1 00:00:01,819 --> 00:00:05,004 I can't believe Metro News One is just forwarding you all this fan mail now. 2 00:00:05,249 --> 00:00:06,926 I know. I quit like four months ago. 3 00:00:07,051 --> 00:00:09,050 You had more fans than I thought. 4 00:00:09,293 --> 00:00:11,797 And only about 60% of them are prison inmates. 5 00:00:12,555 --> 00:00:14,367 What are these guys thinking? 6 00:00:14,575 --> 00:00:16,936 I am way past my "dating prisoners" phase. 7 00:00:17,061 --> 00:00:19,619 It's like, hello, I'm not 19 anymore. 8 00:00:21,611 --> 00:00:24,469 - Lottery Girl's on. - I just feel sorry for these women. 9 00:00:24,594 --> 00:00:26,692 This is where broadcast careers go to die. 10 00:00:27,128 --> 00:00:28,543 Check it out. I make it fun. 11 00:00:28,668 --> 00:00:30,479 I invented a little game. 12 00:00:31,108 --> 00:00:33,179 Tonight's Lotto numbers are... 13 00:00:35,714 --> 00:00:36,744 19... 14 00:00:37,068 --> 00:00:38,312 Age you moved to New York 15 00:00:38,437 --> 00:00:40,506 after a photographer "discovered" you at a food court 16 00:00:40,631 --> 00:00:42,375 and said he'd get you in Vogue magazine. 17 00:00:42,543 --> 00:00:43,292 53... 18 00:00:43,460 --> 00:00:45,239 Number of semi-nude pictures he took of you 19 00:00:45,364 --> 00:00:48,003 before you realized he had no connection to Vogue magazine. 20 00:00:48,702 --> 00:00:49,507 22... 21 00:00:49,675 --> 00:00:51,300 Age you claim you are. 22 00:00:51,584 --> 00:00:52,385 31... 23 00:00:52,777 --> 00:00:54,220 Age you actually are. 24 00:00:54,808 --> 00:00:55,721 45... 25 00:00:55,965 --> 00:00:58,343 Number of minutes it would take me to get you into a cab, 26 00:00:58,468 --> 00:01:00,880 out of your dress, and into my jacuzzi. 27 00:01:01,206 --> 00:01:03,020 And tonight's Super Big Ball is... 28 00:01:03,281 --> 00:01:05,742 What happens after we get out of the jacuzzi. 29 00:01:05,867 --> 00:01:06,649 What up? 30 00:01:08,443 --> 00:01:10,822 Synchro: ShalimarFox, Arrow 31 00:01:21,710 --> 00:01:25,418 Kids, by the winter of 2009, Robin had been unemployed for months. 32 00:01:26,067 --> 00:01:27,803 But there was a glimmer of hope. 33 00:01:27,928 --> 00:01:29,964 - Hey. - How'd the audition go? 34 00:01:30,132 --> 00:01:32,559 Well, I went in there feeling really good. 35 00:01:32,684 --> 00:01:35,177 I heard it was just me up against two other girls. 36 00:01:35,345 --> 00:01:36,470 Listening. 37 00:01:43,591 --> 00:01:44,968 - Hi. - Hi. 38 00:01:48,530 --> 00:01:49,442 And you are? 39 00:01:51,335 --> 00:01:53,446 You've obviously never spent any time in Denver. 40 00:01:53,892 --> 00:01:55,799 Rochelle Harper, News Center 12. 41 00:01:56,210 --> 00:01:59,139 We were only the number-one station in the Rockies for 42 00:01:59,264 --> 00:02:00,578 five straight years. 43 00:02:00,981 --> 00:02:03,539 I was an anchor here in town at Metro News One. 44 00:02:04,660 --> 00:02:05,499 An anchor. 45 00:02:06,460 --> 00:02:08,878 You must have a killer sign off phrase. 46 00:02:09,046 --> 00:02:09,795 Sorry? 47 00:02:09,963 --> 00:02:11,797 You gotta have a killer sign off phrase. 48 00:02:12,090 --> 00:02:13,734 Like Walter Cronkite: 49 00:02:14,161 --> 00:02:15,997 "And that's the way it is." 50 00:02:16,608 --> 00:02:18,117 So what's yours? 51 00:02:18,547 --> 00:02:21,117 Well, I would just always end with a simple 52 00:02:21,242 --> 00:02:24,108 "From all of us here at Metro News One, have a good evening." 