1 00:00:07,234 --> 00:00:10,234 Kids, on my first day as a college professor, 2 00:00:10,234 --> 00:00:11,700 there re two things I didn't know 3 00:00:11,700 --> 00:00:13,633 that I wish did. 4 00:00:13,633 --> 00:00:17,501 The first thing was that your mother was in that classroom. 5 00:00:19,800 --> 00:00:21,900 The second thing? 6 00:00:21,900 --> 00:00:24,301 Well, to explain tt, we have to go back 7 00:00:24,301 --> 00:00:25,633 to the beginning of the summer, 8 00:00:25,633 --> 00:00:27,134 when, after a year of wrestling 9 00:00:27,134 --> 00:00:28,633 with their feelings for each other, 10 00:00:28,633 --> 00:00:32,633 Barney and Robin finally, well... 11 00:00:32,633 --> 00:00:34,967 Whoo! Lily, volume. 12 00:00:34,967 --> 00:00:36,134 Use your indoor "whoo. " 13 00:00:36,134 --> 00:00:37,468 Sorry, whoo! 14 00:00:37,468 --> 00:00:38,800 It's jt they kissed! 15 00:00:38,800 --> 00:00:40,434 They're finally a couple. 16 00:00:40,434 --> 00:00:41,934 Oh, my God, you guys! 17 00:00:41,934 --> 00:00:44,800 This is our first double date! 18 00:00:44,800 --> 00:00:45,900 First of millions! 19 00:00:45,900 --> 00:00:47,367 What if our kids get married?! 20 00:00:47,367 --> 00:00:48,600 Oh, I love this! 21 00:00:48,600 --> 00:00:51,501 Yeah... Lily, listen. 22 00:00:52,501 --> 00:00:54,568 Barney's awesome. 23 00:00:54,568 --> 00:00:57,000 Ron's more than just awe-"some. " 24 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:58,633 She's awe-"quite a bit. " 25 00:00:58,633 --> 00:01:01,067 She's awe-"a whole darn lot. " 26 00:01:01,067 --> 00:01:02,600 Wait, what are you saying? 27 00:01:02,600 --> 00:01:05,434 We're just not feeling it right now. 28 00:01:05,434 --> 00:01:07,167 But we'll totally still be friends. Oh, yeah. 29 00:01:07,467 --> 00:01:10,967 Is it something I did? 30 00:01:10,967 --> 00:01:13,000 Oh, no, no, no, no, God, no. No, no, no. 31 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:14,167 Uh-uh. Lily, it's not you. 32 00:01:14,167 --> 00:01:15,401 It'ss. Yeah. 33 00:01:15,401 --> 00:01:16,534 It's us. 34 00:01:16,534 --> 00:01:17,701 You understand, right? 35 00:01:17,701 --> 00:01:19,768 Sure, of course. 36 00:01:19,768 --> 00:01:22,434 As long as you're happy, I'm happy. 37 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:27,300 We were gonna take cooking lessons together 38 00:01:27,300 --> 00:01:29,967 and we were gonna go on camping trips together 39 00:01:29,967 --> 00:01:33,501 and then we were gonna sit around telling funny stories 40 00:01:33,501 --> 00:01:36,801 about our cooking lessons and our camping trips. 41 00:01:36,801 --> 00:01:39,567 I know, I know. 42 00:01:39,567 --> 00:01:41,801 (sobbing 43 00:01:41,801 --> 00:01:44,967 So, has the boat sailed onex tonight or... 44 00:01:46,933 --> 00:01:50,234 After that, the summer went by way too fast. 45 00:01:50,234 --> 00:01:51,900 Until all of a sudden, it was the Friday 46 00:01:51,900 --> 00:01:53,933 before my firsday as a college professor. 47 00:01:53,933 --> 00:01:56,434 Whoa, what's this? Oh, boy. 48 00:01:56,434 --> 00:01:59,067 It's just a little something that we got for you 49 00:01:59,067 --> 00:02:03,167 that used to belong to my favorite professor of all time. 50 00:02:06,234 --> 00:02:07,634 A fedora. 51 00:02:12,567 --> 00:02:15,200 I'm Indiana Jones! 52 00:02:15,200 --> 00:02:18,100 That, my friend, is the Dominator 8000, 53 00:02:18,100 --> 00:02:20,900 the best bullwhip on the market, according to my whip guy. 54 00:02:21,634 --> 00:02:24,067 Yeah, I have a whip guy. 55 00:02:24,067 --> 00:02:25,634 You know what we should do? We should... 56 00:02:25,634 --> 00:02:28,701 Finish ourd rinks, go out in the alley, and whip stuff. 57 00:02:28,701 --> 00:02:31,367 God, you just get me. 58 00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:34,334 Okay, I should get going. I got a date. 59 00:02:34,334 --> 00:02:36,033 Oh, are you still seeing that guy? 60 00:02:36,033 --> 00:02:37,100 Uh, even better, seeing him naked. 61 00:02:37,100 --> 00:02:38,467 What! Oh! 62 00:02:38,467 --> 00:02:39,734 I should go, too. 63 00:02:39,734 --> 00:02:41,933 I hooked up with this Chinese girl last night, 64 00:02:41,933 --> 00:02:45,834 and I don't know, it's weird. I already feel like seconds. 