1 00:01:33,800 --> 00:01:40,240 LATE GRADUATES 2 00:03:03,960 --> 00:03:05,560 There's a mistake! 3 00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:09,400 Isn't this the VSA factory? Sign here, I don't have all day. 4 00:03:09,400 --> 00:03:12,360 It's full of knots. Take it back! 5 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:15,560 -I have to reload in an hour! -Not my problem. 6 00:03:15,560 --> 00:03:20,120 Wait up. Just write: "Needs approval." That'll do. 7 00:03:20,120 --> 00:03:22,560 "Not compliant." 8 00:03:24,560 --> 00:03:27,360 -Fifth bad batch this month. -Junk again? 9 00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:31,040 Moreau's a pain. Where does he get his supplies? I'm done! 10 00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:33,040 Go ahead! 11 00:03:45,840 --> 00:03:49,400 Hi, you've reached Philippe. Leave a message. Bye. 12 00:04:01,960 --> 00:04:05,160 -Créa'tifs, good morning! -Micheline? Michel, here. 13 00:04:05,160 --> 00:04:07,480 I'll put her on. 14 00:04:07,480 --> 00:04:09,880 Claire! Claire! 15 00:04:11,560 --> 00:04:12,760 Michel... 16 00:04:14,280 --> 00:04:16,680 -Hello? -So? 17 00:04:16,680 --> 00:04:20,120 -He didn't get it. -Shit! 18 00:04:20,120 --> 00:04:23,320 -How about the retakes? -Neither. 19 00:04:25,560 --> 00:04:27,960 -Did he fail by much? -No. 20 00:04:32,360 --> 00:04:36,200 -How is he taking it? -Not too badly. 21 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:43,120 Well... He'll get it next year. 22 00:04:43,120 --> 00:04:47,360 He'd better. We'll talk tonight. It's busy here. Love you. 23 00:04:52,080 --> 00:04:54,280 They failed him! 24 00:04:55,680 --> 00:04:58,480 You must be disappointed, poor dear. 25 00:04:58,480 --> 00:05:00,000 No need to. 26 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:03,480 Some misfortunes make you grow. 27 00:05:05,480 --> 00:05:07,560 Come here, Kiki. Come with us. 28 00:05:09,120 --> 00:05:12,200 I know, Jean-Pierre, but that's the way it is. 29 00:05:12,200 --> 00:05:15,960 Let's keep our cool. Let's help each other. 30 00:05:15,960 --> 00:05:18,560 We won't let them screw us over. 31 00:05:18,560 --> 00:05:20,560 Don't worry. 32 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:24,440 -What rotten luck! -You said it! 33 00:05:24,440 --> 00:05:26,800 -I wasn't expecting it. -We neither. 34 00:05:26,800 --> 00:05:28,760 Not even retakes! 35 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:33,760 -And he did cram! -They say we're not productive. 36 00:05:34,560 --> 00:05:36,440 -What do you mean? -And you? 37 00:05:36,440 --> 00:05:38,840 His finals! Philippe flunked! 38 00:05:42,680 --> 00:05:44,680 Today's not your day, pal. 39 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:57,800 Thanks. 40 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:30,880 Okay, I failed. It's not the end of the world. 41 00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:36,480 The factory will shut down in two months. Dad lost his job. 42 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:03,080 Hi! 43 00:07:03,760 --> 00:07:05,720 Hey, guys! What's up? 44 00:07:11,840 --> 00:07:14,840 The lawyer says the negotiations are tough. 45 00:07:14,840 --> 00:07:18,680 He says that each time. He too thinks we're idiots. 46 00:07:18,680 --> 00:07:21,720 Now the HQ is in Hungary, it complicates things. 47 00:07:21,720 --> 00:07:25,960 If it were easy, we wouldn't need a lawyer! 48 00:07:25,960 --> 00:07:28,400 It's a question of months. 49 00:07:28,400 --> 00:07:32,760 -How many? -I don't know... 18, maybe 24. 50 00:07:32,760 --> 00:07:36,080 -Damn! Two years! -We won't make it. 51 00:07:36,080 --> 00:07:38,000 Technocom signed in 6 months. 52 00:07:38,000 --> 00:07:40,000 They had 850 employees. 53 00:07:40,000 --> 00:07:42,680 Bompart had 30. They got nothing. 54 00:07:42,680 --> 00:07:45,040 But the union's supporting us! 55 00:07:47,840 --> 00:07:50,240 One or one thousand, it's the same! 56 00:07:51,440 --> 00:07:53,120 I made the schedule. 57 00:07:53,120 --> 00:07:57,040 Monday and Tuesday: Nadine, Abdel, 58 00:07:57,040 --> 00:07:59,680 Antoine, Gérard and Michel. 59 00:07:59,680 --> 00:08:02,200 We won't make it. I won't. 60 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:05,520 Everyone can choose for himself. 61 00:08:05,520 --> 00:08:07,720 What will you do? 62 00:08:08,960 --> 00:08:12,040 I don't know, but I won't make it. 63 00:08:12,040 --> 00:08:15,040 -What about the strike? -We're not on strike! 64 00:08:15,040 --> 00:08:18,320 -We're unemployed. -Then, we're doomed. 65 00:08:18,320 --> 00:08:21,960 Louis, think about it. They planned it all. 66 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:25,160 Moreau vanished the day we were fired. 67 00:08:25,160 --> 00:08:28,120 If they wanted their machines, they'd take them. 68 00:08:28,120 --> 00:08:30,920 Our butts sitting on them won't change anything. 69 00:08:32,960 --> 00:08:37,000 Our mobilization will make our voices heard. 70 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:42,960 Gérard! Group action is nothing new to you. 71 00:08:42,960 --> 00:08:47,120 "Group action"? That needs to build up through training. 72 00:08:47,120 --> 00:08:49,560 We've never been on strike. 73 00:08:49,560 --> 00:08:53,120 -Who's taking Tuesday? -I will. 74 00:08:53,120 --> 00:08:55,320 What's he doing here? 75 00:08:56,720 --> 00:08:59,720 -What can I do? -What you can do is... 76 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:02,400 take your food back and get out! 77 00:09:04,120 --> 00:09:07,920 You know, Louis, I was duped, too, just like you. 78 00:09:07,920 --> 00:09:09,240 You were? 79 00:09:09,240 --> 00:09:13,200 Right, the director's always the last one to know. 80 00:09:14,240 --> 00:09:16,960 With an early retirement two months prior? 81 00:09:16,960 --> 00:09:20,680 -Don't make me laugh. -Who're you fighting, Louis? 82 00:09:20,680 --> 00:09:24,720 Michel, you said it yourself: "They planned it all." 83 00:09:24,720 --> 00:09:26,720 You know how much he pocketed to leave? 84 00:09:26,720 --> 00:09:30,360 At least the VSA shareholders won't get their claws on that. 85 00:09:31,400 --> 00:09:34,320 -Shall we scram? -Yeah, right. Scram! 86 00:09:35,560 --> 00:09:39,760 -We'll get our severance bonus. -Sure. Come on, Edmond. 87 00:09:50,800 --> 00:09:52,440 ON STRIKE 88 00:09:52,440 --> 00:09:56,400 -He's right, that money is... -Yours. Don't be ashamed. 89 00:09:57,440 --> 00:10:01,400 Use it to have a good time. Travel to Mexico, Canada... 90 00:10:02,400 --> 00:10:04,360 I'm retired, not rich. 91 00:10:04,360 --> 00:10:06,160 Gardening, fishing? 92 00:10:06,160 --> 00:10:07,960 I'm not an old fart! 93 00:10:07,960 --> 00:10:09,880 Then, come, ride with us. 94 00:10:09,880 --> 00:10:13,240 -No, I quit cycling. -All right. 95 00:10:19,680 --> 00:10:23,000 -We must go back to the factory. -It's in the other direction. 96 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:26,280 We need to fight them, make them knuckle under. 97 00:10:26,280 --> 00:10:28,480 They treated us like cow dung. 98 00:10:28,480 --> 00:10:31,200 Justice will rule in your favor. 99 00:10:31,200 --> 00:10:32,840 They'll drag it on for years. 100 00:10:32,840 --> 00:10:36,840 Meanwhile, they'll invest the money they owe us. 101 00:10:36,840 --> 00:10:38,840 Damn, we exist! Even without them! 102 00:10:38,840 --> 00:10:42,840 You're right, Mimi. I'm not sure how, but you are. 103 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:46,320 -How's it going, Ed? -Great. 104 00:10:46,320 --> 00:10:50,640 -Tomorrow: same time, same spot. -Tomorrow? Sure, no problem. 105 00:10:51,840 --> 00:10:53,640 He's good, isn't he? 106 00:11:02,280 --> 00:11:06,040 -You have a college education? -It's only to sell shoes. 107 00:11:06,040 --> 00:11:09,640 Look: "Two years of college." -I didn't see. 108 00:11:09,640 --> 00:11:11,320 Wait, I'll help you sort out. 109 00:11:11,320 --> 00:11:15,160 High school degree, certificates, college... 110 00:11:15,160 --> 00:11:18,320 Ah, there we go... "Qualified worker." 111 00:11:18,320 --> 00:11:20,720 Oh, no, it's accounting. 112 00:11:29,920 --> 00:11:31,720 That's me. 113 00:11:32,640 --> 00:11:33,720 Hi. 114 00:11:33,720 --> 00:11:37,320 -I was in quality control. -Very well. 115 00:11:39,160 --> 00:11:41,440 -What field? -Barrels. 116 00:11:41,440 --> 00:11:43,480 -Ah... -What? 117 00:11:43,480 --> 00:11:46,760 Barrels are very technical. You have to calibrate staves, 118 00:11:46,760 --> 00:11:49,720 raise the barrels, toast them... 119 00:11:49,720 --> 00:11:51,560 Cute expressions anyway. 120 00:11:54,440 --> 00:11:59,080 -Have you got degrees? -My know-how needs no degree. 121 00:11:59,080 --> 00:12:02,640 I worked in the same company for almost 20 years. 