0 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org 1 00:01:24,415 --> 00:01:25,848 [TIRES SCREECH] 2 00:01:40,055 --> 00:01:42,774 GRUMPY: Three of a kind, Iet's do this. CHUCKLES: That's it? Three guys? 3 00:01:42,935 --> 00:01:46,132 GRUMPY: Two guys on the roof. Every guy gets a share. Five shares is pIenty. 4 00:01:46,295 --> 00:01:48,650 CHUCKLES: Six shares. Don't forget the guy who pIanned the job. 5 00:01:48,815 --> 00:01:51,010 GRUMPY: He thinks he can sit it out and stiII take a sIice. 6 00:01:51,175 --> 00:01:54,167 -I know why they caII him the Joker. HAPPY: Why do they caII him the Joker? 7 00:01:54,335 --> 00:01:56,087 DOPEY: I heard he wears makeup. HAPPY: Makeup? 8 00:01:56,255 --> 00:01:58,132 DOPEY: Yeah, to scare peopIe. You know, war paint. 9 00:02:08,095 --> 00:02:10,006 [PEOPLE SCREAMING ] 10 00:02:10,175 --> 00:02:13,247 GRUMPY: AII right, everybody, hands up, heads down! 11 00:02:13,615 --> 00:02:16,288 I said, hands up, heads down! 12 00:02:16,455 --> 00:02:19,288 Let's go, paI, I'm making a withdrawaI here. 13 00:02:19,535 --> 00:02:20,934 -I said, hands up! -No! 14 00:02:21,295 --> 00:02:23,445 DOPEY: Here comes the siIent aIarm. 15 00:02:23,615 --> 00:02:24,889 And there it goes. 16 00:02:25,055 --> 00:02:26,204 GRUMPY: Heads down! 17 00:02:26,375 --> 00:02:28,605 AII right, tootsie, you're taking a dive with me. 18 00:02:28,775 --> 00:02:31,335 -Down! I said, stay down there! WOMAN: Don't hurt me! 19 00:02:31,575 --> 00:02:34,453 DOPEY: Funny, it didn't diaI 91 1 . It was trying to reach a private number. 20 00:02:34,615 --> 00:02:36,446 HAPPY: Is it a probIem? DOPEY: No, I'm done here. 21 00:02:36,615 --> 00:02:37,730 [SILENCED GUNSHOT] 22 00:02:45,455 --> 00:02:47,730 GRUMPY: Sit down! Down! 23 00:02:48,215 --> 00:02:50,285 Down! I said, stay down there! 24 00:02:54,375 --> 00:02:57,094 GRUMPY: ObviousIy we don't want you doing anything with your hands. . . 25 00:02:57,255 --> 00:03:00,053 . . .other than hoIding on for dear Iife. 26 00:03:07,495 --> 00:03:09,406 CHUCKLES: On the ground! Stay on the ground! 27 00:03:09,575 --> 00:03:13,090 Nobody make a move! Nobody! Stay down! 28 00:03:13,255 --> 00:03:14,734 [SHOTGUN BLAST] 29 00:03:19,495 --> 00:03:20,689 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLES] 30 00:03:28,855 --> 00:03:29,844 Yeah! 31 00:03:32,575 --> 00:03:34,566 You have any idea who you're steaIing from? 32 00:03:34,735 --> 00:03:38,284 -You and your friends are dead. GRUMPY: He's out, right? 33 00:03:39,975 --> 00:03:41,090 [SHOTGUN BLAST] 34 00:03:41,255 --> 00:03:42,449 GRUMPY: What--? 35 00:03:49,975 --> 00:03:51,647 Where did you Iearn to count? 36 00:03:54,335 --> 00:03:56,291 HAPPY: They wired this thing up with Iike 5000 voIts. 37 00:03:56,455 --> 00:03:57,649 What kind of bank does that? 38 00:03:57,815 --> 00:04:00,727 GRUMPY: A Mob bank. I guess the Joker's as crazy as they say. 39 00:04:00,895 --> 00:04:01,884 Where's the aIarm guy? 40 00:04:02,055 --> 00:04:04,444 HAPPY: Boss toId me when the guy was done, I shouId take him out. 41 00:04:04,615 --> 00:04:05,889 One Iess share, right? 42 00:04:06,775 --> 00:04:08,925 GRUMPY: Funny, he toId me something simiIar. 43 00:04:09,095 --> 00:04:10,494 HAPPY: He what? No! No! 44 00:04:21,735 --> 00:04:23,054 GRUMPY: That's a Iot of money. 45 00:04:23,215 --> 00:04:26,764 If this Joker guy was so smart, he'd have had us bring a bigger car. 46 00:04:26,935 --> 00:04:27,970 [GUN COCKS] 47 00:04:28,135 --> 00:04:31,889 I'm betting the Joker toId you to kiII me soon as we Ioaded the cash. 48 00:04:32,775 --> 00:04:36,404 BOZO: No, no, no, I kiII the bus driver. 49 00:04:37,095 --> 00:04:38,164 GRUMPY: Bus driver? 50 00:04:40,295 --> 00:04:41,728 What bus driver? 51 00:04:45,655 --> 00:04:47,486 DRIVER: SchooI's out. Time to go. 52 00:04:47,655 --> 00:04:49,805 That guy's not getting up, is he? 53 00:04:50,535 --> 00:04:52,127 That's a Iot of money. 54 00:04:55,495 --> 00:04:57,725 What happened to the rest of the guys? 55 00:05:04,215 --> 00:05:06,490 MANAGER: You think you're smart, huh? 56 00:05:07,175 --> 00:05:08,733 The guy that hired youse. . . 57 00:05:09,255 --> 00:05:11,723 . . .he'II just do the same to you. 58 00:05:12,015 --> 00:05:14,848 Oh, criminaIs in this town used to beIieve in things. 59 00:05:15,015 --> 00:05:16,243 Honor. . . 60 00:05:16,415 --> 00:05:18,053 . . .respect. 61 00:05:18,215 --> 00:05:20,445 Look at you. What do you beIieve in, huh? 62 00:05:20,615 --> 00:05:21,843 What do you beIieve in?! 63 00:05:22,175 --> 00:05:26,885 I beIieve whatever doesn't kiII you simpIy makes you. . . 64 00:05:28,415 --> 00:05:29,894 . . .stranger. 65 00:05:42,375 --> 00:05:43,728 [ENGINE STARTS] 66 00:05:50,615 --> 00:05:52,412 [MOANS] 67 00:05:56,695 --> 00:05:58,925 [CHILDREN CHATTERING ] 68 00:06:03,935 --> 00:06:05,846 [SIRENS WAILING ] 69 00:06:10,135 --> 00:06:12,933 MAN 1 : Mr, Mayor, you were eIected in a campaign to cIean up the city, 70 00:06:13,095 --> 00:06:15,165 -When are you gonna start? MAN 2: I already have, 71 00:06:15,335 --> 00:06:16,370 MAN 1 : Like this Batman, 72 00:06:16,535 --> 00:06:19,003 We're hearing he's doing good, criminaIs are running scared, 73 00:06:19,175 --> 00:06:22,724 -No, man. I don't Iike it tonight. -What are you, superstitious? 74 00:06:22,895 --> 00:06:25,853 You got more chance of winning the PowerbaII than running into him. 75 00:06:26,015 --> 00:06:29,246 That's not true, Our men in the Major Crimes Unit are cIose to an arrest, 76 00:06:29,415 --> 00:06:32,248 Hey, Wuertz, mayor says you're cIosing in on the Batman. 77 00:06:32,415 --> 00:06:34,451 The investigation is ongoing. 78 00:06:34,615 --> 00:06:36,924 MAYOR: The process of cIeaning up the streets is a Iong one, 79 00:06:37,095 --> 00:06:39,006 I pledg ed in my campaign, uh, to have,,,, 80 00:06:43,175 --> 00:06:45,370 Ever intending to see your wife again, Iieutenant? 81 00:06:45,535 --> 00:06:48,095 I thought you had to go Iook after your mother, detective. 82 00:06:48,255 --> 00:06:50,132 Checked her back into the hospitaI. 83 00:06:50,575 --> 00:06:52,133 I'm sorry. 84 00:06:52,615 --> 00:06:55,766 -So he hasn't shown up? -He often doesn't. 85 00:06:56,135 --> 00:06:57,773 I Iike reminding everybody he's out there. 86 00:06:57,935 --> 00:06:59,163 Why wouIdn't he come? 87 00:06:59,495 --> 00:07:01,247 HopefuIIy. . . 88 00:07:01,735 --> 00:07:03,214 . . .because he's busy. 89 00:07:03,415 --> 00:07:05,326 [TIRES SCREECHING ] 90 00:07:19,255 --> 00:07:22,053 That's why we bring dogs. 91 00:07:22,215 --> 00:07:24,445 -My IittIe princes. MAN: PIease. 92 00:07:24,615 --> 00:07:28,051 PIease, they're crawIing in my mouth. PIease, I beg you, get them off. 93 00:07:28,215 --> 00:07:30,854 CHECHEN: Look what your drugs do to my customers. 94 00:07:31,015 --> 00:07:32,573 SCARECROW: Buyer beware. 95 00:07:32,735 --> 00:07:35,807 I toId you my compound wouId take you pIaces. 96 00:07:35,975 --> 00:07:38,614 I never said they'd be pIaces you wanted to go. 97 00:07:38,775 --> 00:07:41,209 My business, repeat customers. 98 00:07:41,375 --> 00:07:43,013 SCARECROW: You don't Iike what I have to offer. . . 99 00:07:43,175 --> 00:07:44,847 . . .you can buy from someone eIse. 100 00:07:45,015 --> 00:07:47,654 Assuming Batman Ieft anyone to buy from. 101 00:07:47,815 --> 00:07:49,646 [BARKING ] 102 00:07:50,855 --> 00:07:54,689 My dogs are hungry. 103 00:07:58,175 --> 00:08:00,450 Pity there's onIy one of you. 104 00:08:00,815 --> 00:08:02,214 [THUG 1 YELLS] 105 00:08:03,975 --> 00:08:04,964 [THUG 2 YELLS] 106 00:08:05,135 --> 00:08:06,409 [GUN COCKS] 107 00:08:08,095 --> 00:08:09,687 CHECHEN: What--? SCARECROW: That's not him. 108 00:08:13,895 --> 00:08:15,567 Loose the dogs! 109 00:08:20,975 --> 00:08:22,374 [SCREAMS] 110 00:08:27,775 --> 00:08:29,254 SCARECROW: That's more Iike it. 111 00:08:47,455 --> 00:08:49,411 [TIRES SCREECHING ] 112 00:08:58,935 --> 00:09:00,846 [GRUNTING ] 113 00:09:04,575 --> 00:09:05,803 [YELLING ] 114 00:09:08,975 --> 00:09:09,964 [DOG GROWLS] 115 00:09:10,135 --> 00:09:11,454 [YELLS] 116 00:09:13,295 --> 00:09:14,284 [DOG WHIMPERS] 117 00:09:41,415 --> 00:09:43,087 [TIRES SCREECHING ] 118 00:09:53,735 --> 00:09:55,407 Don't Iet me find you out here again. 119 00:09:55,575 --> 00:09:58,294 -We're trying to heIp you. BATMAN: I don't need heIp. 120 00:09:58,455 --> 00:09:59,729 Not my diagnosis. 121 00:09:59,895 --> 00:10:03,331 What gives you the right? What's the difference between you and me? 122 00:10:03,495 --> 00:10:06,248 I'm not wearing hockey pads. 123 00:10:09,615 --> 00:10:11,492 OFFICER: Everybody back now! 124 00:10:11,655 --> 00:10:13,407 [REPORTERS CLAMORING ] 125 00:10:13,575 --> 00:10:16,612 He can't resist showing us his face. 126 00:10:20,695 --> 00:10:22,765 GORDON: What's he hiding under that makeup? 127 00:10:30,175 --> 00:10:32,735 RAMIREZ: Uh, can we get a minute, peopIe, pIease? 128 00:10:35,255 --> 00:10:37,325 Him again. Who are the others? 129 00:10:37,495 --> 00:10:39,008 Another bunch of smaIItimers. 130 00:10:39,175 --> 00:10:40,164 [DEVICE CLICKING ] 131 00:10:40,335 --> 00:10:41,973 BATMAN: Some of the marked biIIs I gave you. 132 00:10:42,135 --> 00:10:44,330 My detectives have been making drug buys with them. 133 00:10:44,495 --> 00:10:46,963 This bank was another drop for the Mob. That makes five. 134 00:10:47,135 --> 00:10:49,603 -We found the buIk of their dirty cash. -Time to move in. 135 00:10:49,775 --> 00:10:53,404 We'd have to hit aII banks simuItaneousIy. SWAT teams, backup. 136 00:10:53,735 --> 00:10:55,327 What about this Joker guy? 137 00:10:55,495 --> 00:10:58,328 One man or the entire Mob? He can wait. 138 00:10:58,495 --> 00:11:00,725 When the new DA hears about this, he'II want in. 139 00:11:00,895 --> 00:11:03,329 -Do you trust him? -Be hard to keep him out. 140 00:11:03,495 --> 00:11:06,805 I hear he's as stubborn as you are. 141 00:11:48,575 --> 00:11:51,408 ALFRED: Be nice when Wayne Manor's rebuiIt. 142 00:11:51,575 --> 00:11:54,169 You can swap not sIeeping in a penthouse. . . 143 00:11:54,335 --> 00:11:55,814 . . .for not sIeeping in a mansion. 144 00:11:55,975 --> 00:11:59,570 Whenever you stitch yourseIf up, you do make a bIoody mess. 145 00:11:59,735 --> 00:12:02,613 Yeah. It makes me Iearn from my mistakes. 146 00:12:02,775 --> 00:12:06,051 You ought to be pretty knowIedgeabIe by now, then. 147 00:12:07,695 --> 00:12:08,684 My armor. 148 00:12:08,855 --> 00:12:12,291 I'm carrying too much weight. I need to be-- I need to be faster. 149 00:12:12,455 --> 00:12:15,015 I'm sure Mr. Fox can obIige. 150 00:12:15,175 --> 00:12:17,564 -Did you get mauIed by a tiger? -It was a dog. 151 00:12:17,735 --> 00:12:20,169 -Huh? -It was a big dog. 152 00:12:20,335 --> 00:12:24,044 There were more copycats Iast night, AIfred, with guns. 153 00:12:24,215 --> 00:12:26,046 Why not hire them, take the weekend off? 154 00:12:26,215 --> 00:12:28,934 That wasn't exactIy what I had in mind. . . 155 00:12:29,095 --> 00:12:30,767 . . .when I said I wanted to inspire peopIe. 156 00:12:30,935 --> 00:12:32,766 I know. 157 00:12:32,935 --> 00:12:34,368 But things have improved. 158 00:12:34,575 --> 00:12:36,930 Look at the new district attorney. 159 00:12:37,575 --> 00:12:39,486 BRUCE: I am, cIoseIy. 160 00:12:39,655 --> 00:12:41,486 Need to know if he can be trusted. 161 00:12:41,655 --> 00:12:45,534 Are you interested in his character or his sociaI circIe? 162 00:12:49,215 --> 00:12:51,490 Who RacheI spends her time with is her business. 163 00:12:53,215 --> 00:12:55,365 I trust you don't have me foIIowed on my day off. 164 00:12:55,535 --> 00:12:57,526 If you ever took one, I might. 165 00:12:59,295 --> 00:13:01,092 Know your Iimits, Master Wayne. 166 00:13:01,255 --> 00:13:04,247 Batman has no Iimits. 167 00:13:04,415 --> 00:13:07,327 -WeII, you do, sir. -WeII, can't afford to know them. 168 00:13:07,495 --> 00:13:09,884 And what's gonna happen on the day that you find out? 169 00:13:10,055 --> 00:13:12,649 We aII know how much you Iike to say "I told you so. " 170 00:13:12,815 --> 00:13:16,012 On that day, Master Wayne, even I won't want to. 171 00:13:16,175 --> 00:13:17,574 ProbabIy. 172 00:13:22,975 --> 00:13:23,964 [DOOR OPENS] 173 00:13:24,135 --> 00:13:25,727 MAN: Sorry I'm Iate, foIks. 174 00:13:25,895 --> 00:13:26,884 [DOOR CLOSES] 175 00:13:29,495 --> 00:13:31,611 -Where were you? -Worried you'd have to step up? 176 00:13:31,775 --> 00:13:34,653 -Harvey, I know these briefs backwards. -WeII, then. . . 177 00:13:34,815 --> 00:13:36,726 . . .fair's fair. 178 00:13:36,895 --> 00:13:38,851 Heads, I'II take it. TaiIs, he's aII yours. 179 00:13:39,015 --> 00:13:41,006 Yeah? You wanna fIip a coin to see who Ieads? 180 00:13:41,175 --> 00:13:44,451 My father's Iucky coin. As I recaII, it got me my first date with you. 181 00:13:44,615 --> 00:13:47,652 I wouIdn't Ieave something Iike that up to chance. 182 00:13:47,975 --> 00:13:50,933 I don't. I make my own Iuck. 183 00:13:52,375 --> 00:13:56,254 BAILIFF: AII rise. The HonorabIe Judge FreeI presiding. 184 00:13:56,415 --> 00:13:58,975 I thought the DA just pIayed goIf with the mayor. 185 00:13:59,135 --> 00:14:02,684 Teeoff's 1 :30. More than enough time to put you away for Iife, SaIIy. 186 00:14:02,855 --> 00:14:04,334 With Carmine FaIcone in Arkham. . . 187 00:14:04,495 --> 00:14:07,373 . . .someone must have stepped up to run the so-caIIed famiIy. 188 00:14:08,215 --> 00:14:10,365 Is that man in this courtroom today? 189 00:14:11,855 --> 00:14:15,325 -CouId you identify him for us, pIease? -You win, counseIor. 190 00:14:17,575 --> 00:14:19,008 It was me. 191 00:14:19,175 --> 00:14:20,494 [CROWD LAUGHS] 192 00:14:20,655 --> 00:14:24,284 I have a sworn statement from you that this man. . . 193 00:14:24,455 --> 00:14:28,004 . . .SaIvatore Maroni, is the new head of the FaIcone crime famiIy. 194 00:14:28,175 --> 00:14:32,134 Maroni? He's a faII guy. I'm the brains of the organization. 195 00:14:32,295 --> 00:14:33,284 [CROWD LAUGHS] 196 00:14:33,455 --> 00:14:34,934 JUDGE: Order. -Permission to treat. . . 197 00:14:35,095 --> 00:14:36,289 -. . .the witness as hostiIe? -Granted. 198 00:14:36,455 --> 00:14:37,444 -HostiIe? I'II show you hostiIe! 199 00:14:37,615 --> 00:14:39,014 [CROWD GASPS] [GUN CLICKS] 200 00:14:43,415 --> 00:14:46,054 Carbon fiber, .28 caIiber, made in China. 201 00:14:46,215 --> 00:14:47,694 If you wanna kiII a pubIic servant, Mr. Maroni. . . 202 00:14:47,855 --> 00:14:49,971 . . .I recommend you buy American. 203 00:14:50,855 --> 00:14:53,369 JUDGE: Get him out of here. -But, Your Honor, I'm not done. 204 00:14:53,535 --> 00:14:55,765 [CROWD CHUCKLING AND APPLAUDING ] 205 00:14:56,935 --> 00:15:00,086 We'II never be abIe to Iink the gun to Maroni, so we can't charge him. 206 00:15:00,255 --> 00:15:02,928 But they're trying to kiII you, means we're getting to them. 207 00:15:03,095 --> 00:15:06,087 I'm gIad you're so pIeased, RacheI. I'm fine, by the way. 208 00:15:06,255 --> 00:15:07,893 Come on, Harvey. You're Gotham's DA. 209 00:15:08,055 --> 00:15:10,774 You're not getting shot at, you're not doing your job right. 210 00:15:10,935 --> 00:15:12,084 But, you know. . . 211 00:15:12,255 --> 00:15:15,452 . . .if you said you were rattIed, we couId take the rest of the day off. 212 00:15:15,615 --> 00:15:18,413 Can't. I dragged the head of the Major Crimes Unit down here. 213 00:15:18,575 --> 00:15:23,126 Oh, Jim Gordon? He's a friend, actuaIIy. Try to be nice. 214 00:15:31,815 --> 00:15:34,488 I hear you got a heII of a right cross. 215 00:15:37,655 --> 00:15:39,691 It's a shame SaI's going to waIk. 216 00:15:39,855 --> 00:15:43,734 Yeah, weII, good thing about the Mob is they keep giving you second chances. 217 00:15:48,695 --> 00:15:50,925 LightIy irradiated biIIs. 218 00:15:51,375 --> 00:15:53,570 Fancy stuff for a city cop. Have heIp? 219 00:15:54,015 --> 00:15:55,653 We Iiaise with various agencies-- 220 00:15:55,815 --> 00:15:57,487 Save it, Gordon. I wanna meet him. 221 00:15:57,655 --> 00:16:01,091 OfficiaI poIicy is to arrest the vigiIante known as Batman on sight. 222 00:16:01,255 --> 00:16:03,325 Mm-hm. What about that fIoodIight on the top of MCU? 223 00:16:03,495 --> 00:16:05,804 If you got probIems with maIfunctioning equipment. . . 224 00:16:05,975 --> 00:16:09,047 . . .I suggest you take them up with Maintenance, counseIor. 225 00:16:09,335 --> 00:16:11,769 I've put every money Iaunderer in Gotham behind bars. . . 226 00:16:11,935 --> 00:16:14,210 . . .but the Mob is stiII getting its money out. 227 00:16:14,375 --> 00:16:17,685 I think you and your friend have found the Iast game in town. 228 00:16:17,855 --> 00:16:20,449 You're trying to hit them where it hurts, their waIIets. 229 00:16:20,615 --> 00:16:21,730 It's boId. 230 00:16:22,735 --> 00:16:23,724 You gonna count me in? 231 00:16:24,255 --> 00:16:27,486 In this town, the fewer peopIe know something, the safer the operation. 232 00:16:27,655 --> 00:16:29,805 I don't Iike that you got your own speciaI unit. . . 233 00:16:29,975 --> 00:16:32,773 . . .and it's fuII of cops I investigated at InternaI Affairs. 234 00:16:32,935 --> 00:16:35,654 If I didn't work with cops you'd investigated whiIe at IA. . . 235 00:16:35,815 --> 00:16:37,009 . . .I'd be working aIone. 236 00:16:37,735 --> 00:16:39,566 I don't get poIiticaI points for being an ideaIist. 237 00:16:39,735 --> 00:16:42,044 I do the best I can with what I have. 238 00:16:45,495 --> 00:16:49,090 You want me to back warrants for search and seizure on five banks. . . 239 00:16:49,255 --> 00:16:51,007 . . .without teIIing me what we're after. 240 00:16:52,055 --> 00:16:54,523 I can give you the names of the banks. 241 00:16:54,695 --> 00:16:56,526 WeII, that's a start. 242 00:16:56,895 --> 00:16:59,125 I'II get you your warrants, but I want your trust. 243 00:16:59,295 --> 00:17:00,887 Oh, you don't have to seII me, Dent. 244 00:17:01,055 --> 00:17:02,966 We aII know you're Gotham's white knight. 245 00:17:04,175 --> 00:17:07,485 Yeah, weII, I heard they have a different name for me down at MCU. 246 00:17:08,055 --> 00:17:09,283 I wouIdn't know about that. 247 00:17:10,415 --> 00:17:14,044 MAN: In China, Lau Security Investments stands for dynamic new growth. 248 00:17:14,215 --> 00:17:18,333 A joint Chinese venture with Wayne Enterprises wiII be a powerhouse. 249 00:17:18,495 --> 00:17:20,326 FOX: WeII, Mr. Lau. . . 250 00:17:20,695 --> 00:17:23,334 . . .I speak for the rest of the board. . . 