1 00:00:02,127 --> 00:00:03,419 NARRATOR: Previously: 2 00:00:06,548 --> 00:00:11,051 Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Now, Dean, Go! 3 00:00:12,595 --> 00:00:14,263 Mary, no! 4 00:00:16,641 --> 00:00:18,142 Dad's on a hunting trip. 5 00:00:19,227 --> 00:00:21,228 And he hasn't been home in a few days. 6 00:00:21,396 --> 00:00:22,771 Jess, excuse us. 7 00:00:25,275 --> 00:00:28,694 -l swore I was done hunting. For good. -l can't do this alone. 8 00:00:29,320 --> 00:00:31,822 Now you're taking off in the middle of the night to spend the weekend? 9 00:00:32,032 --> 00:00:36,285 Hey, everything's gonna be okay. I promise. 10 00:00:37,704 --> 00:00:41,081 SAM: Think Mom wanted this for us? Dean, we were raised like warriors. 11 00:00:41,249 --> 00:00:44,251 -You have a responsibility. SAM: To Dad? And his crusade? 12 00:00:44,419 --> 00:00:47,963 Even if we do find the thing that killed her... 13 00:00:48,131 --> 00:00:49,840 ...Mom's gone and she isn't coming back. 14 00:00:50,800 --> 00:00:52,509 Don't talk about her like that. 15 00:00:54,054 --> 00:00:56,764 DEAN: Dad's gone. I've got his journal. He left me a message. 16 00:00:56,931 --> 00:00:59,141 SAM: These coordinates he left us, it's weird, man. 17 00:00:59,350 --> 00:01:01,685 Hey, Dean? What l said earlier, l'm sorry-- 18 00:01:02,771 --> 00:01:04,938 No chick-flick moments. 19 00:01:05,940 --> 00:01:07,441 SAM: Jess? 20 00:01:16,284 --> 00:01:18,160 No! 21 00:01:28,630 --> 00:01:31,006 We got work to do. 22 00:01:50,735 --> 00:01:55,572 [GROWLlNG] 23 00:02:09,379 --> 00:02:13,340 -Dude, you're cheating. -Nope, you just suck. 24 00:02:19,556 --> 00:02:22,558 Hey, Haley. Day six. We're still out near Blackwater Ridge. 25 00:02:22,725 --> 00:02:26,770 We're fine, keeping safe. So don't worry. Talk to you tomorrow. 26 00:02:36,030 --> 00:02:38,407 Hey, where you going? My moment of victory. 27 00:02:38,575 --> 00:02:40,576 Nature calls. 28 00:03:00,555 --> 00:03:02,055 [TWlG BREAKS] 29 00:03:09,105 --> 00:03:14,401 [RUSTLlNG] 30 00:03:19,324 --> 00:03:21,533 [BRAD SCREAMING] 31 00:03:22,202 --> 00:03:23,994 Brad. 32 00:03:24,913 --> 00:03:26,580 Gary, what's going on? 33 00:03:37,508 --> 00:03:40,802 [GROWLlNG] 34 00:03:41,137 --> 00:03:43,555 [GARY SCREAMlNG] 35 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:46,285 I, um.... 36 00:04:47,662 --> 00:04:50,372 You always said roses were lame. 37 00:04:51,291 --> 00:04:53,667 So l brought you, uh.... 38 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:09,891 Jess.... 39 00:05:10,476 --> 00:05:12,602 Oh, God. 40 00:05:16,607 --> 00:05:18,483 I should have protected you. 41 00:05:18,651 --> 00:05:20,819 I should have told you the truth. 42 00:05:27,243 --> 00:05:29,578 [MUSlC PLAYlNG ON RADIO] 43 00:05:37,920 --> 00:05:41,590 -You okay? -Yeah, I'm fine. 44 00:05:42,008 --> 00:05:43,925 Another nightmare? 45 00:05:44,135 --> 00:05:45,635 [CLEARING THROAT] 46 00:05:49,223 --> 00:05:50,557 Wanna drive for a while? 47 00:05:53,436 --> 00:05:56,563 Dean, your whole life, you never once asked me that. 48 00:05:57,148 --> 00:06:00,067 Just thought you might want to. Never mind. 49 00:06:00,318 --> 00:06:02,861 Look, man. You're worried about me. 50 00:06:03,029 --> 00:06:07,032 I get it. And thank you, but I'm perfectly okay. 51 00:06:07,241 --> 00:06:08,283 Uh-huh. 52 00:06:11,204 --> 00:06:13,872 All right, where are we? 53 00:06:14,040 --> 00:06:17,334 We are just outside of Grand Junction. 54 00:06:20,880 --> 00:06:23,840 You know what, maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon. 55 00:06:25,301 --> 00:06:28,595 Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. 56 00:06:28,805 --> 00:06:32,808 -lf you wanna find what killed Jessica-- -We gotta find Dad first. 57 00:06:34,268 --> 00:06:37,687 Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after 20 years... 58 00:06:37,855 --> 00:06:40,399 ...it's no coincidence. Dad will have answers. 59 00:06:40,566 --> 00:06:43,527 -He'll know what to do. -lt's weird, man. 60 00:06:43,694 --> 00:06:47,114 These coordinates he left us, this Blackwater Ridge.... 61 00:06:47,281 --> 00:06:50,200 -Yeah, what about it? -There's nothing there. 62 00:06:50,368 --> 00:06:52,202 It's just woods. 