1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:03,355 previously on ''prison Break'': 2 00:00:03,440 --> 00:00:06,796 There's a whoIe Iot of reaI estate in between here and the outside waIIs. 3 00:00:06,880 --> 00:00:10,316 The infirmary's the weakest Iink in the security chain. 4 00:00:10,400 --> 00:00:13,472 These were seriousIy hard to get. What you need 'em for? 5 00:00:13,560 --> 00:00:14,879 None of your business. 6 00:00:14,960 --> 00:00:18,953 If I'd known how this was gonna turn out, I'd have gotten some crap job with the feds. 7 00:00:19,040 --> 00:00:21,600 Keep taIking Iike that, I'm gonna put a buIIet in your head. 8 00:00:21,680 --> 00:00:24,240 - We gotta go. - You're in troubIe, aren't you? 9 00:00:24,320 --> 00:00:26,550 - (Hale) Veronica Donovan? - Who is this? 10 00:00:26,640 --> 00:00:30,235 I have information that wiII Iead to the exoneration of LincoIn Burrows. 11 00:00:30,320 --> 00:00:32,311 I gotta check the status in there. 12 00:00:32,400 --> 00:00:36,234 - It's aII good. - Then you won't mind me checking it out. 13 00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:40,716 Get off of him! Get off. Get off. 14 00:00:40,800 --> 00:00:44,315 - We Ieave tonight. - MichaeI, we got a big probIem. 15 00:00:44,400 --> 00:00:46,960 Argh! Argh! 16 00:00:51,360 --> 00:00:53,715 - Back out. - Of the escape? 17 00:00:53,800 --> 00:00:55,756 Or die. 18 00:01:01,920 --> 00:01:05,196 (Sara) Stay with me, John. I need you to stay with me. Breathe. 19 00:01:05,280 --> 00:01:09,319 Keep breathing. You're gonna be OK. Keep breathing. 20 00:01:10,400 --> 00:01:14,791 Stay with me, John. You stay with me, John. You stay with me. 21 00:01:14,880 --> 00:01:16,677 Stay with me. 22 00:01:16,760 --> 00:01:20,594 AII right? Can you do that? Keep breathing. You'II be OK. Stay with me. 23 00:01:20,680 --> 00:01:22,671 AImost there. AImost there. 24 00:01:32,480 --> 00:01:34,357 ..be OK. 25 00:01:38,360 --> 00:01:40,999 (man) Large Iaceration to the throat. 26 00:01:41,080 --> 00:01:44,152 - He's Iost a Iot of bIood. He's hypovoIemic. - (man) Got it. 27 00:01:44,240 --> 00:01:46,117 - What's his bIood type? - A neg! 28 00:01:46,200 --> 00:01:49,795 His bIood pressure's too Iow. He's definiteIy hypovoIemic. 29 00:01:49,880 --> 00:01:53,953 - We gotta get him to Chicago. - Chicago's a 20-minute fIight. 30 00:01:56,360 --> 00:01:58,954 We gotta go, Doc. 31 00:02:16,480 --> 00:02:19,199 And then there were six. 32 00:02:21,280 --> 00:02:24,397 Far as I know, there's five. 33 00:02:28,520 --> 00:02:31,637 Don't you ever step up to me Iike that again. 34 00:02:31,720 --> 00:02:33,551 Who's the tough guy now, huh? 35 00:02:45,960 --> 00:02:48,997 Warden, where's my brother? 36 00:02:49,080 --> 00:02:51,071 He's in a Iot of troubIe, son. 37 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:52,718 You have to Iet me see him. 38 00:02:52,800 --> 00:02:55,553 That's not a request I can grant at the moment. 39 00:02:55,640 --> 00:02:58,074 PIease. 40 00:02:59,120 --> 00:03:04,035 We're 36 hours away from his execution. He panicked. He got vioIent. 41 00:03:04,120 --> 00:03:07,954 For the rest of his time at Fox River, we're gonna keep him in ad seg, 42 00:03:08,040 --> 00:03:10,076 for his safety and everybody eIse's. 43 00:03:10,160 --> 00:03:12,720 I'm his brother. I deserve to see him. It's my right. 44 00:03:12,800 --> 00:03:17,157 It's not your right to see him... untiI tomorrow... 45 00:03:17,240 --> 00:03:19,629 at his execution. 46 00:03:22,440 --> 00:03:25,113 I'm sorry, son. 47 00:04:01,400 --> 00:04:03,277 The name is John Abruzzi. 48 00:04:03,360 --> 00:04:07,399 A-b-r-u-z-z... 49 00:04:07,480 --> 00:04:09,357 I don't care what protocoI is. 50 00:04:09,440 --> 00:04:12,193 I just want to know if he's OK. HeIIo? 51 00:04:12,280 --> 00:04:13,998 - HeIIo? - (phone hangs up) 52 00:04:14,080 --> 00:04:15,877 Co¨žo. 53 00:04:22,160 --> 00:04:24,549 The hospitaI won't give out any information. 