether that fire is in the building itself or outside, we have not yet confirmed. 433 00:36:29,978 --> 00:36:32,173 This is a live picture of the Pentagon 434 00:36:32,280 --> 00:36:36,683 and an Associated Press reporter says he could see the tail of a large airliner 435 00:36:36,785 --> 00:36:38,753 as it plowed into the Pentagon. 436 00:36:38,853 --> 00:36:40,718 And that fire there in Washington continues to burn. 437 00:36:40,822 --> 00:36:41,948 Bastards! 438 00:36:47,028 --> 00:36:49,394 ...just a few minutes after that, it wasn´t very long, 439 00:36:49,931 --> 00:36:54,561 you will see, it happened again. The second tower came tumbling down. 440 00:36:55,170 --> 00:36:58,003 That was the first tower collapse that we just saw. 441 00:36:58,340 --> 00:37:00,672 This is the collapse of the second tower. 442 00:37:02,744 --> 00:37:06,236 And so now, as we stand here, both towers... 443 00:37:06,348 --> 00:37:09,181 The tops of both towers are gone. 444 00:37:09,284 --> 00:37:10,308 Allison, let´s sit outside. 445 00:37:10,418 --> 00:37:14,855 Behind somewhere that plume of smoke that continues to rise over the... 446 00:37:15,156 --> 00:37:17,056 He´s probably still at the bus terminal. 447 00:37:17,158 --> 00:37:21,356 What is left of those buildings, we cannot tell you. 448 00:37:22,564 --> 00:37:23,553 We cannot tell you. 449 00:37:23,665 --> 00:37:25,826 -Allison. -Jerry. 450 00:37:26,835 --> 00:37:29,065 Al, l´m looking at the Tunnel. 451 00:37:29,871 --> 00:37:31,498 There´s no one there. 452 00:37:33,608 --> 00:37:35,633 No Port Authorities there. 453 00:37:36,811 --> 00:37:38,244 Al, l don´t... 454 00:37:40,782 --> 00:37:42,579 l guess they got called in. 455 00:37:44,652 --> 00:37:46,711 Can you get someone to drive you? 456 00:37:48,823 --> 00:37:51,348 -Allison? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. 457 00:37:53,595 --> 00:37:56,496 Okay, l´ll see you at home in half an hour. 458 00:37:57,499 --> 00:37:59,126 l´ll call Mom and Dad. 459 00:38:02,737 --> 00:38:03,704 Okay. 460 00:38:05,473 --> 00:38:07,168 We got to pick up Bianca. 461 00:38:07,542 --> 00:38:11,410 Both towers came down, trapping thousands 462 00:38:11,513 --> 00:38:13,538 and thousands of people inside. 463 00:38:13,648 --> 00:38:15,445 We do not know the numbers yet, 464 00:38:15,550 --> 00:38:19,953 but we do know thousands of people work inside those buildings. 465 00:38:20,088 --> 00:38:22,181 That... The buildings are gone. 466 00:38:22,290 --> 00:38:25,225 There are reports that hundreds and hundreds 467 00:38:25,326 --> 00:38:28,352 of fire and police and rescue crews 468 00:38:28,630 --> 00:38:31,190 are missing or unaccounted for. 469 00:38:31,299 --> 00:38:35,565 Officials seem simply stunned by the scale of the losses... 470 00:38:35,670 --> 00:38:38,730 They keep showing the same thing over and over and over. 471 00:38:38,840 --> 00:38:40,068 Jay´s there. 472 00:38:40,175 --> 00:38:43,144 They must have called in every company in the city. 473 00:38:43,244 --> 00:38:45,041 He would have been there early. 474 00:38:45,146 --> 00:38:47,114 Yeah, John, too, probably. 475 00:38:47,816 --> 00:38:49,875 He knows those buildings so well. 476 00:38:50,151 --> 00:38:53,314 They´ve seen something no one has ever seen before. 477 00:38:53,421 --> 00:38:54,945 One man who came by said 478 00:38:55,056 --> 00:38:56,887 he had seen this building come down. 479 00:38:56,991 --> 00:38:59,459 lt looked as though it was imploding. 480 00:38:59,561 --> 00:39:04,726 This was complete chaos and utter hell that has come to Lower Manhattan. 481 00:39:06,935 --> 00:39:08,232 Oh, my God. 482 00:39:09,003 --> 00:39:12,336 Judy. Listen to me. Listen to me. Look. 483 00:39:13,608 --> 00:39:16,702 They evacuated those buildings. All right? 484 00:39:17,078 --> 00:39:20,275 l´m sure most everybody got out. They´re fine. 485 00:39:21,483 --> 00:39:24,213 ln the ´93 attack, John said everybody got out real quick. 486 00:39:24,319 --> 00:39:26,981 God. ln ´93, the buildings didn´t fall down. 487 00:39:28,890 --> 00:39:31,950 All right, well, l´m going to call everybody and cancel. 488 00:39:32,060 --> 00:39:36,019 A Den Mothers meeting right now sounds pretty dumb, right? 489 00:39:43,071 --> 00:39:45,039 l keep looking for John. 490 00:39:46,007 --> 00:39:47,736 There´s so many policemen running around. 491 00:39:47,842 --> 00:39:49,537 Maybe l´ll see him. 492 00:39:59,921 --> 00:40:01,616 -Judy. -Yeah? 493 00:40:20,909 --> 00:40:21,876 Judy... 494 00:40:22,210 --> 00:40:24,678 -They´re here to tell us they´re dead. -No. 495 00:40:26,247 --> 00:40:28,374 No, they´re not. They´re not. 496 00:40:41,696 --> 00:40:44,722 -Hey, Judy. Jay... -No. No. 497 00:40:44,832 --> 00:40:47,357 Look, we know he´s alive. All right? 498 00:40:48,202 --> 00:40:51,228 They know where he is. They´re communicating with him. 499 00:40:51,739 --> 00:40:52,967 He´s alive? 500 00:40:53,074 --> 00:40:55,872 Yes. Yeah, we´re gonna go down there now and help out. 501 00:40:55,977 --> 00:40:57,604 -Oh, thank God. -Yes! 502 00:40:59,747 --> 00:41:01,305 There you go. 503 00:41:01,416 --> 00:41:03,179 -Thank God. Oh, my God. -There you go. 504 00:41:03,284 --> 00:41:04,808 Oh, that´s good. 505 00:41:05,820 --> 00:41:08,118 -That´s good. -Thank you, God. 506 00:41:12,660 --> 00:41:14,127 PAPD. 507 00:41:14,896 --> 00:41:16,193 8-13. 508 00:41:18,466 --> 00:41:20,866 Officers Jimeno and McLoughlin. 509 00:41:23,771 --> 00:41:27,229 We´re trapped near the FE Five vestibule. 510 00:41:30,578 --> 00:41:32,375 Will you please work? 511 00:41:36,851 --> 00:41:38,478 l´m so thirsty. 512 00:41:39,621 --> 00:41:41,088 You´re not kidding. 513 00:41:41,656 --> 00:41:43,715 My mouth feels like a beach. 514 00:41:48,529 --> 00:41:51,089 -How´s your pain? -Comes in waves. 515 00:41:52,300 --> 00:41:54,598 Every 20, 30 minutes. 516 00:41:56,337 --> 00:41:59,636 Every wave, l feel the pain less. 517 00:42:01,042 --> 00:42:02,976 But l´m more numb. 518 00:42:04,379 --> 00:42:08,110 The number l get the more l want to sleep. 519 00:42:09,250 --> 00:42:10,877 What´s wrong with sleep? 520 00:42:11,519 --> 00:42:14,488 l wish l could so this pain would go away. 521 00:42:16,691 --> 00:42:18,556 You´re bleeding inside, Will. 522 00:42:19,093 --> 00:42:21,891 You sleep, you don´t know if you´re coming back. 523 00:42:23,331 --> 00:42:25,697 Awake, at least you got a shot. 524 00:42:27,535 --> 00:42:29,969 Your brain, maybe, keeps you alive. 525 00:42:31,406 --> 00:42:33,374 That´s what l think, anyway. 526 00:42:35,910 --> 00:42:38,208 You know that movie, G.l. Jane? 527 00:42:40,415 --> 00:42:42,042 What´s-her-name? 528 00:42:43,718 --> 00:42:46,346 -Yeah, Demi Moore. -Yeah. 529 00:42:48,289 --> 00:42:50,951 You know the part where the drill sergeant says, 530 00:42:51,325 --> 00:42:55,955 ´´Pain is good. Pain is your friend. lf you´re feeling pain you´re still alive´´? 531 00:42:57,865 --> 00:42:59,833 l didn´t see the movie. 532 00:43:01,302 --> 00:43:03,270 l keep thinking of that line. 533 00:43:05,139 --> 00:43:06,606 Pain is your friend. 534 00:43:07,108 --> 00:43:08,700 lt means you´re alive. 535 00:43:10,578 --> 00:43:12,205 We´ll make it, Will. 536 00:43:13,181 --> 00:43:14,978 Just don´t go to sleep. 537 00:43:22,123 --> 00:43:24,091 Sarge, l got a fire here! 538 00:43:25,793 --> 00:43:27,385 Sarge! 539 00:43:27,929 --> 00:43:29,829 There´s nothing l can do here! 540 00:43:33,234 --> 00:43:34,360 Sarge! 541 00:43:43,277 --> 00:43:45,575 l´m burning! l´m burning! 542 00:43:59,160 --> 00:44:00,127 Please God. 543 00:44:00,228 --> 00:44:03,061 Where´d that wind come from all of a sudden, Sarge? 544 00:44:05,233 --> 00:44:06,530 l don´t know. 545 00:44:06,901 --> 00:44:09,699 The fire just goes out like that, Sarge? 546 00:44:11,572 --> 00:44:12,937 Why´s that? 547 00:44:14,075 --> 00:44:15,337 l don´t know. 548 00:44:16,644 --> 00:44:18,703 You´re not a big talker, are you? 549 00:44:19,881 --> 00:44:21,007 No. 550 00:44:21,149 --> 00:44:23,276 Well, see, you got to talk to me ´cause... 551 00:44:30,224 --> 00:44:33,682 l can´t, ´cause my knees are crushed together! 