251 00:17:23,895 --> 00:17:26,693 . . .and Mr. Wayne, in expressing our own excitement. 252 00:17:31,375 --> 00:17:34,845 Sir, I know Mr. Wayne is curious about how his trust fund gets repIenished. . . 253 00:17:35,015 --> 00:17:37,404 . . .but, frankIy, this is embarrassing. 254 00:17:37,575 --> 00:17:40,043 You worry about the diIigence, Mr. Reese. 255 00:17:40,215 --> 00:17:42,410 I'II worry about Bruce Wayne. 256 00:17:42,575 --> 00:17:44,054 It's done. 257 00:17:44,215 --> 00:17:45,887 The numbers are soIid. 258 00:17:46,055 --> 00:17:47,534 Do them again. 259 00:17:47,695 --> 00:17:50,653 WouIdn't want the trust fund to run out, now, wouId we? 260 00:17:51,335 --> 00:17:52,450 [SCOFFS] 261 00:17:53,255 --> 00:17:54,813 FOX: Another Iong night? 262 00:17:54,975 --> 00:17:57,808 This joint venture was your idea, and the consuItants Iove it. 263 00:17:58,455 --> 00:17:59,649 But I'm not convinced. 264 00:17:59,815 --> 00:18:03,330 Lau's company has grown by 8 percent annuaIIy Iike cIockwork. 265 00:18:03,495 --> 00:18:05,804 His revenue stream must be off the books. . . 266 00:18:05,975 --> 00:18:07,328 . . .maybe even iIIegaI. 267 00:18:07,495 --> 00:18:09,087 Okay. CanceI the deaI. 268 00:18:10,375 --> 00:18:11,490 You aIready knew. 269 00:18:12,175 --> 00:18:14,609 Just needed a cIoser Iook at their books. 270 00:18:14,775 --> 00:18:16,731 Anything eIse you can troubIe me for? 271 00:18:17,175 --> 00:18:18,654 I need a new suit. 272 00:18:18,815 --> 00:18:21,204 Yeah. Three buttons is a IittIe '90s, Mr. Wayne. 273 00:18:21,375 --> 00:18:24,367 I'm not taIking fashion, Mr. Fox, so much as function. 274 00:18:25,375 --> 00:18:27,013 You wanna be abIe to turn your head. 275 00:18:27,175 --> 00:18:29,166 Sure make backing out of the driveway easier. 276 00:18:29,615 --> 00:18:31,094 I'II see what I can do. 277 00:18:35,655 --> 00:18:37,532 Took three weeks to get a reservation here. 278 00:18:37,695 --> 00:18:39,731 I had to teII them I work for the government. 279 00:18:39,895 --> 00:18:41,089 -ReaIIy? -HeaIth inspector's. . . 280 00:18:41,255 --> 00:18:42,449 . . .not afraid to puII strings. 281 00:18:42,615 --> 00:18:44,731 RacheI. Fancy that. 282 00:18:44,895 --> 00:18:47,284 Yeah, Bruce. Fancy that. 283 00:18:47,615 --> 00:18:49,685 RacheI, Natascha. Natascha, RacheI. 284 00:18:49,855 --> 00:18:55,009 -Natascha. Are you the prima--? -Prima baIIerina for the Moscow BaIIet. 285 00:18:55,175 --> 00:18:58,372 -Wow. Harvey's taking me next week. -ReaIIy? So you're into baIIet? 286 00:18:58,695 --> 00:19:00,765 Bruce. This is Harvey Dent. 287 00:19:01,095 --> 00:19:04,690 The famous Bruce Wayne. RacheI's toId me everything about you. 288 00:19:04,855 --> 00:19:06,004 I certainIy hope not. 289 00:19:06,335 --> 00:19:09,532 -Let's put a coupIe tabIes together. -I'm not sure that they'II Iet us. 290 00:19:09,695 --> 00:19:12,607 Oh, they shouId. I own the pIace. 291 00:19:13,055 --> 00:19:15,888 How couId you want to raise chiIdren in a city Iike this? 292 00:19:16,055 --> 00:19:17,932 WeII, I was raised here. I turned out okay. 293 00:19:18,095 --> 00:19:19,608 Is Wayne Manor in the city Iimits? 294 00:19:19,775 --> 00:19:21,208 Is--? Heh-heh. 295 00:19:21,375 --> 00:19:22,854 The PaIisades? Sure. 296 00:19:23,015 --> 00:19:25,370 You know, as our new DA, you might wanna figure out. . . 297 00:19:25,535 --> 00:19:27,287 . . .where your jurisdiction ends. 298 00:19:27,455 --> 00:19:31,243 I'm taIking about the kind of city that idoIizes a masked vigiIante. 299 00:19:31,415 --> 00:19:34,646 Gotham City is proud of an ordinary citizen standing up for what's right. 300 00:19:34,815 --> 00:19:36,965 Gotham needs heroes Iike you, eIected officiaIs. . . 301 00:19:37,135 --> 00:19:39,012 . . .not a man who thinks he's above the Iaw. 302 00:19:39,175 --> 00:19:40,290 Who appointed the Batman? 303 00:19:40,455 --> 00:19:44,130 We did. AII of us who stood by and Iet scum take controI of our city. 304 00:19:44,295 --> 00:19:45,967 NATASCHA: But this is a democracy, Harvey. 305 00:19:46,135 --> 00:19:47,807 DENT: When their enemies were at the gates. . . 306 00:19:47,975 --> 00:19:51,524 . . .the Romans wouId suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city. 307 00:19:51,695 --> 00:19:54,163 It wasn't considered an honor, it was a pubIic service. 308 00:19:54,335 --> 00:19:55,927 Harvey, the Iast man that they appointed. . . 309 00:19:56,095 --> 00:19:58,290 . . .to protect the repubIic was named Caesar. . . 310 00:19:58,455 --> 00:20:01,731 -. . .and he never gave up his power. -Okay, fine. 311 00:20:01,895 --> 00:20:03,169 You either die a hero. . . 312 00:20:03,335 --> 00:20:06,247 . . .or you Iive Iong enough to see yourseIf become the viIIain. 313 00:20:06,415 --> 00:20:09,771 Whoever the Batman is, he doesn't wanna do this for the rest of his Iife. 314 00:20:09,935 --> 00:20:13,052 How couId he? Batman is Iooking for someone to take up his mantIe. 315 00:20:13,215 --> 00:20:15,410 NATASCHA: Someone Iike you, Mr. Dent? 316 00:20:15,855 --> 00:20:18,210 Maybe. If I'm up to it. 317 00:20:18,375 --> 00:20:23,403 What if Harvey Dent is the Caped Crusader? Hm? 318 00:20:25,575 --> 00:20:28,612 If I were sneaking out every night, someone wouId've noticed by now. 319 00:20:30,895 --> 00:20:34,854 WeII, I'm soId, Dent, and I'm gonna throw you a fundraiser. 320 00:20:35,015 --> 00:20:37,734 That's nice, but I'm not up for reeIection for three years. 321 00:20:37,895 --> 00:20:39,726 No, you don't understand. 322 00:20:39,895 --> 00:20:42,568 One fundraiser with my paIs. . . 323 00:20:43,175 --> 00:20:45,211 . . .you'II never need another cent. 324 00:20:46,975 --> 00:20:49,853 [METAL DETECTORS BEEPING AND WHINING ] 325 00:20:59,335 --> 00:21:01,371 What the heII is this? 326 00:21:02,655 --> 00:21:05,647 As you're aII aware, one of our deposits was stoIen, 327 00:21:05,815 --> 00:21:09,046 A reIativeIy smaII amount, 68 miIIion, 328 00:21:09,215 --> 00:21:11,649 Who's stupid enough to steaI from us? 329 00:21:11,975 --> 00:21:15,365 Two-bit wackjob, wears a cheap purpIe suit and makeup. 330 00:21:15,535 --> 00:21:17,412 He's not the probIem. He's a nobody. 331 00:21:17,575 --> 00:21:20,806 The probIem is our money being tracked by the cops. 332 00:21:20,975 --> 00:21:23,364 Thanks to Mr, Maroni' weII-pIaced sources,,, 333 00:21:23,535 --> 00:21:27,164 ,,, we know that poIice have indeed identified our banks using marked biIIs,,, 334 00:21:27,335 --> 00:21:29,724 ,,,and are pIanning to seize your funds today, 335 00:21:29,895 --> 00:21:33,729 And since the enthusiastic new D A has put aII my competitors out of business,,, 336 00:21:34,335 --> 00:21:37,691 -,,,I' m your onIy option, MARONI: So, what are you proposing? 337 00:21:37,855 --> 00:21:41,370 LAU: Moving aII deposits to one secure Iocation, not a bank, 338 00:21:41,535 --> 00:21:43,412 -Where, then? -No one can know but me, 339 00:21:44,135 --> 00:21:46,774 If the poIice were to gain Ieverage over one of you,,, 340 00:21:46,935 --> 00:21:48,653 ,,,everyone's money wouId be at stake, 341 00:21:48,815 --> 00:21:50,851 What stop them getting to you? 342 00:21:51,015 --> 00:21:53,973 I go to Hong Kong, far from Dent's jurisdiction,,, 343 00:21:54,335 --> 00:21:57,088 ,,,and the Chinese wiII not extradite one of their own, 344 00:21:57,255 --> 00:21:58,813 MARONI: How soon can you move the money? 345 00:21:59,095 --> 00:22:00,130 LAU: I aIready have, 346 00:22:02,415 --> 00:22:04,929 For obvious reasons, I couIdn't wait for your permission. 347 00:22:05,535 --> 00:22:09,050 Rest assured, your money is safe , 348 00:22:09,255 --> 00:22:11,450 [JOKER LAUGHING ] 349 00:22:15,935 --> 00:22:20,725 Oh, hee-hee, aha. Ha, ooh, hee, ha-ha, ha-ha. 350 00:22:20,895 --> 00:22:23,045 And I thought my jokes were bad. 351 00:22:23,215 --> 00:22:26,173 Give me one reason why I shouIdn't have my boy puII your head off. 352 00:22:26,335 --> 00:22:27,563 How about a magic trick? 353 00:22:30,775 --> 00:22:33,005 I'm gonna make this penciI disappear. 354 00:22:35,215 --> 00:22:36,284 Ta-da! 355 00:22:36,455 --> 00:22:37,888 It's-- 356 00:22:38,055 --> 00:22:40,250 It's gone. 357 00:22:40,615 --> 00:22:42,845 Oh, and by the way, the suit, it wasn't cheap. 358 00:22:43,015 --> 00:22:45,734 -You ought to know, you bought it. CHECHEN: Sit. 359 00:22:46,775 --> 00:22:49,687 I want to hear proposition. 360 00:22:52,295 --> 00:22:54,684 JOKER: Let's wind the cIocks back a year. 361 00:22:55,015 --> 00:23:00,453 These cops and Iawyers wouIdn't dare cross any of you. 362 00:23:01,575 --> 00:23:03,611 I mean, what happened? 363 00:23:03,775 --> 00:23:07,404 Did your baIIs drop off? Hm? 364 00:23:07,575 --> 00:23:09,531 You see, a guy Iike me. . . . 365 00:23:09,975 --> 00:23:12,614 -A freak. MOBSTER 1 : Damn right. 366 00:23:12,775 --> 00:23:15,767 A guy Iike me-- Look, Iisten. 367 00:23:16,295 --> 00:23:20,413 I know why you choose to have your IittIe, ahem. . . 368 00:23:20,575 --> 00:23:23,169 . . .group-therapy sessions in broad dayIight. 369 00:23:23,655 --> 00:23:26,328 I know why you're afraid to go out at night. 370 00:23:28,455 --> 00:23:30,047 The Batman. 371 00:23:30,215 --> 00:23:35,243 See, Batman has shown Gotham your true coIors, unfortunateIy. 372 00:23:35,415 --> 00:23:38,771 Dent, he's just the beginning. 373 00:23:39,335 --> 00:23:43,886 And as for the teIevision's so-caIIed pIan. . . 374 00:23:44,335 --> 00:23:46,132 . . .Batman has no jurisdiction. 375 00:23:46,295 --> 00:23:48,763 He'II find him and make him squeaI. 376 00:23:48,935 --> 00:23:51,813 I know the squeaIers when I see them. . . 377 00:23:51,975 --> 00:23:53,567 . . .and. . . . 378 00:23:54,295 --> 00:23:55,728 CHECHEN: What do you propose? 379 00:23:55,895 --> 00:23:58,204 It's simpIe. We, uh, kiII the Batman. 380 00:23:58,375 --> 00:23:59,330 [MOBSTERS CHUCKLING ] 381 00:23:59,495 --> 00:24:02,328 If it's so simpIe, why haven't you done it aIready? 382 00:24:02,495 --> 00:24:05,089 If you're good at something, never do it for free. 383 00:24:05,735 --> 00:24:06,963 How much you want? 384 00:24:07,655 --> 00:24:09,566 Uh, haIf. 385 00:24:09,735 --> 00:24:11,327 [MOBSTERS LAUGHING ] 386 00:24:11,695 --> 00:24:14,334 GAMBOL: You're crazy. -No, I'm not. 387 00:24:14,495 --> 00:24:16,531 No, I'm not. 388 00:24:18,055 --> 00:24:21,331 If we don't deaI with this now. . . 389 00:24:21,495 --> 00:24:23,053 . . .soon. . . 390 00:24:23,255 --> 00:24:27,965 . . .IittIe GamboI here won't be abIe to get a nickeI for his grandma. 391 00:24:28,615 --> 00:24:30,014 Enough from the cIown! 392 00:24:30,175 --> 00:24:33,008 Ah, ta-ta-ta. Let's not bIow. . . 393 00:24:33,175 --> 00:24:35,609 MOBSTER 2: Shit! -. . .this out of proportion. 394 00:24:35,775 --> 00:24:38,164 You think you can steaI from us and just waIk away? 395 00:24:38,335 --> 00:24:39,814 -Yeah. GAMBOL: I'm putting the word out. 396 00:24:39,975 --> 00:24:42,170 Five hundred grand for this cIown dead. 397 00:24:42,335 --> 00:24:45,247 A miIIion aIive, so I can teach him some manners first. 398 00:24:46,495 --> 00:24:48,963 AII right. So, Iisten, why don't you give me a caII. . . 399 00:24:49,135 --> 00:24:52,730 . . .when you wanna start taking things a IittIe more seriousIy? 400 00:24:52,895 --> 00:24:54,692 Here's my card. 401 00:24:58,575 --> 00:25:00,531 Mm-mm. 402 00:25:13,975 --> 00:25:16,250 You're a hard man to reach. 403 00:25:19,135 --> 00:25:21,330 Lau's haIfway to Hong Kong. 404 00:25:22,575 --> 00:25:25,294 If you'd have asked, I couId have taken his passport. 405 00:25:25,455 --> 00:25:28,015 AII that was Ieft in the vauIts were marked biIIs. 406 00:25:28,175 --> 00:25:31,326 They knew we were coming. As soon as your office got invoIved-- 407 00:25:31,495 --> 00:25:32,484 My office? 408 00:25:32,655 --> 00:25:36,170 You're sitting down there with scum Iike Wuertz and Ramirez and you're taIking-- 409 00:25:36,335 --> 00:25:39,327 Oh, yeah. I aImost had your rookie coId on a racketeering beat. 410 00:25:39,495 --> 00:25:43,852 Don't try and cIoud the fact that cIearIy Maroni's got peopIe in your office, Dent. 411 00:25:46,535 --> 00:25:48,412 We need Lau back. . . 412 00:25:48,575 --> 00:25:52,363 . . .but the Chinese won't extradite a nationaI under any circumstances. 413 00:25:52,695 --> 00:25:55,289 If I get him to you, can you get him to taIk? 414 00:25:55,455 --> 00:25:56,604 I'II get him to sing. 415 00:25:56,775 --> 00:25:59,414 We're going after the Mob's Iife savings. 416 00:25:59,575 --> 00:26:00,769 Things wiII get ugIy. 417 00:26:00,935 --> 00:26:03,130 I knew the risk when I took this job, Iieutenant. 418 00:26:03,295 --> 00:26:04,774 How wiII you get him back, any--? 419 00:26:07,255 --> 00:26:08,608 He does that. 420 00:26:08,775 --> 00:26:12,131 Our Chinese friends Ieft town before I couId teII them the deaI was off. 421 00:26:12,295 --> 00:26:15,651 WeII, I'm sure that you've aIways wanted to go to Hong Kong. 422 00:26:15,815 --> 00:26:17,885 What's wrong with a phone caII? 423 00:26:18,055 --> 00:26:21,525 I think Mr. Lau deserves a more personaI touch. 424 00:26:22,695 --> 00:26:24,447 FOX: Now, for high-aItitude jumps. . . 425 00:26:24,615 --> 00:26:27,288 . . .you're going to need oxygen and stabiIizers. 426 00:26:27,455 --> 00:26:30,925 WeII, I must say, compared to your usuaI requests. . . 427 00:26:31,095 --> 00:26:33,563 . . .jumping out of an airpIane is pretty straightforward. 428 00:26:34,175 --> 00:26:36,211 BRUCE: What about getting back into the pIane? 429 00:26:36,375 --> 00:26:40,050 -I'd recommend a good traveI agent. -Without it Ianding. 430 00:26:41,175 --> 00:26:43,814 Now, that's more Iike it, Mr. Wayne. 431 00:26:44,335 --> 00:26:46,849 The CIA had a program back in the '60s.. . 432 00:26:47,015 --> 00:26:50,212 . . .for getting their peopIe out of hot spots caIIed Sky Hook. 433 00:26:50,375 --> 00:26:52,935 -We couId Iook into that. -Yeah. 434 00:26:53,095 --> 00:26:54,687 Okay. Now. . . . 435 00:26:56,135 --> 00:26:58,729 Hardened KevIar pIates over titanium-dipped. . . 436 00:26:58,895 --> 00:27:00,931 . . .tri-weave fibers for fIexibiIity. 437 00:27:01,095 --> 00:27:03,814 You'II be Iighter, faster, more agiIe. 438 00:27:07,175 --> 00:27:09,245 Perhaps you shouId read the instructions first? 439 00:27:09,415 --> 00:27:11,326 -Yeah. -Now, there is a tradeoff. 440 00:27:11,495 --> 00:27:14,851 Separation of the pIates makes you more vuInerabIe to knives and gunfire. 441 00:27:15,015 --> 00:27:17,848 We wouIdn't wanna make things too easy, now, wouId we? 442 00:27:18,015 --> 00:27:19,971 How wiII it hoId up against dogs? 443 00:27:20,135 --> 00:27:22,171 We taIking rottweiIers or Chihuahuas? 444 00:27:23,335 --> 00:27:25,724 ShouId do fine against cats. 445 00:27:25,895 --> 00:27:27,931 I found one in Arizona. 446 00:27:28,095 --> 00:27:30,893 A very nice man said he couId have it up and running in a week. . . 447 00:27:31,055 --> 00:27:32,090 . . .and he takes cash. 448 00:27:32,255 --> 00:27:34,974 -What about the fIight crew? -South Korean smuggIers. 449 00:27:35,135 --> 00:27:37,251 They run fIights into Pyongyang, beIow radar. 450 00:27:37,415 --> 00:27:40,054 -Did you think of an aIibi? -Oh, yes. 451 00:27:58,055 --> 00:28:00,569 I beIieve this is your pIane, sir. 452 00:28:04,615 --> 00:28:07,971 You Iook tired, AIfred. You'II be aII right without me? 453 00:28:09,575 --> 00:28:12,931 If you can teII me the Russian for " apply your own bIoody suntan Iotion. " 454 00:28:23,615 --> 00:28:27,290 Yo, GamboI, somebody here for you. They say they've just kiIIed the Joker. 455 00:28:27,455 --> 00:28:29,207 BOD YGUARD: They brought the body. 456 00:28:44,935 --> 00:28:47,324 So, dead, that's 500. 457 00:28:49,215 --> 00:28:50,933 How about aIive? Hm? 458 00:28:54,015 --> 00:28:57,052 You wanna know how I got these scars? 459 00:28:58,895 --> 00:29:01,773 My father was. . . 460 00:29:01,935 --> 00:29:03,334 . . .a drinker. . . 461 00:29:03,495 --> 00:29:04,689 . . .and a fiend. 462 00:29:05,495 --> 00:29:09,488 And one night, he goes off crazier than usuaI. 463 00:29:09,895 --> 00:29:12,568 Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herseIf. 464 00:29:12,735 --> 00:29:14,214 He doesn't Iike that. . . 465 00:29:14,375 --> 00:29:17,685 . . .not one bit. 466 00:29:17,855 --> 00:29:20,289 So, me watching. . . 467 00:29:20,455 --> 00:29:24,846 . . .he takes the knife to her, Iaughing whiIe he does it. 468 00:29:25,015 --> 00:29:27,973 He turns to me and he says: 469 00:29:28,135 --> 00:29:31,650 "Why so serious?" 470 00:29:31,895 --> 00:29:33,408 He comes at me with the knife. 471 00:29:34,055 --> 00:29:35,886 "Why so serious?" 472 00:29:38,055 --> 00:29:40,808 He sticks the bIade in my mouth. 473 00:29:41,135 --> 00:29:44,889 "Let's p ut a smiIe on that face. " 474 00:29:46,055 --> 00:29:48,171 And. . . . 475 00:29:50,455 --> 00:29:51,934 Why so serious? 476 00:29:56,775 --> 00:29:58,208 Now. . . 477 00:29:58,375 --> 00:30:00,525 . . .our operation is smaII. . . 478 00:30:00,695 --> 00:30:03,493 . . .but there is a Iot of potentiaI. . . 479 00:30:03,655 --> 00:30:06,089 . . .for aggressive expansion. 480 00:30:06,255 --> 00:30:09,327 So which of you fine gentIemen wouId Iike to join our team? 481 00:30:09,495 --> 00:30:13,727 Oh. There's onIy one spot open right now, so we're gonna have. . . 482 00:30:14,375 --> 00:30:16,445 . . .tryouts. 483 00:30:20,855 --> 00:30:22,766 Make it fast. 484 00:30:31,815 --> 00:30:33,168 MAN: WeIcome to Hong Kong, Mr. Fox. 485 00:30:33,335 --> 00:30:35,929 Mr. Lau regrets he is unabIe to greet you in person today. 486 00:30:36,095 --> 00:30:37,926 FOX: I understand. 487 00:30:47,335 --> 00:30:50,771 For security purposes, I'm gonna have to ask you to check in your mobiIe. 488 00:30:50,935 --> 00:30:52,448 Of course. 489 00:30:55,095 --> 00:30:58,644 I must apoIogize for Ieaving Gotham in the middIe of our negotiations. 490 00:30:58,815 --> 00:31:02,205 This misunderstanding with the Gotham poIice force. . . 491 00:31:02,375 --> 00:31:04,809 -. . .I couIdn't Iet it threaten my company. -Of course. 492 00:31:04,975 --> 00:31:08,012 A businessman of your stature wiII understand and. . . 493 00:31:08,175 --> 00:31:11,963 . . .with you here now, we can continue. 