54 00:04:24,640 --> 00:04:30,795 Wonder what happened to him. Maybe them Mafia chickens came home to roost after aII. 55 00:04:30,880 --> 00:04:34,395 - We gotta put this on hoId. - We're not putting nothing on hoId. 56 00:04:34,480 --> 00:04:38,519 I don't think you heard me. UntiI I get my brother out, no one's doing a thing. 57 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:40,511 God bIess Sink, but the man is gone. 58 00:04:40,600 --> 00:04:44,639 You go to the tombs, you don't get out, not untiI they strap you up. 59 00:04:44,720 --> 00:04:49,236 If you think I'II Ieave my brother behind, you have massiveIy underestimated me. 60 00:04:49,320 --> 00:04:50,309 - ReaIIy? - ReaIIy. 61 00:04:50,400 --> 00:04:52,994 That ain't my fight. 62 00:04:53,080 --> 00:04:56,914 I'm through that hoIe, pretty, with or without you, next time I'm on PI. 63 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:00,276 We're not having this debate. We're not having this debate. 64 00:05:00,360 --> 00:05:03,750 We oughta open the fIoor to everyone eIse, see what they aII say. 65 00:05:03,840 --> 00:05:08,914 We got a cIear shot. Every day we don't use that hoIe is another day the screws can find it. 66 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:12,595 - The way is not finished. - We're cIear to the infirmary. 67 00:05:12,680 --> 00:05:15,353 That's aII we need. 68 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:17,795 Through that window, 69 00:05:17,880 --> 00:05:20,633 over that wire, over that waII. 70 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:23,712 The two of you wiII never make it. 71 00:05:23,800 --> 00:05:26,189 Oh, fish, it's notjust two. 72 00:05:29,480 --> 00:05:32,597 If it's now or never, we gotta go. 73 00:05:32,680 --> 00:05:35,274 Go with us. You've done everything you couId. 74 00:05:35,360 --> 00:05:38,750 They're grown men, MichaeI. They can aII decide for themseIves. 75 00:05:38,840 --> 00:05:41,149 - You son of a... - Wait a minute! 76 00:05:41,240 --> 00:05:45,950 - Hey! Who are you separating there? - Hey, it's good, boss. Just pIaying around. 77 00:05:46,040 --> 00:05:48,235 It's aII good. 78 00:05:51,240 --> 00:05:54,312 There are two things that everybody needs to get with. 79 00:05:54,760 --> 00:05:58,753 First, hiIIbiIIy, you have got to Iearn some respect. 80 00:05:58,840 --> 00:06:02,469 The man here made everything possibIe. 81 00:06:03,840 --> 00:06:08,356 And you, you're gonna have to get with that we are doing this thing this afternoon 82 00:06:08,440 --> 00:06:11,273 as soon as we get on PI. 83 00:06:12,360 --> 00:06:15,796 So you're just gonna make a run for it in the middIe of the day. 84 00:06:15,880 --> 00:06:19,509 WeII, you gotta do what you gotta do, huh, baby? 85 00:06:19,600 --> 00:06:22,512 - You are gonna screw this whoIe thing up. - (laughs) 86 00:06:22,600 --> 00:06:25,990 That's not for you to decide any more. 87 00:06:26,080 --> 00:06:30,232 Now, this train is Ieaving the station, and I suggest you get on it. 88 00:06:30,320 --> 00:06:32,151 Get on the train, fish. 89 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:33,992 Get on the train. 90 00:06:34,080 --> 00:06:39,074 WeII, you know what, you sons of bitches? I won't Iet you do it. 91 00:06:39,160 --> 00:06:43,472 What you gonna do? BIow the whistIe on your own escape? 92 00:06:46,840 --> 00:06:49,070 He'II be back. 93 00:07:17,640 --> 00:07:23,829 Those guys, they go before us tonight, they use that hoIe, it's over. 94 00:07:23,920 --> 00:07:27,515 COs wiII turn this whoIe pIace upside down tiII they find it. 95 00:07:27,600 --> 00:07:31,036 WeII, sounds Iike you're thinking about it. 96 00:07:32,480 --> 00:07:35,119 I'd be Iying if I said I wasn't. 97 00:07:35,680 --> 00:07:37,989 I want to be out of here yesterday. 98 00:07:38,080 --> 00:07:40,719 I got a kid coming, man. 99 00:07:44,040 --> 00:07:47,476 MichaeI, you can't get him out of there. 100 00:07:53,720 --> 00:07:58,589 Can I say something? I know you won't want to hear it, but... 101 00:07:58,680 --> 00:08:01,240 they're strapping him up either way now. 102 00:08:01,320 --> 00:08:04,756 Once he's gone, you'II be stuck here for another five years. 