65 00:02:49,301 --> 00:02:50,600 Okay, Ted, you got first whip! 66 00:02:50,600 --> 00:02:51,634 All right. 67 00:02:51,634 --> 00:02:53,600 (imitating Clint Eastwood) Hey, dummy. 68 00:02:54,433 --> 00:02:56,167 What did tell you about smoking in here? 69 00:02:57,201 --> 00:02:58,301 Make him whip the habit! 70 00:02:58,301 --> 00:02:59,634 I'so excited about this whip! 71 00:02:59,634 --> 00:03:01,101 I got whip fever! 72 00:03:01,101 --> 00:03:02,134 Just whip him, Ted! 73 00:03:02,134 --> 00:03:03,167 Don't even aim! 74 00:03:03,167 --> 00:03:04,134 Just whip him! 75 00:03:04,134 --> 00:03:05,433 I am so sorry. 76 00:03:05,433 --> 00:03:06,800 No, it's just the whip's not a toy, Ted. 77 00:03:06,800 --> 00:03:08,433 There's such a thing as common sense, you know. 78 00:03:08,433 --> 00:03:10,400 Hey, you can whip me if you want. 79 00:03:10,400 --> 00:03:12,901 I will, some other time. 80 00:03:17,334 --> 00:03:19,234 Whoo! 81 00:03:33,301 --> 00:03:37,134 So, how long has this been going on? 82 00:03:37,134 --> 00:03:38,833 All summer. 83 00:03:38,833 --> 00:03:39,967 I knew it! 84 00:03:39,967 --> 00:03:41,234 I knew it! I knew it! 85 00:03:41,234 --> 00:03:43,967 You guys are boyfriend and girlfriend. 86 00:03:43,967 --> 00:03:45,134 Whoa, hey. Whoa. 87 00:03:45,134 --> 00:03:46,700 Wow, no. Whoa... 88 00:03:46,700 --> 00:03:47,967 Whoa, whoa, whoaLily. Girlfriend? 89 00:03:47,967 --> 00:03:50,434 Slow your roll there, Lilypad. Yeah, yeah. 90 00:03:50,434 --> 00:03:53,034 You've been together all summer. I dot get it. 91 00:03:53,034 --> 00:03:55,100 Okay, it's like this. 92 00:03:55,100 --> 00:03:57,700 After we kissed, we sat down to have the talk. 93 00:03:57,700 --> 00:04:00,733 We should figure out what this is. 94 00:04:00,733 --> 00:04:02,000 Yes, we should. 95 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:03,100 Or. 96 00:04:03,100 --> 00:04:04,934 Or... 97 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:09,334 Okay, now, we have to figure this out. 98 00:04:09,334 --> 00:04:11,067 Yes, we do. 99 00:04:11,067 --> 00:04:12,934 Or. Or... 100 00:04:16,367 --> 00:04:17,767 Whoa! 101 00:04:17,767 --> 00:04:19,534 We kept trying to have the talk 102 00:04:19,534 --> 00:04:21,467 and then we realized we hate the talk. 103 00:04:21,467 --> 00:04:23,067 Yeah, the talk sucks. 104 00:04:23,067 --> 00:04:25,134 You have to, like, talk. 105 00:04:25,134 --> 00:04:26,867 And be all, "I don't know. 106 00:04:26,867 --> 00:04:28,301 "It's not that I don't like you. 107 00:04:28,301 --> 00:04:29,800 "It'sust that I haven't had a girlfriend 108 00:04:29,800 --> 00:04:30,900 "in a really ng time. 109 00:04:30,900 --> 00:04:32,301 I hope it doesn't make you mad. " 110 00:04:32,301 --> 00:04:33,867 Who needs it? 111 00:04:33,867 --> 00:04:35,301 You needs it. 112 00:04:35,301 --> 00:04:36,401 Guys, you can't 113 00:04:36,401 --> 00:04:37,634 just keep hooking up 114 00:04:37,634 --> 00:04:39,301 and not at least try and fire out 115 00:04:39,301 --> 00:04:40,501 what you mean to each other. 116 00:04:40,501 --> 00:04:42,367 Yeah, we knew you would say that. 117 00:04:42,367 --> 00:04:43,767 That's why we kept it a secret. 118 00:04:43,767 --> 00:04:45,134 We, that and the fact 119 00:04:45,134 --> 00:04:47,867 that elaborate lies really turn us on. 120 00:04:47,867 --> 00:04:49,800 No, no, no. No. 121 00:04:49,800 --> 00:04:51,668 You need tdefine the relationship. 122 00:04:51,668 --> 00:04:53,267 You ne to have the talk. 123 00:04:53,267 --> 00:04:55,767 Or. Or.. 124 00:05:00,134 --> 00:05:01,501 I know what you're all thinking. 125 00:05:01,501 --> 00:05:04,701 "Who's this cool peer of mine up in front the class?" 126 00:05:05,701 --> 00:05:07,134 Well, I know the board says 127 00:05:07,134 --> 00:05:10,367 "Professor Mosby," but to you 128 00:05:10,367 --> 00:05:13,100 I'm Ted, huh? 129 00:05:13,867 --> 00:05:15,933 Question. Awesome. 130 00:05:15,933 --> 00:05:17,800 Hit it. Yeah, here's my question. 131 00:05:17,800 --> 00:05:21,000 "Ted," who the hell do you think you are? 132 00:05:21,833 --> 00:05:22,933 Yeah, "Ted. " 133 00:05:22,933 --> 00:05:24,567 We're supposed to learn from you? 134 00:05:24,567 --> 00:05:26,167 You failed as an architect. 