494 00:31:12,135 --> 00:31:15,730 WeII, I do appreciate you bringing me out here in such styIe, Mr. Lau, but I re-- 495 00:31:15,895 --> 00:31:17,044 [CELL PHONE RINGS] 496 00:31:17,215 --> 00:31:18,967 We do not aIIow ceII phones in here. 497 00:31:19,135 --> 00:31:21,729 I'm sorry. Forgot I had it. 498 00:31:21,895 --> 00:31:26,332 No, I reaIIy came to teII you that our business deaI has to be put on hoId. 499 00:31:26,855 --> 00:31:29,813 You see, we can't afford to be seen to do business with. . . 500 00:31:30,895 --> 00:31:32,772 . . .whatever it is you're accused of being. 501 00:31:32,935 --> 00:31:35,403 I'm sure a businessman of your stature wiII understand. 502 00:31:35,575 --> 00:31:39,329 I think, Mr. Fox, a simpIe phone caII might have sufficed. 503 00:31:39,495 --> 00:31:42,726 Mr. Wayne didn't want you to think he was deIiberateIy wasting your time. 504 00:31:42,895 --> 00:31:44,453 Just accidentaIIy wasting it. 505 00:31:45,415 --> 00:31:49,408 That's very good, Mr. Lau. " A ccidentaIIy. " V ery good. 506 00:31:50,175 --> 00:31:51,449 Hey, sir. 507 00:32:08,935 --> 00:32:10,846 There's a better view from the peak tram. 508 00:32:11,015 --> 00:32:12,767 How's the view from LSI HoIdings? 509 00:32:13,055 --> 00:32:14,534 Restricted. 510 00:32:14,695 --> 00:32:16,606 Lau is hoIed up in there good and tight. 511 00:32:16,775 --> 00:32:18,606 -What's this? -I had R & D work it up. 512 00:32:18,775 --> 00:32:20,367 Sends out a high-frequency puIse. . . 513 00:32:20,535 --> 00:32:23,254 . . .records the response time for mapping an environment. 514 00:32:23,735 --> 00:32:26,203 Sonar. Just Iike a. . . . 515 00:32:26,375 --> 00:32:28,445 Submarine, Mr. Wayne. Like a submarine. 516 00:32:28,935 --> 00:32:30,687 -And the other device? -It's in pIace. 517 00:32:31,575 --> 00:32:32,564 Mr. Wayne? 518 00:32:33,735 --> 00:32:34,963 Good Iuck. 519 00:33:22,295 --> 00:33:24,525 [SPEAKING IN CHINESE] 520 00:33:25,895 --> 00:33:27,806 [BEEPING ] 521 00:33:31,495 --> 00:33:34,055 [SPEAKING IN CHINESE] 522 00:34:09,935 --> 00:34:11,414 [IN CHINESE] 523 00:34:31,855 --> 00:34:33,083 [GRUNTING ] 524 00:34:45,855 --> 00:34:47,766 [SIRENS WAILING ] 525 00:34:54,375 --> 00:34:56,286 [CHATTERING IN CHINESE] 526 00:35:06,335 --> 00:35:08,246 [LAU SHOUTING IN CHINESE] 527 00:35:43,015 --> 00:35:45,404 [ENGINES RUMBLING ] 528 00:36:15,535 --> 00:36:18,572 RACHEL: Look, give us the money and we'II taIk about making a deaI. 529 00:36:18,735 --> 00:36:21,886 The money is the onIy reason I'm stiII aIive. 530 00:36:22,055 --> 00:36:26,014 Oh, you mean, when they find out that you've heIped us, they're gonna kiII you? 531 00:36:26,175 --> 00:36:27,813 -Are you threatening my cIient? -No. 532 00:36:27,975 --> 00:36:32,014 I'm just assuming your cIient's cooperation with this investigation. 533 00:36:33,575 --> 00:36:35,167 As wiII everyone. 534 00:36:36,455 --> 00:36:39,652 No? Okay. 535 00:36:40,095 --> 00:36:42,973 Enjoy your time in County, Mr. Lau. 536 00:36:43,135 --> 00:36:44,568 LAU: Wait! 537 00:36:44,775 --> 00:36:46,686 I won't give you the money. . . 538 00:36:46,855 --> 00:36:49,733 . . .but I wiII give you my cIients, aII of them. 539 00:36:50,015 --> 00:36:52,131 You were a gIorified accountant. 540 00:36:52,295 --> 00:36:55,970 What couId you possibIy have on aII of them that we couId charge? 541 00:36:56,135 --> 00:36:59,810 I'm good with caIcuIation. I handIed aII their investments. 542 00:36:59,975 --> 00:37:01,488 One big pot. 543 00:37:02,815 --> 00:37:04,089 Got it. 544 00:37:04,495 --> 00:37:06,247 One minute. 545 00:37:07,015 --> 00:37:09,609 RICO. If they pooIed their money. . . 546 00:37:09,775 --> 00:37:11,493 . . .we can charge them as one criminaI conspiracy. 547 00:37:11,655 --> 00:37:12,770 Charge them with what? 548 00:37:12,935 --> 00:37:15,688 In a RICO case, if you can charge one of them with a feIony-- 549 00:37:15,855 --> 00:37:18,323 You can charge aII of them with it. That's great. 550 00:37:19,655 --> 00:37:21,486 Mr. Lau. 551 00:37:22,455 --> 00:37:26,289 What kind of detaiIs do you have about this communaI fund? 552 00:37:26,455 --> 00:37:28,013 -Ledgers--? -Immunity, protection. . . 553 00:37:28,175 --> 00:37:31,485 -. . .a chartered pIane back to Hong Kong. -After you testify in open court. 554 00:37:31,655 --> 00:37:33,885 I'm just curious. With aII your cIients Iocked up. . . 555 00:37:34,215 --> 00:37:36,331 . . .what's gonna happen with aII that money? 556 00:37:36,495 --> 00:37:39,487 Like I said, I'm good with caIcuIation. 557 00:37:39,655 --> 00:37:44,126 He can't go to County. I'II keep him here in the hoIding ceIIs. 558 00:37:44,295 --> 00:37:46,729 What is this, Gordon, your fortress? 559 00:37:47,015 --> 00:37:49,575 WeII, you trust them over at County? 560 00:37:49,735 --> 00:37:51,487 I don't trust them here. 561 00:37:53,175 --> 00:37:54,608 Lau stays. 562 00:37:55,055 --> 00:37:57,523 WeII, I don 't know about Mr, Lau's traveI arrangements,,, 563 00:37:57,695 --> 00:37:59,413 ,,,but I' m sure gIad he's back, 564 00:37:59,575 --> 00:38:01,930 Put word out. We hire the cIown. 565 00:38:04,615 --> 00:38:08,290 He was right. We have to fix reaI probIem. 566 00:38:08,775 --> 00:38:09,844 Batman. 567 00:38:14,215 --> 00:38:17,969 -I' m not aware of any participation,,,, -Our boy Iooks good on the tube. 568 00:38:18,455 --> 00:38:21,094 You sure you wanna embarrass me in front of my friends? 569 00:38:21,255 --> 00:38:24,770 Oh, don't worry. They're coming too. 570 00:38:31,335 --> 00:38:33,087 STEPHENS: Have a nice trip. See you next faII. 571 00:38:33,255 --> 00:38:35,007 WOMAN: Seven hundred tweIve counts of extortion, 572 00:38:35,175 --> 00:38:37,484 Eight hundred and forty-nine counts of racketeering, 573 00:38:37,655 --> 00:38:40,089 Two hundred and forty-six counts of fraud. 574 00:38:40,255 --> 00:38:42,974 Eighty-seven counts of conspiracy murder. 575 00:38:43,855 --> 00:38:46,847 Five hundred and twenty-seven counts of obstruction of justice. 576 00:38:47,255 --> 00:38:48,574 How do the defendants pIead? 577 00:38:48,735 --> 00:38:51,454 [CLAMORING ] 578 00:38:55,455 --> 00:38:56,444 Order in the court. 579 00:38:56,615 --> 00:38:59,004 MAYOR: Five hundred and forty-nine criminaIs at once, 580 00:38:59,175 --> 00:39:01,564 How did you convince SurriIIo to hear this farce? 581 00:39:01,735 --> 00:39:05,694 She shares my enthusiasm for justice. After aII, she is a judge. 582 00:39:05,855 --> 00:39:08,767 Even if you bIow enough smoke to get convictions out of SurriIIo. . . 583 00:39:08,935 --> 00:39:11,403 . . .you're gonna set a new record at appeaIs. 584 00:39:11,575 --> 00:39:13,964 It won't matter. The head guys make baiI, sure. 585 00:39:14,135 --> 00:39:16,444 But the midIeveI guys, they can't. 586 00:39:16,615 --> 00:39:18,367 They can't afford to be off the streets. 587 00:39:18,535 --> 00:39:20,571 They'II cut deaIs that incIude some jaiI time. 588 00:39:20,735 --> 00:39:23,613 Think of aII you couId do with 1 8 months of cIean streets. 589 00:39:25,095 --> 00:39:28,087 LOEB: Mr. Mayor, you can't-- -No, get out. Both of you. 590 00:39:32,095 --> 00:39:33,574 Sit down. 591 00:39:38,335 --> 00:39:41,213 The pubIic Iikes you. That's the onIy reason that this might fIy. 592 00:39:41,375 --> 00:39:42,649 But that means it's on you. 593 00:39:42,815 --> 00:39:45,727 They're aII gonna come after you now, and not just the Mob. 594 00:39:45,895 --> 00:39:49,570 PoIiticians, journaIists, cops. 595 00:39:49,735 --> 00:39:52,124 Anyone whose waIIet's about to get Iighter. 596 00:39:52,295 --> 00:39:54,855 Are you up to it? You'd better be. 597 00:39:55,015 --> 00:39:57,051 Because they get anything on you. . . 598 00:39:57,215 --> 00:40:01,811 . . .and those criminaIs are back on the streets, foIIowed swiftIy by you and me. 599 00:40:01,975 --> 00:40:03,203 Jesus! 600 00:40:07,495 --> 00:40:09,247 [SIRENS WAILING ] 601 00:40:23,495 --> 00:40:25,850 ALFRED: I think your fundraiser wiII be a great success, sir. 602 00:40:26,015 --> 00:40:28,575 BRUCE: And why do you think I wanna hoId a party for Harvey Dent? 603 00:40:28,735 --> 00:40:31,693 I assumed it was your usuaI reason for sociaIizing beyond myseIf. . . 604 00:40:31,855 --> 00:40:33,811 . . .and the scum of Gotham's underbeIIy: 605 00:40:33,975 --> 00:40:35,693 To try to impress Miss Dawes. 606 00:40:35,855 --> 00:40:39,768 Very droII, but very wrong. ActuaIIy, it's Dent. 607 00:40:39,935 --> 00:40:42,688 ENGEL [ON TV] : PoIice reIeased video footage found conceaIed on the body, 608 00:40:42,855 --> 00:40:45,369 Sensitive viewers, be aware, The image is disturbing, 609 00:40:45,535 --> 00:40:47,651 JOKER: TeII them your name, 610 00:40:47,815 --> 00:40:49,407 Brian DougIas, 611 00:40:49,575 --> 00:40:50,769 [JOKER LAUGHS] 612 00:40:50,935 --> 00:40:53,165 JOKER: And are you the reaI Batman? 613 00:40:53,335 --> 00:40:54,324 BRIAN: No, JOKER: No? 614 00:40:54,495 --> 00:40:56,372 -No, -No? 615 00:40:56,535 --> 00:40:58,173 Then why do you dress up Iike him? 616 00:40:58,335 --> 00:40:59,484 [JOKER LAUGHS] 617 00:40:59,655 --> 00:41:00,644 Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! 618 00:41:00,815 --> 00:41:04,728 BRIAN: Because he's a symboI that we don 't have to be afraid of scum Iike you, 619 00:41:04,895 --> 00:41:08,092 Yeah, Y ou do, Brian, You reaIIy do, 620 00:41:08,255 --> 00:41:11,725 Huh? Yeah, Y h, shh, shh, shh, 621 00:41:11,895 --> 00:41:16,173 So you think Batman 's made Gotham a better pIace? Hm? 622 00:41:16,375 --> 00:41:17,854 Look at me, 623 00:41:18,015 --> 00:41:20,210 Look at me! 624 00:41:23,815 --> 00:41:27,171 You see, this is how crazy Batman 's made Gotham, 625 00:41:27,335 --> 00:41:29,530 You want order in Gotham,,, 626 00:41:29,855 --> 00:41:34,087 ,,,Batman must take off his mask and turn himseIf in, 627 00:41:34,255 --> 00:41:37,884 Oh , and every day he doesn 't , peopIe wiII die, 628 00:41:38,215 --> 00:41:40,251 Starting tonight, 629 00:41:40,655 --> 00:41:42,771 I' m a man of my word, 630 00:41:42,935 --> 00:41:44,288 [LAUGHING ] 631 00:41:44,455 --> 00:41:46,047 [BRIAN SCREAMING ] 632 00:41:50,415 --> 00:41:53,134 [CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING ] 633 00:41:59,335 --> 00:42:02,054 Harvey Dent, scourge of the underworId. . . 634 00:42:02,215 --> 00:42:05,173 . . .scared stiff by the trust-fund brigade. 635 00:42:05,335 --> 00:42:06,529 -I'II be back. -RacheI. 636 00:42:06,695 --> 00:42:09,414 A IittIe Iiquid courage, Mr. Dent? 637 00:42:09,575 --> 00:42:11,884 -Thank you. AIfred, right? -That's right, sir. 638 00:42:12,055 --> 00:42:15,206 RacheI taIks about you aII the time. You've known her her whoIe Iife. 639 00:42:15,375 --> 00:42:16,569 Not yet, sir. 640 00:42:18,775 --> 00:42:20,925 Any psychotic ex-boyfriends I shouId be aware of? 641 00:42:21,095 --> 00:42:23,245 Oh, you have no idea. 642 00:42:23,415 --> 00:42:25,804 [HELICOPTER WHIRRING ] 643 00:42:41,415 --> 00:42:42,768 BRUCE: I'm sorry that I'm Iate. 644 00:42:42,935 --> 00:42:45,210 I'm gIad to see that you aII got started without me. 645 00:42:45,375 --> 00:42:48,924 Now, where is Harvey? Where--? 646 00:42:49,095 --> 00:42:51,404 Harvey Dent, the man of the hour. 647 00:42:51,575 --> 00:42:52,849 Where's RacheI Dawes? 648 00:42:53,015 --> 00:42:55,290 She is my oIdest friend. Come here. 649 00:42:55,455 --> 00:42:57,844 When RacheI first toId me she was dating Harvey Dent. . . 650 00:42:58,015 --> 00:42:59,164 . . .I had one thing to say: 651 00:42:59,375 --> 00:43:01,684 "T he guy from those God-awfuI campaign commerciaIs?" 652 00:43:01,855 --> 00:43:05,530 "I believe in Harvey Dent. " Yeah, nice sIogan, Harvey. 653 00:43:05,695 --> 00:43:07,606 But it caught RacheI's attention. 654 00:43:07,775 --> 00:43:10,653 And then I started to pay attention to Harvey. . . 655 00:43:11,055 --> 00:43:14,206 . . .and aII that he's been doing as our new DA. 656 00:43:14,375 --> 00:43:16,093 And you know what? 657 00:43:18,055 --> 00:43:19,488 I beIieve in Harvey Dent. 658 00:43:19,655 --> 00:43:23,091 I beIieve that on his watch, Gotham can feeI. . . 659 00:43:23,255 --> 00:43:26,770 . . .a IittIe safer, a IittIe more optimistic. 660 00:43:28,135 --> 00:43:32,287 Look at this face. This is the face of Gotham's bright future. 661 00:43:32,455 --> 00:43:34,525 To Harvey Dent. Let's hear it for him. 662 00:43:34,895 --> 00:43:36,374 MAN: Harvey. 663 00:43:45,495 --> 00:43:46,894 Harvey may not know you weII enough. . . 664 00:43:47,055 --> 00:43:48,932 . . .to understand you're making fun of him. . . 665 00:43:49,095 --> 00:43:51,006 -. . .but I do. -No, I meant every word. 666 00:43:52,295 --> 00:43:55,093 You know that day that you once toId me about. . . 667 00:43:55,255 --> 00:43:57,246 . . .when Gotham wouId no Ionger need Batman? 668 00:43:57,415 --> 00:43:59,246 -It's coming. -Bruce. 669 00:44:00,055 --> 00:44:05,413 -You can't ask me to wait for that. -It's happening now. Harvey is that hero. 670 00:44:05,575 --> 00:44:09,853 He Iocked up haIf of the city's criminaIs, and he did it without wearing a mask. 671 00:44:10,015 --> 00:44:12,131 Gotham needs a hero with a face. 672 00:44:12,935 --> 00:44:15,130 DENT: You can throw a party, Wayne, I'II give you that. 673 00:44:16,455 --> 00:44:18,286 Thanks again. 674 00:44:19,055 --> 00:44:20,693 You mind if I borrow RacheI? 675 00:44:24,015 --> 00:44:26,290 Lieutenant, that joker card pinned to the body? 676 00:44:26,455 --> 00:44:28,127 Forensics found three sets of DNA. 677 00:44:28,295 --> 00:44:29,648 -Any matches? -AII three. 678 00:44:29,815 --> 00:44:33,171 The DNA beIongs to Judge SurriIIo, Harvey Dent and Commissioner Loeb. 679 00:44:33,335 --> 00:44:35,246 The Joker's teIIing us who he's targeting. 680 00:44:35,415 --> 00:44:38,168 Get a unit over to SurriIIo's house. TeII Wuertz to find Dent. 681 00:44:38,335 --> 00:44:40,291 Protective custody. Where's the commissioner? 682 00:44:40,455 --> 00:44:41,888 -City haII. -SeaI the buiIding. 683 00:44:42,055 --> 00:44:43,966 -No one in or out tiII I get there. -Got it. 684 00:44:55,775 --> 00:44:58,050 Gordon. What are you up to? 685 00:44:58,215 --> 00:45:01,332 We're secure. I want a fIoor-by-fIoor search of the entire buiIding. 686 00:45:01,495 --> 00:45:03,963 We beIieve the Joker's made a threat against your Iife. 687 00:45:04,135 --> 00:45:05,488 These are dangerous peopIe. 688 00:45:05,655 --> 00:45:07,327 You're not giving me a Iot of information. 689 00:45:07,495 --> 00:45:09,372 Even we don't know where you're going. 690 00:45:09,535 --> 00:45:12,732 Take the enveIope, get in, open it. It'II teII you where you're headed. 691 00:45:16,415 --> 00:45:18,246 You can't Ieave me aIone with these peopIe. 692 00:45:18,415 --> 00:45:21,327 The whoIe Mob's after you and you're worried about these guys? 693 00:45:21,495 --> 00:45:23,372 Compared to this, the Mob doesn't scare me. 694 00:45:23,535 --> 00:45:26,971 Gordon, you're unIikeIy to discover this for yourseIf, so. . . 695 00:45:27,135 --> 00:45:31,048 . . .take my word, the poIice commissioner earns a Iot of threats. 696 00:45:31,215 --> 00:45:36,528 I found the appropriate response to these situations a Iong time ago. 697 00:45:36,735 --> 00:45:38,885 Them gunning for you makes you see things cIearIy. 698 00:45:39,055 --> 00:45:40,329 Yeah, I bet. 699 00:45:40,495 --> 00:45:44,613 Yeah. It makes you think about things you couIdn't stand Iosing. . . 700 00:45:44,775 --> 00:45:46,686 . . .about who you wanna spend your Iife with. 701 00:45:46,855 --> 00:45:49,733 -That's a pretty big commitment. -Not if the Mob has their way. 702 00:45:54,735 --> 00:45:57,329 You get to expIain to my wife. . . 703 00:45:58,215 --> 00:45:59,728 . . .why I'm Iate for dinner. 704 00:45:59,895 --> 00:46:02,932 Sir, the joker card had traces of your DNA on it. 705 00:46:04,455 --> 00:46:06,969 -Don't do that. -AII right. 706 00:46:07,495 --> 00:46:10,293 -Let's be serious, then. -Okay. 707 00:46:10,615 --> 00:46:11,604 What's your answer? 708 00:46:17,535 --> 00:46:18,968 I don't have an answer. 709 00:46:21,055 --> 00:46:22,044 How'd they get my DNA? 710 00:46:22,215 --> 00:46:24,285 Somebody with access to your office or house. . . 711 00:46:24,455 --> 00:46:26,969 . . .must have Iifted a tissue or a gIass-- Wait! Wait! 712 00:46:27,135 --> 00:46:29,933 -WeII, I guess no answer is a no. -Harvey. 713 00:46:30,095 --> 00:46:32,131 -It's someone eIse, isn't it? -Harvey. 714 00:46:32,295 --> 00:46:35,332 Just teII me it's not Wayne. The guy's a compIete f-- 715 00:46:35,815 --> 00:46:37,214 What are you doing? 716 00:46:47,935 --> 00:46:48,924 GORDON: Oh, shit. 717 00:46:53,095 --> 00:46:54,687 [LOEB COUGHING ] 718 00:46:54,855 --> 00:46:56,527 GORDON: Get a medic! 719 00:46:59,815 --> 00:47:00,884 They've come for him. 720 00:47:02,335 --> 00:47:03,450 We made it. 721 00:47:05,935 --> 00:47:06,924 Stay hidden. 722 00:47:07,095 --> 00:47:08,448 [SHOTGUN BLAST] 723 00:47:09,095 --> 00:47:12,292 Good evening, Iadies and gentIemen. 724 00:47:15,095 --> 00:47:18,849 We are tonight's entertainment. 725 00:47:19,655 --> 00:47:21,885 I onIy have one question: 726 00:47:22,095 --> 00:47:25,485 Where is Harvey Dent? 727 00:47:34,575 --> 00:47:36,566 You know where Harvey is? You know who he is? 728 00:47:36,735 --> 00:47:37,963 THUG: Hands up, pretty boy. 729 00:47:38,135 --> 00:47:39,932 [THUG GRUNTING ] 730 00:47:44,815 --> 00:47:47,488 Do you know where I can find Harvey? I need to taIk to him. 731 00:47:47,655 --> 00:47:50,374 Just something IittIe, huh? No. 732 00:47:52,575 --> 00:47:55,214 What's going on out there? Wayne! 733 00:47:56,615 --> 00:47:57,934 Oh, thank God, you've got a panic room. 734 00:47:58,095 --> 00:47:59,210 MAN: Hey, wait-- 735 00:47:59,775 --> 00:48:01,493 Oh, you gotta be kidding me. 736 00:48:01,775 --> 00:48:03,686 You know, I'II settIe for his Ioved ones. 737 00:48:03,855 --> 00:48:07,211 We're not intimidated by thugs. 738 00:48:08,135 --> 00:48:09,773 You know. . . 739 00:48:11,335 --> 00:48:14,213 . . .you remind me of my father. 740 00:48:14,655 --> 00:48:16,407 I hated my father. 741 00:48:16,575 --> 00:48:18,531 RACHEL: Okay, stop. 742 00:48:22,215 --> 00:48:24,934 WeII, heIIo, beautifuI. 743 00:48:27,015 --> 00:48:30,690 You must be Harvey's squeeze. Hm? 744 00:48:31,055 --> 00:48:33,444 And you are beautifuI. 745 00:48:40,095 --> 00:48:43,804 You Iook nervous. Is it the scars? 746 00:48:44,695 --> 00:48:46,811 You wanna know how I got them? 747 00:48:47,975 --> 00:48:50,409 Come here. Hey. 748 00:48:50,775 --> 00:48:52,413 Look at me. 749 00:48:52,855 --> 00:48:57,406 So I had a wife. She was beautifuI, Iike you. . . 