1 00:00:03,424 --> 00:00:05,790 It's poison to vampires. 2 00:00:07,495 --> 00:00:09,827 And most of the vampires lore is crap. 3 00:00:10,030 --> 00:00:12,828 The only way to kill them is by beheading. 4 00:00:13,033 --> 00:00:14,193 Hey, Dean. Jody Mills. 5 00:00:14,401 --> 00:00:16,961 Jody, are you sure you're ready to jump back in the fray? 6 00:00:20,074 --> 00:00:21,405 This wackadoo stuff keeps coming. 7 00:00:22,977 --> 00:00:24,535 More I know, better armed I'll be. 8 00:00:24,745 --> 00:00:26,406 - Did you get... - Born again? 9 00:00:26,614 --> 00:00:28,946 - Yeah. - I don't make promises I can't keep. 10 00:00:29,149 --> 00:00:30,616 I enjoy church. 11 00:00:30,818 --> 00:00:34,584 I mean, after my son and my husband... 12 00:00:37,658 --> 00:00:39,853 ...I needed something that made sense to me. 13 00:00:52,006 --> 00:00:53,473 All right, Missy, calm down! 14 00:00:53,674 --> 00:00:57,508 - Let me go! - Calm down! 15 00:00:58,212 --> 00:00:59,907 Let me out! 16 00:01:05,920 --> 00:01:07,888 Hey, Frank, someone smashed the front window 17 00:01:08,088 --> 00:01:10,955 over at Dawson's Hardware, possible B&E. Need you to check it out. 18 00:01:11,158 --> 00:01:13,956 Yeah, copy that, but the bullpen's empty, 19 00:01:14,161 --> 00:01:15,321 and I got someone in holding. 20 00:01:15,496 --> 00:01:18,556 Sheriff's headed to the station now. They won't be alone long. 21 00:01:18,766 --> 00:01:20,961 Roger that. I'm heading out. 22 00:01:21,168 --> 00:01:23,329 Hey, don't leave me. 23 00:01:25,306 --> 00:01:26,933 Please. 24 00:01:58,939 --> 00:02:02,033 - Cody. - There you are, girl. 25 00:02:02,242 --> 00:02:04,005 - How did you find me? - Come on. 26 00:02:04,211 --> 00:02:05,974 You don't really need to ask that, do you? 27 00:02:07,781 --> 00:02:09,146 Are the others with you? 28 00:02:09,350 --> 00:02:12,080 Everyone was off on a hunt when I'd realized you'd run away. 29 00:02:12,286 --> 00:02:14,083 Figured I'd do you and them a favor and come take care of this 30 00:02:14,288 --> 00:02:17,815 - before they even know we're gone. - You can't get me in here. 31 00:02:26,300 --> 00:02:29,167 Cop sure was in a hurry to check out that B&E I faked. 32 00:02:31,772 --> 00:02:33,637 Barely even saw me coming. 33 00:02:35,542 --> 00:02:37,169 I keep telling you, 34 00:02:37,378 --> 00:02:42,042 you can run and you can hide, but... we will always find you. 35 00:03:13,647 --> 00:03:17,174 - You boys are a sight. - Jody. 36 00:03:17,384 --> 00:03:21,115 - How's the shoulder? - Eh. Only aches when it rains. 37 00:03:21,321 --> 00:03:22,321 How you boys been? 38 00:03:22,489 --> 00:03:25,185 - Peachy. - Touch and go. 39 00:03:25,392 --> 00:03:28,884 - I know the feeling. - So, what you got for us? 40 00:03:41,408 --> 00:03:42,932 Yeah, that's a vamp, all right. 41 00:03:44,478 --> 00:03:47,777 I don't know, Sammy. Looks like Jody might not need our help anymore. 42 00:03:47,981 --> 00:03:49,461 - They grow up too fast. - Don't they? 43 00:03:49,650 --> 00:03:53,518 Yeah, joke all you want. There's more where this came from. 44 00:03:53,721 --> 00:03:55,086 More? 45 00:03:55,289 --> 00:03:56,813 My men brought in a runaway last night. 46 00:03:57,024 --> 00:03:58,864 There's no ID on her, nothing on her, actually, 47 00:03:58,992 --> 00:04:00,789 except for a bus ticket out of Nebraska. 48 00:04:00,994 --> 00:04:02,928 Total Jane Doe. She won't even give me her name. 49 00:04:03,130 --> 00:04:05,758 Girl's basically feral. She's got zero manners, 50 00:04:05,966 --> 00:04:08,127 didn't even thank me for saving her. 51 00:04:08,335 --> 00:04:11,793 Anyhow, this thing went to plenty of trouble to get at her. 52 00:04:12,005 --> 00:04:13,404 And to hear him tell it, 53 00:04:13,607 --> 00:04:16,576 the others will want her at least as bad as he did. 54 00:04:16,777 --> 00:04:18,301 - Sounds like a nest. - Yeah. 55 00:04:18,512 --> 00:04:23,142 Nest? I'm guessing that's not half as cute and cozy as it sounds. 56 00:04:23,350 --> 00:04:25,910 Oh, I'm afraid not. 57 00:04:33,527 --> 00:04:35,256 Wilson and Fisher? 58 00:04:35,462 --> 00:04:37,692 You two are FBI, then I'm Taylor Swift. 59 00:04:37,898 --> 00:04:39,866 That wasn't a dental ID. 60 00:04:40,067 --> 00:04:42,865 It was a fang check. You're hunters. 61 00:04:46,673 --> 00:04:50,769 And you're alive because hunters trained the sheriff. 