135 00:05:26,167 --> 00:05:27,200 Well... 136 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:28,134 And if you're a professor, 137 00:05:28,134 --> 00:05:29,501 where's your h and your whip? 138 00:05:29,501 --> 00:05:30,967 They're at home. I didn't think I'd need... 139 00:05:30,967 --> 00:05:32,434 And where are your pants? 140 00:05:35,701 --> 00:05:37,367 Oh! (gasps 141 00:05:37,367 --> 00:05:38,467 Oh, God. 142 00:05:38,467 --> 00:05:40,567 Barney, it was awful. I was teaching... 143 00:05:40,567 --> 00:05:42,167 Shh, Ted, now's not a good time. 144 00:05:42,167 --> 00:05:44,334 Whe do you keep your condoms? 145 00:05:47,867 --> 00:05:50,200 Okay, look, mistake #1 146 00:05:50,200 --> 00:05:52,000 was taking that girl's question. 147 00:05:52,000 --> 00:05:53,933 You don't take questions on the first day. 148 00:05:53,933 --> 00:05:54,967 It shows weakness. 149 00:05:55,567 --> 00:05:56,533 Mistake #2 150 00:05:56,533 --> 00:05:59,067 was you should've hit that. 151 00:05:59,067 --> 00:06:00,767 Dude, your pants were already off, 152 00:06:00,767 --> 00:06:02,567 u had a classroom full of people to cheer you on, 153 00:06:02,567 --> 00:06:04,901 and you n't knock her up 'cause it's a dream. 154 00:06:04,901 --> 00:06:06,368 Class dismissed. 155 00:06:06,368 --> 00:06:08,667 Mistake #3: dude, where was the hat? 156 00:06:08,667 --> 00:06:11,034 Because if y're not going to wear it, I'm taking it back. 157 00:06:11,034 --> 00:06:13,101 I think what Barney's saying is that 158 00:06:13,101 --> 00:06:14,600 definitions are important. 159 00:06:14,600 --> 00:06:16,600 You're their teacher, not their friend. 160 00:06:16,600 --> 00:06:19,201 Exactly. 161 00:06:19,202 --> 00:06:20,202 If people don't know their place, 162 00:06:19,201 --> 00:06:20,268 nobody's happy. 163 00:06:20,268 --> 00:06:21,800 Amen. 164 00:06:21,800 --> 00:06:23,334 You have to make things clear. 165 00:06:23,334 --> 00:06:24,400 Run tell dat. 166 00:06:24,400 --> 00:06:26,567 Define the relationship. 167 00:06:26,567 --> 00:06:28,134 Yes! No! 168 00:06:28,134 --> 00:06:29,934 Lily, private convo time. 169 00:06:34,201 --> 00:06:36,433 Lily, can't you just let us be happy? 170 00:06:36,433 --> 00:06:37,834 You're not happy. 171 00:06:37,834 --> 00:06:40,268 You just think you're happy because you feel happy. 172 00:06:40,268 --> 00:06:42,134 And that's not happy? 173 00:06:42,134 --> 00:06:43,134 Of course not. 174 00:06:43,134 --> 00:06:45,167 You and Robin need to have the talk. 175 00:06:45,167 --> 00:06:47,867 Why? Give me one good reason. I'll give you 20... 176 00:06:47,867 --> 00:06:49,767 Wow, you can't even think of one. 177 00:06:49,767 --> 00:06:51,067 Headlights. Deer. 178 00:06:51,067 --> 00:06:53,400 Lily, for the last time, 179 00:06:53,400 --> 00:06:56,734 things with me and Robin are as good as they can possibly be. 180 00:06:56,734 --> 00:06:58,101 Oh, hey, look, Brad's here. 181 00:06:59,234 --> 00:07:00,334 I've got two tickets 182 00:07:00,334 --> 00:07:02,067 to the Rangers/Canucksame tomorrow night. 183 00:07:02,067 --> 00:07:04,600 I know you're a hockey fan, so I was tnking... 184 00:07:04,600 --> 00:07:06,268 Uh, oh, um... 185 00:07:06,268 --> 00:07:07,533 Uh... 186 00:07:07,533 --> 00:07:08,734 What do I have to do? 187 00:07:08,734 --> 00:07:10,134 Put a gun to your head? 188 00:07:11,834 --> 00:07:13,101 Buy you a six pack? 189 00:07:13,101 --> 00:07:14,433 Oh, come on, Brad, that's... 190 00:07:14,433 --> 00:07:16,634 Wow, there's really six of them. 191 00:07:17,967 --> 00:07:19,334 Uh, t, uh, I can't. 192 00:07:19,334 --> 00:07:21,067 Why not? You have a boyfriend? 193 00:07:22,467 --> 00:07:24,101 No. No, no boyfriend. 194 00:07:24,101 --> 00:07:26,034 Great! It's a date. 195 00:07:26,034 --> 00:07:28,500 Hey, Barn. Hey, Brad... 196 00:07:40,601 --> 00:07:43,501 Eventually, Robin and Brad went to a hockey game. 197 00:07:43,501 --> 00:07:46,734 You're probably wondering why I've been quiet all night. 198 00:07:46,734 --> 00:07:48,467 Um... 199 00:07:48,467 --> 00:07:49,501 Damn it, Hordichuk! 