750 00:48:57,655 --> 00:49:01,694 . . .who teIIs me I worry too much. . . 751 00:49:01,855 --> 00:49:04,653 . . .who teIIs me I ought to smiIe more. . . 752 00:49:04,815 --> 00:49:10,094 . . .who gambIes and gets in deep with the sharks. Hey. 753 00:49:10,495 --> 00:49:12,804 One day they carve her face. 754 00:49:13,295 --> 00:49:17,368 And we have no money for surgeries. She can't take it. 755 00:49:17,735 --> 00:49:21,091 I just wanna see her smiIe again. Hm? 756 00:49:21,415 --> 00:49:24,213 I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars. 757 00:49:24,735 --> 00:49:26,214 So. . . 758 00:49:26,775 --> 00:49:30,290 . . .I stick a razor in my mouth and do this. . . 759 00:49:30,735 --> 00:49:32,054 . . .to myseIf. 760 00:49:32,335 --> 00:49:37,204 And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me. 761 00:49:37,375 --> 00:49:38,854 She Ieaves. 762 00:49:39,535 --> 00:49:41,844 Now I see the funny side. 763 00:49:42,695 --> 00:49:44,208 Now I'm aIways smiIing. 764 00:49:45,215 --> 00:49:47,285 [LAUGHS] 765 00:49:47,495 --> 00:49:50,692 You got a IittIe fight in you. I Iike that. 766 00:49:50,855 --> 00:49:52,129 BATMAN: Then you're gonna Iove me. 767 00:49:53,775 --> 00:49:55,686 [GRUNTING ] 768 00:50:09,415 --> 00:50:10,404 [BATMAN YELLS] 769 00:50:19,135 --> 00:50:20,284 Drop the gun. 770 00:50:20,455 --> 00:50:22,969 Oh, sure. You just take off your IittIe mask. . . 771 00:50:23,135 --> 00:50:25,251 . . .and show us aII who you reaIIy are. Hm? 772 00:50:30,655 --> 00:50:31,804 Let her go. 773 00:50:32,575 --> 00:50:33,928 Very poor choice of words. 774 00:50:34,095 --> 00:50:35,084 [LAUGHS] 775 00:50:38,975 --> 00:50:40,772 [RACHEL SCREAMING ] 776 00:50:55,815 --> 00:50:57,612 Are you aII right? 777 00:50:59,775 --> 00:51:02,050 Let's not do that again. 778 00:51:02,335 --> 00:51:04,724 -Is Harvey okay? -He's safe. 779 00:51:06,215 --> 00:51:07,489 Thank you. 780 00:51:07,815 --> 00:51:08,804 Jim, it's over. 781 00:51:08,975 --> 00:51:11,443 As Iong as they don't get to Lau, we've cut off their funds. 782 00:51:11,615 --> 00:51:13,048 The prosecution's over. 783 00:51:13,215 --> 00:51:14,807 Nobody's standing up in front of a judge. . . 784 00:51:14,975 --> 00:51:17,853 . . .whiIe judges and poIice commissioners are getting bIown away. 785 00:51:18,015 --> 00:51:19,733 -What about Dent? -He's got any sense. . . 786 00:51:19,895 --> 00:51:20,930 . . .Dent's haIfway to Mex-- 787 00:51:21,095 --> 00:51:22,608 DENT: So where do you keep your trash? 788 00:51:23,895 --> 00:51:27,683 You're due in court. I need you aIive Iong enough to get you on the record. 789 00:51:27,855 --> 00:51:30,767 You can't protect me. You can't even protect yourseIves. 790 00:51:30,935 --> 00:51:34,132 You refuse to cooperate, you're not coming back here, you go to County. 791 00:51:34,295 --> 00:51:36,650 How Iong do you caIcuIate you'II Iast in there? 792 00:51:38,015 --> 00:51:39,448 Targeting me won't get their money. 793 00:51:39,615 --> 00:51:41,367 I knew the Mob wouIdn't go down easiIy. . . 794 00:51:41,535 --> 00:51:43,526 . . .but this is different. They crossed a Iine. 795 00:51:43,695 --> 00:51:44,889 You crossed the Iine first. 796 00:51:45,055 --> 00:51:48,331 You squeezed them, you hammered them to the point of desperation. 797 00:51:48,495 --> 00:51:53,285 And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fuIIy understand. 798 00:51:53,775 --> 00:51:56,209 CriminaIs aren't compIicated, AIfred. 799 00:51:56,375 --> 00:51:58,491 We just need to figure out what he's after. 800 00:51:58,655 --> 00:52:00,008 ALFRED: With respect, Master Wayne. . . 801 00:52:00,175 --> 00:52:03,008 . . .perhaps this is a man you don't fuIIy understand either. 802 00:52:03,775 --> 00:52:06,369 A Iong time ago, I was in Burma. . . 803 00:52:06,535 --> 00:52:09,811 . . .and my friends and I were working for the IocaI government. 804 00:52:09,975 --> 00:52:12,443 They were trying to buy the IoyaIty of tribaI Ieaders. . . 805 00:52:12,615 --> 00:52:15,334 . . .by bribing them with precious stones. . . 806 00:52:15,495 --> 00:52:19,886 . . .but their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. 807 00:52:20,055 --> 00:52:23,206 So we went Iooking for the stones. 808 00:52:23,575 --> 00:52:28,490 But in six months, we never met anyone who traded with him. 809 00:52:29,095 --> 00:52:32,929 One day, I saw a chiId pIaying with a ruby. . . 810 00:52:33,095 --> 00:52:36,007 . . .the size of a tangerine. 811 00:52:36,255 --> 00:52:39,486 The bandit had been throwing them away. 812 00:52:40,135 --> 00:52:42,729 -So why steaI them? -Because he thought it was good sport. 813 00:52:42,895 --> 00:52:47,650 Because some men aren't Iooking for anything IogicaI, Iike money. 814 00:52:47,815 --> 00:52:51,888 They can't be bought, buIIied, reasoned or negotiated with. 815 00:52:52,295 --> 00:52:55,970 Some men just wanna watch the worId burn. 816 00:53:03,895 --> 00:53:06,773 [VOICES SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 817 00:53:15,575 --> 00:53:16,690 WOMAN: Your name, sir? 818 00:53:16,855 --> 00:53:19,892 JOKER: Eighth and Orchard, You'll find Harvey Dent there, 819 00:53:32,255 --> 00:53:33,654 BATMAN: Check the names. 820 00:53:39,975 --> 00:53:41,613 "R ichard Dent. " 821 00:53:43,735 --> 00:53:44,770 "P atrick Harvey. " 822 00:53:45,055 --> 00:53:46,044 Harvey Dent. 823 00:53:46,215 --> 00:53:49,093 I need 1 0 minutes with the scene before your men contaminate it. 824 00:53:49,295 --> 00:53:51,411 It's because of you these guys are dead-- 825 00:53:51,575 --> 00:53:53,054 Detective! 826 00:53:55,175 --> 00:53:57,131 Give us a minute, guys. 827 00:53:58,295 --> 00:53:59,808 That's brick underneath. 828 00:54:00,135 --> 00:54:01,727 Gonna take baIIistics off a shattered buIIet? 829 00:54:01,895 --> 00:54:03,453 No. 830 00:54:04,855 --> 00:54:06,686 Fingerprints. 831 00:54:14,895 --> 00:54:16,726 Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast. 832 00:54:18,455 --> 00:54:22,971 Because we found his next target. He's put it in tomorrow's paper. 833 00:54:39,575 --> 00:54:41,770 I'm not sure you made it Ioud enough, sir. 834 00:54:54,335 --> 00:54:56,371 What can I do for you, Mr. Reese? 835 00:54:56,535 --> 00:55:00,164 You wanted me to do the diIigence on the LSI HoIdings deaI again. 836 00:55:00,815 --> 00:55:03,010 WeII, I found some irreguIarities. 837 00:55:03,415 --> 00:55:05,406 Their CEO is in poIice custody. 838 00:55:05,575 --> 00:55:08,373 No, not with their numbers, with yours. 839 00:55:08,575 --> 00:55:11,533 AppIied Sciences. WhoIe division of Wayne Enterprises. . . 840 00:55:11,695 --> 00:55:13,287 . . .just disappeared overnight. 841 00:55:13,455 --> 00:55:17,528 I went down to the archives and I started puIIing some oId fiIes. 842 00:55:18,615 --> 00:55:20,412 Don't teII me you didn't recognize your baby. . . 843 00:55:20,575 --> 00:55:24,045 . . .pancaking cop cars on the evening news. 844 00:55:24,335 --> 00:55:27,407 Now you got the entire R & D Department burning through cash. . . 845 00:55:27,575 --> 00:55:30,772 . . .cIaiming it's reIated to ceII phones for the Army? 846 00:55:30,935 --> 00:55:33,893 What are you buiIding for him now, a rocket ship? 847 00:55:35,695 --> 00:55:37,367 I want. . . 848 00:55:37,535 --> 00:55:41,289 . . . $1 0 miIIion a year for the rest of my Iife. 849 00:55:43,695 --> 00:55:45,731 Let me get this straight. 850 00:55:46,895 --> 00:55:49,250 You think that your cIient. . . 851 00:55:49,415 --> 00:55:52,373 One of the weaIthiest, most powerfuI men in the worId. . . 852 00:55:52,535 --> 00:55:54,048 . . .is secretIy a vigiIante. . . 853 00:55:54,215 --> 00:55:58,686 . . .who spends his nights beating criminaIs to a puIp with his bare hands. . . 854 00:55:58,855 --> 00:56:01,892 . . .and your pIan is to bIackmaiI this person? 855 00:56:09,055 --> 00:56:10,283 Good Iuck. 856 00:56:13,055 --> 00:56:14,408 When-- 857 00:56:15,775 --> 00:56:17,174 Keep that. 858 00:56:23,575 --> 00:56:25,930 FOX: This is your originaI scan. 859 00:56:27,295 --> 00:56:29,490 Here it is reengineered. 860 00:56:37,375 --> 00:56:40,765 And there's the thumbprint he Ieft when he pushed the round in the cIip. 861 00:56:42,695 --> 00:56:43,810 I'II get you a copy. 862 00:56:44,015 --> 00:56:47,644 Mr. Wayne, did you reassign R & D? 863 00:56:47,815 --> 00:56:50,204 Yeah. Government teIecommunications project. 864 00:56:50,375 --> 00:56:52,331 Wasn't aware we had any government contracts. 865 00:56:52,575 --> 00:56:55,453 You know, Lucius, I'm pIaying this one pretty cIose to the chest. 866 00:56:56,535 --> 00:56:58,173 Fair enough. 867 00:57:00,975 --> 00:57:02,374 ENGEL: With no word from the Batman. . . 868 00:57:02,535 --> 00:57:03,968 . . .even as they mourn Commissioner Loeb. . . 869 00:57:04,135 --> 00:57:07,366 . . .these cops have to wonder if the Joker wiII make good on his threat. . . 870 00:57:07,535 --> 00:57:10,607 . . .in the obituary coIumn of The Gotham Times to kiII the mayor. 871 00:57:12,335 --> 00:57:15,850 I've checked aII the databases. There are four possibIes. 872 00:57:16,015 --> 00:57:18,051 Cross-reference the addresses. 873 00:57:18,215 --> 00:57:22,049 Look for Parkside, overIooking the parade. 874 00:57:23,215 --> 00:57:24,284 I got one. 875 00:57:24,455 --> 00:57:28,289 MeIvin White, 1 502 RandoIph Apartments. 876 00:57:28,655 --> 00:57:32,568 Aggravated assauIt, moved to Arkham twice. 877 00:58:10,055 --> 00:58:11,568 What do you got on the roof? 878 00:58:11,735 --> 00:58:15,125 We're tight, but frankIy, there's a Iot of windows up here. 879 00:58:23,335 --> 00:58:27,214 Commissioner Loeb dedicated his Iife to Iaw enforcement. . . 880 00:58:27,375 --> 00:58:29,570 . . .and to the protection of his community. 881 00:58:29,735 --> 00:58:31,453 I remember when I first took office. . . 882 00:58:31,615 --> 00:58:34,049 . . .and I asked if he wanted to stay on as commissioner. 883 00:58:34,215 --> 00:58:39,243 And he said he wouId, provided I kept my poIitics out of his office. 884 00:58:42,855 --> 00:58:45,892 CIearIy he was not a man who minced words, nor shouId he have been. 885 00:58:47,015 --> 00:58:50,371 A number of poIicies that he enacted as commissioner were unpopuIar. 886 00:58:50,535 --> 00:58:53,652 PoIicies that fIooded my office with angry caIIs and Ietters. . . . 887 00:58:57,855 --> 00:58:59,447 -Who's that? -What happened? 888 00:59:00,455 --> 00:59:02,252 They took our guns. 889 00:59:02,415 --> 00:59:04,133 And our uniforms. 890 00:59:09,295 --> 00:59:10,284 [TICKING ] 891 00:59:10,455 --> 00:59:13,094 MAYOR: And as we recognize the sacrifice of this man. . . 892 00:59:13,255 --> 00:59:17,043 . . .we must remember that vigiIance is the price of safety. 893 00:59:17,215 --> 00:59:19,604 Stand by. Honor guard. 894 00:59:19,775 --> 00:59:23,245 Attention. Port arms. 895 00:59:24,415 --> 00:59:28,613 Ready! Aim! Fire! 896 00:59:29,375 --> 00:59:30,854 Ready! Aim! 897 00:59:31,015 --> 00:59:32,289 [TIMER DINGS] 898 00:59:34,335 --> 00:59:36,610 Ready! Aim! 899 00:59:39,335 --> 00:59:41,087 [CROWD SCREAMING ] 900 00:59:43,095 --> 00:59:44,528 [GUNSHOTS] 901 00:59:44,695 --> 00:59:46,048 OFFICER: Stay down! Don't move! 902 00:59:47,815 --> 00:59:49,407 STEPHENS: Mr. Mayor. Get him out of here. 903 00:59:58,255 --> 01:00:00,405 -I'II see you Iater. -Why are you going back? 904 01:00:09,295 --> 01:00:10,694 [GUNSHOTS] 905 01:00:10,855 --> 01:00:12,368 [CROWD SCREAMING ] 906 01:00:12,535 --> 01:00:13,524 Get out of here. 907 01:00:17,415 --> 01:00:19,087 TeII me what you know about the Joker. 908 01:00:26,535 --> 01:00:27,968 [CHUCKLING ] 909 01:00:38,295 --> 01:00:39,489 [ENGINE STARTS] 910 01:00:48,855 --> 01:00:50,129 No. 911 01:00:50,535 --> 01:00:51,809 I'm sorry, Barbara. 912 01:00:52,695 --> 01:00:55,812 Jimmy, go pIay with your sister. Go ahead, honey. 913 01:00:55,975 --> 01:00:58,125 STEPHENS: If there's anything we can do, anything you need. . . 914 01:00:58,295 --> 01:00:59,967 . . .we're here for you. 915 01:01:00,135 --> 01:01:01,329 [BARBARA SOBBING ] 916 01:01:01,495 --> 01:01:03,326 Shh. 917 01:01:03,495 --> 01:01:04,689 BARBARA: Are you out there? 918 01:01:05,975 --> 01:01:10,287 Are you? You brought this craziness on us. You did! 919 01:01:10,455 --> 01:01:12,730 You brought this on us! 920 01:01:13,735 --> 01:01:18,126 Switch it off, he ain't coming. He doesn't wanna taIk to us. 921 01:01:18,535 --> 01:01:21,413 God heIp whoever he does wanna taIk to. 922 01:01:21,815 --> 01:01:22,850 [DANCE MUSIC PLAYING ] 923 01:01:23,015 --> 01:01:25,813 Can't we go somepIace quieter? We can't hear each other taIk. 924 01:01:25,975 --> 01:01:28,694 What makes you think I wanna hear you taIk? 925 01:01:28,855 --> 01:01:29,844 What? 926 01:01:30,015 --> 01:01:31,243 [GRUNTING ] 927 01:01:33,495 --> 01:01:35,213 [CROWD SCREAMING ] 928 01:01:58,055 --> 01:01:59,613 -Yeah? MAN: Second. 929 01:01:59,775 --> 01:02:00,764 Okay. 930 01:02:00,935 --> 01:02:03,005 -Harvey, where are you? DENT: Where are you? 931 01:02:03,175 --> 01:02:05,211 I'm where you shouId be, at Major Crimes. 932 01:02:05,375 --> 01:02:06,854 I'm trying to deaI with aII of this mess. 933 01:02:07,015 --> 01:02:10,451 -Can I get the fingerprint anaIysis? -RacheI, Iisten, You're not safe there, 934 01:02:10,615 --> 01:02:12,333 -This is Gordon's unit. -Gordon 's gone, 935 01:02:12,495 --> 01:02:15,931 RACHEL: He vouched for these men. -And he's gone, 936 01:02:20,375 --> 01:02:22,366 The Joker's named you next, 937 01:02:22,535 --> 01:02:25,413 God, is there someone, is there anyone in this town we can trust? 938 01:02:25,575 --> 01:02:27,213 Bruce. 939 01:02:27,495 --> 01:02:28,610 We can trust Bruce Wayne. 940 01:02:28,775 --> 01:02:30,288 No, RacheI, I know you're his friend, but-- 941 01:02:30,455 --> 01:02:32,207 Harvey, trust me. 942 01:02:32,375 --> 01:02:35,014 Bruce's penthouse is now the safest pIace in the city. 943 01:02:35,175 --> 01:02:36,449 Then you go straight there, 944 01:02:36,615 --> 01:02:38,651 Don 't teII anybody and I' II find you there, 945 01:02:38,815 --> 01:02:40,453 I Iove you. 946 01:02:53,895 --> 01:02:55,089 I want the Joker. 947 01:02:56,255 --> 01:02:57,847 From one professionaI to another. . . 948 01:02:58,015 --> 01:03:00,449 . . .you're trying to scare somebody, pick a better spot. 949 01:03:00,615 --> 01:03:03,083 From this height, the faII wouIdn't kiII me. 950 01:03:03,255 --> 01:03:04,768 -I'm counting on it. -Huh! 951 01:03:04,935 --> 01:03:06,129 [SCREAMS] 952 01:03:06,295 --> 01:03:07,648 [BONE CRACKS] [MARONI YELLS] 953 01:03:09,495 --> 01:03:11,645 [MARONI WHEEZING ] 954 01:03:11,855 --> 01:03:14,847 -Where is he? -I don't know where he is. He found us. 955 01:03:15,015 --> 01:03:16,243 He must have friends. 956 01:03:16,575 --> 01:03:18,770 Friends? Have you met this guy? 957 01:03:18,935 --> 01:03:20,448 Someone knows where he is. 958 01:03:20,615 --> 01:03:23,004 Nobody's gonna teII you nothing. 959 01:03:23,175 --> 01:03:24,449 They're wise to your act. 960 01:03:24,615 --> 01:03:28,449 You got ruIes. The Joker, he's got no ruIes. 961 01:03:28,615 --> 01:03:33,291 Nobody's gonna cross him for you. If you want this guy, you got one way. 962 01:03:33,455 --> 01:03:35,173 But you aIready know what that is. 963 01:03:35,335 --> 01:03:38,008 Just take off that mask, Iet him come find you. 964 01:03:38,175 --> 01:03:39,369 [GROWLS] 965 01:03:39,575 --> 01:03:43,488 Or you can Iet a coupIe more peopIe get kiIIed whiIe you make up your mind. 966 01:03:45,095 --> 01:03:47,006 You wanna pIay games? 967 01:03:49,015 --> 01:03:50,494 [GUNSHOT] 968 01:03:53,055 --> 01:03:54,044 How's that feeI? 969 01:03:54,215 --> 01:03:56,729 -You wouIdn't. -I wouIdn't! 970 01:03:58,175 --> 01:03:59,733 -You don't think I wiII? -Mm-mm. 971 01:03:59,895 --> 01:04:01,851 -You don't think I wiII? -Mm-mm. 972 01:04:03,175 --> 01:04:06,247 No. No, I wouIdn't. 973 01:04:07,415 --> 01:04:09,849 That's why I'm not gonna Ieave it up to me. 974 01:04:10,815 --> 01:04:13,693 Heads, you get to keep your head. 975 01:04:14,095 --> 01:04:15,653 TaiIs. . . 976 01:04:16,575 --> 01:04:17,564 . . .not so Iucky. 977 01:04:17,935 --> 01:04:21,325 So you wanna teII me about the Joker? 978 01:04:23,815 --> 01:04:25,567 [THUG CHUCKLES] 979 01:04:30,335 --> 01:04:33,884 -Let's go again. -I don't know anything! God, don't! 980 01:04:34,055 --> 01:04:36,330 You're not pIaying the odds, friend. 981 01:04:37,415 --> 01:04:39,326 Let's do it again. 982 01:04:42,055 --> 01:04:43,807 You'd Ieave a man's Iife to chance? 983 01:04:44,535 --> 01:04:47,971 -Not exactIy. -His name's Schiff, Thomas. 984 01:04:48,135 --> 01:04:51,013 He's a paranoid schizophrenic, former patient at Arkham. 985 01:04:51,175 --> 01:04:55,612 The kind of mind the Joker attracts. What do you expect to Iearn from him? 986 01:04:58,815 --> 01:05:01,488 The Joker kiIIed Gordon. He's gonna kiII RacheI. 987 01:05:01,655 --> 01:05:04,328 You're the symboI of hope I couId never be. 988 01:05:04,495 --> 01:05:06,247 Your stand against organized crime. . . 989 01:05:06,415 --> 01:05:09,487 . . .is the first Iegitimate ray of Iight in Gotham in decades. 990 01:05:09,655 --> 01:05:13,125 If anyone saw this, everything wouId be undone. 991 01:05:13,295 --> 01:05:15,490 The criminaIs you arrested wouId be reIeased. . . 992 01:05:15,655 --> 01:05:18,613 . . .and Jim Gordon wiII have died for nothing. 993 01:05:19,215 --> 01:05:21,365 You're gonna hoId a press conference tomorrow. 994 01:05:21,535 --> 01:05:23,810 -Why? -No one eIse wiII die because of me. 995 01:05:23,975 --> 01:05:26,205 Gotham's in your hands now. 996 01:05:26,375 --> 01:05:28,013 You can't. 997 01:05:28,175 --> 01:05:29,494 You can't give in. 998 01:05:29,775 --> 01:05:32,209 You can't give in! 999 01:05:46,935 --> 01:05:48,129 Harvey caIIed. 1000 01:05:48,295 --> 01:05:51,207 He said Batman's gonna turn himseIf in. 1001 01:05:51,375 --> 01:05:52,444 I have no choice. 1002 01:05:52,615 --> 01:05:55,573 You honestIy think that's gonna keep the Joker from kiIIing peopIe? 1003 01:05:55,735 --> 01:05:59,045 Maybe not. But I have enough bIood on my hands. 1004 01:05:59,495 --> 01:06:04,125 And I've seen now what I wouId have to become to stop men Iike him. 1005 01:06:04,655 --> 01:06:07,965 You once toId me that if the day came when I was finished. . . 1006 01:06:08,135 --> 01:06:10,126 . . .that we'd be together. 