552 00:44:33,928 --> 00:44:35,896 That´s why l can´t fucking talk! 553 00:44:35,997 --> 00:44:37,794 Oh, God! 554 00:44:39,634 --> 00:44:42,000 Oh, God. Oh, God. 555 00:44:47,141 --> 00:44:48,369 Holy shit! 556 00:44:54,382 --> 00:44:56,407 Dom´s gun is cooking off! 557 00:44:57,718 --> 00:44:58,776 Will! 558 00:45:05,459 --> 00:45:09,361 Will! Will, that´s it! All the rounds got to be done, Will. 559 00:45:09,897 --> 00:45:12,388 l can´t believe this is happening! 560 00:45:12,900 --> 00:45:14,527 -Not in my whole goddamn life! -Breathe, Will. 561 00:45:14,635 --> 00:45:15,966 Come on, breathe. 562 00:45:17,805 --> 00:45:19,272 Get your mind right! 563 00:45:32,386 --> 00:45:33,876 Mrs. Jimeno, please hold. 564 00:45:34,255 --> 00:45:37,691 ...Pennsylvania. This is where the United Airlines flight, 565 00:45:37,792 --> 00:45:40,090 l believe it is 1 76... 566 00:45:40,194 --> 00:45:44,221 l´m sorry, l´m correcting... United Airlines 93... 567 00:45:44,332 --> 00:45:47,199 l´m sorry, Mrs. Jimeno, we can´t make that kind of assessment yet. 568 00:45:47,301 --> 00:45:48,563 -We just... -ls that Allison Jimeno? 569 00:45:48,669 --> 00:45:51,001 We grew up together. Let me talk to her. 570 00:45:51,739 --> 00:45:53,604 Al, it´s Brian. l just got in. 571 00:45:53,708 --> 00:45:55,608 -Hi, Brian. -Allison, 572 00:45:56,010 --> 00:45:59,377 listen, they sent Will down on a bus with a bunch of the guys. 573 00:46:00,314 --> 00:46:03,340 -So he did go down there? -Yeah. 574 00:46:04,185 --> 00:46:09,054 And did he go in the buildings? 575 00:46:10,558 --> 00:46:11,855 We don´t know. 576 00:46:13,327 --> 00:46:16,455 Brian, did he go in the buildings or did he not go in the buildings? 577 00:46:16,564 --> 00:46:18,293 We´re trying to find that out. 578 00:46:18,399 --> 00:46:22,802 lt´s very basic. Did he go in or did he not go in? 579 00:46:23,004 --> 00:46:25,438 Allison, l´ll call you as soon as we know. 580 00:46:25,640 --> 00:46:27,835 Bianca? Sweetie, l´m sorry. 581 00:46:27,942 --> 00:46:32,276 Brian, l... Brian, why don´t you tell me what´s going on? 582 00:46:32,380 --> 00:46:33,438 -l´ll take Bianca to my place. -No. 583 00:46:33,547 --> 00:46:34,878 -l´ll keep her here. l wanna... -My parents are there. 584 00:46:34,982 --> 00:46:38,440 They´ll take care of her. Okay? She´ll be five houses away. 585 00:46:39,053 --> 00:46:40,520 Want to go play? 586 00:46:40,688 --> 00:46:42,656 ...shards of metal coming past... 587 00:46:42,757 --> 00:46:43,815 Brian? 588 00:46:43,958 --> 00:46:47,359 President Bush was in Florida when the attacks began. 589 00:46:47,495 --> 00:46:51,192 He spoke a short time ago from an Air Force base in Louisiana. 590 00:46:51,299 --> 00:46:52,789 Here´s some of what the President said. 591 00:46:52,900 --> 00:46:57,997 The resolve of our great nation is being tested. 592 00:46:58,506 --> 00:47:03,375 But make no mistake, we will show the world that we will pass this test. 593 00:47:03,711 --> 00:47:04,871 God bless. 594 00:47:04,979 --> 00:47:07,470 We´re told the President´s plane has flown on, 595 00:47:07,581 --> 00:47:09,048 but for security reasons, 596 00:47:09,150 --> 00:47:13,018 the government will not say where Mr. Bush is going or for how long. 597 00:47:13,120 --> 00:47:16,612 l don´t know if you guys know it yet, but this country´s at war. 598 00:47:45,386 --> 00:47:47,684 Pastor, l gotta go down there. 599 00:47:48,089 --> 00:47:49,886 -Where? -New York. 600 00:47:53,027 --> 00:47:57,896 You can´t. Only emergency responders are being allowed in. 601 00:48:02,903 --> 00:48:05,371 l´ve spent my best years with the Marines. 602 00:48:07,375 --> 00:48:10,538 God gave me a gift to be able to help people, 603 00:48:10,644 --> 00:48:12,339 to defend our country. 604 00:48:14,382 --> 00:48:17,681 And l feel him calling on me now for this mission. 605 00:48:19,487 --> 00:48:21,887 Then find a way to listen, Dave. 606 00:48:31,437 --> 00:48:34,099 l´ll leave that to you to determine just how widespread 607 00:48:34,573 --> 00:48:38,475 the human loss will be in New York City alone. 608 00:48:39,178 --> 00:48:44,343 America has changed today. This is a dark day in this country. 609 00:48:44,450 --> 00:48:47,977 lt´s in bold print in future history books 610 00:48:48,087 --> 00:48:51,682 about how America was attacked within its continental borders 611 00:48:51,790 --> 00:48:54,224 to devastating effect by terrorists 612 00:48:54,326 --> 00:48:58,695 in a coordinated assault using hijacked civilian airliners. 613 00:48:59,231 --> 00:49:01,859 -Hey, Mom? -Yes, sweetie. 614 00:49:01,967 --> 00:49:04,697 Dad knows it´s my birthday party Saturday, right? 615 00:49:05,504 --> 00:49:07,870 Your birthday, are you cray? Of course he does. 616 00:49:07,973 --> 00:49:09,065 He´s just... 617 00:49:09,174 --> 00:49:12,666 He´s still working to help people at the disaster at the Trade Center. 618 00:49:12,778 --> 00:49:16,145 But they keep saying a lot of those people aren´t coming back. 619 00:49:19,285 --> 00:49:21,651 l´m not supposed to tell you this, okay? 620 00:49:22,154 --> 00:49:25,021 But he told me that he was gonna take you to the playoffs next month. 621 00:49:25,124 --> 00:49:28,025 -The playoffs? Are you serious? -l´m serious. 622 00:49:28,127 --> 00:49:30,721 Yes! The Yankee playoffs? l knew it. l knew he was going to. 623 00:49:30,829 --> 00:49:32,797 Mom, you better come here. 624 00:49:45,444 --> 00:49:47,071 Stay here, okay? 625 00:49:48,314 --> 00:49:49,576 What´s wrong? 626 00:49:50,416 --> 00:49:51,747 Dad and Uncle Pat have a deal. 627 00:49:51,850 --> 00:49:55,616 lf anything happens to one of them, they go and tell the other family. 628 00:50:01,961 --> 00:50:04,054 Are you here to tell me something? 629 00:50:04,964 --> 00:50:07,956 Don´t come in here, Pat. l mean it. Don´t you come into this house. 630 00:50:08,067 --> 00:50:09,466 Donna, he´s not. 631 00:50:09,702 --> 00:50:11,363 We don´t know. We don´t know. 632 00:50:11,470 --> 00:50:13,904 They´ve declared him as missing, that´s all. He´s just missing. 633 00:50:14,006 --> 00:50:16,440 l know. l know. l´m with you. Come here. 634 00:50:17,309 --> 00:50:18,503 l know. 635 00:50:22,214 --> 00:50:24,910 We got confirmation. John went in. 636 00:50:40,466 --> 00:50:42,093 Oh, Dad. 637 00:50:45,537 --> 00:50:47,334 lt´s okay, baby. 638 00:50:48,007 --> 00:50:50,237 lt´s okay. lt´s gonna be okay. 639 00:50:52,845 --> 00:50:53,812 Hey. Hey. 640 00:50:55,948 --> 00:50:59,247 Will´s a tough nut. He´s gonna make it. 641 00:50:59,785 --> 00:51:01,446 -l know it, honey. -Dad. 642 00:51:01,553 --> 00:51:03,077 -l just know it. Come on. -Dad. 643 00:51:03,188 --> 00:51:04,678 -Dad. -Your mom´s out there. 644 00:51:04,790 --> 00:51:06,451 -l´ll clean you up. -Dad. 645 00:51:07,493 --> 00:51:08,687 What? 646 00:51:10,229 --> 00:51:11,526 How... 647 00:51:14,733 --> 00:51:18,362 How would l tell Bianca her father´s dead? 648 00:51:22,908 --> 00:51:25,775 Missing means missing, Ma. lt doesn´t mean dead. 649 00:51:25,878 --> 00:51:28,369 She´s very strong. She´s gonna be all right. 650 00:51:28,781 --> 00:51:30,180 -Jer. -Yeah. 651 00:51:31,884 --> 00:51:34,580 We´ve got to call a doctor. Give her something fast. 652 00:51:35,020 --> 00:51:37,648 -Why? -She could lose it. 653 00:51:37,856 --> 00:51:39,756 What is happening to this world? 654 00:51:40,025 --> 00:51:43,654 ...of this horrible and vicious act of terrorism, acts of terrorism. 655 00:51:43,762 --> 00:51:48,756 And our focus now has to be on saving as many lives as possible. 656 00:51:48,867 --> 00:51:51,358 Do we know the number of casualties at this point? 657 00:51:51,470 --> 00:51:54,769 l don´t think we really want to speculate about that. 658 00:51:55,307 --> 00:52:01,007 The number of casualties will be more than any of us can bear, ultimately. 659 00:52:03,248 --> 00:52:05,045 Sounded like a truck bomb. 660 00:52:05,918 --> 00:52:07,647 Like in ´93. 661 00:52:08,287 --> 00:52:12,348 Blasted out the lobby. Pushed everything in here. 662 00:52:13,525 --> 00:52:15,425 Concourse must have collapsed. 663 00:52:19,731 --> 00:52:21,699 You never answered, Sarge. 664 00:52:23,135 --> 00:52:24,602 What have we got? 665 00:52:25,737 --> 00:52:29,833 How long does this internal bleeding take? 666 00:52:30,909 --> 00:52:33,878 l don´t know. l´m not a doctor. 667 00:52:34,379 --> 00:52:38,543 Twenty-four hours is the most l´ve heard of. Maybe 1 4, 668 00:52:39,651 --> 00:52:40,948 16. 669 00:52:41,453 --> 00:52:42,818 Just don´t sleep. 