63 00:06:54,580 --> 00:06:56,748 Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere? 64 00:07:04,298 --> 00:07:08,552 So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote. It's cut off by these canyons here. 65 00:07:08,719 --> 00:07:12,806 Rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place. 66 00:07:12,974 --> 00:07:15,809 Dude, check out the size of this frigging bear. 67 00:07:18,521 --> 00:07:22,524 And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. 68 00:07:22,692 --> 00:07:25,152 It's no nature hike, that's for sure. 69 00:07:25,319 --> 00:07:29,239 You boys aren't planning to go out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance? 70 00:07:29,407 --> 00:07:32,784 Oh, no, sir. We're environmental-study majors from UC Boulder. 71 00:07:32,952 --> 00:07:36,246 -Just working on a paper. -Recycle, man. 72 00:07:36,414 --> 00:07:38,248 Bull. 73 00:07:38,708 --> 00:07:40,876 You're friends with that Haley girl, right? 74 00:07:42,462 --> 00:07:45,213 Yes. Yes, we are... 75 00:07:45,381 --> 00:07:47,215 ...Ranger Wilkinson. 76 00:07:48,468 --> 00:07:50,802 Well, l will tell you exactly what l told her. 77 00:07:51,012 --> 00:07:52,804 Her brother filled out a permit... 78 00:07:52,972 --> 00:07:56,099 ...saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the 24th. 79 00:07:56,309 --> 00:07:59,186 So it's not exactly a missing persons, now, is it? 80 00:07:59,353 --> 00:08:02,314 Tell that girl to quit worrying. I'm sure her brother's just fine. 81 00:08:02,482 --> 00:08:04,232 DEAN: We will. 82 00:08:04,650 --> 00:08:08,403 -That Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh? -That is putting it mildly. 83 00:08:08,738 --> 00:08:12,991 You know what would help is if l could show her a copy of that permit. 84 00:08:13,159 --> 00:08:16,620 You know, so she could see her brother's return date. 85 00:08:18,331 --> 00:08:20,290 Yeah. 86 00:08:20,750 --> 00:08:23,335 -Are you cruising for a hookup? -What do you mean? 87 00:08:23,503 --> 00:08:26,046 The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge. What do we wait for? 88 00:08:26,214 --> 00:08:29,299 Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl? 89 00:08:29,634 --> 00:08:33,929 We should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it. 90 00:08:34,639 --> 00:08:35,680 What? 91 00:08:35,848 --> 00:08:38,975 Since when are you all "shoot first, ask questions later" anyway? 92 00:08:39,352 --> 00:08:40,769 Since now. 93 00:08:42,688 --> 00:08:44,689 Oh, really? 94 00:08:45,107 --> 00:08:46,441 [KNOCKlNG] 95 00:08:47,735 --> 00:08:50,362 You must be Haley Collins. I'm Dean, this is Sam. 96 00:08:50,530 --> 00:08:53,907 We're rangers with the Park Service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. 97 00:08:54,116 --> 00:08:57,160 We wanted to ask you some questions about your brother, Tommy. 98 00:08:58,162 --> 00:08:59,663 Let me see some ID. 99 00:09:02,792 --> 00:09:04,543 DEAN: There you go. 100 00:09:10,967 --> 00:09:12,717 -Come on in. -Thanks. 101 00:09:14,845 --> 00:09:16,513 -That yours? -Yeah. 102 00:09:16,681 --> 00:09:17,806 Nice car. 103 00:09:21,477 --> 00:09:22,519 [MOUTHING] Oh, my-- 104 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:24,771 SAM: So if Tommy's not due back for a while... 105 00:09:24,981 --> 00:09:26,690 ...how do you know something's wrong? 106 00:09:26,857 --> 00:09:31,111 He checks in every day by cell. He e-mails photos, stupid little videos. 107 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:33,488 But we haven't heard anything in three days now. 108 00:09:33,698 --> 00:09:37,993 -Well, maybe he can't get cell reception. -He's got a satellite phone too. 109 00:09:38,160 --> 00:09:41,663 -Could it be he forgot to check in? -He wouldn't do that. 110 00:09:44,083 --> 00:09:46,710 Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. 111 00:09:47,295 --> 00:09:49,838 We all keep pretty close tabs on each other. 112 00:09:50,047 --> 00:09:53,008 -Can l see the pictures he sent you? -Yeah. 113 00:09:53,884 --> 00:09:55,218 That's Tommy. 114 00:10:01,392 --> 00:10:04,644 Hey, Haley. Day six. We're still out near blackwater Ridge. 