1007 01:06:10,815 --> 01:06:13,852 Bruce, don't make me your one hope for a normaI Iife. 1008 01:06:15,335 --> 01:06:16,609 Did you mean it? 1009 01:06:18,055 --> 01:06:19,807 Yes. 1010 01:06:36,375 --> 01:06:38,093 Bruce. 1011 01:06:39,015 --> 01:06:42,769 If you turn yourseIf in, they're not gonna Iet us be together. 1012 01:06:52,975 --> 01:06:55,808 ALFRED: Logs as weII? BRUCE: Everything. 1013 01:06:55,975 --> 01:06:59,206 Anything that couId Iead back to Lucius or RacheI. 1014 01:07:04,335 --> 01:07:07,486 PeopIe are dying, AIfred. What wouId you have me do? 1015 01:07:07,655 --> 01:07:11,250 Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. 1016 01:07:11,415 --> 01:07:14,964 They'II hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman. 1017 01:07:15,135 --> 01:07:20,448 He can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one eIse can make. 1018 01:07:20,615 --> 01:07:21,889 The right choice. 1019 01:07:22,375 --> 01:07:25,287 No, today I found out what Batman can't do. 1020 01:07:25,455 --> 01:07:26,649 He can't endure this. 1021 01:07:26,935 --> 01:07:29,688 Today you get to say "I told you so. " 1022 01:07:30,255 --> 01:07:33,292 Today, I don't want to. 1023 01:07:38,895 --> 01:07:40,294 But I did bIoody teII you. 1024 01:07:40,455 --> 01:07:41,729 [BRUCE CHUCKLES] 1025 01:07:43,215 --> 01:07:46,093 ALFRED: I suppose they're gonna Iock me up as weII. . . 1026 01:07:46,855 --> 01:07:48,049 . . .as your accompIice. 1027 01:07:48,215 --> 01:07:52,766 BRUCE: AccompIice? I'm gonna teII them the whoIe thing was your idea. 1028 01:07:56,855 --> 01:08:00,245 Ladies and gentIemen, I've caIIed this press conference for two reasons. 1029 01:08:00,415 --> 01:08:02,371 FirstIy, to assure the citizens of Gotham. . . 1030 01:08:02,535 --> 01:08:06,050 . . .that everything that can be done over the Joker kiIIings is being done. 1031 01:08:06,215 --> 01:08:07,204 [CHATTERING ] 1032 01:08:07,375 --> 01:08:10,333 SecondIy, because the Batman has offered to turn himseIf in. 1033 01:08:10,495 --> 01:08:12,133 But Iet's consider the situation, 1034 01:08:12,495 --> 01:08:15,009 ShouId we give in to this terrorist's demands? 1035 01:08:15,175 --> 01:08:16,574 Do we reaIIy think he's gonna--? 1036 01:08:16,735 --> 01:08:19,966 You'd rather protect an outIaw vigiIante than the Iives of citizens? 1037 01:08:20,135 --> 01:08:22,410 The Batman is an outIaw. 1038 01:08:23,255 --> 01:08:25,086 That's not why we demand he turn himseIf in. . . 1039 01:08:25,255 --> 01:08:26,847 . . .we're doing it because we're scared. 1040 01:08:27,015 --> 01:08:29,688 We've been happy to Iet Batman cIean up our streets tiII now. 1041 01:08:29,855 --> 01:08:32,688 MAN 1 : Things are worse than ever! MAN 2: Amen. 1042 01:08:33,975 --> 01:08:35,806 Yes, they are. 1043 01:08:38,215 --> 01:08:41,093 But the night is darkest just before the dawn. 1044 01:08:43,455 --> 01:08:45,446 And I promise you. . . 1045 01:08:46,215 --> 01:08:47,568 . . .the dawn is coming. 1046 01:08:47,735 --> 01:08:52,092 One day, the Batman wiII have to answer for the Iaws he's broken. But to us. . . 1047 01:08:52,255 --> 01:08:53,927 . . .not to this madman. 1048 01:08:54,095 --> 01:08:56,325 -No more dead cops! OFFICERS: Yeah! 1049 01:08:59,495 --> 01:09:01,008 He shouId turn himseIf in! 1050 01:09:01,175 --> 01:09:03,769 MAN 3: Give us the Batman! Come on! MAN 4: Where is he? 1051 01:09:06,535 --> 01:09:08,605 So be it. Take the Batman into custody. 1052 01:09:09,055 --> 01:09:10,932 WOMAN: What? MAN 5: Is he here? 1053 01:09:11,615 --> 01:09:12,604 I am the Batman. 1054 01:09:12,935 --> 01:09:15,813 MAN 6: What? MAN 7: Come on. 1055 01:09:23,855 --> 01:09:25,686 RACHEL: AIfred. 1056 01:09:26,975 --> 01:09:28,693 Why is he Ietting Harvey do this? 1057 01:09:28,855 --> 01:09:31,733 -He went down to the press conference. -I know. He just stood by. 1058 01:09:31,895 --> 01:09:33,886 Perhaps both Bruce and Mr. Dent. . . 1059 01:09:34,055 --> 01:09:36,933 . . .beIieve that Batman stands for something more important. . . 1060 01:09:37,095 --> 01:09:39,325 . . .than the whims of a terrorist, Miss Dawes. . . 1061 01:09:39,495 --> 01:09:41,406 . . .even if everyone hates him for it. 1062 01:09:41,575 --> 01:09:43,611 That's the sacrifice he's making. 1063 01:09:43,775 --> 01:09:47,245 He's not being a hero. He's being something more. 1064 01:09:47,775 --> 01:09:49,333 Yeah, you're absoIuteIy right. 1065 01:09:49,495 --> 01:09:52,453 Letting Harvey take the faII for this is not heroic at aII. 1066 01:09:55,015 --> 01:09:56,573 You know him better than anyone. 1067 01:09:56,975 --> 01:09:57,964 I do. 1068 01:10:01,215 --> 01:10:04,127 WiII you give this to him for me? When the time is right? 1069 01:10:05,535 --> 01:10:06,684 How wiII I know? 1070 01:10:06,855 --> 01:10:08,288 It's not seaIed. 1071 01:10:09,655 --> 01:10:11,134 Goodbye, AIfred. 1072 01:10:15,135 --> 01:10:16,807 Bye, RacheI. 1073 01:10:22,215 --> 01:10:23,330 [CELL DOOR OPENS] 1074 01:10:24,375 --> 01:10:26,127 I didn't have time to taIk this through. 1075 01:10:26,295 --> 01:10:27,489 What are you doing? 1076 01:10:27,655 --> 01:10:29,646 They're transferring me to CentraI HoIding. 1077 01:10:29,935 --> 01:10:33,450 This is the Joker's chance, and when he attacks, the Batman wiII take him down. 1078 01:10:33,615 --> 01:10:35,094 Listen. This is too dangerous. 1079 01:10:35,255 --> 01:10:38,804 We get this guy to County, he's their probIem. The streets wiII be cIeared. . . 1080 01:10:38,975 --> 01:10:42,524 . . .so Iet's go. The convoys stop for no reason. 1081 01:10:42,695 --> 01:10:44,094 I hope you got some moves, paI. 1082 01:10:44,255 --> 01:10:47,053 He's using you as bait. He doesn't know if he can get the Joker. 1083 01:10:47,215 --> 01:10:48,250 He's faiIed so far. 1084 01:10:48,575 --> 01:10:50,054 How do you know what he's thinking? 1085 01:10:50,215 --> 01:10:52,445 I just do. Anyway, this isn't just about you. 1086 01:10:52,615 --> 01:10:54,367 What about the peopIe depending on you. . . 1087 01:10:54,535 --> 01:10:57,413 . . .to cIean the city up and do it honorabIy and--? 1088 01:11:02,855 --> 01:11:05,369 Harvey. TeII everyone the truth. 1089 01:11:05,735 --> 01:11:07,532 Heads, I go through with it. 1090 01:11:07,735 --> 01:11:09,566 This is your Iife. You can't Ieave. . . 1091 01:11:09,735 --> 01:11:12,010 -. . .something Iike that to chance. -I'm not. 1092 00:00:01,803 --> 00:00:03,156 [ENGINE STARTS] 1093 00:00:03,323 --> 00:00:05,632 You make your own Iuck. 1094 00:00:23,923 --> 00:00:25,675 [TRUCK HORN BLARING ] 1095 00:00:26,563 --> 00:00:28,474 Hey, you wait Iike everybody eIse, paI. 1096 00:00:35,803 --> 00:00:38,033 What the heII is that? 1097 00:00:38,203 --> 00:00:40,319 Obstruction ahead, obstruction ahead! 1098 00:00:40,483 --> 00:00:43,555 Damn it! AII units divert down onto Lower Fifth. I repeat, exit down. 1099 00:00:43,963 --> 00:00:45,032 Exit down! 1100 00:00:45,203 --> 00:00:47,433 Lower Fifth? We'II be Iike turkeys on Thanksgiving. 1101 00:01:18,803 --> 00:01:21,033 Jesus. Come on, get us out of here. Let's go. 1102 00:01:23,123 --> 00:01:25,398 Listen, we need backup. We've got company. 1103 00:01:25,563 --> 00:01:27,042 We got troubIe, guys. 1104 00:01:29,843 --> 00:01:30,878 Lock and Ioad! 1105 00:01:31,963 --> 00:01:33,840 [TIRES SCREECHING ] 1106 00:01:37,523 --> 00:01:39,400 [CAR HORNS HONKING ] 1107 00:01:41,643 --> 00:01:42,962 The heII was that? 1108 00:02:03,923 --> 00:02:06,483 -These are buiIt for that, right? -He'II need something. . . 1109 00:02:06,643 --> 00:02:08,361 . . .a Iot bigger to get through this. 1110 00:02:09,363 --> 00:02:10,762 What is that? 1111 00:02:12,043 --> 00:02:13,317 What is that, a bazooka? 1112 00:02:21,603 --> 00:02:23,241 I didn't sign up for this! 1113 00:02:38,923 --> 00:02:40,197 Look out. 1114 00:02:40,963 --> 00:02:42,078 Look out! 1115 00:02:50,043 --> 00:02:51,032 JOKER: Hmm. 1116 00:03:03,443 --> 00:03:04,512 Come on, Iet's go! 1117 01:14:43,881 --> 01:14:45,519 [CONSOLE BEEPING] 1118 01:14:52,961 --> 01:14:54,280 [EXPLOSION] 1119 01:15:01,881 --> 01:15:03,997 Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent. 1120 01:15:04,161 --> 01:15:06,880 Oh, excuse me. I wanna drive. 1121 01:15:11,601 --> 01:15:15,037 COMPUTER: Scanning all systems. Scanning all systems. 1122 01:15:17,081 --> 01:15:18,992 [JOKER HUMMING] 1123 01:15:22,201 --> 01:15:24,237 We gotta get topside. We need air support, now! 1124 01:15:29,521 --> 01:15:31,318 I like this job. I like it. 1125 01:15:33,481 --> 01:15:35,995 COMPUTER: Damage catastrophic. Eject sequence initiated. 1126 01:15:37,601 --> 01:15:39,557 [WHIRRING] 1127 01:15:45,081 --> 01:15:47,037 [ENGINE ACCELERATING] 1128 01:15:49,401 --> 01:15:50,834 Goodbye. 1129 01:15:59,561 --> 01:16:02,633 We're on point, ready to give them some of their own medicine. 1130 01:16:08,761 --> 01:16:11,116 That's what I'm talking about. Air cav. 1131 01:16:24,121 --> 01:16:25,759 Okay, rack them up. 1132 01:16:25,921 --> 01:16:28,196 Rack them up, rack them up, rack them up. 1133 01:16:37,561 --> 01:16:38,994 [IMITATING GUNFIRE] 1134 01:16:52,881 --> 01:16:53,996 That's not good. 1135 01:16:57,361 --> 01:16:58,510 Okay, that's not good! 1136 01:17:07,921 --> 01:17:09,195 [LAUGHS] 1137 01:17:26,281 --> 01:17:28,033 [JOKER LAUGHING] 1138 01:17:30,441 --> 01:17:32,318 [CAR HORNS HONKING] 1139 01:17:39,881 --> 01:17:41,872 Now, there's a Batman. 1140 01:17:46,001 --> 01:17:47,150 Ooh, you wanna play. Come on. 1141 01:17:49,961 --> 01:17:51,030 Come on. 1142 01:17:59,801 --> 01:18:00,995 He missed! 1143 01:18:14,361 --> 01:18:16,670 You can't stop here. We're like sitting ducks! 1144 01:18:18,361 --> 01:18:19,635 [JOKER GROANS] 1145 01:18:33,001 --> 01:18:34,036 Come on, come on. 1146 01:18:37,041 --> 01:18:40,272 Come on. Come on. I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on! 1147 01:18:42,721 --> 01:18:44,120 Come on. 1148 01:18:44,761 --> 01:18:47,958 Come on. I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. 1149 01:18:48,121 --> 01:18:49,679 Come on, hit me. Come on, hit me! 1150 01:18:49,841 --> 01:18:50,830 [YELLING] 1151 01:18:51,721 --> 01:18:52,710 Hit me! 1152 01:19:07,481 --> 01:19:09,358 [HUMMING] 1153 01:19:10,721 --> 01:19:11,756 [THUG GRUNTS] 1154 01:19:11,921 --> 01:19:13,639 [LAUGHS] 1155 01:19:14,681 --> 01:19:15,955 [GIBBERS] 1156 01:19:16,681 --> 01:19:19,798 Come on, come on. Aah! 1157 01:19:19,961 --> 01:19:22,111 Could you please just give me a minute? 1158 01:19:24,121 --> 01:19:25,873 We got you, you son of a bitch. 1159 01:19:29,041 --> 01:19:32,795 Gor... You do like to play things pretty close to the chest. 1160 01:19:33,241 --> 01:19:34,879 We got him, Harvey. 1161 01:19:35,041 --> 01:19:38,351 REPORTER 1: Mr. Dent! How does it feel to be the biggest hero in Gotham? 1162 01:19:38,521 --> 01:19:41,672 No, I'm no hero. Gotham's finest, they're the heroes. 1163 01:19:41,841 --> 01:19:43,115 REPORTER 1: But you and your office... 1164 01:19:43,281 --> 01:19:44,873 ...have been working with the Batman all along. 1165 01:19:45,041 --> 01:19:46,759 No, but I trusted him to do the right thing. 1166 01:19:46,921 --> 01:19:48,912 REPORTER 2: Which was? - Saving my ass. 1167 01:19:49,081 --> 01:19:51,879 All right, people, that's enough. Let him be. Let him be. 1168 01:19:52,041 --> 01:19:53,872 Thank you, detective. 1169 01:19:54,081 --> 01:19:56,117 I've got a date with a pretty upset girlfriend. 1170 01:19:56,281 --> 01:19:58,556 - I figured, counselor. REPORTER 3: Mr. Dent, sir... 1171 01:19:58,721 --> 01:20:02,680 ...how about one for the front page, sir? REPORTER 4: Mr. Dent. 1172 01:20:04,081 --> 01:20:05,992 [PEOPLE CHATTERING] 1173 01:20:13,561 --> 01:20:16,598 Stand away! All of you! 1174 01:20:16,761 --> 01:20:20,117 I don't want anything for his Mob lawyer to use, you understand? 1175 01:20:22,281 --> 01:20:24,078 Back from the dead. 1176 01:20:24,721 --> 01:20:26,200 I, uh... 1177 01:20:26,361 --> 01:20:28,192 ...couldn't risk my family's safety. 1178 01:20:29,441 --> 01:20:31,193 MAYOR: What do we got? 1179 01:20:32,801 --> 01:20:36,589 Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental. 1180 01:20:36,761 --> 01:20:39,400 Clothing is custom, no labels. 1181 01:20:39,601 --> 01:20:41,637 Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. 1182 01:20:41,801 --> 01:20:43,632 No name. 1183 01:20:43,961 --> 01:20:45,838 - No other alias. MAYOR: Go home, Gordon. 1184 01:20:46,001 --> 01:20:48,959 The clown'll keep till morning. Go get some rest. 1185 01:20:49,121 --> 01:20:50,873 You're gonna need it. 1186 01:20:51,121 --> 01:20:53,589 Tomorrow you take the big job. 1187 01:20:54,241 --> 01:20:57,278 You don't have any say in the matter. Commissioner Gordon. 1188 01:20:57,441 --> 01:20:59,352 [OFFICERS APPLAUDING] 1189 01:21:12,481 --> 01:21:14,517 I'm sorry, I couldn't risk your safety. 1190 01:21:17,081 --> 01:21:18,912 [BARBARA SOBBING] 1191 01:21:20,761 --> 01:21:22,114 MURPHY: Look at these ugly bastards. 1192 01:21:22,281 --> 01:21:24,078 - I don't feel good. MURPHY: You're a cop killer. 1193 01:21:24,241 --> 01:21:26,471 You're lucky to be feeling anything below the neck. 1194 01:21:26,641 --> 01:21:28,154 - Please! - Step away from the bars! 1195 01:21:28,321 --> 01:21:30,391 THUG: My insides hurt. 1196 01:21:44,001 --> 01:21:45,719 Did Batman save you, Daddy? 1197 01:21:47,801 --> 01:21:49,996 Actually, this time... 1198 01:21:50,161 --> 01:21:52,231 ...I saved him. 1199 01:21:54,201 --> 01:21:55,316 [CELL PHONE RINGS] 1200 01:22:03,121 --> 01:22:04,679 GORDON: Has he said anything yet? 1201 01:22:08,041 --> 01:22:08,678 [DOOR BUZZES] 1202 01:22:11,961 --> 01:22:16,000 Evening, commissioner. 1203 01:22:23,321 --> 01:22:25,437 Harvey Dent never made it home. 1204 01:22:25,601 --> 01:22:27,637 - Of course not. - What have you done with him? 1205 01:22:28,521 --> 01:22:30,193 Me? 1206 01:22:31,761 --> 01:22:33,797 I was right here. 1207 01:22:35,161 --> 01:22:36,913 Who did you leave him with? 1208 01:22:37,081 --> 01:22:39,800 Hm? Your people? 1209 01:22:40,881 --> 01:22:44,078 Assuming, of course, that they are still your people... 1210 01:22:44,241 --> 01:22:46,835 ...and not Maroni's. 1211 01:22:48,961 --> 01:22:51,236 Does it depress you, commissioner... 1212 01:22:51,641 --> 01:22:56,396 ...to know just how alone you really are? 1213 01:22:58,321 --> 01:23:02,997 Does it make you feel responsible for Harvey Dent's current predicament? 1214 01:23:03,161 --> 01:23:05,721 - Where is he? - What's the time? 1215 01:23:06,201 --> 01:23:07,634 What difference does that make? 1216 01:23:07,881 --> 01:23:13,114 Well, depending on the time, he may be in one spot or several. 1217 01:23:19,241 --> 01:23:22,074 - If we're gonna play games... - Mm-hm? 1218 01:23:25,121 --> 01:23:26,998 ...I'm gonna need a cup of coffee. 1219 01:23:27,161 --> 01:23:31,074 Ah, the "good cop, bad cop" routine? 1220 01:23:31,721 --> 01:23:32,710 Not exactly. 1221 01:23:32,881 --> 01:23:34,200 [DOOR BUZZES] 1222 01:23:35,721 --> 01:23:36,915 [DOOR CLOSES] 1223 01:23:40,201 --> 01:23:41,236 [GROANS] 1224 01:23:42,801 --> 01:23:46,680 Never start with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy. He can't feel the next... 1225 01:23:49,721 --> 01:23:50,790 See? 1226 01:23:50,961 --> 01:23:53,191 You wanted me. Here I am. 1227 01:23:54,201 --> 01:23:56,237 JOKER [OVER SPEAKER]: I wanted to see what you'd do. 1228 01:23:56,761 --> 01:23:59,229 And you didn't disappoint. 1229 01:23:59,401 --> 01:24:02,120 You let five people die. 1230 01:24:03,041 --> 01:24:06,556 Then you let Dent take your place. 1231 01:24:06,721 --> 01:24:09,235 - Even to a guy like me, that's cold. - Where's Dent? 1232 01:24:09,401 --> 01:24:13,997 Those Mob fools want you gone so they can get back to the way things were. 1233 01:24:14,481 --> 01:24:19,032 But I know the truth. There's no going back. You've changed things. 1234 01:24:19,201 --> 01:24:21,510 - Forever. - Then why do you wanna kill me? 1235 01:24:21,681 --> 01:24:23,751 [LAUGHS] 1236 01:24:24,361 --> 01:24:25,714 I don't wanna kill you. 1237 01:24:26,201 --> 01:24:30,558 What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off Mob dealers? No, no. 1238 01:24:30,721 --> 01:24:32,996 No. No, you... 1239 01:24:33,161 --> 01:24:35,470 You complete me. 1240 01:24:35,641 --> 01:24:39,793 - You're garbage who kills for money. - Don't talk like one of them. You're not. 1241 01:24:39,961 --> 01:24:42,270 Even if you'd like to be. 1242 01:24:43,481 --> 01:24:45,233 To them, you're just a freak... 1243 01:24:46,121 --> 01:24:47,395 ...like me. 1244 01:24:47,561 --> 01:24:49,756 They need you right now... 1245 01:24:50,321 --> 01:24:52,277 ...but when they don't... 1246 01:24:52,801 --> 01:24:55,713 ...they'll cast you out like a leper. 1247 01:24:55,881 --> 01:24:59,635 You see, their morals, their code... 1248 01:24:59,881 --> 01:25:01,951 ...it's a bad joke. 1249 01:25:02,201 --> 01:25:05,398 Dropped at the first sign of trouble. 1250 01:25:06,041 --> 01:25:09,875 They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. 1251 01:25:10,041 --> 01:25:13,078 When the chips are down, these... 1252 01:25:13,241 --> 01:25:15,391 These civilized people... 1253 01:25:15,561 --> 01:25:17,552 ...they'll eat each other. 1254 01:25:18,241 --> 01:25:20,516 See, I'm not a monster. 1255 01:25:21,841 --> 01:25:23,069 I'm just ahead of the curve. 1256 01:25:25,241 --> 01:25:26,276 Where's Dent? 1257 01:25:26,441 --> 01:25:29,239 You have all these rules, and you think they'll save you. 1258 01:25:32,201 --> 01:25:34,510 - He's in control. - I have one rule. 1259 01:25:34,681 --> 01:25:37,639 Oh. Then that's the rule you'll have to break to know the truth. 1260 01:25:37,801 --> 01:25:38,916 Which is? 1261 01:25:39,081 --> 01:25:41,390 The only sensible way to live is without rules. 1262 01:25:41,561 --> 01:25:44,121 And tonight you're gonna break your one rule. 1263 01:25:44,281 --> 01:25:45,270 I'm considering it. 1264 01:25:45,441 --> 01:25:47,955 There's only minutes left, so you'll have to play my game... 1265 01:25:48,121 --> 01:25:50,589 ...if you wanna save one of them. 1266 01:25:51,081 --> 01:25:52,070 "Them"? 1267 01:25:52,241 --> 01:25:56,120 You know, for a while there, I thought you really were Dent. 1268 01:25:56,281 --> 01:25:58,795 The way you threw yourself after her. 1269 01:25:59,121 --> 01:26:00,440 [BATMAN GRUNTS AND YELLS] 1270 01:26:01,361 --> 01:26:02,999 [JOKER LAUGHS] 1271 01:26:04,841 --> 01:26:05,876 Look at you go. 1272 01:26:09,961 --> 01:26:11,110 [NECK CRACKS] 1273 01:26:11,281 --> 01:26:14,717 Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny? 1274 01:26:15,601 --> 01:26:16,920 Where are they?! 1275 01:26:17,081 --> 01:26:18,992 Killing is making a choice. 