122 00:12:02,640 --> 00:12:06,320 For now, write a presentation letter: your work experience, 123 00:12:06,320 --> 00:12:09,600 work ambitions... We'll discuss those next time. 124 00:12:11,800 --> 00:12:14,240 How about a job for right now? 125 00:12:16,640 --> 00:12:19,600 I think I may have something for you. 126 00:12:23,600 --> 00:12:25,200 Come on, Michel! 127 00:12:26,200 --> 00:12:28,000 Tackle them! 128 00:12:31,080 --> 00:12:34,440 Go for it! Play defense! Team action! 129 00:12:34,440 --> 00:12:36,440 France-Ireland, 1984! 130 00:12:45,040 --> 00:12:49,440 When meat comes off the bone, they say it's overcooked... 131 00:12:49,440 --> 00:12:51,440 But they're born like that. 132 00:12:59,440 --> 00:13:00,840 It's full. 133 00:13:00,840 --> 00:13:02,880 Don't worry about it. 134 00:13:02,880 --> 00:13:06,800 Wasn't it easier when they were raised in cages? 135 00:13:06,800 --> 00:13:10,800 Battery farms don't exist anymore. That's too cruel. 136 00:13:14,880 --> 00:13:17,840 -Philippe! Hurry up. -Coming! 137 00:13:20,040 --> 00:13:23,040 -So, how was it? -Great. 138 00:13:24,880 --> 00:13:27,040 Something smells good. 139 00:13:29,640 --> 00:13:33,160 -You didn't bring any home? -Only croissants. Much better. 140 00:13:33,160 --> 00:13:36,920 I have to go now. Philippe is still upstairs. 141 00:13:37,920 --> 00:13:40,120 Something smells funny... 142 00:13:40,880 --> 00:13:44,640 -I'll go get him. -And I'll make coffee. 143 00:13:50,320 --> 00:13:52,920 -Ciao, ciao. -Bye, Claire. 144 00:13:56,240 --> 00:13:58,720 -What're you doing? -Getting dressed! 145 00:13:58,720 --> 00:14:02,360 -You've got half an hour left! -Chill out, it's under control. 146 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:03,880 What's that smell? 147 00:14:03,880 --> 00:14:07,680 You'd better get a grip. Don't let failure stop you. 148 00:14:07,680 --> 00:14:09,560 Philosophy's a pain. 149 00:14:09,560 --> 00:14:13,320 Tuesday: 2 hours of math, 1 of biology. 150 00:14:13,320 --> 00:14:16,680 Oh, yeah... It's all good. I have last year's notes. 151 00:14:16,680 --> 00:14:18,680 That's why it's no good. 152 00:14:19,720 --> 00:14:23,320 -Do you take drugs? -Dad, get off my back. 153 00:14:23,320 --> 00:14:25,880 -What're you doing? -And you? 154 00:14:25,880 --> 00:14:28,000 Is this what you spend time on? 155 00:14:28,000 --> 00:14:30,440 Watch out, damn! It's fragile. 156 00:14:31,240 --> 00:14:33,200 Give it back, I'm of age. 157 00:14:33,200 --> 00:14:36,800 Right, you're of age, but you live under my roof. 158 00:14:36,800 --> 00:14:38,600 No more fooling around. 159 00:14:38,600 --> 00:14:41,160 You'll pass the exams! I'm positive! 160 00:14:41,160 --> 00:14:44,520 "Positive"? What planet are you from? 161 00:14:44,520 --> 00:14:46,680 A high school degree's nothing. 162 00:14:46,680 --> 00:14:50,480 Then, get it. If you don't, then you're a nothing. 163 00:14:54,160 --> 00:14:57,320 Male worker in his prime, very motivated... 164 00:14:57,320 --> 00:14:59,920 We know that, it's a motivation letter. 165 00:14:59,920 --> 00:15:03,640 -I shouldn't put it? -Put it if you want. 166 00:15:03,640 --> 00:15:07,200 Make up your mind. What should I put, then? 167 00:15:08,000 --> 00:15:10,160 What have you got over others? 168 00:15:10,160 --> 00:15:13,840 -Tons of things. -Yes. Plus, you have ideas. 169 00:15:13,840 --> 00:15:15,880 True! 170 00:15:15,880 --> 00:15:19,640 -I think that... -"I'm sure!" 171 00:15:19,640 --> 00:15:22,680 -I think that... -"I'm sure!" 172 00:15:22,680 --> 00:15:26,240 -I'm sure... that I think... -"I'm sure!" 173 00:15:26,240 --> 00:15:28,000 Be affirmative. 174 00:15:35,400 --> 00:15:37,200 Male worker... 175 00:15:37,200 --> 00:15:40,800 in his forties, 20 years of experience... 176 00:15:42,200 --> 00:15:45,600 in his prime, very motivated. 177 00:15:47,040 --> 00:15:50,440 -What do you think? -Me? Not much. 178 00:15:50,840 --> 00:15:53,440 It's good, Michel. Very good. 179 00:15:53,440 --> 00:15:55,240 However... 180 00:15:55,240 --> 00:15:58,440 You need to practice every day, otherwise it hurts. 181 00:15:58,440 --> 00:16:01,720 Not today, I'm in up to my eyes. Look... 182 00:16:01,720 --> 00:16:03,600 You wrote "in his forties." 183 00:16:03,600 --> 00:16:09,320 -Put your exact age. -My birth date on my résumé. 184 00:16:09,320 --> 00:16:12,840 And here... "20 years of experience..." 185 00:16:12,840 --> 00:16:14,560 Got your red wine? 186 00:16:14,560 --> 00:16:16,680 It's "professional experience." 187 00:16:19,080 --> 00:16:23,160 -This is Louis' résumé. -Don't make a mess, Gérard. 188 00:16:24,760 --> 00:16:26,520 That's the whole factory. 189 00:16:28,440 --> 00:16:30,400 What are you doing? 190 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:32,160 I answer job ads. 191 00:16:33,400 --> 00:16:35,760 You do? And do they know about it? 192 00:16:35,760 --> 00:16:39,640 Look. I couldn't just stand by. 193 00:16:40,440 --> 00:16:45,040 -What if they're called in? -If they're called in... 194 00:16:46,080 --> 00:16:48,520 See? Rigor, organization and method! 195 00:16:49,160 --> 00:16:52,040 One, I enter the data. 196 00:16:52,040 --> 00:16:55,440 Two, there are several columns: what I send, to whom, 197 00:16:55,440 --> 00:16:57,680 the date and replies. 198 00:16:57,680 --> 00:17:01,120 Three, if I land an appointment, I phone them up. 199 00:17:02,480 --> 00:17:04,960 I pretend I'm from the employment office. 200 00:17:04,960 --> 00:17:08,240 -All right, I see. -Any replies yet? 201 00:17:08,240 --> 00:17:10,600 The process is in the works. 202 00:17:22,920 --> 00:17:27,120 -Did you find the place easily? -Yes, without difficulty. 203 00:17:27,760 --> 00:17:29,520 I like this place a lot. 204 00:17:31,280 --> 00:17:33,280 It's nice. 205 00:17:34,680 --> 00:17:38,680 -Do you often go on Match.com? -First time. 206 00:17:51,320 --> 00:17:52,960 Thanks. 207 00:17:53,160 --> 00:17:54,960 So you're in banking? 208 00:17:54,960 --> 00:17:57,920 I run a small branch office, seven employees, 209 00:17:57,920 --> 00:18:02,600 interesting clientele. I have a fulfilling profession. 210 00:18:02,600 --> 00:18:06,680 To me, it's all about human contact, quality advice... 211 00:18:06,680 --> 00:18:09,720 I give it my all. So, you see, my field 212 00:18:09,720 --> 00:18:11,600 doesn't leave me time for women. 213 00:18:11,600 --> 00:18:13,240 Of course... 214 00:18:16,520 --> 00:18:19,200 Good evening, Gérard. Good evening, Miss. 215 00:18:19,200 --> 00:18:21,720 Good evening... You know each other? 216 00:18:21,720 --> 00:18:24,520 -Not at all. -Want a drawing? 217 00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:27,880 -No, thank you. -10 euros. 218 00:18:34,040 --> 00:18:36,160 Have a nice evening. 219 00:18:43,600 --> 00:18:46,440 -I'd like a drink. -What would you like? 220 00:18:46,440 --> 00:18:49,200 -A Red October. -Like the Sean Connery movie? 221 00:18:49,200 --> 00:18:52,160 No, like the cocktail. With a glass. 222 00:18:57,960 --> 00:19:00,280 Can I have two Red Octobers? 223 00:19:00,280 --> 00:19:02,600 -Right away. -Thanks. 224 00:19:06,040 --> 00:19:10,440 That's because of the bank... Everyone hates bankers. 225 00:19:15,280 --> 00:19:19,280 -He screwed around last year. -You think so? 226 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:23,280 We're not exactly intellectuals. 227 00:19:23,280 --> 00:19:28,040 What does that even mean? It means nothing. 228 00:19:29,320 --> 00:19:32,040 At his age, I only thought about the finals. 229 00:19:32,040 --> 00:19:33,760 Not quite, Michel. 230 00:19:36,320 --> 00:19:37,760 Excuse me. 231 00:19:40,960 --> 00:19:43,960 -Michel, tomorrow is Sunday. -So? 232 00:19:45,560 --> 00:19:48,760 -Are you all right? -Yes. It hurts... 233 00:19:49,600 --> 00:19:51,960 -Where? -Here. 234 00:20:26,320 --> 00:20:27,920 Designer? 235 00:20:29,480 --> 00:20:31,720 That's a tad pretentious. 236 00:20:33,120 --> 00:20:35,200 Car designer... 237 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:37,160 Now, that's not bad. 238 00:20:37,160 --> 00:20:39,320 Artistic, but not too much. 239 00:20:43,720 --> 00:20:46,160 This is the life, innit? 240 00:20:48,120 --> 00:20:50,480 It beats chasing chickens. 241 00:20:51,880 --> 00:20:55,040 This suits me fine. A sabbatical with unemployment. 242 00:20:55,040 --> 00:20:58,200 A few odd jobs, once in a while. 243 00:20:58,200 --> 00:21:00,200 Makes time to try something new. 244 00:21:00,200 --> 00:21:02,600 We must move on and retrain. 245 00:21:02,600 --> 00:21:04,600 Nonsense. 246 00:21:05,840 --> 00:21:08,480 Our kids will have several jobs in their lifetime. 247 00:21:17,360 --> 00:21:19,480 Training classes are a dime a dozen. 248 00:21:19,480 --> 00:21:22,880 Trainings won't make us cheaper for management. 249 00:21:22,880 --> 00:21:24,880 They must protect the dividends! 250 00:21:27,680 --> 00:21:31,280 If we don't help ourselves, nobody will. 251 00:21:32,480 --> 00:21:33,880 -Hello. -Hello. 