53 00:02:28,757 --> 00:02:29,592 Mine is: 54 00:02:29,717 --> 00:02:32,735 "From all of us here at Barney's apartment, get out." 55 00:02:34,112 --> 00:02:37,239 You didn't let those reporter bitches psych you out, did you? 56 00:02:38,283 --> 00:02:40,242 ... and the President's economic team 57 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:42,842 is hoping to have a proposal before Congress 58 00:02:43,136 --> 00:02:44,513 by the end of the month. 59 00:02:44,809 --> 00:02:48,205 From all of us here at News Ten, have a good evening. 60 00:02:52,379 --> 00:02:54,006 So, good night, New York. 61 00:02:54,440 --> 00:02:57,144 And may the road ahead be lit with dreams 62 00:02:57,361 --> 00:02:58,679 and tomorrows. 63 00:02:59,948 --> 00:03:01,725 Which are lit with dreams... 64 00:03:02,280 --> 00:03:03,280 also. 65 00:03:05,225 --> 00:03:06,502 That's terrible. 66 00:03:06,848 --> 00:03:07,857 And bad... 67 00:03:08,337 --> 00:03:09,337 also. 68 00:03:10,102 --> 00:03:11,065 I wasn't done. 69 00:03:12,581 --> 00:03:14,066 Stand tall, New York. 70 00:03:14,608 --> 00:03:15,834 Trust worthy. 71 00:03:16,268 --> 00:03:17,420 Recycling. 72 00:03:19,072 --> 00:03:20,280 Wear a condom. 73 00:03:22,146 --> 00:03:23,698 Wear a condom? 74 00:03:24,683 --> 00:03:26,831 I'm not gonna be the new Channel Ten anchor, am I? 75 00:03:27,401 --> 00:03:28,477 This just in. 76 00:03:31,225 --> 00:03:33,199 Maybe the problem is your résumé. 77 00:03:33,564 --> 00:03:36,715 See how mine is lean and mean? Yours is too cluttered. 78 00:03:37,003 --> 00:03:39,301 Oh, like everything on your résumé is so relevant? 79 00:03:39,923 --> 00:03:43,889 "Program Director, 88.1 Wesleyan University Radio"? 80 00:03:44,057 --> 00:03:45,887 - Oh, God. - Dr. X? 81 00:03:46,012 --> 00:03:48,143 You're still bragging about Dr. X? 82 00:03:48,268 --> 00:03:50,498 - Who was Dr. X? - Nobody knows. 83 00:03:50,743 --> 00:03:53,691 - He was this genius mystery D.J. - It was Ted. 84 00:03:53,859 --> 00:03:56,008 His identity remains a secret to this day. 85 00:03:56,133 --> 00:03:57,027 It was Ted. 86 00:03:57,381 --> 00:04:00,698 But this phantom of the airwaves changed the very face of college radio. 87 00:04:00,866 --> 00:04:02,700 - It was Ted. - And your show sucked. 88 00:04:03,953 --> 00:04:07,900 Dr. X here, shooting truth bullets at you from an undisclosed location. 89 00:04:08,438 --> 00:04:11,513 Because if they knew where I was, they'd shut me down. 90 00:04:11,638 --> 00:04:13,689 You're on the third floor of the Student Center 91 00:04:13,814 --> 00:04:15,817 next to the game room, you tool. 92 00:04:15,942 --> 00:04:17,936 I've been getting a lot of letters about my segment 93 00:04:18,061 --> 00:04:20,467 on how racist the school's meal plan is. 94 00:04:20,741 --> 00:04:23,645 How are you getting letters if no one knows where you are, douche? 95 00:04:23,931 --> 00:04:25,695 That's why I'm organizing a happening 96 00:04:25,820 --> 00:04:28,058 outside the dining hall, Monday at midnight. 97 00:04:28,491 --> 00:04:30,853 It's high time the Food Service puppet masters 98 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:33,486 took ignorance and injustice off the menu. 99 00:04:34,283 --> 00:04:35,941 Ted, we need a fourth for foosball. 100 00:04:36,859 --> 00:04:39,291 - What are you doing in here, anyway? - Dude, get out of here! 101 00:04:39,416 --> 00:04:40,701 I'll be there in a second. 102 00:04:41,368 --> 00:04:43,881 So remember, dining hall, Monday, midnight. 