1 00:01:06,600 --> 00:01:10,400 I have found almost everything ever written about love... 2 00:01:10,600 --> 00:01:11,900 ... to be true. 3 00:01:12,100 --> 00:01:16,100 Shakespeare said, "Journeys end in lovers meeting." 4 00:01:16,300 --> 00:01:18,100 What an extraordinary thought. 5 00:01:18,300 --> 00:01:21,700 Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that... 6 00:01:21,900 --> 00:01:25,000 ...but I'm more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. 7 00:01:25,200 --> 00:01:28,500 I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. 8 00:01:28,700 --> 00:01:34,200 I'm constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. 9 00:01:34,500 --> 00:01:37,400 It was Shakespeare who also said, "Love is blind." 10 00:01:38,700 --> 00:01:42,700 Now, that is something I know to be true. 11 00:01:54,500 --> 00:01:58,100 For some, quite inexplicably... 12 00:01:58,900 --> 00:02:00,400 ...Iove fades. 13 00:02:15,300 --> 00:02:16,700 For others... 14 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:19,000 ...Iove is simply lost. 15 00:02:24,800 --> 00:02:28,900 But then, of course, love can also be found. 16 00:02:30,200 --> 00:02:32,300 Even if just for the night. 17 00:02:37,300 --> 00:02:39,400 And then there's another kind of love. 18 00:02:39,600 --> 00:02:41,100 The cruelest kind. 19 00:02:41,300 --> 00:02:44,000 The one that almost kills its victims. 20 00:02:44,200 --> 00:02:47,100 It's called unrequited love. 21 00:02:47,300 --> 00:02:51,400 Of that, I am an expert.. 22 00:02:51,900 --> 00:02:55,700 Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. 23 00:02:55,900 --> 00:02:59,200 But what about the rest of us? What about our stories? 24 00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:01,800 Those of us who fall in love alone. 25 00:03:02,400 --> 00:03:05,100 We are the victims of the one-sided affair. 26 00:03:05,300 --> 00:03:07,200 We are the cursed of the loved ones. 27 00:03:07,400 --> 00:03:10,100 We are the unloved ones. The walking wounded. 28 00:03:10,300 --> 00:03:13,800 The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space. 29 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:16,500 Yes, you are looking at one such individual. 30 00:03:16,700 --> 00:03:18,700 And I have willingly loved... 31 00:03:18,900 --> 00:03:22,700 ... that man for over three miserable years. 32 00:03:22,900 --> 00:03:25,200 The absolute worst years of my life. 33 00:03:25,400 --> 00:03:27,600 The worst Christmases, the worst birt.hdays. 34 00:03:27,800 --> 00:03:31,400 New Year's Eves brought in by tears and Valium. 35 00:03:31,600 --> 00:03:35,600 These years I've been in love have been the darkest days of my life... 36 00:03:35,800 --> 00:03:39,000 ...all because I'm cursed by being in love with a man who does not... 37 00:03:39,200 --> 00:03:41,600 ...and will not love me back. 38 00:03:41,800 --> 00:03:43,300 Oh, God, just the sight of him. 39 00:03:43,500 --> 00:03:47,000 Heart. pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can't swallow. 40 00:03:47,200 --> 00:03:49,900 All the usual symptoms. 41 00:03:50,100 --> 00:03:51,800 Oh, Jasper. 42 00:03:52,100 --> 00:03:56,500 -Don't tell me you're still... -No, no, no, that's over. very over. 43 00:03:56,700 --> 00:04:00,000 What's the story with you two anyway? You were shagging him, weren't you? 44 00:04:00,200 --> 00:04:02,700 More importantly, I was in love with him, truth be known. 45 00:04:02,900 --> 00:04:06,600 Then you found out he was shagging that drip from Circulation. 46 00:04:06,800 --> 00:04:08,800 Which is when I stopped shagging him. 47 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:11,400 We shouldn't be talking about this at the office party. 48 00:04:11,600 --> 00:04:14,000 But I always see you two together. 49 00:04:14,200 --> 00:04:16,900 He cheated on you, but you stayed friends? 50 00:04:17,400 --> 00:04:22,100 I was head over heels, you know? Everyone knew. 51 00:04:22,400 --> 00:04:25,100 -Does it look like l'm crying right now? -No, no, no. 52 00:04:25,400 --> 00:04:28,300 No, it just looks like it's the smoke from my cigarette. 53 00:04:29,200 --> 00:04:32,000 Did he ever actually tell you that he loved you back? 54 00:04:32,200 --> 00:04:36,500 Yes. Three, almost four times. And when I reminded him of that... 55 00:04:36,700 --> 00:04:39,000 ...he said it must have been an answer to a question. 56 00:04:39,200 --> 00:04:42,600 Which, by the way, it absolutely was not. 57 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:46,900 You know, lris, when you catch your guy with another woman... 58 00:04:47,100 --> 00:04:49,200 ...you're not supposed to stay friends with him. 59 00:04:49,400 --> 00:04:51,500 You're supposed to never talk to the prick again. 60 00:04:51,700 --> 00:04:55,000 You're supposed to throw things at him, scream, call him names. 61 00:04:55,200 --> 00:04:56,700 Not do his blooming laundry. 62 00:04:57,000 --> 00:04:58,400 I don't do his laundry. 63 00:04:58,700 --> 00:05:01,400 Did someone tell you I do his laundry? 64 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:03,800 No, no, all we do now is... 65 00:05:04,300 --> 00:05:06,500 ...we e-mail. 66 00:05:06,700 --> 00:05:08,400 Not when he's with her, of course. 67 00:05:08,600 --> 00:05:12,200 Also when he's not with her, we talk on the phone. 68 00:05:12,400 --> 00:05:16,800 Sometimes for hours. And then there's the occasional long lunch. 69 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:19,800 You know, I never realized how pathetic you are. 70 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:21,500 Really? 71 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:24,900 Oh, God. I'm so aware of it. 72 00:05:25,100 --> 00:05:27,500 They always know just how to get us, don't they? 73 00:05:27,900 --> 00:05:29,900 He knows whenever he wants back in your life... 74 00:05:30,100 --> 00:05:33,100 Actually, he has made some small comments like that recently. 75 00:05:33,300 --> 00:05:35,300 He hasn't exactly come right out and said it... 76 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:37,400 Iris, did you file your story? 77 00:05:37,600 --> 00:05:42,000 Oh, no, not yet. Down to the wire. Sorry. 78 00:05:42,600 --> 00:05:44,000 Better go. 79 00:05:46,600 --> 00:05:49,800 ...groom's best friend spoke... 80 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:54,600 ...for many guests when he said, "Hilary... 81 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:58,700 ...will open Edward's eyes... 82 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:02,300 ...and round out his life." 83 00:06:02,500 --> 00:06:05,100 Okay, l've got a question for you. 84 00:06:09,000 --> 00:06:11,400 What's it like to be the only one committed to work... 85 00:06:11,600 --> 00:06:13,200 ...while the rest of us are slumming? 86 00:06:13,400 --> 00:06:15,300 You mean what's it like to be the only one... 87 00:06:15,500 --> 00:06:17,300 ...not to finish their work on time? 88 00:06:17,500 --> 00:06:20,200 Hold on. Don't... Don't go. 89 00:06:20,700 --> 00:06:23,200 Is it fun having a brain that works that fast? 90 00:06:23,400 --> 00:06:25,300 -Shut up. -No, I mean it. 91 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:28,400 Probably a brilliant finish too. 92 00:06:28,600 --> 00:06:30,700 I assure you it's not. 93 00:06:31,900 --> 00:06:35,000 -Hi, Simpkey. -Hi. 94 00:06:37,600 --> 00:06:40,100 Your column today was fantastic. 95 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:42,800 God, I loved that line: 96 00:06:43,300 --> 00:06:48,100 "The onrushing stripping of dignity and thought from British lives." 97 00:06:48,800 --> 00:06:50,200 Great writing. 98 00:06:50,800 --> 00:06:53,000 Hey, I got you something for Christmas. 99 00:06:53,200 --> 00:06:56,700 That's convenient because I got you something too. 100 00:06:59,300 --> 00:07:02,400 Darling, I don't actually have my gift with me. 101 00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:05,700 In fact, I probably mislaid it, but I know I got you something. 102 00:07:05,900 --> 00:07:08,600 I suspect it's somewhere in my car, want to know what it is? 103 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:12,300 No. No, no, that's okay. 104 00:07:12,500 --> 00:07:14,500 I know you're gonna look hot in it. 105 00:07:15,300 --> 00:07:17,500 Well, let's hope you find it, then. 106 00:07:18,300 --> 00:07:20,600 Not exactly something hot... 107 00:07:20,800 --> 00:07:23,600 ...but happy Christmas. 108 00:07:25,500 --> 00:07:26,900 Thank you. 109 00:07:29,100 --> 00:07:31,500 I didn't think we'd get a chance to do this this year. 110 00:07:31,700 --> 00:07:34,000 Remember last Christmas, we exchanged gifts in March. 111 00:07:34,200 --> 00:07:36,000 This is good. 112 00:07:36,200 --> 00:07:37,900 We're getting better. 113 00:07:41,100 --> 00:07:42,700 You stinker. 114 00:07:45,600 --> 00:07:47,500 It's a first edition. 115 00:07:47,700 --> 00:07:49,200 Where did you find it? 116 00:07:49,400 --> 00:07:53,600 Buried in that little place we found in Covent Garden that time. 117 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:58,200 Why are you so great? 118 00:08:00,200 --> 00:08:02,800 Everyone, can I have your attention, please? 119 00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:05,400 Just a couple of minutes. Thank you. 120 00:08:06,900 --> 00:08:09,300 I hate it that we can never talk. 121 00:08:11,100 --> 00:08:12,700 Hate it. 122 00:08:12,900 --> 00:08:16,600 Well, first of all, a very happy Christmas to every one of you. 123 00:08:16,900 --> 00:08:18,000 Happy Christmas. 124 00:08:18,200 --> 00:08:21,900 Now, we're not officially closed, as you very well know. 125 00:08:22,100 --> 00:08:24,100 But we are going to try and get by this week... 126 00:08:24,300 --> 00:08:27,000 ...with a smaller-than-normal staff. 127 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:31,000 Now, before some of you rush off on holiday... 128 00:08:31,200 --> 00:08:34,900 ...I do have one rather important announcement. 129 00:08:35,100 --> 00:08:36,800 Now, this affects lris. 130 00:08:37,000 --> 00:08:40,300 -lris Simpkins, where are you? -Here, sir. 131 00:08:40,500 --> 00:08:43,200 -lris, I have a tip for you. -Excellent. 132 00:08:43,400 --> 00:08:46,600 A wedding was privately announced earlier today... 133 00:08:46,800 --> 00:08:50,200 ...that I don't believe any other paper in town knows about. 134 00:08:50,400 --> 00:08:54,900 And I want you to be the first to report on this particular union... 135 00:08:55,100 --> 00:09:00,100 ...as it is between two of our most esteemed colleagues. 136 00:09:00,300 --> 00:09:04,200 May I introduce the newly engaged Sarah Smith-Alcott... 137 00:09:04,400 --> 00:09:08,000 ...and Jasper Bloom! 138 00:09:08,700 --> 00:09:10,800 Come on. 139 00:09:21,400 --> 00:09:24,500 If I had known this was going to happen, l'd have worn my good suit. 140 00:11:23,800 --> 00:11:25,200 Amanda! 141 00:11:31,300 --> 00:11:33,000 Amanda. 142 00:11:36,100 --> 00:11:38,700 Look, may I just say again... 143 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:41,300 ...that I did not sleep with her? 144 00:11:41,500 --> 00:11:45,100 Right, because your receptionist needs to work till 3 in the morning. 145 00:11:45,300 --> 00:11:48,400 A bunch of us were working all night. She wanted to hang out. 146 00:11:48,600 --> 00:11:52,000 Okay. Then swear on my life that you didn't sleep with her. 147 00:11:52,200 --> 00:11:53,800 Come on. 148 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:55,100 Go ahead. 149 00:11:55,300 --> 00:11:57,500 Look, I don't wanna... l'm not gonna... 150 00:11:57,700 --> 00:11:59,400 Your receptionist, Ethan? 151 00:11:59,700 --> 00:12:02,100 This is why I knew we were smart never to get married. 152 00:12:02,300 --> 00:12:04,400 I told you never to get rid of your house. 153 00:12:04,600 --> 00:12:07,000 Somewhere inside I knew this about you. 154 00:12:07,200 --> 00:12:09,500 First of all, can you please calm down? 155 00:12:09,700 --> 00:12:11,300 Because I did not sleep with her. 156 00:12:11,600 --> 00:12:13,600 Secondly, we've had problems for over a year. 157 00:12:13,900 --> 00:12:16,300 And I know you don't wanna deal with that, but we have. 158 00:12:16,500 --> 00:12:19,500 Oh, I am well aware we've had problems for the last year. 159 00:12:19,700 --> 00:12:22,500 If I work a little bit too much, I never stop hearing about it. 160 00:12:22,700 --> 00:12:25,100 But if you work too much, maestro... 161 00:12:25,300 --> 00:12:28,200 -...it's for the sake of your music. -"lf" you work too much? 162 00:12:28,400 --> 00:12:30,200 Amanda, you cut 75 trailers this year. 163 00:12:30,400 --> 00:12:33,400 You put a cutting room in the house and sleep with your BlackBerry. 164 00:12:33,600 --> 00:12:35,800 And l'm not gonna have a conversation about sex... 165 00:12:36,000 --> 00:12:37,900 ...because I can't remember the last time we did it. 166 00:12:38,100 --> 00:12:40,600 Come on, nobody has time for sex. 167 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:43,300 That's not entirely true. 168 00:12:43,800 --> 00:12:46,200 That's it! You absolutely slept with her! 169 00:12:46,400 --> 00:12:48,100 Seriously, you have to get out. 170 00:12:48,300 --> 00:12:49,300 Oh, God. 171 00:12:49,500 --> 00:12:51,400 You know what I really think, Ethan? 172 00:12:51,600 --> 00:12:54,500 -I don't think you ever really loved me. -Oh, please. 173 00:12:54,700 --> 00:12:59,200 You loved the idea of you and me, but not so much me. Not me, not really. 174 00:12:59,400 --> 00:13:03,100 Look, I did the best I could. Is anybody good enough for that job? 175 00:13:05,200 --> 00:13:08,100 I will send you your things. 176 00:13:09,800 --> 00:13:11,800 You know you do this, right? 177 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:15,000 I mean, you screw up every relationship you've ever been in. 178 00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:16,700 It's what you do. 179 00:13:18,900 --> 00:13:22,000 You didn't really wanna be a couple! You resist it in your own way! 180 00:13:22,300 --> 00:13:23,500 Shut up! 181 00:13:23,700 --> 00:13:25,800 And it's hard to detect how you even do it... 182 00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:28,700 ...because nobody's quite as smart as you! 183 00:13:29,100 --> 00:13:31,100 So you're hard to catch at it. 184 00:13:31,300 --> 00:13:34,100 But it always surfaces and this is what happens. 185 00:13:34,300 --> 00:13:36,600 -What happens? -Things end. 186 00:13:36,800 --> 00:13:38,500 Just like you knew they would. 187 00:13:38,700 --> 00:13:41,900 Amanda, you know how I feel about you. There's nobody like you. 188 00:13:42,100 --> 00:13:44,000 You just don't wanna be what I need. 189 00:13:44,200 --> 00:13:45,600 -Well, not what I "need." -What? 190 00:13:45,800 --> 00:13:47,800 I mean... You know what I mean. 191 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:51,300 You know, I would never cheat on you, not under any conditions. 192 00:13:51,600 --> 00:13:53,100 Neither would l, okay? 193 00:13:53,300 --> 00:13:56,200 Look at me. I'm down here sweating like a pig. And look at you. 194 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:59,100 The only woman on Earth who breaks up with her boyfriend... 