252 00:21:33,880 --> 00:21:35,640 Excuse me. 253 00:21:36,880 --> 00:21:40,640 I brought my motivation letter. Your colleague said... 254 00:21:41,880 --> 00:21:45,280 -I'm listening. -I saw an ad... 255 00:21:47,040 --> 00:21:48,640 Number 1264. 256 00:21:49,640 --> 00:21:51,200 12-64... 257 00:21:53,320 --> 00:21:57,040 Quality control technician, bottling company... 258 00:21:57,040 --> 00:21:59,080 That's not your profile. 259 00:22:00,760 --> 00:22:06,080 Filling bottles is no high-tech. Don't you think I'll manage? 260 00:22:06,080 --> 00:22:07,560 I don't know. 261 00:22:09,720 --> 00:22:13,640 To you, bottles and barrels are of the same kind? 262 00:22:17,320 --> 00:22:21,280 At least send my application or tell me what factory it is. 263 00:22:21,280 --> 00:22:23,320 That's confidential. 264 00:22:23,320 --> 00:22:27,040 They want a high school degree. You don't have it. It won't do. 265 00:22:27,040 --> 00:22:29,320 I made it to the senior year. 266 00:22:29,320 --> 00:22:32,680 "Degree" and "senior year," that's different. 267 00:22:32,680 --> 00:22:37,640 Plus, everyone has a degree now. It's a minimum requirement. 268 00:22:37,640 --> 00:22:41,800 Even that is no guarantee people can read and write. 269 00:22:41,800 --> 00:22:44,200 You can read and write, correct? 270 00:22:46,040 --> 00:22:47,840 Wait... 271 00:22:48,880 --> 00:22:52,760 Here, I found it! Warehouseman in Agen! 272 00:22:53,360 --> 00:22:57,640 Great, that's only 100 km away. The wages'll just cover the gas. 273 00:22:57,640 --> 00:22:59,840 Thank you, ma'am. Goodbye. 274 00:23:02,920 --> 00:23:05,120 I must respect their criteria. 275 00:23:05,120 --> 00:23:08,440 If I don't, the whole system will fail. 276 00:23:12,040 --> 00:23:14,280 What do I have to do? 277 00:23:16,480 --> 00:23:20,760 To fit into the little boxes of your stupid system! 278 00:23:21,880 --> 00:23:24,400 Sir, don't do that. Please. 279 00:23:24,400 --> 00:23:26,400 No, sir, please. 280 00:23:26,400 --> 00:23:28,640 -Answer me! -Stay calm. 281 00:23:28,640 --> 00:23:31,320 -I need a high school degree? -Yes. 282 00:23:31,320 --> 00:23:33,560 Everyone has it, right? 283 00:23:39,240 --> 00:23:41,760 Are you nuts? Asshole! 284 00:23:47,240 --> 00:23:51,280 -Are you all right? -Yeah, I'm all right. 285 00:23:51,280 --> 00:23:54,680 -Are you sure? -Yeah, yeah. 286 00:23:56,280 --> 00:23:58,480 I make the system fail. 287 00:24:02,720 --> 00:24:04,720 It's me... 288 00:24:06,760 --> 00:24:09,960 I'm the one making the system fail... 289 00:24:12,120 --> 00:24:14,400 Listen to me, Mimi, 290 00:24:14,400 --> 00:24:17,000 I'm not taking your silly exams. 291 00:24:17,000 --> 00:24:21,400 Hey, guys, I'm going to take them with you. 292 00:24:21,400 --> 00:24:25,360 When you say "you," you mean you two, because I... 293 00:24:25,360 --> 00:24:27,960 -Did you see the curriculum? -Vaguely. 294 00:24:27,960 --> 00:24:30,960 This is not right. You don't vaguely take exams! 295 00:24:30,960 --> 00:24:36,040 Rigor, organization and method. That's the basis of everything. 296 00:24:36,640 --> 00:24:40,080 Just in case... How would we go about it? 297 00:24:40,080 --> 00:24:42,200 By going back to school. 298 00:24:43,080 --> 00:24:47,560 Mimi, look at us. We haven't been to school in 20 years! 299 00:24:48,360 --> 00:24:51,960 Yeah, me too, going to school... I'm not sure. 300 00:24:51,960 --> 00:24:55,840 Too much commotion and noise to be able to concentrate. 301 00:24:55,840 --> 00:24:58,040 Too many youngsters! 302 00:24:59,240 --> 00:25:04,200 -School will force us to work. -I thought you hated school. 303 00:25:04,200 --> 00:25:06,360 I'm in, but I'll need a hand. 304 00:25:06,960 --> 00:25:09,920 This'll get Philippe a kick in the ass. 305 00:25:09,920 --> 00:25:12,360 We're in deep shit. 306 00:25:13,160 --> 00:25:16,760 -Corporal punishment is back on. -Lay off! 307 00:25:17,560 --> 00:25:19,960 I'm as anxious as when I was twelve. 308 00:25:19,960 --> 00:25:23,360 -Pavlov... It's a reflex. -Don't show off! 309 00:25:23,960 --> 00:25:26,000 I have a stomach cramp. 310 00:25:27,760 --> 00:25:30,720 -It'd stimulate our pupils. -Thank you. 311 00:25:31,920 --> 00:25:34,080 Nevertheless... 312 00:25:34,080 --> 00:25:37,480 A pupil's parent in a classroom 313 00:25:37,480 --> 00:25:41,280 might be viewed as provocation by some teachers. 314 00:25:41,280 --> 00:25:43,480 So you're saying no? 315 00:25:43,480 --> 00:25:46,520 Mr. Mathias isn't a pupil's parent. 316 00:25:46,520 --> 00:25:49,880 Granting one of you permission is a favor. 317 00:25:49,880 --> 00:25:53,880 But with the two of you, it'd be an experimental program! 318 00:25:56,240 --> 00:26:00,080 I don't believe it! All that just to spy on me! 319 00:26:00,080 --> 00:26:03,880 We'll study together! And we'll get it! I promise! 320 00:26:03,880 --> 00:26:06,880 -But Michel! At your age? -You see? 321 00:26:06,880 --> 00:26:11,280 -Your father's trying to help. -This is a mad house! 322 00:26:11,280 --> 00:26:15,480 I'm gonna scram. Screw my degree. 323 00:26:21,880 --> 00:26:25,880 Shock therapy was a good idea, but it backfired. 324 00:26:29,080 --> 00:26:33,080 -I'd get a better job with it. -Michel, be realistic. 325 00:26:35,280 --> 00:26:39,640 I've got the ability. I almost got it. 326 00:26:39,640 --> 00:26:42,720 You almost took it... There's a difference. 327 00:26:42,720 --> 00:26:46,120 -We can't lose that game! -Some don't do their jobs. 328 00:26:46,120 --> 00:26:50,240 -Two essays! -Because we have no defense. 329 00:26:50,240 --> 00:26:52,920 Doesn't the teacher use the blackboard? 330 00:26:52,920 --> 00:26:54,640 No. 331 00:26:54,640 --> 00:26:59,320 -How do we do it then? -I can give you my notes. 332 00:26:59,320 --> 00:27:01,520 No, I'll ask Philippe. 333 00:27:03,960 --> 00:27:06,560 How do you feel about the finals? 334 00:27:06,560 --> 00:27:09,920 Fine, but I need to pass with honors. 335 00:27:10,920 --> 00:27:13,320 But this is quite overwhelming. 336 00:27:13,320 --> 00:27:16,320 This whole curriculum in such a short time... 337 00:27:16,320 --> 00:27:18,600 It's not so bad. 338 00:27:18,600 --> 00:27:21,200 It's only 800 points. You need a strategy. 339 00:27:21,200 --> 00:27:25,200 Focus on your strong subjects and juggle the coeffs. 340 00:27:28,640 --> 00:27:31,920 Take some more time to re-read the excerpt. 341 00:27:31,920 --> 00:27:34,480 I think it may be useful. 342 00:27:39,560 --> 00:27:43,640 What is the essential theme of this passage? 343 00:27:43,880 --> 00:27:46,280 IS FREEDOM BUT AN ILLUSION? 344 00:27:51,360 --> 00:27:52,920 Lucie? 345 00:27:53,680 --> 00:27:57,640 Bergson says... that social rules... 346 00:27:57,640 --> 00:28:00,920 are more important than individual consciousness. 347 00:28:00,920 --> 00:28:02,800 Not exactly, no. 348 00:28:04,000 --> 00:28:06,520 It's not about consciousness. 349 00:28:06,520 --> 00:28:07,360 Yes? 350 00:28:08,440 --> 00:28:12,360 -Bergson says that... -Be quiet! 351 00:28:13,520 --> 00:28:15,080 Continue. 352 00:28:19,800 --> 00:28:23,920 -We're imprisoned... -No, you've misinterpreted. 353 00:28:25,760 --> 00:28:28,360 For Bergson, society guarantees... 354 00:28:28,360 --> 00:28:31,400 -Your Dad's super sexy. -You want a date? 355 00:28:31,400 --> 00:28:35,160 I mean, compared to mine. You know, for an old man. 356 00:28:37,160 --> 00:28:40,240 Write a commentary on this text for next time. 357 00:28:41,640 --> 00:28:44,680 What an idler! She gave us the same assignment last year. 358 00:28:44,680 --> 00:28:48,320 -Did you keep it? -That depends... maybe. 359 00:28:49,560 --> 00:28:52,920 Let's go. I can't deal with my Dad all day long. 360 00:28:52,920 --> 00:28:54,920 Don't skip class because of him. 361 00:28:54,920 --> 00:28:57,040 He's only here to embarrass me. 362 00:28:57,040 --> 00:28:58,880 "Embarrass you"? 363 00:28:58,880 --> 00:29:01,880 Hold up, my old man's only ambition in life 364 00:29:01,880 --> 00:29:05,880 is to watch the morning show! Come on! Give me a break! 365 00:29:07,080 --> 00:29:08,480 Hello. 366 00:29:09,080 --> 00:29:11,680 Michel Deschamps, Gérard Mathias. 367 00:29:11,680 --> 00:29:15,080 -The principal... -Yes, I know. Go sit down. 368 00:29:15,080 --> 00:29:17,640 -Hello, I'm Michel... -Yes, I know. Sit. 369 00:29:17,640 --> 00:29:19,880 Come on, everyone, hurry! 370 00:29:26,880 --> 00:29:30,120 Apparently, it's either the father or the son? 371 00:29:33,080 --> 00:29:37,160 Let's go back to progressive mechanical waves. 372 00:29:37,160 --> 00:29:39,440 We saw earlier that waves do not 373 00:29:39,440 --> 00:29:42,920 only propagate in one-dimensional environments, 374 00:29:42,920 --> 00:29:44,760 like a string, 375 00:29:44,760 --> 00:29:46,920 but in two-dimensional environments 376 00:29:46,920 --> 00:29:49,320 such as liquid surfaces. 377 00:29:55,520 --> 00:29:57,920 I'll let you get the diagram. 