1 00:00:02,127 --> 00:00:03,127 NARRATOR: Previously on Supernatural: 2 00:00:04,504 --> 00:00:05,587 Sammy. 3 00:00:05,755 --> 00:00:08,215 Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Go! 4 00:00:11,886 --> 00:00:15,305 Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days. 5 00:00:18,852 --> 00:00:22,271 DEAN: This was Dad's book. l think he wants us to pick up where he left off. 6 00:00:22,480 --> 00:00:25,274 Saving people. Hunting things. The family business. 7 00:00:26,109 --> 00:00:27,443 I gotta find Dad. 8 00:00:27,610 --> 00:00:29,278 It's the only thing I can think about. 9 00:00:33,950 --> 00:00:36,118 [VEHlCLE APPROACHING] 10 00:00:48,631 --> 00:00:51,508 -What do you got those amped up to? -A hundred thousand volts. 11 00:00:51,676 --> 00:00:54,261 -Damn. -l want this Rawhead extra crispy. 12 00:00:54,471 --> 00:00:57,306 Now remember, you only get one shot with these things. 13 00:00:57,474 --> 00:00:59,808 So make it count. 14 00:01:18,703 --> 00:01:20,662 [CLATTERlNG] 15 00:01:31,841 --> 00:01:33,383 DEAN [WHISPERING]: On three. 16 00:01:34,219 --> 00:01:38,055 One, two, three. 17 00:01:39,224 --> 00:01:40,349 [GlRL SCREAMS] 18 00:01:42,435 --> 00:01:44,228 Is it still here? 19 00:01:44,437 --> 00:01:47,856 Grab your sister's hand. We're gonna get you out of here. Let's go. 20 00:01:52,237 --> 00:01:53,695 All right, go. 21 00:01:55,240 --> 00:01:56,323 [GlRL SCREAMING] 22 00:01:56,533 --> 00:01:58,075 DEAN: Sam! 23 00:02:04,249 --> 00:02:06,917 -Sam, get them out of here. -You take this. 24 00:02:07,710 --> 00:02:09,419 Go! 25 00:02:18,471 --> 00:02:20,889 DEAN: Come on. 26 00:02:46,124 --> 00:02:47,583 [GRUNTlNG] 27 00:02:59,596 --> 00:03:02,264 Dean! Dean! 28 00:03:02,432 --> 00:03:04,933 Hey. Hey, hey. 29 00:03:15,778 --> 00:03:19,031 I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file. 30 00:03:19,282 --> 00:03:21,116 Right. Um.... 31 00:03:23,161 --> 00:03:24,661 Okay. 32 00:03:26,122 --> 00:03:29,208 Okay, Mr. Burkowitz. 33 00:03:32,128 --> 00:03:35,339 -Look, we can finish this up later. -No, no, it's okay. 34 00:03:35,548 --> 00:03:38,800 We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood... 35 00:03:39,010 --> 00:03:41,970 ...and our windows were down and we heard some screaming. 36 00:03:42,639 --> 00:03:45,641 -And we stopped, ran in. -You found the kids in the basement? 37 00:03:45,808 --> 00:03:47,809 -Yeah. -Well, thank God you did. 38 00:03:49,229 --> 00:03:52,397 -Excuse me. OFFlCER: Sure. Thanks for your help. 39 00:03:52,565 --> 00:03:55,692 -Hey, doc. Is he--? And? -He's resting. 40 00:03:55,860 --> 00:03:58,237 The electrocution triggered a heart attack. 41 00:03:58,488 --> 00:04:00,072 Pretty massive, l'm afraid. 42 00:04:00,323 --> 00:04:01,823 His heart, it's damaged. 43 00:04:03,076 --> 00:04:05,452 -How damaged? -We've done all we can. 44 00:04:05,995 --> 00:04:08,580 We can try and keep him comfortable at this point... 45 00:04:08,748 --> 00:04:12,334 ...but l give him a couple weeks at most, maybe a month. 46 00:04:12,543 --> 00:04:16,505 No, no, there's gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment. 47 00:04:16,714 --> 00:04:18,215 We can't work miracles. 48 00:04:18,841 --> 00:04:21,176 I really am sorry. 49 00:04:30,979 --> 00:04:33,355 Have you ever actually watched daytime TV? 50 00:04:33,523 --> 00:04:35,107 It's terrible. 51 00:04:36,734 --> 00:04:37,859 [SIGHS] 52 00:04:38,027 --> 00:04:39,528 I talked to your doctor. 53 00:04:39,696 --> 00:04:43,407 That fabric softener teddy bear. Ooh. I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down. 54 00:04:43,616 --> 00:04:46,743 -Dean. -Yeah. 55 00:04:47,495 --> 00:04:50,706 All right, well, looks like you're gonna leave town without me. 56 00:04:50,915 --> 00:04:53,709 What are you talking about? I'm not gonna leave you here. 57 00:04:53,876 --> 00:04:56,878 You're gonna take care of that car or l swear I'll haunt your ass. 58 00:04:57,088 --> 00:04:59,923 -l don't think that's funny. -Ah, come on, it's a little funny. 59 00:05:07,890 --> 00:05:10,726 Look, Sam, what can l say, man? It's a dangerous gig. 60 00:05:10,893 --> 00:05:13,270 I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story. 61 00:05:13,521 --> 00:05:14,813 Don't talk like that, all right? 62 00:05:16,024 --> 00:05:18,483 -We still have options. -What options? 63 00:05:18,651 --> 00:05:20,235 You got burial or cremation. 