62 00:04:50,978 --> 00:04:54,436 I think the first words out of your mouth should be a "thank you." 63 00:04:58,185 --> 00:05:02,053 So, who were you to this vamp, anyway, hmm? 64 00:05:02,256 --> 00:05:04,417 What's so special about you? 65 00:05:05,726 --> 00:05:07,023 Is there a nest? 66 00:05:12,599 --> 00:05:16,194 Sorry to interrupt. We got a match on her DNA. 67 00:05:23,844 --> 00:05:28,042 Annie Jones. Reported abducted outside of Kenosha in '06. 68 00:05:28,248 --> 00:05:31,843 Raised by an elderly grandparent. No living kin. 69 00:05:34,988 --> 00:05:37,183 You think the vamps are the ones that took her? 70 00:05:37,391 --> 00:05:39,018 Eight years is a long time for a human to live with vampires 71 00:05:39,226 --> 00:05:40,215 without getting killed or turned. 72 00:05:40,427 --> 00:05:43,055 You're the experts, but there was something 73 00:05:43,263 --> 00:05:45,424 familiar about the way this vamp talked to her. 74 00:05:45,632 --> 00:05:48,965 Jody's right. And she had scars on her neck, feeding scars. 75 00:05:52,039 --> 00:05:54,769 They're layered, as if they'd been built on for years. 76 00:05:54,975 --> 00:05:57,000 So she's a blood slave. 77 00:05:57,211 --> 00:06:00,112 We've seen it before, vampires keeping people as pets, 78 00:06:00,314 --> 00:06:03,442 human feedbags. Sometimes, these slaves... 79 00:06:03,650 --> 00:06:05,242 - Stay loyal to their captors. - Yeah. 80 00:06:05,452 --> 00:06:08,114 - Right. - So, this girl's not talking 81 00:06:08,322 --> 00:06:11,382 'cause she's got a case of what? Vampiric Stockholm syndrome? 82 00:06:11,592 --> 00:06:13,150 She's protecting the nest. 83 00:06:13,894 --> 00:06:17,125 So you feel a debt. They gave you a home, raised you. 84 00:06:17,331 --> 00:06:19,799 Annie, we get it. Loyalty is a very powerful thing. 85 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:21,968 - My name is Alex. - No, it's not. 86 00:06:22,169 --> 00:06:24,603 Your name is Annie Jones. 87 00:06:24,805 --> 00:06:26,773 Those vampires stole you. 88 00:06:26,974 --> 00:06:28,305 They're monsters, Annie. 89 00:06:28,508 --> 00:06:30,305 - Alex. - And they didn't love you. 90 00:06:30,510 --> 00:06:32,740 They loved your blood. They fed on you. 91 00:06:32,946 --> 00:06:34,573 I fed them. 92 00:06:34,781 --> 00:06:36,806 My choice. 93 00:06:38,352 --> 00:06:41,412 My brothers, they brought me food when I was hungry. 94 00:06:41,622 --> 00:06:45,388 So when they struck out on a hunt, I fed them. 95 00:06:45,592 --> 00:06:47,253 They're my family. 96 00:06:47,461 --> 00:06:52,660 Okay, you care about them, but, Alex, 97 00:06:53,000 --> 00:06:56,231 there's a reason you decided to run away. 98 00:06:57,604 --> 00:07:01,165 It was time to move on and get out on my own. 99 00:07:01,375 --> 00:07:03,002 And how do you think that decision is gonna sit 100 00:07:03,210 --> 00:07:04,973 with the rest of the nest? 101 00:07:05,178 --> 00:07:06,611 One of them already pursued you. 102 00:07:06,813 --> 00:07:08,933 You think when the rest of them find out that you left 103 00:07:09,082 --> 00:07:11,312 that they're just gonna shrug and cut their losses? 104 00:07:11,518 --> 00:07:13,758 You lived with them for years. They've tasted your blood. 105 00:07:13,954 --> 00:07:15,979 They have your scent down cold. 106 00:07:16,189 --> 00:07:19,317 I mean, how far can you run and for how long? 107 00:07:21,895 --> 00:07:24,125 You didn't think this out, did you? 108 00:07:24,331 --> 00:07:27,528 What would happen, who might get hurt, 109 00:07:27,734 --> 00:07:30,703 your, uh, "brother," for one. 110 00:07:32,873 --> 00:07:35,000 His name's Cody. 111 00:07:36,710 --> 00:07:39,042 And she killed him. 112 00:07:39,246 --> 00:07:42,113 Because of a choice you made. 113 00:07:42,316 --> 00:07:44,876 These are the consequences. 114 00:07:45,085 --> 00:07:49,647 You got two options. Them or you. 115 00:07:49,856 --> 00:07:52,984 And we can help you. We can keep you safe. But you have to help us. 116 00:07:53,193 --> 00:07:55,286 Where's the nest? 117 00:07:57,698 --> 00:07:58,960 I can't. 118 00:08:03,303 --> 00:08:05,430 After what's happened... 119 00:08:07,741 --> 00:08:10,642 ...Mama finds me, she'll kill me. 120 00:08:28,128 --> 00:08:30,289 - Mills, you okay? - No wonder she didn't thank me. 121 00:08:30,497 --> 00:08:31,964 That creep was her brother. 