378 00:30:00,360 --> 00:30:02,800 MAX LINDER HIGH SCHOOL 379 00:30:06,600 --> 00:30:10,200 -How did it go? -We have learning deficiencies, 380 00:30:10,200 --> 00:30:13,800 which must be viewed in relation to the scope of our assets. 381 00:30:13,800 --> 00:30:16,600 -It's all nonsense. -Is it serious? 382 00:30:16,600 --> 00:30:19,400 Whatever. It's only 800 points. 383 00:30:20,240 --> 00:30:23,800 A matter of strategy, and juggling the coeffs. 384 00:30:23,800 --> 00:30:26,400 And what about electrons? 385 00:30:26,400 --> 00:30:29,600 Did they figure out whether they're matter particles 386 00:30:29,600 --> 00:30:31,600 or vibrations? 387 00:30:33,240 --> 00:30:34,960 Micheline? 388 00:30:34,960 --> 00:30:37,560 What if we changed the pictures in the shop? 389 00:30:37,560 --> 00:30:38,640 What for? 390 00:30:38,640 --> 00:30:40,760 For a change! 391 00:30:40,760 --> 00:30:42,360 Do you like this? 392 00:30:42,360 --> 00:30:44,440 We're not Guy and Tony! 393 00:30:45,240 --> 00:30:47,840 -Hello, Micheline! -Hello, Mrs. Lacaze. 394 00:30:47,840 --> 00:30:49,640 -Hello. -Hello, Claire. 395 00:30:49,640 --> 00:30:51,600 Am I late? I was held up. 396 00:30:51,600 --> 00:30:54,800 -How's business for you? -Okay. 397 00:30:54,800 --> 00:30:57,320 We're better off than some. 398 00:30:58,320 --> 00:31:01,040 -What'll it be today? -Oh, the usual. 399 00:31:01,040 --> 00:31:02,960 Ready for your hair exam? 400 00:31:07,120 --> 00:31:09,560 Here we go! 401 00:31:13,520 --> 00:31:16,320 -How's the temperature? -Fine. 402 00:31:19,560 --> 00:31:20,800 Créa'tifs, hello. 403 00:31:20,800 --> 00:31:22,800 I'll add some cold water. 404 00:31:22,800 --> 00:31:24,840 Yes, I'm his mother. 405 00:31:25,840 --> 00:31:27,680 No, he had no reason... 406 00:31:29,080 --> 00:31:33,520 I understand. Thank you for letting me know. Goodbye. 407 00:31:33,520 --> 00:31:35,240 Tell me, Claire, 408 00:31:35,240 --> 00:31:37,400 did your husband find some work? 409 00:31:37,400 --> 00:31:39,800 Yes, but it's only temporary. 410 00:31:45,800 --> 00:31:47,680 Would you like dessert? 411 00:31:47,680 --> 00:31:50,280 Did you design the new Carminat? 412 00:31:50,280 --> 00:31:51,920 We were a team. 413 00:31:51,920 --> 00:31:55,480 Right, but there must be something that was all yours? 414 00:31:55,480 --> 00:31:58,200 Erm, yes... the blinkers. 415 00:32:00,120 --> 00:32:03,920 I can't delude myself, I need to catch up. 416 00:32:03,920 --> 00:32:07,520 But the atmosphere at school is challenging. 417 00:32:07,520 --> 00:32:09,080 And Philippe? 418 00:32:09,080 --> 00:32:11,080 Frankly, it's going rather well. 419 00:32:11,080 --> 00:32:12,920 Frankly? 420 00:32:14,080 --> 00:32:16,280 Are you making fun of me? 421 00:32:18,120 --> 00:32:22,400 The principal called. He's been going on and off for 2 weeks. 422 00:32:23,520 --> 00:32:25,520 You didn't know? 423 00:32:26,120 --> 00:32:28,360 Maybe you couldn't know. 424 00:32:28,960 --> 00:32:31,120 Are you even going yourself? 425 00:32:34,560 --> 00:32:36,520 Why would you think that? 426 00:32:37,560 --> 00:32:39,760 Now, that's reassuring. 427 00:32:40,360 --> 00:32:43,640 Claire! He skipped school, no big deal. 428 00:32:43,640 --> 00:32:46,240 "No big deal"? Nothing's a big deal! 429 00:32:46,240 --> 00:32:50,120 -I'll give him my notes. -"You'll give him your notes"? 430 00:32:50,960 --> 00:32:54,720 Is that your great plan for him to succeed? 431 00:32:55,560 --> 00:32:57,800 I don't believe it! 432 00:33:01,800 --> 00:33:03,560 What's for dinner? 433 00:33:04,400 --> 00:33:07,800 -Did you do your homework? -And you? 434 00:33:10,160 --> 00:33:14,800 -Are we going to your place? -Now? We hardly know each other. 435 00:33:15,400 --> 00:33:19,400 So? You don't chat online to find Cinderella, do you? 436 00:33:19,400 --> 00:33:21,080 With me, it's up front! 437 00:33:21,080 --> 00:33:24,840 You pay for dinner, you do me. No hassle. 438 00:33:24,840 --> 00:33:27,080 But I don't want to "do" you. 439 00:33:27,880 --> 00:33:30,240 Whatever. You're still paying for dinner. 440 00:33:31,120 --> 00:33:33,480 A nut! You wouldn't believe what she did! 441 00:33:33,480 --> 00:33:36,880 -At least you had fun. -Not with a chick like that. 442 00:33:36,880 --> 00:33:39,280 You know me, I'm the physical type. 443 00:33:39,280 --> 00:33:42,440 Being tied up between a radiator and the fireplace... 444 00:33:42,440 --> 00:33:44,680 How's that any fun, you know? 445 00:33:44,680 --> 00:33:48,440 I know you're faking it this morning. 446 00:33:48,440 --> 00:33:50,720 You're pretending to pedal! 447 00:33:51,520 --> 00:33:52,720 Come on! 448 00:33:55,360 --> 00:33:59,960 Put your papers and pens down, for those of you who have one. 449 00:34:08,000 --> 00:34:10,800 -Goodbye. -Thank you. 450 00:34:25,240 --> 00:34:26,840 Goodbye. 451 00:34:28,440 --> 00:34:29,960 Goodbye. 452 00:34:29,960 --> 00:34:32,360 Thanks. Thank you. 453 00:34:35,360 --> 00:34:37,240 You're not taking mine? 454 00:34:38,840 --> 00:34:43,840 I don't have to correct a paper from someone auditing my class. 455 00:34:45,680 --> 00:34:48,080 You'd rather I did, perhaps? 456 00:34:48,960 --> 00:34:50,960 No, don't leave. 457 00:34:59,440 --> 00:35:00,720 There. 458 00:35:02,520 --> 00:35:04,240 Thanks... 459 00:35:04,240 --> 00:35:06,080 Not at all. 460 00:36:18,960 --> 00:36:22,960 All right, I wrote it down. Thank you, goodbye. 461 00:36:27,800 --> 00:36:31,640 -A job interview for Nadine! -Edmond, your plan's working. 462 00:36:31,640 --> 00:36:33,200 -No way! -It is. 463 00:36:33,200 --> 00:36:36,760 I knew it! You need method! Rigor and method. 464 00:36:36,760 --> 00:36:38,440 Let Nadine know! 465 00:36:38,440 --> 00:36:40,680 -I'll call her! -No, I'll do it. 466 00:36:41,920 --> 00:36:45,160 -You like it? Some hairspray? -No, thanks. 467 00:36:45,160 --> 00:36:47,560 So, Michel's back in high school? 468 00:36:47,560 --> 00:36:49,880 No, it's my son, Philippe. 469 00:36:49,880 --> 00:36:52,520 No, it's Michel, I assure you. 470 00:36:52,520 --> 00:36:54,840 I believe I know my son's name. 471 00:36:55,680 --> 00:36:57,680 Michel is my husband. Goodbye. 472 00:36:57,680 --> 00:36:59,240 I know. It's in the papers. 473 00:36:59,240 --> 00:37:00,840 UNEMPLOYED, BACK IN HIGH SCHOOL 474 00:37:00,840 --> 00:37:04,600 -Funny, huh? -That's the word, indeed. 475 00:37:04,600 --> 00:37:06,240 Who's taking the exams? 476 00:37:06,240 --> 00:37:09,040 Kant! 1785. 477 00:37:09,040 --> 00:37:12,040 -81... Not far off. -How did you know that? 478 00:37:12,040 --> 00:37:14,400 I don't, I got it wrong. 479 00:37:14,400 --> 00:37:16,440 Your turn. 480 00:37:19,200 --> 00:37:20,120 Five. 481 00:37:20,120 --> 00:37:21,880 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 482 00:37:21,880 --> 00:37:23,880 -White. -Economy. 483 00:37:23,880 --> 00:37:27,400 -Definition of "added value"? -Not in the curriculum. 484 00:37:27,400 --> 00:37:29,600 Do you want to cram? 485 00:37:30,640 --> 00:37:35,400 Added value is... the value added... 486 00:37:35,400 --> 00:37:38,600 to raw materials to make finished products. 487 00:37:38,600 --> 00:37:40,600 Not bad. Actually, 488 00:37:40,600 --> 00:37:44,600 it's the result of a company's production, 489 00:37:44,600 --> 00:37:48,480 measured by the difference between selling prices 490 00:37:48,480 --> 00:37:52,200 and intermediate costs... like... 491 00:37:54,960 --> 00:37:56,960 -Salaries? -Correct! 492 00:38:00,400 --> 00:38:02,960 -Your turn, Gérard. -Forget it. 493 00:38:02,960 --> 00:38:04,560 -Gérard! -Gérard! 494 00:38:06,560 --> 00:38:07,760 Three. 495 00:38:09,400 --> 00:38:13,000 -Three. Pink. What's pink? -History. 496 00:38:13,000 --> 00:38:16,320 Which president abolished the death penalty in France? 497 00:38:16,320 --> 00:38:18,480 -Mitterrand. -What year? 498 00:38:18,480 --> 00:38:19,680 1981. 499 00:38:19,680 --> 00:38:21,280 See? 500 00:38:22,160 --> 00:38:24,840 -How did you know? -The first time I voted. 501 00:38:25,840 --> 00:38:28,000 -Michel's go. -And you? 502 00:38:28,000 --> 00:38:30,160 Come on, Edmond. It's your turn! 503 00:38:30,160 --> 00:38:33,600 Come on! He won't play... 504 00:38:33,600 --> 00:38:35,840 -White. -What's white? 505 00:38:35,840 --> 00:38:39,160 Economy. Definition of GDP? 506 00:38:39,160 --> 00:38:44,040 The amount reached by valuing a country's productive activity. 507 00:38:44,040 --> 00:38:45,680 Bravo! 508 00:38:45,680 --> 00:38:47,840 Of course, he wrote the questions... 509 00:38:47,840 --> 00:38:51,200 It isn't Trivial Pursuit, it's an Alzheimer's test! 510 00:38:51,200 --> 00:38:53,600 We're good. Quite good! 511 00:38:55,400 --> 00:38:58,640 -In economy. -But we signed up for science. 512 00:38:58,640 --> 00:39:01,640 Economy is part of social economics. 513 00:39:01,640 --> 00:39:06,240 -Then we'll do that. -We're too weak in physics. 514 00:39:06,240 --> 00:39:10,840 How about natural sciences? So we can stay with Philippe. 