64 00:05:21,654 --> 00:05:23,030 I know it's not easy... 65 00:05:25,575 --> 00:05:27,451 ...but l'm gonna die. 66 00:05:28,244 --> 00:05:30,537 And you can't stop it. 67 00:05:33,082 --> 00:05:34,916 Watch me. 68 00:05:35,084 --> 00:05:37,627 JOHN [ON MACHlNE]: This is John Winchester. l can't be reached. 69 00:05:37,795 --> 00:05:43,300 If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean, 866-907-3235. 70 00:05:43,468 --> 00:05:44,593 He can help. 71 00:05:44,761 --> 00:05:45,802 [MACHlNE BEEPS] 72 00:05:45,970 --> 00:05:48,180 Hey, Dad, it's Sam. Uh.... 73 00:05:49,098 --> 00:05:53,352 You probably won't even get this, but it's Dean. 74 00:05:53,561 --> 00:05:58,106 He's sick and the doctor said there's nothing they can do. 75 00:05:58,274 --> 00:06:00,108 Um.... 76 00:06:01,194 --> 00:06:05,113 But they don't know the things we know, right? 77 00:06:05,615 --> 00:06:10,952 So don't worry, because l'm gonna do whatever it takes to get him better. 78 00:06:12,372 --> 00:06:15,874 All right, just wanted you to know. 79 00:06:19,295 --> 00:06:20,629 [KNOCKlNG ON DOOR] 80 00:06:30,848 --> 00:06:33,308 -What the hell are you doing here? -l checked myself out. 81 00:06:33,476 --> 00:06:34,976 Are you crazy? 82 00:06:35,144 --> 00:06:38,730 I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot. 83 00:06:39,482 --> 00:06:43,485 You know, this whole "I laugh in the face of death" thing... 84 00:06:43,653 --> 00:06:46,363 ...it's crap. l can see right through it. 85 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:48,490 Yeah, whatever, dude. 86 00:06:48,658 --> 00:06:50,826 Have you even slept? You look worse than me. 87 00:06:50,993 --> 00:06:54,162 I've been scouring the Internet for the last three days. 88 00:06:56,332 --> 00:06:57,916 Calling every contact in Dad's journal. 89 00:06:58,167 --> 00:07:00,627 -For what? -For a way to help you. 90 00:07:00,837 --> 00:07:04,005 One of Dad's friends, Joshua, he called me back. 91 00:07:04,173 --> 00:07:06,925 Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist. 92 00:07:07,176 --> 00:07:09,177 You're not gonna let me die in peace, are you? 93 00:07:09,345 --> 00:07:12,180 I'm not gonna let you die, period. We're going. 94 00:07:26,863 --> 00:07:28,447 [SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 95 00:07:38,207 --> 00:07:41,418 -l got you. -l got it. 96 00:07:42,211 --> 00:07:43,879 Man, you're a lying bastard. 97 00:07:44,046 --> 00:07:45,714 You said we're going to see a doctor. 98 00:07:45,923 --> 00:07:47,799 I believe l said a specialist. 99 00:07:47,967 --> 00:07:49,968 This guy's supposed to be the real deal. 100 00:07:50,178 --> 00:07:53,597 I can't believe you brought me to see some guy who heals people out of a tent. 101 00:07:53,806 --> 00:07:55,474 WOMAN: Reverend Le Grange is a great man. 102 00:07:55,683 --> 00:07:56,725 Yeah, that's nice. 103 00:07:56,893 --> 00:07:58,935 I have a right to protest. This man's a fraud. 104 00:07:59,103 --> 00:08:01,313 He's bilking all these people out of their money. 105 00:08:01,481 --> 00:08:04,483 SHERlFF: Sir, this is a place of worship. Let's go, move it. 106 00:08:04,692 --> 00:08:06,902 I take it he's not part of the flock. 107 00:08:07,069 --> 00:08:09,571 When people see what they can't explain, there's controversy. 108 00:08:09,739 --> 00:08:11,740 But come on, Sam, a faith healer? 109 00:08:11,908 --> 00:08:14,826 Maybe it's time to have a little faith, Dean. 110 00:08:15,953 --> 00:08:17,996 You know what l got faith in? Reality. 111 00:08:18,206 --> 00:08:20,165 Knowing what's really going on. 112 00:08:20,333 --> 00:08:23,251 How can you be a skeptic with the things we see every day? 113 00:08:23,419 --> 00:08:25,212 Exactly. We see them. We know they're real. 114 00:08:25,421 --> 00:08:28,423 SAM: lf you know evil's out there, how can you not believe good's out there? 115 00:08:28,591 --> 00:08:31,968 -l've seen what evil does to good people. -Maybe God works in mysterious ways. 116 00:08:33,095 --> 00:08:34,429 Maybe he does. 117 00:08:35,515 --> 00:08:37,599 I think you turned me around on the subject. 118 00:08:37,767 --> 00:08:39,601 Yeah, l'm sure. 119 00:08:39,769 --> 00:08:42,437 -l'm Dean, this is Sam. -Layla. 120 00:08:43,773 --> 00:08:46,650 So if you're not a believer, then why are you here? 121 00:08:46,859 --> 00:08:50,278 Well, apparently my brother here believes enough for the both of us. 122 00:08:50,446 --> 00:08:53,114 -Come on, Layla, it's about to start. -All right. 