195 00:13:59,300 --> 00:14:01,500 ...and doesn't even shed a tear? 196 00:14:01,700 --> 00:14:03,700 I mean, that's gotta mean something, right? 197 00:14:03,900 --> 00:14:07,000 Why does it bug you so much that I can't cry? 198 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:11,100 Esophageal spasm. 199 00:14:11,300 --> 00:14:13,400 Oh, God, it's a big one. 200 00:14:15,000 --> 00:14:20,000 -No, it's okay. I'll be all right. -I know, I know. I'm thinking about me. 201 00:14:20,200 --> 00:14:22,700 Ethan. Look, it's over. 202 00:14:22,900 --> 00:14:25,600 You know, we might as well be honest with each other. 203 00:14:25,800 --> 00:14:27,800 Just tell me. 204 00:14:28,600 --> 00:14:30,500 Did you sleep with her? 205 00:14:31,500 --> 00:14:32,900 Just say it. 206 00:14:33,100 --> 00:14:36,700 What's the difference at this point, right? I mean, why torture me? 207 00:14:37,400 --> 00:14:40,100 Just put me out of my misery. 208 00:14:41,500 --> 00:14:44,100 -What are we doing here...? -Okay. 209 00:14:48,400 --> 00:14:53,000 Yes, okay? I slept with her. Are you happy? 210 00:14:53,200 --> 00:14:57,300 I've been sleeping with her. She's in love with me. She's young. 211 00:14:57,500 --> 00:15:00,300 Look, this is not a proud moment for me. 212 00:15:00,500 --> 00:15:02,400 I mean, you should just know that. 213 00:15:04,800 --> 00:15:06,800 Amanda! 214 00:15:14,400 --> 00:15:15,800 Did you say, am I happy? 215 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:19,300 I didn't mean that. You get me nuts sometimes, I say things I don't mean. 216 00:15:19,500 --> 00:15:21,300 In the world of love, Ethan... 217 00:15:21,500 --> 00:15:23,200 ...not that l'm such a genius at it... 218 00:15:23,400 --> 00:15:26,400 ...but in the world of love, cheating is not acceptable. 219 00:15:26,600 --> 00:15:28,000 No matter what you think... 220 00:15:28,200 --> 00:15:32,000 I know you have a very high opinion of yourself, but this isn't all me. 221 00:15:32,200 --> 00:15:34,800 -Okay. -So when you're not in such a rage... 222 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:37,400 -...I think you'll see that too. -Yeah, maybe. 223 00:15:37,600 --> 00:15:41,200 Maybe when I stop having visions of you two together... 224 00:15:41,400 --> 00:15:43,100 ...I will see your side. 225 00:15:47,600 --> 00:15:49,000 You gotta be... 226 00:15:57,900 --> 00:15:59,700 Punched him in the face. 227 00:16:03,400 --> 00:16:05,600 -ls this a bad time? -No, no, l'm just... 228 00:16:05,800 --> 00:16:08,000 -l'm just flipping out a little bit. -Oh, okay. 229 00:16:08,200 --> 00:16:11,300 God. Okay... No. I'm okay. God, why would this happen? 230 00:16:11,500 --> 00:16:13,600 No. You know what? I'm all right. 231 00:16:14,600 --> 00:16:16,100 Hi. 232 00:16:16,900 --> 00:16:18,400 What's up? 233 00:16:18,800 --> 00:16:19,900 Ben needs you. 234 00:16:20,300 --> 00:16:22,800 Rebecca Green was just your average 20-year-old. 235 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:27,200 Until the father she never knew left her something she never expected. 236 00:16:27,400 --> 00:16:29,100 Don't scream. 237 00:16:29,300 --> 00:16:31,700 -Your father left you something. -I never met my father. 238 00:16:31,900 --> 00:16:34,600 -Now you know he was interesting. -Lindsay Lohan. 239 00:16:34,800 --> 00:16:36,900 James Franco. 240 00:16:39,200 --> 00:16:41,000 -Deception. -You happen to have two guns? 241 00:16:41,200 --> 00:16:43,100 I didn't think one would be enough. 242 00:16:43,300 --> 00:16:44,500 Christmas Day. 243 00:16:45,500 --> 00:16:47,700 Amazing! It finally looks like a hit. 244 00:16:47,900 --> 00:16:49,700 And that is why they pay you the big bucks. 245 00:16:49,900 --> 00:16:52,500 I think we should go back to the original cut on the end. 246 00:16:52,700 --> 00:16:54,300 -lt's so much stronger. -I agree. 247 00:16:54,500 --> 00:16:56,800 And make "Christmas Day" twice as big... 248 00:16:57,000 --> 00:17:00,500 ...but try it in a red. Like a happy red, not like a Scorsese red. 249 00:17:00,700 --> 00:17:02,100 Happy red. 250 00:17:04,700 --> 00:17:06,300 Okay, so we're done. 251 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:08,900 -Great. -All right. 252 00:17:09,100 --> 00:17:12,600 Hey, you know, let's just take off for a few weeks. 253 00:17:12,900 --> 00:17:15,200 -Yeah. -What do you mean? I'm not kidding. 254 00:17:15,400 --> 00:17:18,200 You always say that this is our busiest time. 255 00:17:18,400 --> 00:17:20,400 I need to get out of town. 256 00:17:20,600 --> 00:17:23,000 You know? I think I need some peace and quiet... 257 00:17:23,200 --> 00:17:25,900 ...or whatever it is people go away for. 258 00:17:26,100 --> 00:17:27,900 You know what I really wanna do? 259 00:17:28,100 --> 00:17:30,400 I wanna eat carbs without wanting to kill myself. 260 00:17:30,600 --> 00:17:35,900 I wanna read a book. Not just a magazine. An actual book. 261 00:17:36,100 --> 00:17:40,200 For years, I read these reviews, I buy the books, but I never read them. 262 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:43,200 Did you read that article in The New York Times last Sunday? 263 00:17:43,400 --> 00:17:46,400 Severe stress makes women age prematurely... 264 00:17:46,700 --> 00:17:49,100 ...because stress causes DNA in our cells to shrink... 265 00:17:49,300 --> 00:17:51,000 ...until they can no longer replicate. 266 00:17:51,200 --> 00:17:53,100 So when we're stressed, we look haggard. 267 00:17:53,300 --> 00:17:56,400 -This is just women, not men. -l'm sorry. 268 00:17:56,600 --> 00:17:57,700 They used to say that... 269 00:17:57,900 --> 00:18:01,100 ...single women over 35 were more likely to be killed by a terrorist... 270 00:18:01,300 --> 00:18:03,100 ...than to get married. That was horrible. 271 00:18:03,300 --> 00:18:06,200 But now our generation is also not getting married. 272 00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:09,700 And bonus, real terrorists actually became part of our lives. 273 00:18:09,900 --> 00:18:13,400 So the stress of it all shows up on our faces, making us look haggard. 274 00:18:13,600 --> 00:18:15,800 While Ethan goes on looking cute forever... 275 00:18:16,100 --> 00:18:18,700 ...shtupping his 24-year-old receptionist! 276 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:21,000 Oh, my God! 277 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:22,800 See what I mean? 278 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,500 I need a vacation. 279 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:28,500 Okay, where do I wanna go? 280 00:18:28,700 --> 00:18:32,400 By myself at Christmas. 281 00:18:33,100 --> 00:18:36,000 By myself depressed at Christmas. 282 00:18:37,200 --> 00:18:39,900 All alone on vacation. 283 00:18:41,500 --> 00:18:44,400 Alone, alone. 284 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:47,100 Totally alone. 285 00:19:02,200 --> 00:19:05,000 Please, just give me one. 286 00:19:05,200 --> 00:19:06,500 One tear. 287 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:17,400 Okay. Moving on. 288 00:19:19,400 --> 00:19:21,200 "Worry-Free vacations." 289 00:19:21,400 --> 00:19:23,300 Good. Where's that? 290 00:19:24,100 --> 00:19:25,300 Bora Bora. 291 00:19:26,300 --> 00:19:29,000 "Kayak for one?" No, thank you. 292 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:32,700 "vacation Rentals." I could do that. 293 00:19:32,900 --> 00:19:35,900 Hole up in a house somewhere. Disappear for a few weeks. 294 00:19:36,100 --> 00:19:37,600 I like that idea. 295 00:19:37,800 --> 00:19:40,200 "Where do you wanna go on your next vacation?" 296 00:19:40,400 --> 00:19:41,900 "Click here and pick a country." 297 00:19:42,800 --> 00:19:44,400 Where do they speak English? 298 00:19:46,500 --> 00:19:48,000 "Click on a town or city." 299 00:19:48,200 --> 00:19:50,000 Let's see. Cotswolds. 300 00:19:51,100 --> 00:19:53,900 "Barn converted to modern house in the beautiful Cotswolds." 301 00:19:54,800 --> 00:19:57,300 Which looks exactly like the valley. 302 00:19:57,900 --> 00:20:00,200 Surrey. "Christmas in the country." 303 00:20:00,400 --> 00:20:04,400 "A fairy-tale English cottage set in a tranquil country garden. 304 00:20:04,700 --> 00:20:09,300 Snuggle up by an old stone fireplace and enjoy a cup of cocoa. 305 00:20:09,500 --> 00:20:13,500 An enchanting oasis of tranquility in a quiet English hamlet... 306 00:20:13,700 --> 00:20:16,900 ...just 40 minutes from exciting London." 307 00:20:18,400 --> 00:20:19,800 Yeah. 308 00:21:05,800 --> 00:21:07,900 What am I doing? 309 00:21:13,400 --> 00:21:15,300 Low point. 310 00:21:15,900 --> 00:21:17,600 Low point. 311 00:21:26,000 --> 00:21:29,300 "l'm interested... Renting your house. 312 00:21:30,800 --> 00:21:34,100 I'm wondering if your house is available this Christmas. 313 00:21:34,300 --> 00:21:39,000 Because if it is, you could be a real lifesaver." 314 00:21:43,500 --> 00:21:44,900 "l know it's late to be asking... 315 00:21:45,100 --> 00:21:48,300 ...but if you're at all interested, please contact me." 316 00:21:54,800 --> 00:21:58,500 "l'm very interested, but the cottage is only available for home exchange." 317 00:21:58,700 --> 00:22:00,000 "Home exchange"? What is that? 318 00:22:00,900 --> 00:22:03,300 "We switch houses, cars, everything. 319 00:22:03,800 --> 00:22:05,700 I haven't done it before, but friends have." 320 00:22:06,800 --> 00:22:08,800 Where are you? 321 00:22:10,600 --> 00:22:13,200 Please say somewhere far away. 322 00:22:15,500 --> 00:22:17,100 "L.A." 323 00:22:19,700 --> 00:22:22,400 Never been there. Always wanted to go. 324 00:22:22,900 --> 00:22:24,800 I'm lris, by the way. 325 00:22:25,700 --> 00:22:27,700 I'm very normal. 326 00:22:28,500 --> 00:22:33,100 Neat freak. Healthy. Non-smoker. 327 00:22:34,000 --> 00:22:35,100 Single. 328 00:22:37,400 --> 00:22:39,600 Hate my horrible life. 329 00:22:39,800 --> 00:22:42,000 I'm Amanda. 330 00:22:42,300 --> 00:22:44,400 Loner, loser and complicated wreck. 331 00:22:44,600 --> 00:22:46,300 Hi. 332 00:22:46,800 --> 00:22:48,300 Hi. 333 00:22:52,000 --> 00:22:53,400 I must say... 334 00:22:54,100 --> 00:22:56,200 ...your house looks idyllic. 335 00:22:56,400 --> 00:22:59,200 "Just what I need." Really? 336 00:22:59,900 --> 00:23:02,600 What does your place look like? 337 00:23:02,800 --> 00:23:06,500 My place is nice, but it's a little bigger than yours. 338 00:23:23,200 --> 00:23:25,700 "Are there any men in your town?" 339 00:23:28,400 --> 00:23:30,000 Honestly? 340 00:23:56,100 --> 00:23:57,900 "Tomorrow's perfect." 341 00:24:03,700 --> 00:24:08,400 Okay. We are on for two weeks... 342 00:24:08,600 --> 00:24:10,000 ...starting tomorrow. 343 00:24:22,900 --> 00:24:23,800 Hi. 344 00:24:25,400 --> 00:24:27,300 -Hi. -How are you? 345 00:24:28,400 --> 00:24:31,700 -Fine. -Honey, we're sitting there. 346 00:24:33,800 --> 00:24:35,300 Sorry. 347 00:24:39,300 --> 00:24:41,800 Oh, yes. There it is. 348 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:44,900 -Well, hello, dear. -Hello. 349 00:24:45,100 --> 00:24:46,600 Excuse me. 350 00:24:47,500 --> 00:24:49,200 There we go. 351 00:24:50,100 --> 00:24:51,700 -l'm so sorry. -No, no, it's okay. 352 00:24:51,900 --> 00:24:53,600 -Did you step on her foot? -lt's okay. 353 00:24:53,800 --> 00:24:55,300 Oh, dear. Clumsy me. 354 00:26:25,100 --> 00:26:29,200 Amanda Woods is proud to present Her Life. 355 00:26:29,400 --> 00:26:31,400 -She had it all; -Yes, that's it. 356 00:26:31,600 --> 00:26:33,600 The job. The house. 357 00:26:34,500 --> 00:26:35,600 The guy. 358 00:26:35,800 --> 00:26:37,200 This holiday season... 359 00:26:38,200 --> 00:26:41,700 ...find out what Amanda doesn't have. 360 00:27:19,300 --> 00:27:21,100 This is amazing, this is amazing! 361 00:27:22,600 --> 00:27:23,800 Oh, look at that. 362 00:27:53,600 --> 00:27:55,100 Madam? 363 00:27:57,300 --> 00:27:58,300 Madam? 364 00:28:00,800 --> 00:28:02,200 -Madam? -Yeah. 365 00:28:02,400 --> 00:28:03,600 -We're here. -Okay. 366 00:28:14,300 --> 00:28:15,400 This can't be it. 367 00:28:16,100 --> 00:28:17,900 No, it's just down that lane. 368 00:28:18,100 --> 00:28:21,700 But the thing is, l'll never be able to turn this around at the other end. 369 00:28:21,900 --> 00:28:23,600 Think you can make it from here? 370 00:28:25,200 --> 00:28:26,700 No. 371 00:28:47,700 --> 00:28:51,400 Hey. You wouldn't happen to know where Rosehill Cottage is? 372 00:28:51,600 --> 00:28:54,700 Go right at the bridge, and then just keep going. Way down there. 373 00:29:16,100 --> 00:29:17,500 Okay. 374 00:29:21,500 --> 00:29:22,500 I'm here! 375 00:29:39,600 --> 00:29:41,800 Holy shit. 376 00:30:04,100 --> 00:30:07,300 Oh, my God! 377 00:30:50,200 --> 00:30:53,100 Okay, that'll be interesting. 378 00:30:59,800 --> 00:31:03,700 Get in the... Get in there. Okay. 379 00:31:04,000 --> 00:31:05,500 Cute dress. 380 00:31:07,000 --> 00:31:09,000 Oh, suitcase. 381 00:31:16,000 --> 00:31:17,600 Okay. 382 00:31:20,000 --> 00:31:21,700 Now what? 383 00:31:24,400 --> 00:31:25,500 I can do this. 384 00:31:26,000 --> 00:31:28,400 I can drive on the wrong side of the road... 385 00:31:28,600 --> 00:31:30,100 ...and the wrong side of the car. 386 00:31:30,300 --> 00:31:32,400 Just stay focused. 387 00:31:32,600 --> 00:31:35,700 Oh, please do not hit me! 388 00:31:39,000 --> 00:31:40,500 Okay, I hate this. 389 00:31:45,300 --> 00:31:46,200 Oh, God. 390 00:31:46,700 --> 00:31:49,000 Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. 391 00:31:56,600 --> 00:31:58,000 -Move out of the way! -Watch it! 392 00:31:58,200 --> 00:32:00,300 Sorry. Stop! 393 00:32:01,100 --> 00:32:02,600 Oh, God. 394 00:32:06,500 --> 00:32:08,300 I need a drink. 395 00:32:29,600 --> 00:32:31,100 Someone's having a party tonight. 396 00:32:33,300 --> 00:32:34,900 Oh, yeah. 397 00:32:35,100 --> 00:32:37,300 -They went to the shops. -Didn't see anything. 398 00:32:39,100 --> 00:32:42,100 Came home, and had a bit of a kiss and cuddle. 399 00:32:42,300 --> 00:32:43,200 The end. 400 00:32:43,500 --> 00:32:46,400 Rebecca Green was just your average 20-year-old. 401 00:32:46,600 --> 00:32:48,300 Until the father she never knew... 402 00:32:48,500 --> 00:32:50,500 ...Ieft her something she never expected. 403 00:32:50,800 --> 00:32:53,700 - You happen to have two guns? -I didn't think one would be enough. 404 00:32:53,900 --> 00:32:56,000 Deception. Christmas Day. 405 00:32:56,500 --> 00:33:00,700 And that's why they pay me the big bucks. 406 00:33:00,900 --> 00:33:03,700 And now the weather. First, Nort.hern England and Nort.h Wales... 407 00:33:03,900 --> 00:33:07,000 ...will have sleet or snow in the morning and again later in the day. 408 00:34:55,200 --> 00:34:56,200 Blinked. 409 00:35:38,100 --> 00:35:39,500 Oh, that's intense. 410 00:35:46,400 --> 00:35:48,100 Oh, no. "Gate"? 411 00:35:54,400 --> 00:35:56,500 -Who was he with? -Maggie. 412 00:35:56,700 --> 00:35:59,000 -The flutes. This is the best part. -One second. 413 00:35:59,400 --> 00:36:01,300 Hello... Hello? 414 00:36:03,400 --> 00:36:06,000 -Hello? Can you hear me? -Yeah, it's Miles. Amanda? 