1 00:00:00,310 --> 00:00:01,830 Previously on prison break: 2 00:00:01,860 --> 00:00:03,460 I had a deal with the general. 3 00:00:03,500 --> 00:00:04,990 You couldn just let me handle this? 4 00:00:05,010 --> 00:00:07,770 If by handle, you mean give scylla back to the general, En no. 5 00:00:07,780 --> 00:00:10,710 I should warn you i'm going to do erything In my power to stop you. 6 00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:12,230 I want my life back. 7 00:00:12,250 --> 00:00:14,070 Linc, mom is alive. 8 00:00:14,970 --> 00:00:16,030 What? 9 00:00:16,070 --> 00:00:17,570 I guess i'll see you in miami. 10 00:00:17,590 --> 00:00:20,060 If i give scylla back to the general, He leaves me and michael alone, 11 00:00:20,070 --> 00:00:22,610 And i get to spend time with my son in peace. 12 00:00:22,630 --> 00:00:25,800 What if general krantz were no longer in the picture? 13 00:00:26,370 --> 00:00:28,880 - what's going on? - goodbye, jonathan 14 00:00:30,030 --> 00:00:31,750 Where are you, christina? 15 00:00:31,780 --> 00:00:33,770 I don't like your tone, jonathan. 16 00:00:33,790 --> 00:00:38,070 Excuse me, But it's been a whe since anyone's tried to kill me. 17 00:00:42,530 --> 00:00:45,320 The general should know by now Not to mess with us. 18 00:00:45,330 --> 00:00:48,180 The general didn't send me. 19 00:00:49,090 --> 00:00:50,370 Christina is going to change the company. 20 00:00:50,390 --> 00:00:52,860 She said after two days She would make the change? 21 00:00:52,870 --> 00:00:53,530 Yeah. 22 00:00:53,550 --> 00:00:56,390 Look at the date on that laminate-- two days away. 23 00:00:56,400 --> 00:00:58,020 I need to talk to her. 24 00:00:58,050 --> 00:00:59,770 lincoln's back at the plaza. 25 00:00:59,790 --> 00:01:01,200 I told him to stay away. 26 00:01:01,220 --> 00:01:03,690 we have a clean shot. 27 00:01:03,700 --> 00:01:05,860 Take it. 28 00:01:06,070 --> 00:01:07,720 Take it. 29 00:01:08,220 --> 00:01:10,040 Roger that. 30 00:01:26,850 --> 00:01:29,120 stevenson rooftop,12 o'clock. 31 00:02:30,190 --> 00:02:33,200 Where's christina?! Where's christina? 32 00:02:34,270 --> 00:02:36,140 Somebody call the police! 33 00:02:47,600 --> 00:02:49,300 oh, my god, oh, my god. 34 00:02:49,310 --> 00:02:50,840 stay in the car. 35 00:02:55,280 --> 00:02:56,810 Where is she? 36 00:02:56,820 --> 00:02:58,600 Where is she? 37 00:02:58,640 --> 00:02:59,750 Where is she?! 38 00:02:59,770 --> 00:03:01,500 We got his phone; let's get outta here 39 00:03:02,610 --> 00:03:05,050 - We got to go. - let's go. 40 00:03:12,300 --> 00:03:14,850 she only uses the place in the winter, so... 41 00:03:15,590 --> 00:03:18,410 We should be fine for a while here. 42 00:03:20,200 --> 00:03:22,450 and that's deb. 43 00:03:23,750 --> 00:03:26,360 Were you guys in college together, too? 44 00:03:27,280 --> 00:03:29,820 Uh, no, just medical school. 45 00:03:29,840 --> 00:03:34,390 She's got a practice in new york 46 00:03:34,400 --> 00:03:37,610 And she comes down here Once a year to teach a seminar. 47 00:03:41,250 --> 00:03:43,790 God, good for her. 48 00:03:51,260 --> 00:03:53,570 Nice family photos. 49 00:03:53,580 --> 00:03:57,810 Sand, sun, cheesy matching outfits. 50 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:03,390 We could have that if we wanted... someday. 51 00:04:59,440 --> 00:05:02,220 Pregnancy Test 52 00:05:04,980 --> 00:05:14,660 - =http://sfile. ydy. com=- proudly presents 53 00:05:16,670 --> 00:05:26,920 - =http://sfile. ydy. com=- sync: ßÇÈâÈâ µ°¸â¸â 54 00:05:30,040 --> 00:05:34,470 Prison Break Season04 Episode18 55 00:05:42,320 --> 00:05:45,630 Stuart, take a seat. 56 00:05:50,880 --> 00:05:52,770 Scylla is in miami. 57 00:05:52,800 --> 00:05:55,160 Our people are combing the city as we speak. 58 00:05:55,200 --> 00:05:56,400 Yes, i've heard. 59 00:05:56,430 --> 00:06:00,350 Someone's atmpting a hostile takeover. 60 00:06:00,360 --> 00:06:04,160 Whoever has scylla Is trying to turn the cardholders agait me. 61 00:06:04,170 --> 00:06:06,320 - Oren tried to kill me yesterday. - Jonathan... 62 00:06:06,830 --> 00:06:09,130 We're dumping your cell phone. 63 00:06:09,170 --> 00:06:13,990 We've already found several phone calls Between you and an unknown party. 64 00:06:16,200 --> 00:06:20,770 Stuart... who has scylla? 65 00:06:20,780 --> 00:06:22,890 I don't know. 66 00:06:23,360 --> 00:06:27,080 Think, buddy. Think. 67 00:06:27,090 --> 00:06:29,360 I swear i don't know anything. 68 00:06:29,370 --> 00:06:33,580 This can be as painless As you want it to be. 69 00:06:35,490 --> 00:06:37,860 Who has scylla? 70 00:06:39,960 --> 00:06:43,690 You have gone around the bend on this. 71 00:06:43,700 --> 00:06:46,420 I haven't even started yet. 72 00:06:53,940 --> 00:06:55,520 come on, linc, this guy wasn't trying to hurt you. 73 00:06:55,560 --> 00:06:57,660 He just didn't like your tattoo. 74 00:06:58,420 --> 00:06:59,760 You're a funny guy, self 75 00:06:59,770 --> 00:07:02,660 there's a lot of calls On the sniper's cell from a blocked number. 