123 00:08:53,616 --> 00:08:55,033 LAYLA: Bye. 124 00:08:55,785 --> 00:08:59,162 Well, l bet you she can work in some mysterious ways. 125 00:09:04,794 --> 00:09:06,044 [CHATTERlNG] 126 00:09:06,504 --> 00:09:09,172 Yeah, peace, love and trust all over. 127 00:09:09,799 --> 00:09:12,300 [PIANO MUSlC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS] 128 00:09:14,804 --> 00:09:16,846 -Come on. -What are you doing? Sit right here. 129 00:09:17,014 --> 00:09:18,974 -We're sitting up front. -What? Why? 130 00:09:19,141 --> 00:09:21,643 -Come on. -Oh, come on, Sam. 131 00:09:21,811 --> 00:09:23,478 -You all right? -This is ridiculous. 132 00:09:23,646 --> 00:09:26,064 I'm-- Dude, get off me. 133 00:09:27,316 --> 00:09:28,692 -Perfect. -Yeah, perfect. 134 00:09:29,151 --> 00:09:30,485 You take the aisle. 135 00:09:41,080 --> 00:09:45,292 Each morning my wife, Sue Ann, reads me the news. 136 00:09:45,835 --> 00:09:49,212 -Never seems good, does it? ALL: No. 137 00:09:49,422 --> 00:09:53,383 ROY: Seems like there's always someone committing some immoral... 138 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:56,011 ...unspeakable act. 139 00:09:56,178 --> 00:09:59,681 -But l say to you: God is watching. ALL: Yes, he is. 140 00:10:00,808 --> 00:10:04,894 God rewards the good and he punishes the corrupt. 141 00:10:05,521 --> 00:10:06,896 [CROWD MURMURlNG AGREEMENT] 142 00:10:07,523 --> 00:10:11,693 It is the Lord who does the healing here, friends. 143 00:10:11,902 --> 00:10:16,364 The Lord who guides me in choosing who to heal... 144 00:10:16,532 --> 00:10:18,575 ...by helping me see into people's hearts. 145 00:10:18,826 --> 00:10:20,076 Amen. 146 00:10:20,328 --> 00:10:24,372 -Yeah, or into their wallets. -You think so, young man? 147 00:10:26,375 --> 00:10:29,711 -Sorry. ROY: No, no, don't be. 148 00:10:29,879 --> 00:10:33,048 Watch what you say around a blind man. We got real sharp ears. 149 00:10:33,215 --> 00:10:34,382 [CROWD LAUGHlNG] 150 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:37,218 What's your name, son? 151 00:10:39,055 --> 00:10:41,473 -Dean. -Dean. 152 00:10:43,392 --> 00:10:45,435 I want you to come up here with me. 153 00:10:46,562 --> 00:10:47,854 [CHEERlNG] 154 00:10:52,735 --> 00:10:54,110 Dean, go on. 155 00:10:54,779 --> 00:10:57,656 -lt's okay. -What are you doing? 156 00:10:57,865 --> 00:11:01,159 You've come here to be healed, haven't you? 157 00:11:04,163 --> 00:11:07,082 Well, yeah, but-- 158 00:11:07,291 --> 00:11:09,918 Maybe you should just pick someone else. 159 00:11:12,463 --> 00:11:16,508 No, I didn't pick you, Dean, the Lord did. 160 00:11:19,470 --> 00:11:21,471 -Get up there. MAN: Come on, son! 161 00:11:22,264 --> 00:11:23,890 Yes! 162 00:11:26,977 --> 00:11:28,436 Praise the Lord, amen. 163 00:11:32,441 --> 00:11:35,777 ROY: You ready? -Yeah, look, no disrespect... 164 00:11:37,113 --> 00:11:39,614 ...but l'm not exactly a believer. 165 00:11:39,990 --> 00:11:42,701 You will be, son. You will be. 166 00:11:44,036 --> 00:11:45,412 Pray with me, friends. 167 00:12:10,229 --> 00:12:24,951 All right now. 168 00:12:28,497 --> 00:12:30,331 [CROWD GASPING] 169 00:12:30,499 --> 00:12:32,000 Dean! 170 00:12:32,209 --> 00:12:33,960 [CHEERlNG] 171 00:12:36,088 --> 00:12:37,172 [GASPS] 172 00:12:37,339 --> 00:12:39,007 Say something. 173 00:12:53,981 --> 00:12:57,192 -So you really feel okay? -l feel fine, Sam. 174 00:12:57,401 --> 00:13:00,987 Well, according to all your tests there's nothing wrong with your heart. 175 00:13:01,155 --> 00:13:02,238 No sign there ever was. 176 00:13:03,032 --> 00:13:05,533 Not that a man your age should have heart trouble... 177 00:13:06,911 --> 00:13:09,996 -...but still, it's strange. Does happen. -What do you mean, strange? 178 00:13:10,206 --> 00:13:15,001 Just yesterday, a young guy like you, 27, athletic. Out of nowhere, heart attack. 179 00:13:17,087 --> 00:13:19,589 -Thanks, doc. -No problem. 180 00:13:21,801 --> 00:13:23,843 -That's odd. SAM: Maybe it's a coincidence. 181 00:13:24,053 --> 00:13:26,304 -People's hearts give out all the time. -No, they don't. 182 00:13:26,472 --> 00:13:28,223 Do we have to look this one in the mouth? 183 00:13:28,432 --> 00:13:30,767 Why can't we be thankful the guy saved your life and move on? 184 00:13:30,976 --> 00:13:34,145 Because I can't shake this feeling, that's why. 185 00:13:34,355 --> 00:13:36,981 -What feeling? -When l was healed, I just-- 186 00:13:37,149 --> 00:13:38,942 I felt wrong. 187 00:13:39,109 --> 00:13:44,364 I felt cold and for a second I saw someone, this old man. 188 00:13:44,532 --> 00:13:46,241 I'm telling you, it was a spirit. 