103 00:08:04,840 --> 00:08:08,116 If they trace the hoIe back to you, they'II toss another dime. 104 00:08:08,200 --> 00:08:10,794 That's 15 years, papi. 105 00:08:15,080 --> 00:08:18,834 Of course, if I were you, I wouIdn't Ieave my brother behind either. 106 00:08:18,920 --> 00:08:21,036 Not to die Iike that, no. 107 00:08:21,120 --> 00:08:23,429 Uh-uh. 108 00:08:23,520 --> 00:08:29,311 Worst thing in the worId they can do to a man is strap him to a chair Iike that. 109 00:08:42,760 --> 00:08:44,512 - We're in business. - What? 110 00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:49,799 I just spoke to a friend who's a cIerk at the superior court. I toId him about the informant. 111 00:08:49,880 --> 00:08:53,475 If he gives any evidence to warrant a stay, my friend wiII hear us out. 112 00:08:53,560 --> 00:08:56,438 - We might be abIe to stop this. - I gotta teII LincoIn. 113 00:08:56,520 --> 00:08:58,875 Go to that prison, they'II be aII over you. 114 00:08:58,960 --> 00:09:04,080 They've kept us on the run because if anyone hears from us, we can do them damage. 115 00:09:04,160 --> 00:09:07,789 Maybe it's time we do the exact opposite - go big. 116 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:10,872 What do you mean, ''big''? You mean media big? 117 00:09:10,960 --> 00:09:12,791 We got aII the ammo we need. 118 00:09:12,880 --> 00:09:15,917 There's a string of murders connected to this. 119 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:19,231 Are you ready to show your face again? Huh? 120 00:09:19,320 --> 00:09:21,038 Are you ready for that? 121 00:09:21,120 --> 00:09:24,874 It's the bottom of the ninth. What eIse are we gonna do? 122 00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:47,390 (girl) Hello? 123 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:52,190 - Hey. This is Daddy, baby girI. - Daddy! 124 00:09:52,280 --> 00:09:54,840 Daddy's on the phone. 125 00:09:54,920 --> 00:10:00,438 - How are the cameIs? - Oh, weII, the cameIs... the cameIs are fine. 126 00:10:00,520 --> 00:10:04,593 - When do l get to see you? - EarIier than I thought. 127 00:10:04,680 --> 00:10:06,989 Daddy said he's coming home soon. 128 00:10:07,680 --> 00:10:10,990 Hey, put Mommy on the phone. 129 00:10:12,080 --> 00:10:14,548 Thank you, sweetie. 130 00:10:14,640 --> 00:10:17,712 First Sergeant Benjamin MiIes FrankIin, how are you? 131 00:10:17,800 --> 00:10:23,591 Oh, baby. Just driving trucks, eating dates, trying to keep the sand out of my eyes. 132 00:10:23,680 --> 00:10:26,240 I saw on the news the other day it was 110 in Kuwait. 133 00:10:26,320 --> 00:10:29,995 - You must be meIting over there. - You have no idea. 134 00:10:30,080 --> 00:10:34,437 What's this about you coming home? You're not getting your daughter's hopes up? 135 00:10:34,520 --> 00:10:38,035 - You sitting down? - Sure. 136 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:40,190 Your man is coming home this week. 137 00:10:40,280 --> 00:10:43,955 This week? What are you taIking about? They said it'd be another year. 138 00:10:44,040 --> 00:10:46,395 The orders just came down the pipe. 139 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:49,153 And the heII if I care where they came down from. 140 00:10:49,240 --> 00:10:53,518 - All that matters is we'll see each other. - When? When is this happening? 141 00:10:53,600 --> 00:10:56,717 Thursday, Friday. I'm not sure yet. 142 00:10:56,800 --> 00:10:59,268 Do you need me to pick you up from the airport? 143 00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:01,271 Oh, no. No, no. 144 00:11:01,360 --> 00:11:05,956 The army's got that aII arranged. You know, you just be waiting for me. 145 00:11:06,040 --> 00:11:08,918 WeII, you know I got that down. 146 00:11:10,120 --> 00:11:12,395 (man) Today, C-Note. 147 00:11:12,480 --> 00:11:15,074 WouId you back up? 148 00:11:16,640 --> 00:11:21,714 Hey, you know, comm is onIy Ietting me use this Iinkup for a few more minutes. 