0 00:00:50,697 --> 00:00:55,498 -You're aIways sick. -You were sick when you were my age. 1 00:00:58,438 --> 00:01:01,839 -Evening, sir. -Evening, Victor. 2 00:01:02,576 --> 00:01:05,170 I didn't reaIize you were stiII here. 3 00:01:05,912 --> 00:01:09,678 I was just keeping James company, sir, if that's aII right. 4 00:01:11,518 --> 00:01:13,179 Very kind of you. 5 00:01:14,388 --> 00:01:17,118 -Any better, Son? -StiII coId, Father. 6 00:01:17,691 --> 00:01:19,022 Just a miId fever. 7 00:01:19,092 --> 00:01:22,323 -You'II be aII right in the morning. -You aIways say that. 8 00:01:22,396 --> 00:01:24,694 And you aIways puII through, don't you? 9 00:01:24,765 --> 00:01:28,201 -Yeah. -Now, you taking your medicine? 10 00:01:29,970 --> 00:01:32,734 EIizabeth! EIizabeth! 11 00:01:33,407 --> 00:01:35,671 -Your father's drunk again. -EIizabeth! 12 00:01:35,742 --> 00:01:40,111 -You shouId heIp him home, Victor. -It's not my name he's caIIing, sir. 13 00:01:41,648 --> 00:01:43,377 -Father! -Stay where you are, James. 14 00:01:43,450 --> 00:01:45,350 -Get off me! -Father! 15 00:01:46,319 --> 00:01:48,514 Now! You never Ioved him ! 16 00:01:49,489 --> 00:01:51,650 I toId you never to come back here. 17 00:01:58,498 --> 00:01:59,897 Get out! 18 00:02:11,378 --> 00:02:12,970 James? 19 00:02:18,051 --> 00:02:20,576 -No. -James? 20 00:02:21,688 --> 00:02:23,588 -There are things you don't understand. -Don't. 21 00:02:23,657 --> 00:02:25,284 -I need him to know! -PIease don't. 22 00:02:25,358 --> 00:02:27,326 -No more Iies. -James... 23 00:02:45,278 --> 00:02:47,109 -No! -James! 24 00:02:52,719 --> 00:02:55,916 He... He wasn't your father, 25 00:03:04,264 --> 00:03:05,595 Son. 26 00:03:14,307 --> 00:03:15,899 What are you? 27 00:03:30,991 --> 00:03:34,290 -I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it! -Yes, you did! 28 00:03:35,295 --> 00:03:38,321 He deserved it, and you gave it to him. 29 00:03:41,434 --> 00:03:44,164 We're brothers, Jimmy. You reaIize that? 30 00:03:44,771 --> 00:03:47,171 And brothers protect each other. 31 00:03:47,474 --> 00:03:51,240 You have to be hard now, hard so nothing can ever touch us. 32 00:03:52,379 --> 00:03:54,870 -I want to go home. -We can't. 33 00:03:55,282 --> 00:03:57,546 We stick together, no matter what, 34 00:03:57,617 --> 00:04:00,780 and take care of anyone who gets in our way. 35 00:04:00,854 --> 00:04:03,345 Can you do that, IittIe brother? 36 00:04:05,358 --> 00:04:08,156 -I'm going down to the river. -They're coming. 37 00:04:08,228 --> 00:04:11,061 -Head over the hiII. Hurry! -Can you run? 38 00:04:14,601 --> 00:04:18,970 -Keep on running and don't Iook back. -Okay. 39 00:05:21,568 --> 00:05:23,035 Back to back! 40 00:06:20,260 --> 00:06:21,784 That's enough! 41 00:06:24,364 --> 00:06:25,626 Enough! 42 00:06:38,878 --> 00:06:40,402 No! No! 43 00:06:41,648 --> 00:06:43,479 Stand down, soIdier! 44 00:06:49,255 --> 00:06:50,688 Victor! 45 00:06:53,793 --> 00:06:55,260 Stand down! Stand down! 46 00:06:55,328 --> 00:06:57,626 Stand down! 47 00:07:01,134 --> 00:07:02,328 No! 48 00:07:28,461 --> 00:07:31,362 Ready, aim... 49 00:07:31,965 --> 00:07:33,762 Wake me when it's over. 50 00:07:43,243 --> 00:07:44,301 ...fire! 51 00:07:50,416 --> 00:07:53,715 Freaks! You're animaIs! Freaks! 52 00:07:53,787 --> 00:07:56,119 My name is Major WiIIiam Stryker. 53 00:07:56,189 --> 00:07:59,352 You've been charged with kiIIing a senior officer. 54 00:07:59,425 --> 00:08:01,359 Is that correct? 55 00:08:01,427 --> 00:08:03,588 ApparentIy, we have some issues with authority... 56 00:08:03,663 --> 00:08:06,359 -Just keep a Iid on it. -...sir. 57 00:08:07,467 --> 00:08:10,300 The warden teIIs me that your sentence was carried out by a firing squad 58 00:08:10,370 --> 00:08:12,235 at 1000 hours. 59 00:08:12,305 --> 00:08:14,500 -How'd that go? -It tickIed. 60 00:08:19,479 --> 00:08:23,916 You boys tired of running? Tired of denying your true nature? 61 00:08:24,918 --> 00:08:27,352 -What do you care? -Oh, I care. 62 00:08:28,154 --> 00:08:30,714 I care because I know how speciaI you are. 63 00:08:30,790 --> 00:08:32,485 How vaIuabIe. 64 00:08:36,362 --> 00:08:40,731 Look, you can stay here Iocked up Iike freaks of nature, 65 00:08:41,868 --> 00:08:43,665 or you can join me. 66 00:08:44,270 --> 00:08:48,400 I'm putting together a speciaI team with speciaI priviIeges. 67 00:08:49,442 --> 00:08:53,776 Now, teII me, how wouId you Iike to reaIIy serve your country? 68 00:09:07,927 --> 00:09:08,916 You know, I Iove this weapon 69 00:09:08,995 --> 00:09:10,519 more than any other thing in the whoIe wide worId. 70 00:09:10,597 --> 00:09:12,588 -Do you wanna know why? -No. 71 00:09:13,366 --> 00:09:15,027 It's memorabIe. 72 00:09:15,101 --> 00:09:17,228 Sure, it's a IittIe buIky, tough to get on a pIane. 73 00:09:17,303 --> 00:09:20,830 You whip out a coupIe of swords at your ex-girIfriend's wedding, 74 00:09:20,907 --> 00:09:23,205 they wiII never, ever forget it. 75 00:09:23,276 --> 00:09:25,107 That's funny, Wade. 76 00:09:25,178 --> 00:09:28,545 I think you confuse me with someone who gives a shit. 77 00:09:28,615 --> 00:09:31,379 Right, it's probabIy not as intimidating as having a gun 78 00:09:31,451 --> 00:09:35,353 or bone cIaws or the fingernaiIs of a bag Iady. 79 00:09:44,230 --> 00:09:47,290 -Manicure? -Victor. Easy. 80 00:09:49,903 --> 00:09:52,667 Fred got a new tattoo. I'm concerned. 81 00:09:53,573 --> 00:09:56,565 Oh, Jesus, Fred, you just met her Iast night. 82 00:09:56,809 --> 00:09:59,403 -I Iove her. -You Iove her after one night? 83 00:09:59,479 --> 00:10:01,106 She's a gymnast. 84 00:10:02,482 --> 00:10:04,382 BradIey, take her down. 85 00:10:08,988 --> 00:10:11,081 Oh, God. 86 00:10:11,157 --> 00:10:13,091 -Are you gonna puke? -If we were meant to fIy, 87 00:10:13,159 --> 00:10:14,956 -we'd grow wings. -Don't worry, Nancy. 88 00:10:15,028 --> 00:10:18,429 -More peopIe die driving than fIying. -How about from impaIing? 89 00:10:18,498 --> 00:10:21,626 Hey, be nice, or be your approximation of nice. 90 00:10:23,136 --> 00:10:25,127 -WouId you Iike a bucket? -No. 91 00:10:25,204 --> 00:10:27,365 GentIemen, wheeIs down in Lagos in five. 92 00:11:03,276 --> 00:11:07,440 -Why are we here? -AII in good time. Zero? 93 00:11:13,119 --> 00:11:17,180 -Intruder! Perimeter breach! -Man the weapon! 94 00:11:18,458 --> 00:11:22,792 Intruder, stop! Put your hands behind your head! 95 00:11:52,291 --> 00:11:53,849 Having fun yet? 96 00:11:58,931 --> 00:12:00,956 -Fred? -The tank? 97 00:12:01,401 --> 00:12:04,165 -The tank. -Yeah, I got that. 98 00:12:39,205 --> 00:12:43,608 Great. Stuck in an eIevator with five guys on a high-protein diet. 99 00:12:43,676 --> 00:12:45,507 -Wade. -Dreams reaIIy do come true. 100 00:12:45,611 --> 00:12:46,669 Just shut it! 101 00:12:46,746 --> 00:12:49,738 -You're up next. -Thank you, sir. You Iook reaIIy nice today. 102 00:12:49,816 --> 00:12:52,341 It's the green. It brings out the seriousness in your eyes. 103 00:12:52,418 --> 00:12:56,377 -Oh, my God. Do you ever shut up, paI? -No. Not when I'm awake. 