103 00:04:44,006 --> 00:04:46,151 Another Dr. X happening. 104 00:04:46,555 --> 00:04:49,876 I'll be there, because X marks the spot-ot-ot-ot-ot... 105 00:04:51,625 --> 00:04:55,127 If you think people liked your show, they did not-ot-ot-ot... 106 00:04:55,875 --> 00:04:58,839 This is weird. Look what got mixed in with your fan mail. 107 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:00,461 - What? - It's from the U.S. 108 00:05:00,586 --> 00:05:02,051 Department of Immigration. 109 00:05:03,823 --> 00:05:05,983 It's postmarked two months ago. 110 00:05:11,262 --> 00:05:12,978 - Oh, boy. - What is it? 111 00:05:13,146 --> 00:05:14,632 It's about my work visa. 112 00:05:14,757 --> 00:05:17,027 Unless I can find a job in the next... 113 00:05:17,995 --> 00:05:20,819 seven days, they're gonna send me back to Canada. 114 00:05:27,306 --> 00:05:29,526 I can't believe you might be kicked out of the country. 115 00:05:29,651 --> 00:05:32,109 I know. My whole life is here. 116 00:05:32,234 --> 00:05:35,209 No. We won't let this happen. One of us will help you find a job. 117 00:05:35,377 --> 00:05:37,816 Yeah, I bet I can get you something at my school. 118 00:05:37,941 --> 00:05:39,258 No, guys... 119 00:05:39,751 --> 00:05:40,829 It doesn't work. 120 00:05:40,954 --> 00:05:43,425 Robin only gets her work visa if she gets a job in her field. 121 00:05:44,970 --> 00:05:47,844 You know what, I guess you could stay if you married a U.S. citizen. 122 00:05:48,695 --> 00:05:50,466 Yeah, that could work. 123 00:05:51,086 --> 00:05:53,814 Oh, no. They could never process that and make it official in time. 124 00:05:53,939 --> 00:05:55,241 That won't work. 125 00:05:55,366 --> 00:05:56,551 I'm screwed. 126 00:05:56,676 --> 00:05:58,816 I've been sending out my reel for 3 months, and nothing. 127 00:05:59,428 --> 00:06:02,319 Maybe there's something in your reel that people aren't responding to. 128 00:06:02,487 --> 00:06:04,113 Let's take a look at it, right? 129 00:06:07,464 --> 00:06:08,913 That's a good question, Norm. 130 00:06:09,038 --> 00:06:11,084 The first thing is from when I was a cub reporter 131 00:06:11,209 --> 00:06:13,487 for Channel 22 in Red Deer. 132 00:06:14,201 --> 00:06:15,419 In Alberta. 133 00:06:16,095 --> 00:06:16,959 In Canada. 134 00:06:20,407 --> 00:06:22,650 Well, the snow's coming down pretty hard, 135 00:06:22,775 --> 00:06:26,068 but these intrepid fishermen are still happy to be out competing 136 00:06:26,193 --> 00:06:29,136 in Lake Athabasca's Bass Fishing Jamboree, 137 00:06:29,261 --> 00:06:31,219 an August 1st tradition. 138 00:06:31,750 --> 00:06:33,183 Back to you, Norm. 139 00:06:36,563 --> 00:06:38,701 What? That was my first job. 140 00:06:38,950 --> 00:06:40,441 It shows where I came from. 141 00:06:40,566 --> 00:06:42,787 Unless a bear attacks you in the next three seconds 142 00:06:42,912 --> 00:06:46,260 and you snap its neck with your legs, that has no business being on your reel. 143 00:06:46,385 --> 00:06:48,932 No, no, I get it, I get it. 144 00:06:49,302 --> 00:06:51,485 Where you're from is part of who you're selling. 145 00:06:51,610 --> 00:06:53,291 For instance, under "special skills" 146 00:06:53,416 --> 00:06:54,877 on my résumé, I mention that 147 00:06:55,002 --> 00:06:58,375 back in Minnesota, I was the 1995 Nicollet County Slam Dunk Champion. 148 00:06:58,543 --> 00:07:00,836 You put dunk champion on your résumé? 