415 00:36:06,200 --> 00:36:08,700 No, l'm sorry. Amanda's not here, l'm afraid. 416 00:36:08,900 --> 00:36:12,600 I'm trying to figure out how to open the gate. Oh, fu... 417 00:36:13,800 --> 00:36:14,800 very nice. 418 00:36:15,500 --> 00:36:17,900 If you heard that, I'm sorry. 419 00:36:23,100 --> 00:36:24,400 -Hi. -Hi. 420 00:36:24,600 --> 00:36:26,800 I'm so sorry. I'm new at the gate thing. 421 00:36:27,000 --> 00:36:28,500 It's okay. It was pretty funny. 422 00:36:30,400 --> 00:36:32,000 I'm Miles. I work with Ethan. 423 00:36:32,900 --> 00:36:33,800 Ethan? 424 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:36,500 -Amanda's ex. -Oh, right. 425 00:36:37,100 --> 00:36:38,200 Right. 426 00:36:38,400 --> 00:36:40,700 Know when she'll be back? Supposed to pick up things. 427 00:36:40,900 --> 00:36:42,900 Amanda's in England, actually, on holiday. 428 00:36:43,100 --> 00:36:44,600 I'm staying here while she's away. 429 00:36:46,800 --> 00:36:49,200 -You okay? -Yes. 430 00:36:49,400 --> 00:36:51,300 Yeah, something just blew into my eye. 431 00:36:51,500 --> 00:36:53,700 Oh, I hate that. Let me see. 432 00:36:53,900 --> 00:36:57,200 Yep, you got something in your eyelash. You want me to get it? 433 00:36:58,700 --> 00:37:00,700 -Okay. -Okay. 434 00:37:00,900 --> 00:37:03,200 -Yeah, Santa Anas. -Pardon? 435 00:37:03,400 --> 00:37:05,800 The wind. It's what makes it so warm this time of year. 436 00:37:06,600 --> 00:37:08,900 Legend has it, when the Santa Anas blow... 437 00:37:09,100 --> 00:37:11,100 ...all bets are off. Anything can happen. 438 00:37:11,800 --> 00:37:14,800 That's it. You okay? 439 00:37:16,100 --> 00:37:18,600 Better. Thank you. 440 00:37:22,800 --> 00:37:25,100 So you needed to...? 441 00:37:25,300 --> 00:37:26,900 Pick up Ethan's laptop. 442 00:37:27,900 --> 00:37:29,400 And you're his...? 443 00:37:29,600 --> 00:37:32,000 Oh, well, l'm a film composer, too, like Ethan, but... 444 00:37:32,200 --> 00:37:34,900 -Did you compose this? It's beautiful. -This? 445 00:37:35,100 --> 00:37:36,700 Yes, I did. I wrote this. 446 00:37:36,900 --> 00:37:39,200 No, I didn't. I wish I did. 447 00:37:39,400 --> 00:37:42,500 This is the great Ennio Morricone. 448 00:37:43,000 --> 00:37:44,500 Would you mind coming back tomorrow? 449 00:37:44,700 --> 00:37:46,900 I just want to check this with Amanda's assistant. 450 00:37:47,100 --> 00:37:48,100 Sure. 451 00:37:48,300 --> 00:37:50,200 -l'm lris, by the way. -Miles. 452 00:37:50,700 --> 00:37:52,900 -Right. -And this is my Maggie. 453 00:37:53,100 --> 00:37:57,100 I mean, just Maggie. Not "my" Maggie. 454 00:37:57,300 --> 00:37:59,100 -Hello. -Hey. 455 00:37:59,300 --> 00:38:00,800 -Are you ready? -Yeah. 456 00:38:01,000 --> 00:38:02,600 Okay. 457 00:38:04,500 --> 00:38:06,000 Don't blow away. 458 00:38:06,700 --> 00:38:08,100 I won't. 459 00:38:42,400 --> 00:38:44,400 Anything can happen. 460 00:38:50,600 --> 00:38:56,400 Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. One a.m. in London. 461 00:39:40,600 --> 00:39:41,600 Who is it? 462 00:39:41,800 --> 00:39:44,000 It's me. Hurry up. It's freezing. 463 00:39:44,900 --> 00:39:47,000 -Who are you? -lris, open the door... 464 00:39:47,200 --> 00:39:49,700 ...or I swear l'm gonna take a leak all over your... 465 00:39:53,900 --> 00:39:55,600 You're not lris. 466 00:39:56,300 --> 00:39:59,000 Or if you are, l'm much drunker than I realized. 467 00:39:59,200 --> 00:40:01,000 I'm sorry for my profanity. 468 00:40:01,200 --> 00:40:03,900 I wasn't expecting you. 469 00:40:04,500 --> 00:40:07,700 Well, I wasn't expecting you either. 470 00:40:09,000 --> 00:40:10,200 Nevertheless, may I just...? 471 00:40:11,900 --> 00:40:15,000 Yeah. Of course. Sure. You had to... Yeah. 472 00:40:15,900 --> 00:40:18,200 I'm Graham. Iris' brother. 473 00:40:18,700 --> 00:40:20,500 Brother. 474 00:40:20,700 --> 00:40:22,600 I'm Amanda Woods. I'm staying here. 475 00:40:23,000 --> 00:40:24,700 Amandawoods? Is that all one word? 476 00:40:25,800 --> 00:40:27,800 No. No, it's not. 477 00:40:28,300 --> 00:40:30,500 Brother? Oh, my God. 478 00:40:34,400 --> 00:40:37,100 So lris is... Where is...? Where is she? 479 00:40:37,300 --> 00:40:38,600 She didn't tell you? 480 00:40:38,800 --> 00:40:42,000 She could have done... 481 00:40:43,500 --> 00:40:45,900 ...but as previously stated... 482 00:40:46,100 --> 00:40:49,600 ...I'm... l've just... l've been... 483 00:40:49,800 --> 00:40:52,100 She's in Los Angeles. 484 00:40:52,300 --> 00:40:55,600 That's not possible. Iris never goes anywhere. 485 00:40:55,800 --> 00:40:57,900 Well, we have that in common. 486 00:40:58,100 --> 00:41:01,900 No, she listed this cottage on a home-exchange website and I found it. 487 00:41:02,100 --> 00:41:05,100 We switched houses for two weeks. For the holiday. 488 00:41:05,400 --> 00:41:09,100 She's in L.A. at my house and l'm here. 489 00:41:09,600 --> 00:41:11,800 -People actually do that? -Apparently. 490 00:41:12,000 --> 00:41:15,500 Yeah. I mean, it seems. Here I am in my pajamas. 491 00:41:16,000 --> 00:41:19,200 She did ring me last night. I didn't get a chance to get back to her. 492 00:41:19,400 --> 00:41:21,300 I feel awful now. 493 00:41:23,700 --> 00:41:26,300 Would you mind if I sat? I feel like I might bump into you. 494 00:41:26,500 --> 00:41:28,800 Sure. Yeah. Sit. 495 00:41:34,500 --> 00:41:35,700 You okay? 496 00:41:35,900 --> 00:41:38,100 Yeah, l'm good. 497 00:41:39,300 --> 00:41:41,100 Look, l'm sorry about the intrusion. 498 00:41:41,800 --> 00:41:44,900 Although I may not appear it, I am in fact lris'... 499 00:41:45,100 --> 00:41:47,400 ...semi-respectable big brother. 500 00:41:48,300 --> 00:41:51,200 But on the rare... Or lately not-so-rare occasion... 501 00:41:51,400 --> 00:41:53,800 ...that I frequent the local pub... 502 00:41:54,000 --> 00:41:57,400 ...and get inordinately pissed, my little sister puts me up... 503 00:41:57,800 --> 00:41:59,400 ...so I don't get behind the wheel. 504 00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:04,600 Pathetic explanation, but unfortunately it's become a bit of a routine. 505 00:42:06,300 --> 00:42:08,200 So how's it going so far? 506 00:42:08,400 --> 00:42:11,000 I mean, up until I showed up and ruined your night. 507 00:42:11,200 --> 00:42:14,600 Well, it's not going so great. 508 00:42:14,800 --> 00:42:16,800 Yeah, l'm leaving tomorrow on a noon plane. 509 00:42:18,400 --> 00:42:19,500 When did you get here? 510 00:42:21,600 --> 00:42:23,100 About six hours ago. 511 00:42:23,300 --> 00:42:25,900 We've made a great impression on you, haven't we? 512 00:42:26,100 --> 00:42:27,800 No, it's not that. It's just that... 513 00:42:28,000 --> 00:42:30,200 You know, l'm not quite myself right now. 514 00:42:30,400 --> 00:42:32,100 I came here on a stupid whim. 515 00:42:32,300 --> 00:42:35,600 Honestly, l've never thought about anything less. It's very unlike me. 516 00:42:36,400 --> 00:42:38,600 Would you like something to drink? 517 00:42:38,800 --> 00:42:41,600 Glass of water? Tea? 518 00:42:41,800 --> 00:42:42,800 Wine, maybe? 519 00:42:43,700 --> 00:42:47,700 I think there's a bottle of brandy. Fancy a glass? 520 00:42:49,300 --> 00:42:51,000 -Sure. -Good. 521 00:42:52,600 --> 00:42:56,700 So... I'm sorry, l've totally blanked and forgotten your name. 522 00:42:56,900 --> 00:42:58,300 Amanda. 523 00:42:58,500 --> 00:42:59,900 So, Amanda... 524 00:43:00,100 --> 00:43:01,500 ...you're not married, are you? 525 00:43:02,400 --> 00:43:04,200 Why? Do I look not married? 526 00:43:04,400 --> 00:43:08,700 No. It was just a backwards way of asking if you were married. 527 00:43:08,900 --> 00:43:10,800 No, not at all. 528 00:43:12,500 --> 00:43:14,600 I don't know what that means. 529 00:43:15,200 --> 00:43:17,400 I mean, no, l'm not married. 530 00:43:20,100 --> 00:43:21,000 Me neither. 531 00:43:24,100 --> 00:43:26,600 -Cheers. -Cheers. 532 00:43:35,200 --> 00:43:36,700 So is it horrible if I stay? 533 00:43:36,900 --> 00:43:38,800 I'll be gone before you even wake up. 534 00:43:39,000 --> 00:43:41,300 I promise you will never lay eyes on me again. 535 00:43:43,900 --> 00:43:46,400 Of... No, that's fine. Sure. 536 00:43:46,600 --> 00:43:48,900 -Thank you. -Let me just get you a blanket. 537 00:43:49,100 --> 00:43:51,400 In the cupboard, on top of the Scrabble. 538 00:43:53,600 --> 00:43:59,000 So why is it you aren't quite yourself at the moment? 539 00:43:59,300 --> 00:44:03,700 Well, I just broke up with someone. 540 00:44:03,900 --> 00:44:05,300 Yesterday. 541 00:44:05,500 --> 00:44:07,100 And I guess what I was feeling... 542 00:44:07,300 --> 00:44:09,700 ...was that I didn't wanna be alone over the holidays. 543 00:44:09,900 --> 00:44:11,600 I thought that if I was somewhere else... 544 00:44:11,800 --> 00:44:13,300 ...I wouldn't realize I was alone. 545 00:44:13,500 --> 00:44:15,800 Then I got here and never felt more alone in my life. 546 00:44:16,000 --> 00:44:17,800 Big surprise. 547 00:44:18,000 --> 00:44:19,800 Bet you're glad you knocked on this door. 548 00:44:20,000 --> 00:44:22,100 I am, actually. 549 00:44:24,900 --> 00:44:26,800 Yeah, well... 550 00:44:27,800 --> 00:44:31,400 Sorry and good night. 551 00:44:31,600 --> 00:44:33,300 Sweet dreams. 552 00:44:39,200 --> 00:44:41,800 Do you think you could...? 553 00:44:42,700 --> 00:44:44,400 Would you mind... 554 00:44:45,300 --> 00:44:46,500 ...trying that again? 555 00:44:59,500 --> 00:45:01,000 Bad? 556 00:45:03,400 --> 00:45:04,500 Weird. 557 00:45:07,500 --> 00:45:09,200 Kissing a total stranger. 558 00:45:09,400 --> 00:45:12,200 Really? I do it all the time. 559 00:45:14,700 --> 00:45:16,500 Let me try this. 560 00:45:27,300 --> 00:45:29,400 Maybe if I closed my eyes. 561 00:45:47,400 --> 00:45:51,000 You know, given that l'm in a bit of a personal crisis... 562 00:45:51,200 --> 00:45:54,900 ...and I find myself in a total stranger's home... 563 00:45:55,100 --> 00:45:57,700 ...in a town that I can't actually remember the name of... 564 00:45:57,900 --> 00:46:00,300 ...and considering that you showed up... 565 00:46:00,500 --> 00:46:03,500 ...and you're, like, insanely good-looking... 566 00:46:03,800 --> 00:46:07,000 ...and really drunk and probably won't remember me anyway... 567 00:46:07,300 --> 00:46:10,700 ...I'm thinking... 568 00:46:10,900 --> 00:46:12,900 ...we should have sex. 569 00:46:13,700 --> 00:46:15,100 If you want. 570 00:46:16,700 --> 00:46:18,300 Is that a trick question? 571 00:46:19,300 --> 00:46:21,800 I'm actually serious. 572 00:46:22,300 --> 00:46:26,100 And not that it matters, but l've never said anything like that in my entire life. 573 00:46:26,700 --> 00:46:27,900 It's just that this whole... 574 00:46:28,100 --> 00:46:31,900 ...knowing-l'll-never-see-you-again thing is kind of exciting. 575 00:46:32,100 --> 00:46:34,200 I mean, this is what a vacation's supposed to be. 576 00:46:34,400 --> 00:46:37,400 You're supposed to vacate life, do the unexpected. And you are... 577 00:46:38,200 --> 00:46:40,600 ...definitely unexpected. 578 00:46:40,900 --> 00:46:43,400 This all sounded wonderful till I became the cabana boy. 579 00:46:44,300 --> 00:46:46,400 And you're funny, which is, like, a bonus. 580 00:46:46,600 --> 00:46:48,300 Yeah? Never meet me when l'm sober. 581 00:46:48,800 --> 00:46:50,300 Deal. 582 00:46:55,700 --> 00:46:57,600 Oh, also, I should warn you. 583 00:46:58,300 --> 00:47:00,800 I'm not very good at this. 584 00:47:01,000 --> 00:47:02,600 "This" being...? 585 00:47:03,200 --> 00:47:06,400 -Sex. -Okay. Now, that cannot be true. 586 00:47:06,600 --> 00:47:09,900 Nevertheless, the guy that I lived with mentioned it once or twice... 587 00:47:10,100 --> 00:47:13,800 ...and a girl does not forget a comment like that. Not even me. 588 00:47:24,300 --> 00:47:26,100 I mean, how bad could I be? 589 00:47:26,300 --> 00:47:30,600 Sex is pretty basic, right? Am l pretty much talking you out of this? 590 00:47:30,800 --> 00:47:32,600 Strangely, not at all. 591 00:47:32,800 --> 00:47:34,900 How do you feel about foreplay? 592 00:47:35,600 --> 00:47:37,500 I think it's overrated. 593 00:47:37,700 --> 00:47:40,900 Significantly overrated. 594 00:47:41,300 --> 00:47:46,200 You are quickly becoming one of the most interesting girls l've ever met. 595 00:47:56,600 --> 00:47:58,100 Look at you. 596 00:47:58,300 --> 00:48:01,300 You're already better than you think. 597 00:48:16,400 --> 00:48:18,500 -Good morning. -Good morning. 598 00:48:18,800 --> 00:48:22,700 I lost my contacts last night somehow. 599 00:48:26,400 --> 00:48:28,400 -Much better. -Yeah. 600 00:48:29,300 --> 00:48:30,400 Can I help you with that? 601 00:48:30,800 --> 00:48:33,200 I should know how to do this. 602 00:48:37,300 --> 00:48:41,100 You're supposed to plug them in over here. Right. 603 00:48:49,200 --> 00:48:52,200 -So, Amanda, I just really... -Yeah. You know... 604 00:48:52,400 --> 00:48:55,800 ...Iisten, you don't have to worry about a thing here. Okay? 605 00:48:57,800 --> 00:48:58,700 Okay. 606 00:48:59,000 --> 00:49:02,900 I mean, it was great meeting you and everything. 607 00:49:04,000 --> 00:49:09,100 Definitely. Also, for the record, your ex-boyfriend is, in my opinion... 608 00:49:09,300 --> 00:49:11,800 ...extremely mistaken about you. 609 00:49:12,200 --> 00:49:13,600 Well, yeah, you were drunk. 610 00:49:14,200 --> 00:49:16,600 -Not that drunk. -Yeah. 611 00:49:17,400 --> 00:49:19,100 Oh, that's mine. 612 00:49:19,600 --> 00:49:22,400 Sophie. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look. 613 00:49:23,300 --> 00:49:24,800 I'll call her back. 614 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:32,000 Coffee cups. 615 00:49:34,100 --> 00:49:37,100 -Here. -Thank you. 616 00:49:38,300 --> 00:49:39,300 You don't want one? 617 00:49:39,900 --> 00:49:42,200 I should probably be going. 618 00:49:44,700 --> 00:49:48,600 Oh, yeah. You know, I gotta get going in a few minutes myself. 619 00:49:48,800 --> 00:49:51,400 So listen. 620 00:49:51,600 --> 00:49:54,200 I know you're leaving and absolutely not interested... 621 00:49:54,400 --> 00:49:57,300 ...in getting involved, but just so you know... 622 00:49:57,500 --> 00:50:00,600 ...things in my life are a little bit complicated... 623 00:50:00,800 --> 00:50:03,100 ...and even if you were staying, I can promise you... 624 00:50:03,300 --> 00:50:05,900 -...you wouldn't... -You really don't have to do this. 625 00:50:06,100 --> 00:50:09,600 Look, l'm sort of a mess in this area myself. 626 00:50:09,800 --> 00:50:13,700 And anyway, I mean, honestly, we hardly know each other. 627 00:50:14,600 --> 00:50:16,200 Well, I wouldn't exactly say that... 628 00:50:16,400 --> 00:50:20,600 ...but I just want to assure you, you're better off. I'm... 629 00:50:21,400 --> 00:50:22,300 -l'm... -Okay. 630 00:50:25,200 --> 00:50:26,700 No need to go on. Right. 631 00:50:26,900 --> 00:50:30,900 Well, I just want to be sure you are okay because somehow... 632 00:50:31,100 --> 00:50:36,100 ...I find I tend to hurt women simply by being myself, so... 633 00:50:36,300 --> 00:50:39,300 I'm not going to fall in love with you, I promise. 