189 00:13:46,450 --> 00:13:48,701 If there was something there, I would've seen it too. 190 00:13:48,911 --> 00:13:50,870 I've been seeing an awful lot of things lately. 191 00:13:51,038 --> 00:13:52,831 Oh, well, excuse me, psychic wonder. 192 00:13:53,040 --> 00:13:54,582 You're gonna need a little faith. 193 00:13:55,668 --> 00:13:59,254 Sam, l've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this. 194 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:06,469 Yeah, all right. So, what do you want to do? 195 00:14:07,513 --> 00:14:10,598 Check out the heart-attack guy. I'm gonna visit the Reverend. 196 00:14:13,978 --> 00:14:15,645 DEAN: I feel great. 197 00:14:15,855 --> 00:14:19,065 Just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened. 198 00:14:19,233 --> 00:14:21,734 A miracle is what happened. 199 00:14:22,611 --> 00:14:25,572 Miracles come so often around Roy. 200 00:14:27,825 --> 00:14:30,493 When did they start, the miracles? 201 00:14:31,078 --> 00:14:32,954 Woke up one morning stone blind. 202 00:14:33,122 --> 00:14:36,624 Doctors figured out I had cancer, told me l had maybe a month. 203 00:14:37,418 --> 00:14:41,004 So we prayed for a miracle. 204 00:14:41,213 --> 00:14:46,301 I was weak, but l told Sue Ann, "You just keep right on praying." 205 00:14:47,428 --> 00:14:49,220 I went into a coma. 206 00:14:49,430 --> 00:14:51,556 Doctors said I wouldn't wake up, but I did... 207 00:14:51,724 --> 00:14:54,058 ...and the cancer was gone. 208 00:14:54,894 --> 00:14:58,771 If it wasn't for these eyes, no one would believe I'd ever had it. 209 00:14:59,982 --> 00:15:01,900 And suddenly you could heal people. 210 00:15:02,443 --> 00:15:05,111 I discovered it afterwards, yes. 211 00:15:05,279 --> 00:15:07,906 God's blessed me in many ways. 212 00:15:08,115 --> 00:15:09,949 And his flock just swelled overnight. 213 00:15:10,117 --> 00:15:12,118 And this is just the beginning. 214 00:15:15,039 --> 00:15:18,416 -Can l ask you one last question? -Of course you can. 215 00:15:20,127 --> 00:15:22,587 Why? Why me? 216 00:15:22,755 --> 00:15:25,298 Out of all the sick people, why save me? 217 00:15:26,175 --> 00:15:29,802 Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. 218 00:15:29,970 --> 00:15:35,266 I looked into your heart and you just stood out from all the rest. 219 00:15:37,394 --> 00:15:39,938 What did you see in my heart? 220 00:15:41,106 --> 00:15:44,734 A young man with an important purpose, a job to do... 221 00:15:44,902 --> 00:15:46,736 ...and it isn't finished. 222 00:15:49,573 --> 00:15:53,743 Telling you, he seemed healthy. Swam every day, didn't smoke. 223 00:15:53,911 --> 00:15:57,038 You know, so a heart attack just kind of seemed bizarre. 224 00:15:57,206 --> 00:15:59,540 You said he was running right before he collapsed. 225 00:15:59,708 --> 00:16:01,334 Yeah, yeah, he was freaking out. 226 00:16:01,502 --> 00:16:03,711 Said that something was after him. 227 00:16:03,879 --> 00:16:06,130 -Did he say what? -Well, thin air is what. 228 00:16:06,298 --> 00:16:08,341 I mean, there wasn't anything. 229 00:16:08,759 --> 00:16:10,927 All right, thanks. 230 00:16:13,097 --> 00:16:15,890 Hey, buddy, your clock's busted. 231 00:16:16,058 --> 00:16:18,559 Oh, yeah, we can't get it working. 232 00:16:18,727 --> 00:16:22,021 It just froze at 4:1 7. 233 00:16:22,189 --> 00:16:24,482 Is that the same time Marshall died? 234 00:16:24,650 --> 00:16:26,025 How'd you know? 235 00:16:30,030 --> 00:16:32,240 -Dean, hey. -Hey. 236 00:16:32,783 --> 00:16:35,910 -How are you feeling? -l feel good. Cured, I guess. 237 00:16:37,079 --> 00:16:39,706 -What are you doing here? -You know, my mom... 238 00:16:39,915 --> 00:16:42,834 -...she wanted to talk to the Reverend. -Layla. 239 00:16:44,753 --> 00:16:46,713 Yes, we're here again. 240 00:16:46,880 --> 00:16:48,673 Oh, l'm sorry, but Roy's resting. 241 00:16:48,841 --> 00:16:50,842 He won't be seeing anyone else right now. 242 00:16:51,051 --> 00:16:52,427 ROURKE: Sue Ann, please. 243 00:16:53,220 --> 00:16:55,805 This is our sixth time. He's got to see us. 244 00:16:56,015 --> 00:16:59,559 Roy's well aware of Layla's situation and he very much wants to help... 245 00:16:59,727 --> 00:17:02,603 ...just as soon as the Lord allows. Have faith, Mrs. Rourke. 