115 00:10:04,812 --> 00:10:10,108 We're fine, keeping safe. So don't worry. Talk to you tomorrow. 116 00:10:10,276 --> 00:10:13,612 DEAN: Well, we'll find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge. 117 00:10:13,821 --> 00:10:15,572 Then maybe l'll see you there. 118 00:10:17,074 --> 00:10:21,369 Look, l can't sit around here anymore, so l hired a guide. 119 00:10:21,579 --> 00:10:24,706 I'm heading out in the morning and l'm gonna find Tommy myself. 120 00:10:24,874 --> 00:10:26,458 I think I know how you feel. 121 00:10:29,295 --> 00:10:31,588 Hey, you mind forwarding these to me? 122 00:10:31,756 --> 00:10:33,798 Sure. 123 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:36,593 [MUSlC PLAYlNG] 124 00:10:37,178 --> 00:10:41,806 So Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers mostly. 125 00:10:42,016 --> 00:10:45,226 But still, this past April, two hikers went missing out there. 126 00:10:45,436 --> 00:10:47,771 -They were never found. -Any before that? 127 00:10:47,938 --> 00:10:51,232 Yeah. ln 1 982, eight people all vanished in the same year. 128 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:53,485 Authorities said it was a grizzly attack. 129 00:10:53,694 --> 00:10:58,573 And again in 1 959. And again before that in 1 936. 130 00:10:58,783 --> 00:11:01,951 Every 23 years, just like clockwork. 131 00:11:02,495 --> 00:11:05,872 Okay, watch this. Here's the clincher. 132 00:11:06,832 --> 00:11:11,002 I downloaded that guy Tommy's video to the laptop. Check this out. 133 00:11:12,963 --> 00:11:14,756 Do it again. 134 00:11:17,551 --> 00:11:19,928 That's three frames. It's a fraction of a second. 135 00:11:20,096 --> 00:11:22,847 Whatever that thing is, it can move. 136 00:11:23,808 --> 00:11:25,684 Told you something weird was going on. 137 00:11:26,519 --> 00:11:28,728 Yeah. l got one more thing. 138 00:11:29,271 --> 00:11:32,899 In '59, one camper survived the supposed grizzly attack. 139 00:11:33,067 --> 00:11:36,194 Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive. 140 00:11:36,862 --> 00:11:38,697 Is there a name? 141 00:11:39,281 --> 00:11:42,867 SHAW: Look, ranger, I don't know why you're asking me about this. 142 00:11:43,035 --> 00:11:46,162 It's public record. l was a kid. 143 00:11:46,372 --> 00:11:49,958 -My parents got mauled by a-- -Grizzly? That's what attacked them? 144 00:11:58,384 --> 00:12:00,677 The other people that went missing that year... 145 00:12:00,845 --> 00:12:02,387 ...those were bear attacks too? 146 00:12:05,141 --> 00:12:08,059 What about all the people that went missing this year? 147 00:12:08,394 --> 00:12:10,145 Same thing? 148 00:12:12,022 --> 00:12:15,775 If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it. 149 00:12:18,154 --> 00:12:20,989 I seriously doubt that. 150 00:12:21,157 --> 00:12:25,952 Anyways, l don't see what difference it would make. 151 00:12:27,121 --> 00:12:29,205 You wouldn't believe me. 152 00:12:29,373 --> 00:12:31,708 Nobody ever did. 153 00:12:34,295 --> 00:12:36,504 Mr. Shaw... 154 00:12:38,841 --> 00:12:40,383 ...what did you see? 155 00:12:45,347 --> 00:12:47,348 Nothing. 156 00:12:48,684 --> 00:12:51,603 It moved too fast to see. 157 00:12:51,771 --> 00:12:55,273 It hid too well. l heard it, though. 158 00:12:55,441 --> 00:12:57,525 A roar. 159 00:12:59,195 --> 00:13:03,531 Like no man or animal I ever heard. 160 00:13:03,741 --> 00:13:05,074 It came at night? 161 00:13:06,452 --> 00:13:08,578 Got inside your tent? 162 00:13:08,746 --> 00:13:10,747 It got inside our cabin. 163 00:13:11,916 --> 00:13:15,293 I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. 164 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:19,088 It didn't smash a window or break the door... 165 00:13:20,257 --> 00:13:21,758 ...it unlocked it. 166 00:13:23,093 --> 00:13:27,013 You know of a bear that could do something like that? 167 00:13:27,556 --> 00:13:31,684 I didn't even wake up until I heard my parents screaming. 168 00:13:31,852 --> 00:13:34,896 -lt killed them? SHAW: Dragged them off into the night. 169 00:13:37,733 --> 00:13:42,403 Why it left me alive.... Been asking myself that ever since. 170 00:13:47,493 --> 00:13:50,161 Did leave me this, though. 171 00:13:59,547 --> 00:14:04,133 There's something evil in those woods. 