670 00:52:46,792 --> 00:52:50,523 So we´ve been in six, seven hours. What does that mean? 671 00:52:51,230 --> 00:52:53,858 Another seven, eight hours from now? 672 00:52:59,738 --> 00:53:05,005 You remember that earthquake? Where was it? Turkey? 673 00:53:05,744 --> 00:53:07,644 There was a little girl there. 674 00:53:08,313 --> 00:53:11,305 She lived four days buried in the rubble like this. 675 00:53:12,384 --> 00:53:14,852 She was, like, three years old or something. 676 00:53:17,055 --> 00:53:19,285 lf she could make it, we can make it. 677 00:53:22,161 --> 00:53:25,096 Maybe we ain´t bleeding so bad inside. 678 00:53:33,839 --> 00:53:37,206 -Sarge? -Yeah, Will. 679 00:53:37,643 --> 00:53:39,270 You got any kids? 680 00:53:40,546 --> 00:53:42,810 Four. l got four. 681 00:53:44,850 --> 00:53:47,410 -That´s a lot of kids. -Yeah. 682 00:53:50,055 --> 00:53:52,285 lt´s a lot of work for my wife. 683 00:53:53,892 --> 00:53:55,519 What are their names? 684 00:53:55,661 --> 00:53:58,061 Steven. He´s the oldest. 685 00:53:58,797 --> 00:54:00,264 He´s 15. 686 00:54:04,069 --> 00:54:07,163 Caitlin´s 12. Peanut. 687 00:54:08,607 --> 00:54:12,338 JJ, he´s 10. 688 00:54:15,714 --> 00:54:17,682 We got a little girl. 689 00:54:18,951 --> 00:54:20,248 Erin. 690 00:54:21,720 --> 00:54:23,347 She´s four. 691 00:54:26,191 --> 00:54:27,624 We had her late. 692 00:54:29,494 --> 00:54:33,123 lt wasn´t planned. lt just... lt happened. 693 00:54:36,935 --> 00:54:38,197 l don´t know. 694 00:54:50,549 --> 00:54:53,279 -What´s that? -What´s what? 695 00:54:54,253 --> 00:54:55,379 That sound. 696 00:54:56,021 --> 00:54:57,818 l got a pipe here. 697 00:55:00,158 --> 00:55:01,625 Keep doing that! 698 00:55:28,220 --> 00:55:30,188 What about JJ´s tuition? 699 00:55:32,124 --> 00:55:35,321 -lt´s not easy. -Right. 700 00:55:36,695 --> 00:55:38,424 Did you vomit yesterday? 701 00:55:39,598 --> 00:55:41,930 Yeah. Yeah, yesterday and today. 702 00:55:42,034 --> 00:55:44,195 -And today? -Yeah. 703 00:55:45,737 --> 00:55:48,035 You know what? l probably just have the flu, hon. 704 00:55:48,140 --> 00:55:49,471 Yeah? Okay. 705 00:55:52,811 --> 00:55:53,971 So, wait... 706 00:55:54,079 --> 00:55:56,912 Yeah, there´s supposed to be a stripe. 707 00:55:57,015 --> 00:55:59,415 -A stripe? lt´s a stripe. -Yeah. 708 00:55:59,518 --> 00:56:01,145 Yeah, it´s a stripe. 709 00:56:04,356 --> 00:56:05,653 That´s good. 710 00:56:06,792 --> 00:56:08,282 lt´s good. lt´s good. lt´s good. lt´s good. 711 00:56:08,393 --> 00:56:10,156 Yeah, it´s good. Yeah. 712 00:56:12,564 --> 00:56:13,656 lt´s good. 713 00:56:13,765 --> 00:56:17,132 ...seems just like a ghost town in the financial district. Very eerie. 714 00:56:17,235 --> 00:56:19,703 You saw people being wheeled on gurneys 715 00:56:19,871 --> 00:56:22,032 away from the site of the explosions. 716 00:56:22,140 --> 00:56:24,404 People were coming out with masks over their face, 717 00:56:24,509 --> 00:56:25,976 anything they could put over their face 718 00:56:26,078 --> 00:56:28,273 because the air was still very thick with debris. 719 00:56:28,380 --> 00:56:31,349 The ash on the ground is at least two inches thick. 720 00:56:31,450 --> 00:56:32,747 lt´s more like snow cover. 721 00:56:32,851 --> 00:56:34,182 Mom, listen. 722 00:56:36,355 --> 00:56:37,913 Officials are saying that as many 723 00:56:38,023 --> 00:56:41,925 as 400 police, fire and rescue teams entered the towers, 724 00:56:42,027 --> 00:56:45,861 and there are fears that half of them are missing and feared lost. 725 00:56:45,964 --> 00:56:48,489 We are waiting for more on the survivors. 726 00:56:48,934 --> 00:56:51,164 There are no clear estimates yet on numbers, 727 00:56:51,269 --> 00:56:54,636 but it is clear that many of New York´s finest 728 00:56:54,740 --> 00:56:56,605 have been lost on this day. 729 00:56:56,708 --> 00:56:59,609 These are the so-called first responders. 730 00:56:59,711 --> 00:57:01,076 Oh, my God. 731 00:57:02,714 --> 00:57:05,410 That´s so many. What are we going to do? 732 00:57:06,385 --> 00:57:07,909 Mom, let´s go get him. 733 00:57:09,421 --> 00:57:11,753 Can we just go to the city and find Dad? 734 00:57:11,857 --> 00:57:14,519 -We don´t even know where he is. -You´re gonna go drive and get him? 735 00:57:14,626 --> 00:57:16,890 -Can´t you call someone? -The phones don´t work. 736 00:57:16,995 --> 00:57:18,656 Come on, JJ, there´s really nothing we could do. 737 00:57:18,764 --> 00:57:21,597 -You´re just worried about your birthday. -No, Caitlin, stop it. 738 00:57:21,700 --> 00:57:23,964 He needs us. l know if we just go down there, we can find him. 739 00:57:24,069 --> 00:57:25,434 Dad doesn´t need you to go find him. 740 00:57:25,537 --> 00:57:26,561 Come on, Mom, please. 741 00:57:26,671 --> 00:57:29,731 JJ, would you just stop it? Stop it for a minute. Okay? 742 00:57:29,841 --> 00:57:31,433 They´ll call when they know something. 743 00:57:31,543 --> 00:57:34,444 Lay off your ma, please. This is tough enough on everybody. Come on. 744 00:57:36,348 --> 00:57:37,975 You don´t really care, do you? 745 00:57:43,622 --> 00:57:45,249 l´ll go talk to him. 746 00:57:45,624 --> 00:57:48,388 Hey, JJ, come on. Come back here, kid. Let´s go. 747 00:57:48,560 --> 00:57:50,721 He´s scared. He´s just a kid. 748 00:57:50,862 --> 00:57:51,829 Yeah. 749 00:57:53,899 --> 00:57:55,526 He´s right, you know? 750 00:57:57,235 --> 00:58:00,033 l don´t even remember the last thing l said to John. 751 00:58:07,345 --> 00:58:08,642 Excuse me. 752 00:58:18,290 --> 00:58:19,279 This is it. 753 00:58:19,391 --> 00:58:24,021 l´m sorry. No, sir. Nobody gets by here. Nobody gets by. 754 00:58:24,129 --> 00:58:25,289 United States Marines. 755 00:58:25,397 --> 00:58:28,560 -Sure thing. ls your unit down there? -Yes, sir. 756 00:58:59,197 --> 00:59:01,324 l´m gonna take a 3-8, Sarge. 757 00:59:03,335 --> 00:59:04,461 Okay. 758 00:59:07,706 --> 00:59:09,606 Just don´t go to sleep. 759 00:59:14,045 --> 00:59:15,706 ´´Let me get that.´´ 760 00:59:17,082 --> 00:59:18,208 What? 761 00:59:19,584 --> 00:59:21,609 That´s what he said to me. 762 00:59:22,354 --> 00:59:23,651 Antonio. 763 00:59:24,756 --> 00:59:26,485 ´´Will, let me get that.´´ 764 00:59:28,260 --> 00:59:29,318 The cart. 765 00:59:31,930 --> 00:59:34,228 lf he hadn´t switched places with me... 766 00:59:36,601 --> 00:59:38,068 And Dom. 767 00:59:40,505 --> 00:59:41,972 l made him stay and help me. 768 00:59:43,408 --> 00:59:45,103 l told him to stay. 769 00:59:46,344 --> 00:59:48,141 Yeah, l begged him. 770 00:59:49,981 --> 00:59:53,041 ´´Don´t leave me, Dom. Please don´t leave me.´´ And he stayed. 771 00:59:53,652 --> 00:59:55,950 You know, there was time. He could have gotten out. 772 00:59:56,788 --> 01:00:00,849 And Chris. After being cut so bad, he didn´t have to go in. 773 01:00:04,262 --> 01:00:05,729 You tell them. 774 01:00:10,335 --> 01:00:11,825 You tell them. 775 01:00:16,441 --> 01:00:17,965 l took them in. 776 01:00:20,178 --> 01:00:21,440 For what? 777 01:00:24,382 --> 01:00:26,145 What good did we do? 778 01:00:26,851 --> 01:00:28,580 We wanted to go in. 779 01:00:28,887 --> 01:00:30,479 Kassimatis said you were the best. 780 01:00:30,589 --> 01:00:32,887 You were the guy who knew everything down here. 781 01:00:33,525 --> 01:00:38,053 Dom, Antonio and Chris, nothing was gonna stop them from trying to help. 782 01:00:38,597 --> 01:00:41,725 We figured we might as well follow the best guy in. 783 01:00:43,101 --> 01:00:44,227 The best? 784 01:00:44,402 --> 01:00:46,802 They did what they had to do, Sarge. 785 01:00:47,205 --> 01:00:50,470 They couldn´t have lived with themselves if they hadn´t gone in. 786 01:00:50,809 --> 01:00:52,242 That´s who they were. 787 01:00:54,245 --> 01:00:55,371 Okay. 788 01:00:57,582 --> 01:00:59,140 Thank you, Will. 789 01:01:11,262 --> 01:01:12,388 Will? 790 01:01:13,098 --> 01:01:18,058 lf this is it, l am gonna see you someplace better. 791 01:01:19,537 --> 01:01:21,903 Sarge, l don´t know you too good... 792 01:01:22,007 --> 01:01:23,235 Our Father... 793 01:01:23,341 --> 01:01:24,501 ...but l love you! 794 01:01:24,609 --> 01:01:26,076 ...who art in heaven... 795 01:01:26,344 --> 01:01:28,039 -Goodbye, John! -...hallowed be thy name. 796 01:01:28,346 --> 01:01:31,645 Give us this day our daily bread... 