76 00:07:02,670 --> 00:07:05,070 We'll need the company to help identify it. 77 00:07:05,080 --> 00:07:08,220 What if it's your mom's cell phone, linc, And we have to pay a visit? 78 00:07:08,230 --> 00:07:09,900 You got the gumption? 79 00:07:17,190 --> 00:07:18,330 Yeah. 80 00:07:18,360 --> 00:07:22,060 Lincoln, i don't like having to initiate these calls. 81 00:07:22,070 --> 00:07:24,710 Well, don't. we'll call you when we get it. 82 00:07:25,380 --> 00:07:27,230 Who has scylla? 83 00:07:27,250 --> 00:07:30,020 We don't know, But we tangled with a sniper. 84 00:07:30,600 --> 00:07:34,000 Whom you're interrogating right now, right? 85 00:07:34,930 --> 00:07:35,710 He's dead. 86 00:07:35,750 --> 00:07:40,740 Lincoln, the point of this action Is not to kill as many of them as you can! 87 00:07:41,880 --> 00:07:47,530 Your methods make me question Whether you are capable of playing On a field of this size. 88 00:07:47,820 --> 00:07:48,950 We'll get scylla. 89 00:07:48,980 --> 00:07:52,030 I want answers today. 90 00:07:55,420 --> 00:07:58,260 Aren't you leaving something out, Something a tad critical, 91 00:07:58,270 --> 00:08:01,340 like it's your mom Who has scylla, hmm? 92 00:08:01,350 --> 00:08:02,700 Don't think too much. 93 00:08:02,730 --> 00:08:04,890 let's talk about that. Let's talk about thinking too much, okay? 94 00:08:04,920 --> 00:08:07,090 Are you stonewalling the general 'cause it's good For the team here, 95 00:08:07,100 --> 00:08:10,740 or are you protecting the woman Who popped you out lo these many years ago, huh? 96 00:08:11,550 --> 00:08:14,540 If krantz didn't put you here, i'd kill you. 97 00:08:14,550 --> 00:08:16,110 all right! 98 00:08:16,940 --> 00:08:18,040 There's my answer. 99 00:08:18,060 --> 00:08:20,240 if we tell krantz That christina has it, 100 00:08:20,250 --> 00:08:23,960 he may know things that'll help us Or he may determine that we're no longer useful. 101 00:08:23,980 --> 00:08:26,060 Everybody understand that? 102 00:08:26,070 --> 00:08:28,160 We're here to get scylla, we need scylla, 103 00:08:28,190 --> 00:08:32,460 And the way to do that is to stick to the plan And to keep our mouths shut. 104 00:08:41,650 --> 00:08:43,030 Hey, look at this. 105 00:08:43,050 --> 00:08:45,800 Yesterday he found us on interstate 10, 106 00:08:45,830 --> 00:08:49,510 Near route 4 in arizona. 107 00:08:49,520 --> 00:08:51,460 And "ms" are your initials. 108 00:08:51,470 --> 00:08:53,880 Yeah, But the rest of this could mean anything. 109 00:08:54,450 --> 00:08:57,050 I'll do a search on rockwell and we'll figure it out. 110 00:08:57,080 --> 00:08:59,390 Assuming lincoln hasn't already. 111 00:09:00,100 --> 00:09:03,890 He's been here three days And he's got access to company resources. 112 00:09:04,780 --> 00:09:07,760 And once he puts His mind to something, that's it, 113 00:09:07,770 --> 00:09:10,370 Even if he figures out he's wrong. 114 00:09:11,610 --> 00:09:14,400 Well, and from what i've gathered, He doesn't think he is wrong, 115 00:09:21,030 --> 00:09:26,400 If i'm ms, then who's vs? 116 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:49,810 Bengali has 14 different vowels. 117 00:09:49,820 --> 00:09:51,640 It's a bitch to pronounce. 118 00:09:51,670 --> 00:09:53,870 Lincoln got away. 119 00:10:04,150 --> 00:10:06,820 Have you ever seen picture of a supernova? 120 00:10:08,990 --> 00:10:10,670 I have. 121 00:10:10,680 --> 00:10:13,040 They're quite beautiful, aren't they? 122 00:10:14,020 --> 00:10:18,720 They're very rare; they only occur About once every 50 years. 123 00:10:19,940 --> 00:10:23,140 We're a day away from a kind of supernova. 124 00:10:27,270 --> 00:10:31,140 A moment so powerful it'll eclipse everything. 125 00:10:32,610 --> 00:10:35,360 And nobody's going to stop me. 126 00:10:46,320 --> 00:10:47,690 No? 127 00:10:47,710 --> 00:10:48,610 They haven't got it yet. 128 00:10:48,640 --> 00:10:50,250 Well, i've sent it twice already. either they... 129 00:10:50,280 --> 00:10:51,060 They got it. they got it. 130 00:10:51,070 --> 00:10:55,680 okay. We need you to trace who called the sniper's cell And tell us where he is in Miami. 131 00:10:56,460 --> 00:10:58,180 Well, when? 132 00:10:58,200 --> 00:11:00,840 No. Hell, no. we need it now. we... 133 00:11:03,060 --> 00:11:04,740 - Hour earliest. - What do you mean, hour? 134 00:11:04,750 --> 00:11:06,730 We get him, we get to Christina. 135 00:11:07,070 --> 00:11:09,210 Damn well almost got our accsses hand to us getting this. 136 00:11:09,230 --> 00:11:11,380 You want to know what your mama's up to-- Let's start there. 137 00:11:11,390 --> 00:11:12,790 These things're for tomorrow. 138 00:11:12,810 --> 00:11:15,020 I want scylla today! 139 00:11:15,040 --> 00:11:17,940 Oh, sorry there, sink. The i go thinking again. my bad. 140 00:11:23,330 --> 00:11:25,710 ********** 141 00:11:34,630 --> 00:11:36,330 Why? 142 00:11:36,340 --> 00:11:38,500 I'm getting out of here. 143 00:11:44,770 --> 00:11:46,430 - What's it? - It's Michael. 