172 00:14:06,136 --> 00:14:09,097 It was some sort of a demon. 173 00:14:09,306 --> 00:14:11,891 DEAN: Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. 174 00:14:12,059 --> 00:14:15,562 -They just go through the walls. -So it's probably something corporeal. 175 00:14:15,729 --> 00:14:20,692 -"Corporeal"? Excuse me, professor. -Shut up. So, what do you think? 176 00:14:20,860 --> 00:14:23,444 The claws, the speed that it moves.... 177 00:14:23,612 --> 00:14:25,655 Could be a Skinwalker, maybe a Black Dog. 178 00:14:25,823 --> 00:14:28,825 Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature... 179 00:14:28,993 --> 00:14:30,618 ...and it's corporeal. 180 00:14:30,786 --> 00:14:32,745 Which means we can kill it. 181 00:14:50,014 --> 00:14:52,140 We cannot let that Haley girl go out there. 182 00:14:52,308 --> 00:14:56,102 What are we gonna tell her? She can't go because of a big, scary monster? 183 00:14:56,312 --> 00:14:57,729 SAM: Yeah. 184 00:14:58,772 --> 00:15:02,108 Her brother's missing, Sam. She's not just gonna sit this out. 185 00:15:02,276 --> 00:15:05,904 We go with her, and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend. 186 00:15:06,780 --> 00:15:08,531 So finding Dad's not enough? 187 00:15:10,910 --> 00:15:13,077 Now we gotta babysit too? 188 00:15:15,956 --> 00:15:17,290 What? 189 00:15:18,208 --> 00:15:19,709 Nothing. 190 00:15:26,508 --> 00:15:28,968 MAN: l'll tell you again, I don't think Ben should come. 191 00:15:30,054 --> 00:15:31,512 Roy. 192 00:15:31,680 --> 00:15:34,098 Look, you're paying me good money to keep everybody safe. 193 00:15:34,308 --> 00:15:36,601 I think Ben's safest at home. 194 00:15:46,737 --> 00:15:48,237 You guys got room for two more? 195 00:15:48,447 --> 00:15:50,990 -Wait, you wanna come with us? ROY: Who are these guys? 196 00:15:51,158 --> 00:15:54,744 Apparently, this is all the Park Service could muster up for the search. 197 00:15:54,954 --> 00:15:57,121 ROY: You're rangers? -That's right. 198 00:15:57,331 --> 00:16:00,500 And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans? 199 00:16:01,335 --> 00:16:03,419 Well, sweetheart, l don't do shorts. 200 00:16:06,048 --> 00:16:07,715 ROY: Oh, you think this is funny? 201 00:16:07,925 --> 00:16:10,635 It's dangerous backcountry out there. Her brother might be hurt. 202 00:16:12,721 --> 00:16:15,640 Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be. 203 00:16:15,808 --> 00:16:18,810 We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all. 204 00:16:42,793 --> 00:16:46,212 [GROWLlNG] 205 00:16:59,643 --> 00:17:04,564 [GARY SCREAMlNG] 206 00:17:19,246 --> 00:17:21,706 DEAN: So, Roy, you said you did a little hunting. 207 00:17:21,874 --> 00:17:24,500 ROY: Yeah, more than a little. DEAN: Uh-huh. 208 00:17:25,794 --> 00:17:30,673 -What kind of furry critters do you hunt? -Mostly bucks, sometimes bear. 209 00:17:31,300 --> 00:17:35,511 Tell me, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back? 210 00:17:39,433 --> 00:17:40,975 What you doing, Roy? 211 00:17:47,441 --> 00:17:49,776 You should watch where you're stepping, ranger. 212 00:17:53,947 --> 00:17:55,907 It was a bear trap. 213 00:18:02,164 --> 00:18:03,873 You didn't pack any provisions. 214 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:06,584 You guys are carrying a duffle bag. 215 00:18:06,794 --> 00:18:09,045 You're not rangers, so who the hell are you? 216 00:18:18,138 --> 00:18:22,016 Sam and l are brothers, and we're looking for our father. 217 00:18:22,226 --> 00:18:23,893 He might be here, we don't know. 218 00:18:24,061 --> 00:18:26,604 I just figured you and me, we're in the same boat. 219 00:18:28,315 --> 00:18:30,358 Why didn't you tell me that from the start? 220 00:18:30,526 --> 00:18:32,318 I'm telling you now. 221 00:18:32,569 --> 00:18:35,947 Besides, that's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman. 222 00:18:36,240 --> 00:18:37,907 Ever. 223 00:18:39,243 --> 00:18:40,493 So we okay? 224 00:18:44,123 --> 00:18:46,207 Yeah. Okay. 225 00:18:46,416 --> 00:18:48,626 And what do you mean, I didn't pack provisions? 226 00:19:05,602 --> 00:19:08,521 ROY: This is it. Blackwater Ridge. 