797 01:01:31,916 --> 01:01:35,044 Thank you, God, Allison and Bianca, 798 01:01:35,587 --> 01:01:37,384 who needs a daddy. 799 01:01:37,922 --> 01:01:40,720 Oh, God! Forgive us 800 01:01:41,593 --> 01:01:44,653 our trespasses as we... 801 01:01:44,763 --> 01:01:46,390 Let her know l love her! 802 01:01:46,665 --> 01:01:48,963 ...forgive those who trespass against us! 803 01:02:42,087 --> 01:02:43,213 John? 804 01:02:45,256 --> 01:02:46,553 You there? 805 01:02:52,397 --> 01:02:54,160 Yeah, Will. 806 01:02:57,035 --> 01:02:58,297 l´m here. 807 01:03:00,472 --> 01:03:01,996 l´m still here. 808 01:03:06,845 --> 01:03:09,814 About 20 minutes ago, we were reporting on another building 809 01:03:09,914 --> 01:03:11,848 at the site of the World Trade Center 810 01:03:11,950 --> 01:03:14,578 that they referred to as Building Seven. 811 01:03:14,686 --> 01:03:17,985 Officials were watching very closely because 812 01:03:18,089 --> 01:03:21,058 it was on fire and in danger of collapsing. 813 01:03:21,426 --> 01:03:23,917 Well, moments ago, it did collapse. 814 01:03:24,329 --> 01:03:27,298 So that would be the third building in the World Trade Center complex 815 01:03:27,398 --> 01:03:29,332 that has collapsed today. 816 01:03:29,434 --> 01:03:32,062 There are no reports yet of additional casualties... 817 01:03:36,908 --> 01:03:38,307 Rescue officials in the area 818 01:03:38,409 --> 01:03:40,274 have suspended the search for survivors. 819 01:03:43,348 --> 01:03:47,284 No word yet on when rescue teams might get back to trying to find anyone... 820 01:03:47,385 --> 01:03:49,444 That´s a lot of guys not with him. 821 01:03:52,624 --> 01:03:54,319 Port Authority Police. Sergeant King speaking. 822 01:04:27,759 --> 01:04:31,820 l got cars cooking off. l got rounds flying all over the place. 823 01:04:32,263 --> 01:04:36,825 l´ve got guns all over the place. Now back off. lt´s getting dark out. 824 01:04:36,935 --> 01:04:39,403 Chief, you got to let us in. My whole battalion´s in here, Chief. 825 01:04:39,504 --> 01:04:41,972 -There´s still guys in there. -l know it, boys. Not tonight. 826 01:04:42,073 --> 01:04:45,509 Tomorrow´s another day. lt´ll be dark in a half an hour, man! 827 01:04:45,610 --> 01:04:50,377 God bless their souls, but l´m not letting you join them! 828 01:05:11,169 --> 01:05:13,535 Everybody report to the station there. 829 01:05:26,084 --> 01:05:28,052 What´s the status here? 830 01:05:28,653 --> 01:05:30,382 The search has been called off. 831 01:05:30,488 --> 01:05:34,219 They say the Marriott´s gonna go, too, and until it´s more stable, we´re out. 832 01:05:36,661 --> 01:05:38,891 This whole thing is crap, man. 833 01:05:38,997 --> 01:05:41,693 Our guys are in there. They´re dying in there. 834 01:05:44,636 --> 01:05:47,605 lt´s like God made a curtain with the smoke, 835 01:05:48,373 --> 01:05:51,570 shielding us from what we´re not yet ready to see. 836 01:05:55,146 --> 01:05:56,875 All right, nut bag. 837 01:06:50,068 --> 01:06:52,036 Didn´t even finish them. 838 01:07:09,921 --> 01:07:12,549 ...a 45-degree angle. 839 01:07:13,725 --> 01:07:15,124 See? Okay? 840 01:07:15,226 --> 01:07:19,094 You put the plywood here. Put the saw here. Nice and easy. 841 01:07:19,263 --> 01:07:21,754 Don´t force anything. All right? 842 01:07:22,867 --> 01:07:24,494 Want to try again? Okay. 843 01:07:29,807 --> 01:07:32,002 Don´t force it. There you go. 844 01:07:47,825 --> 01:07:51,317 Sarge? You never told me your wife´s name. 845 01:07:53,865 --> 01:07:55,196 lt´s Donna. 846 01:07:56,434 --> 01:07:59,130 Donna? That´s a good name. 847 01:08:00,071 --> 01:08:02,266 lt´s real American, you know? 848 01:08:03,574 --> 01:08:05,007 Mine´s Allison. 849 01:08:05,643 --> 01:08:08,203 She´s ltalian and some German. 850 01:08:09,647 --> 01:08:11,274 Don´t get her mad. 851 01:08:12,650 --> 01:08:14,311 Yeah. She´s a wild one. 852 01:08:14,886 --> 01:08:19,346 Donna can get mad, too. She wants a new kitchen. 853 01:08:20,658 --> 01:08:24,287 l´m okay carpenter, so 854 01:08:25,396 --> 01:08:27,193 l´m building her one. 855 01:08:28,299 --> 01:08:30,563 There´s no cabinets right now. 856 01:08:31,636 --> 01:08:33,103 She´s pissed. 857 01:08:35,039 --> 01:08:36,165 So 858 01:08:37,809 --> 01:08:39,606 l got to get out of here. 859 01:08:41,112 --> 01:08:43,239 Donna, she´s... 860 01:08:47,218 --> 01:08:49,652 l married the right one, you know? 861 01:08:51,189 --> 01:08:52,656 Yeah, l know. 862 01:08:53,591 --> 01:08:54,819 Me, too. 863 01:08:55,726 --> 01:08:57,694 Tell me about your wife. 864 01:08:59,530 --> 01:09:01,020 Well, she´s 865 01:09:02,567 --> 01:09:05,400 five months pregnant now. 866 01:09:07,238 --> 01:09:08,705 lt´s gonna be a girl. 867 01:09:11,042 --> 01:09:13,476 l already got one. Bianca. 868 01:09:14,045 --> 01:09:15,410 She´s four. 869 01:09:51,249 --> 01:09:53,149 You got to name Bianca. 870 01:09:54,652 --> 01:09:56,517 You love that name Bianca. 871 01:09:56,621 --> 01:09:59,317 No. l love the name, but you picked it. 872 01:10:00,525 --> 01:10:01,651 So? 873 01:10:02,460 --> 01:10:04,928 So l get to choose the name this time. 874 01:10:06,197 --> 01:10:07,494 Alyssa. 875 01:10:08,432 --> 01:10:09,899 Alyssa? 876 01:10:10,468 --> 01:10:14,427 Kids are gonna love that name. ´´Alyssa the pisser.´´ 877 01:10:15,173 --> 01:10:17,164 Look, l like Olivia. 878 01:10:17,808 --> 01:10:21,244 Olivia? Olivia sounds like Olive Oyl. 879 01:10:21,345 --> 01:10:22,642 -Will. -What? 880 01:10:23,414 --> 01:10:24,745 Olivia. 881 01:10:26,317 --> 01:10:28,012 Olivia Jimeno. 882 01:11:03,921 --> 01:11:06,014 l´m naming the baby Alyssa. 883 01:11:07,091 --> 01:11:08,718 lt´s what Will wanted. 884 01:11:13,264 --> 01:11:14,561 What? 885 01:11:14,966 --> 01:11:18,094 -l´m gonna pick up that prescription. -What prescription? 886 01:11:18,603 --> 01:11:21,504 The doc called in a prescription for you, honey. 887 01:11:21,606 --> 01:11:23,073 You know, for the baby. 888 01:11:24,041 --> 01:11:26,475 Said we got to have it on hand, just in case. 889 01:11:27,311 --> 01:11:28,471 ln case what? 890 01:11:29,380 --> 01:11:31,940 ln case you need it, honey. You know? 891 01:11:34,919 --> 01:11:36,944 -l´ll go with Jerry. -No, Allison... 892 01:11:37,054 --> 01:11:40,820 l´m not sitting here waiting for a call that Will´s dead. 893 01:11:41,425 --> 01:11:42,983 -Allison... -l´m coming, too. 894 01:11:55,706 --> 01:11:56,730 What am l doing here? 895 01:11:56,841 --> 01:11:58,832 -Al, you all right? -Yeah. 896 01:11:59,143 --> 01:12:00,804 -Yeah? -Yeah. 897 01:12:01,145 --> 01:12:04,945 Will could be never coming home. 898 01:12:05,983 --> 01:12:09,180 l´m walking around CVS like there´s nothing wrong. 899 01:12:09,487 --> 01:12:09,720 You said you wanted to get out of the house. 900 01:12:09,720 --> 01:12:11,085 You said you wanted to get out of the house. 901 01:12:11,188 --> 01:12:13,418 You have your cell phone? 902 01:12:15,960 --> 01:12:17,291 l left it. 903 01:12:17,928 --> 01:12:19,259 Karen, you have your cell phone? 904 01:12:19,363 --> 01:12:20,455 Karen. 905 01:12:24,568 --> 01:12:25,660 l forgot it. 906 01:12:26,637 --> 01:12:28,969 We left the house with no phone? 907 01:12:54,565 --> 01:12:56,089 Al, what are you doing? 908 01:12:56,200 --> 01:12:59,169 Got to get home. This stupid light is taking forever! 909 01:12:59,270 --> 01:13:00,567 Come on! 910 01:13:03,708 --> 01:13:05,175 -Allison! -Al. 911 01:13:05,409 --> 01:13:09,641 Allison! Would you get back in the goddamn car? 912 01:13:10,047 --> 01:13:11,344 We´re going home. 913 01:13:19,256 --> 01:13:20,689 Did he call? 914 01:13:36,407 --> 01:13:37,499 Sarge? 915 01:13:38,476 --> 01:13:41,104 l don´t think l´m gonna make it to the morning. 916 01:13:44,215 --> 01:13:45,807 -l feel like... -Will. 917 01:13:46,751 --> 01:13:48,412 -Like... -Will. 918 01:13:49,053 --> 01:13:52,614 You die, l´m gonna die. 919 01:13:53,924 --> 01:13:55,323 Okay? 920 01:13:55,993 --> 01:13:57,187 You die, 921 01:13:58,829 --> 01:14:00,694 l´m just gonna die. 922 01:14:03,067 --> 01:14:05,194 Well, you can´t die, either. 923 01:14:06,537 --> 01:14:07,936 Sounds good. 924 01:14:09,273 --> 01:14:10,900 But in case... 925 01:14:13,110 --> 01:14:14,372 You think you could do me a favor? 