149 00:07:01,004 --> 00:07:02,343 Yeah, why wouldn't you? 150 00:07:02,468 --> 00:07:05,103 A lot of companies have basketball teams. 151 00:07:05,228 --> 00:07:07,124 It's good for them to know that VanillaThunder 152 00:07:07,249 --> 00:07:08,844 can still take the rock to the hole. 153 00:07:09,127 --> 00:07:11,805 - They called you Vanilla Thunder? - Yeah, Vanilla Thunder. 154 00:07:13,128 --> 00:07:15,548 The Ghost in the Post. The Human Turnstile. 155 00:07:15,807 --> 00:07:17,776 I didn't... I didn't play that much D. 156 00:07:18,468 --> 00:07:19,688 You can't still dunk. 157 00:07:20,104 --> 00:07:21,640 Of course I can. 158 00:07:21,914 --> 00:07:23,166 Well, I mean I could... 159 00:07:23,291 --> 00:07:25,903 - until... until recently. - Until the injury. 160 00:07:26,782 --> 00:07:28,572 It's called iliopsoas tendonitis. 161 00:07:28,818 --> 00:07:30,521 Oh, Yikes. That sounds bad. 162 00:07:30,646 --> 00:07:32,743 It's more commonly known as dancer's hip. 163 00:07:37,441 --> 00:07:38,585 Dr. Goodman... 164 00:07:40,453 --> 00:07:41,453 Oh, come on! 165 00:07:42,531 --> 00:07:45,881 Iliopsoas tendonitis. That's what it's called. That's all it's called. 166 00:07:47,319 --> 00:07:50,743 Iliopsoas tendonitis. It's a basketball injury. 167 00:07:50,868 --> 00:07:52,361 You know, it's no big whoop. 168 00:07:52,486 --> 00:07:55,432 Dancer's hip, Marshall has something called dancer's hip. 169 00:07:55,600 --> 00:07:57,476 OK, no, no. They only call it that, look 170 00:07:57,644 --> 00:08:00,235 because it's very common with ballet dancers. 171 00:08:02,899 --> 00:08:05,641 So, tell me, do any of the other little girls 172 00:08:05,766 --> 00:08:07,569 in your class have dancer's hip? 173 00:08:07,838 --> 00:08:10,054 - Yeah, sure. - I have more of a technical question. 174 00:08:10,179 --> 00:08:13,367 Is it easier to dance when you don't have external genitalia? 175 00:08:13,642 --> 00:08:15,812 Good, don't build to that, just go right for it. 176 00:08:16,262 --> 00:08:19,534 Guys, come on. Marshall didn't get this injury from dancing. 177 00:08:19,801 --> 00:08:21,044 Thank you, Lily. 178 00:08:21,169 --> 00:08:23,825 Clearly, the stirrups were set a little too wide 179 00:08:23,950 --> 00:08:26,130 during his last trip to the gyno. 180 00:08:26,486 --> 00:08:28,820 Guys, I hate to cut you off 181 00:08:29,155 --> 00:08:32,842 before Marshall bursts into tears, but, Robin, check this out. 182 00:08:32,967 --> 00:08:36,555 What you need is an awesome video résumé. 183 00:08:37,290 --> 00:08:40,085 Like mine. I present: 184 00:08:41,646 --> 00:08:44,878 Barneysvideoresume.com. 185 00:09:02,138 --> 00:09:03,031 Hello. 186 00:09:03,156 --> 00:09:06,878 Barney Stinson, you've achieved great success in business, 187 00:09:07,003 --> 00:09:09,381 athletics and personal relationships 188 00:09:09,506 --> 00:09:11,633 and have been an inspiration to many people. 189 00:09:12,497 --> 00:09:13,556 Is that you? 190 00:09:14,153 --> 00:09:15,929 Are you interviewing yourself? 191 00:09:16,551 --> 00:09:19,063 How can it be me? That guy's British. 192 00:09:20,062 --> 00:09:23,198 What would you recommend to your numerous admirers 193 00:09:23,323 --> 00:09:25,661 who want to reach their highest potential? 194 00:09:25,786 --> 00:09:27,441 And a wee bit Scottish. 