246 00:17:12,740 --> 00:17:14,240 Why are you still even here? 247 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:16,951 -You got what you wanted. -Mom, stop. 248 00:17:18,245 --> 00:17:19,996 No, Layla, this is too much. 249 00:17:20,873 --> 00:17:23,166 We've been to every single service. 250 00:17:23,333 --> 00:17:26,127 If Roy would stop choosing these strangers over you... 251 00:17:26,295 --> 00:17:28,296 ...strangers who don't even believe. 252 00:17:29,214 --> 00:17:31,632 I just can't pray any harder. 253 00:17:32,426 --> 00:17:33,760 Layla, what's wrong? 254 00:17:37,473 --> 00:17:38,973 I have this thing. 255 00:17:39,183 --> 00:17:41,559 ROURKE: It's a brain tumor. 256 00:17:42,728 --> 00:17:44,604 It's inoperable. 257 00:17:45,606 --> 00:17:48,483 In six months, the doctors say.... 258 00:17:53,822 --> 00:17:55,323 I'm sorry. 259 00:17:56,492 --> 00:17:57,909 It's okay. 260 00:17:58,452 --> 00:18:02,205 ROURKE: No, it isn't. 261 00:18:08,629 --> 00:18:10,963 Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter? 262 00:18:41,411 --> 00:18:43,329 What did you find out? 263 00:18:44,623 --> 00:18:47,542 -l'm sorry. -Sorry about what? 264 00:18:47,751 --> 00:18:51,003 Marshall Hall died at 4:1 7. 265 00:18:52,214 --> 00:18:53,339 [SAM SlGHS] 266 00:18:53,549 --> 00:18:56,134 -The exact time l was healed. -Yeah. 267 00:18:56,301 --> 00:18:58,678 So l put together a list. 268 00:18:58,887 --> 00:19:01,139 Reverend Roy's healed six people over the past year... 269 00:19:01,306 --> 00:19:03,224 ...and l checked them with the local obits. 270 00:19:03,392 --> 00:19:05,935 Every time someone was healed, someone else died. 271 00:19:06,145 --> 00:19:10,148 And each time the victim died of the same symptom Le Grange was healing. 272 00:19:10,357 --> 00:19:13,109 DEAN: Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer? 273 00:19:13,277 --> 00:19:18,781 SAM: Somehow Le Grange is trading a life for another. 274 00:19:18,949 --> 00:19:20,491 Hello? 275 00:19:22,202 --> 00:19:26,581 Wait, wait, wait. So Marshall Hall died to save me? 276 00:19:26,790 --> 00:19:30,418 Dean, the guy probably would've died anyway... 277 00:19:30,627 --> 00:19:33,087 ...and someone else would've been healed. 278 00:19:35,841 --> 00:19:40,428 -You never should have brought me here. -Dean, l was just trying to save your life. 279 00:19:40,637 --> 00:19:42,889 But, Sam, some guy is dead now because of me. 280 00:19:43,098 --> 00:19:44,849 I didn't know. 281 00:19:47,019 --> 00:19:48,644 Pray with me, friends. 282 00:19:50,522 --> 00:19:53,816 SAM: The thing I don't understand is, how is Roy doing it? 283 00:19:53,984 --> 00:19:56,444 How's he trading a life for a life? 284 00:19:56,653 --> 00:19:58,613 Roy is not doing it. 285 00:19:59,531 --> 00:20:01,616 Something else is doing it for him. 286 00:20:01,783 --> 00:20:05,203 SAM: What do you mean? DEAN: The old man l saw on-stage. 287 00:20:06,830 --> 00:20:09,957 -l didn't want to believe it, but l knew it. -What are you talking about? 288 00:20:10,542 --> 00:20:13,294 Only one thing can give and take life like that. 289 00:20:15,005 --> 00:20:16,297 We're dealing with a reaper. 290 00:20:17,007 --> 00:20:18,049 [PANTlNG] 291 00:20:26,767 --> 00:20:28,267 [SHRIEKS] 292 00:21:11,645 --> 00:21:13,229 [CHEERlNG] 293 00:21:20,862 --> 00:21:22,697 SAM: You really think it's the Grim Reaper... 294 00:21:22,864 --> 00:21:25,700 ...like, Angel of Death, collect your soul, the whole deal? 295 00:21:25,867 --> 00:21:28,327 No, no, no, not the Reaper, a reaper. 296 00:21:28,537 --> 00:21:30,705 There's reaper lore in every culture on earth. 297 00:21:30,872 --> 00:21:34,125 Go by different names. lt's possible there's more than one of them. 298 00:21:34,376 --> 00:21:36,043 You said you saw a dude in a suit. 299 00:21:36,211 --> 00:21:38,754 What, he should've been working the black robe thing? 300 00:21:40,424 --> 00:21:42,216 You said it yourself that the clock stopped. 301 00:21:44,052 --> 00:21:45,720 Reapers stop time. 302 00:21:45,929 --> 00:21:47,972 You can only see them when they're coming at you... 303 00:21:48,140 --> 00:21:49,390 ...which is why l could see it. 304 00:21:49,599 --> 00:21:51,892 -Maybe. -There's nothing else it could be, Sam. 305 00:21:52,060 --> 00:21:54,061 The question is, how's Roy controlling the thing? 306 00:21:54,896 --> 00:21:57,440 -That cross. -What? 307 00:21:57,649 --> 00:22:00,318 There was this cross. I noticed it in the church tent. 308 00:22:00,485 --> 00:22:01,861 I knew l'd seen it before. 