122 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:37,097 I'm fine. You know, mostly, I'm just... I'm hung up on the name. 123 00:08:37,304 --> 00:08:40,432 Alex and Annie, they're so close already. Why'd they change it? 124 00:08:40,640 --> 00:08:43,336 Okay, so we know from her ticket 125 00:08:43,543 --> 00:08:45,408 that Alex hopped a bus out of O'Neill, Nebraska, right? 126 00:08:45,612 --> 00:08:47,052 - Mm-hmm. - Obviously, it'd be better 127 00:08:47,080 --> 00:08:48,707 to go in with a firm location, but the town ain't that big. 128 00:08:48,915 --> 00:08:50,875 There are no caves or other natural hiding places. 129 00:08:50,917 --> 00:08:52,397 All right, so go in, canvass it cold. 130 00:08:52,552 --> 00:08:55,919 Well, I worked together a short list of possible nest locations. 131 00:08:56,123 --> 00:08:59,217 There's an empty fire station, four or five derelict homes. 132 00:08:59,426 --> 00:09:02,327 - Nothing we couldn't hit in a day. - Okay. 133 00:09:04,865 --> 00:09:06,958 You sure you're all right to babysit by yourself? 134 00:09:07,167 --> 00:09:10,864 Oh, well, girl's a flight risk, not exactly friendly, 135 00:09:11,071 --> 00:09:12,791 but I think I can handle babysitting detail. 136 00:09:12,973 --> 00:09:15,734 The station's been made. It might be worth heading upwind for a while. 137 00:09:15,809 --> 00:09:18,369 - I mean, vamps are trackers. - Terrific. 138 00:09:18,578 --> 00:09:19,738 Yeah. 139 00:09:19,946 --> 00:09:22,437 Well, I've got an old family cabin outside of town. 140 00:09:22,649 --> 00:09:25,049 - That'll work. - Okay. Well, shouldn't raise 141 00:09:25,252 --> 00:09:26,932 too many eyebrows, me being gone for a day. 142 00:09:26,987 --> 00:09:28,955 Maybe, but you sure you don't want backup? 143 00:09:29,156 --> 00:09:34,025 You want me to enlist my men in a protection detail against vampires? 144 00:09:34,795 --> 00:09:37,161 Frank's still in the dark about what hit him last night. 145 00:09:37,364 --> 00:09:41,095 The guy still has nightmares about the barn episode of Walking Dead. 146 00:09:42,035 --> 00:09:44,060 They're good cops. They're not ready for this. 147 00:09:44,271 --> 00:09:46,552 Jody, in your late-night reading, did you ever come across 148 00:09:46,606 --> 00:09:47,886 anything about Dead Man's blood? 149 00:09:48,842 --> 00:09:51,743 It takes vamps down like a horse tranq. 150 00:09:53,080 --> 00:09:54,809 I would not say no to some of that. 151 00:09:55,315 --> 00:09:56,282 I mean, not that I'll need it. 152 00:09:56,483 --> 00:09:59,748 You guys are gonna get the jump on these vamps and be back here 153 00:09:59,953 --> 00:10:01,993 before they even realize their kin's missing, right? 154 00:10:21,708 --> 00:10:23,699 Well, it's not my fault. 155 00:10:23,910 --> 00:10:26,936 Well, Ralph didn't show up for work today. I had to pull a double shift. 156 00:10:28,448 --> 00:10:30,279 I'll be home soon. 157 00:10:40,360 --> 00:10:41,657 - Connor, you scared the... - I'm sorry. 158 00:10:41,862 --> 00:10:43,542 I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that. 159 00:10:44,531 --> 00:10:46,692 It's just, you haven't seen Alex around, have you? 160 00:10:46,900 --> 00:10:51,166 Your sister. No, I can't say I have. Sorry. 161 00:10:51,371 --> 00:10:54,067 So you didn't sell her a bus ticket out of town? 162 00:10:55,842 --> 00:10:57,810 Did I help your shut-in kid sister 163 00:10:58,011 --> 00:11:01,811 get away from her weird, scary-ass squatter family? 164 00:11:02,015 --> 00:11:05,712 - Answer's still no. - So you're saying Ralph lied to us? 165 00:11:07,154 --> 00:11:10,885 'Cause he said... that you sold her a ticket. 166 00:11:12,893 --> 00:11:14,451 Right before we killed him. 167 00:11:25,438 --> 00:11:27,463 You calling my family weird? 168 00:11:28,675 --> 00:11:31,473 Oh, honey, you have no idea. 169 00:11:55,702 --> 00:11:56,828 What? 170 00:11:57,037 --> 00:11:58,698 Too rustic for your taste? 171 00:12:01,408 --> 00:12:04,502 Well, I have a lot of great memories. Used to come up here all the time. 172 00:12:04,711 --> 00:12:08,442 First as a kid with my parents, and then with my... 173 00:12:12,018 --> 00:12:15,977 Anyhow, it's a lot nicer than it looks from the outside. 174 00:12:27,701 --> 00:12:29,896 FYI, the woods around here, 175 00:12:30,103 --> 00:12:32,628 really easy to get lost in if you don't know your way around. 