515 00:39:11,840 --> 00:39:15,040 What's your goal, to pass or to bug your kid? 516 00:39:16,440 --> 00:39:18,680 It gives him pep! 517 00:39:18,680 --> 00:39:21,080 I must hang in there, just for him. 518 00:39:21,080 --> 00:39:26,080 Who are you talking about? Philippe? Philippe Deschamps? 519 00:39:26,080 --> 00:39:30,280 The studious and grateful young man? 520 00:39:30,280 --> 00:39:34,040 Well... Who am I to say? I know nothing about kids. 521 00:39:35,120 --> 00:39:37,360 Actually, 522 00:39:37,360 --> 00:39:40,360 we complain about a society that imposes rules 523 00:39:40,360 --> 00:39:43,360 but we couldn't do without them. For example, 524 00:39:43,360 --> 00:39:46,120 victims of social exclusion are not content! 525 00:39:46,120 --> 00:39:49,120 Nietzsche opposed Bergson saying that without singularity, 526 00:39:49,120 --> 00:39:53,760 individuals are lost in the masses. Normalcy lacks depth. 527 00:39:53,760 --> 00:39:57,280 It's reassuring to know we all have the same goal. 528 00:39:57,280 --> 00:40:00,760 Opposing normalization begets violence. 529 00:40:00,760 --> 00:40:03,400 In the end, we do it all to be loved. 530 00:40:03,400 --> 00:40:06,720 Together you'd make an excellent philosopher! 531 00:40:08,880 --> 00:40:13,200 The last two rows... Give me your work as you leave. 532 00:40:16,240 --> 00:40:19,160 -Something else? -That's all. 533 00:40:20,560 --> 00:40:22,360 16.70 euros. 534 00:40:39,280 --> 00:40:42,720 Denied. You want to try again or pay cash? 535 00:40:44,080 --> 00:40:45,920 I don't get it. 536 00:40:55,840 --> 00:40:59,000 -Can I pay tomorrow? -Tomorrow's fine. 537 00:40:59,000 --> 00:41:03,000 Jacques, bring this to the cold room, please. 538 00:41:04,760 --> 00:41:08,320 Don't worry, we'll keep it aside for you. 539 00:41:39,120 --> 00:41:43,480 -You're off to an awful start. -Am I that bad? 540 00:41:45,720 --> 00:41:47,720 Give me this... 541 00:41:49,480 --> 00:41:51,480 y = 2ax + b? 542 00:41:53,520 --> 00:41:57,720 School curriculums have changed a bunch... 543 00:41:57,720 --> 00:42:01,040 Hello, my love. What's wrong? What happened? 544 00:42:01,040 --> 00:42:02,880 It's the unemployment money... 545 00:42:02,880 --> 00:42:08,800 Usually it's sent to the account before the mortgage payment. 546 00:42:08,800 --> 00:42:12,280 It's computerized. It's a matter of days. 547 00:42:12,280 --> 00:42:15,640 -You'll call tomorrow? -Yes. 548 00:42:30,240 --> 00:42:32,640 Single, 38 years old... 549 00:42:34,320 --> 00:42:37,400 former rugby player, now working in insurance... 550 00:42:37,400 --> 00:42:40,360 seeks 30 to 40-year-old woman. Not bad. 551 00:42:42,920 --> 00:42:45,560 Single, 38 years old... 552 00:42:45,560 --> 00:42:49,160 former rugby player now working in insurance. 553 00:42:49,160 --> 00:42:51,720 Not bad, huh? "Rugby player." 554 00:42:53,160 --> 00:42:55,160 What do you think? 555 00:42:55,760 --> 00:42:57,160 Hello? 556 00:43:03,000 --> 00:43:06,160 Welcome, Gérard YOU HAVE 7 MESSAGES 557 00:43:11,560 --> 00:43:13,680 Yes, what is it, Mr. Deschamps? 558 00:43:13,680 --> 00:43:16,480 Isn't it: y = 2ax + b? 559 00:43:18,720 --> 00:43:22,680 -You're rotten! -Don't make us waste our time. 560 00:43:25,680 --> 00:43:27,680 I wouldn't if you explained. 561 00:43:28,720 --> 00:43:32,000 Sure. Curves and straight lines are all the same to you. 562 00:43:33,000 --> 00:43:36,560 Won't you stop taking him for an idiot? 563 00:43:37,160 --> 00:43:39,280 Gentlemen, you owe me respect! 564 00:43:40,280 --> 00:43:42,880 Respect is earned. Fuck you! 565 00:43:44,280 --> 00:43:47,400 -Would you go outside? -Who do you think you are? 566 00:43:48,800 --> 00:43:50,560 What do you think? 567 00:43:50,560 --> 00:43:53,720 That your degrees allow you to make fun of me? 568 00:43:53,720 --> 00:43:55,680 You received an education! 569 00:43:55,680 --> 00:43:59,200 I worked in a factory, but I have the right to one! 570 00:43:59,200 --> 00:44:01,200 Come on, let's go! 571 00:44:05,440 --> 00:44:07,440 The unions will get on my back. 572 00:44:08,040 --> 00:44:11,240 You know what an indefinite strike notice is? 573 00:44:11,240 --> 00:44:13,000 And the parents... 574 00:44:13,000 --> 00:44:16,000 They only care about the finals and delayed revision! 575 00:44:16,000 --> 00:44:19,800 And my superiors, you know what they'll say? 576 00:44:21,800 --> 00:44:24,200 I told you it was nonsense. 577 00:44:25,600 --> 00:44:27,400 Come on, Mimi. 578 00:44:31,000 --> 00:44:35,360 Some stupid teacher won't ruin your stupid exam for you! 579 00:44:36,720 --> 00:44:39,520 -Science, social economics, SMS? -No... 580 00:44:39,520 --> 00:44:41,720 Yes, I swear. It exists, look. 581 00:44:43,040 --> 00:44:46,560 -Economics, it's better. -Yes. 582 00:44:46,560 --> 00:44:48,320 Economics... 583 00:44:49,960 --> 00:44:51,880 -Is that all? -Wait... 584 00:44:51,880 --> 00:44:53,680 -No, it doesn't work! -Wait! 585 00:44:53,680 --> 00:44:56,440 -It doesn't work. -Leave it alone. 586 00:44:56,440 --> 00:44:58,720 There. Go on, push "Enter." 587 00:44:59,880 --> 00:45:01,800 There. Registration validated. 588 00:45:04,680 --> 00:45:06,280 And you, Gérard? 589 00:45:06,280 --> 00:45:09,280 Right. It doesn't commit me to anything. 590 00:45:09,280 --> 00:45:13,160 -You must find our curriculum. -How do I find it? 591 00:45:13,160 --> 00:45:15,760 -Figure it out. -We can't back down now. 592 00:45:15,760 --> 00:45:20,240 Every morning, you come here at 8:30, deal? Saturdays also. 593 00:45:20,240 --> 00:45:22,480 How about days off? 594 00:45:22,480 --> 00:45:27,120 You'll be off new subjects. And onto revision. 595 00:45:27,120 --> 00:45:30,480 -He wasn't with you? -Not since the last math class. 596 00:45:30,480 --> 00:45:34,840 This wouldn't be happening if you had passed last year! 597 00:45:35,880 --> 00:45:38,040 -Good evening. -Where were you? 598 00:45:38,040 --> 00:45:40,640 At Edmond's. Good evening. 599 00:45:40,640 --> 00:45:43,080 Did you call the unemployment office? 600 00:45:45,120 --> 00:45:49,200 -I had other things on my mind. -Are you kidding me? 601 00:45:49,200 --> 00:45:53,840 We're in the red. The mortgage payment was denied. 602 00:45:53,840 --> 00:45:57,800 -What game are you playing? -I'm not playing. 603 00:45:59,440 --> 00:46:02,640 It's time my work were respected. 604 00:46:02,640 --> 00:46:06,440 "Your work"? You should get a real job. Quit fantasizing! 605 00:46:08,040 --> 00:46:12,520 "Canceled due to lack of search for employment." 606 00:46:13,840 --> 00:46:16,240 You open my mail now? 607 00:46:20,280 --> 00:46:23,480 Let it be clear, I won't repeat myself: 608 00:46:23,480 --> 00:46:26,440 I'm taking the finals, at any cost. 609 00:46:28,640 --> 00:46:32,040 -"At any price"? -You heard me. 610 00:46:35,320 --> 00:46:40,520 -Some Lucie called. Who's she? -A girl from school. 611 00:46:51,560 --> 00:46:54,320 -Good evening, madam. -Good evening. 612 00:46:54,320 --> 00:46:56,720 Gérard? Hello, I'm... 613 00:46:56,720 --> 00:46:58,480 -Laurence? -Late. 614 00:46:58,480 --> 00:47:00,640 Pleased to meet you. 615 00:47:02,880 --> 00:47:05,080 Some wine? Yes? 616 00:47:16,280 --> 00:47:18,320 I like this place a lot. 617 00:47:18,320 --> 00:47:22,800 At least here you can... have dinner... 618 00:47:22,800 --> 00:47:27,600 At least you eat well. I mean, compared to other places. 619 00:47:29,600 --> 00:47:31,520 Anyway... 620 00:47:34,800 --> 00:47:37,520 You got them in a duty free shop? 621 00:47:38,720 --> 00:47:42,320 Across the street. I don't smoke much. 622 00:47:50,840 --> 00:47:52,640 Ready to order? 623 00:47:55,960 --> 00:47:57,560 Laurence? 624 00:47:58,920 --> 00:48:01,200 Good grief, how stupid of me! 625 00:48:01,200 --> 00:48:03,200 What? What is it? 626 00:48:03,800 --> 00:48:06,760 Stewardess, uniform... Diet! 627 00:48:07,960 --> 00:48:10,360 Duck confit... with a salad. 628 00:48:11,800 --> 00:48:14,520 -Thank you. -The same for me. 629 00:48:15,880 --> 00:48:18,640 -With potatoes. -Very well. 630 00:48:19,440 --> 00:48:22,320 -A toast! -Cheers! 631 00:48:22,320 --> 00:48:25,600 Elements that allow... I know! They allow 632 00:48:25,600 --> 00:48:29,760 to improve production methods and increase productivity. 633 00:48:29,760 --> 00:48:32,880 -Yes, that's it. -Yeah, it's clear. 634 00:48:32,880 --> 00:48:35,080 Technical progress... 635 00:48:36,080 --> 00:48:40,480 the automated tapering of staves in 1988: 5 jobs gone. 636 00:48:41,080 --> 00:48:42,840 Innovation... 637 00:48:42,840 --> 00:48:45,080 synthetic corks. 638 00:48:45,080 --> 00:48:48,400 No more noise when opening a bottle, to make you thirsty. 639 00:48:49,600 --> 00:48:53,600 And the factories shut down in silence as well. 640 00:48:53,600 --> 00:48:55,640 Question of geography. 641 00:49:00,840 --> 00:49:02,840 How's Michel? 