634 00:50:40,100 --> 00:50:42,500 Okay. Nicely put. Thank you. 635 00:50:42,700 --> 00:50:47,100 No, it's just that I know myself. I'm not sure I even fall in love. 636 00:50:47,300 --> 00:50:49,400 Not like the way other people do. 637 00:50:50,300 --> 00:50:51,900 How's that for something to admit? 638 00:50:53,500 --> 00:50:56,200 Well, like I said, Most lnteresting Girl Award. 639 00:50:57,600 --> 00:51:00,400 I'm gonna try to see that as a compliment. 640 00:51:00,600 --> 00:51:03,700 You should. Absolutely. 641 00:51:07,400 --> 00:51:08,800 Right. 642 00:51:10,200 --> 00:51:13,000 Okay, then. Well... 643 00:51:13,200 --> 00:51:16,300 Utter honesty. very refreshing. 644 00:51:16,900 --> 00:51:20,000 Well, you probably won't be hearing from me... 645 00:51:20,200 --> 00:51:22,800 ...because even if you wanted to, and you clearly don't... 646 00:51:23,000 --> 00:51:26,000 ...I have the classic male problem of no follow-through. 647 00:51:26,200 --> 00:51:29,200 Absolutely never remember to call after a date. 648 00:51:32,500 --> 00:51:35,900 But since this wasn't a date I guess l'm off the hook. 649 00:51:37,200 --> 00:51:38,200 Exactly. 650 00:51:41,900 --> 00:51:43,700 But what if I wanted to call you? 651 00:51:46,900 --> 00:51:50,100 Right. Sorry. Apparently not the right thing to say at all. 652 00:51:51,000 --> 00:51:53,900 Well, if your flight's canceled or for some reason... 653 00:51:54,100 --> 00:51:57,100 ...you change your mind, l'm having dinner with some friends... 654 00:51:57,300 --> 00:51:58,400 ...at the pub tonight. 655 00:52:01,000 --> 00:52:02,400 And... 656 00:52:03,600 --> 00:52:08,100 ...if not, then, well... 657 00:52:10,000 --> 00:52:11,500 ...you're lovely. 658 00:52:16,300 --> 00:52:18,200 So are you. 659 00:52:27,900 --> 00:52:32,200 Attention passengers, this is the final boarding call... 660 00:52:32,400 --> 00:52:35,500 ...for British Airways flight 42. 661 00:52:42,500 --> 00:52:44,300 Amanda wasn't looking for love... 662 00:52:45,700 --> 00:52:49,300 ...but that doesn't mean it didn't find her. 663 00:52:49,500 --> 00:52:51,000 Well, ma'am, you're good to go. 664 00:52:52,700 --> 00:52:53,900 Thank you. 665 00:53:20,300 --> 00:53:23,600 Thank you, Amanda. 666 00:53:45,100 --> 00:53:46,400 Hello? 667 00:53:46,600 --> 00:53:47,700 Where am I finding you? 668 00:53:50,600 --> 00:53:51,700 Jasper. 669 00:53:51,900 --> 00:53:54,300 Is it okay that I'm calling you? 670 00:53:56,700 --> 00:53:58,600 I suppose so. 671 00:53:59,100 --> 00:54:00,100 How are you? 672 00:54:00,300 --> 00:54:02,800 Could we start. with a less complicated question? 673 00:54:04,600 --> 00:54:05,800 What's wrong? 674 00:54:06,000 --> 00:54:10,300 I'm having some real problems with a section of my book. 675 00:54:10,500 --> 00:54:12,700 I can use some Iris. 676 00:54:14,100 --> 00:54:15,900 Would it be awful if I sent you some pages? 677 00:54:16,100 --> 00:54:18,800 Just tell me if it is. I don't wanna mess you up. I'll... 678 00:54:19,000 --> 00:54:22,000 I know that you're the only one who can really help me. 679 00:54:23,100 --> 00:54:25,300 No. Well... I mean... 680 00:54:27,300 --> 00:54:28,700 ...if you need me. 681 00:54:28,900 --> 00:54:31,500 Well, you know you are my little survival kit. 682 00:54:33,000 --> 00:54:37,600 So, Simpkey, have you put on that little red bikini yet? 683 00:54:37,800 --> 00:54:40,600 You know, the one that unties at the back? 684 00:54:40,800 --> 00:54:43,300 How do you remember my little red bikini? 685 00:54:43,500 --> 00:54:46,500 I remember everything. 686 00:54:46,700 --> 00:54:48,400 Do you? 687 00:54:49,800 --> 00:54:52,800 You know, just the other day, I was just thinking about that time... 688 00:54:53,000 --> 00:54:55,100 Darling, I've just arrived at Soho House. 689 00:54:55,300 --> 00:54:57,300 I'm meeting some friends for drinks. 690 00:54:57,500 --> 00:55:00,000 -Okay. -You keep the change. 691 00:55:00,600 --> 00:55:01,800 Bloody cold in here. 692 00:55:02,100 --> 00:55:03,800 Okay, I'm sending you the pages tomorrow. 693 00:55:04,000 --> 00:55:08,000 Look for them, will you? And have some fun today, okay? 694 00:55:09,200 --> 00:55:10,800 Okay. 695 00:55:29,300 --> 00:55:30,700 Graham? 696 00:56:02,100 --> 00:56:04,000 Oh, no, is he lost? 697 00:56:17,900 --> 00:56:19,200 Excuse me. 698 00:56:20,400 --> 00:56:23,900 Hello. Can I offer you a lift home? 699 00:56:24,500 --> 00:56:26,800 Why? You know where I live? 700 00:56:27,800 --> 00:56:29,000 I believe I do, yes. 701 00:56:29,200 --> 00:56:31,900 Good. Then that makes one of us. 702 00:56:35,300 --> 00:56:37,000 Your house is lovely. 703 00:56:37,200 --> 00:56:39,400 I've lived here 47 years. 704 00:56:39,700 --> 00:56:42,700 Back then, there were only six houses on this block. 705 00:56:43,000 --> 00:56:45,200 Every year, they tear another one down... 706 00:56:45,400 --> 00:56:46,900 ...not that I blame them. 707 00:56:47,100 --> 00:56:49,500 They weren't that great to begin with. 708 00:56:51,700 --> 00:56:56,000 But that's how I got confused. I didn't recognize one house. 709 00:56:57,300 --> 00:56:59,100 That would be confusing. 710 00:57:00,700 --> 00:57:02,700 What part of England are you from? 711 00:57:04,800 --> 00:57:08,500 -Surrey. -Cary Grant was from Surrey. 712 00:57:08,700 --> 00:57:10,900 That's right, he was. 713 00:57:11,400 --> 00:57:14,500 -How did you know that? -Oh, he told me once. 714 00:57:14,700 --> 00:57:17,700 Well, I thank you very much, young lady. 715 00:57:21,600 --> 00:57:23,400 Let me help you with that. 716 00:57:24,300 --> 00:57:25,700 Okay. 717 00:57:25,900 --> 00:57:27,400 I... Thank you. 718 00:57:28,900 --> 00:57:30,100 There you go. 719 00:57:30,300 --> 00:57:32,700 Well, this was some meet-cute. 720 00:57:33,200 --> 00:57:35,800 -Sorry? -lt's how two characters meet... 721 00:57:36,000 --> 00:57:37,300 ...in a movie. 722 00:57:38,100 --> 00:57:40,800 Say a man and a woman... 723 00:57:41,000 --> 00:57:43,400 ...both need something to sleep in. 724 00:57:44,200 --> 00:57:47,700 And they both go to the same men's pajama department. 725 00:57:47,900 --> 00:57:50,900 -Right. -And the man says to the salesman: 726 00:57:51,100 --> 00:57:54,600 "l just need bottoms." The woman says, "l just need a top." 727 00:57:55,300 --> 00:57:59,100 They look at each other, and that's the "meet-cute." 728 00:57:59,700 --> 00:58:01,200 Oh, I see. 729 00:58:01,400 --> 00:58:04,200 Of course, this isn't quite that cute, but... 730 00:58:05,900 --> 00:58:08,700 So you're in the film business? 731 00:58:08,900 --> 00:58:12,500 Was. Yes, yes, I was. 732 00:58:13,200 --> 00:58:15,200 I was a writer. 733 00:58:22,600 --> 00:58:24,300 I could be here till tomorrow. 734 00:58:24,500 --> 00:58:26,200 Oh, here. 735 00:58:26,700 --> 00:58:28,300 Let me. 736 00:58:34,600 --> 00:58:36,300 Thank you. 737 00:59:07,500 --> 00:59:09,500 Oh, my God. 738 00:59:26,100 --> 00:59:28,100 Well, goodbye, then. 739 00:59:29,300 --> 00:59:31,800 I enjoyed our meet-cute. 740 00:59:32,100 --> 00:59:34,100 Well, thank you. Thank you for rescuing me. 741 00:59:34,600 --> 00:59:38,000 It's a pleasure. Absolutely. 742 00:59:44,700 --> 00:59:47,900 You know, I hope you don't find this strange... 743 00:59:48,100 --> 00:59:51,500 ...but l've just arrived here, and, well, I don't really know anyone. 744 00:59:51,700 --> 00:59:54,600 And I was thinking of going out for dinner tonight. 745 00:59:54,800 --> 00:59:57,500 Well, if you're not busy, would you like to join me? 746 00:59:58,300 --> 01:00:03,400 Busy? Honey, I haven't been busy since 1978. 747 01:00:06,700 --> 01:00:09,500 I learned everything working in this place. 748 01:00:09,700 --> 01:00:11,900 -Best job I ever had. -Wait, wait, wait. 749 01:00:12,100 --> 01:00:14,300 That was your first job in Hollywood? 750 01:00:14,500 --> 01:00:16,500 Louis B. Mayer's office boy? 751 01:00:17,000 --> 01:00:21,300 Actually, my first job was as a Western Union messenger. 752 01:00:21,500 --> 01:00:26,800 That's how I met Mayer. I delivered a telegram to his office at MGM. 753 01:00:27,000 --> 01:00:30,600 When I walked in, all the girls in the office were in a tizzy. 754 01:00:30,800 --> 01:00:32,800 Their office boy didn't show up. 755 01:00:33,600 --> 01:00:38,100 I volunteered for the job. The next day, I was on the payroll. 756 01:00:38,400 --> 01:00:40,900 I was 17 years old. 757 01:00:42,100 --> 01:00:46,000 So was Hollywood really as great back then as I imagine? 758 01:00:46,200 --> 01:00:47,400 It was better. 759 01:00:51,000 --> 01:00:53,400 You know what l've been asking myself all night? 760 01:00:53,600 --> 01:00:58,000 What? Why l'm bothering you with all these questions? 761 01:00:58,200 --> 01:01:01,000 I'm wondering why a beautiful girl like you... 762 01:01:01,700 --> 01:01:05,100 ...would go to a stranger's house for her Christmas vacation... 763 01:01:05,300 --> 01:01:08,900 ...and on top of that, spend Saturday night with an old cocker like me. 764 01:01:09,700 --> 01:01:10,900 Well, I... 765 01:01:11,100 --> 01:01:14,800 I just wanted to get away from the people I see all the time. 766 01:01:19,000 --> 01:01:21,800 Well, not all the people. 767 01:01:23,200 --> 01:01:24,500 One person. 768 01:01:25,000 --> 01:01:29,800 I wanted to get away from one guy. 769 01:01:30,600 --> 01:01:36,200 An ex-boyfriend who just got engaged and forgot to tell me. 770 01:01:36,400 --> 01:01:38,700 -Sorry. -So he's a schmuck. 771 01:01:38,900 --> 01:01:43,500 As a matter of fact, he is. A huge schmuck. 772 01:01:44,000 --> 01:01:46,500 -How did you know? -He let you go. 773 01:01:46,700 --> 01:01:48,500 This is not a hard one to figure out. 774 01:01:48,800 --> 01:01:53,100 Iris, in the movies we have leading ladies... 775 01:01:53,300 --> 01:01:54,900 ...and we have the best friend. 776 01:01:55,300 --> 01:01:57,900 You, I can tell, are a leading lady. 777 01:01:58,100 --> 01:02:01,100 But for some reason, you're behaving like the best friend. 778 01:02:02,600 --> 01:02:04,000 You're so right. 779 01:02:04,200 --> 01:02:08,300 You're supposed to be the leading lady of your own life, for God's sake. 780 01:02:09,900 --> 01:02:14,300 Arthur, l've been going to a therapist for three years. 781 01:02:14,500 --> 01:02:18,200 And she's never explained anything to me that well. 782 01:02:19,700 --> 01:02:21,500 That was brilliant. 783 01:02:22,000 --> 01:02:24,600 Brutal, but brilliant. 784 01:02:25,400 --> 01:02:26,800 Thank you. 785 01:02:36,700 --> 01:02:40,300 I haven't had that much to drink in... 786 01:02:40,500 --> 01:02:42,500 What am I saying? 787 01:02:42,700 --> 01:02:47,000 -l've never had that much to drink. -Yes, I believe no one ever has. 788 01:02:47,200 --> 01:02:51,500 Okay, the last thing I remember was coming in here last night and... 789 01:02:56,200 --> 01:02:59,500 -I had nothing to do with that. -Oh, I know, but you were here. 790 01:02:59,800 --> 01:03:04,200 -I was. -Oh, God. So I guess we... 791 01:03:04,430 --> 01:03:06,230 Did we...? I mean, did we...? 792 01:03:09,200 --> 01:03:10,500 -We didn't? -We did not. 793 01:03:11,900 --> 01:03:13,700 Oh, thank God. 794 01:03:13,900 --> 01:03:18,400 I mean, not "thank God," but just thank God. 795 01:03:18,600 --> 01:03:21,400 Because I didn't remember... 796 01:03:21,600 --> 01:03:24,600 So why didn't we...? Just remind me a little. 797 01:03:25,700 --> 01:03:27,000 Call me old-fashioned... 798 01:03:27,200 --> 01:03:30,400 ...but one doesn't have sex with women who are unconscious. 799 01:03:30,600 --> 01:03:33,000 Unconscious? Oh, God. 800 01:03:33,200 --> 01:03:36,400 That must have been really attractive. 801 01:03:36,600 --> 01:03:38,400 Why did you stay? 802 01:03:39,100 --> 01:03:40,400 Because you asked me to. 803 01:03:41,800 --> 01:03:43,300 I did, didn't l? 804 01:03:46,200 --> 01:03:49,200 Did I beg at one point? 805 01:03:52,300 --> 01:03:56,100 From the moment I met you, it's been an adventure. 806 01:03:56,300 --> 01:03:58,500 Oh, yes. 807 01:03:58,700 --> 01:04:03,000 And I am deeply sorry about that. I have nothing to say for myself... 808 01:04:03,200 --> 01:04:07,600 ...other than I must be temporarily nuts right now. 809 01:04:08,800 --> 01:04:12,300 Olivia. Sorry, I didn't mean to look. 810 01:04:12,500 --> 01:04:15,600 -Again. -I should probably take this. 811 01:04:16,400 --> 01:04:19,200 Hello. Hi. 812 01:04:33,800 --> 01:04:36,800 I can't. I can't today. 813 01:04:38,800 --> 01:04:42,700 Sophie, Olivia, Amanda. 814 01:04:43,800 --> 01:04:45,300 Busy guy. 815 01:04:58,000 --> 01:05:01,000 -I think we should go into town. -What do you mean? 816 01:05:01,200 --> 01:05:02,900 I think you should get dressed. 817 01:05:03,100 --> 01:05:07,200 We should take a drive, get some lunch and get to know each other. 818 01:05:07,800 --> 01:05:10,000 Really? Why? 819 01:05:10,200 --> 01:05:13,400 Because l'm running out of reasons why we shouldn't. 820 01:05:13,600 --> 01:05:15,100 Aren't you? 821 01:05:46,100 --> 01:05:48,700 -So you're a book editor. -Yes, I am. 822 01:05:48,900 --> 01:05:52,000 -What kind of an editor are you? -A very mean one. 823 01:05:52,200 --> 01:05:55,400 No. What I meant was, do you give massive notes, or...? 824 01:05:55,600 --> 01:05:57,200 The better the writer, the less notes. 825 01:05:57,400 --> 01:06:00,400 -And what'd you study in school? -Literature. 826 01:06:00,600 --> 01:06:03,000 And did you always know this was what you wanted to do? 827 01:06:03,200 --> 01:06:05,900 Okay, my palms are starting to sweat. 828 01:06:06,100 --> 01:06:07,900 I feel like l'm on a job interview. 829 01:06:08,100 --> 01:06:10,600 Do you, by any chance, know how to be on a date? 830 01:06:10,800 --> 01:06:13,300 -Sorry. I'm interrogating you. -Yes. 831 01:06:13,600 --> 01:06:17,300 I haven't been on a first date in a long time. 832 01:06:18,300 --> 01:06:21,500 Well, since we've already had sex and slept together twice... 833 01:06:21,700 --> 01:06:24,000 ...maybe we can bend the first-date rules. 834 01:06:24,500 --> 01:06:25,800 Why are you blushing? 835 01:06:26,600 --> 01:06:29,200 I didn't realize I was. I think you make me nervous. 836 01:06:30,400 --> 01:06:35,100 Okay. I'm gonna try to be myself. It's never easy, but l'm gonna try. 837 01:06:36,400 --> 01:06:38,500 What was the question? Oh, I know. 838 01:06:38,700 --> 01:06:41,200 -Did I always want to be a book editor? -Did you...? Right. 839 01:06:41,400 --> 01:06:43,500 The answer is yes. My family's in publishing. 840 01:06:43,700 --> 01:06:45,500 My dad's a writer of historical fiction. 841 01:06:45,700 --> 01:06:47,100 My mum was... 842 01:06:47,300 --> 01:06:50,700 Is, to this day, a very important editor at Random House. 843 01:06:50,900 --> 01:06:54,600 Okay. I believe my time is up. Your turn. 844 01:06:54,800 --> 01:06:56,400 Really? 845 01:06:56,600 --> 01:06:58,000 -Deep breath. -Okay. 846 01:06:59,400 --> 01:07:01,200 -All right? -Yeah. 847 01:07:01,800 --> 01:07:03,300 Well, like I said the other night... 848 01:07:03,500 --> 01:07:05,900 ...I own a company that does movie advertising. 849 01:07:06,100 --> 01:07:07,900 I didn't realize you own the company. 850 01:07:08,100 --> 01:07:09,700 Probably because I didn't mention it. 851 01:07:09,900 --> 01:07:13,000 But now that I know you were raised by such a strong working mom... 852 01:07:13,200 --> 01:07:15,600 ...I can say it, and maybe you won't be intimidated. 