144 00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:48,540 He's in Miami, wants to meet. 145 00:11:49,420 --> 00:11:51,470 When? 146 00:11:52,590 --> 00:11:54,870 Never. 147 00:11:54,880 --> 00:11:57,320 I warned him not to come. 148 00:12:19,610 --> 00:12:20,460 Hello, Alex. 149 00:12:20,490 --> 00:12:22,050 Glad to see you're both in one piece. 150 00:12:22,070 --> 00:12:23,630 Where's my brother? 151 00:12:23,660 --> 00:12:25,300 He's not coming. 152 00:12:25,310 --> 00:12:26,910 So you're working with him now? 153 00:12:26,950 --> 00:12:28,760 You work for the company? 154 00:12:30,920 --> 00:12:32,840 Sure. Fine. 155 00:12:32,860 --> 00:12:33,830 Why are you here? 156 00:12:33,840 --> 00:12:34,910 Partly to warn you. 157 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:36,330 I could have saved you the trip. 158 00:12:36,360 --> 00:12:38,450 'Cause we're seeing this thing through. 159 00:12:38,740 --> 00:12:40,790 What do you know? What do you think you've walked into? 160 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:43,080 You tell me. 161 00:12:45,420 --> 00:12:48,760 Your mother. She has scylla. 162 00:12:48,770 --> 00:12:51,300 Whoever's going to get it Has to go through her. 163 00:12:51,760 --> 00:12:53,280 I need to talk to my brother. 164 00:12:53,310 --> 00:12:56,860 He's not coming. He's a little too busy trying To stay alive because your... 165 00:12:57,420 --> 00:12:59,070 Because your mother tried to kill him. 166 00:12:59,110 --> 00:13:00,850 And if you stay here with some half-baked plan, 167 00:13:00,870 --> 00:13:03,450 She's gonna try and kill you. 168 00:13:03,540 --> 00:13:05,190 What are you doing here, Alex? 169 00:13:05,220 --> 00:13:07,770 I'm trying to get Some information, anything that can help. 170 00:13:07,780 --> 00:13:09,390 You need to trust me. 171 00:13:09,400 --> 00:13:11,940 So that you Can run back to the general with it? 172 00:13:11,950 --> 00:13:13,140 Everybody can get What they want here. 173 00:13:13,150 --> 00:13:15,960 we don't have to chose between Saving our families and taking down the company. 174 00:13:15,970 --> 00:13:17,590 We can do both. 175 00:13:18,500 --> 00:13:20,170 How? 176 00:13:21,600 --> 00:13:23,480 I'll know when we get there. 177 00:13:23,490 --> 00:13:26,660 That's why i'm asking you, please, Trust me. 178 00:13:29,580 --> 00:13:32,110 Now, do you know anything? Do you have anything? 179 00:13:32,750 --> 00:13:36,160 The only thing i can tell you is That we're gonna burn the company down to the ground, 180 00:13:36,170 --> 00:13:39,160 And that's with or without you, Alex. 181 00:13:44,520 --> 00:13:47,380 I'm sorry, Michael. About your mother. 182 00:13:53,650 --> 00:13:59,060 So, the guy who was posing as a cop Yesterday must have been working for my mother. 183 00:14:00,940 --> 00:14:03,680 Yeah. yeah, i think you're right. 184 00:14:03,690 --> 00:14:06,740 And if he was following Her instructions, that means... 185 00:14:07,140 --> 00:14:10,440 Guess that means She wanted the two of us transported somewhere. 186 00:14:13,740 --> 00:14:16,860 At least she didn't want us killed. I guess i should be grateful. 187 00:14:19,260 --> 00:14:21,090 Does this change anything? 188 00:14:21,440 --> 00:14:23,220 No. 189 00:14:23,500 --> 00:14:27,100 The fact that she thrived Within the company, at the expense of... 190 00:14:27,770 --> 00:14:30,160 Everyone else... 191 00:14:33,040 --> 00:14:36,010 ...makes me want to take them down even more. 192 00:14:37,490 --> 00:14:39,390 OK. 193 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:41,930 Rockwell Avenue, south Miami. 194 00:14:43,730 --> 00:14:45,570 Let's go. 195 00:14:52,820 --> 00:14:54,750 All right, the SIM card information the company gave us 196 00:14:54,770 --> 00:14:57,270 Said this guy should be a couple of blocks over. 197 00:14:57,280 --> 00:14:59,330 This better be the guy who Ordered the lead on you£¬Linc. 198 00:14:59,340 --> 00:15:02,230 - Not some pizza delivery boy. - Why don't you just shut up? 199 00:15:02,270 --> 00:15:03,220 All right, listen, he's stopping. 200 00:15:03,250 --> 00:15:05,320 Lincoln, you're gonna make a right About a quarter of mile up. 201 00:15:05,330 --> 00:15:06,580 What's the location? 202 00:15:06,610 --> 00:15:08,870 I don't know, but it's big. 203 00:15:32,730 --> 00:15:34,170 Whose seal is that? 204 00:15:34,200 --> 00:15:36,660 India. This is the embassy. 205 00:15:36,670 --> 00:15:38,820 All right, there he is. 206 00:15:40,760 --> 00:15:42,950 And look who he's with. 207 00:15:42,960 --> 00:15:44,230 She's got Scylla. 208 00:15:44,250 --> 00:15:46,220 - We need to get in there. - No, no, no, no, no, no. 209 00:15:46,260 --> 00:15:48,020 Okay, if she's going in, she's gonna come back out. 210 00:15:48,040 --> 00:15:50,170 And when she does, we take our shot. 211 00:15:50,210 --> 00:15:51,260 One thing i learned at Fox River-- 212 00:15:51,270 --> 00:15:54,120 just 'cause Something goes in, don't mean it always comes back out. 213 00:15:54,130 --> 00:15:55,270 You're right. 