642 00:49:04,240 --> 00:49:06,200 You see him more than I do now. 643 00:49:08,600 --> 00:49:11,320 He's really committed to it, you know? 644 00:49:11,320 --> 00:49:15,160 It's so irresponsible. I'm fed up! 645 00:49:15,160 --> 00:49:18,760 I understand he needs a change of air, 646 00:49:18,760 --> 00:49:22,960 but they're only asking him to look for a job! To look! 647 00:49:22,960 --> 00:49:25,520 Maybe his degree's more important. 648 00:49:25,520 --> 00:49:29,880 More important than his family, than his home? 649 00:49:29,880 --> 00:49:31,920 We made our choices together. 650 00:49:39,040 --> 00:49:42,600 -How can he drop everything? -Hello. 651 00:49:42,600 --> 00:49:43,880 -Hello. -Hello. 652 00:49:43,880 --> 00:49:48,040 So, Mrs. Deschamps, is the husband still at school? 653 00:49:56,840 --> 00:50:01,000 -This feels weird, right? Huh? -Yeah. Yeah! 654 00:50:03,360 --> 00:50:07,560 -It'll take hours. -I know, but 148.50 euros! 655 00:50:07,560 --> 00:50:10,160 Why wouldn't you let me buy the books? 656 00:50:11,560 --> 00:50:14,760 -What are you doing here? -Can't you see? 657 00:50:14,760 --> 00:50:16,760 Aren't you at school? 658 00:50:16,760 --> 00:50:21,000 -We're self-taught. -You've got some nerve. 659 00:50:21,000 --> 00:50:24,680 The machines are here for those who fought for them. 660 00:50:24,680 --> 00:50:26,480 Wanna do it? 661 00:50:26,480 --> 00:50:30,160 Making fun of me? I didn't mean the photocopiers. 662 00:50:33,760 --> 00:50:35,760 Dammit, guys. 663 00:50:36,760 --> 00:50:40,360 You think you're too good to go on strike? 664 00:50:40,360 --> 00:50:44,480 What do you think? You'll become a boss with a degree? 665 00:50:44,480 --> 00:50:48,680 Freedom means you get to choose your troubles. 666 00:50:48,680 --> 00:50:51,080 It's true. 667 00:50:51,080 --> 00:50:55,680 We don't bother jerks who climb an oxygen-deprived Everest. 668 00:50:59,680 --> 00:51:02,080 At least, we hold out. 669 00:51:02,080 --> 00:51:04,480 A few of us have found a job. 670 00:51:04,480 --> 00:51:06,880 In a way, good for them. 671 00:51:07,800 --> 00:51:12,560 -And you, you're not looking? -I got two agency interviews. 672 00:51:12,560 --> 00:51:14,560 That's all. 673 00:51:14,560 --> 00:51:17,920 Come to think of it, they haven't called in a while. 674 00:51:17,920 --> 00:51:22,360 -It's the slow season. -Really? You think so? 675 00:51:24,160 --> 00:51:25,760 Really? 676 00:51:36,760 --> 00:51:38,560 Thanks. 677 00:51:44,560 --> 00:51:46,360 Hey, Louis! 678 00:51:47,560 --> 00:51:52,680 "You made promises, but we haven't seen nothing." 679 00:51:52,680 --> 00:51:55,200 That's incorrect. 680 00:51:55,200 --> 00:52:00,200 "We haven't seen nothing"? It's "We haven't seen anything." 681 00:52:00,200 --> 00:52:02,200 No double negations... 682 00:52:02,200 --> 00:52:03,840 Oh, right. 683 00:52:03,840 --> 00:52:06,080 Thanks, guys. 684 00:52:14,880 --> 00:52:17,480 -Thank you. Enjoy the holidays. -Goodbye. 685 00:52:17,480 --> 00:52:19,720 -Hello. -Hello. 686 00:52:19,720 --> 00:52:23,080 -I'd like to return these. -Certainly. 687 00:53:46,280 --> 00:53:50,280 Michel, sign this, it's your unemployment file. 688 00:53:53,880 --> 00:53:57,680 -Show up with your file today. -No. 689 00:53:58,040 --> 00:54:00,720 We're three months late on our mortgage payments. 690 00:54:02,960 --> 00:54:06,560 I'm not going back there without my degree. 691 00:54:06,560 --> 00:54:08,720 What if you fail? 692 00:54:25,240 --> 00:54:27,640 That's no good, the roots show. 693 00:54:27,640 --> 00:54:29,640 -Isn't it trendy? -"Trendy"? 694 00:54:29,640 --> 00:54:33,040 -Sure! -No, it's not, and that's final! 695 00:54:33,040 --> 00:54:36,840 -Are you all right? -Yes, I'm fine. 696 00:54:36,840 --> 00:54:38,640 Would I look good with this? 697 00:54:38,640 --> 00:54:42,000 Yes, but I'd go a bit shorter to soften your face. 698 00:54:42,000 --> 00:54:45,800 -Shall we try it? -All right. 699 00:54:45,800 --> 00:54:50,720 -Breakup or new love? -I first have to dump a clinger. 700 00:54:50,720 --> 00:54:53,720 -I see. -You too? 701 00:54:53,720 --> 00:54:57,720 -Sometimes I wonder. -Some day, it'll become clear. 702 00:55:20,960 --> 00:55:21,960 Hello? 703 00:55:21,960 --> 00:55:23,960 Good evening, Laurence. 704 00:55:25,360 --> 00:55:26,960 Oh... 705 00:55:27,720 --> 00:55:29,520 Why not? 706 00:55:30,720 --> 00:55:32,720 Yes, I understand. 707 00:55:33,720 --> 00:55:37,520 Fog in London... It could happen to anyone. 708 00:55:38,520 --> 00:55:40,520 No, don't worry. 709 00:55:41,320 --> 00:55:42,880 Goodbye. 710 00:55:56,800 --> 00:55:59,400 -Hello, sweet pea. -Hi, Mom. Here. 711 00:55:59,400 --> 00:56:02,720 -What's this? -Didn't you hear it's Christmas? 712 00:56:04,160 --> 00:56:05,960 Thank you. 713 00:56:11,760 --> 00:56:15,600 -Where did you get all this? -I bought it. 714 00:56:15,600 --> 00:56:19,560 -With what? -I made dough with my drawings. 715 00:56:20,960 --> 00:56:22,440 "Drawings"? 716 00:56:24,680 --> 00:56:28,240 -Does it bug you I'm talented? -Not at all. 717 00:56:29,160 --> 00:56:32,760 You show off with your presents... 718 00:56:32,760 --> 00:56:35,360 but that's not being independent. 719 00:56:35,360 --> 00:56:39,440 Washout ambitions are fine if Mom and Dad fill the fridge, 720 00:56:39,440 --> 00:56:41,840 pay your clothes, your mobile... 721 00:56:41,840 --> 00:56:44,160 It's more Mom than Dad now. 722 00:56:46,520 --> 00:56:48,840 -Michel, are you nuts? -What a jerk! 723 00:56:48,840 --> 00:56:52,240 Go to your room before I give you one! 724 00:56:53,000 --> 00:56:55,600 You can't treat him like that. 725 00:56:55,600 --> 00:56:58,000 What have we done to you? 726 00:57:08,440 --> 00:57:11,400 I think you should leave now, Michel. 727 00:57:12,400 --> 00:57:14,600 We'll get by without you. 728 00:58:28,560 --> 00:58:30,760 Mimi, you're here. 729 00:58:36,720 --> 00:58:38,920 Merry Christmas, Mimi! 730 00:58:46,160 --> 00:58:48,480 You're not doing too well, huh? 731 00:58:50,160 --> 00:58:53,160 -It's nice of you to have come. -Yeah... 732 00:59:08,280 --> 00:59:11,560 You think it's funny I'm taking my finals? 733 00:59:11,560 --> 00:59:13,560 Not quite, I assure you. 734 00:59:15,160 --> 00:59:17,600 Then give me a student loan. 735 00:59:17,600 --> 00:59:21,760 That loan is for young people who are starting out, 736 00:59:21,760 --> 00:59:24,120 a nudge in the right direction. 737 00:59:24,120 --> 00:59:26,120 Your circumstances are different. 738 00:59:26,120 --> 00:59:29,120 But I prepared a 12,000-euro loan over 24 months. 739 00:59:29,120 --> 00:59:30,800 Like a credit line. 740 00:59:30,800 --> 00:59:35,120 Credit? I have an overdraft! I don't have any credit. 741 00:59:35,120 --> 00:59:38,320 Not a problem with your house as a guarantee. 742 00:59:39,520 --> 00:59:41,960 The answer's no. 743 00:59:41,960 --> 00:59:46,320 -I won't give you my house. -Consider it while there's time. 744 00:59:46,320 --> 00:59:47,880 Gérard? 745 00:59:51,880 --> 00:59:55,320 Can you find something for me online? 746 00:59:59,560 --> 01:00:03,520 -You're an insurance agent now? -I know, it's ridiculous. 747 01:00:03,520 --> 01:00:05,040 What should I put? 748 01:00:05,040 --> 01:00:07,400 -Student! -You think? 749 01:00:10,400 --> 01:00:13,880 -Too late. She won't call back. -Why not? 750 01:00:13,880 --> 01:00:18,520 76% of women value honesty. I read it in Marie-Claire. 751 01:00:18,520 --> 01:00:21,120 -And I don't feel like it. -Are you in love? 752 01:00:21,120 --> 01:00:24,120 -We had dinner once. -Don't let this slip past. 753 01:00:24,120 --> 01:00:28,320 How do you think couples make it? They talk, they listen. 754 01:00:29,240 --> 01:00:31,480 Do you miss Claire? 755 01:00:32,480 --> 01:00:34,960 -Will you do my search? -Sure. 756 01:00:46,560 --> 01:00:48,760 Sweetie, time to get up. 757 01:01:03,320 --> 01:01:05,720 I like your work. 758 01:01:11,200 --> 01:01:13,640 I wanted to tell you, Philippe, 759 01:01:13,640 --> 01:01:17,840 the issues your dad and I have shouldn't disrupt your studies. 760 01:01:18,240 --> 01:01:20,240 All right? 761 01:01:24,480 --> 01:01:27,480 -Are you getting a divorce? -No. 762 01:01:28,760 --> 01:01:33,040 -Mom, I want to be an artist. -That's good. 763 01:01:33,040 --> 01:01:35,480 I'm talented. 764 01:01:36,480 --> 01:01:40,280 But the world will have to wait a few more months. 765 01:01:40,280 --> 01:01:43,920 Don't worry, talent doesn't slip away. 766 01:01:43,920 --> 01:01:48,080 I don't care how you do it, but you pass your finals. 767 01:01:49,040 --> 01:01:50,800 Please. 768 01:01:51,600 --> 01:01:55,200 Then, you won't have to get back to it in 20 years. 769 01:01:55,760 --> 01:01:58,400 A gamble on the future. 770 01:02:10,360 --> 01:02:13,560 I went to the post office. I got your parcel! 771 01:02:13,560 --> 01:02:15,560 Excellent! 772 01:02:17,160 --> 01:02:21,160 -Time to eat. -At last, valid corrections. 773 01:02:21,960 --> 01:02:24,360 -Oh, yeah? -Look. 774 01:02:30,760 --> 01:02:32,760 Take your pill. 775 01:02:32,760 --> 01:02:34,760 Jeanne, it makes me sleepy. 