853 01:07:15,800 --> 01:07:17,900 No, no. I'm still a little intimidated by it. 854 01:07:18,100 --> 01:07:20,400 Well, "a little" is way ahead of the curve. 855 01:07:22,300 --> 01:07:24,800 -Yeah. -What about your family? 856 01:07:25,800 --> 01:07:27,900 Okay, l'll say it fast. 857 01:07:29,100 --> 01:07:31,200 My parents broke up when I was 15. 858 01:07:32,000 --> 01:07:35,900 I'm an only child, and I... I didn't see it coming. 859 01:07:36,100 --> 01:07:37,500 You know, we were really close. 860 01:07:37,700 --> 01:07:41,000 We used to call ourselves "The Three Musketeers." 861 01:07:41,500 --> 01:07:44,800 And one night after dinner, my parents sat me down... 862 01:07:45,000 --> 01:07:47,600 ...and told me that they were breaking up. 863 01:07:48,600 --> 01:07:50,100 I thought they were kidding. 864 01:07:51,000 --> 01:07:55,600 And then I saw a suitcase out of the corner of my eye in the hallway. 865 01:07:56,100 --> 01:07:58,600 And my dad moved out that night. 866 01:08:00,600 --> 01:08:04,100 I think I cried myself to sleep for, like, well... 867 01:08:04,300 --> 01:08:06,900 Anyway, a long time. 868 01:08:07,200 --> 01:08:11,300 And then I realized that l'd better toughen up. 869 01:08:11,500 --> 01:08:16,700 And, well, I got through it and sort of haven't cried since. 870 01:08:17,200 --> 01:08:20,800 I also haven't thought of that packed suitcase maybe ever. 871 01:08:22,200 --> 01:08:24,000 And that's my tragic little story. 872 01:08:24,600 --> 01:08:26,500 -Let's order. -Wait. 873 01:08:26,700 --> 01:08:28,300 You haven't cried since you were 15? 874 01:08:28,500 --> 01:08:32,400 I know it must mean something awful. I know, but... 875 01:08:32,600 --> 01:08:35,900 You know, I try, but... Believe me. 876 01:08:36,100 --> 01:08:39,100 But can we talk about you some more, please? 877 01:08:39,300 --> 01:08:43,100 Okay. Yes. Absolutely. Okay. Well, I cry all the time. 878 01:08:43,300 --> 01:08:45,400 -You do not. -Yeah, I do. 879 01:08:45,700 --> 01:08:47,400 More than any woman you've ever met. 880 01:08:47,600 --> 01:08:49,500 You don't have to be this nice. 881 01:08:50,200 --> 01:08:51,900 -lt happens to be the truth. -Really? 882 01:08:52,100 --> 01:08:56,400 A good book, a great film, a birthday card, I weep. 883 01:08:56,600 --> 01:08:58,900 -Shut up. -l'm a major weeper. 884 01:08:59,100 --> 01:09:00,300 I am. 885 01:09:56,000 --> 01:09:59,700 -This was such a great afternoon. -lt was a really great afternoon. 886 01:09:59,900 --> 01:10:03,700 You know, you don't have to walk me in. It's freezing, and... 887 01:10:04,500 --> 01:10:06,400 You can just say you don't want me to come in. 888 01:10:06,600 --> 01:10:09,200 No, it's not that. I just... No... 889 01:10:09,400 --> 01:10:12,600 I'm just tired. I think l'm gonna take a nap. 890 01:10:12,800 --> 01:10:15,200 -lt's not that. -Okay, l'll pretend I believe you. 891 01:10:16,200 --> 01:10:19,800 Graham, l'm leaving in nine days. 892 01:10:20,000 --> 01:10:22,600 And that makes this complicated. 893 01:10:22,800 --> 01:10:25,900 And l'm not sure I can handle complicated right now. 894 01:10:29,700 --> 01:10:31,200 Okay. 895 01:10:42,700 --> 01:10:45,500 And that doesn't make things complicated? 896 01:10:46,100 --> 01:10:48,400 Sex makes everything complicated. 897 01:10:48,600 --> 01:10:52,600 Even when you don't have it, the not having it makes things complicated. 898 01:10:52,800 --> 01:10:56,500 Which is why it's usually better to have it. Some say. 899 01:11:01,900 --> 01:11:04,200 Well, l'm off to work in the morning. 900 01:11:04,400 --> 01:11:07,700 I promise I won't be drunkenly banging on your door any time soon. 901 01:11:08,800 --> 01:11:11,700 We'll see each other, okay? We'll figure something out. 902 01:11:12,200 --> 01:11:14,200 -Good. -Good. 903 01:11:24,300 --> 01:11:25,500 Oh, it's freezing. 904 01:11:44,700 --> 01:11:47,200 -Hi. -Hello. 905 01:11:47,400 --> 01:11:49,900 -Bad timing? -No, no. Come in. 906 01:11:50,600 --> 01:11:53,300 -How's it going? -Good. Yeah, everything's good. 907 01:11:53,500 --> 01:11:55,000 This FedEx was leaning on the gate. 908 01:11:55,200 --> 01:11:57,900 From a little town called London, England. 909 01:12:00,300 --> 01:12:04,600 Friend of mine's writing a book, and I give him... 910 01:12:06,000 --> 01:12:09,000 ...notes sometimes. 911 01:12:11,500 --> 01:12:15,200 -You have company? -l'm having a little Hanukkah party. 912 01:12:16,200 --> 01:12:18,100 Did you join a temple since I last saw you? 913 01:12:18,900 --> 01:12:21,600 No. My neighbor knew I didn't know anyone here. 914 01:12:21,800 --> 01:12:24,200 So he wanted to introduce me to some of his friends. 915 01:12:24,400 --> 01:12:26,900 And somehow it turned into a Hanukkah thing. 916 01:12:27,400 --> 01:12:29,000 Do you wanna come in for a sec? 917 01:12:29,200 --> 01:12:32,900 All right. Yeah. I could play spin the dreidel. 918 01:12:33,400 --> 01:12:34,600 Smells good. 919 01:12:34,800 --> 01:12:38,100 I just have to say, this is one of the best Hanukkahs l've ever had. 920 01:12:38,300 --> 01:12:39,600 Hear, hear. 921 01:12:39,800 --> 01:12:43,300 I've had too much of the Manischewitz. I'm gonna have to be cut off. 922 01:12:43,500 --> 01:12:46,100 We are cutting you off. 923 01:12:46,300 --> 01:12:49,100 I take this very seriously, and l'm telling you the truth. 924 01:12:49,300 --> 01:12:51,300 He amazes me. 925 01:12:51,500 --> 01:12:53,200 Don't listen to them. They're nuts. 926 01:12:53,400 --> 01:12:57,200 Okay, so you're telling me you were not a ladies' man? 927 01:12:57,400 --> 01:12:59,900 Never. I married very young. 928 01:13:00,100 --> 01:13:02,300 Yes, only because he had the greatest girl in town. 929 01:13:02,500 --> 01:13:04,400 He had to take her off the market. 930 01:13:04,600 --> 01:13:08,100 -That's the truth. -Everyone loved Marion. 931 01:13:08,300 --> 01:13:09,900 She had the greatest laugh. 932 01:13:10,500 --> 01:13:13,000 What did he say? She had the greatest ass? 933 01:13:14,400 --> 01:13:15,800 Greatest laugh. 934 01:13:17,000 --> 01:13:19,100 Although her ass wasn't so bad, either. 935 01:13:20,500 --> 01:13:24,300 She had real gumption. She was the girl I always wrote. 936 01:13:26,200 --> 01:13:29,700 What about you, Miles? You're a man about town, I presume. 937 01:13:29,900 --> 01:13:34,500 No, gents, sadly I am not. I'm just a one-woman-at-a-time kind of guy. 938 01:13:35,900 --> 01:13:40,300 Actually, l've been dating a beautiful actress for about five months. 939 01:13:40,600 --> 01:13:44,300 I do not know what she sees in me, but l'm the luckiest guy in the world. 940 01:13:44,900 --> 01:13:47,300 Oh, she's an actress? What's she been in? 941 01:13:47,500 --> 01:13:50,500 -Anything we would have seen? -She hasn't done that much yet, but... 942 01:13:50,700 --> 01:13:52,200 And where is she tonight? 943 01:13:52,700 --> 01:13:55,300 Look, he's half-dead, and he's still interested. 944 01:13:55,500 --> 01:14:00,200 Well, I mean, that made me curious. You know, he's here. Where is she? 945 01:14:00,400 --> 01:14:05,100 She's on location in New Mexico. She's working on a little indie film. 946 01:14:05,300 --> 01:14:09,100 Sorry she couldn't be here. She'll be back in about 10 days. 947 01:14:09,300 --> 01:14:11,000 Her loss is our gain. 948 01:14:11,800 --> 01:14:13,500 -Thank you, Arthur. -Fellas... 949 01:14:13,800 --> 01:14:17,700 ...I think we should leave these young folks and get back to our bedpans. 950 01:14:20,300 --> 01:14:22,400 Okay, Norman, you are calling me for pinochle. 951 01:14:22,600 --> 01:14:25,700 -I got your cell, l'll be in touch. -Okay, pound right here. 952 01:14:30,500 --> 01:14:33,500 This was an amazing night. 953 01:14:33,700 --> 01:14:36,500 Arthur Abbott is maybe the last of the great Hollywood writers... 954 01:14:36,700 --> 01:14:38,100 ...from that generation. Thanks. 955 01:14:38,300 --> 01:14:41,300 There are, like, famous things we say because he wrote them. 956 01:14:41,500 --> 01:14:44,600 I know. He told me that his friends wrote Casablanca... 957 01:14:44,800 --> 01:14:48,600 ...but that he added the "kid" to "Here's looking at you, kid." 958 01:14:48,800 --> 01:14:51,400 Hello! Which totally makes the line. 959 01:14:51,600 --> 01:14:54,400 "Here's looking at you, llsa." 960 01:14:54,600 --> 01:14:56,400 Doesn't quite have that ring. 961 01:14:56,600 --> 01:15:01,000 He's so modest. He gave me this long list of old movies he said I had to see. 962 01:15:01,200 --> 01:15:02,700 None were written by him, of course. 963 01:15:02,900 --> 01:15:05,600 I saw a couple today. They were fantastic. 964 01:15:05,800 --> 01:15:07,400 Maybe we can see one together. 965 01:15:07,600 --> 01:15:10,600 -That would be great. -All right, cool. 966 01:15:11,200 --> 01:15:12,500 Then l'll definitely call you. 967 01:15:14,700 --> 01:15:18,400 The brisket was great. And those chocolate-covered macaroons. 968 01:15:18,600 --> 01:15:21,900 Delectable. It was really fun hanging with you. 969 01:15:22,700 --> 01:15:25,300 Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you twice... 970 01:15:25,600 --> 01:15:27,700 ...and then linger a long time on the second kiss. 971 01:15:27,900 --> 01:15:30,300 -No problem. -Oh, boy. 972 01:15:33,600 --> 01:15:35,200 It is officially crazy weather. 973 01:15:40,800 --> 01:15:42,000 Don't blow away. 974 01:16:00,000 --> 01:16:02,700 "l'm not sure I can handle complicated"? 975 01:16:02,900 --> 01:16:05,100 Oh, God, I can be such a jerk. 976 01:16:05,300 --> 01:16:08,500 -Amanda Woods. -Shut up. 977 01:16:08,700 --> 01:16:12,100 She pushed every guy away, every time. 978 01:16:12,300 --> 01:16:16,100 It's not, "Will she ever change" but, "Does she want to?" 979 01:16:54,200 --> 01:16:57,700 -Surprise. -Yeah, it is. Hi. 980 01:16:57,900 --> 01:17:01,400 Hi. So I was home doing nothing and thinking of you... 981 01:17:01,600 --> 01:17:04,600 ...and I realized that a little complication never hurt anyone. 982 01:17:04,800 --> 01:17:07,800 And then I thought, maybe this isn't so complicated at all. 983 01:17:08,000 --> 01:17:09,700 And also, I wanted to apologize. 984 01:17:09,900 --> 01:17:12,500 I am sorry I didn't invite you in this afternoon. 985 01:17:12,700 --> 01:17:14,800 I don't know what that was about exactly... 986 01:17:15,000 --> 01:17:19,700 ...but whatever it was, I thought that I should just... 987 01:17:21,500 --> 01:17:24,700 Oh, my God. You're, you're not alone, are you? 988 01:17:26,400 --> 01:17:27,600 No, l'm not, actually. 989 01:17:29,100 --> 01:17:30,700 -l'm sorry. -No. No, no, no. Don't be. 990 01:17:30,900 --> 01:17:33,500 I shouldn't have just... Oh, man. 991 01:17:33,800 --> 01:17:36,700 Okay, seriously, do not worry about this. 992 01:17:37,000 --> 01:17:40,000 This is just me, like, being stupid. 993 01:17:41,800 --> 01:17:43,600 Who is it, Daddy? 994 01:17:45,500 --> 01:17:47,700 -"Daddy"? -Yes. 995 01:17:47,900 --> 01:17:50,200 I am Daddy. 996 01:17:52,000 --> 01:17:54,400 Amanda, this is my daughter Sophie. 997 01:17:54,600 --> 01:17:56,100 Soph, this is my friend Amanda. 998 01:17:56,300 --> 01:17:58,900 -Hi. -How do you do? 999 01:18:02,600 --> 01:18:05,200 I'm fine, thank you. How are you? 1000 01:18:05,700 --> 01:18:08,000 very well, thank you. Do you want to come in? 1001 01:18:08,200 --> 01:18:09,600 Oh, no, I just... 1002 01:18:10,400 --> 01:18:11,400 Hi. 1003 01:18:12,200 --> 01:18:13,400 Come here. 1004 01:18:14,600 --> 01:18:16,800 Daddy, who is this? 1005 01:18:17,000 --> 01:18:22,100 This is Amanda. And, Amanda, this is my youngest. Olivia. 1006 01:18:27,600 --> 01:18:29,900 Sophie and Olivia. 1007 01:18:30,100 --> 01:18:31,600 Dad. 1008 01:18:31,800 --> 01:18:34,900 -Dad. -Sorry, yes. Of course, come in. 1009 01:18:35,100 --> 01:18:36,500 Come in. 1010 01:18:39,300 --> 01:18:40,800 Okay. 1011 01:18:47,300 --> 01:18:50,200 Daddy, can we still have hot chocolate, please? 1012 01:18:50,400 --> 01:18:52,300 -Yes. -With baby marshmallows? 1013 01:18:52,500 --> 01:18:54,100 Yes. 1014 01:19:04,400 --> 01:19:06,300 Dad, take her coat. 1015 01:19:07,000 --> 01:19:10,900 -Yes. May l, may l...? -Oh, sure. Thanks. 1016 01:19:11,100 --> 01:19:14,000 Are you married? Tell me fast. 1017 01:19:14,200 --> 01:19:15,800 -No. -Okay. 1018 01:19:19,600 --> 01:19:21,700 I know. I'm a tad overdressed. 1019 01:19:21,900 --> 01:19:23,900 You look like my Barbie. 1020 01:19:27,000 --> 01:19:29,100 -Thanks. -ls that for us? 1021 01:19:30,500 --> 01:19:34,100 Yes. Except for l'm sorry about the wine. 1022 01:19:42,300 --> 01:19:45,000 I apologize for not having mentioned this earlier. 1023 01:19:45,200 --> 01:19:48,200 You're D-l-v-O-R-C-E-D? 1024 01:19:50,200 --> 01:19:53,900 W-l-D-O-W-E-R. 1025 01:19:54,500 --> 01:19:56,200 Two years ago. 1026 01:20:00,300 --> 01:20:04,700 Amanda, are you by any chance at all into hot chocolate? 1027 01:20:06,900 --> 01:20:09,800 As a matter of fact, l'm... 1028 01:20:10,300 --> 01:20:12,100 ...totally into it. 1029 01:20:12,500 --> 01:20:15,100 -Here we go, Olivia. Olivia... -Thank you. 1030 01:20:15,300 --> 01:20:16,500 ...blow on it. It's hot. 1031 01:20:18,700 --> 01:20:20,400 You too, Soph. 1032 01:20:20,800 --> 01:20:22,300 She has more marshmallows than me. 1033 01:20:22,500 --> 01:20:24,400 No, she doesn't. You each have five. 1034 01:20:25,000 --> 01:20:27,000 -You have five too. -Thank you. 1035 01:20:27,300 --> 01:20:30,400 One, two, three, four, five. 1036 01:20:35,700 --> 01:20:37,800 What? Do I have something on my lip? 1037 01:20:38,600 --> 01:20:40,200 Just look! There. 1038 01:20:42,500 --> 01:20:44,400 -Oh, hello. -Hello. 1039 01:20:44,600 --> 01:20:47,600 -Hello. -Going up! Blow on mine. 1040 01:20:49,700 --> 01:20:51,600 Thank you. 1041 01:20:51,800 --> 01:20:53,000 Excellent timing. 1042 01:20:53,700 --> 01:20:56,700 Dad, do Mr. Napkin Head. 1043 01:20:56,900 --> 01:20:59,400 -No. No, no, no. No Mr. Napkin Head. -Please? Do it! 1044 01:20:59,600 --> 01:21:03,100 -Do it. Do it. Please. -Do it, please. Beg you, please? 1045 01:21:03,300 --> 01:21:06,000 Please? Okay, l'll do it quickly. 1046 01:21:06,200 --> 01:21:08,900 -Oh, well, thank you for that. -You're welcome. Now do it. 1047 01:21:09,100 --> 01:21:10,600 All right. 1048 01:21:11,800 --> 01:21:14,500 Amanda, can I borrow your napkin, please? 1049 01:21:14,700 --> 01:21:16,000 Yes. 1050 01:21:16,400 --> 01:21:17,800 Your glasses. 1051 01:21:18,000 --> 01:21:19,500 Pass me those when I need them. 1052 01:21:19,700 --> 01:21:21,900 Amanda, you're gonna love this. 1053 01:21:22,100 --> 01:21:26,400 It's so funny. I mean, you'll fall off your chair, it's so funny. 1054 01:21:27,600 --> 01:21:29,100 Hello. 1055 01:21:31,300 --> 01:21:34,200 Hello, my name is Mr. Napkin Head. 1056 01:21:35,000 --> 01:21:37,600 -Hello, children. -Who's this? She's a stranger? 1057 01:21:37,800 --> 01:21:40,200 -Amanda. -And why has she got a funny accent? 1058 01:21:40,400 --> 01:21:42,900 -Amanda. -Yeah, but where is she from? 1059 01:21:44,400 --> 01:21:47,500 Now smoke! 1060 01:21:48,300 --> 01:21:50,000 Go on. 1061 01:21:54,100 --> 01:21:56,000 Smoking's really bad for you. 1062 01:21:58,400 --> 01:22:00,400 Amanda, guess what. 1063 01:22:00,700 --> 01:22:03,500 We have a tent in our playroom. Do you want to see it? 1064 01:22:03,700 --> 01:22:05,700 No, no, no. Amanda... 