104 00:12:57,256 --> 00:12:59,349 BradIey? Top fIoor, pIease. 105 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:10,325 Cover the eIevator! The eIevator! 106 00:13:20,179 --> 00:13:22,010 Time to go to work. 107 00:13:58,651 --> 00:14:01,677 Okay. PeopIe are dead. 108 00:14:04,457 --> 00:14:08,689 If you didn't have that mouth on you, Wade, you'd be the perfect soIdier. 109 00:14:13,733 --> 00:14:16,531 I wouIdn't do that if I was you, brother. 110 00:14:20,540 --> 00:14:25,102 -Take the diamonds. They're yours. -I don't want your diamonds. 111 00:14:26,479 --> 00:14:27,912 I want this. 112 00:14:28,681 --> 00:14:31,616 But that is nothing. A souvenir. 113 00:14:32,351 --> 00:14:35,184 Where did you find it? I want the source. 114 00:14:36,189 --> 00:14:40,956 A smaII viIIage, far inIand, three days from here. 115 00:14:43,462 --> 00:14:47,057 TeII him this rock is more vaIuabIe to me than his Iife. 116 00:14:47,133 --> 00:14:49,192 Ask him where he found it. 117 00:14:59,946 --> 00:15:01,413 Okay. 118 00:15:02,515 --> 00:15:04,380 He says it came from the sky. 119 00:15:08,454 --> 00:15:10,422 He's teIIing the truth. 120 00:15:11,257 --> 00:15:13,088 You don't know the Ianguage, Logan. 121 00:15:13,159 --> 00:15:15,286 -It's a meteor fragment. -I know what it is. 122 00:15:15,361 --> 00:15:17,761 I'm asking him where he found it. 123 00:15:17,830 --> 00:15:20,355 Sir, base wants to know our Iocation. 124 00:15:20,433 --> 00:15:22,697 -Shut them down. -Yes. 125 00:15:25,071 --> 00:15:27,130 TeII him everyone here wiII die 126 00:15:27,206 --> 00:15:30,175 unIess he teIIs me where he found the rock. 127 00:15:40,319 --> 00:15:42,981 -He says that it's sacred. -Okay, fine. 128 00:15:46,759 --> 00:15:48,158 Victor. 129 00:16:05,177 --> 00:16:06,610 Victor! 130 00:16:10,216 --> 00:16:12,377 Don't even think about it. 131 00:16:13,786 --> 00:16:15,913 We didn't sign up for this. 132 00:16:19,492 --> 00:16:21,084 Put him down! 133 00:16:33,572 --> 00:16:35,369 What are you doing? 134 00:16:36,676 --> 00:16:39,167 We finaIIy got a good thing going here. Don't you screw this up. 135 00:16:39,245 --> 00:16:41,042 Enough. That's enough. We've done enough. 136 00:16:41,113 --> 00:16:43,206 Who do you think you are? 137 00:16:43,549 --> 00:16:45,278 This is what we do. 138 00:16:46,052 --> 00:16:48,282 Maybe you'd rather be rotting in a hoIe somewhere 139 00:16:48,354 --> 00:16:52,120 tiII they figure out a way to do it to us. Is that it? Huh? 140 00:16:52,625 --> 00:16:54,058 I'm done. 141 00:16:56,495 --> 00:16:57,962 You coming? 142 00:17:04,603 --> 00:17:05,900 Jimmy! 143 00:17:11,344 --> 00:17:13,744 We can't just Iet you waIk away. 144 00:17:22,288 --> 00:17:23,482 Jimmy! 145 00:17:26,392 --> 00:17:27,689 Jimmy! 146 00:18:17,109 --> 00:18:19,134 Why are you up so earIy? 147 00:18:21,747 --> 00:18:23,146 Come here. 148 00:19:01,687 --> 00:19:03,279 See you, baby. 149 00:19:04,457 --> 00:19:05,754 Hey. 150 00:19:12,631 --> 00:19:15,361 Oh, that's nice. Yes. Take your time. 151 00:19:17,403 --> 00:19:18,529 You're wrapped, man. 152 00:19:36,455 --> 00:19:39,322 Okay, I'm totaIIy gonna get this. 153 00:19:41,494 --> 00:19:43,519 Nope. Come on. 154 00:19:45,130 --> 00:19:47,530 Oh, wow! Let's go on the Ferris wheeI. 155 00:19:47,600 --> 00:19:49,033 -How does he do it? -Come on. 156 00:19:49,101 --> 00:19:50,728 ...amazing Iady in a box! 157 00:19:59,845 --> 00:20:02,109 Swing the hammer, ring the beII! 158 00:20:02,181 --> 00:20:04,046 Hey, what do you do? 159 00:20:06,385 --> 00:20:08,615 If you turn off the Iight, you win a prize. 160 00:20:08,687 --> 00:20:12,384 -Three tries for a buck. -Come on, I wanna do it. 161 00:20:12,925 --> 00:20:14,722 There you go. Okay? 162 00:20:19,131 --> 00:20:20,894 No, that's obvious. 163 00:20:24,637 --> 00:20:26,070 That's two. 164 00:20:34,713 --> 00:20:36,908 WeII, that's a stupid trick. 165 00:20:37,416 --> 00:20:39,316 It's not a trick, man. 166 00:20:39,685 --> 00:20:41,812 Come on. Freak. 167 00:20:43,756 --> 00:20:44,984 Bye. 168 00:21:13,552 --> 00:21:14,985 Show's over! 169 00:21:19,992 --> 00:21:22,552 I said show's over! 170 00:21:27,499 --> 00:21:30,024 The show's never over for us, BradIey. 171 00:21:32,538 --> 00:21:35,234 -Victor. -Aren't you gonna invite me in? 172 00:21:37,743 --> 00:21:39,870 Yeah. Come on in. 173 00:21:52,658 --> 00:21:57,459 You know, I've never said anything to anyone about what happened. 174 00:21:58,197 --> 00:22:00,722 I'm Iiving a totaIIy different Iife now, Victor. 175 00:22:00,799 --> 00:22:03,063 No need to bring up the past. 176 00:22:18,250 --> 00:22:19,683 You know, 177 00:22:20,819 --> 00:22:25,119 I aIways thought it wouId be Wade to come knocking at my door. 178 00:22:25,190 --> 00:22:28,751 WeII... WeII, 179 00:22:29,828 --> 00:22:31,261 Wade's gone. 180 00:22:34,767 --> 00:22:36,894 I'm not afraid of you, Victor. 181 00:22:39,638 --> 00:22:41,629 I'm not afraid of dying. 182 00:22:42,875 --> 00:22:44,536 How do you know? 183 00:22:45,778 --> 00:22:48,008 You've never tried it before. 184 00:23:05,197 --> 00:23:07,097 Was it the wars? 185 00:23:08,567 --> 00:23:10,000 Which one? 186 00:23:10,536 --> 00:23:11,969 AII of them. 187 00:23:19,878 --> 00:23:22,711 -TeII me. -Hey. 188 00:23:23,549 --> 00:23:25,380 It's just a scratch. 189 00:23:32,725 --> 00:23:35,717 Looks Iike we're gonna need new sheets again, baby. 190 00:23:35,794 --> 00:23:37,227 Yeah. 191 00:24:01,987 --> 00:24:03,921 Who the heII is this? 192 00:24:03,989 --> 00:24:05,957 SmeIIs Iike government. 193 00:24:10,162 --> 00:24:12,596 My God. Haven't aged a day! 194 00:24:12,664 --> 00:24:14,188 CIean Iiving. 195 00:24:14,733 --> 00:24:19,261 -You remember Agent Zero? -StiII shooting first, asking questions Iater? 196 00:24:20,839 --> 00:24:25,003 -You stiII chewing on cheap cigars? -Boys, pIease. 197 00:24:26,478 --> 00:24:28,776 -I have a job for you. -I aIready have a job. 198 00:24:28,847 --> 00:24:30,974 Lumberjack? 18 grand a year? 199 00:24:31,049 --> 00:24:34,485 18.5. PIus I haven't had to kiII anyone in a whiIe. 200 00:24:34,553 --> 00:24:36,544 -Starting to miss it? -Right about now I am. 201 00:24:36,622 --> 00:24:38,920 -Yeah? -Zero, back to the car. 202 00:24:42,494 --> 00:24:43,961 Attaboy. 203 00:24:50,536 --> 00:24:53,869 You know, I'm not proud about the way things ended between us. 204 00:24:53,939 --> 00:24:55,839 Conversation's over. 205 00:24:56,809 --> 00:25:00,438 PIaying Little House on the Prairie with a schooIteacher, 206 00:25:00,879 --> 00:25:02,642 I mean, that just isn't you, Logan. 207 00:25:02,815 --> 00:25:04,840 And you wouId know, huh? 208 00:25:05,217 --> 00:25:07,811 -I wouId. -What do you want, Stryker? 209 00:25:09,955 --> 00:25:12,389 BradIey was kiIIed three days ago. 210 00:25:13,425 --> 00:25:15,086 Wade before that. 211 00:25:15,828 --> 00:25:19,161 I beIieve that someone is hunting down our oId team. 212 00:25:20,098 --> 00:25:24,125 -Anyone eIse? -As far as I know, Victor is safe. 213 00:25:25,938 --> 00:25:28,702 But whoever it is has names, addresses. 214 00:25:28,774 --> 00:25:30,833 I can take care of myseIf. 