195 00:09:29,242 --> 00:09:31,507 The first thing you need to know about success 196 00:09:31,632 --> 00:09:33,363 is that it doesn't just come to you. 197 00:09:33,732 --> 00:09:36,711 Most people associate success with money and power, 198 00:09:37,049 --> 00:09:39,444 but really it's a state of mind. 199 00:09:41,944 --> 00:09:43,999 You had to be on a motorcycle to say that? 200 00:09:45,098 --> 00:09:48,920 And when it comes to success the only limit is that there are no limits. 201 00:09:50,256 --> 00:09:53,009 I didn't know you knew how to stand near a horse; that's impressive. 202 00:09:53,293 --> 00:09:56,389 Barney, I don't get it. You don't do a damn thing in any of these clips. 203 00:09:56,514 --> 00:09:59,164 Exactly. Because that's who corporate American wants... 204 00:09:59,391 --> 00:10:02,053 people who seem like bold risk takers, 205 00:10:02,178 --> 00:10:03,960 but never actually do anything. 206 00:10:04,180 --> 00:10:06,622 Actually doing things gets you fired. 207 00:10:06,998 --> 00:10:09,899 In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomenon. 208 00:10:10,069 --> 00:10:11,235 Really? 209 00:10:11,404 --> 00:10:13,904 No, that would be doing some... Are you even listening? 210 00:10:15,636 --> 00:10:18,412 All my life, I have dared to go 211 00:10:18,676 --> 00:10:20,359 past what is possible. 212 00:10:20,814 --> 00:10:22,744 To the impossible? 213 00:10:23,251 --> 00:10:24,945 Actually, past that... 214 00:10:25,462 --> 00:10:29,321 to the place where the possible and the impossible meet 215 00:10:29,446 --> 00:10:30,337 to become... 216 00:10:31,690 --> 00:10:32,903 the possimpible. 217 00:10:34,802 --> 00:10:36,194 The possimpible? Really? 218 00:10:36,319 --> 00:10:39,341 Inventing your own word shows creativity and vision... 219 00:10:40,069 --> 00:10:41,431 "Vizha-tivity." 220 00:10:43,633 --> 00:10:46,853 If I can leave you with one thought, it's this: 221 00:10:47,883 --> 00:10:48,883 Nothing... 222 00:10:49,319 --> 00:10:50,600 and everything... 223 00:10:51,399 --> 00:10:52,734 is possimpible. 224 00:10:56,050 --> 00:10:57,572 That guy's awesome 225 00:10:57,740 --> 00:10:59,013 Is that you agai...? 226 00:10:59,323 --> 00:11:01,618 Are you singing a song about yourself? 227 00:11:01,882 --> 00:11:04,455 Absolutely not. That would be lame. 228 00:11:05,373 --> 00:11:07,833 Stinson, Barney Stinson 229 00:11:08,024 --> 00:11:10,039 singing this song 230 00:11:10,164 --> 00:11:11,712 That would be really lame 231 00:11:11,880 --> 00:11:15,880 One of the many admirers who think that guy's awesome 232 00:11:16,400 --> 00:11:17,801 Perfect and available 233 00:11:18,100 --> 00:11:21,054 Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome... 234 00:11:21,517 --> 00:11:24,057 Awesome, awesome 235 00:11:39,324 --> 00:11:41,658 That baby got me 11 job offers. 236 00:11:43,028 --> 00:11:43,994 No way. 237 00:11:44,162 --> 00:11:46,258 Barney, that was ridiculous and insane. 238 00:11:46,395 --> 00:11:47,556 Insane-ulous. 239 00:11:49,501 --> 00:11:51,084 - Make me one. - What? 240 00:11:51,272 --> 00:11:54,379 - Yes, now you're talking. - What? I'm about to be deported. 241 00:11:54,547 --> 00:11:57,215 - I'll try anything. - Okay, we better get started. 242 00:11:57,398 --> 00:12:00,587 There's a lot to shoot, I can't use any of the footage I already have of you. 243 00:12:00,712 --> 00:12:03,067 What footage do you already have of me? 244 00:12:03,676 --> 00:12:05,234 Let's just get started. 245 00:12:07,794 --> 00:12:11,396 Sweetie. Are you still upset about the dancer's hip jokes? 246 00:12:14,220 --> 00:12:17,318 We were just kidding. We all know it's a basketball injury. 