200 00:07:49,501 --> 00:07:50,801 You miss another gimme like that, 201 00:07:50,801 --> 00:07:52,033 I'm gonna come down there 202 00:07:52,033 --> 00:07:55,334 and put a slapper right up ur beerhole! Come on! 203 00:07:55,334 --> 00:07:56,667 Not really. 204 00:07:56,667 --> 00:07:58,434 The truth is, 205 00:07:58,434 --> 00:08:00,734 I- I feel kind of weird being out with you. 206 00:08:00,734 --> 00:08:02,300 Oh, man. 207 00:08:02,300 --> 00:08:03,567 Is this the talk? 208 00:08:03,567 --> 00:08:05,367 What? No, this is good. 209 00:08:05,367 --> 00:08:06,967 Let's get it all out of the way. 210 00:08:06,967 --> 00:08:09,367 Robin, I'm looking for something serious. 211 00:08:09,367 --> 00:08:11,067 No, Brad, no, it's... 212 00:08:11,067 --> 00:08:12,868 But before we go any further, you should know something 213 00:08:12,868 --> 00:08:15,134 about my stuff below the belt. 214 00:08:15,134 --> 00:08:17,000 I was born a little different. 215 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:18,467 God, no, uh, 216 00:08:18,467 --> 00:08:19,933 Brad, no, um... 217 00:08:19,933 --> 00:08:22,768 This iabout me and Barney. You and Barn... 218 00:08:22,768 --> 00:08:24,900 Oh, oh, so you, you guys are... 219 00:08:24,900 --> 00:08:26,467 Well, we-we-we don't know what we are. 220 00:08:26,467 --> 00:08:28,300 I mean, my heart says "leap into it. " 221 00:08:28,300 --> 00:08:30,634 My brain says "it's a bad idea. " 222 00:08:30,634 --> 00:08:32,601 Sounds like you guys need to have the talk. 223 00:08:32,601 --> 00:08:34,401 We're not gonna have the talk! 224 00:08:34,401 --> 00:08:36,868 Would you just have the talk, okay? 225 00:08:36,868 --> 00:08:38,434 It's a five-minute conversation, 226 00:08:38,434 --> 00:08:40,167 and then you get to have sex afterwards. 227 00:08:40,167 --> 00:08:42,033 It's great! Back me up, Ted. 228 00:08:42,033 --> 00:08:44,167 I don't think the talk is necessary. 229 00:08:44,167 --> 00:08:46,367 What?! Thank you, Ted. 230 00:08:46,367 --> 00:08:48,667 Because Robin is already his girlfriend. 231 00:08:48,667 --> 00:08:49,967 What?! 232 00:08:49,967 --> 00:08:52,701 MacLaren's Bar, four years ago... 233 00:08:53,501 --> 00:08:56,134 How do you keep a girl from becoming your girlfriend 234 00:08:56,134 --> 00:08:57,700 Simple: the rules for girls 235 00:08:57,700 --> 00:08:59,234 are the same as the rulesfor gremlin 236 00:08:59,234 --> 00:09:00,634 "Gremlins"? 237 00:09:00,634 --> 00:09:02,334 Gremlins. Rule #1: 238 00:09:02,334 --> 00:09:04,167 never get them wet. 239 00:09:04,167 --> 00:09:06,601 In other words, don't let her take a shower at your place. 240 00:09:06,601 --> 00:09:09,134 #2: keep them away from sunlight-- 241 00:09:09,134 --> 00:09:11,800 i. e. don't ever see them during the day. 242 00:09:11,800 --> 00:09:14,601 And rule # never feed them after midnight. 243 00:09:14,601 --> 00:09:16,234 Meaning she doesn't sleep over 244 00:09:16,234 --> 00:09:19,067 and you don't have breakfast with her ever. 245 00:09:19,067 --> 00:09:21,568 What about brunch? Is brunch cool? 246 00:09:23,334 --> 00:09:25,833 No, Ted. unch is not cool. 247 00:09:27,167 --> 00:09:28,401 Ok, new topic. 248 00:09:28,401 --> 00:09:29,634 How do I pick a tie? 249 00:09:29,634 --> 00:09:32,167 Simple: remember in the movie Predator... 250 00:09:33,167 --> 00:09:36,934 I've done all three of those things with Robin. 251 00:09:36,934 --> 00:09:38,800 Is she my girlfriend? 252 00:09:40,568 --> 00:09:44,067 Just once, I wish you guys would call me on Tuxedo Night. 253 00:09:45,467 --> 00:09:48,634 ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, time to pucker up 254 00:09:48,634 --> 00:09:50,634 for the New York Rangers Kiss Cam! 255 00:09:50,634 --> 00:09:53,833 CROWD Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! 256 00:09:53,833 --> 00:09:55,067 Okayhow about this? 257 00:09:55,067 --> 00:09:56,934 If you kiss me and you feel bad about it, 258 00:09:56,934 --> 00:09:58,167 you're meant to be with Barney. 259 00:09:59,167 --> 00:10:01,301 Why not? Lay it on me. 260 00:10:01,301 --> 00:10:02,833 Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! 261 00:10:02,833 --> 00:10:04,668 Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! 