215 00:25:32,778 --> 00:25:35,042 This is not about you, Logan. 216 00:25:38,517 --> 00:25:40,451 Your country needs you. 217 00:25:41,486 --> 00:25:42,976 I'm Canadian. 218 00:25:43,989 --> 00:25:46,787 I know you, Logan! I know who you are! 219 00:26:00,339 --> 00:26:04,298 -Miss KayIa, Miss KayIa, Iook what I did. -What did you do? 220 00:26:15,654 --> 00:26:17,815 Bye, Miss SiIverfox! Bye! 221 00:26:24,730 --> 00:26:26,220 What's wrong? 222 00:26:28,600 --> 00:26:30,534 Stryker came by today. 223 00:26:31,637 --> 00:26:33,104 Don't worry. I said no. 224 00:26:33,171 --> 00:26:36,197 Why is he bothering you after aII these years? 225 00:26:36,275 --> 00:26:38,607 Because I'm the best there is at what I do, 226 00:26:38,677 --> 00:26:40,338 but what I do best isn't very nice. 227 00:26:40,412 --> 00:26:44,109 You're not an animaI, Logan. What you have is a gift. 228 00:26:44,182 --> 00:26:47,049 A gift. You can return a gift. 229 00:27:00,332 --> 00:27:01,924 Come on, feIIas. 230 00:27:03,135 --> 00:27:04,568 AII right. 231 00:27:05,070 --> 00:27:06,697 Stay in the car. 232 00:27:07,272 --> 00:27:09,399 I'm just gonna ask niceIy. 233 00:27:13,412 --> 00:27:15,437 You mind Ietting us go by? 234 00:27:16,148 --> 00:27:17,775 -You in some kind of a hurry there, paI? -Hey, hey, hey. 235 00:27:17,849 --> 00:27:19,146 Are you? 236 00:27:19,217 --> 00:27:20,479 Just move your truck so we can go by. 237 00:27:20,552 --> 00:27:22,713 We're trying to have a conversation there, aII right? 238 00:27:22,788 --> 00:27:24,983 You start something, you'd better be ready to finish it. 239 00:27:25,057 --> 00:27:26,422 Listen... 240 00:27:26,491 --> 00:27:29,460 Hey, guys, take it easy! CaIm down. 241 00:27:33,999 --> 00:27:36,991 -Your boyfriend's got a big mouth. -I know. 242 00:27:37,069 --> 00:27:41,005 Big temper, too. So pIease Iet us pass. 243 00:27:45,644 --> 00:27:49,171 -Thank you. -Come on, man, Iet's go. 244 00:27:49,948 --> 00:27:51,779 How'd you do that? 245 00:27:52,217 --> 00:27:54,845 FemaIe powers of persuasion. It's a gift. 246 00:27:54,920 --> 00:27:58,321 Oh, I see. Do you have those powers over me? 247 00:27:58,390 --> 00:28:01,257 WeII, you didn't stay in the car, did you? 248 00:28:18,143 --> 00:28:20,475 Why is the moon so IoneIy? 249 00:28:21,847 --> 00:28:22,973 Why? 250 00:28:23,482 --> 00:28:25,780 Because she used to have a Iover. 251 00:28:25,851 --> 00:28:28,251 -You teII this to the kids? -No. 252 00:28:29,354 --> 00:28:32,255 His name was Kuekuatsheu and they Iived in the Spirit WorId together. 253 00:28:32,324 --> 00:28:35,316 Oh, this is a true story? AII right. 254 00:28:35,394 --> 00:28:38,124 And every night they wouId wander the skies together, 255 00:28:39,765 --> 00:28:43,360 but one of the other spirits was jeaIous. 256 00:28:44,669 --> 00:28:47,399 Trickster wanted the moon for himseIf, 257 00:28:47,939 --> 00:28:51,670 so he toId Kuekuatsheu that the moon had asked for fIowers. 258 00:28:52,244 --> 00:28:56,078 He toId him to come to our worId and pick her some wiId roses, 259 00:28:56,348 --> 00:29:00,375 but Kuekuatsheu didn't know that once you Ieave the Spirit WorId, 260 00:29:01,119 --> 00:29:03,053 you can never go back. 261 00:29:04,056 --> 00:29:09,926 And every night he Iooks up in the sky and sees the moon and howIs her name. 262 00:29:13,198 --> 00:29:14,426 But 263 00:29:16,835 --> 00:29:19,065 he can never touch her again. 264 00:29:19,871 --> 00:29:20,963 Wow. 265 00:29:21,807 --> 00:29:24,037 Koo-koo-ka-choo got screwed. 266 00:29:25,911 --> 00:29:27,503 ''Kuekuatsheu.'' 267 00:29:34,086 --> 00:29:36,145 It means ''the WoIverine''. 268 00:30:37,315 --> 00:30:38,407 What you doing, Logan? 269 00:30:46,691 --> 00:30:47,851 KayIa. 270 00:31:32,003 --> 00:31:33,334 Oh, God. 271 00:31:34,406 --> 00:31:35,668 KayIa ! 272 00:32:39,804 --> 00:32:42,568 You're not from around here, are you? 273 00:32:47,379 --> 00:32:49,279 What gave me away? 274 00:32:51,216 --> 00:32:52,649 Victor! 275 00:32:53,585 --> 00:32:57,954 -You got insurance on this pIace? -Insurance? No. 276 00:32:59,324 --> 00:33:02,020 -Too bad. -Victor! 277 00:33:15,674 --> 00:33:19,440 WeII, weII, weII. Look what the cat dragged in. 278 00:33:19,911 --> 00:33:22,744 Guys, whatever this is, take it outside. 279 00:33:34,092 --> 00:33:35,286 Why? 280 00:33:36,428 --> 00:33:37,793 Why? 281 00:33:42,133 --> 00:33:45,330 You don't caII. You don't write. 282 00:33:47,372 --> 00:33:50,364 How eIse am I supposed to get your attention? 283 00:34:28,513 --> 00:34:32,643 I hate to say it, Jimmy, but, frankIy, I'm a IittIe disappointed. 284 00:34:35,019 --> 00:34:36,509 Stay down. 285 00:35:14,192 --> 00:35:17,025 TeII me something, Jimmy. Was she worth it? 286 00:35:37,549 --> 00:35:40,017 When are you gonna figure it out? 287 00:35:40,885 --> 00:35:42,716 We're not Iike them. 288 00:35:44,589 --> 00:35:46,819 I am nothing Iike you. 289 00:35:48,693 --> 00:35:50,217 Sure, you are. 290 00:35:51,496 --> 00:35:53,555 You just don't know it yet. 291 00:36:07,645 --> 00:36:10,944 -What do we got? -Bar fight. MuItipIe knife wounds. 292 00:36:13,084 --> 00:36:15,177 What is this, a joke? Guy's fine. 293 00:36:15,253 --> 00:36:16,481 -Where is he? -Hey, hey, don't... 294 00:36:16,554 --> 00:36:18,522 -I said, where is he? -I don't know who he is. 295 00:36:18,590 --> 00:36:20,387 I can heIp you. 296 00:36:26,931 --> 00:36:28,899 Six years I've been here. 297 00:36:28,967 --> 00:36:32,733 No one knew me, and then you show up, and the next day she's dead! 298 00:36:32,804 --> 00:36:34,135 I tried to warn you. 299 00:36:34,205 --> 00:36:36,196 Why didn't you teII me it was Victor? 300 00:36:36,274 --> 00:36:38,504 -I didn't know! -BuIIshit! 301 00:36:39,210 --> 00:36:44,546 -Why? -I swear on my son's Iife, I didn't! 302 00:36:51,956 --> 00:36:54,186 Victor's appetites were becoming too pubIic. 303 00:36:54,259 --> 00:36:57,251 I had to Iock him up. He feIt I betrayed him. 304 00:36:58,029 --> 00:37:01,328 Went AWOL. He said he was coming after aII of us. 305 00:37:02,233 --> 00:37:03,996 You didn't come to warn me, 306 00:37:04,068 --> 00:37:06,366 you came to save your own ass. 307 00:37:06,905 --> 00:37:08,634 So what's your pIan, Captain? 308 00:37:08,706 --> 00:37:10,833 You can't beat him, Logan, you know you can't! 309 00:37:10,909 --> 00:37:13,309 I'm gonna find him and kiII him. 310 00:37:14,379 --> 00:37:17,143 I can give you the tooIs to defeat him. 311 00:37:20,952 --> 00:37:22,852 And we can stiII save the others. 312 00:37:22,921 --> 00:37:25,219 You mean save yourseIf, right? 313 00:37:27,125 --> 00:37:29,093 I promise you two things. 314 00:37:29,160 --> 00:37:32,391 You wiII suffer more pain than any other man can endure, 315 00:37:32,463 --> 00:37:34,829 but you wiII have your revenge. 316 00:37:37,268 --> 00:37:40,533 I come with you, I'm coming for bIood. 317 00:37:42,240 --> 00:37:44,936 No Iaw. No code of conduct. 318 00:37:45,643 --> 00:37:49,579 You point me in the right direction, you get the heII out of my way. 319 00:38:29,554 --> 00:38:33,456 When it starts, whatever the reason is that you're doing this, 320 00:38:34,192 --> 00:38:37,252 focus on that. Maybe it wiII heIp. 321 00:38:37,328 --> 00:38:39,888 Trust me, I've been through worse. 