176 00:12:32,839 --> 00:12:36,002 Me, I know them like the back of my hand. 177 00:12:36,209 --> 00:12:39,610 I got it. "Don't try running. You won't get far." 178 00:12:56,563 --> 00:12:58,292 You know this doesn't work, right? 179 00:12:58,498 --> 00:13:02,901 - On vampires? It's useless. - That's not why I have it. 180 00:13:06,940 --> 00:13:09,932 - This your family? - Yes. 181 00:13:11,845 --> 00:13:12,869 Where are they? 182 00:13:16,483 --> 00:13:17,609 Oh. Dead. 183 00:13:19,486 --> 00:13:22,853 You know, there are about a thousand more polite ways you could say that. 184 00:13:23,056 --> 00:13:25,856 I'll give you a pass, on account of the whole raised-by-monsters thing. 185 00:13:27,560 --> 00:13:32,156 - How'd they die? - Horribly. 186 00:13:36,603 --> 00:13:38,036 You must be exhausted. 187 00:13:38,238 --> 00:13:39,762 I know for a fact you didn't sleep last night. 188 00:13:39,973 --> 00:13:41,463 I'm fine. 189 00:13:41,675 --> 00:13:43,115 It's no problem. I can make up a bed. 190 00:13:44,444 --> 00:13:45,843 I'm fine. 191 00:13:46,913 --> 00:13:48,642 Suit yourself. 192 00:14:31,624 --> 00:14:33,182 This place is in foreclosure, right? 193 00:14:33,393 --> 00:14:36,021 Yep. It is, just like the rest of them. 194 00:14:36,229 --> 00:14:37,787 Well, somebody's squatting here. 195 00:14:37,997 --> 00:14:39,259 Blackout windows. 196 00:14:55,482 --> 00:14:56,915 Hey! 197 00:14:57,717 --> 00:14:59,275 Hey, you need a hand with that? 198 00:15:02,322 --> 00:15:05,120 Oh. I guess not. 199 00:15:13,967 --> 00:15:16,834 You go out with the family, bring home a nice dinner. 200 00:15:17,036 --> 00:15:19,061 How did you get stuck doing the dishes? 201 00:15:19,272 --> 00:15:21,035 We all have our roles to play. 202 00:15:21,241 --> 00:15:23,141 Yours being destroying the evidence, yeah? 203 00:15:24,511 --> 00:15:26,638 Nice job. 204 00:15:26,846 --> 00:15:29,280 Ralph Hedges. Stacy Kepler. 205 00:15:29,482 --> 00:15:34,818 - Any reason you targeted them? - Yeah. Hunger. 206 00:15:35,555 --> 00:15:38,649 And, so, the family's what, out taking a nice after-dinner stroll? 207 00:15:38,858 --> 00:15:42,021 Oh, I'm sure they'll be back real soon. 208 00:15:45,331 --> 00:15:49,734 What I asked was... where are they? 209 00:16:06,085 --> 00:16:07,916 Nice shiner. 210 00:16:09,255 --> 00:16:10,916 Can I help you all with something? 211 00:16:11,791 --> 00:16:13,520 As a matter of fact... 212 00:16:14,761 --> 00:16:16,251 ...I think you can. 213 00:16:20,567 --> 00:16:22,967 You don't want to talk. No skin off my back. 214 00:16:23,169 --> 00:16:26,002 'Cause you see, a blood-sucking, body-chipping vamp, 215 00:16:26,206 --> 00:16:28,470 that's bad enough, 216 00:16:28,675 --> 00:16:32,270 but vamps that kidnap kids... 217 00:16:32,479 --> 00:16:35,937 Well, I'm going to enjoy putting you down. 218 00:16:38,051 --> 00:16:41,612 Of course. Oh, I knew this was about Alexis. 219 00:16:44,157 --> 00:16:47,649 I warned Mama that girl would screw everything up for us one day. 220 00:16:47,861 --> 00:16:52,491 Mama? As in one vamp turned you all? 221 00:16:52,699 --> 00:16:56,191 Well, all of us, but little sis. 222 00:16:56,402 --> 00:16:59,132 She was "too good to turn." 223 00:17:00,807 --> 00:17:03,970 Mama couldn't bring herself to, no matter what we said, 224 00:17:04,177 --> 00:17:07,169 - no matter how bad Alexis got. - Bad? 225 00:17:07,380 --> 00:17:11,009 Let me guess. You never had a teenage sister. 226 00:17:11,217 --> 00:17:15,745 Dragging her heels, whining, near constant, 227 00:17:15,955 --> 00:17:19,982 about everything, but more and more about the blood, 228 00:17:20,193 --> 00:17:22,684 like she's somehow above it, 229 00:17:22,896 --> 00:17:25,364 like she's better than us 'cause she don't feed on people. 230 00:17:25,565 --> 00:17:27,465 She is better than you, dumbass! 231 00:17:27,667 --> 00:17:33,299 Her moping? That teenage crisis-of-conscience crap? 232 00:17:33,506 --> 00:17:37,169 It's annoying as hell, but it's just an act. 233 00:17:37,377 --> 00:17:43,316 When the chips are down, she'll always choose us over humans. 234 00:17:48,788 --> 00:17:53,555 I mean, how do you think we stayed off your radar all these years? 235 00:17:54,928 --> 00:17:58,364 Pretty, young, lost-looking thing like her? 236 00:17:58,565 --> 00:18:03,025 Irresistible, especially to the kind of man few people would miss. 237 00:18:23,723 --> 00:18:25,486 I mean, sure, we hunt sometimes for sport, 238 00:18:25,692 --> 00:18:30,061 but it's a lot easier and a lot safer to get delivery. 