926 01:14:15,212 --> 01:14:16,679 What´s that? 927 01:14:16,781 --> 01:14:19,375 Could you put it out over the radio 928 01:14:21,051 --> 01:14:22,541 that l request 929 01:14:24,088 --> 01:14:27,057 my daughter to be named Olivia? 930 01:14:29,193 --> 01:14:30,490 And tell them 931 01:14:31,796 --> 01:14:33,923 to tell Allison that l love her, 932 01:14:35,132 --> 01:14:37,896 and that she should name my daughter Olivia. 933 01:14:49,580 --> 01:14:50,842 8-13. 934 01:14:52,216 --> 01:14:53,979 This is McLoughlin 935 01:14:55,052 --> 01:14:56,144 PAPD. 936 01:14:57,121 --> 01:15:01,820 Officer Jimeno requests his daughter be named 937 01:15:02,793 --> 01:15:03,987 Olivia. 938 01:15:05,763 --> 01:15:07,321 Officer Jimeno 939 01:15:09,266 --> 01:15:12,827 would like his wife, Allison, 940 01:15:13,671 --> 01:15:16,299 to know he loves her. 941 01:15:21,312 --> 01:15:23,109 Further to that, 942 01:15:26,851 --> 01:15:28,648 please tell 943 01:15:29,753 --> 01:15:31,220 my family 944 01:15:32,656 --> 01:15:34,954 l love them 945 01:15:39,396 --> 01:15:40,727 very much. 946 01:16:56,507 --> 01:16:58,031 Jee Louise. 947 01:17:07,751 --> 01:17:08,843 JJ! 948 01:17:08,953 --> 01:17:11,114 ...psychologically across the country. 949 01:17:11,355 --> 01:17:13,084 lt´s had such an enormous... 950 01:17:21,665 --> 01:17:23,690 JJ, what are you doing? 951 01:17:23,801 --> 01:17:25,428 l told you before. 952 01:17:30,708 --> 01:17:33,006 -Sweetie, get out of the car. -No. 953 01:17:34,578 --> 01:17:36,978 -JJ, get out of this car. Now! -No. 954 01:17:37,114 --> 01:17:39,014 -Don´t say no to me. -What´s wrong with you? 955 01:17:39,116 --> 01:17:41,277 -Don´t you want to find him? -Yes, l want to find him. 956 01:17:41,385 --> 01:17:43,615 -What if he´s dying? -There´s nothing that we can do. 957 01:17:43,721 --> 01:17:45,279 What if we never see him again? 958 01:17:56,033 --> 01:17:57,500 All right, l´ll go. Get out. 959 01:17:58,235 --> 01:18:00,465 l said l´m going. Now, come on. 960 01:18:03,907 --> 01:18:05,932 You want some tuna without the bread? 961 01:18:06,343 --> 01:18:07,970 No, Mom, l´m not hungry. 962 01:18:13,283 --> 01:18:15,080 You have to eat something. 963 01:18:15,986 --> 01:18:17,749 The baby´s going through this, too, honey. 964 01:18:19,857 --> 01:18:20,949 How about a waffle? 965 01:18:21,058 --> 01:18:23,356 Forget it, Patricia. She´d throw it up. 966 01:18:38,942 --> 01:18:41,172 l could cook up some macaroni. 967 01:18:41,879 --> 01:18:46,782 No, that´s okay, Ma. l´m going to put Bianca to bed. 968 01:18:51,255 --> 01:18:53,655 lt´s also a great test for us all, 969 01:18:53,757 --> 01:18:56,920 wherever we live, whatever our age, whatever our beliefs. 970 01:18:58,429 --> 01:19:01,830 Just look at that scene and think about what happened today. 971 01:19:03,467 --> 01:19:07,699 Rescue officials predict that hundreds, if not thousands... 972 01:19:46,076 --> 01:19:48,101 -Mommy! -Hey, baby. 973 01:19:59,156 --> 01:20:01,090 ls Daddy coming home? 974 01:20:08,665 --> 01:20:09,757 Honey, 975 01:20:13,403 --> 01:20:14,870 l don´t know. 976 01:20:46,670 --> 01:20:50,606 United States Marines! lf anyone can hear me, yell or tap! 977 01:20:55,879 --> 01:20:59,576 United States Marines. lf anyone can hear me, yell or tap! 978 01:21:03,253 --> 01:21:04,880 United States Marine? 979 01:21:11,495 --> 01:21:13,622 Are you heading in, too, Devil Dog? 980 01:21:15,132 --> 01:21:17,930 l´ve reconned the area, Sergeant. 981 01:21:20,204 --> 01:21:22,866 Our best shot is going up. 982 01:21:24,608 --> 01:21:25,905 All right. 983 01:21:31,481 --> 01:21:33,381 Someone says stop, you don´t stop. 984 01:21:33,483 --> 01:21:36,281 You don´t hear them. There´s no going back. 985 01:21:37,688 --> 01:21:38,985 Let´s go. 986 01:21:40,090 --> 01:21:41,387 Thomas. 987 01:21:45,262 --> 01:21:46,456 Karnes. 988 01:21:54,605 --> 01:21:58,063 United States Marines. lf you can hear me, yell or tap. 989 01:22:40,217 --> 01:22:41,514 Sarge? 990 01:22:43,287 --> 01:22:44,379 John. 991 01:22:46,823 --> 01:22:47,949 Yeah. 992 01:22:50,193 --> 01:22:52,661 The most amaing thing just happened. 993 01:22:54,131 --> 01:22:55,655 l saw Jesus. 994 01:22:58,869 --> 01:23:00,336 And you know what? 995 01:23:02,306 --> 01:23:04,297 He had a bottle of water. 996 01:23:05,609 --> 01:23:09,306 And l could have drunk it, you know? 997 01:23:10,347 --> 01:23:12,144 But l didn´t drink it. 998 01:23:14,451 --> 01:23:16,749 He´s telling us something, Sarge. 999 01:23:18,355 --> 01:23:20,482 He´s telling us to come home. 1000 01:23:24,394 --> 01:23:26,259 Don´t sleep on me, John. 1001 01:23:27,864 --> 01:23:29,161 No. 1002 01:23:30,200 --> 01:23:32,430 The pain´s keeping me alive. 1003 01:23:34,471 --> 01:23:35,938 Keep talking. 1004 01:23:39,609 --> 01:23:41,839 You remember Starsky and Hutch? 1005 01:23:43,580 --> 01:23:46,105 When l was a kid, it was on TV. 1006 01:23:47,951 --> 01:23:49,748 l remember the theme song. 1007 01:23:56,393 --> 01:23:57,860 When that would come on, 1008 01:23:57,961 --> 01:24:01,328 l´d run around the house and arrest my sister, Karen. 1009 01:24:05,469 --> 01:24:07,699 Took me six years to be a cop. 1010 01:24:10,540 --> 01:24:12,940 The only thing l ever wanted to be was a cop. 1011 01:24:14,878 --> 01:24:16,505 How long you been in? 1012 01:24:17,681 --> 01:24:20,411 Twenty-one years. 1013 01:24:21,151 --> 01:24:22,778 Boy, that´s a lifetime. 1014 01:24:25,555 --> 01:24:27,682 You´re one tough guy, Sergeant. 1015 01:24:29,359 --> 01:24:33,159 l don´t smile a lot. 1016 01:24:38,402 --> 01:24:40,461 That´s why l´m not 1017 01:24:42,072 --> 01:24:43,562 lieutenant. 1018 01:24:44,608 --> 01:24:45,905 People 1019 01:24:47,210 --> 01:24:49,644 don´t like me ´cause 1020 01:24:50,680 --> 01:24:53,706 l don´t smile a lot. 1021 01:25:03,827 --> 01:25:05,954 Yeah, that´s it. You got it. 1022 01:25:06,763 --> 01:25:09,061 We got Frank Sinatra over here. 1023 01:25:24,514 --> 01:25:27,005 lf you can hear me, yell or tap! 1024 01:25:55,879 --> 01:25:57,176 John. 1025 01:25:58,348 --> 01:25:59,975 John. 1026 01:26:01,184 --> 01:26:02,981 Remember what you said? 1027 01:26:04,054 --> 01:26:06,545 You sleep, you ain´t coming back. 1028 01:26:07,257 --> 01:26:10,124 You got to come back, ´cause we´re getting out of here. 1029 01:26:20,537 --> 01:26:21,834 Sarge! 1030 01:26:25,108 --> 01:26:26,735 John McLoughlin! 1031 01:26:28,211 --> 01:26:30,907 lf you can hear me, yell or tap! 1032 01:26:31,581 --> 01:26:33,208 Can you hear me? 1033 01:26:35,552 --> 01:26:36,849 Are you sleeping? 1034 01:26:40,490 --> 01:26:41,752 Sarge! 1035 01:26:45,328 --> 01:26:46,522 Will? 1036 01:26:50,167 --> 01:26:51,634 Where are we? 1037 01:26:53,303 --> 01:26:54,600 ln hell. 1038 01:26:57,474 --> 01:26:59,237 We´re alive in hell. 1039 01:26:59,543 --> 01:27:01,170 How about that, John? 1040 01:27:03,647 --> 01:27:04,944 Pipe. 1041 01:27:06,783 --> 01:27:07,977 Keep trying. 1042 01:27:09,386 --> 01:27:10,717 Try the pipe. 1043 01:27:23,867 --> 01:27:24,891 Good. 1044 01:27:25,936 --> 01:27:27,403 Keep doing it. 1045 01:27:37,581 --> 01:27:39,208 We could circle back. 1046 01:27:44,754 --> 01:27:46,381 Never mind. 1047 01:27:51,461 --> 01:27:52,587 Yeah. 1048 01:28:00,103 --> 01:28:01,400 We hear you! 1049 01:28:02,539 --> 01:28:04,166 We hear you! 1050 01:28:08,278 --> 01:28:09,575 -Go! -Keep yelling! 1051 01:28:10,480 --> 01:28:13,677 8-13! PAPD down! 1052 01:28:14,184 --> 01:28:16,516 -Who´s down there? -PAPD. 1053 01:28:16,620 --> 01:28:18,247 McLoughlin and Jimeno. 1054 01:28:19,856 --> 01:28:21,824 -Hello? -Here! 1055 01:28:22,792 --> 01:28:24,089 l don´t see you! 1056 01:28:24,361 --> 01:28:25,828 You got to be kidding me. 1057 01:28:27,030 --> 01:28:28,327 Here! 1058 01:28:30,200 --> 01:28:31,394 Gotcha. 1059 01:28:31,501 --> 01:28:32,798 Gotcha! 1060 01:28:37,407 --> 01:28:39,739 Just hang on! Just hang on, okay? 1061 01:28:40,377 --> 01:28:42,777 Don´t leave us. We´ve been here a long time. 1062 01:28:42,879 --> 01:28:47,043 We´re not leaving you, buddy. We´re Marines. You are our mission. 1063 01:28:48,952 --> 01:28:51,750 That´s great! Oh, that´s great! 1064 01:28:56,626 --> 01:28:58,423 The Marines, John! 1065 01:28:59,629 --> 01:29:01,597 Can you believe that? 1066 01:29:07,137 --> 01:29:09,332 Sergeant, if we leave this spot, we might never make it back. 1067 01:29:09,439 --> 01:29:10,906 That´s what l´m thinking. 