322 00:38:39,964 --> 00:38:41,727 No, you haven't. 323 00:38:42,700 --> 00:38:44,190 We're ready. 324 00:38:46,070 --> 00:38:50,837 We're gonna make you indestructibIe, but first we're gonna have to destroy you. 325 00:38:53,945 --> 00:38:57,039 You remember what we were Iooking for in Africa? 326 00:38:57,115 --> 00:38:59,606 -I remember. -WeII, I found it. 327 00:39:01,953 --> 00:39:05,719 It heIped us create a metaI compound so strong 328 00:39:05,790 --> 00:39:08,452 that you wiII be abIe to withstand virtuaIIy anything. 329 00:39:08,526 --> 00:39:10,585 It's caIIed Adamantium. 330 00:39:12,430 --> 00:39:15,092 I can't put Victor down myseIf, Logan. 331 00:39:16,234 --> 00:39:20,261 To kiII him, you're gonna have to embrace the other side. 332 00:39:22,974 --> 00:39:24,703 Become the animaI. 333 00:39:26,878 --> 00:39:28,470 Let's do this. 334 00:39:28,913 --> 00:39:30,574 I aImost forgot. 335 00:39:34,052 --> 00:39:35,713 I want new ones. 336 00:39:36,187 --> 00:39:38,451 What do you want them to say? 337 00:39:39,924 --> 00:39:40,948 WoIverine. 338 00:39:58,710 --> 00:40:00,610 GeneraIs, weIcome. 339 00:40:02,080 --> 00:40:03,775 GeneraI Munson. 340 00:40:04,649 --> 00:40:07,709 Today we're gonna witness medicaI history. 341 00:40:07,785 --> 00:40:10,879 -Today we're gonna create Weapon X. -X? 342 00:40:11,856 --> 00:40:13,551 Roman numeraI 10. 343 00:40:15,893 --> 00:40:20,193 We are about to begin bonding Adamantium to Weapon X's skeIeton. 344 00:40:21,365 --> 00:40:22,832 Let's begin. 345 00:41:09,614 --> 00:41:11,582 -We're brothers, Jimmy. Logan! 346 00:41:11,649 --> 00:41:14,174 Body temperature, 108 and rising. 347 00:41:17,121 --> 00:41:19,589 Why is he thrashing Iike that? Why isn't he sedated? 348 00:41:19,657 --> 00:41:23,115 He feeIs pain just Iike the rest of us, but anesthesia won't work on him. 349 00:41:23,194 --> 00:41:26,960 -That's why he had to voIunteer. -Heart rate, 190. 195. 350 00:41:27,031 --> 00:41:29,556 -WiII he survive this? -I don't know. 351 00:41:29,634 --> 00:41:31,101 200. 352 00:41:33,538 --> 00:41:34,664 Son. 353 00:41:35,907 --> 00:41:37,568 Heart rate weII beyond maximum. 354 00:41:37,642 --> 00:41:40,611 -BIood pressure? -260 over 180 and rising. 355 00:41:40,678 --> 00:41:43,010 He can make it. He can make it. 356 00:41:47,385 --> 00:41:48,613 Victor! 357 00:41:54,258 --> 00:41:55,486 l love you. 358 00:41:55,560 --> 00:41:57,187 You're not an animal. 359 00:42:03,734 --> 00:42:05,463 It means ''the WoIverine''. 360 00:42:32,296 --> 00:42:34,389 WeII, I guess he can die. 361 00:43:05,396 --> 00:43:07,887 Come on, oId friend. Come back. 362 00:43:11,402 --> 00:43:13,097 Heart rate rising. 363 00:43:14,505 --> 00:43:16,996 Adamantium reservoir is depIeted. 364 00:43:17,074 --> 00:43:19,872 No rejection. Procedure compIeted. 365 00:43:20,244 --> 00:43:22,508 -We did it. -We did it. 366 00:43:27,251 --> 00:43:28,775 Yeah! Yes. 367 00:43:29,387 --> 00:43:31,878 Are we taking him to the isIand? 368 00:43:31,956 --> 00:43:33,753 The isIand? No. 369 00:43:35,459 --> 00:43:37,359 The bonding works. 370 00:43:37,428 --> 00:43:39,692 We'II use his DNA for the XI. 371 00:43:42,500 --> 00:43:44,263 Erase his memory. 372 00:43:47,772 --> 00:43:49,501 Erase his memory. 373 00:43:59,050 --> 00:44:00,950 I think he heard you. 374 00:44:16,267 --> 00:44:17,791 Lock down! 375 00:44:54,972 --> 00:44:57,736 Hunt him down. Take his head off. 376 00:45:39,450 --> 00:45:40,849 Travis. 377 00:45:48,626 --> 00:45:54,189 -I think there's a naked man in the barn. -Yep. 378 00:46:25,896 --> 00:46:27,124 Son? 379 00:46:28,365 --> 00:46:30,333 What in heII you doing? 380 00:46:31,435 --> 00:46:33,300 -It's coId. -CoId. 381 00:46:38,409 --> 00:46:40,969 -You got no cIothes on. -Yeah. 382 00:46:42,279 --> 00:46:45,043 -You're not on the drugs, are you? -No. 383 00:46:46,450 --> 00:46:50,079 -No, just had a rough night. -Yeah, you couId say that. 384 00:46:53,324 --> 00:46:55,315 Come on up to the house. 385 00:46:55,392 --> 00:46:58,884 Some of my son's oId cIothes wiII probabIy fit you. 386 00:46:58,963 --> 00:47:01,431 Here. Cover it up with that, huh? 387 00:47:02,066 --> 00:47:05,399 I don't want you giving the oId Iady a heart attack. 388 00:47:51,182 --> 00:47:54,310 -You aII right in there? -Yeah, yeah, I'm fine! 389 00:47:55,486 --> 00:47:57,386 Supper's on the tabIe. 390 00:47:57,955 --> 00:47:59,616 Yeah, I'II be there in a minute. 391 00:48:11,101 --> 00:48:13,365 I swear, I'm gonna pay for it. 392 00:48:14,772 --> 00:48:18,435 -Set it down over there. -Right. 393 00:48:22,046 --> 00:48:24,014 Come and sit down, son. 394 00:48:29,553 --> 00:48:32,647 I can't thank you both enough for everything. 395 00:48:32,723 --> 00:48:35,886 It wouIdn't have been decent to Ieave you out there to freeze. 396 00:48:35,960 --> 00:48:37,860 -''Decent.'' -What? 397 00:48:39,830 --> 00:48:42,958 Nothing. I'm just not reaIIy used to that word. 398 00:48:45,703 --> 00:48:47,568 That's a nice chopper you've got out there. 399 00:48:47,638 --> 00:48:50,004 -You know motorcycIes? -Oh! Lord, here we go. 400 00:48:50,074 --> 00:48:53,737 My favorite's a '48 Panhead. Bought one new off the Iine. 401 00:48:53,811 --> 00:48:55,904 I think you're a IittIe young for that, son. 402 00:48:55,980 --> 00:48:59,040 You must be exhausted. You get a good night's sIeep. 403 00:48:59,116 --> 00:49:00,583 In the barn. 404 00:49:01,785 --> 00:49:04,151 Nothing you can break out there. 405 00:49:19,970 --> 00:49:21,904 Why is the moon so lonely? 406 00:49:21,972 --> 00:49:23,405 Why? 407 00:49:23,874 --> 00:49:26,342 Because she used to have a lover. 408 00:49:28,379 --> 00:49:30,609 He can never touch her again. 409 00:49:51,101 --> 00:49:52,693 You sIeep okay? 410 00:49:54,938 --> 00:49:56,200 Yeah. 411 00:49:57,675 --> 00:50:00,838 You Iook Iike a man fixing to do a bad thing. 412 00:50:03,347 --> 00:50:06,805 You know what happens to men who go Iooking for bIood? 413 00:50:07,384 --> 00:50:10,080 -What? -They find it. 414 00:50:13,757 --> 00:50:15,884 We aII got a choice, son. 415 00:50:15,959 --> 00:50:19,360 -Yeah, weII, mine got taken. -BuIIshit. 416 00:50:23,367 --> 00:50:25,392 This was my son's jacket. 417 00:50:27,705 --> 00:50:29,104 Try it on. 418 00:50:44,822 --> 00:50:48,451 -Thank you. -Yep. 419 00:50:49,526 --> 00:50:53,895 You want to take my bike for a spin? Test the suspension? 420 00:50:55,232 --> 00:50:56,665 '64, huh? 421 00:50:59,503 --> 00:51:01,130 Man, you're heavy. 422 00:51:01,205 --> 00:51:03,469 Yeah, I put on a IittIe weight recentIy. 423 00:51:03,540 --> 00:51:05,701 -Good morning! -Good morning. 424 00:51:07,344 --> 00:51:10,745 Oh. It fits you beautifuIIy. 425 00:51:12,983 --> 00:51:14,507 I brought you some... 426 00:51:24,061 --> 00:51:26,962 Weapon X is in the barn. He's just murdered two civiIians. 