1065 01:22:05,900 --> 01:22:09,100 ...will not crawl into your tent. 1066 01:22:09,700 --> 01:22:12,700 You don't like tents? 1067 01:22:22,000 --> 01:22:24,300 Okay, this is seriously cool. 1068 01:22:24,500 --> 01:22:26,500 Come inside. 1069 01:22:30,200 --> 01:22:31,500 -Lie down. -Okay. 1070 01:22:31,700 --> 01:22:34,600 Here, Amanda. You can use my pillow. 1071 01:22:34,900 --> 01:22:36,300 -Thank you. -Lie down! 1072 01:22:36,600 --> 01:22:38,300 Can you please stop being so bossy? 1073 01:22:38,600 --> 01:22:42,000 -Lie down, please, next to me. -Okay. 1074 01:22:47,100 --> 01:22:49,400 very nice. 1075 01:22:50,000 --> 01:22:52,200 Excuse me. 1076 01:22:55,000 --> 01:22:58,400 This is an exceptionally great tent. 1077 01:22:58,600 --> 01:23:00,000 It's got something, hasn't it? 1078 01:23:00,200 --> 01:23:03,200 -lt's cozy. -Yeah. 1079 01:23:03,400 --> 01:23:05,600 Who cut out all these beautiful stars? 1080 01:23:06,200 --> 01:23:08,900 -We did. -The Three Musketeers! 1081 01:23:20,300 --> 01:23:21,700 Amanda? 1082 01:23:22,300 --> 01:23:24,700 -Yes? -You smell lovely. 1083 01:23:24,900 --> 01:23:26,100 Do l? 1084 01:23:26,300 --> 01:23:31,000 Yes. I love perfume, but he won't let me wear it. 1085 01:23:31,200 --> 01:23:34,000 Because you already smell so good. 1086 01:23:34,200 --> 01:23:36,900 -So do you, by the way. -Thanks. 1087 01:23:37,100 --> 01:23:40,800 -But l'm older, so I guess l'm allowed. -Exactly. 1088 01:23:41,400 --> 01:23:43,500 I like your eye shadow. 1089 01:23:43,700 --> 01:23:45,100 Thank you. 1090 01:23:45,600 --> 01:23:48,100 -And your lipstick. -Thank you. 1091 01:23:48,300 --> 01:23:51,200 -lt's new. -What's it called? 1092 01:23:51,400 --> 01:23:55,000 I think it's called Berry Kiss. 1093 01:23:55,200 --> 01:23:57,800 very Berry Kiss it is. 1094 01:23:59,200 --> 01:24:01,300 Berry Kiss. 1095 01:24:02,900 --> 01:24:05,300 Let's see? It looks good on you. 1096 01:24:05,500 --> 01:24:06,800 Amanda? 1097 01:24:08,100 --> 01:24:11,500 You know, if you wanted to sleep over, that would be all right. 1098 01:24:11,700 --> 01:24:13,200 We could push our beds together. 1099 01:24:14,700 --> 01:24:16,300 Sorry. 1100 01:24:17,400 --> 01:24:19,300 That's so sweet of you to invite me... 1101 01:24:19,500 --> 01:24:22,900 ...but maybe another time. Would that be all right? 1102 01:24:23,500 --> 01:24:25,100 Yes. 1103 01:24:27,700 --> 01:24:29,500 Good girl. 1104 01:24:33,000 --> 01:24:36,100 We never have grownups here that are girls. 1105 01:24:36,700 --> 01:24:37,800 I know. 1106 01:24:38,300 --> 01:24:40,200 I really like it. 1107 01:24:40,400 --> 01:24:43,000 Me too. 1108 01:25:02,000 --> 01:25:05,300 I can't imagine anyone being a bigger hit with my children. 1109 01:25:07,200 --> 01:25:08,500 They're really great, Graham. 1110 01:25:09,300 --> 01:25:12,200 Sophie's unfortunately taken on the role as my protector. 1111 01:25:12,400 --> 01:25:15,700 She's brilliant, but I hate it when she worries about me. 1112 01:25:15,900 --> 01:25:17,500 And Olivia's... 1113 01:25:17,700 --> 01:25:19,900 ...gonna be a real ball-buster. 1114 01:25:20,100 --> 01:25:23,100 Which, I must admit, I kind of love about her. 1115 01:25:24,100 --> 01:25:26,700 I'm trying to figure out why you didn't tell me about them. 1116 01:25:28,800 --> 01:25:31,300 Because I just don't usually tell women about them. 1117 01:25:31,500 --> 01:25:33,500 But it's just a little confusing... 1118 01:25:33,700 --> 01:25:36,300 ...because you're the one who wanted to go out to lunch... 1119 01:25:36,500 --> 01:25:38,000 ...to get to know one another. 1120 01:25:38,200 --> 01:25:41,200 When you put it that way, it sounds awful. 1121 01:25:41,600 --> 01:25:46,100 I have no defense. Except that until I get to know someone really well... 1122 01:25:46,300 --> 01:25:48,600 ...it's easier for me to be a normal, single guy. 1123 01:25:48,800 --> 01:25:52,800 Because it's way too complicated to be who I really am. 1124 01:25:53,300 --> 01:25:55,200 I'm a full-time dad. 1125 01:25:55,400 --> 01:25:58,600 I'm a working parent. I'm a mother and a father. 1126 01:25:58,900 --> 01:26:03,000 I'm a guy who reads parenting books and cookbooks before I go to sleep. 1127 01:26:03,200 --> 01:26:06,700 I spend my weekends buying tutus. I'm learning to sew. 1128 01:26:06,900 --> 01:26:08,500 I'm Mr. Napkin Head! 1129 01:26:08,700 --> 01:26:12,600 I'm on some kind of constant overload and it helps... 1130 01:26:13,500 --> 01:26:17,500 ...to compartmentalize my life. Just till I figure this out. 1131 01:26:18,100 --> 01:26:20,800 This past weekend, the children were with their grandparents. 1132 01:26:21,400 --> 01:26:24,100 And when they're gone, I get to be somebody... 1133 01:26:24,300 --> 01:26:27,500 ...who doesn't have hot chocolate spilled on his jeans. 1134 01:26:28,400 --> 01:26:32,100 I have no idea how to date and be this. 1135 01:26:32,600 --> 01:26:34,600 And I suppose there's... 1136 01:26:35,900 --> 01:26:38,300 ...the possibility l'm afraid of what another person... 1137 01:26:38,500 --> 01:26:40,700 ...might do to who we are... 1138 01:26:40,900 --> 01:26:43,300 ...and how we get from one day to the next. 1139 01:26:48,000 --> 01:26:49,300 Yeah. 1140 01:26:50,500 --> 01:26:53,700 I guess since I am leaving in a week, l... 1141 01:26:54,600 --> 01:26:57,000 I sort of get you not telling me. 1142 01:26:57,900 --> 01:27:01,000 -Sort of. -I thought it would be hard... 1143 01:27:01,200 --> 01:27:04,100 ...to introduce them to someone I may never see again. 1144 01:27:09,700 --> 01:27:11,100 Right. 1145 01:27:11,600 --> 01:27:16,000 Because l'm just someone you had sex with once and slept with twice. 1146 01:27:16,200 --> 01:27:20,700 I thought I was just someone you had sex with once and slept with twice. 1147 01:27:20,900 --> 01:27:22,600 Oh, man. 1148 01:27:24,300 --> 01:27:26,900 I think we just went way past complicated. 1149 01:27:27,100 --> 01:27:31,400 Right. I'm a book editor from London. You're a... 1150 01:27:32,200 --> 01:27:33,800 ...beautiful... 1151 01:27:34,000 --> 01:27:37,100 ...movie trailer-maker from L.A. 1152 01:27:38,000 --> 01:27:40,200 We're worlds apart. 1153 01:27:41,000 --> 01:27:43,100 I have a cow in the back yard. 1154 01:27:43,800 --> 01:27:45,500 -You have a cow? -Yeah. 1155 01:27:45,700 --> 01:27:48,400 I sew and I have a cow. 1156 01:27:48,600 --> 01:27:51,100 How's that for hard to relate to? 1157 01:27:55,100 --> 01:27:57,000 Pretty up there. 1158 01:27:58,500 --> 01:28:00,200 Exactly. 1159 01:28:13,900 --> 01:28:15,400 -Morning, Jesus. -Good morning. 1160 01:28:15,600 --> 01:28:17,500 -Santa Anas? -Oh, yeah, long time now. 1161 01:28:17,700 --> 01:28:20,100 -Hi, Marta. -Hi, lris. 1162 01:28:23,300 --> 01:28:24,700 Hi there. 1163 01:28:25,700 --> 01:28:27,400 Hello! 1164 01:28:28,400 --> 01:28:29,800 Good morning. 1165 01:28:30,000 --> 01:28:31,700 I counted. 1166 01:28:31,900 --> 01:28:34,100 Nine movies are opening today. 1167 01:28:34,300 --> 01:28:37,200 I remember when nine movies would open in a month. 1168 01:28:37,400 --> 01:28:42,900 Now a picture has to make a killing the first weekend or they're dead. 1169 01:28:43,200 --> 01:28:46,000 This is supposed to be conducive to great work? 1170 01:28:46,200 --> 01:28:49,500 Arthur, have you always been this feisty? 1171 01:28:49,700 --> 01:28:52,800 Well, I may have slowed down a little, but yes. 1172 01:28:53,000 --> 01:28:55,300 You've gotta fight the fight, kid. 1173 01:28:56,300 --> 01:28:57,400 Okay, your mail. 1174 01:28:58,000 --> 01:29:01,100 Gas company, phone bill. 1175 01:29:01,300 --> 01:29:04,900 And a letter from the Writers Guild of America, West. 1176 01:29:07,900 --> 01:29:09,900 Are you watching the movies I recommended? 1177 01:29:10,100 --> 01:29:14,000 Yes! Love them. Irene Dunne is fantastic. 1178 01:29:14,200 --> 01:29:17,500 -Gumption. -Oh, my God, tons of it. 1179 01:29:18,100 --> 01:29:21,100 Arthur, don't you want to open that letter you just threw in the bin? 1180 01:29:21,400 --> 01:29:23,800 No. They keep writing me about the same thing. 1181 01:29:24,100 --> 01:29:25,600 But it might be important. 1182 01:29:25,800 --> 01:29:30,600 It's not. They want to arrange some kind of tribute to me. 1183 01:29:30,800 --> 01:29:32,600 A night with me. 1184 01:29:32,800 --> 01:29:34,400 I don't know. It sounds God-awful. 1185 01:29:34,600 --> 01:29:37,500 What are you talking about? That sounds brilliant! 1186 01:29:37,700 --> 01:29:43,500 Would you like to walk out on a stage, on a walker, looking 100 years old... 1187 01:29:43,700 --> 01:29:46,600 ...and see 11 schnooks who showed up just to see you? 1188 01:29:46,800 --> 01:29:48,600 They can forget it. 1189 01:29:48,800 --> 01:29:50,700 I ain't falling for this. 1190 01:29:50,900 --> 01:29:54,300 So now, what's up? 1191 01:29:54,700 --> 01:29:56,200 May l? 1192 01:30:01,600 --> 01:30:03,500 "An Evening With Arthur Abbott." 1193 01:30:05,300 --> 01:30:08,800 "Dear Mr. Abbott... ...several attempts to contact you regarding..." 1194 01:30:09,000 --> 01:30:12,000 "We have not yet received your response. 1195 01:30:13,000 --> 01:30:15,500 This special night will be a tribute to your... 1196 01:30:15,700 --> 01:30:19,800 ...Iifetime screenwriting achievement and contribution to the profession. 1197 01:30:20,000 --> 01:30:23,000 Congratulations on this much-deserved honor." 1198 01:30:23,600 --> 01:30:25,400 Arthur, this is a big deal. 1199 01:30:25,600 --> 01:30:27,800 You know, and they want to do this soon. 1200 01:30:28,700 --> 01:30:31,900 Listen, I reckon that with a little bit of exercise... 1201 01:30:32,100 --> 01:30:33,800 ...you could walk out on your own. 1202 01:30:34,000 --> 01:30:36,600 And, you know, maybe I could go with you. 1203 01:30:36,800 --> 01:30:39,900 As, like, your date or something. 1204 01:30:40,100 --> 01:30:43,700 I would take you proudly, my darling, but l'm not going. 1205 01:30:44,500 --> 01:30:49,200 Anyway, how would you propose to get me in shape? Seriously. 1206 01:30:50,400 --> 01:30:51,700 Easy. 1207 01:30:52,800 --> 01:30:55,000 You're doing really well. 1208 01:30:55,200 --> 01:30:58,900 Nearly there. Nearly there. Nearly there. 1209 01:30:59,100 --> 01:31:02,500 Bravo! Here we go, back the other way. 1210 01:31:08,500 --> 01:31:10,500 -You okay? -Yeah, l'm fine. 1211 01:31:10,700 --> 01:31:13,200 -You sure? -Yeah, I just slipped. 1212 01:31:34,000 --> 01:31:36,200 -Hello? -So are you ever coming home? 1213 01:31:36,400 --> 01:31:38,600 -Oh, my God. Hi. -How's it going? 1214 01:31:38,800 --> 01:31:40,300 Great. I met a really nice guy. 1215 01:31:40,500 --> 01:31:42,700 See? And you said you'd never. What's he like? 1216 01:31:42,900 --> 01:31:45,200 He's really cute. I feel great when l'm with him... 1217 01:31:45,400 --> 01:31:49,400 ...which is an entirely new experience. And he's about 90 years old. 1218 01:31:49,600 --> 01:31:51,500 -Come on. -He's my next-door neighbor. 1219 01:31:51,700 --> 01:31:54,900 Or Amanda's next-door neighbor. By the way, you should go meet her. 1220 01:31:55,600 --> 01:31:59,300 -Yeah. I have, actually. -Oh, bugger. Call waiting. 1221 01:31:59,500 --> 01:32:02,400 Can you hold for a sec? Hold on. I really wanna talk to you. 1222 01:32:02,600 --> 01:32:04,400 -Sure. -Hello. 1223 01:32:04,600 --> 01:32:07,800 -lris, hi, it's Amanda. -How are you? How's it going? 1224 01:32:08,000 --> 01:32:11,000 -Everything's great. How are you? -Oh, I'm loving it. 1225 01:32:11,300 --> 01:32:13,700 Can you hold for a sec? My brother's on the other line. 1226 01:32:13,900 --> 01:32:16,100 -Graham? -Yes. He said you met. 1227 01:32:16,300 --> 01:32:19,700 -Yes, we did meet. How is he? -Fine, I think. 1228 01:32:19,900 --> 01:32:21,600 -Can you just hold on for a sec? -Sure. 1229 01:32:21,800 --> 01:32:25,400 -Okay. Hi, sorry. That was Amanda. -How'd she sound? 1230 01:32:25,600 --> 01:32:28,100 -How is she doing? -She just asked me how you are. 1231 01:32:28,300 --> 01:32:30,300 -And what did you say? -I asked her to hold. 1232 01:32:30,500 --> 01:32:33,500 -Can I call you back? -I can hold while you speak to her. 1233 01:32:33,700 --> 01:32:36,400 -Really? -Find out how she is. 1234 01:32:36,600 --> 01:32:39,200 Okay. My brother wants to know how you are. 1235 01:32:39,500 --> 01:32:43,500 Can you tell him l'm good and that l'm just walking Charlie in the village. 1236 01:32:43,700 --> 01:32:46,500 -What's he been up to? Did he say? -l'm not sure. 1237 01:32:46,700 --> 01:32:49,500 -Do you want me to ask him? -Sure. 1238 01:32:50,100 --> 01:32:52,900 Okay. Hold, please. 1239 01:32:53,700 --> 01:32:57,300 I can't believe that you have had sex with the woman staying in my house! 1240 01:32:58,200 --> 01:32:59,700 He told you that? 1241 01:32:59,900 --> 01:33:01,800 -Oh, my God! -Oh, my God! 1242 01:33:02,000 --> 01:33:05,600 Oh, my God. I thought I was talking to Graham! Can you just hold, please? 1243 01:33:05,800 --> 01:33:07,900 I'm terribly sorry. 1244 01:33:08,900 --> 01:33:10,500 I can't believe you had sex with Amanda! 1245 01:33:10,700 --> 01:33:13,600 The one thing she asked me was, "Are there any men in your town?" 1246 01:33:13,800 --> 01:33:15,600 I assured her that there were not. 1247 01:33:15,800 --> 01:33:18,300 Then you meet her and immediately get into her knickers! 1248 01:33:19,300 --> 01:33:20,900 Still me. 1249 01:33:21,700 --> 01:33:23,800 Bollocks! I must have lost him. 1250 01:33:24,000 --> 01:33:27,400 Amanda, I am so sorry. 1251 01:33:28,400 --> 01:33:30,600 Can I call you back? 1252 01:33:30,800 --> 01:33:33,900 -Sure. -Okay, bye. 1253 01:33:34,800 --> 01:33:36,800 Yes, hello. 1254 01:33:38,000 --> 01:33:39,800 It's Miles. Am I in trouble? 1255 01:33:40,400 --> 01:33:42,900 Oh, Miles. Hi. 1256 01:33:43,100 --> 01:33:44,700 What are you up to this Christmas Eve? 1257 01:33:44,900 --> 01:33:46,900 Not much. But in a little bit... 1258 01:33:47,100 --> 01:33:50,400 ...I'm gonna go to the video shop and get the next movie on Arthur's list. 1259 01:33:50,600 --> 01:33:52,300 Do you want some company? 1260 01:33:53,800 --> 01:33:55,200 Love some. 1261 01:33:56,400 --> 01:34:00,400 Hey, I got you the best drink in town, but I didn't know... 1262 01:34:00,600 --> 01:34:03,400 ...if you liked a little dollop of whipped cream or a big one... 1263 01:34:03,600 --> 01:34:06,400 ...so I got both and you can have each one... Hello, big dollop! 1264 01:34:06,600 --> 01:34:08,600 -Say, you look great, by the way. -Thanks. 1265 01:34:08,800 --> 01:34:10,900 -Really great. -Thanks, l'm feeling good. 1266 01:34:11,100 --> 01:34:13,700 I've been working out with Arthur. 1267 01:34:13,900 --> 01:34:15,100 -What? -No. 1268 01:34:15,300 --> 01:34:19,300 I'm sure it's an awesome workout. I'm sorry. I'm trying not to picture it. 1269 01:34:19,500 --> 01:34:22,200 Okay, well, the workout's not that great, but the conver... 1270 01:34:22,400 --> 01:34:23,700 Stop laughing! 1271 01:34:23,900 --> 01:34:28,100 -The conversation is truly fantastic. -No, that I totally believe. 1272 01:34:28,300 --> 01:34:31,900 Now let me ask you. Have you seen this? 1273 01:34:32,100 --> 01:34:34,400 Chariots of Fire. Loved it. 1274 01:34:40,400 --> 01:34:42,700 Such a great score by vangelis. 