214 00:15:55,300 --> 00:15:56,540 Hark, what was that? One more time? 215 00:15:56,560 --> 00:15:58,910 Look, she's got that thing on her. We need to move now. 216 00:15:58,920 --> 00:16:01,620 We need to create a distraction. 217 00:16:11,310 --> 00:16:13,100 ready to go, T-Bag? 218 00:16:13,110 --> 00:16:16,300 No, no, no, no. Well, what do you want me to say? 219 00:16:16,660 --> 00:16:18,950 - Just run your mouth. - You know how to do that. 220 00:16:18,960 --> 00:16:20,170 Look, when we get in, we'll let you know. 221 00:16:20,190 --> 00:16:21,920 Until then, you keep 'em busy. 222 00:16:22,530 --> 00:16:24,430 Figure it out, okey? 223 00:16:24,440 --> 00:16:26,140 Oh, come on, Don. I don't know about that. 224 00:16:26,150 --> 00:16:28,630 You'll be fine. Just figure it out. 225 00:16:31,250 --> 00:16:34,530 Excuse me? Excuse me. I'd like a meeting with your president, sir. 226 00:16:34,540 --> 00:16:36,930 Uh... Could you notify him I'm here? Thank you. 227 00:16:36,960 --> 00:16:38,670 The president doesn't live in America, sir. 228 00:16:38,700 --> 00:16:40,100 She lives in Kashmir. 229 00:16:40,130 --> 00:16:43,430 She? Oh, well. That explains a lot, don't it? 230 00:16:43,440 --> 00:16:45,940 Listen, Haji, I got no beefs with you, okay? 231 00:16:45,950 --> 00:16:49,260 It's just, there comes a point when a thinking man Has to take a stand. 232 00:16:49,270 --> 00:16:52,190 You know who else thinks? Ephants. 233 00:16:52,200 --> 00:16:54,460 That's right. Elephants. 234 00:16:54,810 --> 00:16:57,910 You know, they have the largest brain In the whole animal kingdom? 235 00:16:57,920 --> 00:17:00,020 Did you know what? 236 00:17:06,700 --> 00:17:08,230 Come on, Bagwell. 237 00:17:08,240 --> 00:17:08,800 Sir... 238 00:17:08,810 --> 00:17:12,320 You folks have a history Of mistreating these mighty creatures, 239 00:17:12,340 --> 00:17:15,280 And up till now, no one's been lifting a finger. Up till now. 240 00:17:15,290 --> 00:17:16,490 This is private property, sir. 241 00:17:16,510 --> 00:17:17,690 I'm going to have to ask you to leave. 242 00:17:17,720 --> 00:17:19,950 Well, i'm not going anywhere. 243 00:17:22,370 --> 00:17:24,500 Unlock those now! 244 00:17:24,850 --> 00:17:27,010 This is Station Four. I have a Code 11. 245 00:17:27,020 --> 00:17:28,980 Bring it! 246 00:17:28,990 --> 00:17:30,470 Security camera's looking good. 247 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:32,630 Let him go. 248 00:17:33,750 --> 00:17:35,610 Let's move. 249 00:17:58,190 --> 00:17:59,480 Go. 250 00:18:02,520 --> 00:18:04,520 Sir? sir? 251 00:18:04,530 --> 00:18:06,630 America's on the other end of that sidewalk. 252 00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:08,640 You're on internional soil. 253 00:18:08,650 --> 00:18:10,890 For your sake, I hope you brought the keys for that. 254 00:18:10,930 --> 00:18:13,380 I have no-no gripes with you at all, okay? 255 00:18:13,410 --> 00:18:15,310 I've been calling my Congressman. 256 00:18:15,340 --> 00:18:17,750 - I've been writing United Nations. - I don't care. 257 00:18:17,760 --> 00:18:22,490 Did you know that elephants eat Over 500 pounds of food per day?! 258 00:18:22,500 --> 00:18:27,140 And their dung-- It can be... i can be processed Into parchment. 259 00:18:27,550 --> 00:18:29,210 You're about to be in a big heap that, sir. 260 00:18:29,240 --> 00:18:32,150 - Elephant! Elephant! - Front gate now. 261 00:18:33,080 --> 00:18:34,730 Let's go. 262 00:18:41,640 --> 00:18:43,180 All right, let's go. 263 00:18:43,190 --> 00:18:45,370 I'm gonna text Bagwell and let him know we're in. 264 00:18:45,380 --> 00:18:48,870 All right. After 9/11, DHS implemented some new Protocol regarding... 265 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:50,140 Just hurry up. 266 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:53,740 It's an abomination. That's what it is. It's an abomination. 267 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,790 Why, the elephants, next to the chimps, 268 00:18:56,830 --> 00:19:00,300 Have the closest DNA sequee as us human beings. 269 00:19:00,340 --> 00:19:02,710 Sir, don't think that's true. 270 00:19:06,220 --> 00:19:08,290 ***** 271 00:19:10,720 --> 00:19:13,090 Sorry to inconvenience you guys. 272 00:19:16,910 --> 00:19:19,400 Your ride's here, pal. 273 00:19:22,390 --> 00:19:24,530 - This is just a misunderstanding. - They're going to take you down 274 00:19:24,540 --> 00:19:26,000 To visit your buddies at the zoo. 275 00:19:26,040 --> 00:19:28,580 - Bagwell's in trouble. - Are we made? 276 00:19:28,590 --> 00:19:30,970 We're not waiting around to find out. let's go. 277 00:19:30,980 --> 00:19:34,190 We got about ten seconds Before we go live all over this place. Come on. 278 00:19:37,600 --> 00:19:39,830 Okay, here we go. let's go. 279 00:19:49,590 --> 00:19:52,340 - All right it looks good over here. - Clear here. 280 00:19:55,150 --> 00:19:57,320 We got to hurry. 