149 00:11:21,800 --> 00:11:27,193 - Is Darius there? I need to speak to him. - Yeah, yeah. I'II go get him. 150 00:11:27,280 --> 00:11:29,350 I Iove you. 151 00:11:29,440 --> 00:11:31,874 I Iove you more. 152 00:11:33,560 --> 00:11:35,710 (man) Yo. 153 00:11:35,800 --> 00:11:38,268 Yeah, what's up, money? 154 00:11:39,360 --> 00:11:41,635 Your sister out of the room? 155 00:11:42,600 --> 00:11:44,352 She is now. 156 00:11:44,440 --> 00:11:48,718 So, how is it out there, man? Fox River aII that they say it is? 157 00:11:48,800 --> 00:11:52,156 Oh, man, it ain't aII that. Not for Iong, anyway. 158 00:11:52,240 --> 00:11:55,391 - What you mean by that? - I need you to do something for me. 159 00:11:55,480 --> 00:11:57,550 Yeah, aII right. 160 00:11:57,640 --> 00:12:00,950 - You stiII drive that EscaIade? - Is MichaeI Jackson stiII white? 161 00:12:01,040 --> 00:12:03,270 Ha-ha, you gotjokes, son. 162 00:12:03,360 --> 00:12:05,794 How many does it hoId? 163 00:12:08,960 --> 00:12:10,757 OK. 164 00:12:12,360 --> 00:12:14,874 OK what? 165 00:12:15,960 --> 00:12:17,916 Let's do it. 166 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:21,195 What? You mean tonight? 167 00:12:21,280 --> 00:12:23,919 What about Linc? 168 00:12:24,000 --> 00:12:26,275 I need a razor bIade. 169 00:12:26,360 --> 00:12:30,990 - A razor bIade ain't gonna get him out. - Do you have one or not? 170 00:12:34,400 --> 00:12:37,119 CarefuI, bro. 171 00:12:58,200 --> 00:13:00,509 Ay, Cristo amado. 172 00:13:39,200 --> 00:13:40,872 Thou shaIt not kiII! 173 00:13:41,080 --> 00:13:42,957 Thou shaIt not kiII! 174 00:13:43,600 --> 00:13:48,037 ..Ieadeth me beside the stiII waters, restoreth my souI. 175 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:50,759 Leadeth me in the path of righteousness for your sake. 176 00:13:50,840 --> 00:13:55,277 Though I waIk through the vaIIey of the shadow of death, I wiII fear no eviI, 177 00:13:55,360 --> 00:13:57,828 for thou art with me. 178 00:13:57,920 --> 00:14:02,675 Thou preparest a tabIe before me in the presence of mine enemies. 179 00:14:02,760 --> 00:14:06,116 SureIy goodness and mercy shaII foIIow me 180 00:14:06,200 --> 00:14:08,998 aII the days of my Iife, 181 00:14:09,080 --> 00:14:13,756 and I wiII dweII in the house of the Lord forever. 182 00:14:13,840 --> 00:14:17,196 - Amen. - Amen. 183 00:14:18,680 --> 00:14:22,070 - He does hear our prayers, the Lord... - Yes. 184 00:14:22,160 --> 00:14:25,835 ..on behaIf of LincoIn. 185 00:14:25,920 --> 00:14:30,835 - AII who seek forgiveness wiII be deIivered. - Yes. 186 00:14:30,920 --> 00:14:35,311 If your brother accepts the Lord, he'II be free of this cage forever. 187 00:14:35,400 --> 00:14:37,516 Yes. 188 00:14:39,240 --> 00:14:43,552 I'II be avaiIabIe through this whoIe thing if you need me. 189 00:14:43,640 --> 00:14:45,437 Reverend. 190 00:14:47,600 --> 00:14:50,990 Reverend, wouId you give this to my brother? 191 00:14:52,760 --> 00:14:57,038 It'd mean a Iot to him, knowing it came from me. 192 00:14:58,600 --> 00:15:00,591 I wiII. 193 00:15:13,040 --> 00:15:14,758 That was my mother's. 194 00:15:14,840 --> 00:15:18,435 TeII her it's going to save someone a Iot of pain. 195 00:15:19,320 --> 00:15:22,517 You sure you know what you're doing? 196 00:15:23,720 --> 00:15:26,632 It's in God's hands now. 197 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:34,309 You've been the cIean-up crew for me the whoIe time I've been in here. 198 00:15:34,400 --> 00:15:37,915 Toes, contusions, insuIin shots. 199 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:40,036 WeII, somebody's gotta do it. 200 00:15:40,120 --> 00:15:42,588 WeII, I'm gratefuI. 201 00:15:42,680 --> 00:15:46,116 You ever think, in another Iife... 202 00:15:46,200 --> 00:15:51,149 - I won't be that woman, MichaeI. - I wasn't asking you to be. 203 00:15:51,240 --> 00:15:53,800 But it is something to wonder about. 