227 00:19:08,689 --> 00:19:10,523 SAM: What coordinates are we at? 228 00:19:14,528 --> 00:19:16,737 Thirty-five at minus 1 1 1 . 229 00:19:22,244 --> 00:19:24,996 -You hear that? -Yeah. 230 00:19:25,956 --> 00:19:28,082 Not even crickets. 231 00:19:28,458 --> 00:19:30,501 ROY: I'm gonna go take a look around. 232 00:19:30,669 --> 00:19:33,004 You shouldn't go off by yourself. 233 00:19:33,172 --> 00:19:37,091 That's sweet. Don't worry about me. 234 00:19:44,725 --> 00:19:46,767 All right, everybody stays together. 235 00:19:46,935 --> 00:19:48,603 Let's go. 236 00:19:57,070 --> 00:19:59,906 ROY: Haley! Over here! 237 00:20:06,705 --> 00:20:10,666 -Oh, my God. ROY: Looks like a grizzly. 238 00:20:26,892 --> 00:20:28,017 HALEY: Tommy? 239 00:20:29,853 --> 00:20:31,187 -Tommy! SAM: Shh. 240 00:20:31,396 --> 00:20:34,440 -Tommy! -Shh! 241 00:20:34,691 --> 00:20:37,485 -Why? -Something might still be out there. 242 00:20:38,612 --> 00:20:40,488 DEAN: Sam! 243 00:20:47,120 --> 00:20:49,872 The bodies were dragged from the campsite. 244 00:20:50,624 --> 00:20:54,460 But here, the tracks just vanish. 245 00:20:54,670 --> 00:20:56,379 It's weird. 246 00:20:58,215 --> 00:21:00,132 I'll tell you what... 247 00:21:00,801 --> 00:21:03,594 ...it's no Skinwalker or Black Dog. 248 00:21:26,326 --> 00:21:27,994 Hey, he could still be alive. 249 00:21:32,749 --> 00:21:34,458 MAN: Help! 250 00:21:38,463 --> 00:21:40,840 Help! 251 00:21:41,883 --> 00:21:44,051 Help me! 252 00:21:56,273 --> 00:21:59,066 It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn't it? 253 00:22:05,115 --> 00:22:07,033 Everybody back to camp. 254 00:22:13,248 --> 00:22:14,498 HALEY: Our packs. 255 00:22:15,500 --> 00:22:18,502 So much for my GPS and my satellite phone. 256 00:22:18,712 --> 00:22:21,005 -What the hell's going on? SAM: lt's smart. 257 00:22:21,173 --> 00:22:23,758 It wants to cut us off so we can't call for help. 258 00:22:23,925 --> 00:22:26,469 You mean someone, some nutjob out there... 259 00:22:26,636 --> 00:22:27,970 ...just stole all our gear? 260 00:22:28,138 --> 00:22:31,891 I need to speak with you in private. 261 00:22:40,317 --> 00:22:42,610 Okay. Let me see Dad's journal. 262 00:22:48,658 --> 00:22:50,242 All right. 263 00:22:50,452 --> 00:22:52,495 Check that out. 264 00:22:52,704 --> 00:22:54,038 Oh, come on. 265 00:22:54,206 --> 00:22:56,916 Wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or northern Michigan. 266 00:22:57,084 --> 00:22:59,752 -l've never heard of one this far west. -Think about it, Dean. 267 00:22:59,920 --> 00:23:02,630 The claws, the way it can mimic a human voice.... 268 00:23:04,508 --> 00:23:06,092 Great. 269 00:23:06,301 --> 00:23:07,968 Well, then this is useless. 270 00:23:12,724 --> 00:23:15,559 We gotta get these people to safety. 271 00:23:17,020 --> 00:23:19,980 All right, listen up. It's time to go. 272 00:23:20,148 --> 00:23:23,150 Things have gotten more complicated. 273 00:23:24,277 --> 00:23:25,361 -What? ROY: Don't worry. 274 00:23:25,529 --> 00:23:27,405 Whatever's out there, I think I can handle it. 275 00:23:27,614 --> 00:23:30,408 If you shoot this thing, you're just gonna make it mad. 276 00:23:30,575 --> 00:23:33,285 -We have to leave. Now. ROY: One, you're talking nonsense. 277 00:23:33,453 --> 00:23:36,080 -Two, you're in no position to give orders. -Relax. 278 00:23:36,248 --> 00:23:38,666 SAM: We never should have let you come out here, all right? 279 00:23:38,875 --> 00:23:41,127 -l'm trying to protect you. ROY: You, protect me? 280 00:23:41,294 --> 00:23:43,838 I was hunting when your mommy was still kissing you good night. 281 00:23:44,005 --> 00:23:48,801 Yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you. 282 00:23:50,053 --> 00:23:54,306 And it's gonna hunt you down unless we get your stupid, sorry ass out of here. 283 00:23:55,225 --> 00:23:57,268 -You know you're crazy, right? -Yeah? 284 00:23:57,436 --> 00:23:58,936 -You ever hunt a Wen--? HALEY: Roy! 285 00:23:59,104 --> 00:24:00,980 DEAN: Chill out. -Stop. 286 00:24:01,565 --> 00:24:03,441 Stop it. Everybody just stop. 287 00:24:05,068 --> 00:24:08,737 Look, Tommy might still be alive. 