281 00:19:59,920 --> 00:20:02,370 Have you ever seen the taj mahal? 282 00:20:03,410 --> 00:20:06,930 Only in photographs. You? 283 00:20:07,930 --> 00:20:09,930 several times. hs. 284 00:20:09,970 --> 00:20:13,280 It was built by the Shah Jahan for his favorite wife. 285 00:20:13,300 --> 00:20:15,540 I remember telling that to my ex-husband. 286 00:20:15,570 --> 00:20:18,310 Do you know what his reply was? 287 00:20:21,980 --> 00:20:23,500 That's very sweet, Christina. 288 00:20:23,510 --> 00:20:24,990 I'm fine, thank you. Please. 289 00:20:25,000 --> 00:20:26,500 Thank you. 290 00:20:26,510 --> 00:20:30,020 I'm sorry for all the extra security, But as I'm sure you realize, 291 00:20:30,030 --> 00:20:33,310 There's a lot of people Who would like to get their hands on this. 292 00:20:37,560 --> 00:20:41,650 This is an overview of the solar cell prototype. 293 00:20:42,030 --> 00:20:44,230 That's just the beginning of what's on here. 294 00:20:44,250 --> 00:20:50,360 A desalination technique That can yield potable water Within seconds. 295 00:20:52,030 --> 00:20:57,290 Bioengineered crops That will subsist in the harshest of climates. 296 00:20:58,540 --> 00:21:01,350 Revolutionary vaccines. 297 00:21:03,060 --> 00:21:09,870 Well, you know, that there's a rumor floating about That this belongs to general Krantz. 298 00:21:12,010 --> 00:21:17,450 That eight-carat purple diamond Your lovely wife wears on her hand. 299 00:21:17,460 --> 00:21:21,970 Did you worry out Which south african country it was taken from? 300 00:21:22,460 --> 00:21:25,690 The profit margin would be split fifty-fifty. 301 00:21:25,710 --> 00:21:29,530 Your country would handle the manufacturing and distribution. 302 00:21:29,550 --> 00:21:32,320 I would act as your silent partner. 303 00:21:36,710 --> 00:21:39,000 Please. Have a seat. 304 00:21:50,860 --> 00:21:52,750 Last resort. We clear? 305 00:21:54,260 --> 00:21:55,810 No, he's not clear. 306 00:21:55,840 --> 00:21:59,560 We fire off a shot in here, Not getting out. 307 00:21:59,590 --> 00:22:01,180 Are we clear? 308 00:22:01,210 --> 00:22:02,780 We're clear. 309 00:22:02,810 --> 00:22:04,930 I sense there's something that you're not telling me. 310 00:22:04,960 --> 00:22:09,770 All you have to do Is show up at the progressive energies conference tomorrow, 311 00:22:09,800 --> 00:22:13,440 Go up on the dais, And present this technology as your own. 312 00:22:13,470 --> 00:22:16,760 So, I'm the one Who looks like the fool if this venture fails. 313 00:22:16,800 --> 00:22:21,380 The leading minds of this world Will be at that conference tomorrow, 314 00:22:21,410 --> 00:22:26,200 Working on the crisis That we are facing with our planet. 315 00:22:26,230 --> 00:22:28,850 You will have the solution. 316 00:22:29,500 --> 00:22:31,950 You will be a visionary. 317 00:22:32,450 --> 00:22:37,300 Dr. Vincent Sandinsky Has done extensive research On the bargain theory. 318 00:22:37,330 --> 00:22:42,120 Says that proof of its practical application Is pretty shaky. 319 00:22:42,140 --> 00:22:44,790 He's givina lecture tomorrow at the conference 320 00:22:44,820 --> 00:22:50,040 And I'd like to make sure that his findings Don't debunk the foundation of our project 321 00:22:50,070 --> 00:22:52,400 Before we even get off the ground. 322 00:22:52,430 --> 00:23:01,730 Naveen, The technology that I am offering you Will catapult your country 50 years ahead of its time. 323 00:23:01,760 --> 00:23:05,340 Naturally, A few other countries have expressed some interest. 324 00:23:05,370 --> 00:23:08,390 I'm sure that they would be happy To sell you this information 325 00:23:08,410 --> 00:23:10,740 At three times the price in a few years. 326 00:23:10,770 --> 00:23:12,070 This is all very sudden. 327 00:23:12,090 --> 00:23:15,830 Well, as I said, I only acquired this recently. 328 00:23:16,490 --> 00:23:19,580 But I assure you, it is going to sell. 329 00:23:19,830 --> 00:23:23,680 I came to you first out of respect to your father. 330 00:23:29,370 --> 00:23:32,280 I will just say one more thing... 331 00:23:32,660 --> 00:23:35,270 Then I will let you do what you like. 332 00:23:36,150 --> 00:23:39,390 What do you think your father would have done with this offer. 333 00:23:46,460 --> 00:23:48,800 sandinsky arriving 4:30 confirmed 334 00:23:52,850 --> 00:23:54,580 I need a minute. 335 00:23:56,860 --> 00:23:59,550 And don't worry about Sandinsky. 336 00:24:00,350 --> 00:24:02,750 He won't be a problem. 337 00:24:08,910 --> 00:24:11,090 This is 48 Rockwell. 338 00:24:12,050 --> 00:24:14,230 We need B23. 339 00:24:14,270 --> 00:24:15,940 Row D. 340 00:24:16,790 --> 00:24:18,490 Row B. 341 00:24:19,140 --> 00:24:21,730 B23. this is it. 342 00:24:40,980 --> 00:24:43,070 Fernando was a great influence on you, huh? 343 00:24:43,100 --> 00:24:44,910 And vice versa. 