309 00:22:04,906 --> 00:22:05,948 [CHUCKLES] 310 00:22:09,411 --> 00:22:10,995 Here. 311 00:22:11,580 --> 00:22:14,665 DEAN: A tarot? -lt makes sense. 312 00:22:14,875 --> 00:22:16,917 Tarot dates back to the early Christian era... 313 00:22:17,085 --> 00:22:20,087 ...when priests were using magic and a few veered into the dark stuff: 314 00:22:20,255 --> 00:22:24,008 Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it. 315 00:22:24,259 --> 00:22:26,927 So Roy's using black magic to bind the reaper. 316 00:22:27,137 --> 00:22:29,430 If he is, he's riding the whirlwind. 317 00:22:29,598 --> 00:22:31,766 Like putting a dog leash on a great white. 318 00:22:39,441 --> 00:22:40,775 Okay, then we stop Roy. 319 00:22:40,984 --> 00:22:43,110 -How? -You know how. 320 00:22:43,278 --> 00:22:44,779 What the hell are you talking about? 321 00:22:44,988 --> 00:22:46,280 We can't kill Roy. 322 00:22:46,490 --> 00:22:47,823 Sam, the guy's playing God. 323 00:22:47,991 --> 00:22:50,451 He's deciding who lives and dies. That's a monster. 324 00:22:50,619 --> 00:22:52,620 No, we're not gonna kill a human being, Dean. 325 00:22:53,288 --> 00:22:55,122 We do that, we're no better than he is. 326 00:22:55,290 --> 00:22:57,875 Okay, so we can't kill Roy, we can't kill death. 327 00:22:58,043 --> 00:22:59,710 Any bright ideas, college boy? 328 00:23:01,463 --> 00:23:05,174 Okay, if Roy's using some kind of black spell on the reaper... 329 00:23:05,342 --> 00:23:08,928 ...we gotta figure out what it is and how to break it. 330 00:23:23,068 --> 00:23:25,736 If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book. 331 00:23:25,946 --> 00:23:27,822 See if you can find it. Hurry up too. 332 00:23:27,989 --> 00:23:30,241 Service starts in 1 5 minutes. I'll try to stall Roy. 333 00:23:30,450 --> 00:23:33,411 -Roy Le Grange is a fraud. He's no healer. -Amen, brother. 334 00:23:33,578 --> 00:23:35,329 -You keep up the good work. -Thank you. 335 00:25:24,147 --> 00:25:25,481 [CHATTERlNG] 336 00:25:25,815 --> 00:25:27,316 [CELL PHONE RlNGS] 337 00:25:29,819 --> 00:25:31,111 What do you got? 338 00:25:31,321 --> 00:25:33,364 Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral. 339 00:25:33,573 --> 00:25:36,283 And l think l know who's next on his list. Remember that protestor? 340 00:25:36,451 --> 00:25:37,993 DEAN [ON PHONE]: In the parking lot? -Yeah. 341 00:25:38,203 --> 00:25:41,288 Yeah, l'll find him. But you can't let Roy heal anyone, all right? 342 00:26:03,019 --> 00:26:05,813 Layla. Layla Rourke. Come up here, child. 343 00:26:05,981 --> 00:26:07,314 [CHEERlNG] 344 00:26:11,903 --> 00:26:15,030 -Mom. Thank you. -l love you. 345 00:26:17,117 --> 00:26:18,409 Oh, man. 346 00:26:28,545 --> 00:26:31,171 Layla, listen to me. You can't go up there. 347 00:26:31,339 --> 00:26:33,382 Why not? We've waited for months. 348 00:26:33,633 --> 00:26:35,050 You can't let Roy heal you. 349 00:26:35,218 --> 00:26:37,511 I don't understand. Roy healed you, didn't he? 350 00:26:37,679 --> 00:26:39,179 Why won't you at least let him try? 351 00:26:39,347 --> 00:26:41,348 If you do, something bad is gonna happen. 352 00:26:41,516 --> 00:26:43,392 I can't explain. I just need to you believe me. 353 00:26:43,560 --> 00:26:46,020 -Layla. -Please. 354 00:26:56,031 --> 00:26:58,699 -l'm sorry. -Layla. Layla! 355 00:26:58,867 --> 00:27:00,784 Dear child. 356 00:27:02,037 --> 00:27:03,203 You deserve this. 357 00:27:03,413 --> 00:27:04,788 ROY: I knew the Lord was planning. 358 00:27:05,040 --> 00:27:06,749 I knew it was just a matter of time. 359 00:27:12,047 --> 00:27:13,714 WRlGHT: Help! 360 00:27:20,805 --> 00:27:22,389 Pray with me, friends. 361 00:27:27,562 --> 00:27:29,688 -l hope you're ready. -l am. 362 00:27:40,492 --> 00:27:42,951 Help! Help me, please! 363 00:27:43,119 --> 00:27:46,080 -Where is he? -lt's right there! 364 00:27:48,500 --> 00:27:50,334 Fine, come on. 365 00:27:59,010 --> 00:28:00,594 DEAN: Fire! 366 00:28:00,762 --> 00:28:02,304 Hurry! Tent's on fire! 367 00:28:03,431 --> 00:28:05,766 Fire! Everybody get out of here! 368 00:28:05,975 --> 00:28:07,643 No. No, please. 369 00:28:08,228 --> 00:28:09,978 Please don't stop. Please? 370 00:28:10,230 --> 00:28:12,439 Reverend, please, please. 371 00:28:12,607 --> 00:28:15,943 Please don't stop. Please! 372 00:28:16,111 --> 00:28:20,322 Friends, if you'd all just leave the tent in an orderly fashion... 373 00:28:20,532 --> 00:28:23,450 ...and we'll figure out what's going on out there and we'll come back-- 374 00:28:23,618 --> 00:28:28,872 -l did it. l stopped Roy. -David, l think it's okay. 375 00:28:33,253 --> 00:28:35,963 -No. -Dean, it didn't work. 376 00:28:36,131 --> 00:28:38,132 The reaper's still coming. 