239 00:18:33,499 --> 00:18:35,262 Come on, sweetie. 240 00:18:37,070 --> 00:18:39,436 Aren't you gonna give me a name? 241 00:18:41,874 --> 00:18:44,638 It's Ann. 242 00:18:44,877 --> 00:18:47,812 Mm. Sweet Ann. 243 00:18:48,781 --> 00:18:51,511 You got any idea what I'm about to do to you? 244 00:18:51,718 --> 00:18:54,209 Yeah, I do. 245 00:18:58,491 --> 00:19:00,186 Nothing. 246 00:19:01,561 --> 00:19:04,758 What the... Is this a party? 247 00:19:13,306 --> 00:19:16,537 - She's your lure. - Best a vamp could ask for. 248 00:19:18,611 --> 00:19:22,308 And you better believe you don't get that good at it unless you enjoy it. 249 00:19:22,515 --> 00:19:24,642 In her own sweet way, 250 00:19:24,851 --> 00:19:28,446 girl's as bloodthirsty as any vampire. 251 00:19:33,426 --> 00:19:35,519 Jody. 252 00:19:47,073 --> 00:19:49,132 Alex? 253 00:19:49,342 --> 00:19:51,105 Alex? 254 00:19:58,451 --> 00:20:00,146 Alex? 255 00:20:44,130 --> 00:20:46,621 - Easy. - Sorry. 256 00:20:46,833 --> 00:20:48,562 It's all right. 257 00:20:51,738 --> 00:20:55,071 I made you a sandwich. It's out there if you want it. 258 00:20:59,712 --> 00:21:01,009 Sheriff. 259 00:21:04,684 --> 00:21:06,311 My grandma? 260 00:21:08,421 --> 00:21:09,945 I'm so sorry. 261 00:21:11,691 --> 00:21:17,152 No, it's... it's fine. I figured, it's been years, and she was old. 262 00:21:27,774 --> 00:21:29,901 You got it. Thank you. 263 00:21:30,109 --> 00:21:31,109 She's not answering. 264 00:21:31,277 --> 00:21:33,438 I just ran the victims' names through local PD. 265 00:21:33,646 --> 00:21:35,944 They both worked at the O'Neill bus station. 266 00:21:36,149 --> 00:21:38,276 So they killed them for Alex's location. 267 00:21:41,287 --> 00:21:42,845 - Jody? - Dean, what's up? 268 00:21:43,055 --> 00:21:44,055 Listen to me. 269 00:21:44,223 --> 00:21:46,384 The vamps knew that Alex went to Sioux Falls, okay? 270 00:21:46,592 --> 00:21:48,457 They're probably already there. We're on our way there next. 271 00:21:48,661 --> 00:21:50,561 But there's something else. There's something about Alex. 272 00:21:50,763 --> 00:21:52,458 It can wait. 273 00:21:55,234 --> 00:21:57,031 - They're here. - What? 274 00:21:57,236 --> 00:21:58,464 At the cabin. Now. 275 00:21:58,671 --> 00:22:00,434 - We're on our way. - Hurry. 276 00:22:01,340 --> 00:22:02,898 - She hung up. - We moving? 277 00:22:03,109 --> 00:22:04,974 Yeah. Meet you outside. 278 00:22:20,059 --> 00:22:21,651 Alex? 279 00:22:21,861 --> 00:22:24,762 Alex, come on! We got to go! 280 00:22:25,231 --> 00:22:26,960 Jody! 281 00:22:27,133 --> 00:22:28,930 - We got to go! - Jody, help! 282 00:22:29,135 --> 00:22:30,693 Alex?! 283 00:22:30,903 --> 00:22:32,768 Alex! 284 00:22:34,040 --> 00:22:36,668 - Alex! - Help me! Help! 285 00:22:38,678 --> 00:22:40,612 Let me go! 286 00:22:49,055 --> 00:22:50,920 Come on, let's go! 287 00:22:52,191 --> 00:22:53,191 Move it! 288 00:23:12,378 --> 00:23:15,313 Jody? Hey, you okay? Whoa, whoa, whoa. 289 00:23:15,514 --> 00:23:18,142 - Where's Alex? - You tell us. 290 00:23:18,351 --> 00:23:20,911 - They came, and I tried to stop them. - And you got knocked out. 291 00:23:20,920 --> 00:23:23,320 - Well, happens to the best of us. - Just lucky you're alive. 292 00:23:23,522 --> 00:23:25,513 You think they went back to the nest? 293 00:23:25,725 --> 00:23:26,749 Of course they did. Why wouldn't they? 294 00:23:26,959 --> 00:23:29,154 Question is, what are they gonna do when they find their brother dead? 295 00:23:29,362 --> 00:23:32,820 - So we go back now. - Okay. I'm coming. 296 00:23:33,032 --> 00:23:35,865 Jody? Hey, hey. Whoa. Hold on. You're hurt. 297 00:23:36,068 --> 00:23:37,788 - I'm coming. - Jody, we can handle the nest 298 00:23:37,904 --> 00:23:40,464 - on our own. - I don't give a fig about the nest. 299 00:23:40,673 --> 00:23:42,033 That girl was under my protection. 300 00:23:42,108 --> 00:23:46,636 Okay, that girl can't be trusted. She's a lure. She's a honey trap. 301 00:23:46,846 --> 00:23:50,805 She's been feeding people to those vamps! 302 00:23:51,017 --> 00:23:53,611 I don't care. Whatever she did, she did because they made her. 303 00:23:53,819 --> 00:23:56,083 - Oh, and that's a reason? - She's a kid! 304 00:23:56,289 --> 00:23:58,049 Yeah, a kid who's been playing vampire murder 305 00:23:58,224 --> 00:24:00,692 - since before she was in braces. - Jody, he's right. 