427 00:51:27,030 --> 00:51:30,431 BIow him to bits. Let's see if he can survive that. 428 00:51:54,091 --> 00:51:55,524 Come get me. 429 00:52:07,805 --> 00:52:09,739 BIow his brains aII over the road! 430 00:52:09,807 --> 00:52:11,138 Damn it! 431 00:52:47,478 --> 00:52:49,639 AIpha one, do not Iose him ! 432 00:52:57,554 --> 00:53:00,022 AIpha two! Target coming to you! 433 00:53:50,874 --> 00:53:52,239 PuII up! 434 00:54:23,240 --> 00:54:25,367 PuII back! PuII back! 435 00:54:44,027 --> 00:54:45,460 Zero? 436 00:54:48,298 --> 00:54:49,925 Zero. come in. 437 00:54:53,170 --> 00:54:54,603 Zero? 438 00:55:00,577 --> 00:55:03,102 Zero. is Logan dead? -I don't know. 439 00:55:03,513 --> 00:55:04,946 I'm down. 440 00:55:07,117 --> 00:55:09,449 Zero. is he dead? ls Logan dead? 441 00:55:13,890 --> 00:55:15,551 Zero. come in. 442 00:55:19,997 --> 00:55:21,965 You tried to kill me. 443 00:55:22,399 --> 00:55:24,333 -Logan? -Where's Victor? 444 00:55:24,401 --> 00:55:26,130 Come back to base. 445 00:55:26,637 --> 00:55:28,468 I'II expIain everything. We'II take Victor down together. 446 00:55:28,538 --> 00:55:32,304 Wrong answer. After I kiII Victor, I'm coming for you. 447 00:55:35,512 --> 00:55:37,173 Logan. listen to me. 448 00:55:37,748 --> 00:55:41,149 If you go down this road, you're not gonna Iike what you find. 449 00:55:41,218 --> 00:55:45,245 You wanted the animaI, CoIoneI. You got it. 450 00:55:50,293 --> 00:55:54,252 Those were good peopIe back there. Innocent peopIe. 451 00:56:04,474 --> 00:56:08,308 It's funny how good, innocent peopIe tend to die around you. 452 00:56:29,166 --> 00:56:31,225 Zero never stood a chance. 453 00:56:31,601 --> 00:56:35,435 The onIy thing that'II take him down is an Adamantium buIIet. 454 00:56:42,913 --> 00:56:45,882 This faciIity's compromised. Prep transport. 455 00:56:54,825 --> 00:56:56,952 CoIoneI, this is turning into a disaster. 456 00:56:57,027 --> 00:56:59,621 -Don't worry. We'II stop him. -ReaIIy? 457 00:56:59,696 --> 00:57:03,689 You just spent haIf a biIIion doIIars making him indestructibIe. 458 00:57:05,902 --> 00:57:07,028 -Sir? -Yes? 459 00:57:07,104 --> 00:57:10,904 The young mutant you've been Iooking for. We've found him. 460 00:57:10,974 --> 00:57:13,374 GeneraI, Logan isn't the onIy piece of this puzzIe. 461 00:57:13,443 --> 00:57:15,638 I need to evacuate this faciIity. 462 00:57:15,712 --> 00:57:19,204 PIease go back to Washington. We've got work to do. 463 00:57:22,152 --> 00:57:24,950 Yo hablo. I taIk. Tu hablas. you taIk. 464 00:57:25,021 --> 00:57:27,455 El habla... Somebody transIate. 465 00:57:28,658 --> 00:57:29,886 Summers! 466 00:57:30,360 --> 00:57:32,794 Sit up and take off those gIasses. 467 00:57:34,197 --> 00:57:35,858 I have a headache. 468 00:57:36,600 --> 00:57:38,932 Then you can wear them in detention after schooI 469 00:57:39,002 --> 00:57:42,096 whiIe you write out this conjugation 100 times. 470 00:57:42,172 --> 00:57:44,106 -Somebody eIse? -He taIks. 471 00:57:44,174 --> 00:57:46,199 Thank you. He taIks. El habla. 472 00:57:57,788 --> 00:58:00,052 -You sure it was Victor? -Yeah. 473 00:58:01,691 --> 00:58:04,125 Damn. I'm sorry, man. 474 00:58:07,931 --> 00:58:10,024 What the heII happened to him after I Ieft? 475 00:58:10,100 --> 00:58:13,365 He got worse. He feIt Iike you abandoned him. 476 00:58:13,436 --> 00:58:15,131 HeII, we aII did. 477 00:58:15,605 --> 00:58:19,041 But Victor, he had to prove he was better than you. 478 00:58:19,109 --> 00:58:22,272 Hunting and kiIIing everything he was pointed at. 479 00:58:22,345 --> 00:58:24,609 Quit a few months Iater myseIf. 480 00:58:24,681 --> 00:58:27,013 CouIdn't take rounding them up. 481 00:58:27,384 --> 00:58:29,818 -Rounding who up? -Leave it aIone. 482 00:58:30,320 --> 00:58:32,254 Rounding who up, John? 483 00:58:32,856 --> 00:58:34,687 Hey! Damn it, John! 484 00:58:34,758 --> 00:58:37,022 We hunted our own kind, Logan. 485 00:58:37,627 --> 00:58:40,061 There's a speciaI pIace in heII for the things we did. 486 00:58:40,130 --> 00:58:43,122 Mutants? Why? 487 00:58:44,100 --> 00:58:46,933 Stryker said we'd be making a difference, 488 00:58:47,003 --> 00:58:49,597 protecting peopIe from the bad ones. 489 00:58:57,614 --> 00:59:00,515 How are you gonna take Victor down, Logan? 490 00:59:00,584 --> 00:59:05,044 -Remember that stuff in Africa? -Yeah, I remember Africa. What about it? 491 00:59:08,491 --> 00:59:09,651 Damn. 492 00:59:11,161 --> 00:59:13,288 What'd they do to you, man? 493 00:59:13,597 --> 00:59:15,030 Don't ask. 494 00:59:17,267 --> 00:59:18,962 Listen, Zero said something about an isIand. 495 00:59:19,035 --> 00:59:20,593 Does that mean anything to you? 496 00:59:20,670 --> 00:59:22,934 Nope. But maybe Dukes knows. 497 00:59:23,406 --> 00:59:26,000 -Him and Zero were reaI tight. -Fred Dukes? Where is he? 498 00:59:26,076 --> 00:59:27,543 -He's here. -WeII, Iet's go taIk to him. 499 00:59:27,611 --> 00:59:30,671 HoId on. He don't get in tiII around 4:00. 500 00:59:30,747 --> 00:59:34,080 But I got to warn you, he deveIoped a bit of an eating disorder. 501 00:59:34,150 --> 00:59:38,450 We aII got our coping mechanisms. I'm trying to whup him back into shape. 502 00:59:38,521 --> 00:59:40,921 Whatever you do, don't mention his weight. 503 00:59:41,958 --> 00:59:44,722 Come on, Fred, if you wanna get in shape, you got to move, man. 504 00:59:44,794 --> 00:59:47,763 I toId him he got to move. He's got to move! What? 505 00:59:50,901 --> 00:59:53,529 Fred Dukes? That Iooks Iike the creature that ate Fred Dukes. 506 00:59:53,603 --> 00:59:55,468 Hey, be nice, man. 507 00:59:57,207 --> 00:59:59,175 Hey, fat... Fred. 508 00:59:59,976 --> 01:00:03,878 I seem to remember that girI when she was about 85 pounds, huh? 509 01:00:05,081 --> 01:00:07,845 Oh, that's funny. You're stiII so funny, Logan. 510 01:00:07,918 --> 01:00:10,011 You know where Victor is? 511 01:00:10,887 --> 01:00:13,412 -No idea. -What's the isIand, sIim? 512 01:00:16,059 --> 01:00:17,959 Don't Iet the door hit you on the way out, Logan. 513 01:00:18,028 --> 01:00:20,360 Listen, I ain't Ieaving here tiII you teII me where Victor is. 514 01:00:20,430 --> 01:00:23,331 So come on, bub, for oId times' sake, huh? 515 01:00:24,701 --> 01:00:28,262 Did you just caII me BIob? 516 01:00:30,106 --> 01:00:31,539 No, but... 517 01:00:37,547 --> 01:00:40,175 I toId you not to mention his weight. Why'd you caII him BIob? 518 01:00:40,250 --> 01:00:42,684 I didn't caII him BIob. I said ''bub''. 519 01:00:42,752 --> 01:00:44,982 -God damn it. -Hey, hey, hey. Hey, Logan. 520 01:00:45,055 --> 01:00:46,317 I got an idea. 521 01:00:47,924 --> 01:00:50,415 -This is your idea of an idea? -I'm trying to heIp you out, Logan. 522 01:00:50,493 --> 01:00:52,085 Dukes don't Iike you that much and you know it. 523 01:00:52,162 --> 01:00:54,426 -Yeah, the feeIing's mutuaI. -WeII, use them gIoves, man. 524 01:00:54,497 --> 01:00:58,763 Dance with him a IittIe bit. AIIow him to Iet his anger out on you. 525 01:00:58,835 --> 01:01:01,861 Figure if you do that, he'II probabIy teII you everything you want to know. 526 01:01:01,938 --> 01:01:03,735 Come on, man, Iook at him. 527 01:01:03,807 --> 01:01:06,537 Got a big oId ass coming out the front of his shirt. 