776 01:02:45,760 --> 01:02:47,560 -Here. -No water. 777 01:02:47,560 --> 01:02:49,160 As you like. 778 01:02:49,760 --> 01:02:52,640 What movie is this? Are we watching TV? 779 01:02:52,640 --> 01:02:57,440 It's serious: four assignments with grades in a week. Amazing! 780 01:02:57,440 --> 01:03:00,880 How much did your educational program cost? 781 01:03:00,880 --> 01:03:03,280 It's paid for. 782 01:03:03,880 --> 01:03:06,040 "Paid for"? Edmond... 783 01:03:07,680 --> 01:03:09,480 Are you messing with me? 784 01:03:09,480 --> 01:03:13,040 I might be flat broke, but I'm not a little boy. 785 01:03:14,160 --> 01:03:18,600 -I asked you how much it cost. -650 euros. 786 01:03:18,600 --> 01:03:20,120 What? 787 01:03:22,320 --> 01:03:24,360 Fuck me! 788 01:03:26,840 --> 01:03:30,200 What are you trying to buy? Our friendship? 789 01:03:30,200 --> 01:03:32,240 Your guilt? 790 01:03:35,040 --> 01:03:38,440 Can you tell when we misread an economy text? 791 01:03:38,440 --> 01:03:41,160 Or if we're off the point in a history essay? 792 01:03:41,160 --> 01:03:45,360 Michel, are we taking these finals or are we not? 793 01:03:49,360 --> 01:03:51,440 I'm sick of your superior airs! 794 01:03:55,040 --> 01:03:57,000 You're not the boss anymore! 795 01:04:05,360 --> 01:04:07,760 -Michel! -He's gone overboard. 796 01:04:10,320 --> 01:04:12,560 I can't accept this. 797 01:04:14,960 --> 01:04:18,360 These corrections will help him a great deal. 798 01:04:18,360 --> 01:04:20,360 Don't let him down. 799 01:04:28,160 --> 01:04:29,760 -Yes! -Shit! 800 01:04:43,600 --> 01:04:46,720 Where did you get that accent? 801 01:04:46,720 --> 01:04:50,640 I studied English in Rome for three years. 802 01:04:50,640 --> 01:04:52,720 You did? 803 01:04:52,720 --> 01:04:54,520 And? 804 01:04:54,520 --> 01:04:58,760 I had an Italian boyfriend back then, so university was... 805 01:05:02,000 --> 01:05:04,200 But you did get your degree... 806 01:05:04,200 --> 01:05:08,600 I got pregnant, didn't keep it, and then I got my degree. 807 01:05:08,600 --> 01:05:12,720 -Because of your studies? -No, because of my Italian. 808 01:05:16,920 --> 01:05:21,320 I don't know what that means, but it must've been worth it. 809 01:06:11,200 --> 01:06:14,600 Good evening, Laurence. I was afraid you wouldn't come. 810 01:06:20,040 --> 01:06:21,600 Good evening. 811 01:06:22,600 --> 01:06:25,600 It's just a meal, no commitment involved. 812 01:06:25,600 --> 01:06:29,800 Are you angry? You're right, I ruined your Christmas Eve. 813 01:06:30,760 --> 01:06:33,120 Maybe you were better off. 814 01:06:33,120 --> 01:06:35,920 No, no... Don't be racked with remorse. 815 01:06:35,920 --> 01:06:38,480 I wanted to talk and see if... 816 01:06:41,280 --> 01:06:43,080 I could make it up. 817 01:06:43,080 --> 01:06:45,360 It's not you, it was my husband. 818 01:06:46,160 --> 01:06:49,760 -"Your husband"? -Ex-husband, we're divorcing. 819 01:06:49,760 --> 01:06:54,040 -My little girl was supposed... -You have a daughter? 820 01:07:00,360 --> 01:07:01,920 I take it... 821 01:07:01,920 --> 01:07:04,040 You're not a stewardess, right? 822 01:07:11,280 --> 01:07:13,520 Good, I'm not an insurance agent. 823 01:07:15,360 --> 01:07:17,480 I made barrels. 824 01:07:18,080 --> 01:07:21,880 The factory closed, I've been unemployed for six months. 825 01:07:23,080 --> 01:07:25,320 Excuse me, that's not funny. 826 01:07:25,320 --> 01:07:27,480 I love your new hairdo. 827 01:07:29,640 --> 01:07:31,200 Thanks. 828 01:08:12,680 --> 01:08:16,520 -Is everything all right? -Philippe didn't come home. 829 01:08:16,520 --> 01:08:18,440 His phone's turned off. 830 01:08:20,560 --> 01:08:22,520 He's a big boy. 831 01:08:24,800 --> 01:08:28,520 If it makes you feel any better, he's in Angoulême. 832 01:08:29,360 --> 01:08:31,440 Who's she? 833 01:08:31,440 --> 01:08:35,640 Lucie. She's my math teacher, she's giving me lessons. 834 01:08:35,640 --> 01:08:38,640 I see. What's he doing there? 835 01:08:42,280 --> 01:08:45,080 He went to try and get a contract, 836 01:08:45,080 --> 01:08:47,760 I mean, for his comic strip. 837 01:08:52,760 --> 01:08:55,160 -So what do we do? -Nothing. 838 01:08:55,160 --> 01:08:59,480 I won't drag his ass home. I've got my math homework. 839 01:10:38,560 --> 01:10:41,520 -Where were you? -I'm beat, I'm off to bed. 840 01:10:41,520 --> 01:10:45,280 -I want an explanation! -There's nothing to explain. 841 01:10:52,800 --> 01:10:55,040 If there's nothing to explain... 842 01:10:59,040 --> 01:11:02,160 This is your first exam in real conditions. 843 01:11:02,160 --> 01:11:07,360 In case you succeed, don't rest on your laurels. 844 01:11:07,360 --> 01:11:11,640 If you fail, don't get discouraged. 845 01:11:23,400 --> 01:11:25,640 It's time. 846 01:11:27,640 --> 01:11:30,480 He didn't come home, last tonight. 847 01:11:30,480 --> 01:11:34,520 -Let's do it tomorrow. -He won't be back tomorrow. 848 01:11:50,080 --> 01:11:51,840 Excellent! 849 01:11:52,720 --> 01:11:55,120 FOR SALE 850 01:11:59,720 --> 01:12:01,840 What are you doing, Mom? 851 01:12:03,280 --> 01:12:06,840 -Are you insane? -Why? 852 01:12:06,840 --> 01:12:10,240 -It's too big for me. -What about me? 853 01:12:14,240 --> 01:12:18,160 Do you live here? Everyone does his own thing. 854 01:12:18,160 --> 01:12:22,120 There's nothing left. No life, no love anymore. 855 01:12:25,560 --> 01:12:29,720 We didn't talk much, but I thought we were happy. 856 01:12:30,760 --> 01:12:34,400 If you want to ruin it all, let's go for it! 857 01:12:35,240 --> 01:12:38,000 My friends have gone back to high school. 858 01:12:38,000 --> 01:12:40,000 Really? That's terrific. 859 01:12:40,760 --> 01:12:45,160 I don't know, maybe it's a way of burying 860 01:12:45,160 --> 01:12:49,360 their head in the sand. What'll they do afterwards? 861 01:12:49,720 --> 01:12:52,360 And you, what do you want to do? 862 01:12:54,360 --> 01:12:57,120 Wait a second! Hey, kids! 863 01:12:57,120 --> 01:12:59,400 Kids! Give me the ball! 864 01:12:59,400 --> 01:13:02,960 I've been watching you, and this is dull. Let's play. 865 01:13:02,960 --> 01:13:06,280 Navy blue against blue-white. Ten minutes. 866 01:13:06,280 --> 01:13:08,440 No more, deal? Short passes. 867 01:13:08,440 --> 01:13:12,360 No tackles, you touch and pass the ball, all right? 868 01:13:12,360 --> 01:13:13,760 Got it? 869 01:13:13,760 --> 01:13:17,160 -I'm sorry... -Well, they're listening. 870 01:13:17,160 --> 01:13:18,760 -No problem. -Gérard Mathias. 871 01:13:18,760 --> 01:13:21,360 I don't know rugby, I teach judo. 872 01:13:21,360 --> 01:13:22,360 Really? 873 01:13:22,360 --> 01:13:24,960 Four kids signed up for judo and 18 for rugby, 874 01:13:24,960 --> 01:13:27,720 so the mayor decided it was rugby for all. 875 01:13:27,720 --> 01:13:30,520 What's wrong, sweetie? Are you thirsty? 876 01:13:30,520 --> 01:13:32,080 Want to come back next week? 877 01:13:32,080 --> 01:13:34,920 -Maybe, I don't know. -I'll be waiting for you. 878 01:13:34,920 --> 01:13:38,360 -Come on, Alice! Show them! -Back to starting position. 879 01:13:38,360 --> 01:13:39,400 Go! 880 01:13:57,240 --> 01:13:59,240 What are you doing? 881 01:13:59,240 --> 01:14:02,440 I'm going through my mom's old stuff. 882 01:14:02,440 --> 01:14:05,080 Hurry up, we're late! 883 01:14:05,080 --> 01:14:07,440 Don't wait, I'm not coming. 884 01:14:08,680 --> 01:14:10,720 Who cares about the practice test? 885 01:14:10,720 --> 01:14:13,240 Michel, I am not coming. 886 01:14:13,240 --> 01:14:16,160 We're buddies, but you're getting on my nerves. 887 01:14:16,160 --> 01:14:19,960 I'm tired of listening to you and your dumb ideas. 888 01:14:19,960 --> 01:14:21,960 I don't care about degrees. 889 01:14:21,960 --> 01:14:25,720 I don't have one, never will and I don't give a crap! 890 01:14:37,720 --> 01:14:39,720 It's important... 891 01:14:40,760 --> 01:14:45,120 -what we did together. -"Important"? For whom? 892 01:14:46,520 --> 01:14:50,000 You really think we're together? We're together out of habit, 893 01:14:50,000 --> 01:14:52,400 like at the factory. 894 01:14:57,680 --> 01:15:00,040 How do you like this? 895 01:15:02,840 --> 01:15:05,600 I don't know. I don't have an opinion. 896 01:15:12,240 --> 01:15:14,600 I think it's a good idea. 897 01:15:16,800 --> 01:15:19,600 I need a degree to go into Fine Arts. 898 01:15:19,600 --> 01:15:21,800 Then, you'll get it. 899 01:15:26,400 --> 01:15:29,160 -So? -I was waiting for you. 900 01:15:45,600 --> 01:15:47,680 Show me. Let me see. 901 01:15:55,120 --> 01:15:58,160 Well, you failed English and economics. 902 01:15:58,160 --> 01:16:02,120 The rest is honorable. Philosophy: 9. 903 01:16:02,120 --> 01:16:04,120 History: 10. 904 01:16:04,960 --> 01:16:09,320 Economics: "Too many examples that lead to no conclusions." 905 01:16:12,360 --> 01:16:15,720 You're missing one point, one tiny point. 906 01:16:15,720 --> 01:16:17,840 On the average! 