306 00:24:00,893 --> 00:24:04,659 At best, her loyalties are screwed. 307 00:24:04,864 --> 00:24:06,161 And how do you even know she wants to be saved? 308 00:24:06,299 --> 00:24:07,527 For the past eight years, 309 00:24:07,733 --> 00:24:10,258 she has been baiting the hook for an entire nest. 310 00:24:10,469 --> 00:24:12,869 She's got more blood on her hands than most monsters we kill. 311 00:24:13,072 --> 00:24:16,269 - Are you saying she's on your list? - No, we're not saying that. 312 00:24:16,475 --> 00:24:18,375 Well, not yet. 313 00:24:20,646 --> 00:24:22,375 Look, it sucks, okay? It does. 314 00:24:22,581 --> 00:24:25,243 But with hunting monsters comes harsh truths. 315 00:24:25,451 --> 00:24:27,885 This is a clean-up mission. It's not a rescue. 316 00:24:28,087 --> 00:24:31,318 What is this even really about? You barely know the girl. 317 00:24:34,093 --> 00:24:35,185 I'm coming. 318 00:24:35,394 --> 00:24:38,090 And if either one of you lays so much as a hand on Alex, 319 00:24:38,297 --> 00:24:41,323 you'll have to go through me. 320 00:24:49,308 --> 00:24:53,574 Put up quite a struggle with Connor. Says you nearly took his eye out. 321 00:24:55,147 --> 00:24:59,379 Maybe that was just his excuse for knocking you out. 322 00:25:01,854 --> 00:25:04,254 You have any idea the mess you made? 323 00:25:05,825 --> 00:25:08,350 Hunters raided the place while we were out, 324 00:25:08,561 --> 00:25:11,394 tortured and killed Dale. 325 00:25:12,465 --> 00:25:14,695 Our home's been made. 326 00:25:14,900 --> 00:25:17,300 We're gonna have to move again. 327 00:25:17,503 --> 00:25:20,495 Mama, I never meant... 328 00:25:22,641 --> 00:25:25,804 We will all find our way. 329 00:25:27,380 --> 00:25:30,042 Things got screwy... 330 00:25:32,284 --> 00:25:34,252 ...but you're back now. 331 00:25:34,453 --> 00:25:37,911 Why? After everything, I thought that you... 332 00:25:38,124 --> 00:25:39,955 You thought what? 333 00:25:40,159 --> 00:25:42,957 That I'd hurt you? Kill you? 334 00:25:50,302 --> 00:25:52,736 I would never hurt you. 335 00:25:54,407 --> 00:25:57,103 Not my baby girl, not my sweet Alex. 336 00:25:57,309 --> 00:25:59,709 How could you even think that? 337 00:26:01,714 --> 00:26:06,549 Baby, why did you do it? Why did you run from us? 338 00:26:07,920 --> 00:26:09,547 I love you, Mama. 339 00:26:09,755 --> 00:26:12,019 I do. I just... 340 00:26:12,224 --> 00:26:14,658 I couldn't take it anymore. 341 00:26:16,328 --> 00:26:19,456 The blood and the death, 342 00:26:19,665 --> 00:26:20,962 the sounds of their screams. 343 00:26:21,167 --> 00:26:24,830 I just... I can't do it anymore. 344 00:26:26,038 --> 00:26:30,998 And the way I feel afterwards, the guilt... 345 00:26:33,946 --> 00:26:37,313 I'd rather die than feel that way again. 346 00:26:42,388 --> 00:26:45,687 - It's my fault. - What? 347 00:26:45,891 --> 00:26:49,019 All of it. This is my fault. 348 00:26:49,228 --> 00:26:52,061 I should've turned you years ago. 349 00:27:01,240 --> 00:27:04,073 Well, their truck's in the driveway. 350 00:27:04,276 --> 00:27:06,107 So we're walking right into it. 351 00:27:06,312 --> 00:27:08,746 - Well, we've faced worse odds. - Yeah. 352 00:27:08,948 --> 00:27:10,575 Jody. 353 00:27:10,783 --> 00:27:15,243 This is a raid, so tread lightly, stay close. 354 00:27:15,454 --> 00:27:18,855 Priority is clearing the nest. Alex comes second. You got it? 355 00:27:21,594 --> 00:27:22,754 Got it. 356 00:27:28,601 --> 00:27:30,762 It was so selfish. 357 00:27:30,970 --> 00:27:33,234 I wanted to watch you grow up. 358 00:27:33,439 --> 00:27:35,407 I kept putting it off. Don't you see? 359 00:27:35,608 --> 00:27:37,667 These things you've been feeling, 360 00:27:37,877 --> 00:27:43,008 all the guilt and suffering, those are human feelings. 361 00:27:43,916 --> 00:27:47,408 It ain't too late. I can take the pain away. 362 00:27:49,188 --> 00:27:52,885 And then we can stay together, 363 00:27:53,092 --> 00:27:55,822 as a family. 364 00:27:56,028 --> 00:27:59,327 Like none of this ever happened. 365 00:28:01,066 --> 00:28:03,728 Wouldn't you like that? 366 00:30:04,423 --> 00:30:05,754 Drop it. 367 00:30:25,811 --> 00:30:27,531 Alex, come on. Come on, honey. We got to go. 368 00:30:27,546 --> 00:30:29,070 - Go away! - We got to go! 369 00:30:31,650 --> 00:30:34,619 - What did they do to you? - I'm sorry, Jody. 370 00:30:34,820 --> 00:30:37,448 I made my choice. 