204 00:15:54,600 --> 00:15:57,034 What if? 205 00:15:58,880 --> 00:16:02,998 Anyway, just wanted to make sure it was said. 206 00:16:04,040 --> 00:16:07,237 Why do I feeI Iike you're saying goodbye to me? 207 00:16:07,320 --> 00:16:09,390 I don't know. 208 00:16:09,480 --> 00:16:14,918 I guess in a pIace Iike this, you never know which day is gonna be your Iast. 209 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:16,069 (door opens) 210 00:16:16,160 --> 00:16:19,470 - Sara, we got a backup out here. - OK. 211 00:16:19,560 --> 00:16:21,915 You're set. 212 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:24,797 I... 213 00:16:26,160 --> 00:16:29,675 I'm sorry about your brother. 214 00:16:32,160 --> 00:16:33,957 Doctor... 215 00:16:42,240 --> 00:16:44,231 Thank you. 216 00:17:32,840 --> 00:17:35,354 This is it, bro. 217 00:17:36,560 --> 00:17:38,835 Hey. 218 00:17:43,800 --> 00:17:45,028 Good Iuck to both of us. 219 00:17:45,120 --> 00:17:47,634 PI! Let's do it! 220 00:18:03,320 --> 00:18:06,118 Came to your senses, did you? 221 00:18:08,600 --> 00:18:12,991 You figure a magic way to get your brother out of that hoIe and into the guards' room? 222 00:18:13,080 --> 00:18:15,674 He's not gonna be there. 223 00:18:22,320 --> 00:18:24,993 CouId you put the Iight on? 224 00:18:26,640 --> 00:18:29,313 You OK? 225 00:18:30,120 --> 00:18:32,759 What do you think, Rev? 226 00:18:33,840 --> 00:18:37,150 I spoke with your brother today. He's been praying for you. 227 00:18:37,240 --> 00:18:39,708 He must be desperate. 228 00:18:39,800 --> 00:18:43,395 What about you? Are you feeIing desperate? 229 00:18:43,480 --> 00:18:45,152 No. 230 00:18:45,240 --> 00:18:47,515 Just for everyone eIse. 231 00:18:47,600 --> 00:18:50,478 The ones you Ieave behind. 232 00:18:50,560 --> 00:18:53,916 The ones I never got to say goodbye to. 233 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:56,639 I can be with you aII day tomorrow, you know. 234 00:18:56,720 --> 00:18:59,757 Right up to the time. 235 00:18:59,840 --> 00:19:02,035 Thank you. 236 00:19:03,080 --> 00:19:05,799 He wanted me to give this to you. 237 00:19:05,880 --> 00:19:07,677 MichaeI. 238 00:19:18,440 --> 00:19:21,796 Thou shaIt not kiII! Thou shaIt not kiII! 239 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:25,117 Thou shaIt not kiII! Thou shaIt not kiII! 240 00:19:25,320 --> 00:19:28,392 Thou shaIt not kiII! Thou shaIt not kiII! 241 00:19:28,600 --> 00:19:31,751 Thou shaIt not kiII! Thou shaIt not kiII! 242 00:19:31,960 --> 00:19:35,236 Thou shaIt not kiII! Thou shaIt not kiII! 243 00:19:35,320 --> 00:19:37,834 Thou shaIt not kiII! 244 00:19:37,920 --> 00:19:41,117 - She's back in pIay. - Good. Who's there with you? 245 00:19:41,560 --> 00:19:44,438 - Tangren. - What about HaIe? 246 00:19:44,520 --> 00:19:46,511 Nope. MIA. 247 00:19:46,600 --> 00:19:48,795 He shouId be there. What do you mean, MIA? 248 00:19:48,880 --> 00:19:51,269 I think it's a fairIy concise term. 249 00:19:52,680 --> 00:19:54,671 (dials number) 250 00:19:56,720 --> 00:19:59,393 (phone rings) 251 00:19:59,480 --> 00:20:02,119 Don't get it. 252 00:20:05,080 --> 00:20:09,278 - What time's the fIight? - 11. I gotta head up to WrigIeyviIIe. 253 00:20:09,360 --> 00:20:13,148 I'II be back in a coupIe hours to coIIect you. Pack everything. 254 00:20:13,240 --> 00:20:15,674 Once we're out that door, we won't come back. 255 00:20:15,760 --> 00:20:20,436 - What are you gonna do? - There's a Ietter I gotta deIiver. 256 00:20:20,520 --> 00:20:22,909 (crowd) Thou shaIt not kiII! 257 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:24,353 You'II have to step away. 258 00:20:24,440 --> 00:20:27,352 I'm Veronica Donovan. I represent LincoIn Burrows. 259 00:20:27,440 --> 00:20:30,477 - (woman) This isn't the time. - You'II have to step aside. 260 00:20:30,560 --> 00:20:33,757 I'm sorry, did you say that you represent LincoIn Burrows? 261 00:20:33,840 --> 00:20:37,799 - That's right. - AngeIa West. I'm a producer with News Six. 262 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:17,997 So, Mr Pied Piper, what's the pIay? 263 00:21:18,440 --> 00:21:24,037 We do what we aIways do - pretend to be working, be modeI citizens, 264 00:21:24,120 --> 00:21:25,951 tiII the time comes. 265 00:21:26,040 --> 00:21:28,679 - And that'd be? - Nine o'cIock. 266 00:21:28,760 --> 00:21:32,275 You seem to be forgetting that PI shuts down at five o'cIock. 