344 00:25:02,380 --> 00:25:03,750 Here we go. 345 00:25:10,270 --> 00:25:11,770 Car keys. 346 00:25:16,010 --> 00:25:20,590 So, there's no itinerary, But we do have a map to the Everglade Memorial Airport. 347 00:25:21,310 --> 00:25:23,070 And we have a gun. 348 00:25:26,330 --> 00:25:28,070 I've been thinking about this. 349 00:25:28,080 --> 00:25:29,990 "V" and "S" are someone's initials. 350 00:25:30,020 --> 00:25:33,450 1630 is 430 p. m. military time. 351 00:25:33,470 --> 00:25:35,900 What if our guy wasn't flying out, 352 00:25:35,950 --> 00:25:38,680 But someone named VS was flying in. 353 00:25:48,950 --> 00:25:49,980 I found one of our guys. 354 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:52,180 Good. he'll take us to Christina. Now where are you? 355 00:25:52,200 --> 00:25:54,870 Second floor. Near the atrium. 356 00:26:09,060 --> 00:26:10,830 Don't move! 357 00:26:11,050 --> 00:26:11,960 Freeze! 358 00:26:11,990 --> 00:26:16,480 23, I have Lincoln Burrows and two male suspects in custody. 359 00:26:22,410 --> 00:26:24,950 We need to clear out. 360 00:26:24,960 --> 00:26:26,820 Excuse me? 361 00:26:26,850 --> 00:26:28,550 Lincoln's in the building. 362 00:26:28,570 --> 00:26:30,370 I need close this deal. 363 00:26:30,400 --> 00:26:33,300 Preferably without looking like an amateur. 364 00:26:33,320 --> 00:26:34,980 Handle it. 365 00:26:37,670 --> 00:26:39,180 Get in there. 366 00:26:39,380 --> 00:26:40,960 Move! 367 00:26:41,930 --> 00:26:43,980 Get on your knees, Put your hands on your head. 368 00:26:44,260 --> 00:26:45,750 Get down. 369 00:26:48,500 --> 00:26:50,010 318. 370 00:26:50,480 --> 00:26:52,080 Understood. 371 00:26:53,140 --> 00:26:57,000 Move an inch And I won't hesitate to kill any of you. 372 00:27:03,580 --> 00:27:05,730 I think we've come to a decision. 373 00:27:05,910 --> 00:27:09,380 You honor your side of the agreement And I will do the unveiling at the conference tomorrow. 374 00:27:09,410 --> 00:27:11,790 That's great news, Naveen. great news. 375 00:27:11,810 --> 00:27:13,490 - Thank you. - Thank you. 376 00:27:16,800 --> 00:27:18,180 Let's go. 377 00:27:28,420 --> 00:27:30,360 Is there another way out of here? 378 00:27:32,870 --> 00:27:35,100 He just said don't go near the door. 379 00:27:35,120 --> 00:27:39,360 This is an embassy. Christina can't risk an incident, just like we couldn't. 380 00:27:40,340 --> 00:27:42,540 Nobody's going to kill us. 381 00:27:43,680 --> 00:27:44,900 Let's go. 382 00:27:48,050 --> 00:27:49,920 I don't know how the hell they found us. 383 00:27:49,940 --> 00:27:52,670 All I care about is Sandinsky. 384 00:27:52,700 --> 00:27:54,570 Is Morris on his way? 385 00:27:54,590 --> 00:27:55,970 We haven't heard from him yet. 386 00:27:56,000 --> 00:27:57,900 I'll check his status. 387 00:27:59,680 --> 00:28:01,260 Here, give me that. 388 00:28:07,870 --> 00:28:09,630 Who are you gentlemen with? 389 00:28:13,040 --> 00:28:14,430 Christina. 390 00:28:14,660 --> 00:28:17,090 Here. She dropped this. 391 00:28:23,910 --> 00:28:25,860 ***about*** 392 00:28:28,590 --> 00:28:29,570 ***you? 393 00:28:29,590 --> 00:28:32,790 ***case 394 00:28:36,240 --> 00:28:37,690 private** 395 00:28:37,720 --> 00:28:40,140 can*** 396 00:28:40,540 --> 00:28:42,750 put*** 397 00:28:44,990 --> 00:28:46,520 hello? 398 00:28:48,960 --> 00:28:50,650 Michael? 399 00:29:01,750 --> 00:29:03,530 Was that your mom? 400 00:29:10,320 --> 00:29:13,140 Oh, Michael, I'm so sorry. 401 00:29:15,840 --> 00:29:18,090 I don't even know what to say. 402 00:29:18,120 --> 00:29:20,610 There's nothing to say. 403 00:29:23,440 --> 00:29:25,480 Nothing at all. 404 00:29:37,670 --> 00:29:38,510 What happened to you? 405 00:29:38,540 --> 00:29:40,680 Where's scylla, huh? 406 00:29:41,560 --> 00:29:44,150 They left before we could get it. 407 00:29:45,030 --> 00:29:49,300 I got the ass kicking of a lifetime And you come back empty-handed? 408 00:29:49,330 --> 00:29:51,160 We got this. 409 00:29:51,210 --> 00:29:53,050 A post-it note?! 410 00:29:53,080 --> 00:29:54,970 That's what you got? 411 00:29:55,000 --> 00:29:57,180 How about some elmer's glue? Did you get any of that? 412 00:29:57,210 --> 00:30:00,320 Would you calm down. This is important to us. 413 00:30:00,440 --> 00:30:03,560 If we had just told the general...Just told the general... 414 00:30:03,590 --> 00:30:05,510 One more time. 415 00:30:05,530 --> 00:30:11,390 Hey, if this guy's important to Christina, He's important to us. 416 00:30:11,400 --> 00:30:13,680 Hey, let's call the company, get a read on him. 417 00:30:13,700 --> 00:30:15,350 I'll do it. 418 00:30:41,580 --> 00:30:42,420 You all right? 419 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:44,930 Yeah, i'm good. I'll be right out. 420 00:30:59,570 --> 00:31:04,080 Whoever VS is, Their plane gets in in less than 30 minutes. 