247 00:12:17,488 --> 00:12:18,814 Yeah, totally. 248 00:12:22,534 --> 00:12:25,327 - I have something I need to tell you. - What is it? 249 00:12:27,130 --> 00:12:29,027 I dance more than you know. 250 00:12:30,623 --> 00:12:31,375 What? 251 00:12:32,486 --> 00:12:33,519 I dance... 252 00:12:34,671 --> 00:12:36,013 more than you know. 253 00:12:38,721 --> 00:12:40,998 I don't know how to respond to that. 254 00:12:44,325 --> 00:12:46,916 What does being a reporter mean to you? 255 00:12:47,786 --> 00:12:50,496 - Well, ever since I was a little kid... - Cut! 256 00:12:51,595 --> 00:12:53,723 You're getting bogged down in specifics. 257 00:12:53,848 --> 00:12:56,652 I need you to just say vague, 258 00:12:56,777 --> 00:13:00,028 confident-sounding buzzwords, like "synergy" and "dynamism". 259 00:13:00,619 --> 00:13:03,305 You can make up a word, like... "linkativity." 260 00:13:03,859 --> 00:13:06,868 How will sounding like an idiot get me hired anywhere? 261 00:13:07,227 --> 00:13:08,745 Okay, fine. Don't do it. 262 00:13:09,382 --> 00:13:12,539 Anyway, there are plenty of exciting stories to cover back in Canada. 263 00:13:12,664 --> 00:13:15,167 I just read that the mayor of Winnipeg's nephew 264 00:13:15,292 --> 00:13:18,043 went ice fishing and caught himself a 16-pound walleye. 265 00:13:18,168 --> 00:13:21,763 Reporting live from the worst place in the world, I'm Robin Scherbatsky. 266 00:13:23,112 --> 00:13:24,539 Fine. Roll camera. 267 00:13:28,400 --> 00:13:30,434 - Connectitude. - Love it. 268 00:13:31,241 --> 00:13:32,727 Transformatation. 269 00:13:32,922 --> 00:13:33,728 Earn it! 270 00:13:33,922 --> 00:13:34,938 Linkativity. 271 00:13:36,169 --> 00:13:37,850 Yeah, linkativity's mine. 272 00:13:41,620 --> 00:13:44,156 So, how much dancing are we talking about? 273 00:13:44,325 --> 00:13:45,780 I don't... I guess 274 00:13:46,152 --> 00:13:47,152 I'd say... 275 00:13:48,021 --> 00:13:49,032 medium. 276 00:13:49,957 --> 00:13:52,414 Why are you dancing so much, and why don't I know about it? 277 00:13:53,025 --> 00:13:56,363 It's something I do when I'm alone. Like if something good happens, 278 00:13:56,488 --> 00:13:58,400 I get excited and I need to move, and I just... 279 00:13:58,525 --> 00:14:00,796 I don't know. I don't want to even talk about this anymore. 280 00:14:02,803 --> 00:14:04,759 So that's how you injured your hip? 281 00:14:06,862 --> 00:14:09,742 Hey, did you hear? They're giving us a half day today. 282 00:14:09,867 --> 00:14:11,284 We can leave at 2:00. 283 00:14:12,234 --> 00:14:13,928 Great! Thanks, Herm. 284 00:14:24,444 --> 00:14:26,030 These costumes are ridiculous. 285 00:14:26,200 --> 00:14:29,325 Plus, the Amazon Warrior Princess armor gave me a rash. 286 00:14:29,932 --> 00:14:33,058 Cards on the table. You weren't the first lady to wear that in here. 287 00:14:33,183 --> 00:14:35,415 But it conveyed power. And so will this. 288 00:14:35,584 --> 00:14:37,222 What I need you to do now... 289 00:14:37,347 --> 00:14:39,307 is break these 15 bricks with your forehead. 290 00:14:39,432 --> 00:14:40,186 What? 291 00:14:40,311 --> 00:14:42,248 But you didn't do a damn thing in your video. 292 00:14:42,373 --> 00:14:45,413 You just stood near a horse and sat on a motorcycle. 293 00:14:45,685 --> 00:14:47,125 That's because I'm a man. 294 00:14:47,250 --> 00:14:49,888 You're a woman. The assumption is that you can't do anything. 295 00:14:50,314 --> 00:14:52,265 But you have to prove society wrong. 