528 01:01:06,609 --> 01:01:09,009 Jesus. He's gonna have a coronary, for Christ's sake. 529 01:01:09,079 --> 01:01:11,946 Is there even a stretcher big enough to take this guy out of here? 530 01:01:13,750 --> 01:01:16,048 It ain't him I'm worried about getting out of here on a stretcher. 531 01:01:16,119 --> 01:01:18,610 -You're an asshoIe. -Come on, Logan. 532 01:01:20,824 --> 01:01:22,815 -Whup his ass! -You want it? 533 01:01:22,892 --> 01:01:24,826 Dance with him, Fred! Just Iike I taught you. 534 01:01:25,495 --> 01:01:26,519 You want to dance with me? 535 01:01:26,596 --> 01:01:29,394 -Come on, Fred! -Oh! Oh, that feeIs good. 536 01:01:32,635 --> 01:01:34,296 Hey! Guess what? 537 01:01:35,805 --> 01:01:37,102 See, he gonna taIk now. 538 01:01:37,173 --> 01:01:39,573 -You got him right where you want him. -Whose side are you on, anyway? 539 01:01:39,642 --> 01:01:41,109 Come on! 540 01:01:41,745 --> 01:01:43,713 Come on, now, Iamb chop! 541 01:01:59,295 --> 01:02:00,489 Damn! 542 01:02:15,111 --> 01:02:16,635 Now, where's Victor? 543 01:02:48,111 --> 01:02:51,103 LittIe dark for sungIasses, don't you think? 544 01:03:06,696 --> 01:03:11,030 -PIease, don't! PIease, don't! -Victor! 545 01:03:14,637 --> 01:03:17,003 Hey, hey! Where's Victor? 546 01:03:18,541 --> 01:03:23,911 Yeah. Victor's with Stryker on the isIand. 547 01:03:23,980 --> 01:03:26,448 They run it together. 548 01:03:27,650 --> 01:03:30,619 What? They what? Victor wiII be with Stryker? 549 01:03:31,521 --> 01:03:32,681 Yeah. 550 01:03:33,423 --> 01:03:35,414 You didn't know that? 551 01:03:55,411 --> 01:03:59,848 AII that's Ieft now is Logan. I trust you can handIe that. 552 01:04:01,151 --> 01:04:04,951 -I did before, didn't I? -Oh, yes. You did that. 553 01:04:08,291 --> 01:04:11,590 Our deaI. It stiII appIies, right? 554 01:04:13,930 --> 01:04:17,058 Of course. Now bag him and tag him, Captain. 555 01:04:26,042 --> 01:04:27,805 What's the isIand? 556 01:04:29,012 --> 01:04:32,709 It's where Stryker takes them after Victor's caught them. 557 01:04:33,750 --> 01:04:36,048 Wait, hang on a minute. Takes who? 558 01:04:37,754 --> 01:04:39,085 Mutants. 559 01:04:39,889 --> 01:04:44,019 Rumor is that Stryker's doing experiments on them there. 560 01:04:46,996 --> 01:04:49,294 I mean, you never wondered what happened to them? 561 01:04:49,365 --> 01:04:51,128 I tried not to. 562 01:05:07,483 --> 01:05:10,919 They kiIIed her so I'd Iet them put Adamantium in me. 563 01:05:14,224 --> 01:05:17,057 They kiIIed her for a goddamn experiment. 564 01:05:21,164 --> 01:05:25,430 -Where is it? Where is it? -Logan, Stryker kept it reaI secret. 565 01:05:29,973 --> 01:05:34,000 But a prisoner escaped there once. 566 01:05:34,077 --> 01:05:36,545 -Who? -His name was Remy LeBeau. 567 01:05:36,613 --> 01:05:38,877 He was a street hustIer from New OrIeans. 568 01:05:38,948 --> 01:05:41,815 The guards at the prison caIIed him Gambit 569 01:05:41,884 --> 01:05:43,249 because he kept taking aII their money at poker. 570 01:05:43,319 --> 01:05:45,287 -That's aII I know. -What's Stryker up to, Fred? 571 01:05:45,355 --> 01:05:47,118 What's the endgame? 572 01:05:49,125 --> 01:05:53,619 He's taking their powers. Trying to combine them somehow. 573 01:05:53,696 --> 01:05:56,563 That's aII I know, Logan. That's aII I know. 574 01:05:57,200 --> 01:06:00,863 If I have to come back here, I'm gonna take your head off. 575 01:06:04,641 --> 01:06:06,802 I'm coming with you, Logan. 576 01:06:08,244 --> 01:06:11,008 -There's no redemption where I'm going. -I ain't asking. 577 01:06:48,718 --> 01:06:50,447 There's our dude. 578 01:06:56,726 --> 01:06:58,455 That's cooI. 579 01:06:58,528 --> 01:07:00,587 I'm gonna go cover the back in case he rabbits. 580 01:07:00,663 --> 01:07:02,790 -I'm not gonna fight with him. -Yeah, right. 581 01:07:02,865 --> 01:07:04,924 What? I get in fights with everybody? 582 01:07:05,001 --> 01:07:07,128 Don't dogs kiII cats? 583 01:07:07,203 --> 01:07:09,671 Just go cover the back, wiII you? 584 01:07:13,676 --> 01:07:16,167 -Give me 500. -I'm in. 585 01:07:22,085 --> 01:07:23,848 Are you Remy LeBeau? 586 01:07:26,022 --> 01:07:28,252 -Do I owe you money? -No. 587 01:07:29,892 --> 01:07:31,792 Then Remy LeBeau I am. 588 01:07:50,413 --> 01:07:53,246 Large bIind's 100. SmaII bIind's 50. 589 01:07:54,183 --> 01:07:58,210 -May I deaI you in? -What can I get for 17 bucks? 590 01:07:59,288 --> 01:08:00,585 $17? 591 01:08:02,191 --> 01:08:04,216 A cab ride home, perhaps? 592 01:08:08,765 --> 01:08:11,461 You my brother's new babysitter, John? 593 01:08:12,301 --> 01:08:13,666 I ain't BradIey, Victor. 594 01:08:13,736 --> 01:08:15,829 And your creepy bIack coat don't scare me. 595 01:08:15,905 --> 01:08:17,133 ReaIIy? 596 01:08:17,940 --> 01:08:19,840 Worked on Dukes. 597 01:08:19,909 --> 01:08:22,139 You shouIdn't have done that, 'cause now I'm gonna kiII you 598 01:08:22,211 --> 01:08:24,338 before Logan even gets a chance. 599 01:08:24,647 --> 01:08:27,207 So what brings you to our fair city, sir? 600 01:08:27,283 --> 01:08:28,841 Victor Creed. 601 01:08:31,320 --> 01:08:33,015 And who's that? 602 01:08:33,723 --> 01:08:34,849 The man I'm gonna kiII. 603 01:08:36,626 --> 01:08:39,959 He works with a man named Stryker on an isIand. 604 01:08:41,464 --> 01:08:44,956 -Just need to know where it is. -And why wouId you think I know that? 605 01:08:45,034 --> 01:08:47,901 WeII, 'cause I know who you are, Gambit. 606 01:08:49,005 --> 01:08:53,704 You're the guy who escaped and you're the guy who's gonna take me back there. 607 01:08:54,777 --> 01:08:58,440 You know, John, there's something I aIways wanted to teII you. 608 01:09:04,520 --> 01:09:07,546 You're predictabIe. 609 01:09:10,359 --> 01:09:12,850 I can feeI your spine, Johnny Boy. 610 01:09:13,830 --> 01:09:16,560 That's funny. Never knew you had one. 611 01:09:20,169 --> 01:09:23,502 Those are mighty nice tags you have on there, sir. 612 01:09:24,874 --> 01:09:27,968 The men who took me wore tags just Iike them. 613 01:09:31,647 --> 01:09:34,013 Hey, now, bub, you Iisten to me. 614 01:09:51,634 --> 01:09:53,534 Damn it. That IittIe... 615 01:10:07,350 --> 01:10:11,081 Two years I rotted in that heIIhoIe and I ain't never going back. 616 01:10:15,358 --> 01:10:16,689 Shiny. 617 01:10:19,362 --> 01:10:21,489 TeII me something, Jimmy. 618 01:10:22,164 --> 01:10:24,564 Do you even know how to kiII me? 619 01:10:24,634 --> 01:10:27,364 I'm gonna cut your goddamned head off. 620 01:10:28,037 --> 01:10:29,902 See if that works. 621 01:10:39,515 --> 01:10:41,847 You're getting sIow, oId man. 622 01:10:50,560 --> 01:10:52,528 You son of a bitch. 623 01:10:56,165 --> 01:10:59,032 You're gonna die for what you did to her. 624 01:11:23,259 --> 01:11:24,521 Victor! 625 01:11:34,470 --> 01:11:36,563 WeII, that's a nice stick. 626 01:12:35,031 --> 01:12:37,556 Okay, shithead, here's the deaI. 627 01:12:37,633 --> 01:12:41,000 See, you're gonna take me to this isIand, where I can kiII Creed, Stryker 628 01:12:41,070 --> 01:12:45,268 and pretty much everyone you hate in this worId. Do you understand? 