1068 01:29:13,109 --> 01:29:14,974 -lt´s overloaded? -Yeah. 1069 01:29:18,381 --> 01:29:20,349 My sister in Pittsburgh. 1070 01:29:23,119 --> 01:29:24,518 Hello? 1071 01:29:24,821 --> 01:29:26,789 lt´s me. l´m at the Trade Center. 1072 01:29:27,190 --> 01:29:28,589 Yeah. Emergency Command. 1073 01:29:30,960 --> 01:29:33,087 You got an exact location on that? 1074 01:29:36,966 --> 01:29:38,126 Great. Yeah. 1075 01:29:38,234 --> 01:29:41,670 Guys, l got two Port Authority cops found in the middle of the rubble. 1076 01:29:41,805 --> 01:29:43,329 They´re still alive. 1077 01:29:53,283 --> 01:29:54,580 l got it. 1078 01:29:58,788 --> 01:30:00,415 Thank God! 1079 01:30:00,590 --> 01:30:03,184 They found him, Donna! You hear that? They got him. 1080 01:30:03,293 --> 01:30:05,727 Wait. Wait a minute. Wait, wait. All right. 1081 01:30:06,296 --> 01:30:08,764 All right. All right. Thank you. We´re on our way. 1082 01:30:10,033 --> 01:30:12,797 He´s okay! The son of a bitch walked right out onto Liberty Street. 1083 01:30:12,902 --> 01:30:15,166 They want us to meet him at the bus terminal. 1084 01:30:15,271 --> 01:30:17,603 l am going to kick his ass when l see him! 1085 01:30:19,275 --> 01:30:21,243 He just walked right out. 1086 01:30:22,245 --> 01:30:23,872 He just walked right out. 1087 01:30:33,690 --> 01:30:35,749 -Allison, he´s alive. -What? 1088 01:30:35,859 --> 01:30:38,327 He´s alive. They couldn´t kill him. They couldn´t kill him. 1089 01:30:38,428 --> 01:30:39,395 They found him. 1090 01:30:39,796 --> 01:30:41,855 He´s trapped, but they´re digging him out right now. 1091 01:30:41,965 --> 01:30:45,264 He´s the toughest son of a gun l know. He´s made of rocks, is he not? 1092 01:30:46,069 --> 01:30:47,866 -He´s coming home. -Come on. Let´s go. 1093 01:30:49,105 --> 01:30:53,064 Have you been working out? l can´t keep up to you here. 1094 01:31:02,118 --> 01:31:04,177 l told you. Didn´t l tell you? 1095 01:31:04,287 --> 01:31:06,414 So where are we supposed to pick him up? 1096 01:31:06,823 --> 01:31:08,791 Where are we supposed to pick him up? 1097 01:31:10,660 --> 01:31:11,957 No one asked? 1098 01:31:12,128 --> 01:31:14,255 Jerry! What´re you doing? 1099 01:31:26,876 --> 01:31:28,503 -You´re the Marine? -Yeah. 1100 01:31:28,611 --> 01:31:31,239 Scott Strauss, Emergency Service Unit. 1101 01:31:34,350 --> 01:31:36,580 What do we got? How many are down there? Two down there? 1102 01:31:36,686 --> 01:31:38,813 They´re Port Authority cops. 1103 01:31:39,289 --> 01:31:41,985 The first one´s down about 20 feet, in pretty bad shape. 1104 01:31:42,091 --> 01:31:43,752 The second one´s even deeper. 1105 01:31:44,027 --> 01:31:48,327 lt´s a tough hole to get down, but they´re in there, and they´re alive. 1106 01:31:48,631 --> 01:31:50,428 We got to hold them off, Paddy. 1107 01:31:50,967 --> 01:31:52,264 All right, listen up. 1108 01:31:53,236 --> 01:31:54,863 No one make any sudden moves. All right? 1109 01:31:54,971 --> 01:31:57,872 This whole thing´s like a pile of pick-up sticks. 1110 01:31:58,341 --> 01:32:00,832 -ls there any F.D. up here? -Any F.D. up here? 1111 01:32:00,944 --> 01:32:02,309 -Ed! Ed. -Yeah. 1112 01:32:02,412 --> 01:32:04,972 Go back to Church. Get the fire department up here. 1113 01:32:05,081 --> 01:32:06,139 Got it. 1114 01:32:06,249 --> 01:32:08,513 ls Captain Yee on the radio? Captain Yee on the air? 1115 01:32:08,618 --> 01:32:09,744 On the air. 1116 01:32:09,853 --> 01:32:12,515 -Captain. Captain, it´s Scott Strauss. -Go ahead. 1117 01:32:12,622 --> 01:32:14,817 l got two cops here buried in the rubble. 1118 01:32:15,792 --> 01:32:19,250 Right in the pile near the globe. l need equipment and manpower. 1119 01:32:19,596 --> 01:32:22,224 Also get F.D. up here forthwith. We´re gonna burn. 1120 01:32:22,332 --> 01:32:23,629 Got it, Scotty. Stay safe. 1121 01:32:23,800 --> 01:32:26,268 l need a paramedic! Who here´s a medic? 1122 01:32:26,503 --> 01:32:27,800 l used to be. 1123 01:32:27,971 --> 01:32:32,408 Used to be? Jesus Christ. Come on! l need a paramedic here. 1124 01:32:32,775 --> 01:32:34,743 My license lapsed. 1125 01:32:35,945 --> 01:32:37,810 l had a few bad years. 1126 01:32:38,915 --> 01:32:41,315 But l know what l´m doing. 1127 01:32:42,352 --> 01:32:43,614 l´m good. 1128 01:32:43,720 --> 01:32:47,087 You know this whole thing could collapse on our heads and kill us? 1129 01:32:47,991 --> 01:32:49,288 Yeah. 1130 01:32:50,894 --> 01:32:52,191 What´s your name? 1131 01:32:52,695 --> 01:32:54,185 Chuck Sereika. 1132 01:32:54,531 --> 01:32:56,761 l´m Scott. Come on. All right. 1133 01:32:58,268 --> 01:32:59,257 Hey. 1134 01:32:59,369 --> 01:33:02,304 -Seen the way to one of them. -All right, Paddy. Call it. 1135 01:33:02,605 --> 01:33:04,402 lt´s real tight, Scotty. 1136 01:33:05,608 --> 01:33:06,575 Hey. 1137 01:33:06,776 --> 01:33:09,244 You´re never gonna get down there with all that gear, buddy. 1138 01:33:09,345 --> 01:33:12,473 Try this, Marine KBAR. Best knife ever made. 1139 01:33:13,583 --> 01:33:15,881 Thanks. You got a name, Marine? 1140 01:33:16,119 --> 01:33:17,609 Staff Sergeant Karnes. 1141 01:33:18,187 --> 01:33:20,155 l mean, something a little shorter. 1142 01:33:21,491 --> 01:33:23,015 Staff Sergeant. 1143 01:33:25,228 --> 01:33:27,025 -Okay. -You all right? 1144 01:33:27,130 --> 01:33:28,097 Yeah. 1145 01:33:29,566 --> 01:33:30,897 Okay. 1146 01:33:38,975 --> 01:33:40,875 My wife is Pat Strauss. 1147 01:33:41,611 --> 01:33:44,546 You tell her and my kids that l love them, okay? 1148 01:33:49,252 --> 01:33:50,719 You ready? 1149 01:33:51,020 --> 01:33:52,817 -Let´s go. -All right. 1150 01:34:02,098 --> 01:34:04,089 Hi. Where´s John McLoughlin? 1151 01:34:04,567 --> 01:34:06,262 -Mrs. McLoughlin? -Yes. 1152 01:34:07,704 --> 01:34:10,901 He´s alive, but l´m afraid there´s been a mistake. 1153 01:34:12,241 --> 01:34:13,299 Mistake? 1154 01:34:13,409 --> 01:34:15,639 When they called me, they really thought John walked out. 1155 01:34:15,745 --> 01:34:19,203 He didn´t. He´s still trapped, but they´re working on him. 1156 01:34:21,117 --> 01:34:22,641 ls he hurt bad? 1157 01:34:22,752 --> 01:34:23,719 Oh, my God. 1158 01:34:27,724 --> 01:34:29,954 Oh, this is not right. 1159 01:34:30,059 --> 01:34:31,686 This is not right! 1160 01:34:32,395 --> 01:34:34,329 He gave you everything, years of his life! 1161 01:34:34,430 --> 01:34:36,421 And you can´t even get this right? 1162 01:34:43,506 --> 01:34:45,940 Where is he? l´m going down there. 1163 01:34:46,476 --> 01:34:49,070 l´m sorry, Mrs. McLoughlin. lt´s too dangerous. 1164 01:34:51,848 --> 01:34:53,816 Where are they taking him? 1165 01:34:54,317 --> 01:34:55,614 Bellevue. 1166 01:34:57,153 --> 01:34:58,586 -Thank you. -Thanks. 1167 01:35:07,463 --> 01:35:09,522 Where do we take him when we get him out? 1168 01:35:09,632 --> 01:35:11,065 Triage at One Liberty. 1169 01:35:11,167 --> 01:35:12,964 And what´s the status of McLoughlin? 1170 01:35:13,069 --> 01:35:14,798 He´s further down. We´re still working on him. 1171 01:35:19,409 --> 01:35:21,206 Easy, easy. 1172 01:35:22,045 --> 01:35:24,240 We need more length! Kink it! 1173 01:35:29,452 --> 01:35:30,919 What the hell? 1174 01:35:32,422 --> 01:35:33,719 -103! -Yeah. 1175 01:35:34,757 --> 01:35:36,626 We need a line down here fast. 1176 01:35:52,241 --> 01:35:55,335 Okay, breathe this. Breathe. Okay. 1177 01:36:00,416 --> 01:36:01,974 Chuck, how´s he doing? 1178 01:36:02,618 --> 01:36:05,416 Blood pressure´s holding. He´s stable. 1179 01:36:06,389 --> 01:36:08,857 But he´s swelling, and he´s getting colder. 1180 01:36:09,058 --> 01:36:10,355 Paddy! 1181 01:36:11,094 --> 01:36:13,062 Get something to cover him, will you? 1182 01:36:14,163 --> 01:36:15,528 Hey, Willy. 1183 01:36:25,341 --> 01:36:29,209 Brother, take a blow. Take the blow. We got fresh guys up there. 1184 01:36:29,312 --> 01:36:30,370 All right. 1185 01:36:30,480 --> 01:36:33,108 l got to get down below you. We got a guy down below you. 1186 01:36:43,059 --> 01:36:44,651 l´m sorry, Will. 1187 01:36:46,629 --> 01:36:49,063 Why can´t l ever get a female cop? 1188 01:36:49,232 --> 01:36:50,859 At least somebody skinny. 