288 00:24:09,114 --> 00:24:11,824 And l'm not leaving here without him. 289 00:24:16,163 --> 00:24:18,289 It's getting late. 290 00:24:19,374 --> 00:24:22,251 This thing is a good hunter in the day... 291 00:24:22,419 --> 00:24:25,004 ...but an unbelievable hunter at night. 292 00:24:25,172 --> 00:24:27,131 We'll never beat it, not in the dark. 293 00:24:29,551 --> 00:24:32,344 We need to settle in and protect ourselves. 294 00:24:32,929 --> 00:24:34,096 How? 295 00:24:46,860 --> 00:24:50,029 HALEY: One more time, that's...? -Anasazi symbols. 296 00:24:50,197 --> 00:24:53,073 It's for protection. The Wendigo can't cross over them. 297 00:24:53,325 --> 00:24:54,366 [CHUCKLlNG] 298 00:24:54,951 --> 00:24:57,661 Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy. 299 00:25:07,839 --> 00:25:11,217 You wanna tell me what's going on in that freaky head of yours? 300 00:25:12,719 --> 00:25:15,054 -Dean-- -No, you're not fine. 301 00:25:15,514 --> 00:25:18,349 You're like a powder keg, man. It's not like you. 302 00:25:18,683 --> 00:25:21,727 I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember? 303 00:25:25,398 --> 00:25:27,441 Dad's not here. 304 00:25:29,486 --> 00:25:31,362 I mean, that much we know for sure, right? 305 00:25:31,530 --> 00:25:35,491 He would have left us a message, a sign, right? 306 00:25:35,951 --> 00:25:38,077 Yeah, you're probably right. 307 00:25:39,037 --> 00:25:42,498 To tell you the truth, I don't think Dad's ever been to Lost Creek. 308 00:25:43,667 --> 00:25:47,127 Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. 309 00:25:47,337 --> 00:25:50,548 Go find Dad. I mean, why are we still even here? 310 00:25:59,683 --> 00:26:01,684 This is why. 311 00:26:01,893 --> 00:26:03,686 This book. 312 00:26:03,853 --> 00:26:06,230 This is Dad's single most valuable possession. 313 00:26:06,398 --> 00:26:09,024 Everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. 314 00:26:09,359 --> 00:26:12,111 And he's passed it on to us. 315 00:26:12,320 --> 00:26:15,656 I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. 316 00:26:16,157 --> 00:26:19,201 You know, saving people, hunting things. 317 00:26:19,369 --> 00:26:20,619 The family business. 318 00:26:24,124 --> 00:26:25,583 That makes no sense. 319 00:26:25,750 --> 00:26:28,252 Why--? Why doesn't he just call us? 320 00:26:28,420 --> 00:26:31,797 Why doesn't he tell us what he wants, tell us where he is? 321 00:26:34,175 --> 00:26:35,801 I don't know. 322 00:26:37,679 --> 00:26:39,972 But the way l see it... 323 00:26:40,473 --> 00:26:43,517 ...Dad's given us a job to do, and l intend to do it. 324 00:26:43,977 --> 00:26:47,605 Dean, no. 325 00:26:48,148 --> 00:26:50,399 I gotta find Dad. 326 00:26:50,567 --> 00:26:53,235 I gotta find Jessica's killer. 327 00:26:58,408 --> 00:27:01,201 -lt's the only thing l can think about. -Okay, all right. 328 00:27:01,411 --> 00:27:04,079 Sam, we'll find them, I promise. 329 00:27:04,998 --> 00:27:08,917 Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. 330 00:27:09,419 --> 00:27:12,004 I mean, this search could take a while. 331 00:27:12,380 --> 00:27:14,173 And all that anger... 332 00:27:14,382 --> 00:27:18,135 ...you can't keep it burning over the long haul. lt's gonna kill you. 333 00:27:18,887 --> 00:27:20,804 You gotta have patience, man. 334 00:27:23,350 --> 00:27:27,061 How do you do it? How does Dad do it? 335 00:27:29,397 --> 00:27:31,065 Well, for one, them. 336 00:27:32,651 --> 00:27:36,654 I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. 337 00:27:36,863 --> 00:27:39,406 Makes things a little bit more bearable. 338 00:27:44,329 --> 00:27:45,788 I'll tell you what else helps. 339 00:27:48,667 --> 00:27:52,836 Killing as many evil sons of bitches as l possibly can. 340 00:27:55,298 --> 00:27:57,007 MAN: Help me! 341 00:28:00,095 --> 00:28:01,595 Please! 342 00:28:01,888 --> 00:28:03,097 [RlFFLE COCKS] 343 00:28:05,725 --> 00:28:07,226 MAN: Help! 344 00:28:08,395 --> 00:28:11,522 It's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool. Stay put. 345 00:28:11,690 --> 00:28:13,941 Inside the magic circle? 346 00:28:14,150 --> 00:28:15,943 Help! 347 00:28:17,153 --> 00:28:19,113 Help me, ple-- 348 00:28:19,280 --> 00:28:21,115 [MAN SCREAMING] 349 00:28:21,282 --> 00:28:22,991 Okay, that's no grizzly. 