629 01:12:45,941 --> 01:12:47,602 You're reaIIy gonna kiII them? 630 01:12:47,677 --> 01:12:50,475 As Iong as you stay out of my way, yeah. 631 01:13:04,527 --> 01:13:05,994 CoIoneI? 632 01:13:06,562 --> 01:13:08,792 -GeneraI? -Is this Weapon XI? 633 01:13:11,367 --> 01:13:14,268 AII their strengths and none of their weaknesses. 634 01:13:14,336 --> 01:13:16,270 You reaIIy hate them, don't you? 635 01:13:16,338 --> 01:13:18,238 No, I don't hate them. 636 01:13:18,641 --> 01:13:22,907 After 20 years of working with mutants, I just know what they can do. 637 01:13:26,816 --> 01:13:30,877 We can win this war before it starts and save countIess Iives in the process. 638 01:13:30,953 --> 01:13:34,514 Pre-emptive action is the onIy action here, GeneraI. 639 01:13:34,590 --> 01:13:38,321 The days of our country sitting on the sideIines are over. 640 01:13:39,295 --> 01:13:43,356 We need to take the fight to the enemy before they take the fight to us. 641 01:13:43,432 --> 01:13:46,265 -I admire your passion, I do. -Thank you. 642 01:13:47,036 --> 01:13:49,334 But this is as far as it goes. 643 01:13:50,339 --> 01:13:53,900 -Weapon X was a hiccup. -We know about your son, BiII. 644 01:13:54,543 --> 01:13:58,104 We know he's a mutant, and we know he kiIIed your wife. 645 01:13:58,180 --> 01:14:01,240 -You shouIdn't have kept that from us. -That... 646 01:14:02,785 --> 01:14:04,514 That has nothing to do with my work, GeneraI. 647 01:14:04,587 --> 01:14:05,918 BuIIshit. 648 01:14:06,222 --> 01:14:09,521 You're too cIose to this. I'm shutting you down. 649 01:14:10,259 --> 01:14:14,696 Okay. You're right. I won't Iie to you. 650 01:14:18,167 --> 01:14:21,830 My son did bring the probIem home for me, 651 01:14:23,339 --> 01:14:25,102 but I took an oath 652 01:14:26,609 --> 01:14:28,873 to protect the American peopIe 653 01:14:29,979 --> 01:14:32,948 from every threat, both foreign 654 01:14:41,056 --> 01:14:42,717 and domestic. 655 01:14:50,666 --> 01:14:52,497 -You don't Iike fIying, huh? -I'm fine. 656 01:14:52,568 --> 01:14:54,001 -Just concentrate on what you're doing. -You sure? 657 01:14:54,069 --> 01:14:55,696 You got a bit of sweat on your brow there. 658 01:14:55,771 --> 01:14:57,432 Very funny. Just keep your eyes on the... 659 01:14:57,506 --> 01:14:59,269 On the what? The cIouds? Keep my eyes on the cIouds? 660 01:14:59,341 --> 01:15:00,933 You're up and down Iike a freaking yo-yo here! 661 01:15:01,010 --> 01:15:03,410 -Where'd you get this thing, anyway? -Oh, this is my baby. 662 01:15:03,479 --> 01:15:06,209 I won her in a game. Jacks over fives. 663 01:15:07,516 --> 01:15:08,778 Great. 664 01:15:09,351 --> 01:15:11,512 ReIax. We're aImost there. 665 01:15:14,890 --> 01:15:18,326 There it is. The isIand. Three MiIe IsIand. 666 01:15:18,861 --> 01:15:20,829 Hiding in pIain sight. 667 01:15:23,365 --> 01:15:26,357 No one's gonna snoop around a nucIear reactor. 668 01:15:26,435 --> 01:15:28,426 They think it's gonna turn them into freaks. 669 01:15:28,504 --> 01:15:30,563 -Like you? -Right. 670 01:15:33,309 --> 01:15:36,039 AII right. You ready? Because it's now or never. Let's go. 671 01:15:36,111 --> 01:15:37,544 About time. 672 01:15:46,755 --> 01:15:50,316 Hey, if it makes you feeI any better, this is reaIIy gonna hurt. 673 01:15:50,392 --> 01:15:53,190 WeII, yeah, it kind of does, actuaIIy. 674 01:15:54,396 --> 01:15:57,297 -Good Iuck. -Likewise. 675 01:15:59,568 --> 01:16:00,762 Oh, shit. 676 01:16:08,210 --> 01:16:10,735 How you doing? Everything aII right? 677 01:16:12,281 --> 01:16:14,806 -Is he ready yet? -A few more hours. 678 01:16:14,884 --> 01:16:18,115 -And he wiII respond to my commands? -AbsoIuteIy. 679 01:17:21,817 --> 01:17:23,045 Logan. 680 01:17:24,320 --> 01:17:26,413 WeIcome back to the war. 681 01:17:27,423 --> 01:17:30,290 Before I gut you, I want to know why. 682 01:17:31,994 --> 01:17:34,326 I needed your powers for the PooI. 683 01:17:34,396 --> 01:17:36,864 -For the what? -The mutant kiIIer. 684 01:17:37,800 --> 01:17:39,392 DeadpooI. 685 01:17:40,636 --> 01:17:42,604 Years of searching and refining, 686 01:17:42,671 --> 01:17:46,630 finding the right powers that can coexist in one body 687 01:17:46,709 --> 01:17:48,870 without ripping it apart. 688 01:17:50,045 --> 01:17:52,809 My son was the first piece of the puzzIe. 689 01:17:54,650 --> 01:17:56,811 Logan, you were the Iast. 690 01:17:56,885 --> 01:17:59,115 You made Weapon XI possibIe. 691 01:18:00,155 --> 01:18:05,388 I asked you to heIp, but you said you wanted the quiet Iife. 692 01:18:07,496 --> 01:18:08,690 WeII, 693 01:18:09,398 --> 01:18:14,267 I've Iearned that nothing motivates the men in your famiIy Iike revenge. 694 01:18:31,854 --> 01:18:33,287 Who are you? 695 01:18:34,156 --> 01:18:36,317 Oh, she's reaI, oId friend. 696 01:18:48,237 --> 01:18:51,468 Did you reaIIy think we'd just Iet you waIk away? 697 01:18:51,740 --> 01:18:53,833 You're a dangerous man. 698 01:18:53,909 --> 01:18:56,673 We Iike to keep an eye on dangerous men. 699 01:18:57,413 --> 01:18:59,813 TeII him about the day you died. 700 01:19:05,687 --> 01:19:08,781 They gave me a shot of hydrochIorothiazide. 701 01:19:10,859 --> 01:19:14,522 It reduces the heart rate so Iow it appears you fIatIined. 702 01:19:26,442 --> 01:19:28,467 Don't be angry with her. 703 01:19:29,478 --> 01:19:32,208 She's a reaI credit to your species. 704 01:19:35,517 --> 01:19:38,975 Did you know that her sister has diamond-hard skin? 705 01:19:39,822 --> 01:19:42,484 KayIa's mutation is tactohypnosis. 706 01:19:43,125 --> 01:19:46,185 She can infIuence peopIe as Iong as she touches them. 707 01:19:46,261 --> 01:19:48,889 Quite a usefuI tooI in a seduction. 708 01:19:48,964 --> 01:19:51,296 It was never reaI, my friend. 709 01:19:56,705 --> 01:19:58,605 It was reaI for me. 710 01:20:00,609 --> 01:20:05,069 I toId you if you came down this road, you wouIdn't Iike what you found. 711 01:20:11,320 --> 01:20:16,121 That story you toId me about a man who gets fIowers for the moon, 712 01:20:18,193 --> 01:20:20,024 I had it backwards. 713 01:20:23,232 --> 01:20:26,690 I thought you were the moon and I was your woIverine. 714 01:20:29,004 --> 01:20:31,700 But you're the trickster, aren't you? 715 01:20:32,341 --> 01:20:34,775 I'm just the fooI who got pIayed. 716 01:20:36,812 --> 01:20:39,804 The worst part of it is, I shouId have known. 717 01:20:42,918 --> 01:20:45,148 But I ignored my instincts. 718 01:20:48,790 --> 01:20:51,020 I ignored what I reaIIy am. 719 01:20:55,631 --> 01:20:58,122 But that won't ever happen again. 720 01:21:29,831 --> 01:21:31,765 -CoIoneI? -Not now, KayIa. 721 01:21:31,833 --> 01:21:34,358 I've done everything you've asked. 722 01:21:35,837 --> 01:21:37,270 My sister. 723 01:21:38,240 --> 01:21:41,266 You said if I heIped you, you'd Iet her go. 724 01:21:41,343 --> 01:21:45,973 KayIa, it's not as simpIe as that. Her mutation is unique. Quite beautifuI. 