1276 01:26:19,161 --> 01:26:22,119 - Where are they?! - Choose between one life or the other. 1277 01:26:22,841 --> 01:26:26,914 Your friend the district attorney, or his blushing bride-to-be. 1278 01:26:27,081 --> 01:26:28,958 [LAUGHING] 1279 01:26:31,881 --> 01:26:35,794 You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with. 1280 01:26:36,201 --> 01:26:39,557 Nothing to do with all your strength. 1281 01:26:39,761 --> 01:26:43,037 Don't worry, I'm gonna tell you where they are, both of them. 1282 01:26:43,201 --> 01:26:46,113 And that's the point. You'll have to choose. 1283 01:26:46,841 --> 01:26:49,560 He's at 25052nd Street... 1284 01:26:49,721 --> 01:26:52,918 ...and she's on Avenue X at Cicero. 1285 01:26:54,921 --> 01:26:56,593 - Which one you going after? - Rachel. 1286 01:26:57,961 --> 01:26:59,314 GORDON: We're getting Dent! 1287 01:27:01,481 --> 01:27:04,200 25052nd Street! 1288 01:27:07,001 --> 01:27:08,753 RACHEL [OVER PHONE]: Hello? 1289 01:27:09,681 --> 01:27:11,956 Can anybody hear me? 1290 01:27:14,281 --> 01:27:16,795 Hello! 1291 01:27:20,641 --> 01:27:22,791 - Rachel? - Harvey. 1292 01:27:22,961 --> 01:27:25,077 Oh, Harvey, thank God. Are you okay? 1293 01:27:25,241 --> 01:27:26,754 I'm all right. I'm in a... 1294 01:27:26,921 --> 01:27:30,357 I'm in a warehouse. They got me wired to these oil drums. 1295 01:27:31,361 --> 01:27:32,510 I am too. 1296 01:27:33,041 --> 01:27:34,679 Harvey. 1297 01:27:41,641 --> 01:27:43,996 I want my phone call. 1298 01:27:44,161 --> 01:27:46,834 I want it. I want it. I want my phone call. 1299 01:27:47,481 --> 01:27:49,233 That's nice. 1300 01:27:50,681 --> 01:27:55,311 How many of your friends have I killed? 1301 01:27:58,921 --> 01:27:59,956 I'm a 20-year man... 1302 01:28:00,121 --> 01:28:03,431 ...and I know the difference between punks who need a lesson in manners... 1303 01:28:03,601 --> 01:28:06,354 ...and the freaks like you who would just enjoy it. 1304 01:28:07,201 --> 01:28:09,556 And you killed six of my friends. 1305 01:28:09,721 --> 01:28:10,710 [MOUTHS] Six? 1306 01:28:10,881 --> 01:28:13,236 Please. My insides hurt. 1307 01:28:13,401 --> 01:28:15,073 I don't really care. Back away. 1308 01:28:15,241 --> 01:28:18,278 The boss said he'd make the voices go away. 1309 01:28:18,441 --> 01:28:21,831 He said he'd go inside and replace them with bright lights... 1310 01:28:22,001 --> 01:28:23,070 ...like Christmas. 1311 01:28:23,241 --> 01:28:25,675 You're out of your mind, pal. Back off. 1312 01:28:25,841 --> 01:28:28,560 Medic to the holding tank. Come on. Get the door open. 1313 01:28:28,761 --> 01:28:29,876 You guys, back off! 1314 01:28:30,041 --> 01:28:32,111 Listen, we don't have a lot of time. 1315 01:28:32,281 --> 01:28:36,115 They told me that only one of us was gonna make it... 1316 01:28:36,281 --> 01:28:39,478 ...and that they were gonna let our friends choose. 1317 01:28:42,081 --> 01:28:44,117 Okay, Rachel. 1318 01:28:44,681 --> 01:28:47,673 It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be all right. They're coming for you. 1319 01:28:47,841 --> 01:28:51,959 Listen to me. I'll help you. Just talk me through what's going on with you. 1320 01:28:52,121 --> 01:28:53,952 Can you find something, anything, sharp? 1321 01:28:54,121 --> 01:28:55,474 I'm trying. 1322 01:28:55,641 --> 01:28:57,711 - What's...? - Shit. 1323 01:28:57,881 --> 01:28:59,314 Harvey? 1324 01:29:01,721 --> 01:29:02,710 [YELLS] 1325 01:29:02,921 --> 01:29:04,513 Harvey, what's happening? 1326 01:29:12,121 --> 01:29:13,315 [SIRENS WAILING] 1327 01:29:13,481 --> 01:29:17,156 All available units, converge at 25052nd Street. 1328 01:29:17,481 --> 01:29:21,394 Do you wanna know why I use a knife? 1329 01:29:23,601 --> 01:29:24,875 Guns are too quick. 1330 01:29:25,041 --> 01:29:28,272 You can't savor all the... 1331 01:29:28,441 --> 01:29:31,638 ...little emotions. 1332 01:29:33,481 --> 01:29:38,157 You see, in their last moments... 1333 01:29:38,321 --> 01:29:40,516 ...people show you who they really are. 1334 01:29:41,561 --> 01:29:46,999 So in a way, I knew your friends better than you ever did. 1335 01:29:50,601 --> 01:29:53,877 Would you like to know which of them were cowards? 1336 01:30:00,121 --> 01:30:01,713 OFFICER: What's that? MEDIC: Jeez. 1337 01:30:01,921 --> 01:30:03,877 He's got some kind of a... 1338 01:30:04,041 --> 01:30:07,113 ...contusion. - I know you're gonna enjoy this. 1339 01:30:07,281 --> 01:30:08,270 [NECK CRACKS] 1340 01:30:08,441 --> 01:30:12,036 I'm gonna have to try and enjoy it even more. 1341 01:30:17,041 --> 01:30:18,269 OFFICER 1: Whoa, whoa! 1342 01:30:19,281 --> 01:30:20,270 OFFICER 2: Just put it down. 1343 01:30:20,441 --> 01:30:23,114 Take it easy. Take it easy. Drop the weapon now! 1344 01:30:23,281 --> 01:30:27,069 - It's my own damn fault, just shoot him! - Let him go now! Drop it! 1345 01:30:27,361 --> 01:30:30,239 - What? Sorry? - What do you want? 1346 01:30:31,241 --> 01:30:33,072 I just want my phone call. 1347 01:30:35,961 --> 01:30:38,521 RACHEL: What...? What...? What's happening? 1348 01:30:38,681 --> 01:30:41,400 Just talk to me, just for one second. 1349 01:30:43,641 --> 01:30:46,201 - All right? - Right. 1350 01:30:48,041 --> 01:30:49,394 Ow. 1351 01:30:50,281 --> 01:30:51,794 - Ow. - Shh, shh, shh. 1352 01:30:53,361 --> 01:30:54,953 [CELL PHONE RINGING] 1353 01:30:57,521 --> 01:30:59,477 Is that a phone? 1354 01:31:08,761 --> 01:31:10,035 Mount the curb! 1355 01:31:17,721 --> 01:31:21,555 Harvey, just in case, I wanna tell you something, okay? 1356 01:31:21,721 --> 01:31:23,439 Don't think like that. They're coming. 1357 01:31:23,601 --> 01:31:25,796 I know they are, but I don't want them to. 1358 01:31:30,041 --> 01:31:33,954 I don't wanna live without you, and I do have an answer for you. 1359 01:31:34,361 --> 01:31:36,033 My answer is yes. 1360 01:31:38,681 --> 01:31:41,320 No! No! No! 1361 01:31:41,481 --> 01:31:43,995 Not me! Why are you coming for me? 1362 01:31:44,161 --> 01:31:45,150 No! 1363 01:31:46,761 --> 01:31:48,274 Rachel! Rachel! 1364 01:31:48,481 --> 01:31:50,711 - Harvey. - No! No! Rachel! 1365 01:31:50,881 --> 01:31:51,870 Okay. 1366 01:31:52,041 --> 01:31:53,076 Rachel! 1367 01:31:53,481 --> 01:31:54,960 No! No! 1368 01:31:55,121 --> 01:31:59,080 Harvey, it's okay. It's all right. Listen. 1369 01:31:59,241 --> 01:32:00,515 Somewh... 1370 01:32:06,161 --> 01:32:07,310 RAMIREZ: No, commissioner! 1371 01:32:07,481 --> 01:32:10,041 Rachel! No! 1372 01:32:10,201 --> 01:32:12,271 [DENT YELLING] 1373 01:32:23,801 --> 01:32:24,870 Hello there. 1374 01:32:30,521 --> 01:32:33,877 SERGEANT: Back at the MCU, the Joker's gone. 1375 01:32:34,761 --> 01:32:36,399 With Lau? 1376 01:32:39,081 --> 01:32:41,549 The Joker planned to be caught. 1377 01:32:41,881 --> 01:32:43,951 He wanted me to lock him up in the MCU. 1378 01:32:44,121 --> 01:32:46,032 [SIRENS WAILING] 1379 01:32:53,241 --> 01:32:55,152 [INAUDIBLE] 1380 01:33:02,801 --> 01:33:04,757 RACHEL: Dear Bruce: 1381 01:33:06,441 --> 01:33:08,875 I need to be honest and clear. 1382 01:33:10,841 --> 01:33:13,275 I'm going to marry Harvey Dent. 1383 01:33:13,441 --> 01:33:17,195 I love him, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with him. 1384 01:33:17,721 --> 01:33:21,953 When I told you that if Gotham no longer needed Batman, we could be together... 1385 01:33:22,121 --> 01:33:24,237 ... I meant it. 1386 01:33:24,481 --> 01:33:29,032 But now I'm sure the day won't come when you no longer need Batman. 1387 01:33:30,041 --> 01:33:31,872 I hope it does. 1388 01:33:32,041 --> 01:33:34,680 And if it does, I will be there... 1389 01:33:35,201 --> 01:33:36,554 ... but as your friend. 1390 01:33:37,241 --> 01:33:39,391 I'm sorry, Harvey. 1391 01:33:39,561 --> 01:33:41,836 RACHEL: I'm sorry to let you down. 1392 01:33:42,001 --> 01:33:46,791 If you lose your faith in me, please keep your faith in people. 1393 01:33:47,361 --> 01:33:51,593 Love, now and always, Rachel. 1394 01:33:59,241 --> 01:34:01,471 ALFRED: Prepared a little breakfast. 1395 01:34:05,441 --> 01:34:07,272 - Very well, then. - Alfred. 1396 01:34:07,441 --> 01:34:08,556 Yes, Master Wayne? 1397 01:34:09,881 --> 01:34:12,031 Did I bring this on her? 1398 01:34:13,041 --> 01:34:15,157 I was meant to inspire good... 1399 01:34:15,321 --> 01:34:17,596 ...not madness, not death. 1400 01:34:17,761 --> 01:34:22,198 You have inspired good. But you spat in the faces of Gotham's criminals. 1401 01:34:22,361 --> 01:34:24,352 Didn't you think there might be casualties? 1402 01:34:24,521 --> 01:34:26,830 Things always get worse before they get better. 1403 01:34:27,161 --> 01:34:28,560 But Rachel, Alfred. 1404 01:34:28,721 --> 01:34:32,350 Rachel believed in what you stood for... 1405 01:34:32,521 --> 01:34:34,352 ...what we stand for. 1406 01:34:34,521 --> 01:34:35,920 Gotham needs you. 1407 01:34:36,441 --> 01:34:39,274 No, Gotham needs its true hero... 1408 01:34:39,761 --> 01:34:43,720 ...and I let that murdering psychopath blow him half to hell. 1409 01:34:43,881 --> 01:34:46,111 Which is why, for now... 1410 01:34:46,881 --> 01:34:48,712 ...they're gonna have to make do with you. 1411 01:34:50,841 --> 01:34:52,593 She was gonna wait for me, Alfred. 1412 01:34:54,521 --> 01:34:56,477 Dent doesn't know. 1413 01:34:56,641 --> 01:34:57,869 He can never know. 1414 01:35:00,201 --> 01:35:01,759 What's that? 1415 01:35:01,921 --> 01:35:04,754 - It can wait. - That bandit... 1416 01:35:05,201 --> 01:35:07,237 ...in the forest in Burma. 1417 01:35:07,401 --> 01:35:09,357 - Did you catch him? - Yes. 1418 01:35:09,521 --> 01:35:10,795 How? 1419 01:35:12,161 --> 01:35:13,719 We burned the forest down. 1420 01:35:13,881 --> 01:35:15,030 [GASPS] 1421 01:35:45,401 --> 01:35:47,312 [INAUDIBLE] 1422 01:35:51,361 --> 01:35:53,875 He's credible, an M & A lawyer from a leading consultancy. 1423 01:35:54,041 --> 01:35:57,272 He says he's waited as long as he can for Batman to do the right thing. 1424 01:35:57,441 --> 01:35:59,432 Now he's taking matters into his own hands. 1425 01:35:59,601 --> 01:36:02,434 We'll be live at 5 with the true identity of the Batman. 1426 01:36:18,201 --> 01:36:19,759 I'm sorry about Rachel. 1427 01:36:22,361 --> 01:36:26,991 The doctor says you're in agonizing pain, but that you won't accept medication. 1428 01:36:28,001 --> 01:36:29,878 That you're refusing to... 1429 01:36:30,041 --> 01:36:31,713 ...accept skin grafts. 1430 01:36:32,041 --> 01:36:34,191 Remember that name... 1431 01:36:34,761 --> 01:36:36,991 ...you all had for me... 1432 01:36:37,441 --> 01:36:40,160 ...when I was at Internal Affairs? 1433 01:36:42,521 --> 01:36:43,749 What was it, Gordon? 1434 01:36:44,401 --> 01:36:45,720 Harvey, I... 1435 01:36:45,881 --> 01:36:47,314 Say it. 1436 01:36:48,681 --> 01:36:50,512 Say it! 1437 01:36:57,881 --> 01:37:00,839 Two-Face. Harvey Two-Face. 1438 01:37:02,361 --> 01:37:06,479 Why should I hide who I am? 1439 01:37:07,641 --> 01:37:08,915 I know you tried to warn me. 1440 01:37:09,761 --> 01:37:10,910 I'm sorry. 1441 01:37:11,521 --> 01:37:14,035 Wuertz picked you up. Was he working for them? 1442 01:37:16,241 --> 01:37:18,516 Do you know who picked up Rachel? 1443 01:37:19,321 --> 01:37:22,199 Harvey, I need to know which of my men I can trust. 1444 01:37:22,561 --> 01:37:24,597 Why would you listen to me now? 1445 01:37:25,681 --> 01:37:27,273 I'm sorry, Harvey. 1446 01:37:29,721 --> 01:37:31,439 No. 1447 01:37:31,881 --> 01:37:33,917 No, you're not. 1448 01:37:34,921 --> 01:37:36,115 Not yet. 1449 01:37:41,161 --> 01:37:43,755 This craziness, it's too much. 1450 01:37:43,961 --> 01:37:47,078 Should've thought about that before you let the clown out of the box. 1451 01:37:47,241 --> 01:37:48,913 MARONI: You want him? 1452 01:37:51,281 --> 01:37:53,511 I can tell you where he'll be this afternoon. 1453 01:38:01,241 --> 01:38:03,436 CHECHEN: Not so crazy as you look. 1454 01:38:03,601 --> 01:38:07,196 I told you, I'm a man of my word. 1455 01:38:10,281 --> 01:38:11,475 Where is the Italian? 1456 01:38:11,641 --> 01:38:14,633 All tactical units will converge on the location in 20 minutes. 1457 01:38:14,801 --> 01:38:18,111 I want auxiliary units to cover all possible getaway routes. 1458 01:38:18,681 --> 01:38:19,796 CHECHEN: Please. 1459 01:38:19,961 --> 01:38:23,158 Joker-man, what you do with all your money? 1460 01:38:23,801 --> 01:38:26,361 You see, I'm a guy of simple taste. 1461 01:38:26,521 --> 01:38:28,113 I enjoy... 1462 01:38:28,281 --> 01:38:29,600 ...dynamite... 1463 01:38:29,761 --> 01:38:31,240 ...and gunpowder... 1464 01:38:31,681 --> 01:38:33,990 ...and gasoline. 1465 01:38:35,401 --> 01:38:37,551 - What the...? - Ah, ah, ah. 1466 01:38:39,321 --> 01:38:42,040 And you know the thing that they have in common? 1467 01:38:42,521 --> 01:38:43,749 They're cheap. 1468 01:38:43,921 --> 01:38:46,481 CALLER 1 [ON TV]: How much are they paying you to say who Batman is? 1469 01:38:46,641 --> 01:38:50,429 This is our chance. I want Lau alive. The Joker, either way. 1470 01:38:50,601 --> 01:38:51,954 Hey, Jim. Get a load of this. 1471 01:38:52,121 --> 01:38:53,395 ENGEL: Let's take the next caller. 1472 01:38:53,561 --> 01:38:55,631 CALLER 2: Harvey Dent didn't wanna give in to this maniac. 1473 01:38:55,801 --> 01:38:57,029 You think you know better? 1474 01:38:57,201 --> 01:39:00,432 I think that if we could talk to Dent today, he may feel differently. 1475 01:39:00,601 --> 01:39:04,514 And we wish him a speedy recovery. Because God knows, we need him now. 1476 01:39:04,681 --> 01:39:06,797 You said you were a man of your word. 1477 01:39:07,081 --> 01:39:09,037 Oh, I am. 1478 01:39:10,681 --> 01:39:13,241 I'm only burning my half. 1479 01:39:14,521 --> 01:39:16,557 All you care about is money. 1480 01:39:16,721 --> 01:39:20,031 This town deserves a better class of criminal... 1481 01:39:20,201 --> 01:39:22,351 ...and I'm gonna give it to them. 1482 01:39:23,121 --> 01:39:25,510 Tell your men they work for me now. 1483 01:39:25,681 --> 01:39:27,956 This is my city. 1484 01:39:28,601 --> 01:39:31,035 They won't work for a freak. 1485 01:39:31,201 --> 01:39:32,839 [IMITATES CHECHEN] "Freak." 1486 01:39:33,001 --> 01:39:35,356 [IN NORMAL VOICE] Why don't we cut you up into little pieces... 1487 01:39:35,521 --> 01:39:36,920 ...and feed you to your pooches? Hm? 1488 01:39:37,081 --> 01:39:39,834 And then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog really is. 1489 01:39:40,001 --> 01:39:41,354 [DOGS BARKING] 1490 01:39:41,761 --> 01:39:43,991 It's not about money... 1491 01:39:44,161 --> 01:39:47,233 ...it's about sending a message. 1492 01:39:48,001 --> 01:39:50,356 Everything burns. 1493 01:39:52,761 --> 01:39:54,831 - Who is this? JOKER: I had a vision... 1494 01:39:55,001 --> 01:39:57,640 ... of a world without Batman. 1495 01:39:57,801 --> 01:39:59,951 The Mob ground out a little profit... 1496 01:40:00,121 --> 01:40:03,875 ... and the police tried to shut them down one block at a time. 1497 01:40:04,041 --> 01:40:07,192 And it was so boring. 1498 01:40:07,361 --> 01:40:09,238 I've had a change of heart. 1499 01:40:09,401 --> 01:40:11,915 I don't want Mr. Reese spoiling everything... 1500 01:40:12,081 --> 01:40:16,597 ... but why should I have all the fun? Let's give someone else a chance. 1501 01:40:16,761 --> 01:40:21,391 If Coleman Reese isn't dead in 60 minutes... 1502 01:40:21,561 --> 01:40:23,552 ... then I blow up a hospital. 1503 01:40:23,721 --> 01:40:25,234 Call in every officer. 1504 01:40:25,401 --> 01:40:28,598 Tell them to head to their nearest hospital and start evac and search. 1505 01:40:28,761 --> 01:40:30,797 Call the transit authority, school board, prisons. 1506 01:40:30,961 --> 01:40:32,519 Get every bus down to a hospital. 1507 01:40:32,681 --> 01:40:37,072 The priority is Gotham General. Wheel everybody out of that place right now. 1508 01:40:37,241 --> 01:40:38,833 You, you and you, you come with me. 1509 01:40:39,001 --> 01:40:40,798 - Where are we going, sir? - To get Reese. 1510 01:40:41,121 --> 01:40:44,079 I need you plugged in, checking Gordon's men and their families. 1511 01:40:44,241 --> 01:40:46,357 - Looking for? - Hospital admissions. 1512 01:40:46,521 --> 01:40:48,113 Will you be wanting the Batpod? 1513 01:40:48,281 --> 01:40:50,158 In the middle of the day? Not very subtle. 1514 01:40:50,321 --> 01:40:51,549 The Lamborghini, then. 1515 01:40:52,441 --> 01:40:53,510 Much more subtle. 1516 01:41:02,641 --> 01:41:04,552 [CROWD SHOUTING] 1517 01:41:06,801 --> 01:41:09,190 Excuse me. Let me through. Excuse me. Okay. 1518 01:41:09,361 --> 01:41:12,717 Sir, could you help, please? 1519 01:41:12,881 --> 01:41:14,519 I'm gonna find a bus for him. 1520 01:41:16,401 --> 01:41:18,198 ENGEL: Sir? Commissioner, do you really think... 1521 01:41:18,361 --> 01:41:20,431 ...an ordinary citizen would try to kill this man? 1522 01:41:24,761 --> 01:41:26,991 ENGEL: Sir. Commissioner. 1523 01:41:27,161 --> 01:41:28,674 [CROWD SCREAMING] 1524 01:41:29,001 --> 01:41:31,117 Get the cars around the back! 1525 01:41:33,401 --> 01:41:34,675 Go. Keep rolling, Sam. 1526 01:41:40,401 --> 01:41:42,278 I see O'Brien and Richards. 1527 01:41:42,841 --> 01:41:46,197 No immediate family member admitted to a Gotham hospital. 1528 01:41:47,441 --> 01:41:50,831 REESE: They're trying to kill me. - Well, maybe Batman can save you. 1529 01:42:03,441 --> 01:42:05,955 Davis, they got space. Bring him out. 1530 01:42:07,561 --> 01:42:09,279 Davis. 1531 01:42:14,201 --> 01:42:16,431 I saw Burns and Zachary. 1532 01:42:16,601 --> 01:42:17,750 ALFRED: Nothing on them. 1533 01:42:17,921 --> 01:42:19,320 And a patrolman I don't know. 1534 01:42:20,481 --> 01:42:22,312 REESE: Okay, so, what now? 1535 01:42:23,161 --> 01:42:25,311 What do we do now? Where are we going? 1536 01:42:27,961 --> 01:42:29,553 Send the information to Gordon. 1537 01:42:29,721 --> 01:42:30,995 [CELL PHONE RINGS] 1538 01:42:37,121 --> 01:42:38,600 Get out of here. 1539 01:42:40,561 --> 01:42:42,279 Davis. 1540 01:42:45,321 --> 01:42:47,630 Ma'am, we're gonna have to move him now. 1541 01:42:58,841 --> 01:43:01,071 GORDON: It's Berg, isn't it? - Commissioner. 