262 00:10:04,668 --> 00:10:07,367 Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! 263 00:10:07,367 --> 00:10:08,668 Hey, Bd. 264 00:10:11,067 --> 00:10:12,501 Brad, we can't fight like this all night! 265 00:10:12,501 --> 00:10:15,334 We both got some good shots in. Let's call a truce! 266 00:10:15,334 --> 00:10:16,934 It's oy, dude. 267 00:10:16,934 --> 00:10:18,767 I shouldn't go kissing some other guy's girlfriend. 268 00:10:18,767 --> 00:10:21,301 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, girlfriend? 269 00:10:21,301 --> 00:10:22,434 He come on. 270 00:10:22,434 --> 00:10:23,733 That's putting it a bit strongly. 271 00:10:23,733 --> 00:10:25,634 A bit strongly. She's no Okay, yeah. 272 00:10:25,634 --> 00:10:27,733 A gifriend's a bit much, Brad, okay? 273 00:10:29,900 --> 00:10:31,401 Okay, seriously. 274 00:10:31,401 --> 00:10:34,267 We're at the point of physical violence. 275 00:10:34,267 --> 00:10:36,601 Now, will you ease have the talk? 276 00:10:36,601 --> 00:10:38,000 Because of that? 277 00:10:38,000 --> 00:10:39,767 Come on. That's thing. 278 00:10:39,767 --> 00:10:41,668 I'm always punching guys. Mm-hmm. 279 00:10:41,668 --> 00:10:44,434 Girls- I'll punch a baby. I don't care. 280 00:10:46,034 --> 00:10:48,501 Finally, my first clas had arrived. 281 00:10:48,501 --> 00:10:49,800 For real this time. 282 00:10:49,800 --> 00:10:51,501 I knew I had to make a strong impression. 283 00:10:51,501 --> 00:10:53,134 I had thought of everything. 284 00:10:53,134 --> 00:10:54,934 Except... 285 00:10:54,934 --> 00:10:57,067 Wait. Does professor have one "F" or two? 286 00:10:57,067 --> 00:10:58,967 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 287 00:10:58,967 --> 00:11:00,267 Professor. 288 00:11:00,267 --> 00:11:01,634 Pro-fess-or. 289 00:11:01,634 --> 00:11:03,201 They're all staring at me. 290 00:11:03,201 --> 00:11:05,668 Professor. Uh, I don't know. 291 00:11:05,668 --> 00:11:08,134 Ju do something! 292 00:11:08,134 --> 00:11:10,301 Two "F's. " That looks right. 293 00:11:10,301 --> 00:11:11,767 I think that's right. 294 00:11:28,601 --> 00:11:31,167 Hey, sorry I went little too far last night. 295 00:11:31,167 --> 00:11:32,467 Oh, look, we've been over this. 296 00:11:32,467 --> 00:11:34,334 Unless I say "flugelhorn," you haven't gone too far. 297 00:11:34,334 --> 00:11:37,534 No, meant punching Brad. 298 00:11:37,534 --> 00:11:39,467 Oh, right. Look, don't even worry about it. 299 00:11:39,467 --> 00:11:41,334 It's... oh. God. 300 00:11:41,334 --> 00:11:42,900 The doorknob's broken off. 301 00:11:42,900 --> 00:11:44,534 We're locked in here. 302 00:11:44,534 --> 00:11:46,534 Did, did you do this? No. 303 00:11:46,534 --> 00:11:48,767 Flugelhorn. Did you do this? 304 00:11:48,767 --> 00:11:49,934 No. 305 00:11:50,668 --> 00:11:54,100 Ted? Ted, are you out there? 306 00:11:54,100 --> 00:11:56,134 Ted's not here, Robin. 307 00:11:56,134 --> 00:11:57,900 Lily, let us out of here. 308 00:11:57,900 --> 00:11:59,267 I'd be glad to. 309 00:11:59,267 --> 00:12:02,267 Just as soon as you and Barney have the talk. 310 00:12:08,001 --> 00:12:09,600 Lily! Come on. Let us out! 311 00:12:09,600 --> 00:12:11,201 No. Sit down, 312 00:12:11,201 --> 00:12:13,333 define the relationship, write down 313 00:12:13,333 --> 00:12:15,234 that definition on a piece of paper, 314 00:12:15,234 --> 00:12:16,600 slip it under the door, 315 00:12:16,600 --> 00:12:19,201 and if I like what I read, you can go. 316 00:12:19,201 --> 00:12:21,300 We are not having the talk! 317 00:12:21,300 --> 00:12:22,333 Then you'll die in there. 318 00:12:22,333 --> 00:12:23,867 You're gonna lock us in here? 319 00:12:23,867 --> 00:12:25,034 Well, guess what? 320 00:12:25,034 --> 00:12:27,433 Maybe we'll spend the whole day having sex! 321 00:12:27,433 --> 00:12:29,101 Well, guess what? 322 00:12:29,101 --> 00:12:32,034 I brought Marshall with me, so maybe we'll do the same. 323 00:12:32,034 --> 00:12:34,168 Hey, guys. 324 00:12:36,167 --> 00:12:37,300 I still hadn't decided 325 00:12:37,300 --> 00:12:39,267 what kind of professor I wanted to be- 326 00:12:39,267 --> 00:12:41,567 authoritative or cool guy. 327 00:12:41,567 --> 00:12:45,934 I thought I would decide in the moment. 