421 00:31:04,130 --> 00:31:07,170 We need to get our hands on that flight log. 422 00:31:07,630 --> 00:31:09,070 Okay. 423 00:31:17,680 --> 00:31:21,990 Um, sorry, i notice you have A sign up there that says I can learn to fly here. 424 00:31:22,010 --> 00:31:23,900 Do you have a brochure I can take a look at? 425 00:31:23,920 --> 00:31:25,550 Let me call you back. 426 00:31:25,580 --> 00:31:27,660 Sure, I should have one around here somewhere. 427 00:31:27,690 --> 00:31:29,430 Thank you. sorry. 428 00:31:34,380 --> 00:31:36,030 There you go. 429 00:31:36,470 --> 00:31:39,080 "learn how to fly." Is is perfect! 430 00:31:50,780 --> 00:31:52,100 Michael. 431 00:31:58,270 --> 00:31:59,330 There was an exit by the bathrooms. 432 00:31:59,340 --> 00:32:00,590 I need 30 seconds. 433 00:32:00,620 --> 00:32:02,090 They will kill us if they find us. 434 00:32:02,130 --> 00:32:06,850 Vincent Sandinsky. VS. N727MG. 435 00:32:07,270 --> 00:32:08,710 Let's go. 436 00:32:11,430 --> 00:32:12,490 Got it. 437 00:32:12,510 --> 00:32:14,780 Vincent Sandinsky's on a plane right now. 438 00:32:14,800 --> 00:32:16,620 He's heading into everglades memorial airport. 439 00:32:16,650 --> 00:32:19,130 We got 15 minutes To get to fort lauderdale. 440 00:32:19,160 --> 00:32:21,860 With traffic, there's no way we're going to make it. 441 00:32:21,880 --> 00:32:23,440 Then stay. 442 00:32:29,030 --> 00:32:30,270 Excuse me, can I help you? 443 00:32:30,290 --> 00:32:32,030 Funny you should ask. 444 00:32:32,040 --> 00:32:37,260 I need you to call up to the tower With a message for N727MG. 445 00:32:38,630 --> 00:32:42,050 Man N727MG. This is everglade memorial tower. 446 00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:46,260 We just got word from another craft That your port side turbine's trailing black. 447 00:32:49,390 --> 00:32:51,300 Tower, I'm clear across the board here. 448 00:32:51,340 --> 00:32:52,400 Am I still good for landing? 449 00:32:52,430 --> 00:32:56,720 Now tell them he needs to land At the north end of the tarmac And follow emergency protocol. 450 00:32:56,750 --> 00:32:58,960 - But that'll... - tell them. 451 00:32:59,170 --> 00:33:00,860 Do you copy? 452 00:33:02,840 --> 00:33:05,120 Tower, this is operations. 453 00:33:05,140 --> 00:33:10,800 Have november-seven-Two-seven-michael-golf approach from the southwest. 454 00:33:11,310 --> 00:33:14,570 We're not gonna take any chances. We're gonna send a crew out to them. 455 00:33:14,600 --> 00:33:17,450 Have the passengers evac as soon as they hit the ground. 456 00:33:17,480 --> 00:33:18,570 Roger that. 457 00:33:18,610 --> 00:33:20,230 Now call down to security. 458 00:33:20,260 --> 00:33:24,190 Tell them Dr. Sara Tancredi needs to be let on the tarmac. 459 00:33:24,220 --> 00:33:26,900 One of your passengers has had A heart attack. 460 00:33:26,920 --> 00:33:29,590 He needs immediate assistance. 461 00:33:31,220 --> 00:33:33,940 Security, this is operations. 462 00:33:56,950 --> 00:34:00,630 okay, One more minute, And I'll be out of your hair. 463 00:34:02,870 --> 00:34:06,410 You could be getting in big trouble for this, guy. 464 00:34:06,440 --> 00:34:08,470 You could go to prison. 465 00:34:08,510 --> 00:34:10,180 Which one? 466 00:34:34,930 --> 00:34:36,940 Something's going on here. 467 00:34:50,790 --> 00:34:52,410 Vincent Sandinsky? 468 00:34:52,920 --> 00:34:53,770 Yes? 469 00:34:53,800 --> 00:34:56,140 Hi. Dr. Tancredi. Sir, i need you to come with me. 470 00:34:56,170 --> 00:34:57,220 Is there something wrong? 471 00:34:57,250 --> 00:35:02,030 Uh, we have some concerns about some health exposure You may have experienced during the flight. 472 00:35:02,060 --> 00:35:03,570 - I'm sorry, I don't... - Let's go. 473 00:35:03,600 --> 00:35:05,380 Michael Scofield, Vincent Sandinsky. 474 00:35:05,420 --> 00:35:07,170 Get in the car. 475 00:35:08,920 --> 00:35:10,720 - Why... - Back seat. 476 00:35:10,730 --> 00:35:12,480 Get in! 477 00:35:21,650 --> 00:35:23,810 Please...Don't hurt me. 478 00:35:23,840 --> 00:35:25,470 I won't. 479 00:35:27,180 --> 00:35:28,950 But they will. 480 00:35:36,190 --> 00:35:39,730 You can take everything I have. Just... please let me go. 481 00:35:44,130 --> 00:35:46,640 Do you know who Christina Scofield is? 482 00:35:46,650 --> 00:35:48,610 Who? No. 483 00:35:53,250 --> 00:35:54,720 Michael, I'm running out of road. 484 00:35:54,760 --> 00:35:56,480 Head for the hangars. 485 00:36:06,990 --> 00:36:08,040 Oh, my god. 486 00:36:08,330 --> 00:36:10,200 My god, oh, my god. 487 00:36:10,230 --> 00:36:11,370 What's going on here? 488 00:36:11,400 --> 00:36:13,000 Get out of the car! 489 00:36:13,030 --> 00:36:14,420 Now! 490 00:36:14,460 --> 00:36:15,230 - Michael... - Get out of the car! 491 00:36:15,260 --> 00:36:19,070 - Oh, my god, oh, my god. We should do wh they say. - Move it! Move it! 492 00:36:19,100 --> 00:36:20,800 Come on, before they kill us. Let's just do what they want. 493 00:36:20,830 --> 00:36:24,870 Let's just do what they want before they kill us, please. 