371 00:30:41,160 --> 00:30:43,754 She chose me. 372 00:30:51,904 --> 00:30:52,904 No, no, no. No. 373 00:30:55,941 --> 00:30:58,000 Hell of a sight to come home to. 374 00:30:59,211 --> 00:31:01,111 Brother lying dead on the floor. 375 00:31:04,149 --> 00:31:06,947 No idea it was a Winchester that had done it. 376 00:31:08,354 --> 00:31:11,289 So... which one of you was it? 377 00:31:11,490 --> 00:31:15,392 Which one of you took off my brother's head?! 378 00:31:16,729 --> 00:31:18,128 Was it you? 379 00:31:19,698 --> 00:31:20,858 Was it him? 380 00:31:30,376 --> 00:31:34,039 Pretty fitting... brother for a brother. 381 00:31:36,849 --> 00:31:40,046 This place has been a good home to us. 382 00:31:40,252 --> 00:31:43,847 But since you two had to come around and ruin it, 383 00:31:44,056 --> 00:31:46,096 we're gonna have to hit the road and find a new one. 384 00:31:51,263 --> 00:31:53,128 And when we hit the road... 385 00:31:56,468 --> 00:31:58,459 ...we like to pack a lunch. 386 00:32:06,445 --> 00:32:08,174 Can't say you didn't come prepared. 387 00:32:08,380 --> 00:32:10,905 - Alex. - Hey! 388 00:32:11,116 --> 00:32:14,608 Don't be bothering my girl. She's going through something, a process. 389 00:32:16,388 --> 00:32:19,551 - What did you do to her? - Fed her my blood. 390 00:32:19,758 --> 00:32:24,422 She's on her way now. All that's left is to feed. 391 00:32:30,068 --> 00:32:31,695 Please, Mama. 392 00:32:33,772 --> 00:32:35,501 Let her go. 393 00:32:37,943 --> 00:32:39,672 I already drank from you. 394 00:32:39,878 --> 00:32:41,402 Let her go. 395 00:32:41,613 --> 00:32:44,912 Made an impression on my girl, I see. 396 00:32:45,117 --> 00:32:48,314 Baby, this is the human half of you talking. 397 00:32:48,520 --> 00:32:51,751 After the change, this human, she ain't nothing to you. 398 00:32:51,957 --> 00:32:53,822 Clearly, Sheriff, you got issues, 399 00:32:54,026 --> 00:32:57,518 some hole in your life you're using my Alex to fill. 400 00:32:57,729 --> 00:32:59,697 I would say go and get a family of your own, 401 00:32:59,898 --> 00:33:03,197 but, well, you know. 402 00:33:03,402 --> 00:33:05,302 Wow. That's pretty rich coming from the woman 403 00:33:05,504 --> 00:33:07,404 who stole Alex to begin with. 404 00:33:07,606 --> 00:33:13,374 I have fed her, clothed her, loved her going on nine years. 405 00:33:13,579 --> 00:33:16,309 You think motherhood's just about blood? 406 00:33:16,515 --> 00:33:17,641 You don't know the first thing about it. 407 00:33:17,850 --> 00:33:20,375 Maybe not, but I know what it isn't. 408 00:33:20,586 --> 00:33:23,521 And it ain't about forcing her to be like you 409 00:33:23,722 --> 00:33:26,156 the second she becomes inconvenient. 410 00:33:29,761 --> 00:33:31,729 Don't you see what she is trying to do? 411 00:33:31,930 --> 00:33:35,297 This hunter-cop bitch is trying to turn you against me 412 00:33:35,501 --> 00:33:40,097 to save her own hide. Don't believe a word she says. 413 00:33:43,375 --> 00:33:45,468 She ain't your mother. 414 00:34:01,527 --> 00:34:04,519 Tapped this keg. Get the short-hair one ready. 415 00:34:30,789 --> 00:34:33,553 - Time to finish this. - Alex! 416 00:34:34,826 --> 00:34:36,760 Was that her name? 417 00:34:38,397 --> 00:34:40,865 You named her after someone. 418 00:34:43,235 --> 00:34:45,362 Was it your daughter? 419 00:34:48,540 --> 00:34:51,008 I couldn't figure out why you changed her name. 420 00:34:51,209 --> 00:34:54,701 I thought maybe you were ashamed of your theft, but you have no shame. 421 00:34:54,913 --> 00:34:57,746 You said that I was using her to fill a hole in my life, 422 00:34:57,950 --> 00:35:00,145 and you're right, I am. 423 00:35:01,453 --> 00:35:03,011 You are, too. 424 00:35:05,223 --> 00:35:06,918 Mama? 425 00:35:07,125 --> 00:35:10,322 I guess it takes one to know one. 426 00:35:10,529 --> 00:35:12,656 That Alex, 427 00:35:12,864 --> 00:35:17,733 she died a long time ago. 428 00:35:17,936 --> 00:35:20,097 And it still hurts. 429 00:35:23,008 --> 00:35:26,500 You still feel it. Loss, pain, 430 00:35:26,712 --> 00:35:29,579 like a stone in your gut. 431 00:35:29,781 --> 00:35:33,012 It hurts just a little bit less whenever she's near. 432 00:35:39,658 --> 00:35:40,955 You bitch. 