328 00:12:45,935 --> 00:12:46,935 And I did. About 20 times. 329 00:12:45,934 --> 00:12:48,200 Good morning. 330 00:12:48,200 --> 00:12:49,534 'Sup, dudes? 331 00:12:49,534 --> 00:12:51,601 Silence! 332 00:12:52,734 --> 00:12:54,534 This is Architecture 101. 333 00:12:54,534 --> 00:12:57,334 I am Professor Mosby. 334 00:12:57,334 --> 00:13:00,033 But you can call me Ted. 335 00:13:00,033 --> 00:13:03,000 Professor Mosby. 336 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:05,200 T- Dawg. 337 00:13:05,200 --> 00:13:07,334 Do not call me T-Dawg. 338 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:12,167 Ner take questions on the first day. 339 00:13:12,167 --> 00:13:13,601 It shows weakness. 340 00:13:13,601 --> 00:13:14,934 Also, 341 00:13:14,934 --> 00:13:17,901 don't look right here. 342 00:13:19,100 --> 00:13:22,234 Okay, good luck. Byesies. 343 00:13:23,234 --> 00:13:26,167 This was it: my crossroads moment. 344 00:13:26,167 --> 00:13:29,033 What kind of professor was I gonna be 345 00:13:29,033 --> 00:13:30,767 I had to decide. 346 00:13:30,767 --> 00:13:33,634 Please save all your qstions until the end of the lecture. 347 00:13:33,634 --> 00:13:35,067 Thank you! 348 00:13:35,067 --> 00:13:36,167 Now... 349 00:13:36,167 --> 00:13:37,901 Professor Mosby d arrived. 350 00:13:37,901 --> 00:13:40,334 Of course, if I had taken that girl's question- 351 00:13:40,334 --> 00:13:42,434 who, by the way,was not your mo 352 00:13:42,434 --> 00:13:44,033 Your mom was sitting... 353 00:13:44,033 --> 00:13:46,067 Wait, let me finish this story al quick. 354 00:13:46,067 --> 00:13:48,100 Here's what that girl wod have said. 355 00:13:48,100 --> 00:13:50,601 I'm sorry to bother you,Professor Mo 356 00:13:50,601 --> 00:13:53,300 but this isn't Architecture 101. 357 00:13:53,300 --> 00:13:55,033 This is Economics 305. 358 00:13:55,033 --> 00:13:56,834 You're in the wrong classroom. 359 00:13:56,834 --> 00:13:58,801 Yes, I was in the wrong classroom. 360 00:13:58,801 --> 00:14:00,067 And thus began 361 00:14:00,067 --> 00:14:02,067 the most humiliating seven minutes of my life. 362 00:14:02,067 --> 00:14:04,300 Here's your ink-about-it for the day. 363 00:14:04,300 --> 00:14:06,834 Every single person in this room 364 00:14:06,834 --> 00:14:09,501 is already an architect. 365 00:14:09,501 --> 00:14:11,534 Architect? 366 00:14:15,601 --> 00:14:16,868 Hmm. Ooh. 367 00:14:16,868 --> 00:14:18,701 "We're just hanging out. " 368 00:14:18,701 --> 00:14:21,267 Just hanging out? 369 00:14:21,267 --> 00:14:23,200 Not good enough. 370 00:14:23,200 --> 00:14:24,634 Not good enough! 371 00:14:27,267 --> 00:14:32,934 Can anyone here tell me what this class is really all about? 372 00:14:32,934 --> 00:14:34,501 Economics? 373 00:14:36,133 --> 00:14:37,367 No. No, no. Don't laugh. 374 00:14:37,367 --> 00:14:39,801 He's not... He's not entirely wrong. 375 00:14:39,801 --> 00:14:42,467 An architect must be economical 376 00:14:42,467 --> 00:14:44,501 in his use of space, 377 00:14:44,501 --> 00:14:47,300 so, well done. 378 00:14:48,100 --> 00:14:50,234 Looks like somone's building 379 00:14:50,234 --> 00:14:53,300 towards an A, huh? 380 00:14:54,801 --> 00:14:56,567 "We're seeing where things are going. " 381 00:14:57,834 --> 00:15:00,801 I'll tell you where things aren't going- 382 00:15:00,801 --> 00:15:02,300 out of that bedroom. 383 00:15:02,300 --> 00:15:03,701 Not good enough. 384 00:15:03,701 --> 00:15:07,000 Not good eugh! 385 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:08,701 You- 386 00:15:08,701 --> 00:15:10,400 why do you want to be an architect? 387 00:15:10,400 --> 00:15:13,000 I don't want to be an architect. 388 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:15,734 Yes. Yes, exactly. 389 00:15:15,734 --> 00:15:16,834 It-It's not something 390 00:15:16,834 --> 00:15:18,033 you want to be. 391 00:15:18,033 --> 00:15:19,734 It's something you need to be. 392 00:15:19,734 --> 00:15:21,300 You dot have a choice, right? 393 00:15:21,300 --> 00:15:23,934 None of you has a choice 394 00:15:23,934 --> 00:15:26,200 No questions! 