296 00:14:52,433 --> 00:14:55,435 I can't break 15 bricks with my forehead. 297 00:14:57,445 --> 00:14:59,898 It's not 1950 anymore. Yes, you can. 298 00:15:01,144 --> 00:15:03,109 - I'm out of here. - What? Why? 299 00:15:03,278 --> 00:15:05,130 None of this is going to help me get a job. 300 00:15:05,255 --> 00:15:07,685 I'm about to get kicked out of the country. 301 00:15:09,005 --> 00:15:10,325 I know what I have to do. 302 00:15:13,904 --> 00:15:16,026 Is this where the Lottery Girl auditions are? 303 00:15:16,151 --> 00:15:17,574 Yeah, right here. 304 00:15:21,284 --> 00:15:23,545 So, your Aunt Robin had reached her low point. 305 00:15:24,070 --> 00:15:26,508 She was auditioning to be the Lottery Girl. 306 00:15:27,027 --> 00:15:29,176 And tonight's Lotto numbers are... 307 00:15:29,346 --> 00:15:32,001 Hold it. Say the line before you press the button. 308 00:15:32,266 --> 00:15:34,699 - It builds the suspense. - It builds the suspense. 309 00:15:37,385 --> 00:15:39,487 And tonight's Lotto numbers are... 310 00:15:43,479 --> 00:15:44,401 seventeen... 311 00:15:44,574 --> 00:15:46,024 - Stop her. - Hold it. 312 00:15:46,487 --> 00:15:48,202 Why did she say it like that? 313 00:15:48,327 --> 00:15:51,115 It's like she's not even happy about the 17 coming up. 314 00:15:52,019 --> 00:15:53,202 She seems mean. 315 00:15:53,327 --> 00:15:55,009 Yeah, she seems super-mean. 316 00:15:55,765 --> 00:15:57,747 Can you take another run at "17" for us? 317 00:15:59,920 --> 00:16:00,750 Seventeen. 318 00:16:01,817 --> 00:16:03,955 I don't even understand what she's doing. 319 00:16:05,208 --> 00:16:06,626 Let me try something. 320 00:16:07,234 --> 00:16:09,647 Try being a little more wry. 321 00:16:10,705 --> 00:16:13,138 Wry? About the number 17? 322 00:16:13,333 --> 00:16:15,234 Wry, with a little bit of a... 323 00:16:15,647 --> 00:16:17,155 - Twinkle. - ... twinkle. 324 00:16:18,396 --> 00:16:19,561 Seventeen. 325 00:16:21,798 --> 00:16:22,981 That was great! 326 00:16:24,708 --> 00:16:28,704 I got you a light beer. I know how you dancers are always counting calories. 327 00:16:29,135 --> 00:16:30,899 It's not funny, all right? The doctor says 328 00:16:31,024 --> 00:16:33,025 if it gets any worse, I might need surgery. 329 00:16:33,150 --> 00:16:35,139 Vaginal rejuvenation surgery? 330 00:16:35,495 --> 00:16:38,388 You know who didn't do a lot of operating on vaginas in college? 331 00:16:38,513 --> 00:16:39,539 - Who? - Dr. X. 332 00:16:39,853 --> 00:16:41,458 He did just fine! 333 00:16:41,626 --> 00:16:43,305 You know what? Both of you geniuses 334 00:16:43,430 --> 00:16:46,649 need to take that weak-ass crap off your résumés. 335 00:16:46,774 --> 00:16:49,295 I mean, you are not Dr. X anymore, 336 00:16:49,420 --> 00:16:51,152 and you cannot dunk anymore. 337 00:16:51,694 --> 00:16:52,530 Let it go. 338 00:16:52,655 --> 00:16:54,779 So Marshall and I are the only people at this table 339 00:16:54,904 --> 00:16:56,890 with "weak-ass crap" on their résumés. 340 00:16:57,058 --> 00:16:58,350 What are you implying? 341 00:17:00,646 --> 00:17:01,567 I don't know! 342 00:17:01,692 --> 00:17:05,689 Does the date July 4, 1995 mean anything to you? 343 00:17:05,858 --> 00:17:07,387 You son of a bitch. 344 00:17:12,196 --> 00:17:13,219 Time! 345 00:17:13,344 --> 00:17:15,596 And the new champion, with 29 hot dogs, 346 00:17:15,721 --> 00:17:18,257 Lily "The Belly" Aldrin. 347 00:17:24,248 --> 00:17:26,711 How is that relevant to teaching kindergarten? 