433 00:36:10,522 --> 00:36:11,682 Look at me. 434 00:36:14,126 --> 00:36:15,821 Look at me, bitch! 435 00:36:34,846 --> 00:36:36,370 - Dean. - Yeah, I know. 436 00:36:36,581 --> 00:36:37,809 You wouldn't have done the same for me. 437 00:36:38,016 --> 00:36:40,985 No. Jody. 438 00:36:46,024 --> 00:36:48,083 Good news, lady cop. 439 00:36:52,164 --> 00:36:57,602 Whoever you lost, you're gonna see them again real soon. 440 00:37:09,548 --> 00:37:11,379 Alex? 441 00:37:20,525 --> 00:37:22,459 How could you? 442 00:37:26,164 --> 00:37:28,223 You were my girl. 443 00:37:31,403 --> 00:37:33,667 I'm sorry, Mama. 444 00:37:41,012 --> 00:37:42,741 Don't watch this, sweetheart. 445 00:38:07,639 --> 00:38:10,301 Nice work back there. 446 00:38:10,509 --> 00:38:12,773 "Look at me, bitch?" 447 00:38:12,978 --> 00:38:15,640 Well, hey, you got another snappy one-liner, I'm all ears. 448 00:38:15,847 --> 00:38:20,477 What I'm saying is, it looked to me like you were enjoying it. 449 00:38:20,685 --> 00:38:23,950 - Maybe too much. - And? 450 00:38:25,223 --> 00:38:27,453 Well, sorry for not putting on a hair shirt. 451 00:38:27,659 --> 00:38:32,323 Killing things that need killing is kind of our job. 452 00:38:34,332 --> 00:38:37,233 Last I checked, taking pleasure in that is not a crime. 453 00:38:38,537 --> 00:38:39,663 Right, but... 454 00:38:41,006 --> 00:38:43,133 How's things back at the station? 455 00:38:43,341 --> 00:38:47,038 Well, they beat Frank up pretty bad, but at least they left him alive. 456 00:38:47,245 --> 00:38:49,839 He kept apologizing for spilling the beans about the cabin, 457 00:38:50,048 --> 00:38:51,640 but I told him that one's on me. 458 00:38:52,784 --> 00:38:57,050 Well, speaking of apologies, we owe you a big one. 459 00:38:57,255 --> 00:38:59,587 We were wrong about the girl. 460 00:39:00,926 --> 00:39:04,293 No. You were right, about me. 461 00:39:04,496 --> 00:39:07,863 My judgment was clouded. 462 00:39:08,066 --> 00:39:12,435 You know, working this case, it brought feelings back. 463 00:39:13,905 --> 00:39:16,738 Feelings I've been trying to bury for years, 464 00:39:16,942 --> 00:39:20,935 you know, buried it under work, religion, 465 00:39:21,146 --> 00:39:23,614 even dating. We know how that worked out. 466 00:39:24,783 --> 00:39:28,776 But, you know, it was still there, you know, underneath. 467 00:39:30,388 --> 00:39:31,753 The grief. 468 00:39:34,426 --> 00:39:37,122 Don't know what that means for me, just that I've been... 469 00:39:37,329 --> 00:39:41,629 I've been fooling myself to think that I could ignore it. 470 00:39:41,833 --> 00:39:46,964 Anyway, thank you, for coming out, for curing Alex. 471 00:39:47,172 --> 00:39:49,606 You don't need to thank us. 472 00:39:49,808 --> 00:39:52,800 I mean, you're the one who killed her sire, got her blood. 473 00:39:55,580 --> 00:39:57,377 Sure it'll work? 474 00:39:57,582 --> 00:40:01,177 Well, speaking from experience, it'll be a rough couple of days, 475 00:40:01,386 --> 00:40:05,482 but she should pull through. You sure you don't want us to stay? 476 00:40:06,791 --> 00:40:09,055 I'm good. 477 00:40:09,261 --> 00:40:13,197 After it's done, you know what to do with her? 478 00:40:28,780 --> 00:40:32,443 - Don't get up on account of me. - I'm... I'm hot. 479 00:40:33,785 --> 00:40:36,583 - Should I grab a... - I'll just be cold again in a second. 480 00:40:36,788 --> 00:40:39,348 It's part of the cure, I guess. 481 00:40:39,557 --> 00:40:42,958 - You want something to eat? - No, I'll just throw it up. 482 00:40:43,161 --> 00:40:45,391 But thank you. 483 00:40:49,901 --> 00:40:52,961 I want you to know that, 484 00:40:53,171 --> 00:40:55,833 when Mama offered, I just... 485 00:40:57,709 --> 00:41:00,371 I couldn't disappoint her again. 486 00:41:07,886 --> 00:41:10,719 I had enough to be ashamed of as it is. 487 00:41:14,292 --> 00:41:16,192 Jody, I've done things. 488 00:41:16,394 --> 00:41:19,227 You don't have to explain. I know. 489 00:41:22,267 --> 00:41:24,701 Whatever you want from me, I'll give it. 490 00:41:24,903 --> 00:41:27,235 If you want, I'm here. 491 00:41:31,209 --> 00:41:34,701 But what you've been through the last 48 alone, 492 00:41:34,913 --> 00:41:36,904 losing your entire family, 493 00:41:37,115 --> 00:41:40,414 everything you've ever known or loved, 494 00:41:40,618 --> 00:41:43,712 no one can understand that. 495 00:41:46,691 --> 00:41:48,249 You can.