395 00:15:26,200 --> 00:15:28,934 "We're Barnman and Robin. " 396 00:15:31,300 --> 00:15:34,334 Oh, come on, you got to admit, that's kind of funny, Lily. 397 00:15:34,334 --> 00:15:36,634 Not good enough. 398 00:15:36,634 --> 00:15:39,467 Not good enough! 399 00:15:40,467 --> 00:15:41,734 So if any of you 400 00:15:41,734 --> 00:15:44,000 have even the slightest inclination 401 00:15:44,000 --> 00:15:47,267 to do anything with your life other than become an architect, 402 00:15:47,267 --> 00:15:49,868 you're wasting my time and yours. 403 00:15:49,868 --> 00:15:51,267 There's the door 404 00:15:51,267 --> 00:15:52,868 You can go. 405 00:15:58,934 --> 00:16:01,167 Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. 406 00:16:01,167 --> 00:16:02,868 Wait, wait, wait. Don't-Don't all leave! 407 00:16:02,868 --> 00:16:04,734 Architecture's fun! Look! 408 00:16:04,734 --> 00:16:05,968 I brought a hacky sack! 409 00:16:05,968 --> 00:16:07,234 Sorry, I'm late, everyone. 410 00:16:07,234 --> 00:16:08,834 My name is Professor Calzonetti. 411 00:16:08,834 --> 00:16:10,367 This is Economics 305. 412 00:16:10,367 --> 00:16:11,901 You may return to your seats. 413 00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:14,400 Uh, sorry, sir. 414 00:16:14,400 --> 00:16:16,434 This is, uh, Architecture 101. 415 00:16:16,434 --> 00:16:18,567 Who invited their dad, right? 416 00:16:18,567 --> 00:16:20,267 Young man, 417 00:16:20,267 --> 00:16:21,534 for the last 28 years, 418 00:16:21,534 --> 00:16:23,667 Economics 305 has been taught right here 419 00:16:23,667 --> 00:16:26,334 in building 14, room 7. 420 00:16:26,334 --> 00:16:27,701 Uh, yeah. 421 00:16:27,701 --> 00:16:29,934 Buddy, I'm sure 200 architecture students 422 00:16:29,934 --> 00:16:32,734 and their professor all got the room wrong. 423 00:16:32,734 --> 00:16:34,567 T- Dawg, you're in the wrong room, bro. 424 00:16:41,234 --> 00:16:43,400 Sorry. Coming through. 425 00:16:48,133 --> 00:16:50,267 Excuse me. Whoa. 426 00:16:55,200 --> 00:16:57,367 20 minutes late on your first day? 427 00:16:57,367 --> 00:16:59,000 That's rough. Mm. 428 00:16:59,000 --> 00:17:00,567 Yeah, but here's the funny thing. 429 00:17:00,567 --> 00:17:02,267 By that point, I didn't have time 430 00:17:02,267 --> 00:17:04,801 to think about what kind of teacher I was going to be. 431 00:17:04,801 --> 00:17:08,100 I just got up there and talked about architecture. 432 00:17:08,100 --> 00:17:09,334 And it was kind of great. 433 00:17:09,334 --> 00:17:10,968 That's awesome, Ted. Yeah. 434 00:17:10,968 --> 00:17:12,033 Congratulations, buddy. 435 00:17:12,033 --> 00:17:12,834 Thanks. 436 00:17:12,834 --> 00:17:14,000 Nice job, Ted. 437 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:15,334 Hey, Ted, door five! 438 00:17:16,434 --> 00:17:18,334 Were you there? Yeah, I got you, buddy. 439 00:17:18,334 --> 00:17:20,567 They still haven't had the talk, huh? 440 00:17:21,434 --> 00:17:24,400 I think I know how to speed things up 441 00:17:28,200 --> 00:17:30,267 Oh, not cool! 442 00:17:32,367 --> 00:17:34,868 Pancakes, fresh bacon. 443 00:17:34,868 --> 00:17:38,100 It is so yummy. 444 00:17:38,100 --> 00:17:40,534 Uh, dude, I'm starving. Let's... 445 00:17:40,534 --> 00:17:42,267 Let's just have the stupid talk. 446 00:17:42,267 --> 00:17:43,701 Come on. Fine. 447 00:17:43,701 --> 00:17:45,267 But 448 00:17:45,267 --> 00:17:46,801 how do these this even work? 449 00:17:46,801 --> 00:17:47,901 What do we say? 450 00:17:51,067 --> 00:17:54,868 Huh. 451 00:17:54,869 --> 00:17:55,869 Where do you see this relationship going? 452 00:17:55,868 --> 00:17:58,167 Oh, my God, that sounds so cheesy. 453 00:17:58,167 --> 00:17:59,434 (laughin I know, right? 454 00:17:59,434 --> 00:18:01,601 Totally. But, um, 455 00:18:01,601 --> 00:18:05,133 where-where do you see this relationship going? 456 00:18:05,134 --> 00:18:07,601 I don't know. 457 00:18:07,601 --> 00:18:09,267 I mean, 458 00:18:09,267 --> 00:18:10,901 it's not like I don't like you. 459 00:18:10,901 --> 00:18:13,267 I just haven't had a girlfriend for a long time. 460 00:18:13,267 --> 00:18:15,067 I hope that doesn't make you mad. 461 00:18:15,067 --> 00:18:16,400 Mad? 462 00:18:16,400 --> 00:18:17,601 I feel the same way. 463 00:18:17,601 --> 00:18:18,901 I suck at relationshs. 