1275 01:34:42,900 --> 01:34:46,200 He took electronic scores to a new level. It was groundbreaking. 1276 01:34:46,400 --> 01:34:49,100 I'm gonna test you on this later. Okay. Driving Miss Daisy. 1277 01:34:49,400 --> 01:34:52,700 Hans. very unexpected. Do you remember how great it was? 1278 01:34:58,900 --> 01:35:00,700 Sassy! Love it. 1279 01:35:00,900 --> 01:35:02,200 -ls this a bad game? -No! 1280 01:35:02,400 --> 01:35:03,900 -Okay. -Keep going. 1281 01:35:04,100 --> 01:35:06,400 Sometimes I get self-conscious about my... 1282 01:35:09,500 --> 01:35:10,500 And: 1283 01:35:12,900 --> 01:35:18,800 Are you embarrassed By this game I've start.ed to play? 1284 01:35:19,000 --> 01:35:22,300 Okay. It's not a library. I can go loud. 1285 01:35:25,200 --> 01:35:27,100 Two notes and you've got a villain. 1286 01:35:28,600 --> 01:35:30,800 I don't know what to say about it. Totally brill. 1287 01:35:35,100 --> 01:35:38,600 I bet you didn't know that was all written for the movie. It was a score. 1288 01:35:38,800 --> 01:35:40,600 -I did know that one. -Can't go anywhere. 1289 01:35:40,800 --> 01:35:44,100 Oh, my God. Okay, this one? You have to check this out some time. 1290 01:35:44,300 --> 01:35:46,500 The Mission. The score is genius. 1291 01:35:46,700 --> 01:35:50,000 It just comes from a totally different place. It's like... 1292 01:35:50,200 --> 01:35:53,900 I can't even... Just promise me you'll rent it and listen to it. 1293 01:35:54,100 --> 01:35:55,700 -Renting. -Thank you. 1294 01:35:56,000 --> 01:35:56,900 It changed my world. 1295 01:36:05,100 --> 01:36:06,600 What? 1296 01:36:11,600 --> 01:36:13,200 Maggie! 1297 01:36:28,300 --> 01:36:32,800 -Why do I always fall for the bad girl? -You didn't know she was a bad girl. 1298 01:36:33,900 --> 01:36:36,100 I knew she wasn't good. 1299 01:36:36,500 --> 01:36:39,600 Do you have anything a little bit stronger? 1300 01:36:40,500 --> 01:36:44,200 Thank you. Let me rephrase this: 1301 01:36:46,900 --> 01:36:50,700 Why am I attracted to a person I know isn't good? 1302 01:36:51,600 --> 01:36:55,500 I happen to know the answer to this. You're hoping you're wrong. 1303 01:36:55,700 --> 01:36:58,400 She does something that tells you she's no good, you ignore it. 1304 01:36:58,600 --> 01:37:01,700 Every time she comes through and surprises you, she wins you over... 1305 01:37:01,900 --> 01:37:05,500 ...and you lose that argument with yourself that she's not for you. 1306 01:37:06,000 --> 01:37:07,000 Exactly. 1307 01:37:08,200 --> 01:37:10,100 And on top of that, there's the old standby: 1308 01:37:10,300 --> 01:37:13,300 "l can't believe a girl like that would be with a guy like me." 1309 01:37:14,200 --> 01:37:15,900 You know what she said to me tonight? 1310 01:37:16,400 --> 01:37:18,400 She finished in Santa Fe after two days... 1311 01:37:18,600 --> 01:37:20,800 ...and has been staying with whatever-his-name-was. 1312 01:37:21,000 --> 01:37:22,900 Which means she's been right here in town. 1313 01:37:23,400 --> 01:37:26,100 When I spoke to her this morning on her cell and she said: 1314 01:37:26,300 --> 01:37:28,400 "l'm looking out my window and it's snowing." 1315 01:37:28,600 --> 01:37:31,100 She was in Santa Monica. 1316 01:37:31,400 --> 01:37:33,100 What did she do, go to Weather.com? 1317 01:37:33,300 --> 01:37:35,400 That must have made them scream with laughter. 1318 01:37:35,700 --> 01:37:39,600 And in the meantime, I sent her Christmas gift to Santa Fe yesterday. 1319 01:37:39,800 --> 01:37:43,500 I stood in line at FedEx to make sure she got it on time. 1320 01:37:44,200 --> 01:37:46,400 Classic, right? 1321 01:37:47,300 --> 01:37:50,800 I don't wanna ruin your Christmas Eve. You don't have to listen to this. 1322 01:37:51,000 --> 01:37:52,900 It's okay. 1323 01:37:53,600 --> 01:37:54,900 I like the company. 1324 01:38:00,100 --> 01:38:01,300 So how about some food? 1325 01:38:01,500 --> 01:38:04,100 Shall I make us a little Christmas fettuccine? 1326 01:38:04,300 --> 01:38:07,400 -Sure. -Listen. 1327 01:38:07,900 --> 01:38:11,700 I know it's hard to believe people when they say, "l know how you feel." 1328 01:38:13,300 --> 01:38:16,000 But I actually know how you feel. 1329 01:38:17,500 --> 01:38:19,200 You see... 1330 01:38:20,100 --> 01:38:21,500 ...I was... 1331 01:38:22,700 --> 01:38:25,900 ...seeing someone back in London. 1332 01:38:26,300 --> 01:38:28,500 We worked for the same newspaper. 1333 01:38:28,700 --> 01:38:33,200 And then I found out that he was also seeing this other girl, Sarah... 1334 01:38:33,400 --> 01:38:36,300 ...from the Circulation Department on the 19th floor. 1335 01:38:37,200 --> 01:38:41,100 It turned out that he wasn't in love with me like I thought. 1336 01:38:42,600 --> 01:38:46,100 What l'm trying to say is... 1337 01:38:46,300 --> 01:38:49,800 ...I understand feeling as small and as insignificant... 1338 01:38:50,000 --> 01:38:52,500 ...as humanly possible. 1339 01:38:52,700 --> 01:38:57,400 How it can actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you. 1340 01:38:58,700 --> 01:39:00,900 It doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get... 1341 01:39:01,100 --> 01:39:03,100 ...or gyms you join... 1342 01:39:03,600 --> 01:39:06,500 ...or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with girlfriends. 1343 01:39:06,700 --> 01:39:10,300 You still go to bed every night going over every detail... 1344 01:39:10,500 --> 01:39:16,000 ...and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. 1345 01:39:17,300 --> 01:39:19,300 And how in the hell, for that brief moment... 1346 01:39:19,500 --> 01:39:21,800 ...you could think that you were that happy? 1347 01:39:22,000 --> 01:39:24,000 And sometimes you can even convince yourself... 1348 01:39:24,200 --> 01:39:26,900 ...that he'll see the light and show up at your door. 1349 01:39:30,000 --> 01:39:31,700 And after all that... 1350 01:39:32,300 --> 01:39:35,400 ...however long "all that" may be... 1351 01:39:36,400 --> 01:39:38,700 ...you'll go somewhere new. 1352 01:39:39,000 --> 01:39:42,600 And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. 1353 01:39:43,800 --> 01:39:48,000 And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. 1354 01:39:48,500 --> 01:39:49,800 And all that fuzzy stuff... 1355 01:39:52,200 --> 01:39:56,600 ...those years of your life that you wasted... 1356 01:39:59,300 --> 01:40:02,100 ...that will eventually begin to fade. 1357 01:40:04,400 --> 01:40:05,400 Well, fuck. 1358 01:40:06,500 --> 01:40:08,300 You need this more than I do. 1359 01:40:11,200 --> 01:40:14,200 That's what you're doing here? You're getting over somebody? 1360 01:40:14,400 --> 01:40:15,900 Yeah. 1361 01:40:16,600 --> 01:40:18,000 This is me in good shape. 1362 01:40:18,700 --> 01:40:20,900 Is this the guy who sent you pages from his novel? 1363 01:40:21,500 --> 01:40:23,100 Yeah. 1364 01:40:24,000 --> 01:40:25,000 He needs me. 1365 01:40:25,800 --> 01:40:27,700 So he stays in touch? 1366 01:40:27,900 --> 01:40:30,200 All the time. 1367 01:40:30,400 --> 01:40:33,800 That makes it impossible to forget, which is great for him, sucks for you. 1368 01:40:35,000 --> 01:40:37,300 You see how great your life is compared to mine? 1369 01:40:38,700 --> 01:40:42,000 Okay, let's go. I'm making you some fettuccine. 1370 01:40:42,200 --> 01:40:45,700 It is Christmas Eve, and we are going to sit out on that patio... 1371 01:40:45,900 --> 01:40:48,500 ...gonna make ourselves a little fire, pop some bubbly... 1372 01:40:48,700 --> 01:40:52,100 ...and we are gonna celebrate being young and being alive. 1373 01:40:54,000 --> 01:40:55,800 You with me, Simpkins? 1374 01:40:57,200 --> 01:40:58,900 Miles. 1375 01:41:00,900 --> 01:41:03,300 You really are an incredibly decent man. 1376 01:41:03,700 --> 01:41:05,500 I know. 1377 01:41:05,700 --> 01:41:08,500 That's always been my problem. 1378 01:42:23,800 --> 01:42:25,700 Hi. 1379 01:42:41,400 --> 01:42:43,900 Okay, here it is. 1380 01:42:44,100 --> 01:42:46,700 Arthur's theme. I think this is really good. 1381 01:42:46,900 --> 01:42:48,000 -l'm serious. -No, I know. 1382 01:42:48,200 --> 01:42:50,800 I'm making him a CD of this tune. Every time he hears it... 1383 01:42:51,000 --> 01:42:53,700 ...it should give him the confidence to walk right out there. 1384 01:42:53,900 --> 01:42:55,000 -Okay? -Yep. 1385 01:42:55,200 --> 01:42:56,900 Here we go. 1386 01:43:00,500 --> 01:43:02,400 Did I steal this? 1387 01:43:02,900 --> 01:43:06,000 -John Williams. -I didn't write it, that's why. 1388 01:43:06,200 --> 01:43:07,600 -Okay, this is it for real. -Okay. 1389 01:43:07,800 --> 01:43:09,400 -Here we go. -Yep. 1390 01:43:10,500 --> 01:43:13,000 A little Arthur and the knights. 1391 01:43:17,500 --> 01:43:19,500 Right? It's cheeky. 1392 01:43:20,600 --> 01:43:23,000 It sounds like him. 1393 01:43:27,200 --> 01:43:29,000 I also wrote one that sounds like you. 1394 01:43:31,600 --> 01:43:32,600 You did? 1395 01:43:34,900 --> 01:43:38,000 Iris, if you were a melody. 1396 01:43:44,100 --> 01:43:46,600 I used only the good notes. 1397 01:43:59,400 --> 01:44:03,100 Iris lives next door 1398 01:44:03,300 --> 01:44:08,600 To Art.hur He's a doodle-ee-doo 1399 01:44:08,800 --> 01:44:11,300 -And also a doodle-ee-doo -Scroodle-ee-doo 1400 01:44:11,500 --> 01:44:14,000 -A scroodle-ee-doo? I didn't know that. -Yeah. 1401 01:44:14,200 --> 01:44:15,800 -And froodle-ee-doo -And froodle-ee-doo 1402 01:44:16,100 --> 01:44:17,700 We both said "froodle-ee." 1403 01:44:18,000 --> 01:44:19,400 I'm impressed. 1404 01:44:19,600 --> 01:44:20,800 You are a prodigy. 1405 01:44:21,000 --> 01:44:22,300 A "doodle" prodigy. 1406 01:44:22,500 --> 01:44:24,000 Swoodle-ee-doo 1407 01:44:38,000 --> 01:44:41,200 So you're totally great. 1408 01:44:43,900 --> 01:44:45,500 Yeah. 1409 01:44:45,700 --> 01:44:47,000 This is a bitch. 1410 01:44:49,700 --> 01:44:53,100 Well, you must come to London all the time for work, right? 1411 01:44:53,300 --> 01:44:55,000 London? 1412 01:44:55,400 --> 01:44:56,900 Never. 1413 01:44:57,900 --> 01:44:59,500 New York? 1414 01:45:00,400 --> 01:45:03,200 Not really, but that's easier. Do you go there often? 1415 01:45:03,800 --> 01:45:05,500 Rarely. 1416 01:45:05,900 --> 01:45:07,800 Long-distance relationships can work. 1417 01:45:08,400 --> 01:45:10,100 Really? I can't make one work... 1418 01:45:10,300 --> 01:45:12,300 ...when I live in the same house with someone. 1419 01:45:12,500 --> 01:45:15,100 So this could be a good solution for you. 1420 01:45:17,900 --> 01:45:19,900 Oh, man. 1421 01:45:22,600 --> 01:45:24,200 Okay. 1422 01:45:25,000 --> 01:45:26,500 Let's say we just make this happen. 1423 01:45:26,700 --> 01:45:29,100 We commit to flying back and forth as much as we can. 1424 01:45:29,600 --> 01:45:31,500 Yes! It's doable, definitely. 1425 01:45:31,700 --> 01:45:35,100 And then let's say in six months we hit a wall. 1426 01:45:35,300 --> 01:45:37,700 Like, I can't constantly be away from work... 1427 01:45:37,900 --> 01:45:40,400 ...or the girls can't deal with you leaving so often. 1428 01:45:40,800 --> 01:45:43,700 And we start to feel the tension. We know this isn't gonna work... 1429 01:45:43,900 --> 01:45:47,100 ...so we start fighting because we don't know what else to do. 1430 01:45:47,300 --> 01:45:49,400 And then, after a long, tearful... 1431 01:45:49,600 --> 01:45:51,300 At your end. ...phone call... 1432 01:45:51,500 --> 01:45:53,600 -...we just... We say goodbye. -Thank you. 1433 01:45:53,800 --> 01:45:57,000 That'll be it, for real. It's not like we'll ever bump into each other. 1434 01:45:57,300 --> 01:46:00,100 And then what's left? Two miserable people... 1435 01:46:00,300 --> 01:46:02,800 ...feeling totally mashed up and hurt. 1436 01:46:10,300 --> 01:46:12,000 Or... 1437 01:46:12,500 --> 01:46:14,300 Thank you. 1438 01:46:17,700 --> 01:46:19,600 Or maybe we should just... 1439 01:46:19,800 --> 01:46:23,600 ...realize that what we've had these past few weeks has been perfect. 1440 01:46:24,400 --> 01:46:26,500 And maybe it won't get any better than this. 1441 01:46:26,700 --> 01:46:28,800 Maybe we're trying to figure this thing out... 1442 01:46:29,000 --> 01:46:31,000 ...because it makes us feel good to feel this. 1443 01:46:31,200 --> 01:46:33,200 Maybe the fact that l'm leaving in 8 hours... 1444 01:46:33,400 --> 01:46:37,300 ...makes this far more exciting than it might actually be. 1445 01:46:38,600 --> 01:46:40,000 Maybe. 1446 01:46:40,200 --> 01:46:43,300 You are, seriously, the most depressing girl l've ever met. 1447 01:46:44,500 --> 01:46:46,300 I know. 1448 01:46:48,700 --> 01:46:50,700 I have another scenario for you. 1449 01:46:50,900 --> 01:46:53,400 -Good. -l'm in love with you. 1450 01:46:59,200 --> 01:47:01,700 I apologize for the blunt delivery. 1451 01:47:02,400 --> 01:47:05,300 But as problematical as this... 1452 01:47:05,500 --> 01:47:08,400 ...fact may be, I am in love. 1453 01:47:09,400 --> 01:47:10,300 With you. 1454 01:47:12,000 --> 01:47:14,000 I'm not feeling this because you're leaving. 1455 01:47:14,200 --> 01:47:16,200 And not because it feels good to feel this way. 1456 01:47:16,400 --> 01:47:20,300 Which, by the way, it does... Or did, before you went off like that. 1457 01:47:20,500 --> 01:47:22,600 I can't figure out the mathematics of this. 1458 01:47:22,800 --> 01:47:25,800 I just know I love you. 1459 01:47:26,000 --> 01:47:28,700 Can't believe how many times l'm saying it. 1460 01:47:28,900 --> 01:47:32,400 And I never thought l'd feel this way again, so that's pretty phenomenal. 1461 01:47:32,800 --> 01:47:36,600 And I realize I come with a package deal: 1462 01:47:36,800 --> 01:47:39,400 Three for the price of one. And my... 1463 01:47:39,800 --> 01:47:43,200 ...package, perhaps in the light of day, isn't all that wonderful... 1464 01:47:43,500 --> 01:47:48,600 ...but I finally know what I want, and that, in itself, is a miracle. 1465 01:47:50,100 --> 01:47:52,200 And what I want... 1466 01:47:52,800 --> 01:47:54,300 ...is you. 1467 01:48:04,500 --> 01:48:07,000 I wasn't expecting "l love you." 1468 01:48:14,500 --> 01:48:17,100 Can you not look at me like that? 1469 01:48:17,300 --> 01:48:19,900 I'm trying to find the right thing to say. 1470 01:48:24,000 --> 01:48:26,400 I think if the obvious response... 1471 01:48:26,600 --> 01:48:29,200 ...doesn't immediately come to you, we can... 1472 01:48:30,500 --> 01:48:32,000 ...just... 1473 01:48:33,400 --> 01:48:35,200 We should just... 1474 01:48:35,400 --> 01:48:37,100 ...talk about something else. 1475 01:48:37,300 --> 01:48:41,500 Like, possibly, what a complete ass I am. 1476 01:48:41,700 --> 01:48:46,600 I do recall you promising me you wouldn't fall in love with me. 1477 01:48:46,800 --> 01:48:48,100 Must pay better attention. 1478 01:48:48,900 --> 01:48:50,900 I've never met a guy who talks as much as me. 1479 01:48:52,300 --> 01:48:53,600 But could you just for now... 1480 01:48:54,300 --> 01:48:56,000 ...be quiet? 1481 01:48:56,300 --> 01:48:57,300 Please? 1482 01:49:14,000 --> 01:49:16,500 How many of his movies are on that list of his? 1483 01:49:16,700 --> 01:49:18,300 About 15. I love it. 1484 01:49:18,500 --> 01:49:21,300 I don't know how l've never seen The Lady Eve before. 