725 01:21:46,048 --> 01:21:48,278 We just need a IittIe more time to anaIyze it, that's aII. 726 01:21:48,350 --> 01:21:49,977 You Iet him go? 727 01:21:53,455 --> 01:21:55,821 -Victor, pIease. -You can't Iet him go. 728 01:21:55,891 --> 01:21:57,882 -You can't beat him, Victor. -Then give me the Adamantium ! 729 01:21:57,960 --> 01:21:59,359 -Your tests came back. -We had a deaI! 730 01:21:59,428 --> 01:22:02,090 You wouId never survive the operation. 731 01:22:04,266 --> 01:22:07,429 -I can take anything he can. -No, you can't. 732 01:22:08,237 --> 01:22:12,196 You're my favorite soIdier, Victor. Be patient. Your time wiII come. 733 01:22:12,274 --> 01:22:13,901 He's using us. 734 01:22:22,484 --> 01:22:25,942 How about this time you die for reaI? 735 01:22:27,556 --> 01:22:28,989 Let me go. 736 01:22:31,593 --> 01:22:34,153 Your IittIe mind games don't work on me. 737 01:22:34,229 --> 01:22:35,560 Victor! 738 01:23:09,898 --> 01:23:11,991 FeeIs good, doesn't it? 739 01:23:13,235 --> 01:23:14,930 AII that rage. 740 01:23:16,672 --> 01:23:19,470 -Do it. -Logan! 741 01:23:20,809 --> 01:23:24,472 -You're not an animaI. -Oh, yes, you are. 742 01:23:28,550 --> 01:23:29,983 Do it. 743 01:23:33,822 --> 01:23:35,289 Finish it. 744 01:23:59,815 --> 01:24:01,146 Logan? 745 01:24:04,486 --> 01:24:08,320 My sister. They have my sister. 746 01:24:08,824 --> 01:24:11,759 PIease. I didn't trick you into Ioving me. 747 01:24:12,561 --> 01:24:14,688 It was reaI for me, too. 748 01:24:17,265 --> 01:24:20,723 PIease, I'm so sorry. They have my sister. 749 01:24:22,304 --> 01:24:23,771 Where is she? 750 01:24:29,244 --> 01:24:31,769 -Activate Weapon XI! -The bonding process isn't compIete. 751 01:24:31,847 --> 01:24:33,474 Just do it! Now! 752 01:25:36,711 --> 01:25:38,440 Come on. Come on! 753 01:26:29,798 --> 01:26:30,924 Okay. 754 01:26:31,967 --> 01:26:33,264 Perfect. 755 01:26:33,335 --> 01:26:35,132 -KayIa, get these kids out of here. -Logan... 756 01:26:35,203 --> 01:26:37,068 Find another way out. 757 01:26:37,572 --> 01:26:39,699 Okay. Let's go. 758 01:26:40,308 --> 01:26:42,139 Wade, is that you? 759 01:26:45,914 --> 01:26:49,315 Guess Stryker finaIIy figured out how to shut you up. 760 01:26:51,419 --> 01:26:52,681 Now... 761 01:26:59,928 --> 01:27:01,156 Wade? 762 01:27:02,230 --> 01:27:04,289 You don't have to do this. 763 01:27:05,166 --> 01:27:07,157 AII right, maybe you do. 764 01:27:14,109 --> 01:27:16,043 You're shitting me. 765 01:27:21,283 --> 01:27:23,080 Shoot on sight! 766 01:27:30,959 --> 01:27:34,122 -I can heIp! Point me at them ! -Go. 767 01:27:42,070 --> 01:27:43,628 Go! Now! 768 01:27:49,945 --> 01:27:52,436 -Did I get them? -Yeah. 769 01:28:02,624 --> 01:28:04,148 -Let's go. -I can't go. 770 01:28:04,225 --> 01:28:06,853 -KayIa, come on! -I have to stay here. 771 01:28:07,362 --> 01:28:08,989 You take them. 772 01:28:09,965 --> 01:28:12,160 Go! Go! 773 01:28:40,028 --> 01:28:41,461 Go left. 774 01:28:41,529 --> 01:28:42,723 Left. 775 01:28:43,565 --> 01:28:45,294 -What? -We go Ieft. 776 01:28:45,367 --> 01:28:47,460 -You can't see. -Trust me. 777 01:29:02,083 --> 01:29:04,483 Let's see you dance up here. 778 01:29:41,022 --> 01:29:43,047 Nobody kiIIs you but me. 779 01:29:51,833 --> 01:29:53,425 Back to back! 780 01:29:55,170 --> 01:29:57,638 -I got him ! -Oh, no, you don't. 781 01:31:32,967 --> 01:31:35,231 Stop! This can't be the way. 782 01:31:35,303 --> 01:31:36,793 -This is the way. -How do you know? 783 01:31:36,871 --> 01:31:38,702 I just know. Come on. 784 01:31:50,118 --> 01:31:51,915 Adamantium buIIets. 785 01:31:52,554 --> 01:31:55,717 Let's see him heaI with a few of these through his thick skuII. 786 01:31:55,790 --> 01:31:58,350 You can't stop him, even with that. 787 01:31:58,726 --> 01:32:01,160 -He'II heaI. -His brain may heaI, 788 01:32:03,231 --> 01:32:05,665 but his memories won't grow back. 789 01:32:22,250 --> 01:32:25,515 This doesn't change anything between us, Victor. 790 01:32:26,788 --> 01:32:29,882 -We're done. -We can never be done, Jimmy. 791 01:32:31,192 --> 01:32:34,821 We're brothers, and brothers Iook out for each other. 792 01:33:08,830 --> 01:33:10,855 -You miss me? -Ah, Jesus. 793 01:33:12,333 --> 01:33:14,733 You know, when you said you were gonna kiII everyone, 794 01:33:14,802 --> 01:33:17,293 I thought you may just have been exaggerating. 795 01:33:17,372 --> 01:33:18,805 Yeah. 796 01:33:19,874 --> 01:33:22,001 Do I Iook Iike a man who exaggerates? 797 01:33:22,076 --> 01:33:24,067 -You're weIcome. -Logan? 798 01:33:26,547 --> 01:33:27,844 Logan. 799 01:33:31,786 --> 01:33:34,254 There's kids trying to get off the isIand. SpIit up. Go! 800 01:33:34,322 --> 01:33:35,755 I'm on it. 801 01:33:43,698 --> 01:33:45,791 KayIa ! KayIa ! 802 01:33:49,871 --> 01:33:51,031 Hey. 803 01:33:56,044 --> 01:33:57,511 I Iove you. 804 01:34:09,891 --> 01:34:11,586 -Hey... -I'm so coId. 805 01:34:11,659 --> 01:34:14,685 Listen to me. I'm gonna get you out of here. 806 01:34:14,762 --> 01:34:16,252 Understand? 807 01:34:16,331 --> 01:34:19,596 Just go easy. Nice and easy. That's it. That's it. 808 01:34:22,003 --> 01:34:24,528 Okay. I'm gonna get you heIp. 809 01:34:47,929 --> 01:34:49,362 Logan! 810 01:35:45,720 --> 01:35:48,280 I shouId make you puII the trigger. 811 01:35:49,023 --> 01:35:51,992 But that wouId make us no better than you. 812 01:35:53,061 --> 01:35:54,892 Throw the gun away. 813 01:35:58,132 --> 01:35:59,565 Turn around. 814 01:36:00,168 --> 01:36:04,798 WaIk untiI your feet bIeed. And then keep waIking. 815 01:36:42,844 --> 01:36:44,675 lt will be all right. Scott. 816 01:36:44,745 --> 01:36:47,509 My name is Charles Xavier. 817 01:36:47,582 --> 01:36:49,607 l'm a mutant like you. 818 01:36:49,684 --> 01:36:53,882 l can hear your thoughts. Yes. and l can hear yours. 819 01:36:54,722 --> 01:36:58,624 You're safe now. Come. We have to go. 820 01:36:59,627 --> 01:37:01,527 Come on, Iet's go. 821 01:37:47,808 --> 01:37:49,503 The kids are safe. 822 01:37:54,849 --> 01:37:56,111 Damn. 823 01:37:59,520 --> 01:38:02,546 -Who are you? -What do you mean, who am I? 824 01:38:02,623 --> 01:38:05,956 I'm the guy who brought you here. Now, we got to go. 825 01:38:06,694 --> 01:38:08,525 Where the heII am I? 826 01:38:08,596 --> 01:38:10,791 Listen to me. I'm a friend. 827 01:38:11,232 --> 01:38:13,928 -I'm a friend. -Yeah? What's my name? 828 01:38:14,001 --> 01:38:17,027 -What's my name? -Your name is Logan. 829 01:38:21,375 --> 01:38:24,003 You need to trust me. We have to go. 830 01:38:29,450 --> 01:38:30,883 FoIIow me. 831 01:38:36,390 --> 01:38:37,618 Now! 832 01:39:11,325 --> 01:39:12,952 Do you know her? 833 01:39:16,864 --> 01:39:18,195 No. 834 01:39:22,870 --> 01:39:24,997 Hey, these boys aren't gonna Iike what you've done to this pIace. 835 01:39:25,072 --> 01:39:27,006 We reaIIy need to go. 836 01:39:27,675 --> 01:39:29,540 I'II find my own way. 837 01:39:34,482 --> 01:39:35,915 Good Iuck. 838 01:41:07,108 --> 01:41:08,735 CoIoneI Stryker? 839 01:41:13,047 --> 01:41:16,676 -CoIoneI WiIIiam Stryker? -Yes. 840 01:41:17,885 --> 01:41:19,853 You're wanted for questioning in connection with the death 841 01:41:19,920 --> 01:41:22,411 of GeneraI Munson, sir.