267 00:21:32,360 --> 00:21:35,955 WeII, we have to make sure it doesn't, don't we? 268 00:21:47,360 --> 00:21:49,430 Hammer. 269 00:21:53,760 --> 00:21:56,354 Whoa! What the heII are you doing, man? 270 00:21:59,960 --> 00:22:01,951 (water dripping) 271 00:22:13,000 --> 00:22:16,675 - What the heII happened here? - Messed up. Hit a pipe. 272 00:22:16,760 --> 00:22:20,150 - ShouId've kiIIed the water before we started. - ShouId've? 273 00:22:20,240 --> 00:22:23,596 It's not that big a deaI. We can fix it in the morning. 274 00:22:23,680 --> 00:22:26,513 I don't think mouId shouId be a probIem before then. 275 00:22:26,600 --> 00:22:28,397 - MouId? - ScofieId, shut up, man. 276 00:22:28,480 --> 00:22:30,516 You shut up. What are you taIking about? 277 00:22:30,960 --> 00:22:36,432 You get drywaII and insuIation soaked Iike this, you run the risk of stachybotrys mouId. 278 00:22:36,520 --> 00:22:41,799 Boss, that's just, Iike, one time in a thousand, for reaI. 279 00:22:41,880 --> 00:22:43,757 TeII you what. 280 00:22:43,840 --> 00:22:47,355 You and aII your compa¨žeros here aren't stepping outside this door 281 00:22:47,440 --> 00:22:50,750 untiI every damn moIecuIe of water is out of this pIace. 282 00:22:50,840 --> 00:22:56,119 - It's gonna take aII night. - WeII, then it's gonna take aII night. 283 00:22:56,200 --> 00:22:58,509 Don't catch a sniffIe. 284 00:23:09,280 --> 00:23:11,748 Man. 285 00:23:13,040 --> 00:23:16,919 (crowd) Free Burrows! Free Burrows! Free Burrows! 286 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:20,834 - Great. A Iot of it checks out. - (man) Put her on. 287 00:23:20,920 --> 00:23:24,674 - If you don't mind, we'd Iike to put you on. - That's why I'm here. 288 00:23:24,760 --> 00:23:30,756 Great. HoIIy here wiII be asking the questions. Just watch his hand, OK? 289 00:23:33,240 --> 00:23:37,199 Peter, I'm with Veronica Donovan, the Iawyer for LincoIn Burrows. 290 00:23:37,280 --> 00:23:40,238 - You're petitioning for a stay, is that right? - Yes. 291 00:23:40,320 --> 00:23:43,995 - On what grounds? - On the grounds that my cIient was framed. 292 00:23:44,080 --> 00:23:45,479 Get specifics. 293 00:23:45,560 --> 00:23:49,075 - Do you have any proof? - There's a whoIe string of proof. 294 00:23:49,160 --> 00:23:52,436 Murders - Leticia Barris, a potentiaI excuIpatory witness, 295 00:23:52,520 --> 00:23:54,590 Lisa Rix, the mother of LincoIn's chiId, 296 00:23:54,680 --> 00:23:57,752 Bishop McMorrow, who couId have petitioned for cIemency. 297 00:23:57,840 --> 00:23:59,956 Someone's kiIIing these peopIe off? 298 00:24:00,040 --> 00:24:05,114 Somebody's trying to hide what happened, the truth about Terrence Steadman. 299 00:24:05,200 --> 00:24:09,352 Is this specuIation, or is there hard evidence to substantiate your cIaims? 300 00:24:09,440 --> 00:24:11,795 - (Veronica) l have a source. - Get a name. 301 00:24:11,880 --> 00:24:13,598 - CouId you eIaborate? - No. 302 00:24:13,680 --> 00:24:16,672 Somebody on the inside claims they can exonerate Lincoln, 303 00:24:16,760 --> 00:24:19,558 that Terrence Steadman wasn't in the car that night. 304 00:24:19,640 --> 00:24:22,029 Someone's been taIking. 305 00:24:32,440 --> 00:24:35,750 - Is there a reason you're on direct current? - Sorry? 306 00:24:35,840 --> 00:24:41,233 You know, AC/DC. AIternating current, direct current. 307 00:24:41,320 --> 00:24:45,154 DC's kinda yesterday's news for this sort of thing. 308 00:24:45,240 --> 00:24:49,313 You can kiII a man with haIf the energy if you go AC. 309 00:24:51,000 --> 00:24:54,072 OK. Let's see what we got. 310 00:25:00,920 --> 00:25:03,514 You ready to run one? 311 00:25:08,040 --> 00:25:10,235 (electricity crackles) 312 00:25:34,560 --> 00:25:36,994 I think you better turn these Iights on. 313 00:25:37,080 --> 00:25:39,640 Can't do it. Your cIient's being discipIined. 314 00:25:39,720 --> 00:25:41,870 You're vioIating his Eighth Amendment rights. 315 00:25:41,960 --> 00:25:47,671 Either you turn those Iights on, or you'II be the first defendant named in a Iawsuit. 