350 00:28:28,623 --> 00:28:31,417 It's okay. You'll be all right, l promise. 351 00:28:33,503 --> 00:28:34,670 [GROWLlNG] 352 00:28:35,380 --> 00:28:36,755 DEAN: It's here. 353 00:28:43,847 --> 00:28:46,265 -l hit it. -Roy, no! 354 00:28:46,433 --> 00:28:48,016 Roy! 355 00:28:48,601 --> 00:28:50,185 Don't move. 356 00:28:53,857 --> 00:28:56,775 ROY: It's over here. It's in the tree-- 357 00:28:58,278 --> 00:28:59,987 DEAN: Roy? 358 00:29:27,640 --> 00:29:29,016 I don't.... 359 00:29:29,184 --> 00:29:32,352 I mean, these types of things, they aren't supposed to be real. 360 00:29:32,520 --> 00:29:34,772 I wish I could tell you different. 361 00:29:35,356 --> 00:29:37,775 How do we know it's not out there watching us? 362 00:29:37,984 --> 00:29:39,943 We don't. 363 00:29:40,111 --> 00:29:41,612 But we're safe for now. 364 00:29:43,114 --> 00:29:44,823 How do you know about this stuff? 365 00:29:47,535 --> 00:29:49,703 It kind of runs in the family. 366 00:29:55,001 --> 00:29:56,502 Hey. 367 00:29:57,128 --> 00:30:00,464 So we've got half a chance in the daylight. 368 00:30:00,632 --> 00:30:03,050 And l, for one... 369 00:30:03,218 --> 00:30:05,385 ...wanna kill this evil son of a bitch. 370 00:30:06,554 --> 00:30:08,680 Well, hell, you know l'm in. 371 00:30:08,890 --> 00:30:11,892 "Wendigo" is a Cree Indian word. It means "evil that devours." 372 00:30:12,060 --> 00:30:14,812 They're hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man. 373 00:30:14,979 --> 00:30:19,733 Sometimes an Indian, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or a hunter. 374 00:30:19,901 --> 00:30:23,070 -How's a man turn in to one of those? DEAN: Well, it's always the same. 375 00:30:23,238 --> 00:30:26,031 During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving... 376 00:30:26,199 --> 00:30:28,242 ...cut off from supplies or help. 377 00:30:28,409 --> 00:30:33,038 He becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp. 378 00:30:33,206 --> 00:30:35,207 Like the Donner Party. 379 00:30:35,542 --> 00:30:38,252 Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh... 380 00:30:38,419 --> 00:30:42,256 ...gives a person certain abilities: speed, strength, immortality. 381 00:30:42,465 --> 00:30:44,842 If you eat enough of it, over years... 382 00:30:45,009 --> 00:30:49,054 ...you become this less-than-human thing. 383 00:30:49,222 --> 00:30:51,098 You're always hungry. 384 00:30:51,349 --> 00:30:54,101 So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive? 385 00:30:57,272 --> 00:30:59,731 -You're not gonna like it. -Tell me. 386 00:30:59,941 --> 00:31:03,026 More than anything, a Wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. 387 00:31:03,236 --> 00:31:04,903 It hibernates for years at a time. 388 00:31:05,113 --> 00:31:08,407 When it's awake, it keeps its victims alive. 389 00:31:08,575 --> 00:31:12,536 It stores them so it can feed whenever it wants. 390 00:31:13,580 --> 00:31:18,959 If your brother's alive, it's keeping him somewhere dark, hidden and safe. 391 00:31:19,460 --> 00:31:22,629 -And we gotta track it back there. -And then how do we stop it? 392 00:31:23,381 --> 00:31:27,217 Well, guns are useless. So are knives. 393 00:31:28,970 --> 00:31:30,721 Basically... 394 00:31:30,930 --> 00:31:32,639 ...we gotta torch the sucker. 395 00:31:50,116 --> 00:31:51,742 SAM: Dean. 396 00:31:54,287 --> 00:31:55,954 What is it? 397 00:32:13,431 --> 00:32:19,937 You know, I was thinking that those claw prints, so clear and distinct... 398 00:32:20,939 --> 00:32:23,565 ...they were almost too easy to follow. 399 00:32:25,610 --> 00:32:27,653 [GROWLlNG] 400 00:32:49,467 --> 00:32:52,678 SAM: You okay? You got it? -Damn it, his neck's broken. 401 00:32:53,554 --> 00:32:56,890 SAM: All right, come on. -Okay, run, run, run! Go, go, go! 402 00:33:06,067 --> 00:33:09,319 SAM: Let's go. Come on. I got you. I got you. 403 00:33:12,657 --> 00:33:14,157 [WENDIGO GROWLlNG] 404 00:33:18,913 --> 00:33:20,872 BEN: Haley! 405 00:33:30,216 --> 00:33:31,758 Dean! 406 00:33:35,054 --> 00:33:38,557 BEN: lf it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy? 407 00:33:38,725 --> 00:33:42,728 SAM: Honestly, l think because Roy shot at it. He pissed it off. 408 00:33:50,903 --> 00:33:52,946 They went this way. 409 00:33:58,411 --> 00:34:01,038 It's better than breadcrumbs. 