494 00:36:27,210 --> 00:36:30,230 Get down. Get down now! 495 00:36:30,630 --> 00:36:32,220 Now. 496 00:36:33,400 --> 00:36:35,090 Put him in the car. 497 00:36:36,200 --> 00:36:38,100 What do we do with these two? 498 00:36:38,890 --> 00:36:40,530 Kill them. 499 00:37:06,960 --> 00:37:08,110 You okay? 500 00:37:08,140 --> 00:37:10,550 yeah, Thanks to you, I guess. 501 00:37:11,750 --> 00:37:12,510 Get out. 502 00:37:12,530 --> 00:37:13,980 - *** - Here, move it. 503 00:37:14,020 --> 00:37:16,540 - Where are you taking me? What's going on? - Move. Go, move! 504 00:37:16,580 --> 00:37:18,600 But where are you taking me? 505 00:37:18,640 --> 00:37:20,360 What do you want to do with me? 506 00:37:20,440 --> 00:37:22,040 Come on, stop talking and start walking. 507 00:37:22,060 --> 00:37:23,460 This is a mistake. 508 00:37:23,500 --> 00:37:25,650 Lincoln, have you lost your mind? 509 00:37:25,680 --> 00:37:27,680 But... what's going on? 510 00:37:27,710 --> 00:37:30,030 Just get in the car now. 511 00:37:30,050 --> 00:37:32,270 What are you gonna do? 512 00:37:32,290 --> 00:37:34,250 Shoot me? 513 00:37:34,270 --> 00:37:36,300 I warned you not to come, Michael. 514 00:37:36,330 --> 00:37:39,370 I'm doing this for us, the family. 515 00:37:39,420 --> 00:37:41,540 Well, it's not over. 516 00:37:41,730 --> 00:37:44,000 Not by a long shot. 517 00:38:28,990 --> 00:38:29,810 What? 518 00:38:29,850 --> 00:38:33,060 I... got some information for you. 519 00:38:33,090 --> 00:38:37,670 But I want to make sure that everything We talked about is still heading my way. 520 00:38:37,700 --> 00:38:40,790 The car, the office And the house. 521 00:38:40,830 --> 00:38:43,570 Bagwell, if you're jerking me around... 522 00:38:43,600 --> 00:38:46,110 You trying to talk me out of it? 523 00:38:46,130 --> 00:38:48,410 Just tell me. 524 00:38:55,770 --> 00:38:58,340 Linc and Michael's mother. 525 00:38:58,800 --> 00:39:00,860 She's got scylla. 526 00:39:00,890 --> 00:39:03,320 Here in Miami. 527 00:39:03,340 --> 00:39:05,040 And, general... 528 00:39:05,060 --> 00:39:06,950 Fuel the jet. 529 00:39:06,970 --> 00:39:08,650 We're going to Miami. 530 00:39:10,300 --> 00:39:13,990 Christina Rose Scofield. That name mean anything to you? 531 00:39:14,010 --> 00:39:14,950 No. 532 00:39:15,000 --> 00:39:18,220 Then why was she holding on to your flight information? 533 00:39:18,880 --> 00:39:20,210 I have no idea. 534 00:39:20,250 --> 00:39:22,420 - You ever heard of the company? Company! - No 535 00:39:22,450 --> 00:39:25,620 You never heard of the company? You ever heard of scylla? 536 00:39:27,270 --> 00:39:29,370 What do you do for a living? 537 00:39:29,800 --> 00:39:32,390 I'm a professor at dartmouth. 538 00:39:32,420 --> 00:39:34,600 What are you doing in miami? 539 00:39:35,100 --> 00:39:39,380 I, uh... i just wanted to get out of new hampshire For a few days. 540 00:39:39,400 --> 00:39:43,890 To be honest, right now...I wish i hadn't. 541 00:39:44,470 --> 00:39:46,520 Just relax. 542 00:39:46,550 --> 00:39:50,530 I got a call from the organizing committee Of the progressive energies conference that's here tomorrow. 543 00:39:50,570 --> 00:39:58,270 They said they would fly me out And put me up in a hotel If i gave a short presentation. 544 00:39:58,290 --> 00:40:00,640 Where's your cell? 545 00:40:02,620 --> 00:40:06,090 Uh... it's-it's in my jacket. 546 00:40:13,890 --> 00:40:15,240 Why are you lying to me? 547 00:40:15,270 --> 00:40:18,320 I had it when i got off the plane. I swear to god. 548 00:40:21,400 --> 00:40:23,230 Yeah, Michael, he said he doesn't Know your mom, 549 00:40:23,270 --> 00:40:27,660 but there's got to be 20 e-mai back and forth between them. 550 00:40:28,440 --> 00:40:31,440 They don't just know each other. They're working together. 551 00:40:31,470 --> 00:40:33,970 The question is, on what? 552 00:40:38,470 --> 00:40:39,870 Linc. 553 00:40:46,100 --> 00:40:48,380 Vincent Sandinsky. 554 00:40:53,890 --> 00:40:55,920 What about the last number dial there? 555 00:40:55,940 --> 00:40:58,730 There's a lot of calls from that number. 556 00:41:00,890 --> 00:41:02,390 I'll be right back. 557 00:41:56,920 --> 00:41:57,900 Anything? 558 00:41:57,930 --> 00:41:59,170 not yet. 559 00:42:08,030 --> 00:42:09,510 Yes? 560 00:42:09,540 --> 00:42:12,050 How badly do you want him, mom? 561 00:42:13,810 --> 00:42:16,110 Michael, listen to me. 562 00:42:16,150 --> 00:42:18,490 That's not an answer. 563 00:42:18,520 --> 00:42:20,350 I'll be in touch. 564 00:42:28,080 --> 00:42:30,290 His story checks out. 565 00:42:30,320 --> 00:42:32,160 Listen, there are still some things We need to figure out, 566 00:42:32,190 --> 00:42:35,320 but as soon as we do, We'll let you go. 567 00:42:35,360 --> 00:42:36,860 Thank you. 568 00:42:38,150 --> 00:42:41,410 sync: ßÇÈâÈâ&µ°¸â¸â - =www. ydy. com/bbs=- 569 00:42:41,460 --> 00:42:44,710 - =www. ydy. com/bbs=- Prison Break S04E18 proudly presents