1189 01:36:51,534 --> 01:36:53,934 What do you want? My wife´s a great cook. 1190 01:36:55,171 --> 01:36:56,763 She´d better be, 1191 01:36:57,340 --> 01:37:00,138 ´cause l´m bringing 20 people to that barbecue you´re giving for me. 1192 01:37:00,243 --> 01:37:03,178 Scotty! They say they can´t control the fires. 1193 01:37:03,446 --> 01:37:05,812 Building Four and Five might come down. 1194 01:37:06,215 --> 01:37:08,183 Nothing like a little pressure, right? 1195 01:37:27,837 --> 01:37:30,328 God damn it. lt´s not working. 1196 01:37:30,606 --> 01:37:32,233 Try more cribbing. 1197 01:37:36,045 --> 01:37:37,512 Chuck. Paddy. 1198 01:37:37,780 --> 01:37:39,247 Just get out of here. 1199 01:37:39,482 --> 01:37:41,450 This whole damn thing could come down on us. 1200 01:37:41,784 --> 01:37:43,718 There´s no sense in all of us getting killed. 1201 01:37:43,820 --> 01:37:46,516 You gonna pry up that slab and get him out of here yourself? 1202 01:37:47,957 --> 01:37:49,686 l´ve been in and out of rehab for years. 1203 01:37:49,792 --> 01:37:53,057 Finally figured out the only thing l´ve ever been good at is helping people. 1204 01:37:53,162 --> 01:37:54,629 We´re doing this together. 1205 01:37:55,298 --> 01:37:56,526 l ain´t leaving. 1206 01:37:56,632 --> 01:37:58,896 l don´t mean to break up the moment, 1207 01:37:59,001 --> 01:38:01,162 but we´re all getting out of here together. 1208 01:38:04,640 --> 01:38:07,609 ls someone there? You got water? 1209 01:38:08,544 --> 01:38:09,841 Who the hell´s that? 1210 01:38:10,279 --> 01:38:12,611 l told you. That was my partner. 1211 01:38:13,382 --> 01:38:15,850 -Hey, John! -l thought he was your partner. 1212 01:38:16,219 --> 01:38:18,084 l´m almost out, okay? 1213 01:38:18,721 --> 01:38:20,712 They´re coming soon. l promise. 1214 01:38:21,524 --> 01:38:23,617 -Okay, Will. -Who´s that? 1215 01:38:24,360 --> 01:38:25,725 McLoughlin. 1216 01:38:26,028 --> 01:38:29,156 Scott Strauss, ESU. How you doing? 1217 01:38:29,699 --> 01:38:32,725 l´m okay. Need water. 1218 01:38:33,202 --> 01:38:36,933 We hear you. When we get Will out, we´re coming for you. 1219 01:38:37,707 --> 01:38:40,335 We can´t get anything to you down there right now, John. 1220 01:38:40,443 --> 01:38:42,070 There´s just no room. 1221 01:38:46,215 --> 01:38:47,477 This guy. 1222 01:38:48,050 --> 01:38:50,848 He´s gonna die if you don´t get him out soon. 1223 01:38:51,120 --> 01:38:55,022 And the only thing in the way is my leg. l want you to cut it off. 1224 01:38:56,559 --> 01:38:58,754 Just cut it off. l can live without a leg. 1225 01:39:02,131 --> 01:39:03,257 Okay. 1226 01:39:06,769 --> 01:39:09,397 l´m not cutting your leg off. l can´t. 1227 01:39:10,206 --> 01:39:12,936 You´re coming out in one piece, you hear me? 1228 01:39:13,042 --> 01:39:14,509 You gotta... 1229 01:39:14,877 --> 01:39:18,506 Look, it´s my leg. Just juice me up and cut it off. 1230 01:39:18,948 --> 01:39:21,644 lf he dies, l die. That´s just the way it is. 1231 01:39:21,884 --> 01:39:25,285 Look, Will, your partner must be 20 feet deeper. 1232 01:39:25,421 --> 01:39:27,651 Probably more compacted than you. 1233 01:39:28,024 --> 01:39:31,983 Even if l cut your leg off, he´s not gonna get out of there for hours. 1234 01:39:32,695 --> 01:39:35,323 l´m sorry, man. Now, let me do my work. 1235 01:39:35,698 --> 01:39:37,495 We´re going again! 1236 01:39:41,604 --> 01:39:42,832 Hi. 1237 01:39:44,707 --> 01:39:48,609 Ma´am, this is Allison Jimeno. She´s Will Jimeno´s wife. 1238 01:39:48,711 --> 01:39:50,804 l´m his sister. We were told he was coming here. 1239 01:39:50,913 --> 01:39:54,280 We´re asking all the family members to please wait in the cafeteria. 1240 01:39:54,383 --> 01:39:55,975 lt´s over there through the doors. 1241 01:39:59,588 --> 01:40:00,953 l can´t go in there. 1242 01:40:01,057 --> 01:40:03,855 Come on. We´ll find someplace else, honey. 1243 01:40:12,635 --> 01:40:13,795 Hand it over here, boss. 1244 01:40:14,070 --> 01:40:15,367 Hey, John! 1245 01:40:15,705 --> 01:40:18,833 They´re coming! You hang in there! Okay? 1246 01:40:21,544 --> 01:40:23,205 l love you, John! 1247 01:40:23,879 --> 01:40:25,642 l´m waiting for you! 1248 01:40:30,219 --> 01:40:31,982 Don´t give up, okay? 1249 01:40:35,391 --> 01:40:36,688 Will. 1250 01:40:37,360 --> 01:40:38,657 Tell them 1251 01:40:39,862 --> 01:40:43,320 l´m coming, too. 1252 01:40:45,301 --> 01:40:46,768 You tell them. 1253 01:40:47,169 --> 01:40:48,636 lt´s great up here! 1254 01:40:49,372 --> 01:40:51,340 lt´s just so great! 1255 01:41:17,600 --> 01:41:19,568 Hey, where did the buildings go? 1256 01:41:20,803 --> 01:41:22,430 Hey, where did the buildings go? 1257 01:41:22,772 --> 01:41:25,104 They´re gone, kid. They´re gone. 1258 01:41:25,708 --> 01:41:27,005 You´re going home. 1259 01:41:39,288 --> 01:41:40,949 You done it, Will. 1260 01:41:43,459 --> 01:41:44,858 You done it. 1261 01:41:47,363 --> 01:41:49,024 Go to your family. 1262 01:42:07,550 --> 01:42:08,847 Who´s there? 1263 01:42:12,555 --> 01:42:15,115 No, not yet. 1264 01:42:27,670 --> 01:42:29,137 Can you hear me? 1265 01:42:34,410 --> 01:42:35,638 Not yet. 1266 01:42:41,250 --> 01:42:42,342 John? 1267 01:42:43,486 --> 01:42:45,954 John, can you hear me? 1268 01:42:46,055 --> 01:42:47,522 -John! -Easy, Scott. 1269 01:42:47,623 --> 01:42:48,749 Scotty? 1270 01:42:48,858 --> 01:42:51,452 -Down here. -Coming to you. l´m good. 1271 01:42:52,495 --> 01:42:55,623 -l´m coming. -lt´s tight. 1272 01:42:55,731 --> 01:42:58,529 l think l see him, Lou. l got him. 1273 01:42:58,767 --> 01:43:00,826 -ls he awake? -Semi. 1274 01:43:01,837 --> 01:43:04,431 John? John, can you hear me? 1275 01:43:06,041 --> 01:43:09,533 John! l´m Scott, from ESU 5. Man, l´m not gonna leave you. 1276 01:43:09,645 --> 01:43:12,478 l´m gonna do whatever l can to get you out of here. All right? 1277 01:43:12,581 --> 01:43:14,139 -lt´s tight, Lou. -All right. 1278 01:43:14,250 --> 01:43:15,615 -Just send it back. -All right. 1279 01:43:15,718 --> 01:43:18,016 Find a place to put debris. 1280 01:43:18,554 --> 01:43:20,818 Louie, bring it back. l got an elevator shaft here. 1281 01:43:20,923 --> 01:43:22,220 You´re gonna be all right, John. 1282 01:43:22,324 --> 01:43:24,258 -We´re not leaving you. -Bring the Sawall down. 1283 01:43:33,335 --> 01:43:35,599 Hang in there, John. Come on. You´ll be all right. 1284 01:43:35,704 --> 01:43:39,003 Stay with us, John. Come on. We got you. 1285 01:43:45,281 --> 01:43:48,842 We´re transporting Jimeno to Bellevue. Have a trauma team standing by. 1286 01:43:48,951 --> 01:43:54,116 Respiration´s 26, B.P. is 90 over 58. Got him on 15 liters O2. 1287 01:43:54,456 --> 01:43:56,924 Room´s prepped. Take him all the way down to the end. 1288 01:43:58,894 --> 01:44:02,125 Hey, they brought him in the back. Come on. 1289 01:44:07,002 --> 01:44:08,196 This way. 1290 01:44:10,706 --> 01:44:12,003 Over here. 1291 01:44:24,086 --> 01:44:25,713 Oh, my God. 1292 01:44:26,855 --> 01:44:28,823 He´s breathing out rocks. 1293 01:44:30,059 --> 01:44:32,892 Will? Can you hear me? 1294 01:44:33,596 --> 01:44:34,893 Hey, baby. 1295 01:44:35,297 --> 01:44:37,891 Oh, baby, are you okay? 1296 01:44:38,400 --> 01:44:40,197 We´re taking him to the O.R. now. 1297 01:44:40,336 --> 01:44:42,827 They said your leg was broke. 1298 01:44:44,673 --> 01:44:46,300 Will, baby? 1299 01:44:47,710 --> 01:44:49,337 They told me you were all right. 1300 01:44:56,652 --> 01:44:58,882 l want you to name her Olivia. 1301 01:45:02,891 --> 01:45:04,825 No, l want Alyssa. 1302 01:45:05,761 --> 01:45:07,058 For you. 1303 01:45:09,465 --> 01:45:10,830 Olivia. 1304 01:45:11,166 --> 01:45:13,691 Ma´am, we´re gonna have to take him up to O.R. 1305 01:45:13,802 --> 01:45:16,066 lt´ll be better for him if you come with us, ma´am. 1306 01:45:16,505 --> 01:45:17,472 Will. 1307 01:45:19,875 --> 01:45:21,433 He´ll be okay, right? 1308 01:45:22,044 --> 01:45:23,443 There are some complications, 1309 01:45:23,545 --> 01:45:25,570 -but we´ve given him good... -Will? 1310 01:45:26,448 --> 01:45:29,645 l´m going to name her Olivia, okay? 1311 01:45:30,619 --> 01:45:31,916 Okay. 1312 01:45:37,159 --> 01:45:39,889 John? You got two big slabs on your chest. 1313 01:45:39,995 --> 01:45:41,826 lt´s the only way we´re gonna get you out of here, all right? 