377 00:28:43,012 --> 00:28:45,639 I'm telling you. I'm telling you, it must not have worked. 378 00:28:45,807 --> 00:28:47,391 Roy must not be controlling this thing. 379 00:28:47,642 --> 00:28:49,643 Well, then who the hell is? 380 00:28:50,562 --> 00:28:52,062 [CHANTING QUIETLY IN FORElGN LANGUAGE] 381 00:28:52,480 --> 00:28:53,689 Sue Ann. 382 00:29:09,164 --> 00:29:10,581 Help! Help me! 383 00:29:11,416 --> 00:29:13,041 Help! 384 00:29:27,724 --> 00:29:30,517 I got you. I got you. 385 00:29:32,729 --> 00:29:34,354 Thank God. 386 00:29:39,861 --> 00:29:42,529 I just don't understand. 387 00:29:43,072 --> 00:29:46,700 After everything we've done for you, after Roy healed you. 388 00:29:48,870 --> 00:29:51,538 I'm just very, very disappointed, Dean. 389 00:29:54,542 --> 00:29:56,710 You can let him go. I'm not gonna press charges. 390 00:29:56,878 --> 00:30:01,465 The Lord will deal with him as he sees fit. 391 00:30:03,885 --> 00:30:08,138 We catch you around here again, we'll put the fear of God in you, understand? 392 00:30:08,348 --> 00:30:11,642 Yes, sir, fear of God. Got it. 393 00:30:14,938 --> 00:30:16,563 Layla. 394 00:30:17,232 --> 00:30:20,984 Why would you do that, Dean? And it could have been my only chance. 395 00:30:21,152 --> 00:30:24,404 -He's not a healer. -He healed you. 396 00:30:26,658 --> 00:30:29,827 I know it doesn't seem fair and l wish l could explain... 397 00:30:29,994 --> 00:30:32,079 ...but Roy is not the answer, I'm sorry. 398 00:30:35,083 --> 00:30:36,416 Goodbye, Dean. 399 00:30:42,423 --> 00:30:45,634 I wish you luck. I really do. 400 00:30:46,177 --> 00:30:48,512 Same to you. 401 00:30:52,934 --> 00:30:55,435 You deserved a lot more than me. 402 00:30:59,607 --> 00:31:01,942 ROY: Private session tonight, no interruptions. 403 00:31:02,110 --> 00:31:04,444 I give you my word, I'll heal your daughter. 404 00:31:04,612 --> 00:31:07,781 Thank you, Reverend. God bless you. 405 00:31:12,453 --> 00:31:14,454 So Roy really believes. 406 00:31:15,999 --> 00:31:18,500 I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing. 407 00:31:18,668 --> 00:31:22,713 Well, l found this hidden in their library. 408 00:31:22,922 --> 00:31:26,133 It's ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. 409 00:31:26,301 --> 00:31:29,428 There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper. 410 00:31:30,054 --> 00:31:32,306 -Must be a hell of a spell. -Yeah. 411 00:31:32,473 --> 00:31:35,642 You gotta build a black altar with seriously dark stuff: 412 00:31:35,810 --> 00:31:37,811 Bones, human blood. 413 00:31:39,480 --> 00:31:42,190 To cross a line like that-- That preacher's wife.... 414 00:31:42,734 --> 00:31:46,653 Black magic, murder. Evil. 415 00:31:47,322 --> 00:31:48,822 Desperate. 416 00:31:49,032 --> 00:31:51,825 Her husband was dying. She would've done anything to save him. 417 00:31:51,993 --> 00:31:54,995 She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy. 418 00:31:55,705 --> 00:31:59,249 Cheating death, literally. 419 00:31:59,500 --> 00:32:01,835 Yeah, but Roy's alive, so why's she still using the spell? 420 00:32:02,712 --> 00:32:06,089 Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral. 421 00:32:09,218 --> 00:32:12,679 May God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work. 422 00:32:12,847 --> 00:32:14,473 We gotta break that spell, Dean. 423 00:32:18,519 --> 00:32:21,188 Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this. Once she dropped it... 424 00:32:21,356 --> 00:32:24,691 -...the reaper backed off. -So you think we gotta find the cross... 425 00:32:24,859 --> 00:32:27,194 -...or destroy the altar? -Maybe both? 426 00:32:29,197 --> 00:32:31,406 Whatever we do, we'd better do it soon. 427 00:32:31,574 --> 00:32:33,575 Roy's healing Layla tonight. 428 00:32:46,381 --> 00:32:49,716 That's Layla's car. She's already here. 429 00:32:50,218 --> 00:32:53,387 -Yeah. -Dean.... 430 00:32:53,596 --> 00:32:55,472 If Roy picked Layla instead of me... 431 00:32:55,640 --> 00:32:57,641 -...she'd be healed right now. -Dean, don't. 432 00:32:57,809 --> 00:33:01,728 And if she's not healed tonight, she's gonna die in a couple months. 433 00:33:01,938 --> 00:33:04,648 What's happening to her is horrible... 