348 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:28,618 It teaches kids that... 349 00:17:29,010 --> 00:17:32,230 I can eat a lot of hot dogs very quickly. 350 00:17:32,355 --> 00:17:34,100 Yeah, but you can't do it anymore! 351 00:17:34,225 --> 00:17:36,377 You can't dunk anymore, Ladyhips! 352 00:17:36,790 --> 00:17:38,682 How dare you! These hips can... 353 00:17:38,850 --> 00:17:40,039 Guys, guys! 354 00:17:40,977 --> 00:17:42,852 I didn't even get the Lotto Girl gig. 355 00:17:44,629 --> 00:17:46,481 I have to move back to Canada. 356 00:17:48,355 --> 00:17:49,609 I can't believe this. 357 00:17:52,139 --> 00:17:54,072 I remember the night before I moved down here. 358 00:17:54,769 --> 00:17:56,408 They threw a going-away party for me. 359 00:17:57,232 --> 00:18:00,620 They gave me a camera so I could take pictures and send them home. 360 00:18:02,482 --> 00:18:06,032 And everyone was so sure I was gonna be such a big success. 361 00:18:08,689 --> 00:18:10,648 I'm really gonna miss you guys. 362 00:18:13,672 --> 00:18:14,753 What happened? 363 00:18:15,546 --> 00:18:17,470 Robin has to move back to Canada. 364 00:18:17,798 --> 00:18:19,219 Oh, my God. How awful. 365 00:18:20,641 --> 00:18:23,101 I mean, for one thing it's gonna be a really long commute. 366 00:18:23,440 --> 00:18:24,927 What do you mean? 367 00:18:25,052 --> 00:18:26,989 I finished your video resume on my own. 368 00:18:27,114 --> 00:18:29,274 Messengered it to every station in the city. 369 00:18:29,427 --> 00:18:31,301 A guy from Channel Eight called. 370 00:18:31,426 --> 00:18:32,551 He loved you. 371 00:18:32,676 --> 00:18:34,489 He wanted you to come in and audition. 372 00:18:34,614 --> 00:18:35,488 My God! 373 00:18:35,657 --> 00:18:36,614 I told him no. 374 00:18:36,739 --> 00:18:38,803 Robin Scherbatsky doesn't audition. 375 00:18:38,928 --> 00:18:40,742 He gives you the job or nothing. 376 00:18:40,913 --> 00:18:43,580 - So I got the job? - No. He cursed me out and hung up. 377 00:18:45,681 --> 00:18:47,492 But then Channel 12 called. 378 00:18:47,617 --> 00:18:49,556 They also loved you. 379 00:18:49,681 --> 00:18:52,921 They offered you a job hosting their new morning talk show. 380 00:18:53,556 --> 00:18:55,800 - Barney, that's amazing! - I told them to shove it. 381 00:18:55,968 --> 00:18:59,160 - Dude! - Which only made them want you more. 382 00:18:59,475 --> 00:19:01,909 So, they jacked up their offer by ten percent. 383 00:19:02,034 --> 00:19:03,434 Congratulations. 384 00:19:03,559 --> 00:19:05,893 It looks like you're gonna have to stay. 385 00:19:13,172 --> 00:19:15,811 - You're not about to dance, are you? - I'm good. 386 00:19:15,936 --> 00:19:17,025 I'll do it later. 387 00:19:19,742 --> 00:19:21,396 How did you pull this off? 388 00:19:21,849 --> 00:19:23,953 I am the master of the possimpible. 389 00:19:24,447 --> 00:19:25,648 You really are. 390 00:19:26,350 --> 00:19:27,207 Thank you. 391 00:19:30,004 --> 00:19:33,129 So, thanks to your Uncle Barney, we got to keep your Aunt Robin. 392 00:19:42,807 --> 00:19:46,184 And the rest of us decided it was time to let some things go. 393 00:19:51,190 --> 00:19:52,613 Well, except for Lily. 394 00:19:52,738 --> 00:19:55,902 You got this. And... time! 395 00:19:56,070 --> 00:19:57,545 What's the count? 396 00:19:58,414 --> 00:19:59,446 Thirty-three! 397 00:20:31,140 --> 00:20:33,773 Why is no one coming to my Happenings? Uploaded by Alooloo Ali-rabeh@hotmail.com