410 00:34:55,259 --> 00:34:57,928 [GROWLlNG] 411 00:35:13,152 --> 00:35:14,611 [BEN GASPS] 412 00:35:27,166 --> 00:35:29,292 [CREAKING] 413 00:35:43,474 --> 00:35:47,185 SAM: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. 414 00:35:47,395 --> 00:35:49,688 [CREAKING] 415 00:35:59,073 --> 00:36:00,782 Dean. 416 00:36:02,660 --> 00:36:06,204 BEN: Haley, wake up. SAM: Dean. Dean. 417 00:36:06,372 --> 00:36:08,331 Hey, you okay? 418 00:36:09,917 --> 00:36:11,168 Yeah. 419 00:36:11,335 --> 00:36:16,590 Haley. Haley, wake up. Wake up. 420 00:36:17,383 --> 00:36:19,092 SAM: Gotcha. 421 00:36:19,427 --> 00:36:22,387 [GROANING] 422 00:36:23,514 --> 00:36:25,849 SAM: I thought it killed you. 423 00:36:28,436 --> 00:36:31,688 -You sure you're all right? -Yeah. Yeah, where is it? 424 00:36:31,856 --> 00:36:33,940 SAM: It's gone for now. 425 00:36:49,957 --> 00:36:53,251 [HALEY SOBBING] 426 00:36:54,128 --> 00:36:55,462 HALEY: Tommy. 427 00:36:58,466 --> 00:36:59,633 Tommy. 428 00:37:01,344 --> 00:37:02,636 [HALEY GASPS] 429 00:37:05,431 --> 00:37:07,140 Cut him down. 430 00:37:15,149 --> 00:37:16,816 Hey. 431 00:37:17,485 --> 00:37:18,944 Man.... 432 00:37:20,780 --> 00:37:22,864 HALEY: We're gonna get you home. 433 00:37:23,366 --> 00:37:24,407 DEAN: Check it out. 434 00:37:25,660 --> 00:37:28,578 Flare guns. Those will work. 435 00:37:37,463 --> 00:37:40,006 [WENDIGO GROWLlNG] 436 00:37:42,468 --> 00:37:46,304 -Looks like someone's home for supper. -We'll never outrun it. 437 00:37:50,685 --> 00:37:53,144 -You thinking what l'm thinking? -Yeah, I think so. 438 00:37:56,649 --> 00:37:59,526 All right, listen to me. Stay with Sam, he's gonna get you out of here. 439 00:37:59,777 --> 00:38:01,611 What are you gonna do? 440 00:38:03,656 --> 00:38:06,366 DEAN: It's chow time, you freaky bastard! 441 00:38:06,534 --> 00:38:07,951 Yeah, that's right. 442 00:38:08,160 --> 00:38:11,663 Bring it on, baby! I taste good. 443 00:38:18,879 --> 00:38:20,463 SAM: All right, come on. Hurry. 444 00:38:26,304 --> 00:38:28,305 Hey! 445 00:38:28,848 --> 00:38:31,224 Hey, you want some white meat, bitch? 446 00:38:31,475 --> 00:38:33,059 I'm right here! 447 00:38:41,527 --> 00:38:44,321 [WENDIGO GROWLlNG] 448 00:38:48,242 --> 00:38:49,743 -Get them out of here. -Sam, no. 449 00:38:49,910 --> 00:38:51,828 Go. Go! 450 00:38:52,038 --> 00:38:54,873 -Go! BEN: Come on, Haley. 451 00:38:55,082 --> 00:39:06,176 Come on. 452 00:39:11,474 --> 00:39:14,100 [FOOTSTEPS APPROACHlNG] 453 00:39:20,608 --> 00:39:22,442 Sam! 454 00:39:23,444 --> 00:39:25,945 Come on. Hurry. Hurry! Hurry! Let's go. 455 00:39:29,867 --> 00:39:31,576 [GROWLlNG] 456 00:39:31,744 --> 00:39:33,620 [HALEY SCREAMlNG] 457 00:39:35,414 --> 00:39:37,290 SAM: Come on. Come on. 458 00:39:37,500 --> 00:39:41,378 No! Damn. Get behind me. 459 00:40:01,941 --> 00:40:03,149 Hey! 460 00:40:24,088 --> 00:40:26,297 Not bad, huh? 461 00:40:31,178 --> 00:40:34,180 WlLKINSON: So the bear came back again after you yelled at it? 462 00:40:34,348 --> 00:40:36,099 That's when it circled the campsite. 463 00:40:36,267 --> 00:40:39,352 I mean, this grizzly must have weighed 800, 900 pounds. 464 00:40:39,562 --> 00:40:41,646 WlLKINSON: We'll go after it at first light. 465 00:40:41,814 --> 00:40:44,649 So really, I don't know how to thank you. 466 00:40:48,028 --> 00:40:51,322 -Must you cheapen the moment? -Yeah. 467 00:40:52,616 --> 00:40:55,827 -You riding with your brother? -Yeah. 468 00:40:57,329 --> 00:40:58,955 Let's go. 469 00:41:10,509 --> 00:41:12,719 I hope you find your father. 470 00:41:16,182 --> 00:41:18,057 Thanks, Sam. 471 00:41:29,236 --> 00:41:30,403 MAN: Close her up. 472 00:41:35,242 --> 00:41:37,410 Man, l hate camping. 473 00:41:37,912 --> 00:41:39,579 Me too. 474 00:41:39,747 --> 00:41:42,081 [SIREN WAILlNG] 475 00:41:42,249 --> 00:41:45,084 Sam, you know we're gonna find Dad, right? 476 00:41:45,503 --> 00:41:47,754 Yeah, l know. 477 00:41:48,881 --> 00:41:51,090 But in the meantime... 478 00:41:52,843 --> 00:41:54,761 ...l'm driving. 479 00:42:11,779 --> 00:42:14,948 [ENGINE REVVING] 480 00:43:11,422 --> 00:43:13,423 [ENGLISH SDH]