434 00:33:04,816 --> 00:33:08,819 ...but what are you gonna do? Let somebody else die to save her? 435 00:33:09,028 --> 00:33:12,781 You said it yourself, Dean: You can't play God. 436 00:33:27,588 --> 00:33:30,257 ROY: Gather around. Please, everyone gather around. 437 00:33:30,425 --> 00:33:32,926 Come in closer, come on up. 438 00:33:33,094 --> 00:33:36,430 -Where's Sue Ann? -House. 439 00:33:38,558 --> 00:33:39,975 Go find Sue Ann. l'll catch up. 440 00:33:40,143 --> 00:33:41,768 What are you--? 441 00:33:42,937 --> 00:33:46,940 Hey. Gonna put that fear of God in me? 442 00:34:32,320 --> 00:34:35,989 -See him? -No. 443 00:34:47,668 --> 00:34:49,044 [BARKING] 444 00:34:57,220 --> 00:34:59,513 Psycho mutt. 445 00:35:44,934 --> 00:35:47,811 I gave your brother life and l can take it away. 446 00:36:00,908 --> 00:36:02,409 Sam, can't you see? 447 00:36:02,618 --> 00:36:07,080 The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked... 448 00:36:07,248 --> 00:36:09,583 ...and your brother is wicked... 449 00:36:09,792 --> 00:36:13,753 ...and he deserves to die just as Layla deserves to live. 450 00:36:13,921 --> 00:36:16,756 It's God's will. 451 00:36:19,093 --> 00:36:21,261 Goodbye, Sam. 452 00:36:25,474 --> 00:36:29,352 ROY: Mrs. Rourke, pray with me now. 453 00:36:29,604 --> 00:36:31,438 Pray with me, friends. 454 00:37:05,223 --> 00:37:07,224 ROY: All right now. 455 00:37:07,892 --> 00:37:10,060 All right now. 456 00:37:11,103 --> 00:37:12,812 [CHANTING lN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 457 00:37:18,778 --> 00:37:20,362 [GROANING] 458 00:37:51,852 --> 00:37:53,144 SUE ANN: Oh! 459 00:38:04,365 --> 00:38:07,701 -l don't understand. -l don't feel different. 460 00:38:09,912 --> 00:38:12,122 My God. What have you done? 461 00:38:12,957 --> 00:38:14,457 He's not your God. 462 00:38:15,042 --> 00:38:18,211 -Reverend? -Sue Ann? 463 00:38:18,421 --> 00:38:20,630 [GASPlNG] 464 00:39:05,426 --> 00:39:07,177 You okay? 465 00:39:07,345 --> 00:39:09,346 Hell of a week. 466 00:39:09,513 --> 00:39:11,014 Yeah. 467 00:39:12,433 --> 00:39:15,810 All right, come on. We should get going. 468 00:39:27,406 --> 00:39:30,784 -What is it? -Nothing. 469 00:39:32,953 --> 00:39:34,287 What is it? 470 00:39:34,455 --> 00:39:37,540 -We did the right thing here, didn't we? -Of course we did. 471 00:39:38,417 --> 00:39:39,793 It doesn't feel like it. 472 00:39:40,002 --> 00:39:41,461 [KNOCKlNG ON DOOR] 473 00:39:41,837 --> 00:39:43,213 I got it. 474 00:39:47,218 --> 00:39:49,052 -Hey, Layla, come on in. -Hey. 475 00:39:50,721 --> 00:39:55,308 Hey. How did you know we were here? 476 00:39:55,518 --> 00:39:59,938 Sam called. He said you wanted to say goodbye. 477 00:40:00,981 --> 00:40:02,524 SAM: I'm gonna grab a soda. 478 00:40:08,864 --> 00:40:13,118 So where are you going? 479 00:40:13,786 --> 00:40:18,832 Oh, don't know yet. Our work kind of takes us all over. So.... 480 00:40:21,252 --> 00:40:26,756 -You know, l went back to see Roy. -What happened? 481 00:40:29,802 --> 00:40:31,678 Nothing. 482 00:40:31,846 --> 00:40:36,057 I mean, he laid his hands on my forehead but nothing happened. 483 00:40:38,102 --> 00:40:39,394 I'm sorry. 484 00:40:40,521 --> 00:40:42,856 I'm sorry it didn't work. 485 00:40:43,399 --> 00:40:45,275 And Sue Ann.... 486 00:40:45,443 --> 00:40:48,862 She's dead, you know? Stroke. 487 00:40:49,196 --> 00:40:51,239 Yeah, l heard. 488 00:40:52,741 --> 00:40:55,118 You know, Roy's a good man. 489 00:40:55,995 --> 00:40:58,621 He doesn't deserve what's happened. 490 00:41:02,209 --> 00:41:06,754 It must be rough to believe in something so much... 491 00:41:06,922 --> 00:41:09,674 ...and have it disappoint you like that. 492 00:41:14,597 --> 00:41:17,098 You wanna hear something weird? 493 00:41:17,475 --> 00:41:18,766 Hmm? 494 00:41:19,351 --> 00:41:22,061 I'm okay. Really. 495 00:41:23,564 --> 00:41:26,232 I guess if you're gonna have faith... 496 00:41:26,400 --> 00:41:29,277 ...you can't just have it when the miracles happen. 497 00:41:29,445 --> 00:41:31,696 You have to have it when they don't. 498 00:41:39,538 --> 00:41:40,997 So, what now? 499 00:41:45,336 --> 00:41:48,463 God works in mysterious ways. 500 00:41:53,969 --> 00:41:55,261 Goodbye, Dean. 501 00:41:57,890 --> 00:41:59,599 Hey.... 502 00:42:04,897 --> 00:42:07,482 You know, I'm not much of the praying type... 503 00:42:10,986 --> 00:42:12,862 ...but l'm gonna pray for you. 504 00:42:15,574 --> 00:42:17,742 Well... 505 00:42:17,910 --> 00:42:20,370 ...there's a miracle right there. 506 00:43:15,926 --> 00:43:17,927 [ENGLISH SDH]