907 01:16:17,840 --> 01:16:22,320 -That makes forty. -At least you can count. 908 01:16:34,480 --> 01:16:37,880 You have three minutes to state your problem. 909 01:16:39,920 --> 01:16:43,440 I'd like to coach the kids who signed up for rugby. 910 01:16:43,440 --> 01:16:46,800 Oh. You know, we already have a coach. 911 01:16:46,800 --> 01:16:49,640 -He's a judo teacher. -You're a rugby teacher? 912 01:16:49,640 --> 01:16:52,480 -I had a short career. -Very good. 913 01:16:52,480 --> 01:16:54,440 I stopped because of an injury. 914 01:16:54,440 --> 01:16:56,560 Besides, the kids like me. 915 01:16:56,560 --> 01:16:58,480 Great, but you're not a teacher? 916 01:16:58,480 --> 01:17:00,400 No. So what? 917 01:17:00,400 --> 01:17:05,440 I can't give you a teaching job if you're not a teacher, right? 918 01:17:05,440 --> 01:17:08,960 Mr. Mayor, the kids aren't learning anything. 919 01:17:08,960 --> 01:17:13,400 Their trainer agrees. The championships are soon. 920 01:17:13,400 --> 01:17:16,240 I put myself in the parents' shoes. 921 01:17:16,240 --> 01:17:18,960 They don't care if the kids win a match, 922 01:17:18,960 --> 01:17:22,240 they want them to get fresh air and keep busy. 923 01:17:22,240 --> 01:17:26,960 But they do want their kids to have a safe structure. 924 01:17:32,120 --> 01:17:33,960 Now's the time to make winners! 925 01:17:35,480 --> 01:17:37,160 Sorry. 926 01:17:54,440 --> 01:17:56,720 Let's start over, pass the ball. 927 01:18:47,840 --> 01:18:50,200 He won't come anymore. 928 01:18:52,000 --> 01:18:54,000 It's no use. 929 01:18:54,920 --> 01:18:56,720 It's not your fault. 930 01:18:58,720 --> 01:19:00,720 Yeah, right. 931 01:19:02,360 --> 01:19:06,720 I was too arrogant, I wanted to be an example 932 01:19:08,320 --> 01:19:10,560 and all I did was repel them. 933 01:19:11,720 --> 01:19:14,040 One after the other. 934 01:19:14,040 --> 01:19:15,840 You did not! 935 01:19:18,280 --> 01:19:22,440 They just needed a break, that's all. 936 01:19:22,440 --> 01:19:24,640 And so do you. 937 01:19:29,080 --> 01:19:31,840 Where are we at with the job ads? 938 01:19:31,840 --> 01:19:34,280 Can't you let go a little? 939 01:19:56,840 --> 01:20:01,000 Claire, you have Mrs. Gronier's perm at 11:30. 940 01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:04,680 We'll have to make do with that. 941 01:20:04,680 --> 01:20:07,120 -Hello, Micheline. -Hello, Mrs. Lacaze. 942 01:20:07,120 --> 01:20:09,920 -You have time for a blow-dry? -Of course. 943 01:20:09,920 --> 01:20:13,840 We'll squeeze you in. Ready for your hair exam? 944 01:20:13,840 --> 01:20:18,040 Innit funny, Claire? "Ready for your hair exam!" 945 01:20:19,000 --> 01:20:21,560 It's all right, I'll take care of her. 946 01:21:19,600 --> 01:21:22,600 Stop it! Have you gone mad? 947 01:21:41,400 --> 01:21:43,400 -Hi. -Hello. 948 01:21:48,600 --> 01:21:50,800 What are you doing here? 949 01:21:51,800 --> 01:21:54,040 I was feeling nostalgic. 950 01:21:55,440 --> 01:21:57,840 And I wanted to see how you were. 951 01:21:57,840 --> 01:22:00,040 Don't worry about me. 952 01:22:04,040 --> 01:22:06,440 All right, I'll leave you alone. 953 01:22:19,080 --> 01:22:22,440 -Are you still together? -Why? 954 01:22:23,440 --> 01:22:26,040 Wanna buy me condoms? 955 01:22:28,440 --> 01:22:32,440 Even if I wanted to, you're the one who decides. 956 01:22:35,440 --> 01:22:39,040 I'm scared stiff you'll make bad decisions... 957 01:22:40,840 --> 01:22:45,640 But then again, who am I to know what's good or bad? 958 01:22:51,440 --> 01:22:55,320 -Did you flunk because of me? -I flunked for you! 959 01:22:59,000 --> 01:23:01,000 You came along... 960 01:23:01,840 --> 01:23:05,680 VSA was hiring by the dozen. It was best to settle down. 961 01:23:07,840 --> 01:23:12,440 It wasn't tragic, just something I missed. 962 01:23:14,040 --> 01:23:18,040 But it's too late now, I don't have what it takes. 963 01:23:19,440 --> 01:23:21,440 I just wanted to... 964 01:23:26,760 --> 01:23:29,080 Give it a shot. 965 01:25:51,720 --> 01:25:54,320 You look very pretty like that. 966 01:26:00,320 --> 01:26:02,520 You put the house on the market? 967 01:26:03,320 --> 01:26:07,720 I don't want it auctioned off two years before it's paid for. 968 01:26:12,320 --> 01:26:14,120 Are you angry with me? 969 01:26:15,920 --> 01:26:18,520 I'm angry for thinking everything was fine. 970 01:26:18,520 --> 01:26:20,320 But it was fine. 971 01:26:22,320 --> 01:26:24,520 I stopped it all. 972 01:26:26,520 --> 01:26:30,520 All those sacrifices, and now you're giving up? 973 01:26:30,520 --> 01:26:32,720 Your dream wasn't worth much. 974 01:26:33,320 --> 01:26:35,520 It's out of my reach. 975 01:26:41,920 --> 01:26:44,120 I'd like to come home. 976 01:26:57,120 --> 01:26:59,320 First, you get your degree. 977 01:27:22,000 --> 01:27:24,120 I thought about it. 978 01:27:25,240 --> 01:27:27,440 This isn't a good idea. 979 01:27:28,840 --> 01:27:31,080 Why not? 980 01:27:31,080 --> 01:27:33,280 You became bilingual overnight? 981 01:27:47,320 --> 01:27:51,080 Please, forgive me, it's my fault. 982 01:27:53,320 --> 01:27:57,680 I got him involved in all this without thinking about him 983 01:27:58,680 --> 01:28:00,880 or his fatigue. 984 01:28:19,480 --> 01:28:21,680 Here, this is for you. 985 01:28:24,240 --> 01:28:27,640 HIGH SCHOOL DEGREE 986 01:29:45,120 --> 01:29:49,120 -We won! We won! -We won! We won! 987 01:29:49,120 --> 01:29:51,760 Bravo! Bravo for this triumph! 988 01:29:51,760 --> 01:29:54,520 Competence has nothing to do with degrees. 989 01:29:54,520 --> 01:29:59,920 If the kids win the finals, you can have the job next year. 990 01:29:59,920 --> 01:30:01,720 Send me a contract first. 991 01:30:01,720 --> 01:30:05,920 Then I'll decide whether or not I coach them. 992 01:30:05,920 --> 01:30:11,320 -The parents signed a petition. -Prepare a one-year contract. 993 01:30:11,320 --> 01:30:12,760 More importantly... 994 01:30:12,760 --> 01:30:17,320 A press release on town hall's efforts with the unemployed. 995 01:30:17,320 --> 01:30:19,520 There you have it. 996 01:30:24,120 --> 01:30:26,520 I'm glad you're here. 997 01:30:27,320 --> 01:30:30,720 It won't last, I'll knock you out! 998 01:30:31,760 --> 01:30:34,440 -Not sure! -Gentlemen, no comments. 999 01:30:34,440 --> 01:30:36,040 Ready? 1000 01:30:37,160 --> 01:30:38,760 Go! 1001 01:30:48,160 --> 01:30:51,560 -Mimi, it's time. Go on! -I'm not done. 1002 01:30:51,560 --> 01:30:55,600 You need eight hours of sleep or you're good for nothing. 1003 01:30:57,440 --> 01:30:58,880 Good night, Mimi. 1004 01:31:01,160 --> 01:31:03,520 -Good night. -Good night. 1005 01:31:31,600 --> 01:31:33,680 What are you doing? 1006 01:31:33,680 --> 01:31:37,480 He's behind in Spanish. It's an American language method. 1007 01:31:37,480 --> 01:31:40,320 -Does it work? -I have no idea. 1008 01:33:22,120 --> 01:33:25,160 -Where is he? -I don't know. 1009 01:33:29,120 --> 01:33:31,320 Go on, go on. 1010 01:33:31,320 --> 01:33:34,320 And good luck! Break a leg! 1011 01:33:57,480 --> 01:33:59,480 I don't believe it. 1012 01:34:00,720 --> 01:34:02,880 This can't be happening. 1013 01:34:09,320 --> 01:34:12,520 -There he is! -Where were you? 1014 01:34:12,520 --> 01:34:16,920 You made me freak out. I almost screwed up. 1015 01:34:16,920 --> 01:34:19,320 Dammit, did you hear me? 1016 01:34:48,320 --> 01:34:49,880 He still won't talk? 1017 01:34:49,880 --> 01:34:54,400 Not a word. But you should see how much he eats. 1018 01:34:54,400 --> 01:34:56,600 All right, take care. 1019 01:35:11,760 --> 01:35:14,000 I'm listening. 1020 01:35:41,600 --> 01:35:45,200 I won't say anything more, because... 1021 01:35:46,200 --> 01:35:50,600 I know nothing more. I don't speak a word of Spanish. 1022 01:35:51,600 --> 01:35:54,200 Then tell me about your hero. 1023 01:36:03,040 --> 01:36:05,320 It's fine. I'll pass you anyway. 1024 01:36:05,320 --> 01:36:06,720 What? Why? 1025 01:36:06,720 --> 01:36:12,800 At your age, this was very courageous. 1026 01:36:12,800 --> 01:36:16,800 Of course, I do! But... not like that! 1027 01:36:16,800 --> 01:36:20,560 You know what this was worth? Three out of twenty, max. 1028 01:36:20,560 --> 01:36:23,720 -Reports are required for zeros. -I'll face it. 1029 01:36:23,720 --> 01:36:25,720 Too bad. 1030 01:36:25,720 --> 01:36:30,120 If you all do this, no wonder degrees are worth nothing. 1031 01:36:36,520 --> 01:36:38,320 -Still no news? -Nothing. 1032 01:36:38,320 --> 01:36:42,120 -Why won't they call? You tried? -It goes to voicemail. 1033 01:36:51,520 --> 01:36:53,720 I'm sure they didn't get it. 1034 01:36:55,360 --> 01:36:58,520 Créa'tifs, good day. Oh, no, it's Mrs. Lacaze. 1035 01:37:04,320 --> 01:37:05,920 Bravo! Bravo! 1036 01:37:07,360 --> 01:37:10,920 Dad, I did it, I can't believe I passed! 1037 01:37:51,120 --> 01:37:54,600 to Marie Bertrand to Jacques Deray 1038 01:37:55,640 --> 01:37:59,200 Translation: TV5 Québec Canada