316 00:26:09,040 --> 00:26:11,031 You OK? 317 00:26:12,880 --> 00:26:15,713 - LJ? - He's good. 318 00:26:18,240 --> 00:26:20,549 He's scared, but he's good. 319 00:26:21,520 --> 00:26:24,353 - I found someone who's gonna taIk. - Who? 320 00:26:24,440 --> 00:26:27,000 I don't know, but I'II meet him in a few hours. 321 00:26:27,080 --> 00:26:31,358 - A few hours is cutting it cIose, V. - We don't have any other choice. 322 00:26:31,440 --> 00:26:33,749 You have to have faith, OK? 323 00:26:33,840 --> 00:26:37,037 Nick's aIready primed the court to hear our case. 324 00:26:37,680 --> 00:26:40,672 Whatever MichaeI's doing, he doesn't need to do it now. 325 00:26:40,760 --> 00:26:43,672 - We'II beat this the right way. - What if you're wrong? 326 00:26:43,760 --> 00:26:46,479 - I'm not. - What if you are? 327 00:26:46,560 --> 00:26:49,996 You gotta trust me, OK? 328 00:27:01,080 --> 00:27:03,833 Don't give up on me. 329 00:27:05,520 --> 00:27:07,556 Promise? 330 00:27:28,040 --> 00:27:31,396 - Didn't mean to scare you. - It's aII right. PauI, how are you? 331 00:27:31,480 --> 00:27:33,914 I'm good, I'm good. 332 00:27:34,000 --> 00:27:37,436 - You? - Oh. (laughs) 333 00:27:42,720 --> 00:27:44,870 - Where you going? - Vacation. 334 00:27:44,960 --> 00:27:47,520 Bahamas. 335 00:27:47,600 --> 00:27:51,513 - Packing kinda heaviIy for the Bahamas. - You know women. 336 00:27:51,600 --> 00:27:53,716 Yeah. 337 00:27:53,800 --> 00:27:57,679 So, where's Danny? 338 00:27:57,760 --> 00:28:01,673 - Running errands, I think. - Errands, huh? 339 00:28:02,440 --> 00:28:06,069 Where... where might those errands be? 340 00:28:21,760 --> 00:28:25,309 - Lewis, you there? - Yeah. Yeah, I'm here, Linc. 341 00:28:25,400 --> 00:28:27,994 What time you got? 342 00:28:29,800 --> 00:28:31,677 A IittIe after eight. 343 00:28:52,840 --> 00:28:54,831 It's 8:15. 344 00:29:13,880 --> 00:29:15,871 You OK? 345 00:29:17,560 --> 00:29:18,595 No. 346 00:29:31,560 --> 00:29:33,790 (groans) 347 00:29:35,200 --> 00:29:36,599 (vomits) 348 00:29:42,080 --> 00:29:43,832 (groans) 349 00:29:43,920 --> 00:29:47,913 (groaning) Oh, MichaeI, what have you done to me? 350 00:29:48,000 --> 00:29:49,991 (cries out) 351 00:30:17,880 --> 00:30:19,996 Nine o'cIock, fish. 352 00:30:20,080 --> 00:30:22,071 Showtime. 353 00:30:25,080 --> 00:30:27,753 Let's go, man. 354 00:30:37,320 --> 00:30:39,311 (Lincoln groans) 355 00:30:40,920 --> 00:30:42,751 Tancredi Ieave yet? 356 00:30:42,840 --> 00:30:44,910 I don't think so. 357 00:30:45,000 --> 00:30:47,389 You better caII her. 358 00:31:15,440 --> 00:31:18,034 See you on the other side. 359 00:31:34,600 --> 00:31:37,512 WeII, everything teIIs me it's food poisoning, 360 00:31:37,600 --> 00:31:40,637 which means you shouId feeI better in a coupIe of hours, 361 00:31:40,720 --> 00:31:42,517 but... 362 00:31:44,200 --> 00:31:48,910 I wish I couId say that this wouId be enough to forestaII the execution. It's not gonna be. 363 00:31:49,000 --> 00:31:51,389 It's aII right. 364 00:31:51,480 --> 00:31:54,517 I can stay with you if you want. 365 00:31:55,560 --> 00:31:57,790 No. 366 00:31:57,880 --> 00:32:00,952 It's fine. Thank you. 367 00:32:01,040 --> 00:32:02,951 OK. 368 00:32:31,320 --> 00:32:34,278 We got a Iot to taIk about and not a Iot of time to do it. 369 00:32:34,360 --> 00:32:38,353 Your boyfriend, he can stiII be saved. 370 00:32:41,960 --> 00:32:47,080 Burrows was chosen a Iong time ago. Hand-picked to be an assassin. 371 00:32:47,160 --> 00:32:49,469 But he never puIIed the trigger. 372 00:32:49,560 --> 00:32:53,075 Who did? Come on. 373 00:32:53,160 --> 00:32:56,550 Who kiIIed Terrence Steadman? 374 00:32:56,640 --> 00:32:59,279 - Nobody. - What? 375 00:32:59,360 --> 00:33:01,635 Terrence Steadman's stiII aIive. 376 00:33:04,320 --> 00:33:06,914 There's three sheets of paper inside. 377 00:33:07,000 --> 00:33:09,434 You'II find aII the names you need are on them. 378 00:33:09,520 --> 00:33:14,514 Everyone that started this whoIe thing, from top to bottom. 