1314 01:45:41,930 --> 01:45:44,091 l got the big one, you got the little one. 1315 01:45:47,770 --> 01:45:49,169 Pull it off. 1316 01:45:51,940 --> 01:45:53,498 All right. John. We got one more. 1317 01:45:53,609 --> 01:45:55,543 One more, brother, and we got your chest clear. 1318 01:45:55,644 --> 01:45:57,271 We got a good start. 1319 01:45:58,480 --> 01:46:00,414 -Joe-Joe? -Yeah? 1320 01:46:01,116 --> 01:46:03,311 Tell Lieutenant to get a paramedic down here. 1321 01:46:03,419 --> 01:46:06,183 -We got to get an lV in him now. -All right. 1322 01:46:07,022 --> 01:46:09,149 We´re gonna need a paramedic down here now! 1323 01:46:10,459 --> 01:46:11,949 Come on, John. We´re almost there. 1324 01:46:12,061 --> 01:46:13,323 McLoughlin. 1325 01:46:14,763 --> 01:46:17,493 You´re in good hands, John. You´re getting out of here. 1326 01:46:17,599 --> 01:46:20,864 That´s it, John. That´s it. Hang in there, brother. 1327 01:46:21,403 --> 01:46:24,167 That´s it. Hang in there, John. Don´t give up. 1328 01:46:24,273 --> 01:46:27,208 Don´t give up. We didn´t give up. Don´t you give up. 1329 01:46:28,510 --> 01:46:30,273 John, can you hear me? 1330 01:46:30,646 --> 01:46:31,840 John, wake up. 1331 01:46:31,947 --> 01:46:36,247 That´s it, John, wake up. Stay with us. Don´t go nowhere. 1332 01:46:40,923 --> 01:46:43,118 Come on, John. Come on, John. 1333 01:46:44,159 --> 01:46:48,892 Stay with us, John. Don´t give up. Come on, brother. Hang in there. 1334 01:46:49,064 --> 01:46:50,361 -John. -Come on, John. 1335 01:46:51,200 --> 01:46:53,668 Hang in there, brother. Hang in there. Come on. 1336 01:46:54,036 --> 01:46:57,836 We´re almost home. We´re almost home, man. 1337 01:46:57,940 --> 01:46:58,907 Come on. 1338 01:47:01,210 --> 01:47:02,837 Stay with us, brother. 1339 01:47:13,722 --> 01:47:15,212 l let you down. 1340 01:47:18,827 --> 01:47:21,694 All these years, l´ve been so careful. 1341 01:47:23,298 --> 01:47:24,822 Now l screw up. 1342 01:47:26,402 --> 01:47:28,029 l´m sorry. 1343 01:47:37,646 --> 01:47:40,513 Did l ever love you enough, honey? 1344 01:47:42,151 --> 01:47:43,448 l mean, 1345 01:47:44,686 --> 01:47:49,020 did l love you good like l was supposed to? 1346 01:47:53,962 --> 01:47:56,260 What the hell happened? 1347 01:47:58,967 --> 01:48:00,696 l think we had it, John. 1348 01:48:03,639 --> 01:48:05,504 lt was in the moments. 1349 01:48:09,178 --> 01:48:11,271 Happens to most people, l guess. 1350 01:48:11,814 --> 01:48:14,612 Me with the kids, and you with the department. 1351 01:48:16,885 --> 01:48:18,853 Somewhere along the way 1352 01:48:20,689 --> 01:48:23,658 l guess we kind of stopped looking at each other. 1353 01:48:27,796 --> 01:48:29,593 Come home, honey. 1354 01:48:30,399 --> 01:48:32,026 The kids need you. 1355 01:48:34,837 --> 01:48:35,963 No. 1356 01:48:39,408 --> 01:48:40,773 l need you. 1357 01:48:41,710 --> 01:48:43,109 Donna. 1358 01:48:43,812 --> 01:48:45,040 l can´t. 1359 01:48:46,348 --> 01:48:48,111 l can´t get out of here. 1360 01:48:48,817 --> 01:48:51,615 Honey, the kitchen´s not even finished yet. 1361 01:48:52,988 --> 01:48:56,116 Okay. Would you get off the kitchen? 1362 01:48:57,459 --> 01:48:59,393 ls this necessary? 1363 01:49:00,062 --> 01:49:02,997 -l´m stuck. -Then get unstuck. 1364 01:49:03,732 --> 01:49:05,632 Get off your ass, John. 1365 01:49:06,535 --> 01:49:09,265 Just get up and come home. 1366 01:49:10,038 --> 01:49:12,472 Donna, l can´t. l... 1367 01:49:17,713 --> 01:49:19,180 You can do it. 1368 01:49:21,717 --> 01:49:23,014 John? 1369 01:49:25,654 --> 01:49:28,316 What´s taking so long? Hey, you guys! 1370 01:49:57,553 --> 01:50:01,489 One thing he said, of all the images we´ve seen, 1371 01:50:01,790 --> 01:50:04,759 it is a scene of New Yorkers calmly 1372 01:50:05,694 --> 01:50:07,093 evacuating... 1373 01:50:07,195 --> 01:50:08,253 Great. 1374 01:50:08,430 --> 01:50:10,398 lt´s not working. Don´t bother. 1375 01:50:14,703 --> 01:50:16,694 Waiting´s shit, isn´t it? 1376 01:50:17,906 --> 01:50:20,067 lf it´s gonna be bad, you just want to know it. No bullshit. 1377 01:50:20,175 --> 01:50:21,506 That´s right. 1378 01:50:21,610 --> 01:50:24,272 They´re digging my husband out. They found him in the rubble. 1379 01:50:25,213 --> 01:50:26,612 That´s good. 1380 01:50:29,718 --> 01:50:31,948 My son´s down there. Lawrence. 1381 01:50:33,855 --> 01:50:37,484 He´s the elevator operator in the South Tower. A good boy. 1382 01:50:41,363 --> 01:50:44,730 When l saw that building going down like a pancake... 1383 01:50:50,872 --> 01:50:53,170 Damn thing is, l yelled at him. 1384 01:50:55,177 --> 01:50:57,304 Last time, l... 1385 01:51:00,048 --> 01:51:01,845 l made dinner. 1386 01:51:04,319 --> 01:51:07,550 He got held up at work. Food went to waste. 1387 01:51:10,359 --> 01:51:11,826 And l yelled. 1388 01:51:14,529 --> 01:51:16,656 Now all l want to do is hold him. 1389 01:51:17,699 --> 01:51:18,996 l know. 1390 01:51:20,535 --> 01:51:21,832 l know. 1391 01:51:22,704 --> 01:51:24,001 l know. 1392 01:51:24,773 --> 01:51:26,570 Oh, come here. Come here. 1393 01:51:27,242 --> 01:51:29,210 l know. l know, sweetie. 1394 01:51:29,478 --> 01:51:32,447 lt´s all right. lt´s all right. 1395 01:51:32,881 --> 01:51:34,178 Come here. 1396 01:51:38,887 --> 01:51:41,014 lt´s all right. You´re okay. 1397 01:51:50,699 --> 01:51:51,996 l know. 1398 01:51:54,536 --> 01:51:56,060 Thank you so... 1399 01:51:57,039 --> 01:51:58,836 Thank you so... 1400 01:53:08,376 --> 01:53:09,707 Thank you. 1401 01:53:10,545 --> 01:53:12,843 Thank you. Thank you. 1402 01:53:12,948 --> 01:53:14,506 lt´ll be all right. You´re gonna be all right. 1403 01:53:14,616 --> 01:53:15,776 Thank you. 1404 01:53:15,884 --> 01:53:17,852 -We got you, buddy. -Hang in there, man. 1405 01:53:17,953 --> 01:53:19,921 -Hang in there. -Hang in there, John. 1406 01:53:20,021 --> 01:53:22,990 -Good job. -We got you, man. We got you. 1407 01:53:23,191 --> 01:53:25,091 You´re going home, John. You´re going home. 1408 01:53:25,193 --> 01:53:26,683 -Way to go, man. -Thank you. 1409 01:53:26,795 --> 01:53:28,956 -Welcome home. -God bless you, John. 1410 01:53:29,064 --> 01:53:30,224 Thank you. 1411 01:53:30,332 --> 01:53:32,630 Way to go. Way to go, guy. 1412 01:54:06,368 --> 01:54:07,460 John? 1413 01:54:08,236 --> 01:54:09,965 -Hi. -Donna. 1414 01:54:10,071 --> 01:54:11,299 Hi, baby. 1415 01:54:13,041 --> 01:54:14,440 John. 1416 01:54:15,443 --> 01:54:18,412 You kept me 1417 01:54:19,681 --> 01:54:21,308 alive. 1418 01:55:41,796 --> 01:55:43,525 You guys come all the way from Wisconsin? 1419 01:55:43,632 --> 01:55:45,998 Yeah, those bastards. We had to do something. 1420 01:55:47,168 --> 01:55:48,396 You want a brat? 1421 01:55:48,503 --> 01:55:49,902 Finest brat you´ll get in the whole world. 1422 01:55:50,005 --> 01:55:51,802 That´s a guarantee you can take to the bank, mister. 1423 01:55:51,907 --> 01:55:53,204 Yeah, sure. 1424 01:55:54,109 --> 01:55:55,736 What are you doing down here? 1425 01:55:58,446 --> 01:56:00,744 -Paramedic. -Atta way. 1426 01:56:09,958 --> 01:56:12,085 No, l´m not coming in today. 1427 01:56:15,030 --> 01:56:16,327 l don´t know. 1428 01:56:18,633 --> 01:56:23,332 They´re going to need some good men out there to avenge this. 1429 01:56:26,641 --> 01:56:27,938 We´ll see. 1430 01:56:33,682 --> 01:56:36,947 Jimeno just got out. McLoughlin´s still in surgery. 1431 01:56:37,385 --> 01:56:38,750 We´re still missing 1 4. 1432 01:56:38,853 --> 01:56:40,980 Jesus. What do we do? 1433 01:56:42,691 --> 01:56:46,388 Thousands of people in there, Paddy. Where the hell are they? 1434 01:58:23,291 --> 01:58:26,590 9/1 1 showed us what human beings are capable of. 1435 01:58:27,429 --> 01:58:29,727 The evil, yeah, sure. 1436 01:58:30,665 --> 01:58:34,226 But it also brought out a goodness we forgot could exist. 1437 01:58:37,539 --> 01:58:39,871 People taking care of each other 1438 01:58:42,143 --> 01:58:43,542 for no other reason 1439 01:58:45,013 --> 01:58:47,140 than it was the right thing to do. 1440 01:58:47,882 --> 01:58:50,851 -That´s my son, JJ. -JJ, l´m Tim. 1441 01:58:51,386 --> 01:58:54,913 lt´s important for us to talk about that good, to remember. 1442 01:58:55,323 --> 01:58:56,915 lf she wasn´t here, l wouldn´t be here. 1443 01:58:57,025 --> 01:58:59,493 Hi. How are you? Good to see you. Hi. 1444 01:59:00,795 --> 01:59:02,592 ´Cause l saw a lot of it that day. 1445 01:59:02,897 --> 01:59:04,194 Olivia, you coming?