1542 01:43:02,161 --> 01:43:03,560 You okay, son? 1543 01:43:05,801 --> 01:43:08,031 [JOKER HUMMING] 1544 01:43:15,881 --> 01:43:17,234 [DENT GRUNTS] 1545 01:43:20,841 --> 01:43:22,354 Hi. 1546 01:43:27,001 --> 01:43:28,434 You know... 1547 01:43:29,241 --> 01:43:32,199 ...I don't want there to be any hard feelings between us, Harvey. 1548 01:43:32,361 --> 01:43:35,353 - When you and... - Rachel! 1549 01:43:35,521 --> 01:43:37,716 - Rachel were being abducted... 1550 01:43:37,881 --> 01:43:40,759 ...I was sitting in Gordon's cage. 1551 01:43:41,081 --> 01:43:42,912 I didn't rig those charges. 1552 01:43:43,121 --> 01:43:45,476 Your men, your plan. 1553 01:43:45,681 --> 01:43:48,036 Do I really look like a guy with a plan? 1554 01:43:48,441 --> 01:43:51,114 You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. 1555 01:43:51,721 --> 01:43:54,076 I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. 1556 01:43:54,241 --> 01:43:57,233 You know? I just do things. 1557 01:43:57,601 --> 01:44:01,150 The Mob has plans. The cops have plans. 1558 01:44:01,321 --> 01:44:03,437 Gordon's got plans. 1559 01:44:03,601 --> 01:44:06,434 You know, they're schemers. 1560 01:44:06,601 --> 01:44:10,196 Schemers trying to control their little worlds. 1561 01:44:10,361 --> 01:44:11,794 I'm not a schemer. 1562 01:44:11,961 --> 01:44:13,519 I try to show the schemers... 1563 01:44:13,681 --> 01:44:18,755 ...how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. 1564 01:44:19,681 --> 01:44:22,593 So when I say... Ah. Come here. 1565 01:44:23,081 --> 01:44:26,471 When I say that you and your girlfriend was nothing personal... 1566 01:44:27,961 --> 01:44:30,077 ...you'll know that I'm telling the truth. 1567 01:44:32,481 --> 01:44:35,154 - I'm gonna need your weapon. - What? 1568 01:44:38,761 --> 01:44:40,513 Why? Because my wife's in the hospital? 1569 01:44:41,201 --> 01:44:42,680 Yeah, that'd be why. 1570 01:44:43,561 --> 01:44:46,633 It's the schemers that put you where you are. 1571 01:44:46,801 --> 01:44:50,430 You were a schemer, you had plans... 1572 01:44:50,601 --> 01:44:52,671 ...and look where that got you. 1573 01:45:03,001 --> 01:45:05,276 ANNOUNCER [OVER RADIO]: Police are taking every precaution... 1574 01:45:05,441 --> 01:45:07,477 ... urging people not to take matters into their hands. 1575 01:45:07,641 --> 01:45:10,075 I just did what I do best. 1576 01:45:10,241 --> 01:45:13,711 I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. 1577 01:45:13,881 --> 01:45:19,001 Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. 1578 01:45:19,161 --> 01:45:22,312 Hm? You know what I noticed? 1579 01:45:22,481 --> 01:45:25,871 Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." 1580 01:45:26,041 --> 01:45:27,633 Even if the plan is horrifying. 1581 01:45:28,241 --> 01:45:33,076 If tomorrow I tell the press that, like, a gangbanger will get shot... 1582 01:45:33,241 --> 01:45:36,551 ...or a truckload of soldiers will be blowing up... 1583 01:45:36,841 --> 01:45:37,876 ...nobody panics. 1584 01:45:38,561 --> 01:45:41,519 Because it's all part of the plan. 1585 01:45:41,681 --> 01:45:46,391 But when I say that one little old mayor will die... 1586 01:45:46,641 --> 01:45:48,950 ...well, then, everyone loses their minds. 1587 01:45:52,241 --> 01:45:55,039 Introduce a little anarchy... 1588 01:45:56,161 --> 01:45:58,311 ...upset the established order... 1589 01:45:58,481 --> 01:46:02,838 ...and everything becomes chaos. 1590 01:46:04,601 --> 01:46:07,240 I'm an agent of chaos. 1591 01:46:07,601 --> 01:46:09,831 Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? 1592 01:46:11,801 --> 01:46:13,359 It's fair. 1593 01:46:22,201 --> 01:46:25,238 - You live. - Mm-hm. 1594 01:46:25,721 --> 01:46:27,279 You die. 1595 01:46:27,481 --> 01:46:29,392 Mmm. Now we're talking. 1596 01:46:38,361 --> 01:46:39,794 Mr. Reese. 1597 01:46:57,241 --> 01:46:59,311 That's Mr. Wayne, isn't it? 1598 01:46:59,481 --> 01:47:02,359 - That was a very brave thing you did. - Trying to catch the light? 1599 01:47:02,681 --> 01:47:05,400 - You weren't protecting the van? - Why? Who's in it? 1600 01:47:10,641 --> 01:47:12,632 Don't you think I should go to the hospital? 1601 01:47:12,801 --> 01:47:15,190 Don't watch a whole lot of news, do you, Mr. Wayne? 1602 01:47:17,561 --> 01:47:18,710 [IMITATES EXPLOSION] 1603 01:47:25,801 --> 01:47:27,792 [CROWD SCREAMING] 1604 01:48:18,641 --> 01:48:20,393 Southeast. 1605 01:48:20,561 --> 01:48:22,677 It's Gotham General. 1606 01:48:23,401 --> 01:48:24,993 - Did you clear the building? OFFICER: Yeah. 1607 01:48:27,881 --> 01:48:29,519 GORDON: You must know how many were inside. 1608 01:48:29,681 --> 01:48:31,000 You have patient lists, roll call. 1609 01:48:31,161 --> 01:48:33,391 Right now we're showing 50 people missing. One bus. 1610 01:48:33,561 --> 01:48:36,598 The other buses were heading off to hospitals. I guess we missed one. 1611 01:48:36,761 --> 01:48:38,797 What's your guess about where Harvey Dent is? 1612 01:48:38,961 --> 01:48:43,239 Keep looking. And keep it to yourself. Anybody asks, we got him out. 1613 01:48:45,721 --> 01:48:48,030 Get me the mayor's office on the line. 1614 01:48:49,161 --> 01:48:50,833 We're gonna need the National Guard. 1615 01:48:51,001 --> 01:48:52,559 REPORTER [ON TV]: - people are still missing... 1616 01:48:52,721 --> 01:48:53,870 ... including GCN's own Mike Engel. 1617 01:48:54,041 --> 01:48:57,158 I'm now being told that we're cutting to a video GCN has just received. 1618 01:48:57,321 --> 01:48:59,152 I'm Mike Engel for Gotham Tonight. 1619 01:48:59,641 --> 01:49:02,838 "What does it take to make you people wanna join in? 1620 01:49:03,001 --> 01:49:05,469 You failed to kill the lawyer. I've gotta get you off the bench... 1621 01:49:05,641 --> 01:49:07,313 ...and into the game. JOKER: Bench. Game. 1622 01:49:07,481 --> 01:49:09,199 [JOKER LAUGHS] 1623 01:49:09,401 --> 01:49:11,437 ENGEL: Come nightfall, this city is mine. JOKER: Mine. 1624 01:49:11,601 --> 01:49:14,240 - And anyone left here plays by my rules. - Rules. 1625 01:49:14,521 --> 01:49:17,718 Mr. Fox? Security is showing a break-in at the R & D Department. 1626 01:49:17,881 --> 01:49:19,917 If you don't wanna be in the game... 1627 01:49:20,081 --> 01:49:21,400 ...get out now. - Get out now. 1628 01:49:21,561 --> 01:49:23,313 [CHATTERING] 1629 01:49:23,481 --> 01:49:26,314 But the bridge-and-tunnel crowd are sure in for a surprise. 1630 01:49:26,681 --> 01:49:28,319 Ha-ha, ha-ha. " 1631 01:49:28,481 --> 01:49:29,960 [JOKER LAUGHING] 1632 01:49:54,441 --> 01:49:56,272 [SIRENS WAILING] 1633 01:49:56,441 --> 01:49:58,079 [DOG BARKING] 1634 01:50:00,601 --> 01:50:01,829 REPORTER: Gotham P.D. has shut down... 1635 01:50:02,001 --> 01:50:04,356 BARTENDER: Sweet Jesus. ...the area 's bridges and tunnels. 1636 01:50:04,521 --> 01:50:07,797 Shouldn't you be out there, you know, doing something? 1637 01:50:07,961 --> 01:50:09,838 It's my day off. 1638 01:50:10,441 --> 01:50:11,954 I gotta take a leak. 1639 01:50:12,121 --> 01:50:14,351 Keep an eye out for me, will you? 1640 01:50:17,721 --> 01:50:19,200 [DOOR OPENS] 1641 01:50:19,721 --> 01:50:21,598 Now what? Need someone to shake it for you? 1642 01:50:21,761 --> 01:50:23,274 DENT: Hello. 1643 01:50:23,961 --> 01:50:25,394 Dent. 1644 01:50:25,561 --> 01:50:27,677 Jesus. I thought you was dead. 1645 01:50:27,841 --> 01:50:29,433 Half. 1646 01:50:35,241 --> 01:50:36,754 Who picked up Rachel, Wuertz? 1647 01:50:36,921 --> 01:50:38,832 - It must've been Maroni's men. - Shut up! 1648 01:50:40,521 --> 01:50:42,557 Are you telling me that you're gonna protect... 1649 01:50:42,721 --> 01:50:44,393 ...the other traitor in Gordon's unit? 1650 01:50:44,561 --> 01:50:45,960 I don't know, he never told me. 1651 01:50:46,121 --> 01:50:49,591 Listen, Dent, I swear to God, I didn't know what they were gonna do to you. 1652 01:50:51,081 --> 01:50:52,196 That's funny... 1653 01:50:53,881 --> 01:50:56,520 ...because I don't know what's gonna happen to you either. 1654 01:50:59,321 --> 01:51:00,310 [GUNSHOT] 1655 01:51:00,481 --> 01:51:02,312 Beautiful, isn't it? 1656 01:51:02,681 --> 01:51:04,273 Beautiful. 1657 01:51:04,801 --> 01:51:05,870 Unethical. 1658 01:51:07,001 --> 01:51:08,480 Dangerous. 1659 01:51:08,681 --> 01:51:12,037 You've turned every cell phone in Gotham into a microphone. 1660 01:51:12,201 --> 01:51:14,510 BATMAN: And a high-frequency generator-receiver. 1661 01:51:14,681 --> 01:51:19,550 You took my sonar concept and applied it to every phone in the city. 1662 01:51:19,721 --> 01:51:24,112 With half the city feeding you sonar, you can image all of Gotham. 1663 01:51:25,961 --> 01:51:27,280 This is wrong. 1664 01:51:27,441 --> 01:51:29,397 I've gotta find this man, Lucius. 1665 01:51:31,321 --> 01:51:32,549 At what cost? 1666 01:51:32,721 --> 01:51:35,394 The database is null-key encrypted. 1667 01:51:35,561 --> 01:51:37,677 It can only be accessed by one person. 1668 01:51:38,961 --> 01:51:41,031 This is too much power for one person. 1669 01:51:41,201 --> 01:51:43,271 That's why I gave it to you. 1670 01:51:43,721 --> 01:51:44,870 Only you can use it. 1671 01:51:45,041 --> 01:51:48,670 Spying on 30 million people isn't part of my job description. 1672 01:51:50,801 --> 01:51:54,350 This is an audio sample. If he talks within range of any phone in the city... 1673 01:51:54,521 --> 01:51:56,637 ...you can triangulate his position. 1674 01:51:57,081 --> 01:51:59,470 I'll help you this one time. 1675 01:51:59,921 --> 01:52:01,639 But consider this my resignation. 1676 01:52:01,801 --> 01:52:06,192 As long as this machine is at Wayne Enterprises, I won't be. 1677 01:52:06,921 --> 01:52:08,752 When you're finished... 1678 01:52:09,401 --> 01:52:10,470 ...type in your name. 1679 01:52:16,761 --> 01:52:18,558 [SIRENS WAILING] 1680 01:52:18,721 --> 01:52:21,679 GORDON: My officers are going over every inch of the tunnels and bridges... 1681 01:52:21,841 --> 01:52:24,913 ...but with the Joker's threat, they're not an option. 1682 01:52:25,081 --> 01:52:27,800 - And land routes east? - Backed up for hours. 1683 01:52:27,961 --> 01:52:31,431 Which leaves the ferries with 30,000 ready to board. 1684 01:52:31,601 --> 01:52:34,513 I wanna use the ferries so I can get those prisoners off the island. 1685 01:52:34,841 --> 01:52:37,514 The men you put away? Those aren't people I'm worried about. 1686 01:52:37,681 --> 01:52:39,717 You should be. Whatever the Joker's planning... 1687 01:52:39,881 --> 01:52:44,193 ...it's a good bet Harvey's prisoners are involved. I wanna get them out of here. 1688 01:52:45,601 --> 01:52:46,750 So where is Harvey? 1689 01:52:47,321 --> 01:52:50,358 - We haven't found him. - Oh, Jesus. 1690 01:52:54,041 --> 01:52:56,032 How long can you keep this quiet? 1691 01:53:09,561 --> 01:53:12,121 Don't stop for lights, cops, nothing. 1692 01:53:12,921 --> 01:53:14,991 Going to join your wife? 1693 01:53:18,361 --> 01:53:20,750 - You love her? - Yes. 1694 01:53:21,601 --> 01:53:24,434 You ever imagine what it would be like to listen to her die? 1695 01:53:24,601 --> 01:53:26,034 Look, take it up with the Joker. 1696 01:53:26,201 --> 01:53:29,318 He killed your woman. He made you... 1697 01:53:29,481 --> 01:53:30,470 ...like this. 1698 01:53:30,841 --> 01:53:33,719 The Joker's just a mad dog. 1699 01:53:33,881 --> 01:53:36,395 I want whoever let him off the leash. 1700 01:53:37,081 --> 01:53:40,278 I took care of Wuertz, but who was your other man inside Gordon's unit? 1701 01:53:40,441 --> 01:53:42,955 Who picked up Rachel? Must have been someone she trusted. 1702 01:53:44,121 --> 01:53:46,157 Look, if I tell you... 1703 01:53:46,321 --> 01:53:47,310 ...will you let me go? 1704 01:53:48,041 --> 01:53:49,315 Can't hurt your chances. 1705 01:53:51,961 --> 01:53:53,553 It was Ramirez. 1706 01:53:57,201 --> 01:53:58,190 [GUN COCKS] 1707 01:53:58,761 --> 01:54:01,878 - But you said... - I said it couldn't hurt your chances. 1708 01:54:05,321 --> 01:54:07,357 You're a lucky man. 1709 01:54:10,681 --> 01:54:12,353 - But he's not. - Who? 1710 01:54:15,161 --> 01:54:16,514 Your driver. 1711 01:54:16,681 --> 01:54:17,716 [GUNSHOT] 1712 01:54:29,201 --> 01:54:30,190 GUARDSMAN 1: Stand back. 1713 01:54:30,361 --> 01:54:32,591 Hey, that ain't right. We should be on that boat. 1714 01:54:32,761 --> 01:54:35,229 GUARDSMAN 2: You wanna ride across with them? Be my guest. 1715 01:54:53,561 --> 01:54:55,472 [ENGINES STOP] 1716 01:54:57,521 --> 01:54:59,159 FIRST MATE: Sir, they've stopped their engines. 1717 01:54:59,321 --> 01:55:00,310 Right, get on the radio. 1718 01:55:00,481 --> 01:55:03,951 Tell them we'll come back and pick them up once we dump the scumbags. 1719 01:55:04,121 --> 01:55:06,396 Liberty, this is Spirit. Come in. 1720 01:55:06,721 --> 01:55:08,200 [STATIC CRACKLES] 1721 01:55:08,361 --> 01:55:09,510 CAPTAIN: What the heck was that? 1722 01:55:09,681 --> 01:55:11,194 [ALARM WAILING] 1723 01:55:11,361 --> 01:55:12,760 MAN: What the...? 1724 01:55:13,281 --> 01:55:16,432 CAPTAIN [OVER RADIO]: Liberty, come in, please. This is Spirit. Come in. 1725 01:55:18,001 --> 01:55:19,798 Liberty, we have the same thing. We've lost both engines. 1726 01:55:19,961 --> 01:55:21,394 - Liberty, come in. BATMAN: Fox. 1727 01:55:21,561 --> 01:55:23,950 There's something going on on the ferries. 1728 01:55:24,681 --> 01:55:26,876 Get down to the engine room now. 1729 01:55:27,481 --> 01:55:29,597 MAN: Hey, buddy, what's happening? 1730 01:55:37,841 --> 01:55:41,151 Captain, we got a hundred barrels down there rigged to blow. And this. 1731 01:55:53,721 --> 01:55:54,756 CAPTAIN: Oh, my God. 1732 01:55:54,921 --> 01:55:56,673 FIRST MATE: Looks like some kind of detonator. 1733 01:55:56,841 --> 01:55:59,594 CAPTAIN: Why would they give us the detonator to our own bomb? 1734 01:56:00,601 --> 01:56:01,670 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 1735 01:56:02,401 --> 01:56:03,720 JOKER [OVER SPEAKER]: Tonight, you're all gonna... 1736 01:56:03,881 --> 01:56:05,553 ... be a part of a social experiment. 1737 01:56:09,241 --> 01:56:12,916 Through the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate... 1738 01:56:13,081 --> 01:56:16,994 ... I'm ready right now to blow you all sky-high. 1739 01:56:17,161 --> 01:56:19,152 Liberty, come in, over. 1740 01:56:20,561 --> 01:56:21,550 It's dead. 1741 01:56:21,881 --> 01:56:26,193 JOKER: If anyone attempts to get off their boat, you all die. 1742 01:56:26,521 --> 01:56:27,749 FOX: I'm zeroing in. 1743 01:56:27,921 --> 01:56:32,278 JOKER: Each of you has a remote to blow up the other boat. 1744 01:56:32,441 --> 01:56:34,796 His voice is on the ferry... 1745 01:56:34,961 --> 01:56:36,917 ...but it's not the source. 1746 01:56:39,081 --> 01:56:40,150 West. 1747 01:56:45,321 --> 01:56:46,800 [CELL PHONE RINGS] 1748 01:56:47,121 --> 01:56:49,316 - Gordon. BATMAN: I have the Joker's location. 1749 01:56:49,481 --> 01:56:50,516 Prewitt Building. 1750 01:56:50,681 --> 01:56:53,036 Assemble on the building opposite. 1751 01:56:54,361 --> 01:56:57,034 At midnight, I blow you all up. 1752 01:56:57,201 --> 01:57:02,150 If, however, one of you presses the button, I'll let that boat live. 1753 01:57:02,321 --> 01:57:04,357 So who 's it gonna be? 1754 01:57:04,521 --> 01:57:06,955 Harvey Dent's most-wanted scumbag collection... 1755 01:57:07,121 --> 01:57:10,318 ... or the sweet and innocent civilians? 1756 01:57:10,481 --> 01:57:12,915 You choose. 1757 01:57:13,081 --> 01:57:14,912 Oh, and you might wanna decide quickly... 1758 01:57:15,081 --> 01:57:19,233 ... because the people on the other boat may not be quite so noble. 1759 01:57:19,401 --> 01:57:20,595 [INTERCOM SQUEALS] 1760 01:57:21,041 --> 01:57:23,271 [CLAMORING] 1761 01:57:26,321 --> 01:57:27,310 Stay back. 1762 01:57:27,481 --> 01:57:31,110 Well, now, who are you to decide? We ought to talk this over, at least. 1763 01:57:31,481 --> 01:57:34,917 We don't all have to die. Those men had their chance. 1764 01:57:35,521 --> 01:57:39,150 - We are not going to talk about this. - Why aren't we talking about it? 1765 01:57:39,321 --> 01:57:41,789 They're talking over the same thing on the other boat. 1766 01:57:41,961 --> 01:57:44,156 - Let's put it to a vote. CROWD: Yes! 1767 01:57:45,081 --> 01:57:46,514 [SHOTGUN BLAST] 1768 01:57:47,921 --> 01:57:49,070 [PHONE RINGS] 1769 01:57:49,241 --> 01:57:51,709 - Hello? RAMIREZ: Barbara, it's Anna Ramirez. 1770 01:57:51,881 --> 01:57:54,793 Jim needs you to pack up and put the kids in the car right away. 1771 01:57:54,961 --> 01:57:56,599 But the units outside... 1772 01:57:56,761 --> 01:57:58,274 Those cops can't be trusted. 1773 01:57:58,441 --> 01:58:01,274 Jim needs you away from them as soon as possible. 1774 01:58:01,441 --> 01:58:04,274 I'll call them off for 10 minutes, and you'll have to move fast. 1775 01:58:04,441 --> 01:58:08,116 - But where am I supposed to take them? - 25052nd Street. 1776 01:58:08,281 --> 01:58:10,078 Leave as soon as the patrol car pulls out. 1777 01:58:10,241 --> 01:58:11,560 Okay. 1778 01:58:11,921 --> 01:58:13,639 She believe you? 1779 01:58:13,841 --> 01:58:15,797 It's because she trusts you... 1780 01:58:16,121 --> 01:58:17,156 ...just like Rachel did. 1781 01:58:17,321 --> 01:58:19,312 - I didn't know... - Didn't know what they'd do? 1782 01:58:19,481 --> 01:58:22,120 You're the second cop to say that to me. 1783 01:58:22,361 --> 01:58:24,397 What exactly did you think they were gonna do? 1784 01:58:24,561 --> 01:58:26,711 They got me early on. My mother's hospital bills... 1785 01:58:26,881 --> 01:58:29,793 - Don't! - I'm sorry. 1786 01:58:30,321 --> 01:58:32,676 You live to fight another day, officer. 1787 01:58:36,321 --> 01:58:38,073 SWAT LEADER: We found the missing hospital bus. 1788 01:58:38,241 --> 01:58:39,879 GORDON: Then we have a hostage situation. 1789 01:58:41,881 --> 01:58:43,792 It's a shooting gallery. 1790 01:58:44,161 --> 01:58:46,356 Why would he choose a spot with such big windows? 1791 01:58:46,521 --> 01:58:48,273 SWAT LEADER: We have clear shots on five clowns. 1792 01:58:48,441 --> 01:58:51,080 Snipers take them out, smash the windows, a team rappels in. 1793 01:58:51,481 --> 01:58:52,914 Team moves in by the stairwells. 1794 01:58:53,081 --> 01:58:55,117 Two, three casualties max. 1795 01:58:55,281 --> 01:58:57,078 - Let's do it. BATMAN: It's not that simple. 