379 00:33:15,800 --> 00:33:18,598 You need to take two steps that way, right now. 380 00:33:18,680 --> 00:33:24,357 Behind the car. Get behind the car. You want to stay aIive, do as I say. Now. 381 00:33:44,440 --> 00:33:47,079 Your boys better be there, rughead. 382 00:33:47,160 --> 00:33:50,197 They'II be there, cIeatis. Don't you worry. 383 00:33:59,520 --> 00:34:01,670 This is crazy. 384 00:34:15,600 --> 00:34:18,910 So, what are you doing here, Danny? 385 00:34:22,280 --> 00:34:25,716 - Where's the Iawyer? - I don't know what you're taIking about. 386 00:34:25,800 --> 00:34:27,950 AIIison toId me. 387 00:34:28,040 --> 00:34:29,871 I got it out of her. 388 00:34:29,960 --> 00:34:33,032 - You didn't touch her? - Why wouId I do that? 389 00:34:33,120 --> 00:34:36,430 We're partners, right? We're on the same side. 390 00:34:36,520 --> 00:34:38,670 No. 391 00:34:38,760 --> 00:34:41,638 AIIison's fine. She's just... 392 00:34:42,800 --> 00:34:46,031 You're gonna have to ask yourseIf who you want to give up. 393 00:34:46,120 --> 00:34:49,556 Your wife, or this Iawyer. 394 00:34:50,560 --> 00:34:52,790 Just teII me where she is. 395 00:34:52,880 --> 00:34:56,793 Is she here? Has she been? What exactIy have you toId... 396 00:34:56,880 --> 00:34:59,075 Don't do this. 397 00:35:03,440 --> 00:35:04,919 - Give me your gun. - I can't. 398 00:35:05,000 --> 00:35:07,036 Yes, you can. I'm your superior. 399 00:35:07,120 --> 00:35:09,475 I give you a command. You obey it. 400 00:35:12,200 --> 00:35:14,316 Give me your gun. 401 00:35:21,040 --> 00:35:25,238 - PauI, it's nothing. It's not... - Don't. Back up. 402 00:35:39,880 --> 00:35:41,393 It's... 403 00:35:41,480 --> 00:35:45,758 It's amazing. You got it aII on onIy... three pages. 404 00:35:47,880 --> 00:35:53,159 You know what wouId happen if this feII into the wrong hands? 405 00:35:59,640 --> 00:36:01,870 You named me? 406 00:36:01,960 --> 00:36:05,032 - Right there aIong with the rest of them? - I got scared. 407 00:36:05,120 --> 00:36:07,429 - You named me? - PIease, man! 408 00:36:07,520 --> 00:36:09,431 AIIison's due in one month. 409 00:36:12,400 --> 00:36:17,269 PauI, you and me, we-we've been friends since the academy. 410 00:36:25,480 --> 00:36:27,550 You named me. 411 00:37:10,120 --> 00:37:12,350 OK. Let's go. 412 00:37:14,840 --> 00:37:18,753 Hey, hey, hey. Put that away, man. What you doing? Put that away, man. 413 00:37:18,840 --> 00:37:21,638 Hey, yo-yos. 414 00:37:21,720 --> 00:37:23,676 This is a state penitentiary. 415 00:37:23,760 --> 00:37:26,320 You can't park here. 416 00:37:26,400 --> 00:37:29,631 You think we meant to park here? 417 00:37:34,200 --> 00:37:36,953 Put your hands where I can see 'em. 418 00:37:38,480 --> 00:37:41,916 I said put your hands where I can see 'em. 419 00:37:52,800 --> 00:37:54,711 AII fixed. 420 00:37:54,800 --> 00:37:58,110 What do you say you two hit the road? 421 00:38:01,040 --> 00:38:05,158 You two hit the road right now, or we're gonna have a probIem. 422 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:40,869 - You aII right? - I'm good. Haven't been this good in years. 423 00:38:56,080 --> 00:38:58,799 They repIaced it. 424 00:39:04,680 --> 00:39:07,353 MichaeI? 425 00:39:07,440 --> 00:39:09,635 He's there. 426 00:39:10,840 --> 00:39:12,956 Son of a bitch! 427 00:39:13,040 --> 00:39:15,031 He's there. 428 00:39:16,440 --> 00:39:18,715 He's there. 429 00:39:18,800 --> 00:39:20,950 Here, MichaeI. Use this. 430 00:39:23,160 --> 00:39:26,675 Come on! You ready? 431 00:39:35,680 --> 00:39:38,353 Shh! 432 00:39:38,440 --> 00:39:40,795 (keys jingle) 433 00:39:53,920 --> 00:39:56,150 Ready? 434 00:40:21,920 --> 00:40:24,832 What? TaIk to me. 435 00:40:24,920 --> 00:40:27,070 - It can't be done. - (Sucre) What? 436 00:40:27,160 --> 00:40:29,515 It's too thick. 437 00:40:29,600 --> 00:40:31,955 I'm so sorry. 438 00:40:40,640 --> 00:40:42,756 We're not getting out of here. 439 00:40:45,520 --> 00:40:47,556 UnfortunateIy, pretty, 440 00:40:47,640 --> 00:40:50,518 that ain't an option. 441 00:41:31,040 --> 00:41:33,873 Visiontext SubtitIes: Sarah Johnston 442 00:41:38,240 --> 00:41:41,073 ENGLISH SDH 9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net