1485 01:49:21,500 --> 01:49:23,200 Barbara Stanwyck is dazzling. 1486 01:49:23,400 --> 01:49:26,200 -And she's so sure of herself. -And sexy. 1487 01:49:26,400 --> 01:49:28,900 Really sexy! You know, every movie he's told me to see... 1488 01:49:29,100 --> 01:49:31,900 -...has this powerhouse woman in it. -Wonder if he's trying... 1489 01:49:32,100 --> 01:49:36,900 ...to tell you something with that. Okay, sorry about that. Boob graze. 1490 01:49:38,400 --> 01:49:41,600 That was accidental. Accidental boob graze. 1491 01:49:44,200 --> 01:49:46,000 I'm sorry. 1492 01:49:47,300 --> 01:49:49,600 -Changing subject. -Okay. 1493 01:49:49,900 --> 01:49:52,400 Arthur has requested... 1494 01:49:52,600 --> 01:49:55,700 ...that you write some lyrics for his theme song. 1495 01:49:55,900 --> 01:49:57,600 What's the matter? Who is it? 1496 01:49:57,800 --> 01:49:58,800 It's Maggie. 1497 01:50:01,000 --> 01:50:02,200 Hello? 1498 01:50:04,000 --> 01:50:05,600 Hi. 1499 01:50:07,300 --> 01:50:09,400 I'm doing okay. 1500 01:50:11,500 --> 01:50:15,500 Actually, Maggie, l'm a bit tied up at the moment. 1501 01:50:16,700 --> 01:50:18,800 I don't know. What time could you be there? 1502 01:50:21,400 --> 01:50:23,300 All right, l'll be there. 1503 01:50:23,500 --> 01:50:25,800 Oh, no, no. Like, a half-hour. 1504 01:50:26,800 --> 01:50:28,800 Maybe a little longer. 1505 01:50:29,800 --> 01:50:31,900 Okay, bye. 1506 01:50:36,000 --> 01:50:37,600 She misses me. 1507 01:50:37,800 --> 01:50:41,600 You see? She came to her senses. 1508 01:50:46,100 --> 01:50:47,700 -We should get the bill. -No! 1509 01:50:47,900 --> 01:50:50,300 No, no, take your time. I can wait till you're finished. 1510 01:50:50,500 --> 01:50:51,500 -l'm finished. -No. 1511 01:50:51,700 --> 01:50:55,400 -You didn't get to your spicy tuna yet. -l'm fine, really. 1512 01:50:56,300 --> 01:50:58,800 You can go. I can get this one. 1513 01:50:59,300 --> 01:51:02,900 I'll see you later at the Writers Guild. I mean, if you can still make it. 1514 01:51:03,100 --> 01:51:06,500 I gotta get all the way to Silver Lake, but l'm gonna try to be there. 1515 01:51:07,500 --> 01:51:10,400 Anyway, l'm bringing the music. I mean, I really wanna be there... 1516 01:51:10,600 --> 01:51:12,900 ...but I don't know how long this is gonna take. 1517 01:51:13,100 --> 01:51:14,400 I'm sorry. 1518 01:51:16,000 --> 01:51:18,200 It's all good. Don't worry. 1519 01:51:22,100 --> 01:51:24,300 -Good luck. -Thank you. 1520 01:52:15,700 --> 01:52:17,000 Hello. 1521 01:52:18,300 --> 01:52:22,300 Oh, Jasper! I'm just reading your pages. 1522 01:52:23,000 --> 01:52:26,800 No, I hadn't forgotten. I've just been busy, that's all. 1523 01:52:27,400 --> 01:52:31,000 That's not true. I was gonna call you when l'd read... 1524 01:52:31,400 --> 01:52:33,000 What kind of surprise? 1525 01:52:33,200 --> 01:52:34,700 No, I don't see a box or anything. 1526 01:52:34,900 --> 01:52:36,900 Yes, l'm sure. 1527 01:52:37,200 --> 01:52:39,800 Hold on, let me just check the kitchen. 1528 01:52:42,800 --> 01:52:44,300 No, not in there. 1529 01:52:44,600 --> 01:52:46,100 Well, l'll go and check the gate. 1530 01:52:46,300 --> 01:52:50,000 Yes. Well, when did you send it? 1531 01:52:53,500 --> 01:52:55,700 I found your Christmas present. 1532 01:53:05,400 --> 01:53:06,600 This place suits you. 1533 01:53:07,200 --> 01:53:08,500 Yeah, right. 1534 01:53:09,700 --> 01:53:11,500 No, really. 1535 01:53:17,000 --> 01:53:19,900 So you are eventually gonna look at me, aren't you? 1536 01:53:26,200 --> 01:53:27,500 Hello. 1537 01:53:30,200 --> 01:53:33,400 I came here because I had to see you. 1538 01:53:33,600 --> 01:53:35,300 Had to. 1539 01:53:36,900 --> 01:53:40,100 Oh, Jasper, I really don't understand this. 1540 01:53:40,300 --> 01:53:41,900 I mean... 1541 01:53:42,100 --> 01:53:46,400 I was right there for three years! Remember? Square peg, round hole? 1542 01:53:47,300 --> 01:53:48,600 -What? -That's what you said. 1543 01:53:48,800 --> 01:53:50,800 That we weren't really right for each other. 1544 01:53:51,000 --> 01:53:53,600 We were a square peg and a round hole. 1545 01:53:53,800 --> 01:53:56,500 I don't remember that. I just know I hated when you were gone. 1546 01:53:56,700 --> 01:53:59,200 And also, I have never checked my e-mails more. 1547 01:53:59,400 --> 01:54:02,500 It was driving me crazy that I wasn't hearing from you. 1548 01:54:03,500 --> 01:54:05,700 I don't want to lose you, babe. 1549 01:54:08,700 --> 01:54:09,900 Lose me? 1550 01:54:12,600 --> 01:54:15,400 This is too confusing. 1551 01:54:18,400 --> 01:54:19,900 Come here. 1552 01:54:22,900 --> 01:54:26,300 I screwed up. Miles, haven't you ever screwed up? 1553 01:54:26,500 --> 01:54:28,700 I made a mistake. 1554 01:54:29,700 --> 01:54:32,100 I was stupid and impulsive. 1555 01:54:32,300 --> 01:54:35,500 He wasn't what I thought. I just started thinking about you... 1556 01:54:35,700 --> 01:54:38,800 ...and wishing and hoping that you would just forgive me. 1557 01:54:39,500 --> 01:54:41,700 Will you, Miles? 1558 01:54:41,900 --> 01:54:43,900 Will you forgive me? 1559 01:54:58,700 --> 01:55:00,800 You know what I was thinking? 1560 01:55:01,000 --> 01:55:02,300 When you get back to London... 1561 01:55:02,500 --> 01:55:05,300 ...maybe we could sneak off somewhere together. 1562 01:55:05,500 --> 01:55:07,200 Maybe venice. 1563 01:55:07,400 --> 01:55:09,000 You and me in venice could be good. 1564 01:55:11,000 --> 01:55:13,400 Do you mean that? I mean... 1565 01:55:14,000 --> 01:55:15,900 Are you free to do that? 1566 01:55:17,200 --> 01:55:18,600 Darling... 1567 01:55:18,800 --> 01:55:22,800 ...I've just traveled halfway across the world to see you, haven't l? 1568 01:55:28,400 --> 01:55:32,500 Yeah, that doesn't exactly answer my question, so... 1569 01:55:32,700 --> 01:55:36,800 Are you not with Sarah anymore? I mean... 1570 01:55:37,000 --> 01:55:39,400 ...is that what you've come here to tell me? 1571 01:55:40,500 --> 01:55:44,200 I wish you could just accept knowing how confused I am about all this. 1572 01:55:46,300 --> 01:55:49,200 Okay, let me translate that. 1573 01:55:49,400 --> 01:55:52,800 So you are still engaged to be married. 1574 01:55:55,000 --> 01:55:58,800 -Yes, but, I mean... -Oh, my God. 1575 01:56:00,700 --> 01:56:03,000 Okay, this was a really... 1576 01:56:03,200 --> 01:56:04,300 ...close call. 1577 01:56:04,500 --> 01:56:07,100 You know, I never thought l'd say this, literally never... 1578 01:56:07,300 --> 01:56:10,300 ...but I think you were absolutely right about us. 1579 01:56:10,500 --> 01:56:12,700 very square peg, very round hole! 1580 01:56:12,900 --> 01:56:16,700 -You cannot mean that. -The great thing is I actually do. 1581 01:56:16,900 --> 01:56:19,200 And l'm about three years late in telling you this... 1582 01:56:19,400 --> 01:56:22,100 ...but nevertheless I need to say it. 1583 01:56:22,500 --> 01:56:24,000 Jasper... 1584 01:56:24,200 --> 01:56:25,400 Wait. I need the lights on. 1585 01:56:29,900 --> 01:56:30,900 Jasper... 1586 01:56:34,000 --> 01:56:35,500 ...you have never treated me right. 1587 01:56:35,800 --> 01:56:37,300 -Ever. -Oh, babe. 1588 01:56:38,800 --> 01:56:41,300 You broke my heart. 1589 01:56:41,500 --> 01:56:43,900 And you acted like somehow it was my fault... 1590 01:56:44,100 --> 01:56:47,000 ...my misunderstanding, and I was too in love with you... 1591 01:56:47,200 --> 01:56:51,000 ...to ever be mad at you, so I just punished myself! For years! 1592 01:56:51,600 --> 01:56:55,200 But you waltzing in here on my lovely Christmas holiday... 1593 01:56:55,400 --> 01:56:57,600 ...and telling me that you don't want to lose me... 1594 01:56:57,800 --> 01:57:00,200 ...whilst you're about to get married... 1595 01:57:00,400 --> 01:57:03,100 ...somehow newly entitles me to say... 1596 01:57:05,300 --> 01:57:06,300 ...it's over. 1597 01:57:07,100 --> 01:57:12,500 This... This twisted, toxic thing between us... 1598 01:57:12,700 --> 01:57:14,800 ...is finally finished! 1599 01:57:15,000 --> 01:57:18,800 I'm miraculously done being in love with you! 1600 01:57:19,800 --> 01:57:22,200 I've got a life to start living. 1601 01:57:23,900 --> 01:57:26,500 -And you're not going to be in it. -Darling... 1602 01:57:26,700 --> 01:57:29,000 Now l've got somewhere really important to be... 1603 01:57:29,200 --> 01:57:32,100 ...and you have got to get the hell out. 1604 01:57:32,600 --> 01:57:35,000 -Now! -What exactly has got into you? 1605 01:57:35,900 --> 01:57:37,400 I don't know. 1606 01:57:37,600 --> 01:57:41,400 But I think what l've got is something slightly resembling... 1607 01:57:41,600 --> 01:57:43,000 ...gumption. 1608 01:58:07,900 --> 01:58:09,700 Iris... 1609 01:58:10,000 --> 01:58:12,200 ...you're a knockout. 1610 01:58:12,500 --> 01:58:13,800 Thank you. 1611 01:58:14,000 --> 01:58:17,900 -And may I say, so are you. -Did I do my tie okay? 1612 01:58:18,100 --> 01:58:21,200 I haven't worn one in 15 years. 1613 01:58:22,600 --> 01:58:25,600 -lt's perfect. -I like this Hugo Boss. 1614 01:58:25,800 --> 01:58:27,300 He cuts a nice suit. 1615 01:58:28,300 --> 01:58:30,400 I've got something for you. 1616 01:58:38,300 --> 01:58:42,700 Forgive me. The last time I had a date, this is what we did. 1617 01:58:43,500 --> 01:58:45,200 It's beautiful. 1618 01:58:46,700 --> 01:58:50,100 If it's corny, or if it's going to ruin your outfit... 1619 01:58:50,300 --> 01:58:52,600 ...you don't have to wear it. 1620 01:58:53,600 --> 01:58:55,800 I like corny. 1621 01:58:56,300 --> 01:58:58,400 I'm looking for corny in my life. 1622 01:58:59,300 --> 01:59:03,000 -That's a nice line. -lt's all those movies! 1623 01:59:03,200 --> 01:59:05,700 Okay, let's do it. 1624 01:59:05,900 --> 01:59:08,100 Let's get this embarrassment over with. 1625 01:59:08,300 --> 01:59:10,200 Okay. 1626 01:59:17,700 --> 01:59:19,900 -Mr. Abbott? -Yes, sir. 1627 01:59:20,100 --> 01:59:22,200 We're all ready for you. 1628 01:59:35,300 --> 01:59:39,300 Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Arthur Abbott! 1629 02:00:02,000 --> 02:00:05,000 -Oh, hi! -Arthur, you made it. 1630 02:00:06,100 --> 02:00:07,500 Thank you. Thank you too. 1631 02:00:12,000 --> 02:00:13,000 Thank you very much. 1632 02:00:17,600 --> 02:00:19,700 I'll take you up, Mr. Abbott. 1633 02:00:21,100 --> 02:00:23,300 Go on, go for it. 1634 02:00:40,600 --> 02:00:41,600 I'll do it. 1635 02:00:53,800 --> 02:00:55,500 The man is a rock star. 1636 02:00:56,400 --> 02:00:57,500 Hi! 1637 02:01:01,000 --> 02:01:04,000 Sorry l'm late. The Maggie thing took a little time, but it is over. 1638 02:01:04,200 --> 02:01:06,100 Finished, kaput. 1639 02:01:08,200 --> 02:01:09,200 You look beautiful. 1640 02:01:10,900 --> 02:01:12,200 Thank you. 1641 02:01:12,400 --> 02:01:13,800 Thanks. 1642 02:01:14,000 --> 02:01:15,800 Thank you, thank you. 1643 02:01:16,000 --> 02:01:17,300 I'm... 1644 02:01:17,500 --> 02:01:20,900 I'm absolutely overwhelmed... 1645 02:01:21,800 --> 02:01:23,400 ...that I could climb those stairs. 1646 02:01:24,800 --> 02:01:25,700 He did great. 1647 02:01:26,500 --> 02:01:29,900 I came to Hollywood over 60 years ago... 1648 02:01:30,100 --> 02:01:32,700 ...and immediately fell in love with motion pictures. 1649 02:01:33,300 --> 02:01:37,100 And it's a love affair that's lasted a lifetime. 1650 02:01:37,300 --> 02:01:40,200 When I first arrived in Tinseltown... 1651 02:01:40,400 --> 02:01:44,100 ...there were no cineplexes or multiplexes. 1652 02:01:44,300 --> 02:01:48,500 No such thing as a Blockbuster or DvD. 1653 02:01:48,700 --> 02:01:52,000 I was here before conglomerates owned the studios. 1654 02:01:52,700 --> 02:01:56,200 Before pictures had special effects teams. 1655 02:01:56,400 --> 02:02:00,000 And definitely before box office results were reported... 1656 02:02:00,200 --> 02:02:03,500 ...Iike baseball scores on the nightly news. 1657 02:02:04,000 --> 02:02:07,000 He is so fantastic. 1658 02:02:07,500 --> 02:02:10,400 -lris? -Yes? 1659 02:02:10,600 --> 02:02:13,000 What are you doing New Year's Eve? 1660 02:02:14,500 --> 02:02:16,400 I'll be back in England by New Year's Eve. 1661 02:02:20,100 --> 02:02:22,600 You know, l've never been to England. 1662 02:02:23,100 --> 02:02:26,200 -l've never been to Europe. -No? 1663 02:02:26,700 --> 02:02:29,600 If I come over there, will you go out with me on New Year's Eve? 1664 02:02:34,400 --> 02:02:35,700 Love to. 1665 02:02:56,900 --> 02:02:59,800 We're not gonna make a bigger deal out of this than it already is. 1666 02:03:00,000 --> 02:03:01,400 No, we're not. 1667 02:03:01,600 --> 02:03:04,100 It's not like we're never going to speak or e-mail or... 1668 02:03:04,300 --> 02:03:07,200 -No set rules. -None. 1669 02:03:08,400 --> 02:03:11,700 So now l'm just gonna kiss you for the millionth time... 1670 02:03:11,900 --> 02:03:13,400 ...and say, "Be seeing you." 1671 02:03:29,400 --> 02:03:31,300 Be seeing you. 1672 02:03:36,200 --> 02:03:38,200 Take care of yourself. 1673 02:04:40,100 --> 02:04:42,000 Did you have a good holiday, miss? 1674 02:04:42,800 --> 02:04:44,400 Yeah. 1675 02:04:45,100 --> 02:04:46,500 Great. 1676 02:04:49,300 --> 02:04:51,500 Maybe the best ever. 1677 02:05:46,000 --> 02:05:47,900 Amanda Woods... 1678 02:05:48,100 --> 02:05:49,800 ...welcome back. 1679 02:05:51,900 --> 02:05:53,700 Turn around! 1680 02:05:54,300 --> 02:05:56,100 Turn around and go back, please! 1681 02:05:56,300 --> 02:05:59,800 -Did you forget something? -Yes! Yes. 1682 02:06:11,000 --> 02:06:12,300 Can you go any faster? 1683 02:06:12,500 --> 02:06:14,300 This lane's tricky. It's gonna take a bit. 1684 02:06:14,500 --> 02:06:15,800 It's okay, just stop. 1685 02:06:22,400 --> 02:06:23,400 Madam? 1686 02:06:24,500 --> 02:06:26,000 Madam! 1687 02:07:21,200 --> 02:07:22,800 Graham? 1688 02:07:23,900 --> 02:07:25,700 Graham. 1689 02:07:38,100 --> 02:07:39,700 You know... 1690 02:07:39,900 --> 02:07:42,200 ...I was just thinking... 1691 02:07:43,400 --> 02:07:45,800 ...why would I ever leave before New Year's Eve? 1692 02:07:46,400 --> 02:07:48,900 That makes no sense at all. 1693 02:07:49,100 --> 02:07:51,800 I mean, you didn't exactly ask me out... 1694 02:07:54,000 --> 02:07:56,400 ...but you did say you loved me... 1695 02:07:56,800 --> 02:07:59,400 ...so l'm thinking l've got a date. 1696 02:08:00,000 --> 02:08:01,100 If you'll have me. 1697 02:08:03,800 --> 02:08:05,700 I have the girls New Year's Eve. 1698 02:08:08,700 --> 02:08:09,900 Sounds perfect. 1699 02:08:29,400 --> 02:08:31,400 I'm coming to get you! 1700 02:08:31,600 --> 02:08:35,900 You look just like an angel on the top of the Christmas tree. 1701 02:08:36,100 --> 02:08:38,600 You got so big. Give us a kiss. 1702 02:08:39,100 --> 02:08:41,900 Come and tell me all about your Christmas presents. 1703 02:08:42,400 --> 02:08:43,700 Go sit with Miles. 1704 02:08:53,600 --> 02:08:54,600 Sweetie. 1705 02:09:31,400 --> 02:09:34,400 -I challenge ye. -Me? 1706 02:09:55,000 --> 02:09:57,100 The love train is leaving the station. 1707 02:10:11,900 --> 02:10:14,100 -Happy New Year! -Happy New Year! 1708 02:10:14,300 --> 02:10:16,300 Happy New Year! 1709 02:10:16,500 --> 02:10:20,500 Happy New Year, everybody!