1796 01:58:57,241 --> 01:58:59,471 - With the Joker, it never is. - What's simple is... 1797 01:58:59,641 --> 01:59:02,678 ...every second, those people on the ferries get closer to blowing... 1798 01:59:02,841 --> 01:59:05,275 - That won't happen. - Then he'll blow both of them up! 1799 01:59:05,441 --> 01:59:09,036 - We don't have time for paper ballots. - I want everybody to put their votes... 1800 01:59:09,201 --> 01:59:11,112 ...on this piece of paper. 1801 01:59:12,121 --> 01:59:14,840 If anyone's got pens, pass it along. 1802 01:59:15,161 --> 01:59:16,879 GUARDSMAN: Thank you. Anybody else? 1803 01:59:17,041 --> 01:59:18,793 Coming through. Anybody else? Thank you. 1804 01:59:18,961 --> 01:59:21,714 COMMANDER: We need to get these votes in quickly. 1805 01:59:21,881 --> 01:59:23,360 Come on. 1806 01:59:25,281 --> 01:59:27,317 PRISONER 1: What are you waiting for? Push the button! 1807 01:59:27,481 --> 01:59:29,358 PRISONER 2: We're running out of time! 1808 01:59:30,601 --> 01:59:32,353 I need five minutes alone. 1809 01:59:32,521 --> 01:59:34,273 No! There's no time! 1810 01:59:34,441 --> 01:59:35,794 We have clear shots! 1811 01:59:35,961 --> 01:59:38,759 Dent is in there with them. We have to save Dent! 1812 01:59:38,921 --> 01:59:40,798 I have to save Dent. 1813 01:59:40,961 --> 01:59:42,030 Get ready. 1814 01:59:44,761 --> 01:59:47,321 Two minutes, then we breach. 1815 01:59:50,561 --> 01:59:52,517 [MUFFLED GRUNTING] 1816 01:59:52,681 --> 01:59:54,114 Fox, I need picture. 1817 01:59:54,521 --> 01:59:55,795 [CELL PHONE RINGS] 1818 01:59:57,041 --> 01:59:59,396 - Hello? BARBARA: Jim, we're in trouble. 1819 02:00:00,601 --> 02:00:02,796 FOX: Okay, you got POV on alpha... 1820 02:00:03,801 --> 02:00:05,678 ... omni on beta. 1821 02:00:07,081 --> 02:00:10,312 Looks like clowns and hostages on two floors. 1822 02:00:10,481 --> 02:00:12,790 There's a SWAT team on the stairwell. 1823 02:00:15,961 --> 02:00:18,475 Another SWAT team on the roof. 1824 02:00:19,961 --> 02:00:21,110 TEAM LEADER: Line's clear. 1825 02:00:22,801 --> 02:00:25,395 - Barbara, calm down. - He has the kids! 1826 02:00:25,561 --> 02:00:28,678 DENT: Hello, Jim. - Harvey? 1827 02:00:29,441 --> 02:00:32,513 - Where's my family? - Where my family died. 1828 02:00:32,681 --> 02:00:34,592 [BUS Y SIGNAL] 1829 02:00:35,481 --> 02:00:37,073 SWAT LEADER: Blue team, acquire the target. 1830 02:00:38,681 --> 02:00:41,149 Entry team, set your charge. 1831 02:00:46,201 --> 02:00:48,761 [MUFFLED GRUNTING] 1832 02:00:56,441 --> 02:00:58,193 BATMAN: Fox, the SWATs are targeting the wrong people. 1833 02:00:58,361 --> 02:00:59,794 The clowns are the hostages. 1834 02:01:00,481 --> 02:01:02,199 Red team, go! Red team, go! 1835 02:01:05,801 --> 02:01:07,154 Entry team, blow and go! 1836 02:01:11,081 --> 02:01:12,434 Don't move. 1837 02:01:13,561 --> 02:01:14,880 SWAT LEADER: Take the shot. 1838 02:01:20,281 --> 02:01:21,873 FOX: Those SWATs are coming in hot. 1839 02:01:22,041 --> 02:01:23,793 SWAT 1: Clowns, put down your guns. 1840 02:01:24,281 --> 02:01:26,795 SWAT 2: Drop your weapons! SWAT 3: On the ground, now! 1841 02:01:27,001 --> 02:01:30,038 SWAT 4: Doctors, get down! Clear the line of fire. Drop your weap... 1842 02:01:39,041 --> 02:01:40,599 [ALL GRUNTING] 1843 02:01:46,881 --> 02:01:47,950 [DOGS GROWLING] 1844 02:01:53,641 --> 02:01:54,756 SWAT 5: Freeze! 1845 02:01:54,921 --> 02:01:57,196 Stand down or you will be... 1846 02:02:00,601 --> 02:02:02,000 FOX: Look up. 1847 02:02:02,561 --> 02:02:05,029 See those bad guys on the floor above? 1848 02:02:05,201 --> 02:02:08,079 They're waiting to ambush the SWAT team coming up the elevator. 1849 02:02:08,521 --> 02:02:09,510 SWAT LEADER: Sixty seconds. 1850 02:02:17,481 --> 02:02:21,872 The tally is 140 against, 396 for. 1851 02:02:24,601 --> 02:02:26,512 [PRISONERS SHOUTING] 1852 02:02:29,681 --> 02:02:32,115 So go ahead. Do it. 1853 02:02:32,281 --> 02:02:34,192 We're still here. 1854 02:02:35,321 --> 02:02:38,154 And that means they haven't killed us yet either. 1855 02:02:39,561 --> 02:02:41,233 TEAM LEADER: Go, go, go! 1856 02:02:41,401 --> 02:02:43,119 Blue team, cover! 1857 02:02:43,321 --> 02:02:45,232 [HOSTAGES GRUNTING] 1858 02:02:45,961 --> 02:02:46,950 Uh-oh. 1859 02:02:47,121 --> 02:02:48,236 [SWAT TEAM SHOUTING] 1860 02:02:48,401 --> 02:02:49,993 FOX: Trouble on the floor above. 1861 02:02:58,961 --> 02:03:00,280 SWAT 6: Get down on the ground now! 1862 02:03:02,521 --> 02:03:04,910 [ALL YELLING] 1863 02:03:08,361 --> 02:03:10,670 SWAT 7: Freeze! Stop or we will shoot. 1864 02:03:10,841 --> 02:03:12,752 SWAT 8: We will shoot you. Drop the officer. 1865 02:03:12,921 --> 02:03:14,400 Release the officer right now. 1866 02:03:14,561 --> 02:03:16,438 SWAT 9: Let him go now! On your knees! 1867 02:03:17,001 --> 02:03:18,992 PILOT: We got him. He's out of the game. 1868 02:03:19,161 --> 02:03:21,550 SWAT 9: Keep your hands in the air! SWAT 8: Step away from the edge! 1869 02:03:22,121 --> 02:03:23,713 [SCREAMS AND GRUNTS] 1870 02:03:24,121 --> 02:03:26,237 [SWAT TEAM SCREAMING] 1871 02:03:29,281 --> 02:03:30,839 SWAT 10: Halt! 1872 02:03:43,601 --> 02:03:44,920 SWAT 11: Stay down! SWAT 12: Don't move! 1873 02:03:45,081 --> 02:03:49,199 SWAT LEADER: Be advised. Clowns are hostages, doctors are targets. 1874 02:03:51,561 --> 02:03:53,279 [DOGS GROWLING AND BARKING] 1875 02:03:55,241 --> 02:03:57,311 Ah, you made it. I'm so thrilled. 1876 02:03:57,481 --> 02:04:00,518 - Where's the detonator? - Go get him. 1877 02:04:00,681 --> 02:04:02,637 [BARKING] 1878 02:04:04,441 --> 02:04:06,352 [BATMAN GRUNTING] 1879 02:04:08,281 --> 02:04:09,270 [JOKER GROWLS] 1880 02:04:13,361 --> 02:04:16,319 SWAT 13: Put down your weapon! SWAT 14: Don't move! 1881 02:04:16,481 --> 02:04:18,551 [GRUNTING] 1882 02:04:46,441 --> 02:04:48,238 You don't wanna die... 1883 02:04:48,401 --> 02:04:51,313 ...but you don't know how to take a life. 1884 02:04:51,481 --> 02:04:53,073 Give it to me. 1885 02:04:53,361 --> 02:04:57,513 These men will kill you and take it anyway. 1886 02:05:00,801 --> 02:05:03,190 No one wants to get their hands dirty. 1887 02:05:03,361 --> 02:05:06,194 Fine. I'll do it. 1888 02:05:07,801 --> 02:05:10,395 Those men on that boat? They made their choices. 1889 02:05:10,561 --> 02:05:12,756 They chose to murder and steal. 1890 02:05:12,921 --> 02:05:15,993 It doesn't make any sense for us to have to die too. 1891 02:05:25,081 --> 02:05:27,436 All the old familiar places. 1892 02:05:33,481 --> 02:05:34,516 FOX: Stand by. 1893 02:05:37,921 --> 02:05:39,354 [JOKER YELLS] 1894 02:05:44,441 --> 02:05:47,877 SWAT 2: Red team, floor secure. Hostages are safe. 1895 02:05:48,081 --> 02:05:50,072 Give it to me. 1896 02:05:51,441 --> 02:05:55,036 You can tell them I took it by force. 1897 02:05:55,521 --> 02:06:00,231 Give it to me, and I'll do what you should've did 10 minutes ago. 1898 02:06:19,881 --> 02:06:21,234 [BOTH GRUNTING] 1899 02:06:21,401 --> 02:06:24,598 We really should stop this fighting, otherwise we'll miss the fireworks. 1900 02:06:24,761 --> 02:06:26,513 There won't be any fireworks. 1901 02:06:26,921 --> 02:06:29,993 And here we go. 1902 02:07:07,721 --> 02:07:09,552 What were you trying to prove? 1903 02:07:09,721 --> 02:07:12,554 That deep down, everyone's as ugly as you? 1904 02:07:13,641 --> 02:07:14,630 You're alone. 1905 02:07:20,961 --> 02:07:26,240 Can't rely on anyone these days. You gotta do everything yourself. Don't we? 1906 02:07:26,441 --> 02:07:29,160 That's okay. I came prepared. 1907 02:07:29,361 --> 02:07:33,639 It's a funny world we live in. Speaking of which, you know how I got these scars? 1908 02:07:33,801 --> 02:07:36,520 No, but I know how you got these. 1909 02:07:36,681 --> 02:07:38,160 [GRUNTS] 1910 02:07:39,001 --> 02:07:40,912 [LAUGHING] 1911 02:07:53,601 --> 02:07:56,240 Oh, you. 1912 02:07:56,401 --> 02:07:59,313 You just couldn't let me go, could you? 1913 02:08:00,401 --> 02:08:04,155 This is what happens when an unstoppable force... 1914 02:08:04,321 --> 02:08:08,599 ...meets an immovable object. 1915 02:08:09,161 --> 02:08:14,360 You truly are incorruptible, aren't you? 1916 02:08:14,521 --> 02:08:17,115 Huh? You won't kill me... 1917 02:08:17,281 --> 02:08:23,277 ...out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. 1918 02:08:23,441 --> 02:08:26,513 And I won't kill you... 1919 02:08:26,681 --> 02:08:30,310 ...because you're just too much fun. 1920 02:08:31,321 --> 02:08:35,314 I think you and I are destined to do this forever. 1921 02:08:35,481 --> 02:08:37,392 You'll be in a padded cell forever. 1922 02:08:37,561 --> 02:08:39,313 Maybe we could share one. 1923 02:08:39,481 --> 02:08:40,880 You know, they'll be doubling up... 1924 02:08:41,041 --> 02:08:43,475 ...the rate this city's inhabitants are losing their minds. 1925 02:08:43,641 --> 02:08:46,633 This city just showed you... 1926 02:08:46,801 --> 02:08:50,680 ...that it's full of people ready to believe in good. 1927 02:08:50,841 --> 02:08:53,878 Until their spirit breaks completely. 1928 02:08:54,721 --> 02:08:59,351 Until they get a good look at the real Harvey Dent... 1929 02:08:59,521 --> 02:09:02,194 ...and all the heroic things he's done. 1930 02:09:03,801 --> 02:09:08,636 You didn't think I'd risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul... 1931 02:09:08,801 --> 02:09:11,599 ...in a fistfight with you? 1932 02:09:12,121 --> 02:09:13,600 No. 1933 02:09:13,761 --> 02:09:17,037 You need an ace in the hole. 1934 02:09:17,201 --> 02:09:18,759 Mine's Harvey. 1935 02:09:19,121 --> 02:09:20,759 What did you do? 1936 02:09:20,921 --> 02:09:23,799 I took Gotham's white knight... 1937 02:09:23,961 --> 02:09:27,431 ...and I brought him down to our level. 1938 02:09:27,841 --> 02:09:30,674 It wasn't hard. See, madness, as you know... 1939 02:09:30,841 --> 02:09:33,753 ...is like gravity. 1940 02:09:33,921 --> 02:09:36,151 All it takes is a little push. 1941 02:09:36,321 --> 02:09:37,879 [LAUGHING] 1942 02:09:52,401 --> 02:09:54,073 Dent! 1943 02:10:14,201 --> 02:10:18,353 DENT: This is where they brought her, Gordon, after your men handed her over. 1944 02:10:19,081 --> 02:10:20,594 This is where she died. 1945 02:10:20,761 --> 02:10:22,991 I know, I was here... 1946 02:10:24,001 --> 02:10:26,640 ...trying to save her. - But you didn't. 1947 02:10:26,921 --> 02:10:28,593 - I couldn't. - Yes, you could've. 1948 02:10:28,761 --> 02:10:30,194 If you'd listened to me. 1949 02:10:30,361 --> 02:10:32,875 If you stood up against corruption... 1950 02:10:33,041 --> 02:10:35,157 ...instead of doing your deal with the devil. 1951 02:10:35,321 --> 02:10:36,879 I was trying to fight the Mob! 1952 02:10:37,361 --> 02:10:41,991 You wouldn't dare try to justify yourself if you knew what I'd lost. 1953 02:10:43,241 --> 02:10:46,233 Have you ever had to talk to the person you loved most... 1954 02:10:46,401 --> 02:10:50,110 ...tell them it's gonna be all right, when you know it's not? 1955 02:10:51,721 --> 02:10:55,430 Well, you're about to know what that feels like, Gordon. 1956 02:10:56,161 --> 02:10:59,870 Then you can look me in the eye and tell me you're sorry. 1957 02:11:01,561 --> 02:11:04,997 - You're not going to hurt my family. - No. 1958 02:11:05,161 --> 02:11:07,755 Just the person you love most. 1959 02:11:14,281 --> 02:11:15,270 [GUN COCKS] 1960 02:11:15,441 --> 02:11:18,353 So is it your wife? 1961 02:11:19,401 --> 02:11:20,993 Put the gun down, Harvey. 1962 02:11:21,361 --> 02:11:22,953 Harvey, put down the gun. 1963 02:11:23,121 --> 02:11:26,511 Please. Please, Harvey. Please. 1964 02:11:27,841 --> 02:11:29,069 Oh, goddamn it. 1965 02:11:29,241 --> 02:11:31,311 Will you stop pointing that gun at my family? 1966 02:11:31,801 --> 02:11:33,393 BARBARA: No! - We have a winner. 1967 02:11:33,561 --> 02:11:34,994 No, Jim, stop him! 1968 02:11:35,481 --> 02:11:37,233 GORDON: Harvey. BARBARA: Don't let him... 1969 02:11:37,401 --> 02:11:38,470 Harvey! 1970 02:11:38,641 --> 02:11:39,630 [BARBARA SOBBING] 1971 02:11:39,801 --> 02:11:41,598 I'm sorry! 1972 02:11:43,321 --> 02:11:44,356 For everything. 1973 02:11:46,841 --> 02:11:48,957 Please don't hurt my son. 1974 02:11:50,841 --> 02:11:52,479 [DOGS BARKING] 1975 02:11:52,641 --> 02:11:54,518 [CHATTERING] 1976 02:11:58,681 --> 02:12:00,194 You brought your cops? 1977 02:12:00,361 --> 02:12:03,114 All they know is there's a situation. 1978 02:12:03,281 --> 02:12:06,159 They don't know who or what. They're just creating a perimeter. 1979 02:12:06,321 --> 02:12:08,881 You think I wanna escape from this? 1980 02:12:09,041 --> 02:12:11,680 There is no escape from this. 1981 02:12:11,841 --> 02:12:13,877 You don't wanna hurt the boy, Harvey. 1982 02:12:16,081 --> 02:12:19,153 It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair! 1983 02:12:19,881 --> 02:12:23,920 You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. 1984 02:12:26,601 --> 02:12:27,636 But you were wrong. 1985 02:12:28,321 --> 02:12:31,950 The world is cruel. And the only morality in a cruel world... 1986 02:12:32,681 --> 02:12:34,512 ...is chance. 1987 02:12:34,681 --> 02:12:36,319 Unbiased. 1988 02:12:36,521 --> 02:12:37,715 Unprejudiced. 1989 02:12:39,041 --> 02:12:40,110 Fair. 1990 02:12:40,281 --> 02:12:42,431 His son's got the same chance she had. 1991 02:12:43,161 --> 02:12:44,389 Fifty-fifty. 1992 02:12:44,561 --> 02:12:47,871 What happened to Rachel wasn't chance. We decided to act. 1993 02:12:48,201 --> 02:12:49,475 We three. 1994 02:12:49,641 --> 02:12:52,917 Then why was it me who was the only one who lost everything? 1995 02:12:55,321 --> 02:12:57,835 - It wasn't. - The Joker chose me. 1996 02:12:58,001 --> 02:13:00,196 Because you were the best of us. 1997 02:13:00,361 --> 02:13:05,151 He wanted to prove that even someone as good as you... 1998 02:13:05,321 --> 02:13:06,993 ...could fall. 1999 02:13:07,321 --> 02:13:08,549 And he was right. 2000 02:13:08,721 --> 02:13:10,871 You're the one pointing the gun, Harvey. 2001 02:13:11,041 --> 02:13:13,953 So point it at the people responsible. 2002 02:13:14,881 --> 02:13:16,633 Fair enough. 2003 02:13:19,841 --> 02:13:21,638 You first. 2004 02:13:33,641 --> 02:13:35,233 My turn. 2005 02:13:41,881 --> 02:13:43,792 Harvey, you're right. 2006 02:13:44,801 --> 02:13:47,315 Rachel's death was my fault. 2007 02:13:50,281 --> 02:13:52,636 Please don't punish the boy. 2008 02:13:53,681 --> 02:13:56,753 - Please, punish me. - I'm about to. 2009 02:13:58,641 --> 02:14:00,518 Tell your boy he's gonna be all right, Gordon. 2010 02:14:00,961 --> 02:14:02,519 Lie... 2011 02:14:03,001 --> 02:14:04,070 ...like I lied. 2012 02:14:07,681 --> 02:14:09,194 It's going to be all right, son. 2013 02:14:14,241 --> 02:14:15,276 [BATMAN GRUNTS] 2014 02:14:15,441 --> 02:14:16,635 [BARBARA SCREAMS] 2015 02:14:46,041 --> 02:14:48,760 Dad? Daddy, is he okay? 2016 02:14:51,001 --> 02:14:53,117 [BATMAN PANTING] 2017 02:15:04,601 --> 02:15:06,671 - Thank you. - You don't have to thank me. 2018 02:15:07,281 --> 02:15:08,999 Yes, I do. 2019 02:15:13,081 --> 02:15:14,355 The Joker won. 2020 02:15:16,681 --> 02:15:19,434 Harvey's prosecution, everything he fought for... 2021 02:15:19,961 --> 02:15:21,633 ...undone. 2022 02:15:22,121 --> 02:15:26,831 Whatever chance you gave us at fixing our city dies with Harvey's reputation. 2023 02:15:27,001 --> 02:15:28,116 We bet it all on him. 2024 02:15:29,401 --> 02:15:32,154 The Joker took the best of us and tore him down. 2025 02:15:32,721 --> 02:15:34,074 People will lose hope. 2026 02:15:34,241 --> 02:15:35,913 They won't. 2027 02:15:38,321 --> 02:15:40,118 They must never know what he did. 2028 02:15:40,281 --> 02:15:42,033 Five dead. 2029 02:15:42,321 --> 02:15:43,549 Two of them cops. 2030 02:15:43,721 --> 02:15:46,076 - You can't sweep that... - No. 2031 02:15:50,681 --> 02:15:53,400 But the Joker cannot win. 2032 02:15:58,441 --> 02:16:01,513 Gotham needs its true hero. 2033 02:16:07,641 --> 02:16:10,553 - No. - You either die a hero... 2034 02:16:10,721 --> 02:16:14,999 ...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. 2035 02:16:15,161 --> 02:16:16,913 I can do those things... 2036 02:16:17,321 --> 02:16:20,233 ...because I'm not a hero, not like Dent. 2037 02:16:23,121 --> 02:16:25,874 I killed those people. That's what I can be. 2038 02:16:26,041 --> 02:16:27,872 No, no, you can't. You're not. 2039 02:16:28,041 --> 02:16:30,509 I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be. 2040 02:16:32,121 --> 02:16:33,190 Call it in. 2041 02:16:36,361 --> 02:16:38,033 GORDON: A hero. 2042 02:16:38,201 --> 02:16:41,318 Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed. 2043 02:16:41,881 --> 02:16:44,315 Nothing less than a knight... 2044 02:16:44,841 --> 02:16:46,479 ...shining. 2045 02:16:47,081 --> 02:16:48,639 GORDON: They'll hunt you. 2046 02:16:48,801 --> 02:16:50,519 BATMAN: You'll hunt me. 2047 02:16:51,001 --> 02:16:52,878 You'll condemn me. 2048 02:16:53,561 --> 02:16:55,756 Set the dogs on me. 2049 02:16:59,361 --> 02:17:01,556 Because that's what needs to happen. 2050 02:17:02,681 --> 02:17:04,512 Because sometimes... 2051 02:17:04,681 --> 02:17:06,751 ... the truth isn't good enough. 2052 02:17:07,601 --> 02:17:09,796 Sometimes people deserve more. 2053 02:17:13,121 --> 02:17:16,875 Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded. 2054 02:17:17,041 --> 02:17:19,271 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] 2055 02:17:34,521 --> 02:17:36,113 JAMES: Batman. 2056 02:17:37,961 --> 02:17:39,633 Batman! 2057 02:17:40,401 --> 02:17:42,278 Why's he running, Dad? 2058 02:17:43,281 --> 02:17:44,555 Because we have to chase him. 2059 02:17:44,721 --> 02:17:47,474 Okay, we're going in! Go, go! Move! 2060 02:17:53,321 --> 02:17:54,834 He didn't do anything wrong. 2061 02:17:55,001 --> 02:17:56,912 [BARKING] 2062 02:17:57,481 --> 02:18:02,839 Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. 2063 02:18:04,201 --> 02:18:05,190 So we'll hunt him... 2064 02:18:08,201 --> 02:18:10,192 ... because he can take it. 2065 02:18:12,601 --> 02:18:14,990 Because he's not our hero. 2066 02:18:22,241 --> 02:18:23,447 He's a silent guardian... 2067 02:18:24,621 --> 02:18:26,318 ...a watchful protector. 2068 02:18:28,721 --> 02:18:29,949 A dark knight. 2069 02:25:50,921 --> 02:25:52,912 Subtitles by LeapinLar 2070 02:25:53,912 --> 02:26:03,912 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org