464 00:18:18,901 --> 00:18:19,667 I mean, 465 00:18:19,667 --> 00:18:21,133 except with Ted. 466 00:18:21,133 --> 00:18:24,100 Man, he really got it right. 467 00:18:24,101 --> 00:18:25,467 I know it's a cliche 468 00:18:25,468 --> 00:18:28,834 but he really ruined me for other men. 469 00:18:28,834 --> 00:18:31,368 Of course, I wasn't in the room for this conversation, 470 00:18:31,368 --> 00:18:33,834 but I have to imagine Robin said something like that. 471 00:18:33,834 --> 00:18:34,967 Hmm. 472 00:18:34,967 --> 00:18:37,633 Maybe we should go back to being jt friends. 473 00:18:37,633 --> 00:18:39,101 Maybe. 474 00:18:39,967 --> 00:18:41,334 But, um, 475 00:18:41,334 --> 00:18:43,201 I don't want to stop having sex. 476 00:18:43,201 --> 00:18:44,700 Oh, good. Me, neither. 477 00:18:46,533 --> 00:18:47,700 Yeah. Friends isn't gonna work. 478 00:18:47,700 --> 00:18:49,167 Nope. Oh, we're not good at being friends. 479 00:18:49,167 --> 00:18:50,800 We're nogood at being in a relationship. 480 00:18:50,800 --> 00:18:51,967 Wh are we good at? 481 00:18:51,967 --> 00:18:54,201 I know something we're good at. 482 00:18:54,201 --> 00:18:55,500 I don't know. If we're gonna do it again, 483 00:18:55,500 --> 00:18:56,600 I'm gonna need some Gatorade, or... 484 00:18:56,600 --> 00:18:58,734 No! No, t that. 485 00:18:58,734 --> 00:19:00,301 Lying. Okay, think about it. 486 00:19:00,301 --> 00:19:02,867 We spent the whole summer lying about being just friends. 487 00:19:02,867 --> 00:19:05,301 Why not just keep lying? 488 00:19:12,500 --> 00:19:13,900 Really?ROBIN: Yeah. 489 00:19:13,900 --> 00:19:16,734 Really. We sat down. We had the talk. 490 00:19:16,734 --> 00:19:18,267 Barney's my boyfriend now. 491 00:19:18,267 --> 00:19:19,600 And Robin's my girlfriend. 492 00:19:19,600 --> 00:19:22,567 I know it sounds nuts, but it feels good to say. 493 00:19:22,567 --> 00:19:25,600 We're both afraid of commitment, but, the fact is, 494 00:19:25,600 --> 00:19:27,434 we also can't live without each other. 495 00:19:27,434 --> 00:19:29,468 And if the alternative is not being together, 496 00:19:29,468 --> 00:19:31,667 then it's worth taking this risk 'cause... 497 00:19:32,468 --> 00:19:34,667 ...she's awesome. 498 00:19:34,667 --> 00:19:36,134 And he's awesome. 499 00:19:36,134 --> 00:19:38,201 He looks nice in a suit. 500 00:19:38,201 --> 00:19:40,500 She can handle her Scotch. 501 00:19:40,500 --> 00:19:42,167 He's my boyfriend. 502 00:19:42,167 --> 00:19:44,101 And she's my girlfriend. 503 00:19:50,334 --> 00:19:51,900 Oh! 504 00:19:51,900 --> 00:19:54,434 Good enough! 505 00:19:57,934 --> 00:19:59,134 We are good. She bought it. 506 00:19:59,134 --> 00:20:00,633 Hook, line, and sinker. 507 00:20:00,633 --> 00:20:01,800 are good. 508 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:02,900 Oh, totally. Mm. 509 00:20:02,900 --> 00:20:04,834 So, you want to get some breakfast? 510 00:20:04,834 --> 00:20:07,667 You know, brunch actuall does sound kind of good. 511 00:20:07,667 --> 00:20:10,533 Hmm. Well, lead the way, sweetie pie. 512 00:20:10,533 --> 00:20:12,067 Wow! Flugelhorn. 513 00:20:12,067 --> 00:20:13,700 Yeah, that felt wrong. Mm. 514 00:20:13,700 --> 00:20:15,900 Mm. 515 00:20:24,034 --> 00:20:27,067 You do realize they were lying, right? 516 00:20:27,067 --> 00:20:28,633 No, Ted. 517 00:20:28,633 --> 00:20:31,034 They don't realize they weren't lying. 518 00:20:31,034 --> 00:20:32,633 And that's the story 519 00:20:32,633 --> 00:20:35,934 of how Barney and Robin became boyfriend and girlfriend. 520 00:20:39,967 --> 00:20:41,368 Oh, hello. 521 00:20:41,368 --> 00:20:43,034 Hello. Good evening. 522 00:20:43,034 --> 00:20:44,500 Hello. Don't get up. 523 00:20:44,500 --> 00:20:46,067 Didn't we meet on a yacht? 524 00:20:46,067 --> 00:20:47,700 Hello. 525 00:20:49,967 --> 00:20:51,734 What? 526 00:20:51,734 --> 00:20:52,934 Oh, no! 527 00:20:52,934 --> 00:20:55,667 Did I not tell you guys that it was Tuxedo Night? 528 00:20:56,401 --> 00:21:00,434 Doesn't feel very good, does it? 529 00:21:00,435 --> 00:21:03,435 Sync by honeybunny www. addic7ed. com